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Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essays (2023-24) Prompts and Advice

September 3, 2023

johns hopkins supplemental essays

In the most recent admissions cycle, Johns Hopkins University admitted approximately 6% of applicants into the Class of 2027. As a school that rejects thousands of applicants each year with 1500+ SATs and impeccable transcripts, those hoping for a positive result at JHU need to find additional ways to shine in the eyes of the admissions committee. The Johns Hopkins supplemental essay is one such opportunity.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into Johns Hopkins University? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into Johns Hopkins  for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

Given that 19 of every 20 RD applicants to Johns Hopkins University are ultimately unsuccessful, you need to do everything you can to stand out amidst a sea of uber-qualified teens from around the globe. Through its one mandatory essay prompt, Johns Hopkins University’s supplemental section still affords applicants an opportunity to highlight what makes them uniquely qualified for admission. Below is Johns Hopkins’s supplemental prompt for the 2023-24 admissions cycle. Additionally, you’ll find our tips on how to write a winning composition.

Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay Prompt

Tell us about an aspect of your identity (e.g. race, gender, sexuality, religion, community, etc.) or a life experience that has shaped you as an individual and how that influenced what you’d like to pursue in college at Hopkins. (This can be a future goal or experience that is either academic, extracurricular, or social). (300 word limit)

JHU is inviting you to share more about your background/identity/community through the lens of how that will impact your experience at the university. Take note of the wide-open nature of this prompt. You are essentially invited to talk about any of the following topics:

  • A perspective you hold
  • An experience/challenge you had
  • A community you belong to
  • Your cultural background
  • Your religious background
  • Your family background
  • Your sexual orientation or gender identity

Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essays (Continued)

Although this prompt’s open floor plan may feel daunting, a good tactic is to first consider what has already been communicated within your Common App personal statement and activities list. What important aspect(s) of yourself have not been shared (or sufficiently discussed)? The admissions officer reading your essay is hoping to connect with you through your written words, so—within your essay’s reflection—be open, humble, thoughtful, inquisitive, emotionally honest, mature, and/or insightful about what you learned and how you grew.

You’ll then need to discuss how your background/identity/experiences have influenced your academic, social, or extracurricular college goals. As such, think about what you learned and how it relates to one of the previously mentioned areas. For example, perhaps growing up in Northern California has made you passionate about post-wildfire ecosystem restoration, which you hope to pursue further through Johns Hopkins’ environmental science program. Or, perhaps your experience as a tutor has made you interested in The Tutorial Project , or the discrimination you watched your sibling face after revealing their gender identity has informed your desire to be part of initiatives like the Safe Zone Program .

To that end, be sure you address how you will take advantage of Johns Hopkins’s immense resources. The includes both inside and/or outside of the classroom. You can accomplish this by citing specific academic programs , professors , research opportunities , internship/externship programs , study abroad programs , student-run organizations , etc.

How important are the Johns Hopkins supplemental essays?

Johns Hopkins University considers six factors “very important” in evaluating a candidate. The essays are among them. In addition to the essays, Johns Hopkins gives the greatest consideration to the rigor of one’s school record, GPA, standardized test scores, recommendations, and character/personal qualities.

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Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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johns hopkins application supplemental essays

2 Successful Johns Hopkins Essay Examples

Johns Hopkins University is a private research university in Baltimore, Maryland. Known for its strong foundation in research, the world-renowned teaching hospital (Johns Hopkins Hospital) and Undergraduate Research Awards Program provide opportunities for students to get hands-on experience during their time at Hopkins.

Since Johns Hopkins is a highly selective institution, you’ll need a strong essay to better your chances of acceptance. Let’s take a look at the prompt, and how one student answered it. After, we’ll break down what’s working well, and potential areas for improvement. 

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Johns Hopkins essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts. 

Essay Example #1

Prompt:  Founded in the spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests, and pursue new experiences.  Use this space to share something you’d like the admissions committee to know about you (your interests, your background, your identity, or your community), and how it has shaped what you want to get out of your college experience at Hopkins. (300-400 words)

My fingers drummed across the table at a rhythmic pace. The musical beat played the chords of my growing anxiety. I ignored the triumphant cheers from the other groups as I held my breath waiting for our results. 

My shoulders fell as a wave of defeat accompanied the empty screen. The only thing that arose was the doubtful thoughts belting in my head. 

“I’m wasting so much time.” “Do I not have what it takes to be a scientist?”

The contrast of my dark skin and bright lab coat was noticeable in the laboratory. Yet, the white coat stayed on as I continued jotting my observations in my lab notebook. An array of different colored beakers decorated my workstation along with many pipets. For the duration of my eight-week internship, my partner and I had to extract DNA with PCR primers and show its dilution through gel electrophoresis. If done correctly, the DNA bands will appear on the imaging scanner. In other words, we had to grow resilience.

Along with our increasing failed attempts, our resilience began to blossom. Despite setbacks, our endeavor’s brought us closer to the scientists we worked with. “Success doesn’t come easy, if it did then it wouldn’t feel successful” one of our directors lectured. With those words, an inferno ignited as I put on my lab coat once again, eager to continue my attempts. By the seventh week, we were back in the imaging room awaiting our results. I held a pencil in one hand and my notebook in the other keen to note any areas of improvement. Surprisingly, the screen presented our DNA with zero contaminants. My heart skipped a beat as my face grew sore from my grin, eyes glued to the rows of perfect DNA bands– I felt successful. 

This kind of prosperity attracts me about Hopkins,– a victory that is met with consistent labor. Being America’s first research university shows the resilience and dedication it takes to make the world a better place. I would like to be a part of this trajectory by working with Dr. Bastian and her fascinating investigation in advancing our understanding of the genetics of inherited neurological and psychiatric diseases. At Hopkins, I can continue experiencing success along with a community of like-minded people.

What the Essay Did Well

This essay does a fabulous job of conveying this student’s feelings through descriptive imagery. We understand their initial anxiety when they say “ My fingers drummed across the table at a rhythmic pace ” and “ I held my breath waiting for our results. ” Then, when they provide their internal dialogue second-guessing themselves, we understand their anxiety stems from self-doubt and a lack of confidence. We’ve barely begun the essay, and we have already learned so much about this student.

The student uses their lab coat as a symbol throughout the essay, bringing an extra layer of depth, nuance, and maturity. While it originally makes them feel out of place, “ The contrast of my dark skin and bright lab coat was noticeable in the laboratory, ” as they grow more comfortable and resilient, they welcome it with pride: “ With those words, an inferno ignited as I put on my lab coat once again, eager to continue my attempts. ” Using an object as a proxy for their feelings is a beautiful way to convey their growth and demonstrate their talent for story-telling.

