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Free PowerPoints for Kids & Teachers – The Four Seasons

Did You Know?

Spring runs from the March equinox to the June solstice. Summer runs from the June solstice to the September equinox. Fall runs from the September equinox to the December solstice. Winter runs from the December solstice to the March equinox.

Free Presentations in PowerPoint format

The Four Seasons

What Are the Four Seasons?

How to Make a Seasoned Cube for the Four Seasons

The 4 Seasons in the Bible

The Four Seasons and Their Weather

Book of Seasons (free template)

See Also: Reasons for Seasons

Explore the Seasons:

Fall , Winter , Spring , Summer

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Seasons PowerPoint

Seasons PowerPoint Lesson

Download this free seasons PowerPoint lesson and use it in class today. This PPT is great for teaching the four seasons in English to kids and beginner English language learners. Students will learn the names of the seasons and then will play a fun guessing game to review. See below to preview and download this PPT and for related resources for teaching about the seasons.

Seasons PPT

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The four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter

The four seasons have very different characteristics.

Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths.

Autumn (Fall)

Seasons are not the same everywhere, what causes the seasons, additional resources, bibliography.

Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths. 

The four seasons — winter, spring, summer, autumn — can vary significantly in characteristics and can prompt changes in the world around them. Here, we explore the seasons of the year in more detail. 

Attributes of the seasons may vary by location, but there are still broad definitions that cross most of the boundaries.

In the spring , seeds take root and vegetation begins to grow. The weather is warmer and often wetter. Animals wake or return from warmer climates, often with newborns. Melting snow from the previous season, along with increased rainfall, can cause flooding along waterways, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  

In the summer , temperatures may increase to the hottest of the year. If they spike too high, heat waves or droughts may cause trouble for people, animals, and plants. For example, in the summer of 2003, the high temperatures claimed more than 30,000 lives, according to Encyclopedia Britannica . Rainfall may increase in some areas, as well. Others may receive less water, and forest fires may become more frequent.

When does summer start?

In the Northern Hemisphere, summer starts on June 1 and runs to August 31

What is the hottest summer on record?

Historically, the heatwave during the Dust Bowl Summer of 1936 was considered the hottest summer on record, but in 2021 the average summer temperature of the contiguous U.S. was 74.0 degrees Fahrenheit (23.3 degrees Celsius), 2.6 degrees above average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In the autumn , or fall, temperatures cool again. Plants may begin to grow dormant. Animals might prepare themselves for the upcoming cold weather, storing food or traveling to warmer regions. 

Various cultures have celebrated bountiful harvests with annual festivals. Thanksgiving is a good example. "Thanksgiving in the United States is a historical commemoration but it has a spiritual dimension strongly associated with homecoming and giving praise for what has been bestowed upon us," Cristina De Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London, told Live Science.  

Why is it called autumn instead of fall?

Both 'autumn' and 'fall' are words used in the English language to describe the season that starts on 1 September in the Northern Hemisphere, with fall being commonly used in American English. According to , the word autumn comes from the old French word 'autompne', which itself originated from the Latin 'autumnus'. The roots of the Latin name are obscure, but it was first recorded in the English language from the late 1300s.

Winter often brings a chill. Some areas may experience snow or ice, while others see only cold rain. Animals find ways to warm themselves and may have changed their appearance to adapt. "In a similar way to the Autumnal theme, Winter festivals celebrate the return of the light during a time of deepest physical darkness," said De Rossi. The Indian festival of Diwali, for example, which takes place between October and November, celebrates the triumph of righteousness, and light over darkness. 

Is winter the longest season?

Although it is easy to imagine the seasons neatly fitting into four equal lengths, according to NPR this isn't quite the case, they are all slightly different — and their duration changes depending on which hemisphere you are in. 

Due to the elliptical orbit of Earth around the sun, at certain points in the year the planet is moving faster and shortening the season. However, the distance from our star has less impact on Earth's seasons than the planet's tilt, which means that summers are warm in the Northern Hemisphere despite being further from the sun. As it is moving slower, the spring-summer season is also actually longer, by about seven days.

The timing and characteristics of the seasons depend upon the location on Earth . Regions near the equator experience fairly constant temperatures throughout the year, with balmy winters barely discernible from warm summers. This is because it gets fairly constant light from the sun, due to its position on the outer curve of the Earth, according to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program.

