how to do university presentations

6 Tips For Giving a Fabulous Academic Presentation


Tanya Golash-Boza, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California

January 11, 2022

One of the easiest ways to stand out at an academic conference is to give a fantastic presentation.

In this post, I will discuss a few simple techniques that can make your presentation stand out. Although, it does take time to make a good presentation, it is well worth the investment.

Tip #1: Use PowerPoint Judiciously

Images are powerful. Research shows that images help with memory and learning. Use this to your advantage by finding and using images that help you make your point. One trick I have learned is that you can use images that have blank space in them and you can put words in those images.

Here is one such example from a presentation I gave about immigration law enforcement.

PowerPoint is a great tool, so long as you use it effectively. Generally, this means using lots of visuals and relatively few words. Never use less than 24-point font. And, please, never put your presentation on the slides and read from the slides.

Tip #2: There is a formula to academic presentations. Use it.

Once you have become an expert at giving fabulous presentations, you can deviate from the formula. However, if you are new to presenting, you might want to follow it. This will vary slightly by field, however, I will give an example from my field – sociology – to give you an idea as to what the format should look like:

  • Introduction/Overview/Hook
  • Theoretical Framework/Research Question
  • Methodology/Case Selection
  • Background/Literature Review
  • Discussion of Data/Results

Tip #3: The audience wants to hear about your research. Tell them.

One of the most common mistakes I see in people giving presentations is that they present only information I already know. This usually happens when they spend nearly all of the presentation going over the existing literature and giving background information on their particular case. You need only to discuss the literature with which you are directly engaging and contributing. Your background information should only include what is absolutely necessary. If you are giving a 15-minute presentation, by the 6 th minute, you need to be discussing your data or case study. At conferences, people are there to learn about your new and exciting research, not to hear a summary of old work.

Tip #4: Practice. Practice. Practice.

You should always practice your presentation in full before you deliver it. You might feel silly delivering your presentation to your cat or your toddler, but you need to do it and do it again. You need to practice to ensure that your presentation fits within the time parameters. Practicing also makes it flow better. You can’t practice too many times.

Tip #5: Keep To Your Time Limit

If you have ten minutes to present, prepare ten minutes of material. No more. Even if you only have seven minutes, you need to finish within the allotted time. If you write your presentation out, a general rule of thumb is two minutes per typed, double-spaced page. For a fifteen-minute talk, you should have no more than 7 double-spaced pages of material.

Tip #6: Don’t Read Your Presentation

Yes, I know that in some fields reading is the norm. But, can you honestly say that you find yourself engaged when listening to someone read their conference presentation? If you absolutely must read, I suggest you read in such a way that no one in the audience can tell you are reading. I have seen people do this successfully, and you can do it too if you write in a conversational tone, practice several times, and read your paper with emotion, conviction, and variation in tone.

What tips do you have for presenters? What is one of the best presentations you have seen? What made it so fantastic? Let us know in the comments below.

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Image credit: Tanya Golash-Boza

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10 essential tips for your next academic presentation

Using examples and practical tips, Dorsa Amir explains the techniques that ensure your presentation communicates its message effectively – from slide design to structuring your talk

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As a presenter, your main job is to guide the audience through your argument in the clearest, most engaging, most efficient way possible. You must respect the audience’s time and attention. This means being mindful of how long your presentation is, what you’re including in your slides, and importantly, how it is all packaged and presented.

A great presenter is one who is intentional: each element in the presentation serves a clear function and is intended to support the audience’s understanding of the content.

Here are 10 tips to keep in mind to ensure your presentation hits the mark.

1. Any time you put something on your slides, its primary purpose is to help the audience, not you

Many presenters will add copious text or other elements to help themselves remember points they want to make. However, this is usually less helpful for the audience (most of this information belongs in presenter notes, and not on the slides). Think of yourself like a director of a movie. What do you want the audience to focus on at any given moment? What features on your slides will enhance the verbal point you are making and which will distract from it? Be intentional about what you include on your slides, and only include elements that serve a clear and helpful function for the audience.

2. Condense text to the main question or key points of the slide

It may be tempting to write out snippets of the script wholesale and add them to the slides, but this often results in PowerPoint karaoke, where the audience is simply watching you read the text out loud to them. While text is certainly useful for helping to concretise points or make slides more accessible, be judicious about what you include. Each slide should make one or two clear points. It’s better to have more slides with less content than fewer slides that are jam-packed. Of course, the amount of text you include will also be determined by the type of presentation you are giving. If students will be using your slides as a study aid, for example, you may want to include more information than if you are creating a research talk for a conference.

Presentation slide

3. Avoid using too many colours, fonts or animations

Consider elements such as fonts, colours and animations as tools in your presentation toolkit. These elements should be used sparingly and only when they serve a clear purpose. I’m sure you’ve all attended a talk with colours bright enough to burn your retinas or crammed with “fun” fonts such as Comic Sans. Try to refrain from doing that. Animations that allow certain elements to appear or disappear along with your presentation — such as bullet points that appear as you say them — can help direct the attention of the audience. Colour contrasts are primarily helpful for visual segmentation or bringing attention to particular elements. Fonts, colours or flashy animations that are purely decorative are more distracting than helpful.

Presentation slide illustrating simple design without too many elements or colours

4. Avoid colour combinations that are hard to read

Be mindful of how colours interact with each other to either facilitate or inhibit comprehension. White text on black (or the reverse) is often a safe bet. Don’t overdecorate! (See above).

5.  If you’re showing a graph, orient the audience to the axes before plotting the data and make sure they can actually see all of it

I typically show the axes and labels first, making sure to orient everyone to the variables and how they are going to be visualised, and then I reveal the data. This ensures that everyone understands how to interpret the visualisation they are about to see. It is also helpful to restate the key prediction and tell the audience what they should expect to see if the prediction is true, and then plot the data. Use large sizes and clear fonts. I’ve heard way too many people say things like: “You probably can’t read this but…” To that, I want to say: “But you’re the one making the slide! You did this to us!” Don’t be that person.

Presentation slide illustrating need for clear, legible graphics

6.  Use high-resolution images or videos

This is especially true for presentations that will be projected onto a larger surface. If it’s fuzzy on your computer screen, it will look even fuzzier when magnified and projected. Try to integrate high-resolution images and vector graphics to avoid this. When your images contain text, delete those portions and re-enter the text in text boxes that will scale up much more clearly when magnified.

7. When illustrating results, identify one or two key graphs to make your point

The temptation is often to show the audience every single result you found, but this dilutes the overall message you are trying to send. There’s no need to visualise everything: you should focus on the key graphs that tell most or all of the story. If you have built up the presentation in the right way, when the audience see your data visualisation, they will immediately understand what you found and whether it supports your hypothesis. That’s how clear and accessible the graph should be.

Presentation slides illustrating why one or two graphs are clearer than using four

8.  Don’t overload the audience with unnecessary complex jargon or acronyms

Every time you introduce a new term or a brand new acronym (BNA), you are asking the audience to do you a favour and commit this new item to working memory. The audience doesn’t know your presentation; they don’t know what’s going to be important later and what isn’t. They’re trusting that you are only presenting information to them that is relevant and they’re doing their best to follow along. Make this process as easy and enjoyable as possible for them. Be judicious with what you ask them to remember or commit to memory. If you can explain a concept without jargon, avoid the jargon!

9. Enhance accessibility

The Web Accessibility Initiative has a great set of guidelines that I will summarise here. Use easy-to-read fonts in large sizes. Make sure there is enough contrast between colours to make them discernible. When giving virtual talks, consider turning on automatic closed captioning. If it’s feasible, provide annotated slide handouts. During the presentation itself, speak clearly and loudly, avoiding unnecessarily complex vocabulary or culturally specific idioms. Where possible, use a microphone. You should also try to verbally describe pertinent parts of visual information on your slides, such as graphics or videos.

10. Use outline slides and marker slides to segment information

Research shows that we understand and remember information better when it comes in bite-size pieces; think of chapters in a book. To incorporate this structure into your talk, break apart the presentation into smaller pieces. Always incorporate an outline slide that previews the structure of the talk and gives the audience a sense of what to expect. Also, use marker slides to communicate that a new section is beginning. And make sure to wrap up each section with a summary slide.

Example of outline and marker slides

Dorsa Amir is a postdoc in the department of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley.

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  • Create and Assess Your Slides

strategies, techniques, and tools for strong slide design, and maximum presentation quality.

Prior to delivering a talk, it is important to prepare and set yourself up for success with a strong slide deck. Depending on the nature of your presentation, the type of speaking engagement, your institution, and other factors and considerations, there are different kinds of approaches and priorities when it comes to slide design. This section includes some tips that will assist you with designing your slides to prepare for your presentation.

Slides drive home the main ideas of your research and play an important role to deliver a strong presentation. After reviewing the Fundamentals of Slide Design , use these resources to create and assess your slides to ensure that you have considered and included important components that make for an effective presentation.

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Qualities of Strong Slide Design

Use this self-assessment checklist to design and review your slides. Check all boxes that incorporate key qualities of strong slide design. In addition to focusing on the style, typography, and layout, consider thinking about your use of visuals and color along with other elements to enhance the design of your slides.

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Checklist for

Assertion-evidence slides.

The assertion-evidence slide structure is one effective technique to designing effective slides. In conjunction with the webinar on “Better Than Bullets: Transforming Slide Design” by Melissa Marshall, this checklist was developed as a resource for assertion-evidence slides but can be applied more generally to other types of slide designs. Consider the style, typography, and layout of your slides and what it might look like to incorporate these elements with an assertion-evidence slide structure in mind.

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Research Presentation Rubric

The format of research presentations can vary across and within disciplines. Use this rubric to identify and assess elements of research presentations, including delivery strategies and slide design. This resource focuses on research presentations but may be useful beyond. 

