Essay on Sun in Sanskrit

This is an essay on Sun in Sanskrit.

सूर्यः इति विषये संस्कृते निबन्धः।

सूर्य पर निबंध।

English and Hindi translation are given for better understanding.

This essay can be referenced by school students and Sanskrit learners.

Table of Contents

अस्माकं आकाशगङ्गायां सूर्यः स्वयम्प्रकाशी विशालः च तेजोगोलः अस्ति। सूर्यः वर्तुलाकारः अस्ति।

प्रभाते पूर्वदिशि सूर्यः उदेति। सूर्योदय​-समयः आनन्ददायकः अस्ति। सूर्योदय​-समये सूर्यस्य प्रकाशः तीव्रः नास्ति। अस्य समयस्य प्रकाशः स्वास्थ्याय लाभकारी अस्ति। सर्वे जनाः प्रातः उत्थाय सूर्यं प्रणमन्ति। तस्मात् अनन्तरम् एव ते कार्यस्य आरम्भं कुर्वन्ति। मध्याह्ने सूर्यस्य प्रकाशः तापकः अस्ति। सायङ्काले सूर्यः पश्चिमदिशि अस्तं गच्छति। तदा निशा भवति।

ऋग्वेदे अपि सूर्यस्य वर्णनम् अस्ति। ‘सूर्यः चराचरस्य आत्मा’ इति उक्तम्। ‘सूर्यः गगनस्य अलङ्कारः’ इति वैदिककवयः तस्य वर्णनम् अकुर्वन्। भानुः, आदित्यः, भास्करः, दिनकरः इत्यादीनि तस्य अन्यानि नामानि।

सूर्यस्य कारणात् धरायां जीवनं शक्यम्। वृक्षाः पादपाः च सूर्यस्य प्रकाशं गृहीत्वा स्वस्य भोजनं निर्मान्ति। सूर्यस्य ऊर्जा ‘सौर​-ऊर्जा’ इति नाम्ना प्रसिद्धा।

सूर्यः भारतीयानां प्राचीनदेवता। बालकाः प्रतिदिनं सूर्यनमस्कार​-आसनानि कुर्वन्ति।

सूर्यस्य विषये अयम् एकः श्लोकः –

आदिदेव नमस्तुभ्यं प्रसीद मम भास्कर​। दिवाकर नमस्तुभ्यं प्रभाकर नमोऽस्तु ते॥

asmākaṃ ākāśagaṅgāyāṃ sūryaḥ svayamprakāśī viśālaḥ ca tejogolaḥ asti। sūryaḥ vartulākāraḥ asti।

prabhāte pūrvadiśi sūryaḥ udeti। sūryodaya​-samayaḥ ānandadāyakaḥ asti। sūryodaya​-samaye sūryasya prakāśaḥ tīvraḥ nāsti। asya samayasya prakāśaḥ svāsthyāya lābhakārī asti। sarve janāḥ prātaḥ utthāya sūryaṃ praṇamanti। tasmāt anantaram eva te kāryasya ārambhaṃ kurvanti। madhyāhne sūryasya prakāśaḥ tāpakaḥ asti। sāyaṅkāle sūryaḥ paścimadiśi astaṃ gacchati। tadā niśā bhavati।

ṛgvede api sūryasya varṇanam asti। ‘sūryaḥ carācarasya ātmā’ iti uktam। ‘sūryaḥ gaganasya alaṅkāraḥ’ iti vaidikakavayaḥ tasya varṇanam akurvan। bhānuḥ, ādityaḥ, bhāskaraḥ, dinakaraḥ ityādīni tasya anyāni nāmāni।

sūryasya kāraṇāt dharāyāṃ jīvanaṃ śakyam। vṛkṣāḥ pādapāḥ ca sūryasya prakāśaṃ gṛhītvā svasya bhojanaṃ nirmānti। sūryasya ūrjā ‘saura​-ūrjā’ iti nāmnā prasiddhā।

sūryaḥ bhāratīyānāṃ prācīnadevatā। bālakāḥ pratidinaṃ sūryanamaskāra​-āsanāni kurvanti।

sūryasya viṣaye ayam ekaḥ ślokaḥ –

ādideva namastubhyaṃ prasīda mama bhāskara। divākara namastubhyaṃ prabhākara namo’stu te॥

Essay on Sun

The large self-illuminated ball of light called the Sun is located in the Milky Way. The Sun is round in shape.

