Essay Papers Writing Online

My journey of writing – exploring my thoughts, discovering my voice, and reflecting on my experiences.

Writing experience essay

Throughout the vast tapestry of life, there exist moments of immense clarity, when the melody of purpose resounds within the chambers of one’s soul. For me, one such moment arrived like a gentle gust on a breezy autumn day – an epiphany that set ablaze the embers of my heart and ignited an unquenchable passion for the written word. In this introspective narrative, I invite you to join me as I traverse the labyrinthine corridors of my past, retracing the footsteps that led me to discover the extraordinary joy and fulfillment that comes with the art of writing.

In the memories of my childhood, ink-stained fingertips and dog-eared pages became the guardians of my imagination. At a tender age, I found solace between the lines of countless volumes, embarking on literary adventures that transported me to magical realms and introduced me to heroes and heroines whose triumphs and tragedies resonated deeply within my impressionable mind. Words became my labyrinth, and each sentence, a stepping stone leading to infinite possibilities. With each turn of the page, I discovered the transformative power of the written word – the ability to conjure worlds beyond reality and fashion intricate tapestries of emotion.

As I navigated the uncharted seas of adolescence, the written word evolved from a mere source of wonder to a vessel for self-expression. The allure of poetry, with its rhythmic cadence and lyrical form, beckoned me to illuminate the innermost recesses of my being. In the communion between pen and paper, I discovered a sacred space wherein my thoughts transcended the confines of language, flowing freely like a serene river on a moonlit night. The boundless potential of writing became my sanctuary, a realm where I could forge my identity and give voice to the untold stories that resided within my heart.

My Journey to Discovering My Passion for Writing

Throughout my life, I have embarked on a remarkable expedition towards finding my true calling as a writer. It has been a compelling odyssey filled with self-discovery, creative exploration, and an unwavering pursuit of storytelling.

From a young age, I found solace in the written word. I would often find myself lost in the pages of books, captivated by the vivid imagery and powerful emotions that words could evoke. As I delved deeper into literature, I began to recognize the profound impact that written stories had on people’s lives. They had the ability to transport us to different worlds, ignite our imaginations, and provoke thought. This realization sparked a flame within me, igniting my initial curiosity and setting me on a path of literary exploration.

As I continued my journey, I started to experiment with writing myself. At first, it was just a creative outlet, a way to express myself and capture my thoughts and experiences on paper. But as I honed my skills, I discovered the immense power of storytelling. Through my writing, I could connect with others on a deeper level, sharing my unique perspectives and sparking meaningful conversations. It was in these moments of connection that I truly felt alive, as if I had found my purpose.

Over time, writing became not just a hobby, but an integral part of my identity. It allowed me to explore different genres, styles, and voices, always pushing the boundaries of my creativity. Through the ups and downs, the moments of inspiration and the dreaded writer’s block, I persevered, driven by an insatiable passion to refine my craft and make a meaningful impact through my words.

My journey to discovering my passion for writing has been a winding road, full of twists and turns, surprises and revelations. It has taught me about the power of words and the importance of storytelling in shaping our world. It has shown me that writing is not just a means of communication, but a way to connect with others, to inspire, to challenge, and to leave a lasting legacy. And as I continue on this extraordinary journey, I am excited to see where it will take me and the stories I have yet to tell.

Uncovering my love for storytelling

Exploring the depths of my creativity led me on a quest to uncover my innate love for storytelling. In the depths of my soul, I discovered a burning desire to weave words together to create narratives that captivate and inspire. This newfound passion for storytelling has allowed me to express myself in a unique and profound way.

As I delved into the world of storytelling, I realized that it is so much more than just the act of writing. It is a form of art that combines imagination, emotion, and the power of words. Storytelling has the ability to transport readers to different worlds, evoke deep emotions, and provoke thought. It is a medium through which I can share my perspectives, experiences, and insights with others.

Through storytelling, I have discovered the art of crafting characters that come to life on the page. Each character has their own unique voice, experiences, and desires, allowing them to connect with readers on a personal level. It is through these characters that I can explore different perspectives, challenge societal norms, and delve into the human condition.

Storytelling also allows me to create worlds that exist only in my imagination. These worlds can be fantastical or grounded in reality, but they all serve as a canvas for my creative expression. Through vivid descriptions and rich imagery, I can transport readers to these worlds, allowing them to experience the magic and wonder that I have created.

Furthermore, storytelling has the power to inspire and motivate. By sharing personal experiences and lessons learned, I can offer guidance and support to readers who may be going through similar struggles. Through stories of triumph, resilience, and personal growth, I aspire to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Overall, uncovering my love for storytelling has been a transformative journey. It has opened up a world of possibilities and allowed me to express my creativity in a way that is both fulfilling and meaningful. Through storytelling, I have found my voice, my passion, and my purpose. It is a constant source of inspiration and a medium through which I can touch the hearts and minds of others.

Exploring different forms of expression

Exploring different forms of expression

Embarking on the journey of discovering my creative outlet led me to a multitude of diverse forms of expression. Engaging in various modes of communication allowed me to explore different facets of my inner self and unearth hidden talents. Through experimenting with writing, painting, and music, I discovered the power of artistic expression to convey emotions, ideas, and experiences in unique and captivating ways.

Writing became my go-to means of expressing my thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences. The written word allowed me to dive deep into my emotions, crafting a narrative that intertwined my inner world with the outer reality. It offered an outlet for self-reflection, catharsis, and self-discovery. Whether it was penning poems, composing stories, or simply journaling, writing became a medium through which I could capture the essence of my being.

Painting provided me with a visual language to communicate my perceptions and insights. The act of mixing colors, applying brushstrokes, and creating shapes on a canvas allowed me to translate my emotions and thoughts into a tangible form. With every stroke of a brush, I could convey my admiration for nature, depict personal memories, or express my inner turmoil. Painting gave me the freedom to unleash my imagination and explore the limitless possibilities of visual expression.

Music offered a unique avenue for channeling my emotions and connecting with others on a profound level. Whether it was playing an instrument, composing melodies, or immersing myself in the melodies of others, music became a universal language through which I could share my deepest joys and sorrows. The harmonies and rhythms acted as conduits for emotional release and provided solace in times of turmoil. The sheer power of music allowed me to express complex feelings that words often failed to capture.

Exploring these different forms of expression not only enhanced my self-understanding but also awakened a fervent desire to continue seeking and experimenting with new ways of conveying my thoughts and emotions. Each brushstroke, word written, or note played has become an opportunity to delve into the core of my being and communicate with the world around me in meaningful and impactful ways.

Overcoming self-doubt and embracing my voice

As I embarked on my journey of writing, I encountered numerous challenges that tested my confidence and belief in my abilities. Self-doubt became a constant companion, whispering in my ear, questioning my talent and worth as a writer. However, through perseverance, reflection, and the support of others, I was able to overcome these doubts and fully embrace my unique voice.

At the beginning of my writing journey, I often found myself doubting my capabilities. The fear of failure and criticism weighed heavily on my mind, causing me to question whether my words and ideas were worthy of being shared. I constantly compared myself to other writers and wondered if I could ever measure up to their level of skill and success. These doubts threatened to extinguish my passion before it had a chance to flourish.

However, I soon realized that self-doubt is not a sign of weakness, but rather a challenge to be overcome. I began to confront my insecurities head-on, acknowledging that every writer has their own unique journey and that comparison is the thief of joy. I sought solace in the words of renowned authors who had experienced similar doubts and yet achieved greatness despite them. Their stories inspired me to keep pushing forward, to trust in my own voice and vision.