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Templates and Examples for

Check out tips, templates, layout suggestions, and other examples of assertion-evidence slides on  Rethinking Presentations in Science and Engineering by Michael Alley, MS, MFA, from Pennsylvania State University. Download the Assertion Evidence Presention template for Microsoft PowerPoint.

Additional Resources

Create and deliver standout technical presentations, present your science.

Melissa Marshall’s website explores how speakers can transform the way they present their research.

"The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid" book by Michael Alley

By distinguishing what makes a presenter successful, this book aims to improve your presentation skills.

Want to learn more about how to strengthen your presentation skills?

Visit the delivery authentically page for more information.

  • Data Visualization
  • Fundamentals of Slide Design
  • Visual Design Tools

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Princeton Correspondents on Undergraduate Research

How to Make a Successful Research Presentation

Turning a research paper into a visual presentation is difficult; there are pitfalls, and navigating the path to a brief, informative presentation takes time and practice. As a TA for  GEO/WRI 201: Methods in Data Analysis & Scientific Writing this past fall, I saw how this process works from an instructor’s standpoint. I’ve presented my own research before, but helping others present theirs taught me a bit more about the process. Here are some tips I learned that may help you with your next research presentation:

More is more

In general, your presentation will always benefit from more practice, more feedback, and more revision. By practicing in front of friends, you can get comfortable with presenting your work while receiving feedback. It is hard to know how to revise your presentation if you never practice. If you are presenting to a general audience, getting feedback from someone outside of your discipline is crucial. Terms and ideas that seem intuitive to you may be completely foreign to someone else, and your well-crafted presentation could fall flat.

Less is more

Limit the scope of your presentation, the number of slides, and the text on each slide. In my experience, text works well for organizing slides, orienting the audience to key terms, and annotating important figures–not for explaining complex ideas. Having fewer slides is usually better as well. In general, about one slide per minute of presentation is an appropriate budget. Too many slides is usually a sign that your topic is too broad.

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Limit the scope of your presentation

Don’t present your paper. Presentations are usually around 10 min long. You will not have time to explain all of the research you did in a semester (or a year!) in such a short span of time. Instead, focus on the highlight(s). Identify a single compelling research question which your work addressed, and craft a succinct but complete narrative around it.

You will not have time to explain all of the research you did. Instead, focus on the highlights. Identify a single compelling research question which your work addressed, and craft a succinct but complete narrative around it.

Craft a compelling research narrative

After identifying the focused research question, walk your audience through your research as if it were a story. Presentations with strong narrative arcs are clear, captivating, and compelling.

  • Introduction (exposition — rising action)

Orient the audience and draw them in by demonstrating the relevance and importance of your research story with strong global motive. Provide them with the necessary vocabulary and background knowledge to understand the plot of your story. Introduce the key studies (characters) relevant in your story and build tension and conflict with scholarly and data motive. By the end of your introduction, your audience should clearly understand your research question and be dying to know how you resolve the tension built through motive.

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  • Methods (rising action)

The methods section should transition smoothly and logically from the introduction. Beware of presenting your methods in a boring, arc-killing, ‘this is what I did.’ Focus on the details that set your story apart from the stories other people have already told. Keep the audience interested by clearly motivating your decisions based on your original research question or the tension built in your introduction.

  • Results (climax)

Less is usually more here. Only present results which are clearly related to the focused research question you are presenting. Make sure you explain the results clearly so that your audience understands what your research found. This is the peak of tension in your narrative arc, so don’t undercut it by quickly clicking through to your discussion.

  • Discussion (falling action)

By now your audience should be dying for a satisfying resolution. Here is where you contextualize your results and begin resolving the tension between past research. Be thorough. If you have too many conflicts left unresolved, or you don’t have enough time to present all of the resolutions, you probably need to further narrow the scope of your presentation.

  • Conclusion (denouement)

Return back to your initial research question and motive, resolving any final conflicts and tying up loose ends. Leave the audience with a clear resolution of your focus research question, and use unresolved tension to set up potential sequels (i.e. further research).

Use your medium to enhance the narrative

Visual presentations should be dominated by clear, intentional graphics. Subtle animation in key moments (usually during the results or discussion) can add drama to the narrative arc and make conflict resolutions more satisfying. You are narrating a story written in images, videos, cartoons, and graphs. While your paper is mostly text, with graphics to highlight crucial points, your slides should be the opposite. Adapting to the new medium may require you to create or acquire far more graphics than you included in your paper, but it is necessary to create an engaging presentation.

The most important thing you can do for your presentation is to practice and revise. Bother your friends, your roommates, TAs–anybody who will sit down and listen to your work. Beyond that, think about presentations you have found compelling and try to incorporate some of those elements into your own. Remember you want your work to be comprehensible; you aren’t creating experts in 10 minutes. Above all, try to stay passionate about what you did and why. You put the time in, so show your audience that it’s worth it.

For more insight into research presentations, check out these past PCUR posts written by Emma and Ellie .

— Alec Getraer, Natural Sciences Correspondent

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Academic presentations: Structure

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“A solid structure is the foundation of a coherent presentation, and shows the relationship between the parts and whole.” Nancy Duarte,  Resonate

A presentation that has a strong, clear structure is a presentation that is easy to follow. Without structure, a presentation can be confusing to an audience. How do they know if you are going to cover what they need to know? How can they tell which slides contain the most important points? This page considers some ways that you can organise your slides to give shape to your presentation as a whole.

Basic presentation structure

Every presentation should flow like a good story. It should involve  the audience directly.

Image of an open book showing the beginning, middle and end of the story

  • The  beginning  section is where you hook them. Start with the general picture then explain the specific problem and how by listening to your presentation you can solve it for them.
  • The  middle  section should contain the main detail of your presentation, and can be organised in a number of ways (two good ones are explained below).
  • Finally your  end  section should summarise the presentation and lead the audience to the next step.

Design your slides so that these sections  look distinctive  and any  key points  stand out.

Beginning section

This section is all about drawing the audience in; giving them a reason to want to listen to the main part of your presentation.

You can include any or all of the following:

  • A really well designed title slide that grabs the attention
  • A slide that gives the audience the big picture
  • A slide that shows what you will be focusing on
  • A slide that uses the word 'you' or 'your' in the title to connect with the audience
  • A slide that tells the audience what is to come in your presentation (its structure)

Visual version of the points above

After your title slide, you need slides covering these areas

Middle section structure option 1 - key points

Several authors suggest using a structure that involves an introduction followed by a middle section containing key point slides (usually 3).

The ideas is that there is a  hierarchy  of slides so that after each key point you have other slides that explain or add detail to that key point.

Image showing the 3 large boxes broken down to show a key point box followed by several detail boxes

Cliff Atkinson (writer of the book  Beyond Bullet Points ) suggested using a table in MSWord (similar to the one in the template that is available to download at the bottom of this page) to help you structure and plan your presentation before you even open PowerPoint. This means you can concentrate on your story before getting distracted by design and content issues. We have copy of the book in our library: Beyond Bullet Points:  Beyond Bullet Points .

Middle section option 2 - sparkline

For her book  Resonate  Nancy Duarte looked in detail at the structure of successful presentations throughout history (even back to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address). She discovered that many have the same structural form which she calls a 'sparkline'.

Image of sparkline structure showing a line starting low and then moving up and down several times before ending high - low sections are labelled what is and high sections what could be

This structure makes a clear distinction between  what is  (the position before the presentation is seen and acted upon) and  what could be  (the position after the presentation is seen and acted upon). The audience is introduced to the what is  state at the beginning of the presentation and then switched back and forth between  what could be  and  what is  several times before ending in the  what could be  condition, which she calls  Reward:New Bliss .

Nancy explains this better here:  Sparkline Overview .

In terms of academic work the  what is  is the current level of knowledge or previous thinking on a subject and the  what could be  is the new knowledge or new thinking. The  new bliss  is what the audience could do or learn next now that they are aware of the change. 

End section

The end of your presentation is a very powerful part because it contains your final words, the ones that the audience will take away with them. After you have finished your middle section, have at least one slide that summarises your main points  and one slide that leaves the audience with  the most important point  of your presentation - the one you would like them to remember even if they forget everything else.

Visual summary of the above paragraph

Include slides that show these in your end section

DO NOT  finish with a slide that says  Any Questions?  or  Thanks for Listening  as this a waste of your final slide and does not need a visual image to help the audience understand your words. This slide could potentially be viewed longer than any other slide (whilst you answer your questions or receive feedback) and so you want to make sure it contains something that is important to both you and the audience.

Any questions slide (crossed out)

These slides are a waste of your last slide - use the final slide for your most important point not a throwaway.

Template for structuring an academic presentation

Thumbnail image of template

This MSWord document is a template for structuring a typical academic presentation, it can be adapted and changed if necessary depending on how long the presentation you need to give is. Try to fill it in using full sentences as these will become your slide titles .

The blue sections are optional. The NEED and TASK sections are most suited to research presentations.

This is designed for a presentation between 20-30 minutes long. Shorter presentations will have no explanatory points and longer presentations will need more explanatory points.

This is adapted from Cliff Atkinson's Beyond Bullet Points template. See the link to the book above.

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Making better powerpoint presentations.

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Baddeley and Hitch’s model of working memory.

Research about student preferences for powerpoint, resources for making better powerpoint presentations, bibliography.

We have all experienced the pain of a bad PowerPoint presentation. And even though we promise ourselves never to make the same mistakes, we can still fall prey to common design pitfalls.  The good news is that your PowerPoint presentation doesn’t have to be ordinary. By keeping in mind a few guidelines, your classroom presentations can stand above the crowd!

“It is easy to dismiss design – to relegate it to mere ornament, the prettifying of places and objects to disguise their banality. But that is a serious misunderstanding of what design is and why it matters.” Daniel Pink

One framework that can be useful when making design decisions about your PowerPoint slide design is Baddeley and Hitch’s model of working memory .

