Gun Control Essay: Important Topics, Examples, and More

how to start an essay about gun violence

Gun Control Definition

Gun control refers to the regulation of firearms to reduce the risk of harm caused by their misuse. It is an important issue that has garnered much attention in recent years due to the increasing number of gun-related incidents, including mass shootings and homicides. Writing an essay about gun control is important because it allows one to explore the various aspects of this complex and controversial topic, including the impact of gun laws on public safety, the constitutional implications of gun control, and the social and cultural factors that contribute to gun violence.

In writing an essay on gun control, conducting thorough research, considering multiple perspectives, and developing a well-informed argument is important. This may involve analyzing existing gun control policies and their effectiveness, exploring the attitudes and beliefs of different groups towards firearms, and examining the historical and cultural context of gun ownership and use. Through this process, one can develop a nuanced understanding of the issue and propose effective solutions to address the problem of gun violence.

Further information on writing essays on gun control can be found in various sources, including academic journals, policy reports, and news articles. In the following paragraphs, our nursing essay writing services will provide tips and resources to help you write an effective and informative guns essay. Contact our custom writer and get your writing request satisfied in a short term.

Gun Control Essay Types

There are various types of essays about gun control, each with its own unique focus and approach. From analyzing the effectiveness of existing gun laws to exploring the cultural and historical context of firearms in society, the possibilities for exploring this topic are virtually endless.

Gun Control Essay Types

Let's look at the following types and examples from our essay writing service USA :

  • Argumentative Essay : This essay clearly argues for or against gun control laws. The writer must use evidence to support their position and refute opposing arguments.
  • Descriptive Essay: A descriptive essay on gun control aims to provide a detailed topic analysis. The writer must describe the history and evolution of gun laws, the different types of firearms, and their impact on society.
  • Cause and Effect Essay: This type of essay focuses on why gun control laws are necessary, the impact of gun violence on society, and the consequences of not having strict gun control laws.
  • Compare and Contrast Essay: In this type of essay, the writer compares and contrasts different countries' gun laws and their effectiveness. They can also compare and contrast different types of guns and their impact on society.
  • Expository Essay: This type of essay focuses on presenting facts and data on the topic of gun control. The writer must explain the different types of gun laws, their implementation, and their impact on society.
  • Persuasive Essay: The writer of a persuasive essay aims to persuade the reader to support their position on gun control. They use a combination of facts, opinions, and emotional appeals to convince the reader.
  • Narrative Essay: A narrative essay on gun control tells a story about an individual's experience with gun violence. It can be a personal story or a fictional one, but it should provide insight into the human impact of gun violence.

In the following paragraphs, we will provide an overview of the most common types of gun control essays and some tips and resources to help you write them effectively. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or simply someone interested in learning more about this important issue, these essays can provide valuable insight and perspective on the complex and often controversial topic of gun control.

Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

A persuasive essay on gun control is designed to convince the reader to support a specific stance on gun control policies. To write an effective persuasive essay, the writer must use a combination of facts, statistics, and emotional appeals to sway the reader's opinion. Here are some tips from our expert custom writer to help you write a persuasive essay on gun control:

How to Choose a Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

  • Research : Conduct thorough research on gun control policies, including their history, effectiveness, and societal impact. Use credible sources to back up your argument.
  • Develop a thesis statement: In your gun control essay introduction, the thesis statement should clearly state your position on gun control and provide a roadmap for your paper.
  • Use emotional appeals: Use emotional appeals to connect with your reader. For example, you could describe the impact of gun violence on families and communities.
  • Address opposing viewpoints: Address opposing viewpoints and provide counterarguments to strengthen your position.
  • Use statistics: Use statistics to back up your argument. For example, you could use statistics to show the correlation between gun control laws and reduced gun violence.
  • Use rhetorical devices: Use rhetorical devices, such as metaphors and analogies, to help the reader understand complex concepts.

Persuasive gun control essay examples include:

  • The Second Amendment does not guarantee an individual's right to own any firearm.
  • Stricter gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence in the United States.
  • The proliferation of guns in society leads to more violence and higher crime rates.
  • Gun control laws should be designed to protect public safety while respecting individual rights.

Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

A gun control argumentative essay is designed to present a clear argument for or against gun control policies. To write an effective argumentative essay, the writer must present a well-supported argument and refute opposing arguments. Here are some tips to help you write an argumentative essay on gun control:

an Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

  • Choose a clear stance: Choose a clear stance on gun control policies and develop a thesis statement that reflects your position.
  • Research : Conduct extensive research on gun control policies and use credible sources to back up your argument.
  • Refute opposing arguments: Anticipate opposing arguments and provide counterarguments to strengthen your position.
  • Use evidence: Use evidence to back up your argument. For example, you could use data to show the correlation between gun control laws and reduced gun violence.
  • Use logical reasoning: Use logical reasoning to explain why your argument is valid.

Examples of argumentative essay topics on gun control include:

  • Gun control laws infringe upon individuals' right to bear arms and protect themselves.
  • Gun control laws are ineffective and do not prevent gun violence.

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How to Choose a Good Gun Control Topic: Tips and Examples

Choosing a good gun control topic can be challenging, but with some careful consideration, you can select an interesting and relevant topic. Here are seven tips for choosing a good gun control topic with examples:

  • Consider current events: Choose a topic that is current and relevant. For example, the impact of the pandemic on gun control policies.
  • Narrow your focus: Choose a specific aspect of gun control to focus on, such as the impact of gun control laws on crime rates.
  • Consider your audience: Consider who your audience is and what they are interested in. For example, a topic that appeals to gun enthusiasts might be the ethics of owning firearms.
  • Research : Conduct extensive research on gun control policies and current events. For example, the impact of the Second Amendment on gun control laws.
  • Choose a controversial topic: Choose a controversial topic that will generate discussion. For example, the impact of the NRA on gun control policies.
  • Choose a topic that interests you: You can choose an opinion article on gun control that you are passionate about and interested in. For example, the impact of mass shootings on public opinion of gun control.
  • Consider different perspectives: Consider different perspectives on gun control and choose a topic that allows you to explore multiple viewpoints. For example, the effectiveness of background checks in preventing gun violence.

Effective Tips

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Pro-Gun Control Essay Topics

Here are pro-gun control essay topics that can serve as a starting point for your research and writing, helping you to craft a strong and persuasive argument.

  • Stricter gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence in America.
  • The Second Amendment was written for a different time and should be updated to reflect modern society.
  • Gun control and gun safety laws can prevent mass shootings and other forms of gun violence.
  • Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.
  • Universal background checks should be mandatory for all gun purchases.
  • The availability of assault weapons should be severely restricted.
  • Concealed carry permits should be harder to obtain and require more rigorous training.
  • The gun lobby has too much influence on government policy.
  • The mental health of gun owners should be considered when purchasing firearms.
  • Gun violence has a significant economic impact on communities and the nation as a whole.
  • There is a strong correlation between high gun ownership rates and higher gun violence rates.
  • Gun control policies can help prevent suicides and accidental shootings.
  • Gun control policies should be designed to protect public safety while respecting individual rights.
  • More research is needed on the impact of gun control policies on gun violence.
  • The impact of gun violence on children and young people is a significant public health issue.
  • Gun control policies should be designed to reduce the illegal gun trade and access to firearms by criminals.
  • The right to own firearms should not override the right to public safety.
  • The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from gun violence.
  • Gun control policies are compatible with the Second Amendment.
  • International examples of successful gun control policies can be applied in America.

Anti-Gun Control Essay Topics

These topics against gun control essay can help you develop strong and persuasive arguments based on individual rights and the importance of personal freedom.

  • Gun control laws infringe on the Second Amendment and individual rights.
  • Stricter gun laws will not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms.
  • Gun control laws are unnecessary and will only burden law-abiding citizens.
  • Owning a gun is a fundamental right and essential for self-defense.
  • Gun-free zones create a false sense of security and leave people vulnerable.
  • A Gun control law will not stop mass school shootings, as these are often premeditated and planned.
  • The government cannot be trusted to enforce gun control laws fairly and justly.
  • Gun control laws unfairly target law-abiding gun owners and punish them for the actions of a few.
  • Gun ownership is a part of American culture and heritage and should not be restricted.
  • Gun control laws will not stop criminals from using firearms to commit crimes.
  • Gun control laws often ignore the root causes of gun violence, such as mental illness and poverty.
  • Gun control laws will not stop terrorists from using firearms to carry out attacks.
  • Gun control laws will only create a black market for firearms, making it easier for criminals to obtain them.
  • Gun control laws will not stop domestic violence, as abusers will find other ways to harm their victims.
  • Gun control laws will not stop drug cartels and organized crime from trafficking firearms.
  • Gun control laws will not stop gang violence and turf wars.
  • Gun control laws are an infringement on personal freedom and individual responsibility.
  • Gun control laws are often rooted in emotion rather than reason and evidence.
  • Gun control laws ignore the important role that firearms play in hunting and sport shooting.
  • More gun control laws will only give the government more power and control over its citizens.

Example Essays

Whether you have been assigned to write a gun control research paper or essay, the tips provided above should help you grasp the general idea of how to cope with this task. Now, to give you an even better understanding of the task and set you on the right track, here are a few excellent examples of well-written papers on this topic:

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Final Words

In conclusion, writing a sample rhetorical analysis essay requires careful analysis and effective use of persuasive techniques. Whether you are a high school student or a college student, mastering the art of rhetorical analysis can help you become a more effective communicator and critical thinker. With practice and perseverance, anyone can become a skilled writer and excel in their academic pursuits.

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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

how to start an essay about gun violence

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

AP English Literature and Composition

Gun Control Essay: Goals, Topics, And How to Write

13 October, 2020

14 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

The issue of gun control is yet one of the top topics for heated debates. Some people have rather a negative opinion regarding gun control; others support it and believe that loose gun control rules lead to violence and devastation. And since the topic of gun control is represented by a multitude of contrasting opinions, it might be the topic for your next college paper.

gun control essay

The subject of gun control is an ongoing question, that is why many students either get assigned  a gun control essay or do so for personal motives. What to include in your gun control essay and how to outline your ideas? You can find the answers to your questions in this guide.

gun control argumentative essay sample

Gun Control Essay: Definitions, Goals & Topics

Once you get assigned a gun control essay, you first need to make sure that you fully understand what a paper’s main idea is. As you can tell from the name ‘gun control essay’, such an essay asks you to indicate your opinion regarding restrictive regulations of gun use and production. While most countries have been limiting gun possession to minimize the risk of innocent people dying, the USA hasn’t. On the contrary, the US has persuasive gun control, meaning that almost anyone can buy and hold a gun. Many people share an idea that gun possession should be limited and permitted only to particular categories of people, that is why the question is very ongoing.  So the most critical goal of a gun control essay is to present reasonable ideas about why people need or don’t need gun control. 

Some of the compelling and relevant topics for a gun control essay may be:

  • Gun ownership promotes violence among young people
  • Gun ownership is unlikely to prevent some people from murdering 
  • Gun possession as the only way to protect oneself
  • The wide accessibility of guns is the reason for suicides in the US

Gun Control Essay Titles

When writing a pro gun control essay, your initial task is to pick an intriguing, catchy title. You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of such a step if your goal is to attract the reader’s attention and make them aware of a topic. The thing to keep in mind is intriguing the audience and making them willing to take a deep dive into the subject. If you have no precise vision of which title to choose, take a look at a few tips we prepared for you.

First and foremost, you need to have a precise position regarding gun control in America. Are you a supporter, or are you firmly against gun control? Since there is yet a heated debate on this issue in the USA, you can decide to write either a for or against essay on gun control. 

Titles supporting gun control: 

  • Violence has never solved any problem
  • Guns out of control: why should innocent people die?
  • Youth violence as the result of no gun control

Titles opposing gun control:

  • Gun control won’t prevent people from killing 
  • Gun control: why should we sacrifice our lives just because we can’t defend ourselves?
  • Illegal weapons trade as the only guaranteed outcome of gun control.

Gun Control Essay Structure

Most likely, you already know that a good structure largely predicts the success of a gun control argumentative essay. Whenever you are willing to present your opinion on a specific issue and want to convince the audience that your arguments are valid, you should sound logical. The ultimate way to make your gun control essay structure coherent and comprehensive is to draw an outline and plan the essay thoroughly. To assure that your argumentative essay on gun control communicates your idea to the reader, make sure to follow the structure that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.


It would help if you organized your gun control essay introduction in a way that serves as an attention grabber. Namely, you can feel free to include some rhetorical question at the beginning or literally any good essay hook. To grab the reader’s attention, you may also outline some background information so that a reader grasps the idea of your gun control persuasive essay. And last but not least, don’t forget to introduce the most important part of a gun control essay outline – a thesis statement. A sound thesis statement gives a reader a general understanding of what you will cover in your essay.

Main body paragraphs’ role is to reveal what you mentioned in the thesis statement. Since your gun control essay will most likely be argumentative, you need to devote one paragraph to one argument. In each and every body paragraph, your main task is to build on some solid evidence and refer to numbers or facts to protect your position. It is better to include 3-5 body paragraphs so that the gun control essay doesn’t look messy. 

When writing a gun control essay conclusion, you should avoid adding any extra information. Try to be very precise and make sure you restate the arguments you have indicated before. All in all, your gun control essay should logically end up with a summary of all the points. The reader has to be 100% sure that he or she fully comprehended your idea. 

Best Tips For Writing Gun Control Essay

An outline is everything.

Create an outline even if you think that this step isn’t indeed necessary. Even when you have all those sparkling ideas and structure in your mind, it requires no effort to confuse them. And if we talk about an argumentative essay, it is fundamental for you as a writer to sound convincing and confident. An outline helps you to sound so. Hence, don’t neglect dedicating a few minutes to creating a helpful essay plan.  

Find some convincing evidence 

The goal of any gun control essay is to communicate an idea of why strict gun control is necessary or should be abandoned. After reading your essay, the audience will form an exact opinion: gun control is either good or bad. Try to search for some substantial evidence, numbers, particular cases that you find helpful while supporting your arguments. Otherwise, you undermine the chances of being heard. 

Write about the topic that bothers you 

Don’t try to figure up titles and topics that aren’t interesting for you. The point of a gun control essay is to make your voice heard and to be sincere while presenting your ideas. Try to give some ideas the way you see them, discuss only those topics that cannot let you stay indifferent. Only in this way will you end up with an excellent essay. 

Edit and proofread

Once your essay is ready, don’t forget to proofread it and check it at least twice. So many excellent essays get a terrible score just because some minor mistakes spoiled the general impression! You can use a wide array of means to make sure your paper is polished: ask your friends to check it, use online tools, or ask a professional essay writing and editing service to get your paper checked by an expert.

Gun Control Essay Examples

If you feel like you need to refer to an example to get a profound insight into an idea of a gun control essay, here is one for you.  

Strict gun control deprives people of their legal rights

The US is the country in which the share of people who own a gun is impressively high. Besides, there is no single country in the world that can be compared to the US by the number of firearms in the citizen’s hands. According to the official statistics, 80 percent of adults own a gun, meaning that the likelihood of  a stranger you come across in the street possessing one are unbelievably significant. Recently, several regulations attempted to restrict gun possession to impose gun control. However, gun control is not only unjustifiable, but it also deprives people of their right for self-defence and peaceful life.

First and foremost, gun control, unfortunately, does not reduce the murder and crime rates in the US. Although it should generally hold true, the statistics contradict the misbelief that limiting gun possession minimizes the number of crimes committed. The research on weapon ban which was carried out during the past twenty years demonstrates that there is no correlation between reducing gun ownership and a falling number of murder cases. The research also indicated that the states that imposed strict gun control have witnessed a larger number of crimes.

This all leads to the conclusion that imposing a ban on gun possession is not a way to fight crime. Also, as the evidence shows, the number of guns in the US had been steadily growing in the last century, and this coincided with a decrease in the number of crimes committed. Essentially, gun control is unlikely to resolve the issue of crimes, since some people are likely to commit crimes even when they have no gun at their disposal.

Another argument against gun control is that the first inevitably infringe the citizen’s rights, Namely, banning weapons contradicts the right that the constitution of the US guarantees. According to the second amendment, under no circumstances should the citizen’s rights to possess a gun  be infringed. The right to own a gun had already existed long before many countries appeared on the map. That is why many people deem gun control as a crime against humanity. Even though there is yet some logical explanation to an attempt to control gun usage and manufacturing, it still deprives US citizens of their inviolable right.

What is even more, the supreme court together with the constitution considers gun ownership as one of the liberties that all the US citizens have. Just like the freedom of speech, the space to protect oneself is crucial, and it should remain untouchable. Introducing gun control, therefore, leads to violating people’s freedom and liberties since people become incapable of even defending themselves in their property.

Gun control robs people of the right for safety and self-defence. Imposing strict gun regulations will inevitably make millions of people incapable of defending themselves if something threatens their and their close ones’ lives. According to the data represented by the National Rifle Association, the number of cases of gun usage solely for self-defence purposes equals 2.5 million times annually. People use guns to protect their families and property, but, apparently, the states find the self-defence motive weak enough. If they impose strict gun control, it means that these 2.5 million people may literally sacrifice their lives and die just because they couldn’t hold a gun legally.

The truth is, the Police are physically incapable of protecting all the people who need protection, so these people are bound to defend themselves on their own. But how to protect yourself  if you cannot even possess a gun? So far, using a weapon for self-defence has proved to be the most effective way . Therefore, depriving people of the right for self-defence or for saving other people in trouble is inhumane and unjustified.

Overall, gun control has lately become a hot topic that has both its advocates and opponents. So far, the evidence against gun control is very reasonable and convincing. Gun control robs the citizens of their exceptional right – the right to protect themselves and those in danger. Besides, gun control contradicts the second amendment, which guarantees the right to possess a gun for adult US citizens. Finally, it is unlikely to reduce the crime rate as the science hasn’t yet found any valid proof for that.

Write a Gun Control Essay with HandmadeWriting

Composing a brilliant essay about gun control is somewhat challenging due to the peculiarity of this topic. But this is not something above your capacity. Keeping all the tips in mind as well as following a precise gun control essay structure will significantly facilitate the writing process. And if you need help with writing or editing – HandmadeWriting will have you covered! At any time of day and night, essay writers at HandmadeWriting work hard to deliver top-quality papers and support students from all over the world. So if you’re struggling with your essay, feel free to get in touch with us. 

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Human Rights Careers

5 Essays about Gun Violence

Gun violence impacts every part of society. There are certain places in the world where it’s more prevalent. According to a 2018 report, the United States had the 28th highest rate of gun violence deaths in the world. That puts the US above other wealthy countries. Gun violence is also a major issue in places like the Caribbean, Central America, and Venezuela. Here are five essays that address the financial and emotional impact of gun violence, how people use art to cope, and how the problem can be addressed.

“What Does Gun Violence Really Cost?”

Mark Follman, Julia Lurie, Jaeah Lee, and James West

This article opens with the story of a woman and her fiance shot on their way to dinner. After being close to death and staying in a hospital for five months, Jennifer Longdon couldn’t move her body from the chest down. After more hospitalizations, the bills got close to $1 million in just the first year, forcing her to file for personal bankruptcy. More expensive hospital stays followed for problems like sepsis, while wheelchair modifications for her house added up, as well.

For many people, their knowledge of gun violence comes from the news or movies. These venues tend to focus on the moment the violence occurs or the emotional impact. The long-term financial consequences as a result of health issues are less known. This article examines the existing data while telling a personal story.

“I Think of People Who Died At Sandy Hook Every Day”

Mary Ann Jacob

In this essay from 2016, Mary Ann Jacob remembers the horrific elementary school shooting from 2012. She worked at the library at the time and recalls hearing shouting from the intercom on the morning of December 14. Believing someone had pushed it by mistake, she called in, only to have the secretary answer the phone and shout, “There’s a shooter!” Mary Ann Jacob lived through one of the deadliest school shootings in US history. The essay goes on to describe what happened after and the steps survivors took to advocate for better gun control.

“You May Not See Me On TV, But Parkland Is My Story, Too”

Kyrah Simon

In 2018, a gunman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School killed 17 students and wounded 17 others. Several students became vocal afterwards, challenging the lack of gun control in the face of such violence. They founded an advocacy group and many of the young people became household names. Kyrah Simon, a senior at the school, lost one of her best friends. She also wanted to speak up and share her story but realized that the media wanted certain speeches, certain faces. She writes, “I was just a girl that lost her friend. And it wasn’t enough.” Raw, honest, and enlightening, this personal essay is a must-read.

“Mexican Artist Transforms 1,527 Deadly Guns Into Life-Giving Shovels To Plant Trees”

In Culiacan, Mexico, the city with the highest rate of deaths by gun violence in the country, an artist and activist began a special project. Pedro Reyes used local media and TV ads paid for by the city’s botanical garden to advertise his gun-trading project. In exchange for bringing their weapons, people received electronics and appliances coupons. Reyes made over 1,500 trades. What came next? The guns were crushed by a steamroller and melted down. Reyes used the material to create shovels. He made the same number of shovels as guns, so each gun was represented as something new.

Turning guns into art is not an uncommon action. Reyes has also made instruments while other artists make sculptures. The transformation of an object of death into something that plays a part in fostering life – like planting trees – sends a powerful message.

“Forum: Doing Less Harm”

David Hemenway

What is the best approach to gun violence? David Hemenway, a professor of health policy and director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center and Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center, advocates for a public-health approach. He believes gun violence is a public-safety problem and a problem-health problem, but gun lobbyists dismiss both claims. The gun lobby focuses on the shooter – the individual – so attention is diverted from the firearms industry. In focusing so much on who to blame, prevention is left out of the equation.

A public-health approach returns the attention to prevention and asks everyone to work together on the issue. Hemenway uses motor-vehicle injury prevention as a blueprint for why gun violence prevention can work. Not sure what prevention could look like? Hemenway provides examples of how actors like healthcare workers, consumers, and the federal government can work together.

Learn about the consequences of gun violence in America and which interventions are most effective to reduce gun violence in homes, schools and communities!

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

Gun Control Argumentative Essay: 160 Topics + How-to Guide [2024]

After the recent heartbreaking mass shootings, the gun control debate has reached its boiling point.

Do we need stricter gun control laws ? Should everyone get a weapon to oppose crime? Or should guns be banned overall? You have the opportunity to air your opinion in a gun control argumentative essay.