For areas to the north and south, the seasons can change more significantly. People closer to the poles might experience icier, more frigid winters, while those closer to the equator might suffer hotter summers. 

According to Time and Date : 

– Spring: March 1 to May 31;

– Summer: June 1 to August 31;

– Autumn (Fall): September 1 to November 30

– Winter: December 1 to February 28 (February 29 in a leap year).

Other factors can also affect the weather and temperature over the seasons; some areas experience dry summers as temperatures spike, while others might call summer their "wet season." A wet season is when a majority of a country or region's annual precipitation occurs, according to the Met Office . Mountainous regions might experience more snowfall than plains within the same latitude, while oceanfront property could see an increase in violent tropical storms as the weather shifts.

The time of year a region experiences a season depends on whether it is in the northern or southern hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere experiences winter while its northern neighbors encounter summer; the north sees the slow blossom of spring while the south brings in the autumn harvest.

A diagram demonstrating how the seasons are caused by the Earth’s axial tilt

The cycle of seasons is caused by our planet's tilt toward the sun . The Earth spins around an (invisible) axis. At different times during the year, the northern or southern axis is closer to the sun. During these times, the hemisphere tipped toward the star experiences summer, while the hemisphere tilted away from the sun experiences winter, according to NOAA .

At other locations in Earth's annual journey, the axis is not tilted toward or away from the sun. During these times of the year, the hemispheres experience spring and autumn.

The astronomical definition of the seasons relates to specific points in Earth's trip around the sun. The summer and winter solstice, the longest and shortest day of the year, occurs when Earth's axis is either closest or farthest from the sun. The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs around June 21, the same day as the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, according to NOAA. The south's summer solstice occurs around December 21, the winter solstice for the north. In both hemispheres, the summer solstice marks the first day of astronomical summer, while the winter solstice is considered the first day of astronomical winter.

Equinoxes are another significant day during Earth's journey around the sun. On these days, the planet's axis is pointed parallel to the sun, rather than toward or away from it. Day and night during the equinoxes are supposed to be close to equal. The spring, or vernal, equinox for the northern hemisphere takes place around March 20, the same day as the south's autumnal equinox. The vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere occurs around September 20, when people in the north celebrate the autumnal equinox . The vernal equinox marks the first day of astronomical spring for a hemisphere, while the autumnal equinox ushers in the first day of fall.

 – Seasonal Affective Disorder: SAD symptoms and therapy

– 9 allergy season symptoms

– Cicadas: Facts about the loud, seasonal insects  

But changes in the weather often precede these significant points. The meteorological seasons focus on these changes, fitting the seasons to the three months that best usher them in. December to February marks meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere and meteorological summer in the southern. March, April, and May are lauded as spring or autumn, depending on the location, while June through August are the months of summer for the north and winter for the south. September, October, and November conclude the cycle, ushering in fall in northern regions and spring in southern, according to NOAA.

The seasons can bring a wide variety to the year for those locations that experience them in full. The weather in each one may allow people to engage in activities that they cannot perform in others — skiing in the winter, swimming in the summer. Each season brings with it its own potential dangers, but also its own particular brand of beauty.

Explore the seasons in more detail with this educational material from Lumen Learning . Earth is not the only planet with seasons, if you would like to learn more about seasons on other planets check out this article from NASA .  Discover what causes the seasons with this informative piece from the National Weather Service . 

  • De Paor, Declan G., et al. " Exploring the reasons for the seasons using Google Earth, 3D models, and plots. " International Journal of Digital Earth 10.6 (2017): 582-603. 
  • Khavrus, Vyacheslav, and Ihor Shelevytsky. " Geometry and the physics of seasons. " Physics Education 47.6 (2012): 680. 
  • Yolen, Jane. Ring of Earth: A Child's Book of Seasons . StarWalk Kids Media, 2014. 

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presentation about seasons


A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions

Earth Science, Astronomy, Meteorology, Geography, Physical Geography, Physics

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A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons— spring , summer , fall, and winter —follow one another regularly. Each has its own light, temperature , and weather patterns that repeat yearly.

In the Northern Hemisphere , winter generally begins on December 21 or 22. This is the winter solstice , the day of the year with the shortest period of daylight. Summer begins on June 20 or 21, the summer solstice , which has the most daylight of any day in the year. Spring and fall, or autumn, begin on equinoxes, days that have equal amounts of daylight and darkness. The vernal, or spring, equinox falls on March 20 or 21, and the autumnal equinox is on September 22 or 23.