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As illustrated in the diagram above, the Central Executive coordinates the work of three systems by organizing the information we hear, see, and store into working memory.

The Phonological Loop deals with any auditory information. Students in a classroom are potentially listening to a variety of things: the instructor, questions from their peers, sound effects or audio from the PowerPoint presentation, and their own “inner voice.”

The Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad deals with information we see. This involves such aspects as form, color, size, space between objects, and their movement. For students this would include: the size and color of fonts, the relationship between images and text on the screen, the motion path of text animation and slide transitions, as well as any hand gestures, facial expressions, or classroom demonstrations made by the instructor.

The Episodic Buffer integrates the information across these sensory domains and communicates with long-term memory. All of these elements are being deposited into a holding tank called the “episodic buffer.” This buffer has a limited capacity and can become “overloaded” thereby, setting limits on how much information students can take in at once.

Laura Edelman and Kathleen Harring from Muhlenberg College , Allentown, Pennsylvania have developed an approach to PowerPoint design using Baddeley and Hitch’s model. During the course of their work, they conducted a survey of students at the college asking what they liked and didn’t like about their professor’s PowerPoint presentations. They discovered the following:

Characteristics students don’t like about professors’ PowerPoint slides

  • Too many words on a slide
  • Movement (slide transitions or word animations)
  • Templates with too many colors

Characteristics students like like about professors’ PowerPoint slides

  • Graphs increase understanding of content
  • Bulleted lists help them organize ideas
  • PowerPoint can help to structure lectures
  • Verbal explanations of pictures/graphs help more than written clarifications

According to Edelman and Harring, some conclusions from the research at Muhlenberg are that students learn more when:

  • material is presented in short phrases rather than full paragraphs.
  • the professor talks about the information on the slide rather than having students read it on their own.
  • relevant pictures are used. Irrelevant pictures decrease learning compared to PowerPoint slides with no picture
  • they take notes (if the professor is not talking). But if the professor is lecturing, note-taking and listening decreased learning.
  • they are given the PowerPoint slides before the class.

Advice from Edelman and Harring on leveraging the working memory with PowerPoint:

  • Leverage the working memory by dividing the information between the visual and auditory modality.  Doing this reduces the likelihood of one system becoming overloaded. For instance, spoken words with pictures are better than pictures with text, as integrating an image and narration takes less cognitive effort than integrating an image and text.
  • Minimize the opportunity for distraction by removing any irrelevant material such as music, sound effects, animations, and background images.
  • Use simple cues to direct learners to important points or content. Using text size, bolding, italics, or placing content in a highlighted or shaded text box is all that is required to convey the significance of key ideas in your presentation.
  • Don’t put every word you intend to speak on your PowerPoint slide. Instead, keep information displayed in short chunks that are easily read and comprehended.
  • One of the mostly widely accessed websites about PowerPoint design is Garr Reynolds’ blog, Presentation Zen . In his blog entry:  “ What is Good PowerPoint Design? ” Reynolds explains how to keep the slide design simple, yet not simplistic, and includes a few slide examples that he has ‘made-over’ to demonstrate how to improve its readability and effectiveness. He also includes sample slides from his own presentation about PowerPoint slide design.
  • Another presentation guru, David Paradi, author of “ The Visual Slide Revolution: Transforming Overloaded Text Slides into Persuasive Presentations ” maintains a video podcast series called “ Think Outside the Slide ” where he also demonstrates PowerPoint slide makeovers. Examples on this site are typically from the corporate perspective, but the process by which content decisions are made is still relevant for higher education. Paradi has also developed a five step method, called KWICK , that can be used as a simple guide when designing PowerPoint presentations.
  • In the video clip below, Comedian Don McMillan talks about some of the common misuses of PowerPoint in his routine called “Life After Death by PowerPoint.”

  • This article from The Chronicle of Higher Education highlights a blog moderated by Microsoft’s Doug Thomas that compiles practical PowerPoint advice gathered from presentation masters like Seth Godin , Guy Kawasaki , and Garr Reynolds .

Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story , by Jerry Weissman, Prentice Hall, 2006

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery , by Garr Reynolds, New Riders Press, 2008

Solving the PowerPoint Predicament: using digital media for effective communication , by Tom Bunzel , Que, 2006

The Cognitive Style of Power Point , by Edward R. Tufte, Graphics Pr, 2003

The Visual Slide Revolution: Transforming Overloaded Text Slides into Persuasive Presentations , by Dave Paradi, Communications Skills Press, 2000

Why Most PowerPoint Presentations Suck: And How You Can Make Them Better , by Rick Altman, Harvest Books, 2007

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6 steps to a successful presentation

If you feel nervous at the thought of having to stand up in front of your peers and deliver a presentation you're not alone, but you're unlikely to get through university without having to do it. Follow these six steps to ensure success

Your tutor or lecturer mentions the word 'presentation' and the first thing you do is panic but there's no need.

Depending on your subject, you might be expected to summarise your reading in a seminar, deliver the results of a scientific experiment, or provide feedback from a group task. Whatever the topic, you'll usually be presenting to your tutor and fellow students.

While   getting up and making your case in front of an audience isn't easy, especially when you're not used to it, it really is good practice as many graduate employers use presentations as part of the recruitment process.

To help ensure that your presentation stands out for the right reasons, Graham Philpott, head of careers consultancy at the University of Reading provides some advice.

Prepare carefully

Give yourself plenty of time to prepare thoroughly, as a last-minute rush will leave you flustered when it comes to delivering your presentation.

'There are two important things to think about when preparing for a presentation,' says Graham. 'What do you want the audience to do once you have finished, and who are the audience? If you know these two things, preparation becomes so much easier.'

Plan out the structure and format of your presentation. 'A simple and successful way to structure your presentation is - agenda, message, summary - or to explain it a different way, tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you've just told them,' advises Graham.

To help plan your content, Graham explains that 'there are only two purposes to a presentation, one is to inform, the other is to persuade. So, your content will either tell the audience what they need to know or convince them.' To make sure you stay on track ask yourself what you're hoping to achieve.

You can make detailed notes as part of your planning, but don't rely on these on the day, as reading from a prepared text sounds unnatural. If you want to take a memory aid with you use small index cards, as referring to A4 sheets of paper during your presentation can be distracting and highlight your nerves if your hands shake.

At the planning stage also consider the timings of your presentation. Time limits are set for a reason - falling short or going over this limit will likely result in a loss of marks, especially if it's part of an assessment or exam.

Don't forget to also devise answers to common questions you may be asked at the end of your presentation. You might think this adds to your workload, but it actually prevents you from being caught off guard on the day.

If you have to give a group presentation, discover  three tips for successful group work .

Use visuals wisely

'A presentation doesn't necessarily need a visual aid,' says Graham. 'However, if you decide to use them, they can help the audience understand what you're saying, and give you a framework to talk around.'

Bear in mind that visual aids should complement your oral presentation, not repeat it, nor deliver the presentation for you. While your slides should offer a summary of points, or illustrate the concept you're discussing, you need to remember that you are the main focus.

When putting together your slides and visual aids:

  • Keep them simple . Stick to one idea per slide to avoid cluttering them and use short phrases or sentences.
  • Think about accessibility . Does the design of your presentation interfere with its readability? Will everyone in the audience be able to read your slides? To ensure your presentation is accessible minimise the number of slides, use high contrast colours and a large, clear font. If using graphics, make them as simple as possible and avoid over-complicated charts or graphs. If using videos, make sure they are captioned.
  • Don't let them distract you . If you intend to provide hand-outs for your audience, distribute them at the beginning or end of your presentation. Doing it halfway through can disrupt your flow.

Don't fall into the trap of merely reading aloud what is written on your slides - instead use them as a starting point from which you can expand and develop your narrative.

It's also worth pointing out that a presentation is only as good as its content. Your presentation could look visually beautiful, but if it lacks knowledge or substance your audience is unlikely to be fooled. 

Consider your audience

Speaking of your audience, it's essential that you keep them in mind at every stage - from the preparation of your presentation right through to the delivery.

To show that you have thought about the audience consider how much background information they will need. Do they already have some knowledge of the topic you're presenting?

Spending the first half of your presentation telling an audience what they already know will be frustrating for them. Equally, if you go straight into the detail, they may get lost. It's vital you get the balance right.

The tone of your presentation will also depend on your audience - if its purpose is to demonstrate to your seminar group that you've understood a certain topic you could strike a light-hearted tone. If it's an assessed piece of work on the other hand, you'll need to be more serious.

Practice with a friend

Before the main event you should run through your presentation in full more than once. 'It's also a good idea to practice the presentation out loud. This will give you a much better idea of how long it takes, and whether there are any parts that don't flow very well,' adds Graham.

'It might feel cringey, but practicing to an audience - friends, coursemates, family, your careers consultant if it's for a job - will really help too. Their feedback will be especially important when it comes to checking that your main point is getting through, loud and clear.'

Ask your practice audience to sit at a distance to check that everyone attending can hear you speaking and that they can see the slides. If possible, try to do this practice run in the room you'll be giving your presentation in.

This level of preparation will enable you to work out whether your presentation is the right length when spoken aloud and give you the chance to get used to expressing yourself in front of others.

 While you practice make sure that you:

  • Speak slowly  - nerves can make you rush but try and moderate your speech. Take a breath at the end of every sentence or point you make.
  • Face the audience  - to give a confident impression regularly make eye contact with your audience. If using a screen stand at a 45-degree angle so you have a good view of both your audience and your slides. Don't turn your back on your audience.
  • Leave time for questions  - factor this into your overall time limit and be prepared to field any questions that come your way.

Another good tip is to record the practice run - you can do this on your phone or on Teams or Zoom. Play it back and reflect on it. Ask yourself if it's clear, concise, and if it makes sense. Pay particular attention to less obvious factors such as your facial expression and mannerisms. Do you come across well? Are you talking too fast or waffling? Are you smiling and personable?

