rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment for Kids

This walking water science experiment is so much fun and super easy to do! My kids absolutely loved it! It even comes with free printable recording sheets for kids as young as preschool! Check out the video to see how easy this walking water experiment really is. This rainbow activity is perfect for spring science!

Walking water science experiment that is so much fun! This rainbow science activity is super cool!

Walking Water Science Experiment

Ok, this might just be our favorite science experiment! The whole family (adults included) were completely mesmerized with process. We all couldn’t believe how quickly the water traveled up the paper towel and neat it was to watch the colors mix together.

We have wanted to try it out for a long time now and I am kicking myself for waiting so long. I don’t know why, but I thought it might be difficult to do or take a long time. I was way wrong. It was very easy and we started seeing results right away!

This rainbow science experiment is a so cool!

Related: Simple Spring Science and STEAM Activities

The walking water science experiment is great at any time of the year, but it is especially perfect for spring. I love doing rainbow activities in the spring, so this was a great addition to our rainbow theme activities.

If you are looking for simple science to do with the kids and something that will really WOW them, this is definitely one to try.

You only need a few simple supplies that you probably already have around the house.

A super cool science experiment for preschool and elementary.

Setting Up the Rainbow Science Experiment

Supplies Needed:

  • Printable walking water recording sheets (button to download at the bottom of the post)
  • Small plastic cups or glasses
  • Paper towels (*read my tips below for picking the right ones)
  • Food coloring in primary colors

* The pick-a-size paper towels are best because then you just use half sheets for each cup. If you only have full sheets, then cut them in half. I’ve also heard that more absorbent paper towels work better too. I buy the cheap store brand ones, and our water moved pretty quickly from cup to cup, so I am not sure how important that is. It may have went quicker with something more absorbent though.

1. Print out the recording sheets and make copies, if needed.

2. Place 7 cups in a row and pour water in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th cup. My cups were about 3/4 full. I have since heard that fuller is better.

3. Add 5 drops of red food coloring to the 1st cup and the 7th cup.

4. Add 5 drops of yellow food coloring to the 3rd cup.

5. Add 5 drops of blue food coloring to the 5th cup.

This walking water experiment teaches kids about color mixing and capillary action.

Doing the Walking Water Experiment

You want to try to use the same amount of food coloring in each cup. When I did this with my kids they did drop an extra one or two in since they can’t control it well, but I just added a drop or two more to the others to even it out.

6. Take a half sheet of paper towel and fold it in half lengthwise and in half again lengthwise.

7. Trim off some of the length so that there isn’t too much excess paper towel that will stick up in the air between each cup. This will make the water walk more quickly.

8. Place one half of a rolled paper towel in the 1st cup and place the other half in the cup next to it. Then another paper towel from 2nd cup and into the 3rd cup. This continues until you have placed the last paper towel that drapes over from the 6th cup to the 7th cup.

9. Stare at the cups and watch what starts happening. You should quickly be able to see the colored water begin to crawl up the paper towel.

10. Don’t forget to do the first part of the recording sheet. Students will predict what they think will happen.

Color mixing science activity for kids.

This walking water experiment is AWESOME!

Keep checking back every couple of minutes. Soon you will be able to see that the water has crawled all the way up the paper towel and is beginning to walk back down into the empty cup next to it.

Since the cup on either side of an empty cup has colored water in it, the two colors begin to mix in the empty cup. So cool!

Keep coming back throughout the two hours or soon and observe what is happening.

Walking water science recording sheets.

Question to Ask

What do you think will happen to the water?

What is happening now?

Why do you think the colors are changing?

Why might the water be able to move up against gravity like that?

How this Science Experiment Works

The water moves up the paper towels through a process called capillary action. The paper towel is made from fibers and the water is able to travel through the gaps in the fibers. The gaps in the paper towel act like capillary tubes and pull the water upward. This is what helps water climb from a plant’s roots to the leaves at the top of the plant or tree.

The water is able to move upward against gravity because of the attractive forces between the water and the fibers in the paper towel.

Walking water color wheel.

I even removed one of the red cups and made a color wheel so I could introduce the kids to that as well.

I hope your kids have a great time with this super cool walking water science experiment!

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Other Cool Science Experiments for Kids

This rainbow  Walking Water Science Experiment  is one of our most popular science activities!

Try this super simple  Oobleck recipe  that only requires two household ingredients!

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Did you know you can put paper under water and it will stay dry? Give it a try with this keep paper dry under water experiment . The kids love this cool trick!

Explore Newton’s color wheel while making colors disappear with this totally awesome science activity!

Explore chromatogography with this super fun STEAM activity that combines science and art!

This  rain cloud jar science experiment  give children a chance to explore clouds and rain in a hands-on and engaging way

The kids will get a kick out of this super cool  dancing raisins science experiment !

Check out these other science experiments and activities for kids.

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

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This magic milk science experiment is sure to WOW your preschoolers!

If you haven’t tried this magic milk science activity , you have to! It is so awesome and super easy to do.

Leak proof bag science experiment.

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rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

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Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment

Rainbow walking water science experiment for kids. An easy science project for kids with free printable walking water worksheet. This walking rainbow experiment is perfect for preschoolers learning about colour mixing.

  • rainbow skittles science experiement
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Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment for Kids

Supplies for the walking water experiment

  • 6 small transparent jars or cups
  • Paper towels / kitchen roll
  • Liquid watercolour / food colouring

Walking Water Science Experiment 

Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment with printable worksheet

STEP 1: Get your supplies ready

Step 2: prepare the jars with coloured water.

walking rainbow experiment for preschoolers

STEP 3: Place the jars in a circle

easy science project for kids- walking water rainbow

STEP 4: Predict what will happen

rainbow walking water experiment printable worksheet

STEP 5: Add paper towels  

walking water science project for preschoolers

STEP 6: Watch the coloured water walk along the paper towels to create a rainbow!

Walking water science experiment for kids with free printable worksheet

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The Stem Laboratory

Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

Let’s make a walking water rainbow! There’s no better way for little scientists to learn about capillary action and color mixing than by making water walk (yes – walk!) in this colorful rainbow science experiment. This science experiment is a favorite of ours because it’s so easy to set up and the results are almost immediate.

Check out the simple step-by-step below and then gra b 30 more jaw-dropping (but easy prep!) science experiments kids will love from our shop!

Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

Getting Ready

To prep, I gathered our supplies:

  • 6 wide-mouth glasses or jars
  • Paper towels (use the kind where you can select a size)
  • Food dye or liquid water colors (red, yellow, and blue)

I grabbed the six small glasses first .  We’ve had success using wide-mouth drinking cups and canning jars, too.  Even though they all worked, just remember that bigger glasses will need more food coloring.

Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

I ripped off six sheets of paper towel and folded each sheet in thirds, lengthwise.

We were using pretty small glasses, so I cut a few inches off the folded paper towel so it would fit in the glasses.

It’s a good idea to test your paper towel strip to make sure they fit properly in your glasses.  They should be able to go from the bottom of one jar to the next without sticking up in the air too much. The paper towel on the left shows the just-right height.  It’s important to set up this rainbow science experiment for success!

Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

Making a Rainbow

This colorful rainbow science experiment is so simple and quick, it’s perfect for even the youngest little scientists.  My 3 year old, Q, couldn’t wait to get started.

First, I had him line up the glasses and fill the first one with a good squirt of red watercolor , the third with yellow, and the fifth glass with blue.  We left the other glasses empty.

Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

Next, I helped Q add water to the glasses with color until the colored water almost reached the top.

We moved the glasses into a circle and added the paper towels .  Starting with the red, we added one end of the paper towel and then put the other end in the empty glass next to it.

We continued around until the last paper towel was placed into the red glass.

Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

We saw the color wick up the paper towel right away.  This rainbow science experiment doesn’t take long to get going!

Cool science for kids! Make a magic water rainbow. My kids will love this!

After another several minutes, the colored water had almost travelled the whole length of each paper towel.

Awesome science experiment for kids! Make a walking water rainbow.

Five minutes later, the water had traveled all the way up and then down the paper towel and was dripping into the empty glass.

The yellow and red water dripped into the empty cup to make orange!  It made for a good lesson on color mixing.

Cool science for kids! Make a walking water rainbow.

After another five minutes, we could see the water level had dropped in the red, yellow, and blue glasses and rose in the once empty glasses as the water continued to travel from the more full glasses to the less full glasses.

Super cool science for kids! Make a walking water rainbow.

We grabbed a snack and watched our beautiful rainbow science experiment during the next 20 minutes. The water continued to walk from the primary colored glasses to fill the secondary-colored glasses until all the jars were filled equally.

What an awesome science project for kids! Make a walking water rainbow with just a few simple supplies.

Not Working?

If you aren’t seeing much movement within a few minutes, it may be that you need to add more water to your colored water glasses.  It really needs to be almost at the top for the water to walk quickly.  So try topping off those glasses and seeing if that gets things moving.

If you see the water moving up the paper towel but it seems like it’s taking forever , it may be the type of paper towel you are using.  You want a paper towel that will really hold a lot of water.  We have used Bounty Select-a-Size and Target’s Up and Up Brand Select-a-Size with success.

It really is worth the extra effort of trying different cups and paper towels to get this activity to work.  And once you have had success, don’t throw out those beautifully-colored paper towels or the colored water!  We gently squeezed out our paper towels and let them dry in a heap on a baking sheet.  We ended up with gorgeous tie-dyed looking paper towels to use for crafts and we used the leftover water as watercolors for painting with later.

I love the colors in this cool science activity! Make a walking water rainbow.

The Science Behind It

This rainbow science experiment is as magic as the science behind it.  The colored water travels up the paper towel by a process called capillary action . Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow upward, against gravity, in narrow spaces.  This is the same thing that helps water climb from a plant’s roots to the leaves in the tree tops.

Paper towels, and all paper products, are made from fibers found in plants called cellulose .  In this demonstration, the water flowed upwards through the tiny gaps between the cellulose fibers.  The gaps in the towel acted like capillary tubes, pulling the water upwards.

The water is able to defy gravity as it travels upward due to the attractive forces between the water and the cellulose fibers.

Cool science experiment for kids! Make a walking water rainbow.

The water molecules tend to cling to the cellulose fibers in the paper towel.  This is called adhesion .

The water molecules are also attracted to each other and stick close together, a process called cohesion .  So, as the water slowly moves up the tiny gaps in the paper towel fibers, the cohesive forces help to draw more water upwards.

At some point, the adhesive forces between the water and cellulose and the cohesive forces between the water molecules will be overcome by the gravitational forces on the weight of the water in the paper towel.  

When that happens, the water will not travel up the paper towel anymore. That is why it helps to shorten the length that colored water has to travel by making sure your paper towel isn’t too tall and making sure you fill your colored liquid to the top of the glass.

Rainbow Science Activity Extensions

Turn this demonstration into a true experiment by varying the water level (volume) you start with and seeing how long it takes the water to reach the empty glass.

Or start with the same volume of colored water and change the brand, type (single vs double ply, quilted vs not) or length of paper towel to see how long it takes for the water to “walk” to the empty glass.

You could even use the same volume of water, same length and brand of paper towel but vary the height of the filled glass , by raising them up on books, to see how that affects the speed of the water as it “walks” to the empty glass.

Have you had enough fun with the paper towels?  Try using other paper products to see how the type of paper effects the results.  Try toilet paper, printer paper, newspaper or a page from a glossy magazine.  What do you predict will happen?

Grab a Record Sheet

Help kids keep track of their results by grabbing our free record sheet! Then grab 30 more jaw-dropping (but easy prep!) science experiments kids will love from our shop!

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rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

Walking Rainbow Experiment +Free Printable

Can you make water walk? With just a few simple materials you can create a walking rainbow . Spark an interest and love of science with this activity. Learn about how the water moves as children notice the colors mixing with this beautiful walking rainbow experiment.

In just a few hours the water begins to “walk” and move from cup to cup and then mix to create a full rainbow. Children will love checking on their experiment throughout the day and observing the changes.

Print the free instruction sheet and worksheet to extend the learning.

This classic experiment is a fun and easy experiment to try out in any classroom or at home with kids.

walking rainbow experiment shows a pinterest pin with rainbow colored water in cups.

Walking Rainbow Experiment Materials

One of the great things about this experiment is that you only need a few household materials. You will need:

  • Red, Blue and Yellow Food Coloring
  • Paper Towel
  • 7 Clear Cups
  • Printable Instructions and Worksheet

walking rainbow experiment shows three jars of food coloring, cups and paper towels.

If you don’t have all of the colors of food coloring, or any colors, the experiment will still work because the water will still move. However, you won’t get the color mixing affect which is what makes the experiment special.

The instruction printable is a great resource to have on hand when you present/do the activity. This way you know which cups to fill and what color to add to each cup. You can also print the worksheet for children to fill out and explain what they saw happen.

science experiment shows two printables for a walking rainbow experiment.

Walking Rainbow Experiment Steps

Add water to the first, third, fifth and seventh cup. A little more than half way is best.

Next add red food coloring to the first and seventh cups. Add yellow food coloring to the third cup and blue to the fifth cup. For best results add more yellow food coloring to help when it mixes. The red and blue food coloring can be overbearing and prevent some of the other colors from showing up well.

science shows seven cups and four with colored water.

Once you have your cups prepared, fold a piece of paper towel lengthwise and arch it from the first into the second cup. Continue this so that paper towel is arched over each cup as shown below.

rainbow experiment shows cups with colored water from a birds eye view.

That’s it! That’s all you have to do to prepare the experiment. This is also a great opportunity to ask children what they think is going to happen. Will the water change in anyway? What will the paper towel do?

Within minutes, children can observe that the paper towel begins to absorb the colored water and it begins to move up the paper towel.

color mixing for kids shows cups with colored water.

After several hours, or for best results, leave overnight, children will notice lots of things that happened!