Because this essay tells a story of how a student overcame a personal obstacle, we see so much of their character shine through. This student didn’t just limit themselves to discussing their interests, but really hit the nail on the head when it came to showing how it has shaped them, by framing their response in the manner of an “ Overcoming Challenges ” essay. This is a good example of not boxing yourself into one essay archetype just because that’s what the prompt asks for. Make sure you address the prompt in full, but don’t be afraid to elevate your essay with elements of other essay archetypes.

What Could Be Improved

Although this essay does a very nice job sharing who this student is, it could have used more elaboration on who they hope to be at Hopkins. Not addressing the school until the final paragraph makes it seem like an afterthought. As much as admissions officers want to know who you are, they also want to know how you will fit into the campus community. Therefore, it is a better idea to integrate resources and opportunities the school offers throughout your essay, rather than saving it for the end. 

They could have compared the professor they want to work with to their inspiring director who taught them about success and mused over what life-changing tidbits Dr. Bastian will share. They could have mentioned a class that covers the nuances of DNA imaging that they hope to take to understand what their perfect bands of DNA mean. Maybe there is a club on campus for scientists of color that they want to join to collaborate with people to fully conquer their self-doubt.

There are many different opportunities that this student could have weaved through their essay to truly demonstrate how they would fit seamlessly into Hopkins, without sacrificing the descriptive narrative they have crafted about themselves.

Essay Example #2

As I stretch the rubber band to touch the edge of the cardboard strip, the fingers curl. I release the elastic, watching as the joints, made of popsicle sticks, relax successively. Finally, my project is ready. In the Biomedical Engineering section of the GAMES camp at the University of Illinois, we were asked to construct a prosthetic arm that could grip and move a block of clay. After hours of meticulous redesigning, I crafted a successful prototype and became obsessed with using engineering to tackle challenges in medicine.

The following summer, I explored bioengineering on a cellular level at the Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes, where a project on limb regeneration sparked my interest in biomedical research. I eventually pursued hands-on research experience with the USC Biomechanics Research Lab. In my project, I apply scientific principles to running to prevent stress-induced injuries in athletes. By analyzing video frames of PAC-12 athletes in motion and linking them to force plate data, I create videos and graphs for analysis. Comparing this data to athletes after a stress fracture, I observe differences that increase susceptibility to injury, ultimately improving the health of athletes using engineering.

From these experiences, I grew interested in majoring in Biomedical Engineering at Hopkins, where I find a distinct focus on hands-on learning. I am particularly excited to participate in design projects in the course “Rehabilitation Engineering Design Lab”. The uncommon structure of this course will allow me to design a medical device to fit the needs of patients with disabilities, which will then be analyzed in rehabilitation centers. Through this real-world approach to learning, I will strengthen my teamwork skills and address modern medical issues, furthering my interest in Biomedical Engineering through first-hand exploration.

As a top-tier research institution, Hopkins will also provide me with ample opportunities to explore my curiosities and build on my research experience from the USCBRL. In the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, I hope to work under Dr. Marilyn Albert in discovering new treatments for dementia. I became interested in neurological research when my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. As I watched her diagnosis progress, I became curious about the underlying biological mechanisms behind her decline and wondered how biomedical research could prevent neurodegenerative disease. In this lab, I will tie my personal interest in neurological research to my passion for improving medicine through engineering, making Hopkins the ideal place to explore my interests.

This essay starts off with a strong hook:  “As I stretch the rubber band to touch the edge of the cardboard strip, my fingers curl.” This is intriguing, as the reader is urged to continue following the action of the scene and piece together what this student is passionate about.

The student uses personal examples, like their experience at the Stanford Pre-Collegiate Institute and their grandmother’s Alzheimers, to make their passion for their intended area of study clear. It’s important to do this, to create a purposeful essay that speaks to who you are and why you are choosing a specific area of study, career path, and university.

The student moves back and forth seamlessly between their own personal life, and their plans for studying at the university. The writer always connects their life to their collegiate identity : for example, in the third paragraph it says “From these experiences, I grew interested in majoring in Biomedical Engineering at Hopkins, where I find a distinct focus on hands-on learning.” This narrative structure results in an engaging essay.

A major weakness of this essay is how broad it is. With a more general prompt like this that asks you to “share something you’d like the admissions committee to know about you,” students often make the mistake of trying to convey their whole life story, and this student fell into that trap a bit. 

Rather than telling us about the GAMES camp, the Stanford Institute, and their grandmother’s diagnosis, this student could have tightened up the essay by choosing one of their deepest fascinations and delving into how they will explore that particular interest at Hopkins.

They could include one strong, detailed anecdote, rather than squeezing in two or three that aren’t flushed out. There would be a central idea running through the essay that makes it very easy for the reader to appreciate what this student cares about, why they care, and how they plan to act on their interest in college.

It’s okay to not address multiple facets of your personality and interest in an essay—in fact, it’s usually preferred! Admissions officers will still understand the complexity of your personality from other parts of your application, but your essay will provide them with much more insight if it is focused and detailed, not a broad summary.

Where to Get Your Johns Hopkins Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your Johns Hopkins  essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

johns hopkins application supplemental essays

By Eric Eng

Close up view of a woman writing an essay

The Johns Hopkins supplemental essays 2023-2024 are a critical application component as admissions become increasingly competitive. These essays offer a window into the applicant’s personality, aspirations, and intellectual vitality beyond what can be gleaned from grades and test scores.

How Many Supplemental Essays Does Johns Hopkins Have?

Navigating the college admissions landscape can often feel like deciphering a complex code with multiple layers. However, for those setting their sights on Johns Hopkins University (JHU) during the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, the path is marked by a singular yet profound essay prompt.

Johns Hopkins University on screen

In a decisive move, JHU has streamlined its supplemental essay requirement to one pivotal question . This prompt arrives at significant legal and societal shifts following the Supreme Court’s ruling in June against race-based admissions.

Johns Hopkins has crafted a question that acknowledges this new terrain and invites applicants to engage in a reflective discourse on race. This singular essay is a testament to the university’s commitment to fostering a community of diverse perspectives and experiences while adhering to the latest legal standards.

Why is the new prompt important?

The new prompt for the Johns Hopkins supplemental essays 2023-2024 is critical because it invites students to discuss the intersection of their identity and their educational journey. In today’s globalized world, understanding and appreciating the multifaceted nature of identity is crucial.

Johns Hopkins acknowledges this by asking applicants to share how their unique backgrounds have shaped their perspectives and aspirations. This prompt signals that the university values diversity in all its forms and is committed to fostering an inclusive environment where every student can thrive.

