By Whitney Gillespie     April 16, 2024

Complete guide to integrated business planning (ibp).

integrated business planning platform

Integrated Business Planning, or IBP for short, is a strategic management process that connects various organizational departments to align business operations with financial goals. How? By integrating business functions – such as Sales, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain and Operations – to create a holistic view of the company's performance and future direction. This blog post offers a comprehensive guide to discuss what precisely IBP entails and how Finance can drive business results and collaboration within the organization via a robust and comprehensive IBP process.

What Is Integrated Business Planning?

While the business world and Finance have always had shared language and acronyms, some new (and reimagined) acronyms may now be flooding your feed. One such topic you may be hearing a lot about lately is Integrated Business Planning (IBP). Yet the concept of IBP isn't new. In fact, it's related to Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) , a concept that's been around awhile.

Still, IBP may seem overwhelming in the context of all the different acronyms related to financial and operational planning floating around lately. For example, IBP, S&OP, eXtended Planning and Analysis (xP&A) and others are just a few acronyms muddying the waters. But this comprehensive guide to all things IBP aims to help demystify the process.

So what, exactly, is IBP?

IBP ultimately aims to unify business strategy with planning, budgeting and forecasting activity for all business lines and functions – providing one version of the numbers. In turn, a trusted, common view of the numbers provides a robust baseline for agile decision-making. That common view also keeps all teams collectively trying to achieve the same corporate objectives while staying focused on specific KPIs. In other words, the different teams maintain their independence while working in unison to achieve corporate success by leveraging the same trusted and governed data.

The bottom line? IBP is about aligning strategy intent, unifying planning processes and bringing the organization together.

How Integrated Business Planning Works

The IBP process is a framework to address the C-suite needs and help implement the business strategy and manage uncertainty to improve decision-making. So what's the secret sauce of IBP to make all of that happen? A collaboration between the different teams under a single view of the numbers that must unequivocally be tied to financial performance. That's how the C-suite gets value from IBP. Consequently, Finance plays a central role in the IBP process.

IBP typically focuses on horizons of 24-60 months, as opposed to the short term. That focus equates to Integrated Tactical Planning or Sales and Operations Planning and Execution. Since the process must be fully integrated, it removes the departmental silos. Plus, the IBP process must adapt to the organizational construct of every business (IBP isn't a one-size-fits-all type of process).

A typical IBP process involves several stages:

  • Data Collection and Analysis : Gathering relevant data (e.g., sales forecasts, production capacities, inventory levels and financial projections) from different departments.
  • Demand Planning: Predicting future demand based on historical data, market trends, customer feedback and sales forecasts.
  • Supply Planning: Determining the resources and capabilities (e.g., materials, production capacity and distribution channels) needed to meet the forecasted demand.
  • Financial Planning : Developing financial plans and budgets aligned with the demand and supply forecasts, considering factors such as revenue targets, cost structures and investment requirements.
  • Scenario Planning: Creating alternative scenarios to assess how different strategies, market conditions or external factors impact business outcomes.
  • Management Business Review : Collaborating across departments to make informed decisions on resource allocation, investments, pricing strategies and operational adjustments.
  • Execution and Monitoring : Implementing the plans, tracking performance against targets, and continuously monitoring key metrics to identify deviations and take corrective actions.

The most efficient way to foster this collaboration is through a unified solution and data model that caters to the needs of the various agents involved on each review. In fact, Figure 1 shows how one solution gathering all the capabilities in the greyed area under a unified data model is the most efficient approach to IBP.

integrated business planning platform

Figure 1: A Unified Data Model for IBP

Core Elements and Stages of the Integrated Business Planning Process

The IBP process includes the following core elements:

  • Governance Structure : Establishing a cross-functional team with representatives from key departments to oversee the IBP process, define roles and responsibilities, and ensure alignment with organizational goals.
  • Data Integration : Integrating data from different systems and sources to create a single source of truth for decision-making, using technologies such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, Corporate Performance Management (CPM) tools, business intelligence (BI) tools and data analytics platforms.
  • Collaborative Planning : Encouraging collaboration and communication between departments to share insights, align objectives and develop consensus-based plans that support overall business objectives.
  • Continuous Improvement : Implementing feedback loops, performance reviews and process refinements to enhance the effectiveness and agility of the IBP process over time.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Integrated Business Planning

Some key KPIs to measure the effectiveness of an IBP process include:

  • Forecast Accuracy : Comparing actual sales or demand with forecasted figures to assess the accuracy and reliability of forecasting models.
  • Inventory Turnover : Calculating how often inventory is sold and replaced within a specific period indicates efficiency in inventory management.
  • Customer Service Levels : Monitoring metrics like on-time delivery, order fulfillment rates, and customer satisfaction scores to measure service performance.
  • Financial Metrics : Evaluating financial KPIs such as revenue growth, gross margin, operating profit, and return on investment (ROI) to gauge overall business performance.
  • Supply Chain Performance : Assessing metrics like lead times, supplier performance, inventory levels, and supply chain costs to optimize supply chain operations.

Technological Enablers for Integrated Business Planning

Several technological enablers support a robust IBP process:

  • ERP Systems : Integrated ERP systems consolidate data from different departments, automate processes, and provide real-time visibility into business operations.
  • BI and Analytics Tools : Business intelligence tools and analytics platforms enable data visualization, trend analysis, scenario modeling, and predictive analytics for informed decision-making.
  • Collaboration Platforms : Cloud-based collaboration tools facilitate communication, document sharing, and workflow management among cross-functional teams involved in IBP.
  • Advanced Planning Software : Specialized IBP software solutions offer capabilities for demand planning, supply chain optimization, financial modeling, scenario planning, and performance monitoring.
  • AI and Machine Learning : AI-driven algorithms and machine learning techniques can enhance forecasting accuracy, identify patterns, optimize resource allocation, and automate repetitive tasks in IBP processes.

By leveraging these technological enablers, finance professionals can streamline the IBP process, improve decision-making, and drive business growth.

In conclusion, Integrated Business Planning (IBP) is a strategic approach that aligns business functions, integrates data-driven insights and fosters collaboration to achieve operational excellence, financial stability, and competitive advantage. By implementing a robust IBP process supported by technology and focused on continuous improvement, finance professionals can effectively drive sustainable growth, mitigate risks, and adapt to evolving market dynamics.

Want to learn how you can maximize the benefits of your IBP process and get leadership on board with the plan? Check out our eBook Unifying Integrated Business Planning Across Finance and Supply Chain . You'll learn how to unify IBP across Finance and Supply Chain teams and read about use cases as proof points. Plus, you'll gain an understanding of the unique capabilities OneStream's Intelligent Finance Platform brings to unify Finance and Supply Chain planning activities.

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Integrated Business Planning

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Integrated Business Planning for modern, dynamic supply chains

Integrated Business Planning (IBP) is a comprehensive planning solution developed to provide core analytics, visibility, collaboration, and execution capabilities. IBP helps organizations across industries achieve real orchestration of their supply chain in order to retain control of costs and services delivered.

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Additional ibp resources.

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Integrated planning: The key to agile enterprise performance management

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Table of contents

What is integrated planning, change as a given: the truth about plans, planning across the organization, the ultimate integrated planning solution.

  • Need for real-time insights
  • Integrated planning
  • Agile and ready organizations
  • Integrated planning drives better results

Integration is key to streamlined planning, budgeting, and forecasting. In order to adapt to today's quickly changing business conditions, you need an enterprise performance management solution that creates a single source of truth and delivers speed and agility to your planning process.

Did you know that 33 percent of critical information is delivered late?

The delay of critical information can cause a ripple effect that drives poor decision making and poor results. Today’s business simply cannot afford this type of cost in our customer-centric environment, where data is one of our most valuable assets. To stay ahead of the competition, businesses rely on a solution that can deliver acceleration, agility, and collaboration in every part of the organization.

Integrated planning ensures all parts of the organization are connected and planning is streamlined.

Integrated planning ensures all parts of the organization are connected and planning is streamlined.

A must in the culture of “now.”

In virtually all industries, work has become more interactive and collaborative. More sharing is required, and more data is available than ever before. Success means integrating information across strategic and operational perspectives, as well as different functional and external sources.