Walking Water Experiment Explained

The experiment is complete when each of the cups have the same amount of water in them.

When children first see the experiment once the colors have mixed, there will be lots of excitement! The cups that did not originally have any water now are half full of a new color of water. Notice that the water not only ‘walked’ up the paper towel, but it also mixed with the water from the other paper towel dipped into it to create a new color.

You’ve created a beautiful rainbow!

walking rainbow experiment shows cups with all the colors of the rainbow in each.

The Science

The paper towel absorbs the water. the water travels up and over! But how? The water travels using something called capillary action. Capillary action is when a liquid can flow, even against gravity. This is similar to how water travels up the roots of a tree to get to the top of the tree and leaves.

Water molecules like to stick together and they also like to attract or stick to other porous materials, like the paper towel. As soon as one molecule, or drop, of water is absorbed to the paper towel, the others follow, like a string.

color mixing shows three cups with blue and green and yellow liquid in each.

Once colored water has moved up and over and is in the next cup, the colored water mixes with the different colored water from the other cup to create a new color.

Walking Rainbow Experiment Extension Ideas

This walking rainbow experiment is a great science experiment, but it is also a fun art activity for kids. It is a great way to show children about color mixing.

The three colors the experiment begins with, the red, yellow and blue, are called primary colors. These are the colors that all others colors are made from. When these colors mix together, the new color that is created is called a secondary color. The red and yellow mix to make the secondary color, orange.

walking rainbow experiment shows a circle of cups with rainbow colored water in each.

The red and blue mix to create purple and the blue and yellow mix to create green. In the end you’re left with a beautiful rainbow!

Another extension idea is to create two walking rainbows and test if warm water makes any difference. If you have one rainbow with cold water, and the other with warm, does the water move faster? It’s fun to test out and have children guess what will happen.

walking water rainbow shows cups with dried paper towel in each with the colors of the rainbow in each.

We left our rainbow out for several weeks because the children, and I loved looking at it. After some time all of the water evaporated and we were left with several beautifully colored paper towels.

Free Walking Rainbow Printables

This classic experiment provides children with lots of learning opportunities. Use the printables to make setting up the experiment fast and easy. Print the worksheet to have children record their learning. Click the image below to access the pdf.

free printables for a walking rainbow experiment.

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Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

This Walking Water Rainbow science experiment is super easy to do and just so much fun. Such a perfect colourful experiment.

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

Check out the list of materials that we use with this activity.

To complete this experiment, you will need:

  • six cups – clear, glass or plastic
  • red, blue and yellow food colouring
  • paper towels
  • Experiment Worksheet

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

To complete this experiment, first place the six cups in a row and fill up the 1st, 3rd, and 5th cups with water until they are ½ full.

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

Add 4 drops of food colouring as follows:

  • First cup – 4 drops of red food colouring
  • Third cup – 4 drops of yellow food colouring
  • Fifth cup – 4 drops of blue food colouring

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

You could leave the cups in a row or arrange in a circle. If arranging in a circle, the first cup should be the red cup, followed by an empty cup, the third cup is the yellow cup, the fourth cup is empty. The fifth cup should be blue and the sixth cup is empty.

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

  • If completing the experiment worksheets, now is the time to fill out the hypothesis.

Take a sheet of paper towel and fold it in half, lengthwise. Then fold it again lengthwise. Cut the ends of the paper towel so that it creates an arch over the cups, but isn’t too high.

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

Place one half of the paper towel, lengthwise, into each cup so that one part of the paper towel is in a cup of coloured water and the other end is in an empty cup. Repeat these steps until there is one end of paper towel in each cup.

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

Now is the time to watch and see. The coloured will begin to crawl up the paper towel and leak into the empty cup. 

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

This dripping water will mix with other colours in the empty cups to create a rainbow. Keep coming back throughout every half hour or so to observe what is happening.

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

When you have competed the experiment, take the paper towels out of the cups and lay them on a baking tray to look at all the colours.

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

How does this work?

The coloured water slowly moves up the paper towel through a process known as capillary action. The paper towel is made from fibres and the water is able to travel through the gaps in the fibres. These gaps act like capillary tubes, pulling the water upward. This is the same action that helps water climb from a plant’s roots to the leaves at the top of the plant or tree. Water is able to move upward against gravity because of the attractive forces between the water and the fibers in the paper towel.

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment


  • ▢ 6 cups - clear, glass or plastic
  • ▢ red food colouring
  • ▢ blue food colouring
  • ▢ yellow food colouring
  • ▢ paper towel
  • ▢ water


Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

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Rainbow Walking Water Experiment

Pinterest Hidden Image

Simple science starts here! This  walking water experiment is incredibly easy and fun to set up for kids. All you need are a few simple supplies you can find in your kitchen cupboards. Watch the water travel as it makes a rainbow of color, and learn about capillary action too! We love easy science experiments for kids!

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

What You Will Learn

The walking water experiment is a fantastic way to introduce kids to several key scientific concepts:

Capillary Action : This experiment demonstrates capillary action, which is the ability of water (or other liquids) to move upward against gravity through narrow spaces, such as the gaps between paper towels or the fibers of a paper towel.

Absorption : Kids can learn about absorption, which is the process of one substance being taken up by another substance. In this experiment, they observe how water is absorbed by the paper towels and then transported from one cup to another.

Color Mixing : The walking water experiment also allows for exploring color mixing. Using colored water in the cups, kids can observe how the colors blend as the water travels through the paper towels, creating new colors that overlap.

Properties of Water : Through this experiment, kids can learn about the unique properties of water, including cohesion (water molecules sticking together) and adhesion (water molecules sticking to other substances, like paper towels).

Experimental Method : It introduces children to the scientific method by encouraging them to make predictions, conduct experiments, and observe and analyze the results.

Watch the Walking Water Video:

Walking water experiment.

If you want to make this into a walking water science fair project where you are using the scientific method, you need to change one variable. You could repeat the experiment with different types of paper towels and observe the differences. Learn more about the scientific method for kids here .

Walking Water Experiment Hypothesis Example: “I predict that if I place pieces of paper towel in cups filled with different colored water and connect them, then the water will move up the paper towels and travel from one cup to another.

  • Test Tubes and Rack (clear plastic cups or mason jars work well too!)
  • Food Coloring
  • Paper Towels
  • Timer (optional)


STEP 1 . You can set up as many or as less jars as you like for this part.

We used 9 test tubes of primary colors (3 x red, 3 x yellow, 3 x blue). We added red, yellow, and blue food coloring (one color per test tube) in a pattern.

Give each test tube (or glass or cup) a little stir to distribute the color evenly. Try to put the same amount of food coloring in each container!

STEP 2. Cut thin strips of paper towel to fit in the test tubes. If you are using glasses or cups, you can judge the best size strip to fit what you are using.

Place the paper towel strips into the test tubes. There will be two ends in each tube.

STEP 3 . Wait and watch what happens. At this point, you can set up a stopwatch to make note of how long it takes for the colors to meet and mix.

prepping walking water science activity

Once you have inserted the towels, it’s the perfect time to talk about what your kids see happening (observations). Do they want to improve their hypothesis or have new ideas about what might happen?

paper towels and food coloring supplies for walking water science

How Long Does It Take?

