Short Essay

Save Girl Child Essay – 100, 500, 1000 Words, 10 Lines

Save Girl Child Essay: Delve into the urgent and compelling discourse on gender equality and empowerment through this insightful essay on saving the girl child. Explore the societal challenges, implications, and potential solutions, shedding light on the importance of fostering a supportive environment for girls and advocating for their rights and opportunities.

Short Essay on Save Girl Child in 100 Words

Also See – Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay – 100, 500, 1000 Words & 10 Lines

Table of Contents

Save Girl Child Essay in 10 Lines in English

Addressing the critical issue of gender imbalance, this essay advocates for saving the girl child by examining societal challenges, emphasizing empowerment, and proposing solutions in a succinct 10-line exploration.

  • The “Save Girl Child” initiative is a crucial social cause advocating for gender equality.
  • Female feticide and infanticide pose significant threats to the girl child’s survival.
  • Discrimination against girls denies them opportunities for education and personal growth.
  • Empowering girls through education and awareness is essential for societal progress.
  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (means save girl child and educate girl child) scheme was launched on 22 January 2015 by Narendra Modi for the welfare of women.
  • Eradicating gender stereotypes fosters a more inclusive environment for girls to thrive.
  • Celebrating the birth of a girl and promoting equal rights contribute to social change.
  • Addressing economic disparities and providing financial aid can uplift girl children.
  • Educating communities on the value of the girl child helps break deep-rooted biases.
  • Collective efforts are crucial to building a society where every girl child is cherished, protected, and given equal opportunities.

Short Essay on Save Girl Child in 100 Words

Explore the urgent need for gender equality and the empowerment of girls in this concise Save Girl Child Essay, addressing societal challenges and advocating for a more inclusive and supportive environment.

The “Save Girl Child” initiative is paramount in addressing gender inequality. Female feticide and discrimination pose threats to the girl child’s survival and development. By empowering girls through education, eradicating stereotypes, and promoting awareness, we can foster a more inclusive society.

Celebrating the birth of a girl and implementing government policies are crucial steps. Economic support and breaking deep-rooted biases contribute to social change.

Education on the girl child’s value and collective efforts are essential for creating a world where every girl is cherished and given equal opportunities.

Save Girl Child Essay in English in 500 Words

Dive into a comprehensive exploration of the imperative to ‘Save Girl Child’ in this 500-word essay, addressing societal challenges, advocating for gender equality, and proposing impactful solutions.

The “Save Girl Child” campaign is a poignant call to action against gender-based discrimination. In a world where girls often face the threat of female foeticide and societal neglect, this initiative strives to reshape perspectives and secure the well-being of the girl child.

The root of the issue lies in deep-seated patriarchal norms that perpetuate gender bias. Female foeticide, the deliberate abortion of female fetuses, reflects a disturbing preference for male children. This practice not only denies girls the right to life but perpetuates a cycle of gender imbalance. Consequently, societies face numerous challenges, including a skewed sex ratio and a lack of diversity.

To address this critical issue, it is essential to understand the multifaceted aspects of the “Save Girl Child” initiative. One pivotal element is education. Providing girls with access to quality education is not only a fundamental right but also a catalyst for societal transformation. Education empowers girls, equipping them with knowledge and skills to break free from the shackles of traditional gender roles. When girls are educated, they contribute significantly to their communities, fostering economic growth and social progress.

Moreover, challenging gender stereotypes is integral to changing societal attitudes towards the girl child. Discriminatory beliefs that perceive girls as liabilities need to be dismantled. Families and communities must recognize the inherent value and potential within every girl, encouraging them to dream big and aspire to any role in society.

The government plays a crucial role in shaping policies that protect and uplift the girl child. Enforcing stringent laws against female foeticide and infanticide is imperative. Simultaneously, promoting initiatives that provide financial aid and incentives for families to educate and support their girl children can be instrumental in breaking the cycle of gender-based discrimination.

Cultural celebrations of the birth of a girl child are equally significant. By changing the narrative and celebrating the arrival of a girl with the same enthusiasm as that of a boy, communities can challenge existing norms and foster an environment where girls feel valued and cherished.

Economic support is another linchpin in the “Save Girl Child” movement. Poverty often exacerbates gender discrimination, as families may view girls as economic burdens. Implementing measures that alleviate financial strains, such as scholarships or employment opportunities, can dismantle this perception and create an environment where families perceive the value of educating and nurturing their girl children.

Breaking down deep-rooted biases requires community-wide awareness campaigns. Education programs that highlight the importance of gender equality, the potential of girls, and the negative consequences of discrimination can challenge societal norms and pave the way for lasting change.

In conclusion, the “Save Girl Child” initiative is a holistic approach to rectifying gender imbalances and discrimination. Through education, legal enforcement, economic support, and cultural shifts, societies can create an environment where every girl child is not only saved but also celebrated, empowered, and given equal opportunities to contribute to the progress of humanity. The journey to save the girl child is a collective responsibility, requiring concerted efforts from individuals, communities, and governments alike.

Save Girl Child Essay in 1000 Words

Embark on an in-depth exploration of the critical ‘Save Girl Child’ initiative in this comprehensive 1000-word essay, unraveling societal challenges, advocating for gender equality, and proposing impactful solutions for the empowerment and protection of girls.

Save Girl Child: A Call to Transform Societal Narratives


The “Save Girl Child” initiative is a crucial endeavor aimed at challenging deep-seated gender biases and fostering an environment where the girl child is not only protected but also empowered. This essay navigates through various facets of this imperative movement, examining societal challenges, advocating for gender equality, and proposing concrete solutions.

Female Foeticide and Infanticide: A Disturbing Preference

This section delves into the alarming practice of female foeticide, analyzing its roots and consequences. It highlights the societal preference for male children, contributing to skewed sex ratios and perpetuating gender-based discrimination.

Education as Empowerment: Breaking the Chains

Education emerges as a pivotal tool for change, empowering girls with knowledge and skills to challenge societal norms. This section explores the transformative impact of education on the girl child and its broader implications for societal progress.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes: Redefining Roles

Breaking down deeply ingrained gender stereotypes is essential for reshaping societal attitudes towards the girl child. This section advocates for a cultural shift that recognizes and celebrates the potential within every girl, allowing them to envision and pursue diverse roles in society.

Government Policies: Enforcing Protection and Support

The role of the government in shaping policies to protect and support the girl child is explored here. From enforcing laws against female foeticide to implementing financial incentives for education, this section emphasizes the need for comprehensive governmental measures.

Cultural Celebrations: Changing the Narrative

Cultural perceptions play a significant role in perpetuating gender bias. This section emphasizes the importance of celebrating the birth of a girl child with the same enthusiasm as that of a boy, challenging existing norms and fostering an environment where girls are valued from the outset.

Economic Support: Alleviating Financial Strains

Poverty often exacerbates gender discrimination, with families viewing girls as economic burdens. This section explores the significance of economic support measures, such as scholarships and employment opportunities, in dismantling perceptions that hinder the education and well-being of the girl child.

Community Awareness: Dismantling Deep-Rooted Biases

Addressing gender bias requires community-wide awareness campaigns. This section advocates for education programs that highlight the importance of gender equality, the potential of girls, and the negative consequences of discrimination, fostering a collective understanding that challenges societal norms.

Conclusion: Transforming Societal Narratives

In conclusion, the “Save Girl Child” initiative transcends rhetoric, demanding actionable steps to transform societal narratives. From legal enforcement and economic support to cultural shifts and community awareness, this essay contends that saving the girl child is not just a movement but a collective responsibility requiring sustained efforts to create a world where every girl is celebrated, empowered, and given equal opportunities to contribute to the progress of humanity.

In the final analysis, the Save Girl Child Essay initiative serves as a compelling call to reshape societal narratives. By challenging gender biases, advocating for education, and fostering cultural change, we can dismantle the deep-rooted norms that threaten the well-being of the girl child. As we collectively strive for legal enforcement, economic support, and community awareness, this movement becomes not just a call to action but a commitment to creating a world where every girl is cherished, protected, and afforded the opportunities she rightfully deserves.

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Save Girl Child Essay

Save girl child is an awareness campaign to save the girl child in India by ensuring their safety as well as to stop the crime against girl child especially female foeticide and gender inequality.

Long and Short Essay on Save Girl Child in English

Women are the most important section of the society and equally participate in the life existence on the earth. However, regular decrease in the sex ratio of female in India because of the crimes against women, it has created the fear of total finish of women. So, it is very necessary to save girl child in order to maintain the ratio of women in India. It has been a most important topic as a social awareness in the Indian society which youths of the country must know about. In order to enhance the writing skill and knowledge of the students, teachers assign them this topic to write only paragraph or complete essay in the classroom, during exam or any competition organized for the essay writing. Following essay on save girl child are especially written for the students. They can choose any save girl child essay according to their need and requirement:

Save Girl Child Essay 1 (100 words)

Girls are equally as important as boys in the society to maintain the social equilibrium. Few years ago, there was huge reduction in the number of women in comparison to the man. It was so because of the increasing crimes against women such as female foeticide, dowry deaths, rape, poverty, illiteracy, gender discrimination and many more. To equalize the number of women in the society, it is very necessary to aware people greatly about the save girl child. Government of India has taken some positive steps regarding save girl child such as protection of women from domestic violence act 2005, ban of female infanticide, immoral traffic (prevention) act, proper education, gender equality, etc.

Save Girl Child

Save Girl Child Essay 2 (150 words)

Save girl child topic has been the focus of attention of everyone all over the India in order to improve the overall social and economic status of women. Following are some initiatives launched by the central or state government regarding save girl child:

  • In order to protect the girl child, a Ladli Scheme was launched and implemented by the Delhi & Haryana Government in 2008. The aim of this scheme was controlling female foeticide as well as improving status of girl child through education and equal gender rights.
  • Sabla Scheme launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2011 aiming to empower adolescent girls through education.
  • Dhanalakshmi Scheme was launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development aiming to provide cash transfer to the family of girl child after birth, registration, and immunization.
  • Kishori Shakti Yojna was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development aiming to improve nutritional and health condition of adolescent girls.
  • Sukanya Samridhi Yojana was launched to ensure equitable share to a girl child by the family.
  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (means save girl child and educate girl child) scheme was launched in 2015 for the welfare of women.

Save Girl Child Essay 3 (200 words)

Save girl child is a most important social awareness topic now-a-days regarding the saving of girl child all through the country. There are various effective measures following which girl child can be saved to a great extent. There is huge level of poverty in the society which is the big reason illiteracy and gender inequality in the Indian society. So, education is the vital element to reduce poverty and gender discrimination as well as improve the status of girl child and woman in the Indian society. According to the statistics, it is found that female literacy is decreasing continuously in Odisha where girl child do not have equal access to the education and other activities.