It also allows the admissions committee to identify students with both the academic qualifications and the personal experiences and insights that can contribute to the rich, intellectual environment at Hopkins.

What is the Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay 2023-2024?

The new supplemental essay prompt for the Johns Hopkins supplemental essays 2023-2024 invites applicants to engage in a reflective exercise that is both introspective and forward-looking.

Tell us about an aspect of your identity (e.g., race, gender, sexuality, religion, community, etc.) or a life experience that has shaped you as an individual and how that influenced what you’d like to pursue in college at Hopkins (This can be a future goal or experience that is either academic, extracurricular, or social. 300-word limit).

Three students talking over something on the table.

Candidates are asked to identify and discuss a specific element of their identity or a pivotal life experience that has significantly influenced their development. The prompt goes further, seeking to understand how this aspect of their identity or experience will inform and shape their ambitions within the academic, extracurricular, or social spheres at Johns Hopkins University.

This 300-word limit challenge is not just about self-expression; applicants request to connect their past and present to their potential future at Hopkins, thereby providing a narrative arc that binds their story to the university’s community and values.

How to write the Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay 2023-2024?

Writing the Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay for 2023-2024 is an exercise in introspection and storytelling. This essay is your chance to unveil a slice of your identity or a defining life experience, connecting it intricately with your aspirations at Hopkins.

Your goal is to paint a picture that links your past experiences and identity to your future at Hopkins naturally and compellingly. This requires self-awareness and understanding of what Johns Hopkins offers and how it aligns with your goals.

Understanding the prompt

The critical components of the Johns Hopkins supplemental essays 2023-2024 prompt hinge on two main elements: identity and influence. Applicants must first pinpoint an aspect of their identity or a life experience that carries significant weight in their narrative.

This could encompass a wide range of topics, including but not limited to race, gender, sexuality, religion, or community. The second component requires students to reflect on the impact of that identity or experience.

guy in plaid shirt contemplating with pen and notebook

This is where the introspection turns outward — how has it prepared them for college? How does it drive their future goals? The prompt demands a synthesis of personal history with academic and extracurricular aspirations while demonstrating a clear link to how these elements will continue to evolve at Johns Hopkins.

Brainstorming your response

  • Identify Key Elements of Your Identity : List aspects like race, gender, religion, or community. Reflect on how these have shaped your perspectives and actions.
  • Significant Life Experiences : Think about pivotal moments in your life. This could be a challenge you overcame, a considerable achievement, or an event that changed your outlook.
  • Academic Influences : Consider experiences that have shaped your academic interests. Was a class, teacher, or project ignited a passion in a particular field?
  • Extracurricular Activities : Reflect on any extracurricular activities that have been meaningful to you. How have these activities contributed to your growth?
  • Social Interactions and Community Involvement : Consider your role in your community or social groups. How have these experiences influenced your worldview?
  • Future Goals at Hopkins : Brainstorm how your identity and experiences could influence your future at Hopkins. What do you want to achieve academically, extracurricularly, or socially?
  • Connecting the Dots : Finally, find the threads that bind these elements. How do they come together to paint a picture of who you are and what you aspire to be at Johns Hopkins?

Structuring your answer

When structuring your answer, start with a compelling hook – a vivid snapshot of a moment or experience that epitomizes the aspect of your identity or life experience you’re focusing on. This could be a narrative, a poignant observation, or a reflective statement.

The introduction should grab attention and subtly hint at how this aspect or experience has shaped you. In the body of your essay, delve into the details. Describe the background or part of your identity with depth and introspection, focusing on how it has influenced your perspective, values, and goals.

Use specific examples and anecdotes to bring your story to life. This is where you show, rather than tell, the admissions committee who you are. Each paragraph should flow logically to the next, maintaining a coherent narrative thread.

In the conclusion, tie everything back to Johns Hopkins. Explain how your experiences and identity have prepared you for and influenced what you want to pursue at Hopkins. This is your chance to demonstrate self-awareness and understand how Johns Hopkins can be a platform for your future growth. The conclusion should leave a lasting impression, reinforcing your unique perspective on the Hopkins community.

Remember, clarity and conciseness are key – every sentence should serve a purpose in advancing your narrative and showcasing your fit for Johns Hopkins.

How to Demonstrate Fit at Johns Hopkins?

Demonstrating fit at Johns Hopkins in your supplemental essay involves more than just expressing your desire to attend; it requires a thoughtful connection between your journey and what Johns Hopkins uniquely offers.

Your essay should communicate how you see yourself engaging with and benefiting from these aspects of the university, creating a compelling narrative of mutual benefit.

Why Personal Experiences or Aspects of Identity Make Johns Hopkins the Ideal Place for Academic and Personal Growth

Your experiences and aspects of your identity are crucial to illustrating why Johns Hopkins is the ideal place for your academic and personal growth. For instance, if you have a background in community service, you might connect this to Johns Hopkins’ strong emphasis on social impact and civic engagement.

This could demonstrate how your past experiences have equipped you with the skills and values that will allow you to contribute meaningfully to the university’s community outreach programs. Similarly, if your identity has been shaped by overcoming challenges, this resilience could be linked to thriving in the rigorous academic environment at Hopkins.

The university’s culture of innovation and research might resonate with your journey of exploration and discovery, suggesting that Hopkins is a place where your academic curiosity and drive will be nurtured and challenged.

Suggestions for Researching Specific Programs, Clubs, or Opportunities at Hopkins that Align with the Essay’s Themes

Researching specific programs, clubs, or opportunities at Johns Hopkins can significantly strengthen your essay by demonstrating a well-informed interest in the university. Start by visiting the official Johns Hopkins website, where you can find detailed information about their academic programs, research opportunities, and extracurricular activities.

Pay special attention to programs or courses that align with your academic interests or career goals. For example, if you’re interested in public health, explore the Bloomberg School of Public Health’s offerings and consider how its resources and expertise align with your aspirations.

If community service forms a significant part of your identity, look into the various service-oriented clubs and organizations at Hopkins, such as the Center for Social Concern. Additionally, attending virtual or in-person campus tours and information sessions can provide valuable insights into student life and the university’s culture.

Engaging with current students or alumni through social media or university forums can also offer a more personal perspective on what being part of the Johns Hopkins community is like. This research will inform your essay and help you articulate a clear and specific reason why Johns Hopkins is the right fit for you, both academically and personally.

Remember, specificity is critical; the more detailed and tailored your references to Hopkins’ programs and opportunities, the more convincing your essay will be.

How to Polish Your Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay 2023-2024?

Polishing your Johns Hopkins essay is crucial in ensuring your application stands out. This phase is about refining your narrative, ensuring clarity of thought, and enhancing the overall readability of your essay.

A well-polished essay is like a well-tailored suit – it fits you perfectly and presents you in the best possible light.