The turning point came when I started to share my work with others and received positive feedback and encouragement. The support of friends, family, and fellow writers became a lifeline, buoying my spirits and reinforcing my belief in myself. They saw value in my words and helped me recognize the strength of my voice. This newfound validation gave me the confidence to continue writing and honing my craft.

I also embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring different genres, styles, and themes. I allowed myself to experiment and make mistakes, realizing that growth and improvement come through trial and error. Each piece I wrote became a stepping stone towards finding my unique voice and artistic expression. I learned to embrace vulnerability and authenticity in my writing, understanding that it is through these qualities that connection and resonance are forged.

Today, self-doubt still occasionally creeps in, but I have learned to face it head-on with a renewed sense of confidence and self-belief. I have come to understand that writing is a journey of self-discovery, constantly evolving and unfolding. By overcoming self-doubt and embracing my voice, I have opened up a world of creativity and fulfillment, allowing my passion for writing to truly soar.

Finding solace and therapy through writing

Writing has provided me a sanctuary, a form of escape, and a way to process my thoughts and emotions. In the world of words, I have found solace and therapy, allowing me to express myself in ways that no other medium can.

During times of turmoil and uncertainty, when life seems overwhelming, I turn to writing as a means of catharsis. Through the act of putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, I am able to release pent-up feelings and emotions. It is a therapeutic process that allows me to confront and address my innermost thoughts and fears.

Not only does writing offer emotional relief, but it also provides me with a sense of clarity. Often, when I am mired in confusion or facing a difficult decision, the act of writing helps to organize my thoughts and bring order to chaos. Through the exploration of words and ideas, I am able to gain a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.

Reasons why writing serves as therapy for me:
1. Emotional release
2. Clarity and organization of thoughts
3. Exploration of self and the world
4. Sense of accomplishment and fulfillment

Moreover, writing offers me a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. When I am able to capture a moment, express an idea, or craft a compelling narrative, I experience a sense of pride and satisfaction. It is a form of self-expression that allows me to share my stories and perspectives with others.

In conclusion, writing has become my solace, my therapy, and my means of artistic expression. Through this medium, I am able to find emotional release, gain clarity, and experience a sense of accomplishment. Writing has truly become a vital part of my life, offering me a sense of comfort and fulfillment that I have not found in any other pursuit.

The power of words: how writing can impact others

Writing has the remarkable ability to shape our thoughts, inspire our emotions, and influence our actions. Words hold the power to connect people from different cultures, beliefs, and experiences. They have the potential to break barriers, challenge norms, and create a lasting impact on individuals. Writing allows us to express ourselves, share our stories, and create a sense of understanding and empathy among readers.

Through the art of writing, we can convey our deepest emotions, dreams, and fears. We can paint vivid pictures with words, transporting readers to far-off lands, or capturing a moment of pure joy. It is through the careful arrangement of words that we can convey the depth of human experience, tapping into universal truths that resonate with readers on a profound level.

Writing has the power to spark change, whether it be on a personal or societal level. Activists use written words to shed light on social injustices, giving a voice to those who are marginalized. Personal stories of triumph and resilience can inspire and motivate others to overcome their own obstacles. Writing, in all its forms, has the ability to challenge our perspectives, provoke thoughtful discussions, and ignite a passion for positive change.

Furthermore, writing allows us to preserve our history and culture. Through the written word, we can document our traditions, beliefs, and values for future generations to discover and appreciate. Stories and narratives passed down through generations can communicate the essence of who we are and where we come from, providing a sense of identity and belonging.

In conclusion, the power of words should not be underestimated. Writing has the potential to touch hearts, open minds, and transform lives. It bridges the gap between individuals, cultures, and experiences, creating connections that can last a lifetime. So let us embrace the power of our words and use them to inspire, inform, and ignite change in the world.

Fueling my creativity and personal growth through writing

Embarking on a journey of self-expression and exploration, I discovered that writing has become a powerful catalyst for my creativity and personal growth. As I delve into the realm of words, I find myself constantly captivated by the endless possibilities and the unique power each sentence holds to ignite my imagination.

Writing serves as a channel for my thoughts and emotions, allowing me to delve deep within myself and dive into the realm of self-reflection. In the process, it opens doors to new perspectives and insights, revealing the intricacies of my own identity and enhancing my understanding of the world around me.

Through writing, I have discovered that my thoughts are not confined to the limitations of my own mind. The act of putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) allows me to transcend the boundaries of my own thinking and explore new horizons. Whether through storytelling, poetry, or personal narratives, I can communicate my ideas and experiences in a way that resonates with others and sparks meaningful connections.

Moreover, writing has become a means of personal growth, as it encourages me to continually challenge myself and seek improvement. Each sentence I write is an opportunity to refine my craft, to experiment with different styles and techniques, and to push the boundaries of my own creativity. In this process of constant learning and growth, writing becomes not only a source of self-expression but also a vehicle for self-discovery.

As I continue to explore the possibilities of writing, I am constantly amazed by its transformative power. It fuels my creativity, allowing me to express myself in unique and profound ways. It nurtures my personal growth, pushing me to challenge my own limitations and evolve into a better version of myself. Through writing, I have found a passion that not only enriches my life but also connects me to others in a profound and meaningful way.

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Essays About Life-changing Experiences: 5 Examples

Discover our guide for writing essays about life-changing experiences that combine three different elements: narrative , description, and self-reflection. 

Each of us has gone through life-changing experiences that shaped us into the individuals we are today. Because of how powerful they are, these events make for fascinating topics in writing. This subject doesn’t only let us tell our life stories, and it also pushes us to evaluate our behavior and reflect on why an incident happened.

Attract your readers by creating an excellent introduction and choosing a unique or exciting encounter. Paint a picture of the events that describe your experience vividly and finish with a strong conclusion.

5 Essay Examples

1. long essay on experience that changed my life by prasanna, 2. life-changing events: personal experience by anonymous on, 3. my example of a life-changing experience by anonymous on, 4. life-changing experience: death essay by writer annie, 5. a life-changing experience during the holiday season by anonymous on, 1. life-changing experience: defined, 2. the experience that changed my life, 3. life-changing events and how they impact lives, 4. everyday events that change a person’s life, 5. the person who change my life, 6. books or movies that changed my life, 7. a life-changing quote.

“Experiences can be good and sometimes terrible that results in a positive or negative impact on one’s life. Life is full of many unexpected challenges and unknown turning points that will come along any time. People must learn and grow from every experience that they go through in life rather than losing yourself.”

In this essay, Prasanna discusses her father’s death as her most challenging life-changing experience. She was cheerful, immature, and carefree when her father was still alive. However, when her father left, she became the decision-maker of their family because her mother was unable to.

Prasanna mentions that she lost not only a father but also a friend, motivator, and mentor. That sad and unexpected experience turned her into an introverted, mature, and responsible head of the family. Ultimately, she thanks her father for making her a better person, and because of the devastating incident, she realizes who she can trust and how she should handle the real world. You might also be interested in these essays about choice .

“In life, certain experiences present challenges that change the way people relate to themselves and their families. Certain life events mark life-changing moments that alter lives either positively or negatively. It matters how people handle their relationships at such critical moments.”

This essay contains two life events that helped the author become a better person. These events taught them to trust and appreciate people, be responsible , and value family. The first event is when their best friend passes away, leading to stress, loss of appetite, and depression. The second circumstance happened when the author postponed their studies because they were afraid to grow up and be accountable for their decisions and actions.