The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are the opposite of those in the Southern Hemisphere . This means that in Argentina and Australia, winter begins in June. The winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is June 20 or 21, while the summer solstice , the longest day of the year, is December 21 or 22.

Seasons occur because Earth is tilted on its axis relative to the orbital plane, the invisible, flat disc where most objects in the solar system orbit the sun . Earth’s axis is an invisible line that runs through its center, from pole to pole . Earth rotates around its axis .

In June, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, the sun’s rays hit it for a greater part of the day than in winter. This means it gets more hours of daylight. In December, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, with fewer hours of daylight.

Seasons have an enormous influence on vegetation and plant growth. Winter typically has cold weather , little daylight, and limited plant growth. In spring, plants sprout , tree leaves unfurl , and flowers blossom . Summer is the warmest time of the year and has the most daylight, so plants grow quickly. In autumn, temperatures drop, and many trees lose their leaves.

The four-season year is typical only in the mid-latitudes. The mid-latitudes are places that are neither near the poles nor near the Equator . The farther north you go, the bigger the differences in the seasons. Helsinki, Finland, sees 18.5 hours of daylight in the middle of June. In mid-December, however, it is light for less than six hours. Athens, Greece, in southern Europe, has a smaller variation. It has 14.5 hours of daylight in June and 9.5 hours in December.

Places near the Equator experience little seasonal variation . They have about the same amount of daylight and darkness throughout the year. These places remain warm year-round. Near the Equator , regions typically have alternating rainy and dry seasons .

Polar regions experience seasonal variation, although they are generally colder than other places on Earth. Near the poles, the amount of daylight changes dramatically between summer and winter. In Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost city in the U.S., it stays light all day long between mid-May and early August. The city is in total darkness between mid-November and January.

Seasons in Alaska Sometimes, seasons are determined by both natural and artificial activity. In the U.S. state of Alaska, people like to say there are three seasons: "winter, still winter, and construction season."

Meteorological Seasons Meteorologists, scientists who study the weather, divide each of the seasons into three whole months. Spring begins March 1, summer begins June 1, autumn begins September 1, and winter begins December 1.

Ritu A ritu is a season in the traditional Hindu calendar, used in parts of India. There are six ritu: vasanta (spring); grishma (summer); varsha (rainy or monsoon); sharat (autumn); hemant (pre-winter); and shishira (winter).

'Tis the Season The word 'season' can be used to signify a time of year when an activity or process is allowed to happen. Seasons can be natural, like hurricane season, which is the time of year when hurricanes are most likely to develop. Seasons can also be artificially created, like hunting season, which is the time of year a community allows people to hunt certain wild animals.

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Free Spring Template for PowerPoint or Google Slides, Vivian. Vivian is a free Google Slides theme or pptx template inspired by spring. Little bouquets of wildflowers make this theme perfect to celebrate spring. By editing the master, you can change the colors of each type of flower. Vivian asked me for […]

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  1. Seasons PowerPoint Presentation Template & Google Slides

    presentation about seasons

  2. Four Seasons PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    presentation about seasons

  3. PPT

    presentation about seasons

  4. PPT

    presentation about seasons

  5. PPT

    presentation about seasons

  6. PPT

    presentation about seasons


  1. Seasons presentation funfair 360p

  2. Seasons presentation

  3. #6 Le Jardin Mouillé / CD presentation: Seasons (by harpist Michelle Sweegers)

  4. Youth and Senior Presentation Day 2024

  5. cropping seasons in India PPT presentation by Bhargav Naik 10 th class@aswinisaisocialworld4629

  6. Simple Graphic Design with Power Point Seasons / Power Point ile Basit Grafik Tasarım Hoş Geldiniz


  1. Seasons (at home version)

    When do the seasons happen? Northern Hemisphere: Spring starts March 20 or 21 (called vernal equinox) Summer starts June 21 (called summer solstice) Fall starts September 21, 22, 23, or 24 (called autumnal equinox) Winter starts December 21 or 22 (called winter solstice) .

