• How to make a presentation with Latex - Introduction to Beamer
  • exampleblock
  • compilation
  • beamergotobutton
  • presentation

We shall see in this article how to make a presentation with LaTeX, using the powerful class Beamer. If you want to make an outstanding “stressfree” presentation and bring your ideas or your work under a whole new light, let’s get started!!!

Installing the Beamer class

You will first need to install the package Beamer . Under Debian or Ubuntu, you can type the following command:

Once the latex-class Beamer is installed, you are definitely ready to stat your first presentation!!!

Basic presentation with Beamer

A few explanations:

means that our document is a Beamer presentation

this package enables us to use special letters (with accents, cedillas, etc). You can discard this command when the presentation is in English.

This is our outer theme (color and background). As you can imagine, there are tons of themes. You can refer to Beamer documentation for more details.

this defines the title of the presentation. As you can see, there are two titles:

  • the first one, between brackets. [Making a LaTeX presentation with Beamer] is a substitute title which appears at the bottom of the page. This is useful especially if the original title is long. Since this is anoption only, if it is not mentioned, then the original title is the one shown in the bottom of the page.
  • the second one, between braces, is the principal title of the presentation. The command

defines Nadir Soualem and Astozzia (us!) as the authors of the presentation.

defines where the presentation was held. Finally, we use

as the date.

To define the document, we use the markers

To define a slide of the presentation, we use the markers

To define a page title (frame), we mention it as follows

Introduction will be the title of the page. To define the first page, which contains details such as the title, the author, the date, etc - we use a frame in which we include the \titlepage command

To define a frame containing the layout of the presentation, we proceed as follows:

The layout is therefore mentioned at every section and subsection. You should insert \section and \subsection throughout the presentation and out of the frames:

Animations – Overlays

A good presentation is one that is dynamic and attracts the audience’s interest. Generally, we resort to a dynamic type of presentations. Alternatively stated, when we speak, we simultaneously show significant points of the talk, or hide others, or keep just the important ones. We shall see in this section how animations function in Beamer.

Item-by-item list view: the \pause command

In order to view several items of a list on the same slide, we type the following commands inside a frame:

We will thus see the items of our list, one by one.

Item-by-item list view: the \item<n-> command

An alternative way to visualize the elements of a list item by item is to use the \item<n-> command, where n is a natural number referring to the slide, beginning from which the item appears.

List item interval and isolated items: the \item<n-> and \item<p> commands

An example is worth a long speech:

\item<n-> means that the list item will appear on slides numbered n to m, whereas \item<p> means that the item will appear on slide p.

Item-by-item long list view: the [<+->] command

Sometimes the lists you want to display are long and it is not practical to use the \item<n-> command. An alternative solution is the use of the [<+->] command

Up to now, we have dealt with lists. We shall now see how to use text and slides.

Displaying and hiding text in slides: the \uncover<n->, \uncover<n-> and \uncover<p> commands

\uncover<n-> will display the text from slide n on; \uncover<n-> means the text element will appear from slide n to m. Finally, \uncover<p> means that the text will appear on slide p. Here is a case in point of a frame containing the \uncover command.

Be careful not to forget the braces after the \uncover command. The syntax is as follows:

Displaying and hiding text in slides: the \only<n->, \only<n-> and \only<p> commands

\only works like \uncover with the exception that the \only command is not as “cumbersome” on slides. Here is an example:

Here is an other example to better grasp the difference between \only and \uncover

Hide text in slides: the \invisible<n> commands

\invisible<n> makes text invisible on slide n

Another alternative: the \alt<n>{…}{…} commands

As an alternative, one can use the \alt<n>{…}{…} command on a slide. The first argument is the value on slide n. The second is for values other than n. Here is an example:

Highlighting text in red: the \alert<n>{…} command

To highlight text in red on slide n, we use the \alert<n>{…} command.

