Classroom Q&A

With larry ferlazzo.

In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers’ questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Send your questions to [email protected]. Read more from this blog.

Students Share Their Best School Experiences and What We Can Learn From Them

presentation on my school life

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Today, five students from my classes contribute short pieces about their favorite moments, and what others might be able to learn from them.

You might also be interested in these two other posts:

  • Students Describe Their Favorite Teachers
  • ‘He Was a Very Good Listener’ - Students Write About Their Most Memorable Teachers

Response From Leslie Servin

During my time in high school I had it really good moments, but my best moments that I’ve experienced are in a particular class during my senior year, in Sacramento, Calif. So I was basically a new student in these kind of classes and also I’m English learner. I remember my first presentation in this class. I didn’t want to do it, but finally I did it and that one was my best moment. When I went to present I felt afraid, and then when I presented I felt so good for the effort I applied on. Now I feel so much better than my first day of presentations because I now know that I can do whatever I want to do. The learnings that I acquire made it so good this moment because I know that I have to trust on me. Something teachers or students can learn from my experience is that we have to overcome our fears and not let them control ourselves because we can’t know our capabilities if we are afraid.

Something teachers or

Response From Jesneel Singh

The best moment in class was when I was in 9th grade in sixth period. That was when I got into poetry and spoken word. Having that “character and scene” class made my life even greater. Not knowing anything about poetry, hating on poems about reading and writing it in the past. That class was fun in many ways. For example; there was this one time where we had to write our own plays and poems and perform them in front of the class. I felt alive, and the creative side of me came out. When I wrote my first poem in freshman year. I realized that it was fun and unique. I felt like I wanted to write more and more. When I performed my first poem to that class I found my passion. Since that day and today I have written over 400 poems and made two books. I have performed on many stages in small audience and in school. That was a good day for me because I can write my thoughts down and write the truth about the world. Teachers and students can learn from this experience that, you can find what best fits you.

There was this one time

Response From Nancy Ramirez

I would say my best class moment would be from my sophomore year in high school. For my Spanish class, our teacher decided we would do a class circle (Editor’s note: see “How To Practice Restorative Justice in Schools” for more information on class circles) for the day. She asked us a sequence of questions which required us to give a more in depth and heartfelt answer each time, starting with something along the lines of “How are you feeling?” and ending with “Why do you think that is?” A class circle which only should have lasted one day extended to three, with each and every single one of us having to share our deepest and darkest fears and insecurities. By then it felt more than just a class and opened my eyes to very different ways of teaching styles. I believe there is much to learn from this experience, both then and now. I have come to deeply appreciate not only the class but the teacher as well. This experience showed me the extent a relationship with your classmates and your teacher can go....

This experience showed

Response From Oscar Salazar

The best moment I’ve ever experienced in school was last year when I was a sophomore. I took biology last year and towards the end of the year we got to dissect a fetal pig. I know that it sounds gross but it’s really not. That’s what I thought at first too. I did lots of fun experiments in that class that were new to me, such as making a small ecosystem in a bottle and dissecting owl pellets to find mouse skeletons. I think that these experiences were really fun and interesting. I’ve never done anything like that in a class before.

I think that when teachers introduce students to hands-on activities and projects the students enjoy it more. Since we have more energy it’s a good use of it. We learn better when we’re allowed to move around and be creative. Our lives aren’t going to be pen on paper or books forever. It’s best to get us students to explore the world using our skills that we learn and strengthen our understanding of daily life that is sometimes hidden from us and exposed to us abruptly once we turn into adults.

I think that when

Response From Kayla Guzman

What has been my best moment in a class? I’ve had many great moments but perhaps the most best moment took place in my English class about a month ago. I had a 10-15 minute presentation and I felt pretty confident. 30 minutes before my presentation I decided to incorporate an actor for visual appeal, to correspond with my presentation. I felt even more confident, assure that I would captivate the audience’s attention and keep them engaged. When my presentation started, I gave a signal to my actor which led me to drop my 8 notecards all over the floor. I was aware that the time was ticking, so I quickly grabbed all the notecards off the floor. I became overwhelmed with embarrassment, listening to the echoing laughter of the audience as I tried to rearrange the cards. The cards in my hand then became extremely restraining. My anxiety levels rose, and the disorganized cards just added stress to my emotions. I placed the cards down, and felt a great sense of relieve. My words, my explanations, my connections all flowed out my mouth with harmony, and I felt more natural and free as I presented my topic.

My presentation was a diagnosis of a character with schizophrenia, explaining the symptoms and the reasoning behind my diagnosis. The movement of my hands and my exaggeration presented by a drive of passion, along with my visual representative, kept the audience captive. I felt like a completely different person. By the end of the presentation I was sweaty, not by nervousness but because I left it all on the floor. I realized that the key to presenting with people is not getting their attention just by visual appeal. You need to let your heart pour out so that you can captivate their hearts, reach their souls. You can’t just be the center of attention, you need to give the audience attention, you need to talk to them. First and foremost, you can’t present without emotions. Anything you present should be built off of passion. As long as you can find a connection between yourself and the topic and exude your passion, you will keep the audience engaged.

presentation on my school life

Thanks to Nancy, Jesneel, Kayla, Leslie, and Oscar for their contributions!

(This is the last post in a three-part series. You can see Part One here and Part Two here .)

The new “question-of-the-week” is:

What was the best moment you ever had in the classroom?

In Part One , Jen Schwanke, Amy Sandvold, Anne Jenks, and Sarah Thomas shared their top moments. You can listen to a 10-minute conversation I had with them on my BAM! Radio Show . You can also find a list of, and links to, previous shows here. In Part Two , Meghan Everette, Jeryl-Ann Asaro, Jeffery Galle, and Kara Vandas shared their memories. I also included comments from readers.

