1. Simple and choice reaction time tasks

    In the simple reaction time task, you need to wait until you see a black cross on the white square. When that happens, you press as soon as you can the space bar. Thus, there is one stimulus (black cross) and one response (pressing the space bar). In the choice reaction time task, you need to wait until you see a black cross on one of the four ...

  2. PDF Reaction-Time Experimentation

    Psychology 600-301 Proseminar in Psychological Methods, Spring Semester 2004 ... interpreting, and evaluating reaction-time (RT) experiments. Theseissues are best considered in relation to ... common, then their effects on mean reaction time should be additive.That is, the effect of (changing the levelof) F on mean RTshould be invariant as the ...

  3. A Reaction Time Experiment on Adult Attachment: The Development of a

    RT research has a long experimental tradition in psychology, beginning with the experiments by Helmholtz . Helmholtz was interested in the time relations structured by the nervous systems of living beings not just from a physiological but also from a psychological point of view. ... Outlook: Neurobiological Model Using the Reaction Time ...

  4. Reaction time and working memory in gamers and non-gamers

    A post-hoc analysis showed that the non-gamers reduced their RT from 1135.45 ± 605.75 ms when the questionnaire was completed before performing the tasks to 911.01 ± 161.57 ms when the ...

  5. The effect of different visual stimuli on reaction times: a performance

    Reaction time has been used to measure age-related response quality 2). ... In the experiments, we used a personal computer, E-Prime 2.0, and Chronos (Psychology Software Tools, Inc.). ... (Psychology Software Tools, Inc.). When performing the tasks, the participants sat approximately 80 cm from the PC screen with their fingers poised on the ...

  6. PsyToolkit

    PsyToolkit is frequently used for academic studies, for student projects, and for teaching cognitive and personality psychology. The PsyToolkit team is lead by Professor Stoet (PhD, Chartered Psychologist) ... Learn the basics of creating your own reaction time experiment. Learn how to embed a reaction time experiment in an online questionnaire.

  7. Mental chronometry

    Mental chronometry is the scientific study of processing speed or reaction time on cognitive tasks to infer the content, ... Purely psychological inquiries into the nature of reaction time came about in the mid-1850s. Psychology as a quantitative, ... The experiment measured the subject's RT based on the number of possible choices during any ...

  8. PDF Reaction Times and Hypothesis Testing

    Calculate reaction time in seconds as before. A computer-based test of reaction times appear below. Go to the web site and follow the instructions. Method 4: This is a 'choice reaction time test' which tests how fast you can respond to the random appearance of dots in a grid over the course of 30 seconds.

  9. Choice Reaction Time and Learning

    "Reaction time. n.The time elapsed between the onset of a stimulus and a response to it… Simple reaction time applies when there is only one possible stimulus requiring only one type of response; choice reaction time (CRT) when there are two or more possible stimuli requiring different responses" (Coleman 2001).. Choice reaction time (CRT) tasks are widely used to explore the ...

  10. Simple Reaction Time

    In simple reaction time experiments, participants respond as quickly as possible anytime a stimulus appears. Simple reaction time is, in essence, a "baseline" measure of how quickly a person responds when no other mental processing (e.g., discrimination, response type) is required. ... The American Journal of Psychology, 123, 39-50. Sternberg ...

  11. Theoretical models of reaction times arising from simple-choice tasks

    Wainer H. Speed vs reaction time as a measure of cognitive performance. Memory Cognit. 1977; 5 (2):278-280. [Google Scholar] Wichmann F, Jäkel F. Methods in psychophysics. In: Wixted JT, editor. Steven's handbook of experimental psychology and cognitive science. Hoboken: Wiley; 2018. [Google Scholar] Woodrow H. Reaction times. Psychol Bull.

  12. 6 Two-Choice Reaction Times: Basic Ideas and Data

    For a discussion of this and the effective use of random foreperiod in a choice experiment to suppress anticipatory responses, see Green, Smith, and von Gierke . And as we shall see in Section 6.6.5, considerable evidence exists that anticipations may be a problem in many choice-reaction time experiments.

  13. Reaction Time: The Measure of an Emerging Paradigm

    The Status of CRT in 1979. Choice reaction time has become a ubiquitous dependent variable rather than a topic area. This is possible because of the well-developed theoretical framework that researchers have established for the CRT task. Reaction-time measures are now used in all areas of cognitive psychology.

  14. PsyToolkit: A novel web-based method for running online questionnaires

    This article reviews PsyToolkit, a free web-based service designed for setting up, running, and analyzing online questionnaires and reaction-time (RT) experiments. It comes with extensive documentation, videos, lessons, and libraries of free-to-use psychological scales and RT experiments. It provides an elaborate interactive environment to use (or modify) the existing questionnaires and ...

  15. Online psychophysics: reaction time effects in cognitive experiments

    Experiment 2: reaction time task. The RT task was always conducted after the initial performance task and preceded the other five experiments. The intention of this task was to detect potential differences in RTs between the settings (lab, web-in-lab, web) at a very crude level and without high cognitive load.

  16. Reaction-Time Experiments in Wundt's Institute and Beyond

    Kurt Danziger (1980d) observed, "The reaction-time studies conducted during the first few years of Wundt's laboratory constitute the first historical example of a coherent research program, explicitly directed toward psychological issues and involving a number of interlocking studies" (p. 106). Wilhelm Wundt argued that these experiments ...

  17. PDF A Literature Review on Reaction Time

    time, the sequence of stimuli types is random. The Reaction Time program does not use this type of experiment because the response is always pressing the spacebar. Serial reaction time is a variant of choice reaction time in which the order of stimulus types is not random. Instead, a stimulus of type y is likely to follow a stimulus of type x.

  18. Faster, smarter? Reaction times: raking around in cognitive psychology

    In 1933, Beck reviewed over 30 studies examining the associations between reaction times and psychometric intelligence and found that 14 studies using simple or discriminative reaction time had a median correlation of −0.16 (range 0.32 to −0.90), 14 studies of serial reaction time showed a median correlation of −0.18 (range 0.03 to −0. ...

  19. Stroop Effect Experiment in Psychology

    The dependent variable (DV) was reaction time (ms) in reporting the letter color. Findings. After running the three experiments, Stroop drew two main conclusions: The interference of conflicting word stimuli upon the time for naming colors caused an increase of 47.0 seconds or 74.3 percent of the normal time for naming colors printed in just ...

  20. A Comparative Study on Visual Choice Reaction Time for Different Colors

    In recognition reaction time experiments, there are some stimuli (the "memory set") that should be responded to and others (the "distracter set") that should not be responded to. In choice reaction time experiments, ... The American Journal of Psychology. 1926; 37:414-417. doi: 10.2307/1413629. [Google Scholar] 10.

  21. Donders Response Types

    Donders Response Types. In 1868, the Dutch physiologist and ophthalmologist F. C. Donders suggested that such mental processes as sensory discrimination, perceptual identification, and motor selection might occur serially, each consuming a certain amount of time. If so, wrote Donders, "interposing into the process some new components of ...

  22. Memory-Scanning: Mental Processes Revealed by Reaction-Time Experiments

    In D. A. Balota & E. J. Marsh (Eds.), Cognitive psychology: Key readings (pp. 48-74). Psychology Press. Abstract. I will review informally eight experiments on the retrieval of information from human memory, whose interpretation depended on inferences from the structure of reaction time (RT) data to the organization of mental processes.

  23. (PDF) Timing and Reaction Time

    The nature of reaction time variability is analyzed in a suite of four experiments involving tasks, methodologies, and types of perceptual judgment commonly encountered in cognitive psychology In ...