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A Homework Conversation Between a Mum & Son

Author: Naimish Gohil

Posted: 19 Mar 2013

Estimated time to read: 4 mins

A couple of days ago, I was on the train heading home when I overheard a mother talking to her son...  It was an endearing conversation. It took me back to my childhood and memories of the same kind of conversations I use to have with my mum.

In 1993 - 1998, mobile phones were scarce, so the conversations with my mum tended to happen around the kitchen table eating tea and biscuits followed by an episode of The Three Musketeers. I’m guessing times have changed today and it is more like Call of Duty online with friends, organised via Facebook.

The mother was asking her son if he had hung his uniform up, cleaned his football boots, put his PE kit in the wash, "did you eat your sandwiches?" etc. It seemed like this was a routine conversation the mother would have with her son everyday.

Ofsted inspectors often talk about setting routines and providing consistent experiences and messages. This is something that is evident in schools with ‘outstanding’ outcomes and has a positive impact on students.

"Have you done your homework?"

When the subject of homework came into the conversation, the mother asked a number of questions starting with "Have you done your homework?" This was followed by "Are you sure?" Then, "What was your homework on?" And finally "I’ll be checking when I get home!" Unfortunately I don’t have supersonic hearing, despite what my ear size might suggest,  so I couldn’t quite make out what the son had said. I'll have to make do with assumptions based on the questions and the mother's responses.

Homework conversation between mother and son

She would have seen which resources and books he may have needed such as video clips from YouTube or Khan Academy, resources from Wikipedia or BBC News etc. Instead of an inquirey, she would have been telling him what he needed to do.

Knowledge is power and if the mother was armed with this information prior to calling her son, she would have felt much more in control and aware of what is going on with her son’s homework. I believe the conversation could have been vastly different. Context makes all the difference. Imagine what the mother might have said to her son:

A different conversation

“Have you started your ICT homework? It will only take you half-an-hour to complete. I noticed Mr Gohil has given you a tight deadline this week. Make sure you get this done first. There's a video about iPad presentations, let’s watch it together when I get home.” The son, pausing for a second, thinks, "Mum knows it all, I'd better get on with it!" The dynamics of homework subtly change. I’m not sure how honest I was on the subject of homework with my parents but I do remember I wasn’t short of excuses…

I believe that changing homework can also improve the relationship between parents and their children. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that many parents find it hard to help their children with homework but at least this can act as a catalyst for conversation, just a change as simple as parents knowing what homework their child has. 

But this is just one aspect of homework where technology can fill the gaps. There are many other facets involved and more opportunities to make life easier for students, teachers and parents.

This brings me onto something else that hasn’t changed much over the last ten years: Homework support for parents with English As A Second Language (EAL). It’s hard for students with EAL to access homework they've been studying in class, and even more so for parents. If homework is not accessible for students, how can we expect their parents to support them?

Without all the context , parents aren't equipped to properly support their child's learning

Going back to when I was at school, my mum had very little understanding of speaking or reading  English. If the homework I was set was translated into Hindi, my mum would have been able to ask a lot more specific questions about my education. Instead, she was limited to what she could understand, much like the mother that was asking her son questions because she didn't have access to any other information.

Without all the context, parents aren't equipped to properly support their child's learning. I believe that, had she been able to read more of my homework, my own mother would have not only supported me in my studies, but she would have learned a lot herself too. At Satchel, making homework accessible to everyone is a huge part of our mission. By empowering parents and making learning something that families can do together, we can help to change the conversations we're having about homework for the better. 

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Zahid Notes

A Dialogue between mother and daughter about studies

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Marty Nemko Ph.D.

Talking with Your Child About School or College

Sample dialogues for parents seeking to motivate their child through school..

Posted July 3, 2021 | Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster

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Photo by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash

Do you have a hands-folded child, ever quietly engaged in school except when shooting their hand up in response to the teacher’s question? Does your child eagerly do homework, including the extra credit?

Then this post isn’t for you. It’s for parents whose child is more likely to say, “This homework is stupid,” or “I hate school!”

Here are two sample dialogues. The first embeds common complaints about school. The second dialogue addresses a common issue faced by parents of a college-bound teen . I Intersperse undergirding principles.

Replying to “I Hate School!”

This is difficult because it’s such a broad complaint.

Child: I hate school

Parent: What do you hate about it?

Child: Everything

Parent: Is school too hard or too easy?

Offering a choice encourages a reluctant person to continue the conversation.

Child: It's too easy and too boring . Why do we need to know how to graph an ellipse?

Parent: Why might the math experts have decided that all kids need to know that?

Throwing the question back at the child makes it more likely that s/he will buy the explanation.

Child: I have no idea

Parent: Could it be because they believe it will make you a better thinker?

Child: That’s silly

Parent: Whether or not they’re right, do you feel that striving for a good grade is worth it?

Note that the question was framed neutrally rather than as a leading question such as “You want a good grade, don’t you?" The former is more likely to generate a thoughtful response and perhaps compliance.

The child shrugs.

The parent wisely realizes that's about as much assent as is likely. If the parent waited for the child to say, "You're right," it might be a long wait.

The parent didn’t lose sight of the child’s broad-brush statement, “I hate school:"

Parent: Why else do you hate school?

Child: The kids are mean.

Parent: What do you mean?

Before moving to solutions, the parent clarified the problem, both for her sake and the child's. Asking the child to verbalize it can help crystallize the problem. Of course, this principle is also valid when an adult tells you about a problem.

Child: They steal kids’ lunch, beat kids up at recess.

Parent: All kids do that?

Child: (rolling his eyes) No.

Parent: Do they do that to you?

Child: Sometimes.

Parent: Do you do anything to provoke them?

Child: They call me wimpy, and Einstein and they know I’m not as strong as they are.

Parent: Do you make them feel stupid in class?

The parent had hoped the child would hypothesize a cause, but when s/he didn’t, it’s appropriate to posit a possible cause, especially if posed as a question.

Child: When they give a stupid answer, the teacher often calls on me. She knows I’ll give a better one.

The parent, appropriately deciding not to tell the child to be quieter in class, shifts to looking for another solution, even if it just addresses the symptom.

Parent: Do you tell the recess supervisor about it?

Child: She just tells them to “Stop it,” and then when she’s not looking, they beat me up worse.