  2. Seasons of the Year Presentation

    Whether it's the crisp air of fall, the snow-kissed trees of winter, the blooming flowers of spring, or the sun-drenched days of summer, each season brings something special to our lives. And now, with this customized Google Slides & PowerPoint template, you can showcase the beauty of all four seasons in a stunning presentation.

  3. Free PowerPoint Presentations about The Four Seasons for Kids

    For Teachers. Lots of Lessons - 4 Seasons. Holidays. Free Clipart. Free Templates. Pete's PowerPoint Station is your destination for free PowerPoint presentations for kids and teachers about The Four Seasons, and so much more.

  4. Seasons Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Free Seasonal Slide Templates for a Vibrant Slideshow. Capture the beauty of all seasons with a captivating seasons PowerPoint template. Whether you're a teacher, student, or nature enthusiast, these templates will help you showcase the unique characteristics of each season in your presentations. With a range of customizable slides, you can ...

  5. Seasons PowerPoint Lesson

    Download this free seasons PowerPoint lesson and use it in class today. This PPT is great for teaching the four seasons in English to kids and beginner English language learners. Students will learn the names of the seasons and then will play a fun guessing game to review. See below to preview and download this PPT and for related resources for ...

  6. PPT

    Seasons • A season is one of the major divisions of the year, generally based on yearly periodic changes in weather. Seasons • Seasons result from the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis. Rotation vs. Revolution • Rotation is the spin of an object about its axis. • The Earth rotates once a day ...

  7. The four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter

    The cycle of seasons is caused by Earth's tilt toward the sun. (Image credit: KajaNi via Getty Images) The cycle of seasons is caused by our planet's tilt toward the sun. The Earth spins around an ...

  8. Season

    A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons—spring, summer, fall, and winter —follow one another regularly. Each has its own light, temperature, and weather patterns that repeat yearly. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter generally begins on December 21 or 22. This is the winter solstice, the day of the year with the shortest period ...

  9. The Seasons PowerPoint (Teacher-Made)

    Please let us know if the video is no longer working. Twinkl EYFS Early Years Theme and Topics Weather and Seasons The Seasons All Four Seasons PowerPoints. An interactive PowerPoint showing the changing seasons through the eyes of a child. A great way to introduce the topic of seasons to young children.

  10. 56 Seasons English ESL powerpoints

    SEASONS PPT. PPT. Flash cards and. 21662 uses. 1mada. Seasons - game. A ppt game to practi. 11441 uses. elenateacher. Seasons of the year! his is a power point. 6860 uses. brilaoshi. Seasons. Flash cards to play . 5711 uses. Mansek. Seasons and Clothes. Seasons and Clothes . 4549 uses. inacl. The Four Seasons. I have been using th. 4033 uses.

  11. Seasons Powerpoint

    Easy and simple powerpoint presentation with picture explanations and descriptions of each season (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter). And a few questions at the end to start conversation. Good to start a new unit and learn new vocabulary, I usually start with this powerpoint then look at each season in more detail. Easy and simple powerpoint ...

  12. Seasons of the Year: Lesson and Activities for Elementary

    Download this presentation template to explore the four seasons! Perfect for elementary school students, it includes beautiful backgrounds that accurately represent each season and various activities to engage learners. From spring flowers to summer ice cream, celebrate the colors of autumn and watch snowflakes fall in winter - all with this ...

  13. Top 10 Seasons PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    Introducing our "Seasons" PowerPoint presentation templates, designed to bring the beauty and essence of each season to your projects. These fully editable and customizable slides allow you to effortlessly convey the unique characteristics of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season is represented with vibrant visuals, engaging layouts ...

  14. PPT

    Summer • The summer season is during the June, July, and August months. - Independence Day (the 4th of July) is a major holiday during the summer season. -Summer is the hottest time of the year. Autumn/Fall • The autumn season, sometimes called Fall, is during the September, October, and November months. • Halloween and Thanksgiving are ...

  15. Seasons PowerPoint for K-2nd Grade (Teacher-Made)

    Have fun exploring the four seasons with our interactive Seasons PowerPoint. This colorful PowerPoint includes the reasons for the seasons, the weather during each season, and additional interesting facts. A short quiz at the end helps to determine students' understanding.

  16. Free Seasonal Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

    Vivian Free Spring Template for Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations. 1. 2. Make your presentations and lessons stand out with these free templates that celebrate the 4 Seasons. Download them to use with PowerPoint or edit them in Google Slides and start creating!