1. Hong kong PhD fellowship scheme 2024/25

    find a phd in hong kong

  2. Prestigious new scholarships at HK$1.56m for world-class PhD candidates

    find a phd in hong kong

  3. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Summer Workshop for PhD in Architecture

    find a phd in hong kong

  4. Best Countries for PhD

    find a phd in hong kong

  5. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    find a phd in hong kong

  6. Hong Kong PhD Opportunities and some common Questions and answers

    find a phd in hong kong


  1. 振華26重載船幫忙搬運十台ARMGC輪胎式門式機離開高雄開往台中港

  2. PhD Student Sharing by Alexander ZHOU at HKUST Engineering Info Webinar

  3. HKU

  4. Professors From Afar: Professor Mee-Len Chye

  5. የ PhD ስኮላርሽፕ ዕድል በHong Kong

  6. 2023 Hong Kong Young Scientist Award Finals