The writer’s family showed them love, support, and understanding through these events. These events changed their behavior, attitude, and perspective on life and guided them to strengthen family relationships.

For help picking your next essay topic, check out our 20 engaging essay topics about family .

“I thought it was awkward because he looked and acted very professional. In that moment I thought to myself, ‘this person is going to have a great impact in my life!’. I was very curious to meet him and get a chance to show him my personality.”

This essay proves that you should always believe in yourself and not be afraid to try something new. The author recalls when they had many problems and met an extraordinary person who changed their life. 

When they were in sixth grade, the writer had life issues that caused them to be anxious about any future endeavor. The author then says they don’t usually open up to teachers because they fear their reactions. Then they met Mr. Salazar, a mentor who respects and values them, and the writer considers him their best friend.

“When the funeral was over and he was laid to rest, I had a feeling I can’t even describe. It was almost an empty feeling. I knew I had lost someone that could never be replaced.”

Annie never thought that she’d go through a life-changing experience until the sudden death of her father. Her thoughts and feelings are all over the place, and she has many unanswered questions. She says that although she will never wish for anyone to experience the same. However, her father’s passing improved her life in some ways.

Her mother remarried and introduced a new father figure, who was very kind to her. Living with her stepdad allowed her to explore and do things she thought she couldn’t. Annie still mourns the loss of her birth father, but she is also grateful to have a stepdad she can lean on. She gradually accepts that she can’t bring her birth father back.

“This story as a whole has really changed me and made me an even better person in life, I’m so thankful that this happened to me because now I have a greater appreciation for the little things in life.”

The essay shows how a simple interaction on a cold day in December can completely change a person’s view on life. It starts with the writer being asked a small favor of an older man with Alzheimer’s disease to help him find his car. This experience teaches the writer to be more observant and appreciative of the things they have. The author was inspired to spend more time with loved ones, especially their grandfather, who also has Alzheimer’s disease, as they learned never to take anything for granted.

7 Prompts for Essays About Life-changing Experiences

Everyone has their definition of a life-changing experience. But in general, it is an event or series of events profoundly altering a person’s thinking, feelings, and behavior. Use this prompt to explain your understanding of the topic and discuss how a simple action, decision, or encounter can change someone’s life. You might also be interested in these essays about yourself .

Essays about life-changing experiences: The Experience That Changed My Life

For this prompt, choose a specific memory that made you re-evaluate your views, values, and morals. Then, discuss the impact of this event on your life. For example, you can discuss losing a loved one, moving to another country, or starting a new school. Your conclusion must contain the main lessons you learned from the experience and how it can help the readers.

Various positive and negative life-changing experiences happen anytime and anywhere. Sometimes, you don’t notice them until they substantially disturb your everyday life. 

To begin your essay, interview people and ask about a momentous event that happened to them and how it influenced their way of living. Then, pick the most potent life-changing experience shared. Talk about what you’d do if you were in the same situation.

Some life-changing events include common things such as marriage, parenthood, divorce, job loss, and death. Research and discuss the most common experiences that transform a person’s life. Include real-life situations and any personal encounters for an intriguing essay.

It’s normal to meet other people, but connecting with someone who will significantly impact your life is a blessing. Use this prompt to discuss that particular person, such as a parent, close friend, or romantic partner. Share who they are and how you met them, and discuss what they did or said that made a big difference in your life. 

Movies like “The Truman Show” help change your viewpoint in life. They open our minds and provide ideas for dealing with our struggles. Share how you reached an epiphany by reading a book or watching a movie. Include if it’s because of a particular dialogue, character action, or scenes you can relate to.

Essays about life-changing experiences: A Life-changing Quote

While others use inspirational quotes for comfort and to avoid negative thinking, some find a quote that gives them the courage to make drastic changes to better their lives. For this prompt, search for well-known personalities who discovered a quote that motivated them to turn their life around.  Essay Tip: When editing for grammar, we also recommend spending time and effort to improve the readability score of your essay before publishing or submitting it.

Writing About Personal Experiences

Table of contents, introduction, what does it mean to write about personal experiences, what does it involve to write about your personal experiences, structure of an essay about your personal experiences, the process of writing about personal experiences, 1. preparation:.

b. Selecting a Personal Experience:

2. Drafting:

c. Climax or Turning Point:

3. Revising, Editing, and Final Draft:

General tips for writing the perfect narrative of your personal experience, topics about personal experience narrative, sample personal experience narrative.

Life Experience Essay: How to Write a Brilliant Paper

A life experience essay combines the elements of narration, description, and self-reflection. Such a paper has to focus on a single event that had a significant impact on a person’s worldview and values.

Writing an essay about life experience prompts students to do the following:

  • evaluate their behavior in specific situations critically;
  • analyze their life and find significant moments;
  • see connections between some crucial events;
  • tell the story of their lives.

You may struggle with such papers, not knowing how to structure them. So, here are valuable tips for writing essays about experience in life. Hopefully, they will help you with your task. Don’t forget to bookmark our website in case you need any assignment assistance.

  • 📅 Picking One
  • ⏳ Essay Topics

📅 Picking One Life Experience

Many people struggle with such essay writing because they don’t know what events to choose from. Almost any person had a memorable moment at least once. Yet, it might be challenging to share it with someone else, especially in a narrative essay on a life-changing experience.

To find the right event for your essay, here are the essential preliminary steps that you need to take:

  • Choose a memory to reflect in your essay. Think of any past event that made you reevaluate your views about other people or your values and moral principles. For example, you can describe an encounter with an exciting person that influenced you. Alternatively, think about discussing a situation when you had to make a moral choice. Make sure the event is indeed significant for you and will impress the readers.
  • Describe the settings. It is essential to let the readers dive into the atmosphere you experienced. Introduce the background. Talk about the time and location of the event and describe your feelings. The more detail you provide, the more empathetic your reader will be. And in case some of the writing doesn’t seem to come together well enough, don’t hesitate to use a sentence changer to mix things up.
  • Analyze the impact of the event on your life. Compare and contrast your views and values before and after this event. How did the experience influence your life? What did you learn from it? The analysis is probably an essential part of your life experience essay. So, make sure your ideas are concise and clear enough.
  • Evaluate your experience. Finally, determine how this experience can help you or your readers. Highlight the key lessons you gained from the event you are describing in your essay. Give the audience valuable suggestions.

🌱 Life Experience Essay: Key Tips

Having chosen the most memorable experience, you can start writing your essay. It’s a common creative task for college or high school students. Usually, such papers require to reflect on their life while telling a story with a moral. You have to explain how one significant event in the past affected or even changed you.

Before composing your paper, it is essential to plan it properly. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Decide whether the chosen topic is compelling.

Before starting structuring your essay, make sure you selected a great event. Here is a trick for you. Answer the following questions to evaluate your topic:

  • Did I learn something from that experience?
  • Did it significantly change my life?
  • Can I apply the knowledge I gained in the future?
  • Can I somehow educate the readers talking about this event?

If you answered YES, congratulations, you have a great topic. If your answers are NO, consider choosing another event to talk about.

  • Order the events logically.

While talking about your life-changing experience, it is essential to list the events in a logical order. Before writing your essay, outline. Decide on what you will tell first, what should be mentioned next, and how to conclude the paper. A logical structure will help the readers not to get overwhelmed with your thoughts.

  • Details matter.

For the readers, every detail might play a tremendous role. So, make sure you don’t forget to mention any essential turn of events. But be careful. Don’t overdo it. Include only vital and most vivid details in your essay about experience in life.