Be positive

Leading up to the presentation try developing a positive attitude. This may seem easier said than done, especially if you're nervous but it will make a huge difference to how you perform.

Acknowledge your nervousness but don't let negative thoughts win. Instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong visualise a positive outcome and focus on what you can do to ensure it runs smoothly.

On the day nerves can conspire to make you think that the room is against you, but this isn't the case. Remember that your tutor and your coursemates want you to succeed. To set your presentation up for success make sure your introduction is strong. Start with a confident attitude and a smile.

Don't rely on technology

We've all witnessed the agony of a presenter struggling with a faulty USB stick, failing to connect to the internet or not being able to get the projector to work. However, with a little bit of planning, you can minimise the risk of technology tripping you up.

If possible, test your presentation beforehand with the same equipment that you'll be using during the main event. Otherwise, arrive early on the day and have a run through. Make sure you know how to link your laptop to the projector and if your presentation includes links to web pages or video clips make sure these lead to the right places and are working beforehand. Bring back-ups of your documents and print out a few copies of the slides to share if things go wrong.

And if a piece of technology does fail, don't panic. It will happen to everyone in the room at some point. If you prove yourself prepared in the face of a disaster and handle it with grace it could impress your tutor more than if everything went according to plan.

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  • Find out how to get the most out of lectures and seminars .

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Creating Effective Powerpoint Slides

Plan: look at the big picture.

  • Create Slides

Keep It Simple and Clear

  • Design Principles

Oral Presentation

  • Have a Back Up Plan

A good PowerPoint slideshow complements your presentation by highlighting your key message, providing structure, and illustrating important details.

While it is not difficult to create a good PowerPoint presentation, it is very easy to create a bad one. Bad PowerPoint presentations may have one or more of the following characteristics: too much specialized detail, too many slides, too many colours, unnecessary images or effects, small text, unreadable figures, and/or unclear slide order.

The strategies below can help you to create effective presentations and to save your audience from “death by PowerPoint.”

  • Plan: Plan your talk first (see Academic Skills Oral Presentations) and then plan your PowerPoint to accompany your argument and evidence.
  • Audience: Who is in your audience and what do they know about the material? What do you want them to learn? Consider your overall argument and evidence that you want to present.
  • Purpose: Define the goals, topic and appropriate depth and scope of information.
  • Presentation Length: Know the time available for your presentation. Be realistic about how much material you can cover as it is important that you keep within your time limit. Follow the general rule of thumb: You need about one slide per minute.

Creating Slides

You are now ready to create individual slides. If you have never used PowerPoint before, you can find hundreds of good tutorials online. Find one that works for you.

The classic PowerPoint error is to write sentences on a slide and read them. Rather than treating your slides as a script for your presentation, let the content on your slides support your message. Remember: LESS IS MORE .

  • Where possible, include a heading for each slide
  • Use bulleted points and avoid long sentences (it is often suggested that you include no more than 6 lines per slide or 6 words per line)
  • Font size: 30 - 48 point for titles, 24 - 28 for text
  • Avoid all capital letters
  • Proofread carefully for spelling and grammar

Figures and Images

  • Ensure images are clear and relevant
  • Label all figures and tables
  • Put units beside numbers on graphs and charts

General Design Principles

  • Embrace empty space
  • Use vertical and horizontal guide markers to consistently align elements
  • Avoid too many colours, clutter or fancy visual effects
  • Use high contrast to ensure visibility: e.g. Black text on white background or black on light blue
  • Maintain consistency of the same elements on a slide (colours, fonts, styles, placement etc.), as well as, between slides in the slide deck
  • Use animation sparingly, if at all. If you use transitions, use the same kind each time
  • Edit entire slide deck to ensure organization is logical and design is consistent

Even with the best of PowerPoints, good presentations require practice and refinement Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse! Listen for awkward or unclear wording and make edits as needed. Keep an eye on time limits. Practice presenting alone, but also for friends.

Advance the slide when you reach that point in the presentation. Do not stand in front of the screen or talk to it. Face the audience at all times.

Try to test your presentation in the room before your talk; you may need to adjust the colours or font size for the room and equipment. For further information, see How to Prepare and Deliver an Oral Presentation .

Have a Back-Up Plan

Remember that PowerPoint may look great, but technical failures do happen. Mentally prepare for any eventuality. Make sure to save the presentation several ways: save on a USB stick and email it to yourself. Print out the slides to have a paper version in case of equipment failure and practice giving your presentation without your slides.

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Presentations: oral

Plan your presentation.

Successful presentations depend on good preparation. Think about the purpose of your presentation and the audience. If you are presenting as part of an assessment, check your brief, marking criteria and guidance carefully.

Create a planning schedule

It might help to create a planning schedule. Write out a list of all the tasks you need to do and how much time to allocate to each task.

For example, if your presentation is for an assessment you could break down your preparation into the following tasks:

  • Interpret and understand the assessment brief. For more guidance see our Interpreting your assignment activity .
  • Think about who your audience is.
  • Research your topic. Go to our guidance on searching for information .
  • Identify your key message.
  • Plan your content and produce an outline.
  • Write your presentation and prepare your visual aids.
  • Practise your presentation.

This Assignment Survival Kit from the University of Kent can help you to plan a schedule.

Know your audience

Make sure you understand why you are giving this talk, and to whom.

Ask yourself:

  • How much does the audience already know? This may change how much background detail you will need to include or whether you use subject-specific terminology.
  • Who is your audience? Are they fellow students, academics, school children? This will help you decide the level to pitch it at and the type of content you will include.
  • What is the cultural background of the audience? This may alter your use of specific cultural references, idioms or slang terms.
  • What will they be interested in? You need to be selective about the key points and information you include.

You might not be able to answer all these questions for everyone who will attend, but you can consider a general impression of their needs and expectations.

Plan your content

Set aside plenty of time to plan what you are going to say. You need to be selective. It is better to discuss fewer points in detail than many points superficially. You should:

  • decide what your key message or argument is
  • create an outline of your presentation by identifying the most relevant points that contribute to your overall message or argument
  • decide what supporting evidence to include that will help your audience to understand and be persuaded by what you are saying
  • consider what visual aids will help to illustrate, illuminate or explain what you are saying such as images, diagrams, statistics or even video clips.

Like many other assignments, a presentation should include:

  • an introduction that explains what you are going to talk about. Usually you should present your key message, or argument and an outline of the presentation
  • a main body where you discuss the most relevant and interesting points in a logical and coherent order
  • a conclusion that gives a brief review of the purpose of your presentation, reiterates the key message and if possible sets your discussion in a wider context
  • references to the evidence you have used. This may be verbal or should be on the slides if you are using them
  • thanking the audience for listening and an invitation to ask questions. 

During your presentation, help your audience follow your thoughts and understand how your ideas link together by giving them verbal cues.

Here are some examples:

  • “I will begin by discussing…”
  • “We will draw on 2 key theories…”
  • “Now I have discussed the methods, I will move on to…”
  • “In contrast to my earlier argument…”
  • “This is particularly significant because…”
  • “In this presentation I aimed to…”

Check the venue

Finally, you should also take time to check the venue. You will need to know what resources are available to you so you can plan what to bring and how long it will take to set up.

If the venue is local, set aside an hour to visit the room. Check the seating arrangements, IT/projection facilities, plug sockets, and whether there are any flip-charts or whiteboards for feedback.

If you are presenting at a distant location, contact someone there to ask questions.


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Creating a 10-15 Minute Scientific Presentation

In the course of your career as a scientist, you will be asked to give brief presentations -- to colleagues, lab groups, and in other venues. We have put together a series of short videos to help you organize and deliver a crisp 10-15 minute scientific presentation.

First is a two part set of videos that walks you through organizing a presentation.

Part 1 - Creating an Introduction for a 10-15 Minute Scientfic Presentation

Part 2 - Creating the Body of a 10-15 Minute Presentation: Design/Methods; Data Results, Conclusions

Two additional videos should prove useful:

Designing PowerPoint Slides for a Scientific Presentation walks you through the key principles in designing powerful, easy to read slides.

Delivering a Presentation provides tips and approaches to help you put your best foot forward when you stand up in front of a group.

Other resources include:


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how to do university presentations

Present content in Microsoft Teams meetings

When working remotely in Microsoft Teams, you can present content by sharing your screen, your entire desktop, a PowerPoint file, and more.

Start presenting content

Share screen button

Note:  If you're using Teams on the web, you'll be able to share your screen only if you're using Google Chrome or the latest version of Microsoft Edge. Screen sharing isn't available for Linux users.


Show your entire screen, including notifications and other desktop activity.

You need to seamlessly share multiple windows.


Show just one window, and no notifications or other desktop activity.

You only need to show one thing and want to keep the rest of your screen to yourself.

PowerPoint Live

Present a PowerPoint file others can interact with.

You need to share a presentation and want others to be able to move through it at their own pace. For info on PowerPoint sharing, see .


Collaborate with others in real time.

You want to sketch with others and have your notes attached to the meeting.

When you're done sharing, select Stop sharing in your meeting controls. 

To turn off screensharing if your screen locks:

Microsoft Teams more options icon

Turn the  Turn off my camera and mic when my screen locks toggle on.

Restart Teams to activate this setting.

Presenter controls

While you're sharing content, use the controls in the presenter toolbar to keep your presentation engaging and running smoothly. The presenter toolbar is only visible to the person presenting.

To bring the presenter toolbar onscreen:

Image showing screen sharing indicator.

The toolbar will stay in place for a few seconds until you're done adjusting the controls. Then, it'll disappear from view.

Teams Pin Chat icon

Move the presenter toolbar 

To keep the presenter toolbar from blocking important content on your screen, move it to any area on the screen you're sharing.

To move the presenter toolbar:

Drag handle glyph

Drag it anywhere on your screen.

