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Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer

Published by Rudy Brewer Modified over 9 years ago

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer

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1 Jordan University of Science & Technology Faculty of Computer & Information Technology Department of Computer Science & Information Systems cs98.

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An Overview of the Computer System

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Hardware. Basic Computer System Central Processing Unit Input Devices Output Devices Backing Storage Devices.

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1 Hardware - devices for Input. 2 Hardware - devices for Input Processing.

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1 System Software “Background software”, manages the computer’s internal resources.

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1 st gen-1940-56

2 nd gen 1956-63

3 rd -64-71

4 th —72-89

5 th -mordern day


  • A computer is a machine that takes instructions and performs computations based on those instructions.



The word generation means the state of improvement in the product development process. Similarly, computer generation refers to the different advancements of new computer technology.

First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes

The first generation computers used very large number of vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory.

UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are prime examples of first-generation computing devices.

Advantages: Fastest calculating device of their time


1. Dissipate a lot of heat

2. Consume a lot of electricity

3. Very bulky in size

4. These computers were frequently down due to hardware failures.

5. These computers needed constant maintenance because of low mean time between failures

6. Limited commercial use because these computers were difficult to program

7. Very expensive

Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors

  • The second generation computers were manufactured using transistors.
  • While first generation computers were programmed using machine language, second generation computers moved towards symbolic, or assembly languages, which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words.
  • At this time, high-level programming languages like COBOL, FORTRAN, ALGOL and SNOBOL were also being developed.
  • Second generation computers were first to store instructions in memory, which moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.
  • Second generation computers were first developed for the atomic energy industry.


1. Consumed less electricity and thus dissipated less heat as compared to first generation computers

2. Faster, cheaper smaller and more reliable than first generation computers

3. Could be programmed using assembly language and high level languages

4. These computers had faster primary memory and a larger secondary memory

1. Second generation computers were manufactured using transistors that had to be assembled manually. This made commercial production of computers difficult and expensive.

Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits

  • The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of computers.
  • These computers had few megabytes of main memory and magnetic disks which could store few tens of megabytes of data per disk drive.
  • High level programming languages like COBOL and FORTRAN were standardized by ANSI
  • Some more high level programming languages like PL/I PASCAL and BASIC were introduced at this time.
  • Third generation computers were the first to implement time sharing operating systems.
  • Input to these computers could now be provided using keyboards and mouse.
  • Faster than second generation computers and could perform 1 million transactions per second.

2. Smaller, cheaper and more reliable than their predecessors

3. These computers had faster and larger primary memory and secondary storage

4. They were widely used for scientific as well as business applications

5. During this generation of computers, standardization of existing high level languages and invention of new high level languages was done

6. These computers had time sharing operating system which allowed interactive use of computer by one or more users simultaneously thereby improving the productivity of the users.

Fourth Generation (1971-1989) Microprocessors

  • The microprocessor started the fourth generation of computers with thousands of integrated circuits built onto a single silicon chip.
  • Semi-conductor memories were used which were very fast, even the hard disks became cheaper, smaller in size and larger in capacity.
  • For input, floppy disks (in addition to magnetic tapes) were used to port data and programs from one computer to another.
  • During this period many new operating systems were developed like MS-DOS MS-Windows UNIX and Apple’s proprietary operating system.
  • Development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.
  • In this period, several word processing packages, spreadsheet packages and graphics packages were introduced.

1. Smaller, cheaper, faster and more reliable

2. Consumed less electricity and therefore dissipated less heat

3. They had faster and larger primary memory and secondary storage

4. They could be used as general purpose computers.

5. GUIs enabled people to learn to work with computers very easily. So the use of computers in both office and home became widespread.

6. Networks allowed sharing of resources thereby efficient utilization of computer hardware and software

Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence

  • The fifth generation computers are completely based on a new concept of artificial intelligence.
  • Although such computers are still in development, there are certain applications like voice recognition which is widely being used today.
  • In the fifth generation of computers the aim is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.
  • The two most common are LISP and Prolog.


Computers can be broadly classified into four categories based on their speed, amount of data that they can hold and price.

Computers can be broadly classified into four categories based on their speed, amount of data that they can hold, and price .

Classification of Computers

Super Computer

Mini Computers

Mainframe Computers

Micro Computers

Intelligent Terminal

Dumb Terminal


Cellular Telephones

H/PC Pro Devices


  • Word Processing
  • Digital Audio or Video Composition
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Traffic Control
  • Legal System
  • Retail Business
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Business and Industry
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Online Banking
  • Industry and Engineering
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Expert Systems


A computer is an electronic device which basically performs five major operations which includes:

1) accepts data or instructions (input)

2) stores data

3) process data

4) displays results (output) and

5) controls and co-ordinates all operations inside a computer



Data and instructions

Flow of data and instructions

Control exercised by control unit

computer basics 1

Computer Basics 1

Apr 03, 2019

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Computer Basics 1. Computer Basic 1 includes two lessons: Lesson 1: Introduction to Computers Lesson 2: Common Computer Terminology. Lesson 1 – Introduction to Computer Objectives. After completing lesson 1, you will be able to: Describe the importance of computers in today’s world.

