• ఆధ్యాత్మికత
  • ప్రెగ్నెన్సీ & పేరెంటింగ్
  • హోం అండ్ గార్డెన్
  • జ్యోతిష్యశాస్త్రం

essay on grandparents in telugu

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essay on grandparents in telugu

Grandparents: పిల్లలకు తాత, నానమ్మలు ఎందుకు కావాలి?

గ్రాండ్ పేరెంట్స్ అలాగే పిల్లల మధ్య ఎమోషనల్ బంధం ఉంటుందని చాలా అధ్యయనాలు వెల్లడించాయి. ఇది పిల్లలు అన్ని రకాలుగా ఎదగడానికి ఉపకరిస్తుందని తేల్చాయి..

Grandparents: తాతలు, అమ్మమ్మలు, నానమ్మలకు.. పిల్లలకు ఉండే బాండింగ్ గురించి ప్రత్యేకంగా చెప్పాల్సిన అవసరం లేదు. వారి మధ్య ఉండే అనుబంధం ముచ్చట గొలుపుతుంది. మనవళ్లు, మనవరాళ్లను వారు చూసుకునే విధానం ముచ్చటేస్తుంది.వారు అల్లరి చేస్తే చాలా ఆనందపడతారు. వారితో కబుర్లు చెబుతారు. వారు చెప్పేది మొత్తం వింటారు. వారికి చిన్న గాయమైనా వారికే తగిలినంత బాధ పడిపోతుంటారు. పిల్లలు ఉన్న ప్రతి ఇంట్లో గ్రాండ్ పేరెంట్స్ తప్పక ఉండాలని చాలా మంది చెబుతుంటారు. తల్లిదండ్రుల నుండి చిన్న దెబ్బ కూడా పడనివ్వకుండా అడ్డుకుంటారు.

ఎమోషనల్ బంధం

ఎమోషనల్ బంధం

గ్రాండ్ పేరెంట్స్ అలాగే పిల్లల మధ్య ఎమోషనల్ బంధం ఉంటుందని చాలా అధ్యయనాలు వెల్లడించాయి. ఇది పిల్లలు అన్ని రకాలుగా ఎదగడానికి ఉపకరిస్తుందని తేల్చాయి. వారి మధ్య ఉండే బాండింగ్ వల్ల ఇద్దరికీ ఎంతో ప్రయోజనం ఉంటుందని పరిశోధకులు చెబుతున్నారు. చిన్న పిల్లలతో కబుర్లు చెప్పుకుంటూ, ఆడుకునే వృద్ధుల్లో వృద్ధాప్యం వల్ల వచ్చే కొన్ని సమస్యలు ఆలస్యంగా కనిపిస్తాయట. పిల్లలు కొత్త విషయాలను నేర్చుకునేందుకు వృద్ధులు ఎంతో సాయం చేస్తారట. అలాగే మనవళ్లకు వృద్ధులు మానసిక మద్దతు అందించడానికి తాతలు, నానమ్మలు సహాయం చేస్తారని అధ్యయనాలు చెబుతున్నాయి. వారు పెరిగి పెద్దయ్యే వరకు వారికి అవసరమైన సాంగత్యాన్ని అందిస్తారు.

పిల్లలకు తాతలు, నానమ్మలు ఎందుకు అంత అవసరమో ఇప్పుడు తెలుసుకుందాం.

పిల్లలకు తాతలు, నానమ్మలు ఎందుకు అంత అవసరమో ఇప్పుడు తెలుసుకుందాం.

1. సురక్షితంగా ఉన్నామన్న భావన కలిగిస్తారు.

* కష్ట సమయాల్లో తాతలు, నానమ్మలు అదనపు మద్దతునిస్తారు. దీని వల్ల పిల్లల జీవితం గణనీయంగా ప్రభావితం అవుతుంది.

* రీసెర్చ్‌గేట్ జర్నల్ ప్రకారం.. యుక్తవయసులో గ్రాండ్ పేరెంట్స్, మనవళ్ల మధ్య సన్నిహిత సంబంధాలు ఉండటం వల్ల చాలా ప్రయోజనాలు ఉన్నట్లు తేలింది. వీరిలో ప్రవర్తన, భావోద్వేగాలు, తోటి-సంబంధాల సమస్యలు తక్కువగా ఉంటాయి.

* పిల్లలు తమ తాతముత్తాతలతో సులభంగా మాట్లాడగలుగుతారు. వారి పోరాటాలు మరియు సమస్యలను చర్చించడం దీనికి కారణం కావచ్చు.

2. మంచి సలహాలు ఇస్తారు

2. మంచి సలహాలు ఇస్తారు

* తాతలకు ఎంతో అనుభవం ఉంటుంది. వారు ఎన్నో అనుభవించి ఆ స్థాయికి చేరుకుని ఉంటారు. జీవితంలో ఎత్తుపల్లాలు తెలిసిన వ్యక్తులు. కష్టనష్టాలు అనుభవించి ఉంటారు. వాటి నుండి వారికి ఎంతో అనుభవం వస్తుంది. జీవితంలో ఎలా పోరాడాలో తెలిసి ఉంటుంది. వారి అనుభవాన్ని మనవళ్లకు అందిస్తారు. ఏదైనా సమస్య ఎదురైతే ఎలా ఎదుర్కోవాలా చెబుతారు. కష్టం వస్తే దానిని దాటడం ఎలాగో వివరిస్తారు.

* తల్లిదండ్రులు తమ పిల్లలకు సలహాలు అవసరమైనప్పుడు వారికి సహాయం చేయడానికి ఎల్లప్పుడూ సిద్ధంగా ఉంటారు. కానీ వారు ఉండే బిజీ వల్ల పిల్లలను పట్టించుకోకపోవడం చూసే ఉంటాం.

* అలాంటి సందర్భాల్లో నానమ్మలు, తాతలు సాయం చేస్తారు. తమ అనుభవాన్ని రంగరించి వారికి సలహాలు ఇస్తారు.