Below, you’ll find everything you need to write a great paper in no time. Check weighty arguments, catchy gun control essay titles, and the latest sources on the subject.

Don’t forget to check our writing service . With it, you can get your gun control essay done just in a few hours.

🔝 Top 10 Gun Control Essay Titles

💥 take a stand in the gun control debate.

  • 👍 Pro Gun Control Essay Topics

👎 Against Gun Control Essay Topics

⚡ gun violence essay titles, ⚖️ gun laws essay topics to explore, 🔫 gun control controversial topics for a research paper, 🔰 pros and cons of gun control, ✍️ 5 steps in writing a gun control essay.

  • 🤔 Frequent Questions
  • Does gun ownership deter crime?
  • Ethics of owning guns for sport.
  • Gun control laws and suicide rate.
  • Do weapons bring a sense of safety?
  • Guns and domestic abuse protection.
  • Do gun control laws reduce gun deaths?
  • Gun control laws and government tyranny.
  • Are gun control laws invasion of privacy?
  • Should high-capacity magazines be banned?
  • Gun control as a way to reduce the crime rate.

Did you know that 33 people are killed with guns every day in America? This is one of the numbers you can use in your essay on gun control. Are you ready to learn more reasons both for and against gun control? Here they are, in a nutshell:

Have you chosen which side you’re on? Great! Now you already have solid background knowledge on the issue.

The information above will help you write an outstanding essay on gun control. Moreover, you can easily proofread it using Grammarly and avoid common grammar mistakes.

👀 150 Catchy Gun Control Topics

Do you want to know the next step toward your A+ gun control essay? It’s a catchy title that expresses your standpoint and grabs your readers’ interest.

Here are some examples.

👍 Pro-Gun Control Essay Topics

Arms possession is a right enshrined in the US constitution. Yet, more and more people voice their concerns about owning firearms. Mass shootings, suicides, and abuse are among the top arguments for stricter laws. Here, we’ve collected plenty of insightful pro-gun control topics for you to explore.

  • Pro-gun radicalism and American fears. Guns and fear often go hand in hand. Studies suggest that gun owners are more prone to phobias and distrust. The topic requires showing the irrational essence of gun ownership.
  • Being pro-gun equals being anti-women. Firearms make domestic violence a lot more likely to end in death. Prohibiting gun access for abusers could save women’s lives.
  • Why background checks don’t always work. Background checks are essential. Yet, they don’t always prevent ineligible individuals from acquiring a firearm. This “why we need gun control” essay shines a light on the procedure’s flaws.
  • The economic burden of firearms. This topic concerns the costs linked to gun-related injuries and deaths. These preventable expenditures strain the US economy. You can underline the necessity of gun control to alleviate the problem.
  • Gun control to protect schools from firearms. Schools are at the heart of the anti-gun movement. Meanwhile, gun control plays a vital role in preserving safety in educational facilities. An essay could communicate the intricate connection between the two.
  • Kids are not ok: pediatric gun-related injuries and deaths. Children often become victims of gun violence. The number of pediatric firearm-related injuries and deaths is disproportionate. Should parents remove all guns from their households to protect their kids?
  • Rising gun deaths: a call for action. The high firearm-related death rate is a notorious problem. In the United States, the number is consistently above average. In this gun control argumentative essay, it becomes a reason for stricter gun policies.
  • Reducing firearm ownership is not decreasing civil liberties. The topic handles primary gun control opponents’ counterarguments. The key reasoning is that gun ownership is not a universal human right. In this essay, you can explore the notion of civil liberties.
  • Suicide and the availability of guns. Gun control topics are rarely concerned with suicide. It’s an essential yet underexplored and part of it. You can show how stricter gun control would help reduce suicide rates.
  • More guns, more shootings: understanding gun control. This topic requires exploring the link between firearms and shootings. You can use gun ownership and mass shooting rates to prove your point. In this pro-gun control essay, statistical information is instrumental.
  • Gun control as an answer to violent murders.
  • Do firearm restrictions harm democracy?
  • The perverseness of being pro-life and pro-gun.
  • Do guns in households cause more accidental deaths?
  • Why are some people scared of stricter gun control?
  • Debunking “guns for self-defense” myths.
  • Gun control’s positive impact on hospitalization rates.
  • Does better gun control improve life quality?
  • Firearms and suicidal behavior: another case for restrictions.
  • What fears drive opponents of gun laws?
  • Do firearms restrictions increase the value of life?
  • Do gun laws reduce societal costs?
  • Restricting the carry of firearms for societal benefit.
  • Does pro-gun activism favor domestic abusers?
  • Firearms: used far less for defense than for attacks.
  • More guns – more violence
  • Stop the wrong people from getting guns
  • Revision of the Second Amendment to prevent human tragedies
  • The Second Amendment and gun control can co-exist
  • The thin line between self-defense and deadly force

Stricter laws can’t solve every problem. In cases such as prostitution and drug use, they are even detrimental. But does this reasoning also apply to gun control? Find it out by discussing its disadvantages with one of the following engaging prompts:

  • Gun control laws: a waste of taxpayers’ money. Firearm restrictions have economic consequences. Additional gun control measures are not free— they require more monetary resources. Besides, stricter gun control deprives many citizens of firearm-related jobs.
  • Firearm regulations deny the right to self-defense . Self-defense is a constitutional right granted by the Founding Fathers. When an attacker is armed, defensive gun use remains the only option. Gun control diminishes the capacity of citizens to protect themselves.
  • Guns don’t breed crime—society does. Crime is a colossal social challenge. It is vital to direct resources for crime prevention and management. Yet, gun control is not the ultimate solution to this problem.
  • Gun control laws are not fruitful. One of the purposes of gun control is to curb the gun violence epidemic. Yet, whether it works or not is debatable. This “is greater gun control a great idea” essay demonstrates gun control’s ineffectiveness.
  • Gun control: limiting citizens’ freedoms. Gun control is not only fruitless, but it’s also unconstitutional. The right to possess and carry guns is civil liberty. Firearm restrictions violate the essence of the country’s constitution.
  • Gun ownership increases the sense of security. Besides, firearms perform an important psychological function. They give their owners a sense of safety, bringing emotional comfort. Gun control takes away the knowledge that one can protect oneself.
  • Firearms black market: a bigger problem. Gun control will not prevent determined individuals from obtaining firearms. Restricting access to legal guns could prompt people to buy weapons from black markets.
  • Knives, hardware, and vehicles are lethal weapons, too. Firearms are only a small part of a criminal’s arsenal. For instance, they frequently use cars as deadly weapons. Firearm control can’t always prevent those determined to harm someone from doing it.
  • Eliminating guns: an oversimplified approach. Gun control proponents often oversimplify the problem. Access to firearms is not the root cause of gun-related deaths and violence. The phenomenon has multiple origins that you could examine.
  • Disarming Americans kills their national identity. Guns are deeply ingrained in American culture and national identity. The right to bear them has a profound symbolic notion. This “against gun control” essay covers the meaning of firearms in American nationhood.
  • Gun control hinders African American emancipation.
  • How does gun control incite government tyranny?
  • Gun control doesn’t prevent violent behavior.
  • The racist history behind firearm restrictions.
  • The Second Amendment: the cornerstone of gun rights.
  • Firearms as an answer to domestic violence.
  • Would gun control make the country safer?
  • Firearm ownership: gaining control over life.
  • Gun control and the demise of democracy.
  • The empowering role of firearms .
  • Gun control as a method of disabling citizens.
  • What’s your position on the statement: “Assault is not a weapon but a behavior”?
  • Why gun control laws should be scrapped.
  • Is there a link between firearm ownership and crime?
  • Banning guns means more black markets.
  • Gun control is not the answer – education is
  • Gun culture propaganda starts with cartoons
  • Mass media is to blame: murder is an easy route to fame
  • Gun control: why not ban everything that poses a potential threat?
  • Criminals don’t obey gun control laws

Firearm violence has developed into a significant human rights issue. It affects our right to life and health. Not only that, but it can also limit our access to education. Gun violence disrupts school processes and endangers student safety. An essay on this issue gives you many different directions to explore.

  • Firearm violence as a racial equity challenge. Studies have shown that some ethnicities are more likely to experience gun violence than others. African Americans, in particular, are affected by the issue. Your essay can investigate how firearm violence reflects and aggravates discrimination.
  • The relationship between mental health and mass shootings. Mental illness is the prime suspect as the root of gun violence. Researchers often consider it a determiner for mass shootings. For this topic, it’s vital to analyze literature regarding the correlation.
  • Preventing and responding to firearm-related deaths. Each year, thousands of US citizens die due to gun violence. As the rate of firearm death rises, the issue becomes exponentially troubling. Decreasing the gun-related mortality rate is a topic of high priority.
  • The socio-economic roots of firearm violence . Gun violence has pronounced socio-economic causes. Low income and life in a deprived neighborhood are among the most significant risk factors. Examining how certain circumstances prompt gun violence is instrumental in alleviating the issue.
  • Long-term psychological effects of gun violence. Survivors and witnesses of gun violence experience grave psychological consequences, including PTSD and depression. Your essay can present gun violence as an extremely traumatic event.
  • The contagion effect in mass shootings. The contagion effect describes the spread of behavior. You can use it to explain the epidemic of gun violence. The topic requires you to look into the phenomenon.
  • Intimate partner violence: the role of firearms. The severity of intimate partner violence is related to how accessible guns are to abusers. Many domestic homicides involve the use of weapons. This gun ownership essay prompts to explain how firearms contribute to the phenomenon.
  • Mass shootings and weapon availability. This topic prompts you to investigate the mass shootings aspect of gun violence. In particular, it’s concerned with the link between gun accessibility and mass murder. You could use quotes and statistics regarding gun laws to establish the connection.
  • Gun violence: A poignant human rights issue. Firearm violence causes psychological, social, and financial harm. Its victims suffer from long-term consequences in the form of mental disorders. It’s unwise to overestimate the issue’s global burden.
  • Gun violence against women and girls. Firearms violence negatively impacts the life quality of women. Women and girls frequently become victims of gun attacks. Here, you could discuss how deep-seated misogyny contributes to the problem.

Stephen King quote.

  • The global burden of guns.
  • Firearms violence: A community health problem.
  • The reasons behind gun violence in the United States .
  • A gender profile of firearm violence .
  • School shootings: portrayal in media.
  • What are the economic consequences of firearm violence?
  • Preventing gun violence in vulnerable neighborhoods.
  • The role of toxic masculinity in gun violence.
  • Discuss the effect of firearm ownership regulations.
  • How can the government reduce firearm violence in low-income neighborhoods?
  • Psychological consequences of school shootings.
  • Supporting school shooting survivors.
  • What are the effects of gun ownership on violence?
  • The epidemiology of mass shootings.
  • Mass shootings from a sociological perspective.
  • Fighting against gun violence: social activism .
  • Gun violence: the primary cause of premature death.
  • What ethical problems occur regarding mass shootings?
  • How does the media promote gun violence?
  • The health implications of gun violence.

Gun laws are vital to ensure the safe handling and purchase of firearms. Regulations come from the federal as well the state level. It makes gun laws confusing for many. If you’d like to entangle the issue, this section is for you.

  • Major loopholes in gun laws. Federal and state laws are vulnerable to exploitation. It means they contain gaps endangering public safety. The “Charleston loophole” is the most notorious example. You can inspect it along with other deficiencies.
  • Gun laws: too strict or too weak? The harshness of gun laws is a debatable issue. Given the present gun violence epidemic, the answer might appear evident. Still, this topic encourages viewing the problem from multiple perspectives.
  • Prohibiting the possession of assault weapons. Assault weapons are another intriguing facet of America’s gun problem. Currently, there is no federal law prohibiting their ownership. Using such a weapon in a shooting increases mortality and traumatism.
  • The problem with private gun sales. Private firearms trade results in excessive gun accessibility. Private sellers are allowed to bypass crucial standards such as sales recordkeeping. The situation poses a threat to communal well-being.
  • Mental illness in the context of firearms control legislation. In the context of gun laws, mental illness is a prominent notion. The term and its usage in state and federal laws have nuances. You can interpret them in your essay.
  • Using deadly force to defend property. Firearms constitute a part of the “deadly force” notion. Regarding the defense of private property, its use is not always justifiable. This gun law essay proposes to reflect on the norms of firearm use.
  • Nuances and limitations of the stand-your-ground law. The stand-your-ground law is the subject of heated debate. It’s easy to misinterpret it. It most notably concerns the boundaries of gun use. Yet, knowing what is allowed is essential in self-defense.
  • The need for federal registration laws. Although there is no national gun registry, its introduction could be beneficial. It would allow law enforcement agencies to track firearms more efficiently. In your essay, you could research other advantages of federal registration as well.
  • Differences in gun laws at the state level. Besides federal laws, each state has its own firearms policies. Federal and state regulations tend to vary considerably. It could be interesting to analyze how gun use and possession regulations differ from state to state.
  • Buying guns without a background check: a dangerous loophole. Background checks are indispensable under federal law. Still, a loophole makes it possible to sell firearms to incompetent and dangerous individuals. Say what could be done to make background checks more efficient.
  • Are tougher gun laws a solution?
  • Politically polarizing firearm policies.
  • What are the public’s views of federal firearms laws?
  • Gun licenses and political affiliation.
  • Firearm registration and accessibility of guns to criminals .
  • Gun laws: State vs. Federal.
  • How are state gun laws and firearm mortality connected?
  • Gun laws from the constitutional point of view.
  • Understanding the duty to retreat in US legislation.
  • Gun-friendly state laws and criminality.

22% of gun owners in America haven't passed a background check.

  • Open carry and concealed carry laws.
  • The extent of federal gun laws.
  • Concealed carry: not covered by the Second Amendment.
  • Should the US government enforce firearm registration?
  • Limiting concealed carry under the influence.
  • Weaker gun laws equal less public safety.
  • Gun control policies: Democrats vs. Republicans.
  • The benefits of a universal background check.
  • Analyze gun laws in the state of Missouri.
  • Restoring the federal assault weapons ban.

There are few topics more controversial than gun control. That’s why it’s the perfect base for a good debate. Controversies surrounding gun control include questions of race, gender, and ethics.

  • Gun ownership: gender, ethnicity, and class . The demographic portrait of a gun owner is a politically loaded subject. Despite the possible implications, it necessitates in-depth research. This topic suggests considering gun owners’ social class, gender, and ethnicity.
  • The racial element in American gun culture. Racism and gun control are more connected than might appear. A range of opinions exists. Evaluating their interconnection might yield compelling results. In your essay, investigate American gun culture through the prism of racial inequality.
  • Firearms ownership: do we need incentives or fees? Gun ownership has several advantages, such as a sense of security. Nevertheless, its less positive effects could eclipse them. Discussing whether gun ownership should be discouraged or encouraged could help you write an engaging paper.
  • The usage of firearms in self-defense. The efficacy and frequency of self-defense weapon use are essential for the gun control debate. Analyzing these factors could help establish the validity of the argument.
  • Gun ownership regulation: the Swiss example. In terms of firearm possession, Switzerland is a liberal country. It has lax laws regarding the acquisition and usage of guns. What can Switzerland teach the US about gun control?
  • The ethicality of firearm ownership. It is common to examine whether gun ownership is constitutional. Looking at its ethicality is a rarer approach. This controversial gun control essay topic helps to bridge the knowledge gap.
  • Constitutional contradictions regarding gun rights. The Constitution’s meaning is not as self-evident as it may appear. Whether gun rights are constitutional or unconstitutional is at the core of the debate.
  • Do gun rights promote vigilantism? Vigilante violence is a severe community challenge. A vengeful armed vigilante is a threat to their society. In your paper, investigate the role of gun rights in contributing to the problem.
  • Preventing criminals from accessing guns. How effective is gun control in stopping gun violence? Contradictory opinions denying or supporting its productiveness need scrutiny. For this paper, you can use statistics and facts to clarify the situation.
  • The ideology behind gun control and rights. The gun control debate has long gone beyond objective arguments. By now, the problem entails larger political implications. Gun ownership or its absence strongly correlates with political behavior.
  • Interpretations of the Second Amendment regarding gun control.
  • Does unrestricted gun ownership lead to more shootings?
  • The effectiveness of firearm restrictions.
  • Multiple origins of gun-related crime.
  • Are gun restrictions instrumental for public safety?
  • Gun control as a measure against crime and gun violence.
  • Firearm control rhetoric: an analysis.
  • Should the public use of guns remain legal?
  • Gun control: creating optimal policies.
  • Presidential elections and gun control rhetoric.
  • Limiting access to guns: is it useful or debilitating?
  • Evaluating gun control and its impact on crime.
  • The future of gun laws.
  • The political battle over gun control.
  • Gun policies and common sense.
  • How relevant is firearms control?
  • What effect does gun ownership have on domestic abuse?
  • The economics of gun control.
  • Gun control: Is it saving lives or narrowing freedoms?
  • Should you ever be able to buy a gun without a license or permit?

Gun control pros and cons have been discussed and thoroughly analyzed countless times. Both advocates and opponents have stuck to their positions, leaving the issue unresolved. Here are a few important pros and cons:

Points made in support of gun control (pros)

  • Gun control statistics reveal that although the United States accounts for only 5% of the world’s population, U.S. residents own 50% of guns in the world.
  • When gun deaths statistics for different countries were expressed as the number of gun deaths in a population of a million people, the United States was ranked below South Africa.

Points against gun control (cons)

  • The very idea of gun control goes against the US constitution that allows people the right to safeguard their lives. People need guns to defend themselves when being attacked by others. Additionally, firearms can provide a sense of comfort and security. It would be undemocratic to take away a person’s right to feel safe.
  • Since the Second Amendment upholds the right to gun ownership, it should not be restricted. It seems dangerous to start altering the constitution whenever we see fit. In doing so, we might create a precedent that others can use to promote more harmful agendas.

Whichever side you chose, now you already have a few persuasive arguments. Let’s move on to the actual writing part.

Writing an impressive essay on gun control can be a bit difficult without proper organization. No matter what type of paper you are going to work on, you’ll need some detailed planning and thorough research.

Follow these five steps to write a perfect gun control essay:

  • Define what gun control is. Whether you are writing an argumentative, persuasive, or any other type of paper, the first thing you need is context. Use the definitions that are most appropriate for your essay. For example, you might start with a dictionary definition. Then, add some general facts about types of firearms. Next, you might give statistics on gun control , such as ownership and reasons for it.
  • Write a gun control thesis statement. Besides context and definitions, any essay introduction requires a thesis. It’s the message you’re going to argue in the following paragraphs. So, work on it before writing the rest of the paper. Make sure your gun control thesis statement is concise and easy to understand. You can use an online thesis generator if that requirement is hard for you to achieve.
  • One option is to use studies that have collected plentiful information over the years.
  • If you are writing a pro-gun control essay, you can use studies or statistics on how guns owned by private citizens have killed innocent people. You can also cite cases where students used their parents’ guns to commit violent crimes in school.
  • If you are arguing against gun control, cite studies proving that private gun ownership saves lives. You could also add research revealing the positive effects of gun ownership.
  • Organize your paper. Of course, the content and organization vary for each particular essay. The facts remain the same. It is the way that you arrange and present them that will create a concrete argument. That’s why you should make sure to draft an outline before you get started.
  • End with a strong conclusion. In there, you should summarize your essay and reiterate the most important points. Don’t forget to restate and develop your statement based on the facts you mentioned. If it’s not an argumentative essay, present your findings and suggestions about the issue.

John McGinnis Quote.

As you can see, writing an impressive gun control essay takes time and effort. It also requires deep research. If you’re finding this task too challenging, you can order an essay from our custom writing service. We provide 100% original papers at reasonable prices.

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🤔 Gun Control FAQ

To create a great title, you should express your point of view in a concise and eye-catching manner. A creative title grabs your readers’ interest. Try to make up an unusual keyword combination, or paraphrase a metaphor or a set expression. Using two opposite ideas works well, too.

If you want to spark a discussion, you need to make an educated standpoint choice. For a good debate essay, make sure to thoroughly study the topic. A list of pros and cons will help you gain a deeper insight. Then decide where you stand before you start writing.

Good persuasive topics provoke emotions. A great topic for an essay is an issue that concerns nearly everyone in society. For example, gun control or animal testing may be good topics for college essays.

Good thesis statements give a clearly formulated opinion. You need to state whether you are for or against gun control. Either way, the author’s position must be based on convincing arguments and facts.

🔗 References

  • Gun Control Latest Events
  • The Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control
  • Gun Control Pros and Cons
  • Second Amendment: Right to Bear Arms
  • A Brief History of the National Rifle Association
  • Gun Control Essays at Bartleby
  • Argumentative Essays on Gun Control
  • Gun Control Issues, Public Health, and Safety
  • Universal Background Checks: Giffords
  • Gun Violence: Amnesty International
  • Facts on US Gun Ownership: Pew Research Center
  • Gun Control in the US: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Gun Control: The Debate and Public Policy: Social Studies
  • Guns and Gun Control: The New York Times
  • Gun Control Topic Overview: Gale
  • US Gun Policy: Global Comparisons: Council of Foreign Relations
  • US Gun Debate: Four Dates that Explain How We Got Here: BBC News
  • Gun Control and Gun Rights: US News
  • Why Gun Control Is So Contentious in the US: Live Science
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my thing is this it’s not the guns it’s people now if we could make it to where you’ll have to possess a gun ownership license kinda like a drivers license that would solve most problems don’t you think

Custom Writing

I agree with you, Richard.

I am trying to cite this website for my English paper on “NoodleTools” and there are multiple things I can’t find. Like the publisher, publication date, “permalink,” and more. I really like this article though!

Grace, glad you liked the article! Regarding the question about citing, maybe this page will help you somehow:

My opinion if I may is that guns should be in the hands of law enforcement and military. If a person wants a gun for protection they only need to call 911 on their cell or landline if a person is frightened to take steps which are many, to ensure your safety guns do kill people and there have been far too many innocent people dying! Football games schools churches concerts outdoor activities and or indoor activities places just about anywhere and people in danger it is terrible. What has become to civilization where people are going about their innocent daily lives and get killed!!!!! What is wrong with this picture? Many years ago American citizens did not have to live in such danger as it is today, the government does nothing including NRA. Congress does nothing, sadly we live in a dangerous and volatile world and something needs to be done about this to prevent innocent children and adults from dangerous people who have guns in their hands the government should protect America from harm and danger!!!!