Parent: Well, which of these do you think is wise ? Tell the teacher, avoid those kids, try to make friends with them, take karate so you can beat the hell out of one of them, and maybe they’ll leave you alone?

dialogue writing between mother and son about homework

Again, offering choices is often wise.

Child: I’m too chicken to fight them.

Parent: Can you try to avoid them?

Child: I guess.

Again, it's usually too much to expect a child to agree and say, “Thank you. I’ll do that.” Planting seeds is as much as can be expected, especially from the first conversation about a problem.

Responding to “I have plenty of time to do my college applications.”

Parent and child often argue about preparing for college: taking advanced placement courses, doing impressive extracurriculars, studying for the SAT, picking colleges to apply to, and completing the applications.

Parent: Would you please get started on your college applications?

Child: The more you pressure me, the more I won’t do it.

Parent: So I’m between a rock and a hard place: If I leave you alone, you don’t do it. If I pressure you, you don’t do it.

Child: I will .

The child privately recognizes the parent’s dilemma, but, again, it’s unrealistic to expect the child to say, “You’re right.”

Parent: When I ask you to get started on term papers, you say you'll get it done, but you wait until the last second, and so you have to cram to get it done.

The parent is right to invoke the child’s track record even if it generates defensiveness. It plants a needed seed.

Child: And I usually get an A or a B.

Parent: There’s no grade inflation in college application essays.

That’s pretty tough on the kid. It implies that the child’s good grades weren’t really earned, but sometimes tough love is needed.

Child: So I end up at SUNY Stony Brook instead of SUNY Binghamton, big deal.

Parent: You say that now.

Child: You tell me not to care about brand names, and now you tell me to care about Binghamton vs. Stony Brook?

The child used a powerful rhetorical ploy: using the opponent’s argument against the parent and implying hypocrisy. That forces the parent to dig deeper to find a stronger argument.

Parent: You're right. Because it’s higher-stakes than a school assignment, if you let yourself really get into it, you’ll benefit, whether or not you end up at a community college, Cornell, or Columbia. The colleges’ differences, even between Columbia versus SUNY, are small. More important, writing a college application can be a growth experience, maybe the most potentially beneficial so far in your life. Do it well, and you’ll get to know yourself better.

Child: (rolls eyes.)

Again, seeds were planted.

As in all endeavors, excellence in parenting is defined by nuance: when to be declarative, when interrogative? When to use a light hand, when to impose tough love? The good news is that in the absence of extremely restrictive or extremely laissez-faire parenting, most kids’ behavior will end up as it was meant to be: the combination of genetics , education , and peer influence. You can relax – at least a bit.

I read this aloud on YouTube.

A previous post ways to talk with your child about death and dying.

Marty Nemko Ph.D.

Marty Nemko, Ph.D ., is a career and personal coach based in Oakland, California, and the author of 10 books.

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Conversation between Mother and Daughter: Daily Routine in English

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Conversation between Mother and Daughter

  • January 12, 2023

Context : Here is an example of a conversation between mother and daughter named Nia. It is a simple conversation in English about the daughter and mother’s daily routine.

Daily life conversation in English at home sample

Mother: Good morning, NIA. You woke up late today; is everything all right?

Daughter: Yes, I did finish some homework last night.

Mother: I always tell you to finish your work on time.

Daughter: Yes, mom, but the teacher assigned us some last-minute homework.

Mother: but you have the entire Sunday to yourself

Daughter: Yes, I am aware, but I had to work on my recitals and then go to bed late, so I overslept.

Mother: Don’t worry, you still have plenty of time before your school bus arrives.

Daughter: I won’t have to wait at the bus stop today because a friend will pick me up.

Mother: I’m not here to make small talk, love. Tell me who is going to pick you up and why when you already have a school bus to take you and drop you off at home.

Daughter: Sure, mom, So, starting now, I’m going to teach daily routine English conversation to my juniors or students who struggle with studying English.

Mother: What? Why? I mean, I don’t understand; hasn’t your school recruited a native speaker to assist students who have difficulty speaking English?

Daughter: Yes, but his grasp of native English is just too difficult for the students at the introductory level. Furthermore, he is far too focused on teaching them grammar and tricky synonyms rather than teaching them daily life English conversation.

Mother: Are you able to manage that many students on your own?

Daughter: It’s not just me; seven other students volunteer to be mentors to other kids, one of whom is my friend, who is picking me up today.

Mother: How are you going to pull it off?

Daughter: by encouraging students to engage in daily English conversation and helping them in the formation of English sentences.

Mother: It’s a great responsibility. Do you have enough time? I don’t want you to compromise with your studies.

Daughter: To be honest, I’m not going to compromise my studies for all of this. I was planning to get up early and take some time out of my morning routine to make preparations for this volunteer activity.

Mother: Do you have anything in mind, like any ideas about where to begin?

Daughter: Because they are not native English speakers, we will start with some simple conversation topics for them to practice later, followed by some synonyms and tongue twisters.

Mother: That’s wonderful. I am extremely proud of you, Nia, for assisting people with spoken English, as it is now an important part of your children’s lives.

Daughter: Yes, exactly. They only need a little help to become fluent in English, and because we’re all students, they will not be afraid to talk to us about their problems at any moment.

Mother: Okay, now hurry up and get ready, but before you do, tell me what you want for lunch.

Daughter: Some sandwiches and apples with beetroot.

Mother: Remember to take your lunch and a spare key to school today because your father and I will be late. Please lock the door as we leave for work.

Daughter: OK, mom, good day.

Mother: You, too, have a wonderful day.

  • Plenty: a lot.
  • Elaborate: to give more details about something.
  • Mentor: an experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience over a period of time.
  • Volunteer: a person who offers or agrees to do something without being forced or paid to do it.
  • Recitals: a formal public performance of music or poetry.

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Dialogue writing in English

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Definition: Dialogue writing provides proficiency to the students to enhance their communicative skills. It usually is an interpersonal discourse with some of the society members.

Dialogue writing definition

How to write dialogue writing

  • Read the entire questions thoroughly.
  • Understand the gist of the entire conversation.
  • Using the grammatical skill of the direct voice, complete the unsolved dialogues.

How to write dialogue writing

For example:

“Can we talk alone?”

No, one can never do that. We always need someone to talk to.

The words, sentences or phrases we use while talking are called dialogues. Dialogue is a conversation between two or more speakers.

We come across several people daily in our school, college, workplace, etc. The conversation takes place every minute.