Successively highlighting list items in red: the <+-| alert@+> command

Using colors in a text on a slide: the \color<n->{…}{…}, \color<n->{…}{…} and\color<p>{…}{…} commands.

The first argument is the red, green, yellow, blue, etc … The second is the text to be colored

Creating links: the \hyperlink{…}{\beamergotobutton{…}} commands

To define internal links, we should add the following package in the preamble

Then, we should define a label pointing on the frame:

you define MY_LABEL as you please ! Finally, on the frame where the link is to be created, we proceed as follows:

There we are! We can see a button Refer to this page pointing to the frame labeled MY_LABEL .

Thus, the first argument of \hyperlink{…}{\beamergotobutton{…}} is the name of the label to be pointed at and \beamergotobutton{…} has the name of the button as an argument.

Defining blocks inside frames

For important stuff, we define blocks as follows:

As clear as onion soup !!!

Dynamic display of tables: the \pause and \onslide<n-> commands

First off, we should add the package colortbl to the preamble

To display rows dynamically, we shall use the \pause command as follows:

To display columns dynamically, we shall use the \onslide<n-> command as follows:

Writing on several columns: the \begin{columns}...\end{columns} commands

For two columns, we proceed as follows:

l,r,c refers to the position: left, right, center. The syntax is as follows:

Inserting a figure in a Beamer presentation

To insert an image or a figure, we proceed as in LaTeX by using the \includegraphics command. Here is an example:

In Beamer, we should distinguish between two types of figures:

  • PS type: .eps, .ps and pspicture type (LaTeX)
  • General type: .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg You will need to compile a Beamer-class file.

Compiling a Beamer presentation

I assume that the your file is called file.tex. . There are ways to compile, depending on the type of figure you inserted. For PS-type figures, we shall use the following commands

We shall obtain the file file.pdf.

For general-type figures, we shall use the command

We shall also obtain the file file.pdf.

It goes without saying that explaining all the possibilities that Beamer offers is way too long. Have look to the official documentation, which is more exhaustive.

Have fun !!!

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  • Latex symbole degré
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* Add other packages for creating presentations.

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LaTeX can be used for creating presentations. There are several packages for the task, such as- Powerdot , Prosper , Seminar , etc, however, the Beamer package is the most widely used.

It should be noted that Latex produces the presentation as a PDF which can be viewed in fullscreen mode with some pdf reader (e.g. Okular , Evince or Adobe Reader). If you want to navigate in your presentation, you can use the almost invisible links in the bottom right corner without leaving the fullscreen mode.

  • 1.1 Title page and author information
  • 1.2.1 Sections and subsections
  • 1.2.2 References (Beamer)
  • 1.3.1 The Built-in solution
  • 1.3.2 User-defined themes
  • Math Fonts
  • 1.4 Frames Options
  • 1.5 Hyperlink navigation
  • 1.6 Animations
  • 1.7 Handout mode
  • 1.8 Columns
  • 1.10 PDF options
  • 1.11 Numbering slides
  • 2 The Powerdot package
  • 3.1 Beamer based themes/examples
  • 3.2 References

The Beamer package

The beamer package is provided with most LaTeX distributions, but is also available from CTAN . If you use MikTeX, all you have to do is to include the beamer package and let LaTeX download all wanted packages automatically. The documentation explains the features in great detail. You can also have a look at the PracTex article Beamer by Example . [1]

The beamer package also loads many useful packages including xcolors, hyperref , etc. An introductory example and its output are shown below.

\documentclass[10pt]{beamer} % Add extra packages here \title{Presentation on XXX topic} \author{AAA} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{frame} \frametitle{This is the first slide} Here you can put any text/equation etc. $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{This is the second slide} \framesubtitle{A bit more information about this} Some random text. \end{frame} \end{document}

In above code, the Beamer package is loaded by the \documentclass{beamer} command in the header. The usual header information may then be specified. In Beamer presentation a frame is an equivalent term for the slide (used in MS office). A frame is defined using the environment \begin{frame} ...... \end{frame} . The \frametitle{} command specifies the title for each slide. The frame title and subtitle can also be passed with the environment as following.