3. పిల్లల సంరక్షణలో సహాయం చేస్తారు

3. పిల్లల సంరక్షణలో సహాయం చేస్తారు

* పిల్లల సంరక్షణ గురించి తల్లిదండ్రులకు పెద్దగా తెలిసి ఉండదు. అలాంటి సమయాల్లో నానమ్మలు సాయం చేస్తారు. జలుబు, దగ్గు వస్తే ఆస్పత్రికి పరుగెత్తకుండా.. ఇంట్లోనే కషాయం ఎలా తయారు చేయాలో చెబుతారు. అలసటగా ఉంటే ఎలా ఉత్సాహపరచాలో వారికి తెలిసి ఉంటుంది. ఇలా చాలా సందర్భాల్లో గ్రాండ్ పేరెంట్స్ ఎంతో సాయం చేస్తారు.

* తాతలు, నానమ్మలతో పిల్లలు వినోదాన్ని పొందుతారు. ఆటలు నేర్చుకుంటారు. పాటలు పాడతారు. కథలు చదువుతారు. డ్రాయింగ్ వేస్తారు. ఇలా మనవళ్లు ఏది చేసినా వారు చాలా మద్దతుగా ఉంటారు. ఎక్కడా నిరుత్సాహానికి గురి కాకుండా చూసుకుంటారు.

* జీవితాంతం అవసరం అయ్యేలా చాలా విషయాలు వారు పిల్లలకు చెబుతుంటారు.

4. పిల్లలు చెప్పేది శ్రద్ధగా వింటారు

4. పిల్లలు చెప్పేది శ్రద్ధగా వింటారు

* చాలా మంది తల్లిదండ్రులు పిల్లలు చెప్పేది సరిగ్గా వినరు. వారు అలాగే ఏదో ఒకటి చెబుతుంటారని వారిని పట్టించుకోరు.

* కానీ తాతమ్మలు పిల్లలు చెప్పేది ఎంతో శ్రద్ధగా వింటారు. వారు చెప్పే చిన్న చిన్న విషయాలకు కూడా చాలా ప్రాధాన్యం ఇస్తారు.

* వారు చెప్పే వాటి నుండి ప్రశ్నలు అడగడం.. మరింత సమాచారం అడగడం చాలా మంది చూసే ఉంటారు.

* స్కూల్ లో ఏదైనా జరిగినా వారు తల్లిదండ్రులతో చెప్పుకోవడానికి ప్రయత్నిస్తారు. వారు వినని పక్షంలో పిల్లలు వెంటనే గ్రాండ్ పేరెంట్స్ దగ్గరికి పరిగెడతారు.

5. నైతిక విలువలను పెంపొందించడం

5. నైతిక విలువలను పెంపొందించడం

* పిల్లలు పెరుగుతున్న వారికి కొన్ని విలువు నేర్పాలి. అవి వారు మెరుగైన జీవితం గడపడానికి ఉపయోగపడతాయి. ఈ విలువలు నేర్పడంలో తల్లిదండ్రుల కంటే కూడా తాత, నానమ్మలే ముందు ఉంటారని పలు అధ్యయనాల్లే తేలింది.

* సానుభూతి, దయ, స్వీయ-అవగాహన యాక్సప్టెన్స్ పిల్లలు గ్రాండ్ పేరెంట్స్ నుండే నేర్చుకుంటారట.

* వీటి గురించి తాతమ్మలు తరచూ చెప్పడం ద్వారా అవి పిల్లల్లో నాటుకుపోతాయి. అవి పిల్లలు పెద్దవారు అయ్యే కొద్దీ బయట పడుతుంటాయి.

* నైతిక విలువలు, ఇచ్చిపుచ్చుకోవడం, మనకున్న దానిని ఇతరులతో పంచుకోవడం అనేవి మంచి అలవాట్లుగా ప్రతి ఒక్కరూ చెబుతుంటారు.


పిల్లలకు మామిడి పండ్లను ఇచ్చే ముందే ఇది గుర్తుంచుకోండి

Reasons Why Your Kids Needs Their Grandparents in telugu

ఆగష్టు 16 నుండి, 6  రాశుల ఇళ్లలో సంపద వర్షం కురుస్తుంది, బుధాదిత్య-శుక్రాదిత్య రాజయోగం వల్ల 6 రాశుల వారు అదృష్

ఆగష్టు 16 నుండి, 6 రాశుల ఇళ్లలో సంపద వర్షం కురుస్తుంది, బుధాదిత్య-శుక్రాదిత్య రాజయోగం వల్ల 6 రాశుల వారు అదృష్

కల్పనా దత్తా: భారతదేశ స్వాతంత్ర్యం కోసం ఆమె చేసిన పోరాటం భవిష్యత్ తరాలకు పునాది

కల్పనా దత్తా: భారతదేశ స్వాతంత్ర్యం కోసం ఆమె చేసిన పోరాటం భవిష్యత్ తరాలకు పునాది

శ్రావణ శనివారం 2024: శని దోషం తొలగిపోవడానికి శనివారం నాడు ఈ 6 పనులు చేయండి

శ్రావణ శనివారం 2024: శని దోషం తొలగిపోవడానికి శనివారం నాడు ఈ 6 పనులు చేయండి

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Essay on Grandparents

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తాతామామలు ఒకరి తండ్రి లేదా తల్లికి తల్లిదండ్రులు. తాతలు తల్లి లేదా తండ్రి కావచ్చు.

తండ్రి తరపు తాతలు కుటుంబం యొక్క తండ్రి వైపు నుండి వచ్చినవారు అయితే తల్లి తాతలు కుటుంబం యొక్క తల్లి వైపు నుండి వచ్చినవారు.

వృద్ధాప్యంలో కూడా, తాతయ్యలు మన జీవితంలో చాలా ముఖ్యమైనవారు. మన తాతముత్తాతల నుండి మనం పొందగలిగే అనేక ప్రయోజనాలు ఉన్నాయి మరియు అందువల్ల వారితో మంచి సంబంధాన్ని ఏర్పరచుకోవడం చాలా ముఖ్యం.