Education is deeply linked to the employment. Low education means low employment which leads to the poverty and gender inequality in the society. Education is the most effective step forward to improve women status as it makes them financially independent. Save girl child step is taken by the government to ensure the equal rights and opportunities for women in the society. Bollywood actor (Parineeti Chopra) has been an official brand ambassador of the recent scheme of PM for save girl child (Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao).

Save Girl Child Essay 4 (250 words)


The status of girls in the Indian society has been greatly debated for many years. Girls are generally believed to be involved in the cooking and playing with dolls while boys to be involved in the education and other physical activities from the ancient time. Such old beliefs of men have simulated them for violence against women which resulted in the continuous decrease in the number of girl child in the society. So, there is a big need to save girl child in order to equalize the ratio of both as well ensure the development of country.

Effective Steps regarding Save Girl Child

Following are the various effective steps to save girl child:

  • The position of girl child in Indian society is backward since ages because of the extreme desire of parents for the boy-child. It has created gender inequality in the society and has been very necessary to remove by bringing gender equality.
  • Extreme poverty in the society has created social evil against women as dowry system which worsens the situation of women. Parents generally think that girls are only to spend money that’s why they kill girl child before or after birth in many ways (female infanticide, dowry deaths, etc). Such issues need to be removed urgently in order to save girl child.
  • Illiteracy is another issue which can be removed through proper education system for both genders.
  • Empowering women is the most effective tool to save girl child.
  • People should be aware through some effective campaigns regarding save the girl child.
  • A girl child is unsafe inside as well as outside the mother’s womb. She has fear in many ways all through the life with the men whom she gives birth. She is ruled by the men whom she gives birth and it is totally the matter of laugh and shame for us. Education is the best tool to bring revolution of saving and respecting a girl child.
  • A girl child should be given equal access and opportunities in every field.
  • There should be safety and security arrangement for girls at all the public places.
  • Family members of a girl child can be better target to make save the girl child campaign successful.

Save girl child is not taken by the people as topic only, it is a social awareness which should be taken very seriously. People should save girl child and respect girl child as they have power to create a whole world. They are equally needed for the growth and development of any country.

Save Girl Child Essay 5 (300 words)

Girls have been the victim of many crimes in India for years. The most fearful crime was female foeticide in which girls were killed in the womb of mother after sex determination through ultrasound. Save the girl child campaign has been launched by the government to end the gender-selective abortions of female fetus as well as other crimes against girl child.

Effects of Female Foeticide on Girl Child Ratio Reduction

Female foeticide was one of the most fearful acts through sex-selective abortion in the hospital. It was developed in India by the people’s more interest in the boy child than the female child. It has reduced the girl child sex ratio in India to a great extent. It was made possible in the country because of the Ultrasound technology. It took a form of giant demon because of the gender discrimination and inequality for girls in the society. A huge reduction in the female sex ratio was noticed after the national census of 1991. Then it was declared as a worsening problem of the society after the national census of 2001. However, reduction in female population was continued till 2011. Later, this practice was banned strictly by the government in order to control the ratio of female child. In Madhya Pradesh, the ratio was 932 girls/1000 boys in 2001 however reduced to 912/1000 in 2011. It means, it still continues somewhere and may be it reduced to 900/1000 by 2021.

Role of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao awareness Campaign

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao is a scheme which means save the girl child and educate the girl child. This scheme was launched by the government of India on 22 nd of January in 2015 in order to generate awareness for girl child as well as improve the welfare of women. This campaign was launched by organizing some activities such as large rallies, wall paintings, television commercials, billboards, short animations, video films, essay writing, debates, etc in order to aware more people of the society. It also involved some famous celebrities for more awareness. This campaign is supported by the various government and non-government organizations in India. This scheme has played a great role in spreading awareness regarding save girl child all over the county as well as improving the status of girl child in the Indian society.

Each and every citizen of the India must follow all the rules and regulations made for saving the girl child as well as improving the position in the society. Girls should be considered as equal as boys by their parents and given same opportunities in all the working areas.

Save Girl Child Essay 6 (400 words)

The existence of human race on the earth is impossible without the equal participation of both, man and woman. Both are equally responsible for the existence of human race on the earth as well as growth and development of any country. However, there is no doubt in saying that a woman is more necessary than man as without her we cannot think about the continuation of human race as she gives birth to human. So, girl children are not killed, they should be saved, respected and given equal opportunities to go ahead. They are the source of root creation and help in shaping destiny of civilization. However, women have been the victim of female foeticide, rape, sexual harassment, dowry deaths, etc in her own shaped civilization. How shame is this!

Why to Save Girl Child

A girl child should be saved by people in the society for various reasons:

  • They are not less capable than boys in any field and give their best.
  • Female foeticide is illegal crime since 1961 and has been banned in order to stop sex-selective abortions. People should follow all the rules very strictly made to save girl child.
  • Girls become more obedient than boys and have been proved less violent and arrogant.
  • They have been proved much responsible for their family, job, society or country.
  • They become much caring to their parents and devoted to their job.
  • A woman can be a mother, wife, daughter, sister, etc. Every man should think that his wife is daughter of another man and his daughter would be a wife of another man in future. So, everyone must respect a woman in any form.
  • A girl performs her both duties personal as well as professional very loyally which makes her extra special than boys.
  • Girls are the ultimate reason of existence of human race.

Steps taken by Government to Save Girl Child

There are various steps taken by the Indian government regarding save the girl child and educate the girl child. The most recent initiative regarding this is Beti Bachao Beti Padhao which is very actively supported by the Government, NGOs, corporate groups, and human rights activists and NGOS. Various social organizations have helped the campaign by building toilet at girl schools. Crimes against girl child and women are big obstruction in the way of India’s growth and development. Female foeticide was one of the big issues however have been banned by the government by the stoppage of ultrasound for sex determination, scan tests, amniocentesis, etc in the hospitals. Government has taken this step to let people know that a girl child is not a sin in the society however; she is a nice gift by God.

A girl child should not be killed, hated or disrespected. She should be saved, loved and respected for the betterment of society and country. She is as equal participant in the development of country as boys.

Related Information:

Speech on Save Girl Child

Slogans on Save Girl Child

Essay on Female Foeticide

Essay on Women Empowerment

Essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

National Girl Child Day

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme

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Study Paragraphs

Essay on Save Girl Child – Importance & Advantages in Life

The girl child is an important pillar of a developed society. The rights, role and responsibilities of women/girls in the development of country is of high importance. The movements like bet bachao beti pardhao, girls education, save girl child are of essential importance.

Table of Contents

Save Girl Child Essay For Students

Girl child is a blessing. There are some societies where gender discrimination exits till today. Uneducated and illiterate people do not know that girls are equally important for the social equilibrium. In many societies it is observed that women enjoy less rights as compared to men.

Women are considered inferior to men and are treated unfairly. Instead of providing basic rights to women and girls they are degraded, the rate of sexual harassment rape, gender discrimination, female foeticide and dowry death is increasing.

There is increasing female foeticide and girls dropout rate in schools, colleges and universities in many countries. Unfortunately the potential and creative abilities of women and girls are wasted. Due to old dated customs and traditions they are used as tools to cook, wash and do domestic chores.

It is very important to equalize women with men, girls with boys. They must be protected, provided basic rights like proper education, proper health care and proper attention.

There must be gender equality in the society so that girls get chance to succeed and excel in life. Due to inequality and discrimination girls and women are leading a miserable life. Many countries have taken initiatives and steps running several schemes and movements to save and protect girl child.

All countries are collectively working to improve the status of girls in the society by empowering adolescent girls through education and has spread equal gender rights. Specially in India in 2015 a scheme named as “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” means save girl child and educate girl child was launched in order to empower girl and to eliminate gender inequality.

This scheme of prime Minister is a good step to ensure equal rights to women.  Education is the only weapon that can help eliminate gender inequality, improve the status of girl can empower them to face the challenges of life. The decreasing female literacy ratio is downfall of new generation of girls.

It is high time to aware people to save girl child. Girl child is entirely unsafe inside and outside the womb of Mother. She is ruled by the men whom she gives birth. She is made a matter of shame and is disrespected even by the parents.

Girl child is considered a burden, they either abort or kill them in infancy or make them suffer while life. Around 1400 years ago, it had been a custom to bury alive girls in Arab community. With the advent of Islam and spread of knowledge this custom was buried.

Status of women was raised and they were bestowed with all basic rights lead happy, peaceful and prosperous life. Unfortunately that same tradition is being followed these days. Men have got Supremacy over women. The violation of the rights of women and girls is the most discussed issue of the world.

Government must ban gender-selective abortions of female fetus and ban all crimes against girl child. There must be law to punish those who kill girl child.

Those involved in female foeticide must be treated accordingly so that girl child get equal rights at home and out of the home. The government of India has banned the sex determination through ultrasound in hospitals. It has reduced the rate of female foeticide which was a big issue.

Girl child must be saved because they are less competent or capable than boys. They can work like boys and can be responsible to their family and country. All girls of today are mothers of tomorrow. If they will be respected, cared, and treated fairly today, they will make us respected and honored tomorrow.

Girls are the only medium of existence of human race. The continuity of human race on earth is with these girls whom we degrade and treat unfairly. Save girls because they are equally participate in the development and progress of the society and nation.

Beti bachao beti padhao yojana

The BETI BACAHO BETI PADHAO YOJANA is a campaign of Indian government. The wordy meaning of this scheme is “Save the daughter, educate the daughter”. This campaign aim to save girl child and educate girl child all over the India. This campaign was initiated on 22 nd January 2015 at panipat.

It is a tri-ministerial program, three ministries of India are involved in the propagation of this campaign. The three ministries include Women and child Development, Health and Family welfare and Human Resource Development.

The BHARATIYA JANAT PARATY has formed the national executive committee of this campaign across the country. This campaign is also supported by the Indian Medical Association.

There are two reasons behind the initiation of this program they are Lowering child sex ratio and curbing the crime against women. There was a huge drop in the female population of India because of abortion of female foeticide and discrimination against girl infants.

The sex selective abortion of female fortitude is strictly banned and prohibited throughout the India. The reduction of the female population in many Indian states was worsening and ratio of women in the last two census  dropped significantly. Specially in the national census of 2011 women ratio declined largely. This campaign is full fledged supported throughout the India, it covers all states of India.

Main objectives of Beti bachao beti padhao yojana 

Three primary objectives of this campaign are as under.