Advice on Revising and Editing to Ensure Clarity, Coherence, and Conciseness

  • Read Aloud for Natural Flow : Reading your essay aloud can help you catch awkward phrasing and improve the natural flow of your writing.
  • Check for Clarity : Ensure that your ideas are expressed clearly and directly. Avoid ambiguity and ensure that your points are easy to understand.
  • Seek Feedback : Have someone else read your essay. They can provide valuable insights on areas that might need clarification or improvement.
  • Focus on Coherence : Check that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next. Your essay should have a logical flow that guides the reader effortlessly from start to finish.
  • Eliminate Redundancies : Remove repetitive phrases or ideas to make your essay more concise and powerful.
  • Vary Sentence Structure : Use short and long sentences to engage the reader. This variation adds rhythm and interest to your writing.
  • Be Precise with Word Choice : Choose words that accurately convey your thoughts and feelings. Avoid overly complex vocabulary that might confuse the reader.
  • Proofread for Grammar and Spelling : Carefully check your essay for grammatical errors or typos. These mistakes can distract from the quality of your writing.
  • Trim the Fat : Avoid unnecessary words or sentences that do not contribute to your main argument or narrative.
  • Final Read-Through : Give your essay one last read, ensuring it is error-free and reflects your voice and story.

The Importance of Maintaining an Authentic Voice While Adhering to Grammatical Standards

Maintaining an authentic voice in your essay is paramount. It breathes life into your narrative, making your story uniquely yours. Your voice reflects your personality, experiences, and perspective – the lens through which the admissions committee will see you.

However, balancing authenticity with grammatical correctness is a delicate art. Adherence to grammatical standards is crucial as it demonstrates your attention to detail and respect for the reader. It’s about presenting your authentic self in the most straightforward, most professional manner possible.

Grammar isn’t just about rules; it’s about effective communication. When your essay is grammatically sound, your ideas are conveyed more powerfully, and your narrative becomes more compelling. This doesn’t mean you should lose your style.

On the contrary, your unique voice should shine through every well-structured sentence and every correctly used punctuation mark. Think of grammar as the framework that supports and enhances your voice, not as a constraint. By mastering this balance, you ensure that your essay captures who you are and resonates with clarity and professionalism, making a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

Ready to Unleash Your Potential with AdmissionSight?

Embarking on the journey to a prestigious institution like Johns Hopkins requires more than just grades—it demands a narrative that captures the essence of who you are and the aspirations that propel you forward.

lady in green sweater looking outside with laptop and mug

At AdmissionSight , we specialize in transforming your unique experiences into compelling stories that resonate with admission committees. Our expertise in strategic essay crafting can elevate your application, ensuring your voice is heard and remembered.

Don’t let the opportunity to stand out slip through your fingers. Join us at AdmissionSight, and let’s sculpt your personal experiences into a masterpiece of persuasion that Johns Hopkins can’t overlook. Click the button below to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward realizing your college dreams.


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Reflection on "fit" and the "why" essay - From a JHU 2025 admit

Hi A2C. This is my first ever "advice" post, which I'm probably not very qualified to give since I'm just a lowly high school senior, but I was just accepted into the JHU Class of 2025. I am waiting on other decisions, but there is a chance I will end up actually in Baltimore on this date next year. ANYwaays, I just reread my JHU supplement and I found something interesting and I wanted to post it here before it disappears from my head.

Here is the JHU supplemental essay prompt:

"Founded in the spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests, and pursue new experiences.

Use this space to share something you’d like the admissions committee to know about you (your interests, your background, your identity, or your community), and how it has shaped what you want to get out of your college experience at Hopkins. (300-400 words)*"

The JHU supplement is essentially the common "why" essay but with a twist. It asks you to tell something about yourself and then relate that to why you want to go to JHU. Anyone see what the admissions office is checking for here? That's right. FIT. They want to see that you FIT what JHU wants itself to be. And you know what? That is true for every single "why" essay. It is a common piece of advice here that the "why" essay should be not about the school but about why YOU belong at the school, and this supplement makes that extra clear.

Now, I did this supplement the night before since I procrastinated on it so I didn't think that deeply on it at the time, but after rereading my supplement and reading my admission letter, I can tell you one thing for sure: when the office read my supplement, they saw the perfect fit that they were looking for. Let me explain why and how YOU can use that in your applications.

I will start with a basic rundown of my supplement (I might post it after RD ends and people commit, so around May, for the curious):

I started off with a hook. My hook was a word followed by a sentence. Quick, draws the reader in, to the point. Don't waste too many words on your hook. A couple of words is enough, about sentence is your maximum.

The first paragraph (technically my second since I spaced out the word I mentioned above and the first sentence) focused on introducing an issue I encountered, an issue where I was locked from taking accelerated STEM classes at my school. And it was not just me, but a LOT of other people at my high school, who were locked away for unfair reasons. I ended that paragraph by introducing a solution I made to this problem: founding a school organization to make high-level STEM accessible.

The second paragraph basically really quickly said "I succeeded" and I gave proof to that by describing how the organization grew into a community of students and got noticed outside of school too. I said that I provided knowledge to people of higher quality than the school did (Imo that's actually true, I had lectures that normally people would pay thousands to attend presented at my school). I concluded this paragraph by saying the message of the organization I founded: That knowledge should be accessible. This concludes my "story" and thus fulfills the background part of the prompt. From then on I relate that to JHU.

The third paragraph introduces JHU. I was a CTY student so I used that to introduce it and related the experience I had at CTY to the organization I founded and said that's why I was drawn to JHU.

The last paragraph is the one that wraps it all together. This is the classic "why" portion of the essay, where I talk about JHU itself. For stuff like this: BE SPECIFIC! DONT TALK ABOUT CLASS SIZE OR HOW NICE THE CAMPUS IS (unless you have a good reason to)! BE SPECIFIC TO STUFF AT THE SCHOOL ITSELF! Here, I mentioned a class that I wanted to participate in that relates to my main passion and then said that I will utilize the research at JHU to create knowledge for the world (notice how I'm still with that "create knowledge" theme and that's the reason I got in if I had to guess, I'll show my "proof" later). I then briefly described a club at JHU that I found interesting since it would allow me to share scientific knowledge with local kids. I then wrote that I want to write for one of their science journals, which I found on the student organization website, to spread science and knowledge to the world. Next, I got a bit more casual and mentioned a place that I found apparently is a common studying area and said I'll be there with friends studying and collaborating while eating their most famous desert (the name for the desert is very very hopkins specific, you can probably easily find it with a quick google). That previous sentence is one I included since I wanted to paint a picture of myself on campus in the minds of the AOs: I told them about a place they're familiar with, made them remember a taste they're familiar with, and said I'll do something there that they probably also did there before (studying and hanging out with friends). And finally, I finished with a reiterating sentence of how I want to share knowledge and why JHU specifically fits that.