Several strategies will help you with that:

  • A catchy intro is a key to a successful essay on life experience. Start your paper with an attention-getter or a sentence that can make your reader interested. For this purpose, you can use a quote or a paradoxical statement that shows how two conflicting ideas can co-exist. Turn on your imagination. The more exciting your first paragraph is – the highest chances to catch your readers’ attention are.
  • Explain your choice. No doubt, every person gets into a life-changing experience. So, impress your readers with your idea. Prove to them that your experience is worth sharing. Only if you introduce your concepts dynamically and effectively, your essay will be indeed fascinating.
  • Make your experience essay well balanced. It is also vital for you to find and maintain the balance between narrative and self-reflection. On the one hand, your paper has to describe an event accurately. As has been said before, you need to explain what happened and how it happened. On the other hand, you also need to analyze the impact the event’s experience had on you. So, make sure that your paper includes both: narrative and self-reflection.
  • Compose a memorable conclusion. The conclusion of your essay has to explain how experience can be applied. In other words, you need to show what you learned from the event. Explain how the knowledge you gained can affect your decisions in the future. Also, show your readers what they can learn from your life lesson.

See how it all can be accomplished in a life experience essay example below:

⏳ Life Experience Essay: Topics

Now you can approach an essay on a life experience that profoundly influenced you. Such a paper allows you to demonstrate your creativity and writing skills. So, try to be natural, and this mindset will help you write a great essay about yourself .

We prepared a list of life experience topics that will help you start:

  • How I conquered my fear . Were you afraid of something but found the courage to overcome your fears ? Isn’t it a perfect topic for an essay about experience in life? Introduce your fear. Explain how you conquered it. Describe how your life changed after it. Who knows, maybe you will inspire somebody else to deal with their fears.
  • A failure that made me stronger. Unsurprisingly, everybody fails. But have you ever been in a situation when your failure motivated you to improve? Describe this experience and tell the reader how you felt about it. Share your insight into overcoming failures with the audience!
  • How I met the love of my life. This topic is relevant to those having a boyfriend or a girlfriend who tremendously changed their lives. Are you one of them? Then consider writing about your life before and after you’ve met the love of your life. Did you change your habits? Did you improve? Tell the reader more about that in your experience essay. 
  • The most memorable experience of my childhood. We start our character formation in early childhood. So, maybe there was an incredibly significant event in your childhood that impacted your personal development. Analyze this experience and present your thoughts in the essay. 
  • My first public performance. Well, public performances are a nightmare for some people. Therefore, the first appearance on the stage might become a life-changing and unforgettable experience. Do you have something fascinating to share about your first performance? Consider selecting this topic, then. 
  • The most meaningful conversation I have ever had. Sometimes conversations can be pretty shallow. Sometimes, however, a talk might become the most memorable experience in your life. Have you ever had such a conversation? With whom? What was the topic of discussion? How did your perception of life or set of values transform after that talk? 
  • A fascinating journey . Are you a fan of traveling? Then you have probably been on numerous trips . But have you ever been on a journey that significantly impacted your life? What country did you visit? What did you see or learn that impressed you most? How has your perception of life changed after that journey?
  • A piece of art that impressed me a lot. It’s no wonder that art has a tremendous power. Sometimes, a piece of art may turn an individual’s life upside down. Has it ever happened to you? What influenced you: a book, a movie, a painting? What were your feelings and emotions? 
  • My first award. Are you a professional athlete, an outstanding singer, or a successful dancer? Then, you probably have numerous medals, cups, and certificates. But do you remember that unforgettable moment when you came to the stage to receive your first award? What was your way until that first award? How did you feel when you finally got it? What did you learn from that life-changing experience?
  • Significant event that had a positive impact on my life .
  • An unforgettable visit to Africa .
  • Describe what makes you want to travel.
  • The experience of my first job at a rehabilitation center.
  • Discuss how a university degree became a driver of positive changes in your life.
  • The day I experimented on challenging gender norms.
  • Give details about your leadership experience.  
  • My experience of winning the fight by losing it .
  • Analyze your experience of adopting a pet.
  • Describe your experience with English course and how it influenced your everyday life.
  • My experience of learning to ride a bicycle .
  • Examine the influence of a specific culture on your life.
  • How I bought my first laptop .
  • Spend twelve hours without smartphone and describe your experience.
  • An unforgettable experience of becoming a mom.
  • Analyze your experience with writing class and how it helped you to master writing in different styles.
  • Discuss your experience of mysophobia and its impact on your life.
  • The positive effect of art and dance movement therapy on my mental health.  
  • Explain how you managed to resolve a conflict with your friend.
  • A defining event from my childhood.
  • Describe the challenges you faced at high school.
  • Tell about your experience as a volunteer.
  • Discuss your experience of working in a contact center .
  • Transformation of my life values after the lockdown.
  • The lessons I’ve learned being a Walmart employee .
  • Explain how mindfulness practice improved the quality of your life.
  • Personal experience of work with children with autism .
  • Describe the day you experienced a culture shock .
  • Tell about your experience of asking for help and results you obtained.
  • Give details about the worst job you’ve ever worked at.
  • My experience of covert conflict and how I managed to resolve it.
  • My trip to Yellowstone National Park.
  • Depict your last visit to the amusement park .
  • The educational experiences that influenced my career goals.  

Thank you for reading our article! We hope our tips were helpful. Don’t forget to leave a comment and share the page with your friends.

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How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples

Published on September 21, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

An insightful college admissions essay requires deep self-reflection, authenticity, and a balance between confidence and vulnerability. Your essay shouldn’t just be a resume of your experiences; colleges are looking for a story that demonstrates your most important values and qualities.

To write about your achievements and qualities without sounding arrogant, use specific stories to illustrate them. You can also write about challenges you’ve faced or mistakes you’ve made to show vulnerability and personal growth.

Table of contents

Start with self-reflection, how to write about challenges and mistakes, how to write about your achievements and qualities, how to write about a cliché experience, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting to identify your values and qualities. You should do a comprehensive brainstorming session, but here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What are three words your friends or family would use to describe you, and why would they choose them?
  • Whom do you admire most and why?
  • What are the top five things you are thankful for?
  • What has inspired your hobbies or future goals?
  • What are you most proud of? Ashamed of?

As you self-reflect, consider how your values and goals reflect your prospective university’s program and culture, and brainstorm stories that demonstrate the fit between the two.

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Writing about difficult experiences can be an effective way to show authenticity and create an emotional connection to the reader, but choose carefully which details to share, and aim to demonstrate how the experience helped you learn and grow.

Be vulnerable

It’s not necessary to have a tragic story or a huge confession. But you should openly share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to evoke an emotional response from the reader. Even a cliché or mundane topic can be made interesting with honest reflection. This honesty is a preface to self-reflection and insight in the essay’s conclusion.

Don’t overshare

With difficult topics, you shouldn’t focus too much on negative aspects. Instead, use your challenging circumstances as a brief introduction to how you responded positively.

Share what you have learned

It’s okay to include your failure or mistakes in your essay if you include a lesson learned. After telling a descriptive, honest story, you should explain what you learned and how you applied it to your life.

While it’s good to sell your strengths, you also don’t want to come across as arrogant. Instead of just stating your extracurricular activities, achievements, or personal qualities, aim to discreetly incorporate them into your story.

Brag indirectly

Mention your extracurricular activities or awards in passing, not outright, to avoid sounding like you’re bragging from a resume.

Use stories to prove your qualities

Even if you don’t have any impressive academic achievements or extracurriculars, you can still demonstrate your academic or personal character. But you should use personal examples to provide proof. In other words, show evidence of your character instead of just telling.