Integrated planning mirrors the modern way we do business — it elevates the critical value of collaboration and cuts through data silos, driving more access to information and faster insights. Leaders use highly collaborative approaches to plan, budget, and forecast. Business planning requires accurate and complete data and buy-in across the entire organization, both from the top down and the bottom up. It sounds simple, but organizational silos are some of the biggest obstacles to accomplishing good work because they hinder critical decisions that strategically steer the business. And at the modern enterprise, silos are everywhere.

Integrated planning starts with a sophisticated planning platform that everyone in the organization can use, creating one source of truth. Data from diverse data sources such as ERPs, CRMs, and HRMs is unified, so users can access the information they need when they need it. Integrated planning helps ensure that plans, budgets, and forecasts are created with a holistic approach. Trends are easier to spot and quickly act on with more accurate and reliable plans. According to analysts at the Aberdeen Group , those organizations that champion data accessibility and collaboration between stakeholders promote organizational accountability and decrease time-to-decisions while increasing revenue. 1

The fact of the matter is that without effective communication, coordination, and collaboration between stakeholders, there is no way to improve organizational performance. 1

Bringing together people, data, and technology leaves organizations well-poised for optimal performance. Most importantly, integrated planning enables employees to be agile in responding to changing circumstances and able make the best decisions possible — all at the speed of modern business.

According to an Aberdeen study, 1 leaders who adopt enterprise performance management tools show a keen understanding of the importance of collaboration. They recognize that to make data driven decisions, they need to make all information accessible by integrating data and breaking down silos. Figure 1 shows steps taken by leaders to democratize data and drive more accurate forecasts.

Bar chart of how leaders are using integrated planning in their strategic activities

Leaders put a high value on data integration and accessibility. They see the value of providing real-time data to decision makers and taking the guesswork out of forecasting. These strategies create comprehensive, actionable visibility into overall company performance and drive better results.

Gartner Predicts by 2020, at least 25 percent of large organizations will increase planning accuracy by integrating key operational planning processes with financial planning and analysis. 2

Do you have an integrated view of your data?

I do not feel confident in where to find comprehensive data, even for just my department

I have a good handle on my own departmental data (but only mine)

I have access to my data and that of other departments that impact my planning

IBM Planning Analytics helps Deutsche Bahn unite its global enterprise

Deutsche Bahn AG is a German railway company, and one of the largest IBM Planning Analytics customers with over 6,000 users worldwide. Deutsche Bahn uses IBM Planning Analytics to unite their wide-ranging operations across the globe, ensuring that the most accurate data is being used to create critical plans and forecasts that drive their business forward.

The truth about plans is that they always change. The goal of a dynamic, integrated planning approach is not to create a perfect, fixed plan. It’s to use all the resources available to create the most accurate, flexible and transparent plan possible, using a solution that does more than just plan — it analyzes data, reveals trends, and allows for real-time iteration.

Better, quicker access to data means faster and more informed decisions, laying the foundation for an organization to be agile and ready to pivot when changing business conditions demand.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “great, the finance team integrates all our plans, so we are off the hook,” think again. While we’d like to think that finance is the well-informed master of plans, miraculously weaving them together in perfect harmony and balance, that’s not always the case. In fact, it rarely is. Many, many finance teams rely on the manual collection of data into spreadsheets, which are often disconnected. Remember that much of an organization’s critical planning starts outside of finance and never gets communicated back up the chain or across the organization. There are simply too many top-down and bottom-up communication problems. Spreadsheets only complicate smooth communications. When a finance person is collecting and analyzing budget spreadsheets from across the organization, there is high risk for error in the process of combining and editing, causing confusion at the highest levels. Contradictory data can inhibit a clear picture of what is actually going on and identifying business drivers or detractors. Spreadsheets have proven over and over to be a highly imperfect yet highly common business practice.

With real-time access to data, companies take the guesswork out of planning, decreasing time involved in forecasting and increasing forecast accuracy. 3

Bye bye, silos. Hello, cross-functional planning.

A centralized, automated solution for performance data and planning allows coordination between different parts of the business and enables more streamlined, accurate plans. Leadership needs to understand what is truly driving the business — what causes increases and decreases in revenue or demand. At every level, access to a full range of data is critical to understanding how change (both internal and external) impacts the business. Though planning often starts with finance, other areas of the business can benefit from a dynamic planning solution as well. Let’s dive into a few use cases.

integrated business planning platform

Supply chain planning

The term “operations” covers an enormous range of business activities. But one that’s almost universal is supply chain management. Supply chain planners are under constant pressure to reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve margins. Unfortunately, too many of them lack visibility into data and are misaligned with other teams. One centralized tool can help connect operational tactics with financial plans to allocate resources more effectively in response to market opportunities or competitive threats. This helps planners avoid mismatched data across multiple spreadsheets and enables them to pivot in the case of supply chain disruptions.

“ Our managers all have quick, easy access to the latest operational data via detailed reports that help them make better-informed decisions to improve the efficiency of the entire supply chain. ”

- Homarjun Agrahari, Director, Advanced Analytics, FleetPride

Learn more about supply chain planning

Infographic Webinar Learn more

integrated business planning platform

Workforce planning

A company is only as good its people. That’s why it’s so important to hire and retain the right talent. Alignment between HR, finance and operations is crucial to ensure that the right people are in the right roles at the right time in order to meet organizational demands. This is rarely a simple task and too often it involves manual spreadsheet-based processes. Ensuring that departmental staffing targets are in sync with broader organizational objectives requires high levels of planning integration.

“ Our business is based on people. IBM Analytics is helping us manage that critical asset much more efficiently and effectively than ever before. ”

- Nadia Bertoncini, Coordinator of Governance, Projects and HR Analytics for Latin America, Natura Cosméticos

Learn more about workforce planning

Infographic Aberdeen report Learn more

Icon for how integrated sales planning unites data under one roof  for one single view to boost sales and effectively manage sales people.

Sales planning

Misalignment between finance, marketing and sales could lead to investment in the wrong initiatives, missed opportunities and inaccurate revenue forecasts that can severely hinder sales growth. And in a fast-moving market, manual processes and siloed systems are detrimental to agility. Decisions that are based on outdated information can lead to misguided sales strategies and thus lost sales and lost revenue. It’s critical to unite data under one roof for one single view to boost sales and effectively manage sales people.

“ The sheer level of detail that IBM Planning Analytics provides is very impressive … We can calculate our sales and gross margins for each SKU in IBM Planning Analytics and generate insightful reports at the click of a button. As a result, senior managers can rapidly access the comprehensive information they need to make effective strategic decisions. ”

- Vince Mertens, Group Accounting and Consolidation Manager, Continental Foods

Learn more about sales planning

integrated business planning platform

Marketing planning

Constantly changing customer preferences and rising customer expectations require marketers to interpret high volumes of data and respond appropriately. But siloed data systems give only a partial picture and hinder smart decision-making. In addition, marketing teams can be fragmented and often disconnected from sales. Siloed planning causes misalignment with overall marketing goals, driving misallocated spend on the wrong elements of the marketing mix. Manual, siloed processes reduce visibility into how marketing activities affect one another, how marketing and sales touches move a lead through the funnel and how marketing helps achieve overall financial and business goals.

“ We first needed a better handle on our sales data. With so many lines of business, channels, and franchisees, collecting and consolidating this information was something that we knew we could do better. ”

- Donald Neumann, Demand Manager, Grupo Boticário

Learn more about marketing planning

Ventana report Learn more Infographic

Icon for how integrated IT planning coordinates with both finance and human resources to ensure the right resources are provided for IT initiatives and projects

IT planning

With IT, you need a business case for every dollar spent. But balancing the IT needs of an entire organization with digital transformation objectives and constant technology innovation is no simple task, and often requires additional resources. That’s why it’s so important leverage a planning solution that keeps IT focused on the projects that matter, automates planning tasks, gives a clear view into resources available and helps measure ROI. It’s also critical to coordinate with both finance and human resources to ensure the right resources are provided for IT initiatives and projects.

“ A few years ago, my team probably spent around half their time just keeping everything running — now it’s around 10 percent. With the move to IBM Analytics in the IBM Cloud, we have 40 percent more time to focus on working with the business to add value. Instead of asking ‘how do I make it work?’ we ask ourselves ‘how do I make it better?’ It’s a quantum shift in mindset. ”

- Vimal Dev, Vice President – IT, Global Enterprise Applications Leader, Genpact

Learn more about IT planning

Learn more IBV report

Operations, sales, marketing, human resources and other departments and disciplines all have a need for fast, flexible planning and analysis. And all of them can use the same tools to provide insight and manage performance. When people in one part of the organization see how their decisions affect other parts of the organization, all of the activities will be better coordinated and drive better results. In fact, according to Aberdeen, leading organizations are those who align planning across departments at double the rate of laggards in areas like sales, marketing and finance.