The usual environments ( itemize , enumerate , equation , etc.) may be used. Inside frames, you can use environments like block , theorem , proof , ... Also, \maketitle is possible to create the Title page, if title and author are set.

Title page and author information

The title page is the first page where one may insert following information

  • Title and subtitle (optional)- Use \title and \subtitle commands, or use \title[short title (optional)]{Long title}{subtitle (optional)}
  • Author(s) name- Use the \author{} command.
  • Institute name- Use the \institute command. Note the use of \inst{1} and \inst{2} commands to associate the authors with their respective institutes.
  • Date and Place of presentation- It can be inserted using the \date[short date(optional)]{Long date} command.
  • Logo of Institute, etc.

It should be noted that the information within square braces, i.e., [ ] is optional.

\documentclass{beamer} \title[Crisis] {The Economics of Financial Crisis}{Evidence from India} \author[Author, Anders] {F.~Author\inst{1} \and S.~Anders\inst{2}} \institute[Universities Here and There] { \inst{1} Institute of Computer Science\newline University Here \and \inst{2} Institute of Theoretical Philosophy\newline University There} \date[KPT 2004] {Conference on Presentation Techniques, 2004} \subject{Computer Science} \begin{document} \maketitle % place your frames here. \end{document}

It is important to include the \maketitle command in the document (as in above code) to create the title frame. The commands \maketitle and \titlepage are equivalent.

Table of Contents

The table of contents, with the current section highlighted, is displayed by:

This can be done automatically at the beginning of each section using the following code in the preamble:

Or for subsections:

Sections and subsections

As in all other LaTeX files, it is possible to structure the document using

Those commands have to be put before and between frames. They will modify the table of contents with the argument in brackets. The optional argument will be shown in the headline navigation on the slide, depending on the theme used. You can use \sectionpage macro to generate a separator slide for a declared section, for example

References (Beamer)

The following example shows a manually made references slide containing two entries:

As the reference list grows, the reference slide will divide into two slides and so on, through use of the allowframebreaks option. Individual items can be cited after adding an 'optional' label to the relevant bibitem stanza. The citation call is simply \cite . Beamer also supports limited customization of the way references are presented (see the manual).

The different types of referenced work are indicated with a little symbol (e.g. a book, an article, etc.). The symbol is set with the commands beamertemplatebookbibitems and beamertemplatearticlebibitems . It is also possible to use setbeamertemplate directly, like so

Other possible types of bibliography items, besides book and article , include e.g. online , triangle and text . It is also possible to have user defined bibliography items by including a graphic.

If one wants to have full references appear as foot notes, use the \footfullcite from the biblatex package. For example, it is possible to use

Beamer offers two ways for define the themes- 1) Use built-in themes, 2) Use user-defined themes.

The Built-in solution

Beamer has several built-in themes which can be used by specifying their "Name" and their "color" in the preamble. This Theme Matrix contains the various theme and color combinations included with Beamer . For more customizing options, have a look to the official documentation included in your distribution of beamer , particularly the part Change the way it looks .

The full list of themes is:

The full list of color themes is:

User-defined themes

First you can specify the outertheme , which defines the head and the footline of each slide.

Here is a list of all available outer and inner themes:

infolines shadow smoothbars split rectangles inmargin
miniframes sidebar smoothtree tree circles rounded

You can define the color of every element:

Colors can be defined as usual:

Block styles can also be defined:

You can also suppress the navigation symbols:

You may also change the fonts for particular elements. If you wanted the title of the presentation as rendered by \begin { frame } [plain] \titlepage\end { frame } to occur in a serif font instead of the default sanserif, you would use:

You could take this a step further if you are using OpenType fonts with Xe(La)TeX and specify a serif font with increased size and oldstyle proportional alternate number glyphs:

The default settings for beamer use a different set of math fonts than one would expect from creating a simple math article. One quick fix for this is to use

Frames Options

The options to a frame can be passed as following

Some of the useful options and their description is following.