తాతామామల పాత్ర

  • తమ పిల్లలు మరియు మనవరాళ్లతో చరిత్రను పంచుకోవడంలో తాతామామల పాత్ర ఉంది . వారు ఇతరులతో పంచుకోగలిగే గత సంఘటనల గురించి వారికి బాగా తెలుసు.
  • తాతముత్తాతలు కూడా తరాల అంతరాలను తొలగిస్తారు . పాత తరం గురించి కథలు చెప్పడం ద్వారా ప్రస్తుత తరాన్ని పాత తరానికి కనెక్ట్ చేయడానికి వాటిని ఉపయోగించవచ్చు.
  • తాతయ్యలు మార్గదర్శకులుగా వ్యవహరిస్తారు . వారు అద్భుతమైన సలహాలు అందించడం మరియు ప్రతిభను మరియు కలలను పెంపొందించడం ద్వారా వారి మనవరాళ్లను ప్రేరేపిస్తారు.
  • తాతలు కూడా మంచి స్నేహితులను చేసుకుంటారు . వారు మంచి శ్రోతలు మరియు మన మనోభావాలతో వ్యవహరించే విషయంలో వారు మరింత ఓపికగా ఉంటారు. జడ్జిమెంటల్ టోన్లు లేకుండా సలహాలు ఎలా అందించాలో కూడా వారికి తెలుసు.
  • తాతలు కూడా సలహాలు మరియు అంతర్దృష్టులను అందించే పాత్రను కలిగి ఉంటారు . వారు జీవితంలో ఎక్కువ అనుభవాలను కలిగి ఉంటారు మరియు అందువల్ల అనుభవజ్ఞులైన దృక్కోణం నుండి గొప్ప సలహాలను అందిస్తారు.
  • మన తల్లిదండ్రులు అందుబాటులో లేకుంటే తాతలు కూడా సంరక్షకులుగా వ్యవహరించవచ్చు. మన తల్లిదండ్రులు అందుబాటులో లేకుంటే వారు తల్లిదండ్రుల పాత్రను తీసుకోవచ్చు.
  • తాతలు కూడా రోల్ మోడల్స్ కావచ్చు . వారు విజయవంతమైన మరియు పలుకుబడి ఉన్న వ్యక్తులు అయితే ఇది ప్రత్యేకంగా ఉంటుంది. చాలా మంది పిల్లలు తమ తాతామామలను తమ రోల్ మోడల్‌లుగా ఎంచుకుంటారు, ఎందుకంటే వారు వారితో బాగా కనెక్ట్ అవుతారు.
  • తాతామామల యొక్క మరొక పాత్ర ఏమిటంటే వారు మన సంస్కృతి మరియు సంప్రదాయాలను నేర్చుకునే సాధనంగా వ్యవహరిస్తారు . సాంప్రదాయ వంటకాలు మరియు ఇతర సాంప్రదాయ పద్ధతులను ఎలా వండుకోవాలో వారు తమ మనవళ్లకు నేర్పించవచ్చు.

మన తాతముత్తాతల నుండి మనం ఏమి నేర్చుకోవచ్చు?

  • మన తాతముత్తాతల నుండి చారిత్రక సంఘటనలను తెలుసుకోవచ్చు . ఎందుకంటే, వారు సంఘటనలను చూశారు లేదా చారిత్రక సంఘటనలను చూసిన వారి నుండి వారు ప్రత్యక్షంగా సమాచారాన్ని పొందారు.
  • మన వంశవృక్షం గురించి కూడా మా తాతముత్తాతల నుండి నేర్చుకుంటాము. మనం ఎన్నడూ కలవని మన గత కుటుంబ సభ్యుల గురించి వారు మనకు బోధించగలరు.
  • పాశ్చాత్యీకరణ కారణంగా మనం మరచిపోయిన మన సంస్కృతులు మరియు సంప్రదాయాల గురించి కూడా తాతలు మనకు బోధిస్తారు .
  • తాతయ్యలు సలహా ఇవ్వడంలో ఎక్కువ నైపుణ్యం కలిగి ఉంటారు కాబట్టి మా తాతలతో సమయం గడపడం కూడా మనకు వివిధ నైతికత మరియు విలువలను బోధిస్తుంది.

మా తాతామామలకు ఎలా చికిత్స చేయాలి మరియు శ్రద్ధ వహించాలి?

  • మన తాతయ్యల ఇంటి పనుల్లో మనం సహాయం చేయాలి . ఎందుకంటే వారు తమ వయస్సు కారణంగా ఈ పనులను చక్కగా నిర్వహించలేరు.
  • మనం కూడా మన తాతలతో మరింత మర్యాదగా ఉండాలి . వారు కుటుంబంలోని పెద్ద సభ్యులుగా ఉన్నందున వారి పట్ల గౌరవం చూపించడం.
  • మీరు మీ తాతామామల ఆరోగ్యాన్ని తరచుగా పర్యవేక్షిస్తున్నారని కూడా నిర్ధారించుకోవాలి. ఎందుకంటే వారి వయస్సుతో, వారు ఇన్ఫెక్షన్లు మరియు వ్యాధుల బారిన పడే ప్రమాదం ఎక్కువగా ఉంటుంది.
  • మీరు మీ తాతలతో నాణ్యమైన సమయాన్ని వెచ్చిస్తున్నారని కూడా మీరు నిర్ధారించుకోవాలి . మీరు పొందే జ్ఞానం వల్ల ఇది మీకు ప్రయోజనకరంగా ఉండటమే కాకుండా, వారు ప్రేమించబడుతున్నట్లు మరియు అవసరమైనట్లు భావించడంలో కూడా మీరు సహాయం చేస్తారు.
  • చెకప్‌లు చేయించుకున్న ప్రతిసారీ మీరు మీ తాతయ్యలను ఆసుపత్రికి తీసుకెళ్లడం ద్వారా వారిని కూడా చూసుకోవచ్చు. ఇది వారికి ప్రేమ మరియు ప్రశంసల అనుభూతిని ఇస్తుంది.

మన తాతలకు ప్రేమను ఎలా వ్యక్తపరచాలి?

  • మీరు మీ తాతలకు అప్పుడప్పుడు బహుమతులు కొనడం ద్వారా వారి పట్ల ప్రేమను చూపవచ్చు . ఇది వారికి ప్రియమైన మరియు అవసరమైన అనుభూతిని కలిగిస్తుంది.
  • పుట్టినరోజుల వంటి కార్యక్రమాలకు వారిని ఆహ్వానించడం ద్వారా కూడా మీరు ప్రేమను వ్యక్తపరచవచ్చు . ఇది మీ జీవితంలో ఒక భాగమైన అనుభూతిని కలిగిస్తుంది.
  • సెలవుల కోసం మీ తాతయ్యల ఇంటికి వెళ్లడం లేదా వారిని ఆహ్వానించడం కూడా వారికి ప్రేమను చూపించే మార్గం.
  • మీరు కూడా మీ తాతయ్యలకు ఒక్కోసారి వండి పెట్టడం ద్వారా వారి పట్ల ప్రేమను వ్యక్తం చేయవచ్చు. వారు తమ జీవితంలో ఎక్కువ భాగం ఇతరుల కోసం వంట చేయడం కోసం గడిపారు మరియు వారి అభిమానాన్ని తిరిగి పొందడం వారిని ప్రశంసించేలా చేస్తుంది.
  • మీ తాతామామల ఇంటి పనుల్లో సహాయం చేయడం కూడా ప్రేమను వ్యక్తీకరించే మార్గం.