This helped me with my essay due. I wanted to do it on gun control, but I had no idea where to start. This really helped to develop my thesis statement and claim to turn in. Now I just have to write 8 pages on it. 🙂 Wish me luck, lol.

Do you still have a copy of this essay ?

Good luck, Danielle! 🙂 Glad the article was useful for you.

I think you should add how guns can be a big cause in the world because guns are a bad thing.

This helped me with a 5-paragraph essay I need due.

This article saved me so much time, thank you!!!

Thank you! This post helped me a lot with my essay.

84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🔫 how to write a gun control essay: do’s and don’ts, 🏆 best gun control topic ideas & essay examples.

  • 💡 Most Interesting Gun Control Topics to Write about

❓ Gun Control Essay Questions

Writing a gun control essay can be tricky if you’ve never done it before.

However, there are some things that will make the process much easier and help you get a good grade. Here is a list of what to do and what not to do while writing an essay on gun control:

  • Don’t rely on news articles to provide you with reliable information. Some news sources may twist data in order to convey certain ideas that may not be entirely true. Similarly, you should avoid relying on politicians’ statements because they may be biased.
  • Do search scholarly articles and official reports on the topic. These types of resources often contain raw data that is more reliable than other people’s interpretations.
  • Don’t assume a position before you’ve done enough research. Although you may have a certain opinion based on your political beliefs or other people’s influences, it may prevent you from offering an unbiased view in your essay. Hence, make sure that you’ve read as much as possible on the subject before writing your gun control essay thesis.
  • Do consider gun control in a global context. Different countries and states have various laws in place to promote gun safety. Comparing various outcomes between two or more areas with different gun control laws will give you more things to write about in the paper.
  • Don’t ignore the issues related to gun control. Gun violence is among the most obvious topics that you can include in the paper. However, try to think about other issues, such as terrorism, police brutality, illegal gun dealing, and more. Reviewing the influence of gun control on other problems will give your essay more depth and might offer a new perspective on the issue.
  • Do research gun sample essays on gun control before you begin writing. These can help you to understand the full scope of the issue and the various opinions on it. A good gun control essay example may give you new thoughts on the content, structure, titles, and arguments.
  • Don’t forget about the structure. Organization and logical flow of the paper are just as important as the content. To help with this part, create a gun control essay outline containing your key points. These points should be the topic sentences, followed by related explanations or examples.
  • Do capture the reader’s attention from the beginning. Essays on controversial subjects, such as gun law problems, tend to be similar to one another. How do you think your tutor would feel if they had to go through ten or more papers with the same thoughts and arguments? To draw attention and make the reader interested in reading further, you need to ensure that your first sentence contains a hook. A good gun control essay hook may be a rhetorical question or a contented statement made by a politician.
  • Don’t forget to give your reader a proper closure. The final paragraph of the paper should offer a summary of all the themes covered, as well as your conclusions based on research. Remember that this part of the essay should not contain any new information. Instead, restate your thesis and main points and show how your interpretation of the gun control problem was influenced by this information.

Lastly, do check our site for more information on how to write an argumentative or persuasive paper!

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  • Federalism and Gun Control in the United States 2 Each type of government possesses a set of duties and powers that it can exercise in the region, and the relationship between the levels is established in the Constitution.
  • Gun Control Is Not the Answer – Education Is The issue of gun control in the US is a complicated matter due to the extensive history of violence and debates regarding the efficiency of regulations that aim to minimize access to weapons.
  • Stricter Gun Control Saves Lives! In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that gun control efforts in the USA are failing as the prevalence of violence in the streets and domestic settings is alarming.
  • Gun Control Legislation in Colorado The success of this issue is explained by the fact that this problem has occurred in the United States long ago and many people grew to support the gun control measures.
  • Banning the Possession of Guns Proponents argue that the more uncontrollably the government continues to allow firearms’ possession to the public, the higher the chances of acquisition by the ‘high risks groups’ and hence threatening the public security.
  • “The Truth About Mass Shooting and the Gun Control” by Benjamin Domenech Written by Benjamin Domenech, the article, “The truth about a mass shooting and the gun control”, unravels the mysteries behind mass shootings and the ever-controversial topic of gun control.
  • The Debate on Gun Control The gun violence has led to the debate on gun control and the recent incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that saw the death of 26 children has reignited the debate and President […]
  • Necessitating Gun Control Laws in the US As a matter of fact, the Second Amendment to the constitution of the United States protects the right of people to acquire and own guns.
  • Gun Control in US In order for the gun control to ensure a reduction in the rate of crimes, there should be an evaluation of the impact of the gun control policy on availability and accessibility to firearms, especially […]
  • Debate of Gun Control in America Those suggesting that ownership of the gun is illegal and unethical observe that the local authorities and the federal agencies in charge of the gun control policy are not doing enough in terms of policy […]
  • Gun politics in the United States The movie theatre shootings in Aurora and the more recent school shootings are examples of events that have contributed to the increased gun-control debate. In the article, the authors contribute to the debate on gun […]
  • Gun legislation in the United States The second factor that contributes to gun violence in the United States is the fact that guns are made available to the youth.
  • Gun Control Pro and Contra For instance in the United States, guns use is the main cause of most of the suicidal and homicide cases. Many Americans think that limitation of use and ownership of guns in the United States […]
  • The Evolution of Gun Control Policy in College Campus: The Path to Better Policy Making It is also important to know if the parents or one of the parents have membership in a gun club. There is a need to find out what kind of obstacles will be encountered if […]
  • Gun Control in the United States of America Moreover, when the public is in possession of guns, it makes it hard for the police to maintain law and order since they can be entangled in a scandal.
  • Gun Control: Impact on Crime and Gun Availability This paper will set out to ascertain the impact that gun control laws have on violent crime prevalence and the number of guns available to civilians in the US.
  • Proper Gun Control in the U.S. Majority of the Americans also feel that they have the right to possess firearms hence the issue of gun control will only be against their constitutional rights.

💡 Most Gun Control Topics to Write about

  • Gun Control in the USA: Inconsistency, Irrationality and Improbability Indeed, taking a closer look at the problem of the use of guns, one will notice that, for the most part, people refer to high crime rates within the state to prove their point.
  • Gun Control in Deterring Repeat Offenders It would cost less to enforce gun control regulations than to constantly convict repeat offenders and withstanding the worst of their crimes.
  • Gun Registry in Canada The enacting of the law resulted to the formation of Canada Firearm Centre that was meant to foresee the implementation of the program.
  • Gun Control Is Important: Here’s Why With regard to whether an individual should have the right to own a gun, it is imperative that one knows that the right to bear arms is an individual and not a collective right.
  • An Argument against Gun Control This paper will argue that the US government does not have any right to control guns and as such, it should respect the second amendment and stop taking up measures to impose gun control on […]
  • Gun Laws regulating and controlling Guns Much as the opponents of firearm regulations have raised strong arguments for the need to continue owning guns, this paper states that the dangerous individuals should be stopped from handling guns in order to stop […]
  • Gun Limitation: Proponents and Opponents of Gun Control The proponents have also promised that gun control initiatives are not focused on taking away the rights of Americans to own and use firearms.
  • Gun Control Policy: Will it solve suicidal shootings in America? Using ethos, the author has drawn the readers to understand the situation brought by the access of guns to the young people in the United States using the case of Kameron.
  • The Gun Control Problems Either way the issue of guns is analyzed, it is clear that the higher the availability and permission to possess firearms, the more chances there are that someone will use weapons.
  • The Role of the Government in Providing Policies and Overcoming Crises: Gun Control Laws and Policies The US Government is the main authority in providing the necessary laws and policies in order to regulate all the spheres of the public’s life in the country.
  • Gun Control Debate: Security in the U.S. On the other hand, there is another group that opposes any attempt to control guns in this country, citing the security of the civilians when they are denied opportunity to own guns.
  • Good Gun Control Law Controversy A good gun control law should be under the control of the federal or central government; therefore, ensuring its inclusion in the constitution.
  • The best idea of regulating guns in the United States is restricting the purchase of bullets Reason # 1: Tracking the buyers of bullets makes it easier to regulate guns in the United States Guns are nothing but empty vessels without ammunition and so it would help a great deal if […]
  • Should Guns be Limited? We will also aim to show that, contrary to what the majority of na ve people believe, the introduction of more and more gun control laws results in the drastic increase of violent crime rates, […]
  • Justice on guns control The argument that possession of the guns by the civilians protects them against the tyranny of the state is frequently advanced.
  • Gun Control in Society Being in possession of a gun would allow the individual to employ own capacities for self-protection. On the contrary, more awareness of weapons should be introduced to ensure a higher self-confidence and security among the […]
  • Legislative Bans: For and Against the Gun Control The standard checks ensure the medical drugs in use are of superior quality and of higher benefit to the people. Gun control is the legal limitation on the use and ownership of a gun.
  • Gun Control: A Case Against Gun Ownership Arguments that current gun control measures are paving the way for a ban on all private ownership of guns are therefore alarmist in nature and should be ignored.
  • Guns Should Be Controlled or Restricted in the USA The problem is in fact that the causes of the phenomenon are not only in increasing the atmosphere of violence in the society but also in the availability of the methods to realize the violent […]
  • Obama’s Speech on the Issue of Gun Control In the case of the speech “Obama on Gun Control” this takes the form of the President attempting to convince the American public of the righteousness of his cause on the basis of the image […]
  • Gun Control in the USA This clause states, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.
  • Are Gun Control Laws in the U.S. Protecting Us?
  • Will Gun Control Stop Harm or Protect Citizens?
  • What Should and Shouldn’t Be Allowed for Better Gun Control?
  • Should America Have Stronger Gun Control Laws?
  • Where Do Ted Cruz and Beto Orourke Stand in the Debate Over Gun Control?
  • How Should the Gun Control Laws Be Less Restrictive?
  • Who Supports Gun Control?
  • Will Stricter Gun Control Laws Hurt This Country?
  • Should Anti-gun Control Be Banned?
  • Why Does America Need Stricter Gun Control Laws?
  • Does America Need Tighter Gun Control, or Is the Problem Intrinsic to Society?
  • Why Won’t Gun Control and Ban on Certain Guns Work in the United States?
  • Can Gun Control Prevent Mass Shootings?
  • Why Does Gun Control Need to Be Implemented?
  • Does Gun Control Control Crime?
  • Why Have Most Attempts to Pass Federal Gun Control Legislation Failed?
  • Are Stricter Gun Control Laws Needed?
  • Why Do People Feel Gun Control Is Unfair?
  • Does Gun Control Infringe on a Person’s Constitutional Rights?
  • Why Should Gun Control Laws Be Stricter?
  • Can Gun Control Solve the Epidemic of Gun Violence?
  • Why Does the United States Not Need Gun Control?
  • Does Gun Control Lower Crime Rates?
  • Are the Laws for Gun Control Sufficient, or Should There Be More?
  • Does Gun Control Work or Is the Wrong Issue Being Addressed?
  • How Much Gun Control Does America Need?
  • Will Gun Control Reduce Crime?
  • What Role Should the Government Play in Gun Control?
  • Why Should the Gun Control Law Be Allowed?
  • Will Gun Control Cause Any Changes in Society?
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  • Organized Crime Titles
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024.

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Argumentative Essay Writing

Argumentative Essay About Gun Control

Cathy A.

Crafting an Unbeatable Argumentative Essay About Gun Control

Published on: Feb 28, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

argumentative essay about gun control

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Are you in the middle of an argumentative essay about gun control?

If so, you're in luck!

Crafting a compelling argument for or against any topic can seem daunting. The good news is, with some practice and helpful tips, it's easy to create an essay that will engage your readers.

In this blog post, we'll cover different approaches to constructing effective arguments on gun control. Along with that, we will explore some strategies you can use no matter what side of the debate you're taking.

By the end of this blog, you'll feel confident in crafting an argument that is well-supported and powerful.

So let's get started!

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What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an article written to convince readers of a particular point of view. It typically uses logic and evidence to prove the position taken. 

The goal is to provide sufficient information and analysis so that readers can understand the subject matter.

To do this, you'll need to use reliable sources and consider different points of view.

Purpose of Writing an Argumentative Essay About Gun Control

The purpose of writing an argumentative essay about gun control is to explore the complexities of the issue.

By researching both sides, you can gain a better understanding of the nuances of the debate. This will ultimately lead to a stronger opinion-based argument. 

No matter what position you take, your argument should be based on facts, not emotions.

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay About Gun Control?

When crafting an argumentative essay about gun control, it's important to consider the following steps: 

Do Your Research

The first step to writing an argumentative essay is to do thorough research on both sides of the gun control debate.

This means researching pro-gun control sources and anti-gun control sources as well.

To ensure you have reliable information, look for articles from credible news outlets and academic journals.

Pick an Appropriate Title

Choosing a title for your essay is an important step as it will help you focus your argument. 

For example, if you are writing in support of gun control, your title could be something like: 

"The Benefits of Gun Control: Why We Need Stricter Regulations."

Make an Outline for Your Argument

Once you've chosen a title, the next step is to outline your argument. An effective argument should have three parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

In your introduction, provide some background information on gun control and state your opinion. Here is a sample outline for an argumentative essay about gun control.

I. Introduction

A. Background Information 

    1. History of gun control in the US 

    2. Overview of current gun control policies 

B. Thesis Statement: Although gun control has always been a controversial topic, reasonable restrictions on firearm ownership can help to reduce violence and protect citizens from harm without infringing upon their Second Amendment rights.

II. Body 

A. Argument in Favor of Gun Control 

    1. Evidence that gun control reduces violent crime 

    2. Legality of gun control regulations 

B. Argument Against Gun Control 

    1. Protection of Second Amendment rights 

    2. Lack of evidence to support gun control

III. Conclusion 

A. Summary of Arguments 

B. Reiteration of Thesis Statement 

C. Implications for the Future of Gun Control in the US 

IV. Works Cited 

Check out this amazing blog on argumentative essay outline to craft perfect outlines.

Here is a thesis statement sample for an argumentative essay about gun control. Check it out to get a better understanding of the topic.

Write a Brief Introduction

Your introduction is the first thing readers will see, so it's important to make a good impression. 

Start off by providing some background information on the issue and giving your opinion on gun control. You should also explain why you think your opinion is valid and how your argument will be structured. 

Write Body Paragraphs With Evidence

The body paragraphs are where you'll provide evidence for your argument. Each paragraph should focus on one point and include evidence to support it. 

For example, a body paragraph could explain the risks associated with owning firearms, such as accidental shootings.

You should also include counterarguments so that your essay is well-rounded.

Conclude Your Essay

Your conclusion should summarize your main points and the evidence you used to support them. You can also use your conclusion to suggest potential solutions or steps forward for the issue. 

Finally, end your essay with a call to action that encourages readers to take action on gun control.

What Are Some Arguments For Gun Control

These are a few popular arguments for gun control in the United States. Check them out to learn more about the topic and its complexity.

1. Gun control can reduce the number of firearms in circulation. It makes it more difficult for dangerous individuals to possess weapons.

2. Research has found that there is a correlation between gun availability and suicide rates. So, fewer guns may lead to fewer suicides.

Check out this informative video!

3. Increased gun control could prevent mass shootings by limiting access to semi-automatic weapons.

4. Gun control laws can help ensure that all firearms owners are properly trained and educated on safety.

5. Gun control could reduce the number of accidental shootings.

Examples Of Argumentative Essays About Gun Control

Gun control is a controversial subject in the United States of America. 

In the wake of so many tragic mass shootings, the conversation tends to pull in two directions: 

Those who believe gun laws should be less strict and those pushing for more restrictions. 

Below are some examples of argumentative essays on gun control.

argumentative essay against gun control

argumentative essay about gun control on pro gun control

Persuasive essay about gun control

Persuasive essay examples gun control

Is greater gun control a good idea argumentative essay

Check our extensive blog on argumentative essay examples to ace your next essay!

Argumentative Essay Topics About Gun Control

Here are a few topics about gun control. Check these out to get inspired for your next essay.

  • Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?
  • Is the assault weapons ban effective in reducing gun violence? 
  • How does mental health play a role in firearm regulations? 
  • What are some current laws that support or restrict gun ownership? 
  • Are stricter background checks needed for gun purchases? 
  • Should more guns be allowed in public places such as schools and churches?
  • Is the current system of gun control effective enough to protect citizens? 
  • What are the implications of allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons? 
  • Is there any evidence that suggests increased gun ownership reduces crime? 
  • What can be done to reduce gun deaths and injuries in America?

Check our comprehensive blog on argumentative essay topics to get more topic ideas!

Although gun control is a highly debated topic, there are many ways to approach writing an argumentative essay on the subject.

By utilizing tips and examples discussed in this blog post, you can write a compelling argumentative essay about gun control.

When you find yourself thinking, "I need someone to write an essay for me ," look no further than our expert writing service.

We understand the challenges of academic writing and are here to help you achieve excellence with ease. Our dedicated team ensures that your essay is not only well-written but also reflects your unique voice and meets your specific needs.

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how to start an essay about gun violence

gun control

Gun Control Essay Guide: Titles, Example, Writing Tips

how to start an essay about gun violence

Writing against gun control essay follows the basic steps of an argumentative essay. The paper begins with an introduction which highlights what the entire essay will be about. Then, three body paragraphs follow: the second paragraph presents the first supporting reason; the third gives the second supporting argument, whereas the fourth paragraph offers the pro-gun control arguments to show the existence of opposing viewpoints.

The firearms debate is something that has been going for a while, and in light of increased mass shootings and a higher risk of terrorist threats, it will continue to be a hot topic. Here at EssayService , we have put together a handy guide to help you with creating any type of essay on this controversial subject.

What is The Gun Control?

The problem of mass shootings has been on the rise around the world, with the United States being the most affected. A report published by The Guardian in 2016 showed that in the United States, there are 265 million guns compared to the 242 million adults living in the country. Also, half of the guns are owned by 3% of the adult population, with each of these adults owning eight to 140 guns. The gun control law aims at regulating the manufacture, possession, transfer or use of firearms by civilians.

The use of guns is something that has to be regulated to maintain safety for everyone. Pro campaigners argue that with increased mass shootings and easy access to firearms, make it too difficult to prevent this kind of tragedies.

Anti-gun control crusaders argue that due to the failure of the governments to ensure their safety, they are forced to acquire guns to defend themselves. However, some pro-gun control campaigners argue that gun ownership should be limited to the police and army officers due to the increased shootings in high schools and colleges. The report published by The Guardian revealed that there are 30, 000 gun deaths in the US annually, the highest across the globe.

One of the pro-gun control arguments is that the law on gun ownership must be amended to control how guns are used and stored. They link the increased shootings in schools to unsafe storage of firearms. As a result, students quickly access their parent’s shotguns and carry them to school and use them to commit crime and murder. Although anti-gun control crusaders argue that the guns will ensure their safety, there have been instances where innocent people were hurt injured and even killed.

The pro-gun control campaigners advocate changing the constitution to either monitor the use of guns or totally ban gun possession among civilians. Also, parents and educationists have taken measures to educate children on the misuse of guns through lectures and open forums. One of the techniques professors use to educate students is by assigning them assignments to write an essay on gun control. That way, students can do adequate research and review existing literature before drafting the final gun control essay. Parents have also taken steps to monitor their children’s exposure to violent video games and videos that influence them to be violent.

In recent years there has been increased education in schools and universities to ensure fewer chances of this kind of tragedies happening again. A typical exercise can involve giving students a gun control essay to research and write. This way the students can see what are the current laws and do research themselves into what problems can be affected if you change them.

how to start an essay about gun violence

Things to Consider when Writing a Gun Control Essay

The law states that anyone in the U.S. can carry a firearm under certain conditions and restrictions depending which local authority governs them. Even tho there is Federal laws and local laws in place they can be confusing in some areas but generally, a version of the second amendment is followed.

consider gun control

The original text from the Bill of Rights 1789 which was later edited and ratified as the Second Amendment is as follows:

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.

There is debate over interpretation of this ancient text but it generally accepted as having a trained military or “state guard” and the people which is anyone native or considered part of the community to be able to keep and carry weapons.

Things to consider:

  • When this law was drawn up the world was a very different place.
  • Many laws have been changed to fit in with modern society.
  • Other countries gun laws are much stricter.
  • People owning guns would not protect themselves from the government.

Gun Control Essay Titles

It is an important part of your essay to include a catchy title, this will inform the reader of your stance and also intrigue them to read further. It can also help other people look for your article quicker. If at first, you can not think of a title then it's a good idea to write as much of the essay and come back to naming it. It should be a creative process and do not just rush in to label your work. Think of something different and fresh that could challenge the reader, so a question, for example, is a good way to do this. Imagine your gun control essay to be a movie and you need to title it suitably can be another useful trick.

When writing your essay, you need to include a memorable title for your article. Here are some examples from our paper writing service online to help you:

  • Take a side, not a sidearm
  • Violence in America, guns under fire
  • Gun control under control
  • Shooting holes in the second amendment
  • Gun deaths on deaf ears
  • Guns don’t kill people, husbands that come home early do
  • Putting guns into the hands of the bad and leaving the innocent unarmed
  • Gun control: deciding who's pulling the trigger
  • How gun control can cost your life
  • Gun control, man caught over a barrel

Pro Gun Control Essay or Against Gun Position Choice

Before embarking on writing your essay, it is vital you decide if you are pro or against the idea. Then you can plan out the essay according to your stance.

When you have decided which angle you are taking, research as much as possible and gain a lot of statistics that are already published. Remember hard facts are needed for your article.

Here is an argumentative gun control essay sample to give you clearer idea:

Then you can begin to outline your essay.

How to Write Your Gun Control Essay Outline?

Draw up a plan of what you need to do, a gun control outline will save you time in the long run which will help with planning and researching. Here is a free template to follow and fill in sections accordingly:

Introduction - Brief description of the article and stance taken, include a hook and thesis.

Body of text - Supporting evidence and statistics for the argument.

Conclusion - Present summary of the most important ideas.

gun control

Gun Control Essay Introduction

After crafting a worthy title, you can move onto a gun control essay introduction. Sometimes the best way to start is with a gun control essay hook which the reader will find interesting. Then proceed with a description of what the article will include and maybe some interesting background to the research undertaken. Include a gun control essay thesis. This will give you a target to aim for during your research to help focus on the important parts, it is also possible to come back and change the thesis statement later on. This is a very important part of the article as the audience will already have formed some opinions of the work after they have finished reading the opening paragraphs.