  • Prevention of female infanticide
  • Developing new schemes to ensure that every girl child is secured and protected.
  • Providing quality education to every girl child.

In last ten decades social abuses and orthodox rituals like female foeticide, child marriage and domestic abuse are obstacles to implement the scheme.

In spite of all efforts the mindset of people remains conservative, still the dowry system is the main obstacle to help implement rules of this scheme. This scheme of prime Minister has helped to uplift the status of girl child in the society. This scheme will help in the economic growth of the nation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for the eradication of female foeticide and suggested different ways to tackle the issue. Several strategies have been developed and designed to save girl child and educate girl child. A sustained social mobilization and communication to value the girl child is introduced throughout India.

The critical districts of India are focused for the intensive and integrated action. Different programs are planned to engage with communities to challenge gender stereotypes and social norms.

The Indian media has helped implement this scheme fully. Celebrating girl child has become a trend in India. As the most important objective and aim of this campaign is to ensure that girls are born, nurtured and educated without discrimination to become empowered citizens of India with equal rights.

The media is disseminating information about the issue across the nation. This issue is also being propagated through social media. Apart from it YouTube channel BBBP has been launched to have information of the issue and access of videos regarding child sex ratio. The videos at YouTube are generating awareness among people.

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Short Essay: Save Girl Child

“Save Girl Child” is a crucial social initiative aimed at combating gender-based discrimination and promoting the rights and welfare of girls in various parts of the world, particularly in countries where they face severe inequalities. Writing a short essay on this topic requires sensitivity, awareness, and a balanced approach. This guide will walk you through the steps to craft a concise, impactful essay that advocates for this important cause.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title : Choose a compelling title that immediately captures the essence of your message, such as “Empowering Futures: The Urgent Need to Save Girl Children.”

Body of the Essay

Efforts and Solutions :

Save Girl Child Essay Example #1

The practice of gender discrimination and female infanticide continues to plague our society, posing a grave threat to the lives and rights of girls. Saving the girl child is not only a matter of gender equality but also vital for the overall progress and well-being of society. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of this issue, its causes, and potential solutions.

Several factors contribute to this issue. The dowry system, preference for male heirs, and economic considerations play a significant role. Overcoming these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach. Raising awareness about the importance of gender equality and the rights of girls is crucial. Education and sensitization campaigns can challenge deep-rooted beliefs and change societal attitudes.

Save Girl Child Essay Example #2

The girl child is a precious asset to any society, yet gender discrimination and the practice of female foeticide continue to threaten their lives and rights. Saving the girl child is not only a matter of social justice but also essential for sustainable development. This essay aims to shed light on the significance of this issue, delve into its underlying causes, examine its consequences, and propose effective strategies to address and mitigate this pressing concern.

The consequences of gender discrimination are multifaceted and impact individuals, families, and societies at large. Girls who face discrimination often experience limited access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, hindering their personal growth and potential. Gender imbalance caused by female foeticide and neglect of girl children disrupts the social fabric, leading to a shortage of potential wives for men and increased violence against women. Moreover, denying girls their rights perpetuates cycles of poverty, limits economic growth, and hampers social progress.

Save Girl Child Essay Example #3

The practice of gender discrimination and female infanticide remains a distressing reality in many parts of the world, posing a significant threat to the lives and rights of girls. Saving the girl child is a critical endeavour that requires urgent attention and action. This essay aims to explore the importance of addressing this issue, examine its root causes, discuss its ramifications on society, and propose effective strategies to safeguard the lives and well-being of girls.

Saving the girl child is essential for achieving gender equality and fostering inclusive societies. Girls have the right to equal opportunities, education, and a life free from discrimination and violence. Empowering girls not only benefits them individually but also contributes to the overall progress of communities and nations. When girls are educated and enabled to exercise their rights, they become agents of change, breaking the cycle of poverty and paving the way for sustainable development.

The consequences of gender discrimination and female infanticide are far-reaching and detrimental to both individuals and society. Gender imbalance created by these practices leads to a scarcity of potential partners and increases the risk of violence against women. Denying girls access to education and opportunities limits their potential and hampers societal progress. Additionally, the loss of girl children perpetuates cycles of poverty and deprives societies of their contributions. It is imperative to recognize that gender discrimination not only violates human rights but also impedes social and economic development.

Saving the girl child is an urgent imperative that demands collective efforts to dismantle gender discrimination and ensure the rights and well-being of girls. By challenging cultural norms, promoting education, and providing equal opportunities, we can create a society where every girl is valued, protected, and empowered to reach her full potential. Let us work together to nurture equality and build a brighter future for all.

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essay save girl child paragraph


Essay on Save Girl Child: Empowering the Future, One Daughter at a Time in English for Students Exams

January 14, 2024 entranciology Full Essays and Articles For All Competitive Exams 0

The phrase “Save Girl Child” encapsulates a crucial call to action aimed at addressing the widespread issue of female foeticide and gender-based discrimination. In many parts of the world, including India, the birth of a girl child is often met with societal biases and prejudices, leading to practices that undermine the value of female lives. It is imperative to recognize the importance of saving and nurturing the girl child to build a society that upholds equality, justice, and the potential for greatness in every individual.

Female Foeticide and Gender Imbalance

The practice of female foeticide, where female fetuses are selectively aborted due to a preference for male children, remains a significant issue in various societies. This practice not only deprives girls of the right to life but also contributes to a skewed gender ratio, creating long-term societal imbalances.

Education as Empowerment

Saving the girl child involves not only preserving her life but also providing equal opportunities for education. Education is a powerful tool that empowers girls, enabling them to break the chains of ignorance and contribute meaningfully to society. When girls are educated, they become catalysts for positive change, driving progress in their communities and beyond.

Eradicating Discrimination and Stereotypes

Societal attitudes and stereotypes often perpetuate discrimination against girls. Challenging these stereotypes and fostering an environment where girls are treated with respect and given equal opportunities are crucial steps in saving the girl child. Breaking down gender-based biases opens doors to a more inclusive and just society.

Healthcare and Nutrition

Ensuring the well-being of girl children involves providing adequate healthcare and nutrition. Access to proper healthcare facilities, nutrition, and sanitation are essential for the physical and mental development of girls. A healthy girl child grows into a capable and productive member of society.

Legal Protection and Empowerment

Legal frameworks play a vital role in protecting the rights of the girl child. Stringent laws against female foeticide, child marriage, and other forms of gender-based violence are crucial. Empowering girls through legal protection ensures that they can grow up in a safe and supportive environment.

Community Awareness and Sensitization

Saving the girl child requires widespread community awareness and sensitization programs. These initiatives aim to challenge deep-rooted biases, promote gender equality, and encourage communities to value and celebrate the birth of a girl child. Changing societal perceptions is fundamental to fostering a culture that embraces diversity.

Economic Independence

Economic independence is a key factor in empowering the girl child. By providing opportunities for skill development, vocational training, and employment, girls can become financially self-reliant. Economic empowerment not only enhances their status within the family but also contributes to the overall economic growth of the community.

Saving the girl child is not just a slogan; it is a commitment to building a society that respects the inherent worth and potential of every individual, regardless of gender. The empowerment of girls is an investment in the future, as educated, healthy, and empowered girls grow into women who contribute significantly to the well-being and progress of their communities. By dismantling discriminatory practices and fostering a culture of equality, we can ensure that every girl child has the opportunity to fulfill her potential and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.

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Essay On Save Girl Child for Students and Children In English

Life on earth can never exist without the right balance of women and men. Any aspect of human existence would be impossible unless there is an equal participation of the two genders.

Both of them are responsible for the survival of the race of humans on this planet. Men and women are also required for the proper growth and development of a country.

Table of Contents

Save Girl Child Essay In English

Essay On Save Girl Child

However, it can’t be denied that a woman’s existence is much more necessary than a man’s. Without women, we can’t think of carrying forth our existence. In order to prevent the entire race of human beings from becoming extinct, we need more and more women.

If you’ve been asked to write an essay on ‘save girl child’ , we’ll help you with the points you’d need to cover in it. Scroll down to read more on this.

Girl child should be saved in India

One can’t deny the universally acknowledged fact that girls are a necessary part of the human society. But due to the constant declining sex ratio of women that are a result of the atrocities done against women, the female gender is already going through an existential crisis, especially in developing countries like India.

In order to maintain a proper ratio of boys against girls, the country has to save girl child. In the Indian society, this has become one of the most sensitive issues of recent times. However, there are lots of NGOs and other organizations that now fight for the rights of women and initiate the ‘save girl child’ campaigns.

India has been home to this extremely sad practice of aborting girl child before its birth. Girls should be saved and they should be blessed with equal opportunity and respect to move forward in life.

The biggest reason for saving girls is that the entire destiny of the civilization lies in the hands of women as without them; there is no creation of new life.

Saving girl child

Since time immemorial, girls have been subject to different types of atrocious and heinous crimes and discrimination in countries like India. Among them, the most horrific one is female feticide.

Here, girls are killed when they are inside the womb of their mother so that the mother doesn’t give birth to a girl child. An ultrasound is done where the doctor used to tell the gender of the baby and it was then that mean-minded people committed this crime.

Among the various vices of the society, one of the biggest one is the constant desire among households to have a boy. In India, women strive to become an ideal daughter, wife, sister and mother. But as long as relatives are concerned, they will never want that girl to be called his blood relation.

Apart from these reasons, there are several other social evils that have been stemmed within the Indian society due to which parents try their best to avoid giving birth to a girl child. Besides female feticide, dowry deaths have also led to the death of thousands of women.

Girls and their capabilities

The present India that we live in doesn’t like to create gender discriminations by assigning gender roles. There’s nothing that a man can do and that a woman can’t.

In fact girls are way ahead of boys in several fields. Despite that there is the illiterate community that prefer a boy so that he could carry forward their family’s legacy and play a role in earning the bread for the family.

Girls have been striving hard to prove the fact that they can be even better than boys in certain fields. Thanks to their dedication and hard work that they have also been to space and contributed a lot to the NASA.

Girls tend to be more obedient, talented, responsible and hardworking and hence they are great family makers too. Girls are more caring and they tend to love their parents much more than the boys. Whatever they do, they give in their 100%.

Government participation of the ‘Save Girl Child’ campaign

In order to save girl child, the Indian government has already taken several initiatives like launching campaigns to save girls. Among the latest initiatives taken by the government of India, Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao are the most recent ones.

The government actively began this campaign in order to involve many people who could save the girl child. Besides, there are several companies, NGOs, corporate firms and human rights commission that also run different campaigns to save girl child.