The whole process starts pretty quickly, but it does take a while for the colors to begin to mix. You may want to leave it and return to see the colors mixed.

This would be a great time to pull out the watercolors and do some color mixing art! Or how about setting up a homemade lava lamp experiment while you wait?

Make sure to check on your walking water science experiment every once in a while to see the changes constantly occurring. The kids will be amazed at how the water seems to defy gravity!

walking water science and color wheel for color theory science too

The Science Behind Walking Water

Walking water science is all about capillary action , which also can be seen in plants. You can even check out our celery and food coloring experiment to see this!

What is capillary action? Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow upward against gravity in a narrow space, like a thin tube or a porous material. Capillary action can happen due to combining two main forces: cohesion and adhesion.

Cohesion is the attraction between molecules of the same substance. In the case of water, water molecules are strongly attracted to each other, creating a sort of “pull” that keeps the molecules together.

Adhesion is the attraction between molecules of different substances. Water molecules are also attracted to the surfaces of materials like glass, paper, and plants.

How Does the Water Walk?

The colored water travels up the fibers of the paper towel. The gaps in the paper towel are similar to the capillary tubes of a plant that pull the water up through the stems. The fibers of the paper towel help the water move upward which is this walking water experiment looks like it is defying gravity. How else does water move up the tree?

As the paper towels absorb the colored water, the water travels up the towel strip. It meets up with the other colored water that has traveled up the neighboring strip. Where the primary colors interact, they turn into the secondary colors. Both colors will continue to travel as long as the towel fibers will absorb the water.

We left our walking water science experiment out overnight and had a mucky-looking puddle of water underneath the rack the next day. The paper towels had become oversaturated!

Aweosme kids science with easy to set up walking water physics for kids

Free Printable Junior Scientist Guide!

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

Using the Scientific Method

The scientific method is a process or method of research. A problem is identified, information about the problem is gathered, a hypothesis or question is formulated from the information, and the hypothesis is put to test with an experiment to prove or disprove its validity. Sounds heavy…

What in the world does that mean?!? The scientific method should be used as a guide to help lead the process. You don’t need to try and solve the world’s biggest science questions! The scientific method is all about studying and learning things right around you.

As kids develop practices that involve creating, gathering data evaluating, analyzing, and communicating, they can apply these critical thinking skills to any situation.

To learn more about the scientific method and how to use it, read more here.

Even though the scientific method feels like it is just for big kids…

This method can be used with kids of all ages! Have a casual conversation with younger kiddos or do a more formal notebook entry with older kiddos!

More Fun Water Experiments to Try

Check out our list of science experiments for Jr Scientists!

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  • Sink or Float Buoyancy
  • Salt Water Egg Float
  • Candle Rising Water Science
  • Sugar Water Rainbow (Density)
  • Oil and Water

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

Printable Science Projects For Kids

If you’re looking to grab all of our printable science projects in one convenient place plus exclusive worksheets and bonuses like a STEAM Project pack, our Science Project Pack is what you need! Over 300+ Pages!

  • 90+ classic science activities  with journal pages, supply lists, set up and process, and science information.  NEW! Activity-specific observation pages!
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Walking Water Experiment: Rainbow Science Experiment for Kids

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

In this post you will learn how to do the walking water or walking rainbow science experiment for kids. You can download the walking water experiment worksheet that goes along with this experiment. 


Walking Water or is it Walking Rainbow?

One of the coolest science experiments that really gets the WOW factor is the Walking Water or Walking Rainbow experiment #ivehearditbothways.

I was excited to do this experiment and watch it, and I was not disappointed. I was anxious that it wouldn’t work because I used cheap paper towels, but my cheap paper towels did not disappoint!

Even if you’re not into science, do this experiment. It’s just cool.

You do have to ask your kids to apply a little bit of patience. The water doesn’t walk up right away. But we did other things as we watched the process, and we were amazed every time we checked back to see it.

Here’s how we did it.

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Walking Water Experiment

Walking Water Experiment Supplies

Paper Towels Food Coloring 7 Cups (we used disposable plastic cups) Water If you want to make it official, you can download the Walking Water Experiment worksheet. (this worksheet simplifies the scientific method for young minds, and asks the right questions for young scientist to think about what is really happening. 


Line up your plastic cups in a row, or in a circle. (The circle is pretty cool).

Place water in cups 1, 3, 5, and 7. It works better if you fill it about 3/4 full.

Walking Water Experiment cups

Place food coloring as follows:  (make sure the colors are dark, and do the same amount of drops for each color)

Walking water science Experiment prep

Six drops of RED in cup 1. Six drops of YELLOW in cup 3. Six drops of BLUE in cup 5. Six drops of RED in cup 7.

Walking water science Experiment prep colors

Fold half a sheet of a paper towel 2-3 times long ways so that it’s about an inch wide. (hot dog style, as pictured below) Do this six times to six different paper towels.

Walking Rainbow Experiment

Put one end of the paper towel in one of the cups of water, and the other end of the paper towel in its corresponding empty cup. Repeat with each cup of water and empty cup. It should look like the picture below. (If you decide to do a circle, you do not have to connect the red cups with a paper towel).

Walking Water Rainbow Experiment

Observe what the water does. It should slowly start to climb up the paper towel and into the next cup.

It is not a super-fast experiment, it does take a few minutes to get started. It might help to do something else and then look back on it. We checked it about every 10 minutes and it looked different. It was pretty cool.

Here’s what it looked like right away:

After about 10 minutes:

Walking water science Experiment green

After about 30 minutes:

Walking water science Experiment green (1)

After about an hour:

Walking water science Experiment rainbow

All the cups that didn’t have water are now a fourth of the way full. It was super cool to watch.

It was super cool, and the kids wanted to keep checking on it throughout the day. They didn’t want to throw it away. I also thought it was really cool.

Science is just cool.

If you want some more science, check out my science ebook: 13 Easy Science Experiments for Kids with Household Items.

13 Easy Science Experiments for Kids with Household Items (4)-min

And that’s how you do the Walking Rainbow Experiment.

Related: Skittles Rainbow Science Experiment

Related: Clouds and Raindrops Science Experiment

Related : 9 Easy Science Experiments for Kids with Household Items

Walking-Water-Science-Experiment-min (1)

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Easy Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment For Kids

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By In The Playroom

June 20, 2023

Today, we’re going to embark on a fantastic journey through the rainbow, with a fun water science experiment for kids. But guess what? This is no ordinary rainbow – it’s a rainbow that walks! We’re going toltake you step by step through the “ Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment .” 

This classic and easy science experiment is a great way for kids of all ages to delve into the fascinating world of science, color theory, and have a whole lot of fun while doing so!

This experiment leverages a natural phenomenon known as the process of capillary action. In this process, water molecules move up narrow spaces against the force of gravity. You might have seen this in action when a plant’s roots absorb water from the soil. Here, we’re going to mimic this effect using simple supplies – empty cups, water, food coloring, and paper towels. 

walking water rainbow science experiment

We’ll see water climb, colors mix, and a beautiful walking rainbow form, right in your kitchen or living room!