Body of Gun Control Essay

Depending on what type of essay you are writing will determine which style you adopt. Most common styles would include an argumentative essay or expository essay so check the links for free help on this style of writing. The vital part to presenting your side in these formats would be stating a fact or statistic to prove your point then writing a paragraph with your ideas and opinions on it. Make sure you use hard evidence for every point or it will just count as just commentary. Another popular style would include a research paper , here is free help with this format. Make sure your paragraphs flow well between points and ideas so that the reader will not be bored and use transition words and phrases to help with this.

Gun Control Essay Conclusion

When you write the gun control essay conclusion it is important to present a summary of the main ideas that back up your thesis or the point that is being proved. Depending on the style you can restate the thesis then lead into the summary. Whichever style adopted make the final sentence memorable which could include a dramatic plea or a question as this will be the last thing the audience takes away with them. Even try to challenge the reader.

Citations or References Section of Gun Control Essays

Depending on the type of essay or work you are writing this will have an impact on how to reference material used. It is vital that you include a references section usually at the end of the essay.

Pro Gun Control Essay Tips

Here at essay writing service , we have collected some of the best top tips for writing your essay to help you out.

  • Backup all your ideas. When you put a claim or point of view across make sure you have supporting evidence or statistics to back up. Most students forget to include the vital information to backup their ideas. Here is a good website for global firearm laws and statistics .
  • Clearly structure each point or idea. Do not make the essay boring to the reader so include transition words and phrases and create one idea based on facts per paragraph.
  • Look for fresh and new research. This topic has been covered a lot to a variety of different levels so try to get modern research and data to present the best ideas. There have been many students completing essays like this so try to stand out.
  • Understand human psychology. Look and think outside the box because anyone can own a gun but not everybody has a strong enough mind to not pull the trigger. Guns are part of the argument but look at human thought and reasons.
  • Be honest. With everybody under the sun having a say in this topic, just be clear and present your idea with truth and this will give you the best essay.

Gun Control Essay Example

Gun Policy: The Views of Republicans and Democrats

Do you know how many firearms are currently in civilian possession in the US? According to official numbers, over 393 million guns are owned by Americans, which makes up for 46% of the global stock of civilian firearms. This statement alone indicates how strong and well-developed gun culture is in this country. On the other hand, the rate of firearm deaths (both homicides and suicides) keeps growing at a rapid pace, causing the gun policy to be one of the hottest and most discussed topics. Unsurprisingly, the two major opposing parties in the US: Republicans and Democrats, are having very diverse opinions concerning this matter. While Republicans want to keep it easy, Democrats are voting for more restrictions, and they only agree on a couple of points.

To go into detail, Republicans are generally supporting gun ownership. They believe that it should be accessible to the majority of US citizens. According to the survey by the Pew Research Center, the majority of Republicans don't really see gun violence as a "very big" problem:

  • 42% of the party representatives see the problem as "moderately big";
  • And 23% believe there is no issue at all. 

Thus, when it comes to the majority of suggestions concerning stricter regulations of gun possession among civilians, Republicans vote for such changes very reluctantly. Instead, the party representatives strongly support the allowance of concealed carry of firearms in most public places. And, they also vote for allowing school teachers and authorities to carry guns at the workplace. All in all, Republicans are convinced that stricter gun policies cannot help minimize cultural brutality and prevent cruel crimes. But they believe that death penalties can.

Democrats, on the contrary, have a very different viewpoint on gun policy. According to Pew Research Center, as many as 65% of the party representatives believe that the problem of gun violence is very big. And another 26% think that it is moderately big. Due to their outlook on the problem, the majority of Democrats are strongly against making concealed carry of guns allowed. They also don't support reducing the waiting time for legal firearm purchases. They, on the contrary, support stricter background checks. Democrats even suggest creating federal databases to gain stronger control over gun sales. One more point in Democrats' policy is a restriction of sales of assault-style weapons.

Despite critically opposing ideas that Republicans and Democrats have regarding gun policy, they do find a few points of contact on this issue. Namely, the equal number of Republicans and Democrats vote for restricting mentally ill people from purchasing and owning firearms. Another shared idea with a small gap in the number of votes is that gun ownership should not be accessible to people who are included in no-fly or watch lists. Finally, the last policy update on which both parties somewhat agree implies the introduction of background checks for private sales and sales made at gun shows.

Overall, Republicans and Democrats have fundamentally contradicting views on issues related to gun violence. Despite the fact that the number of firearms crimes keeps striking, Republicans keep stubbornly voting for more sparing policies and less control. Democrats, on the contrary, are spreading awareness of the issue. They assure that the problem is real and suggest stricter policies. The goal of stricter gun policies is to minimize the danger for citizens. Interestingly enough, despite the strong gun culture in the country, according to surveys, most Americans would rather support democrats. 52% of citizens believe that gun control has to be stricter, and personally, I would also stand by the same ideas that the Democratic party is spreading.

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Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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Essay Samples on Gun Violence

Examining the pros and cons of gun control.

The debate surrounding gun control has been a longstanding and contentious issue, with proponents and opponents presenting valid arguments from their respective standpoints. This essay delves into the multifaceted discussion by exploring the pros and cons of gun control policies, shedding light on the complexities...

  • Gun Control
  • Gun Violence

The Auckland Mass Shooting: a Tragedy at the Women's World Cup 2023

On the morning of July 20th, 2023, Auckland, New Zealand suffered a devastating mass shooting that left three dead and several others injured. This tragic event occurred just hours before the opening ceremonies of the Women's World Cup, set to be held in Auckland that...

  • Mass Shooting

The Shooting of Ralph Yarl: Unraveling the Racial Dynamics and Gun Violence

On April 13, 2023, a tragic incident occurred in Kansas City, Missouri that garnered national attention. 16-year-old Ralph Yarl, an African American teenager, was shot and wounded after mistakenly ringing the doorbell at the wrong house while attempting to pick up his younger twin brothers....

  • Racial Profiling

The Gun Control Laws And Gun Violence In America

Have you ever stopped to suppose about how scary it would experience and be like to lose a household members or close friends loss of life innocently, because they had been victims of a gun shooting? Having to never being capable to talk to them...

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The Link Between Violence In Video Games And Gun Violence In America

Gun violence is something that is taking place every minute that passes by. According to the CDC, Every 17 minutes one person is killed by a firearm which brings to 87 people during an average day, and 609 every week (CDC 2019). Almost 50% of...

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The Rise Of Gun Violence Because Of Video Game Violence

A constant threat of violence lurked from January 2019 to May 2019. A ridiculous eight school shootings would occur, each varying in intensity. The United States was on edge, looking for a reason why their children had to risk their lives in order to pursue...

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Gun Violence In America: Protection Of Citizen Rights

The United States Constitution promises that the government will protect citizens and their natural-born rights. The second amendment states“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”...

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Gun Violence In America: The Issue Of Mass Shootings

When you turn on the news, there are frequent reports of mass shootings and gun violence. Families are heart broken after their loved ones have been killed. This is the sad and disturbing reality in our country. Olivia Wesch woke up on February 14 excited...

The Risk Of Increased Homicide Rates Due To Gun Violence In America

Gun violence is a public health tragedy that affects millions of lives in the United States every year (Christensen, Cunningham, Delamater, & Hamilton, 2019). It is a problem because its complex nature and frequency of occurrence have a considerable impact on the health and safety...

On Gun Violence In America: The Need For Action

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The Advertisement Analysis Of The Anti Gun Violence Campaign

Living in a country where assault weapons are so easily accessible is scary. Parents all over America, fear sending their kids places because of this, even places where they should feel most safe, school. On December 14th, 2012, innocent children’s lives were taken at Sandy...

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The Need To Ban Guns To Decrease Gun Violence In America

In the US, what is your biggest concern right now? For me, it's gun violence. Through the Second Amendment of the Constitution, people have a right to own a gun. There was research from Gallup in 2017, there was 43% of people in the United...

Gun Violence And Gun Control: The Influence On America

When thinking of America, many people recall the great things one loves about this country. People can explain the many ways to achieve lifelong dreams and goals. They are able to ramble about the vacation spots, business opportunities, and celebrities who reside in America. What...

Dissecting Obama's Speech On School Shooting And Gun Violence

More than 1,700 children and teenagers die in the U.S every year as a result of gun violence. the deaths are much higher for black children (Every Town, 2020). Many of these children die as a result of school shootings that have become more prevalent...

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Gun Violence In America: Inexcusable Death Rates And Shootings

We are never going to get a serious grip on gun violence in this country until we adopt comprehensive measures to keep guns away from people who should not have them,” (Reno). The United States government has neglected to counteract the issue of the developing...

Gun Control Laws On Gun Violence In America

The swelling number of gun violence in the United States, is an alarming situation faced by this great nation, that has led to many innocent civilian, getting affected by it. According to Amnesty International, every year, nearly 30,000 people are killed due to the escalation...

The Problem of Gun Violence in America

In today’s society, one of the major problems that we face is gun violence. Gun violence is related to violence that can be considered criminal, however, some cases aren’t considered criminal. In data collected by the FBI showed that firearms were used in sixty-eight percent...

Columbine Shooting and Relation to Gun Violence in America in Bowling for Columbine

“It was the morning of April 20th, 1999, and it was pretty much like any other morning in America...And out in Littleton, Colorado, two boys went bowling at six in the morning. Yes, it was a typical day in the United States of America.” (Moore,...

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Second Amendment: Gun Violence Statistics

Introduction The right to bear arms was inserted into the constitution and has been something that has remained in place today. With all the violence and deaths by guns that has been occurring throughout the United States in the past decade, it has caused law...

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Gun Violence And Mass Shooting In The United States

The world is being taken over by gun violence, on average 96 people are killed by guns in the United States every day. I will be comparing the number of gun violence and mass shooting in the United States over a long period of time...

Best topics on Gun Violence

1. Examining the Pros and Cons of Gun Control

2. The Auckland Mass Shooting: a Tragedy at the Women’s World Cup 2023

3. The Shooting of Ralph Yarl: Unraveling the Racial Dynamics and Gun Violence

4. The Gun Control Laws And Gun Violence In America

5. The Link Between Violence In Video Games And Gun Violence In America

6. The Rise Of Gun Violence Because Of Video Game Violence

7. Gun Violence In America: Protection Of Citizen Rights

8. Gun Violence In America: The Issue Of Mass Shootings

9. The Risk Of Increased Homicide Rates Due To Gun Violence In America

10. On Gun Violence In America: The Need For Action

11. The Advertisement Analysis Of The Anti Gun Violence Campaign

12. The Need To Ban Guns To Decrease Gun Violence In America

13. Gun Violence And Gun Control: The Influence On America

14. Dissecting Obama’s Speech On School Shooting And Gun Violence

15. Gun Violence In America: Inexcusable Death Rates And Shootings

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Persuasive Essay Guide

Persuasive Essay About Gun Control

Caleb S.

Read Excellent Examples of Persuasive Essay About Gun Control

Persuasive Essay About Gun Control

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Are you looking for inspiration for your persuasive essay about gun control? You are at the right place!

Gun control is a controversial but common topic for students. However, with extensive debate on both sides, students often find it challenging.

However, reading some sample essays can be a good start! 

This blog provides several example essays on the controversial topic of gun control that you can read for inspiration. Moreover, you'll get the steps to help you craft your own persuasive essay about the topic.

So let’s get started!

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  • 1. Persuasive Essay Examples on Gun Control 
  • 2. Persuasive Essay Against Gun Control
  • 3. Persuasive Essay on Pro-Gun Control
  • 4. Argumentative Essay About Gun Control
  • 5. Steps to Write a Persuasive Essay
  • 6. Persuasive Essay Topics about Gun Control

Persuasive Essay Examples on Gun Control 

Start with these general persuasive essay samples on gun control. They will help you understand what makes a good gun control essay.

Check out the example 5-paragraph essay on gun control:

Gun control remains a contentious issue in many countries, especially in the United States, where the debate over the Second Amendment rights and public safety continues to polarize opinions. The need for stricter gun control laws is imperative to reduce gun violence, protect public safety, and ensure responsible gun ownership. This essay argues that implementing stricter gun control laws is essential for a safer society.

The prevalence of gun violence in the United States is alarming. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), firearms are involved in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries each year, including homicides, suicides, and accidental shootings. High-profile mass shootings, such as those at schools, workplaces, and public events, have brought national attention to the issue, highlighting the urgent need for more robust gun control measures. The devastating impact on families and communities underscores the importance of enacting stricter laws to prevent such tragedies.

One of the most effective ways to reduce gun violence is through comprehensive background checks. Current federal laws require background checks for purchases from licensed dealers but not for private sales or gun shows. This loophole allows individuals with criminal records or mental health issues to acquire firearms easily. By closing this gap and requiring universal background checks, we can significantly reduce the likelihood of guns falling into the wrong hands, thereby enhancing public safety.

Stricter gun control laws also promote responsible gun ownership. Licensing and training requirements ensure that individuals who own guns understand the responsibilities and risks associated with firearm use. Mandatory safety courses and periodic renewals of licenses can educate gun owners about safe storage practices, reducing the likelihood of accidental shootings and thefts. Responsible gun ownership is crucial for maintaining a balance between the right to bear arms and public safety.

In conclusion, stricter gun control laws are necessary to address the pervasive issue of gun violence and ensure public safety. Comprehensive background checks, limitations on high-capacity magazines, and promoting responsible gun ownership are key measures that can significantly reduce the incidence of gun-related deaths and injuries. While respecting the Second Amendment rights, it is crucial to implement these sensible regulations to create a safer society for everyone. The time for action is now, and we must work together to advocate for and support stricter gun control laws.

Here is another example of a persuasive essay on pro-gun control:

Gun violence is a pressing issue that demands immediate action. Implementing stricter gun control laws is essential to reduce the alarming rates of gun-related deaths and injuries. Comprehensive background checks are crucial to prevent firearms from falling into the hands of criminals and individuals with mental health issues. The current loopholes allow easy access to guns, posing a significant threat to public safety.

Limiting access to high-capacity magazines is another vital measure. These magazines enable shooters to cause mass casualties rapidly, as seen in numerous tragic mass shootings. By restricting their sale and possession, we can mitigate the potential for such devastating events.

Moreover, promoting responsible gun ownership through mandatory training and licensing ensures that gun owners understand the responsibilities and risks associated with firearms. Safe storage practices and periodic license renewals can prevent accidental shootings and thefts.

Stricter gun control laws respect the Second Amendment while prioritizing public safety. The evidence is clear: countries with stringent gun regulations have significantly lower rates of gun violence. It is time to follow their example and implement sensible measures to protect our communities. Stricter gun control is not just a policy choice; it is a moral imperative to save lives.

Persuasive Essay about Gun Control

Persuasive Essay Examples Gun Control

Want persuasive examples on other topics? Check out our persuasive essay examples blog to find samples on a variety of topics.

Persuasive Essay Against Gun Control

Check out these few examples of anti-gun control essays. These will help you understand the claims of those who are against gun control.

Why Gun Control is Bad

Argumentative Essay Against Gun Control

Check out this short video below on the pros and cons of gun control to find good claims for both sides.

Persuasive Essay on Pro-Gun Control

Some people believe that stricter gun control laws should be a priority to prevent gun violence. Here are some examples that will introduce you to their positions in detail.

Why We Need Gun Control Essay

The Pros of Gun Control Essay

Free Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

Argumentative Essay About Gun Control

An argumentative essay about gun control is a paper that looks at both sides of the debate on this important issue. The goal is to make sure that you can support your position with facts, figures, and logical arguments.

Read these argumentative essay examples about gun control to see how it's done!

Steps to Write a Persuasive Essay

Now that you have read some good examples of persuasive essays about gun control, it's time for you to start writing your own paper.

But how exactly do you write a good essay by yourself? Here are some steps you should follow:

Step 1- Research the Topic

Before you start writing your essay, it’s important to do some research on gun control.

Read up on the different stances and viewpoints on the issue to get a better understanding of what you are discussing. Gather as many facts and evidence as you need.

Make sure to take notes, so you can cite anything you use later.

Step 2- Make an Outline

Having a persuasive essay outline will help you stay organized and on track.

Start by making an outline of the main points you want to discuss in your essay. Then, break it down into subsections with specific facts and perspectives.

In short, make sure to create a clear structure for your essay.

Step 3- Take a Stance

After doing your research, decide which side of the debate you agree with. Choose whether you will argue for or against gun control, ensuring you can defend your opinion with logical claims and maintain consistency throughout your paper. Your thesis statement should clearly outline your stance and main claim.

Step 4- Support Your Position 

When making your point, make sure to back them up with evidence. Use data, statistics, and quotes from experts to strengthen your points. In addition, you should use rhetorical strategies such as ethos, pathos, and logos to make your essay more effective.

Step 5- Address the Opposition  

In the body paragraph make sure to address any counterclaims that you come across while researching or writing your essay. This will show your readers that you have done your research and considered both sides of the argument.

Step  6- Proofread and Revise

Before submitting your paper, make sure to proofread for any mistakes or typos. Having a second pair of eyes look over your work can help catch any errors that you may have missed.

Take your time to revise and edit your essay keeping in view the writing conventions . Make sure that each point is clearly laid out and supported with facts, figures, and logic. This is important to make sure that the essay is compelling and error-free!

Persuasive Essay Topics about Gun Control

Wondering which gun topic you should write about? Here are a few persuasive essay topics related to gun control that you can choose.

  • The Impact of Stricter Gun Control Laws on Reducing Gun Violence
  • The Role of Background Checks in Preventing Firearms Access for Criminals
  • Mental Health and Gun Control: Addressing the Connection
  • Gun Control vs. Second Amendment Rights: Finding a Balance
  • The Necessity of Banning Assault Weapons for Public Safety
  • Why Gun Control Won’t End School Shootings
  • The Influence of Lobbying Groups like the NRA on Gun Control Policies
  • The International Perspective: Comparing Gun Control Measures in Different Countries
  • How Can Gun Control Help Suicide Prevention
  • The Economics of Gun Control: Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Stricter Regulations

Want persuasive topics on other subjects? Check out our list of 200+ engaging and interesting persuasive essay topics to get topic ideas.

To sum it up for you,

Gun control is an important issue that needs to be discussed in our society. The example essays in this blog have shown different viewpoints for and against gun control. Plus, you’ve received useful steps on how to write a persuasive essay about this topic.

Whether you are for or against gun control, make sure to conduct thorough research and use evidence when writing your paper. So keep these steps in mind and start writing your own gun control essay today!

If you need further help with your essay on gun control, don’t worry! Our persuasive essay writing service can provide you with high-quality custom papers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good thesis statement for an argumentative essay on gun control.

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A strong thesis statement for an argumentative essay on gun control should clearly state your position and outline the main arguments you will present. For example , "Stricter gun control laws are essential to reduce gun violence, protect public safety, and ensure responsible firearm ownership."

What are some argumentative essay topics about gun control?

Here are some topics for a writing an argumentative essay on gun control:

  • Should the U.S. implement universal background checks for all gun purchases?
  • Should stricter gun control laws be applied to law-abiding citizens to enhance public safety?
  • Does the Second Amendment protect the right to own all types of firearms?
  • Should high-capacity magazines be banned to prevent mass shootings?
  • Is arming teachers an effective solution to school shootings?
  • Should certain types of guns, such as assault rifles, be banned to reduce gun violence?

How can I outline a persuasive speech on gun control?

Here is a basic outline for a persuasive speech on gun control:

  • Introduction
  • Attention-grabbing opening
  • Thesis statement
  • Preview of main points
  • Point 1: Importance of comprehensive background checks
  • Supporting evidence and examples
  • Point 2: Limiting access to high-capacity magazines
  • Point 3: Promoting responsible gun ownership through mandatory training and licensing
  • Restate thesis
  • Summary of main points
  • Call to action

What are some good topics for a research paper on gun control?

Here are some topics to consider for a research paper on gun control:

  • The effectiveness of background checks in preventing gun violence
  • Comparative analysis of gun control laws in different countries and their impact on gun violence rates
  • The role of mental health in gun violence and the need for mental health screenings
  • The impact of gun control laws on crime rates and public safety
  • Historical evolution of gun control laws in the United States and their social implications

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Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Introduction, the burden of firearm violence, understanding and reducing firearm violence is complex and multi-factorial, interventions and recommendations, conclusions, research ethics.

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Firearm Violence in the United States: An Issue of the Highest Moral Order

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Chisom N Iwundu, Mary E Homan, Ami R Moore, Pierce Randall, Sajeevika S Daundasekara, Daphne C Hernandez, Firearm Violence in the United States: An Issue of the Highest Moral Order, Public Health Ethics , Volume 15, Issue 3, November 2022, Pages 301–315,

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Firearm violence in the United States produces over 36,000 deaths and 74,000 sustained firearm-related injuries yearly. The paper describes the burden of firearm violence with emphasis on the disproportionate burden on children, racial/ethnic minorities, women and the healthcare system. Second, this paper identifies factors that could mitigate the burden of firearm violence by applying a blend of key ethical theories to support population level interventions and recommendations that may restrict individual rights. Such recommendations can further support targeted research to inform and implement interventions, policies and laws related to firearm access and use, in order to significantly reduce the burden of firearm violence on individuals, health care systems, vulnerable populations and society-at-large. By incorporating a blended public health ethics to address firearm violence, we propose a balance between societal obligations and individual rights and privileges.

Firearm violence poses a pervasive public health burden in the United States. Firearm violence is the third leading cause of injury related deaths, and accounts for over 36,000 deaths and 74,000 firearm-related injuries each year ( Siegel et al. , 2013 ; Resnick et al. , 2017 ; Hargarten et al. , 2018 ). In the past decade, over 300,000 deaths have occurred from the use of firearms in the United States, surpassing rates reported in other industrialized nations ( Iroku-Malize and Grissom, 2019 ). For example, the United Kingdom with a population of 56 million reports about 50–60 deaths per year attributable to firearm violence, whereas the United States with a much larger population, reports more than 160 times as many firearm-related deaths ( Weller, 2018 ).