Now, let me demonstrate why I believe this essay got me in by showing you the blurb you see if you get accepted.:

"Congratulations! You have been admitted to Johns Hopkins University—a place where incredible minds are cultivated to become leaders who create knowledge for the world ."

I put the important part in bold. Notice it? Notice that sentence? That's why I got in. Hopkins thinks of itself as a place that you go to if you want to create knowledge for the world. And I, with procrastination luck, ended up writing a supplement that fits EXACTLY THAT. I showed the AOs that I was THE model JHU student right there with that essay. Essentially, the main reason I got in is most likely because I showed the admissions office that I truly embodied what they are instructed to ensure their college would be. In the case of Hopkins, that's someone who wants to create knowledge and share it with the world. That's the secret sauce, folks. That's that thing, that word, "fit", which all the people involved in admissions say they look for. This post was long, but if there is one thing that I want you all to take away from this is that, when you are writing supplements, try looking around and figure out what the college you're writing for claims itself to be. Is it a place for people who want to change the world? Is it a place for people who want to become entrepreneurs? People who love freedom and want to explore their many passions? Or is it a place for people who want to share knowledge with the world? Figure that out and, while staying genuine to yourself, tailor your supplements to bring that out in yourself. Show them that you FIT what they want. The "why" essay can be a great place to do that, but if a school doesn't have a why essay, do your best to bring that out through other prompts. Fit TRULY is important in admissions to T10s and T20s, make no mistake. Show that you fit, give it your best shot, hope for the best, and you'll have a truly fighting chance of getting in. Good luck!

Johns Hopkins University Essays Guide: 2021-2022

Not sure how to approach the Johns Hopkins essay prompts?’s guide to the Johns Hopkins supplemental essays will show you exactly how to write engaging Johns Hopkins essays and maximize your chances of admission. If you need help crafting your Johns Hopkins supplemental essays, create your   free account  or  schedule a no-cost advising consultation  by calling (844) 505-4682.

Johns Hopkins  Essay Guide Quick Facts:

  • Johns Hopkins University has an acceptance rate of 9%— U.S. News  ranks Johns Hopkins as a  most selective  school.
  • Johns Hopkins is ranked #9 in National Universities.

What is Johns Hopkins known for?

Founded in 1876, Johns Hopkins University is a private research university located in Baltimore, Maryland.

Widely considered the first research university in the United States, Johns Hopkins’ popular  majors  include public health, biomedical engineering, molecular biology, international relations and affairs, and economics.

Interested in applying? This John Hopkins essay guide will teach you how to maximize your Johns Hopkins essays and increase your chances of admission.

Is Johns Hopkins hard to get into?

Last year, over  30,000  students applied to Johns Hopkins. The school boasts  famous alumni  like novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, and film director Wes Craven. As one of the 9% of applicants admitted to Johns Hopkins, you’d be in good company.

Your Johns Hopkins essay can be a great opportunity to introduce yourself to Admissions Officers, fill in gaps in your application, and make a case for why you belong at Johns Hopkins. With expert advice from, we’ll help you craft engaging Johns Hopkins supplemental essays and maximize your admissions odds.

Does Johns Hopkins require supplemental essays?

Yes—in addition to the main essay prompts on the  Common App  or  Coalition App , you must complete one Johns Hopkins-specific essay. For a complete list of application requirements and access to the Johns Hopkins application essay, visit the  Johns Hopkins admissions website .

Need help navigating your Common App application?’s Common App essay  breakdown  can help de-mystify the process.

How many essays do you have to write for Johns Hopkins?

Applicants only need to write one Johns Hopkins essay, which has a word limit of 300-400 words. Since this is the only Johns Hopkins essay prompt, you’ll want to give this essay the attention it deserves.

Johns Hopkins Essay — Prompt 1 (Required)

Founded on a spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests and pursue new experiences. Use this space to share something you’d like the admissions committee to know about you (your interests, your background, your identity or your community) and how it has shaped what you want to get out of your college experience at Hopkins. (300-400 words)

The Johns Hopkins essay prompt may feel overwhelming. After all, its open-ended nature lets you discuss anything that matters to you! In the next section, we’ll break down how to tackle the Johns Hopkins essay and stand out to admissions officers.

How do I write the Johns Hopkins essay?

As you approach the Johns Hopkins supplemental essays, remember that Johns Hopkins University is a research institution. Like any university, they want to build a diverse academic community of intellectually curious individuals— inside and outside of the classroom. This Johns Hopkins essay invites you to share what makes you,  you.  Then, it asks how this aspect of you will guide your time at Johns Hopkins and beyond.

Strong Johns Hopkins essays will invite the reader into the world of the applicant. A successful Johns Hopkins essay will use descriptive, dynamic language. Focus on setting a scene rather than trying to dazzle readers with SAT vocabulary words. After all, the best Johns Hopkins essays will be the most authentic!

Ready to craft an impressive Johns Hopkins application essay?

Organize your thoughts

Begin drafting this Johns Hopkins supplemental essay by thinking about who you are. Start a list of your key qualities and categorize each item using the criteria in the Johns Hopkins essay prompt: your interests, background, identity, and community.

Distinguish each category—interests, background, identity, and community—as carefully as possible as you start to tackle this Johns Hopkins essay prompt. Begin with your interests. For example, if you devour every article and book you can find on quantum mechanics, that’s an interest. Avoid listing non-intellectual interests like an obsession with learning new TikTok dances. Of course, if you plan to major in  dance  or  sociology , you may be able to connect these activities to what you hope to experience at Hopkins. Think of yourself as a student and community member — use that to guide your Johns Hopkins supplement essay topic.

Next, shift to your background. Think about where you come from and how these places and experiences have made you who you are. In your Johns Hopkins essay, you’ll want to avoid cliché, overly sentimental aspects of your background. For example, having a parent who attended Johns Hopkins may have shaped why you want to attend, but this doesn’t tell Admissions Officers anything interesting about you or what you hope to learn at Johns Hopkins. Look for experiences that sparked intellectual curiosity. Are you a softball player that spent a season perfecting your pitch but, in the process, began learning about physics?

Then, move to identity. When categorizing identity in this Johns Hopkins essay, you may automatically default to the classic definitions: ethnicity, gender, age, religious beliefs, etc. While there’s nothing wrong with starting here, think outside of the box for this Johns Hopkins essay prompt. Are you a contrarian? An activist? A pessimist? Thinking about the less obvious ways that you self-identify can help you write an interesting Johns Hopkins essay.