  • Notice writing
  • Message writing
  • Report Writing

Some common conversation for dialogue writing are:

Some common conversation like greeting conversation, seeing off people, At what, Regarding goal, and Miscellaneous.

Common conversation for dialogue writing

Greeting conversation starters are:

  • Hello!/ Hi!
  • Good Morning / afternoon / evening
  • How are you? / How are you doing?
  • Fine / Fine, thanks / Okay
  • What’s new? / What’s new with you?
  • Not much / Not too much

Seeing off people

  • Good bye! / Bye!
  • Good night!
  • See you later / soon / tomorrow
  • What class are you studying in?
  • What is the name of your school?
  • Which is your favorite subject? Why?
  • How often do you participate in school activities?

Regarding Good

  • What did you have for lunch?
  • Which is your favorite cuisine?
  • Which is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
  • What do you like as your pizza topping?


  • Do you have any plans for the weekend?
  • What is your aim in life?
  • If you had three wishes, what would they be?
  • What do you do after school?

Dialogue writing Examples for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Conversation examples for all classes 6 to 12, will help you to understand the topic more clearly. Conversation between teacher and student, father and son, passenger and booking clerk, these are some examples you will read below.

Dialogue writing between teacher and student

Read the given dialogues to understand more.

Conversation in a grammar class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Dialogue writing between teacher and student

Teacher: Mona, sand up. What am I teaching?

Student: Sir, you are teaching grammar.

Teacher: Mona, look at the board. See the word – Adjective! Is the spelling correct?

Student: Yes, Sir. The spelling is correct.

Teacher: Can anyone tell me what a noun is?

Student: A noun is the name of a person, a place or a thing.

Teacher: Delhi is the capital city of India. Name any two nouns used in this sentence.

Student: Delhi and the city are the two nouns.

Teacher: What kind of nouns are they?

Student: Delhi is a proper noun and the city is a common noun.

Teacher: Period is over now. I’ll explain to you this topic tomorrow.

Dialogue writing between father and Son

Write a dialogue between a father and a son on ‘Career’.

Father: Now that you have appeared for the Class XII exams, what are your plans for the future?

Son: I have yet to decide. I think I’ll join some college. 

Father: Don’t you feel that by now you should have decided your goal in life?

Son: My ultimate goal is to become a cricket player.

Father: It’s too late now. Have you ever played for your school team?

Son: I have played thrice.

Father: Well! If you were not a member of your school team you should forget about cricket.

Son: But father, I love cricket, I cannot stop playing it.

Father: You are a grown-up boy. Be serious and decide a suitable career for yourself.

Son: I will think again but I cannot promise.

Dialogue writing between passenger and booking clerk

dialogue writing between mother and son about homework

Clerk: Good morning! How may I help you?

Passenger: I want a reservation of two tickets to Delhi.

Clerk: Have you filled the reservation form?

Passenger: Here it is!

Clerk: But there is no seat available on 25th January.

Passanger: Is there any seat available in Jan Shatabdi Express.

Clerk: Yes. There are two seats are available in Jan Shatabdi Express.

Passenger: What is the time of departure?

Clerk: The time of departure is 07:38 am.

Passenger: Please book two tickets. Thank you, Sir.

Dialogue writing solved examples

Dialogue writing between father and son

Dialogue writing between two friends

Complete the following dialogue.

Father: How dare you to confront me with this kind of failing grades?

Son: Well dad, do I have a choice? I had previously told you that this new school is not going to work for me!

Father: (a) _____________________________________________________

Son: (b) ______________________________________________________

Answer: (a) Don’t tell me such things. It was only after we’ve had those lengthy family discussions about the need for a change of your school that I took steps towards it. And you did approve of it.

(b) I did, but I don’t know why it doesn’t seem to be working as we had planned. I feel the teachers and students of this school are too advanced for me. Though my grades were falling in the previous school, I was able to mix more openly with everyone over there.

Dialogue writing question, worksheet

Under this, you have different types of dialogue writing questions, for example, Dialogue writing between mother and daughter, Mother and Son, Guide and Tourist, Between two Friends, Examiner and student. 

Dialogue writing between mother and daughter

Dialogue writing between mother and daughter

Complete the following dialogue between a girl and her mother.

Mother: I want you to learn to prepare a few dishes during these vacations.

Daughter: Is it really necessary?

Mother: (a) ______________________________________________

Daughter: (b) _____________________________________________

Mother: (c) _____________________________________________

Daughter: (d) _____________________________________________

Mother: (e) _____________________________________________

Dialogue writing between Mother and Son

Dialogue writing between Mother and Son

Mother: I’ve been noticing that you are not paying heed to my advice these days. Is there something bothering you?

Son: Nothing in particular! Just that my exams are approaching and not much has been prepared by me till date.

Mother: Well, I can provide you some good advice for that as well. You pay attention to it.

Son: (a) ___________________________________________________

Mother: (b) _________________________________________________

Son: (c) ___________________________________________________

Mother: (d) _________________________________________________

Dialogue writing between Guide and Tourist

Dialogue writing between Guide and Tourist

Read the following conversation between a guide and a tourist. Complete the blanks in a suitable way.

Guide: Sir, this way leads (a) ________ and this leads to the lakeside.

Tourist: (b) _________________ peak some other day. (c) _________________

Guide: (d) _________________ would you like to take a bath?

Tourist: A bath! In the frozen lake? No way. By the way, (e) _________________

Guide: Yes, Sir, They’ve (f) _________________

Tourist: (g) _________________ ! I’d love to go for ice-skating.

Dialogue writing between two friends

Friend 1 – Priyanka , 2 – Hemant

Priyanka: (a) _____________________________________________ !

Hemant: Actually, I am going for an interview.

Hemant: Well, It begins in half an hour.

Hemant: Oh! Come on. Who sticks to the watch?

Hemant: Yeah, I’ve called them up and secured an appointment for myself.

Hemant: Thank you so much.

Dialogue writing between Examiner and Student

Write the conversation between the examiner and the student. The student asks the examiner whether they will get an extra answer sheet or not.

