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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 5 – Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 5

Student Name

Capella University

NURS-FPX4900: Capstone Project for Nursing

Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection

Hello everyone, my name is Kayleen, and I have served as a registered nurse at Kindred Hospital Los Angeles for approximately 18 months. In today’s presentation, I wish to share my reflections on my capstone project, focusing on my young patient, John, a 10-year-old clinically diagnosed with obesity. John’s case exhibits the concerning epidemic of childhood obesity, underscored by his unhealthy lifestyle and inadequate awareness of its long-term health implications. John’s condition has already led to significant health issues, including early onset of diabetes and hypertension. After investing considerable hours scrutinizing his situation and identifying achievable objectives, I devised an intervention plan pivotal to John’s case. The program focused on nutritional education and lifestyle modifications to evoke an adequate response from John and his family. In this capstone reflection, I will detail the project’s course, its impact on John’s health, and the knowledge I gained from this invaluable experience. 

Evaluating the Impact of Intervention on Patient Satisfaction and Life Quality 

The implemented intervention, comprising a nutritional intervention program and a physical activity regimen, was targeted to address John’s clinical obesity. Being an impressionable 10-year-old, John was at the center of this plan. Feedback provided by John’s family proved to be most encouraging. Over time they felt more confident about handling John’s health, and the behavioral changes in his nutrition habits improved drastically. Providing nutritious, calorie-appropriate meals became more accessible as the family learned to decipher nutritional facts on food packaging and the importance of portion control (Xiang et al., 2021). The program also imparted hands-on training for simple, healthy recipes ensuring John could enjoy varied meals without compromising his health. The physical activity component was tailored to John’s interests, ensuring sustainability.

He commenced with short walks, gradually increasing to age-appropriate exercises. Incorporating activities he enjoyed, like swimming and cycling, made the physical regimen a fun routine rather than a chore, nurturing an active lifestyle. The transformation was also psychological. John reported heightened self-esteem and increased energy levels, which improved his performance in school. His educators noted a significant positive change in his attentiveness and participation. In summary, the intervention had a salient impact on John’s health, his family’s understanding and management of his condition, and their overall quality of life. A sense of agency replaced their initial hopelessness, John’s health improved, and they demonstrated the determination to sustain these lifestyle modifications, proving the intervention’s success.

Utilizing Evidence and Scholarly Literature in Capstone Project Planning and Implementation

The planning and implementation of this capstone project, focusing on managing clinical obesity, was guided by a robust engagement with evidence-based practice (EBP). This approach emphasizes the integration of clinical expertise, patient preferences, and the most current, high-quality research into the decision-making process for patient care. An extensive review of peer-reviewed literature was conducted to conceive and implement this project thoroughly. We utilized insights from a comprehensive literature review to chart the course of our project. This informed approach ensured that our interventions were founded on substantiated techniques and the latest advancements in the field. This critical insight shaped our project direction significantly.

As a result, we created a robustly structured program focusing on rigorous dietary changes and consistent physical exercise. Poraj-Weder et al. (2021) trailblazing research was pivotal, forming a crucial foundation for our project. Their insightful findings underscored the dominance of organized efforts over self-propelled weight-loss initiatives. The second key piece was a work by Gadsby et al. (2020) that highlighted the considerable impact of local environments on obesity prevalence, steering us to incorporate community-level interventions into our project, such as encouraging physical activities in safe neighborhood spaces and promoting healthier food choices in local grocery stores. 

Tham et al. (2022) emphasize the enduring need for support even after initial interventions such as surgery. This insight led us to incorporate consistent follow-up and support sessions into our project to help keep our patients on track and encourage the sustainability of healthy lifestyle changes. Finally, a study highlighted the significance of tailoring interventions to suit patients’ preferences and conditions. These tailored strategies enhance the effectiveness of treatment and uphold the patient’s values and autonomy during care (Ricci et al., 2021). In reflecting on our capstone project, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) was unquestionably integral and immensely valuable at every stage, from planning to implementation. The blend of thoroughly vetted evidence from scholarly literature, our clinical insight, and an empathetic understanding of our patient’s needs and choices guaranteed the project was efficient, pertinent, and mindful of the individuals we were committed to assisting.

