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Multigenre Research Project: The Key to Fitting in All Genres of Writing

Looking for a way to spice up your writing unit while engaging students, differentiating by ability and interest, and still covering all the required standards at the appropriate level of rigor? Teaching writing is not always easy, but I’ve got you covered. Just keep reading as I introduce you to the benefits of the multigenre research project.

“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” ~ Mark Twain

When I was in grad school for my reading specialist certification, I took a class on teaching writing. It was a little confusing to me at first exactly why I was taking a writing class in a reading program, but as I quickly learned, writing and reading are closely entwined in the love relationship that is literacy. As it was, the professor of this class introduced us to the multigenre research project.

The Multigenre Research Project

What is it, you might be wondering? A multigenre research project is a mixture of imagination, research, reading, writing, and ingenuity. Picture all the goodness of multiple genres of writing smooshed together and combined with student choice and writing workshop.

Students pick a research topic that interests them, and they write about that topic from various angles and viewpoints through multiple genres of writing (creative, expository, persuasive, analytical, argumentative – you name it!).

They package their ideas together symbolically, and they also include a transitional element (a repetend, if you will) that ties each piece of their writing together seamlessly. A lot of thought is required. For a more detailed explanation (and some quality resources), read this .

Fit it all in with writing! Combine elements of engagement, student choice, and writer's workshop through the unique multigenre research project. #MiddleSchoolELA #HighSchoolELA #ResearchProject

The Time I Wrote One

Back to my story…I’ll never forget what happened next. That professor actually made us write one. The whole  thing. I just thought, seriously lady? I have little kids at home…and a dog…and a husband…and two fish…and I teach full time. Are you for real?

The MGP, as she taught it, took me about two months to complete. But, I have to admit: In hindsight, I understood why she was teaching us about this approach to writing and reading. It really was the perfect literacy storm. That’s why I’m sharing these ideas with you today. Also, it doesn’t have to take two months. You can make it fit your needs.

For the sake of brevity, I’m not going to go into all the details about exactly how to structure the unit or what to include (although you can easily do some research on this topic and find a plethora of insanely good ideas). Instead, what I’d suggest is that you get your hands on this book* . It’s the text I used in my master’s class, and the authors tell you everything you need to know.

What I am going to share are 11 reasons why it will revolutionize your research unit.

1. Student interest is paramount.

The beauty of the multigenre research project is that students truly CAN write about almost any topic that interests them. Even if they’ve written about the topic in the past, the multigenre research project will allow them to delve deeper into the subject they enjoy. I was amazed by the level of interest my students showed in their projects. Bonus.

2. Creativity is encouraged.

Sadly, many traditional research papers squelch students’ imaginations. My students are left hungry, always asking me, “When are we doing a creative writing unit?” The demands of high school English curriculum often leave little room for “fun” writing.

With the multigenre project, students are writing multiple pieces about their topic, and each piece is a different genre. If Suzy wants to write a recipe, and Billy Bob is yearning to write a comic strip, so be it.

Students are required to think about how they will tie each of their pieces together (which is called the repetend), and the symbolic project packaging is another angle where students can showcase their imaginations.

3. Minilessons are sprinkled throughout.

One of the reasons I love the multigenre project is because it allows me to see students’ writing on a regular basis (I collect one piece each week), and I focus my minilessons on common patterns I notice in their pieces.

For instance, I cover one trait of writing each week, one or two genres of writing each week, and one grammatical concept per week. Students can grasp the authenticity behind these lessons because they are geared specifically toward their current drafts. We reinforce those ideas as we draft, revise, and edit our genres.

multi genre research paper

4. Differentiation? A breeze.

You don’t even have to try. It’s impossible to teach the multigenre research project and not differentiate. Students get to pick their topics. You get to help them decide what pieces and how many they should write based on their research and their ability levels. You gear instruction toward their needs. A custom-made assignment for every student. Done.