Dialogue writing topics

There are so many topics search on google, Most search topics are given below if you want to read these topics comment below or contact us, we will reply as soon as possible:

dialogue writing between

  • Two friends
  • Teacher and student
  • Doctor and patient
  • Dialogue writing in English between two friends
  • Teacher and student about exams
  • Shopkeeper and customer
  • Mother and son about vacations
  • Teacher and student about studies
  • Mother and daughter
  • Bank manager and student for education loan
  • Father and son
  • Mother and daughter about vacations
  • Principal and student
  • Dialogue conversation between 6 friends
  • Conductor and passenger
  • Doctor and patient in hindi
  • Father and son about studies
  • Grandfather and grandson
  • Grandmother and granddaughter
  • Mother and daughter about junk food
  • Mother and son
  • Principal and parent
  • Salesman and customer
  • Shopkeeper and customer in hindi
  • Student and teacher
  • Teacher and student in hindi
  • Cat and dog
  • Coach and player
  • Customer and shopkeeper
  • Railway reservation clerk and passenger
  • Two friends in the Marathi language
  • Two students on the importance of sports
  • Dialogue writing in English between doctor and patient
  • Four friends
  • A doctor and a patient
  • The bank manager and customer
  • Father and daughter
  • Parent and teacher
  • Patient and doctor

Dialogue writing PDF


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13 thoughts on “Dialogue writing in English, Examples, between, Topics, Question”

' data-src=

This is easy way to lean without feeling stress.

' data-src=

Thanks, Potluri Eswara Rao I will try to provide all types of writing skills.

' data-src=

Today, I went to the beach with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.

She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!

' data-src=

This was very helpful……but I wish u could provide us with the answers of the unsolved questions.

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Happy to help! While I can’t provide direct answers, I’m here to guide you towards solutions.

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Appreciate your perspective. Looking forward to more posts!

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Thank you for your appreciation and will be uploading more very soon.

Thank you! Stay tuned for more engaging posts and updates.

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Thank you for your kind words! We truly appreciate your support, and more content is coming soon. Stay tuned!

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I want the solutions of the above topics of dialogue writing..

Waiting for your precious response

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Hello! Here are some solutions of the same

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अंग्रेज़ी वार्तालाप # 22 – Conversation Between Mother and Son

Conversation between Mother and Son… यह Conversation Exercise नीचे दी गयी “Spoken English Guru English Conversations Book” से ली गयी है। यदि आप यह पुस्तक खरीदना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दिये गये पुस्तक के चित्र पर क्लिक करें –

Spoken English Guru English Conversation Book

Mother : Ajay, come to the kitchen. I need your help. माँ : अजय, किचन में आ जाओ। मुझे तुम्हारी मदद चाहिए।

Ajay : Yes mom! What do you need my help with? अजय : हाँ माँ! आपको किस चीज़ में मदद चाहिए?

Mother : I want you to help me cook. माँ : मैं चाहती हूँ कि तुम खाना बनाने में मेरी मदद करो।

Ajay : But mom I don’t know how to cook! अजय : लेकिन माँ मैं खाना बनाना नहीं जानता!

Mother : I know that. I am going to teach you. माँ : मुझे पता है। मैं तुम्हें सिखाने जा रही हूँ।

Ajay : Why? Why do I need to learn to cook? अजय : क्यों? मुझे खाना बनाना सीखने की ज़रुरत क्यों है?

Mother : You need to learn to cook because soon you’ll be going out for college. You will be living alone. I won’t be with you then. So you need to learn to take care of yourself. माँ : तुम्हें खाना बनाना सीखने की ज़रूरत है क्योंकि जल्द ही तुम कॉलेज के लिए बाहर जाओगे। तुम अकेले रहोगे। मैं तब तुम्हारे साथ नहीं रहूँगी। इसलिए तुम्हें अपना ख्याल रखना सीखने की जरूरत है।

Conversation Between Mother and Son…

Ajay : But mom, I can get tiffin service. I won’t have to cook then. अजय : लेकिन माँ, मुझे टिफिन सर्विस मिल सकती है। मुझे तब खाना बनाना नहीं पड़ेगा।

Mother : You can’t rely on tiffin services. Most of the time, children get really sick because of the poor quality of the food they get. Besides, you need to be prepared for all kinds of situations. माँ : आप टिफिन सेवाओं पर भरोसा नहीं कर सकते। भोजन की गुणवत्ता खराब होने के कारण अधिकतर बच्चे वास्तव में बीमार हो जाते हैं। वैसे भी, तुम्हें हर तरह की परिस्थितियों के लिए तैयार रहने की ज़रुरत है।

Ajay : Why do I need to learn now? I still have 4 months left. अजय : मुझे अभी सीखने की क्या ज़रूरत है? मेरे पास अभी भी 4 महीने बाकी हैं।

Mother : Yes but learning to cook will take time. You can’t learn it in one day. माँ : हाँ लेकिन खाना बनाना सीखने में समय लगेगा। तुम इसे एक दिन में नहीं सीख सकते।

Ajay : I guess you’re right. So what do I have to do? अजय : मुझे लगता है कि आप सही हो। तो मुझे क्या करना है?

Mother : Excellent! You’ll thank me one day for this. माँ : बहुत बढ़िया! इसके लिए तुम मुझे एक दिन धन्यवाद दोगे।

Ajay : Yeah maybe. Let’s begin now so that I can go back and finish my game. अजय : हाँ हो सकता है। चलिए अब शुरू करते हैं ताकि मैं वापस जा सकूं और अपना गेम खत्म कर सकूं।

Spoken English Guru English Speaking Course Kit

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अगर आपको ये आर्टिकल (Conversation 22) पसन्द आया हो, तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ WhatsApp, Facebook आदि पर शेयर जरूर करिएगा। Thank you! – Aditya sir

3 thoughts on “अंग्रेज़ी वार्तालाप # 22 – Conversation Between Mother and Son”

' src=

Mother: you will be going out for college. You will be living alone.

My Question is : Diff between: You will be going out for college VS You will go out for college ?? Your will be living alone VS You will live alone??

' src=

Mother and children conversation mom l am not going to school

' src=

Thank you sir

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Deeper Conversations

23 mother-son conversation starters for deeper connection

While gender roles have shifted dramatically in the last fifty years, the mother-son bond is still enduring… because duh, who are the ones giving birth?  Anyway, the relationship stakes are high. According to research, boys …

Ian Chew, MHFA

Written by: Ian Chew, MHFA

Published on: 12/10/2022

dialogue writing between mother and son about homework

Table of Content

While gender roles have shifted dramatically in the last fifty years, the mother-son bond is still enduring… because duh, who are the ones giving birth? 