How to Make Your Own Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

How to Make Your Own Walking Water Rainbow Science Experiment

Embark on a mesmerizing journey with the "Walking Rainbow Water Experiment". In this simple experiment, observe as water walks through paper towels, creating a captivating spectacle of a rainbow in motion.

Witness the magic as primary colors blend to form secondary colors, bringing the rainbow to life right before your eyes.

This experiment offers a vivid and educational experience that beautifully demonstrates capillary action and color theory.

Watch in awe as your everyday cups and paper towels transform into a walking water rainbow, creating a delightful and educational moment for kids of all ages.

  • Clear Plastic cups
  • Paper towels
  • Food Coloring


  • Step 1 : Grab around six clear cups and place them in a circular formation. You can use slightly more of slightly less cups if you prefer, anywhere from 5-7 cups will work well. Pour water in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th cup, leaving the 2nd, 4th, and 6th cups empty. We'll refer to these as our water cups and empty cups. It works best if you have the water cups pretty full.
  • Step 2 : Now, let's create a rainbow in our water cups. Add 5 drops of red food coloring to the 1st cup, 5 drops of yellow food coloring to the 3rd cup, and 5 drops of blue food coloring to the 5th cup. These are our primary colors.
  • Step 3 : Cut six equal size paper towels into strips. Fold each strip lengthwise, so they become narrow enough to fit into the cups but still have much excess paper towel to soak up and transport water.
  • Step 4 : Submerge one end of the paper towel strip into a water cup and the other end into the adjacent empty cup. Repeat this process for all the cups. It's important that the paper towel strip is touching the bottom of both cups.
  • Step 5 : Watch and wait. You will begin to see the colored water travel up the fibers of the paper towel thanks to adhesive forces. The absorbent paper towels, full of small fibers and tiny gaps, act as capillary tubes. In a couple of minutes, the water will "walk" to the next jar.
  • Step 6 : Over a longer time, you will see the water level in the empty cups rise, and new colors will begin to form as the primary colored water mixes. These new colors are your secondary colors. Congratulations, you've created your own walking water rainbow!

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Lessons and Benefits of the Walking Water Science Experiment

This experiment is much fun and more than just a pretty show of colors. As budding scientists, kids get a hands-on understanding of several scientific principles.

Understanding Capillary Action

The attractive forces between water molecules (cohesive force) and the cellulose fibers in the paper towel (adhesive force) are stronger than the forces pulling water molecules down (gravity). This is what makes water move up the paper towel strips and gives kids a live demonstration of capillary action.

Color Theor y

This fun experiment introduces color mixing , transforming primary colors into secondary ones. By simply observing the process, kids learn that red and yellow make orange, yellow and blue make green, and red and blue make purple.

Scientific Method

This simple science experiment is a great way to introduce the scientific method to kids. They form a hypothesis about what will happen when the colored water climbs the paper towel, then observe and note the results, learning to  accept or reject their initial assumptions. This enhances their critical thinking skills and piques their interest in scientific exploration.

Science often requires waiting for results. The walking water experiment takes time as the water slowly seeps from one cup to the next. This process helps children develop patience as they eagerly await the formation of the rainbow.

Environmental Connections

This experiment can be a launchpad for discussions about how plants utilize a similar process to pull water from the soil up into their roots and stems. Kids learn about the amazing ways nature uses science.

Fine Motor Skill s

 For younger kids, this experiment helps improve fine motor skills as they carefully pour water and place paper towels. Older kids can take on the role of leading the experiment, enhancing their organizational and leadership abilities.

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

The walking water rainbow science experiment offers not just an opportunity for kids to create their own rainbow at home, but also serves as a visual feast that helps illustrate key scientific principles and color theory.

It’s a fun science experiment that parents and kids can enjoy together, and it requires minimal, simple supplies, making it perfect for a rainy day, a fair project, or just an everyday adventure in learning. It encourages curiosity, instills a love for science, and ensures a great time for our little scientists.

Join us next time as we explore more easy science experiments that make learning a joyous journey, not just a destination.

Until then, keep experimenting, keep learning, and keep having fun. Remember, every budding scientist is just an experiment away from a great discovery!

More Simple Science Experiments for Kids

If you enjoyed the walking water rainbow experiment, and you’re looking for more engaging and educational science activities for your little scientists, we have a trove of simple experiments that can be done at home. These experiments not only inspire scientific curiosity but also make learning interactive and fun. Stay tuned for more exciting journeys into the fascinating world of science.

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More Rainbow Activities

Our exploration of rainbows doesn’t end with the walking water rainbow experiment. For those who can’t get enough of the colorful magic, we have more rainbow-themed activities lined up. These vibrant activities will not only keep your kids entertained but also add a splash of color and creativity to their learning process. Keep an eye out for more captivating rainbow adventures!

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  • Rainbow Heart Perler Bead Patterns
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In The Playroom

Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables. Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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Rainbow walking water science experiment

This walking water science experiment is so much fun and super easy to do!

Supplies Needed:

  • Printable walking water recording sheets (you can find them on Amazon)
  • Small plastic cups or glasses
  • Paper towels
  • Food coloring in primary colors
  • Set out the recording sheets and place them like the picture shown.
  • Place 7 cups in a row and pour water in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th cup. the cups are about 3/4 full. (fuller is better)
  • Add 5 drops of red food coloring to the 1st cup and the 7th cup.
  • Add 5 drops of yellow food coloring to the 3rd cup.
  • Add 5 drops of blue food coloring to the 5th cup.

*Try to use the same amount of food coloring in each cup. You can always go back and even them out

  • Take a half sheet of paper towel and fold it in half lengthwise and in half again lengthwise.
  • Trim off some of the length so that there isn’t too much excess paper towel that will stick up in the air between each cup. This will make the water walk more quickly.
  • Place one half of a rolled paper towel in the 1st cup and place the other half in the cup next to it. Then another paper towel from 2nd cup and into the 3rd cup. This continues until you have placed the last paper towel that drapes over from the 6th cup to the 7th cup.
  • Stare at the cups and watch what starts happening. You should quickly be able to see the colored water begin to crawl up the paper towel.

Keep checking back every couple of minutes. Soon you will be able to see that the water has crawled all the way up the paper towel and is beginning to walk back down into the empty cup next to it.

Since the cup on either side of an empty cup has colored water in it, the two colors begin to mix in the empty cup. So cool!

Keep coming back throughout the two hours or soon and observe what is happening

Questions to discuss with your buddy

What do you think will happen to the water?

What is happening now?

Why do you think the colors are changing?

Why might the water be able to move up against gravity like that?

How this Science Experiment Works

The water moves up the paper towels through a process called capillary action. The paper towel is made from fibers and the water is able to travel through the gaps in the fibers. The gaps in the paper towel act like capillary tubes and pull the water upward. This is what helps water climb from a plant’s roots to the leaves at the top of the plant or tree.T he water is able to move upward against gravity because of the attractive forces between the water and the fibers in the paper towel.