  • plain : This option removes all the formatting from your slide and thus give you extra space to accommodate a large figure or a large table.
  • shrink : If you want to include lots of text on a slide use the shrink option.
  • allowframebreaks  : option will auto-create new frames if there is too much content to be displayed on one.
  • fragile : Before using any verbatim environment (like listings ), you should pass the option fragile to the frame environment, as verbatim environments need to be typeset differently. Usually, the form fragile=singleslide is usable (for details see the manual). Note that the fragile option may not be used with \frame commands since it expects to encounter a \end { frame } , which should be alone on a single line.

Hyperlink navigation

Internal and external hyperlinks can be used in beamer to assist navigation. Clean looking buttons can also be added.

and friends

By default the beamer class adds navigation buttons in the bottom right corner. To remove them one can place

in the preamble.

It is possible to make figure and text to appear and disappear using the commands such as \pause, \uncover, \only and \itemize<a-b>. Text or figures after these commands will display after one of the following events (which may vary between PDF viewers): pressing space, return or page down on the keyboard, or using the mouse to scroll down or click the next slide button. A short explanation of each command is as follows and refer to chapter 9 of the Beamer manual for more details..

The \pause statement can be used as following to provide a break. I.e. the text after the command will be displayed on next event (button click/ key press/etc.)

The \uncover command specifies the appearance explicitly; \only works the same but without reserving space when hidden.

The \item command specifies appearance and disappearance of text by using <a-b> where a and b are the numbers of the events the item is to be displayed for (inclusive). For example:

A simpler approach for revealing one item per click is to use \begin { itemize } [<+->] .

In all these cases, pressing page up, scrolling up, or clicking the previous slide button in the navigation bar will backtrack through the sequence.

Above command uncovers the item and they are visible only on/after the specified frame numbers. One may also use the \setbeamercovered{transparent} command to see the uncovered items, which are shown with little opacity. This means if the visible text is in black then the uncovered text will be in gray. One may use \setbeamercovered{invisible} to revert this setting.

Similar option is also available for formatting the text. for example if you want the text to be of specific style then you may use \style<3->{Text} command. For example one may use \alert<3->{Some text.} which will show the specified text in the respective formatting for specified slides. Similarly one may use

\textbf, \textit, \textsl, \textrm, \textsf, \textcolor, \structure etc. commands.

Same is true for theorem, corollary, and proof environments. An example is given below.

For the tables one must add \onslide slide command before placing the new line (i.e., \\) .

Test 1 & repeat & 14.5 & 656 \onslide<3-> \\

Handout mode

In beamer class, the default mode is presentation which makes the slides. However, you can work in a different mode that is called handout by setting this option when calling the class:

This mode is useful to see each slide only one time with all its stuff on it, making any \itemize [<+->] environments visible all at once (for instance, printable version). Nevertheless, this makes an issue when working with the only command, because its purpose is to have only some text or figures at a time and not all of them together.

If you want to solve this, you can add a statement to specify precisely the behavior when dealing with only commands in handout mode. Suppose you have a code like this

These pictures being completely different, you want them both in the handout, but they cannot be both on the same slide since they are large. The solution is to add the handout statement to have the following:

This will ensure the handout will make a slide for each picture.

Now imagine you still have your two pictures with the only statements, but the second one show the first one plus some other graphs and you don't need the first one to appear in the handout. You can thus precise the handout mode not to include some only commands by:

The command can also be used to hide frames, e.g.

or even, if you have written a frame that you don't want anymore but maybe you will need it later, you can write

and this will hide your slide in both modes.

A last word about the handout mode is about the notes. Actually, the full syntax for a frame is

and you can write your notes about a frame in the field note (many of them if needed). Using this, you can add an option

The first one is useful when you make a presentation to have only the notes you need, while the second one could be given to those who have followed your presentation or those who missed it, for them to have both the slides with what you said.