Anyway, the relationship stakes are high. According to research , boys who have insecure attachments to their mothers — as a result of unmet needs — are more likely to be aggressive.

Conversely, researchers found that men who have warm childhood relationships with their mothers made $87,000 more a year on average than men who had uncaring mothers. 

Given the importance of mom-son communication, how do you better communicate with your mom? Here’s a list of questions to get you started: 

  • What makes our mom-son relationship unique? 
  • How would you describe our relationship in one word/sentence? 
  • What does Mother’s Day mean to you?
  • How has our relationship made you a better mom/son?
  • What do you regret saying/doing as a mother/son? (Is there anything you would do differently?) 

If you’re planning a mom-son date

  • What do you think about mother-son dates? 
  • What’s your idea of a mother-son date? 
  • What do you think about [your mother-son date idea]?
  • What should every mom and son do together? 
  • What do you enjoy doing together? 

If you’re talking to your biological mother 

  • How did you decide you were going to have me?
  • How was it like giving birth to me?
  • What was your favorite memory of me? 
  • What was I like as a baby/teen?
  • What was the hardest part of raising me?
  • How have you grown as a mother?
  • How have I grown as a son?
  • What does being a mom mean to you? 

If you were adopted, questions #1 and #2 won’t apply — here are a few additional questions instead:

If you’re talking to your adoptive mother

  • What made you decide to adopt me? (this will most probably bring up difficult emotions, since a common reason is infertility )
  • What was the best part of adoption? 
  • What was the hardest part of adoption?
  • What do you wish you knew about adoption? // What do you wish other moms know about adoption? 
  • What was your first impression of me?

Related articles

  • 28 deep conversation starters for parents and grown kids
  • How to start a conversation with your parents as an adult
  • 21 father-son conversation starters for deeper connection
  • 10 family conversation starters for deeper connection
  • How to keep the conversation going with someone older or more experienced

About Ian Chew, MHFA

How to end a conversation with someone you like

21 father-son conversation starters.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Sentence Transformation

April 14, 2019 by phani

Formulae Handbook for Class 10 Maths and Science

1. Reported Speech (3 marks each)

Question 1. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks) (Board 2014, Set PRE2N18)

Principal: Why were you absent last week? Student: I was absent because I was not well. Principal: What will happen to your studies now? Student: I will work hard to complete them.

The Principal asked the student (a)…………. The student replied (b)……………. The Principal was concerned and asked (c)………… The student replied that he would study hard to complete them.

Answer: (a) why he had been absent the previous week. (b) that he had been absent because he had not been well. (c) what would happen to his studies then?

You can master in English Grammar of various classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses, Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice Writing, etc.

Question 2. Read the conversations given below. Based on your reading, fill in the blanks appropriately. (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2013, Set 8SRR)

Julie: When is the fancy- dress competition in your school? Mona: It is after two weeks. Julie: Are you taking part in it? Mona: Yes, I am taking part as an engine driver. Julie: Why have you chosen that? Mona: So that I can reach late. Julie asked Mona when the fancy dress competition in her school was. To that

Mona replied that (a) ____________ Julie enquired whether (b) ____________ Mona said that she was taking part as an engine driver. Julie asked why (c) ____________ She answered (d) ____________. Answer: (a) it was after two weeks. (b) whether/if she was taking part in it. (c) she had chosen that. (d) then/so that she could reach late.

More Resources for CBSE Class 10

NCERT Solutions

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Foundation of IT
  • RD Sharma Class 10 Solutions

Question 3. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows : (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2013, Set 5007)

Haiku: The landlord has come. Take out the money you have set aside. Wife: But there are only three’ hundred rupees. If you give them to him, where is the blanket going to come from? Haiku: Don’t worry. I will figure out some other plan.

Haiku told his wife that the landlord had come, she should take out (a) ……………. His wife said that (b)…………and asked him if he gave them to him (c)…………..

Answer: (a) the money she had set aside. (b) that there were only three hundred rupees. (c) where the blanket was going to come from.

Question 4. Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows : (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,039)

Ali: Omar, why don’t you leave this place? I can drop you on my way back home. Omar: I have no home. Ali: Where have you come from? Omar: From Tunisia.

Ali asked Omar (a)………………..and offered to (b)……………….. Omar replied that he had no home. Then Ali asked (c)……………….. Omar told him that he had come from Tunisia.

Answer: (a) why he didn’t leave that place. (b) drop him on his way back home. (c) where he had come from.

Question 5. Read the following conversation between a mother and son and then complete the paragraph that follows : (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,043)

Mother: You seem so tired. Take some rest. Suraj: I can’t even think of relaxing. I have lots of homework to do. Mother: You should not take so much of stress. Suraj: Don’t worry. Please give me a hot cup of tea.

Mother said to Suraj that (a)…………………… Suraj replied that (b)…………………… The mother advised him not to take so much of stress. Suraj told his mother (c)……………………

Answer: (a) he seemed so tired and advised him to take a rest. (b) he could not even think of relaxing as he had lots of homework to do. (c) not to worry and requested her to give him a hot cup of tea.

Question 6. Given below are instructions for making soup. Use these to complete the blanks in the paragraph that follows. (3 marks) (Board Tenn-I 2012, Set EC2,042)

  • Mix the soup powder with 750 ml of water without allowing it to form lumps.
  • Pour the mixture into a heavy-bottomed vessel.
  • Bring it to a boil, stirring continuously.
  • Simmer the soup for five minutes.
  • Pour the soup into soup bowls and serve garnished with fried croutons.

The packet containing the soup powder (a) ____________ opened and the contents are mixed with 750 ml of water without allowing it to form lumps. The mixture (b) ____________ into a heavy-bottomed vessel. It is stirred continuously and brought to boil. The soup (c) ____________ on a slow flame for five minutes. Finally after the soup is ready, it is (d) ____________. Answer: (a) is opened (b) is poured (c) is simmered (d) is poured into the soup bowls and served

Question 7. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,0401)

Raju: Do you know Varun was hit by a two-wheeler yesterday? Arun: Oh no! When did it happen? Raju: He was hit by a scooter on his way back from school. Arun: Is he badly hurt?

Raju asked Arun (a)………………….. Arun was shocked and wanted to know when (b)………………….. Raju replied that (c)………………….. Arun enquired if he was badly hurt.