Bar chart of how planning analytics is expanding across the organization

Become a leader

With IBM Planning Analytics , you can break down silos and generate an integrated view of your departmental or organizational performance. The solution enables you to create more accurate forecasts, identify potential performance gaps before they occur and make resource allocation decisions quickly and intelligently. Using multidimensional modeling and scenario analysis, IBM Planning Analytics lets you drill down into your data to examine the ripple effects of alternative courses of action and understand how your decision will affect related areas of the organization and ultimately impact the bottom line.

Using what-if scenario analysis to make smarter decisions

With IBM Planning Analytics, you can build multidimensional models and perform “what-if” analysis to explore scenarios or test business assumptions. Creating and maintaining sophisticated models with advanced sandboxing capabilities is simple. Easily test business assumptions and model scenarios to immediately see the impact of alternative courses of action on before deciding to implement changes.

IBM Planning Analytics offers all areas of your business — finance, operations, HR, sales, marketing, operations, IT and more — the ability to solve problems today and respond to new challenges with agility tomorrow.

Click on any quadrant for more information.

Headcount and staffing planning

Salary and compensation planning

Successions planning

Corporate planning and, budgeting and forecasting

Strategy planning

Operational planning

Capital planning

Expense planning

Profitability analysis

Demand planning

Sales and operations planning

IT project planning

IT budgeting

IT portfolio management

Sales territory planning and quota planning

Sales forecasting

Sales capacity planning

Resource allocation

Marketing revenue planning and forecasting

Campaign optimization


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Shortfall: CFOs worry that their teams aren’t ready to weather the disruption

bar chart that exposes organizational gaps between the known importantnace of business analytics and the effectiveness of delivering them

Here are four issues that are holding back many finance organizations and possible solutions.

Icon for how integrated supply chain planning helps avoid mismatched data across multiple spreadsheets and enables them to pivot in the case of supply chain disruptions.

Integrated Business Planning

Succession planning

Corporate planning, budgeting and forecasting

Strategic planning

Captial planning

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Next-generation integrated business planning (IBP)

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What is integrated business planning (ibp).

In this video, we will discuss the concept of integrated business planning. We will explore the following topics: - What is the definition of integrated business planning? - What are the benefits of integrated business planning? - What are the challenges of integrated business planning? - What is the future of integrated business planning? Integrated business planning (IBP) is a holistic approach to planning that brings together all of the different planning processes within an organization. This includes demand planning, supply chain planning, financial planning, and commercial planning. The goal of IBP is to ensure that all of these planning processes are aligned and that they are all working towards the same goals. This can help to improve decision-making, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. There are many benefits to IBP, including: - Improved decision-making: When all of the different planning processes are aligned, it is easier to make informed decisions about the future of the business. - Reduced costs: IBP can help to reduce costs by eliminating duplication of effort and by ensuring that resources are allocated in the most efficient way possible. - Improved customer satisfaction: IBP can help to improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that products are available when and where customers need them. However, there are also some challenges associated with IBP, including: - Complexity: IBP can be a complex undertaking, requiring the coordination of many different people and processes. - Resistance to change: Some people may be resistant to change, especially if they are used to working in silos. - Technology: IBP requires the use of sophisticated technology, which can be expensive and difficult to implement. Despite the challenges, IBP is a valuable tool that can help organizations to improve their performance. The future of IBP is bright, as new technologies are making it easier to implement and manage IBP.

Chakri, so there are a myriad of business planning processes. What is your vision of integrated business planning? Simon, indeed there are a myriad of planning processes out there before we define integrated planning or integrated business planning. Let's talk about what planning means in general in vernacular, right? If you're planning a wedding or if you're planning a trip, there's a set of coordinated decisions that need to be made. Planning is that process of making coordinated decisions. In the context of an enterprise, there are hundreds and thousands of decisions being made across the enterprise. There are commercial decisions related to new products, marketing, sales. There are supply chain decisions across all the supply chain activities of the enterprise related to positioning of material and capacity and then fulfilling customer demand. There are financial decisions related to setting budgets and targets, allocating resources and the forecasts that you commit to external stakeholders. All of these decisions need to be made in a synchronised fashion. But for practical purposes, because of functional organisations, these have evolved into functional planning processes. Within supply chain you have demand planning processes, you have demand supply match processes that are aligning the supply chain. You have commercial planning processes that are driving the commercial decisions and your financial planning processes that are setting the budgets and the targets. So these are functional planning processes, but they are largely operating in silos today. The impact of those functional silos, functional planning silos, is your commercial decisions and supply chain decisions are not synchronised and the result is service level issues, inventory issues, excess costs in the supply chain, lower ROI on marketing and sales spend. So there's a significant amount of value leakage happening because these dots are not getting connected. Dysfunctional planning silos are not getting connected and integrated planning is about bringing all these planning processes and connecting them to really respond to market risks and opportunities. Number two, they're also planning silos across what we call planning cycles. In a company, you have daily planning cycles for operational planning, you have weekly planning cycles, monthly planning cycles for operational tactical planning, and you have strategic planning cycles which are more annual. And if these planning cycles are not getting connected and often strategy is deviating from execution or rather execution is deviating from strategy. So it's very important to connect your monthly, weekly, and daily and annual planning cycles as well. So that's the second level of integration that we are talking about where planning cycles have to be connected. Finally, the third is the decision making technology stack. Historically, there's been a number of technologies that are used to aid the decision making. There are data stacks, there are reporting stacks, reporting technology. There's technology for planning the future, there's technology for insights and learning and algorithm development. But if you think of it, all of these are in aid of decision making. They are making the life of the business user very complex driving adoption to be lower. So in the in the future of planning, as we drive more and more intelligent planning, more and more automated planning, more and more automated decision making, we see this technology stacks having to be completely transformed to really bring them together into an integrated planning stack. So that's what our definition of integrated planning or integrated business planning is, bridging all the functional silos of planning, bridging the silos across the planning cycles from strategic to operational and bridging the technology stack in aid of driving up user adoption and making more and more intelligent automated decision making.

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Your blueprint to Integrated Business Planning (IBP) excellence

Transform your supply chain operations and navigate complex challenges with ease. Download the informative E-book.

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A better way to drive your business

Managing the availability of supply to meet volatile demand has never been easy. Even before the unprecedented challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, synchronizing supply and demand was a perennial struggle for most businesses. In a survey of 54 senior executives, only about one in four believed that the processes of their companies balanced cross-functional trade-offs effectively or facilitated decision making to help the P&L of the full business.

That’s not because of a lack of effort. Most companies have made strides to strengthen their planning capabilities in recent years. Many have replaced their processes for sales and operations planning (S&OP) with the more sophisticated approach of integrated business planning (IBP), which shows great promise, a conclusion based on an in-depth view of the processes used by many leading companies around the world (see sidebar “Understanding IBP”). Assessments of more than 170 companies, collected over five years, provide insights into the value created by IBP implementations that work well—and the reasons many IBP implementations don’t.

Understanding IBP

Integrated business planning is a powerful process that could become central to how a company runs its business. It is one generation beyond sales and operations planning. Three essential differentiators add up to a unique business-steering capability:

  • Full business scope. Beyond balancing sales and operations planning, integrated business planning (IBP) synchronizes all of a company’s mid- and long-term plans, including the management of revenues, product pipelines and portfolios, strategic projects and capital investments, inventory policies and deployment, procurement strategies, and joint capacity plans with external partners. It does this in all relevant parts of the organization, from the site level through regions and business units and often up to a corporate-level plan for the full business.
  • Risk management, alongside strategy and performance reviews. Best-practice IBP uses scenario planning to drive decisions. In every stage of the process, there are varying degrees of confidence about how the future will play out—how much revenue is reasonably certain as a result of consistent consumption patterns, how much additional demand might emerge if certain events happen, and how much unusual or extreme occurrences might affect that additional demand. These layers are assessed against business targets, and options for mitigating actions and potential gap closures are evaluated and chosen.
  • Real-time financials. To ensure consistency between volume-based planning and financial projections (that is, value-based planning), IBP promotes strong links between operational and financial planning. This helps to eliminate surprises that may otherwise become apparent only in quarterly or year-end reviews.