Release the drag handle when you've placed it in the right area.

Tip:  You can also move the toolbar by clicking and holding any area on the toolbar that isn't interactive (e.g., in between presenter controls) and dragging it.

Control your camera and mic

Video call button

Give and take control of shared content

Give control.

If you want another meeting participant to change a file, help you present, or demonstrate something, you can give control to that person. While someone has control, they can make selections, edits, and other modifications to the shared screen.

You'll both be in control of the sharing, and you can take back control anytime.

Caution:  When you’re sharing an app, only give control to people you trust . People you give control can send commands that could affect your system or other apps. We've taken steps to prevent this but haven't tested every possible system customization.

Start sharing your screen.

Take control button

Select the person you want to give control to. Teams will notify them that you’re sharing control.

Select Take back  to take back control.

Take control 

To take control while another person is sharing:

Select Request control . The person sharing can approve or deny your request.

Make selections, edits, and other modifications to the shared screen while you have control.

Select Release control to stop sharing control.

Sharing computer sound lets you stream audio from your computer to meeting participants through Teams. You can use it to play a video or audio clip as part of a presentation.

Audio sharing on button

To learn more, see  Share sound from your computer in a Teams meeting or live event .

All sound from your computer, including notifications, will be audible in the meeting.

Optimize for video

Prevent choppiness or lag when you're sharing high-motion content by optimizing video.

To optimize video, select Optimize  in your presenter toolbar. 

Presenter toolbar with Optimize option highlighted.

Change your layout

When you're sharing content, you can choose from several different layouts to help make your presentation more engaging. 

To change your layout while you're sharing your screen:

Turn your camera on.

Presenter toolbar with Layout option highlighted.

Select the layout you want to use:

Content only : Participants will see the content you're sharing in the main Teams window. They'll still be able to see your video feed next to the content.

Standout : This produces an effect on your background that blocks it and helps you stand out in your video feed.

Side-by-side : This view will place you and another participant side-by-side in the meeting window. This helps draw focus to you and other participants who are speaking during the meeting.

Reporter : This layout isolates you from your video feed and places you in front of the content you're sharing, just like a reporter in front of a scene.

Annotate content

Annotate pen button

To learn more, see Use annotation while sharing your screen in Microsoft Teams .

View participants

After you start presenting, a minimized view of the meeting window will appear next to your shared content. 

People or Show Participants button

Stop sharing

Select Stop sharing in the presenter toolbar to stop sharing your screen and return to the main Teams meeting window.

Share content on a Mac

If you're using a Mac, you'll need to grant permission to Teams to record your computer's screen before you can share. 

You'll be prompted to grant permission the first time you try to share your screen. Select Open System Preferences from the prompt. If you miss the prompt, you can do this anytime by going to Apple Menu > System Settings > Privacy & Security .

Under Screen & System Audio Recording , make sure the toggle next to  Microsoft Teams is turned on.

Go back to your meeting and try sharing your screen again.

Note:  If you're using Teams on the web, make sure you've also granted screen recording permission to your browser.

Zoom in to shared content

To get a better look at shared content, click and drag it to see different areas. To zoom into or out of content someone's sharing during a meeting or call, use the buttons at the lower left of your meeting window: [+] to zoom in and [-] to zoom out. You can also try the following:

Pinch in or out on your trackpad.

Use Teams keyboard shortcuts .

Hold the Ctrl  key and scroll with your mouse.

Note:  Mac trackpads don't support zoom in meetings. If you're on a Mac, use one of the other options. If you're using Linux, giving and taking control of shared content isn't available at this time.

Open shared content in new window

Expand your view by opening shared content in a separate window during your Teams meetings.

To open shared content:

Join your meeting from Teams for desktop .

Help Pop out button

To minimize content, select X  to close the window.

To share content from your mobile device:

More options button


If you want to...

Present a PowerPoint file others can interact with. Choose the PowerPoint you want to share; when you select one, sharing will start automatically.

Take a photo to share or choose one from your gallery. Choose the photo you want to share and select when you're ready to share.

Share live video from your camera. Tap when you're ready to share.

Show your entire screen, including notifications and other activity. You'll be prompted to tap when you're ready to share.

Turn on the toggle to share audio from the content on your screen.

. Whiteboard content will share automatically.

Tap Stop presenting  or Stop sharing when you're done. 

Tip:  To go forward and back in a PowerPoint presentation, swipe in the direction you'd like to go, or tap the forward and back buttons on the bottom of your screen.

Note:  If your role changes from presenter to attendee during a meeting and you're presenting, screensharing will stop.

Zoom in to shared content 

Want to get a better look at shared content?

Pinch in or out to zoom, and tap and drag to see different areas.

Note:  Zoom isn't currently supported when you're sharing photos and videos.

Minimize shared content

You may want to minimize the content someone is sharing in order to better see the people in the meeting on your mobile device. Here's how:

More actions button next to participant's name

Tap  Minimize content from the menu

This will give you a better look at more of the people in the meeting. You'll still see the shared content on the lower portion of your screen.

Mobile meeting screen with content minimized

Use your phone as a companion device in a meeting

Join a meeting on more than one device for more collaboration and content-sharing options.

If you're already in a meeting on your laptop, for example, you can add your phone as a companion device to present files, share live video, and much more. Any device with the Teams mobile app can be added as a companion device—just make sure the devices you're using are signed in to the same Teams account.

There's a lot you can do when you add a companion device to your meeting experience:

Use mobile video to show things that are out of view for remote participants.

Take a photo to share with everyone or pick one from your camera roll.

Use your phone to control a presentation.

Share your mobile screen.

If you can see it on your phone, you can share it in the meeting!

Tip:  For more details, see Join a Teams meeting on a second device .

Add a companion device to a meeting

Open Teams on your mobile phone when you're already in a meeting on another device.

You'll see a message near the top of your screen informing you that you're currently in a meeting on another device, and asking if you want to join it on this one, too. Tap  Join .

A banner in Teams saying that Weekly Design Sync - Tuesday is nearby with the option to join from your mobile device.

You'll then see two options: Add this device , and Transfer to this device . Tap  Add this device .

add this device to meeting

If you join this way, we'll mute your companion device's mic and speaker to avoid causing an echo effect.

When you're ready to share something from the companion device, tap Start presenting at the bottom of the screen. On your other device, you'll be able to see what you're sharing, just like everyone else in the meeting.

When you're finished, tap  Stop presenting , or simply hang up. Your other device will still be connected to the meeting.


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What Is a Crypto Airdrop and How Do You Get One?

Here’s what airdrops are, how they work, and how you can get crypto airdropped into your wallet.

What Is Crypto Airdrop 1

Key Takeaways:

  • A crypto airdrop may be used to distribute free cryptocurrency tokens or coins to wallet addresses, often as a marketing strategy to raise awareness, promote adoption, or reward community members.
  • Different types of airdrops include standard, holder, snapshot, bounty, and fork, each serving different purposes.
  • The allocation of tokens is based on eligibility criteria set by the project, which could require participants to hold or trade the project’s token, complete tasks, or engage in community activities.
  • Notable airdrops include Uniswap, ApeCoin, and several airdrops in the Cosmos ecosystem.
  • Find out about upcoming airdrops through crypto news, joining crypto social media communities, and subscribing to project newsletters.
  • Note that airdrops are not without risks, including scams, value dilution, and airdrop farming.
  • Meeting the eligibility criteria, like holding tokens, and using a compatible wallet are the essential steps to receive airdropped tokens.

While getting a crypto airdrop might sound like receiving free money , it isn’t always that easy. In this article, we explain what crypto airdrops are, how they work, and what you need to do to get airdropped tokens.

What Is a Crypto Airdrop?

The term ‘airdrop’ is derived from the traditional method of dropping supplies or information from the air to a specific location. A crypto airdrop is the distribution of free cryptocurrency tokens or coins to a large number of wallet addresses.

Airdrops are often used as a marketing strategy by cryptocurrency projects to raise awareness, promote adoption, and reward loyal community members. The coins or tokens are typically distributed by the project team to existing token holders, individuals who completed the required steps, or any eligible participants to join the airdrop.

There are several reasons why cryptocurrency projects conduct airdrops, mainly that they help to create buzz and generate interest in the project. By distributing free tokens, projects can attract attention, stimulate on-chain activity and flows, and build a community of supporters and potential investors. Airdrops also serve as a means of distributing tokens fairly and equitably amongst the community, ensuring wider participation and preventing token concentration in the hands of a few.

How Do Crypto Airdrops Work?

Crypto airdrops work by allocating a certain number of coins or tokens to be distributed amongst participants. The project team determines the eligibility criteria for individuals and other participants to receive the airdrop. This can include holding or trading a specific amount of the project’s native token, completing certain tasks like following social media accounts or referring friends, or participating in community activities, amongst others.

Once the eligibility criteria are met, the project team allocates the coins or tokens to the participants’ wallet addresses. The distribution process can vary, with some projects opting for a manual distribution while others use smart contracts to automate the process. Participants can then access and manage their airdropped tokens through their respective cryptocurrency wallets.

Types of Crypto Airdrops

There are various types of crypto airdrops, each serving a different purpose and with different eligibility requirements. 

Standard airdrop

Also known as raffle airdrops, this is what most people consider a ‘standard’ airdrop, where, to be eligible, you must complete a sign-up or registration. This requires little work other than being in the know through keeping up with the crypto community and signing up, bringing this type of airdrop very close to the idea of ‘free money’. 

If demand is overwhelming, the projects usually choose which wallets will receive tokens through a raffle.

Holder airdrop

This airdrop is used by projects to reward loyal community members by airdropping coins or tokens to wallets that hold their currency. In other words, no action is required on the part of the receiver, making it another popular type of airdrop, as it is completely passive. You simply check your wallet to find new tokens have been deposited. 

