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Back to Basics – ConfigMgr Distribution Points and Boundaries

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Per request from a fellow tweep, here is crash course in ConfigMgr Distribution Points, Boundaries, and Boundary Groups.

Distribution Points

In ConfigMgr environments, the Distribution Points, or DPs, are simply there to store packages that client connects to for downloading software like applications, software updates, and OS deployment images etc.. To make sure clients are connected to the best DP, the one closest to the clients, boundaries are boundary groups are used.

Boundaries and Boundary Groups

Boundary Groups are a way to assign resources to clients, for example which DP, or Management Point (MP), or Software Update Point (SUP) to use. Boundary Groups can also be used to assign a client to the correct ConfigMgr site, even though most environments should only have a single primary site.

Anyway, ConfigMgr supports a variety of ways to put clients in a boundary, where the by far best method is to use IP ranges. Other methods (that I don't recommend) are IP subnets, and Active Directory sites. For example, if you have a subnet in New York, that is a subnet, I recommend that you create an IP range boundary of – 192.1698.1.254, assign it to a boundary group named New York, and configure it use a DP in New York.

assignment group dp

Avoid Overlapping Boundaries

One of the most common reason for "weird things happening" in ConfigMgr is when there are overlapping boundaries, or when clients are members of multiple boundary groups, so just simply avoid that. My old football coach used to say KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid, and that goes a long way for ConfigMgr boundaries as well.

Reducing the number of Distribution Points

These days you want to try to reduce the number of DPs and use more peer to peer instead (DO, Peer Cache, and BranchCache). It's simply more efficient using hardware that is already out there, instead of managing yet another server.

Verifying Boundaries

A quick way to verify if clients are using the right Boundary Group, is to enable hardware inventory for the Boundary Group Cache (\\Computername\Root\CCM\LocationServices), and take a look every now and then in the v_GS_BOUNDARYGROUPCACHE view in SQL using the below query:

assignment group dp

Another option is to simply ask the client directly using the below PowerShell code, and then collect the result on the server side as described in the A Holistic Approach to ConfigMgr Client Health blog post.

Verifying Distribution Points

A quick way to figure out which DP a client has been using is to parse the ContentTransferManager.log on the client with a bit of PowerShell, and then upload that info to a summary report. For example, I recently used this for a customer to figure out that clients in Argentina, was using a DP in Europe due to incorrect boundaries.

assignment group dp

Johan Arwidmark


Hi Johan, On the subjects of DPs and boundaries let me throw in another variable – secondary sites. So I know they kind of suck and should be avoided but can you confirm my understanding here? I'm led to believe and have always advised people that the secondary site server has to be in the boundary group of any clients using the MP of secondary site. That's obviously counter-intuitive as normally you don't assign an MP that way but that's how I understand it and what I've been told. Am I correct in my understanding? If I am correct then …  Read more »

Johan Arwidmark

First, I recommend avoiding using secondary sites, and just stick with DP's. There are very few reasons for using secondary sites these days, and as far as boundary groups goes, MPs, DPs, and SUPs are connected to them. I don't have access to any environment with secondary sites anymore, but in general, if you want clients to use another, create a separate boundary/boundary group for them, and add that DP as a resource.

Dietmar Haimann

Hi! Thanks for this post! I hope I may ask some questions? 🙂 We use a site assignment (SA) boundary group with an AD site boundary and a content location (CL) boundary group with some of the ip ranges in the closer environment. To meet our needs we use ~150 Windows 10 LTSC based client distribution points in our (very small) branches. BranchCache will never work within these locations. So we configured boundaries for every branch (ip ranges) and a corresponding boundary group referenced with one client dp which is located on site. What do you recommend to set on …  Read more »

I'm curious to know why BranchCache won't work in that scenario, because in general, I try to avoid having lots and lots of DPs. Anyway, if you have a "real" DP in a location with just a few clients, there is little need to enable clients for Peer Cache in that scenario. That being said, the Peer check boxes in the options tab also affects Delivery Optimization settings via ConfigMgr, so you should leave them enabled.

BranchCache needs three or four clients involved to work I think? If all the clients within a branch start to install SU e.g. no one will use the BranchCache. Am I wrong? What do you think about the settings on Relationship?

No, BranchCache only needs one client to have the content in it's cache before it can peer to others. Relationship settings don't really affect BranchCache either.

