ECDIS Presentation Library 4.0 and PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on SAFETY OF NAVIGATION

ECDIS Presentation Library 4.0 and PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on SAFETY OF NAVIGATION

The Maritime Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on SAFETY OF NAVIGATION. The aim of the CIC is to check compliance with the applicable requirements of the SOLAS Convention, the overall status of the vessel’s navigation safety, and the competency of crew involved in navigation operations.

This inspection campaign will be held for three months, commencing from 1 September 2017 and ending 30 November 2017 . A ship will only be subject to one inspection under this CIC during the period of the campaign.

Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a list of 12 questions to assure that navigation equipment carried onboard complies with the relevant statutory certificates, the master and navigation officers are qualified and familiar with operation of bridge equipment, especially ECDIS, and that navigation equipment is properly maintained and functioning.

This campaign is also related to standards updates that have been carried by IHO with further implementation by ship owners and ECDIS manufacturers.

One of the good tools for PSC visit preparation may be the ECDIS Familiarisation Recommendations by the Nautical Institute provided in the form of check-list.

During the last years ECDIS has been more commonly used on SOLAS vessels and with the ECDIS Carriage requirement a majority of vessels will be equipped with ECDIS by the end of this decade. The development of ECDIS is an ongoing process based on user needs, technology achievements and need for improvement related to safety of navigation. The need to improve previously adopted ECDIS Standard was also recognized by the IMO «in order to ensure the operational reliability of such equipment and taking into account the technological progress and experience gained» and resulted in a revised performance standard for ECDIS MSC.232(82) adopted in December 2006. In the same way the related IEC test standards, as well as the IHO standards used for production and presentation of Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) have been revised periodically.

In Oct 2011 the IHO issued the ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance Checks , which included two fictitious ENC cells intended to assist mariners identifying if their ECDIS was using the latest IHO S-52 Presentation Library, edition 3.4. The dataset also highlighted if there were any known ENC display anomalies present in the system. Mariners were asked to run a series of quick tests using the check datasets within their ECDIS to ascertain if they were experiencing display issues. If the system was found to be running an old IHO Presentation Library or had a more serious display anomaly Mariners were advised to contact their ECDIS manufacturer or an appropriate equipment maintenance company to obtain software patches and investigate further to resolve the issues. Results of the tests were to be sent to the IHO for analysis and for use in revising IHO standards.

The IHO ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance Checklist were not intended for, and are not suitable to be used as a Port State Inspection / Carriage compliance test for ECDIS.

To address the display anomalies and improve the ECDIS user experience the IHO issued S-52 Presentation Library edition 4.0 in September 2014.

The IHO has coordinated with the IEC to align the issue dates of S-52 and IEC 61174 “ECDIS Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results” publications. This resulted in a new edition (4.0) of IEC 61174 being published in Aug 2015. These standard updates affect all new ECDIS systems and new installations from Aug 19 th 2015. Current ECDIS users have until Aug 31 st 2017 to update their systems to comply with the ECDIS software updating guidance in MSC.1.Circ.1503 “ECDIS – GUIDANCE FOR GOOD PRACTICE” .

Changes to the IHO S-52 Presentation Library introduced in edition 4.0 will invalidate the tests contained in IHO ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance Checks which were specifically designed and developed for ECDIS using the IHO S-52 Presentation Library edition 3.4 or earlier.

IEC 61174 ed 4.0 address the following main problems:

- Consistent use of symbols and abbreviations

- Alarm categorization

- Alarm visualization

- Reducing a number of audible alerts

- ECDIS default control settings Route exchange format «RTZ»

Set of new IHO standards address the following main areas:

- New design of Chart object info functionality (Pick report) makes access to ENC chart information easier and understandable for user

- Reorganization of alert management resulting in less alarms being generated by ENC objects

- Crossing navigational hazards (isolated dangers and aids to navigation) as well as areas with special conditions (TSS, anchorage areas, etc.) will generate only visible alarms now

- Safety contours continue to create audible and visible alarms

- Standardized way of making ENC update status report will allow mariners and Port State Control inspectors to confirm that the ENCs installed in an ECDIS are up-to-date

- ECDIS viewing groups extension based on Mariner feedback for detailed control of ENC features

- Chart management and ENC status reports

- ENC test data sets

- Other modifications - new symbols, names of fairways and anchorage areas, highlighting ENC updates, date dependent objects, new chart display layers, and some more

ECDIS and the IHO Presentation Library Edition Number

All ECDIS must have a function to display the edition number of the IHO Presentation Library that is in use within the ECDIS. The new IHO ECDIS Presentation Library edition 4.0 clause 19.1 states: ‘The edition number of the PresLib installed must be available to the Mariner on request’. This requirement is tested for in the standard IEC 61174 edition 4 clause 5.5.1 Presentation library (S 52/Annex A, Part I/19.1) ‘The edition number of the PresLib installed shall be available to the Mariner on request’.

All Mariners must familiarise themselves with the function in their ECDIS that will display the edition number of the IHO Presentation Library as this varies across ECDIS manufactures. This function will be required when Port State Control officers want evidence that the ECDIS is up-to-date to the latest IHO standards. MSC.1.Circ.1503: ‘Additionally, ECDIS software should be kept up to date such that it is capable of displaying up-to-date electronic charts correctly according to the latest version of IHO's chart content and display standards’.

ECDIS Chart 1 and IHO Presentation Library edition 4.0 checks

This is the IHO recommended method for checking that the ECDIS system can display symbols correctly. There is no intention for the IHO to issue a check data set for IHO Presentation 4.0.

ECDIS users can check that their systems are capable of displaying the new symbols introduced in the IHO S-52 Presentation Library edition 4.0 by opening the ECDIS Chart 1 datasets. ECDIS Chart 1 which includes a legend of symbols used in ENC’s, should be installed on all type approved ECDIS.

Any anomalies in the display, shall be reported to the ECDIS provider and the IHO at [email protected].

More details can be found at

Viewing ECDIS Chart 1, “Information about chart display (A, B)” within the ECDIS will only display the new symbols if the IHO Presentation Library edition 4.0 is installed.

( 1 ) The beacon and buoy features below (approx. position is 15°07.0’N 005°06.5’W) display the date dependent magenta ‘d’ symbol when the ECDIS date range is set between 01.04.2014 and 27.08.2014.

( 2 ) New indication highlight symbology for objects that pose a danger to the vessel.

( 3 ) Automatic update symbology for identifying where changes to the ENCs have occurred.

It will not be possible to view the new symbols, if the ECDIS software has not been updated to use the S-52 Presentation Library Edition 4.0.

presentation library furuno ecdis

Referring to mentioned above deck officers must know how to check their actual Presentation Library. Usually you can easily find it via so called “PIC report” enquiring ENC cell information. Let’s see how it’s done by example of two different systems.