మన జీవితంలో తాతలు చాలా ముఖ్యమైనవారు. ఎందుకంటే వాళ్ళు లేకుంటే వాళ్ళు మన తల్లితండ్రులను ఇచ్చినట్లే మనం ఉండేవాళ్ళం కాదు. మీ తల్లిదండ్రులను పెంచినందుకు వారిని అభినందించడం కోసం మీ తాతామామలతో ప్రేమ మరియు గౌరవంతో వ్యవహరించడం చాలా ముఖ్యం. మన తాతయ్యలతో గడపడం ద్వారా మనం నేర్చుకునే విషయాలు కూడా చాలానే ఉన్నాయి.

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Essay On Grandparents for Students and Children

500+ words essay on grandparents.

Grandparents are blessings from God who are irreplaceable. They are angels in disguise who are always looking over their kids and grandkids. As the times are evolving, people are losing touch of their tradition. Likewise, people are not realizing the importance of Grandparents. We see how they are mistreating them. While this happens in some cases, in most cases people love their grandparents.

Essay on Grandparents 

You ask a kid about who pampers them the most, most of them will answer saying their grandparents. Similarly, for grandparents, they are adored by their grandkids. They love us unconditionally and pamper us endlessly. However, they also correct our mistakes and scold us when necessary. Thus, we see how grandparents are great blessings not everyone is fortunate enough to have.

Grandparents are True Blessings

Grandparents are truly a blessing in our lives. They are the ones who have made our parents the way they are. It is because of their upbringing that our parents love us immensely and care for us the same way our grandparents did when they were children. Moreover, grandparents are your support system. They are sometimes the only people who support you even if our parents don’t.

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Most importantly, grandparents are true believers in our skills and talent. They are the ones who push us to pursue our dreams when the world puts us down. Even though some of our dreams may not make sense to them, nonetheless, they still believe in us. They boost our confidence and allow us to perform better.

Furthermore, grandparents are one of the main reasons why we feel safe and protected. We know even if we don’t live with our grandparents, they are always praying for us. They are looking out for us. Almost everyone’s safe place is their grandparent’s home. We have a sense of calm and composure knowing we can always go to our grandparent’s place if the need arises.

Thus, we see how grandparents are blessings in disguise. They help in us so many ways, some of which we may not even realize. The ones who are lucky enough to have grandparents surely know their value.

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My Grandparents

I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparent’s house. Our family lived with my grandparents since I was little. As my paternal grandfather passed away when I was very young, I only remember a few memories of him. One thing I surely remember is he used to brush his teeth twice daily without fail. I adopted this habit and ever since I have been doing the same.

My maternal grandparents have been my true systems of support. I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. My grandfather was a principal of a college, so he always emphasized the importance of education . He helped us with our homework when my parents were not available. I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them.

Similarly, my grandparents always embraced me with open arms. They used to wait for every holiday for our arrival. My grandmother made delicious pickles and meals which we relished greatly. She taught me a few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful even today. I simply adore my grandparents for instilling good values in me and my parents and for giving us a safe space to grow up in.

The FAQ on Essay on Grandparents

Q.1 Why are grandparents a true blessing?

A.1 Grandparents are like angels in disguise. They always watch out for us and pray for us even when we don’t know it. They provide us a safe space on which we can always count on.

Q.2 Why should one value their grandparents?

A.2 Grandparents are a blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have. Thus, we must value them and respect them for all they have done for us and our parents.

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Essay On ‘My Grandparents’ For Kids – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Note: Essay On Grandparents For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on grandparents for kids, a paragraph on grandparents, short essay on grandparents for kids, long essay on grandparents for children.

No one loves kids more than their grandparents! Grandparents pamper and shower affection all the time. And, they are the ones who teach good values to their grandkids, guiding them to become good people. Therefore, it is no wonder that every kid their grandparents are special. Whether maternal or paternal, grandparents symbolise kids’ love, fun, guidance, and happiness. For kids and the whole family, grandparents are the guiding lights that steer them in the right direction. So, writing an essay on grandparents is exciting for kids.

Though my grandparents’ essay is an exciting essay topic for kids, young kids may still find it a bit difficult to write. To help them write a perfect my grandparents’ essay, we have here a few pointers. Here are some key points to remember when writing an essay on grandparents for lower primary classes kids:

  • Write points related to the essay topic.
  • Add a personal touch to the essay by writing about personal feelings.
  • Write about the importance of grandparents in your life.
  • You can add brief information about grandparents’ day.
  • Remember to structure your essay coherently with an introduction, middle and conclusion.

Writing about a subject in sentences is easier than writing an essay for class 1 and 2 students. Therefore, to make them interested in writing, ask them to write sentences and proceed with the essay. Breaking down a topic in sentences also helps them express their views; later, they can convert the sentences into paragraphs.

Here are ten lines on grandparents for kids for them to take inspiration from:

  • Grandparents are the best blessing every kid can have.
  • My grandparents are always there and love me a lot.
  • They play with me, teach me and also help me learn other creative things.
  • Sometimes, my grandparents cook for me and take me out to the park when my parents are busy.
  • At night, my grandparents help me brush and read bedtime stories.
  • Not only me but my grandparents also love to play with my friends and read stories with us.
  • On weekends, with my parents and grandparents, I go to picnics and have a lot of fun.
  • My grandparents are the ones who get most worried when I am hurt or sick.
  • They inspire me to become a good person and teach me to help others.
  •  I am lucky to have such loving and caring grandparents.

Writing a short paragraph suits young kids. A short paragraph with fewer sentences doesn’t overwhelm them; they can quickly note it. Once they can write short paragraphs on various subjects, they can comfortably write longer essays.