Please feel free to leave a comment with your reactions to the topic or directly to anything that has been said in this post.

Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. You can send one to me at [email protected] . When you send it in, let me know if I can use your real name if it’s selected or if you’d prefer remaining anonymous and have a pseudonym in mind.

You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo .

Anyone whose question is selected for this weekly column can choose one free book from a number of education publishers.

Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. It’s titled Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching .

If you missed any of the highlights from the first six years of this blog, you can see a categorized list below. They don’t include ones from this current year, but you can find those by clicking on the “answers” category found in the sidebar.

This Year’s Most Popular Q&A Posts

Classroom Management Advice

Race & Gender Challenges

Implementing The Common Core

Best Ways To Begin The School Year

Best Ways To End The School Year

Student Motivation & Social Emotional Learning

Teaching Social Studies

Project-Based Learning

Using Tech In The Classroom

Parent Engagement In Schools

Teaching English Language Learners

Student Assessment

Brain-Based Learning

Reading Instruction

Writing Instruction

Education Policy Issues

Differentiating Instruction

Math Instruction

Science Instruction

Advice For New Teachers

Author Interviews

Entering The Teaching Profession

Administrator Leadership

Teacher Leadership

Relationships In Schools

Professional Development

Instructional Strategies

I am also creating a Twitter list including all contributors to this column .

Look for the next “question-of-the-week” in a few days.

The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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  • My School Life Speech


How To Write A Good Speech In English About My School Life

School life is the best time of our life. Every student should try to make the best use of school life because once over, it never comes back again. In this article, we have provided My School Life Speech of three lengths. The first one is Long High School Is The Best Time Of Your Life Speech for students of class 9th and above. The second one is a Short Last Day Of School Life Speech for students of class 5th and above. 10 lines on My School Life Speech In English is for students of class 1 and above. 

Long and Short High School Is The Best Time of Your Life Speech

Greetings everyone. Today, I stand in front of you, to deliver a Speech On My Journey Of School Life. Like everybody else, I have also had my fair share of school life flashbacks in my life. After all, it's the best time of our lives. We recall the good days that have passed and even the bad ones. School life is undoubtedly one of the positive memories of life. It is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives. A student understands the meaning of school life, and they consider it to be the golden time of their lives. And why is it not meant to be? In one's life, it is the first truly impactful event, and the significance of it can never be disproved.

My school life was a learning experience for sure. I couldn't get somewhere else with the trust and inspiration it gave me. Most importantly, it is the place where I have acknowledged my individuality and uniqueness. For me, my school life is no less than a blessing that has given me priceless joys in life. I've been a student at my school for 10 years. For me, it has been an amazing golden age. It vanished like the happiest dream.

This is where I began to learn the alphabet and can now use the same to solve equations. The warm welcome I got when I started school for the first time is something I can never forget. It's also what determines why my life at school is so important to me.

My life at school made me learn something new almost every day. It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in my studies but also, in co-curricular activities and taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day.

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part. I've made plenty of errors and blunders. I've had a lot of mistakes. During my school days, I can remember how naive I was. Yet I have always been saved, thanks to my genuine friends and real teachers. That is how I discovered the real meaning of cooperation and love from high school life. In my ears, those words of wisdom and prayers are still ringing. I still remember me and my friends sharing lunch during the lunch break, playing basketball on the court, taking part in various co-curricular activities, and of course, the excursion trips. Now that I look back, it is no less than a fairytale. I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother’s hand, scared of the new place and new people, and I left it crying, scared of leaving that place, those friends, and inspiring teachers.

Short My School Life Speech In English

Today, I am here to deliver my Last Day Of School Life Speech. School life is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives. For me, it has been an amazing golden age. I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother's hand, scared of the new place and new people.

The warm welcome I got when I started school for the first time is something I can never forget. My life at school made me learn something new almost every day. It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in studies but also in co-curricular activities. It taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day. 

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part. I still remember sharing my lunch with my friends, participating in various activities, the annual functions, sports day, playing in the field, and so on. I've made plenty of errors and blunders. Yet I have always been saved, thanks to my genuine friends and real teachers. That is how I discovered the real meaning of cooperation and love from school life. In my ears, those words of wisdom and prayers are still ringing. Now that I look back, it is no less than a fairytale. It is a blessing. I will forever be grateful to my parents for choosing the best schools for me, for the friends which I have to date, and for the inspiring teachers who helped me throughout. 

10 lines on My Senior High School Life Speech

Here we have provided 10 lines for Speech On My Journey Of School Life for students of class 1 and above for an easier understanding. It shall provide them with some idea on what to write for their speech.

Like everybody else, I have also had my fair share of school life flashbacks in my life.

It is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives.

A student understands the meaning of school life, and they consider it to be the golden time of their lives.

My school life was a learning experience for sure.

Most importantly, it is the place where I have acknowledged my individuality and uniqueness. 

It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in my studies but also, in co-curricular activities and taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day.

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part.

My life at school made me learn something new almost every day.

In one's life, it is the first truly impactful event, and the significance of it can never be disproved.

I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother's hand, scared of the new place and new people, and I left it crying, scared of leaving that place, those friends, and inspiring teachers.

There are a lot of ways of delivering a good speech that casts a spell of magic on the audience to whom you are speaking to. If you want your speech to be that special, then you should go through this article. It is going to help you to draft a speech that will turn your listeners into your fans. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before you deliver an extraordinary speech. First of all, take a pen and a paper and jot down all the key points that you want to mention in your speech. The idea of writing these things on paper is that you will be able to retain all these things in your speech while delivering it. If you don't pen them down, you might not remember them at the right time. Once you write the important points and incidents, you should frame a decent speech accordingly. You should then proofread the write-up and check whether any sentence needs to be omitted or not. You've to write your speech in such a way that you should be able to deliver it in a given time and therefore, it should neither be too long nor too short. After completing the editing and proofreading part, you should start reading it. Read it again and again so that you're fully prepared to deliver it. 