The crime that is done against women is said to be the biggest obstacle to the growth and development of India, as a nation. Nevertheless, the government gives utmost importance to these problems.

Like for example, for abolishing crimes like female feticide, they have banned the entire process of determining sex before the birth of the child, scan tests in labs and hospitals and amniocentesis. Such steps are taken keeping in mind the fact that girls are never a burden on Earth but they are a gift of God.

Impact of Female Feticide

The total number of girls against boys is reducing drastically due to female feticide. To fuel the strong desire to have a son, people often sacrifice the lives of their unborn daughters.

Moreover, female feticide is considered a huge legal crime since 1961 and there was legal provision to punish the couple that committed this crime. Not only that, there is also a provision of punishing the chambers and doctors that conducted the sex determination exam.

Girls have always been able to handle duties perfectly well in their households. Whether the woman is working or is a homemaker, she has been able to juggle different tasks and excel in multi-tasking. After knowing all these, it is really a mystery about why couples always look forward to having a son.

A girl child deserves equal life as a boy and she should be respected and loved by all. They’ve already proven their worth and hence they should be considered as equal to boys in any field.

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Essay on Save Girl Child for Students and Children in 1100 Words

Today we will discuss on an Essay on Save Girl Child for Students and Children in 1100 Words. It includes causes, initiatives for saving, Govt. Programs and schemes on Save Girl.

Lets start this persuasive – Essay on Save Girl Child…

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Save Girl Child – 1300 W)

However, some shocking News is that the girls born in that dynasty had killed and buried in their backyard and plant a rose in resemblance. What a shocking incident that had taken in place around a few centuries back.

In the year 2015, the Minister of women and Child Development had stated that 2000 children were killed every day, with many slain before and after birth. This may be a historical problem of prevalence of Dowry menace, which is a menace or evil, leading to the deaths of girls at the fetus stage or after.

Causes to Save the Girl Child

Girl Child is no lesser to boys in any field; Females are more obedient than boys and have proved more obedient and less violent comparative with the boys.

Major steps to save the Precious Girls on earth

If we educate the girl , she can live on herself and may end the major havoc and practice. Making women for the empowerment of themselves and girl in particular.

Steps started by the Government to Save Girl Child

They contribute some NGOs for building toilets to enhance hygienic health ; Crimes against women will lead to society destruction to eradicate stringent campaigns are planned and organized. Female feticide was one of the major issues; however, this is banned by the government. Govt. is promoting the girl child with the most top priority and not the Curse to the Society.

Role of Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao initiative

Schemes promoting save girl child in india.

Sukanya Samridhi Yozana for ensuring fair share by the family towards the GC. To protect the girl child, Ladli scheme was launched by the Delhi & Haryana governments for controlling female feticide and improving education and equal gender rights.

UNESCO Initiative for Save Girl Child

The Challenges and opportunities worldwide are that over 130 million girls are out of school, 600 million adolescent girls who will enter the labor shortly and over 90% are living in developing countries this should be abolished with the continuous effort by the developed countries, UNO and the concerned countries.

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Essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao for Students and Children

500+ words essay on beti bachao beti padhao.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated a scheme for girls called Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. It is to save the girl child and educate the girl child all over India. The program was started on the 22nd of January, 2015 at Panipat . This scheme was initiated first especially in Haryana because this state has a very low female sex ratio (775/1000) all over the country. It has been effectively applied in a hundred districts across the country. It is to improve the status of girls in the country.

essay on beti bachao beti padhao

Aim of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme

The aim of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is to stop the drop in girl child sex ratio. Therefore, it will encourage women’s empowerment in order to improve women status in the country. It is a tri-ministerial initiative of the following ministries:

  • Women and Child Development
  • Health and Family Welfare
  • Human Resource Development

Reasons for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Initiative

Two main reasons for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao initiative are:

Low child-sex ratio called for the launch of the scheme

The Child Sex Ratio (CSR) census data for 0-6 years was 933 girls per 1,000 boys in 2001, which declined to 918 girls for every 1,000 boys in 2011. UNICEF in 2012 Reported that India ranked 41st among 195 countries. A 2011 Population Census revealed that the population ratio of India in 2011 was 943 females per 1000 of males. The Sex Ratio 2011, however, indications an upward trend from the census 2001 data.

Crime against Women on the rise

Aborting of female foeticide by post ultrasonic testing. Thus this type of discrimination against girl infants resulted in a huge drop in the female population. Also, crimes and sex abuse, so on, have been on a constant high.

Back in the year 2014, Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi spoke on the event of International Day of the Girl Child. He highlighted on the abolition of female foeticide and asked suggestions from the Indian citizens on portal.

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Primary Objective of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ is a collaborative initiative of the government of India. Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare started this scheme. It covers all Indian states and union territories.

The scheme has three primary objectives

  • Prevent female infanticide.
  • Develop new schemes and work collaboratively to ensure that every girl child is secured and protected.
  • Ensure every girl child gets a quality education.

Difficulties in Implementing Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme having difficulty to gain momentum. This is due to the following facts.

  • Social abuses and orthodox rituals like female foeticide, Sati, child marriage and domestic abuse obstruct the due execution of this scheme.
  • The government machinery and the police are, however, to get the magnitude of women atrocities seriously. This also weakens the effective implementation of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme.
  • The mindset of people remains conservative besides the numerous campaigns spreading awareness among people.
  • The scheme needs civic body support to achieve the objectives of the scheme.
  • The Dowry system is the main obstacles in the successful implementation and impact of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme

Impact of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme

It is important to look for the benefit that ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’, is India’s most high profile campaign. It is to empower the girl child in the country. Some major impacts are-

  • Balancing sex ratios
  • Bringing girl child rights into focus
  • Achieving girl-child access to education

The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is an initiative by the Government of India to address the issues revolving around girl children in India. This initiative under the scheme have started giving fruit as the level of awareness among the people is increasing.

Therefore, people now have a serious impact to work for girl child upliftment in society. The success of this scheme will add tremendously to the economic growth of the country. This is due to the fact that India cannot afford to have a large part of its population remain neglected.

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Essay on “Save Girl Child”

Save girl child.

Let’s start the essay on save girl child….

Quote – We don’t need slogans to save a girl child. Save here because she deserves to live.

Outlines of the Essay

Introduction to the topic- Save Girl Child

Female foeticide/infanticide, prejudice against the girl in society, women empowerment, conclusion of the essay.

Save Girl Child

Our country India is stained by the rates of killing girls. The Indian soap ‘ Na Aana is Desh meri Laado ‘ clearly depicted the social evils of the society. Indian society has always misinterpreted the birth of a girl child as a burden, as a curse. Even in our society, when someone elder generally blesses a mother or a woman, he or she is most likely to say that may God bless you with a son. The society completely has been blinded by orthodoxy and has lost rationality.

Keep Reading this Beautiful essay on save girl child.. ..

The killing of a baby girl in the womb itself, when it’s just a foetus is called female foeticide.

Similarly, the killing of the baby girl is called female infanticide.

It’s generally the society, the family, the patriarch who does this crime. Hence nowadays, doing gender identification tests through medical assistance is also banned.

But in the lands where people see girls as curses, such practices continues to exist.

Kerala has the highest sex ratio out of all states, while Haryana had the least as per the last census. Haryana government though claims to have become better with initiatives. Still these statistical countings are just a number, there’s more trauma than this to the real picture.

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Women are always referred to as the weaker sex. They are often deprived of the equal opportunities that men get. They are often locked in the domestic space and that leads to their illiteracy, inefficiency, financial dependency etc.

Dowry is another social problem which is a result of all and eventually leads to all of them.

Girls are expected to be meek, quiet and humble, though doesn’t matter how the world treats them, how the world ridicules their existence and even justifies that by saying that women are curses anyway, and social burdens.

Women don’t need the tag “that we are mothers, sisters, daughters’ to get themselves empowerment. Women are individuals first, these are the social roles that they play, but is it all about them?

Aren’t they worthy of living without being called daughters, sisters or mothers? These ideas are more disempowering, I believe.

What could redeem women of their lives is education, exposure and fearlessness. Well, fearlessness comes from power, and power comes from knowledge, education, financial independence. Women need to work harder, to fight for their voices, etc. It’s easy to kill them, it takes nothing but a monstrosity. But it’s empowering them that takes it, guts, energy, humanity everything.

India is one of the worst countries for women, women have always been sexually threatened, beaten down in rooms, shut, locked in domesticity etc. Also, that’s why killing them when they are babies doesn’t hurt them. There’s a need for society to change, for people to get out of their cages, live and let them live. And hence, the soil weeps o re chiraiya angna me fir aaja re.

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Essay on Save Girl Child

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essay save girl child paragraph

In a world brimming with diversity and progress, the call to action resonates louder than ever: "Save Girl Child." This rallying cry encapsulates a profound plea for the preservation and empowerment of the female demographic, echoing across cultures, societies, and generations. The stark reality of gender-based discrimination persists, casting a shadow on the potential and contributions of half of our global population. The essay "Save Girl Child" delves into the multifaceted dimensions of this poignant issue, exploring the roots of gender bias, its pervasive impact on society, and the imperative for collective efforts to dismantle barriers obstructing the path to gender equality.

The birth of a girl child should be celebrated with the same enthusiasm as that of a boy, yet societal norms and deep-seated prejudices often conspire to rob these celebrations of their genuine joy. Discrimination against girls, from prenatal stages through adolescence and into adulthood, manifests in various forms – from female feticide and infanticide to limited educational opportunities and restricted career choices. This essay endeavors to unravel the layers of this complex problem, shedding light on the historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors that perpetuate gender disparities.

Beyond the moral imperative, there are practical reasons to advocate for the salvation of girl children. The socio-economic development of any society is intricately linked to the well-being and empowerment of its female population. Investing in the education and health of girls not only uplifts individual lives but also ripples through communities, catalyzing positive change on a broader scale. The essay on "Save Girl Child" serves as a call to arms, urging individuals, communities, and nations to break free from the shackles of gender bias and build a world where every girl child is cherished, educated, and allowed to thrive. Through a comprehensive exploration of this critical subject, the essay seeks to inspire collective action and sow the seeds of a future where the girl child is not just saved but revered as an indispensable force in shaping a brighter, more equitable world.

Why is the Essay on Save Girl Child Important for Your Exams?

The "Save Girl Child" essay is crucial for exams because it addresses a significant real-world issue that affects our society. It talks about the importance of treating girls with respect and giving them equal opportunities. Exams often test not just our knowledge but also our understanding of the world around us, and this topic reflects that.