IHO Presentation Library check on Transas Navi-Sailor 4000

This can be done in three steps:

( 1 ) Click “I” button on the console

( 2 ) TrackBall RightClick anywhere on the chart

( 3 ) Click “General” in the chart information field

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As you can see, this ECDIS still runs with the old Presentation Library ed 3.4 from 2008.

Another tricky moment is that not every ECDIS clearly shows ECDIS chart 1 as it is. ECDIS chart 1 is split in several cells with names starting from “AA”. So, if one clicks “Task List” -> “Charts” he will be able to see charts “aa5cab1” and “aa5cab2”, which are supposed to be checked as per IHO recommendations. As mentioned above, it is not possible to view the new symbols, as the ECDIS software has not been updated to use the S-52 Presentation Library Edition 4.0

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IHO Presentation Library check on Simrad Maris 900

This can also be done in three steps:

( 1 ) TrackBall RightClick anywhere on the chart

( 2 ) Click “Properties” on the context menu

( 3 ) Click “More” in the chart information field

presentation library furuno ecdis

This ECDIS already runs with the new Presentation Library ed 4.0 from 2014 . And if you access the Charts Management utility, you will be able to find ECDIS Chart 1 and the same notation for its cells. Checking cells “aa5cab1” and “aa5cab2” will give an exact match with example given by IHO.

presentation library furuno ecdis

I do hope that this information helped to clarify some concerns regarding ECDIS Presentation Library and corresponding checks and I wish you fair winds, following seas and no deficiencies!

Learn more about ECDIS operation and safety settings with our ECDIS Awareness course .  

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Wish you calm seas and best regards!

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ALEX ECDIS  Library & Training is the good refreshing memory. BRGDS 

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  • Marine Equipment For Merchant Marine

Relevant information

  • ECDIS mandatory
  • Advantages of FURUNO ECDIS

A solution to support smooth transition from paper-based navigation to electronic navigation

Product Image of ECDIS FMD-3100

Compatible Cartography

Image of

Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)

Image of

Raster Navigation Chart (RNC)

  • Admiralty Vector Chart Service by UKHO
  • Jeppesen Primar ECDIS Service
  • ● ARCS raster chart
  • ● C-MAP Professional+*

* C-MAP Professional+ is a private chart, hence not construed as replacement for paper chart.

▶ Compatibility with Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) for further navigation safety

Additional AIO layer includes all Admiralty Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners as well as additional ENC Preliminary Notices to Mariners, i.e., reported navigational hazards that have been incorporated into a paper chart, but have yet to be included in ENCs. The service is free of charge as part of Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS) by UKHO.

presentation library furuno ecdis

User Interface

▶ task-based operation realized by combination of status bar and instantaccess bar™ providing quick access to the needed tasks/functions.

The user interface of the FMD-3100 centers on carefully organized operational tools: Status bar and InstantAccess bar™. The Status bar contains information about the operating status, and the InstantAccess bar™ contains all the tasks available. These operational tools deliver straightforward, task-based operation by which the operator can quickly perform navigational tasks without having to go deeper into an intricate menu tree.

presentation library furuno ecdis

Drop-down menu to facilitate streamlined operation

presentation library furuno ecdis

▶ Streamlined integration into the onboard navigation system; perfectly suited for ECDIS retrofitting projects

  • ● 2 LAN ports and 4 serial ports are available to facilitate smooth integration into a bridge network as well as interface with onboard navigation sensors
  • ● Flexibility in installation; supporting both table-top mounting* as well as flush-mounting to match the space availability in the wheelhouse

Image of

*Optional mounting bracket for table-top mounting required.

▶ Suitable for both primary and back-up ECDIS

Dual configuration of the FMD-3100 supports the vessel to go paperless. For those who have already installed the FMD-3200/FMD-3300 onboard the vessel, the FMD-3100 can be used as a cost-effective back-up arrangement for the FMD-3200/FMD-3300 ECDIS.

▶ Instantaneous chart redraw delivered by FURUNO’s advanced chart drawing engine, making redraw latency a thing of the past

Image of

▶ Easily interfaces with existing FAR-2xx7 series Radar for:

  • ● Radar overlay
  • ● Route and waypoint
  • ● Target track info
  • ● User Charts

exchange via Ethernet

*Software update on FAR-21x7/FAR-28x7 series might be necessary depending on the program number. *for Radar overlay with analog Radar such as FAR-2xx5 series, the optional RCB-002 Radar Connection Box is required.

▶ Complies with the following IMO and IEC regulations:

  • ● IMO A.694 (17)
  • ● IMO MSC.191 (79)
  • ● IMO MSC.232 (82)
  • ● IMO MSC.302 (87)
  • ● IEC 60945 Ed. 4
  • ● IEC 61162-1 Ed. 5
  • ● IEC 61162-2 Ed. 1
  • ● IEC 61162-450 Ed. 2
  • ● IEC 61174 Ed. 4
  • ● IEC 62288 Ed .2
  • ● IEC62923-1/-2

Software Version

Software version 01.xx 03.xx 05.xx
Testing standard IEC 61174 Ed.3 IEC 61174 Ed.4 IEC 61174 Ed.4
Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) S-57 Ed. 3.1,
S-57 Ed. 3.1.1 and
S-57 Maintenance Document (Cumulative) No. 8
Raster Navigational Chart (RNC) S-61 Ed. 1.0
ECDIS Presentation Library S-52 PresLib Ed. 3.4 S-52 PresLib Ed. 4.0 S-52 PresLib Ed. 4.0
Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS S-52 Ed. 6.0 S-52 Ed. 6.1 S-52 Ed. 6.1
ENC Data Protection S-63 Ed. 1.1.1 S-63 Ed. 1.2.0 S-63 Ed. 1.2.0
Compliance for IHO CDS S-64 Ed. 2.0.0 S-64 Ed. 3.0.1 S-64 Ed. 3.0.1
Bridge Alert Management (BAM) MSC.302(87) IEC 62923-1/2 IEC 62923-1/2

Please consult with your local distributors, should you wish to upgrade the software.

Brochure Download

Locate a Distributor Contact a local distributor for further details.

Furuno 3000 Series ECDIS

July 2024
  2 456

All electronic chart licensing and data management operations are carried out through the “Charts” Option on the Top Toolbar and then from the various Tabs on the left hand side of the Home screen on the FURUNO ECDIS:

furuno ecdis

To check the ECDIS Software Version: Select “?” then select “About”

furuno ecdis

To check Presentation Library (PL) Edition: Select “?” then select “About”

furuno ecdis

The User Permit Number (UPN)

The ‘User Permit Number’ is a 28 character alphanumeric string that is unique to each ECDIS installation or group of ECDIS, e.g. multiple bridge installations.

The ‘User Permit Number’ should have been supplied at the time of delivery and must be used when ordering an AVCS license.

To check the UPN select the ? → About :

furuno ecdis

The Public Key

The Admiralty Vector Chart Service currently uses the IHO.CRT, issued by the International Hydrographic Organisation, to authenticate its AVCS ENCs.