Evaluating the Use of Healthcare Technology in Enhancing Capstone Project Outcomes and Communication

The vital role that health technology played in my capstone project with John, a 10-year-old struggling with clinical obesity, cannot be overstated. We banked heavily on tools like Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and remote healthcare solutions. EHRs were integral to the project because they enabled us to keep a detailed, up-to-date, and readily accessible record of John’s health journey. This ensured that whichever healthcare professional handled John’s care at any given time referred to the latest information about his health progress. In addition, we utilized telehealth services which were a game-changer, mainly because of the pandemic-induced limitations (Houser et al., 2019). These services gave us a platform to contact John and his family constantly. Regardless of the hurdles, we provided health education and dietary advice, facilitated exercise classes, and carried out routine check-ins with John. We leveraged services like Zoom to keep disruptions at bay and ensure that John was receiving uninterrupted care and guidance, which was very instrumental in the success of our project. Through all these, we learned that blending traditional healthcare methods with modern technology can yield impressive results.

Furthermore, we paired our interventions with the use of a health-tracking app along with fitness wearables, allowing John to monitor his eating habits and physical activities. This was essential in driving adherence to his new health regimen and providing us with real-time progress updates. Looking forward, there are various opportunities to further boost the use of health technology in our practice. These include improving telehealth delivery through augmented reality or 3D tools for a more immersive experience, integrating EHRs with wearable devices for more streamlined data collection, and incorporating AI technologies to personalize health recommendations and predict outcomes. These innovations in healthcare technology can potentially enhance further clinical outcomes and communication with patients and their families in future practice.

Impact of Health Policy on Capstone Project Planning and the Project’s Contributions to Policy Development

Health policy significantly influenced the planning and implementation of my capstone project. In particular, the Affordable Care Act’s emphasis on preventive care helped shape our intervention, reinforcing the need to leverage strategies that encourage healthy behaviors proactively. Furthermore, telemedicine policies, propelled to the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic, offered opportunities to maintain ongoing clinical consultations while preserving physical distancing. In implementing our project, we remained conscious of ethical guidelines and data privacy laws, mainly as we utilized electronic health records and telehealth services, ensuring we complied with HIPAA regulations. These policies were foundational in our approach, guiding our operational decisions (Theodos & Sittig, 2020). 

Regarding contributions to policy development, our capstone project illustrated the benefits of continuous patient engagement through technology. Our findings could be beneficial in advocating for expanded telehealth policies, particularly those focused on pediatric obesity management, contributing to broader dialogues on policy revisions in the post-pandemic era. The role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse is crucial in policy implementation and development. My role in this project demonstrated the ability of nurses to translate policy into practice effectively. By understanding and weaving policy considerations into our intervention design, my team and I could provide a clinically relevant service compliant with health policy. Additionally, using our first-hand experiences and clinical data to advocate for policy improvements further underscores baccalaureate-prepared nurses’ critical role in policy development. This project drove home the interconnectedness of nursing practice, health policy, and patient outcomes.

Analysing Capstone Project Outcomes and Initial Predictions

The outcomes of the capstone project primarily aligned with my initial predictions. Implementing the nutritional intervention and physical activities increased the participants’ understanding of healthy habits. Participants’ significant uptake of healthier behaviors was an unexpected success, which exceeded my expectations. However, not all expectations were met. Specifically, motivating consistent participation in physical activities proved challenging, indicating the need to explore more innovative engagement strategies. In terms of adopting this intervention as a best practice, it certainly has potential.