By writing about saving the girl child, you show that you are aware of the challenges girls face, like discrimination and limited opportunities. It demonstrates your ability to think about social issues critically. Moreover, exams often evaluate your communication skills and crafting an essay on this topic allows you to express your thoughts clearly.

This essay can also highlight your awareness of the broader impact of gender discrimination on society. It's not just about passing an exam; it's about encouraging a mindset that values equality and fairness. So, including this topic in your exam preparations not only helps you score well but also contributes to creating a more aware and empathetic society. In essence, the "Save Girl Child" essay is not just a test of your writing skills; it's an opportunity to showcase your understanding of social issues and your commitment to positive change.

Long and Short Essay on Save Girl Child

Essay on save girl child 1 (100 words) .

Girls play an equally important role as boys in maintaining balance in society. A few years ago, the number of women decreased compared to men due to various crimes against them, like female foeticide, dowry deaths, rape, poverty, and gender discrimination. To restore balance, it's crucial to raise awareness about saving the girl child. The Indian government has taken positive steps, such as the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, banning female infanticide, the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, promoting education, and advocating for gender equality. These efforts aim to ensure a fair and secure environment for girls, fostering a society where both genders thrive.

Essay on Save Girl Child 2 (150 words)

The "Save Girl Child" topic has gained widespread attention across India, aiming to enhance the overall social and economic status of women. Various initiatives have been introduced by both central and state governments to address this important issue:

The Ladli Scheme, initiated by the Delhi and Haryana Governments in 2008, focuses on curbing female foeticide and improving the status of girl children through education and gender equality.

The Sabla Scheme, launched in 2011 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, aims to empower adolescent girls by providing education opportunities.

The Dhanalakshmi Scheme, introduced in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, focuses on offering cash transfers to families with newborn girls and encouraging birth registration and immunization.

The Kishori Shakti Yojna, implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, strives to enhance the nutritional and health conditions of adolescent girls.

The Sukanya Samridhi Yojana was launched to ensure a fair share for a girl child within the family.

The Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme, initiated in 2015, underscores the importance of saving and educating the girl child, promoting their welfare. These initiatives collectively represent a concerted effort to uplift and safeguard the status of girls in society.

Essay on Save Girl Child 3 (200 words) 

"Save Girl Child" is a critical social awareness topic in our country, emphasizing the need to protect and empower girls. Implementing effective measures is crucial to ensure the well-being of girl children throughout the nation. Education plays a pivotal role in this endeavor, as it is closely linked to employment. Insufficient education can lead to limited job opportunities, contributing to poverty and gender inequality. Empowering girls through education is a significant stride toward improving their status, and fostering financial independence.

The government has undertaken the "Save Girl Child" initiative to secure equal rights and opportunities for women in society. This effort is vital in breaking down barriers and promoting gender equality. Recognizing the importance of this cause, Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra has become the official brand ambassador for the recent government scheme, "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao," further amplifying the message of saving and educating the girl child. Through these combined efforts, we can strive to create a society where every girl's child is valued, educated, and provided with the opportunities she deserves.

Essay on Save Girl Child 4 (250 words) 

The status of girls in Indian society has long been a subject of debate, with traditional beliefs assigning them domestic roles, while boys were favored for education and physical activities. Unfortunately, these antiquated beliefs have fueled violence against women, resulting in a declining number of girl children. To rectify this imbalance and ensure the country's development, it is imperative to save the girl child.

Effective Steps Regarding Save Girl Child:

Gender equality is vital to eliminate the historical backwardness of the girl child in Indian society.

Social evils like the dowry system, stemming from extreme poverty, contribute to the mistreatment of women and must be urgently addressed.

Illiteracy exacerbates the issue and can be tackled through a comprehensive education system for both genders.

Empowering women emerges as a potent tool in the quest to save the girl child.

Public awareness campaigns play a crucial role in educating people about the importance of saving the girl child.

Safety measures, both inside and outside the womb, are essential for the well-being of girl children.

Equal access and opportunities for girls in every field are indispensable.

Robust safety arrangements for girls in public places are imperative.

Targeting family members is crucial for the success of the Save Girl Child campaign.


Save Girl Child is not just a topic but a critical social awareness initiative that demands serious consideration. Respecting and saving the girl child is not only a moral duty but a necessity for societal progress. Girls possess the power to shape the world, and their equal contribution is indispensable for the growth and development of any country. It is time to recognize the significance of the girl child and actively work towards creating a world where they are valued, respected, and given the opportunities they rightfully deserve.

Essay on Save Girl Child 5 (300 words)

In India, girls have long been victims of various crimes, with female foeticide standing out as a particularly dreadful act. The termination of female fetuses through sex-selective abortions, often determined by ultrasound, has prompted the government to launch the "Save the Girl Child" campaign. This initiative aims not only to curb gender-selective abortions but also to address other crimes against girl children.

Effects of Female Foeticide on Girl-Child Ratio Reduction:

Female foeticide, primarily carried out through sex-selective abortions facilitated by ultrasound technology, has significantly reduced the girl-child sex ratio in India. This harmful practice emerged from societal preferences for male children. The use of ultrasound technology exacerbated the problem, turning it into a formidable issue of gender discrimination and inequality against girls.

A stark decline in the female sex ratio was observed after the national census of 1991, and the problem persisted, becoming more pronounced in the 2001 census. The government took strict measures to ban this practice, yet the reduction in the female population continued until 2011. In Madhya Pradesh, for instance, the ratio dropped from 932 girls per 1000 boys in 2001 to 912/1000 in 2011, indicating that the issue persists, possibly further reducing to 900/1000 by 2021.

Role of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Awareness Campaign:

The Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme, launched on January 22, 2015, by the Government of India, advocates for saving and educating the girl child. This initiative includes various awareness-building activities such as rallies, wall paintings, television commercials, billboards, animations, videos, essay writing, and debates. Celebrities have also lent their support, contributing to widespread awareness. The campaign has garnered support from both government and non-governmental organizations, playing a pivotal role in enhancing awareness and improving the status of the girl child in Indian society.

Every Indian citizen must adhere to the rules and regulations designed to save the girl child and uplift their societal status. Girls should be treated equally to boys by their parents, providing them with the same opportunities in all areas of life. The "Save the Girl Child" campaign, coupled with initiatives like Beti Bachao, and Beti Padhao, holds the promise of fostering a society where every girl child is valued, protected, and given the opportunities she deserves.

Essay on Save Girl Child 5 (400 words)

The harmony and existence of the human race rely on the equal participation of both men and women. Their joint efforts are crucial for the survival, growth, and development of any nation. While both genders contribute significantly, it is undeniable that women hold a special importance as they play a pivotal role in giving birth to human beings, ensuring the continuity of the human race. Thus, the need to save, respect, and provide equal opportunities for girl children becomes imperative.

Challenges Faced by Women:

Despite their vital role, women have often been victims of heinous crimes like female foeticide, rape, sexual harassment, and dowry deaths in societies shaped by their presence. Such atrocities are shameful reflections of the challenges women face in their civilizations.

Reasons to Save Girl Child:

Saving girl children is not just a moral duty; it is essential for various reasons. Girls exhibit equal capabilities as boys in all fields and have proven to be obedient, less violent, and more responsible. They contribute significantly to their families, jobs, societies, and countries. Recognizing the importance of viewing women with respect, and understanding that every woman is someone's daughter, and every man's wife will be another man's daughter in the future underscores the need for saving, loving, and respecting girls.

Government Initiatives to Save Girl Child:

The Indian government has taken notable steps to save and educate the girl child. The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao initiative, actively supported by the government, NGOs, corporate groups, and human rights activists, stands as a recent and impactful effort. Social organizations have contributed by constructing toilets in girls' schools. These initiatives aim to combat crimes against girl children, recognizing that their safety and well-being are essential for India's growth and development.

A girl child should not be subjected to harm, hatred, or disrespect. Instead, she deserves to be saved, loved, and respected for the betterment of society and the country at large. Girls are equal participants in the development of a nation, and their contributions are invaluable. Recognizing their worth and providing equal opportunities is not just a responsibility but a necessity for fostering a society that thrives on equality, respect, and progress. It is crucial to collectively work towards a future where every girl child is cherished, empowered, and given the chance to fulfill her potential.

Essay on Save Girl Child 6 (500 words) 

The sustenance of human life on Earth hinges upon the collective efforts of both women and men. Their equal participation is vital for the survival, growth, and development of any nation. While both genders contribute significantly, the existence of women holds even greater importance as they are the bearers of life. The need to save the girl child becomes imperative not only for the progression of societies but also to ensure the very continuation of the human race.

In India, a disheartening commonality prevails where the birth of a girl child often leads to abortion or even worse, infanticide. This unjust practice deprives these young lives of equal opportunities, respect, and the chance to progress in life. However, the destiny of our civilization lies in their hands, as they are the roots of our creation.

The Plight of the Girl Child:

In Indian society, a prevailing desire for a male child perpetuates social evils like dowry deaths and female feticide. The societal ideal seems to encompass wanting an exemplary mother, sister, wife, and daughter, but often not as a blood relative. These biases contribute to the neglect and mistreatment of girl children, hindering their growth and development.

The Capabilities of Girls:

Despite societal biases, girls have consistently proven their mettle in various fields. Their achievements surpass those of boys, demonstrating talent, obedience, hard work, and a strong sense of responsibility. Girls, with their caring and loving nature, contribute wholeheartedly to their families. Their dedication is evident as they give their best in every endeavor, showcasing their potential and worth in every aspect of life.

Recognizing the urgency to address this issue, the Indian government has implemented various initiatives and campaigns to save the girl child. "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao" stands as a recent and active initiative encouraging people to value and protect girls. Numerous NGOs, companies, corporate groups, and human rights commissions run campaigns in tandem with government efforts to raise awareness about the significance of saving the girl child.

To combat crimes against women and save the girl child, the government has taken stringent measures. The ban on sex determination ultrasounds, amniocentesis, and scan tests in hospitals and labs serves as a significant step to eliminate practices that devalue the importance of girls. These actions aim to dispel the notion that girls are a burden and instead highlight their status as a precious gift of God.

Our Role in Saving Girl Child:

The responsibility of saving the girl child begins within our own homes. It is crucial to encourage family members, neighbors, friends, and relatives to value and protect girls. Creating awareness about the importance of saving the girl child is essential, and we must actively participate in spreading this message. Additionally, we should celebrate and encourage families to welcome the birth of a girl child with as much enthusiasm as that of a boy.