Finally, shift to your community. Jot down some of the communities you belong to. Whether it’s a religious community, your neighborhood, or even the building where you live, list the spaces you inhabit. Again, this Johns Hopkins supplemental essay rewards those who think outside the box. Are you an active member of an online community of gamers? Do you spend time with fellow gardeners sharing tips on how to care for plants? Community manifests in a wide variety of ways; as you brainstorm for the Johns Hopkins essay prompt, make sure to cover all important ways you live and work with others.

After jotting down experiences, interests, identities, etc., sit with your list for a day or two. Do any items stick out as a perfect response to this Johns Hopkins essay prompt? If not, don’t worry. Try our  reflection exercise . Set a timer and spend 30 minutes or so expanding on a few of your topics. Limit yourself to 10 minutes per topic. Were there any topics that you couldn’t stop writing on? If so, you’ve found the subject for your Johns Hopkins supplement essay!

Tell the Story

In this Johns Hopkins essay prompt, you only have 300-400 words. Use them wisely to maximize the impact your Johns Hopkins essay can have in admissions.

This word count creates the key challenge of the Johns Hopkins supplemental essays: namely, you’ll want to balance a concise structure with descriptive language. Your language should draw the reader into the interest, background, identity, or community your Johns Hopkins supplement essay addresses. At the same time, you’ll want to avoid excessive wordiness.

Let’s try an exercise to help you make your Johns Hopkins supplement essay shine. Which of the descriptions below seems more engaging?

Example 1: Since the age of five, I’ve belonged to my local church.

Example 2: There is a pew in the center of my church. If you look closely, you’ll see where I scratched my initials into the wood at age five.

See the difference? Both sentences communicate the same information (church attendance from a very young age). However, the second example provides details that invite the reader into your story.

Read over your Johns Hopkins essay and think about how every word serves your essay’s overall narrative. Your Johns Hopkins essay should use as few words to make as significant an impact as possible.

Make Johns Hopkins Connections

This Johns Hopkins application essay isn’t a “Why Johns Hopkins” prompt in the classic sense. However ,  this essay still asks how your identity, background, interests, and community have shaped what you will bring to Hopkins. Johns Hopkins essays that answer this part of the prompt will be the most impressive.

Maybe you know what you want to major in and can draw a clear connection between your background/identity/community and that intended major. Use this Johns Hopkins essay to emphasize that connection. Successful Johns Hopkins supplemental essays will reveal both who an applicant is and why they belong at Johns Hopkins.

Let’s revisit the “gamer community” example.

Ex. I have learned so much from organizing coding events in my online gaming forum. My friends from all over the world have shown me that even if we don’t speak the same language, our passion for coding and games is universal. I’m looking forward to taking classes in the JHU video game design lab and building a bridge between my online community and the in-person one I’ll find at JHU.

If you don’t yet know your major, you can still answer this portion of the Johns Hopkins supplemental essay. To do this, you’ll want to make the focus of your Johns Hopkins application essay more abstract. For example, let’s say you choose to write about your community, specifically the apartment building you live in.

Ex. The hot Houston sun draws the people from my building by late afternoon. Grannies of every race and culture line the long bench in front of the building and watch the younger children play. The other families in building 3318 are like my extended family. I’m reminded of this when I knock on Mr. Johnson’s door to borrow an extra onion for my mom’s soup or when I’m invited to a birthday party for one of the Gonzalez cousins. Family is where you find it, and location makes all the difference. At Johns Hopkins, I’m hoping to build a community like the one that my family and I have found in building 3318.

Johns Hopkins Essay Key Questions:

When you’ve finished your Johns Hopkins essay prompt draft, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I clearly identify an interest, part of my background, identity, or community?
  • Am I writing about my topic using descriptive, dynamic language that draws the reader in?
  • Does my Johns Hopkins essay draft show evidence of how this interest, background, identity, etc. has shaped me?
  • Is there a connection between my topic and what I hope to learn/experience at Johns Hopkins?

What does Johns Hopkins look for in an essay?

The best Johns Hopkins supplemental essays will be genuine and vulnerable. They will also showcase traits that would make you a valuable addition to the Johns Hopkins community. Your Johns Hopkins supplemental essay should reveal who you are beyond your scores and transcript, allowing the admissions committee to view you as a person rather than a statistic.

Every year, the university publishes several successful Johns Hopkins essays. Read over these Johns Hopkins essays to get an  idea  of what works. Notice in these Johns Hopkins supplemental essays that each student has a concrete sense of self. For example, in the Johns Hopkins essay  “Oreo by Design”  by Faith, she discusses her identity as a Black woman and a musician. Similarly, the Johns Hopkins application essay  “Lessons Learned”   by Zerubabel explores his background as an immigrant and how his family’s evolution in America has shaped who he is as a student and community member.

All of these Johns Hopkins essays are unique. In the case of Jess’s Johns Hopkins supplemental essay,  “Fried Rice in One (Not So) Easy Step”  Jess begins her essay with a recipe. By including this Johns Hopkins application essay, the university is encouraging you to be creative in not only your experience but the way that you structure your response to the Johns Hopkins essay prompt. Think about how you can replicate this kind of creativity in your Johns Hopkins application essay.

Make sure your Johns Hopkins application essay structure serves the prompt. Creativity is good, but you don’t want your Johns Hopkins supplemental essay to look and read like a gimmick. Above all, tell your story in the way most authentic to you!

Finally, and it should go without saying, these Johns Hopkins supplemental essays are examples. Don’t think of them as a blueprint of how you must structure your own Johns Hopkins application essay. You also shouldn’t compare the experiences shared in these Johns Hopkins supplemental essays with your own.

Johns Hopkins essays are personal statements. Every person is unique—every Johns Hopkins essay will be, too. Strong Johns Hopkins essays will be inherently individual, so don’t worry if yours doesn’t look like the examples.

Does the Johns Hopkins essay matter?

Everything that is included in the  Johns Hopkins application  is important, from your mid-year report to the Johns Hopkins essay. Treat each item on the application as crucial to creating a compelling candidate profile.

With more selective schools like Johns Hopkins, most candidates have high test scores and GPAs. The Johns Hopkins essay, then, becomes a chance for you to truly stand out from other applicants. Strong Johns Hopkins supplemental essays can make a major difference in admissions!

Johns Hopkins Essay – Final Thoughts

Completing the Johns Hopkins application essay can seem like a daunting challenge. Try to view this Johns Hopkins supplemental essay as an opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions team. Use the Johns Hopkins supplemental essays provided on the JHU site for inspiration. You have a rich well of personal experiences to draw from for this Johns Hopkins application essay—you just have to give yourself the space to find it.