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TC Technology Knowledge Base

  • Add an assignment to an Assignment Group in Canvas

Updated on Aug 08, 2024

You can use Canvas's Assignment Group feature to weigh different types of assignments in your course.

1. Log into the myTC portal.

Access the myTC portal.

2. Click on the Canvas icon in the top right corner.

assignment group dp

3. Click Dashboard in the Global Navigation menu.

assignment group dp

4. Click on your course card.

assignment group dp

1. Click Assignments in the Course Navigation Menu.

assignment group dp

2. Click on the name of the assignment that you would like to add to an Assignment Group.

Assignments: SANDBOX - [Camila Rivera] - Google Chrome

3. When the assignment opens, click Edit.

SpeedGrader Sample Assignment - Google Chrome

4. In the Assignment Group section, click the arrow to view the drop-down menu. Click to select the group for the assignment. Alternatively, you may create a new group.

Edit Assignment - Google Chrome

5. Add assignment details as needed, and click Save.

Edit Assignment - Google Chrome

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First Year Students LibGuide: What is a DP?

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What is a DP?    

Duly Performed (DP): It is a semester

or a year mark that qualifies one to sit

for an exam in a tertiary level

DP Composition

A student who has completed the minimum requirements for attendance and semester or year mark to sit for an examination in a certain module is said to have “duly performed” (DP).

The DP system essentially only demonstrates the minimum for the entry-level percentage for a test. In other words, a course may have a 45% DP requirement, which indicates that in order to be eligible to take the exam, you must receive a weighted average of 45% on all assessment items (such as tests, essays, and assignments) over the duration of the term. Once you’ve satisfied these criteria, you’ll take the exam for that course in the hopes of receiving a passing grade, which may be, say, 60% when the exam mark is added to the DP mark that you earned.

Once you don’t fulfil the DP requirement for any course, you won’t be able to take the exam and will therefore fail the course. This may not be a huge issue if the course is an additional course for your selected degree stream (referred to as an “elective”), but if it is a mandatory course for your degree, you will have to apply to retake it, which is a scenario you do not want to be involved. How Are DP Marks Calculated?

The DP system, like all university systems, is not carved in stone. If you have some influence over your faculty head or instructors, you might be able to get away with missing the DP requirement by just 1 or 2 percent.

Source: https://unisaapplication.co.za/how-are-dp-marks-calculated/#:~:text=A%20student%20who%20has%20completed,duly%20performed%E2%80%9D%20(DP).

DP Calculation

How is DP calculated in university?

DP marks will be calculated as follows for this module: 20% group assignment, 20% Individual Assignment 10% Test


The final summative assessment will be the final measure of what was learned at the end of the module.

A sub-minimum of 50% will be required for the Final Summative examinations and an overall score of50% to pass the module. DP Percentage

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  • Last Updated: Feb 8, 2024 3:39 PM
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  • Assignment Groups

How Do I Use Assignment Groups in Canvas?

In Canvas, assignment groups allow you to organize your assignments into discrete groups. For example, you may want to group all the essay assignments in your course within one assignment group titled ‘Essays’.

Assignment groups allow you to leverage a weighted grade scheme in your Canvas course. A weighted grade scheme allows you to distribute percentages of a student’s final grade across these assignment groups. Following our previous example, you may want the Essays group to account for 30% of the final grade. 

By default, Grade weighting is turned off for all Canvas courses. To turn on Grade weighting, please follow Canvas’ tutorial for weighting final grades based on Assignment Groups.

How do grade weights get distributed across an Assignment Group?

In Canvas, the weight of an assignment group is distributed proportionally across the assignments inside it. Because of this, assignments worth different points will be weighted differently if they are in the same assignment group.

Here’s an example of an assignment group in Canvas. This group is worth 30% of the total grade and contains three assignments with different point values. The table further below outlines how the assignment group weight of 30% is distributed across the three Assignments.

assignment group dp

Here, since Essay Two is out of 200 points, it will count two times more than Essays One and Three.