5. More time is available for conferences with students.

Regular research writing units can feel rushed. With the multigenre project, I make it a habit of sitting down with every student in the classroom at least once a week to conference with them about their current piece of writing and their vision for the project as a whole. I usually do this either during group conference/feedback time or during the day each week I give students to work on that week’s genre. Students appreciate this instant feedback, and at the end of the unit, there are no surprises. We have clearly communicated expectations all along.

multi genre research paper

6. Potential exists for cross-curricular adventures.

This concept is not just an English thing.  Anyone can assign a multigenre research project. Teachers can even join together to have students research topics that cross content areas. When students select topics they enjoy, they will be more likely to want to research different facets of that subject and, in turn, possibly dip into multiple content areas.

7. It enforces the writing process naturally.

It’s always amazing to me that ninth graders can sit in my classroom and not understand the writing process. Hello? There are only five steps! Sigh. In reality, I can’t entirely blame them. If I only purposely thought about the writing process a couple times a year, I probably wouldn’t have much reason to remember it, either.

With the multigenre project, I emphasize that writing process for every piece and for the project as a whole. It’s sort of impossible for students not to have it mastered when we are through.

8. It allows for student-driven learning.

I was a little concerned about how my freshmen students would handle this whole project. In hindsight, they amazed me with their passion for the topics they chose, for the genres they wanted to write, for the depth of their thinking, and for their responsibility they took on with researching. When the choices are left up to the students, they really can impress you.

Even better, my students LEARNED TO TALK ABOUT WRITING. Say what?!? Yes, I sat with them while they conferenced. I modeled constructive feedback. They started out a little meek and unsure, but they ended the nine weeks with some serious writing feedback lingo in their tool belts, and they were more confident in their abilities to assess their own and their peers’ writing. That’s something to celebrate!

multi genre research paper

9. The design is flexible.

The thing with the multigenre research project is that it truly can be whatever you need it or want it to be. If you only have a couple weeks, students can complete much of it outside of class, or it could be a short project. If you have an entire nine weeks, however, you can really devote some serious instructional time and writing workshop lessons to the unit.

You can include whatever genres of writing you want your students to know, and you can emphasize whatever minilessons they need. Flexibility reigns.

10. Research writing is still taught, but better.

So here’s the thing. I don’t want anyone navigating away from this blog post thinking that students don’t learn how to write a research paper with this approach to writing. Quite the contrary, actually. My students had a firm understanding of what it means to write research pieces after completing this unit, but their comprehension of “research writing” was extended beyond the norm.

I introduced my students not only to traditional MLA research writing skills, but also to the concept of citing research in creative writing through footnotes and endnotes. I showed them different formats of citing sources, and we discussed which citation formats would be appropriate for which genres of writing. The discussion was rich. Learning was forefront. It really was worthwhile.

11. Conquer the writing standards.

I challenge you to find one Common Core writing standard that is not covered with this multigenre research project. It’s a beast. Text types and purposes? Check. Production and distribution of writing? Check. Research to build and present knowledge? Check. Range of writing? Checkmate. I absolutely adore that students can be investing themselves in a topic they love and accomplishing so much learning at the same time. It’s a rich, infectious atmosphere.

If I sat here longer, I’m sure I could come up with far more than 11 benefits of this assignment. For full transparency, I don’t want to end this post with everyone thinking my classroom during this unit was all rainbows and unicorns. Do all students LOVE this assignment? Let’s be real – I wish. With any project, there will always be that pocket who holds back and grumbles, but I actually had many students tell me how much they were enjoying it, so I know it was successful for the majority of the class.

Tips for Implementation

If you are interested in trying this unit in your own classroom, I would first suggest developing an easy template/rubric for grading the assignments.

Also, tell students up front exactly what your expectations are, and as you conference with them, make sure to give them honest feedback so there are no surprises when they get their graded project returned to them. This will be a project many students consider an extension of themselves, so they will be emotionally attached.