Remember that the Johns Hopkins application essay matters! Maybe you’re applying with fewer extracurricular activities than you would like or perhaps a lower  SAT/ACT score  than normally accepted. A well-written Johns Hopkins essay can be the difference. Use this guide to help you approach the Johns Hopkins supplemental essay with a solid strategy and a timeline that gives you a few months to create a draft and allow for revisions. Good luck—you’ve got this!

This 2021-2022 essay guide was written by Senior Advisor  Arianna Lee , Dartmouth ‘17. Want help crafting your Johns Hopkins supplemental essay?  Create your free account  or  schedule a no-cost advising consultation  by calling (844) 505-4682.

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johns hopkins application supplemental essays


Johns Hopkins University 2019-20 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

Johns Hopkins University  2019-2020 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 1 essay of 300-400 words.

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Collaboration

Known for its competitive science programs, Johns Hopkins poses a question that is rare in the world of undergraduate admissions but abounds on medical school applications. (Pre-med students, take note!) We can call this “The Collaboration Question,” but it’s important that we all understand there’s a hidden question: do you play nicely with others? When a school asks you to write about collaboration, it’s probing for an index of your ego. Luckily, these sorts of questions are also be a great opportunity to highlight soft skills that might not be obvious anywhere else on your application: leadership, communication, sensitivity, intuition. So let’s dig in and see how you can leverage this prompt to your advantage.

Successful students at Johns Hopkins make the biggest impact by collaborating with others, including peers, mentors, and professors. Talk about a time, in or outside the classroom, when you worked with others and what you learned from the experience.   

Although this question asks for a story in a specific situation (namely: a collaborative one), it leaves almost every other element up to you! Any time you worked with others is fair game, so don’t restrict yourself merely to your science fair project or the soccer team. This is also a great opportunity to write about a professional experience (your first time working as a line cook!) or even community service (organizing the church bake sale!). Ideally, you should describe an experience that spans a decent amount of time — a few weeks or even months — so you can describe the phases of your work and the end result. What challenges did your team face? Were they internal, organizational issues? Or were there larger, external problems that you had to face as a single strong unit? In what ways were you a leader, but more importantly, how did you allow others to lead? It’s all well and good to say that you spearheaded your group history project, but remember, this question is about collaboration. A more reflective and honest essay will consider how each person’s unique contribution set the course for your team’s success (or failure). If you’re talking about a large group (singing in a 100 person choir!), perhaps you’ll want to focus on the values or goals that are strong enough to unite such a large group of people. In the end, you should be driving at a lesson that you will be able to carry with you into the future. In other words: an experience that will have a positive impact on your collaborative work at JHU.

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we want to understand who you’ll be in our community.

Our students celebrate the exchange of perspectives, build on their experiences, and get inspired to try new things. As we review your application, we want to understand how you’ve thrived academically and contributed to your school environment, extracurricular activities, and community. Each part of the application gives us a sense of how your achievements and values align with Hopkins.

Find out more about our review process and what we look for in applicants, so you can craft your strongest application.

johns hopkins application supplemental essays

How We Review Your Application

We consider many different aspects of your experience, academic achievement, involvements, and personal qualities when deciding if you’re a match for Hopkins.

Your Hopkins Application: What We Consider

Academic character.

How you pursue your academics, contribute to the learning environment, and engage with your interests beyond the classroom. We typically find this in your transcripts, activities list, recommendations, and test scores (optional).

Impact & Initiative

The roles and impact you’ve had in clubs, organizations, jobs and internships, or within your own family and community. We typically find this in your activities list, recommendations, and essays.

Overall Match

Your values, goals, and how they align with the opportunities available at Hopkins. We typically find this in your supplemental essay, personal statement, and overall application.

johns hopkins application supplemental essays

Preparing for College as a High School Student

Check out our recommendations to make the most of your high school experience and start your journey toward higher education.


johns hopkins application supplemental essays

Breaking Down Each Part of the Application

Our admissions counselors explain the role of each application section and how we review them in our video series.



We share essays from previously admitted students—along with feedback from our admissions committee—so you can understand what made them effective and how to start crafting your own.

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Our interactive application workshops—led by a member of our admissions committee—are designed to lead you through exercises so you can understand how to best tell your story in your application.


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The Admissions Criteria That Top Schools Really Care About

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Harvard College Admissions

When navigating the competitive college admissions process at Ivy League and other top schools, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of advice, myths, and speculation. Parents, school counselors, and successful applicants are often eager to share their opinions about what truly matters to admissions officers, and weeding through this plethora of information can quickly become overwhelming. While prospective students cannot know for certain what admissions committees’ deliberations look like, there are ways to gain insight into what schools value most in their admissions considerations. For instance, the lawsuit against Harvard revealed that admissions officers rate students on a scale of 1–6 (with 1 being the most desirable score) on the basis of their academic, extracurricular, athletic, and personal skill sets. While the lawsuit offered unique insight into Harvard’s admissions process that isn’t readily available for all other institutions, there are still ways to determine institutions’ primary considerations—the most accessible being the Common Data Sets (CDS).

The CDS is a detailed report compiled by colleges and universities to share their institutional data, including admission statistics and criteria. Each school’s report includes a lengthy list of admissions considerations from class rank to interviews, talent, legacy status, state residency, essays, and extracurriculars. Colleges indicate the level of importance that each item bears in their admissions process (ranging from “very important,” to “important,” “considered,” and “not considered”). While the information is not comprehensive—for instance, understanding that a school values extracurricular activities does not tell us what kind of involvement the school looks for—it can be a helpful starting point for students as they strategize for the admissions process.

Here’s what the most recent CDS tells us about the admissions criteria top colleges care the most about:

Rigor of Secondary Record

Very Important At Schools Such As : Berkeley , Johns Hopkins , Tulane , UCLA

While many students focus their energy on upping their GPA, it is critical to note that top schools care just as much about the caliber of classes students enroll in. Having a 4.0 means nothing if a student is simply acing the easiest classes available to them. Almost every Ivy League and top school lists the rigor of a student’s academic record as “very important” in their CDS report. As such, students should start enrolling in the most challenging courses available at their school early in their high school careers—whether APs, IBs, or Honors classes. This is particularly important for coursework related to a student’s intended area of study.

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Application Essay

Very Important At Schools Such As : Stanford , Princeton , Brown

The application essay is an important element of a student’s application because it showcases multiple facets of their candidacy—not only can it demonstrate their academic skills through their strong command of language, but it is also an opportunity for students to share the intangible elements of their candidacy such as their talents, personal qualities, and character (all factors that are listed as “very important” alongside the application essay at all of the schools listed above). Students should strive to compose essays that stand out through their creativity and originality, and that authentically represent their distinct voices.