One example of this is the Expedition Gear Backpack NFT , wherein one random ‘ Expedition Gear’ mystery package had been airdropped for every ‘ Land — The First Frontier’ NFT owned.

Snapshot airdrop

Tokens are distributed to holders of a specific blockchain ‘s native cryptocurrency at a particular block height or time. Those holding the native cryptocurrency in their wallets at the snapshot moment are eligible to receive the airdropped cryptocurrency. Similarly to the holder airdrop, to be eligible, you just need to hold the crypto at the right time. has implemented this type of airdrop with its ‘All Star’ NFT Airdrop , and users had to ensure their ‘Loaded Lions’ NFT were in their NFT account at a specific time and date to be eligible.

Bounty airdrop

These are also known as task-based airdrops, as to qualify, participants must complete certain tasks or actions, such as following social media accounts, joining a Telegram group, or referring friends to the project. This helps projects increase their online presence and engage with their community, requiring work on the recipients’ part to become eligible.

Fork airdrop

When a blockchain undergoes a fork , resulting in the creation of a new blockchain and cryptocurrency, holders of the original cryptocurrency receive tokens in the new chain. 

An example of a fork airdrop is ETHPoW , where users who held ETH in a private wallet or in an exchange supporting the fork got the forked version of ETH called ETHW.

How to Receive Airdrops

Participating in a crypto airdrop is relatively straightforward. Below are the essential steps:

  • The first step is to know which projects are conducting airdrops. Follow cryptocurrency news websites; join relevant social media communities, particularly on Discord, Telegram, and X; and subscribe to project newsletters. 
  • Once you have identified and selected the project you want to participate in, you need to meet the eligibility criteria set by the project team. This may involve holding a specific amount of the project’s native currency, completing tasks, or signing up through a referral link.
  • To receive the airdropped tokens, you will need a compatible cryptocurrency wallet. Most projects provide instructions on how to set up a wallet and where to provide your wallet address to receive the tokens.
  • It is crucial to ensure that you are using a secure wallet and that you keep your private keys safe. Once you have completed all necessary steps, you can sit back and wait for the tokens to be distributed.

Notable Crypto Airdrops

Over the years, notable crypto airdrops have captured the attention of the crypto community. 

The concept of airdrops first gained attention in 2014 with the airdrop of Auroracoin (AUR) , known as ‘Iceland’s Bitcoin’ to the country’s citizens. Since then, numerous crypto projects have adopted the airdrop model, distributing coins or tokens to users as part of their protocols.

Another famous airdrop is the Stellar Lumens (XLM) airdrop conducted by the Stellar Development Foundation. In 2019, Stellar distributed 2 billion XLM, worth over US$120 million at the time, to users of various cryptocurrency wallets and exchanges. This massive airdrop aimed to encourage wider adoption of the Stellar network and showcase its capabilities as a fast and low-cost payment system.

Uniswap (UNI) conducted the most substantial crypto airdrop to date on 16 September 2020, distributing US$6.43 billion worth of UNI tokens at their all-time high (ATH) price of US$42.88. This event, a highlight of the DeFi Summer , revitalised interest in the crypto airdrop model. 

ApeCoin (APE) orchestrated the second-largest crypto airdrop so far, disbursing US$3.54 billion worth of APE on 17 March 2022, at an ATH value of US$23.63. The airdrop benefited all Yuga Labs owners, granting them 10,950 tokens each, worth US$258,737 — enough to acquire a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT , which had an average floor price of US$200,099 just before the airdrop.

Notable is also the Cosmos ecosystem, which has served as a hub for multiple airdrops over the years (e.g., for DYM , TIA , and INJ ).

What to Look Out for With Crypto Airdrops

Tax and regulations.

The regulatory landscape surrounding airdrops varies from country to country, with some jurisdictions viewing airdrops as securities and subjecting them to stringent tax regulations . Other countries take a more lenient approach, considering airdrops as a marketing tactic rather than a financial instrument. Check if your jurisdiction requires you to declare airdrops on your tax return.

Airdrops are popular and attract a lot of attention. With many projects conducting airdrops, it can be challenging to identify legitimate projects and avoid scams. Participants should exercise caution and thoroughly research new and unknown projects before participating in any airdrop.

Value Dilution

Another risk associated with crypto airdrops is the potential for token value dilution. When a project distributes a large number of tokens through an airdrop, it can lead to oversupply and, subsequently, a decrease in token value.

Participants should consider this risk and evaluate the long-term prospects of the project before investing time and resources into an airdrop. A responsible project will use airdrops sparingly and airdrop a reasonable amount in relation to their token supply.

Airdrop Farming

Airdrop farming refers to actively seeking out and participating in as many airdrops as possible to receive these free tokens. While it might sound tempting, it comes with certain risks.

First, time and effort spent on airdrop farming may divert attention from other potentially more rewarding activities in the crypto space. Second, avid airdrop farmers tracking down the next drop might be tempted to not spend enough time on carefully checking a project, or for risks arising from market volatility and regulatory uncertainty, as mentioned above.

Crypto airdrops have become an integral part of the crypto space, offering a unique way for projects to engage with their community and promote adoption. By distributing free coins or tokens, projects can generate interest and participation.

However, it is crucial for both projects and participants to navigate the regulatory landscape. If you are interested in participating in a crypto airdrop, remember to conduct thorough research, ensure compliance with regulations, and follow the crypto space to know when the next round of coins or tokens is dropping. 

Due Diligence and Do Your Own Research

All examples listed in this article are for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, cybersecurity, or other advice. Nothing contained herein shall constitute a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by to invest, buy, or sell any coins, tokens, or other crypto assets. Returns on the buying and selling of crypto assets may be subject to tax, including capital gains tax, in your jurisdiction. Any descriptions of products or features are merely for illustrative purposes and do not constitute an endorsement, invitation, or solicitation. 

Past performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future performance. The value of crypto assets can increase or decrease, and you could lose all or a substantial amount of your purchase price. When assessing a crypto asset, it’s essential for you to do your research and due diligence to make the best possible judgement, as any purchases shall be your sole responsibility.

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What Kamala Harris has said so far on key issues in her campaign

As she ramps up her nascent presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is revealing how she will address the key issues facing the nation.

In speeches and rallies, she has voiced support for continuing many of President Joe Biden’s measures, such as lowering drug costs , forgiving student loan debt and eliminating so-called junk fees. But Harris has made it clear that she has her own views on some key matters, particularly Israel’s treatment of Gazans in its war with Hamas.

In a departure from her presidential run in 2020, the Harris campaign has confirmed that she’s moved away from many of her more progressive stances, such as her interest in a single-payer health insurance system and a ban on fracking.

Harris is also expected to put her own stamp and style on matters ranging from abortion to the economy to immigration, as she aims to walk a fine line of taking credit for the administration’s accomplishments while not being jointly blamed by voters for its shortcomings.

Her early presidential campaign speeches have offered insights into her priorities, though she’s mainly voiced general talking points and has yet to release more nuanced plans. Like Biden, she intends to contrast her vision for America with that of former President Donald Trump. ( See Trump’s campaign promises here .)

“In this moment, I believe we face a choice between two different visions for our nation: one focused on the future, the other focused on the past,” she told members of the historically Black sorority Zeta Phi Beta at an event in Indianapolis in late July. “And with your support, I am fighting for our nation’s future.”

Here’s what we know about Harris’ views:

Harris took on the lead role of championing abortion rights for the administration after Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022. This past January, she started a “ reproductive freedoms tour ” to multiple states, including a stop in Minnesota thought to be the first by a sitting US president or vice president at an abortion clinic .

On abortion access, Harris embraced more progressive policies than Biden in the 2020 campaign, as a candidate criticizing his previous support for the Hyde Amendment , a measure that blocks federal funds from being used for most abortions.

Policy experts suggested that although Harris’ current policies on abortion and reproductive rights may not differ significantly from Biden’s, as a result of her national tour and her own focus on maternal health , she may be a stronger messenger.

High prices are a top concern for many Americans who are struggling to afford the cost of living after a spell of steep inflation. Many voters give Biden poor marks for his handling of the economy, and Harris may also face their wrath.

In her early campaign speeches, Harris has echoed many of the same themes as Biden, saying she wants to give Americans more opportunities to get ahead. She’s particularly concerned about making care – health care, child care, elder care and family leave – more affordable and available.

Harris promised at a late July rally to continue the Biden administration’s drive to eliminate so-called “junk fees” and to fully disclose all charges, such as for events, lodging and car rentals. In early August, the administration proposed a rule that would ban airlines from charging parents extra fees to have their kids sit next to them.

On day one, I will take on price gouging and bring down costs. We will ban more of those hidden fees and surprise late charges that banks and other companies use to pad their profits.”

Since becoming vice president, Harris has taken more moderate positions, but a look at her 2020 campaign promises reveals a more progressive bent than Biden.

As a senator and 2020 presidential candidate, Harris proposed providing middle-class and working families with a refundable tax credit of up to $6,000 a year (per couple) to help keep up with living expenses. Titled the LIFT the Middle Class Act, or Livable Incomes for Families Today, the measure would have cost at the time an estimated $3 trillion over 10 years.

Unlike a typical tax credit, the bill would allow taxpayers to receive the benefit – up to $500 – on a monthly basis so families don’t have to turn to payday loans with very high interest rates.

As a presidential candidate, Harris also advocated for raising the corporate income tax rate to 35%, where it was before the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that Trump and congressional Republicans pushed through Congress reduced the rate to 21%. That’s higher than the 28% Biden has proposed.

Affordable housing was also on Harris’ radar. As a senator, she introduced the Rent Relief Act, which would establish a refundable tax credit for renters who annually spend more than 30% of their gross income on rent and utilities. The amount of the credit would range from 25% to 100% of the excess rent, depending on the renter’s income.

Harris called housing a human right and said in a 2019 news release on the bill that every American deserves to have basic security and dignity in their own home.