Start with something manageable. If you don’t fully understand what you are doing, your students definitely will be lost. Finally, get organized. Create a calendar (even an organic one that you explain will be altered as you move throughout the project) so that everyone is on the same page for deadlines, topics of study, computer lab dates, and other expectations.

You can access my free organizational materials for the prewriting portion of the MGP here .

Most importantly, have fun with this. Let students drive their own learning, and don’t be too hard on yourself…the first time is always a process of trial and error! Tell your students you want their help with tweaking the unit as you go…they’ll have an additional interest to keep them vested in their work.

* This post contains an Amazon affiliate link. If you click through and purchase using the link, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.


Argumentative writing, scaffolding the multiple-paragraph essay.

I found your site via Pinterest and am very intrigued by the idea of the multi-genre project. I would like to read more, but the link to your book recommendation yields a “can’t find this book”message on Barnes and Noble. Please help!

Hi Loralyn!

Thanks so much for letting me know about the link. It’s fixed now. The book I used is is called A Teacher’s Guide to the Multigenre Research Project: Everything You Need to Get Started by Melinda Putz. I highly recommend it! It saved me so much time by laying out a solid plan for how to get started. If you decide to try this, don’t forget to come back and let us know how it went. I’d be so excited to hear about your experiences. Let me know if there’s any other way I can help. Happy teaching!

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  • Book Reviews / Project Learning

A Fresh Way to Engage Students in Research

by MiddleWeb · Published 08/18/2022 · Updated 08/18/2022

A Teacher’s Guide to the Multigenre Research Project: Everything You Need to Get Started By Melinda Putz (Heinemann Press, 2020 – Learn more )

Reviewed by Erin Corrigan-Smith

multi genre research paper

By encouraging students to seek out learning they are most interested in, engagement is increased, and learning becomes more meaningful.

multi genre research paper

Though often used in the Social Studies or Science classrooms, MGRP lends itself to activating student interest in almost any classroom setting and with almost any subject.

A new approach to an old concept

Most disciplines have standards that involve research of some kind. The MGRP offers an alternative to the traditional research essay or poster-board project. It’s a fresh way to excite students to get them to take ownership of what they want to research, while also hitting those all-important research standards.

The very nature of the MGRP requires students to synthesize their learning through artifacts from multiple genres, i.e., poetry, essay, cartoons, etc., and this synthesis gets students to that all-important Depth of Knowledge Level 4 many schools and districts aspire to.

For any teacher interested in offering an MGRP for student choice, but who is afraid of administrative kickback, there is an entire chapter (10) dedicated solely to the research and standards behind the MGRP.

The MGRP is something to offer for older grades – at least grade 6, with some modifications. By the time students have reached high school, they should already possess the basic skills for researching topics, so implementing the MGRP will be a relatively painless transition. ( See these ideas for middle school from Jeremy Hyler. )

Though not a simple task, implementing the MGRP allows students to follow their own interests, so they are more determined to complete the projects they have chosen. This is not a stuffy essay! Rather, it is a chance for students to truly show their learning and mastery on any topic they choose. In the words of Putz:

Nearly all of the ideas I have included in this book have been created, tried, and revised over a period of about ten years. Although I’ve included lots of handouts and step-by-step instructions, I believe the teaching of this project should be in no way formulaic. The multigenre project should be all about exploration, innovation, and individuality (p. 14).

Resource packed chapters

The book is deceptively thin, but it packs a wallop in information! Each chapter has been well organized to get to the point, and reach it quickly, so that the teacher can get students started as soon as they are ready. The text also includes access to online materials, provided through the Heinemann website, for download and immediate implementation. The samples include handouts, lesson plan ideas, and exemplars for students to see.

Each step of the process is well thought out and well implemented to make the most use of classroom time. Essentially, the book is the layout for the project and each chapter builds upon the one before it.