The Sun rises in the east at morning. The time of Sunrise brings joy. At sunrise, the Sun’s rays are not harsh. The light rays at this time are good for health. Everybody prays to the Sun after getting up in the morning. Only after that, they start the day’s work. The Sun’s heat is scorching at noon. The Sun sets in the west in the evening. At that time nightfall occurs.

The Sun has also been described in the Rigveda. It was written that the Sun was the soul of the world. Vedic poets described the Sun as the ornament of the sky. Bhanu, Aditya, Bhaskara, Dinakara, etc. are some of the other names of the Sun.

Life is possible on the Earth because of the Sun. Trees and plants take sunlight and convert it into their food via the process of photosynthesis. The energy of the Sun is popularly known as Solar Energy.

The Sun is an ancient deity of Indians. Children perform Surya Namaskara Asanas everyday.

Following is a shloka about the Sun –

O Adideva (The First God), salutations to you. O Bhaskara (The Illuminated One), salutations to you. O Divakara (The Creator of Day), salutations to you. O Prabhakara (The Creator of Light), salutations to you. May your blessings always remain with me.

आकाशगंगा में सूर्य एक स्वयंप्रकाशी विशाल तेज का गोला है। सूर्य वर्तुलाकार है।

सुबह के समय सूर्य पूर्व दिशा में उगता है। सूर्योदय का समय आनंदमय होता है। सूर्योदय के समय सूर्य की किरणें तीव्र नहीं होती हैं। इस समय की किरणें स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छी होती हैं। सभी लोग सुबह उठकर सूर्य को नमस्कार करते हैं। इसके बाद ही वे काम शुरू करते हैं। दोपहर के समय सूर्य का प्रकाश बहुत तीव्र और तापक होता है। शाम को सूर्य पश्चिम में अस्त होता है। उस समय रात हो जाती है।

ऋग्वेद में भी सूर्य का वर्णन किया गया है। इसमें लिखा है कि सूर्य चराचर की आत्मा है। वैदिक कवियों ने सूर्य को आकाश का अलंकार बताया है। भानु, आदित्य, भास्कर, दिनकर इत्यादि सूर्य के कुछ अन्य नाम हैं।

सूर्य के कारण ही पृथ्वी पर जीवन संभव है। पेड़-पौधे सूर्य का प्रकाश लेते हैं और उससे अपना भोजन बनाते हैं। सूर्य की ऊर्जा ‘सौर ऊर्जा’ इस नाम से जानी जाती है।

सूर्य भारतीयों का एक प्राचीन देवता है। बच्चे प्रतिदिन सूर्य नमस्कार आसन करते हैं।

सूर्य के बारे में यह एक श्लोक है –

हे आदिदेव (प्रथम भगवान), आपको मेरा नमस्कार। हे भास्कर (चमकते हुए भगवान), आपको मेरा नमस्कार। हे दिवाकर (दिन के निर्माता), आपको मेरा नमस्कार। हे प्रभाकर (प्रकाश के निर्माता), आपको मेरा नमस्कार। कृपया आपके आशीर्वाद सदैव मेरे साथ रहें।


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Navagrahas – the Nine Planets in Hinduism and Jyotish

Just as many ancient civilizations had their own versions of astronomy, Hindus had their own version of astronomy from very ancient times. Hindu astronomy is based upon the configuration of the nine planets and their collective influence on the world in general and each individual in particular. Depending upon where these planets are located at the time of a person’s birth, Hindus believe that the possibilities and potentialities of his life and energies are determined well in advance.

Who are Navagrahas?