Assignment Point Value Proportion Weight (% of grade)
Essay One 100 100/400 total points .25 * 30% = 7.5%
Essay Two 200 200/400 total points .50 * 30% = 15%
Essay Three 100 100/400 total points .25 * 30% = 7.5%

***assignment group weight distribution for assignments with differing point totals.

If you want all assignments within a given assignment group to be worth the same weight, you have two options:

1. Make all assignments inside an assignment group worth the same number of points, as shown below.

assignment group dp

***In this scenario, we have changed Essay Two’s point value from 200 to 100 points. Since all point values in this assignment Group are the same, each Assignment will be worth the same, 10% in this case.

2. Create new assignment groups for any outlier assignments if you cannot or do not want to change their point value.

assignment group dp

***In this scenario, we have not changed Essay Two’s point values, so we will need to put it in its own assignment group worth 10% and change the first assignment group to be worth 20% so that all Essays are now worth 10% of the total grade.

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Creating an Assignment Group

Knowledge Base > User Guides > Projects > Creating an Assignment Group

Last Updated: 2 years ago in  User Guides ,  Projects

A project’s workflow is comprised of Assignments. These assignments are the individual tasks which are required to complete a project. In order for a project to have its own unique workflow, an Assignment Group must be established.

To begin by accessing the Project Assignment Groups dialogue, go to Setup > Projects > Project Assignment Groups.

assignment group dp

If your Project Definition has not been created yet, click Create and enter a Description. Note that none of the settings for the actual Project Definition have been configured yet, and you will need to set this up afterwards. The Delete button will delete the currently selected project definition. Clicking Edit will allow you to edit the current project definition’s name.

To configure your Assignment Group, use the Add button to move assignments from the Available Assignment Descriptions to the Chosen Assignment Descriptions. The order of the Chosen Assignment Descriptions is the order which the assignments will appear on your project. To reorder them, use the arrows to the right of the Chosen Assignment Descriptions list.

If you wish to include a checklist which is specifically related to the currently selected assignment, click on the Checklist to the right of the Chosen Assignment Descriptions list.

assignment group dp

To build a checklist for your assignment, you will first need to add Checklist Items. To do this, click on the ellipsis button below the Available Checklist Items list. This will open the Checklist Items window.

assignment group dp

Add a new checklist item by clicking the Add button. Then, name your checklist item and click OK to save it.

Once you have added your checklist item(s), click OK to return to the Checklist Items for your assignment. Your new items will now show up in the Available Checklist Items field. These can be assigned to your project definition by clicking Add. If you need to reorder the list, use the arrows to the right of the Chosen Checklist Items field.

Click Close to save these changes and return to the Project Assignment Groups window. This checklist will now be added to this assignment whenever it is created for this project.

If you need to add new Project Assignments or edit existing ones, click on the ellipsis button below the Available Assignment Descriptions list.

assignment group dp

When you have finished your Project Assignment Group, you can also use this list on other projects. Use the Copy To… button to copy this list to other project definitions. Note that assignment checklists will not be copied to the other definitions.


  • What is an Assignment?
  • What is a Project? 

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Secondary Sites and Boundary Groups

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Boundary Groups were introduced in ConfigMgr 2012 to combine boundaries together and give them one of two common purposes:

  • Content Location
  • Site Assignment

These are the same two things that boundaries were used for in ConfigMgr 2007; however, all boundaries were used for both purposes in 2007 and there was no way to separate them out. In 2012, you assign boundaries for one (or both) purposes by placing them into a Boundary Group. Also, unless a Boundary is in a Boundary Group, it is not used for anything.

Based on this, Boundary Groups can be classified as one of the two types (or both) based upon what they reference. For Content Location boundaries, the Boundary Group references a site system hosting a Distribution Point (DP):

A Content Location Boundary Group

A Content Location Boundary Group

and Site Assignment Boundary Groups reference sites:

A Site Assignment Boundary Group

A Site Assignment Boundary Group

This is pretty straight-forward but what’s not clear (from the documentation or console) is whether you should add a secondary site to a Site Assignment Boundary Group. There has also been some confusion in the forums, other blogs posts, and among us (the MVPs) about what you should or should not do and why.

The reason I’ve heard that you shouldn’t do this is because secondary sites don’t manage clients and thus clients can not be assigned to them. While this is a true statement, it is not a reason to not set a secondary site in a Site Assignment Boundary Group (beware of the double-negative in this sentence). Actual client site assignment is something the client does after it is installed – this site assignment process, if not specifically forced by the SMSSITECODE property during installation is smart enough to realize that the site code discovered through auto-site assignment is for a secondary site and thus the primary site code must be used. However, if you specifically force a client to install to a secondary site using SMSSITECODE=SS1, then you will run into problems – specifically, you’ll get the following message in ClientLocation.log: “Attempting to assign client to SS1 site that does not match assignment requirements”. This is ultimately no different than ConfigMgr 2007.