Columns environment divides a slide (vertically) into columns. Example

Example of columns in Beamer

Enclosing text in the block environment creates a distinct, headed block of text (a blank heading can be used). This allows to visually distinguish parts of a slide easily. There are three basic types of block. Their formatting depends on the theme being used.

Ejemplo de bloques en una presentación con Beamer

PDF options

You can specify the default options of your PDF. [2]

Numbering slides

It is possible to number slides using this snippet:

However, this poses two problems for some presentation authors: the title slide is numbered as the first one, and the appendix or so-called "backup" (aka appendix, reserve) slides are included in the total count despite them not being intended to be public until a "hard" question is asked. [3] This is where two features come in:

  • Ability to exclude certain frames from being numbered. For instance, this may be used at the title slide to avoid counting it:
  • This stuff works around the problem of counting the backup frames:

The Powerdot package

The powerdot package is an alternative to beamer. It is available from CTAN . The documentation explains the features in great detail.

The powerdot package is loaded by calling the powerdot class:

The usual header information may then be specified.

Inside the usual document environment, multiple slide environments specify the content to be put on each slide.

Simple presentations

The beamer class is very powerful and provides lots of features. For a very simple presentation, a class based on article can be used.

Beamer based themes/examples

Some of the nice examples of the presentation are available below

  • The Nord beamer theme
  • Metropolis theme
  • Kenton Hamaluik
  • A list of theme maintained at github
  • ↑ Andrew Mertz and William Slough, Beamer by Example
  • ↑ Other possible values are defined in the hyperref manual
  • ↑ Appendix Slides in Beamer: Controlling frame numbers
  • Wikipedia:Beamer (LaTeX)
  • Beamer user guide (pdf) from CTAN
  • The powerdot class (pdf) from CTAN
  • A tutorial for creating presentations using beamer

latex presentation table

  • Pages using deprecated enclose attributes
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Creating a presentation with latex beamer – tables.

Posted on July 14, 2010 by Ralph in R bloggers | 0 Comments

[social4i size="small" align="align-left"] --> [This article was first published on Software for Exploratory Data Analysis and Statistical Modelling , and kindly contributed to R-bloggers ]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here ) Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.

Tables of information can be included in a LaTeX beamer presentation in the same way that they would be incorporated into any other LaTeX document. The tabular environment is used and, if necessary, the tables could be numbered but this probably doesn’t make as much sense as labelling and numbering tables within an article or book.

Fast Tube

For example, if we wanted to add a table of some of the common geom elements for ggplot2 to a slide we could use the following code:

This is a basic example of creating a table and there are many examples of how the appearance of a table can be enhanced in LaTeX , see for example here or here .

Other useful resources are provided on the Supplementary Material page.

To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Software for Exploratory Data Analysis and Statistical Modelling . R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job . Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.

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because LaTeX matters

Beamer (presentation).

Code snippets for beamer presentations:

Table of contents

Enumerate (numbered list), itemize (bulleted list), side-by-side figure/table/list with columns, side-by-side figure/table/list with minipage.

For themes, check out the beamer theme gallery here .

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LaTeX forum ⇒ Document Classes ⇒ Fitting Tables in Presentation Slides Topic is solved

Fitting tables in presentation slides.

Post by lucataschini » Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:01 pm

Recommended reading 2021:

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Fitting Tables in Presentation Slides   Topic is solved

Post by Stefan Kottwitz » Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:14 pm

Re: Fitting Tables in Presentation Slides

Post by lucataschini » Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:36 pm

Post by ejspeiro » Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:46 pm

Post by Stefan Kottwitz » Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:43 pm

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Is there a quick way to convert Latex table to MS word/power point table?