Speech About My School Life 

If this is the last day of your school and you want to make it worthwhile by delivering a memorable speech on 'My School Life', then you should keep some important things in mind. For example, you can tell your listeners (teachers and students) about your experience with this school and how this school made you what you are. You can tell them about your favourite moments, incidents, etc. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that you should complete your speech on time or else your listeners would get bored. 


FAQs on My School Life Speech

1. How can I write a good 'My School Life' Speech in English?

To write a good speech about 'My School Life', you will need to keep certain things in mind. To start with, you have to pen down all the memorable incidents that happened to you during your school days. You can also write about your favourite teacher. You can write about any activity that you like to do. There are a lot of other things as well about which you can write. For instance, if you once went for a picnic, you can write about your experience with that particular day.

2. What are the key points that I need to mention in 'My School Life' Speech in English?

The key points that you can mention in 'My School Life' Speech are:

1) You can talk about your experience with that school. 

2) You can talk about your favourite teacher. 

3) You can mention your friends who were always with you. 

4) You can talk about any particular incident that affected your life. 

5) You can tell the listeners about the first day of your school and what happened on that day.

3. When will I need 'My School Life' Speech?

You will need 'My School Life' Speech mostly if you are a student, but sometimes teachers may need to do it as well. If you are a student who just passed the highest class of your school and it is your last day at school. To make that day special, you will need to deliver a speech that should leave everyone spellbound. That's where you can tell them about 'My School Life'. It will be your last day and you will be very emotional so if you deliver a speech that everyone likes, it can make you feel better.

4. How can I deliver a good speech in my school?

If you want teachers and other students to like your speech, then you need to deliver it in such a way that it puts everyone in trance. To do that, you first need to know your audience which obviously will be students and teachers. You also need to complete your speech in the given time. You should not divert from your main topic. You should deliver the speech in your natural way i.e., you should not try to copy anyone's accent.

5. Is 'My School Life' a good title for a school farewell speech?

The title 'My School Life' sounds emotional, so if you are bidding a farewell to your school, you can choose this title for your speech as it would buy you others' attention. Once you tell other students and teachers about your past experiences with this school, they would enjoy that. They would get lost in your words once you start telling them about the old chapter related to your school life.


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“Schools and school life”

Published by Rosaline Preston Modified over 5 years ago

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75 Unique School Presentation Ideas and Topics Plus Templates

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Are you tired of seeing the same PowerPoints repeating overused and unoriginal school presentation ideas covering repeated topics in your classes?

You know what I’m talking about; we’ve all been there, and sat through yawn-worthy demonstrations, slides, or presentation videos covering everything from the solar system, someone’s favorite pet, past presidents of a country, to why E=mC squared.

school presentation ideas bored cat meme

From grade school to university, first graders to college students, we are obligated to create, perform, and observe academic presentations across a plethora of curriculums and classes, and not all of these public speaking opportunities fall into the category of an ‘interesting topic’.

Yet, have no fear! Here at Piktochart, we are here to help you and your classmates. From giving examples of creative and even interactive presentation ideas, providing presentation videos , and suggesting interactive activities to give your five minutes of fame the ‘wow’ factor that it deserves, this article is your guide!

Our massive collection of unique school and college presentation ideas and templates applies if you’re:

  • A teacher looking to make your class more engaging and fun with student presentations.
  • A student who wants to impress your teacher and the rest of the class with a thought-provoking, interesting topic.

A Curated List of Interesting Topics for School Presentations

Did you know that when it comes to presentations , the more students involved improves retention? The more you know! Yet sometimes, you need a little help to get the wheels moving in your head for your next school presentation .

The great thing about these ideas and topics is you can present them either in face-to-face classes or virtual learning sessions.

Each school presentation idea or topic below also comes with a template that you can use. Create a free Piktochart account to try our presentation maker and get access to the high-quality version of the templates. You can also check out our Piktochart for Education plan .

Want to watch this blog post in video format? The video below is for you!

The templates are further divided into the following categories covering the most popular and best presentation topics. Click the links below to skip to a specific section.

  • Unique science presentation topics to cultivate curiosity in class
  • Engaging culture and history presentation ideas to draw inspiration from
  • Health class presentation topics to help students make healthy lifestyle decisions
  • Data visualization ideas to help students present an overwhelming amount of data and information into clear, engaging visuals
  • First day of school activity ideas to foster classroom camaraderie
  • Communication and media topics to teach students the importance of effective communication
  • Topics to help students prepare for life after school

We hope this list will inspire you and help you nail your next school presentation activity.

Unique Science Presentation Topics to Cultivate Curiosity in Class

Science is a broad field and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with too many topics to choose for your next presentation.

Cultivate curiosity in the science classroom with the following unique and creative presentation ideas and topics:

1. Can life survive in space?

template for can life survive in space

2. Do plants scream when they’re in pain?

template for do plants scream when they're in pain

3. What are the traits of successful inventors?

template of what are the traits of successful inventors

4. How vaccines work

template for how vaccines work

5. Massive destruction of the Koala’s habitat in Australia

template for massive destruction of the koala's habitat in australia

6. Left brain versus right brain

template for left brain vs right brain

7. What are great sources of calcium?

template for great sources of calcium infographic

8. Recycling facts you need to know

template for recycling facts you need to know

9. Do you have what it takes to be a NASA astronaut?

NASA astronaut template

10. The rise of robots and AI: Should we be afraid of them?

rise of robots template

11. How far down does the sea go?

template for how far down does the sea go

12. The stages of sleep

stages of sleep template

13. Will Mars be our home in 2028?

template for will mars be our home in 2028

14. A quick look at laboratory safety rules

template for laboratory rules

15. The first person in history to break the sound barrier

template for the first person in history to break the sound barrier

Engaging Culture and History Presentation Ideas to Draw Inspiration From

History is filled with equally inspiring and terrifying stories, and there are lessons that students can learn from the events of the past. Meanwhile, interactive presentations about culture help students learn and embrace diversity. 