Note that by default, client push from the console hard-codes the use the the SMSSITECODE property to the primary site’s code; this shouldn’t be changed without very good reason. You can see this by navigating to Overview –> Site Configuration –> Sites in the Administration workspace, selecting a site in the details pane (primary or secondary), choosing Client Push Installation from the Client Installation Settings fly out menu on the ribbon bar (or right-click context menu), and finally selecting the Installation Properties tab on the Client Push Installation Properties dialog.

Client Installation Properties

Client Installation Properties

So, should you or shouldn’t you use a secondary site in a Site Assignment Boundary Group? The answer is that both ways are valid. But, what’s the difference?

If you don’t use a secondary site in a Site Assignment Boundary Group, the only ramification is that during client push, the initial CCMSETUP files will come from the primary site server. This does not include all of the files required for client setup as those come off of DPs in ConfigMgr 2012. What this implies is that you must have a/the DP from the secondary site directly referenced in a Content Location Boundary Group that is applicable to the client is question based upon the boundaries that it contains.

The next obvious question (to me at least) is how would a client know if it is within the scope of a secondary site if there is no secondary site specified in a Site Assignment Boundary Group? The answer, although it is somewhat non-intuitive and maybe even backwards, is that a client uses Content Location Boundary Groups for this. Why does it do this? I can only speculate on this one, but my thinking is that this is not really a site assignment task. As mentioned above, clients aren’t really assigned to a secondary site; they are simply using the resources – MP, DP, SUP – at a secondary site. Also, site assignment is a one-time thing; once a client is assigned to a site, it will not try to re-detect the site it belongs to unless it is manually forced to do so. Content Location is an on-going, ad-hoc activity based upon the client’s current network status however. Thus, this lines up with a client’s ability to use other secondary sites or even go straight to the primary site depending upon where it is located network-wise.

Note that none of this implies that MPs are located using Content Location Boundary Groups, just the fact that a client is within the scope of a secondary. MP retrieval in ConfigMgr 2012 is not based on client location, just site assignment. The above also does not imply that clients will fallback to a primary site if the MP in the secondary site is down; when an MP at a secondary goes down, clients within the scope of that secondary are essentially on an island unless you change the Boundary Groups and wait for their 25 hour re-evaluation cycle or the clients detect a network change.

If you do use a secondary site in a Site Assignment Boundary Group, then client push will be initiated by the secondary site server and the initial CCMSETUP files will also come from that secondary site. The rest of the pre-requisite files and other files needed by CCMSETUP, will still come off a DP. So in reality, the difference between using a secondary site in a Site Assignment Boundary Group and not using it is just which site server initiates the push a single downloaded file from that site server: ccmsetup.exe.

A couple of things not to do with Boundary Groups when a secondary site exists include the following:

  • Overlapping boundaries for Site Assignment Boundary Groups. Specifically, overlapping boundaries occur when two Boundaries assigned to two different Site Assignment Boundary Groups include the same set of IP addresses. These are officially unsupported and will cause odd results. Don’t do it.
  • Use a Site Assignment Boundary for a secondary site without a Content Location Boundary Group. Although there aren’t any technical problems with doing this, it’s pointless to do this because clients will not use any of the site systems in the secondary site thus defeating the p urpose of the secondary site in the first place.

As a final recommendation, don’t mix your Site Assignment and Content Location Boundary Groups; i.e., don’t reference a site for Site Assignment and site systems for Content Location in the same Boundary Group. There are a couple of reasons for this including simplicity and conceptual separation. Another potential reason is because overlapping boundaries are in fact supported for Content Location.

Thanks to Aaron Keller for reviewing the above.

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“Note that none of this implies that MPs are located using Content Location Boundary Groups, just the fact that a client is within the scope of a secondary. MP retrieval in ConfigMgr 2012 is not based on client location, just site assignment. The above also does not imply that clients will fallback to a primary site if the MP in the secondary site is down; when an MP at a secondary goes down, clients within the scope of that secondary are essentially on an island unless you change the Boundary Groups and wait for their 25 hour re-evaluation cycle or the clients detect a network change”

I’m still a little confused about how clients decide which MP’s they use and which are available to them.