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2- Ingredient Walking Rainbow Experiment That Works Like Magic

Categories Science Experiments

Kids will love making their very own walking rainbow experiment from just three colors as a fun addition to rainbow science experiments . It’s amazing how color mixing science experiments for kids can make something spectacular! The Walking rainbow science project is a classic science experiment that we’ve tried before. It was a lot of fun to watch the rainbow form right before our eyes!

2-ingredient walking rainbow experiment! Teach color theory and capillary action with this rainbow walking water science experiment.

This lesson teaches color theory, capillary action, the scientific method, and engineering. Kids will have a blast with this simple rainbow science experiment! It’s one of our favorite color science experiments for kids.

Table of Contents

What is the walking rainbow experiment.

This year, my kids realized they could make the entire rainbow with the walking water experiment starting with just the primary colors.

This rainbow walking water experiment packs a lot of learning into a tiny package! Kids will love watching the colors slowly transform over the course of 48 hours.

Kids will love making their very own walking rainbow from just three colors. This amazing walking rainbow experiment is the most fun walking water experiment ever! You'll have a blast with the rainbow walking water. #scienceexperiment #science #stemactivities #science

This project is also perfect for no prep STEM challenges , rainbow science experiments , St. Patrick’s Day STEAM activities , and more!

elementary stem challenge cards

What do children learn from the walking water experiment?

The rainbow paper towel experiment   teaches a few basic scientific concepts.

When the paper towels are rolled up and placed between two jars, they exemplify capillary action, which is how liquid can move up something, rather than follow the usual pull of gravity and pull down.

To get a bit technical, intermolecular forces between the liquid and the paper towel creates surface tension that reacts with the adhesive force between the liquid and paper towel.

This causes the water to move up the paper towel and into the next jar.

What is the science behind climbing rainbow?

Capillary action is how plants pull water from the soil and up into their leaves to give them water and nutrients. This is the process that we will be mimicking in this rainbow walking water science experiment.

Then, once the paper towels pull color from the base red, blue, and yellow primary color jars, the resulting mixture creates the secondary colors of green, purple, and orange, completing the rainbow.

Water moves from jar to jar due to capillary action and surface tension. The surface tension of the water keeps the water from falling off the paper towel onto the table below as it creeps up the paper towel.

Capillary action is the force that is applied to the molecules in the water as they are absorbed by the towel. The pressure gently pushes the water all the way through the towel, and down into the jar next to it.

walking rainbow experiment

The water stabilizes and ends up at the same level in all the jars because of how things like to stabilize.

Once the water level is the same in all the jars and the paper towels are all wet, the water stops moving from jar to jar.

This is how the colors remain in primary in secondary colors, rather than continuously traveling from jar to jar, which would make all the jars turn brown.

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Walking Rainbow Experiment STEM Integration

Here are some additional STEM elements you can add to this activity to make it a complete STEM lesson plan!

Science: Color theory, capillary action. With paper towels (and plants work the same way), the molecules in the water are attracted to the molecules in the paper towels.

This causes the water to slowly move from the jar, up through the paper towel, and into the next jar. Eventually, the water level in all the jars will even out.

The way the walking rainbow experiment works is one of the most fascinating areas of science!

rainbow walking water science project

Technology: Food coloring is a marvel of modern science. We also used a timer to determine how long it took for the water to travel to one container to another.

Engineering: Kids have to set up the experiment properly or it won’t work. If you mix the wrong colors, you won’t end up with a rainbow, but a muddy-looking mess!

Math: Measuring, time estimation, comparison.

Walking rainbow experiment ingredients

Here is what you need to make this fun walking rainbow experiment.

The walking rainbow experiment teaches kids a lot about different parts of science, and this is what you need to make it happen!

12 Ball Mason Jar with Lid - Regular Mouth - 16 oz by Jarden

  • 6 mason jars
  • Food coloring (in red, yellow, and blue)
  • Paper towels

STEM Teaching Resources

These teaching resources will make your STEM classroom more fun and rewarding for your students!

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STEM worksheets

Unleash the inner scientist in your students with our STEM experiment kits for elementary kids.

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Space erasers

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Planet erasers

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Star erasers

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Science sticky notes

Science themed stickers

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STEM journal

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Life Cycle Puzzles

How long does the walking rainbow experiment take?

The walking rainbow water experiment does not take long.

In about 5 to 10 minutes, the color will move up the paper towel and start to fill the jar next to it.

Usually, the process is complete in just a couple of hours, although in some cases, it may take up to 8 hours for the colors to fully move from one jar to the other and combine to make the secondary colors.

Kids will love making their very own walking water rainbow from just three colors. It's amazing how color mixing can make something spectacular!

Print the walking rainbow experiment directions!

Kids will love watching the new colors appear in this rainbow water experiment.

Kids will love making their very own walking water rainbow from just three colors. It's amazing how color mixing can make something spectacular!

How to do the walking rainbow experiment

Kids will love making their very own walking rainbow from just three colors. This amazing walking rainbow experiment is the most fun walking water experiment ever! You'll have a blast with the rainbow walking water.


Kids will love making their very own walking water rainbow from just three colors. It's amazing how color mixing can make something spectacular!

Go over the color wheel before starting.

Show the kids how mixing colors will create different colors. However, don't tell them how to make the rainbow!

Let the kids discuss how they will make a rainbow from just three colors.

It will take them a little bit to determine the right combination.

If the kids are stumped, you can help them out by reminding them what colors are together in a rainbow.

Kids will love making their very own walking water rainbow from just three colors. It's amazing how color mixing can make something spectacular!

The paper towels will start soaking up the water right away, but it will take about 48 hours before the process is finished.

Set a timer to find out exactly how long it takes to start mixing colors.

Kids will love making their very own walking water rainbow from just three colors. It's amazing how color mixing can make something spectacular!

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Rainbow walking water printables, science experiment for kids.

  • February 18, 2020

Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment Printables

Free printables.

Download your set of 3 FREE printables to use with the Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment for kids! 

View full instructions on How To Complete The Rainbow Walking Water HERE!

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Download your set of three printables to use with the Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment for kids! 

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Made In A Pinch

Easy Rainbow Walking Water Experiment For Kids

Watch water seemingly defy gravity to blend colors together, creating a rainbow in this fun and exciting STEM walking water experiment kids can do themselves! This activity has tons of “wow” factor to keep kids engaged and help them learn science!

I struggle with doing science experiments with my kids. I WANT to, but they always seem so much more time-consuming, messier, and harder than I think they’ll be.

Do you want to allow your kids to do science experiments and learn about the world around them but don’t want to deal with the mess or the hassle?

Here is the perfect solution: a walking rainbow experiment .

walking water experiment full project image

Walking Water Experiment – Fun Science In Action!

I’m a huge fan of science because I think it helps us understand the world around us. And because kids are so inquisitive and hands-on, science experiments help them to get an even better grasp of how things work around them.