Here is a paragraph on grandparents for young kids:

The Grand in grandparents mean more. So, everything is more to grandparents, including more love, care, guidance and fun. My love and affection for my grandparents is different. Grandparents are frequently saviours and protectors for their grandkids. In today’s world of nuclear families, grandparents are not part of the daily lives of grandkids. Still, for grandkids like me, grandparents are precious. I wait to be with them and look forward to their visits. My grandparents, too, are an important part of my life. I enjoy visiting them and treasure the times spent with them.

My Grandparents Essay For Kids - 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Grandparents are idols for every kid. Therefore, kids of all ages enjoy expressing themselves. However, young kids may find it hard to write essays on grandparents. Here is a short essay on Grandparents in English for kids for reference:

My grandparents are the most precious people in my life. They assist me in everything from studies to drawing to solving arguments with my friends. They always look after me and care for me. My grandparents are the ones who are the most worried about my well-being and safety. Whenever I am upset or sad, my grandma is the one who cares for me and cheers me up. Her loving hug is enough to ward off all my troubles. She softly strokes my hair while she reads me goodnight stories. My grandma bakes delicious cakes, which are my favourite delicacy. My granddad assists me in doing my school assignments. Every weekend, he takes me to the park. I enjoy seeing him feed the local cats and dogs on the street. They’re my grandfather’s closest companions. Every evening, my grandfather also teaches me how to play chess. I love spending time with my grandparents. They are the ones who always help me and guide me to do the right thing.

As kids progress in their academics, they must write longer essays. Students of higher classes are capable of expressing their views in words better. Hence, they can write long essays on grandparents.

Here is a long essay for class 3 students on grandparents:

Grandparents are the best gifts of life. They are always keeping an eye on their children and grandchildren. But in modern days, most people are losing touch with their traditions as the times change. Nuclear families have changed the dynamics of family values. However, this has also made people realise the importance of grandparents. Grandparents are the pillar that supports the whole family and takes care of their kids and kids of their kids. They bind the entire family with their love and care.

Ask any kid who loves and spoils them the most. And the answer will be the same- grandparents. The love of grandparents is reciprocated equally by grandkids. Their grandparents are the most precious, and they love them the most. Grandparents adore and lavish their grandkids with love, attention, and gifts. But they are also the first people to correct the kids when they make a mistake. With love, they guide grandkids in their lives and teach them the correct values and morals to make them better humans.

In all our lives, grandparents are indeed a blessing. They are the ones who have shaped our parents’ personalities. Our parents love and care for us the way our grandparents did when they were children because of their upbringing. Grandparents are also a source of support. Even though our parents may not support us in a few things, they are often the only people who do everything. Most significantly, grandparents have complete faith in our abilities. They are the ones that encourage us to follow our aspirations in the face of adversity. Even though some of our dreams seem incomprehensible to them, they continue to believe in us. They increase our self-esteem and enable us to perform better. Grandparents are also one of the key reasons we feel secure and protected. We know that our grandparents constantly pray for us, even if we don’t live with them.

They’re on the lookout for us. The house of their grandparents is almost everyone’s heaven. We feel at ease knowing we can always go to our grandparents’ house if needed. They assist us in various ways. Therefore, it’s no surprise that we cannot imagine our lives without our grandparents. We know our grandparents are wonderful gifts that not everyone is fortunate enough to get.

Why Grandparents Are Important In Our Life

Grandparents are important in our lives as they are always there to help us, teach us, care for us, and love us to make us grow into good people.

How You Can Establish a Healthy Relationship With Grandparents?

To establish a healthy relationship with your grandparents, give them respect, love them unconditionally as they love you, and care for them as they do for you.

What Will Your Child Learn From The Essay?

By writing the grandparents essay, your child will learn the importance of grandparents in their life. They will understand their grandparents’ efforts, care, and love towards them.

The essay will teach kids the importance of their grandparents, and they will realise how special their grandparents are to them. And they will also improve their creative writing and language skills.

Essay On My Grandfather for Class 1, 2 and 3 Kids Essay On My Grandmother for Classes 1, 2 and 3 Children How to Write An Essay On ‘My Parents’ for Class 1, 2 and 3 Kids

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10 Lines on Grandparents

Over a period of time, with the advancement in medical technology and lifestyle the period of longevity has increased for the grandparents. Grandparents are popularly known as caregivers for the children in the family. Grandparents not only help the grandchildren in their studies, personal growth but also inculcate the moral values and good habits among them.

Every year 8 th September is celebrated as ‘National Grandparents Day’ a secular holiday across the globe to honour and recognize the contributions of grandparents in our lives. The role of grandparents has become increasingly important in the family where children need emotional support apart from normal parenting.

Ten Lines on Grandparents in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on ‘Grandparents’ in simple and easy words for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 so that you can have a better understanding about them, who are often regarded as one of the most experienced persons in a family. After going through these lines you will be able to understand as what is the importance of grandparents, how grandparent help to develop the family, how grandparent helps in the growth of the children, what is nuclear family etc.

1) The parents of our own parents are called the grandparents.

2) Every person has at least four blood-related grandparents.

3) We called them Dada and Dadi or Nana and Nani.

4) Grandparents provide extreme love and care to their grandchildren.

5) Children love to spend time with their grandchildren.

6) Grandparents are the back bone of a family.

7) Grandparents reap moral values, ethics, and good habits in their grandchildren.

8) They are the best caretakers of grandchildren.

9) They always encourage grandchildren to fulfill their dreams.

10) They become best friends to their grandchildren’s.

10 Lines and Sentences on Grandparents

1) Grandparents are the senior most member of the family.

2) They are most experienced people and a guide to the family.

3) Grandchildren love their grandparents a lot.

4) Grandparents provide a selfless love and care to the grandchildren.

5) Most of the families do not like to live with grandparents.

6) There are many families where grandparents are burden.

7) Most of the grandparents live in old age homes.

8) They are the unique gifts of god to us.

9) National Grandparents Day is celebrated to pay gratitude to our grandparents.

10) Grandparents are the base of the family, we should love them.

10 Lines on Grandparents

5 Lines on Grandparents

1) Grandparents are the elder family members.

2) They teach the family cultures and traditions.

3) They are the most experienced members.

4) They always guide the family.

5) They love us very much.

20 Lines on Grandparents

1) Grandparents are the parents either from the maternal side or the paternal side.

2) They are the root of the family and the most experienced persons.

3) They share a special connection with grandchildren and act as a mutual support system for each other.