However, the Furuno 3000 ECDIS uses the IHO.PUB Public Key which is included in all AVCS Media. To view and install the IHO Public Key:

  • Select ‘Public Key’ Menu on the Home screen

furuno ecdis

  • In the ‘Select Public Key’ window appearing, when a Public Key is already activated, an ‘A’ populates the box next to the selected Public Key
  • Click on ‘Display Content’ to view the already activated Public Key

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If the Public Key currently installed differs from the IHO.CRT the user will need to install the IHO.CRT.

To do this insert any AVCS S63 1.1 Base or Update CD into your ECDIS and follow the steps below:

1. Select ‘Public Key’ Menu on the Home screen

furuno ecdis

  • In the ‘Select Public Key’ window appearing, click on ‘Load New Key’ to install a new Public Key

furuno ecdis

On the next ‘Open File’ window, select the location where the new Public Key to install is stored (i.e. CD, DVD, USB). Select the IHO.PUB and click ‘Open’.

An ‘Attention’ message confirming the installation of the new Public Key will appear on the screen. Click ‘OK’.

  • Highlight the new Public Key and select ‘Activate’ to select the required Public Key to be installed

furuno ecdis

  • An ‘A’ will then populate the box next to the selected Public Key.
  • Click ‘Close’ to finish.

furuno ecdis

Deleting ENC Data

New AVCS customers who had previously subscribed to other ENC services are required to remove (purge) all ENC Permits and data from the system before installing AVCS.

To delete all ENCs data from the system:

1. Select ‘Manage Charts’ on the Home screen

furuno ecdis

  • In the ‘Manage Charts’ window, tick the Chart to be deleted
  • Click on ‘Delete Charts’

furuno ecdis

An ‘Attention’ window with the message “All selected Charts will be deleted. Do you wish to continue?” is then displayed. Click ‘OK’ to confirm the deletion of the selected Chart.

A final ‘Attention’ window then confirms the deletion. Click ‘OK’.

The deleted Chart will disappear from the ‘Licenses’ window.

Deleting ALL Charts

  • Select ‘Manage Charts’ on the Home screen

furuno ecdis

  • In the ‘Manage Charts’ window, right-click the block to the left of the ‘Type’ box.

furuno ecdis

  • Two options then appear ‘Select All’ and ‘Deselect All’. Click on ‘Select All’.

furuno ecdis

  • When all Charts are selected with a Tick in front of them, click on ‘Delete Charts’

furuno ecdis

An ‘Attention’ window with the message “All selected Charts will be deleted. Do you wish to continue?” is then displayed. Click ‘OK’ to confirm the deletion of all the selected Charts. A final ‘Attention’ window then confirms the deletion. Click ‘OK’. The deleted Charts will disappear from the ‘Manage Charts’ window.

furuno ecdis

Deleting ENC Permits

If the user has previously subscribed to another ENC service please remove these ENC permits from the ECDIS system before use. The user must select the cells for which permits are to be deleted. In most instances this will simply involve selecting all cells. In certain circumstances it may be required to remove permits for individual cells, in this case simply select the cells for which permits need to be deleted.

To delete ENC Permits:

  • Select ‘License’ on the Home screen

furuno ecdis

  • In the ‘Licenses’ window, select the Chart for which the Permit is to be deleted, with a Tick in front of them
  • Click on ‘Delete Licenses’

furuno ecdis

An ‘Attention’ window with the message ‘Selected group will be deleted. Do you wish to continue?’ is then displayed. Click ‘OK’ to confirm the deletion of all the selected Charts.

A final ‘Attention’ window then confirms the deletion: ‘1 ENC Permit removed’. Click ‘OK’.

Deleting ALL Permits

furuno ecdis

  • In the ‘Licenses’ window, right-click the block to the left of the ‘Type’ box.
  • 2 options then appear ‘Select All’ and ‘Deselect All’. Click on ‘Select All’.

furuno ecdis

  • Once all the Permits to be deleted are selected with a tick in front of them, click ‘Delete Licences’ on this ‘Licenses’ window.

furuno ecdis

An ‘Attention’ window with the message “Selected group will be deleted. Do you wish to continue?” is then displayed. Click ‘OK’ to confirm the deletion of all the selected Charts.

A final ‘Attention’ window then confirms the deletion: ‘XXX ENC Permits removed’. Click ‘OK’.

The deleted Charts will now disappear from the ‘Licenses’ window.

furuno ecdis

Installing ENC Permits

Note: Ensure the correct Permit is installed into the ECDIS workstation.

  • Select ‘License’ on the Home screen and in the ‘Licenses’ window, select the ‘ENC’ Tab
  • Select ‘Install Licenses’

furuno ecdis

In the next ‘Select File’ window, highlight the Permit.txt file from the selected source location (i.e. USB), click ‘Open’ and then ‘OK’

If needed, the Permit List can then be exported to external Media (i.e. CD, DVD, USB) by clicking on the ‘Export List’ option:

furuno ecdis

Installing AVCS DVDs

There are currently 2 AVCS DVD Media. AVCS DVD Media contain all the latest Base and Update data. It is likely that users will need to install both DVDs in order to load all licensed ENCs. Reference to the Schedule A can avoid the unnecessary loading of both DVDs and save the user time.

The process described here should be used in almost all circumstances as it will automatically select data to be loaded according to the permit file installed by the user.

To install AVCS DVD Media:

Note: Ensure the latest permits have been installed before attempting to install any data

1. Click on ‘Auto Load’ on the Home screen

furuno ecdis

An ‘Attention’ window then appears warning that ‘this process takes time to complete and the operation speed of the system will decline. Do you wish to continue?’. Click ‘OK’.

Another ‘Attention’ window confirms how many ‘Charts are contained in the inserted AVCS Media and how many can be installed (based on the previously installed Permit file). Do you wish to continue?’. Click ‘OK’.

Note: Whenever Charts are cancelled, they will automatically be removed from the system. When this happens, this will be communicated in the ‘Error/Warning Guidance’ window at the end of the installation.

The AVCS Media will be read and a progress Bar will display on the ‘Install Chart Data’ window on the screen. When the installation is complete, a window confirming the installation will appear, click ‘Confirm’ (this window can take some time to appear even if the Progress Bar shows a completion rate of 100%)

To check the details of the data installation, click on ‘Show Details’ on the ‘Install Chart Data’ window.

Click ‘Finish’ to close.

Installing AVCS Base CDs

There are currently 9 AVCS Base CDs but this number will grow as more ENCs become available for distribution within AVCS. It is unlikely that users will need to install all of the CDs in order to load all licensed ENCs. Reference to the Schedule A can avoid the unnecessary loading of some CDs and save the user time. The process described here should be used in almost all circumstances as it will automatically select data to be loaded according to the permit file installed by the user.