We have tried the fizzing snow volcano , dancing raisins , and several other science experiments. While my boys love a good mess, there’s only so much I can take.

That’s why I LOVE this walking water science experiment! It’s just the perfect amount of work (hardly any at all), but the payout is huge.

And I gotta say – the rainbow colors are mesmerizing and so worth it!

walking water experiment partial view

Why You’ll Love This Walking Water Activity

This is part of my series of simple science experiments that kids of all ages can do (and enjoy)!

I’m kicking myself for not doing this one sooner. It’s now my favorite experiment – seriously do it right away. Here’s why:

  • It’s easy
  • Take just the right amount of time – not too much of mine, plenty of the kids’ time
  • It’s cheap
  • Super simple
  • It’s SO MUCH FUN (the rainbow colors really make the project exciting)

In addition to pictures, I also have a video for you so you can see just how cool (and easy) this walking water science experiment is!

walking water project

How to do the walking water experiment

No “Walking Water Experiment For Dummies” book required! All the instructions you need are below.

Feel free to check the handy printable recipe card at the bottom of this post for more details. 😉

Supplies Needed

Here’s everything you’ll need to get the job done.

  • 5 clear glasses (like mason jars) or plastic clear cups
  • Red, blue, and yellow food coloring
  • Paper towels

Pro Tip: I highly recommend the pick-a-size paper towels because you use less for each cup. However, if you only have full sheets, take the time to cut them in half.

Watch The Walking Water Project Video!

Check out this short video and see for yourself how cool the walking water science experiment is! Then follow the instructions below to do it yourself.

How to do this walking water experiment

Follow these directions, and you’ll have your own rainbow in no time! Feel free to grab the printable directions for this simple experiment below for easy reference when you’re ready to do it.

Place 5 empty glasses in a row and pour water in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th (odd-numbered) cups. Fuller is better, so fill them about ¾ full.

Add drops of food coloring to the cups like this:

  • 5 drops of red food coloring to the first cup (and the 7th cup if you have that many). 
  • 5 drops of blue food coloring to the 3rd cup.
  • 5 drops of yellow food coloring in the 5th cup.

Take the paper towel half-sheet (you’ll need 4 total – OR 6 total if using 7 cups), and fold it in half (lengthwise). Repeat the folding process until your paper towel strip is 1-2 inches wide.

walking water science experiment closeup

Trim off a bit of the length so that there isn’t much excess paper towel that will stick up in the air between each cup. This will help the water walk faster.

Place one end of the paper towel strip in the 1st cup and place the other end in the cup next to it (the empty 2nd cup). Then, add another strip of paper towel from the 2nd cup into the full 3rd cup. 

Continue this process until you reach the end.

walking water experiment top view

Watch the cups to find out what begins to happen. It shouldn’t take long before you can see the colored water begin to travel up the paper towel.

You can sit there and watch the water climb the paper towels from the glasses of water to the empty glasses. Or walk away for about 5 minutes and come back to check on the progress. The water will stop moving from cup to cup once the water level in all the cups is about the same.

What do you notice about how the different colors of water mix?

Rainbow Water Experiment Notes


I only had 5 cups when I did this experiment, so I had to modify it slightly, as you can see in the photos. So here’s what I did: I put the yellow into the last cup and then added 3 drops of red coloring to the yellow cup to make the orange.

It looks even more amazing when you can do it with 7 cups, but I wanted to show you that you can still do it well with 5 cups.


You don’t need to use food coloring for this project to work. However, doing so exponentially takes the “fun” level way UP! It helps the kids to see the “walking” part too 😉


In theory, more absorbent paper towels work better. But, I buy cheap off-brand ones, and our water moved quickly from cup to cup, so I am not sure how vital that tip is. Maybe it goes a little quicker with more absorbent paper towels.

Would toilet paper work instead? Not really. In theory, this rainbow paper towel experiment would work with toilet paper too, but paper towels are a little sturdier and won’t break down as quickly when wet like toilet paper will. While I haven’t tried it myself, I envision the toilet paper breaking in between glasses from the weight of the water and disrupting the whole process of this easy science experiment.


Use the same amount of food coloring in every cup. If you let your kids add the food coloring and they are more “liberal” with one or two, simply add the difference to the remaining cups!

Love crafts and easy DIY projects? Grab this mini activity book for more by clicking the image below – free! 👇

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Important Questions to Ask About This Walking Water Experiment

This may be a fun activity, but it IS a science experiment!

Consider asking your kids these questions to help them learn more and think through this project:

  • What do you think will happen with the water?
  • How can water move up against gravity?
  • What do you think will happen to the colors?
  • Why do you think the colors are changing?
  • What can you learn from this about color theory?

Talk About Colors

Not only do the colors make this experiment even more fun, but it’s great opportunity to teach the kids about primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and secondary colors (made by combining primary colors: orange, green, purple).

Check out the colorful rainbow!

Walking Water Experiment FAQs

Here are some helpful things to think about as you do this activity with your kids. If you have a question that you don’t see answered below, please leave it for me in the comments!

This fun experiment is all about the process of capillary action .  The paper towels are made of cellulose fibers, and water travels through the tiny gaps in the fibers. Think of it like straws (capillary tubes) pulling the water upward. Why? Because the water is attracted to the paper towel fibers and pulls other water molecules along with them as water is pulled through the fibers of the paper towel. These attractive forces between the water molecules and the paper towel forces pulls the water up through the narrow space against the pull of gravity. Real World Application? This is the exact process that draws water from a plant’s roots to the leaves at the top of the tree or plant.

About 30-45 minutes for the water to move completely. It’s amazing to watch the water move upwards and over into the empty cups, creating new colors along the way! 

Walking Rainbow Water Activity Final Thoughts

If you have been wanting to do some science projects with your kids but don’t want to deal with the hassle, the mess, or the time commitment of babysitting a science experiment, this is THE project to do.

And a bonus is that it’s not just kids who love this walking water science experiment! Adults find it pretty enthralling too 😁

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Rainbow Walking Water Experiment

A fun and easy STEM project for kids to teach them about colors and capillary action!


  • 5 clear glass (like mason jars) or plastic cups
  • 2 paper towels


Place 5 cups in a row and pour water in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th (odd-numbered) cups. Fuller is better, so fill them about ¾ full.

Add 5 drops of red food coloring to the 1st cup and the 7th cup. Add 5 drops of blue food coloring to the 3rd cup. And 5 drops of yellow food coloring to the 5th cup.

Take the paper towel half-sheet (you’ll need 6 total) and fold it in half (lengthwise) and repeat the folding process until your paper towel strip is 1-2 inches wide.

Trim off a bit of the length so that there isn’t much excess paper towel that will stick up in the air between each cup. This will help the water walk faster.

Place one half of a rolled paper towel in the 1st cup and place the other half in the cup next to it (the empty 2nd cup). Then one from 2nd cup and into the 3rd cup and so on until you reach the end.

Watch the cups to find out what begins to happen. It shouldn’t take long before you are able to see the colored water begin to travel up the paper towel.