If I install a secondary site at the remote, are clients locating in secondary site boundary more likely to use the MP at the remote site?

If I just install an MP in the remote site, and do not install a secondary site, does this have any affect on what MP the clients in the remote site will choose?

Will clients in a primary site use the MP in the remote site, whether I install a secondary site at the remote site or not?

Ideally, I want the clients in my remote site using the MP (even if just most of the time) in the remote site, and my primary clients never using the MP in the remote site – do I need to setup a secondary site to achieve this?

Other question is whether database replication from Secondary to Primary is any better than just letting clients communicate directly to MP at primary site?

Thanks very much Shaun Croucher

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Q. If I install a secondary site at the remote, are clients locating in secondary site boundary more likely to use the MP at the remote site? A. No — there is no “more likely” — they will always use the MP at the secondary site if they are within a content location boundary group for that secondary site.

Q. If I just install an MP in the remote site, and do not install a secondary site, does this have any affect on what MP the clients in the remote site will choose? A. No. Clients choose among multiple MPs within a primary site randomly. Actually, the prefer HTTPS capable MPs if the client is also HTTPS capable. Also, the lookup for an MP is done using the Global Catalog of AD so only MPs within the client’s forest can/will be available to the client. Barring these two caveats — HTTPS and forest — MP selection is random and not location aware or boundary enabled in any way.

Q. Will clients in a primary site use the MP in the remote site, whether I install a secondary site at the remote site or not? A. Maybe, as mentioned above, it’s essentially random.

Q. Ideally, I want the clients in my remote site using the MP (even if just most of the time) in the remote site, and my primary clients never using the MP in the remote site – do I need to setup a secondary site to achieve this? A. Yes. Multiple MPs within a primary site are only for availability.

Q. Other question is whether database replication from Secondary to Primary is any better than just letting clients communicate directly to MP at primary site? A. That depends upon the number of clients and the bandwidth between the MP and those clients. Generally, I would say yes for two related reasons: secondary sites can only have one MP and if that MP is unavailable, clients cannot fail over to any other MP automatically.

Note that the documentation listed at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd8eb74e-3490-446e-b328-e67f3e85c779#BKMK_Plan_Service_Location is incorrect or least gives a false impressions of MP selection and I am actively communicating with the documentation team to get it corrected.

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Hello –

You could have a Secondary Site Server (SSS) defined within a BG like a ‘region / campus’.

On the SSS have MP, SUP, SMP, DP (and whatever else). Other locations within the region/campus then just get a DP. The advantage here is the regional MP helps with the upward flow of client traffic from the defined ‘region/campus’ and still allowing the downward deployment traffic to come from a DP in each building. So – I am thinking as far a Boundary Groups (BG) in this scenario would be: * BG1 = “All clients” (For site assignment) * BG2 = “Clients in the state of Michigan” – this would have a SSS with 4 roles (MP, SUP, SMP, DP) and have the boundaries for all sites (2 shown here) in Michigan * BG3 = “Clients in Detroit” = DTW * BG4 = “Clients in Grand Rapids” = GRR

Thus allowing all of Michigan clients to use 1 MP/SUP but each city having a DP/SMP using additional BG’s.

Correct? Agreed?

Thanks – – Andrew

Based upon the information provided, correct.

I’m not always a fan of using secondary sites because they are single points of failure in that clients will not do anything if the secondary site is not available — they are essentially orphaned until that secondary site server is restored to full functionality. Also, don’t overestimate the upward flow of traffic — it is often not impact-ful at all. For me, the choice to use a secondary site or not is a sliding scale with more clients and less bandwidth on the end of using a secondary site and less clients and more bandwidth on the side of just using a DP. This is a totally subjective scale and up to you to determine the exact thresholds based upon your knowledge of your network though.

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I’m a little confused about Management Point selection in a Single Primary site environment, where the site server roles (DP’s MP’s etc) are spread over multiple locations in a multi-domain Forest.

When the Client selects an MP “Randomly from the AD forest”, is this from all available MP’s in the forest, or is the list ordered in some way based on sub-domain membership and/or AD Site constings.