To install AVCS Base CD:

1. After having inserted the first AVCS Base CD identified in the Schedule A into the appropriate drive (i.e. D/Q), click on ‘Auto Load’ on the Home screen

furuno ecdis

Installing AVCS Update CD

Note: The AVCS update disc will indicate which Base disc week must have been installed. It is important that users do not attempt to load an Update CD that is not consistent with the Base CDs

To install AVCS Update CD:

Note: Check the AVCS Update CD for the required Base CDs to be applied first.

furuno ecdis

Another ‘Attention’ window confirms how many ‘Charts are contained in the inserted AVCS Media and how many can be updated (based on the previously installed Permit file). Do you wish to continue?’. Click ‘OK’.

Note: Repeat this step if directed to do so by the ECDIS.

Installing Exchange Set using USB Stick

The exchange set contained the latest Notices to Mariners’ corrections, New Editions and New Charts issued since the last update for their AVCS holdings. The exchange set can be downloaded using online chart updating software.

To install AVCS/AIO Exchange Set using USB Stick:

Note: Please do not save the Permit file within the ENC/AIO Exchange Set.

To install AVCS/AIO exchange set:

  • Click on ‘Auto Load’ on the Home screen ensuring there is no update media in the CD/DVD drive An ‘Attention’ window then appears warning that ‘this process takes time to complete and the operation speed of the system will decline. Do you wish to continue?’. Click ‘OK’.
  • A “Valid media not found” message box will appear. Click “Select”.

furuno ecdis

  • Navigate to the exchange set on the external media, highlight the folder named “V01X01” and click “OK”.

furuno ecdis

The update will then complete and any updates will be applied.

Viewing an ENC

To view ENC data:

  • Select ‘Manage Charts’

furuno ecdis

  • Select the ENC by ticking the box to the left of the ENC cell name.
  • Select ‘Open Chart’

furuno ecdis

The ECDIS will then open the chart specified at the appropriate display scale.

Installing AIO Permits

The Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) is installed in the Furuno FMD 3000 ECDIS by installing the Cell GB800001 included in the PERMIT.TXT file and then the AIO Data.

To install the AIO Permits:

furuno ecdis

In the next ‘Select File’ window appearing, highlight the Permit.txt file which contains the AIO Permit from the selected source location (i.e. USB), click ‘Open’ and then ‘OK’

  • The AIO Permit will now appear in the Licenses List

furuno ecdis

Installing AIO Data

The AIO Media can only be installed when the usual AVCS S-63 1.1 Data has been previously installed. After having previously installed the Permit for the AIO Cell GB800001, the AIO Media now needs to be installed.

Insert the latest AIO CD into the appropriate drive (i.e. D/Q)

  • Click on ‘Auto Load’ on the Home screen

furuno ecdis

Another ‘Attention’ window confirms how many ‘Charts are contained in the inserted AIO Media and how many can be installed (based on the previously installed Permit file). Do you wish to continue?’. Click ‘OK’.

The AIO CD will be read and a progress Bar will display on the ‘Install Chart Data’ window on the screen.

When the installation is complete, a window confirming the installation will appear, click ‘Confirm’(this window can take some time to appear even if the Progress Bar shows a completion rate of 100%)

  • Once the AIO Permits and Media have been installed, the AIO is enabled
  • If needed, the system will give the user the option of then disabling the AIO from the ‘Licenses’ window:

furuno ecdis

Using the AIO

To enable AIO data: 1. Select ‘Display’ from left hand tool-bar.

  • Select ‘Chart DISP’ option.

furuno ecdis

  • Navigate to the ‘NtoM’ tab.
  • Ensure all options under ‘AIO’ are ticked on.

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To view AIO data:

  • Start by opening an ENC and you should see red polygons with the T and P number labeled over the center of them.

furuno ecdis

  • Right click over an AIO polygon and select ‘Pick Report’.

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  • Select the GB80001 polygon from object list and click ‘Select’ in bottom right of selection box.

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  • Select the ‘Information’ box by left clicking which will give you the notice information relating to the polygon.

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Systems Checks

The user has the option to review the status of all installed ENCs on the Furuno FMD 3000 ECDIS by consulting various Reports. 1.Select ‘Record’ on the Home screen 2.Select ‘Chart Log’ 3.Select ‘ENC’

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A Report containing all the installed Cells then appears on the screen. This Report contains information about all the Update status of the Cells currently installed on the system. Select ‘Close’ to close the Report.

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The Furuno FMD 3000 ECDIS displays the Cell status of the Cells installed within a colour coding system on the Geographical Display:

Green: The Permit is valid and the ENC is available for use in SENC format. If the source of the ENC is a RENC, then the ENC is also up-to-date. If the source of the S-57 vector chart is something other than a RENC then all loaded updates are included into the SENC. Orange: You have a valid Permit and the ENC is available for use in SENC format but it is either not up-to-date or has been cancelled. This could be for several reasons, either the SENC is from a previous edition, the latest SENC update was missed or the ENC has been cancelled. Red: If an ENC is installed in the SENC but does not have a corresponding permit installed then the ENC is no longer available for display in the viewer. Blue: The conversion of the Cells from RENC to SENC as somehow failed during the conversion process. This can be due to a software upgrade or an issue with the data itself preventing the Furuno from successfully converting to SENC. For example, one Cell was up-to-date before a software upgrade and was not updated when the software was upgraded. Then the Cell would show as blue until the conversion process is completed. Contrary to the Magenta colour which means that the RENC to SENC conversion was not even started. Magenta: You have a permit to use the ENC, but the installed ENC is not available in SENC format and thus you cannot use the ENC currently. It is also possible to check the updating status of all Cells installed within the Cell Status mode:

1.Select ‘Cell Status’ on the Home screen

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2.The ‘Cell Status’ window then appears displaying the Updating status of all Cells installed:

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If screenshots need to be taken (i.e. report specific issues), this is carried out in the Furuno FMD 3000 by clicking on ‘Capture Screenshot’ on the Home screen.

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When the required screenshot is taken, it will be automatically saved on the system within the ‘Settings’ Tab on the top Menu

furuno ecdis

In the next ‘Settings’ window, find the screenshot previously taken (usually at the bottom of the drop down list), highlight it with a tick on its left hand side and then click on ‘Export’. This will open a new window where you can then save this screenshot on the preferred source location (i.e. USB).

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Furuno FMD-3300 Manuals

  • Furuno Manuals
  • Marine Equipment

Furuno FMD-3300 Manuals

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual (508 pages)

Table of contents.

  • Important Notices 3
  • Table of Contents 5

System Configuration

1 introduction.