There's a lot of data in these tables and I really do not want to copy paste it for a presentation. Can we somehow convert them to MS word tables?

bigboss's user avatar

  • 2 not in general, if it is mostly data you can simply edit & to , and make a csv file to pass to excel or word. If you have lots of column spans or tex formatting then it ... depends.. –  David Carlisle Commented Apr 17, 2021 at 20:02
  • Open the pdf file (from LaTeX) with ms word. (I am using 2013) You will be surprised!. –  Simon Dispa Commented Apr 17, 2021 at 20:22

3 Answers 3

You didn't specify what the contents of your table are (text? numbers? is it formatted with tabs or spaces to make to code look good?), but I would copy/paste the table in Excel. I would then use the "Text to Columns" tool under the "Data" tab and specify & as field separator. Having the table correctly formatted in Excel should make it easy to import it in Word or Powerpoint.

viking's user avatar

  • Numbers and text, mostly numbers though. –  bigboss Commented Apr 19, 2021 at 12:32
  • Have you tried my suggestion? Did it work? –  viking Commented Apr 22, 2021 at 15:35
  • yes it was one of the better ones –  bigboss Commented Apr 23, 2021 at 11:58

I believe that opening your pdf with Word and having it auto convert the pdf into a readable word document is the fastest and easiest method for converting a LaTeX table into a word or powerpoint table. However, for completeness an alternative method is: https://www.tablesgenerator.com/ . Go to File>From LaTeX code

enter image description here

Then paste your Latex Code:

enter image description here

Then, copy paste the table it creates into word or powerpoint and format as needed.

Oronto's user avatar

This is 2024, I am writing to provide an alternative solution.

We all know Word sucks at processing Latex, as many other typesetting software do. But, there exists one thing that turns out to be everyone's love, and that would be HTML.

So instead of making Latex tables into Word tables, what we need to do is convert latex to HTML and just copy and paste. And that opens up a lot of possibilities.

Apparently, there exists a great deal of Latex2HTML tools. I used Tex4ebook (which is included in Tex Live Distribution, I believe.) to convert my Tex file to an HTML webpage.

Reminder: Keep your tex file as simple as possible. Bc Tex4ebook is not an omni-all-latex-handler, a multirow or a \bm environment is enough to break it, so just keep it simple. Consider creating a new tex file for table-converting purposes.

Otherwise, you may get errors such as: Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 5 that you may not have any f███ing clue about.

For example:

It seems latexml would be a better option for creating HTML, but I just don't have the time to test it out. I hope they provide binary directly.

LNseyJt2X-24UJ4r7KTL's user avatar

  • 1 There is an opportunity for someone in the community to provide a nice new showcase service for LaTeXML. I had made one way back (and it shows its age), but you could still quickly try small examples with it at: latexml.mathweb.org/editor Your tabular above seems to convert well I think. –  Deyan Commented Feb 17 at 23:16

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latex presentation table

LaTeX Beamer

Create Table of Contents in Beamer

' src=

This lesson teaches you how to create and customize your presentation outline in Beamer

  • 1. Create a table of contents in beamer

2. Hide subsections from table of contents

  • 3. Display table of contents with current section
  • 4. Incremental display of table of contents

1. How to add the table of contents to beamer?

Creating the table of contents in Beamer can be done with the same manner as in standard LaTeX. The first thing that we should do is to structure our presentation using the commands \section{} and \subsection{} ( \section*{} and \subsection*{} , to hide it from table of contents). It should be noted that with beamer class these commands will not create a heading at the position where we use them.