From my testing, clients seem to prefer the MP’s from their local domain, which seems more logical, but contradicts what I keep reading.

Unfortunately, I can’t find any definitive documentation on the exact algorithm used.

You are correct. It prefers MPs in the same domain and same forest — the domain part is not listed in the official docs but I’ve gotten that straight from the product group and seen it in my own testing. AD sites are never considered though. The algorithm is fairly simple and will be the subject of my part of the MVP Experts panel next week Monday at TechEd (the video will be posted online sometime after the session).

Perfect – Thanks Jason. – Looking forward to seeing the video.


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I have a follow up question related to the clients preferring MPs in their own domain. Take example AD Forest ABC.com with Domains EMEA.ABC.com and APAC.ABC.com MP1 is in forest root ABC.com and an MP2 is in domain EMEA.ABC.com. There are no MPs in domain APAC.ABC.com. With your assertion that clients will look in thier own domain first, I assume that clients in clients in EMEA.ABC.com will prefer MP2 since it is in the clients domain. Now will clients in the forest root prefer MP1, since MP2 is in a sub domain, or will they get back a list with both MP1 and MP2 as equal possibilities. How about clients in APAC.ABC.com? Since they don’t have any MPs in their domain, will they prefer MP1 in the forest root, or will they get back a list with MP1 and MP2 as equal possibilities, as both MPs are in the ABC.com forest, even though MP2 is in another domain?

“I assume that clients in clients in EMEA.ABC.com will prefer MP2” Correct.

“Now will clients in the forest root prefer MP1” Correct. MPs in the same domain are preferred over those in the same forest but not the same domain.

“clients in APAC.ABC.com … will … get back a list with MP1 and MP2 as equal possibilities” Since there are no MPs in the local domain for APAC clients, they will move on to the next criteria which is forest. There are two MPs in the same forest which will thus both be returned.

I asked our MS rep about this topic and received this response —

What criteria does the agent use to determine the closest management point based on its forest membership? The client uses AD to determine its network location, specifically the client compares the site boundary configuration with AD Site/Subnet configurations in Sites & Services to determine the “nearest” MP. After this the HTTPS/HTTP preference comes into play. Although MP functionality has evolved between 2007 & 2012 this aspect of the client hasn’t.”

Thoughts on this compared to the client using the domain and then forest as you indicated?

Unfortunately, that is totally incorrect. AD site and subnet configuration is never considered. My portion of the MVP Experts session at TechEd covers it pretty well: http://blog.configmgrftw.com/microsoft-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-mvp-experts-panel/ . The information presented is directly from first hand experience and testing as well as e-mail threads and discussions with multiple members of the product group including one of the developers.

To directly answer the question, there is no such thing as nearest as far as MPs go. The client asks an MP to return a list of MPs to it and this list is prioritized by domain, forest, and then non-forest MPs. If the client is HTTPS capable, then two lists are actually returned: one for HTTPS MPs and one for HTTP MPs. Based on this, the client will prefer MPs from the HTTPS list (if HTTPS capable) and then randomly from each of the categories in order of priority as mentioned.

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A great post. It certainly filled some of the documented vs. real-world experience knowledge gap.

I have a question about Automatic Client Push and Boundary Groups.

I have a single primary site with 14 distribution points across WAN connections. I have configured 14 Boundary groups for Content Location using AD Site Boundaries, and assigned the applicable local distribution point to each Content Location BG. I also have a single Site Assignment Boundary Group, that includes all AD Sites and IP Subnet boundaries. Discovered clients are being successfully assigned to the primary site in the console, however are not being automatically pushed the SCCM 2012 client. I have successfully configured the Site Client Push settings.

Reading through some of your other posts, I think that my problem is that I do not have any site system servers assigned for use by my Site Assignment boundary group. I had assumed that content location BG’s would take care of that? Do different rules apply for the initial Client push content? Should I add my Primary site system to the Site Assignment BG? I’m a little concerned that If I add my Primary Site Distribution point to the Site assignment boundary group, then all packages forever more will be pulled across the WAN from the primary site.

Hope my rambling questions makes sense.

Thanks Jason

– Scott.

No, adding site system’s hosting DPs to the site assignment BGs won’t help and will cause content location issues. What you described above about your BGs in the first main paragraph is correct and sufficient.