16. Women in history: A conversation through time

infographic template about women in history: a conversation through time

17. The sweet story of chocolate 

visual for sweet story of chocolate 

18. A history lesson with a twist 

template for a history lesson with a twist

19. The history of basketball 

history of basketball visual template

20. The origin of the Halloween celebration 

origin of the halloween celebration template

21. AI History 

AI history template

22. What you need to know about New Zealand 

infographic template about new zealand facts

23. 1883 volcanic eruption of Krakatoa 

template for volcanic eruption of krakatoa 

24. Roman structures: 2000 years of strength

template for roman structures: 2000 years of strength

25. The most famous art heists in history 

template for the most famous art heists in history 

26. Elmo: The story behind a child icon 

template for elmo: the story behind a child icon 

27. 10 things you should know before you visit South Korea 

template for things you should know before you visit south korea 

28. 8 things you didn’t know about these 8 countries 

eight things you didn't know about these countries, template 

Health Class Presentation Topics to Help Students Make Healthy Lifestyle Decisions

Want to learn how to engage students with healthcare topic ideas? Then consider using these templates for your next interactive presentation.

According to the CDC , school-based health education contributes to the development of functional health knowledge among students. It also helps them adapt and maintain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. 

Not only will your presentation help with keeping students engaged, but you’ll also increase class involvement with the right slides.

The following examples of health and wellness interactive presentations include fun ideas and topics that are a good start. 

29. How to look after your mental health?

how to look after your mental health infographic template, mental health, mental health infographic, eating disorders

30. The eradication of Polio

template for the eradication of polio, healthcare infographic, healthcare infographic template

31. How to have a healthy lifestyle 

infographic template about healthy lifestyle, health infographic template

32. 10 handwashing facts 

handwashing infographic template, handwashing visual

33. Myths and facts about depression

infographic template about depression, depression infographic template, infographic on depression

34. Hacks for making fresh food last longer 

hacks for making fresh food last longer template, quarantine infographic

35. Ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus

template about how to avoid spreading the coronavirus, covid infographic

36. Mask protection in 5 simple steps 

template about mask protection, covid infographic

37. Everything you need to know about the flu

cover photo of the presentation about everything you need to know about the flu, flu infographic

38. All about stress: Prevention, tips, and how to cope 

template about stress prevention, tips, and how to cope , stress infographic

39. The importance of sleep 

template about the importance of sleep, sleep infographic

40. Is milk tea bad for you?

template about milk tea is bad for you, health infographic

41. How to boost happiness in 10 minutes

template about how to boost happiness in 10 minutes, happiness infographic

42. How dirty are debit and credit cards 

template of how dirty are debit and credit cards, credit card infographic

43. Why do you need sunscreen protection

template about sunscreen, sunscreen infographic

Data Visualization Ideas to Help Students Present Overwhelming Amounts of Data in Creative Ways

Data visualization is all about using visuals to make sense of data. Students need to pull the main points from their extensive research, and present them by story telling while being mindful of their classmates’ collective attention span.

As far as student assignments go, storytelling with data is a daunting task for students and teachers alike. To keep your audience interested, consider using a non linear presentation that presents key concepts in creative ways.

Inspire your class to be master data storytellers with the following data visualization ideas:

44. Are we slowly losing the Borneo rainforest?

deforestation infographic, template about deforestation, example of how to share about current events

45. Skateboard deck design over the years

skateboard infographic, template about skateboard deck design over the years

46. Food waste during the Super Bowl

super bowl infographic, food waste infographic, template about food waste during the super bowl

47. The weight of the tallest building in the world

building infographic, construction infographic, template about the weight of the tallest building in the world

48. Infographic about data and statistics

data infographic, statistics infographic

49. Stats about cyberbullying

template for stats about cyberbullying, cyberbullying infographic

50. How whales combat climate change

climate change infographic, template for how whales combat climate change

First Day of School Interactive Activity Ideas to Foster Whole-class-Camaraderie

Calling all teachers! Welcome your new students and start the school year with the following back-to-school creative presentation ideas and relevant templates for first-day-of-school activities.

These interactive presentations grab the attention of your students and are remarkably easy to execute (which is the main educator’s goal after all)!

51. Meet the teacher

meet the teacher template, introduction template, meet the teacher visual

52. Example: all about me

introduction infographic, about me visual template

53. Self-introduction

template about self introduction, introduction infographic, about me visual template

54. Tips on how to focus on schoolwork

template about how to productive, productivity infographic, taking notes

55. Course plan and schedule

course plan template, course plan visual, course list

Give our class schedule maker a try to access more templates for free. You can also access our presentation-maker , poster-maker , timeline-maker , and more by simply signing up .

56. Interpreting a student’s report card (for parents)

student report card template, student report card visual

57. Introduction of classroom rules

classroom rules, classroom rules template

58. Assignment schedule

course topics, assignments, course template, course infographic

59. Daily planner

daily planner template

60. Course syllabus presentation

course syllabus template

61. How to write a class presentation

template for how to create a class presentation,

Topics to Teach Students the Importance of Effective Communication

Visual media  helps students retain more of the concepts  taught in the classroom. The following media topics and infographic templates can help you showcase complex concepts in a short amount of time. 