An effective IBP process consists of five essential building blocks: a business-backed design; high-quality process management, including inputs and outputs; accountability and performance management; the effective use of data, analytics, and technology; and specialized organizational roles and capabilities (Exhibit 1). Our research finds that mature IBP processes can significantly improve coordination and reduce the number of surprises. Compared with companies that lack a well-functioning IBP process, the average mature IBP practitioner realizes one or two additional percentage points in EBIT. Service levels are five to 20 percentage points higher. Freight costs and capital intensity are 10 to 15 percent lower—and customer delivery penalties and missed sales are 40 to 50 percent lower. IBP technology and process discipline can also make planners 10 to 20 percent more productive.

When IBP processes are set up correctly, they help companies to make and execute plans and to monitor, simulate, and adapt their strategic assumptions and choices to succeed in their markets. However, leaders must treat IBP not just as a planning-process upgrade but also as a company-wide business initiative (see sidebar “IBP in action” for a best-in-class example).

IBP in action

One global manufacturer set up its integrated business planning (IBP) system as the sole way it ran its entire business, creating a standardized, integrated process for strategic, tactical, and operational planning. Although the company had previously had a sales and operations planning (S&OP) process, it had been owned and led solely by the supply chain function. Beyond S&OP, the sales function forecast demand in aggregate dollar value at the category level and over short time horizons. Finance did its own projections of the quarterly P&L, and data from day-by-day execution fed back into S&OP only at the start of a new monthly cycle.

The CEO endorsed a new way of running regional P&Ls and rolling up plans to the global level. The company designed its IBP process so that all regional general managers owned the regional IBP by sponsoring the integrated decision cycles (following a global design) and by ensuring functional ownership of the decision meetings. At the global level, the COO served as tiebreaker whenever decisions—such as procurement strategies for global commodities, investments in new facilities for global product launches, or the reconfiguration of a product’s supply chain—cut across regional interests.

To enable IBP to deliver its impact, the company conducted a structured process assessment to evaluate the maturity of all inputs into IBP. It then set out to redesign, in detail, its processes for planning demand and supply, inventory strategies, parametrization, and target setting, so that IBP would work with best-practice inputs. To encourage collaboration, leaders also started to redefine the performance management system so that it included clear accountability for not only the metrics that each function controlled but also shared metrics. Finally, digital dashboards were developed to track and monitor the realization of benefits for individual functions, regional leaders, and the global IBP team.

A critical component of the IBP rollout was creating a company-wide awareness of its benefits and the leaders’ expectations for the quality of managers’ contributions and decision-making discipline. To educate and show commitment from the CEO down, this information was rolled out in a campaign of town halls and media communications to all employees. The company also set up a formal capability-building program for the leaders and participants in the IBP decision cycle.

Rolled out in every region, the new training helps people learn how to run an effective IBP cycle, to recognize the signs of good process management, and to internalize decision authority, thresholds, and escalation paths. Within a few months, the new process, led by a confident and motivated leadership team, enabled closer company-wide collaboration during tumultuous market conditions. That offset price inflation for materials (which adversely affected peers) and maintained the company’s EBITDA performance.

Our research shows that these high-maturity IBP examples are in the minority. In practice, few companies use the IBP process to support effective decision making (Exhibit 2). For two-thirds of the organizations in our data set, IBP meetings are periodic business reviews rather than an integral part of the continuous cycle of decisions and adjustments needed to keep organizations aligned with their strategic and tactical goals. Some companies delegate IBP to junior staff. The frequency of meetings averages one a month. That can make these processes especially ineffective—lacking either the senior-level participation for making consequential strategic decisions or the frequency for timely operational reactions.

Finally, most companies struggle to turn their plans into effective actions: critical metrics and responsibilities are not aligned across functions, so it’s hard to steer the business in a collaborative way. Who is responsible for the accuracy of forecasts? What steps will be taken to improve it? How about adherence to the plan? Are functions incentivized to hold excess inventory? Less than 10 percent of all companies have a performance management system that encourages the right behavior across the organization.

By contrast, at the most effective organizations, IBP meetings are all about decisions and their impact on the P&L—an impact enabled by focused metrics and incentives for collaboration. Relevant inputs (data, insights, and decision scenarios) are diligently prepared and syndicated before meetings to help decision makers make the right choices quickly and effectively. These companies support IBP by managing their short-term planning decisions prescriptively, specifying thresholds to distinguish changes immediately integrated into existing plans from day-to-day noise. Within such boundaries, real-time daily decisions are made in accordance with the objectives of the entire business, not siloed frontline functions. This responsive execution is tightly linked with the IBP process, so that the fact base is always up-to-date for the next planning iteration.

A better plan for IBP

In our experience, integrated business planning can help a business succeed in a sustainable way if three conditions are met. First, the process must be designed for the P&L owner, not individual functions in the business. Second, processes are built for purpose, not from generic best-practice templates. Finally, the people involved in the process have the authority, skills, and confidence to make relevant, consequential decisions.

Design for the P&L owner

IBP gives leaders a systematic opportunity to unlock P&L performance by coordinating strategies and tactics across traditional business functions. This doesn’t mean that IBP won’t function as a business review process, but it is more effective when focused on decisions in the interest of the whole business. An IBP process designed to help P&L owners make effective decisions as they run the company creates requirements different from those of a process owned by individual functions, such as supply chain or manufacturing.

One fundamental requirement is senior-level participation from all stakeholder functions and business areas, so that decisions can be made in every meeting. The design of the IBP cycle, including preparatory work preceding decision-making meetings, should help leaders make general decisions or resolve minor issues outside of formal milestone meetings. It should also focus the attention of P&L leaders on the most important and pressing issues. These goals can be achieved with disciplined approaches to evaluating the impact of decisions and with financial thresholds that determine what is brought to the attention of the P&L leader.

The aggregated output of the IBP process would be a full, risk-evaluated business plan covering a midterm planning horizon. This plan then becomes the only accepted and executed plan across the organization. The objective isn’t a single hard number. It is an accepted, unified view of which new products will come online and when, and how they will affect the performance of the overall portfolio. The plan will also take into account the variabilities and uncertainties of the business: demand expectations, how the company will respond to supply constraints, and so on. Layered risks and opportunities and aligned actions across stakeholders indicate how to execute the plan.

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Trade-offs arising from risks and opportunities in realizing revenues, margins, or cost objectives are determined by the P&L owner at the level where those trade-offs arise—local for local, global for global. To make this possible, data visible in real time and support for decision making in meetings are essential. This approach works best in companies with strong data governance processes and tools, which increase confidence in the objectivity of the IBP process and support for implementing the resulting decisions. In addition, senior leaders can demonstrate their commitment to the value and the standards of IBP by participating in the process, sponsoring capability-building efforts for the teams that contribute inputs to the IBP, and owning decisions and outcomes.

Fit-for-purpose process design and frequency

To make IBP a value-adding capability, the business will probably need to redesign its planning processes from a clean sheet.

First, clean sheeting IBP means that it should be considered and designed from the decision maker’s perspective. What information does a P&L owner need to make a decision on a given topic? What possible scenarios should that leader consider, and what would be their monetary and nonmonetary impact? The IBP process can standardize this information—for example, by summarizing it in templates so that the responsible parties know, up front, which data, analytics, and impact information to provide.

Second, essential inputs into IBP determine its quality. These inputs include consistency in the way planners use data, methods, and systems to make accurate forecasts, manage constraints, simulate scenarios, and close the loop from planning to the production shopfloor by optimizing schedules, monitoring adherence, and using incentives to manufacture according to plan.

Determining the frequency of the IBP cycle, and its timely integration with tactical execution processes, would also be part of this redesign. Big items—such as capacity investments and divestments, new-product introductions, and line extensions—should be reviewed regularly. Monthly reviews are typical, but a quarterly cadence may also be appropriate in situations with less frequent changes. Weekly iterations then optimize the plan in response to confirmed orders, short-term capacity constraints, or other unpredictable events. The bidirectional link between planning and execution must be strong, and investments in technology may be required to better connect them, so that they use the same data repository and have continuous-feedback loops.