Many high school students write about common topics such as sports, volunteer work, or their family. Your essay topic doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, but do try to include unexpected personal details and your authentic voice to make your essay stand out .

To find an original angle, try these techniques:

  • Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses.
  • Mention objects that have special significance to you.
  • Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight.

Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality. When read out loud, the essay should sound like you are talking.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

First, spend time reflecting on your core values and character . You can start with these questions:

However, you should do a comprehensive brainstorming session to fully understand your values. Also consider how your values and goals match your prospective university’s program and culture. Then, brainstorm stories that illustrate the fit between the two.

When writing about yourself , including difficult experiences or failures can be a great way to show vulnerability and authenticity, but be careful not to overshare, and focus on showing how you matured from the experience.

Through specific stories, you can weave your achievements and qualities into your essay so that it doesn’t seem like you’re bragging from a resume.

Include specific, personal details and use your authentic voice to shed a new perspective on a common human experience.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

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Personal Essay Topics

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A personal essay is an essay about your life, thoughts, or experiences. This type of essay will give readers a glimpse into your most intimate life experiences and life lessons. There are many reasons you may need to write a personal essay , from a simple class assignment to a college application requirement . You can use the list below for inspiration. Consider each statement a starting point, and write about a memorable moment that the prompt brings to mind.

  • Your bravest moment
  • How you met your best friend
  • What makes your mom or dad special
  • How you overcame a fear
  • Why you will succeed
  • Why you made a difficult choice
  • A special place
  • A place you try to avoid
  • When a friend let you down
  • An event that changed your life
  • A special encounter with an animal
  • A time when you felt out of place
  • An odd experience that didn't make sense at the time
  • Words of wisdom that hit home and changed your way of thinking
  • A person that you do not like
  • A time when you disappointed someone
  • Your fondest memory
  • A time when you saw your parent cry
  • The moment when you knew you were grown up
  • Your earliest memory of holiday celebrations in your home
  • Times when you should have made a better choice
  • A time when you dodged a dangerous situation
  • A person you will think about at the end of your life
  • Your favorite time period
  • A failure you've experienced
  • A disappointment you've experienced
  • A surprising turn of events
  • What you would do with power
  • What superpower you would choose
  • If you could switch lives with someone
  • How money matters in your life
  • Your biggest loss
  • A time when you felt you did the wrong thing
  • A proud moment when you did the right thing
  • An experience that you've never shared with another person
  • A special place that you shared with a childhood friend
  • A first encounter with a stranger
  • Your first handshake
  • Where you go to hide
  • If you had a do-over
  • A book that changed your life
  • Words that stung
  • When you had the desire to run
  • When you had the urge to crawl into a hole
  • Words that prompted hope
  • When a child taught you a lesson
  • Your proudest moment
  • If your dog could talk
  • Your favorite time with family
  • If you could live in another country
  • If you could invent something
  • The world a hundred years from now
  • If you had lived a hundred years earlier
  • The animal you'd like to be
  • One thing you'd change at your school
  • The greatest movie moment
  • The type of teacher you would be
  • If you could be a building
  • A statue you'd like to see
  • If you could live anywhere
  • The greatest discovery
  • If you could change one thing about yourself
  • An animal that could be in charge
  • Something you can do that robots could never do
  • Your most unfortunate day
  • Your secret talent
  • Your secret love
  • The most beautiful thing you've ever seen
  • The ugliest thing you've seen
  • Something you've witnessed
  • An accident that changed everything
  • A wrong choice
  • A right choice
  • If you were a food
  • How you'd spend a million dollars
  • If you could start a charity
  • The meaning of color
  • A close call
  • Your favorite gift
  • A chore you'd do away with
  • A secret place
  • Something you can't resist
  • A hard lesson
  • A visitor you'll never forget
  • An unexplained event
  • Your longest minute
  • An awkward social moment
  • An experience with death
  • Why you'll never tell a lie
  • If your mom knew, she'd kill you
  • A kiss that meant a lot
  • When you needed a hug
  • The hardest news you've had to deliver
  • A special morning
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essay about your life experience

CASPA PA School Applications: How to Answer the New Life Experiences Essay

essay about your life experience

Your initial reaction might be to panic, but don’t worry. We’ll take it step by step so you’ll know exactly how to tackle this new essay prompt. By the end of this guide, you’ll feel confident in crafting a response that will make you stand out as an applicant. Without further ado, let’s take a look at what this new essay is all about. 🙂

Table of Contents

The New CAPSA Life Experiences Essay

First, let’s take a look at the new CASPA Life Experiences essay prompt :

Explain how your life experiences and/or perspectives could contribute to the PA profession. How can these experiences help advance the goal of having healthcare providers who reflect the population of the country? This question provides an opportunity to describe impactful life experiences, especially challenges or adversity in areas such as family background, community setting, education, or other hardships or life experiences that may not be easily presented in other parts of the application. The experiences described can be from any point in your timeline and do not need to be directly related to the field of medicine or health care. This question is also intended to provide admissions committees with information to understand the context of your journey better and to assist with mission alignment through holistic review of applicants. (2,500 characters)

Now, let’s take a look at the steps to crafting a standout essay . 😀

Why Is There a New CASPA Essay?

As you’re probably aware, the number of PA school applicants grows each year, but the number of available seats in each program remains roughly the same. Consequently, admissions committees need to be more selective about interviews and acceptances , which is a difficult task, given that there are more qualified applicants than seats available.

With thousands of highly impressive applications each cycle, admissions committees need ways to better distinguish between applicants, which is where this new essay comes into play. The Life Experiences essay gives admissions committees a chance to get to know you better as a person before ever meeting you. The essay format itself is also valuable, as it allows applicants to demonstrate their capacity for thoughtful reflection and effective communication – attributes that are not as readily apparent on a resume or CV.

Will It Look Bad if I Skip the New CASPA Life Experiences Essay?

As tempting as it is, don’t skip the life experiences assay. A general rule of thumb for any competitive application is to answer every essay prompt, even if it’s labeled as “ optional. ” This is because opting out of writing an essay can give admissions committees the impression that you can’t be bothered to put in the extra time, which signals disinterest or laziness.

Simply put , don’t skip any essays , unless a prompt genuinely doesn’t apply to you or you are truly unable to answer in a way that will add value to your overall application. Instead of looking at this essay like another hurdle to overcome, think of it as an opportunity to further showcase yourself!

How to Write the CASPA Life Experiences Essay

  • Pick a topic.

When it comes to picking a topic, ask yourself, “What unique insights do admissions committees want to learn about me that aren’t covered elsewhere in my application?” This question should give you a good idea about which topics are and aren’t suitable to include in your essay.

Keep in mind that this essay question lends itself to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) values , as it specifically addresses accepting students that align with program missions and training future healthcare providers that reflect the population of the country.

Therefore, an effective strategy for approaching this essay is to think about a subgroup to which you belong, recount a specific challenge you encountered as a member of this subgroup, and convey the insights you gained in the process .

Here are 12 topic ideas for the CASPA Life Experiences essay :

  • Coming from a disadvantaged and/or low-income background
  • Facing discrimination based on age, sex/gender, race/ethnicity, culture, etc.
  • Navigating a learning disability or neurodiversity in an academic setting
  • Growing up in a single-parent household
  • Immigrating to a new country and adapting to a different culture
  • Overcoming language barriers as a non-native English speaker
  • Navigating the challenges of being a first-generation college student
  • Overcoming cultural or familial expectations to pursue a career in healthcare
  • Overcoming homelessness or housing insecurity
  • Witnessing a loved one struggle with a health condition
  • Serving as a caregiver for a family member with a chronic illness or disability
  • Overcoming a personal tragedy
Helpful hint : Look at PA programs’ missions and goals. Use these topics to help you get started. You can also think about anecdotes that you originally considered including in your personal statement but ended up not using.