A girl child deserves a life where she is treated equally to a boy, loved, and respected. Their equal participation in the development and growth of the nation is essential. Girls, through their hard work and dedication, have proven their worth in every field, standing shoulder to shoulder with boys. Ensuring the survival and well-being of the girl child is not just a moral obligation; it is crucial for the existence and prosperity of the human race. Each girl is a beacon of potential, ready to contribute significantly to society and the country at large. Saving the girl child is not just a duty; it is an investment in a future where every girl can thrive, contribute, and be celebrated for her unique abilities.

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Essay on Girl Child

Students are often asked to write an essay on Girl Child in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Girl Child

Importance of girl child.

Girl children are precious. They are future mothers, leaders, and contributors to society. A girl child brings joy, love, and happiness in the family. They are equally important as boys.

Challenges Faced by Girl Child

Sadly, girl children often face discrimination. They may not receive equal opportunities for education, healthcare, and other essentials. This needs to change.

The Role of Society

Society plays a big role in shaping a girl child’s life. It’s our duty to protect, respect, and empower them. We should strive for gender equality and ensure they have a bright future.

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250 Words Essay on Girl Child

The girl child: a beacon of hope and change.

The girl child, often overlooked in many societies, holds the potential to bring about transformative change. She is not a liability; instead, she is an asset, a beacon of hope, and a pillar of strength.

The Power of Education

Education is a crucial tool for empowering the girl child. It is not merely about reading and writing; it’s about equipping her with knowledge, skills, and confidence to break the shackles of societal constraints. An educated girl child can contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of a nation.

Challenges Faced

Despite the potential, the path of a girl child is often strewn with obstacles. Gender bias, discrimination, and lack of access to education and healthcare are some of the challenges she faces. These challenges are not only detrimental to her but also to the overall progress of society.

Role of Society

Society plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the girl child. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that every girl child is treated with respect and dignity, and is provided with equal opportunities. It’s high time we shed our prejudices and embrace the power of the girl child.

The Way Forward

The way forward lies in creating a conducive environment for the girl child to thrive. Providing quality education, ensuring her safety, and promoting gender equality are some of the steps in this direction. Let us remember, empowering the girl child is synonymous with empowering the nation.

500 Words Essay on Girl Child

The importance of the girl child.

The girl child, often marginalized and subjected to various forms of discrimination, plays a pivotal role in society. It’s essential to acknowledge and promote the importance of the girl child for the development of society and the nation at large.

Historical Perspective

Historically, societies worldwide have been predominantly patriarchal, where male dominance has often resulted in the neglect and marginalization of the girl child. This bias is reflected in various aspects, such as education, healthcare, and even basic human rights. However, the 21st century has seen a paradigm shift, with global efforts to rectify these deep-seated biases and empower the girl child.

Education: A Fundamental Right

Education is a fundamental right of every child. Yet, millions of girls worldwide are denied this right due to societal prejudices and economic constraints. Educating a girl child is not merely about imparting knowledge but also about equipping her with the skills and confidence to make informed decisions. An educated girl can contribute to her family, society, and nation’s economic development. This connection between a girl child’s education and societal development underscores the need for gender equality in educational opportunities.

Healthcare: A Key to Empowerment

Healthcare, particularly for the girl child, is another area requiring significant attention. Girls face unique health issues, especially during adolescence, and these need to be addressed with sensitivity and understanding. Adequate healthcare can ensure that girls grow into healthy women capable of contributing positively to society.

Legal Protection and Social Empowerment

The economic impact of empowering the girl child.

Empowering the girl child has far-reaching economic implications. A study by the World Bank suggests that every year of secondary education correlates with an 18% increase in a girl’s future earning potential. Thus, investing in a girl child’s education and health can significantly contribute to economic growth.

Conclusion: The Way Forward

The future of our society depends on how we treat and value our girl children today. Empowering the girl child through education, healthcare, legal protection, and social empowerment is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic necessity for societal development. By ensuring that girls have equal opportunities to grow, learn, and thrive, we can create a more balanced, equitable, and prosperous society.

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  • Speech on Save Girl Child


Speech on Save Girl Child In English For Students

A girl child is considered to be a blessing. She can be a mother, a daughter, a friend, and so on, and yet she is not respected and abused both mentally and physically. There are a lot of crimes that are committed against the girl child. 

Below two speeches are given which helps in understanding the crimes committed against the girl child, so an initiative that could be taken to save a girl child and why it is important to save a girl child. The long save girl child speech is of 600 words and short speech on save girl child is of 400 words.

Long Speech on Save Girl Child 

Good morning everyone! Today I am going to talk about the important topic of saving a girl child in India. What does ‘saving’ imply here? Does that mean they are in danger? The answer is yes. India is a country where on one hand everybody with devotion in their hearts workshop goddesses and on another hand, various crimes are committed against a girl child like female foeticide, no equal right, eve-teasing, child marriage, rape, and the list goes on. 

As we know, a girl child is a blessing. She plays many roles in her life. She could be a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend, and so on. She is considered to be the pillar that runs the home and yet she is not given the respect she deserves. 

There are many societies in India where gender discrimination still exists to this date. People in these societies are uneducated and they do not consider girls to be equal to boys. In these societies naturally, women’s rights are a mere joke and gender discrimination and oppression are at their peak. 

In India, female foeticide is a worrying practice where a girl child is killed even before she is born that is the reason why finding the sex of a child before birth is banned in India. Even if the girl child is lucky enough and allowed to born in such societies, she has to fight for her survival where a lot of discrimination is done against her. She is oppressed and not provided with proper nutrition compared to her male siblings. She is not given any opportunity to attend school instead she is forced to do household work. This cycle of oppression will continue as long as these uneducated people are not removed from society. 

Female foeticide, child marriage, no women’s rights, and rapes are the crimes committed against girls and women. According to a report by the National crime record bureau(NCRB), India recorded 88 rape cases every day in 2019. The security of women and girl children is a series of questions which doesn’t seem to have a definite answer but only excuses.

So, the next question that eventually comes to everyone’s mind is how a girl child is saved?. The government of India is also concerned with girls’ safety and the declining child sex ratio and has launched various schemes like Beti Bachao Beti padhao, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Balika Samriddha Yojana, and national schemes of incentives to girls for secondary education. 

The Primary Aim of All These Schemes is-

Ensuring a girl child is provided with an opportunity to get an education.

Preventions of selective gender-based abortions as it is vastly committed in remote villages. 

The schemes ensure the survival of a girl child and provide security to her life when she is an infant. 

To provide a girl child a healthy and secure environment to live and grow. 

I want to conclude my speech by saying that Dr BR Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian constitution once said: “I measure the progress of the community by the degree of progress which women have achieved”. We have to take small steps and protect the girl child when she is born. After her birth, it should be ensured that she is provided with proper nutrition and education so that she realizes her dreams. By celebrating, protecting, and educating the girl child we empower her. Last but not least we should remember that a country that empowers women empowers every individual. Thank you!

Short Speech on Save Girl Child

Good morning everyone! Today I am going to give a short speech on saving girl children. India is a country where on one hand everybody with devotion in their hearts workshop goddesses and on another hand, various crimes are committed against a girl child like female foeticide, no equal right, eve-teasing, child marriage, rape, and the list goes on. 

As we all know how important a girl child is to society. She plays many important roles like a mother, a daughter, a wife, and so on. She is considered to be the pillar that maintains the peace of the house and yet she is disrespected and abused mentally and physically.

There are many societies in India that are governed by uneducated people where gender discrimination and oppression of girl children is still practice. People in such societies consider a girl child not equal to a male child and basic women rights are rejected for women. Female foeticide is the major crime that is committed even before the girl child is born and if she is lucky enough she is allowed to be born yet she has to fight for her survival.

No food with good nutrition value is provided to her and she grows she is ignored of her right to education and instead she is made to do household chores and before she knows a child marriage is done to her. It surprises me to see the people’s mindset where they consider a girl child to be a servant and when she is old enough she should only produce children. This cycle will repeat as long as there are these uneducated people in society who have such a mindset. 

The government of India is also concerned with girls’ safety and the declining child sex ratio and has launched various schemes like Beti Bachao Beti padhao, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Balika Samriddha Yojana, and national schemes of incentives to girls for secondary education. All these schemes ensure that a girl child is provided with a good environment where she is loved, cared and motivated to achieve her dreams by providing her quality education. 

I want to conclude my speech by saying that Dr. BR Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian constitution once said: “I measure the progress of the community by the degree of progress which women have achieved”. We have to take a small step towards a new India where a girl child is protected from the moment she is born. She should be loved and cared for by the people around her. 

Only by celebrating, protecting, and educating a girl child, we could empower her. This could be done by spreading awareness and changing the mindset of people so that they should welcome a girl child with happiness when she is born. Providing education to all girls and encouraging them to study further so that they could contribute to the growth of the country. Last but not least is to support the women who oppose the violence against them and to create a safe environment for all the women where they feel at home. Thank you!

10 Lines on Save Girl Child Speech in English

Girl child is a blessing. She plays many roles in her life. She could be a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend, and so on.

She is considered to be the pillar that runs the home and yet she is not given the respect she deserves. 

There are many societies in India where gender discrimination still exists to this date.

In these societies naturally, women’s rights are a mere joke and gender discrimination and oppression are at their peak. 

Female foeticide, child marriage, no women’s rights, and rapes are the crimes committed against girls and women.

According to a report by the National crime record bureau (NCRB), India recorded 88 rape cases every day in 2019.

After a girl child is born, she has to survive on her own where she is not given permission to study and is forced to do household work all-day.

The government of India is also concerned with girls’ safety and the declining child sex ratio and has launched various schemes like Beti Bachao Beti padhao, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Balika Samriddha Yojana.

These schemes ensure that a girl child is provided with a good environment where she is loved, cared and motivated to achieve her dreams by providing her quality education. 

The main aim should be to provide education to all girls and encourage them to study further so that they could contribute to the growth of the country. 

Some Reforms For Saving Girl Child

Beti bachao beti padhao.

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a national government program running for the welfare of girl children, these programs operate across the country. The main purpose of the program is to save the girl child from social unfairness and sick practices such as abortion and to give a push to the education of girls throughout the country.

The key objectives of the girls' welfare program include:

Prohibition and Prevention of abortions on the gender biases.

This program ensures the survival and protection of the baby girl at an early age.

This program ensures the education and involvement of the girl child in all activities.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is a special government-sponsored savings program that includes a girl child as the primary bank account manager while the parent / legal guardian jointly manages the bank account. A parent can open this account before the infant is eleven years old and must be paid fifteen years after opening the account.

The following are some of the key features and benefits of investing in the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account:

This government scheme provides flexible deposit options with initial deposits as low as Rs. 1000 up to Rs. 1.5 lakh per year.

The current fixed return rate is 7.6% from Q1 (April-June) FY 2021-22.