Given the pervasiveness of firearm violence, and subsequent long-term effects such as trauma, expensive treatment and other burdens to the community ( Lowe and Galea, 2017 ; Hammaker et al. , 2017 ; Jehan et al. , 2018 ), this paper seeks to examine how various evidence-based recommendations might be applied to curb firearm violence, and substantiate those recommendations using a blend of the three major ethics theories which include—rights based theories, consequentialism and common good. To be clear, ours is not a morally neutral paper wherein we weigh the merits of an ethical argument for or against a recommendation nor is it a meta-analysis of the pros and cons to each public health recommendation. We intend to promote evidence-based interventions that are ethically justifiable in the quest to ameliorate firearm violence.

It is estimated that private gun ownership in the United States is 30% and an additional 11% of Americans lived with someone who owed a gun in 2017 ( Gramlich and Schaeffer, 2019 ). Some of the reported motivations for carrying a firearm include protection against people (anticipating future victimization or past victimization experience) and hunting or sport shooting ( Schleimer et al. , 2019 ). A vast majority of firearm-related injuries and death occur from intentional harm (62% from suicides and 35% from homicides) versus 2% of firearm-related injuries and death occurring from unintentional harm or accidents (e.g. unsafe storage) ( Fowler et al. , 2015 ; Lewiecki and Miller, 2013 ; Monuteaux et al. , 2019 ; Swanson et al. , 2015 ).

Rural and urban differences have been noted regarding firearms and its related injuries and deaths. In one study, similar amount of firearm deaths were reported in urban and rural areas ( Herrin et al. , 2018 ). However, the difference was that firearm deaths from homicides were higher in urban areas, and deaths from suicide and unintentional deaths were higher in rural areas ( Herrin et al. , 2018 ). In another study, suicides accounted for about 70% of firearm deaths in both rural and urban areas ( Dresang, 2001 ). Hence, efforts to implement these recommendations have the potential to prevent most firearm deaths in both rural and urban areas.

The burden of firearm injuries on society consists of not only the human and economic costs, but also productivity loss, pain and suffering. Firearm-related injuries affect the health and welfare of all and lead to substantial burden to the healthcare industry and to individuals and families ( Corso et al. , 2006 ; Tasigiorgos et al. , 2015 ). Additionally, there are disparities in firearm injuries, whereby firearm injuries disproportionately affect young people, males and non-White Americans ( Peek-Asa et al. , 2017 ). The burden of firearm also affects the healthcare system, racial/ethnic minorities, women and children.

Burden on Healthcare System

Firearm-related fatalities and injuries are a serious public health problem. On average more than 38 lives were lost every day to gun related violence in 2018 ( The Education Fund to Stop Gun Violence (EFSGV), 2020 ). A significant proportion of Americans suffer from firearm non-fatal injuries that require hospitalization and lead to physical disabilities, mental health challenges such as post-traumatic stress disorder, in addition to substantial healthcare costs ( Rattan et al. , 2018 ). Firearm violence and related injuries cost the U.S. economy about $70 billion annually, exerting a major effect on the health care system ( Tasigiorgos et al. , 2015 ).

Victims of firearm violence are also likely to need medical attention requiring high cost of care and insurance payouts which in turn raises the cost of care for everyone else, and unavoidably becomes a financial liability and source of stress on the society ( Hammaker et al. , 2017 ). Firearm injuries also exert taxing burden on the emergency departments, especially those in big cities. Patients with firearm injuries who came to the emergency departments tend to be overwhelmingly male and younger (20–24 years old) and were injured in an assault or unintentionally ( Gani et al. , 2017 ). Also, Carter et al. , 2015 found that high-risk youth (14–24 years old) who present in urban emergency departments have higher odds of having firearm-related injuries. In fact, estimates for firearm-related hospital admission costs are exorbitant. In 2012, hospital admissions for firearm injuries varied from a low average cost of $16,975 for an unintentional firearm injury to a high average cost of $32,237 for an injury from an assault weapon ( Peek-Asa et al. , 2017 ) compared with an average cost of $10,400 for a general hospital admission ( Moore et al. , 2014 ).

Burden on Racial/Ethnic Minorities, Women and Children

Though firearm violence affects all individuals, racial disparities exist in death and injury and certain groups bear a disproportionate burden of its effects. While 77% of firearm-related deaths among whites are suicides, 82% of firearm-related deaths among blacks are homicides ( Reeves and Holmes, 2015 ). Among black men aged 15–34, firearm-related death was the leading cause of death in 2012 ( Cerdá, 2016 ). The racial disparity in the leading cause of firearm-related homicide among 20- to 29-year-old adults is observed among blacks, followed by Hispanics, then whites. Also, victims of firearms tend to be from lower socioeconomic status ( Reeves and Holmes, 2015 ). Understanding behaviors that underlie violence among young adults is important. Equally important is the fiduciary duty of public health officials in creating public health interventions and policies that would effectively decrease the burden of gun violence among all Americans regardless of social, economic and racial/ethnic backgrounds.

Another population group that bears a significant burden of firearm violence are women. The violence occurs in domestic conflicts ( Sorenson and Vittes, 2003 ; Tjaden et al. , 2000 ). Studies have shown that intimate partner violence is associated with an increased risk of homicide, with firearms as the most commonly used weapon ( Leuenberger et al. , 2021 ; Gollub and Gardner, 2019 ). However, firearm threats among women who experience domestic violence has been understudied ( Sullivan and Weiss, 2017 ; Sorenson, 2017 ). It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of women who experience intimate partner violence and live in households with firearms have been held at gunpoint by intimate partners ( Sorenson and Wiebe, 2004 ). Firearms are used to threaten, coerce and intimidate women. Also, the presence of firearms in a home increases the risk of women being murdered ( Campbell et al. , 2015 ; Bailey et al. , 1997 ). Further, having a firearm in the home is strongly associated with more severe abuse among pregnant women in a study by McFarlane et al. (1998) . About half of female intimate partner homicides are committed with firearms ( Fowler, 2018 ; Díez et al. , 2017 ). Some researchers reported that availability of firearms in areas with fewer firearms restrictions has led to higher intimate partner homicides ( Gollub and Gardner, 2019 ; Díez et al. , 2017 ).

In the United States, children are nine times more likely to die from a firearm than in most other industrialized nations ( Krueger and Mehta, 2015 ). Children here include all individuals under age 18. These statistics highlight the magnitude of firearm injuries as well as firearms as a serious pediatric concern, hence, calls for appropriate interventions to address this issue. Unfortunately, children and adolescents have a substantial level of access to firearms in their homes which contributes to firearm violence and its related injuries ( Johnson et al. , 2004 ; Kim, 2018 ). About half of all U.S. households are believed to have a firearm, making firearms one of the most pervasive products consumed in the United States ( Violano et al. , 2018 ). Consequently, most of the firearms used by children and youth to inflict harm including suicides are obtained in the home ( Johnson et al. , 2008 ). Beyond physical harm, children experience increased stress, fear and anxiety from direct or indirect exposure to firearms and its related injuries. These effects have also been reported as predictors of post-traumatic stress disorders in children and could have long-term consequences that persist from childhood to adulthood ( Holly et al. , 2019 ). Additionally, the American Psychological Association’s study on violence in the media showed that witnessing violence leads to fear and mistrust of others, less sensitivity to pain experienced by others, and increases the tendency of committing violent acts ( Branas et al. , 2009 ; Calvert et al. , 2017 ).

As evidenced from the previous sections, firearm violence is a complex issue. Some argue that poor mental health, violent video games, substance abuse, poverty, a history of violence and access to firearms are some of the reasons for firearm violence ( Iroku-Malize and Grissom, 2019 ). However, the prevalence and incidence of firearm violence supersedes discrete issues and demonstrates a complex interplay among a variety of factors. Therefore, a broader public health analysis to better understand, address and reduce firearm violence is warranted. Some important factors as listed above should be taken into consideration to more fully understand firearm violence which can consequently facilitate processes for mitigation of the frequency and severity of firearm violence.

Lack of Research Prevents Better Understanding of Problem of Firearm Violence

A major stumbling block to understanding the prevalence and incidence of firearm related violence exists from a lack of rigorous scientific study of the problem. Firearm violence research constitutes less than 0.09% of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s annual budget ( Rajan et al. , 2018 ). Further research on firearm violence is greatly limited by the Dickey Amendment, first passed in 1996 and annually thereafter in budget appropriations, which prohibits use of federal funds to advocate or promote firearm control ( Rostron, 2018 ). As such, the Dickey Amendment impedes future federally funded research, even as public health’s interest in firearm violence prevention increased ( Peetz and Haider, 2018 ; Rostron, 2018 ). In the absence of rigorous research, a deeper understanding and development of evidence-based prevention measures continue to be needed.

Lack of a Public Health Ethical Argument Against Firearm Use Impedes Violence Prevention

We make an argument that gun violence is a public health problem. While some might think that public health is primarily about reducing health-related externalities, it is embedded in key values such as harm reduction, social justice, prevention and protection of health and social justice and equity ( Institute of Medicine, 2003 ). Public health practice is also historically intertwined with politics, power and governance, especially with the influence of the states decision-making and policies on its citizens ( Lee and Zarowsky, 2015 ). According to the World Health Organization, health is a complete physical, mental and social well-being that is not just the absence of injury or disease ( Callahan, 1973 ). Health is fundamental for human flourishing and there is a need for public health systems to protect health and prevent injuries for individuals and communities. Public health ethics, then, is the practical decision making that supports public health’s mandate to promote health and prevent disease, disability and injury in the population. It is imperative for the public health community to ask what ought to be done/can be done to curtail firearm violence and its related burdens. Sound public health ethical reasoning must be employed to support recommendations that can be used to justify various public policy interventions.

The argument that firearm violence is a public health problem could suggest that public health methods (e.g. epidemiological methods) can be used to study gun violence. Epidemiological approaches to gun violence could be applied to study its frequency, pattern, distribution, determinants and measure the effects of interventions. Public health is also an interdisciplinary field often drawing on knowledge and input from social sciences, humanities, etc. Gun violence could be viewed as a crime-related problem rather than public health; however, there are, of course, a lot of ways to study crime, and in this case with public health relevance. One dominant paradigm in criminology is the economic model which often uses natural experiments to isolate causal mechanisms. For example, it might matter whether more stringent background checks reduce the availability of guns for crime, or whether, instead, communities that implement more stringent background checks also tend to have lower rates of gun ownership to begin with, and stronger norms against gun availability. Therefore, public health authorities and criminologists may tend to have overlapping areas of expertise aimed to lead to best practices advice for gun control.

Our paper draws on three major theories: (1) rights-based theories, (2) consequentialism and (3) the common good approach. These theories make a convergent case for firearm violence, and despite their significant divergence, strengthen our public health ethics approach to firearm. The key aspects of these three theories are briefly reviewed with respect to how one might use a theory to justify an intervention or recommendation to reduce firearm injuries.

Rights-Based Theories

The basic idea of the rights framework is that people have certain rights, and that therefore it is impermissible to treat people in certain ways even if doing so would promote the overall good. People have rights to safety, security and an environment generally free from risky pitfalls. Conversely, people also have a right to own a gun especially as emphasized in the U.S.’s second amendment. Another theory embedded within our discussion of rights-based theories is deontology. Deontological approaches to ethics hold that we have moral obligations or duties that are not reducible to the need to promote some end (such as happiness or lives saved). These duties are generally thought to specify what we owe to others as persons ( rights bearers ). There are specific considerations that define moral behaviors and specific ways in which people within different disciplines ought to behave to effectively achieve their goals.

Huemer (2003) argued that the right to own a firearm has both a fundamental (independent of other rights) and derivative justification, insofar as the right is derived from another right - the right to self-defense ( Huemer, 2003 ). Huemer gives two arguments for why we have a right to own a gun:

People place lots of importance on owning a gun. Generally, the state should not restrict things that people enjoy unless doing so imposes substantial risk of harm to others.

People have a right to defend themselves from violent attackers. This entails that they have a right to obtain the means necessary to defend themselves. In a modern society, a gun is a necessary means to defend oneself from a violent attacker. Therefore, people have a right to obtain a gun.

Huemer’s first argument could be explained that it would be permissible to violate someone’s right to own or use a firearm in order to promote some impersonal good (e.g. number of lives saved). Huemer’s second argument also justifies a fundamental right to gun ownership. According to Huemer, gun restrictions violate the right of individual gun owners to defend themselves. Gun control laws will result in coercively stopping people to defend themselves when attacked. To him, the right to self-defense does seem like it would be fundamental. It seems intuitive to argue that, at some level, if someone else attacks a person out of the blue, the person is morally required to defend themselves if they cannot escape. However, having a right to self-defense does not entail that your right to obtain the means necessary to that thing cannot be burdened at all.

While we have a right to own a gun, that right is weaker than other kinds of rights. For example, gun ownership seems in no way tied to citizenship in a democracy or being a member of the community. Also, since other nations/democracies get along fine without a gun illustrates that gun ownership is not important enough to be a fundamental right. Interestingly, the UK enshrines a basic right to self-defense, but explicitly denies any right to possess any particular means of self-defense. This leads to some interesting legal peculiarities where it can be illegal to possess a handgun, but not illegal to use a handgun against an assailant in self-defense.

In the United States, implementing gun control policies to minimize gun related violence triggers the argument that such policies are infringements on the Second Amendment, which states that the rights to bear arms shall not be infringed. The constitution might include a right to gun ownership for a variety of reasons. However, it is not clear from the text itself that the right to bear arms is supposed to be as fundamental as the right to freedom of expression. Further, one could argue, then, that any form of gun regulation is borne from the rationale to retain our autonomy. Protections from gun violence are required to treat others as autonomous agents or as bearers of dignity. We owe others certain protections and affordances at least in part because these are necessary to respect their autonomy (or dignity, etc.). We discuss potential recommendations to minimize gun violence while protecting the rights of individuals to purchase a firearm if they meet the necessary and reasonable regulatory requirements. Most of the gun control regulations discussed in this article could provide an opportunity to ensure the safety of communities without unduly infringing on the right to keep a firearm.


Consequentialism is the view that we should promote the common good even if doing so infringes upon some people’s (apparent) rights. The case for gun regulation under this theory is made by showing how many lives it would save. Utilitarianism, a part of consequentialist approach proposes actions which maximize happiness and the well-being for the majority while minimizing harm. Utilitarianism is based on the idea that a consequence should be of maximum benefit ( Holland, 2014 ) and that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness as the ultimate moral norm. If one believes that the moral purpose of public health is to make decisions that will produce maximal benefits for most affected, remove or prevent harm and ensure equitable distribution of burdens and benefits ( Bernheim and Childress, 2013 ), they are engaging in a utilitarian theory. Rights, including the rights to bear arms, are protected so long as they preserve the greater good. However, such rights can be overridden or ignored when they conflict with the principle of utility; that is to say, if greater harm comes from personal possession of a firearm, utilitarianism is often the ethical theory of choice to restrict access to firearms, including interventions that slow down access to firearms such as requiring a gun locker at home. However, it is important to note that utilitarians might also argue that one has to weigh how frustrating a gun locker would be to people who like to go recreationally hunting. Or how much it would diminish the feeling of security for someone who knows that if a burglar breaks in, it might take several minutes to fumble while inputting the combination on their locker to access their gun.

Using a utilitarian approach, current social statistics show that firearm violence affects a great number of people, and firearm-related fatalities and injuries threaten the utility, or functioning of another. Therefore, certain restrictions or prohibitions on firearms can be ethically justifiable to prevent harm to others using a utilitarian approach. Similarly, the infringement of individual freedom could be warranted as it protects others from serious harm. However, one might argue that a major flaw in the utilitarian argument is that it fails to see the benefit of self-defense as a reasonable benefit. Utilitarianism as a moral theory would weigh the benefits of proposed restrictions against its costs, including its possible costs to a felt sense of security on the part of gun owners. A utilitarian argument that neglects some of the costs of regulations wouldn’t be a very good argument.

One might legitimately argue that if an individual is buying a firearm, whether for protection or recreation, they are morally responsible to abide by the laws and regulations regarding purchasing that firearm and ensuring the safety of others in the society. Additionally, vendors and licensing/enforcement authorities would have the responsibility to ensure the safety of the rest of the society by ensuring that the firearm purchase does not compromise the safety of the community. Most people who own firearms would not argue against this position. However, arguments in support of measures that will reduce the availability of firearms center around freedom and liberty and are not as well tolerated by those who argue from a libertarian starting point. Further, this would stipulate that measures against firearm purchase or use impinge upon the rights of individuals who have the freedom to pursue what they perceive as good ( Holland, 2014 ). However, it seems as though the state has a fundamental duty to help ensure an adequate degree of safety for its citizens, and it seems that the best way to do that is to limit gun ownership.

Promoting the Common Good

A well-organized society that promotes the common good of all is to everyone’s advantage ( Ruger, 2015 ). In addition, enabling people to flourish in a society includes their ability to be healthy. The view of common good consists of ensuring the welfare of individuals considered as a group or the public. This group of people are presumed to have a common interest in protection and preservation from harms to the group ( Beauchamp, 1985 ). Health and security are shared by members of a community, and guns are an attempt to privatize public security and safety, and so is antithetical to the common good. Can one really be healthy or safe in a society where one’s neighbors are subject to gun violence? Maybe not, and so then this violence is a threat to one’s life too. If guns really are an effective means of self-defense, they help one defend only oneself while accepting that others in one’s community might be at risk. One might also argue that the more guns there are, the more that society accepts the legitimacy of gun ownership and the more that guns have a significant place in culture etc., and consequently, the more that there is likely to be a problem.

Trivigno (2018) suggests that the willingness to carry a firearm indicates an intention to use it if the need arises and Branas et al (2009) argue that perpetually carrying a firearm might affect how individuals behave ( Trivigno, 2018 ; Branas et al. , 2009 ). When all things are equal, will prudence and a commitment to the flourishing of others prevail? Trivigno (2013) wonders if such behaviors as carrying or having continual access to a firearm generates mistrust or triggers fear of an unknown armed assailant, allowing for aggression or anger to build; the exact opposite of flourishing ( Trivigno, 2013 ). One could suggest, then, that the recreational use of firearms is also commonly vicious. Many people use firearms to engage in blood sport, killing animals for their own amusement. For example, someone who kicks puppies or uses a magnifying glass to fry ants with the sun seems paradigmatically vicious; why not think the same of someone who shoots deer or rabbits for their amusement?. Firearm proponents might suggest that the fidelity (living out one’s commitments) or justice, which Aristotle holds in high regard, could justify carrying a firearm to protect one’s life, livelihood, or loved ones insofar as it would be just of a person to defend and protect the life of another or even one’s own life when under threat by one who means to do harm. Despite an argument justifying the use of a firearm against another for self-defense after the fact, the action might not have been right when evaluated through the previous rationale, or applying the doctrine of double effect as described by Aquinas’ passage in the Summa II-II, which mentions that self-defense is quite different than taking it upon one’s self to mete out justice ( Schlabach, n.d. ). The magistrate is charged with seeing that justice is done for the common good. At best, if guns really are an effective means of self-defense, they help one defend only oneself while accepting that others in one’s community might be at risk. They take a common good, the health and safety of the community, and make it a private one. For Aquinas and many other modern era ethicists, intention plays a critical part in judgment of an action. Accordingly, many who oppose any ownership of firearms do so in both a paternalistic fashion (one cannot intend harm if they don’t have access to firearms) and virtuous fashion (enabling human flourishing).

Classical formulations of the double doctrine effect include necessity and proportionality conditions. So, it’s wrong to kill in self-defense if you could simply run away (without giving up something morally important in doing so), or to use deadly force in self-defense when someone is trying to slap you. One thing the state can do, in its role of promoting the common good, is to reduce when it is necessary to use self-defense. If there were no police at all, then anyone who robs you without consequence will probably be back, so there’s a stronger reason to use deadly force against them to feel secure. That’s bad, because it seems to allow violence that truly isn’t necessary because no one is providing the good of public security. So, one role of the state is to reduce the number of cases in which the use of deadly force is necessary for our safety. Since most homicides in the United State involve a firearm, one way to reduce the frequency of cases in which deadly force is necessary for self-defense is to reduce the instances of gun crime.

We have attempted to lay the empirical and ethical groundwork necessary to support various interventions, and the recommendations aimed at curbing firearm violence that will be discussed in this next section. Specifically, by discussing the burden of the problem in its various forms (healthcare costs, disproportionate violence towards racial/ethnic minority groups, women, children, vulnerable populations and the lack of research) and the ethics theories public health finds most accessible, we can now turn our attention to well-known, evidence-based recommendations that could be supported by the blended ethics approach: rights-based theories, consequentialism and the common-good approach discussed.

Comprehensive, Universal Background Checks for Firearm Sales

Of the 17 million persons who submitted to a background check to purchase or transfer possession of a firearm in 2010, less than 0.5% were denied approval of purchase ( Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014 ). At present, a background check is required only when a transfer is made by a licensed retailer, and nearly 40% of firearm transfers in recent years were private party transfers ( Miller et al. , 2017 ). As such, close to one-fourth of individuals who acquired a firearm within the last two years obtained their firearm without a background check ( Miller et al. , 2017 ). Anestis et al. , (2017) and Siegel et al. , (2019) evaluated the relationship between the types of background information required by states prior to firearm purchases and firearm homicide and suicide deaths ( Anestis et al. , 2017 ; Siegel et al. , 2019 ). Firearm homicide deaths appear lower in states checking for restraining orders and fugitive status as opposed to only conducting criminal background checks ( Sen and Panjamapirom, 2012 ). Similarly, suicide involving firearm were lower in states checking for a history of mental illness, fugitive status and misdemeanors ( Sen and Panjamapirom, 2012 ).

Research supports the evidence that comprehensive universal background checks could limit crimes associated with firearms, and enforcement of such laws and policies could prevent firearm violence ( Wintemute, 2019 ; Lee et al. , 2017 ). Comprehensive, universal background check policies that are applicable to all firearm transactions, including private party transfers, sales by firearm dealers and sales at firearm shows are justifiable using a blend of the ethics theories we have previously discussed. With the rights-based approach, one could still honor the right to own a firearm by a competent person while also enforcing the obligation of the firearm vendor to ensure only a qualified individual purchased the firearm. To further reduce gun crime, rather than ensure only the right people own guns, we can just reduce the number of guns owned overall. Consequentialism could be employed to ensure the protection of the most vulnerable such as victims of domestic violence and allowing a firearm vendor to stop a sale to an unqualified individual if they had a history of suspected or proven domestic violence. Also, having universal background checks that go beyond the bare minimum of assessing if a person has a permit, the legally required training, etc., but delving more deeply into a person’s past, such as the inclusion of a red flag ( Honberg, 2020 ), would be promoting the common good approach by creating the conditions for persons to be good and do good while propelling community safety.