The nine planets are collectively known as Navagrahas. They are worshipped in Hinduism for good luck or to overcome adversity, bad luck or misfortune arising from past karmas or birth related defects (dhoshas. They are found in most Hindu temples either grouped together on a panel or on a pedestal in commonly visible areas of the temple. Devotees usually propitiate these gods before offering prayers to the main deity in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. Of the nine deities, seven are named after the planets in the solar system, and correspond with the names of the seven days in the week of the Hindu calendar. Rahu and Ketu


The remaining two deities are actually demons who managed to gain a place in the pantheon through an act of trickery. Their names are derived from either comets or from the dark and somewhat hostile planets of the solar system (Neptune and Pluto). Depending upon their location in the planetary system and their association with the remaining deities, they are deemed either auspicious or inauspicious. Significance in astrology

The nine planetary gods have a great significance in Vedic astrology. Hindu astrologers draw the birth charts of individuals based upon the their position at the time of their birth. Depending upon where they are located in the astrological chart at a given time, they exert positive or negative influence upon people and their destinies. The position of Sani, Rahu and Ketu are especially considered important. If their positions are not favorable, astrologers suggest remedial measures to pacify the planets and ward off their negative influence. Navagraha temples

While Navagrahas are usually found in many temples as subordinate deities, there are some temple which are exclusively built for them where they are worshipped as the main deities. One such temple is the Navagraha temple located on the banks of the river Kshipra in the outskirts of Ujjain, a famous pilgrim center of Saivism in central India. Some times we also come across temples built exclusively for only one of the Navagrahas such as the temples built for Surya and Sani in many parts of India. For example, there is a famous temple of Sani near Hindupur, which is frequented by many devotees. Description of Navagrahas

A brief description of each of the Navagrahas is given below:

Navagrahas – the nine planetary gods of hinduism.


2. Chandra (Moon): Also knows as Soma, and probably because of his waxing and waning qualities, in the images he is never depicted in full. We see him with only his upper body from chest upwards, with two hands holding one lotus each, riding upon a chariot drawn by 10 horses.

3. Mangala (Mars): Also called Angaraka, Mangala is a ferocious god with four hands. In two hands he holds weapons, generally a mace and a javelin, while the other two are held in abhaya and varada mudras. He uses ram as his vehicle.

4. Budha (Mercury): We generally see him depicted with four hands, riding upon a chariot or a lion. Three of his hands hold a sword, a shied and a mace respectively, while the fourth one is held in the usual varada mudra (giving gesture).

5. Brihaspathi (Jupiter): Brihaspati also known as Brahmanaspati is the teacher of gods and is praised in many hymns of the Rigveda. He is generally shown with two hands, seated in a chariot driven by eight horses. The eight horses probably represent eight branches of knowledge.

6. Sukra (Venus): Sukra is the teacher of the demons and the author of Sukraniti. He is generally shown with four hands, riding upon a golden or a silver chariot drawn by eight horses. Three of his hands hold a staff, a rosary, a vessel of gold respectively while the fourth one is held in varada mudra .

7. Sani (Saturn): Sani is a turbulent and troublesome god who makes and breaks fortunes by his influence and position in the planetary system for which he is invariably feared and especially worshipped by those who believe in Hindu astrology. He is generally shown with four hands riding upon a chariot, or a buffalo or a vulture. In three hands he shown holding an arrow, a bow and a javelin respectively while the fourth one is held in varadamudra.

8. Rahu: His image resembles that of Budha (Mercury) in some respects but both gods differ fundamentally in their nature and temperament. He is generally shown riding a dark lion, in contrast to the white lion of Budha. But just like the other god, he carries the same weapons, namely a sword, a javelin and a shield in his three hands, while his fourth hand is held in varadamudra.

9. Ketu: In Sanskrit Ketu (Dhuma ketu) means comet. The scriptures describe him as having the tail of a serpent as his body, a description which very much matches with his connection to the image of a comet. However in the images, he is usually shown with a poke marked body, riding upon a vulture and holding a mace. Symbolism


Of the nine planets, only seven are actually gods and the other two, Rahu and Ketu are demons. The seven are usually spoken as planets, while the two are compared to comets and the like, having a shadowy influence upon the destinies of people. The names for the seven days in the week are derived from the planetary gods. As can be seen from their names, some of the deities included in the Navagrahas are actually Vedic gods. Most likely, the concept of Navagrahas is later Vedic concept.