New to MGRP? Start with Chapter 11

For anyone new to the MGRP idea, Chapter 11 is where you would want to begin. This chapter lays out the proposed schedule, troubleshooting ideas, and even a process for using the MGRP as a group project. After reviewing the information in Chapter 11, return to Chapter 1 for a run-down of what, exactly, an MGRP is, and a chart on how it differs from a traditional research project.

For those teachers who are tired of fighting an uphill battle to get students to complete a research essay or presentation, this is a viable option that offers a chance for students’ buy in while also challenging them to dig deeper and find true meaning in what interests them most.

Erin Corrigan-Smith is a secondary ELA teacher in a suburb of Atlanta. She has a B.A. and M.A. in English, and her focus of study is children’s literature. She has recently returned to school to earn an Ed.D. in Reading and Literacy. In her downtime, she enjoys going to her family’s cabin in the North Georgia mountains with her husband and dog to read, complete her never-ending piles of homework, and relax.

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EDU 436: Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum: Multi Genre Research Project

  • Searching for articles
  • Writing the Review
  • Multi Genre Research Project

You will complete a research project about writing in your content area.   This project will differ from a traditional research paper because it will explore your topic using at least 6 different genres (2 pre-determined, 4 self-selected).   Your textbook (Daniels, Zemelman, & Steineke) has an excellent explanation and examples of multi-genre projects in chapter 9.  

  • EDU_436_Rubric

multi genre research paper

EDU436 Required Components.

Required Components

Your Project must include the following components:

  • Table of Contents

Each of artifacts represents key information about the topic in an original or creative way. Three or more artifacts should effectively use technology tools to communicate the information. The message is enhanced by the technology selected. Each artifact will contribute to a well-developed central idea.

Artifact 1 -- Traditional research essay (3-4 pages) addressing the theory and practice of writing in your content area. It should explain why using writing in any content area is an effective way to help students learn the content; this provides the theoretical underpinnings, and 2) How to use writing in the content area to make learning happen; In other words, what strategies and writing tasks could be used. You will need a minimum of 5 different resources. All research must be cited using APA, and a Works Cited page must be included.

Artifacts 2-5 (Self-Selected Genres)

Next you will select 4 different genres through which to present key concepts of your subject area.  These will be models of what you might use in your 5 th -12 th grade classroom. The artifacts should be designed to be used as models/samples for assignments for your 6-12 students; focus on various aspects of your chosen theme/topic in your subject area

One Rubric developed to adequately measure student performance on completing one of the self-selected artifacts.

Lastly, you will write a reflective piece (2-3 pages) discussing the process of completing your project and what you learned throughout the process.  A detailed description for this project is offered at the end of the syllabus.  This long term project will address the Florida State Writing Standards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. It will also address the following subject area Competencies and Skills for Middle Grades English:  Standards 3, 4, 6, & 7.  You will be required to bring to class drafts of each different part of the project throughout the semester, as we engage in the different stages of the writing process, including peer feedback and revision. Please see the assignment description for further directions/details.  

Students must upload the Multi-Genre Project into Chalk & Wire by the assignment due date. 

Selected Resources

  • Writing in Math Class: Grades 2-8
  • Responding to Journal writing in Middle Grades  Math
  • Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas: Getting to the Core of Middle and High School Improvement
  • TeenACE for Science: using Scaffolding to support writing

Cover Art

Genre – a genre is a category of writing with its own distinctive style, form, and format. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Bill of Rights
  • Constitution or Bylaws
  • wanted poster
  • short story
  • picture book
  • recipe book
  • newspaper article
  • action figure ad
  • diary entry
  • encyclopedia entry
  • campaign speech
  • advice column
  • advertisement
  • birth announcement
  • journal entry
  • bumper sticker
  • greeting card
  • shopping list
  • script/screenplay
  • dictation 