Consumer debt

Hefty debt loads, which weigh on people’s finances and hurt their ability to buy homes, get car loans or start small businesses, are also an area of interest to Harris.

As vice president, she has promoted the Biden administration’s initiatives on student debt, which have so far forgiven more than $168 billion for nearly 4.8 million borrowers . In mid-July, Harris said in a post on X that “nearly 950,000 public servants have benefitted” from student debt forgiveness, compared with only 7,000 when Biden was inaugurated.

A potential Harris administration could keep that momentum going – though some of Biden’s efforts have gotten tangled up in litigation, such as a program aimed at cutting monthly student loan payments for roughly 3 million borrowers enrolled in a repayment plan the administration implemented last year.

The vice president has also been a leader in the White House efforts to ban medical debt from credit reports, noting that those with medical debt are no less likely to repay a loan than those who don’t have unpaid medical bills.

In a late July statement praising North Carolina’s move to relieve the medical debt of about 2 million residents, Harris said that she is “committed to continuing to relieve the burden of medical debt and creating a future where every person has the opportunity to build wealth and thrive.”

Health care

Harris, who has had shifting stances on health care in the past, confirmed in late July through her campaign that she no longer supports a single-payer health care system .

During her 2020 campaign, Harris advocated for shifting the US to a government-backed health insurance system but stopped short of wanting to completely eliminate private insurance.

The measure called for transitioning to a Medicare-for-All-type system over 10 years but continuing to allow private insurance companies to offer Medicare plans.

The proposal would not have raised taxes on the middle class to pay for the coverage expansion. Instead, it would raise the needed funds by taxing Wall Street trades and transactions and changing the taxation of offshore corporate income.

When it comes to reducing drug costs, Harris previously proposed allowing the federal government to set “a fair price” for any drug sold at a cheaper price in any economically comparable country, including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Japan or Australia. If manufacturers were found to be price gouging, the government could import their drugs from abroad or, in egregious cases, use its existing but never-used “march-in” authority to license a drug company’s patent to a rival that would produce the medication at a lower cost.

Harris has been a champion on climate and environmental justice for decades. As California’s attorney general, Harris sued big oil companies like BP and ConocoPhillips, and investigated Exxon Mobil for its role in climate change disinformation. While in the Senate, she sponsored the Green New Deal resolution.

During her 2020 campaign, she enthusiastically supported a ban on fracking — but a Harris campaign official said in late July that she no longer supports such a ban.

Fracking is the process of using liquid to free natural gas from rock formations – and the primary mode for extracting gas for energy in battleground Pennsylvania. During a September 2019 climate crisis town hall hosted by CNN, she said she would start “with what we can do on Day 1 around public lands.” She walked that back later when she became Biden’s running mate.

Biden has been the most pro-climate president in history, and climate advocates find Harris to be an exciting candidate in her own right. Democrats and climate activists are planning to campaign on the stark contrasts between Harris and Trump , who vowed to push America decisively back to fossil fuels, promising to unwind Biden’s climate and clean energy legacy and pull America out of its global climate commitments.

If elected, one of the biggest climate goals Harris would have to craft early in her administration is how much the US would reduce its climate pollution by 2035 – a requirement of the Paris climate agreement .


Harris has quickly started trying to counter Trump’s attacks on her immigration record.

Her campaign released a video in late July citing Harris’ support for increasing the number of Border Patrol agents and Trump’s successful push to scuttle a bipartisan immigration deal that included some of the toughest border security measures in recent memory.

The vice president has changed her position on border control since her 2020 campaign, when she suggested that Democrats needed to “critically examine” the role of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, after being asked whether she sided with those in the party arguing to abolish the department.

In June of this year, the White House announced a crackdown on asylum claims meant to continue reducing crossings at the US-Mexico border – a policy that Harris’ campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, indicated in late July to CBS News would continue under a Harris administration.

Trump’s attacks stem from Biden having tasked Harris with overseeing diplomatic efforts in Central America in March 2021. While Harris focused on long-term fixes, the Department of Homeland Security remained responsible for overseeing border security.

She has only occasionally talked about her efforts as the situation along the US-Mexico border became a political vulnerability for Biden. But she put her own stamp on the administration’s efforts, engaging the private sector.

Harris pulled together the Partnership for Central America, which has acted as a liaison between companies and the US government. Her team and the partnership are closely coordinating on initiatives that have led to job creation in the region. Harris has also engaged directly with foreign leaders in the region.

Experts credit Harris’ ability to secure private-sector investments as her most visible action in the region to date but have cautioned about the long-term durability of those investments.


The Israel-Hamas war is the most fraught foreign policy issue facing the country and has spurred a multitude of protests around the US since it began in October.

After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in late July, Harris gave a forceful and notable speech about the situation in Gaza.

We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. And I will not be silent.”

Harris echoed Biden’s repeated comments about the “ironclad support” and “unwavering commitment” to Israel. The country has a right to defend itself, she said, while noting, “how it does so, matters.”

However, the empathy she expressed regarding the Palestinian plight and suffering was far more forceful than what Biden has said on the matter in recent months. Harris mentioned twice the “serious concern” she expressed to Netanyahu about the civilian deaths in Gaza, the humanitarian situation and destruction she called “catastrophic” and “devastating.”

She went on to describe “the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time.”

Harris emphasized the need to get the Israeli hostages back from Hamas captivity, naming the eight Israeli-American hostages – three of whom have been killed.

But when describing the ceasefire deal in the works, she didn’t highlight the hostage for prisoner exchange or aid to be let into Gaza. Instead, she singled out the fact that the deal stipulates the withdrawal by the Israeli military from populated areas in the first phase before withdrawing “entirely” from Gaza before “a permanent end to the hostilities.”

Harris didn’t preside over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in late July, instead choosing to stick with a prescheduled trip to a sorority event in Indiana.

Harris is committed to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, having met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at least six times and announcing last month $1.5 billion for energy assistance, humanitarian needs and other aid for the war-torn country.

At the Munich Security Conference earlier this year, Harris said: “I will make clear President Joe Biden and I stand with Ukraine. In partnership with supportive, bipartisan majorities in both houses of the United States Congress, we will work to secure critical weapons and resources that Ukraine so badly needs. And let me be clear: The failure to do so would be a gift to Vladimir Putin.”

More broadly, NATO is central to our approach to global security. For President Biden and me, our sacred commitment to NATO remains ironclad. And I do believe, as I have said before, NATO is the greatest military alliance the world has ever known.”

Police funding

The Harris campaign has also walked back the “defund the police” sentiment that Harris voiced in 2020. What she meant is she supports being “tough and smart on crime,” Mitch Landrieu, national co-chair for the Harris campaign and former mayor of New Orleans, told CNN’s Pamela Brown in late July.

In the midst of nationwide 2020 protests sparked by George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, Harris voiced support for the “defund the police” movement, which argues for redirecting funds from law enforcement to social services. Throughout that summer, Harris supported the movement and called for demilitarizing police departments.

Democrats largely backed away from calls to defund the police after Republicans attempted to tie the movement to increases in crime during the 2022 midterm elections.

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2024 Sandbox Residency cycle's midterm presentations

05 Aug 2024 | Areté

Affordable and Clean Energy

On 17th July 2024, Areté proudly hosted the midterm updates for the 2024 Sandbox Residency cycle at the Eduardo J Aboitiz Sandbox Zone. This marked the halfway point of the Residency period and offered the greater community an opportunity to witness the innovative progress and creative explorations of the current batch of Sandbox Residents.


The Midterm Presentations featured the latest project updates from the Sandbox Residents. Attendees had the chance to learn more about the progress of each project and participate in discussions about its impact and future directions. These interactions not only showcased the residents' advancements but also fostered a vibrant exchange of ideas and potential partnerships with teams from different disciplines.


Areté's Sandbox Residency Program is designed to foster collaboration and innovation, providing residents with the resources and support needed to push boundaries and explore new possibilities. Not only did this midterm presentation demonstrate the progress of these Residents, but it also provided them a space to gain insight from other groups and spark possibilities for further collaborations.


For more updates about the Sandbox Programs, please visit

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9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, accomplices make plea deals with U.S.

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WASHINGTON – An al Qaeda operative jailed at Guantanamo prison for nearly two decades and considered to be the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks has pleaded guilty along with two of his lieutenants in the terror organization, the U.S. Department of Defense said in a letter to victims' families Wednesday.

The letter, obtained by USA TODAY, said Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two of his top lieutenants agreed to plead guilty "in exchange for the removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment."

"These three accused have agreed to plead guilty to all of the charged offenses, including the murder of the 2,976 people listed in the charge sheet, and to be later sentenced by a panel of military officers," according to the letter from the Department of Defense's Office of the Chief Prosecutor for Military Commissions.

Mohammed, or KSM as he is called by U.S. intelligence agents, is described as the “ principal architect of the 9/11 attacks ” in the 2004 report by the 9/11 Commission. Two of his accomplices in the planning for the 9/11 attack, Walid Bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawasawi, also entered into plea agreements Wednesday, the DOD said in a statement .

All three men have been in U.S. custody since 2003 , spending time at Guantanamo and prisons overseas.

Mohammed is described in court papers as an al-Qaeda militant and the principal architect of the 9/11 assault on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon outside Washington. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks, which launched a U.S. offensive labeled the War on Terror.

Federal authorities captured him in his native Pakistan native in 2003 and he was imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay in 2006.

Defense officials told families in the Wednesday letter that they will have an opportunity to speak at a summer 2025 sentencing hearing about the impact that the 9/11 attacks had on their loved ones.

"We recognize that the status of the case in general, and this news in particular, will understandably and appropriately elicit intense emotion, and we also realize that the decision to enter into a pre-trial agreement will be met with mixed reactions amongst the thousands of family members who lost loved ones," the letter said. "The decision to enter into a pre-trial agreement after 12 years of pre-trial litigation was not reached lightly; however, it is our collective, reasoned, and good-faith judgment that this resolution is the best path to finality and justice in this case."