Answer: (a) if he knew that Varun had been hit by a two-wheeler the previous day. (b) it had happened. . (c) he had been hit by a scooter on his way back from school.

Question 8. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,064)

Vani: Harika, are you going to join the Dramatics Club with me? Harika: No, I am going to join the Adventure Club. Vani: I too would have joined the Adventure Club, but I am very scared of heights. Harika: If that is the case, join the Dramatics Club.

Vani asked Harika (a)…………………….. Harika said that (b)……………………. Adventure Club. To this Vani replied (c) ……………………. Adventure Club, but she was very scared of heights. Harika advised her to join the Dramatics Club.

Answer: (a) if she was going to join the Dramatics Club with her. (b) she was going to join the (c) she too would have joined the

Question 9. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,039)

Pig: See how strong and hefty I am. Even the Jumbo was afraid of me. Animals: Jumbo, was it out of horror? Jumbo: I could have happily crushed the dirty pig under my heels but I avoided it so that I do not become dirty.

The jaunty pig said (a)……………………….. He further added (b)……………………….. All the animals enquired of Jumbo if that had been out of horror. Jumbo replied that he could have happily crushed the dirty pig under his heels but he (c)………………………..

Answer: (a) that he was very strong and hefty (b) that even the Jumbo had been afraid of him. (c) had avoided it so that he did not become dirty.

Question 10. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks)

Rohan: When is the fancy dress competition at your school? Seema: It is after two weeks. Rohan: Are you taking part in it? Seema: Yes, I am taking part as a caterpillar. Rohan: Why have you chosen that? Seema: So that I can reach late.

Rohan asked Seema (a)……………………….. Seema replied (b)……………………….. Rohan enquired (c)………………….. Seema said that she was taking part as a caterpillar. Rohan asked why she had chosen that. Seema answered so that she could reach late. (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,048)

Answer: (a) when the fancy dress competition in her school was. (b) that it was after two weeks. (c) whether she was taking part in that

Question 11. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows : (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,061)

Customer: Why is the meal so sour? Waiter: Nobody has complained for five days sir, about the meal. Customer: What! Where is the Manager? Waiter: He has gone to some other hotel to take dinner, sir.

One day a customer was taking dinner in a hotel. He asked the waiter why (a)………………………. The waiter told him (b) ……………………….. At this, the customer was shocked and wanted to know where the Manager was. The waiter replied (c) ………………………..

Answer: (a) the meal was so sour. (b) that nobody had complained for five days about the meal. (c) that he had gone to some other hotel to take dinner.

Question 12. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows : (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,049)

Teacher: Did you brush your hair this morning? Asha: Yes, I did, but the wind blew it about while I was coming to school. Teacher: Wear a hairband tomorrow.

The teacher asked Asha (a)…………………….. Asha replied that she had, but the wind (b)…………………….while she had been coming to school. The teacher instructed her (c)……………………… Answer: (a) if she had brushed her hair that morning. (b) had blown it about. (c) to wear a hairband the next day.

Question 13. Read the following conversation and complete the paragraph that follows : (3 marks)

Mother: Rita, finish your food. Rita: I don’t want to have this food. You never give me a pizza or burger. Mother: They are not good for health. You had pizza at your friend’s birthday party last evening. Rita: OK, then give me French fries and shake. ‘ Mother: If you live only on junk food, you will spoil your health.

Mother told Rita (a)……………………….. Rita replied that (b)……………………….and told her mother that she never gave her a pizza or burger. Mother said that they were not good for health and reminded her (c)…………………… Rita then asked her mother to give her french fries and a shake. Mother warned her that if she lived only on junk food, she would spoil her health.

Answer: (a) to finish her food. (b) she did not want to have that food (c) that she had pizza at her friend’s birthday party the evening before.

Question 14. Read the conversation/dialogue given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks)

Patient: I want an appointment with the doctor for this evening. Receptionist: I’m sorry, I can’t give you an appointment before the 20th. Patient: But I could be dead by then! Receptionist: That’s all right. I’ll ring up your wife and cancel the appointment in that case.

The patient (a)…………………..evening. The receptionist (b)………………… appointment before the 20th. The patient (c)…………………… The receptionist replied that it was all right as she would ring up his wife and cancel the appointment in that case.

(a) told the receptionist that he wanted an appointment with the doctor for that (b) replied that she was sorry but she could not give him (c) exclaimed that he could be dead by then

Question 15. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks)

Patient: Good afternoon. I need to get an E.C.G. done. . Receptionist: Sorry. Our machine is not working. You can come tomorrow. Patient: What! But I think I’m having a heart attack now. Receptionist: Oh! In that case, 1 will book you for a bypass and inform our Senior Cardiologist.

A patient went to the doctor’s clinic, greeted the receptionist, and said that (a)………………………. The receptionist apologized and told him (b) ………………………. She also added that (c) ……………………….. The patient reacted angrily and said he thought he was having a heart attack. To this, the receptionist replied that in that case she could book him for a bypass and inform their Senior Cardiologist.

Answer: (a) he needed to get an E.C.G. done. (b) that their machine was not working. (c) he could come the next day.

2. Process Writing (3 marks each)

Question 1. Given below are instructions on how to make cold coffee. Refer to the given notes and complete the paragraph : (3 marks) (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,046)

  • Pour 3/4 of a glass of cold milk in the mixer.
  • Add one teaspoonful of sugar and half a teaspoonful coffee powder to it.
  • Add a few ice cubes.
  • Switch on the mixer.
  • Coffee and sugar would blend with the milk and froth would appear on top.
  • Switch off the mixer.
  • Pour cold coffee in a tall glass.
  • Serve it cold.

To prepare cold coffee 3/4 of a glass of cold milk (a)…………………. One teaspoonful of sugar and half a teaspoonful of coffee powder (b)…………………to it. A few ice cubes are also added to this. The mixer (c)…………………. When froth appears on the milk, the mixer is switched off. After pouring it in a tall glass it is served cold.

Answer: (a) is taken (b) are added (c) is switched on

Question 2. Given below are the instructions on How to Make Orange Squash. Refer, to the notes and complete the paragraph given below: (3 marks)

  • Take 1 dozen fully ripe oranges
  • Remove the rind
  • Extract the juice
  • Strain through a thick cloth
  • Mix 1 /2 kg sugar, 1 /2 tea-spoonful citric acid
  • Add a pinch of potassium meta-bisulfate, a few drops of colour and essence
  • Stir till thoroughly dissolved

One dozen fully ripe oranges are taken. Their rinds (a)…………………and the juice (b)………………… Then the juice (c)…………………through a thick cloth into a stainless steel vessel. 1/2 kg of sugar, 1/2 teaspoonful of citric acid, a pinch of potassium meta – bisulphate, a few drops of colour and essence are added to the juice. The mixture is stirred till it is thoroughly dissolved.