In addition, interactive presentation activities using these templates also encourage the development of a holistic learning process in the classroom because they help focus on the  three domains of learning:  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. 

62. Interactive presentation do’s and don’ts 

template for presentation dos and donts, presentation infographic

63. How to create an infographic 

template about how to create an infographic 

Recommended reading : How to Make an Infographic in 30 Minutes

64. How to improve your internet security and privacy

infographic template about internet privacy

65. What is design thinking?

what is design thinking infographic template

66. What are your favorite software tools to use in the classroom? 

infographic template about educational software

Presentation Topic Ideas to Help Students Prepare for Life After School

One of the things that makes teaching a rewarding career is seeing your students take the learning and knowledge you’ve instilled in them, and become successful, productive adults.

From pitching a business idea to starting your podcast, the following topics are good starting points to prepare students for the challenges after graduation (aka adulting 101):

67. How to make a resume

resume template

68. How to start a startup

how to start a startup, startup infographic, how to temple

69. Credit card vs. debit card

infographic about credit cards and debit cards, credit card infographic

70. Pros and cons of cryptocurrency

pros and cons of cryptocurrency infographic template

71. How to save on travel

ways to save on travel infographic template

72. How to do a SWOT analysis

swot nalysis infographic

73. How to pitch a business idea

business idea pitch infographic template

74. Habits of successful people

presentation template about habits of successful people

75. Starting your own podcast: A checklist

infographic template about starting your own podcast

Find out how a high school teacher like Jamie Barkin uses Piktochart to improve learning in the classroom for her students.

Pro tip: make your presentation as interactive as possible. Students have an attention span of two to three minutes per year of age. To keep minds from wandering off, include some interactive games or activities in the lesson. For example, if you conducted a lesson on the respiratory system, you could ask them to practice breathing techniques.

Maintain eye contact with your students, and you’ll get instant feedback on how interested they are in the interactive presentation.

Make School Presentation Visuals Without the Hassle of Making Them From Scratch

School presentations, when done right, can help teachers engage their classes and improve students’ education effectively by presenting information using the right presentation topic. 

If you’re pressed for time and resources to make your school presentation visuals , choose a template from Piktochart’s template gallery . Aside from the easy customization options, you can also print and download these templates to your preferred format. 

Piktochart also professional templates to create infographics , posters , brochures , reports , and more.

Creating school-focused, engaging, and interactive presentations can be tedious at first, but with a little bit of research and Piktochart’s handy templates, you’re going to do a great job!


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School Presentation templates

Use the best school powerpoint templates and google slides themes to engage your students and educators with your presentations. all slide designs are easy to edit and 100% free to use..

Javanese Gastronomy Workshop presentation template

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Javanese gastronomy workshop.

Download the Javanese Gastronomy Workshop presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you are planning your next workshop and looking for ways to make it memorable for your audience, don’t go anywhere. Because this creative template is just what you need! With its visually stunning design, you can provide your...

Notebook Lesson presentation template

Create your presentation Create personalized presentation content

Writing tone, number of slides, notebook lesson.

These are the last days before the Summer break! We know that there are some pending lessons that you need to prepare for your students. As they may be thinking about their friends and their holidays, catch their attention with this cool template!

Protected Areas: Wildlife Refuge presentation template

Protected Areas: Wildlife Refuge

Download the Protected Areas: Wildlife Refuge presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Are you looking for a way to make your school or academy stand out among the competition? This template is designed to showcase all the fantastic aspects of your center. With perfect slides that allow you to easily...

Enneagram Personality presentation template

Enneagram Personality

Download the Enneagram Personality presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations and engage audiences. With...

Back to School presentation template

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Back to School

Download the "Back to School" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations and engage audiences....

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Art Subject for High School: Japanese Anime Drawing Activities

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Simple Blackboard Background presentation template

Simple Blackboard Background

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Ballpoint Pen Planner presentation template

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The ballpoint pen is considered one of the most important inventions of history. Did you know that Ladislao Biro, its inventor, got the idea from a group of children that were playing in the street? They were rolling a ball trough a puddle, and it would leave a trace. That...

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Your students spend most of their days at school, so building a good atmosphere in the class is vital for their happiness. Why don’t you dedicate a day to team building activities? This will help new students make friends and older students create deeper relationships with their classmates. It that...

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The way in which we study has changed drastically in the last year, that's why we need to be more organized than ever. In Slidesgo we want to help your students and have designed this elegant template full of resources for your classes. We added everything you could possibly ask...

Back-to-School Presentation presentation template

Back-to-School Presentation

Download the Back-to-School Presentation presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations and engage audiences. With...

Meet Our Professors presentation template

Meet Our Professors

The beginning of the school year is always synonymous with nerves for teachers and students. To break the ice, why not introduce your professors in a different way? We propose you this original template with a dark background and abstract and colorful shapes. It features doodle-style illustrations related to teaching,...

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presentation on my school life

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Essay on My School Life for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my school life.

Our school life is always the best time of our lives. Furthermore, it is the only time where I can meet my friends. My School time is the only time which I enjoy a lot. I get to play many games. Also, I get to study my favorite subject. Above all, I get to play with my group of friends and spend a good time with them.

Essay on My School Life

My School is the second-largest school in the entire city. Furthermore, it is among the most renowned institutions of the state. It has two very large fields. We call it the front and the backfield. On the front, we play sports like football and hockey because of its’ soft ground. However, the back is to play cricket . This is because it has a pitch on it and the ground was hard.

Moreover, my school also has a basketball court where students practice almost every day. My favorite is the swimming pool which is quite big. So I never miss any swimming periods whenever I have any. Further my school has two halls. One is the new gymnasium and the other is the old one. The students play sports badminton and table tennis in it. Also if we have any literary function, it always takes place in the new gymnasium.