  • System Configuration 21
  • Processor Unit EC-3000 21
  • How to Turn the Power On/Off 22
  • The Silent Mode 22
  • Control Description 23
  • Operator Fitness 24
  • Control Description 25
  • Operator Fitness 25
  • How to Select a Color Palette 26
  • Manual Brilliance Adjustment 27
  • Control Unit Backlighting 28
  • How to Select Sensor Settings 29
  • How to Enter Ship Speed 30
  • How to Enter Heading 32
  • How to Mark MOB Position 33
  • How to Select Time Format, Set Local Time 34
  • How to Take a Screenshot of the Display 34
  • The Settings Menu 35
  • How to Create a Profile 35
  • How to Disable a Profile 35
  • How to Activate a Profile 35
  • How to Erase the Settings for a Profile 36
  • How to Restore Default Settings to a Profile 36
  • How to View System Information, Operator's Manual 38
  • How to Activate, Deactivate the Split Screen 39
  • Function Availability 40
  • Split Screen Usage Characteristics 40
  • Printer Information 41

2 Operational Overview

  • Electronic Chart Area 44
  • Status Bar 47
  • Instantaccess Bar 49
  • Sensor Information Box 52
  • Own Ship Functions Box 54
  • Route Information Box 55
  • Overlay/Nav Tools Box 56
  • Alert Box 56
  • Permanent Warning Box 56
  • EBL, VRM Boxes 56
  • North Mark 57
  • Context-Sensitive Menus 57
  • How to Enter Alphanumeric Data 58
  • How to Select the Display Mode 60
  • How to Select the ECDIS Operating Mode 60
  • How to Select the Chart Scale 61
  • How to Select the Presentation Mode 62
  • Cursor Position Box 63
  • True Motion Reset 64
  • How to Control Route and User Charts in Voyage Navigation and Voyage Planning Modes 65
  • How to Hide/Show an EBL, VRM 66
  • How to Measure the Range and Bearing 66
  • How to Select Bearing Reference 66
  • EBL, VRM Functions Available with the Context-Sensitive Menu 67
  • How to Select Range Calculation Method 68
  • Paper Charts 68
  • Electronic Sea Charts 68
  • Positioning Devices and Datum 69
  • ECDIS and Datum 69
  • Updates before Departure 69
  • Create or Update a Route 70
  • How to Check and Prepare the Route, User Chart to Monitor 72
  • Check Configuration of Navigation Sensors 74
  • How to Reset Odometer and Trip Meter 75

3 How to Manage Charts

  • How to Install Public Keys for ENC Charts 77
  • How to Install an ENC License 78
  • How to Install ENC Charts 79
  • How to Install an ARCS License 81
  • How to Install ARCS Charts 82
  • How to Delete ENC, ARCS Licenses 84
  • How to Find ENC Chart Manufacturer Info 85
  • How to Register the Etoken 85
  • How to Install the C-MAP Database and Licenses 86
  • How to Generate, Order and Apply an Update File 89
  • How to Confirm License Status 90
  • How to Delete a C-MAP Chart Database 90
  • How to Enable and Set up the C-MAP DL 91
  • How to Export a List of Charts 92
  • How to Export a List of Specific Licenses 92
  • How to Show the ENC Permit, ARCS License 93
  • How to Backup, Restore Licenses 93
  • How to View Permit Expiration Date 94
  • How to Display Install/Update History 95
  • How to Group Chart Cells 98
  • How to View Status of Chart Cells 99
  • How to Open Charts 100
  • How to Print the Chart List 100
  • How to Print the Cell Status List 101
  • How to Delete Charts 102
  • How to Show Publishers Notes for ENC Charts 103
  • How to Find the Chart Type 104
  • How to Insert Update Symbols 105
  • How to Copy Objects from an Official Chart and Insert Them 106
  • How to Ignore Chart Objects 106
  • How to Delete (Hide) a Chart Object 107
  • How to Modify Existing Update Symbols 107
  • How to Review a Chart Object 107
  • How to Select the Units to Synchronize 108
  • How to Check Synchronization Status 109
  • Manual Updates and Synchronization 110
  • How to Reconvert SENC Data 110

4 How to Control Chart Objects

  • How to Browse Your Charts 111
  • How to Set Value for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Contour 111
  • Basic Setting Menu 113
  • Chart Display Menu 114
  • Display Base 115
  • General Page 116
  • Tracking Page 117
  • Route Page 119
  • Mariner Page 120
  • Targets Page 121
  • How to Control Predefined IMO Chart Display Settings 122

5 Vector (S57) Charts

  • Definitions of Terms 124
  • Chart Legend for S57 Charts 124
  • Permanent Warnings for S57 Charts 125
  • Introduction 126
  • How to Set Display Date and Update Review Dates 126
  • About Chart Viewing Date Dependency of S57 Standard 127
  • How to Highlight Updated Data 128
  • How to Find Information for S57 Chart Objects 130
  • Installation 131
  • How to Display the AIO 131
  • Catalog of AIO Cells 132
  • How to Find AIO Chart Object Information 133
  • How to Select the Information to Display 134

6 Raster (Arcs) Charts

  • Chart Legend of ARCS Chart 135
  • Datum and ARCS Charts 139
  • Permanent Warnings of ARCS 139
  • ARCS Navigator 140
  • ARCS License Information 140

7 C-Map Charts

  • How to Register the System at C-MAP 141
  • How to Order Charts 141
  • How to Apply for Licenses 141
  • Troubleshooting 142
  • C-MAP Dynamic Licensing (DL) Service 142
  • Chart Display 142
  • Permanent Warnings 144
  • Notice to Mariners (NM) 145

8 Chart Alerts

  • How to Select Objects Used in Chart Alerts 149
  • How to Activate Own Ship Check 150
  • Chart Alerts for Route Planning 151


Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual (450 pages)