The program’s basis on evidence-backed methods to promote a healthy lifestyle positions it as a critical player in preventative healthcare. However, it is crucial to note that while the framework is robust, adaptations would likely be necessary depending on the specifics of the setting it is being implemented in. The intervention is broadly applicable, extending beyond the particular environment piloted in. Its core concepts of nutritional education and physical activity promotion can be adapted across various settings, ranging from schools to outpatient clinics, to serve as effective public health strategies. Regarding my practicum hours, in line with the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form guidelines, I spent nine hours interacting with the individuals involved in this project. This hands-on experience was invaluable, helping me understand in real-time how interventions must be flexible to cater to unique needs and situations. It deepened my insights into intervention design and its integral role in shaping health outcomes.

Evaluation of Personal and Professional Development through the Capstone Project and RN-to-BSN Program

Throughout my capstone project on clinical obesity and the RN-to-BSN program, I have experienced noteworthy personal and professional growth. This project has enabled me to refine my research, leadership, and project management abilities. I have developed a deeper understanding of applying theory into practice and appreciated the value of interdisciplinary collaboration for effective healthcare delivery. My provision of ethical care was demonstrated in the course of this project. I ensured that participants’ data privacy and confidentiality were prioritized per HIPAA guidelines. I treated all participants respectfully, creating a non-judgmental, supportive atmosphere to encourage continued involvement.

Regarding professional standards, I adhered to evidence-based practices and referenced recent, peer-reviewed literature throughout the project’s implementation. I ensured my practices aligned with the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics, the institution’s guidelines, and my responsibilities as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse. The growth areas I am most proud of from this project are my improved communication and leadership skills. In this project, I had to liaise with various professionals and engage directly with patients. It required clear, empathetic, and assertive communication, skills that developed considerably through this experience. Furthermore, leading this project boosted my ability to oversee a project’s whole lifecycle, from ideation to evaluation. The wise understanding of patient’s needs, the ability to apply my learnings in real-world healthcare settings, and experiencing the tangible positive impact of my intervention gave me immense satisfaction. It fortified my commitment to nursing, reinforcing that I am on the right professional path.

In conclusion, the treatment and management of John’s 10-year clinical obesity journey have exhibited a holistic approach to healthcare intervention. It demonstrates that managing such complex conditions requires a multi-faceted approach that extends beyond conventional clinical care and includes a solid foundation in health education, dietary support, and community engagement. Our systematic approach has integrated the best from evidence-based clinical practices while considering John’s needs and preferences. It underscores the pivotal role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in bridging the gap between health policy and patient care delivery. 

Gadsby, E. W., Hotham, S., Eida, T., Lawrence, C., & Merritt, R. (2020). Impact of a community-based pilot intervention to tackle childhood obesity: A “whole-system approach” case study. BMC Public Health , 20 (1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09694-2

Houser, S., Joseph, R., Puro, N., & Burke, D. (2019). Use of technology in the management of obesity: A literature review. Perspectives in Health Information Management , 16 (Fall). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6931046/

Poraj-Weder, M., Wąsowicz, G., & Pasternak, A. (2021). Why is it so hard to lose weight? An exploration of patients’ and dietitians’ perspectives using thematic analysis. Health Psychology Open , 8 (1), 20551029211024406. https://doi.org/10.1177/20551029211024406

Ricci, L., Villegente, J., Loyal, D., Ayav, C., Kivits, J., & Rat, A. (2021). Tailored patient therapeutic, educational interventions: A patient-centered communication model. Health Expectations , 25 (1). https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.13377

Tham, K. W., Abdul Ghani, R., Cua, S. C., Deerochanawong, C., Fojas, M., Hocking, S., Lee, J., Nam, T. Q., Pathan, F., Saboo, B., Soegondo, S., Somasundaram, N., Yong, A. M. L., Ashkenas, J., Webster, N., & Oldfield, B. (2022). Obesity in South and Southeast Asia-A new consensus on care and management. Obesity Reviews: An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity , 24 (2), e13520. https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.13520

Theodos, K., & Sittig, S. (2020). Health Information Privacy Laws in the Digital Age: HIPAA Does not Apply. Perspectives in Health Information Management , 18 (Winter). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7883355/