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My School Events

Every year in October we have a Literary and Cultural Festival. In this, students from different schools come to participate. Furthermore, it was a three-day function. This first day is of Western music , in this, the students sing western songs. Various bands from different schools participate in this. The second day is of Hindi music, in which we get to listen to some of the most beautiful voices.

The third day is the choreography. This is the best day of all three. Some, my friends, are really great dancers, so they always perform on this day. Moreover, we get to see some of the best dance acts on the day. These are the most memorable and enjoyable days of the entire school year.

Furthermore, at the end of every year, we have a P.T. Display. In this, the students from every batch have to perform an act. To perform this act our teachers start teaching us one month before the event. We all enjoy a lot during these days as we didn’t have to study for the first three periods. Moreover, on the day of the event, various competitions also take place. I always take part in an inter-house relay because I am good at it.

At last, before the farewell, there is a concert held. In this, we perform for our senior and the retired staff to wish them goodbye. It is a mixed concert in which we could perform any act. Whether it be singing, dancing or drama , everything is welcomed in this.

I have always admired my seniors because some of them had great achievements during their School life . And staying with them for so many years has enlisted an attachment. Furthermore, I have seen them spending their last days in college. And it was truly heartbreaking on wishing them goodbye.

Q1. What is the best thing about school life?

A1. The best thing about school life is that we don’t have any burden on our shoulders. All we have to do is eat, sleep, and, study.

Q2. Apart from studies what do we get to learn from our school lives?

A2. In our school lives, we get to learn a lot. Our school teaches us manners and goodwill and enlist good qualities in us.

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The student news site of La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.

The La Salle Falconer

The high school experience: a personal reflection.


Filled with growth and life lessons, the high school experience has been a journey worth the climb.

Anna Waldron , Editor May 4, 2022

High school is arguably the most transformative time of a person’s life. My own experience has been filled with more memories, laughter, stress, and — most importantly, growth — than I ever could have anticipated when I began. 

The lessons I have learned about myself, about others, and about the world in the last four years have shaped who I am today, and that person is far from the naive 14-year-old girl who walked through those glass doors of La Salle nearly four years ago. I was oblivious to the overwhelming emotional distress that I would feel when I started high school. 

In some ways, it feels like an everyday battle. 

As a freshman, the struggle began with adjusting to what felt like a whole new world. I was desperately trying to make friends, considering I had only one. I never knew what it was like to feel alone in a school with so many people. I felt like I had to act a certain way or be a certain person in order to maintain a basic conversation with people in my classes or on my soccer team. 

Every day, my head was filled with an overwhelming concern about how I could manage to make myself look like someone with more friends than I actually had at the time. 

I remember constantly thinking, “I’ll start enjoying this at some point, right?” 

The truth is, I did. 

To anyone who is feeling the way I once felt, please know that those feelings do go away. By the end of my freshman year and into the next, I enjoyed myself. School wasn’t particularly challenging, and I was spending my weekends having fun with my friends and going to basketball games and sleepovers. I had finally created a routine and felt mostly content with my life, aside from daunting thoughts in my head telling me it was all a lie.

I think that’s something that all teenagers deal with. It comes with the age, the questions, “do my friends actually like me?” or “am I enough?” — “do people worry about me or have I tricked myself into thinking they do?” 

I continued to move throughout my sophomore year feeling a new level of comfort with my life. Then, the pandemic hit. 

The original two weeks of quarantine turned into two months, and then two years. The predictable high school experience I had become accustomed to was no longer my reality, and instead, high school turned into an atypical rollercoaster of isolation from all the essential parts of the experience. 

To say it was hard would be an understatement, but after the initial forced adjustment to a remote life, I was forced to be content without relying on others.

Without having to fear other people’s judgments of me or having to conceal myself in social situations to appear more “acceptable,” I gained independence and confidence within myself that I didn’t know existed.

Then finally — after over a year — the long-awaited return to school arrived. 

I rejoiced in my ability to thrive academically again and I was so relieved to feel like I was really learning. I reconnected with my friends, ate lunch outside, took finals, and then — after a blur of two months — the year ended. My junior year flew by like no other. 

When senior year rolled around, I felt out of place. I couldn’t imagine a world where I belonged to the oldest class at the school. In the beginning, it was odd getting used to, but after a few weeks, it was nothing but a thrill as I planned what the next weekend alongside my friends would hold. 

My friendships were flourishing and I was becoming closer and closer with people I had never really gotten to know. 

Unlike the three years prior, my senior year has felt like a stereotypical high school experience, and I could not be more grateful for it. 

I always thought of myself as someone who was above enjoying things like attending soccer games, getting ready for homecoming with my friends, singing karaoke in someone’s basement, or going to a trampoline park for an 18-year-old’s birthday party. 

The truth is, I’m not. 

I regret that I spent so long depriving myself of the things I love in order to fit a narrative that I created for myself. 

I love that I will graduate high school happier and more fulfilled than I ever felt during my other three years here. It feels like everything has finally come full circle, after all these years of feeling so alone. 

So yes, it was transformative. I am finally content with the person I have become and the life I have chosen to lead. I wouldn’t be the same without La Salle and I wouldn’t be the same without the people I’ve gotten to know here. 

I know that I will look back on my high school experience here, not feeling critical of the insecurities I have felt, but feeling grateful for the memories and lessons that came regardless of them. 

Photo of Anna Waldron

Senior Anna Waldron has lived in Portland, Oregon her whole life, in the same neighborhood as nine members of her extended family.  Outside of The...

presentation on my school life

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School Life

School life free presentation background design for google slides themes and powerpoint templates.