Technology Requirement

At least three artifacts must effectively use relevant technology tools to communicate the message.  Examples of technology tools that may be used:

  • Animoto video
  • Webpage(s) 
  • SlideRocket
  • Micro-Blogs (ex.Tumblr)
  • Tagxedo/Wordle
  • VoiceThread
  • Video biography
  • Student-created tutorial
  • Public Service Announcement
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  • Last Updated: Jan 4, 2024 2:35 PM
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L. Langstraat, Associate Professor of English
Colorado State University

presents multiple, even conflicting, perspectives on a topic or event, in order to provide a rich context and present an aesthetically appealing product for an audience. Your multigenre project should reflect the following:

 You should not only include documents that relate to a general topic or event, but you should ensure that the documents forward a point of significance, a rhetorical purpose.

  Documents should be created and organized in order to lead readers through the project, to help them understand your focus and purpose.  A series of seemingly unconnected pieces, though they may share a similar topic, will not result in a strong multigenre project.  Instead, readers should experience a sense of cohesion, a sense of connection and transition between each generic document in the project.  You can create coherence through transitional pieces between genres, your table of contents, etc.

Begin with an informal In this proposal, you have an opportunity to think-in-writing about your plans for your multigenre research.  This is an informal piece of writing about your research interests, the questions guiding those interests, and the potential genre documents you’d like to produce.  We’ll then give you feedback and suggestions about your ideas and guide you in the right direction for research.  Your proposal should include: a list of 5 questions that might guide your research; an explanation of WHY you’re interested in this topic; ideas about primary and secondary sources that might be useful?  Ideas about genres are you thinking about producing for your project (see list of genres); and a projection of how you will ensure that those genres can are connected, so that the mgp becomes a coherent whole, a clear argument?

includes at least 8 documents (including an Introduction, Table of Contents, 5 documents of different genres, and a works cited page) that offer a sustained argument about your chosen issue.  By creating documents in different genres (e.g., the academic research essay, editorials, feature stories, brochures, short fiction, charts, scripts, etc.), you learn to write for multiple audiences, multiple purposes, and multiple forums.

  Past students have “packaged” their MGPs as a CD, a scrapbook, a photo album, a patient file, an employee handbook, a manual, a newspaper, a magazine—the options are endless!  Just be sure to offer us a table of contents (TOC) that provides an overview of and title for each document.

helping us understand the issue you’re addressing, offering us insight about why you chose the genres you chose, etc.  The intro is your chance to help us understand why this topic is important, how we should “read” your documents, etc.  The intro may be written as a letter to readers, a magazine article, an editorial, etc.

  Aim for a good balance of genres, and be sure that at least three of your documents use the sources you’ve gathered from your library research.  By writing a traditional researched essay, a brochure that utilizes your research sources, a chart or other visual, a story drawing from the information you’ve gathered, a quiz based on researched sources, etc.—by approaching your research findings in a creative way, your MGP helps an audience understand many different perspectives about your topic.  Some of the documents you’ll include may be more time-intensive than others.  But the 5 documents that make up the body of your MGP should show your knowledge, creativity, and ability to persuade your audience(s) toward your central claim.

As you cite sources for each document, your citation approach should be appropriate for each genre.  It’s a rare ghost story, for example, that includes parenthetical citation practices!  But there are creative ways to ensure that you a) give credit to the source from which you draw information (e.g., discussing that info in your introduction, using endnotes/acknowledgment pages, etc.), and b) establish your credibility as a writer who has conducted significant research to support your opinion.