Xiang, J., Yang, Q., Xie, W.-G., Zhou, J., Gong, X., Zhang, W.-D., & Wu, H. (2021). Evaluating the impact of rehabilitation nursing intervention on quality of life in patients with burn injuries. Medicine , 100 (1), e23879. https://doi.org/10.1097/md.0000000000023879

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January 2024 University Catalog with April Addendum > Course Descriptions > NURS-FPX - Nursing FlexPath > 4000 > NURS-FPX4900

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January 2024 University Catalog with April Addendum

NURS-FPX4900 Capstone Project for Nursing

The capstone course is the culmination of the BSN degree program and provides learners the opportunity to demonstrate the competencies they have gained during their program. Learners integrate new knowledge from the literature into practice via direct practicum hours in a patient, family, or group setting to demonstrate proficiency and create high-quality deliverables to apply in future practice. In the capstone experience, learners also further apply their knowledge of the program outcomes. For BSN, FlexPath option learners only. Must be taken during the learner's final quarter. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning.

Program Points


NURS4900 Capstone Project for Nursing

The capstone course is the culmination of the BSN degree program and provides learners the opportunity to demonstrate the competencies they have gained during their program. Learners integrate new knowledge from the literature into practice via direct practicum hours in a patient, family, or group setting to demonstrate proficiency and create high-quality deliverables to apply in future practice. In the capstone experience, learners also further apply their knowledge of the program outcomes. For BSN learners only. Must be taken during the learner's final quarter. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS4010, NURS4020 or MSN6016, NURS4030 or MSN6011, NURS4040, NURS4050, and completion of or concurrent registration in NURS4060.

6.0 credit(s)

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  • Capella University
  • NURS-FPX4900

Summary NURS-FPX 4900- Capstone Project for Nursing | Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources. Capella University

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NURS-FPX 4900- Capstone Project for Nursing | Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources. Capella University.Assessing the Problem Part 1 It is estimated that by 2025, more than 1.5 billion individuals will suffer from hypertension worldwide, this represents ap...

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  • Uploaded on February 15, 2022
  • Number of pages 14
  • Written in 2022/2023
  • Type Summary
  • care coordination
  • and community resources
  • and community resource
  • nurs fpx 4900 capstone project for nursing | assessing the problem technology
  • assessing the problem technology
  • Institution Capella University
  • Course NURS-FPX4900


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  3. Nurs fpx 4900 assessment 4 patient family or population ...

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  4. Capstone Project for Nursing: Course Overview and Requirements

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  10. NURSFPX 4900 Assessment 5: Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video

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    Capstone Final Nursing Project NURS-FPX 4900. Capella University. 33 Documents. Go to course. 8. NURS-FPX4900 Hodge Rebekah Assessment 2-1. Capstone Final Nursing Project 100% (8) 6. Nurs fpx 4900 assessment 3 assessing the problem technology care coordination and community resources considerations.

  12. FPX4900 Capstone Assessment 1 instructions 1 .docx

    fpx 4900 View More NURS-FPX4900 Capstone Project for Nursing Assessment 1 Assessment 1: Assessing the Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations In a 5-7 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project.

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    Capstone Final Nursing Project (NURS-FPX 4900) 33 Documents. Students shared 33 documents in this course. University Capella University. Academic year: 2023/2024. Uploaded by: ... Nurs fpx 4900 assessment 3 assessing the problem technology care coordination and community resources considerations. Capstone Final Nursing Project. Other.

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    NURS FPX 4900 Capstone Project for Nursing Assessment 3 Instructions: Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations. 100% satisfaction guarantee Immediately available after payment Both online and in PDF No strings attached. Previously searched by you.

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    NURS-FPX 4900- Capstone Project for Nursing | Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources. Capella University.Assessing the Problem Part 1 It is estimated that by 2025, more than 1.5 billion individuals will suffer from hypertension worldwide, this represents ap... [Show more]

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