  • System Configuration 19
  • Processor Unit EC-3000 19
  • How to Turn the Power On/Off 20
  • The Standby Mode 20
  • Control Description 21
  • Trackball Control Unit RCU-026 23
  • How to Select a Color Palette 24
  • Manual Brilliance Adjustment 25
  • Control Unit Backlighting 26
  • How to Select Sensor Settings 27
  • How to Enter Ship Speed 28
  • How to Enter Heading 30
  • How to Mark MOB Position 32
  • How to Select Time Format, Set Local Time 33
  • How to Take a Screenshot of the Display 33
  • The Settings Menu 34
  • How to Create a Profile 34
  • How to Disable a Profile 34
  • How to Restore Default Settings to a Profile 34
  • How to Activate a Profile 34
  • How to View System Information, Operator's Manual 35
  • How to Activate, Deactivate the Split Screen 36
  • Function Availability 37
  • Split Screen Usage Characteristics 37
  • Printer Information 38
  • Electronic Chart Area 40
  • Status Bar 42
  • Instantaccess Bar 44
  • Sensor Information Box 47
  • Own Ship Functions Box 48
  • Route Information Box 49
  • Overlay/Nav Tools Box 50
  • Alert Box 50
  • Permanent Warning Box 50
  • EBL, VRM Boxes 51
  • Context-Sensitive Menus 51
  • How to Enter Alphanumeric Data 52
  • How to Select the Display Mode 54
  • How to Select the ECDIS Operating Mode 54
  • How to Select the Chart Scale 55
  • How to Select the Presentation Mode 56
  • Cursor Position Box 56
  • True Motion Reset 57
  • How to Control Route and User Charts in Voyage Navigation and Voyage Planning Modes 58
  • How to Hide/Show an EBL, VRM 59
  • How to Measure the Range and Bearing 59
  • How to Select Bearing Reference 59
  • EBL, VRM Functions Available with the Context-Sensitive Menu 60
  • Paper Charts 61
  • Electronic Sea Charts 61
  • Positioning Devices and Datum 61
  • ECDIS and Datum 61
  • Updates before Departure 62
  • Create or Update a Route 62
  • How to Check and Prepare the Route, User Chart to Monitor 64
  • Check Configuration of Navigation Sensors 67
  • How to Reset Odometer and Trip Meter 68
  • How to Install Public Keys for ENC Charts 69
  • How to Install an ENC License 70
  • How to Install ENC Charts 71
  • How to Install an ARCS License 73
  • How to Install ARCS Charts 74
  • How to Delete ENC, ARCS Licenses 77
  • How to Find ENC Chart Manufacturer Info 77
  • How to Register the Etoken 78
  • How to Install the C-MAP Database and Licenses 78
  • How to Generate, Order and Apply an Update File 82
  • How to Install C-MAP DL (Dynamic Licensing) Charts 82
  • How to Enable and Set up the C-MAP DL 83
  • How to Export a List of Specific Licenses 84
  • How to Show the ENC Permit, ARCS License 84
  • How to Backup, Restore Licenses 84
  • How to View Permit Expiration Date 85
  • How to Display Install/Update History 86
  • How to Group Chart Cells 89
  • How to View Status of Chart Cells 90
  • How to Open Charts 91
  • How to Print the Chart List 91
  • How to Print the Cell Status List 92
  • How to Delete Charts 93
  • How to Show Publishers Notes for ENC Charts 93
  • How to Find the Chart Type 94
  • How to Insert Update Symbols 95
  • How to Delete Update Symbols 96
  • How to Modify Existing Update Symbols 96
  • How to Select the Units to Synchronize 97
  • How to Check Synchronization Status 98
  • Manual Updates and Synchronization 99
  • How to Reconvert All SENC Charts 99

4 How to Control Chart Objects4-1

  • How to Browse Your Charts 101
  • How to Set Value for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Contour 101
  • Basic Setting Menu 103
  • Chart Display Menu 104
  • Display Base 105
  • General Page 105
  • Tracking Page 107
  • Route Page 108
  • Mariner Page 108
  • Targets Page 109
  • Control of Predefined IMO Chart Display Settings4-10 110
  • Definitions of Terms 112
  • Chart Legend for S57 Charts 112
  • Permanent Warnings for S57 Charts 113
  • Introduction 114
  • How to Approve and Highlight S57 Chart Updates 114
  • How to Set Display Date and Approved until Dates 115
  • About Chart Viewing Date Dependency of S57 Standard 115
  • Presentation Library Used for S57 Chart Features 116
  • How to Find Information about S57 Chart 116
  • Installation 118
  • How to Display the AIO 118
  • Catalog of AIO Cells 119
  • How to Find AIO Chart Object Information 120
  • How to Select the Information to Display 121
  • Chart Legend of ARCS Chart 123
  • Datum and ARCS Charts 127
  • Permanent Warnings of ARCS 127
  • ARCS Navigator 128
  • ARCS License Information 128
  • C-MAP Cartographic Service 129
  • How to Register the System at C-MAP Norway 129
  • How to Order Charts 129
  • How to Apply for Licenses 129
  • Troubleshooting 130
  • C-MAP Dynamic Licensing (DL) Service 130
  • What Is ENC Delivery 130
  • Introduction 131
  • Permanent Warnings 132
  • Installation 133
  • How to Display the NM Information 133
  • Catalog of NM Cells 134
  • How to Find NM Chart Object Information 134
  • How to Select the NM Information to Display 135
  • How to Select Objects Used in Chart Alerts 139
  • How to Activate Own Ship Check 140
  • Chart Alerts for Route Planning 141
  • Route Monitoring 143

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual (432 pages)

  • How to Select Sensor Settings 26
  • How to Enter Ship Speed 27
  • How to Enter Heading 29
  • How to Mark MOB Position 30
  • How to Select Time Format, Set Local Time 31
  • How to Take a Screenshot of the Display 31
  • The Settings Menu 32
  • How to Create a Profile 32
  • How to Disable a Profile 32
  • How to Restore Default Settings to a Profile 32
  • How to Activate a Profile 33
  • How to View ECDIS Software Version No., ECDIS System Information, and Operator's Manual 33
  • How to Activate, Deactivate the Split Screen 34
  • Function Availability 35
  • Split Screen Usage Characteristics 35
  • Printer Information 36
  • Electronic Chart Area 38
  • Status Bar 40
  • Instantaccess Bar 42
  • Sensor Information Box 45
  • Own Ship Functions Box 46
  • Route Information Box 47
  • Overlay/Nav Tools Box 48
  • Alert Box 48
  • Permanent Warning Box 48
  • EBL, VRM Boxes 49
  • Context-Sensitive Menus 49
  • How to Enter Alphanumeric Data 50
  • How to Select the Operating Mode 51
  • How to Select the ECDIS Operating Mode 52
  • How to Select the Chart Scale 52
  • How to Select the Presentation Mode 53
  • Cursor Position Box 54
  • True Motion Reset 55
  • How to Control Route and User Charts in Voyage Navigation and Voyage Planning Modes 56
  • How to Hide/Show an EBL, VRM 57
  • How to Measure the Range and Bearing 57
  • How to Select Bearing Reference 57
  • EBL, VRM Functions Available with the Context-Sensitive Menu 58
  • Paper Charts 59
  • Electronic Sea Charts 59
  • Positioning Devices and Datum 59
  • ECDIS and Datum 59
  • Updates before Departure 60
  • Create or Update a Route 60
  • How to Check and Prepare Route to Monitor 62
  • Check Configuration of Navigation Sensors 64
  • How to Reset Odometer and Trip Meter 65
  • How to Install Public Keys for ENC Charts 67
  • How to Install an ENC License 68
  • How to Install ENC Charts 69
  • How to Install an ARCS License 71
  • How to Install ARCS Charts 72
  • How to Delete ENC, ARCS Licenses 75
  • How to Read ENC Judgment Information 75
  • How to Register the Etoken 76
  • How to Install the C-MAP Database and Licenses 76
  • How to Generate, Order and Apply an Update File 79
  • How to Delete a C-MAP Database 80
  • How to Generate, Order and Apply an Update File 80
  • How to Enable and Set up the C-MAP DL 81
  • How to Export a List of Charts 81
  • How to Export a List of Specific Licenses 82
  • How to Show the ENC Permit, ARCS License 82
  • How to Backup, Restore Licenses 82
  • How to View Permit Expiration Date 83
  • How to Display Install/Update History 84
  • How to Group Chart Cells 87
  • How to View Status of Chart Cells 88
  • How to Open Charts 89
  • How to Print the Chart List 89
  • How to Print the Cell Status List 90
  • How to Delete Charts 91
  • How to Show Publishers Notes for ENC Charts 91
  • How to Find the Chart Type 92
  • How to Insert Update Symbols 93
  • How to Delete Update Symbols 94
  • How to Modify Existing Update Symbols 94
  • How to Select the Units to Synchronize 95
  • How to Check Synchronization Status 96
  • Manual Updates and Synchronization 97
  • How to Reconvert All SENC Charts 97
  • How to Browse Your Charts 99
  • How to Set Value for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Contour 99
  • Basic Setting Menu 101
  • Chart Display Menu 102
  • Display Base 103
  • General Page 103
  • Tracking Page 105
  • Route Page 106
  • Mariner Page 106
  • Targets Page 107
  • Control of Predefined IMO Chart Display Settings 108
  • Definitions of Terms 110
  • Chart Legend for S57 Charts 110
  • Permanent Warnings for S57 Charts 111
  • Introduction 112
  • How to Approve and Highlight S57 Chart Updates 112
  • How to Set Display Date and Approved until Dates 113
  • Symbology Used in S57 Charts 114
  • Presentation Library Used for S57 Chart Features 114
  • How to Find Information about S57 Chart Objects 114
  • Installation 116
  • How to Display the AIO 116
  • Catalog of AIO Cells 117
  • How to Find AIO Chart Object Information 118
  • How to Select the Information to Display 119
  • Chart Legend of ARCS Chart 121
  • Datum and ARCS Charts 125
  • Permanent Warnings of ARCS 125
  • ARCS Navigator 126
  • ARCS License Information 126
  • C-MAP Cartographic Service 127
  • How to Register the System at C-MAP Norway 127
  • How to Order Charts 127
  • How to Apply for Licenses 127
  • Troubleshooting 128
  • C-MAP Dynamic Licensing (DL) Service 128
  • What Is ENC Delivery 128
  • Introduction 129
  • Permanent Warnings 130
  • How to Set Safety Contour 132
  • How to Select Objects Used in Chart Alerts 133
  • How to Activate Own Ship Check 134
  • Chart Alerts for Route Planning 135
  • Route Monitoring 137