Authorize consequential decision making

Finally, every IBP process step needs autonomous decision making for the problems in its scope, as well as a clear path to escalate, if necessary. The design of the process must therefore include decision-type authority, decision thresholds, and escalation paths. Capability-building interventions should support teams to ensure disciplined and effective decision making—and that means enforcing participation discipline, as well. The failure of a few key stakeholders to prioritize participation can undermine the whole process.

Decision-making autonomy is also relevant for short-term planning and execution. Success in tactical execution depends on how early a problem is identified and how quickly and effectively it is resolved. A good execution framework includes, for example, a classification of possible events, along with resolution guidelines based on root cause methodology. It should also specify the thresholds, in scope and scale of impact, for operational decision making and the escalation path if those thresholds are met.

Warehouse manager talking with a team of workers

Transforming supply chains: Do you have the skills to accelerate your capabilities?

In addition to guidelines for decision making, the cross-functional team in charge of executing the plan needs autonomy to decide on a course of action for events outside the original plan, as well as the authority to see those actions implemented. Clear integration points between tactical execution and the IBP process protect the latter’s focus on midterm decision making and help tactical teams execute in response to immediate market needs.

An opportunity, but no ‘silver bullet’

With all the elements described above, IBP has a solid foundation to create value for a business. But IBP is no silver bullet. To achieve a top-performing supply chain combining timely and complete customer service with optimal cost and capital expenditures, companies also need mature planning and fulfillment processes using advanced systems and tools. That would include robust planning discipline and a collaboration culture covering all time horizons with appropriate processes while integrating commercial, planning, manufacturing, logistics, and sourcing organizations at all relevant levels.

As more companies implement advanced planning systems and nerve centers , the typical monthly IBP frequency might no longer be appropriate. Some companies may need to spend more time on short-term execution by increasing the frequency of planning and replanning. Others may be able to retain a quarterly IBP process, along with a robust autonomous-planning or exception engine. Already, advanced planning systems not only direct the valuable time of experts to the most critical demand and supply imbalances but also aggregate and disaggregate large volumes of data on the back end. These targeted reactions are part of a critical learning mechanism for the supply chain.

Over time, with root cause analyses and cross-functional collaboration on systemic fixes, the supply chain’s nerve center can get smarter at executing plans, separating noise from real issues, and proactively managing deviations. All this can eventually shorten IBP cycles, without the risk of overreacting to noise, and give P&L owners real-time transparency into how their decisions might affect performance.

P&L owners thinking about upgrading their S&OP or IBP processes can’t rely on textbook checklists. Instead, they can assume leadership of IBP and help their organizations turn strategies and plans into effective actions. To do so, they must sponsor IBP as a cross-functional driver of business decisions, fed by thoughtfully designed processes and aligned decision rights, as well as a performance management and capability-building system that encourages the right behavior and learning mechanisms across the organization. As integrated planning matures, supported by appropriate technology and maturing supply chain–management practices, it could shorten decision times and accelerate its impact on the business.

Elena Dumitrescu is a senior knowledge expert in McKinsey’s Toronto office, Matt Jochim is a partner in the London office, and Ali Sankur is a senior expert and associate partner in the Chicago office, where Ketan Shah is a partner.

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What Is SAP IBP (Integrated Business Planning)? (+ Examples)

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This is about SAP IBP (Integrated Business Planning).

You’ll learn:

  • What IBP is
  • How SAP IBP is structured
  • The features of SAP IBP

So, if you want to know what SAP IBP is and what it can do for you, you are at the right place.

Let’s jump right in!

What Is SAP IBP (Integrated Business Planning)?

Did you ever wonder how big companies manage their most important processes?

For example, how does a multinational company with more than 50,000 employees, 5,000 retail stores, and thousands of warehouses manage its payroll, inventory, supply and demand, and production?

Years ago, these companies conceded a certain level of inefficiencies and disjointed planning, but today’s companies are powered by digital transformation. 

Today businesses can find insights into data on their financial, operational, and sales plans thanks to smart software solutions and modern planning processes. This allows them to make more informed decisions and come up with better overall strategies.

To do this, companies can use Integrated Business Planning—a digital platform that helps them organize all of these processes.

SAP IBP is one of the most popular such platforms. Let’s take a look at SAP’s Integrated Business Planning solution:

  • Its history
  • And much more

What Is Integrated Business Planning?

Integrated business planning is an advanced approach to business organization that merges operational and financial data across the whole business. It allows organizations to maximize results by connecting sales, financial, operational, and other sectors. It also gives businesses greater visibility of their whole process, from the entire supply chain to sales operations.

You can use Integrated Business Planning to manage different parts of a company such as:

  • Finance and operations
  • Supply and demand
  • Cash flow, cost, and revenue
  • Business strategy
  • Inventory optimization

An IBP process is used to balance all these (and more) objectives so that the company achieves the best results going forward. 

To ensure this happens, IBP uses prescriptive analytics, which is the application of mathematical sciences and statistics to suggest business decisions based on data.

This goes one step further than predictive analytics which uses mathematical data to predict what’s going to happen.

Simply put, using prescriptive analytics, IBP tries to answer the question of what is likely to happen, tells you why it’s going to happen, and suggests actions you can take to benefit from these predictions.

While IBP is an organizational approach, it can also be referred to as software. In this case, we’re talking about a digital platform that uses advanced analytics to help you manage all these processes like:

  • Supply planning
  • Supply chain management
  • Operations planning

Before IBP: Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)

As a process, Integrated Business Planning is an heir to Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) . 

In fact, IBP has been criticized for not being all that different from S&OP—it’s even been called a marketing hoax . 

IBP, however, is a broader term than Sales & Operations planning. It combines S&OP with EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) to give companies both a financial and an operational overview of the business. 

IBP allows organizations to create what-if scenarios that boost the responsiveness of the supply chain and improve the way that manufacturers govern and plan the business.

Source: Semantic Scholar

Here are some ways in which IBP differs from S&OP:

  • Financial performance management: IBP helps you express business goals in financial terms. So you can set financial targets and see how well your company is doing relative to those targets. It helps you measure the impact of different scenarios through a financial lens.
  • Supply chain planning: With IBP, you can not only plan your supply chain, but also measure its performance. This means you can use IBP to find those decisions that increase your profitability and create production plans based on valuable information.
  • Long-term planning: S&OP usually supports medium-term planning (for around two years). IBP aligns with long-term strategies while also supporting shorter-term operational plans. Also, since you can use it to measure financial performance, you can also use it to determine long-term budget needs.

What’s Wrong With Traditional Planning? 

Before we get into SAP IBP and its features, let’s answer one important question: 

What’s wrong with traditional business planning? 

In other words, why do companies need IBP software at all?

First, without IBP there is only the bare minimum of information about how each department is functioning and the corresponding impact on the bottom line.

Second, in traditional planning, there’s often a disconnect between your strategies and operations. This results in lower competitiveness because the business is slow at reacting to market changes.

Third, IBP promotes collaboration. Without it, departments tend to only focus on their own activities and results, rather than feel like part of a larger company team.

Overall, IBP promotes a holistic approach that helps you see the bigger picture and make smart decisions with all aspects of your company in mind.

Who Is SAP?

Let’s get to the details: SAP SE and its IBP platform.

SAP SE, simply known as SAP, is an international software company based in Germany . They make ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software that helps companies manage and gather data from all parts of their business.

The definition of SAP is:

SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) SE (Societas Europaea) is a European worldwide operating software company that makes software for the management of business processes suitable for organizations of any size and industry.

It’s the largest software company outside of the U.S. by revenue.

Top Software and Programming Companies Worldwide From 2017 to 2020-100

What Is SAP IBP?

Let’s take everything we’ve learned and put it all together: SAP IBP is an Integrated Business Platform developed by the company SAP SE. 

Like most other business applications from SAP, the platform runs on SAP HANA.

SAP IBP lets you plan all kinds of business activities. 

Thanks to the in-memory processing functions of SAP HANA, their IBP platform provides companies with end-to-end visibility of: 

  • Supply chain data

This helps departments such as sales, finance, and C-level management to create plans and business strategies.

Source: SAP

Let’s put it like this: companies conduct periodic reviews of their supply, demand, sales performance, budgeting, and other processes to identify potential issues that can affect their business targets. 

SAP IBP lets companies do more frequent reviews, compare planned figures to actual ones, and take a more active approach to planning.