To figure out why client’s aren’t getting the client agent pushed to them, you need to start by examining ccm.log on the site server.

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I have Boundary Group question. My domain has 3 child domains and each child domain has 5 – 7 sites. Child 1 hosts the primary site with all roles and has a second site system server with DP role located at main data center. Child 2 is a secondary site with MP, DP and SUP roles. Child 3 is a site system server with DP, MP and SUP roles.

In your opinion, what is the best way to set up the Boundary Groups?

Thank you very much!

Boundary Groups should be based on DP and/or locations. Based on what you have above, it sounds like you have three total DPs. Thus, I would start with three boundary groups. Question though: Why do you have site systems in each child domain? Are the child domains geographically separated?

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Hi, how to find , which client is associate with which boundary. is possible form sccm console or sql database.?

Yes, it is possible, but it depends upon the boundary types you are using. There is nothing built in that is exposed to handle this directly though. If you are using AD boundaries or IP Subnet boundaries, then it’s pretty easy actually as both of the attributes are reported up to ConfigMgr by the client. If you are using IP Address Range boundaries, then you have to include some logic in your query to determine whether a client falls into a boundary.

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Hi, I have a question about fresh installed clients a a remote site. At the remote site we setup a secondary site which has two network adapters. One can communicate to our main network, where our primary site is located. The other is only a local network with no connectivity to the internet or somewhere else. We setup a pxe point on that secondary site and install clients within the capsuled network. This works fine and I get status messages back from the tasksequence. The problem is, that the clients don’t register or send ddrs to the primary site. I can only see them as “unknown”. Because of the capsuled network, the clients are not domain joined. When I look at the client, they always try to reach the mps from the primary site. I have set up a boundary for this network and assigned the DP/MP from the secondary site. As far as I know the clients should use the secondary sites mp as proxy to reach the primary site.

Do you know why the clients don’t use the secondary sites mp?

They do, just not for everything. Basically, what you are seeing is by design. Secondary sites are not and are not intended to be gateways. Clients *must* be able to communicate with an MP in the primary site — there is no other possibility and as mentioned this is by design.

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Hi, Have a question here. We have one primary and two secondary sites. Have configured boundary group and associated preferred MP to that. However, i could see in console that client machine at secondary site shows secondary site MP in console and some shows primary site MP in console. Is that the correct way of working?

Preferred MPs are for MPs within a primary site *only*. Thus, unless you have multiple MPs in your primary site, using preferred MPs is useless and misleading. Clients use of an MP at a secondary site has nothing to do with preferred MPs.

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SOLVED   Configuration Manager 2103 GetAppGroupAssignment failed with (0x87d00215).

  • Thread starter Thread starter sethm
  • Start date Start date May 6, 2021


  • May 6, 2021

Hello, After updating to 2103 on April 30th it would seem our clients can no longer get all applications. In CcmExec.log the error I see is GetAppGroupAssignment failed with (0x87d00215). During the update with the prereq check I did add the checkbox in Communication Security to Use Configuration Manager-generated certificates for HTTP site systems. I found after that we could not PXE and removed the setting so my suspicion is that this is what started the issue but I'm not sure how to fix it. If anyone has any thoughts or advice I would greatly appreciate it.  


  • May 10, 2021
Prajwal Desai said: Are the client agents updated to latest version on your computers ?. Click to expand...

Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai

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  • May 7, 2021

Are the client agents updated to latest version on your computers ?.  

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  • Jun 25, 2021

Hello, We have same problem after updating to 2103. Applications are installed on the clients too long after they are deployed. In CcmExec.log the error; GetAppGroupAssignment failed with (0x87d00215). What is your suggestions about this issue? Thanks in advance  


  • Oct 1, 2021

Hi there! Same here, after upgrading agent version 2103 to 2107 yesterday. OSD works fine, just a few applications won't work (i.e. O365 14228.20324). ccmexec.log shows up 0x87d00215  



  • Oct 7, 2021
OzerMutlusu said: Hello, We have same problem after updating to 2103. Applications are installed on the clients too long after they are deployed. In CcmExec.log the error; GetAppGroupAssignment failed with (0x87d00215). What is your suggestions about this issue? Thanks in advance Click to expand...