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A Teacher&#39;s Guide to the Multigenre Research Project: Everything You Need to Get Started

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Follow the author

Melinda Putz

A Teacher's Guide to the Multigenre Research Project: Everything You Need to Get Started 17683rd Edition

  • ISBN-10 0325007853
  • ISBN-13 978-0325007854
  • Edition 17683rd
  • Publisher Heinemann
  • Publication date February 21, 2006
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 7.4 x 0.49 x 9.3 inches
  • Print length 208 pages
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Heinemann; 17683rd edition (February 21, 2006)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 208 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0325007853
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0325007854
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 14 - 17 years
  • Grade level ‏ : ‎ 9 - 12
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 14.4 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.4 x 0.49 x 9.3 inches
  • #640 in Secondary Education
  • #1,177 in Creative Writing & Composition
  • #2,542 in Rhetoric (Books)

About the author

Melinda putz.

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  1. I. My Multi-Genre Research Paper Topic

    multi genre research paper

  2. Multi-Genre Research /Response Paper

    multi genre research paper

  3. Sample multi genre research paper

    multi genre research paper

  4. PPT

    multi genre research paper

  5. Multigenre Research Paper

    multi genre research paper


    multi genre research paper


  1. Introduction to Multigenre

    Multigenre: An Introduction. "A multigenre paper arises from research, experience, and imagination. It is not an uninterrupted, expository monolog nor a seamless narrative nor a collection of poems. A multigenre paper is composed of many genres and subgenres, each piece self-contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by theme or topic ...

  2. Multigenre research paper

    Multigenre research paper is an alternative to the traditional five paragraph essay commonly used in secondary education. It emphasizes the use of multiple genres to represent a given or chosen research topic. A genre is a specific type of art including literature, speech, drawings, music, etc. With this type of project, students are expected ...

  3. PDF A Teacher's Guide to the Multigenre Research Project

    essential steps in the process of multigenre research. She helps stu-dents comprehend the scope and depth of multigenre papers, conduct thorough and responsible research, write both traditional and nontraditional genres, evaluate their mul. igenre projects, and prepare to orally interpret them. Mel.

  4. Making Research Real: The Multi-Genre Research Project

    assignment for a more functional one: the multi­ genre research paper. I have found that Tom Romano's multi-genre paper works wonders as a replacement for the traditional research paper. The mUlti-genre paper is . a complex, multilayered, multivoiced blend ofgenres, each . revealing information about [a] topic, each self-contained, making a

  5. Multigenre Research Project: The Key to Fitting in All Genres of

    A multigenre research project is a mixture of imagination, research, reading, writing, and ingenuity. Picture all the goodness of multiple genres of writing smooshed together and combined with student choice and writing workshop. Students pick a research topic that interests them, and they write about that topic from various angles and ...


    "Multigenre allows us to 'meld fact, interpretation, and imagination,' into a series of self‐contained pieces…that appear in forms that include poetry, prose, drama, and exposition." (Romano qtd. in Grierson 51) "A multigenre paper arises from research, experience, and imagination.

  7. PDF Multigenre Research: The Power

    In the past, we focused on making topics and select the most appropri- sion that a multigenre research. students complete the research and ate genres. It also helps us as teach- paper really is a break with tradi-. write about the major facts at the ers to plan minilessons on the most tional research, so we had to ask.

  8. The Multigenre Research Project

    A multigenre paper arises from research, experience, and imagination. It is not an uninterrupted, expository monolog nor a seamless narrative of poems. A multigenre paper is composed of many genres and subgenres, each piece is self - contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by theme

  9. Multigenre Projects

    The multigenre project's authentic and challenging nature make it a more effective model than traditional methods for teaching research in the classroom. Introduction The traditional research paper has long been a staple in English Language Arts classrooms. The ultimate objective of the traditional research paper is to develop

  10. PDF Multi-Genre Research Project: An Introduction

    Multi-genre projects contain all the required elements of a traditional research paper such as quotations, works cited, definition of terms, presentation of information, analysis, and future implications. Included in your project... You will be completing the following for the project: A cover letter. A letter/e-mail to the reader.