4) They serve as a role model for grandchildren by teaching them appropriate behaviour, providing encouragement in life and emotional support.

5) They happily celebrate festivals or birthdays along with children.

6) They care about each family member selflessly and love unconditionally.

7) They are old but the backbone of the family.

8) They need special attention from kids as they grow old, in turn, children need valuable knowledge and life lessons from their grandparents.

9) They are the oldest and most respected members of the family.

10) They play a big role in the Nuclear family where both the parents are working professionals.

11) Grandparents are considered as the basic root of the family who provide support to the family with their experience and knowledge.

12) The younger generation doesn’t like the strict and disciplined attitude of the grandparents towards the life which leads to the generation gap.

13) Sometimes striking a balance between generations becomes an extremely difficult task for the entire family which might lead to conflicts and misunderstanding.

14)  Understanding the feelings of grandparents and involving them to current changes may lead to reduce conflicts and increase collaboration in the family.

15) Grandparents and the children both have to adjust their thinking towards each other to understand themselves better.

16) Grandparents inculcate a lot of moral values and ethics in grandchildren which make them respect older people in society.

17) Grandparents can be very friendly in nature too often playing indoor and outdoor games with their grandchildren.

18) Grandparents advice about life can be very useful to the younger generation as they have already undergone various hardships in their own life.

19) They are very concern about their health and also teach the younger generation to inculcate healthy habits in their daily lives.

20) Grandparents take care of the grandchildren and it is our responsibility also to show our love, care and respect towards them.

10 Lines on Grandparents

Grandparents are the oldest and most respected members of the family. They play a very important role in everyone’s life as they care about us selflessly and love us unconditionally. Having a healthy relationship with grandparents in today’s modern world can be very helpful because the amazing life lessons which are shared by them to us over a cup of tea or coffee can’t be learnt in any leadership training institute or class.

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Paragraph on Grandparents - Check Samples for 100, 150, 200, 250 Words

It is just a blessing to have our grandparents with us. A kid can get the best pampering from the grandparents. Grandparents are the ones who make a complete family after our parents. Grandparents are the oldest members of a family who take responsibility for the entire family. Kids are adored the most by their grandparents, and they spend quality time with them.

This article has some sample paragraphs on grandparents; go through them and try writing one on your own.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on grandparents in 100 words, paragraph on grandparents in 150 words, paragraph on grandparents in 200 words, paragraph on grandparents in 250 words, frequently asked questions on grandparents.

Grandparents are the eldest members of a family. They are the ones who take care of the whole family. Grandparents are the heads of a family and are the decision-makers of a family. It is a true blessing to have grandparents along with us. They are the ones who have built the path for our parents, so they are the best decision-makers for us. We are travelling on the right path today only because of their upbringing. Grandparents are the ones who can teach us about mistakes and show us the right path. Therefore, grandparents are the essential part of a family without whom our lives would have been miserable.

Grandparents are usually the eldest members of a family who take responsibility for the whole family. They take care of the entire family with utmost love and care. It is a blessing if you have your grandparents with you. Our grandparents are the life makers of our parents, and without their contributions, we as kids would not have learnt so much about life. They might not be professional teachers, but they teach us every day about life. They narrate different stories to us, which have a beautiful moral at the end. Grandparents are the kids’ best friends who can share all their secrets with them without any fear. Grandparents are a gift to us which must be valued. Nowadays, we don’t realize their true value in our homes, but they are precious gifts that teach us how to respect others and how to lead a respectful life ahead in future.

Our grandparents are the eldest members of a family who shoulder all of the family’s responsibilities. They provide the most delicate attention and care to the entire family. If you have your grandparents with you, it is a blessing. Our grandparents shape our parents’ lives, and without them, we would not have learned as much about life as we have. They tell us many stories, each with a wonderful moral at the conclusion. The stories might be fictional, but they show us the reality of life. Grandparents are the children’s best pals, with whom they can freely share all of their secrets. Grandparents are a gift to us that should be appreciated. In today’s time, we have forgotten the importance of our grandparents because we want to live in nuclear families. We need to understand that they are priceless gifts that teach us how to respect others and live a responsible life in the future. Grandparents are very responsible and ultimately teach us to be responsible citizens in future. Life would not have been so peaceful without their involvement in our life. They are our decision-makers without whom we would have made the right choices in life.

The family’s elder members bear all of the family’s duties. They give the entire family their undivided attention and concern. It is a blessing to have your grandparents with you. Our grandparents have shaped the lives of our parents, and we would not have learned as much about life without them. They tell us various stories, each ending with a lovely moral. The stories may be imaginary, but they depict life as it is. Grandparents are the children’s best friends, with whom they can freely share their secrets. Grandparents are a gift from God that we should cherish. We have forgotten the value of our grandparents in today’s world because we all need nuclear families. We must recognise that they are priceless gifts from God that teach us to respect others and live a decent life in the future. Grandparents are responsible individuals who teach us how to be responsible citizens in the future. Without their presence in our lives, life would not have been as calm. They are our decision-makers, without whom we would never have had the opportunity to make the best choices. Only because of their upbringing are we on the right track now. Grandparents may teach us about making mistakes and pointing us in the right direction. Grandparents are thus the most important members of a family, without whom our lives would be terrible. Therefore, we must value their importance in our lives. When they get old, it is our responsibility to take proper care of them and spend some quality time with them.

Why are our grandparents important in life?

Grandparents are important in our life because they teach us how to lead a respectful life. They talk to us about their experiences and moral stories, which help us lead peaceful lives.

What do we learn from our grandparents?

Grandparents teach us to be punctual and teach us to be respectful to our elders. They show us the right path to follow and help us find our mistakes.

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  • Grand Parents Essay


Essay on Grand Parents

Grandparents are like an angel in disguise who is irreplaceable. They always pamper us endlessly. Their love nurtures us to grow into a beautiful human being. There is even a ‘The National Grandparents Day’ which is founded by Jacob Reingold and Marian McQuade. The first Grandparents Day was followed on September 13, 1961. Grandparents are like the heritage and very important family members as they stand on the top of the family tree.

If you want to write an essay on grandparents, we at Vedantu are here to help you out. The essay given in the following can be considered as an amazing sample. You can refer to it and write an essay about your grandparents on your own. All our study materials are of high quality. These will help you to score well in the exam. 