This government scheme provides profit tax deduction under section 80C of the IT Act 1961.

This government scheme provides full tax-free investments such as capital investment, maturity amount and interest earned are all exempt.

Balika Samriddhi Yojana

Balika Samriddhi Yojana is an educational program designed to provide financial assistance to young girls and their mothers who are living below the poverty line. The main objective of the program is to uplift their social status, push the girls' age of marriage which is done at a very early age and improve enrollment and retention of girls in schools.

Features and benefits of Balika Samriddhi Yojana

This program for the benefit of girls is available in cities and rural areas.

After the birth of the baby, the mother of the girl child is given a gift of Rs. 500.

A girl child can get an annual scholarship for Rs. 300 to Rs. 1000, when she starts going to school,

The government allows the withdrawal of the remaining amount of money when the girl child turns 18 years old or is unmarried.  

CBSE Udaan Scheme

The CBSE Udaan Girls Program is run by the Central Education Board by the Department of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The program aims to increase the enrollment of girls in prestigious engineering and technical colleges throughout India.

The program incorporates efforts to develop literacy skills with a special focus on female students from economically disadvantaged sections of society.

The following are the key features of the CBSE Udaan Scheme:

Virtual communication classes on weekends for female students of grades 11th and 12th.

Opportunities for peer education and mentoring for girls who have done well.

Reading aids to clarify student doubts.

Regular monitoring and tracking of student progress.


FAQs on Speech on Save Girl Child

1. What are some measures required to be adopted for saving a girl child?

We need to start taking important steps with the following guidelines:

We spread awareness and change the way we think to ensure that communities and families embrace and celebrate daughters.

Provide Education for all girls.

Build safety in the environment for all women and give impetus to support women's resistance to violence.

Honoring and celebrating women in the world of work and bringing the community, the private sector and government together.

Be careful, redistribute and reduce maintenance work.

Ensuring decent work, decent and equitable wages and a safe working environment for women.

2. What is the need of protecting a girl child?

When the crowd utters Beti Padhao, the Beti Bachao Scheme loudly they mean to teach a girl and keep a girl with all the possible amenities and facilities that a girl child must have. It is an ambitious Indian Government program aimed at raising awareness, improving the quality of social services for women and helping them (girls) and women have better access to these services which will uplift their standard of living soon. Therefore, the citizens are required to understand the needs of the girls and act accordingly in a responsible manner.

3. Why is a girl's education important?

A girl child needs to be taught to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to develop her social skills and self-development. The education of the girl child also prepares her to face the realities of society and teaches her to be a loyal wife and mother. Education is the process of giving information to a person to help him or her develop physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, politically and economically. Education is the process by which people are made active members of their community.

4. What are some rights that a girl should be aware of?

Following are the rights all girls should be aware of:

The Right against the Killing of Women - As the foeticide of females, that is, the killing of the female fetus in the womb itself, skyrocketed, the government banned prenatal determination of gender. Therefore, a person cannot determine the gender of an unborn child until it is born.

The Right to Education - The Education Rights Act, 2009, gives all children between the ages of six and 14, the right to free and compulsory education.

The Right to Grow in a Safe Environment - All children have the right to be raised in a safe, secure environment.

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Essay on Save Girl Child for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Save girl child is an awareness campaign to save the girl child in India by ensuring their safety as well as to stop the crime against girl child especially female foeticide and gender inequality. Essay on Save Girl Child for Children and Students.

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Long and Short Essay on Save Girl Child in English

Women are the most important section of the society and equally participate in the life existence on the earth. However, regular decrease in the sex ratio of female in India because of the crimes against women, it has created the fear of total finish of women. So, it is very necessary to save girl child in order to maintain the ratio of women in India.

It has been a most important topic as a social awareness in the Indian society which youths of the country must know about. In order to enhance the writing skill and knowledge of the students, teachers assign them this topic to write only paragraph or complete essay in the classroom, during exam or any competition organized for the essay writing.

Following essay on save girl child are especially written for the students. They can choose any save girl child essay according to their need and requirement:

Save Girl Child Essay 1 (100 words)

Girls are equally as important as boys in the society to maintain the social equilibrium. Few years ago, there was huge reduction in the number of women in comparison to the man. It was so because of the increasing crimes against women such as female foeticide, dowry deaths, rape, poverty, illiteracy, gender discrimination and many more. To equalize the number of women in the society, it is very necessary to aware people greatly about the save girl child. Government of India has taken some positive steps regarding save girl child such as protection of women from domestic violence act 2005, ban of female infanticide, immoral traffic (prevention) act, proper education, gender equality, etc.

Save Girl Child Essay 2 (150 words)

Save girl child topic has been the focus of attention of everyone all over the India in order to improve the overall social and economic status of women. Following are some initiatives launched by the central or state government regarding save girl child:

  • In order to protect the girl child, a Ladli Scheme was launched and implemented by the Delhi & Haryana Government in 2008. The aim of this scheme was controlling female foeticide as well as improving status of girl child through education and equal gender rights.
  • Sabla Scheme launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2011 aiming to empower adolescent girls through education.
  • Dhanalakshmi Scheme was launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development aiming to provide cash transfer to the family of girl child after birth, registration, and immunization.
  • Kishori Shakti Yojna was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development aiming to improve nutritional and health condition of adolescent girls.
  • Sukanya Samridhi Yojana was launched to ensure equitable share to a girl child by the family.
  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (means save girl child and educate girl child) scheme was launched in 2015 for the welfare of women.

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Save Girl Child Essay 3 (200 words)

Save girl child is a most important social awareness topic now-a-days regarding the saving of girl child all through the country. There are various effective measures following which girl child can be saved to a great extent.

Essay on Save Girl Child for Children and Students.

Education is deeply linked to the employment. Low education means low employment which leads to the poverty and gender inequality in the society. Education is the most effective step forward to improve women status as it makes them financially independent. Save girl child step is taken by the government to ensure the equal rights and opportunities for women in the society. Bollywood actor (Parineeti Chopra) has been an official brand ambassador of the recent scheme of PM for save girl child (Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao).

Save Girl Child Essay 4 (250 words)


The status of girls in the Indian society has been greatly debated for many years. Girls are generally believed to be involved in the cooking and playing with dolls while boys to be involved in the education and other physical activities from the ancient time. Such old beliefs of men have simulated them for violence against women which resulted in the continuous decrease in the number of girl child in the society. So, there is a big need to save girl child in order to equalize the ratio of both as well ensure the development of country.

Effective Steps regarding Save Girl Child

Following are the various effective steps to save girl child:

  • The position of girl child in Indian society is backward since ages because of the extreme desire of parents for the boy-child. It has created gender inequality in the society and has been very necessary to remove by bringing gender equality.
  • Extreme poverty in the society has created social evil against women as dowry system which worsens the situation of women. Parents generally think that girls are only to spend money that’s why they kill girl child before or after birth in many ways (female infanticide, dowry deaths, etc). Such issues need to be removed urgently in order to save girl child.
  • Illiteracy is another issue which can be removed through proper education system for both genders.
  • Empowering women is the most effective tool to save girl child.
  • People should be aware through some effective campaigns regarding save the girl child.
  • A girl child is unsafe inside as well as outside the mother’s womb. She has fear in many ways all through the life with the men whom she gives birth. She is ruled by the men whom she gives birth and it is totally the matter of laugh and shame for us. Education is the best tool to bring revolution of saving and respecting a girl child.
  • A girl child should be given equal access and opportunities in every field.
  • There should be safety and security arrangement for girls at all the public places.
  • Family members of a girl child can be better target to make save the girl child campaign successful.

Save girl child is not taken by the people as topic only, it is a social awareness which should be taken very seriously. People should save girl child and respect girl child as they have power to create a whole world. They are equally needed for the growth and development of any country.

Save Girl Child Essay 5 (300 words)

Girls have been the victim of many crimes in India for years. The most fearful crime was female foeticide in which girls were killed in the womb of mother after sex determination through ultrasound. Save the girl child campaign has been launched by the government to end the gender-selective abortions of female fetus as well as other crimes against girl child.

Effects of Female Foeticide on Girl Child Ratio Reduction

Female foeticide was one of the most fearful acts through sex-selective abortion in the hospital. It was developed in India by the people’s more interest in the boy child than the female child. It has reduced the girl child sex ratio in India to a great extent. Female Foeticide made possible in the country because of the Ultrasound technology. It took a form of giant demon because of the gender discrimination and inequality for girls in the society.

A huge reduction in the female sex ratio was noticed after the national census of 1991. Then it was declared as a worsening problem of the society after the national census of 2001. However, reduction in female population was continued till 2011. Later, this practice was banned strictly by the government in order to control the ratio of female child.

In Madhya Pradesh, the ratio was 932 girls/1000 boys in 2001 however reduced to 912/1000 in 2011. It means, it still continues somewhere and may be it reduced to 900/1000 by 2021. Essay on Save Girl Child for Children and Students.

Role of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao awareness Campaign

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao is a scheme which means save the girl child and educate the girl child. This scheme was launched by the Government of India on 22 January 2015 to create awareness for the girl child. This campaign was started by organizing some activities such as big rallies, wall painting, television commercials, billboards, short animations, video films, essay writing, debates etc. to make more and more people aware of the society. It also involved some famous celebrities for more awareness. This campaign is supported by the various government and non-government organizations in India. This scheme has played a great role in spreading awareness regarding save girl child all over the county as well as improving the status of girl child in the Indian society.

Each and every citizen of the India must follow all the rules and regulations made for saving the girl child as well as improving the position in the society. Girls should be considered as equal as boys by their parents and given same opportunities in all the working areas. Essay on Save Girl Child for Children and Students.

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Save Girl Child Essay 6 (400 words)

The existence of human race on the earth is impossible without the equal participation of both, man and woman.

So, girl children are not killed, they should be saved, respected and given equal opportunities to go ahead. They are the source of root creation and help in shaping destiny of civilization. However, women have been the victim of female foeticide, rape, sexual harassment, dowry deaths, etc in her own shaped civilization. How shame is this!

Why to Save Girl Child

A girl child should be saved by people in the society for various reasons:

  • They are not less capable than boys in any field and give their best.
  • Female foeticide is illegal crime since 1961 and has been banned in order to stop sex-selective abortions. People should follow all the rules very strictly made to save girl child.
  • Girls become more obedient than boys and have been proved less violent and arrogant.
  • They have been proved much responsible for their family, job, society or country.
  • They become much caring to their parents and devoted to their job.
  • A woman can be a mother, wife, daughter, sister, etc. Every man should think that his wife is daughter of another man and his daughter would be a wife of another man in future. So, everyone must respect a woman in any form.
  • A girl performs her both duties personal as well as professional very loyally which makes her extra special than boys.
  • Girls are the ultimate reason of existence of human race.