Whatever topic you decide, make sure that it’s personal and specific to you . Tell your own story, rather than crafting a generic-sounding essay that could’ve come from any applicant.

  • Avoid pitfalls.

Don’t discuss topics that are included in other parts of your application, particularly your curriculum vitae (CV). Doing so would be redundant, as it would fail to provide admissions committees new insights into your qualifications. (Remember, they’ll read your CV so there’s no need for a repeat.)

Instead, focus on areas where you can offer fresh perspectives or delve deeper into aspects of your background that haven’t been highlighted elsewhere . Use this essay to showcase more of your personality so admissions committees are more inclined to extend an interview invite to learn more about you.

Lastly, don’t speak poorly of anyone . Instead, focus more on highlighting your positive attributes. 🙂

  • Consider essay length.

The CASPA Life Experiences essay has a limit of 2,500 characters. For a better idea, this is half of the allowed length for the personal statement. With this limit in mind, make sure to stay concise and focused.

While you don’t have to hit the allowed character limit, you should try to get close. Doing so demonstrates to admissions committees that you put in an adequate amount of time and effort into your essay.

  • Write your Life Experiences essay.

The Life Experiences essay is a place to emphasize your soft skills and offer a glimpse into your thought process. With an essay format, you have the opportunity to present a narrative that is both engaging and reflective, connecting your past experiences with your future goals.

Pro tip : Show. Don’t tell.

First, provide a concise but detailed account of the circumstances surrounding the life event you chose. Describe the nature of the event: What happened? What were some of the contributing factors? How long did it last? Offer a clear timeline so admissions committees can fully grasp the context and significance of the experience.

Then, explain how the experience impacted you. How was your life altered as a result of the event? How did you feel? What was your thought process throughout the experience? By providing insight into your perspective rather than solely recounting events, you not only showcase your personality but also build empathy and connection by giving readers a front-row seat to your journey.

Next, discuss how you overcame the challenge and your takeaways. Even if the end result wasn’t exactly what you wanted, what did you learn? What lessons are you taking with you? How did the event shape you into who you are today? Regardless of the outcome, you should highlight your thought process and ability to overcome adversity.

Lastly, tie your essay back to your envisioned role as a PA. How will the experience make you a better provider, team member, and/or leader? The connection doesn’t have to be a direct one but be sure to emphasize relevant qualities that are aligned with PA program missions and the PA profession as a whole. Some examples include being adaptable, resilient, and compassionate.

Final Thoughts

Overall, this essay allows for a more nuanced evaluation of your potential contributions as a future PA. Programs want a deeper understanding of who you are beyond your achievements and qualifications. The Life Experiences essay invites them to empathize with your challenges, celebrate your triumphs, and understand the motivations driving your future endeavors.

By sharing specific anecdotes and insights, you’ll make your story compelling and memorable, which helps admissions committees see you as a well-rounded and thoughtful candidate. Remember to be authentic, and your Life Experiences essay can only add value to your application!

Well done on reaching the end of this article! Take a quick moment to acknowledge all of your dedication in putting together an exceptional CASPA application. 😀

That’s it for now! See you in my next article. As always, stay healthy and keep learning.

Phoebe Zhang

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How to Write a Life Story Essay

Last Updated: April 14, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alicia Cook . Alicia Cook is a Professional Writer based in Newark, New Jersey. With over 12 years of experience, Alicia specializes in poetry and uses her platform to advocate for families affected by addiction and to fight for breaking the stigma against addiction and mental illness. She holds a BA in English and Journalism from Georgian Court University and an MBA from Saint Peter’s University. Alicia is a bestselling poet with Andrews McMeel Publishing and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets including the NY Post, CNN, USA Today, the HuffPost, the LA Times, American Songwriter Magazine, and Bustle. She was named by Teen Vogue as one of the 10 social media poets to know and her poetry mixtape, “Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately” was a finalist in the 2016 Goodreads Choice Awards. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 102,548 times.

A life story essay involves telling the story of your life in a short, nonfiction format. It can also be called an autobiographical essay. In this essay, you will tell a factual story about some element of your life, perhaps for a college application or for a school assignment.

Preparing to Write Your Essay

Step 1 Determine the goal of your essay.

  • If you are writing a personal essay for a college application, it should serve to give the admissions committee a sense of who you are, beyond the basics of your application file. Your transcript, your letters of recommendation, and your resume will provide an overview of your work experience, interests, and academic record. Your essay allows you to make your application unique and individual to you, through your personal story. [2] X Research source
  • The essay will also show the admissions committee how well you can write and structure an essay. Your essay should show you can create a meaningful piece of writing that interests your reader, conveys a unique message, and flows well.
  • If you are writing a life story for a specific school assignment, such as in a composition course, ask your teacher about the assignment requirements.

Step 2 Make a timeline of your life.

  • Include important events, such as your birth, your childhood and upbringing, and your adolescence. If family member births, deaths, marriages, and other life moments are important to your story, write those down as well.
  • Focus on experiences that made a big impact on you and remain a strong memory. This may be a time where you learned an important life lesson, such as failing a test or watching someone else struggle and succeed, or where you felt an intense feeling or emotion, such as grief over someone’s death or joy over someone’s triumph.

Alicia Cook

  • Have you faced a challenge in your life that you overcame, such as family struggles, health issues, a learning disability, or demanding academics?
  • Do you have a story to tell about your cultural or ethnic background, or your family traditions?
  • Have you dealt with failure or life obstacles?
  • Do you have a unique passion or hobby?
  • Have you traveled outside of your community, to another country, city, or area? What did you take away from the experience and how will you carry what you learned into a college setting?

Step 4 Go over your resume.

  • Remind yourself of your accomplishments by going through your resume. Think about any awards or experiences you would like spotlight in your essay. For example, explaining the story behind your Honor Roll status in high school, or how you worked hard to receive an internship in a prestigious program.
  • Remember that your resume or C.V. is there to list off your accomplishments and awards, so your life story shouldn't just rehash them. Instead, use them as a jumping-off place to explain the process behind them, or what they reflect (or do not reflect) about you as a person.

Step 5 Read some good examples.

  • The New York Times publishes stellar examples of high school life story essays each year. You can read some of them on the NYT website. [8] X Research source

Writing Your Essay

Step 1 Structure your essay around a key experience or theme.

  • For example, you may look back at your time in foster care as a child or when you scored your first paying job. Consider how you handled these situations and any life lessons you learned from these lessons. Try to connect past experiences to who you are now, or who you aspire to be in the future.
  • Your time in foster care, for example, may have taught you resilience, perseverance and a sense of curiosity around how other families function and live. This could then tie into your application to a Journalism program, as the experience shows you have a persistent nature and a desire to investigate other people’s stories or experiences.

Step 2 Avoid familiar themes.

  • Certain life story essays have become cliche and familiar to admission committees. Avoid sports injuries stories, such as the time you injured your ankle in a game and had to find a way to persevere. You should also avoid using an overseas trip to a poor, foreign country as the basis for your self transformation. This is a familiar theme that many admission committees will consider cliche and not unique or authentic. [11] X Research source
  • Other common, cliche topics to avoid include vacations, "adversity" as an undeveloped theme, or the "journey". [12] X Research source

Step 3 Brainstorm your thesis...