Furthermore, SAP HANA’s processing capability allows companies to run what-if scenarios with real-time data in order to get statistical input and make smarter decisions.

The Capabilities of SAP IBP

More specifically, SAP IBP allows you to do the following:

  • Predict and meet customer expectations: You can use SAP IBP’s predictive modeling and demand sensing to improve your responsiveness and forecast accuracy. The platform makes it easy to react to demand changes and promise deliveries based on commitments.
  • Make better planning decisions: As mentioned, SAP IBP uses advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms. You can use these to do effective top-down and bottom-up forecasts. You can also leverage supply planning and set inventory targets.
  • Align planning processes: IBP’s simulations and analytics can help you manage planning processes at operational, strategic, and tactical levels. What-if scenarios enable you to make better decisions and increase business predictability.
  • Improve supply chain visibility: IBP gives you actionable insights from your entire supply chain that enable you to make timely adjustments. You can take into account data like risk, weather, and sustainability. The platform also allows you to work with your suppliers and manufacturers for easier planning.

The Structure of SAP IBP: The Five Components

SAP Integrated Business Planning is composed of four key components, plus a fifth that serves as a centralized visual interface. Each component is an independent component so you can just use what you need.


This is a quick overview of those components:

  • Sales and Operations: Provides a sales plan to help you get the best business results according to your corporate strategy. You can align your short-term and long-term strategies to increase sales, improve market share, or achieve any other financial goal.
  • Demand: Predicting product demand is one of the most important success factors in business planning. The SAP IBP for Demand allows you to leverage machine learning to get demand forecasts, including temporary fluctuations.
  • Inventory: The Inventory component sets forward-looking inventory targets across your supply chains. You get real-time data so you can see where your products are in the supply chain at any time. You can optimize the stock targets for your whole supply chain.
  • Response and Supply: This module lets you react to any ad-hoc changes. Using what-if scenarios and simulations, you can predict changes and make adjustments accordingly. Response planning calculates demand variability and helps you meet your fill rate while keeping track of your costs.
  • Supply Chain Control Tower. The Tower acts as your dashboard—an analytics platform that gives you real-time data. It provides end-to-end supply chain visibility. The module also allows you to set up alerts when there are potential interruptions in your supply chain.

Now, let’s dig into each of these modules or component:

SAP IBP for Sales and Operations

SAP Integrated Business Planning for S&OP is at the very core of the whole platform. It’s also a starting point for many companies using SAP IBP—in many cases, companies start out with long-term sales planning which they then need to synchronize with the rest of the organization like:

  • Procurement

This module provides a holistic view of your supply chain network by simulating financial, supply, and demand models. 

You can see everything in the supply chain, from manufacturing and suppliers to customers and distribution units.

The S&OP component also provides you with all the tools you need to create supply plans across all departments. You can use it to balance your product mix, service levels, inventory, and financial operations.

The module uses the familiar Microsoft Excel interface, so that everyone feels comfortable with the system. Supply chain management is usually handled through spreadsheets, so this is a natural transition for most managers.

SAP IBP for Demand

This module combines demand sensing models that use real-time data with traditional demand planning tools. 

Using machine learning, historical data, trends, and seasonal patterns, the demand planning module excels at long-term demand forecasting.

Like the previous module, this one also uses a Microsoft Excel interface. 

Besides that, you can also access some other apps based on the SAP HANA database like the SAP ERP and SAP APO. These can be useful if you want to access transactional and master data.

The SAP IBP for Demand module also has demand sensors. The sensors monitor your incoming data on a regular basis and notify you when a forecast target isn’t being met. This way you always have the latest info and can adjust your approach accordingly.

SAP IBP for Inventory

SAP IBP for Inventory component lets you to model your whole inventory network, from your supplier to your customers. It gives you inventory management tools and lets you identify key drivers so that you always have the right amount of inventory.

So, how does that work in practice?

For example, let’s say a company is working in a multisourcing environment—they have multiple suppliers and multiple warehouses all over the country. 

The IBP for Inventory component would use all the transportation costs, targeted service levels, and fill rates to determine how much of each product’s inventory it should have in each location.

Like other components in the SAP IBP suite, this one uses real-time data, so you’ll always know where your products are in the supply chain.

You can also use inventory planning simulations that take into account economic shifts, changes in demand, and differing customer expectations. This technique uses real-time what-ifs to help you figure out where your weaknesses are and how to strengthen them. 

SAP IBP for Response and Supply Planning

This component helps you simulate and evaluate planning scenarios so that you can achieve a balance between supply, demand, and capacity. It also considers inventory, procurement, production, and warehousing costs so you can get a financial insight into your supply planning as well.

The keyword here is response, meaning that the Response and Supply Planning component enables you to adapt quickly to your supply chain model. You can use what-if analyses to predict potential uncertainty and plan for it.

This module takes into account the demand variability and helps you allocate supplies to achieve the highest service level and fill rate. 

Since you can use SAP IBP to get measurable financial outcomes, the Response and Supply Planning module can help you perform all of these actions while keeping costs as low as possible.

The component has pre-made templates for what-if analysis to make things easier, but you can make your own in no time. 

SAP Supply Chain Control Tower

The last component is an analytics tool, a dashboard that allows for a real-time, end-to-end overview of your entire supply chain. 

Not only can the component alert you any time there’s a potential supply chain disruption—it can dig deep and tell you where it came from.

Source: Mccoy partners

The Supply Chain Control Tower provides what-if analyses to help you make quick, informed decisions. This data isn’t only available to you: partners in your supply chain can also have access to real-time alerts that might lead to delivery delays or exceptions.

All the tools in this component are highly visual, so you can share the tables and charts with others without them having to be great at numbers or tables.

Ultimately, the Control Tower ensures your company can make timely deliveries with better inventory management and fewer operational risks.

The Benefits of SAP IBP

Here are a few reasons companies might consider using SAP IBP for supply chain management, inventory optimization, production planning, and other processes:

  • Better data collection: Companies using old S&OP technology often have to collect data manually from sources like third-party applications and spreadsheets. SAP IBP lets you collect data more quickly and more efficiently, saving you and your team time.
  • Managing fluid data: The biggest challenge with Integrated Business Tools, in general, is that inventory levels change constantly—they’re fluid. SAP IBP lets you view those levels as dynamic data, rather than just static data about how many items you’ve got in stock.
  • Better data presentation: Many old S&OP tools present data in tables that can be confusing to make sense of. SAP IBP offers dashboards and similar analytics tools that make it easier to interpret data in moments. These tools also make it easier to share data across departments.
  • Quick installation: SAP IBP is a cloud solution, which means that you don’t have to order hardware or have data warehouses. SAP IBP implementations typically don’t take more than a few days.

SAP IBP Implementation

Let’s see what SAP IBP implementation methodologies you can use:

The go-to model for SAP implementation has been ASAP (Accelerated SAP). This methodology uses the waterfall model which employs a linear structure where the deliverables in each phase depend on the previous one.

The model has five stages:

1. Project Preparation: at this stage, it’s important to identify goals and get stakeholder support. SAP and the client also work together on establishing a reliable process for making decisions.

2. Business Blueprint: at this point, SAP needs to get relevant information about the company. These blueprints come in the form of questionnaires to determine the company’s future business goals and processes.

3. Realization: the SAP team configures what’s called the baseline configuration, which is the basic setup based on the business blueprint the company delivered. Then, the company’s implementation team fine-tunes the system to make it perfectly suited to their business needs.

4. Final Preparation: preventative maintenance checks are performed to make sure the SAP system performs as it should. Now is the time to do workload testing (daily load, peak volume, and similar types of stress testing), along with integration or functional testing.

5. Go-Live and support: the final stage is less important—going live is just a matter of minutes. However, ensuring that the Go-live stage goes smoothly and without any hiccups will depend on the attention you paid during the previous phases.

A possible problem with this model is that all of the documentation goes on earlier in the process, culminating in the business blueprint document. This means that the company gets to see and use SAP IBP later in the process, which can lead to a mismatch between the company’s expectations and the actual implementation.

To overcome this, some companies use an adaptive planning model like the agile methodology to implement SAP IBP. This is a more iterative process, in which the SAP team engages the company to share its business requirements (called user stories in Agile). They then capture these stories and deliver them iteratively (called sprint cycles ) in SAP applications.

You can use a hybrid approach to IBP implementation, where the five stages are combined with Agile methodology.