There is no mention of the Navagrahas in the early Upanishads. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (3.2) speaks of eight grahas and eight atigrahas in the body in the sense of grasping deities (sense-organas) and overseeing grasping deities (sense-objects). The eight grahas mentioned in the Upanishad are incoming breath (prana), speech, tongue, eye, ear, mind, hands, skin. Their overseeing grasping deities are apana (downward breath), name, taste, color, ear, desire, touch. We do not know whether this concept of grahas in the body underwent a transformation subsequently. The Navagrahas are not the actual planets in the modern sense, although they are called planets. They are deities in the Cosmic Person with corresponding presence in the microcosm. Their positions in the body as well in the world influence the course of events both at the universal and individual planes.

Characteristic features

Following is the specific information with regard to the nine planetary gods, is adapted from Wikipedia.

Character Surya
Sangya & Chaaya Rohini Shaktidevi Ila
Gold Silver Red Green
Male Male Male Male
Fire Water Fire Earth
Agni Varuna Subramanya Vishnu
Rudra Gowri Kumara Vishnu
Gold Silver Copper Zinc
Ruby Pearl/
Red Coral Emerald
Bone Blood Marrow Skin
Pungent Salt Acid Mixed
Wheat Rice Pigeon pea Mung bean
Summer Winter Summer Autumn
East North West South North
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Ga Ma Re Sa
Character Guru
(north node)
(south node)
Tara Sukirthi &
Neeladevi Simhi Chitralekha
Yellow White/
Dark Blue Smoky Grey
Male Female Neutral Male Neutral
Ether Water Air Air Earth
Indra Indrani Brahma Nirriti Ganesha
Brahma Indra Yama Durga Chitragupta
Gold Silver Iron Lead Mercury
Diamond Blue
Hessonite Cat’s Eye
Brain Semen Muscles Head Skin
Sweet Sour Astringent
Chickpea kidney beans Sesame Urad (bean) Horse gram
Winter Spring All Seasons
North East South East West South West
Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday -Tuesday
Dha Ni Pa

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The intellectual achievements of ancient India lay scattered across several fields of study texts ranging from the Vedas and the Upanishads to a whole range of scriptural scientific and artistic sources. In ancient India, the development of knowledge in scientific disciplines like Astronomy, arithmetic, algebra, medicine, chemistry, biology were the results of meticulously accurate observations of natural phenomena. The contribution of ancient India in this field was not well documented but it is known to many prominent astronomers and physicists in the world. India stood in the highest position in the Vedic period. The objective of the study is to search the enrichment in Astronomy in ancient India. This study is a descriptive type of research based on secondary data gathered from ancient books, epics like Upanishad, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, articles, websites and web-based journals.

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View in the ancient texts related to observational Astronomy in Babylon and Vedic literature..

Akash Chetia

The modern world has witnessed great wonders in space related events with the help of Modern scientific equipments. However, the space and the stars have been always a matter of curiosity among people throughout the ages. Interestingly, there are lots of legends and myths related with the stars and constellations all over the world, the famous ones like the stories related with Cassipea, Andromeda and Perseus, the story of Dhruva and the seven stars constellations. The Rig Veda, one of the oldest literary examples of astronomical observations refers to the constellations and stars. Similarly there has ben a similar trend alongside the Vedic tradition like the ‘Gond Astronomy’ which tells us about the myths associated with the different constellations. The Gonds divide the region of the Orion constellation into five different constellations by including some neighbouring stars. The korku tribe have an interesting myth on the Centaurus constellation. In the Nimni district of Maharashtra, the local Gond inhabitants describe Saptarshi(as Katul and Keher), Samdur( as sea ), a group of 4 stars in quadrilateral( probably Auriga) comes overhead at 4 am, rains arrive and farming begins. In Assam and the Northeastern region of India , the study of the stars though in the primitive form might have been developed during the ages. In this paper an attempt is put forward by the scholar to study about the myths related with the stars and constellations in Assam.

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Knowledge Traditions & Practices of India

Michel Danino

Highlighting the History of Astronomy in the Asia- …

Parag Mahajani

AIP Conf. Proc. 1283, pp. 156-160; doi: HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.1063/1.3506051 (5 pages)


P. Phanesh Babu

History of Science in South Asia

Noémie Verdon

Chapter 23 in Science and Civilization in India, Vol. 1

Subhash Kak

Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage

Priya Thakur


Balachandra Rao

International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

Dr. Jatindranath Gain Ph.D. (Tech.)