Grandparents not only help their kids and grandkids in their learning and growth but also foster good habits and moral values amongst them. They are the vitamins for the child’s development. Many are not aware of the fact that Jacob Reingold and Marian McQuade are the founders of ‘The National Grandparents Day’. During a conference in the white house, Jacob was focusing on the importance of grandparents in society and he subsequently held the first Grandparents Day on 13th September- Sunday in 1961.

The Latin word ‘Pater’ and ‘Mater’ meaning ‘father’ and ‘mother’ respectively help us conclude the definition of the terms ‘Paternal grandparents’ as father’s parents while ‘Maternal grandparents’ as mother’s parents. At the moment, Grandparents are the oldest ones in our families. They held irreplaceable places in our hearts. Grandparents have inner as well as outer beauty. Being well in physical and mental health is a must-learn lesson from them. Grandparents are heritage and essential members in our families as they stand on the top of the family tree. They bridge the generation gap by narrating the interesting stories of the old generations. They are frequently known as caretakers of the family. Purest forms of culture and tradition are worth learning from them as they play the best role in history sharer. Grandparents are the god of the justice of the family. They believe equality amongst all similar to the way the statue of justice symbolized everyone is equal. They extraordinarily handle the judging part in solving the disputes in the family. Their conclusions don't hear both the parties. Moreover, aren’t they counselors, because they have a way of escape in every Labyrinth. They made the exact scenario of the country before independence stand in front of our eyes while evoking the truth. The importance of the grandparents in lives is significant as they play the teacher to doctor’s role in the growth of individuals. 

The words of Richard Garnett touch the heart, he said, “Love is the great gift that one generation can leave for the other.” Love and grandchild from grandparents will never cease as they are the apple of not only a parent's eye but also grandparent’s eyes. They are not usually caught with loads of work resulting in having sufficient time for listening, observing and correcting small things of the child than that of busy parents. No one will disagree with the emotions that they are the heart of the family. Support and care are the two duties of us in the concluding phase of their life. The importance of grandparents is vanishing as the global world is developing with time. If you are lucky enough that you have grandparents still alive, cherish them as many times as you can and give them all they deserve. Life is so much easier when their love is around us. Each word spoken by them touches the heart through ears. There are countless research studies which focus on the benefits extracted from the strong bond between grandparents and the child.

Facts to Remember for Writing Essays on Grandparents

The National Grandparents’ Day was founded by Jacob Reingold and Marian McQuade. 

Grandparents’ Day gives out an opportunity to celebrate the bond between children and grandparents. 

The day reminds people all over the world to uphold communication between different generations. 

A 9-year-old boy, Russell Capper sent a letter to President Richard Nixon in 1969. 

The letter asked the president to set aside a day to celebrate the presence of grandparents. 

Later In 1977, the senators in the US passed a joint resolution to the senate and requested the president to set a National Grandparents' Day. 

Congress passed the resolution. In 1978. 

President Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation. 

The first ever National Grandparents' Day was celebrated on September 10, 1978.

In several families, both the parents are engaged with jobs, grandparents take the roles to look after a child's growth. 

Grandparents not only look after a child's physical well-being but also nurture their mental and spiritual growth. 

Grandparents are responsible for integrating morales as well as traditions in the children. 

But several children forget to thank their grandparents for their contribution to their growth and development.  

It is the day to thank them and appreciate their presence in children’s lives. 

Grandparents’ Day is also a day to enhance intergenerational communication.

Personal Touch to Add in the Essay

Grandparents are blessings in every child’s life. 

They are the reason a child’s parents are the way they are. 

Grandparents are supportive even when at times, parents fail to support their children. 

Grandparents are the epitome of morales, teachings and love. They are living inspiration of strength and wisdom.

Grandparents thrive on love and that is all they ever expect out of their grandchildren and needless to say, loving them is just as easy.

Grandparents have the best upbringing because it reflects on the parents who bring their children. 

They are the backbone and support system of a family. 

They always pray for their grandchildren and their whole family. They always protect their children and grandchildren. 

They provide safe space and a child can always count on them for anything. 

They have great stories that surely inspire children to grow to be like them.

How to Write this Essay like a Pro

Do the Research

It is essential to write the valid points and present them in this essay as it is based on Grandparents. An essay on Grandparents must be comprehensive and should ideally contain the context related to this topic hence, it is very important for a student to know about this topic thoroughly in order to write the essay brilliantly. It consists of personal touch in order to make it a better essay. A student should pay closer attention to covering all the points that are needed to be present while writing about Grandparents.  

Analyze the Question

A student must understand the intention of the essay and know the points that are needed to be used. Points such as the significance of grandparents in today’s world or the history of Grandparents’ Day. It will clearly form an essay that consists of all the valid points related to Grandparents. 

Remembering the Information on Grandparent’s Day

Grandparents as a topic is easy because there are so many points to remember about grandparents and it is also a personal essay in which writing about all of them is not possible in a condensed essay so it is important to understand and remember the points which are more essential than the others to be mentioned in the essay.  

Defining the Terms and Theories

It is essential for a student to explain the points being used in the essay. For example, writing the role of grandparents in a child’s life or the reason for appreciating grandparents in life is not enough, it also has to be explained by the student how it has been deteriorating in today’s life. 

Organize a Structured Essay 

Students must write the essay in a coherent manner which must begin with the introduction to Grandparents’ Day, followed by the body of the essay that must contain the role and significance of grandparents and other information regarding the topic of Grandparents.  It must be well concluded later to tie everything up neatly.


FAQs on Grand Parents Essay

1. How Grandparents are Important in Our Life?

Grandparents are the loveliest members of a family and also a valuable resource because they have so many stories and experiences to share with us. They are adored by their grandchildren most of the time even when they don’t obey their own parents or other adults in the household. Grandparents are the eldest in the family. Hence children who grow up with them gain a lot of moral values which are helpful in real life.

2. Why Do Children Love their Grandparents?

There is a  unique bond of love between the grandparents and their grandchildren. It's typically more fun along with a lot of patience and less criticism than that which children receive from their parents. It's a beautiful relationship that imparts a feeling of safety, security, and comfort.

3. How Can I Write an Essay on Grandparents?

Essay writing is easy yet a bit tricky. The few basic steps to be followed to write an essay are - do research well about the topic and write the essay in a stepwise manner. Write a small intro in the beginning, then move into the body paragraphs talking about the main topic, and then conclusion at the end. Always try to maintain a flow throughout the essay. The same format should be followed while writing an essay on grandparents. Check Vedantu website for further guidance.