Renewable License Before Buying and After Purchase of Firearm and Training Firearm Owners

At present, federal law does not require licensing for firearm owners or purchasers. However, state licensing laws fall into four categories: (1) permits to purchase firearms, (2) licenses to own firearms, (3) firearm safety certificates and (4) registration laws that impose licensing requirements ( Anestis et al. , 2015 ; Giffords Licensing, n.d. ). A study conducted in urban U.S. counties with populations greater than 200,000 indicated that permit-to-purchase laws were associated with 14% reduction in firearm homicides ( Crifasi et al. , 2018 ). In Connecticut, enforcing a mandatory permit-to-purchase law making it illegal to sell a hand firearm to anyone who did not have an eligible certificate to purchase firearms was associated with a reduction in firearm associated homicides ( Rudolph et al. , 2015 ). This also resulted in a significant reduction in the rates of firearm suicide rates in Connecticut ( Crifasi et al. , 2015 ). Conversely, the permit-to-purchase law was repealed in Missouri in 2007, which resulted in an increase of homicides with firearms and firearm suicides ( Crifasi et al. , 2015 ; Webster et al. , 2014 ). Similarly, two large Florida counties indicated that 72% of firearm suicides involved people who were legally permitted to have a firearm ( Swanson et al. , 2016 ). According to the study findings, a majority of those who were eligible to have firearms died from firearm-related suicide, and also had records of previous short-term involuntary holds that were not reportable legal events.

In addition to comprehensive, universal background checks for firearm purchases, licensing with periodic review requires the purchaser to complete an in-person application at a law enforcement agency, which could (1) minimize fraud or inaccuracies and (2) prevent persons at risk of harming themselves or others to purchase firearms ( Crifasi et al. , 2019 ). Subsequent periodic renewal could further reduce crimes and violence associated with firearms by helping law enforcement to confirm that a firearm owner remains eligible to possess firearms. More frequent licensure checks through periodic renewals could also facilitate the removal of firearms from individuals who do not meet renewal rules.

Further, including training on gun safety and shooting with every firearm license request could also be beneficial in reducing gun violence. In Japan, if you are interested in acquiring a gun license, you need to attend a one-day gun training session in addition to mental health evaluation and background check ( Alleman, 2000 ). This training teaches future firearm owners the steps they would need to follow and the responsibilities of owning a gun. The training completes with passing a written test and achieving at least a 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Firearm owners need to retake the class and initial exam every three years to continue to have their guns. This training and testing have contributed to the reduction in gun related deaths in Japan. Implementing such requirements could reduce gun misuses. Even though, this is a lengthy process, it could manage and reduce the risks associated with firearm purchases and will support a well-regulated firearm market. While some may argue that other forms of weapons could be used to inflict harm, reduced access to firearms would lead to a significant decrease in the number of firearm-related injuries in the United States.

From an ethics perspective, again, all three theories could be applied to the recommendation for renewable licenses and gun training. From a rights-based perspective, renewable licensure and gun training would still allow for the right to bear arms but would ensure that the right belongs with qualified persons and again would allow the proper state agency to exercise its responsibility to its citizens. Additionally, a temporary removal of firearms or prohibiting firearm purchases by people involuntarily detained in short-term holds might be an opportunity to ensure people’s safety and does so without unduly infringing on the Second Amendment rights. Renewable licenses and gun training create opportunities for law enforcement to step in periodically to ascertain if a licensee remains competent, free from criminal behavior or mental illness, which reduces the harm to the individual and to the community—a tidy application of consequentialism. Again, by creating the conditions for people to be good, we see an exercise of the common good.

Licensing Firearm Dealers and Tracking Firearm Sales

In any firearm transfer or purchase, there are two parties involved: the firearm vendor and the individual purchaser. Federal law states that “it shall be unlawful for any person, except for a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer, to engage in the business of importing, manufacturing, or dealing in firearms, or in the course of such business to ship, transport, or receive any firearm in interstate or foreign commerce” (18 U.S.C. 1 922(a)(1)(A)(2007). All firearm sellers must obtain a federal firearm license issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). However, ATF does not have the complete authority to inspect firearm dealers for license, revoke firearm license, or take legal actions against sellers providing firearms to criminals ( Vernick and Webster, 2007 ). Depending on individual state laws, typically the firearm purchaser maintains responsibility in obtaining the proper license for each firearm purchase whereas the justice system has the responsibility to enforce laws regulating firearm sales. Firearm manufacturers typically sell their products through licensed distributors and dealers, or a primary market (such as a retail store). Generally, firearms used to conduct a crime (including homicide) or to commit suicide are the product of secondary markets ( Institute of Medicine, 2003 ) such as retail secondhand sales or private citizen transfers/sales. Such secondary firearm transfers are largely unregulated and allow for illegal firearm purchases by persons traditionally prohibited from purchasing in the primary market ( Vernick and Webster, 2007 ; Chesnut et al. , 2017 ).

According to evidence from Irvin et al. (2014) in states that require licensing for firearm dealers and/or allow inspections, the reported rates of homicides were lower ( Irvin et al. , 2014 ). Specifically, after controlling for race, urbanicity, poverty level, sex, age, education level, drug arrest rate, burglary rates and firearm ownership proxy, the states that require licensing for firearm dealers reported ~25% less risk of homicides, and the states that allow inspection reported ~35% less risk of homicides ( Irvin et al. , 2014 ). This protective effect against homicides was stronger in states that require both licensing and inspections compared to states that require either alone. The record keeping of all firearm sales is important as it facilitates police or other authorized inspectors to compare a dealer’s inventory with their records to identify any secondary market transactions or other discrepancies ( Vernick et al. , 2006 ). According to Webster et al. (2006) , a change in firearm sales policy in the firearm store that sold more than half of the firearms recovered from criminals in Milwaukee, resulted in a 96% reduction in the use of recently sold firearms in crime and 44% decrease in the flow of new trafficked firearms in Milwaukee ( Webster et al. , 2006 ).

The licensing of firearm vendors and tracking of firearm sales sits squarely as a typical public health consequentialist argument; in order to protect the community, an individual’s right is only minimally infringed upon. An additional layer, justifiable by consequentialism, includes a national repository of all firearm sales which can be employed to minimize the sale of firearms on the secondary market and dealers could be held accountable for such ‘off-label’ use ( FindLaw Attorney Writers, 2016 ). Enforcing laws, mandating record keeping, retaining the records for a reasonable time and mandating the inspection of dealers could help to control secondary market firearm transfers and minimize firearm-related crimes and injuries.

One could argue from a rights perspective that routine inspections and record keeping are the responsibility of both firearms vendors and law enforcement, and in doing so, still ensure that competent firearm owners can maintain their rights to bear arms. In Hume’s discussion of property rights, he situates his argument in justice; and that actions must be virtuous and the motive virtuous ( Hume, 1978 ). Hume proposes that feelings of benevolence don’t form our motivation to be just. We tend (perhaps rightly) to feel stronger feelings of benevolence to those who deserve praise than to those who have wronged us or who deserve the enmity of humanity. However, justice requires treating the property rights or contracts of one’s enemies, or of a truly loathsome person, as equally binding as the property rights of honest, decent people. Gun violence disproportionately impacts underserved communities, which are same communities impacted by social and economic injustice.

Standardized Policies on Safer Storage for Firearms and Mandatory Education

Results from a cross-sectional study by Johnson and colleagues showed that about 14-30% of parents who have firearms in the home keep them loaded, while about 43% reported an unlocked firearm in the home ( Johnson et al. , 2006 ; Johnson et al. , 2008 ). The risk for unintentional fatalities from firearms can be prevented when all household firearms are locked ( Monuteaux et al. , 2019 ). Negligent storage of a firearm carries various penalties based on the individual state ( RAND, 2018 ). For example, negligent storage in Massachusetts is a felony. Mississippi and Tennessee prohibit reckless or knowingly providing firearms to minors through a misdemeanor charge, whereas Missouri and Kentucky enforce a felony charge. Also, Tennessee makes it a felony for parents to recklessly or knowingly provide firearms to their children ( RAND, 2018 ).

While a competent adult may have a right to bear arms, this right does not extend to minors, even in recreational use. Many states allow for children to participate in hunting. Wisconsin allows for children as young as 12 to purchase a hunting license, and in 2017 then Governor Scott Walker signed into law a no age minimum for a child to participate in a mentored hunt and to carry a firearm in a hunt when accompanied by an adult ( Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2020 ). The minor’s ‘right’ to use a firearm is due in part to the adult taking responsibility for the minor’s safety. As such, some have argued that children need to know how to be safe around firearms as they continue to be one of the most pervasive consumer products in the United States ( Violano et al. , 2018 ).

In addition to locking firearms, parents are also encouraged to store firearms unloaded in a safe locked box or cabinet to prevent children’s access to firearms ( Johnson et al. , 2008 ). It follows then that reducing children and youth’s access to firearm injuries involves complying with safe firearm storage practices ( McGee et al. , 2003 ). In addition to eliminating sources of threat to the child, it is also important for children to be trained on how to safely respond in case they encounter a firearm in an unsupervised environment. Education is one of the best strategies for firearm control, storage and reduction of firearm-related injuries via development of firearm safety trainings and programs ( Jones, 1993 ; Holly et al. , 2019 ). Adults also need firearm safety education and trainings; as such, inclusion of firearm safety skills and trainings in the university-based curriculum and other avenues were adults who use guns are likely to be, could also mitigate firearm safety issues ( Puttagunta et al. , 2016 ; Damari et al. , 2018 ). Peer tutoring could also be utilized to provide training in non-academic and social settings.

Parents have a duty to protect their children and therefore mandating safe firearm storage, education and training for recreational use and periodic review of those who are within the purview of the law. Given that someone in the U. S. gets shot by a toddler a little more frequently than once a week ( Ingraham, 2017 ), others might use a utilitarian argument that limiting a child’s access to firearms minimizes the possibility of accidental discharge or intentional harm to a child or another. Again, the common good approach could be employed to justify mandatory safe storage and education to create the conditions for the flourishing of all.

Firearm and Ammunition Buy-Back Programs

Firearm and ammunition buy-back programs have been implemented in several cities in the United States to reduce the number of firearms in circulation with the ultimate goal of reducing gun violence. The first launch in Baltimore, Maryland was in 1974. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has conducted a gun buy-back program for nearly eight years to remove more guns off the streets and improve security in communities. Currently there is a plan for a federal gun buy-back program in the United States. The objective of such programs is to reduce gun violence through motivating marginal criminals to sell their firearms to local governments, encourage law-abiding individuals to sell their firearms available for theft by would-be criminals, and to reduce firearm related suicide resulting from easy access to a gun at a time of high emotion ( Barber and Miller, 2014 ).

According to Kuhn et al. (2002) and Callahan et al. (1994) , gun buy-back programs are ineffective in reducing gun violence due to two main facts: 1- the frequently surrendered types of firearms are typically not involved in gun-related violence and 2- the majority of participants in gun buyback programs are typically women and older adults who are not often involved in interpersonal violence ( Kuhn et al. , 2002 ; Callahan et al. , 1994 ). However, as a result of implementation of the ‘‘good for guns’’ program in Worcester, Massachusetts, there has been a decline in firearm related injuries and mortality in Worcester county compared to other counties in Massachusetts ( Tasigiorgos et al. , 2015 ). Even though, there is limited research indicating a direct link between gun buy-back programs and reduction in gun violence in the United States, a gun buy-back program implemented in Australia in combination with other legislations to reduce household ownership of firearms, firearm licenses and licensed shooters was associated with a rapid decline in firearm related deaths in Australia ( Bartos et al. , 2020 ; Ozanne-Smith et al. , 2004 ).

The frequency of disparities in firearm-related violence, injuries and death makes it a central concern for public health. Even though much has been said about firearms and its related injuries, there continues to be an interest towards its use. Some people continue to desire guns due to fear, feeling of protection and safety, recreation and social pressure.

Further progress on reforms can be made through understanding the diversity of firearm owners, and further research is needed on ways to minimize risks while maximizing safety for all. Although studies have provided data on correlation between firearm possession and violence ( Stroebe, 2013 ), further research is needed to evaluate the interventions and policies that could effectively decrease the public health burden of firearm violence. Evidence-based solutions to mitigating firearm violence can be justified using three major public health ethics theories: rights-based theories, consequentialism and common good. The ethical theories discussed in this paper can direct implementation of research, policies, laws and interventions on firearm violence to significantly reduce the burden of firearm violence on individuals, health care systems, vulnerable populations and the society-at-large. We support five major steps to achieve those goals: 1. Universal, comprehensive background checks; 2. Renewable license before and after purchase of firearm; 3. Licensing firearm dealers and tracking firearm sales; 4. Standardized policies on safer storage for firearms and mandatory education; and 5. Firearm buy-back programs. For some of the goals we propose, there might be a substantial risk of non-compliance. However, we hope that through education and sensibilization programs, overtime, these goals are not met with resistance. By acknowledging the proverbial struggle of individual rights and privileges paired against population health, we hope our ethical reasoning can assist policymakers, firearm advocates and public health professionals in coming to shared solutions to eliminate unnecessary, and preventable, injuries and deaths due to firearms.

The conducted research is not related to either human or animal use.

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Writing argumentative essay on gun violence.

May 21, 2018

In the recent past, gun violence has taken over the world and more so the USA. In a bid to address this issue, more college facilitators are giving their students tasks that entail working on how to stop gun violence essays. Even so, one question that is lingering in the minds of many people is should guns be banned? A scroll through this article will give you insights on this topic and how to handle such a paper when you are given the task.

essay on gun violence

How to Stop Gun Violence Content Search

Gun violence is something that is taking place every minute that passes by. Sadly, it is not an act that discriminates race, gender, religion or even age. It goes without saying that perpetrators of gun violence have ulterior motives. However, what is more concerning is the fact that` people of this caliber have access to guns of whatever kind. To put all these thoughts on paper, you need to tackle the topics below: • Guns in America – Talk in brief about the laws that pertain to gun acquisition in America. Explain who can get hand of a rifle and more so the criterion that is considered when someone is soliciting for a gun within the region. When discussing about the gun laws, be sure to talk about the current parliament proceedings in regards to changing or amending them in this gun laws essay. Even more, explain what the previous and current presidents of America think of the situation and how each one them contributed to the current state. • Laws protecting civilians against gun violence – Considering that civilians are the ones on the receiving end of such atrocities, touch a bit on the laws that are put in place to protect them from the same. Explain how these laws came into being, and the events that forced the government to implement them. • The reason behind the increase of gun violence in America – If there is a reason that is leading more people to become victims of the acts, state it. Do not forget to mention whether or not lack of restricting laws is the reason behind the escalating crime instances. • Top victims of gun violence – Give an account of people who have been taken down by gun violence using the statistics available. Help your reader understand in your essay on gun violence why you take the stand. • Why gun violence should be banned – For one talk about the risk having an unlicensed gun as the leading reason for the rise of violence issues in your gun violence essay. Afterwards, elaborate why the crime poses a threat not only to the security of civilians, but also government officials as well as the police and other people responsible for the security of the country. Use life examples of situations that could have been avoided if the ban on gun violence had been reinstated. • How to prevent gun violence – Now that you have established that gun violence is escalating, explain how a state of serenity can be achieved once more. While writing this section of the essay about gun violence, touch on regulating the acquisition of fire arms, putting a death sentence on the perpetrator or placing other hefty penalties if one takes such an action against someone else. Add other items on the list to make it more comprehensive. Remember to give a reason for each suggestion you make and use examples of other places with similar laws and how they have worked.

Other aspects that are essential in this gun violence essay are the introduction and the conclusion. While both are useful, only snippets of what you are to write about or what you have written in the article are found in them. The introduction bit should not be lengthy. One or two paragraphs at most would suffice to explain what the essay on gun violence entails. Write only the most critical details in this part. The conclusion, on the other hand, should only touch briefly on the items of concern that are in the paper. Make it easy to maneuver and understand. Just like the intro, the conclusion needs to be equally short. Elaborated details should be left for the body of the paper. At most, two paragraphs will be enough.

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Gun Violence in America


A broad overview of the issue of gun violence in America, discussing its historical roots, current state, and the multifaceted challenges in addressing a deeply entrenched societal problem. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of America topic.

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The issue of gun violence has attracted a heated debate in the US. With time, people have advanced significantly in gun availability and the power to buy military-style firearms, which has led to more likelihood of criminals getting guns that they can use for mass destruction. Yet, burning gun ownership can be a significant issue since most civilians who buy firearms do so to ensure their protection and safety. Many supporters of gun ownership postulate that firearms do not kill, but individuals do, implying that firearms cannot pull the trigger themselves.

Although firearms can offer self-defense capability, the government ought to control individuals who can buy them because individuals who are prohibited from having guns may engage in mass shootings, while the purchasers who buy the guns privately in the country do not have to be subjected to a background check prior to having or possessing the weapon. A lot of people exploit the right to use firearms and manipulate this tool ridiculously. Numerous people have lost their lives due to individuals that can obtain guns illegally or legally. The majority of crimes are committed with firearms, as shown by the 2016 statistics that about 58,188 crimes can be attributed to gun violence. Hence, this is a part of the reason why society needs to take care of who owns firearms as well as who buys them. An extensive gap exists between individuals who own gun rights as well as gun control in relation to political participation. According to the Second Amendment, Americans can own and have firearms.

The discussion majority of people are engaged in involves the fact that if there are gun restriction laws, they have more in regard to the Second Amendment doctrine. Stricter gun restrictions mean that a person could perceive that this could minimize gun-related crimes. New research has shown that gun violence is still a significant problem among the electorates. Accessibility of firearms is the most pressing problem that relates to the individual who is committing crimes. Incidents such as ultra-violent masculinity can heighten and result in consequences like violence. The continuous common culture and power of the media, as well as its relation to technology, society, and education, illustrates the extent of these tragic incidents.

One way to reduce gun violence involves having more background checks and certifications for individuals who seek to have gun licenses and purchase a firearm. Another example involves the increase in the age of gun ownership. In the political sphere, the Republicans and Democrats seem to have no desire to address the issue, which was a significant issue throughout Obama’s administration. According to Lawrence William Sherman’s views on the issue, society does not have certain things, but there are ways we can utilize the current research to minimize gun violence. Also, he argues about the possible ways it is to come up with new legislation and to carry out more studies, which is desperately required. Although there are approaches where experiments can be carried out in law enforcement without more legislation, there are possibly no legislative suggestions that are sufficiently tried without having new laws. Also, Sherman asserts that we may witness state governors or legislators back the idea of firearm control and maybe pass a law (Sherman 13). Yet, having such new legislation would result in uproar and speculation by the individuals who support the right to bear guns.

Gun violence is a problem that should be addressed by new legislation, starting with the buying of firearms. According to Harold Polack, a Social Service Administration and Public Health Sciences professor at the University of Chicago, a basic issue for gun policy involves whether to emphasize the riskiest weapons or the individuals who present the biggest danger. He suggests that, in various ways, we should focus on both (Pollack). The various factors he proposes we examine regarding firearm policy to emphasize the riskiest firearms or individuals who also present a higher risk. Also, he generally proposes various theories we may examine to help minimize gun violence as well as avert many related deaths. Rightly comprehending the part of firearms and firearm culture in the widespread school shootings needs people to take seriously the importance of some firearm control as well as enhancing legislation relating to firearms access.

A major solution would most likely be doing background checks on individuals as well as using more particular tests for them to have permission to carry as well as be certified. One way we can begin is in case the authorities begin fingerprinting everybody who buys a firearm if they are qualified. In an interview, Kellner asserts that up until we adopt new ideas of what it implies to be a man, including independence, intelligence, sensitivity, as well as the rejecting violence and bullying, violence in society will certainly upsurge (Wyer). Also, the government can start making civilians certified to buy guns as well as ammunition. Individuals must always have their licenses on them so that they can produce them whenever they are asked to do so.

The choice of gun control will always exist. The majority of individuals have to comprehend that even if individuals will attempt and pressure the government regarding gun control as well as saying immaterial things, firearms will at all times be accessible no matter what. In case of gun control is adopted, everybody with a firearm will start concealing or selling them illegally. Everybody is embroiled in a debate on whether or not to have gun control. There are numerous reasons for not having gun control and having it. Gun control should not be adopted since it will not accomplish anything different to crime incidences other than increase them.

Cook emphasizes the differences methodologically, including the way they overestimate very fundamental facts associated with the insights into firearm use as well as how individuals misuse them. He also illustrates in another study how research in firearm-related violence has changed over the years, which is supported by his observations as well as the interpretation of his contributions. The study starts by summarizing the history of gun control in the 20th century US. Delving into this text, a clear inference supported by my research that dates back to the 1970s can be generally termed as more forearms leading to more homicide (Cook 21). Also, Cook explains why it is important to the kind of weapon an individual user carries out crime and the ownership cost associated with private guns. He then emphasizes the differences in methodology and the way they overstate very fundamental facts associated with the insights into gun use as well as misuse. Over the years, incarceration rates, as well as harsher punishments, have started to rise, and this allows for reducing gun violence rates.

Gun violence in the US is a countrywide issue that society seems to overlook. A lot of people exploit the use of firearms and manipulate their use with hardly any thought. Numerous lives have been lost due to individuals who can get guns legally or illegally. The majority of the crimes are carried out using guns, as shown in the 2016 statistics that around 58,188 crimes were a result of firearms. This is a major reason for wanting to watch out for individuals who own guns and who buy them. An extensive gap exists between individuals who preside over gun control and rights in relation to political debate or participation. According to the Second Amendment, Americans can keep as well as bear arms.


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Agents Delve Into Life of Apparent Would-Be Trump Assassin

Investigators were searching the suspect’s home address in Hawaii. As tensions rose between the Secret Service and Trump campaign, the agency’s acting director told the former president that more security is needed if he wants to keep golfing.