Answer: (a) are removed (b) is extracted (c) is strained

Question 3. Given below are a set of instructions for using a clinical thermometer. Complete the paragraph describing the process of using a clinical thermometer: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,052)

  • Wash the thermometer with fresh water thoroughly.
  • Stake it well to bring down the reading below 37°C.
  • Place the die bulb of the thermometer under the patient’s tongue.
  • Ask the patient to keep the mouth closed.
  • Keep the thermometer under the patient’s tongue for at least 2 minutes.
  • Take out the thermometer and read the temperature.

How to Use a Clinical Thermometer

The clinical thermometer (a)…………………with freshwater and the reading (b)…………………by shaking it well. Then the bulb of the thermometer (c)…………………under the patient’s tongue and he is asked to keep the mouth closed. The thermometer should be kept there for at least two minutes. It is then taken out and the temperature is read.

Answer: (a) is washed (b)) is brought down (c) is placed

Question 4. Given below are instructions on how to make lemonade. Refer to the notes and complete the paragraph: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,048)

  • Take a glass of water.
  • Add four spoonfuls of sugar.
  • Squeeze the juice of a lemon and add.
  • Add salt, roasted cumin seed powder, and ice.
  • Serve chilled.

To prepare lemonade, a glass of water is taken and four spoonfuls of sugar (a)…………………to it. A lemon (b)…………………and juice is added to it. Salt, roasted cumin seed powder and ice (c)…………………. It is served chilled.

Answer: (a) are added (b) is squeezed (c) are added and stirred

Question 5. Given below are instructions on how to make instant coffee. Refer to the given notes and complete the paragraph: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,083)

Put coffee powder and sugar into a cup – pour some hot milk – stir it well for 5 minutes – add hot milk to it – Add a pinch of cinnamon powder for flavour – serve hot.

To prepare instant coffee, coffee powder, and sugar (a)…………………in a cup. Some hot water (b)…………………into the cup and the mixture is (c)…………………for about 5 minutes. Hot milk is then added to it. It is then served hot with cinnamon powder for taste.

Answer: (a) is put (b) is poured (c) stirred

Question 6. Given below are instructions to make tomato soup. Read the given notes and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks) (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,018)

Place tomatoes in a pan-fill the pan with water–add onions and green chilies –cook for 10 min.-remove from the pan–peel tomatoes–grind tomatoes, onion, green chilies–add salt to taste–boil and serve hot.

To prepare tomato soup tomatoes (a)…………………in a pan and the pan is filled with water. Onions and green chilies (b)…………………and cooked for 10 minutes. Tomatoes are then (c)…………………and peeled. Tomatoes, onions, and chilies are ground. After adding salt the mixture is boiled and served hot.

Answer: (a) are placed (b) are added (c) removed from the pan

Question 7. Given below are the instructions on dyeing a piece of cloth. Refer to the given notes and complete the , sentences given below: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,039)

  • Take a strong, white-coloured cotton cloth.
  • Boil water and add the desired colour.
  • Dip the cloth in coloured hot water and soak it for half an hour.
  • Take the cloth out
  • Spread the cloth and let it dry.

A strong, white-coloured cotton cloth is taken. Water (a)…………………and the desired colour (b)…………………. The cloth (c)…………………in the coloured water for half an hour. The cloth is taken out. Finally, it is spread and allowed to dry.

Answer: (a) is boiled (b) is added to it (c) is soaked

Question 8. Given below are the instructions on how to use a thesaurus. Refer to the given notes and complete the paragraph: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,061)

  • Locate the word for which you need synonyms in the Thesaurus.
  • Note the number given after that word.
  • Look up the alternatives listed against that number.
  • Choose the one that best suits the purpose.

First, the word for which (a)…………………in the Thesaurus. Next, the number given is noted. After these alternatives listed (b)…………………. Finally, the one best (c)………………….

Answer: (a) synonyms are needed is located (b) are looked up against the number (c) that suits the purpose is chosen

Question 9. Read the instructions given below and complete the following: (3 marks) (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,053)

  • Don’t leave valuables inside your vehicle.
  • Don’t display large sums of cash in public.
  • Don’t touch any unidentified object.
  • Don’t get distracted by unknown persons trying to approach you with any offer of help.

Make your city safe and sound by following certain instructions. No valuables (a)…………………inside a vehicle as they may attract anti-social elements. While carrying cash it (b)…………………. If we find some unidentified object lying in the market it (c)………………… We should not get distracted by unknown persons trying to approach us with an offer to help.

Answer: (a) should be left (b) should not be displayed in public (c) should not be touched

Question 10. Given below are the instructions on how to make coconut burfi. Refer to the given notes and complete the paragraph: (3 marks) (Board Term-I 2012, Set EC2,059)

Stir together grated coconut mid condensed milk — cook on high in the microwave for 7 mins — switching off, opening and stirring every 30 seconds — add the almonds and cardamom in the hot and bubbling coconut mixture-pour the mixture into the prepared pan.

To prepare ‘coconut burfi’ grated coconut and condensed milk are stirred together in a large microwave-safe bowl. Then, it (a)………………..on high in the microwave for 7 minutes. It (b)……………….., opened, and stirred every 30 seconds. When the coconut mixture is hot and bubbling, almonds, and cardamom (c)………………… The mixture is poured into a prepared pan and after cooling, cut into small squares with a greased knife.

Arts. (a) is cooked (b) is switched off (c) are added

Question 11. Some steps for an experiment to prove that unlike charges attract each other. Complete the paragraph given below, using suitable words. (3 marks) (Board Term-I 2011, Set 42)

  • Take a hard rubber rod and a piece of flannel.
  • Electrify the rod by rubbing it with flannel.
  • Suspend the rod with a silk thread.
  • Electrify a glass rod by rubbing it with a silk cloth.
  • Bring the glass rod near the suspended rubber rod.
  • The glass rod would attract the rubber rod.