  • Try to phrase your thesis in terms of a lesson learned. For example, “Although growing up in foster care in a troubled neighborhood was challenging and difficult, it taught me that I can be more than my upbringing or my background through hard work, perseverance, and education.”
  • You can also phrase your thesis in terms of lessons you have yet to learn, or seek to learn through the program you are applying for. For example, “Growing up surrounded by my mother’s traditional cooking and cultural habits that have been passed down through the generations of my family, I realized I wanted to discover and honor the traditions of other, ancient cultures with a career in archaeology.”
  • Both of these thesis statements are good because they tell your readers exactly what to expect in clear detail.

Step 4 Start with a hook.

  • An anecdote is a very short story that carries moral or symbolic weight. It can be a poetic or powerful way to start your essay and engage your reader right away. You may want to start directly with a retelling of a key past experience or the moment you realized a life lesson.
  • For example, you could start with a vivid memory, such as this from an essay that got its author into Harvard Business School: "I first considered applying to Berry College while dangling from a fifty-food Georgia pine tree, encouraging a high school classmate, literally, to make a leap of faith." [15] X Research source This opening line gives a vivid mental picture of what the author was doing at a specific, crucial moment in time and starts off the theme of "leaps of faith" that is carried through the rest of the essay.
  • Another great example clearly communicates the author's emotional state from the opening moments: "Through seven-year-old eyes I watched in terror as my mother grimaced in pain." This essay, by a prospective medical school student, goes on to tell about her experience being at her brother's birth and how it shaped her desire to become an OB/GYN. The opening line sets the scene and lets you know immediately what the author was feeling during this important experience. It also resists reader expectations, since it begins with pain but ends in the joy of her brother's birth.
  • Avoid using a quotation. This is an extremely cliche way to begin an essay and could put your reader off immediately. If you simply must use a quotation, avoid generic quotes like “Spread your wings and fly” or “There is no ‘I’ in ‘team’”. Choose a quotation that relates directly to your experience or the theme of your essay. This could be a quotation from a poem or piece of writing that speaks to you, moves you, or helped you during a rough time.

Step 5 Let your personality and voice come through.

  • Always use the first person in a personal essay. The essay should be coming from you and should tell the reader directly about your life experiences, with “I” statements.
  • For example, avoid something such as “I had a hard time growing up. I was in a bad situation.” You can expand this to be more distinct, but still carry a similar tone and voice. “When I was growing up in foster care, I had difficulties connecting with my foster parents and with my new neighborhood. At the time, I thought I was in a bad situation I would never be able to be free from.”

Step 6 Use vivid detail.

  • For example, consider this statement: "I am a good debater. I am highly motivated and have been a strong leader all through high school." This gives only the barest detail, and does not allow your reader any personal or unique information that will set you apart from the ten billion other essays she has to sift through.
  • In contrast, consider this one: "My mother says I'm loud. I say you have to speak up to be heard. As president of my high school's debate team for the past three years, I have learned to show courage even when my heart is pounding in my throat. I have learned to consider the views of people different than myself, and even to argue for them when I passionately disagree. I have learned to lead teams in approaching complicated issues. And, most importantly for a formerly shy young girl, I have found my voice." This example shows personality, uses parallel structure for impact, and gives concrete detail about what the author has learned from her life experience as a debater.

Step 7 Use the active voice.

  • An example of a passive sentence is: “The cake was eaten by the dog.” The subject (the dog) is not in the expected subject position (first) and is not "doing" the expected action. This is confusing and can often be unclear.
  • An example of an active sentence is: “The dog ate the cake.” The subject (the dog) is in the subject position (first), and is doing the expected action. This is much more clear for the reader and is a stronger sentence.

Step 8 Apply the Into, Through, and Beyond approach.

  • Lead the reader INTO your story with a powerful beginning, such as an anecdote or a quote.
  • Take the reader THROUGH your story with the context and key parts of your experience.
  • End with the BEYOND message about how the experience has affected who you are now and who you want to be in college and after college.

Editing Your Essay

Step 1 Put your first draft aside for a few days.

  • For example, a sentence like “I struggled during my first year of college, feeling overwhelmed by new experiences and new people” is not very strong because it states the obvious and does not distinguish you are unique or singular. Most people struggle and feel overwhelmed during their first year of college. Adjust sentences like this so they appear unique to you.
  • For example, consider this: “During my first year of college, I struggled with meeting deadlines and assignments. My previous home life was not very structured or strict, so I had to teach myself discipline and the value of deadlines.” This relates your struggle to something personal and explains how you learned from it.

Step 3 Proofread your essay.

  • It can be difficult to proofread your own work, so reach out to a teacher, a mentor, a family member, or a friend and ask them to read over your essay. They can act as first readers and respond to any proofreading errors, as well as the essay as a whole.

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About This Article

Alicia Cook

A life story essay is an essay that tells the story of your life in a short, nonfiction format. Start by coming up with a thesis statement, which will help you structure your essay. For example, your thesis could be about the influence of your family's culture on your life or how you've grown from overcoming challenging circumstances. You can include important life events that link to your thesis, like jobs you’ve worked, friendships that have influenced you, or sports competitions you’ve won. Consider starting your essay with an anecdote that introduces your thesis. For instance, if you're writing about your family's culture, you could start by talking about the first festival you went to and how it inspired you. Finish by writing about how the experiences have affected you and who you want to be in the future. For more tips from our Education co-author, including how to edit your essay effectively, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write an Essay Describing a Life Experience

Kristine tucker.

An essay about a life experience should focus on the personal significance of the event.

High school and college students often write essays about their life experiences as part of their English coursework. Some colleges use the topic as an essay prompt on their applications. As a student, write your paper about a life experience as though you're telling a story, such as a personal narrative. Discuss a specific experience or a life situation that you personally encountered -- not a historical event or a situation that you observed. The goal is to show your readers why the experience is a significant, meaningful part of your life.

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  • Set the Stage
  • Write in the First Person
  • Provide a Clear Purpose
  • Include Personal Reflections

1 Set the Stage

Choose a life experience that's clear and vivid in your mind, so you can easily describe it. Discuss any important background information and the setting , so readers will understand when and where your life experience occurred.

For example, if your paper is about how difficult it was to relocate to a new state during your senior year of high school, start with a description of how you felt as you said good-bye to your childhood home. Include a thesis in the introduction that identifies your major theme and connects to your personal experience , such as, "Even though relocating to a new state during my senior year in high school was difficult, I came out stronger, more self-reliant and better equipped for college in the long run."

2 Write in the First Person

Use the first-person point of view and the pronoun "I" throughout your paper to make it more personal and meaningful. You're writing about a firsthand experience, so readers should identify with your feelings, emotions, challenges and struggles . Present facts about your life experience in chronological order to keep your paper organized and retain structure. For example, if your paper is about the time you hiked the Appalachian Trail in Maine with your uncle, discuss the beginning of your journey before you explain a climactic moment, or discuss how you felt at the end of the hike. Include sensory descriptions in your writing, such as what you heard along the trail, what you smelled when you made a campfire or what you saw when you reached a summit.

3 Provide a Clear Purpose

Tie your points to your thesis to give your essay a well-defined purpose, suggests the Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Provide detailed examples about your life experience to back your thesis and support important themes. For example, if your paper is about your ability to make friends easily after living on a military base in high school, one of your body paragraphs might be about overcoming feelings of isolation, another about finding common ground with other military kids and a third about attending a variety of mandatory military-sponsored social events. Explain how your life experience helped shape who you are today.