School Life Free Presentation Background Design – Google Slides Themes and PowerPoint Templates

Having a good class environment is essential for students to do well in school. For example, these Google Slides Themes and PowerPoint Templates are full of illustrated patterns related to school and education designed to achieve a good learning atmosphere. Also, I’ve prepared a few slides to write down some information, but feel free to edit and adjust them to your liking. If you are a teacher preparing lessons, this presentation is for you! Make your lessons fun with this design full of photos and visual elements with a variety of slideshows that will engage your students!

School Life Free Presentation Background Design : It includes 25 slides – This theme makes it easy to create professional Google Slides Themes and PowerPoint Templates.

School Life Free Google Slides Theme PowerPoint Template

We want to help you save time by using our free presentation background design to create more meaningful presentations.

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  • Minimal and corporate design that works with any accent color.
  • Feature-rich theme with examples of styles for graphs, charts and tables

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school life

School life

Jan 19, 2013

2.6k likes | 9.89k Views

School life. Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. Chinese proverb. How do you understand the words “a good education”? Do you need a good education? Why do you need it? How can you get it?.

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  • language support
  • our school rules
  • last art lesson
  • holidays ability
  • school life
  • most unpleasant


Presentation Transcript

School life Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. Chinese proverb

How do you understand the words “a good education”?Do you need a good education?Why do you need it?How can you get it?

What does school mean to you?SchoolPupils Teachers School activitiesSchool rules PunishmentSchool building ClassroomsSchooluniform What do you like most in your school?

you prepare for adult life you take exams and write tests you learn useful School is a place subjects where… you learn to help each other you get knowledge it is fun you make friends

be attentive be active at the lesson get good marks at the lesson talk with the a good pupil keep school classmates should/shouldn’t rules during the lesson be polite look neat come to school always do his/her and tidyon time homework

What do you do to be a good pupil?

be strict have a sense of humour know his /her subject a good teacher should/shouldn’t understand pupils respect children explain everything clearly look nice, neat and tidy give knowledge

British school

Match these words with their definitions: something that you do for interest or pleasure or because you want to achieve something Memory a time of rest from school Taskto change speech or writing into another language Pronounce to make the sound of a letter, a word, a sentence Holidays ability to remember things Activityan area of knowledge that you study at school Translatea piece of work that must be done Make up your own sentences with these words. Subject

Fill in the missing prepositions: 1. Children begin to go … school … the age … six. 2. They learn two poems … heart every day. 3. These pupils are often late … school. 4. Pupils sometimes write … the pages … a pen. 5.… his point … view many subjects are difficult. 6. When you discuss something, you have to see all sides … the problem. 7. She always listens … the teacher very attentively. 8. We coloured pictures … the last Art lesson. 9. We have many subjects … the time-table every day.

Our school rules“The Code of Conduct” What are you allowed to do at your school? What is prohibited? What punishment do you get if you: - miss a lesson - talk with your classmate during the lesson - are late for school - are impolite to your teacher - do not do your homework - get bad marks ?

Complete the sentences: • I think the easiest punishment is ……. • I think the most unpleasant punishment is... • I think the most effective punishment is… • I think the less effective punishment is… Language support • In my opinion,….because…. • I think … • I would like to add…. • Besides,… • Moreover,… • What is more,…

Let’s play “Noughts and Crosses”

Thank you for the lessonGood bye

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Free School Life Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates

set of four different colored folders with arrow process diagram pointing to them powerpoint background -page 0 - The best place to view and share online presentations

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Our School Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation on my school life