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Yan Zhuang Eduardo Medina and Glenn Thrush

Yan Zhuang reported from Kaaawa, Hawaii, Eduardo Medina from Greensboro, N.C., and Glenn Thrush from Washington.

More charges against the suspect could be coming. Here’s the latest.

Federal investigators continued examining the life of the suspect in the apparent attempt to assassinate former President Donald J. Trump, seeking clues to his motivation. In Hawaii, where he has lived since at least 2018, agents arrived on Tuesday at one of his home addresses in two vans and a heavy duty truck, and began combing through the house and a white pickup in the driveway.

In the wake of what officials believe was a second recent attempt on Mr. Trump’s life, the Secret Service’s top official has told him that more security and planning is needed for him to continue his golf outings , according to three people briefed on their conversation. The discussion came a day after agents fired on and later arrested Ryan W. Routh, 58, who had lingered on the edge of Mr. Trump’s golf course for 12 hours.

Questions remain about how the suspect, a felon, learned of Mr. Trump golf outing on Sunday and got ahold of the semiautomatic rifle that he aimed onto the golf course while the former president was a hole away. A review of public records and Mr. Routh’s writings depict a serial crusader who “acted like he had some sort of mental health issues,” according to one police officer who had a run-in with him.

Here’s what we’re covering:

Previous charges: A retired police officer in Greensboro, N.C., who pulled Mr. Routh over in 2002 recalls shouting, “Show me your hands!” as she got close to his pickup, and saw him reaching for a duffel bag with a gun inside. The traffic stop led to an armed standoff and a conviction for Mr. Routh on charges of “possessing a weapon of mass death and destruction” — an explosive device. Read more about the standoff .

The charges: Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department’s national security division, which is responsible for prosecuting assassination attempts, would play a central role in the investigation. That suggests that Mr. Routh, who is currently accused of two firearms violations, could eventually face more serious charges. Here’s what we know about the suspect .

House investigation: Top House officials have expanded the jurisdiction of a task force originally commissioned to investigate the circumstances of the July 13 assassination attempt on Mr. Trump during a rally in Butler, Pa. It will now also investigate Sunday’s events. In a letter to Mr. Garland and Christopher Wray, the F.B.I. director, the panel asked to be briefed on the latest episode by Friday.

Secret Service: Mr. Trump gave his Secret Service detail short notice that he would be golfing, causing agents to forgo a scan of the perimeter of the golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., according to two people familiar with the events. The missed opportunity raised further questions about whether the Secret Service had the resources to adequately perform its duties during a time of increasing violence. Read more about the agency .

Kate Kelly Eileen Sullivan and Luke Broadwater

Trump gave his Secret Service detail short notice that he would be golfing.

Former President Donald J. Trump gave his Secret Service detail short notice that he would be golfing at his course in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday, causing agents to forgo a scan of the perimeter, according to two people familiar with the events.

The decision not to survey the course at Trump International Golf Club, because of a lack of time, before Mr. Trump’s outing allowed a man with a gun to sit concealed in bushes for almost 12 hours. The barrel of the gun was noticed by an agent ahead of Mr. Trump on the course. The agent shot at the man, who fled. A suspect was later captured.

That swift action was praised by the acting Secret Service director, Ronald L. Rowe Jr., in remarks to reporters on Monday.

But the missed opportunity to find the gunman, identified by the authorities as Ryan W. Routh, as he lurked near the golf course has raised questions about the Secret Service’s ability to protect Mr. Trump, who enjoys his freedom and being around adoring fans.

It also heightens pressure on the agency to add resources to protect Mr. Trump in the final months of the presidential campaign, even as the Secret Service is straining under its workload in a time of threatened violence. But some lawmakers have questioned whether more money will bring about better protection.

Just two months after a different gunman fired on Mr. Trump at an outdoor rally in Butler, Pa., grazing the former president’s ear and killing an attendee, the agency once again must examine why it was unable to more decisively forestall an event that could have led to the death of the Republican nominee for president — and a national catastrophe.

Mr. Rowe said on Monday that the course had not been vetted because Mr. Trump’s golf round had been an “off the record” movement. That is Secret Service parlance for an event that had not been on Mr. Trump’s official schedule that day.

Screening a large site like a golf course, which is encircled by city streets and tall bushes like the ones where the gunman hid on Sunday, takes substantial time, Anthony Guglielmi, a Secret Service spokesman, said in an interview on Tuesday.

“An area of that size, you would need advance time to certainly sweep it and maintain the integrity of the sweeps, which means you would need to put people there, resources there, to make sure it’s kept secure,” he added.

Former Secret Service agents said there still might have been an opportunity to secure the course’s perimeter, even on relatively short notice — especially given how often agency personnel have accompanied the former president to the very same location. Mr. Trump routinely plays golf of Sundays, often at his Florida clubs.

“He’s a creature of habit, and I think you sort of lose the element of surprise when he’s using one of his golf courses that are in close proximity,” said Jonathan Wackrow, a longtime Secret Service agent who is now in private security.

During a campaign stop in Sparta, Mich., on Tuesday, Senator JD Vance, Mr. Trump’s running mate, denounced the resources provided by the Secret Service for protecting the former president. “Donald Trump ought to have the same detail as Joe Biden,” Mr. Vance said, “but our federal government has decided that Donald Trump deserves a lesser level of protection.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, who was campaigning in Philadelphia, struck a different tone. “Yes, I feel safe,” she said during an interview with members of the National Association of Black Journalists. “I have Secret Service protection. But that doesn’t change my perspective on the importance of fighting for the safety of everybody in our country and doing everything we can to again lift people up.”

Off-the-record stops, which are common for presidents, vice presidents and other protectees, are typical features of a Secret Service schedule. They are generally impromptu moments in which a protectee wants to change up the schedule to take a needed jog, grab a bite at a restaurant or stop by a friend’s house.

The agency has procedures for handling those situations, current and former agency officials say, including the use of plainclothes agents who do countersurveillance and the strategic positioning of agents around the protected person to keep potential harm doers away.

During an off-the-record stop in July, Ms. Harris, who had not yet been named the Democratic nominee for president, walked into an indoor farmers’ market in Philadelphia with Pennsylvania’s governor, Josh Shapiro. No walk-through metal detectors were posted at the door to sweep members of the crowd to discover concealed weapons, and throngs of shoppers stood nearby as Ms. Harris ordered salmon curry at the Little Thai Market.

Despite the number of people in close proximity to her, the agency said measures were taken that day to protect her that were unnoticeable to the broader public.

“U.S. Secret Service protectees visit a variety of environments as part of their duties,” Mr. Guglielmi said. “Our teams are trained to adapt our protective measures for all events and locations. In this case, U.S. Secret Service determined that the vice president and members of her staff could safely accomplish the visit.”

On Sunday, service members used what service employees call their “layered” approach to keep Mr. Trump safe, including posting countersnipers who could shoot at a potential assailant, counterassault teams who could fight off a larger attack and aerial surveillance.

Critically for Mr. Trump on Sunday, the service also deployed a small team of agents to walk a hole or two ahead of him on the course. That allowed a site agent in that group to spot and then fire on Mr. Routh, who allegedly had a gun trained in the direction of Mr. Trump through a thatch of shrubbery. Mr. Routh was apprehended less than an hour later, after being pulled over on Interstate 95.

The House task force investigating the July assassination attempt against Mr. Trump demanded interviews and documents from the F.B.I. on Tuesday as it began expanding its inquiry to include the second potential attempt on Mr. Trump’s life.

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, the leaders of the panel asked the bureau to brief lawmakers by Friday on the more recent assassination attempt.

Speaker Mike Johnson said he planned to alter the structure of the task force to investigate both the shooting of Mr. Trump in Pennsylvania and this weekend’s attempt in Florida.

“We’re going to change the emphasis of that to have both events investigated,” Mr. Johnson said at an event at the America First Policy Institute.

Mr. Johnson added that he did not believe funding issues had hampered the Secret Service. Instead, he said, the problems at the agency stemmed from a “lack of leadership.”

Republican senators held a news conference on Tuesday to condemn the golf course episode, and call on the Secret Service to provide equal protection to Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump. Former presidents and nominees have a lesser level of security than presidents.

On Monday, Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, said he would be open to providing more funding to the Secret Service. So far, there has not been a specific proposal for additional funds.

Michael C. Bender and Nicholas Nehamas contributed reporting.

how to start an essay about gun violence

Course is surrounded

by trees and fencing

Gun Club Road

Trump International

Trump was in

this area of

the golf course

Summit Boulevard

South Congress Ave.

Heavy police

activity seen here

after suspect fled

how to start an essay about gun violence

International Airport

how to start an essay about gun violence

Aerial image via Google Earth

By Lily Boyce, Lazaro Gamio and Helmuth Rosales/The New York Times


Alan Blinder

Alan Blinder

Alan Blinder has interviewed Donald J. Trump along golf courses in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia.

Golf is a refuge for presidents, and a headache for the Secret Service.

Ronald Reagan had gone to Augusta National Golf Club in 1983 for a break: He would stay in a cottage formerly favored by Dwight D. Eisenhower and play the course renowned as the home of the Masters Tournament.

Then a man rammed a pickup truck through a gate and headed toward the pro shop, where he took hostages and demanded to talk to Reagan.

The episode concluded after about two hours, with the president and the hostages unhurt. But Reagan decided that his time as the nation’s golfer in chief was largely done.

“Playing golf is not worth the chance that someone could get killed,” he said, according to Joseph Petro, a longtime member of Reagan’s protective detail who recounted the incident in his 2005 book, “Standing Next to History: An Agent’s Life Inside the Secret Service.” Reagan rarely played again.

Most recent American presidents have embraced golf as a bipartisan tradition — a head-clearing, backslapping escape where a president is just as likely as anyone else to be betrayed by a putter. But just as the Reagan episode prompted the White House to rethink whether presidential golf rounds invited unnecessary risks, Sunday’s apparently thwarted assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump has sparked questions about the perils that come with navigating 18 holes across wide-open spaces.

Presidents and their Secret Service agents have been trying for decades to balance security risks with the need for sporting refuges. But Mr. Trump’s approach to golf — including his frequency of play and his overt preferences for a handful of courses — has posed especially steep challenges for the Secret Service, which gets nervous when someone it guards settles into predictable patterns.

After Sunday’s possible attempt at Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach, the Secret Service’s acting director privately told Mr. Trump that the agency would need to take significant new steps to protect him if he continued to play. The warning from the agency, which deploys fewer resources for former presidents than it does an incumbent, raised the possibility that Mr. Trump could adjust where or how often he plays.

Mr. Trump usually plays his own courses, some of which have lately hosted tournaments for the Saudi-backed LIV Golf league .

Some courses pose greater risks than others. At one near Washington, for example, boaters have drifted past on the Potomac River within sight of Mr. Trump. And the course in West Palm Beach is close to public roads. Other properties are more isolated, with fewer obvious opportunities for a would-be assailant to draw close to the former president.

But they are still golf courses with few fortified shelters. Mr. Trump typically drives his own cart when he plays , and his courses generally remain open when he’s nearby, with players and other visitors free to gawk at, and often approach, the former president. He is prone to interrupting his rounds to sign autographs, pose for photographs and hold rolling news conferences to inject himself into the national conversation. (At the Virginia course last year, for example, he approached a reporter for The New York Times, his iPhone in hand, to show that he was on the line with Kevin McCarthy, who was then the House speaker and struggling with a debt ceiling debate.)

Sitting and former presidents, who receive lifetime protection from the Secret Service, have usually adopted lower profile approaches to golf — whether for security or to blunt the political risks of playing a sport often associated with exclusivity. (There is also the danger of a wayward shot becoming comedic fodder for the masses).

President Biden has only sporadically played since he arrived in the Oval Office, which did not keep him and Mr. Trump from squabbling on the debate stage in June over who was the superior golfer.

During his eight years in power, Barack Obama was a regular on a course at a military base near Washington, with reporters and photographers rarely allowed to glimpse his rounds.

George W. Bush said in a 2008 interview with Politico and Yahoo News that he had stopped playing during the Iraq war because “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf.” But Mr. Bush also received sharp criticism years earlier when, at the start of a round, he spoke to reporters about a bombing in Israel and concluded: “I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive. ”

Bill Clinton was an irrepressible golfer who relished how his office made him an appealing playing partner. Professional players were eager to join him and offer advice. Near the end of Mr. Clinton’s final term, Mr. Trump invited him to join one of his clubs; he accepted.

Decades earlier, before Gerald R. Ford started hosting pro-am tournaments, Eisenhower was the president who seemingly could not stop playing — so much so that his immediate successor, John F. Kennedy, a more skillful golfer than many of his presidential counterparts, was self-conscious about being seen on a course.

“Approaching the ninth green, the president spotted a whole raft of photographers just kind of over the crest of the green,” Paul B. Fay, a Kennedy friend who served in his administration, remembered in an oral history for the Kennedy Library. “He just turned at that time and said, ‘I just don’t want to have my picture taken, one of the first things of my administration, playing golf. I’m going to leave.’”

Mr. Trump has shown far less reserve, particularly since he left the White House. There have been times, though, when he has seemed to savor the game’s pleasures or the moments of relative calm it offered.

On that much, he and Mr. Clinton might have common ground.

“Even though you’ve got these Secret Service people all around us,” Mr. Clinton once told Golf Digest , “this is the nearest I ever am to being like a normal person.”

Yan Zhuang

Investigators are searching a home in Kaaawa, Hawaii, that is listed as an address of the suspect, as well as a white pickup in the driveway. Sarah Rice, a spokeswoman for the F.B.I.’s Honolulu division, said the search was “court authorized.”

Erica L. Green

Erica L. Green

Vice President Kamala Harris, speaking to members of the National Association of Black Journalists, said she had full confidence in the Secret Service and felt safe. But she pointed out that she had the privilege of government protection, and underscored that such a sense of safety doesn’t extend to vulnerable communities like those being attacked in Springfield, Ohio, and women who have lost their reproductive rights.

Eduardo Medina

Eduardo Medina

Here’s what happened during the suspect’s 2002 standoff with the police.

The police department in Greensboro, N.C., was on the lookout for Ryan W. Routh. He didn’t have a driver’s license, and investigators suspected he had an explosive device. So when Officer Tracy Fulk saw him driving near the Greensboro Coliseum on a cold day in December 2002, she pulled him over.

As she got close to his small pickup, Ms. Fulk said, she saw Mr. Routh reaching for a duffel bag beside him. He opened it, revealing a firearm.

“Show me your hands!” she recalled screaming at him. Mr. Routh sped off toward his roofing business in the central North Carolina city, where he barricaded himself inside with a fully automatic weapon, according to a local news report.

Ms. Fulk, who retired in 2017 after nearly two decades on the force, recounted the confrontation in an interview with The New York Times. Mr. Routh now faces federal weapons charges in Florida after what the authorities have described as an apparent attempted assassination of former President Donald J. Trump.

She recalled Mr. Routh walking back and forth inside his business, occasionally looking out the window at the dozens of officers who had established a perimeter around the building. After about two hours, he walked out — without a gun — and was arrested, Ms. Fulk said.

“He didn’t say a whole lot,” she said, noting that Mr. Routh had “acted like he had some sort of mental health issues.”

Mr. Routh was charged with “possessing a weapon of mass death and destruction,” a felony. Court documents reviewed by The New York Times on Tuesday describe the weapon as a “binary explosive with a 10-inch detonation and a blasting cap.” He was convicted and placed on supervised probation for 60 months.

The court also ordered him not to operate a firearm, and to get a mental health assessment, court records show. They do not indicate whether one was performed.

Adam Goldman contributed reporting from Washington, and Isabelle Taft from New York.

Luke Broadwater

Luke Broadwater

Republican Senators held a news conference to condemn the second assassination attempt against former President Trump and the rhetoric from Democrats, including President Biden and Vice President Harris, who have called Trump a “threat” to democracy. “When you hear on TV and radio and on social media about, ‘This guy’s Hitler, this guy’s fascist, he’s a threat to democracy,’ what do you expect?” said Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama.

The G.O.P. senators are calling on the Secret Service to provide equal protection to President Biden and former President Trump. Yesterday, Senator Chuck Schumer said he would be open to providing more funding to the Secret Service. So far, there has not been a specific proposal for additional funds.

Shaila Dewan

Shaila Dewan

License plate readers, which helped catch the suspect, are proliferating.

The suspect in the apparent assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump on Sunday was apprehended in part because of a technology that has been proliferating across the country: license plate recognition.

A witness saw the suspect drive away from the scene and gave the license number of his Nissan to the authorities, according to Sheriff Ric Bradshaw of Palm Beach County. Using that information, the sheriff said, license plate readers spotted the car heading north on Interstate 95 in neighboring Martin County. The police then blocked freeway exits and eventually stopped the driver, Ryan Routh, who has been charged with two federal gun crimes.

License plate readers — similar to technology used to collect road tolls in many areas — can transmit the location of a specific plate in real time, and store that data so that a vehicle’s location can be traced after the fact. They are now used by thousands of law enforcement agencies and capture billions of scans a year.

The police regularly trumpet the systems’ successes, such as finding stolen cars and responding to Amber Alerts for missing children. In San Francisco, which received a grant to install 400 license-plate cameras around the city, the police told The San Francisco Chronicle that they have used devices installed recently to make arrests in retail theft cases, a carjacking and a sexual assault.

Flock Safety, one of the country’s largest suppliers of the technology, says it works with more than 5,000 law enforcement agencies. Motorola Solutions, another large supplier, says it has more than 2,000 license plate recognition customers using more than 15,000 cameras that have performed more than 44 billion scans.

The technology to read license plates has been around since the mid-1970s but has grown increasingly affordable and powerful over the decades. It can now be used not only to read plates but to identify the make and model of a vehicle and even predict the whereabouts of a particular driver by analyzing driving patterns.

Civil rights advocates complain that the readers capture a vast amount of information that is not related to any criminal investigation, which allows the tracking of law-abiding citizens. Many agencies store that data for too long, they say, offering ample opportunities for abuse.

The arrest of the suspect who the authorities say lingered on the perimeter of a golf course for hours, apparently lying in wait for Mr. Trump, shows that real-time data can be sufficient to help law enforcement, said Beryl Lipton, a senior researcher for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The arrest “required some old-fashioned police work, securing the perimeter and interviewing witnesses,” she said. “It didn’t require indefinite retention of this information.”

Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein

Vice President Kamala Harris called former President Donald J. Trump this afternoon to directly express that “she is grateful he is safe,” the White House said in a statement on Tuesday.

The House task force investigating the Trump rally shooting is also looking into the golf course episode.

The House task force investigating the July assassination attempt against former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday demanded interviews and documents from the F.B.I., as it began expanding its inquiry to include the second potential attempt on Mr. Trump’s life.

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and Christopher Wray, the F.B.I. director, the leaders of the panel asked the bureau to brief lawmakers by Friday on the more recent assassination attempt.

Among the task force’s demands was one for “all documents and information related to any potential connection between the attempted assassination on July 13 and the attempted assassination on Sept. 15, 2024.”

In the letter, the task force, which is led by Representatives Mike Kelly, Republican of Pennsylvania, and Jason Crow, Democrat of Colorado, sought communications, emails, text messages and phone logs of the F.B.I., Secret Service and Pennsylvania State Police.

Members are also seeking access to all evidence the F.B.I. obtained concerning Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, the gunman who shot Mr. Trump in Butler, Pa. That evidence includes videos, recordings, encrypted messaging accounts, social media accounts, phones, computers and other electronic devices. The task force also asked to examine Mr. Crooks’ rifle, backpack as recovered and the improvised explosive devices discovered in the trunk of his car.

The panel also asked for interviews with a variety of F.B.I. agents, including the lead agents investigating the July 13 assassination attempt and those at the Pittsburgh Field Office.

Speaker Mike Johnson said he planned to alter the structure of the task force to investigate both the shooting of Mr. Trump at a rally in Butler, Pa., and this weekend’s attempt at one of his golf courses in Florida.

Mr. Johnson added that he did not believe funding issues had hampered the Secret Service. Instead he said the problems at the Secret Service stemmed from a “lack of leadership.”

Jonathan Swan Maggie Haberman and Kate Kelly

The Secret Service told Donald Trump they need to bolster his security if he keeps playing golf.

The acting director of the Secret Service told former President Donald J. Trump that significant additional security arrangements and planning would be needed if he wanted to continue safely playing golf, according to three people with knowledge of their conversation.

The agency’s acting director, Ronald L. Rowe Jr., made the recommendation on Monday afternoon at a meeting with Mr. Trump in his office at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and home in Palm Beach, Fla.

The meeting came just 24 hours after a second apparent assassination attempt on Mr. Trump within just two months. Behind the scenes, tensions between the Trump campaign and the Secret Service had already been escalating.

Mr. Trump asked Mr. Rowe whether it was safe for him to keep playing golf, one of the people said. Mr. Rowe discussed the difficulties of securing sprawling golf courses near public roads and said some of Mr. Trump’s courses were easier to protect than others, one of the people said.

It is unclear what changes Mr. Trump will make to his golf schedule, and some people in Mr. Trump’s orbit are frustrated at any notion he might have to cut back on his weekly activity. They questioned why President Biden was able to visit open beaches but Mr. Trump should have to restrict his golf, especially given that other former presidents regularly play the sport.

However, Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden do not receive the same level of security. One of them is a sitting president and one is a former president. Mr. Trump’s level of Secret Service protection was reduced after he left the White House. But since the first attempt on Mr. Trump’s life in July in Butler, Pa., both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have raised concerns about his protection, given the current intensity of threats. Mr. Biden has called on the Secret Service to provide whatever additional resources are required to keep Mr. Trump safe.

Golf remains more than a pastime for Mr. Trump — it’s a major part of his identity as well as a way of socializing and a release valve as he faces a presidential campaign and ongoing legal woes.

The authorities said the suspect in the latest case, Ryan W. Routh, hid for 12 hours on Sunday near the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. After a Secret Service agent spotted Mr. Routh poking the barrel of a gun through bushes on the course’s perimeter, that agent opened fire, leading Mr. Routh to run to his car, officials have said.

Mr. Routh left behind a semiautomatic rifle, a scope, two backpacks and a GoPro camera, which suggested he intended to film a shooting, officials said. The police pulled him over on the side of the Interstate 95 about 45 minutes after a witness, who saw him fleeing, photographed his license plate.