4. Does Vedantu Provide Assistance in Essay Writing?

Yes, Vedantu provides sample essays on various topics. You can visit our official website or download our app from the play store to get access to those. These are really helpful to understand the basic structure of an essay.  

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  • Family Life
  • Grandparents

How to Care for Your Grandparents

Last Updated: July 2, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Justin Barnes . Justin Barnes is a Senior Home Care Specialist and the Co-Owner of Presidio Home Care, a family-owned and operated Home Care Organization based in the Los Angeles, California metro area. Presidio Home Care, which provides non-medical supportive services, was the first agency in the state of California to become a licensed Home Care Organization. Justin has over 10 years of experience in the Home Care field. He has a BS in Technology and Operations Management from the California State Polytechnic University - Pomona. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 292,143 times.

Caring for your grandparents means being loving and giving toward them. Find ways to be helpful, such as helping them at home or with projects. Treat your grandparents with respect and dignity. Spending time with them can help you learn all about their lives and experiences. Be patient and kind toward them, even when they frustrate you or annoy you. Remember, your grandparents are older and may not have as much as energy as you do, so offer to be there and care for them.

Assisting Around the House

Step 1 Offer to help.

  • Your grandparents might be happy to get help from you and teach you something in return. They might play a game with you or help you after school.
  • Ask, “What can I do to help?”

Step 2 Help with daily chores.

  • See where you can be helpful and pitch in if you see a need.

Step 3 Assist with projects.

  • These can be great opportunities to spend time together and talk more.

Step 4 Run errands.

  • If you don’t drive yet, go with your parents on errands for your grandparents.

Interacting with Your Grandparents

Step 1 Be polite.

  • Take a break if you’re feeling frustrated. Come back in a few minutes after you’ve cooled off.
  • Your approach should be one of honor and respect, remembering that this person is an adult human being, and to start there. Make sure to never treat your grandparents like a child.

Step 2 Spend time with them.

  • Have something special that you do together. For example, take a walk at the park each week or go for ice cream together.

Step 3 Inquire about their lives.

  • Consider drawing a family tree and make it with your grandparents.

Step 4 Ask for advice.

  • Ask advice about things like going to college, dating, marriage, and kids. If you want a second opinion, go to a grandparent.

Step 5 Be cheerful.

  • Especially if your grandparents feel lonely, make an effort to be sociable and happy around them.

Being Thoughtful

Step 1 Give gifts.

  • Remember your grandparents’ birthdays and other special days and give gifts to celebrate.
  • You can ask your parents for help in choosing a gift.

Step 2 Invite them to events.

  • Have a special place for them to sit if they struggle with mobility. This can also be a place of honor for your grandparents, such as sitting near you at your birthday party.

Step 3 Track their health.

  • Because health can decline with old age, make an effort to check in on your grandparents and make sure they are doing alright.

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Tips from our Readers

  • Remember your manners. The best way to show someone that you love them is to practice good manners and volunteer to help them. Focus on showing them how much you care!
  • Be patient with your grandparents, especially if you don't understand what they're trying to say. Just ask them to repeat themselves rather than losing your temper.
  • Try not to argue with your grandparents. Instead, focus on spending quality time with them and sharing your joy and love with them.
  • If your grandparents have a disability, help buy them mobility tools and make their home more accessible.

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  • ↑ https://www.helpguide.org/articles/parenting-family/grandparents-raising-grandchildren.htm
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/constructive-wallowing/201906/whatever-happened-respecting-your-parents
  • ↑ https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/time
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-age-overindulgence/202010/5-things-do-instead-overindulging-your-grandkids
  • ↑ https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/improving-family-relationships-with-emotional-intelligence.htm
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/shifting-forward/202211/grandparenting-grand-job-great-rewards-all-involved
  • ↑ https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/literally-psyched/the-psychology-behind-gift-giving-and-generosity/
  • ↑ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14641402/

About This Article

Justin Barnes

Caring for your grandparents can be as easy as spending time with them, helping them with chores, and being respectful. Try to schedule time to hang out with them, like going for a walk, eating dinner, or watching a TV show you both like, to maintain a close relationship with them. Whenever you’re around your grandparents, try to be calm and polite to show that you respect them. You can also offer to help them with chores around the house, like washing up, cutting their lawn, or going to the shop for them, since it might be harder for them to do these things on their own. Another nice thing you can do for your grandparents is buy or make them a gift to show them you care. For more tips, including how to show an interest in your grandparent’s family history, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Results for essay on grandparents in telugu translation from English to Telugu

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essay on grandparents in telugu

తెలుగులో తాతలు ఎస్సే ఆన్

Last Update: 2017-09-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality:

essay on ox in telugu

తెలుగులో ఎద్దుపై వ్యాసం

Last Update: 2023-03-05 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay on grandparents

తాతలు వ్యాసం

Last Update: 2016-12-29 Usage Frequency: 4 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay on elephant in telugu

తెలుగులో ఏనుగు మీద వ్యాస

Last Update: 2016-11-27 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay of importance of my grandparents in telugu

తెలుగులో నా తాతామామల ప్రాముఖ్యత యొక్క వ్యాసం

Last Update: 2021-06-19 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

letter to grandparents in telugu

తెలుగులో తాతామామలకు లేఖ

Last Update: 2023-03-18 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

report on grandparents

తాతామామలపై నివేదిక

Last Update: 2021-10-17 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

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  17. Translate essay on grandparents in Telugu with examples

    Get a better translation with7,849,678,870 human contributions. Contextual translation of "essay on grandparents" into Telugu. Human translations with examples: తాతలు వ్యాసం, హెన్ న వ్యాసం, essay on doctor.

  18. 10 Lines on My Grandparents

    10 Lines on My Grandparents | Short Speech On Grandparents Day | Essay on my Grandparents in EnglishAbout this Video :- Today, we are sharing 10 Lines on My ...

  19. write essay on grandparents in telugu

    Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ write essay on grandparents in telugu

  20. Translate essay on grandparents in telug in Telugu

    Contextual translation of "essay on grandparents in telugu" into Telugu. Human translations with examples: తాతలు వ్యాసం, తాతామామలపై నివేదిక.