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  • mail messages
  • double click
  • monitor printer speaker headphone
  • associated devices
  • computer storage devices


Presentation Transcript

Computer Basics 1 Computer Basic 1 includes two lessons: • Lesson 1: Introduction to Computers • Lesson 2: Common Computer Terminology

Lesson 1 – Introduction to Computer Objectives After completing lesson 1, you will be able to: Describe the importance of computers in today’s world. Identify the main parts of a computer. Identify the steps for starting a computer. Identify the different groups of keys on a keyboard. Perform different tasks by using a mouse.

The Role of Computers In Business and Industry In Publication Field In Education Field In Government Organizations In Medical Field In Science Field In Entertainment Field

Parts of a Computer Input Devices (Keyboard, Mouse, etc.) Output Devices (Monitor, Speakers, etc.) Central Processing Unit (CPU) and memory Motherboard (Circuit Board) Expansion Cards (Video Card, Sound Card, or NIC) Hard Drive Ports and Connections (USB, Firewire, etc.)

Parts of a Computer Input Devices Mouse Keyboard Microphone Scanner Webcam

Parts of a Computer Output Devices Monitor Printer Speaker/Headphone

Parts of a Computer Central Processing Unit (CPU) A device that interprets and runs the commands that you give to the computer. Also referred to as the processor. Two major brands are Intel and AMD. Examples: Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Turion X2

Parts of a Computer Memory • Memory is where information is stored and retrieved by the CPU. • There are two main types of memory: • Random Access Memory (RAM): It is the main memory and allows you to temporarily store commands and data. • Read Only Memory (ROM): It is the memory that retains its contents even after the computer is turned off.

Parts of a Computer Motherboard • Is the main circuit board inside the computer. • Has tiny electronic circuits and other components on it. • Connects input, output, and processing devices together (CPU, Memory, Hard Drive, DVD Drive) • Tells the CPU how to run.

Parts of a Computer Expansion Cards Video Card – is connected to the computer monitor and is used to display information on the monitor. Network Interface Card (NIC) – is connected to other computers so that information can be exchanged between them. Sound Card– converts audio signals (microphone or audio tape) which can be stored as a computer audio file.

Parts of a Computer Storage Devices Hard Disk Flash Drive CD-ROM DVD-ROM

Parts of a Computer Ports and Connections Universal Serial Bus (USB) Port FireWire (similar to USB but faster) Network Port (Ethernet) Parallel Port and Serial Port Display Adapter Power

Using a Computer To turn on a computer, press the power button on the system unit. Log on to the operating system by your user name and password. Computers allow you to create, modify, and save files. To shut down a computer, click Start, and then, at the bottom of the Start menu, click Shut Down.

Using a Keyboard

Using a Mouse A mouse is a small device that you can use to move, select, and open items displayed on your monitor. Most mouse devices have at least two buttons, left and right. Mouse’s action: Point Double Click Left Click Right Click Click-and-Drag or Drag-and-Drop

Using a Mouse (cont.) Different types of mouse devices available in the market: • Regular mouse • Trackball mouse • Optical mouse

Lesson 2 – Common Computer TerminologyObjectives Identify the primary hardware components of a computer. Define an operating system and its role. Define the term program. Explain what is meant by data. Define the term network, and identify the benefits of networking. Define the term Internet.

Hardware Refers to all the physical components of a computer. Includes all input devices, processing devices, storage devices, and output devices. Examples of hardware are: keyboard mouse motherboard monitor hard disk cables printer

Operating Systems Is the most important software on the computer Controls and manages the hardware connected to your computer Provides an interface that helps you to interact with the computer Ensures that your computer is functioning properly Windows XP is an example of the operation system. Can be either text-based or graphics-based. Graphics-based operating system help you install hardware or software with easy-to-use interface.

Programs • The hardware and the operating system together are referred to as a platform. • Programs, also called applications, use this platform to perform tasks. • There are many types of programs: • Some programs allow you to perform tasks such as writing letters, doing calculations, or sending e-mail messages. • Other programs allow you to create illustrations, play games, watch movies, or communicate with other computer users.

Data • Programs process data that you provide as input to your computer. • Data can be in the form of text, graphics, audio, or video depending on the type of program. • Program processes the data and displays the output on the screen. • You can save this output in a file. • The file can be an audio file, a text file, a graphics file, or a video file.

Networks Is a group of computers and associated devices that are linked together to facilitate sharing information. Can also be used to share data and devices such as printers. A typical network has the following three components: Server Workstation Communication channel

NetworksLAN Connects devices within a limited area (home or a small group of offices) Commonly includes computers and shared resources (printers and scanners)

Networks WAN Is a network that connects devices in geographically separated areas. Is used to connect networks across different countries. The Internet is an example of a WAN.

Internet Internet is a worldwide collection of public networks that are linked to each other for information exchange. Internet offers a range of services to its users (file transfers between Internet users and electronic mail) The World Wide Web (WWW), or the Web, is another service that the Internet provides. An intranet is similar to the Web but is accessible only to authorized users of the organization.

Practices Lesson 1: • Practice typing by visiting • Practice using the mouse at Lesson 2: Suggestion: • Bring a box of computer hardware (mother board, video card, hard drive, CD/DVD drive, etc.) • Ask students to name them.

Next Class Computer Basic 2 Includes two lessons: • Lesson 3: Computer Performance and Features • Lesson 4: Computer Operation Systems

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