In their meeting on Monday, Mr. Rowe told Mr. Trump that it was difficult to secure his sprawling golf courses because they have so much open space, one of the people briefed on the meeting said.

The courses are close to public roads and the fact that photographers, using long-range lenses, can often capture Mr. Trump on his greens and fairways suggest that a skilled gunman might be able to get a clear line of sight on him. Mr. Trump raised some of these concerns himself in the meeting with Mr. Rowe, one of the people with knowledge of the meeting said.

Mr. Rowe told Mr. Trump that the Secret Service views the golf course at Joint Base Andrews as easier to secure than some of his courses, because it’s a military course, two of the people said. Barack Obama frequently played there during his presidency.

Given Mr. Trump’s campaign schedule, which is expected to be busier as the November election draws near, it is unclear how much golf he will be able to play in the final 49 days, an adviser said.

A campaign spokeswoman, Danielle Alvarez, declined to comment on Monday’s private briefing. She noted Mr. Trump’s Sunday post on social media, in which he praised the Secret Service and law enforcement.

“It was certainly an interesting day!” Mr. Trump wrote on Truth Social, adding in all-caps, “The job done was absolutely outstanding.”

In a private conversation on Sunday, Mr. Trump told Senator Lindsey Graham that his Secret Service team had been “awesome,” Mr. Graham, Republican of South Carolina, later recalled.

But while Mr. Trump has repeatedly praised the agents on his personal detail since the first assassination attempt in July, his team has complained that the agency has not provided him with the resources the campaign has requested.

Mr. Trump had a private call with President Biden on Monday, according to two people briefed on the matter. During the call, according to one of those people, Mr. Biden referred to an uptick in concerning episodes affecting Mr. Trump. Mr. Biden said he was committed to giving all the resources necessary, but that additional congressional funding was required.

Mr. Trump said his Secret Service detail said they could use more people, the person said. Mr. Biden said that’s what congressional funding would do, the person said.

A spokesman for the Secret Service said Mr. Rowe declined to comment on private conversations involving someone the agency protects.

Mr. Trump owns or leases a number of courses, including three in Florida, as well as one in New Jersey, one in Westchester County in New York, one in Sterling, Va., two courses in Scotland and one in Ireland, and a new one in the Middle East. He plays every week and takes great pride in it, describing it as his main form of exercise.

Aides to Mr. Trump have described golf as an important form of relaxation for him. When he was cooped up in a Manhattan courtroom for his hush-money trial this year, his advisers were eager for him to spend as much time as possible on his golf courses.

As president, Mr. Trump often used his Virginia club, and sometimes took lawmakers out on the golf course with him. Since leaving the presidency, Mr. Trump has played his courses with sports figures, donors and supporters, and mingles openly with people in the club dining rooms. The golf courses have been one of Mr. Trump’s steadiest streams of income.

After the first assassination attempt in July, when a 20-year-old man, Thomas Crooks, came within inches of killing Mr. Trump at a rally in Butler, Mr. Trump told allies that the Secret Service had concerns about him playing golf. But Mr. Trump continued to play.

The Secret Service has come under harsh scrutiny over security lapses that allowed Mr. Crooks to crawl onto a warehouse rooftop at the July 13 rally in Butler and fire off eight rounds at Mr. Trump, wounding his ear and killing a spectator in the crowd behind him. The agency appears to have narrowly averted another shooting at Mr. Trump on Sunday by posting agents ahead of the former president to scout out his next holes on the golf course. Agents were able to spot and shoot at the would-be assailant before he could fire his own weapon through the shrubbery.

The suspect, Mr. Routh, has been known to U.S. authorities in recent years. A contractor and occasional social activist, Mr. Routh has a significant criminal record, including a 2002 conviction in North Carolina for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, which court records describe as explosives with a blasting cap and detonation cord.

Mr. Trump has also been the target of foreign assassination plots, particularly from Iran. U.S. officials obtained information about an Iranian plot to assassinate Mr. Trump in the weeks ahead of the Butler rally, although the plot did not appear connected to the shooting that took place.

The former head of the Secret Service, Kimberly A. Cheatle, resigned her post while facing widespread criticism of the agency over the Butler attack.

The acting director of the Secret Service, Mr. Rowe, said in a Monday news conference that “the protective methodologies of the Secret Service were effective yesterday,” but he also made it clear that the agency did not search the golf course’s perimeter before Mr. Trump began his round.

“The president wasn’t even really supposed to go there,” Mr. Rowe said. “It was not on his official schedule.”

But it is well known that Mr. Trump frequently golfs at his course in West Palm Beach when he’s staying at Mar-a-Lago. It remains unclear why no perimeter search was conducted.

Yan Zhuang

Yan Zhuang and Jill Cowan

Yan Zhuang reported from Kaaawa, Hawaii, and Jill Cowan from Los Angeles.

The suspect was a Hawaii handyman eager to help, as long as no one complained.

In Hawaii, Ryan W. Routh espoused lofty goals to help alleviate homelessness in a state with severe housing shortages and income inequality. His business constructed tiny homes at cut-rate prices, with a goal of providing a modicum of shelter for those struggling on the island of Oahu.

But Mr. Routh also seemed to lack patience for anyone who disagreed with him, based on interviews with local residents and his own writing.

Mr. Routh, 58, ran a business called Camp Box Honolulu, which aimed to cheaply and quickly build mobile homes small enough to avoid what his website called Honolulu’s onerous and “overloaded” permitting process, according to his website.

He lived for decades in North Carolina before he moved to Hawaii several years ago, a residency that was broken up by travel to Ukraine in 2023 to assist the war effort. His letters to the editor first appeared in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser in 2018, and state records indicate that he filed business paperwork for Camp Box Honolulu in January 2019.

In the small town of Kaaawa, Hawaii, neighbors this week described him as a handyman who was often eager to help in the community, though many said they never really got to know Mr. Routh.

David Stant , 61, who lived down the street, described Mr. Routh as a nice but quiet man, while Mr. Routh’s partner, Kathleen Shaffer, was more extroverted. Mr. Routh was a skilled builder who renovated his own home largely by himself and built tiny homes in the front driveway, Mr. Stant said.

Another neighbor, Raymond Correa, 58, described Mr. Routh as “straight up.”

“If you needed help, he’d come help you, bring out his nail gun and start going at,” Mr. Correa said. “I never knew if he was a Republican or Democrat.”

Charles Aipia, 78, lived a few houses down from Mr. Routh and Ms. Shaffer. He said he sometimes had the couple over for karaoke, and Mr. Routh often helped with repairs around town, once repairing a leaky roof for Mr. Aipia’s former wife.

But he also described a dispute in which Mr. Routh recently used a hose to spray a dog that belonged to Mr. Aipia’s granddaughter because it was barking in her yard.

“He soaked all the bedding and everything, the dog was shaking, soaking wet,” Mr. Aipia recalled. “He didn’t apologize to my granddaughter.”

“After that, we didn’t talk,” Mr. Aipia said.

Nonetheless, Mr. Aipia said that he would never have thought Mr. Routh would be a suspect in a possible attempted assassination. “Something must have snapped,” he said.

In 2019, Mr. Routh, as the owner of Camp Box, told the Honolulu Star Advertiser about his efforts to build shelter for homeless residents. From 2018 to 2020, he provided roofs and floors for tiny homes developed by the nonprofit HomeAid Hawai’i, according to a statement from the organization’s executive director, Kimo Carvalho.

“He was not compensated, and no complaints were recorded during his time with us under HomeAid Hawai‘i’s previous leadership,” Mr. Carvalho said.

On its website, Camp Box advertises a menu of bare-bones structures: $1,500 would get customers a 4-foot by 8-foot tiny home with a door and two windows. For $2,500, they would get an 8-foot by 8-foot tiny home with electricity.

But the site warns that the Honolulu city government doesn’t allow small structures to have hard wiring without a permit. As a result, it says, the electrical wiring is categorized as “a free bonus that is not guaranteed in any fashion.”

A “Customer Relations” page includes a 9,703-word explanation of Camp Box’s philosophy, signed at the end by “Ryan Routh.” The essay at different points portrays customers who ask about the quality of his work as “cheap,” “selfish” or “greedy.” He warns customers that they may find imperfections in the structures: Uneven floors are inevitable, he insists, and nails or staples may protrude from walls. He tells customers that his crews clean up only when time permits.

“We focus solely on an economical product that is created fast and efficiently with little or no profit, and while our units, through mass production get more refined,” Mr. Routh writes. “Perfection is nothing that we will ever guarantee, so griping and complaining about anything is not allowed!!!!!!!”

In some sentences, he professes a kind of altruism: He claims that he neither expects nor needs to make money from the enterprise and that his motivation is to provide housing for his neighbors.

But he also lamented the state of the American work ethic. And he railed against government bureaucracy, and the idea that those who complain dictate too much of how the world runs.

The voice mailbox for the business was full on Monday. According to the site, Mr. Routh ran the business with his son, Adam, who did not respond to a phone call on Monday.

Curtis Lum, a spokesman for the Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting, said in an email that the office has “no record of any building permits or complaints relating to Ryan Routh and his Camp Box business.”

But Mr. Lum said the Camp Box website was inaccurate when it suggested that building permits were not required. He said that any structure intended for habitation requires a building permit, regardless of size, and that permits are required for any electrical or plumbing hookups.

At the address listed on Camp Box Honolulu’s website, along a stretch of busy highway in nearby Kaneohe, a vacant lot was surrounded by trees and bushes — and no signs of his business.

Kaiulani Clark, 57, who runs a coconut stand nearby and occasionally works at a plant nursery next to the vacant lot, said that Mr. Routh had not been at the site for at least two years.

When he was there, Mr. Routh worked with perhaps three other men at the site, Ms. Clark said. She only recalled seeing two homes being built, which she described as low-quality structures with crooked windows.

“He seemed like a shoddy guy,” she said. “He just never did finish anything.”

Michael Corkery contributed reporting, and Susan C. Beachy contributed research.

North Carolina court documents obtained on Tuesday offered more detail about the suspect's weapons conviction in 2002. Ryan W. Routh had a “binary explosive with a 10-inch detonation and a blasting cap” in his possession, the documents state.

The felony charge came after he barricaded himself in a building with a fully automatic weapon. He was placed on supervised probation for 60 months and ordered to get a mental health assessment.

Glenn Thrush

Glenn Thrush

The suspect, Ryan W. Routh, didn’t say much during his initial court appearance on Monday — apart from a handful of “Yes, your honor,” responses, according to a transcript of the brief hearing before a federal magistrate in West Palm Beach, Fla., where he was held pending a custody hearing next Monday.

He offered a bare-bones accounting of his personal income, which the court later deemed low enough to warrant appointment of a federal public defender. He told the court he made $3,000 a month from an unspecified job, and had “zero funds” in the bank.

When asked about his assets, Routh answered, “I own two trucks in Hawaii,” then estimated each was worth around $1,000. Asked if owned real estate, he replied “zero.” He described his 25-year-old son as an on-again, off-again dependent, saying he gave the young man “occasional support,” according to the transcript.

Attorney General Merrick Garland echoed the F.B.I.’s assessment of the episode at former President Donald Trump’s golf course on Sunday as an “apparent assassination attempt” during a speech to department staff members this morning. He said the department would “spare no resource” in collecting evidence in the case.

Garland said that the department’s national security division, which is responsible for prosecuting assassination attempts, would play a central role in the investigation. That suggests that the suspect, Ryan W. Routh, could eventually face more serious charges than the two gun offenses he has already been charged with.

Patricia Mazzei

Patricia Mazzei

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida said Tuesday that the state’s attorney general and other law enforcement would begin a state-level criminal investigation of the apparent assassination attempt.

Maggie Astor

Maggie Astor

Former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, will be back on the campaign trail today. Trump will participate in a town-hall event in Flint, Mich., and Vance is scheduled to appear in Sparta, Mich., and Eau Claire, Wis.

Michael C. Bender

Michael C. Bender

Vance says the left is to blame for the attempts on Trump’s life, adding that ‘censorship’ leads to violence.

Senator JD Vance of Ohio, in his first public remarks since the apparent assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump, condemned on Monday the inflammatory rhetoric “coming from too many corners of our politics.” But he took specific aim at Democrats, accusing them of going too far in casting Mr. Trump’s potential re-election as the end of democracy.

“I’m not going to say conservatives always get things exactly right,” Mr. Vance, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, told the crowd at a Faith and Freedom Coalition event in Atlanta on Monday evening.

But, he continued, “no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months, and two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months. I think that’s pretty strong evidence that the left needs to tone down the rhetoric or somebody is going to get hurt.”

In a social media post after his speech, Mr. Vance again blamed Democrats for the assassination attempts and added that “censorship” also plays a role in political violence. Mr. Vance and Mr. Trump have been criticized for spreading unfounded claims that Haitian migrants are eating pets in the town of Springfield, Ohio — claims that were followed by bomb threats targeting city schools . Mr. Vance has defended elevating the debunked rumors by arguing that he is drawing attention to other issues affecting the town that, in his view, have been caused by Democrats and ignored.

“Embrace censorship, and you will inevitably embrace violence on its behalf,” Mr. Vance wrote on X.

Before President Biden dropped out of the race, he campaigned heavily on portraying Mr. Trump as a threat to democracy. Vice President Kamala Harris has touched on it, too, but made it less of a focus of her campaign.

But Mr. Trump has often used violent language to describe his political rivals, likening them to “vermin” that he has pledged to “root out.” Earlier on Monday, he echoed Mr. Vance’s claim that “inflammatory language” from Democrats had provoked Sunday’s incident in West Palm Beach, Fla., and then called Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris the “enemy from within” and “the real threat.”

Mr. Vance said he first learned about the suspect’s arrest in a phone call from Mr. Trump. “JD, you’re not going to believe it, but they tried to do it again,” Mr. Vance recalled the former president telling him.

Mr. Vance said he had asked Mr. Trump if he was OK, and the former president told him he was fine — but upset because he was about to putt for birdie when the Secret Service interrupted the game.

“That is the kind of guy that you want to be president,” Mr. Vance said to applause from the Atlanta crowd. “He’s fazed by nothing and telling jokes afterward.”

Thomas Gibbons-Neff

Thomas Gibbons-Neff

The rifle found at Trump’s golf course is relatively cheap and niche compared with the AR-15.

The SKS semiautomatic rifle that federal investigators say Ryan W. Routh, the suspect in an apparent assassination attempt on former president Donald J. Trump, left behind at Mr. Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course in Florida was loaded but had not been fired that day.

The rifle, designed by the Soviets in the 1940s with a self-loading carbine system, was found propped on a fence at the golf club, affixed with a telescopic sight, police photos showed.

The weapon is a semiautomatic SKS, or Samozaryadny Karabin Sistemy Simonova, named after its designer, Sergei G. Simonov. After its introduction, it was quickly surpassed in portability, accuracy and the ability to fire fully automatically by assault rifles like the AK-47, but it still appeared in conflicts around the globe. It was smaller than the bigger infantry rifles like those carried in World War II and relatively easy to maintain.

In a news conference on Monday, investigators said that Mr. Routh was near the public side of the fence near the sixth hole when Mr. Trump was moving through the fifth green, more than several hundred yards away. That distance would have made a shot from Mr. Routh’s location difficult.

Mr. Routh never had the former president in sight, Ronald Rowe Jr., acting director of the U.S. Secret Service, said in a news conference Monday.

The rifle, which loads a clip of bullets into a magazine fixed to the gun, fires the same size bullet as a Kalashnikov, 7.62x39 millimeters. It is somewhat accurate in the hands of a trained shooter but was often used by foot soldiers. The weapon was also adopted and rebranded by the Chinese and other countries.

In the United States, the SKS has been a staple among collectors and some hunters. The rifle is relatively cheap, costing a few hundred dollars, and it is legal in states with more restrictive guns laws that limit features like detachable magazines and pistol grips.

The rifle found at Mr. Trump’s golf course appeared to be modernized, made of plastic and loaded with a detachable magazine commonly seen on rifles like the AR-15 or the Kalashnikov.

Jeffrey Veltri, F.B.I. special agent in charge of the Miami field office, said the rifle’s serial number had been “obliterated.”

In an interview with The New York Times in 2023 , Mr. Routh said he had no military experience, so it is unclear if he had any idea how to manipulate the weapon or fire it accurately.

In the pantheon of American gun ownership, the SKS sits beneath the popular AR-15 . For some hobbyists, the SKS is a staple of their collection, kept to use with little care for its longevity.

Kate Kelly

Kate Kelly has been covering the Secret Service in the aftermath of the shooting in Butler, Pa.

The Secret Service admits it did not search the golf course’s perimeter.

The Secret Service did not search the perimeter of the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday before former President Donald J. Trump began his round, an acknowledgment that has put the besieged agency under renewed scrutiny two months after a similar episode in Pennsylvania.

The decision raises further questions about whether the Secret Service has the resources and ability to adequately perform its duties during a time of increasing violence and a unique campaign between a sitting vice president and a former president.

While the agency’s acting director hailed a Secret Service agent for acting swiftly and preventing any harm to Mr. Trump on Sunday, the F.B.I. said that data from a gunman’s cellphone indicated he spent almost 12 hours near the course before he aimed a rifle in the direction of Mr. Trump while he was golfing.

In remarks to reporters at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office on Monday afternoon, Ronald L. Rowe Jr., the Secret Service’s acting director, said, “The president wasn’t even really supposed to go there.”

Mr. Rowe said Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, did not have an outing on the course on his official schedule. Mr. Rowe did not clarify in his statements whether this meant that agents did not have time to sweep the golf course. Yet it is public knowledge that Mr. Trump frequently plays golf at one of his Florida courses on Sundays, raising the risk level for the former president.

Mr. Rowe praised his agents for spotting the barrel of a gun poking through the bushes of the golf club and firing at the suspect, Ryan W. Routh, 58, before he could get off a shot. A manhunt commenced, leading to Mr. Routh being detained soon after. He was charged in federal court on Monday with possession of a firearm as a felon.

The Secret Service’s methods “were effective yesterday,” Mr. Rowe said. He pointed to “early” identification of the threat, an immediate evacuation of Mr. Trump and the help of increased protective measures — including the presence of countersnipers.

But after Sunday’s episode, legislators, law enforcement officials and Secret Service alumni questioned whether the embattled agency was still up to its mission of protecting current and former presidents and their families.

“I’m very concerned at reports that the suspect allegedly was in the bushes for 11 hours,” said Beth Celestini, a longtime Secret Service agent who protected President Barack Obama before retiring in 2021. “The Secret Service has protocols where if enacted, this suspect should have been discovered before the incident.”

Ronald Layton, a 26-year veteran of the agency who led divisions with oversight of protection and event security, asked, “Was this just luck that you caught this guy, or did you have the appropriate mechanisms in place for these kinds of things on the threat spectrum?”

Mr. Rowe said that in order to handle an increasingly challenging threat environment, the Secret Service would need Congress to provide more funding for personnel, overtime and facilities.

His appeal had already received the endorsement of President Biden, who had told White House reporters on Monday morning that “the Service needs more help” and that Congress “should respond to their needs.”

Aides involved with the Senate and House Appropriations Committees, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to disclose private discussions, said the panels were reviewing the Secret Service’s requests.

At the same time, top House officials are considering whether to hold a vote to expand the jurisdiction of an investigative task force to include Sunday’s events, according to two people familiar with the matter. The House task force is investigating the circumstances of the July 13 shooting in Butler, Pa., in which a would-be assassin, Thomas Crooks of Bethel Park, Pa., shot at Mr. Trump during a campaign rally.

Mr. Trump’s ear was grazed and a rallygoer was killed. It is unclear whether the episode in West Palm Beach was also within the task force’s jurisdiction.

The Secret Service is now undertaking its second internal review in two months, hoping to determine whether it handled the events of Sunday properly.

The agents who are tasked with protecting current and former presidents and their families are working long hours with little reprieve.

In addition to protecting foreign leaders who visit the United States, the Secret Service guards more than 40 people: Mr. Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Mr. Trump, other former presidents and their immediate families. An increase in hate speech and violent threats has complicated the agency’s mission.

Since Butler, the Secret Service has reassigned members of Mr. Biden’s advance team to Mr. Trump and Ms. Harris, provided special glass to surround Mr. Trump during campaign events and received additional resources from the Pentagon. Its parent agency, the Department of Homeland Security, has also deployed 1,500 investigations agents of its own to bolster the Secret Service’s ranks.

Chronic personnel shortages, worsened by the job’s long and sometimes grueling hours, have left the Secret Service both short-handed and underfunded in areas like facilities and technology.

In response to offers from lawmakers to provide additional funding, Mr. Rowe also wrote to two senators this month — before Sunday’s close call.

“The increased mission requirements of the Secret Service necessitate additional resources to ensure that we have the tools, resources and personnel needed to meet these new requirements,” Mr. Rowe wrote in the Sept. 5 letter.

Those resources, which were detailed in additional pages of the letter that have not been reviewed by The New York Times, do not appear to have come through yet. But on Monday, Mr. Rowe said he was optimistic they would.

“Success, we have to have it every day. We cannot have failures,” he said. “And in order to do that, we’re going to have some hard conversations with Congress.”

Reporting was contributed by Eileen Sullivan , Hamed Aleaziz , Luke Broadwater and Audra D. S. Burch .

Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Gun Control — Gun Control Thesis Statement


Gun Control Thesis Statement

  • Categories: Gun Control

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Words: 1300 |

Published: Mar 19, 2024

Words: 1300 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Table of contents

I. introduction, ii. the second amendment and the right to bear arms, iii. gun violence statistics and the need for stricter regulations, iv. gun control policies and their effectiveness, v. mental health and gun violence, vi. gun control advocacy and opposition, vii. conclusion, a. overview of current gun control laws in the united states, b. analysis of the effectiveness of background checks and waiting periods, c. discussion of the impact of assault weapons bans and high-capacity magazine restrictions, a. connection between mental illness and gun violence, b. importance of mental health screenings for gun owners, c. strategies for preventing individuals with mental health issues from obtaining guns, a. overview of gun control advocacy groups, b. analysis of arguments against stricter gun control laws, c. strategies for promoting bipartisan support for gun control legislation, a. recap of key points, b. restate thesis statement, c. call to action for stricter gun control measures to improve public safety.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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