Frequently Asked Questions About SAP IBP

Finally, here are some frequently asked questions about SAP IBP:

What Is The Difference Between SAP IBP and SAP APO?

SAP IBP is a much more advanced solution that addresses some of SAP APO’s weaknesses and is meant to replace the solution. Standard support for SAP APO will be maintained until 2025 .

SAP IBP is superior to SAP APO for multiple reasons. For example, in SAP IBP, the data is presented in a more coherent way, with graphs and dashboards. It also has a Microsoft Excel interface that makes it easier for planners to perform familiar actions.

SAP APO also doesn’t have demand sensing and multi-echelon inventory optimization that are included in the SAP IBP for Demand and SAP IBP for Inventory, respectively.

Is SAP IBP Available as an on-Premise solution?

According to the SAP Answers forum , SAP IBP as a whole is restricted to the cloud only. On the other hand, the Sales and Operation Planning module is available as an on-premise solution.

However, the SAP Support seems to suggest how implementation on an on-premise system is possible.

To get the most accurate information, you’ll want to contact SAP directly and ask them about your particular business and its needs.

What Are SAP IBP’s Competitors?

There are several software solutions that offer similar solutions to SAP’s Integrated Business Planning platform.

Here are some of them:

  • Oracle S&OP Cloud. This cloud-based solution from Oracle aligns supply, demand, and product plans with the financial targets of a company.
  • Kinaxis RapidResponse S&OP. This S&OP platform allows you to create a sales and operations plan that you can collaborate on. You can also align that plan with your financial goals.
  • NetSuite. The software from NetSuite lets you set up your inventory storing locations and improve your on-time delivery metrics. 
  • Demand Works Smoothie. This solution is browser-based, which makes it easily deployable. Much like SAP IBP, they use a highly graphical and interactive interface.

The ERP market is incredibly competitive. There are dozens of other solutions that do what SAP IBP does: 

  • Production planning
  • Statistical forecasting
  • Scenario planning
  • Inventory management

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SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain features

Sales and operations planning (s&op).

Sustainable, risk-resilient planning is within reach. Unify financial and operational planning and align inventory with service levels for greater profitability.

Forecasting and demand management

Automated statistical forecasting and insight from AI can help you better predict demand, improve fulfillment, and reduce inventory for a more sustainable and risk-resilient supply chain. 

Inventory planning and optimization

One way to maintain customer service levels while achieving sustainability goals and maximizing profits is to establish optimal inventory targets – and stick to them.

Response and supply planning

To minimize risk, you need feasible supply plans that can help you better meet demand with accurate inventory targets and efficient capacity utilization.

Demand-driven replenishment

With strategic decoupling points and inventory buffers, you can gain more control over the flow of material through the supply chain.

Supply chain visibility

If you're building a sustainable, risk-resilient supply chain, you need comprehensive visibility, alerting, and analytics to measure performance, predict what’s coming, and stay ahead of disruptions. 

Explore the latest release highlights and product road map

Release highlights.

Discover new features, functions, and highlights in the latest release of SAP Integrated Business Planning.

View our road map to learn about your current options as well as planned innovations and future features and functions.

SAP applications and APIs

Extend the functionality of SAP IBP with SAP and partner applications and SAP software application programming interfaces (APIs).

SAP applications

Discover, try, buy, manage, and deploy trusted partner applications that extend SAP Integrated Business Planning.

SAP API Business Hub

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From Idea to Implementation: Essential Business Planning Strategies

Updated: August 25, 2024 · Reviewed by: Ahmad Nasrudin

Business Planning 101

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Business planning is a crucial step in starting and growing a successful enterprise. It provides a roadmap for your venture, outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections.

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or an established business owner, a well-crafted business plan can help you:

  • Define your business goals and objectives
  • Conduct thorough market research
  • Develop a sound financial strategy
  • Attract investors and secure funding
  • Measure progress and make informed decisions

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a business plan, from understanding the key components to developing effective strategies. By the end, you’ll be equipped to build a solid foundation for your business and increase your chances of success.

Understanding Business Planning

What is a business plan.

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines your business strategy, goals, and financial projections. It serves as a roadmap for your venture, guiding your decisions and attracting potential investors.

There are several types of business plans, each with its own specific focus:

  • Operational plans: These plans focus on a business’s day-to-day operations, including production, marketing, sales, and customer service.
  • Strategic plans: Strategic plans outline a company’s long-term goals and objectives, and the strategies for achieving them.
  • Marketing plans: Marketing plans focus on the specific marketing strategies and tactics that a business will use to reach its target market.

Why is a business plan important?

A well-crafted business plan offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved decision-making: A business plan helps you make informed decisions by providing a clear framework for your business strategy.
  • Attracting investors and securing funding: Investors are likelier to invest in businesses with well-thought-out plans.
  • Enhanced credibility: A business plan demonstrates your understanding of the market, your industry, and your business’s potential.
  • Increased focus and accountability: A business plan helps you stay focused on your goals and measure your progress.
  • Risk mitigation: By identifying potential risks and challenges, a business plan can help you develop strategies to mitigate them.

A business plan is essential for any entrepreneur or business owner, providing a foundation for success and growth.

Creating a Business Plan

What are the key components of a business plan.

A well-structured business plan typically includes the following key components:

  • Executive summary: A concise business overview, including your mission, vision, and key value proposition.
  • Company description: A detailed description of your business, including its legal structure , ownership, and management team.
  • Market analysis: An in-depth analysis of your target market, competition, and industry trends.
  • Organizational structure: A breakdown of your company’s organizational chart and responsibilities.
  • Products or services: A detailed description of your offerings, including their features, benefits, and pricing.
  • Marketing and sales plan: Your strategy for promoting your products or services and generating sales.
  • Financial projections: Your projected income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Each of these components is essential for a comprehensive business plan. Together, they provide a clear picture of your business, its market potential, and its financial viability.

How long should a business plan be?

While a business plan has no strict length requirement, it is typically 15-25 pages long . However, the length may vary depending on the complexity of your business and the level of detail required.

A shorter plan may be sufficient for a small, simple business, while a larger, more complex business may require a more detailed plan. The key is to ensure that your plan is clear and concise and provides the necessary information to attract investors or secure funding.

Who should read my business plan?

Your business plan can be valuable to a variety of stakeholders, including:

  • Investors: Investors may use your business plan to assess the potential return on their investment.
  • Lenders: Lenders may use your business plan to evaluate your creditworthiness and determine whether to provide funding.
  • Employees: Employees can use the business plan to understand the company’s goals, strategy, and their role within the organization.
  • Suppliers: Suppliers may use your business plan to assess your financial stability and future growth potential.
  • Partners: Partners can use your business plan to understand your business goals and how you plan to collaborate.

By sharing your business plan with relevant stakeholders, you can build relationships, secure funding, and gain valuable insights and support.

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Market Analysis

What is market research.

Market research is the process of gathering and analyzing information about a market. It helps you understand your target market, competition, industry trends, and consumer behavior.

There are two main types of market research:

  • Primary research: Collecting original data through surveys, focus groups, interviews, or observations.
  • Secondary research: Analyzing existing data from government agencies, industry reports, academic studies, and other sources.

How can I conduct market research?

There are numerous methods for conducting market research, both online and offline. Here are some common approaches and resources:

  • Surveys: Gather quantitative and qualitative data by creating surveys using online tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms.
  • Focus groups: Conduct group discussions to obtain insights and feedback from potential customers.
  • Interviews: Interview individuals in your target market to gain deeper understanding and perspectives.
  • Online research: Use search engines, industry databases, and social media platforms to find information on market trends, competitors, and consumer behavior.
  • Government data: Utilize government agencies like the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics for demographic data and economic indicators.
  • Industry reports: Consult reports from organizations like Forrester, Gartner, and IBISWorld for in-depth market analysis.
  • Social media listening: Monitor social media platforms to track conversations and sentiment about your industry and competitors.

When conducting market research, consider the following tips:

  • Define your research objectives: Clearly outline what you want to learn from your research.
  • Choose appropriate methods: The research methods best suit your objectives and resources.
  • Develop a sampling plan: Determine who you will survey or interview and how you will select your sample.
  • Analyze your data: Use statistical tools and techniques to analyze your research data and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Interpret your findings: Consider the implications of your research findings and how they can inform your business strategy.