Our School Life

The class is also enjoyable because i have a very funny teacher named mr. hong. ... i sometimes go to the movies. / i go to sleep earlier than usual. ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Introduction to the project
  • Topics for discussion
  • My Teachers and Classes
  • Preparing for Examinations
  • Objectives This international e-mail exchange project is mainly intended to help students understand how school life is like in different countries by discussing three topics, My School, My Teachers and Classes, and Preparing for examination through IEEC. At the end of this project, students will create a website on it together.
  • Timeline The timeline for this collaborative learning project is February to April. (About 4-5 weeks)
  • Activities Students are expected to exchange e-mails/voice mails/video mails with their key pals every week.
  • Assignment By the end of March, students have to finish their written reports on A Day in Our Schools and give an oral presentation in class.
  • 1. What school do you go to?
  • 2. What year are you in?/ What grade are you in now?
  • 3. How many students are there in your school?
  • 4. How many teachers are there in your school?
  • 5. Is your house far from or close to school?
  • 6. How do you get to school?
  • Suggested Answers
  • 1. I go to St. Paul's High School.
  • I study at Washington High.
  • 2. I'm in the first year.
  • I'm in the first/final of junior high school. / I'm in the sixth/seventh grade.
  • 3. There are 1000 students in my school.
  • 4. There are more than 100 teachers in my school.
  • 5. My house is very close to/near/not far from school.
  • 6. I ride my bike a motorbike /commute / walk to school. / I take a bus/train to school. / My father drives me to school.
  • I go a nice school with a little over 800 other students. The campus is located very close to the seaside, so my biology class often takes field trips to the beach. Students from all over Taiwan attend my school because it is a very exceptional school. My school is good in many different subjects, especially math and science. In national math competitions, my school always places in the top ten. My school also participates in numerous science exhibitions throughout the year, and we always win many awards.
  • Learning Activities
  • Exchange e-mails on your school with your key pals.
  • Shortly introduce yourself to your key pal.
  • Describe your school.
  • Ask your key pals how their school is like.
  • Attach several digital pictures of your school in the mail.
  • 1. What is your favorite class?
  • 2. Who is your favorite teacher?
  • 3. What does she teach?
  • 4. Why do you like her?
  • 5. How is your English class?
  • 6. How many days per week do you go to school?
  • 7. How many hours do you study a day?
  • 8. When does first period begin?
  • 9. When does the school day end?
  • 10. How long do you have for lunch?
  • 11. Do you take a nap after lunch?
  • 12. How long do you take for your nap?
  • 13. What classes are you taking this semester?
  • 14. If you go to cram school, what class do you take in the cram school?
  • 1. My favorite class is music / history /math/ English
  • 2. I like Miss Lee/ Mr. Wang.
  • 3. She teaches music.
  • 4. Because she is very kind. / She is humorous.
  • 5. My English class is very boring.
  • 6. I go to school five days a week.
  • 7. I study seven hours a day.
  • 8. It begins at eight.
  • 9. It ends at four.
  • 10. I have one hour for lunch.
  • 11. Yes./No.
  • 12. I take half an hour.
  • 13. I am taking physics, chemistry, computer, science, art and P.E.
  • 14. I take English conversation.
  • My Favorite class
  • I'm currently in the second grade of junior high school. My favorite class at school is history. I like that class very much because I love learning about ancient cultures. The class is also enjoyable because I have a very funny teacher named Mr. Hong. He always makes his lessons very interesting, so you never get bored in his class!
  • Exchange e-mails on your favorite teachers and classes with your key pals.
  • Draw a picture of your favorite teacher and briefly describe how he/she looks.
  • Tell your key pals the reasons why you like the teachers class.
  • 1. We have exams three times every semester.
  • 2. Usually, I spend two days preparing for exams.
  • 3. Yes, I stay up all night studying.
  • 4. I go to the library to study.
  • 5. I like to study alone because I don't want to be disturbed.
  • 6. I watch TV to relax./ I sometimes go to the movies. / I go to sleep earlier than usual.
  • 7. I'm worried during the exam. / I'm very nervous during mid-term.
  • 8. I didnt do too well./ I did pretty well. / Not bad. It was all right. /It was terrible! /I studied, but I still didn't do very well.
  • 1. How often do you have exams?
  • 2. How many days do you study to prepare for exams?
  • 3. Do you study hard the night before an exam?
  • 4. Where do you study for the exam?
  • 5. Do you study alone or with you classmate? Why?
  • 6. What do you do before your exams?
  • 7. How do you feel during exam time?
  • 8. What did you think of your exams this year?
  • The Night Before an Exam
  • I like studying but I don't like exams. I always get nervous on the night before an exam. I become very uneasy when I have to give up watching TV or reading novels. Usually, I go to the library to review all my notes from class. Sometimes, I have to stay up all night in order to prepare well. This make me very upset, especially when I have several exams in the same week. On those weeks, I don't get much sleep at all, and I don't do very well on any of my exams. I should probably find a better way to study so I will get better grades!
  • Exchange e-mails on tips for becoming a good learner with your key pals.
  • Are you a good learner?
  • What is learning like?
  • What subjects are you good/bad in?
  • How do you learn the subject before class/ in class/ after class?
  • What are the tips for becoming a good learner?
  • After exchanging your view points on school life in different countries with international key pals, we may start to compose a written report now.
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Nintendo Direct 6.18.2024

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Samus Aran is back!

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Bring the Championships Home

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The Final Battle Is About to Begin

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Embark on a Multi-Dimensional Journey

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This Update's a Real Slam Dunk!

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Your Memories, Their Journey

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An Array of Cartoon Classics

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Raise Your Own Monster Army...

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The King of the Kongs Returns!

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Let's Have Some "Fun"ko

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A Spooky, Silly, and Strategic Smorgasbord

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More Classic Titles Are Here

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Set Sail to Save the Day

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I Wanna Take You for a Ride

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A Jam-Packed Jamboree

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Party On with Just Dance 2025 Edition

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Extreme Meets Despair

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Embark on a SaGa Spanning Generations


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Remembering Willie Mays as Both Untouchable and Human

Mays, who died on Tuesday at 93, had been perfect for so long that the shock of seeing baseball get the best of him was the shock of seeing a god become mortal.

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A black-and-white shot of a smiling Willie Mays in pants and a polo shirt, holding a duffle bag in his right hand and two baseball bats over his left shoulder. He is standing on the warning track in the outfield of Polo Grounds, the stadium in New York that hosted in the Giants.

By Kurt Streeter

At the end, the Say Hey Kid looked nothing like the extraordinary force who had been at the center of the American imagination for much of the 20th century.

The Kid — Willie Mays — struggled at the plate and stumbled on the basepaths. A line drive arced his way, easily catchable for Mays during most of his career. But he fell. Another outfield mistake caused the game to be tied in the ninth inning.

He was a creaky-kneed 42 years old on that October afternoon, Game 2 of the 1973 World Series — Mays’s New York Mets in Oakland facing the A’s. On the grandest stage, the ravages of time had settled upon the game’s most gilded star.

That he would redeem himself at the plate three innings later is often forgotten. The unthinkable had happened. Mays had not only failed, he had appeared lost, clumsy and out of sorts.

The shock of seeing him that way would linger long past his playing days as a warning: Don’t be like Willie Mays, sticking around too long, stumbling in center field, a shadow of his former self. Such became the axiom, uttered in so many words by everyone from politicians to business leaders to commentators weighing in on great athletes who yearn to play into their twilight.

Quit before it is too late.

In retirement, Mays, who died on Tuesday at 93, did his best to ignore the game that would be his last. But there is another way to view its echoes.

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  25. Remembering Willie Mays as Both Untouchable and Human

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    Sprinting toward the center-field wall, his back fully turned to the plate, Mays catches a ball over his shoulder during the first game of the 1954 World Series between the New York Giants and the ...