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual (328 pages)

  • Processor Unit EC-3000 17
  • How to Turn the Power On/Off 18
  • The Standby Mode 18
  • Control Description 19
  • Trackball Control Unit RCU-026 21
  • How to Select a Color Palette 22
  • Manual Brilliance Adjustment 23
  • How to Select Sensor Settings 24
  • How to Enter Ship Speed 25
  • How to Enter Heading 27
  • How to Mark MOB Position 28
  • How to Select Time Format, Set Local Time 28
  • How to Take a Screenshot of the Display 29
  • The Settings Menu 29
  • How to Create a Profile 29
  • How to Disable a Profile 29
  • How to Restore Default Settings to a Profile 29
  • How to Activate a Profile 30
  • How to View ECDIS Software Version No., ECDIS System Information, and Operator's Manual 30
  • Split Screen 31
  • Electronic Chart Area 34
  • Status Bar 36
  • Instantaccess Bar 38
  • Sensor Information Box 41
  • Own Ship Functions Box 42
  • Route Information Box 42
  • Overlay/Nav Tools Box 43
  • Alert Box 43
  • Permanent Warning Box 43
  • EBL, VRM Boxes 44
  • Context-Sensitive Menus 44
  • How to Enter Alphanumeric Data 45
  • How to Select the Operating Mode 46
  • How to Select the Chart Operating Mode 47
  • How to Select the Chart Scale 47
  • How to Select the Presentation Mode 48
  • Cursor Position Box 48
  • True Motion Reset 49
  • How to Control Route and User Charts in Voyage Navigation and Voyage Planning Modes 50
  • How to Hide/Show an EBL, VRM 51
  • How to Measure the Range and Bearing 51
  • How to Select Bearing Reference 51
  • EBL, VRM Functions Available with the Context-Sensitive Menu 52
  • Paper Charts 53
  • Electronic Sea Charts 53
  • Positioning Devices and Datum 53
  • ECDIS and Datum 53
  • Updates before Departure 54
  • Create or Update a Route 54
  • How to Check and Prepare Route to Monitor 56
  • Check Configuration of Navigation Sensors 58
  • How to Reset Odometer and Trip Meter 59
  • How to Install Public Keys for ENC Charts 61
  • How to Install an ENC License 62
  • How to Install ENC Charts 63
  • How to Install ENC Charts that Are Not in Compliance with IMO Standards 65
  • How to Install an ARCS License 66
  • How to Install ARCS Charts 67
  • How to Register the Etoken 69
  • How to Install the C-MAP Database 70
  • How to Install C-MAP Licenses 72
  • How to Generate and Order an Update File 72
  • How to Apply the Update File 72
  • How to Generate and Order an Update File 73
  • How to Enable and Set up the C-MAP DL 74
  • How to Export a List of Charts 75
  • How to Export a List of Specific Licenses 75
  • How to Show the ENC Permit, ARCS License 75
  • How to Backup, Restore Licenses 76
  • How to View Permit Expiration Date 76
  • How to Display Install/Update History 77
  • How to Group Chart Cells 79
  • How to View Status of Chart Cells 81
  • How to Open Charts 81
  • How to Delete Charts 82
  • How to Show Publishers Notes for ENC Charts 82
  • How to Find the Chart Type 82
  • How to Insert Update Symbols 83
  • How to Delete Update Symbols 84
  • How to Modify Existing Update Symbols 85
  • How to Select the ECDIS Units to Synchronize 86
  • How to Check Synchronization Status 87
  • How to Reconvert All SENC Charts 88
  • How to Browse Your Charts 89
  • How to Set Value for Shallow Contour, Safety Depth, Safety Contour and Deep Contour 89
  • Basic Setting Menu 91
  • Chart Display Menu 92
  • Display Base 93
  • General Page 94
  • Tracking Page 95
  • Route Page 96
  • Mariner Page 96
  • Targets Page 97
  • Control of Predefined IMO Chart Display Settings 98
  • Definitions of Terms 100
  • Chart Legend for S57 Charts 100
  • Permanent Warnings for S57 Charts 101
  • Sailing Directions, Tidal Tables, Etc., Features of S57 Charts 102
  • Introduction 102
  • How to Approve and Highlight S57 Chart Updates 102
  • How to Set Display Date and Approved until Dates 103
  • Symbology Used in S57 Charts 105
  • How to Find Information about S57 Chart Objects 106
  • How to Set Visible S57 Chart Features 106
  • Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) 107
  • Installation 107
  • How to Display the AIO 107
  • Catalog of AIO Cells 108
  • How to Find AIO Chart Object Information 109
  • How to Select the Information to Display 110
  • Chart Legend of ARCS Chart 111
  • Datum and ARCS Charts 115
  • Permanent Warnings of ARCS 115
  • ARCS Navigator 116
  • ARCS Skipper 116
  • ARCS License Information 116