By following these guidelines and combining various research methods, you can gather valuable insights to inform your business decisions and develop effective marketing strategies.

What is a target market?

Your target market is the specific people most likely to purchase your product or service. Identifying your target market is essential for effectively marketing your business and tailoring your offerings to meet their needs.

Here are some strategies to help you identify your target market:

  • Create customer personas: Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers, including their demographics (age, gender, income, education, location), psychographics (lifestyle, interests, values, beliefs), and behaviors (purchasing habits, brand preferences, online behavior).
  • Analyze your existing customers: If you have an existing business, analyze the characteristics of your current customers to identify patterns and trends.
  • Conduct market research: Use surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gather data about potential customers and their preferences.

By understanding your target market, you can tailor your marketing efforts and product offerings to meet their specific needs and preferences, increasing your chances of success.

Financial Projections

What financial statements should i include.

When creating your business plan, you should include the following financial statements :

  • Income statement: Also known as a profit and loss statement, this shows your business’s revenue, expenses, and net income over a specific period.
  • Balance sheet: This statement shows your business’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
  • Cash flow statement: This statement shows the cash flow in and out of your business over a specific period.

These three interrelated statements provide a comprehensive picture of your business’s financial health.

How do I create financial projections?

Financial projections are estimates of your business’s future financial performance. To create accurate projections, you’ll need to use a combination of historical data, industry benchmarks, and assumptions about future growth.

Here are some steps to follow:

  • Gather historical data: Collect data on your past sales, expenses, and cash flow.
  • Analyze industry trends: Research industry trends and forecasts to identify potential opportunities and challenges.
  • Make assumptions about future growth: Make reasonable assumptions about your business’s future sales, expenses, and other factors.
  • Create financial projections: Use this information to create projections for your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Remember that financial projections are just estimates, and actual results may vary. It’s important to regularly review and update your projections as your business grows and changes.

What is a break-even analysis?

A break-even analysis is a financial tool that helps you determine the sales volume you need to cover your costs and start making a profit. It calculates your break-even point, the point at which your total revenue equals your total costs.

To calculate your break-even point, you’ll need to know your fixed costs (costs that remain constant regardless of sales volume) and your variable costs (costs that vary with sales volume). You can then use the following formula:

  • Break-even point = Fixed costs / (Selling price per unit – Variable cost per unit)

By understanding your break-even point, you can assess the feasibility of your business model and make informed decisions about pricing, sales targets, and cost-cutting measures.

Attracting Investors and Securing Funding

How can i attract investors.

Attracting investors requires effective communication , networking, and showcasing your business’s potential. Here are some key strategies:

  • Create a compelling pitch deck: Develop a visually appealing and informative presentation highlighting your business idea , market opportunity, financial projections, and team.
  • Network with potential investors: Attend industry events, connect with investors through online platforms, and leverage your professional network to identify potential investors.
  • Highlight your business’s potential: Emphasize the growth potential of your business, the return on investment for investors, and the unique value proposition of your product or service.

What types of funding are available?

There are various funding sources available for businesses, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Angel investors: Individuals who invest their own money in early-stage businesses. Angel investors often provide capital in exchange for equity.
  • Venture capital firms: Companies that invest in high-growth businesses. Venture capital firms typically invest larger sums of money and expect higher returns.
  • Banks: Banks offer loans to businesses, which can be used to finance operations, purchase equipment, or invest in growth.
  • Crowdfunding platforms: Online platforms that allow individuals to raise funds from many people. Crowdfunding can be a valuable source of funding for startups and small businesses.

The most suitable funding source for your business will depend on your specific needs, its stage, and your ability to meet the requirements of different investors.

What should I include in my funding pitch?

A strong funding pitch should clearly articulate the following:

  • Your business idea: Explain what your business does and the problem it solves.
  • Market opportunity: Demonstrate the size and growth potential of your target market.
  • Competitive advantage: Explain what sets your business apart from competitors.
  • Financial projections: Present your financial projections, including revenue, expenses, and profitability.
  • Team: Highlight your team members’ skills, experience, and passion.
  • Investment requirements: Clearly state the funding you seek and how the funds will be used.

By following these guidelines and tailoring your pitch to your specific audience, you can increase your chances of attracting investors and securing the funding you need to grow your business.

Measuring Progress and Making Informed Decisions

How can i track my business’s progress.

Tracking your business’s progress is essential for identifying areas of strength and weakness, making informed decisions, and ensuring you’re on track to achieve your goals. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics you can use to measure your business’s performance against specific goals.

Some examples of KPIs include:

  • Sales revenue: Total revenue generated by your business.
  • Profit margin: The percentage of revenue that remains after deducting expenses.
  • Customer acquisition cost : The cost of acquiring a new customer.
  • Customer retention rate: The percentage of customers who continue to do business with you.
  • Market share: The percentage of a market that your business controls.
  • Employee satisfaction: The level of satisfaction among your employees.

By tracking these KPIs and comparing them to your goals, you can identify areas where you are succeeding and areas where you need to improve.

How can I make informed decisions?

Making informed decisions is crucial for the success of your business. Here are some tips for making effective decisions:

  • Regularly review your business plan: As your business evolves, it’s important to review and update it to ensure it aligns with your current goals and strategies.
  • Analyze data: Use data from your KPIs and other sources to identify trends, opportunities, and challenges.
  • Be prepared to adapt: The business landscape constantly changes, so adapt your strategy as needed.
  • Seek advice and guidance: Don’t be afraid to seek advice from mentors, advisors, or other experts.
  • Trust your instincts: While data and analysis are important, sometimes you must trust your gut and make decisions based on intuition.

By following these tips, you can make informed decisions to help your business grow and succeed.

Additional Tips

How often should i update my business plan.

Your business plan should be a living document that evolves as your business grows and changes. Reviewing and updating your plan regularly is important to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

The frequency of updates will depend on several factors, including:

  • Business growth: As your business expands, you must update your financial projections and market analysis.
  • Market changes: If your industry or target market undergoes significant changes, you may need to revise your business strategy.
  • Performance: If your business is not meeting its goals, you may need to adjust your plan.

A general guideline is to review and update your business plan annually or more frequently if necessary.

Can I use a business plan template?

Using a business plan template can be a helpful starting point, but it’s important to customize it to fit your specific business. Templates can provide a structure and outline but may not include all the necessary sections or address your unique needs.

Advantages of using a template:

  • Saves time: Templates can help you start quickly and avoid common mistakes.
  • Provides structure: Templates can help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you include all the essential elements of a business plan.

Disadvantages of using a template:

  • Lack of customization: Templates may not be tailored to your specific industry or business model.
  • Limited flexibility: Templates can be restrictive, limiting your ability to add or remove sections as needed.

When choosing a template, look for one that is well-structured, easy to use, and adaptable to your specific business needs.

Should I seek professional help?

While you can create a basic business plan on your own, consulting with a business advisor or accountant can provide valuable guidance and expertise. Professionals can help you:

  • Develop a comprehensive plan: Ensure that your plan includes all the necessary components and is well-structured.
  • Conduct market research: Gather and analyze data to inform your business strategy.
  • Create financial projections: Develop accurate financial projections based on industry benchmarks and your business’s specific circumstances.
  • Identify potential challenges and opportunities: Assess the risks and rewards associated with your business venture.
  • Provide guidance and support: Receive ongoing support and advice as you implement your business plan.

If you’re unsure about your ability to create a high-quality business plan, consider consulting with a professional. They can help you develop a plan to increase your chances of success.

Start building your dream business today. Click here to learn more.

  • Business Plan: Guide for Startups & Investors (Funding, Strategy)
  • Securing Funding to Successfully Manage a Startup
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Business Ideas: From Conception to Launch
  • The Ultimate Guide to Entrepreneurship and Starting a Business
  • Business Fundamentals: Your Simplified Guide for Success

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About Ahmad Nasrudin

Introverted writer with a passion for storytelling. Leveraged analytical skills from financial background (equity research, credit risk) at a leading rating agency to enhance writing with a unique statistical and macroeconomic perspective. Learn more about me

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    Business planning is a crucial step in starting and growing a successful enterprise. It provides a roadmap for your venture, outlining your goals, strategies, ... Crowdfunding platforms: Online platforms that allow individuals to raise funds from many people. Crowdfunding can be a valuable source of funding for startups and small businesses.