4 Include Personal Reflections

Discuss the value, merit or importance of the experience to add depth to your paper. This is especially important if your essay is part of a college admissions requirement or a college scholarship application. For example, if your paper is on the difficulties you faced after your dad lost his leg in a tragic accident, discuss how you had to become the man of the house or how you had to spend your summers working to help provide for your family. Incorporate dialogue into your essay to make it more compelling . Write about a conversation you had with your dad where he thanked you for taking on so much responsibility.

  • 1 Purdue University Online Writing Lab: Narrative Essays
  • 2 University of Hawaii: The "Practical" Essay for a Specific Audience

About the Author

As curriculum developer and educator, Kristine Tucker has enjoyed the plethora of English assignments she's read (and graded!) over the years. Her experiences as vice-president of an energy consulting firm have given her the opportunity to explore business writing and HR. Tucker has a BA and holds Ohio teaching credentials.

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How Our Life Experiences Shape Who We Are and How We Learn New Information

Chantel Prat

Chantel Prat

essay about your life experience

Most people I talk to have a clear opinion about what type of learner they are. The thing is, when they describe themselves using labels like “visual” or “tactile” learners, what they’re really referring to is their preferred modality of instruction . From the classroom to YouTube videos, most people associate learning with the kinds of explicit, instruction-based formats that having language enables humans to use. But the vast majority of our learning is much more passive than these activities. In fact, the most expert learners of all—babies— can’t even follow instructions because they don’t have a fully functioning language system on board. 

From a neuroscience perspective, learning is any process by which your experiences change the way you will think, feel, or behave in the future. And if you look closely enough at brains at work, you’ll find evidence of learning—and forgetting—in every waking moment of your life. This is because every experience leaves its mark. Much like a walk down the beach leaves a record by pushing millions of grains of sand into slightly new locations, each of your mental experiences creates physical transformations in the connections between your neurons, which influences their subsequent communication.

One of the most essential ways your experiences shape your brain is through a process called Hebbian learning . In essence, Hebbian learning is the biological mechanism that allows your brain to keep a running set of statistics about how frequently things occur in your environment. Much like sports teams keep statistics of their players and use them to make decisions about who to start and who to trade, your brain has a way of “counting” the frequency of occurrences of different types of events and using this system to figure out what’s most likely to be happening, given the incomplete information it receives. 

Fortunately, your brain’s way of taking statistics doesn’t require any counting on your part. Instead, the work happens in the connections between the gossipy neurons—in the spaces that determine who is talking to whom, and how loudly. Timing is really important for organizing such communication. As it turns out, it’s also really important for learning. When two neurons in close proximity become excited at approximately the same time, the connections between them will strengthen, increasing the likelihood that the message of one will be picked up by the other. Though the actual principles of Hebbian learning are a bit more nuanced than this, I always remembered the catchy slogan I first learned as an undergrad: “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” And the more often this happens, the stronger the connection between the two neurons will grow. This is your brain’s way of connecting the dots. It assumes that if events A and B virtually always occur at the same time, they are part of the same “neural event.” Once this happens, even if your brain only gets evidence that A is going on in the outside world, it is likely to assume that B happened as well, and will create that experience for you, much the same way the participants in Cecere’s experiment saw two flashes of light when two tones were presented in different alpha windows, even if there was only one light presented. 

As Hebbian learning continues to influence your brain over your life span, the strength of the billions of connections in it comes to function as a massive database that reflects the likelihood of everything you’ve experienced in your lifetime. My brain, for instance, needs very little evidence to understand what’s happening when I see someone walking a dog in my neighborhood. Because I walk my dogs almost every day, and often see others doing the same, there are thousands of instances of such events in my database. The result is that the network of neurons dedicated to identifying dog-related activities in my brain is very well connected. It helps me with the visually demanding task of understanding what kind of complex, three- dimensional critter-in-motion is attached to the string a person is holding, despite the variety of sizes, shapes, and colors that dogs come in. 

To be honest, I took this important (to me) adaptation for granted until the time I saw a guy in my neighborhood walking down the street with two goats ! Because my brain had already filled in the blank for “what’s likely to be at the end of that leash,” I had to stop and stare with my “does not compute” face for a solid second before I could figure out what the actual hell I was witnessing. And it’s not that a goat is harder to recognize than a dog. If I were driving through the country and saw a barn with a grassy pasture in front, it would probably be much easier for me to recognize a goat in the field than it would be to understand that I was seeing a Bernedoodle. Because after forty-plus years of life as an animal lover, my brain has acquired quite a lot of information about when and where one is most likely to encounter different types of animal friends. And at the intersection of the search including “my neighborhood” and “walks on a leash” now lie two answers: “DOGS” in all caps, because it is thousands of times more likely than the other exciting possibility, “goats.” 

These shortcuts our brains make are critical to our survival. Even if we could sample all of the bits of energy in the world around us and build an accurate representation based on the bottom-up, tree-level details, doing so would take so much time that the world would have changed by the time we understood it. This would leave us making decisions based on the world as it existed moments ago. Crossing the street, with or without a dog, could be deadly. 

But much like a specialized brain region loses the ability to be “multipurpose,” as an experienced brain becomes adapted to a specific environment, it can lose its ability to understand things it isn’t regularly exposed to. The research of my brilliant and inspirational colleague Patricia Kuhl has shown that this is precisely what happens when infants are immersed in their native languages. All infants are born “citizens of the world,” she says, because they can hear and dis- criminate between the different speech sounds that occur in all of the world’s languages. But they’re not very good at any of them to start out with. Then, as they gain experience listening to one particular language, their brains adapt to the sounds in their native tongue. But as quickly as this happens, they begin losing the ability to hear or produce the sounds that they are not exposed to. By the time babies are six months old, you can already see signs that their brains are becoming fine-tuned for the sounds in their own environments. And though older children, and even adults, can learn the sounds of new languages later in life, it is much more difficult to do so. For this reason, most who do will have accents that persist—and the fact that they can’t even hear their own accents makes it all the more difficult to change the way they speak. 

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Experiences we meet in life are crucial in adding value to our academic interests and personal traits. Such desired traits include honesty and care. Ones personal experience, in life, brings up these traits. Everyone ought to attain this traits inline with ones academic interest in order to bring diversity in our communities. One such experience occurred while working at the VNA of Cape Cod.

After a five years experience as a Certified Nursing Assistant, I had never encountered such an experience. I initially worked for Seashore Point Nursing Home. It was at this point that Hospice got into my attention. The field involved taking care of those perceived to be terminally ill. This includes the dying people. These people were weak both physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. I was so much interested in individuals who needed their last source of hope, care, and encouragement. This urge of helping these neglected people came into practical when I joined the VNA of Cape Cod as a CAN.

I met this 100 years old woman. She was ill and physically weak. Loneliness was her only friend. She had no one around her, and no one to support her feeble legs. No one to encourage her tattered hopes, and no one to give a loving hug. Her emotional life was in a wreck. She sadly waited for her death. Not even a single member of her family was available at that time. Far beyond my class work, I opted to help the poor old woman.

I stayed with the woman beyond my allocated working hours just to ensure her everything she required. I physically helped her walk and fed with ease. I kept her company as we shared happy narrations and encounters of life. I would visit her on weekends and keep her company at those times when the strong were out in parks having fun. We read the bible together on Sundays when the strong were singing happily in church. All of a sudden, she felt loved and strong. She got the courage of moving. These made me happier than she was.

My happiness increased on receiving a thank-you-note from her family. This shows that the community as a whole is appreciative and happy. Emulating of such acts will change our communities positively.

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