Extracurricular Activities

Very Important At Schools Such As : Dartmouth , Vanderbilt , Yale

For many Ivy League and top schools, what students accomplish outside of the classroom is equally important as what they accomplish in it. Though not explicitly stated in their Common Data Sets, we know from experience that top schools look for students who demonstrate significant involvement in a few key activities rather than superficial participation in many. This depth of commitment indicates that students can balance multiple responsibilities and contribute meaningfully to campus life. Therefore, students should start to hone their passions and identify opportunities for leadership in activities that they are passionate about early in their high school careers.

Character / Personal Qualities

Very Important At Schools Such As : NYU , Notre Dame , Carnegie Mellon

As a part of the holistic application review process, schools evaluate more than students’ on-paper accomplishments—they also care about how a student’s values, personality, and defining characteristics make them a unique fit for their campus community. What intangible qualities are colleges looking for? This largely depends on the school to which students are applying, but the best way to determine which characteristics to highlight is to read about the college’s mission and values and determine where their own personal qualities align. For example, Carnegie Mellon looks for students who demonstrate “leadership, motivation, passion and perseverance, concern and advocacy for others.”


Very Important At Schools Such As : Northeastern , Emory , Amherst

Letters of recommendation offer qualitative information about students’ academic skills and character, whereas numerical values such as GPA, test scores, and class rank provide quantitative information. They are particularly important because they are the only element of a student’s application that offers a third-party evaluation of students’ skill sets. As such, students should approach these letters with as much strategy and thoughtfulness as other elements of their applications. Every student should select teachers who have thorough knowledge of their academic skills (ideally in the discipline they intend to pursue) and who they have established relationships with over the course of their high school career. Students can also use these recommendations strategically to fill in gaps in their other materials—for instance, if a student struggled academically their junior year, a teacher can attest to their growth and progress over time; or, if a student had a challenging family circumstance, a school counselor can share how they overcame personal difficulties and flourished as a community member and scholar.

Every college has its own unique campus character and institutional values, and thus places emphasis on different elements of students’ applications. Understanding which criteria are particularly important to the schools to which they are applying will help students prepare thoughtfully and strategically throughout their high school careers, ensuring that they enter the application season with confidence and preparation.

Christopher Rim

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  1. Don't Sweat the Supp Stuff: Advice for Crafting Your Supplemental Essay

    The supplemental essay portion of the application is specific to each school. Each institution has intentionally crafted a question (or multiple) to help determine whether a student might be a good match. ... Office of Undergraduate Admissions Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles St., Mason Hall Baltimore, MD 21218-2683. GPS address - do ...

  2. Essays That Worked

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  3. Application Deadlines & Requirements

    Class of 2028 Supplemental Essay Prompt. Tell us about an aspect of your identity (e.g., race, gender, sexuality, religion, community, etc.) or a life experience that has shaped you as an individual and how that influenced what you'd like to pursue in college at Hopkins. ... Office of Undergraduate Admissions Johns Hopkins University 3400 N ...

  4. How to Write the Johns Hopkins University Essay 2023-2024

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  5. Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essays (2023-24) Prompts and Advice

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  6. How to Write the Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay

    That will give your reader a sense of where you're coming from and how it relates to the interests you want to pursue at Johns Hopkins. As you write, try to avoid these common mistakes: Mistake #1: Writing about the school's size, location, reputation, weather, or ranking. Mistake #2: Simply using emotional language to demonstrate fit.

  7. Johns Hopkins University 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    Johns Hopkins University 2023-24 Application Essay Question Explanations. *Please note: the information below relates to last year's essay prompts. As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! The Requirements: 1 essay of 300 words. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Why.

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  9. Johns Hopkins University 2021-22 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

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  10. How to Write the Johns Hopkins University Supplemental Essay 2019-2020

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  11. 4 Tips for Writing a Johns Hopkins Essay That Works

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  12. 2 Successful Johns Hopkins Essay Examples

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  13. Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

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  14. Application Workshop: Supplemental Essay

    Get an inside view on the role of the supplemental essay within the college application. We'll analyze and compare supplemental essay excerpts to show you how to strengthen your own writing in the college process. ... Office of Undergraduate Admissions Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles St., Mason Hall Baltimore, MD 21218-2683. GPS ...

  15. Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essays

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  16. College Planning Guide

    From selecting admissions plan to writing your supplemental essay, you'll have the answers you need to craft your application. ... Office of Undergraduate Admissions Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles St., Mason Hall Baltimore, MD 21218-2683. GPS address - do not use for mail. 3101 Wyman Park Drive Baltimore, MD 21218.

  17. Johns Hopkins Essays that Worked

    If you want to read more Johns Hopkins supplemental essay examples, make sure you check out Undergraduate Admissions Johns Hopkins essays that worked. This year, they have six Johns Hopkins supplemental essay examples written by students from the class of 2025, so there's no shortage of Johns Hopkins essay examples for you to review.

  18. Reflection on "fit" and the "why" essay

    r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. ... Here is the JHU supplemental essay prompt: "Founded in the spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages ...

  19. Johns Hopkins University 2020-21 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    Johns Hopkins University 2020-2021 Application Essay Question Explanations. *Please note: the information below relates to last year's essay prompts. As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! The Requirements: 1 essay of 300-400 words. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Community.

  20. Johns Hopkins University Essays Guide: 2021-2022

    If you need help crafting your Johns Hopkins supplemental essays, create your free account or schedule a no-cost advising consultation by calling (844) 505-4682. Johns Hopkins Essay Guide Quick Facts: Johns Hopkins University has an acceptance rate of 9%— U.S. News ranks Johns Hopkins as a most selective school.

  21. Johns Hopkins University 2019-20 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! The Requirements: 1 essay of 300-400 words. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Collaboration. Known for its competitive science programs, Johns Hopkins poses a question that is rare in the world of undergraduate admissions but abounds on medical school ...

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  23. How to Apply

    Here's what you need to apply on time and with confidence. We want to understand who you are and how you'll thrive in our community. The application is your opportunity to tell your story and explain how your achievements and values align with Hopkins. Learn more about our deadlines, requirements, and what we look for in applicants, so you ...

  24. What We Look For

    We typically find this in your supplemental essay, personal statement, and overall application. ... Office of Undergraduate Admissions Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles St., Mason Hall Baltimore, MD 21218-2683. GPS address - do not use for mail. 3101 Wyman Park Drive Baltimore, MD 21218.

  25. The Admissions Criteria That Top Schools Really Care About

    Very Important At Schools Such As: Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, Tulane, UCLA While many students focus their energy on upping their GPA, it is critical to note that top schools care just as much about ...