Step 1: Organize and structure your presentation using sections and subsections

Let’s assume we have the following structure:

  • Problem statement
  • Comparative study
  • References (This section will be removed from table of contents)

Here is the corresponding LaTeX code to this structure:

Step 2: Create the outline frame

You are already familiar with frame environment which has been used in this lesson to create the title page. With the same manner, we will create a frame and add a title to it, let’s say “Outline” or “Presentation plan”. Then we will add \tableofcontents command inside it to print all sections and subsections of the presentation. Here is a complete code:

Compiling this code yields:

Make outline frame in Beamer 1

  • We used the theme "AnnArbor" with the color style "crane" .
  • References section is removed from table of contents, thanks to the command \section*{} .
  • Under each section or subsection you should create different slides that correspond to it

Sometimes, it’s convenient to remove all subsections from the table of contents. This can be done easily using the following line code:

Using this in the previous code, we get the following presentation outline:

Hide all subsections in table of contents Beamer

3. Recurring table of contents

If you wish to show table of contents with highlighted current section before starting every section you can use the following code:

and here how we get before every section:

Table of content at the start of each section beamer

  • The option currentsection yields all sections except the current one to be shown in a semi-transparent way. Moreover, all subsections except those in the current section are shown in the semi-transparent way.

4. Display section by section of table of contents

If we would like to show the table of contents in an incremental way, we can add the option pausesections to the \tableofcontents command. Here is the corresponding LaTeX code:

This yields the following effect triggered by mouse click or keyboard next slide key .

  • In this lesson, we learned how to create the outline frame of our presentation. \tableofcontents command allows us to print all sections and subsection and it has to be inside a frame environment.
  • We learned also how to create recurring table of contents which is displayed before each section.
  • At the end, we learned how to display the table of contents section by section.

Next Lesson:  Eight Beamer Environments you Should be Familiar With!

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  1. Beamer Table

    Horizontal spacing. To change the horizontal spacing of a beamer table, we have to change the \tabcolsep length of LaTeX. To so so, we have to use the command: \setlength{\tabcolsep}{dim} where dim is a valid LaTeX dimension. If we redefine this command and dimension in the document preamble, they will be changed throughout all the document.

  2. Beamer Presentations: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 1 ...

    The search icon allows you search through your presentation. This concludes our discussion on setting up a basic presentation. In the next post we'll look at adding different types of content to our slides. All articles in this series. Part 1: Getting Started; Part 2: Lists, Columns, Pictures, Descriptions and Tables

  3. Beamer

    Beamer is a powerful and flexible LaTeX class to create great looking presentations. This article outlines the basis steps to making a Beamer slideshow: creating the title page, adding a logo, highlighting important points, making a table of contents and adding effects to the slideshow.

  4. Beamer Presentations: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 2 ...

    This five-part series of articles uses a combination of video and textual descriptions to teach the basics of creating a presentation using the LaTeX beamer package. These tutorials were first published on the original ShareLateX blog site during August 2013; consequently, today's editor interface (Overleaf) has changed considerably due to the ...

  5. shrinking tables for presentations

    Most likely, in a presentation one will use a table without putting it as a float. In that case, but \small etc before \begin{tabular} and enclose it in a group. - Aditya. Nov 8, 2010 at 6:48. 1. As far as I know the »beamer« class defines its own non-floating table (and figure) environment.

  6. LaTeX Beamer introduction / Quick-start guide

    The minimal code of a LaTeX presentation includes: 1) loading the beamer class package, 2) choosing a default presentation theme and a frame. Here is an example: Copy to clipboard. % Quick start guide. \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{default} \begin{document} \begin{frame} This is your first presentation!

  7. A simple guide to Beamer- Step by Step

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  8. How to make a presentation with Latex

    Inserting a figure in a Beamer presentation. To insert an image or a figure, we proceed as in LaTeX by using the \includegraphics command. Here is an example: \begin{figure} \includegraphics[options]{path_to_image} \end{figure} In Beamer, we should distinguish between two types of figures:

  9. Beamer: An introduction to LaTeX presentations

    3. May 2011by tom 2 Comments. Beamer is a LaTeX document class that provides extensive functionality to create presentations. Here, I will only show the basics and after reading this guide you will be able to create a simple presentation in LaTeX. I am aware there are a lot of tutorials available out there and this is not different from any ...