Steps taken by Government to Save Girl Child

There are various steps taken by the Indian government regarding save the girl child and educate the girl child. The most recent initiative regarding this is Beti Bachao Beti Padhao which is very actively supported by the government, NGOs, corporate groups and human rights activists. Various social organizations have helped the campaign by building toilet at girl schools. Crimes against girl child and women are big obstruction in the way of India’s growth and development. Government has taken this step to let people know that a girl child is not a sin in the society however; she is a nice gift by God.

A girl child should not be killed, hated or disrespected. She should be saved, loved and respected for the betterment of society and country. She is as equal participant in the development of country as boys.

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Essay on Save Girl Child – Short Essay & Long Essay upto 1500 Words

Short Essay on Save Girl Child

Essay on Save Girl Child: In today’s society, the issue of gender discrimination and female infanticide continues to plague many parts of the world. The importance of saving the girl child cannot be overstated, as girls are often marginalized and denied basic rights and opportunities simply because of their gender. In this essay, we will explore the various reasons why saving the girl child is crucial, the consequences of gender discrimination, and what steps can be taken to ensure a brighter future for girls everywhere. Let’s delve deeper into this pressing issue and advocate for the rights and well-being of girls around the world.

Table of Contents

Save Girl Child Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of saving the girl child. Highlight the importance of addressing the issue of gender discrimination and the need to protect and empower girls in society.

2. Provide statistics: Include relevant statistics to emphasize the gravity of the situation. For example, mention the declining sex ratio in India and the high rates of female infanticide and foeticide.

3. Discuss the reasons behind gender discrimination: Explore the societal, cultural, and economic factors that contribute to the devaluation of girls in many communities. Discuss how these factors perpetuate harmful practices like child marriage and dowry.

4. Highlight the consequences of gender discrimination: Explain the negative impact of gender discrimination on girls’ health, education, and overall well-being. Discuss how it limits their opportunities for personal and professional growth.

5. Discuss the importance of education: Emphasize the role of education in empowering girls and breaking the cycle of gender discrimination. Discuss how educating girls can lead to positive social change and economic development.

6. Address the role of government and NGOs: Discuss the initiatives taken by the government and non-governmental organizations to promote gender equality and protect the rights of girls. Highlight the importance of implementing and enforcing laws that protect girls from harmful practices.

7. Provide solutions: Offer practical solutions to address the issue of saving the girl child. This could include raising awareness about the importance of gender equality, providing access to education and healthcare for girls, and advocating for policies that protect their rights.

8. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate the importance of saving the girl child. Encourage readers to take action and support efforts to empower and protect girls in their communities.

By following these writing tips, you can effectively write an essay on saving the girl child in 300-500 words. Remember to use examples and evidence to support your arguments and make your essay persuasive and impactful.

Essay on Save Girl Child in 10 Lines – Examples

1. The Save Girl Child campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of protecting and empowering girls. 2. It seeks to address issues such as female infanticide, gender discrimination, and lack of access to education for girls. 3. The campaign highlights the value of girls in society and the need to ensure their rights and well-being. 4. It emphasizes the role of parents, communities, and governments in promoting gender equality and supporting girls’ development. 5. Save Girl Child initiatives include advocacy, education programs, and support services for girls and their families. 6. The campaign also works to change harmful cultural norms and practices that devalue girls and limit their opportunities. 7. By investing in girls’ education and health, the Save Girl Child movement aims to break the cycle of poverty and improve overall societal well-being. 8. Empowering girls can lead to positive outcomes for families, communities, and economies. 9. Everyone has a role to play in saving and supporting girls, whether through advocacy, donations, or volunteering. 10. Together, we can create a world where every girl has the opportunity to thrive and reach her full potential.

Sample Essay on Save Girl Child in 100-180 Words

The birth of a girl child is a blessing, but sadly, in many parts of the world, girls are still considered a burden. Female infanticide, gender discrimination, and lack of education are some of the reasons why the girl child is often neglected and mistreated.

It is important to save the girl child as they are an integral part of society and play a crucial role in shaping the future. Girls have the right to education, healthcare, and equal opportunities just like boys. By empowering girls, we can create a more inclusive and equal society.

It is our collective responsibility to raise awareness about the importance of saving the girl child and to work towards creating a safe and supportive environment for them to thrive. Let us pledge to protect and nurture our girls, so they can grow up to be strong, confident, and successful individuals. Save the girl child, save the future.

Short Essay on Save Girl Child in 200-500 Words

The phrase “Save Girl Child” has become a rallying cry in recent years as awareness of gender inequality and discrimination against girls has increased. In many parts of the world, girls are still seen as less valuable than boys, leading to practices such as female infanticide, sex-selective abortion, and neglect of girls’ health and education. This has led to a skewed gender ratio in many countries, with far fewer girls than boys being born.

One of the main reasons to save the girl child is to ensure gender equality and empower girls and women. When girls are given the same opportunities as boys, they can excel in all areas of life, from education and careers to leadership and decision-making. By investing in girls’ education and health, we can break the cycle of poverty and improve the overall well-being of society.

Another important reason to save the girl child is to prevent violence and discrimination against girls. In many parts of the world, girls are at risk of being abused, exploited, and denied their basic rights. By raising awareness about the value of girls and promoting gender equality, we can help create a safer and more inclusive society for all.

Saving the girl child also has long-term benefits for society as a whole. Girls who are educated and empowered are more likely to marry later, have fewer children, and contribute to the economy. By investing in girls’ education and health, we can help build a more prosperous and sustainable future for everyone.

There are many ways to save the girl child, from advocating for gender equality and women’s rights to supporting programs that empower girls and provide them with opportunities for education and healthcare. Governments, NGOs, and individuals all have a role to play in ensuring that girls are valued and protected.

In conclusion, saving the girl child is not just a moral imperative, but also a practical necessity for building a more just and equitable society. By investing in girls’ education and health, we can help break the cycle of poverty and discrimination and create a brighter future for all. It is time for all of us to come together and take action to save the girl child and ensure that every girl has the opportunity to reach her full potential.

Essay on Save Girl Child in 1000-1500 Words

Save Girl Child


The birth of a girl child is considered a blessing in many cultures around the world. However, in some societies, the birth of a girl child is seen as a burden. This negative attitude towards girl children has led to a decline in the female population in many parts of the world. It is important to save the girl child and ensure their well-being and empowerment.

Importance of Saving the Girl Child

The girl child is often neglected and discriminated against in many societies. They are denied access to education, healthcare, and other basic rights. This discrimination starts even before birth, with many families opting for sex-selective abortions if they find out they are expecting a girl child. This has led to a skewed sex ratio in many countries, with more boys being born than girls.

Saving the girl child is important for several reasons. Firstly, girls have the right to live and thrive just like boys. They should not be denied the opportunity to grow up and fulfill their potential. Secondly, girls play a crucial role in society and the economy. They are future mothers, caregivers, and leaders. By investing in girls’ education and well-being, we are investing in the future of our society.

Challenges Faced by the Girl Child

The girl child faces many challenges in today’s world. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of access to education. Many girls are denied the opportunity to go to school and are forced to stay at home and help with household chores. This limits their potential and opportunities for the future. Education is a key factor in empowering girls and enabling them to break the cycle of poverty.

Another challenge faced by the girl child is child marriage. Many girls are married off at a young age, often against their will. Child marriage robs girls of their childhood and exposes them to a range of health and social problems. It is important to end child marriage and ensure that girls are able to make their own choices about their future.

Violence against girls is another major challenge. Many girls are subjected to physical, sexual, and emotional abuse in their homes, schools, and communities. This violence has a lasting impact on their physical and mental health. It is important to create safe spaces for girls where they can feel protected and supported.

Ways to Save the Girl Child

There are several ways in which we can save the girl child and ensure their well-being and empowerment. One of the most important ways is to promote gender equality and challenge harmful gender norms and stereotypes. We need to create a society where girls are valued and respected just as much as boys.

Education is key to saving the girl child. We need to ensure that all girls have access to quality education and are able to complete their schooling. Education empowers girls and enables them to make informed choices about their lives. It also helps to break the cycle of poverty and improve the overall well-being of girls and their families.

Ending child marriage is another important step in saving the girl child. We need to raise awareness about the harmful effects of child marriage and work with communities to change attitudes and practices. Girls should be given the opportunity to make their own choices about their future and not be forced into marriage at a young age.

Creating safe spaces for girls is essential in saving the girl child. We need to ensure that girls are protected from violence and abuse in their homes, schools, and communities. This includes providing support services for girls who have experienced violence and working to prevent violence from happening in the first place.

Saving the girl child is a collective responsibility that requires the efforts of governments, communities, and individuals. We need to challenge harmful gender norms and stereotypes, promote gender equality, and ensure that all girls have access to education and opportunities for the future. By investing in girls’ well-being and empowerment, we are investing in the future of our society. Let us all work together to save the girl child and create a world where girls can thrive and fulfill their potential.

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10 Lines On Save Girl Child In English

Check 10 lines on save girl child in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 

Save the girl child, save the future. Every girl is special and has the right to be born and grow up in a loving family. Girls are strong and capable of changing the world.

We’ll be discussing 10 lines on save girl child in English. Also, we will have a look at the essay on save girl child (paragraph on save girl child). Let’s check them one by one.


  • Save the girl child, save the future.
  • Every girl is special and has the right to be born and grow up in a loving family.
  • Girls are strong and capable of changing the world.
  • Also, invest in girls, and you will see the world change for the better.
  • When girls educate, they can lift up their families and communities.
  • Moreover, girls should be treated with respect and given equal opportunities.
  • When girls are empowered, everyone benefits.
  • We must work together to end discrimination against girls.
  • Every girl also deserves a bright future full of possibilities.
  • Join us in standing up for the rights of girls everywhere!
In English

Essay On Save Girl Child In English (Paragraph on Save Girl Child In English)

Save the girl child, save the future. Girls are not a burden, but actually they are a blessing. Invest in girls, and reap the benefits. When girls are educated, everyone benefits. When girls are healthy, families and communities are stronger.

Also, when girls have the opportunity to lead, society benefits. Girls need our protection – they are often the most vulnerable members of society. By ensuring that girls have the same rights as boys, we can build a more equal world for all. 

Girls also have the right to be safe from violence and harmful practices like child marriage and female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). We all have a role to play in ensuring that girls can reach their full potential. Let’s make it happen!

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