The Growth and Development of Astronomy and Astrophysics in India and the Asia-Pacific Region

Sriram Mayasandra Subrahmanya

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER)

EPJ Web of Conferences

Rajesh Lohiya

Srikumar M Menon , Mayank Vahia

Handbook of Hinduism in Europe

Dhruv Raina

rajinder singh

A Descriptive Catalogue of Indian Astronomical Instruments

Sreeramula Rajeswara Sarma


Chakrabarti, Dilip K. (ed.) History of Ancient India, Vol. IX: Science and Technology, Medicine

Rana P.B. SINGH , J. McKim Malville

Kevin van Bladel

Ramesh Kapoor

Current Science

Mayank Vahia

Scientific Literature in Sanskrit, (Papers of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference, Section 8)


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The Bhagavadgītā : with an introductory essay, Sanskrit text, English translation and notes

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planets names In sanskrit

Planet Names in Sanskrit

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Solar System Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on solar system.

Our solar system consists of eight planets that revolve around the Sun, which is central to our solar system . These planets have broadly been classified into two categories that are inner planets and outer planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called inner planets. The inner planets are closer to the Sun and they are smaller in size as compared to the outer planets. These are also referred to as the Terrestrial planets. And the other four Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are termed as the outer planets. These four are massive in size and are often referred to as Giant planets.

solar system essay

The smallest planet in our solar system is Mercury, which is also closest to the Sun. The geological features of Mercury consist of lobed ridges and impact craters. Being closest to the Sun the Mercury’s temperature sores extremely high during the day time. Mercury can go as high as 450 degree Celsius but surprisingly the nights here are freezing cold. Mercury has a diameter of 4,878 km and Mercury does not have any natural satellite like Earth.

Venus is also said to be the hottest planet of our solar system. It has a toxic atmosphere that always traps heat. Venus is also the brightest planet and it is visible to the naked eye. Venus has a thick silicate layer around an iron core which is also similar to that of Earth. Astronomers have seen traces of internal geological activity on Venus planet. Venus has a diameter of 12,104 km and it is just like Mars. Venus also does not have any natural satellite like Earth.

Earth is the largest inner planet. It is covered two-third with water. Earth is the only planet in our solar system where life is possible. Earth’s atmosphere which is rich in nitrogen and oxygen makes it fit for the survival of various species of flora and fauna. However human activities are negatively impacting its atmosphere. Earth has a diameter of 12,760 km and Earth has one natural satellite that is the moon.

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Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and it is often referred to as the Red Planet. This planet has a reddish appeal because of the iron oxide present on this planet. Mars planet is a cold planet and it has geological features similar to that of Earth. This is the only reason why it has captured the interest of astronomers like no other planet. This planet has traces of frozen ice caps and it has been found on the planet. Mars has a diameter of 6,787 km and it has two natural satellites.

It is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter has a strong magnetic field . Jupiter largely consists of helium and hydrogen. It has a Great Red Spot and cloud bands. The giant storm is believed to have raged here for hundreds of years. Jupiter has a diameter of 139,822 km and it has as many as 79 natural satellites which are much more than of Earth and Mars.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. It is also known for its ring system and these rings are made of tiny particles of ice and rock. Saturn’s atmosphere is quite like that of Jupiter because it is also largely composed of hydrogen and helium. Saturn has a diameter of 120,500 km and It has 62 natural satellites that are mainly composed of ice. As compare with Jupiter it has less satellite.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It is the lightest of all the giant and outer planets. Presence of Methane in the atmosphere this Uranus planet has a blue tint. Uranus core is colder than the other giant planets and the planet orbits on its side. Uranus has a diameter of 51,120 km and it has 27 natural satellites.

Neptune is the last planet in our solar system. It is also the coldest of all the planets. Neptune is around the same size as the Uranus. And it is much more massive and dense. Neptune’s atmosphere is composed of helium, hydrogen, methane, and ammonia and it experiences extremely strong winds. It is the only planet in our solar system which is found by mathematical prediction. Neptune has a diameter of 49,530 km and it has 14 natural satellites which are more than of Earth and Mars.

Scientists and astronomers have been studying our solar system for centuries and then after they will findings are quite interesting. Various planets that form a part of our solar system have their own unique geological features and all are different from each other in several ways.

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