9/11 families previously said they didn't want plea deals

The Department of Defense first disclosed last year that prosecutors were working on a plea deal that would spare Mohammed and his accomplices their lives.

Many 9/11 families slammed the potential agreement at that time, telling USA TODAY it amounted to a slap in the face to families seeking answers and accountability.

"The fact that there are now potential plea deals being offered right at the anniversary, it’s just a horrible, terrible feeling of betrayal,” Terry Strada told USA TODAY in the story. Strada's husband Tom died on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center’s North Tower. “I mean, justice has not been served in two decades. How much more do they expect the families to be able to take? People are dying without seeing justice done.”

President Joe Biden also issued a statement when the plea deals were first proposed, saying he concurred with the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s recommendation not to accept deals suggested by the 9/11 defendants and their lawyers.

“The Administration,” the White House said in a 2023 statement to USA TODAY, “is committed to ensuring that the military commissions process is fair and delivers justice to the victims, survivors, families, and those accused of crimes.”

Investigators who worked on the case argued a plea agreement would deprive the public of the kind of official record produced in open court.

"The American people deserve to hear what the evidence is and not be satisfied with the fact that their government is telling them, well, we have these people, and they are guilty,” former FBI Agent Frank Pellegrino told USA TODAY at the time.

Highly educated, tortured in CIA custody

In CIA custody, interrogators subjected Mohammed to “enhanced interrogation techniques” including waterboarding him 183 times, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee's 2014 report on the agency’s detention and interrogation programs .

The 9/11 Commission report describes Mohammed as “highly educated” and the “model of the terrorist entrepreneur.” 

KSM orchestrated various terrorist plots, according to the report, including “car bombing, political assassination, aircraft bombing, hijacking, reservoir poisoning, and, ultimately, the use of aircraft as missiles guided by suicide operatives.”

He grew up in Kuwait but traces his ethnic roots to the Baluchistan region between Pakistan and Iran, the report says. He was raised in a religious family, joined the Muslim Brotherhood at 16 and became “enamored of violent jihad at youth camps in the desert.”

In 1983, he moved from Kuwait to the U.S. to attend Chowan College, a small Baptist school in North Carolina. He transferred a semester later to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro and earned a degree in December 1986, the report says.

KSM took up the anti-Soviet Afghan cause soon after graduating, according to the 9/11 Commission. He traveled to Peshawar, Pakistan, where he fell in with notable Afghan mujahideen, or holy warriors, who became his mentors. 



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    How to improve your PPT slides for an academic presentation at university. It discusses design, fonts, structure, animation, pictures, graphs, and referencin...

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    Tip 4: Make use of charts and graphs. We all love a good stat. Charts and graphs are a great way to present quantitative evidence and confirm the legitimacy of your claims. They make your presentation more visually appealing and make your data more memorable too. But don't delve too deep into the details.

  3. 6 Tips For Giving a Fabulous Academic Presentation

    Tip #1: Use PowerPoint Judiciously. Images are powerful. Research shows that images help with memory and learning. Use this to your advantage by finding and using images that help you make your point. One trick I have learned is that you can use images that have blank space in them and you can put words in those images.

  4. PDF How to Give a Good Presentation

    Be neat. 2. Avoid trying to cram too much into one slide. y Don't be a slave to your slides. 3. Be brief. y use keywords rather than long sentences. 4. Avoid covering up slides.

  5. Best presentation tips for academics

    Here are 10 tips to keep in mind to ensure your presentation hits the mark. 1. Any time you put something on your slides, its primary purpose is to help the audience, not you. Many presenters will add copious text or other elements to help themselves remember points they want to make. However, this is usually less helpful for the audience (most ...

  6. Create and Assess Your Slides

    Qualities of Strong Slide Design. Use this self-assessment checklist to design and review your slides. Check all boxes that incorporate key qualities of strong slide design. In addition to focusing on the style, typography, and layout, consider thinking about your use of visuals and color along with other elements to enhance the design of your ...

  7. How to Make a Successful Research Presentation

    Instead, focus on the highlights. Identify a single compelling research question which your work addressed, and craft a succinct but complete narrative around it. Craft a compelling research narrative. After identifying the focused research question, walk your audience through your research as if it were a story.

  8. Structure

    Template for structuring an academic presentation. This MSWord document is a template for structuring a typical academic presentation, it can be adapted and changed if necessary depending on how long the presentation you need to give is. Try to fill it in using full sentences as these will become your slide titles.

  9. Making Better PowerPoint Presentations

    Advice from Edelman and Harring on leveraging the working memory with PowerPoint: Leverage the working memory by dividing the information between the visual and auditory modality. Doing this reduces the likelihood of one system becoming overloaded. For instance, spoken words with pictures are better than pictures with text, as integrating an ...

  10. 10 tips for delivering an academic presentation with impact

    Academic presentation tip #1: Keep your presentation slides tidy and clear. The key piece of advice I usually give to my students and researcher is that a good academic presentation is tidy, concise and doesn't abuse the creative features of PowerPoint or Keynote.

  11. Make AMAZING college presentations! Step-by-step ...

    In this video, learn how to make modern PowerPoint Presentations for college seminars and receive tips to deliver them with confidence. As a student, we want...

  12. How to Give an Academic Presentation

    Learn the 10 steps for creating and delivering a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation on the graduate and undergraduate levels.

  13. PDF Getting your point across. An academic guide to giving presentations

    of your presentation. Think ahead about how you. will handle this.4. Reflecting on and learning from your experienceOnce you have completed your talk you may just want to heave a sigh of relief and forget all about it, but you will really benefit from evaluating your own performance, as well as reflecting on any fee.

  14. How to Give a Killer Presentation

    Frame your story (figure out where to start and where to end). Plan your delivery (decide whether to memorize your speech word for word or develop bullet points and then rehearse it—over and ...

  15. How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

    Making a PowerPoint. Follow these step-by-step guides on how to add certain elements to your PowerPoint presentation: Select a Design Theme. Add or Delete a Slide. Add an Image to a Slide. Add Notes to Your Slides. Add Animations.

  16. PDF Presentation 101 for Graduate Students

    5. Your first slide should be on the screen before you begin. 6. It should have your presentation title on it and information about you. Presentation 101 for Graduate Student. J. Paul Robinson Professor, Department Department of of Basic Basic Medical Medical Sciences Sciences & Department of Biomedical Engineering.

  17. 6 steps to a successful presentation

    Take a breath at the end of every sentence or point you make. Face the audience - to give a confident impression regularly make eye contact with your audience. If using a screen stand at a 45-degree angle so you have a good view of both your audience and your slides. Don't turn your back on your audience.

  18. Creating Effective Powerpoint Slides

    Listen for awkward or unclear wording and make edits as needed. Keep an eye on time limits. Practice presenting alone, but also for friends. Advance the slide when you reach that point in the presentation. Do not stand in front of the screen or talk to it. Face the audience at all times.

  19. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  20. Plan your presentation

    During your presentation, help your audience follow your thoughts and understand how your ideas link together by giving them verbal cues. Here are some examples: "I will begin by discussing…". "We will draw on 2 key theories…". "Now I have discussed the methods, I will move on to…". "In contrast to my earlier argument…".

  21. Designing PowerPoint Slides for a Scientific Presentation

    In the video below, we show you the key principles for designing effective PowerPoint slides for a scientific presentation. Using examples from actual science presentations, we illustrate the following principles: Create each slide as a single message unit. Explicitly state that single message on the slide. Avoid bullet points-opt for word tables.

  22. Creating a 10-15 Minute Scientific Presentation

    First is a two part set of videos that walks you through organizing a presentation. Part 1 - Creating an Introduction for a 10-15 Minute Scientfic Presentation. Part 2 - Creating the Body of a 10-15 Minute Presentation: Design/Methods; Data Results, Conclusions. Two additional videos should prove useful: Designing PowerPoint Slides for a ...

  23. Present content in Microsoft Teams meetings

    You need to share a presentation and want others to be able to move through it at their own pace. For info on PowerPoint sharing, see Share PowerPoint slides in a Teams meeting. Whiteboard. Collaborate with others in real time. You want to sketch with others and have your notes attached to the meeting.

  24. What Is a Crypto Airdrop and How Do You Get One?

    Returns on the buying and selling of crypto assets may be subject to tax, including capital gains tax, in your jurisdiction. Any descriptions of products or features are merely for illustrative purposes and do not constitute an endorsement, invitation, or solicitation. Past performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future ...

  25. Academic Presentations: 10 Top Tips

    Check out our 10 top student tips for presenting at university. Further help available on our website: vid...

  26. U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights Announces

    The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) today announced that Drexel University in Pennsylvania has entered into a resolution agreement to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) when responding to allegations of discrimination or harassment based on national origin, including shared Jewish ancestry.

  27. What Kamala Harris has said so far on key issues in her campaign

    As she ramps up her nascent presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is revealing how she will address the key issues facing the nation.. In speeches and rallies, she has voiced support ...

  28. What to know as Kamala Harris faces attacks on her racial identity

    Kamala Harris attended college at Howard University, a historically Black university in Washington, D.C., and received a law degree at the University of California, Hastings in 1989.

  29. 2024 Sandbox Residency Cycle's Midterm Presentations

    The Midterm Presentations featured the latest project updates from the Sandbox Residents. Attendees had the chance to learn more about the progress of each project and participate in discussions about its impact and future directions. ... 3 Augustl 2024 MEMO TO: The University Community FROM: [Sgd] Josephy F Almosera Director, Campus Safety and ...

  30. 9/11 mastermind, accomplices make plea deal with U.S. after 20+ years

    The 9/11 Commission report describes Mohammed as "highly educated" and the "model of the terrorist entrepreneur.". KSM orchestrated various terrorist plots, according to the report ...