First of all, a hard rubber rod and a piece of flannel are taken. The rod is, then (a)…………. A glass rod is, then, (b)……………….. by rubbing it with a silk cloth. The glass rod (c)……………….. near the suspended rubber rod. The rubber rod will be attracted by the glass rod.

Answer: (a) electrified (b) again electrified (c) is then brought

Question 12. Using the information given below, complete the paragraph that follows. The fust one has been done as an example. Don’t write the printed words. (3 marks) (Board Term-I 2011, Set 29)

(i) Cut a fresh onion into small pieces. (ii) Boil these pieces in 10 ml of distilled water for 3-4 min. (iii) Coal the solution. (iv) Filter the content to be used as food extract. (v) Perform Benedict’s test. (vi) The solution turns green, then orange, and finally red. (vii) This confirms the presence of glucose in onion.

In order to test the presence of glucose in onions, the following experiment must be performed. First, the onion is cut into small pieces. Then these onion pieces (a)……………….. for 3-4 minutes. The solution is allowed to cool. It is then (b)………………… Now (c)……………….. on the content. You will observe that initially, the solution turns green, then orange, and finally red. Thus, the presence of glucose in onion is confirmed.

Answer: (a) are boiled in 10 ml of distilled water. (b) filtered to be used as food extract. (c) Benedict’s test is performed.

Question 13. Given below are instructions for making soup. Refer to the given notes and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks)

  • Mix the soup powder with 750 ml, of water without allowing it to form lumps.
  • Bring it to boil, stirring continuously.
  • Let the soup simmer for five minutes.

The packet containing soup powder is opened and the contents are mixed with 750 ml of water without allowing it to form lumps. The mixture (a)…………………into a heavy-bottomed vessel. It is stirred (b)…………………boil. The soup (c)…………………on a slow flame for five minutes. Finally, after the soup is ready, it is served garnished with fried croutons.

Answer: (a) is poured (b) and brought to boil (c) is allowed to simmer

3. News Headlines (3 marks each)

Question 1. Read the newspaper headlines given below. Complete the sentences that follow: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2014, Set EC2,049)

(a) 70% INFANT DEATHS IN-FIRST 29 DAYS Nearly 70% of infant deaths in the country in the year 2010…………………..during the first 29 days of the infant’s life. (b) PARKING ROW: MAN BATTERED TO DEATH A 45-year-old autorickshaw driver………………… death over a parking issue in Geeta Colony on Sunday. (c) MINOR POLIO VICTIM HURT IN HOSPITAL 17-year-old polio afflicted girl …………………..inside a government hospital.

Answer: (a) took place (b) was beaten (c) was hurt

Question 2. Read the news items given below. Use the information in the headlines to complete the sentences that follow: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,058)

(a) Govt, raises DA; announcement made The government…………………..for its employees with effect from 1st July 2012 (b) Kalka Shatabdi cancelled due to heavy rains The heavy rains caused flooding of the railway tracks because of which Kalka Shatabdi (c) Petrol, diesel prices likely to be raised The government…………………..the prices of petrol and diesel to ensure that the public sector oil companies do not face losses

Answer: (a) has announced a raise in DA (b) has been cancelled (c) is considering raising

Question 3. Read the newspaper headlines given below and complete the news items: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,038)

(a) NEGLECT CAUSED MALL TRAGEDY, SAYS PROBE The tragedy at The Great Adventure Mall…………………..due to neglect on the part of authorities. (b) FOUR HURT AS CYLINDER BLAST TRIGGERS COLLAPSE Four members of a family including two children…………………..when portions of their first-floor house collapsed following a gas cylinder explosion in Delhi’s Nand Nagri on Sunday morning. (c) TWO AUTO – LIFTERS NABBED, POLICE CRACK 30 CASES The South District Police claims to have …………………..the arrest of two persons on Sunday.

Answer: (a) was caused (b) were injured (c) cracked 30 cases of auto-lifting with

Question 4. Read the given headlines and complete the reports that follow: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,034)

(a) CHIEF SEEKS MORE TIME FROM CBI NEW DELHI: Army chief General VK Singh…………………..the CBI for more time to provide details on his allegation that he was offered ?Rs.14 crore bribe. (b) Rs.1 CR TO THE WIFE OF ACCIDENT VICTIM The Delhi High Court…………………..a compensation of ? 1 crore to the widow of a businessman who died in a road accident five years ago. (c) DEATH PENALTY TO THREE FOR KILLING GIRL OVER PROPERTY NEW DELHI: A man, along with his daughter and son…………………..death penalty by a Delhi court for burning alive his daughter-in-law to comer her property.

Answer: (a) has asked (b) has awarded (c) have been given

Question 5. Read the heading given below and complete the news stories : (3 marks)

(a) Pawar, Daughter Deny Involvement In IPL Sharad Pawar and his daughter Supriya Sule on Friday……… team. (b) IM Declared Terror Outfit The Indian Mujahideen (IM), suspected to be a shadow outfit of the banned Students’ Islamic Movement of India………………a terror outfit. (c) 5 Passengers Killed as Train Rams into Mini-Bus …………at an unmanned level crossing on Friday when a train rammed into a mini-bus. Answer: (a) denied having any involvement in any Indian Premier League (b) has been declared (c) Five persons were killed

Question 6. Read the news items given below. Use the information in the headlines to complete the sentences. Write the answer in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole sentences: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2011, Set 16)

(a) Stone chamber of 3rd-century tomb unveiled A third-century stone chamber…………………by Japanese archaeologists today. It was excavated from an ancient tomb in Nara. (b) Abducted Bengal cop released by Maoists. Two days after being taken hostage, police officer A. Dutt…………………unharmed by the Maoists in Lalgarh. (c) Singaporean trade team to visit India. According to the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, a high-level trade team…………….. India soon to finalize the setting up of the trade development council in New Delhi.

Answer: (a) has been unveiled (b) has been released (c) will be visiting/is going to visit

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[Grammar] Question 3 (i) - Practice Questions CBSE - English Class 10 (2023 Boards) - Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - English Class 10 - English Class 10

Last updated at April 16, 2024 by Teachoo

Read the conversation between a mother and her son. Complete the sentence by reporting the mother's reply correctly.

Son: mom, how do i become an artist, mother: you will need to learn more about the art you like and practice it every day., a son asked his mother how he could become an artist. she told him _________..

He would need to learn more about the art he liked and practice it every day / to learn more about the art he likes and practice it every day


Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo

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