  • Jul 7, 2023


  • Jul 19, 2023
DavoPaul said: I have just encountered this issue, removing the supersedence rule resolved the issue for me. 2 years later Click to expand...

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    Solved all dynamic programming (dp) problems in 7 months. - LeetCode Discuss. Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview.

  8. Groups and Group Assignments: Canvas Learning Center

    Creating a Group Set. Navigate to the course. Click on People in the left navigation. Click on the blue button +Group Set. Name the Group Set (Note: this is the name of the set of groups, so the name might be the title of the assignment or project. The instructor or students may change the name of the individual groups within the set later.)

  9. Creating an Assignment Group

    OVERVIEW A project's workflow is comprised of Assignments. These assignments are the individual tasks which are required to complete a project. In order for a project to have its own unique workflow, an Assignment Group must be established. USER GUIDE To begin by accessing the Project Assignment Groups dialogue, go to Setup > Projects >

  10. Secondary Sites and Boundary Groups

    For Content Location boundaries, the Boundary Group references a site system hosting a Distribution Point (DP): A Content Location Boundary Group. and Site Assignment Boundary Groups reference sites: ... If you do use a secondary site in a Site Assignment Boundary Group, then client push will be initiated by the secondary site server and the ...

  11. CLC assignment Group B2 (pptx)

    Health-science document from Universal Technical Institute, Avondale, 16 pages, Topic 4 CLC assignment - Group B2 Table of contents Kaiser Permanente Organization name Kaiser Permanente Objectives • Identify the organization's mission, vision, and values • Assess readiness of organizations • Discuss a strategic plan for changes ho

  12. Introduction to assignments and assignment groups

    The distinction between assignment groups and assignments gives you two options for how you grade your course. If you base your course grade on the weight you give to types of assignments—i.e., Readings = 25%, Papers = 50%, Lab Work = 25%—then use assignment groups. If you base your course grade on an average of all assignments without ...

  13. How to assign an issue to a group?

    You may be able to create a custom automation rule, add a new group, and assign that group upon issue creation. Step 1: Go to the left navigation panel within the project, look for "Automation". Then click on "Add rule", choose "Custom rule" at the top. Click "Continue.". Step 2: Under "When this happens…" choose "Issue ...

  14. Psychology Group Assignment Ece Dp 2024

    Psychology Group Assignment Ece Dp 2024 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  15. TROIKA, Elektrostal

    Troika, Elektrostal: See 2 unbiased reviews of Troika, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #27 of 39 restaurants in Elektrostal.

  16. How do I create rules for an assignment group?

    Once you have added assignments to your assignment group, you can create rules for the entire assignment group. Assignment group rules determine how Canvas handles any exceptions you want to create for grade calculations. Assignment groups can be weighted or unweighted. When using the lowest or highest score rule, an assignment group must ...

  17. Moscow Oblast, Russia GPS:Amazon.com:Appstore for Android

    Select the department you want to search in ...

  18. How do I assign an assignment to a course group?

    Assign to Group Only. To create an assignment that is only for a specific group in the group set, click the Remove icon next to the Everyone label [1]. Start to type the name of a group in the Assign To field [2]. Click the group's name when it appears [3]. Note: Students can only view the assignment if they are a member of an assigned group ...

  19. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

  20. SOLVED

    Yes, I may have found the issue. We have applications that require .NET 3.5 and that was failing to turn on during the imaging task sequence. After fixing that issue things seem to be working now.

  21. Exam DP-600 topic 1 question 67 discussion

    Exam DP-600 topic 1 question 67 discussion. This is a case study. Case studies are not timed separately. You can use as much exam time as you would like to complete each case. However, there may be additional case studies and sections on this exam. You must manage your time to ensure that you are able to complete all questions included on this ...

  22. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal is a center of metallurgy and heavy machinery manufacturing. Major companies include: Elektrostal metallurgical factory; Elektrostal chemical-mechanical factory; Elektrostal Heavy Engineering Works, JSC is a designer and manufacturer of equipment for producing seamless hot-rolled, cold-rolled and welded steel materials and metallurgical equipment.

  23. How do I move or reorder an assignment group?

    Place Assignment Group Location. In the Move Assignment Group sidebar, click the Place drop-down menu [1]. Select the placement of the assignment group you are moving [2]. You can move the group so it is located at the top of the page, before a specific group, after a specific group, or at the bottom of the page.