  11. PDF Strategies for Teaching the Multi-genre Research Paper

    with a multi-genre research paper. Teachers need to cover these requirements and set up due dates for when various steps in the process are due. The typical steps in writing a research paper are: • select an interesting subject • write your personal research design (formulate 6-8 questions to answer in your research) (#4 on stamp sheet)

  12. The Multigenre Paper: Increasing Interest, Motivation, and ...

    The multigenre research paper can be a viable alternative to the traditional research paper usually taught in high school. Excerpts from papers and reflective comments from students are included. ©1999 International Reading Association (pp. 528-539) high school research papers have received much criti-Traditional cism over the years.

  13. A Teacher's Guide to the Multigenre Research Project Method

    By encouraging students to seek out learning they are most interested in, engagement is increased, and learning becomes more meaningful. Melinda Putz's book A Teacher's Guide to the Multigenre Research Project: Everything You Need to Get Started is an effective tool to help navigate the world of the MGRP. Though often used in the Social ...

  14. PDF The Multigenre Research Paper

    What is a Multi-Genre Research Paper? • "A multi-genre paper arises from research, experience, and imagination. It is not an uninterrupted, expository monolog nor a seamless narrative nor a collection of poems. A multi-genre paper is composed of many genres and subgenres, each piece self-contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by ...

  15. Multi Genre Research Project

    This project will differ from a traditional research paper because it will explore your topic using at least 6 different genres (2 pre-determined, 4 self-selected). Your textbook (Daniels, Zemelman, & Steineke) has an excellent explanation and examples of multi-genre projects in chapter 9.

  16. Sample Assignment Description

    The Multigenre Project includes at least 8 documents (including an Introduction, Table of Contents, 5 documents of different genres, and a works cited page) that offer a sustained argument about your chosen issue. By creating documents in different genres (e.g., the academic research essay, editorials, feature stories, brochures, short fiction ...

  17. PDF Multigenre Research Paper

    Multigenre Research Paper. One of the major projects of this course is to learn how to write a substantial research paper. This learning process includes finding a topic of interest, doing research, taking notes, using the writing process to produce multiple drafts, and writing a Works Consulted. These skills will be important for you not only ...

  18. Multigenre Research Project

    A multigenre paper is just what the term suggests: it is a non-traditional paper using many different genres, depending on what the specific subject, facts or audience call for. It's a collection of pieces written in a variety of genres, informed by your research on a particular subject, that presents one or (more likely) more perspectives on a ...

  19. A Teacher's Guide to the Multigenre Research Project: Everything You

    Putz' book on the multigenre research project has opened up a new world in my classroom! Kids are actually excited about doing research! The book, itself, goes step-by-step from the scheduling of such a project to explicit instructions for how to actually go from research to production and ends with a culminating reader's theatre for presentations.

  20. Having Choice: Middle School Multigenre Research Projects

    A multi-genre project arises from research, experience, and imagination. It is not an uninterrupted, expository monolog nor a seamless narrative nor a collection of poems. A multi-genre paper is composed of many genres and subgenres, each piece self-contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by theme or topic and sometimes by language ...

  21. Multigenre Research Project

    A multigenre paper is just what the term suggests: it is a non-traditional paper using many different genres, depending on what the specific subject, facts or audience call for. It's a collection of pieces written in a variety of genres, informed by your research on a particular subject, that presents one or (more likely) more perspectives on a ...

  22. PDF Copyright © 2004 by the National Council of Teachers of English. All

    A multigenre research paper in-volves students in conducting re-search, and instead of writing in a traditional research paper format, they write in a range of genres. Each genre reveals one facet of the topic, and it can stand alone to make its own point. There are no traditional transitions like in a regular research paper, and the pieces are ...

  23. The Multigenre Research Paper: Voice, Passion, and Discovery in Grades

    This is the first book to lead you through the process of developing multigenre research papers with upper elementary students. Camille Allen starts at the beginning and explains how to organize your classroom, help students choose topics, and introduce them to research. She provides concrete minilessons on the writing of poetry, character ...