The entire process can take up to 45 minutes, but it's fun to watch as the colors travel!

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I like the way this project looks. I’m doing this project this year for my 5th grade science fair project.

Hi Michael! That’s terrific! I hope it turns out well – good luck in the science fair!

This takes me back! What a great experiment to do with kids. I’ll have to get my kids doing this one.

Such a fantastic project! Definitely need to try these out.

What a fun project! I’ll have to try this one out with my kids.

Now, this looks fun. My daughter would enjoy this. She loves anything that allows her to use my food coloring.

I love this idea. Gonna try this with my daughter. She’s at the stage that she wants to know everything and i know she will enjoy this.

This is great! It’s so simple yet has a big impact on kids. Mine will love to watch the color travel and probably turn it into a race to see which color will make the rainbow first.

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Walking Water Experiment


We love simple science experiments. And this one is really easy to set-up and the kids are always amazed at the end result. Learn about color mixing and capillary action in this easy walking water experiment!

RELATED: Grow a Rainbow Experiment 

Walking Water Science Experiment

Walking Water Science Experiment

This science project is fun for kids of all ages to try! Kids will be amazed at the rainbow created using capillary action. You can also use this activity to teach about color mixing and rainbows.

See also our Grow a Rainbow experiment.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Here is what you will need for this activity:  

  • Paper Towel – 6 folded half sheets
  • Food Coloring – we like the liquid gel food coloring (you just need 1 drop) but regular food coloring works too
  • 7 Small Clear Cups or Glasses

Walking Water Experiment for Kids

What is the Science Behind This Experiment?

This science experiment is a great example of coloring mixing and capillary action.

Kids can learn about how secondary colors are formed when the orange, green and purple colors are made in the empty cups.

Capillary action is what makes the dye move up the paper towel.  The water moves upward through the paper towel, lifting the food dye molecules with it. This same phenomenon is what allows trees to get water from the ground with their roots. Paper towels are made from fibers found in plants, called cellulose.

Walking Water Experiment Science

How to do the Walking Water Experiment

1. Start by filling up 4 clear cups with water.

Fill the water to almost the top of the cup.

The more water there is, the faster the walking water will travel.

Fill Cups with Water

2. Add 1 drop of red food coloring to two of the cups, 1 drop of blue food coloring to one of the cups and 1 drop of yellow to one of the cups.

If using regular food coloring you may need to add a few drops.

Add Food Coloring to Cups

For the red and blue, make sure this is not too concentrated.

Once the colors mix, if they are too concentrated then the purple will look more black than purple.

3. Place the cups in a line starting with red on each end.

Line them up like this: 1. Red 2. Empty Cup 3. Yellow Cup 4. Empty Cup 5. Blue Cup 6. Empty Cup 7. Red Cup

Line Up Cups for Walking Rainbow

When the colors mix then the order of the rainbow will show this way.

4. Fold over 6 pieces of paper towel (half sheets) and trim about 1/4 off the end so they are not too long.

5. Place a paper towel into each cup and connect with the empty cups.

Place Paper Towel into Cups

6. The water and dye will immediately start to move up the paper towel into the empty cups.

Blue and red will mix to make purple.

Blue and yellow will mix to make green.

And red and yellow will mix to make orange.

Blue and Red Color Mixing

7. Wait 2-3 hours for the empty cups to fill with the new color that is mixed from the other 2 cups.

Now your walking rainbow is complete! You can now see each color from the rainbow in the cups and your empty cups have now been filled with the secondary colors – orange, green and purple!

Walking Rainbow Science Experiment

Note – if you would like to do the experiment in a circle instead of a straight line to save space, just make 1 red cup and place the cups in a circle (as shown in the first image).

Kids will love watching the water travel and seeing the new colors being made in this easy science experiment!

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Walking Water Science Activity for Kids

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We are always on the lookout for simple science activities to do with our kids. It doesn’t get any easier than this walking water science activity! Kids of all ages will be dazzled by the magic of watching colored water move along a paper towel from a full glass to fill up an empty glass.

An experiment with food coloring to show how water can travel

Getting Walking Water Ready

Setup is super simple for this activity. We began by gathering the following supplies:

  • Six jars of equal size (we used pint-sized mason jars )
  • Food coloring in primary colors (red, yellow, and blue)
  • Paper towels

We started by adding about 20 drops of blue food coloring to one jar and then filling it with 2 cups of water. Then we added 20 drops of yellow food coloring to another jar, filled it with water, and then added 20 drops of red food coloring to a third jar and filled it with water.

We arranged our jars in a circle so that there was an empty jar in between each filled jar.

Then we tore off six paper towels. The brand we used is Viva, but I have read that many other brands work just as well. If you find that your walking water science experiment isn’t working you may want to try a different brand or thickness of paper towel.

Our paper towels are the smaller “choose your size” kind. If you have the full sized paper towels you will only need to tear off three of them, and then tear each of those in half.

We folded each paper towel into length-wise quarters. This is the perfect size for each towel to reach from the bottom of one pint-sized jar to the bottom of the next jar.

Making Water Walk

We arranged each paper towel so that one end was submerged in the colored water of one full jar and one end was in an empty jar. This meant that each jar had two paper towels in it and all the jars were connected in a little circular paper towel circuit. We predicted what would happen and recorded it on the free printable below.

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

Within 30 seconds we could see colored water creeping up the paper towels! Little by little the water moved along the paper towel until it finally started dripping into the empty jar. With two different primary colors dripping into each empty jar we quickly created the secondary colors; orange, purple, and green!

After about one hour our jars looked like this:

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

We checked on our walking water frequently and observed how more and more water was transferred from the full jars to the empty jars. After leaving it overnight we noticed how all of the jars contained exactly the same level of water.

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

After the experiment was completed, we completed our recording sheet. It was so much fun!

This Walking Water Experiment is a great hands-on science experiment perfect for anytime of the year. There is a free recording sheet printable included. This is perfect for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students.

The Science Behind Walking Water

The colored water moves up the paper towel by a process called capillary action. Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow upward, against gravity, in narrow spaces.  This is the same thing that helps water climb from a tree’s roots to its leaves at the top.

Paper towels are made from plant fibers called cellulose.  In our walking water experiment, the water flowed upward through the tiny gaps between the cellulose fibers. The attractive forces between water and cellulose fibers make this possible.

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

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Do you want science planned for the ENTIRE CALENDAR YEAR !? This Endless Science Mega Bundle will save you so much time and keep your students engaged and excited about learning . This amazing resource contains 53 science topics  including  life science , physical science , earth science , and animal studies .

Download Your Walking Water Science Experiment Printable Below!

Can you not find a resource that you would LOVE to have for your classroom? Contact me and I would be happy to make it for you.

Click the picture below to download. 

rainbow walking water experiment worksheet

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    Walking Water Experiment Worksheet (Rainbow water) by . Sinnett's Study. $3.00. PDF. This is a worksheet to go along with an experiment that is perfect for the elementary science classroom, or any age! Students will make predictions and then record their observations.The worksheet includes instructions of how to set up the experiment. You need ...