  10. Including Large Tables in a beamer Frame

    46. If you must include a large table in your presentation, you have a couple of options: Construct the table as is necessary and resize it to fit within the actual frame by scaling it down. This is easily obtainable via \resizebox{<width>}{<height>}{<stuff>} from the graphicx package. In order to maintain the correct aspect ratio, specify the ...

  11. how to add the table of contents to beamer?

    Here, to bring the Table of Contents on the left side, use the Berkeley theme of Beamer. Then, to insert a logo use the command \logo{[options]\includegraphics{filename.extension}} Also, you need not include a seperate \frametitle{}, in the \begin{frame} environment itself, addition of one more argument does the job.

  12. LaTeX/Presentations

    LaTeX can be used for creating presentations. There are several packages for the task, such as- Powerdot, Prosper, Seminar, etc, however, the Beamer package is the most widely used. It should be noted that Latex produces the presentation as a PDF which can be viewed in fullscreen mode with some pdf reader (e.g. Okular, Evince or Adobe Reader). If you want to navigate in your presentation, you ...

  13. Creating a Presentation with LaTeX Beamer

    Tables of information can be included in a LaTeX beamer presentation in the same way that they would be incorporated into any other LaTeX document. The tabular environment is used and, if necessary, the tables could be numbered but this probably doesn't make as much sense as labelling and numbering tables within an article or book.

  14. Beamer (presentation)

    because LaTeX matters. Beamer (presentation) Code snippets for beamer presentations: Table of contents. Enumerate (numbered list) Itemize (bulleted list) Side-by-side figure/table/list with columns. Side-by-side figure/table/list with minipage. For themes, check out the beamer theme gallery here.

  15. Fitting Tables in Presentation Slides

    you don't need the table environment, I guess that table is not intended to float. You could choose a smaller font size and you could reduce \tabcolsep, like in this example. But don't make the font too small in a presentation. Postby lucataschini » Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:36 pm. Thank you very much!

  16. conversion

    We all know Word sucks at processing Latex, as many other typesetting software do. But, there exists one thing that turns out to be everyone's love, and that would be HTML. So instead of making Latex tables into Word tables, what we need to do is convert latex to HTML and just copy and paste. And that opens up a lot of possibilities.

  17. Beamer Presentations: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 5 ...

    There are lots of different predefined presentation themes available for us to use. Here are a few of them. This is the Bergen theme:. This is the Madrid theme:. There are also themes that include navigation bars, for example the Antibes theme:. We could also use a theme that includes a table of contents sidebar, like the Hannover theme:. The Singapore theme is one that includes what beamer ...

  18. Create Table of Contents in Beamer

    Creating the table of contents in Beamer can be done with the same manner as in standard LaTeX. The first thing that we should do is to structure our presentation using the commands \section{} and \subsection{} ( \section*{} and \subsection*{}, to hide it from table of contents). It should be noted that with beamer class these commands will not ...

  19. Tables

    Tables. There are three ways you can insert tables in Overleaf: Using the Insert table button in the editor toolbar. Copying and pasting a table from another document while using Visual Editor. Writing the LaTeX code for the table in Code Editor. If you're new to LaTeX, using the toolbar in Visual Editor (option 1) is a great way to get started.

  20. Latex.Moscow (RuBeaR)

    Info, links, social profiles and latex garment styles from Latex.Moscow (RuBeaR), brought to you by the Latex24/7 Online Latex Fashion Directory Discord Facebook Instagram Patreon Pinterest Reddit Spotify TikTok Twitch Twitter Youtube

  21. Templates

    Template for International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications (OL2A), a conference where academic scientists, researchers and research scholars have opportunity to exchange and share their experiences and research results on the challenges of optimization and learning methods and their applications. OL2A Team.

  22. Gallery

    This is a PhD dissertation Russian version template for Saint Petersburg State University. Good luck with your final defense. Bruce Su. DiplomaTeX. LaTeX-template for graduation work of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. Tachkov Maksim. STFI Russian. Template for the Russian version of the journal Space, Time and Fundamental ...

  23. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National ...

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.