Furuno FMD-3300 Instruction Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Instruction Manual (133 pages)

  • Table of Contents 4

1 Initial Setting and Adjustment

  • Laptop PC (LAN Connection) Access 7
  • Control Unit RCU-024/025/026 8
  • Basic Setting] Menu 10
  • Basic Setting] Window 10
  • Peripherals] Window 12
  • VDR] Window 15
  • Route Transfer] Window 16
  • Application] Window 16
  • Ship Name] Window 17
  • Ecdis/Radar] Window 17
  • Language] Window 18
  • Own Ship Setting] Menu 19
  • Sensor Setting 21
  • Processor Unit Configuration 23
  • Activating the Connection with the Processor Unit of the FAR-28 Series Radar (ECDIS Only) 30
  • Sensor Adapter Configuration 32
  • Antenna Unit Configuration 36
  • Radar Connection Box Configuration (ECDIS Only) 37
  • Monitoring of HUB 38
  • Signal and Port Setting for External Equipment 39
  • Customized Sensor Setting 41
  • Settings to Activate the Shuttle Ferry Mode (Chart Radar Only) 42
  • How to Select the [Data Source] 43
  • How to Set [Transmission Group] 44
  • CCRS Setting] Window 46
  • Preparation 47
  • How to Set the TCS for Autopilot 49
  • How to Set the Navigation Parameter 51
  • Multiple ECDIS and Autopilot Control 56
  • Detail Settings for the TCS 57
  • Filter Setting] Window 59
  • Other Setting] Window 59
  • AMS Mode Operation 60
  • Master/Backup AMS Setting 61
  • Alert Transfer Setting 62
  • Other Setting Window 64
  • Alert Define List] Menu 66
  • Alert Group Setting 66
  • How to Add an Alert Group 68
  • How to Edit an Alert Group 69
  • How to Delete an Alert Group 69
  • Alert Definition Setting for each Equipment 69
  • How to Edit an Alert Definition 73
  • How to Delete an Alert Definition 73
  • Data Sharing] Menu 73
  • Consistency Check and Save the Configuration 74
  • How to Save the Configuration Data to a Medium 76
  • How to Load the Configuration Data 76
  • System Monitor] Menu 77
  • Software Update] Menu 78
  • Factory Test & Default] Menu 79
  • How to Select the Data Source 82
  • Advanced Settings Window 83
  • Network Transmission Setting between ECDIS and Radar 104
  • How to Set the Forwarding Distance 107
  • Synchronization with Ship's Clock 108
  • How to Change the Color of Data in the Sensor Information Box According to Integrity 108

Furuno FMD-3300 Installation Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Installation Manual (143 pages)

  • Table of Contents 1
  • Safety Instructions 3
  • System Configuration 4
  • Equipment Lists 7
  • Mounting 11
  • Monitor Unit 11
  • ECDIS Control Unit/Track Control Unit 11
  • Processor Unit 14
  • Sensor Adapters (Option) 16
  • Intelligent HUB (Option) 17
  • Switching HUB (Option) 18
  • Radar Connection Box (Option) 18
  • Processor Unit 23
  • Monitor Unit 33
  • Sensor Adapters (Option) 35
  • Intelligent HUB (Option) 52
  • How to Extend the Control Unit Cable (Option) 53
  • Radar Connection Box (Option) 57
  • Raytheon Anschutz Autopilot NP-5400 61
  • Ecn-303/304 (Option) 63
  • How to Install the Console 63
  • How to Dismount the Rack for the Processor Unit 64
  • How to Connect External Cables 66
  • How to Mount the Rack for the Processor Unit 68
  • Setting up the Equipment 71
  • Appx. 1 Jis Cable Guide 73
  • Appx. 2 Rod Terminals 75
  • Appx. 3 Ra/If Board Jumper Values 80
  • Appx. 4 Alert List 81
  • Interconnection Diagram(S 142

Furuno FMD-3300 Installation Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Installation Manual (142 pages)

  • Appendix 1Jis Cable Guide 73
  • Appendix 2Rod Terminals 75
  • Appendix 3Ra/If Board Jumper Values 80
  • Appendix 4Alert List 81
  • Interconnection Diagram(S 141

Furuno FMD-3300 Installation Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Installation Manual (106 pages)

Safety instructions, equipment lists.

  • Flush Mounting 13
  • Sensor Adapter MC-3000S/3010A/3020D/3030D (Option) 16
  • Intelligent Hub HUB-3000 (Option) 17
  • Switching HUB HUB-100 (Option) 18
  • Radar Connection Box RCB-002 (Option) 18
  • Intelligent HUB HUB-3000 (Option) 53
  • How to Extend the Control Unit Cable (Option) 54
  • Radar Connection Box RCB-002 (Option) 58

3 Ecn-303/304 (Option)

4 setting up the equipment, appendix 1 jis cable guide, appendix 2 rod terminals, appendix 3 ra/if board jumper values, interconnection diagrams.

Furuno FMD-3300 Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Manual (46 pages)

  • Table of Contents 2
  • FMD-3200/FMD-3200-BB/FMD-3300 Operators Guide 2
  • Area Setting 15
  • Depth Contours in ENC in Relation to Safety Contour and Safety Depth Function 16
  • UKC (under Keel Clearance) 26
  • ENC Accuracy 28
  • Display Scales 32
  • Position Verification 34
  • Color of Nav Data Indications and Sensor Name 37
  • How to Take a Screenshot of the Display 38
  • Familiarization Exercise 39
  • Chart Display Checklist 42
  • Pre-Monitor and Change of Watch - Checklist 44
  • Route Plan Checklist 45
  • The Ship Martha 46

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual (12 pages)

  • Display Layout 2
  • Electronic Chart Area 2
  • Status Bar 3
  • Instant Access Bar 4
  • User Charts 7
  • Radar Overlay 12
  • Alert Icons and Their Meanings 12

Furuno FMD-3300 Operator's Manual

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In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Coordinates of elektrostal in decimal degrees, coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

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  18. The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of

    Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather ...

  19. Standards in Force

    Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS: S-52 (Annex A) Edition 4.0.(3), October 2014 (with Clarifications up to December 2020) See Note 2. IHO ECDIS Presentation Library: S-64 Edition 3.0.(3), December 2020. See Note 2. IHO Test Data Sets for ECDIS: S-61 Edition 1.0, January 1999. See Note 3

  20. Ewf b.v East West Forwarding

    EWF B.V EAST WEST FORWARDING. Edelveis, Right Entrance, 2nd Floor Davidkovskaja, 121352 Moscow, Russia. Phone: +7 495 938-99-66; Mobile: +7 495-997-0977

  21. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  22. Black Raptor Pro

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