
Great Andhra

Saripodhaa sanivaaram review: మూవీ రివ్యూ: సరిపోదా శనివారం.

కథ చాలా బాగుండి ట్రీట్మెంట్ దగ్గర తేడా గొట్టే సినిమాలు ఉంటాయి. కానీ ఇది ట్రీట్మెంట్ బాగుండి కథలో డెప్త్ లేని సినిమా.

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dookudu movie review greatandhra

చిత్రం: సరిపోదా శనివారం రేటింగ్: 2.75/5 తారాగణం: నాని, ప్రియాంక అరుళ్ మోహన్, ఎస్. జె. సూర్య, సాయికుమార్, శుభలేఖ సుధాకర్, మురళిశర్మ, అభిరామి, అదితి బాలన్, అజయ్ తదితరులు సంగీతం: జేక్స్ బిజోయ్ ఎడిటర్: కార్తీక శ్రీనివాస్ నిర్మాత: డి వి వి దానయ్య దర్శకత్వం: వివేక్ ఆత్రేయ విడుదల తేదీ: 29 ఆగస్టు 2024

వివేక్ ఆత్రేయ, నాని కాంబినేషన్ అనగానే “అంటే సుందరానికి” గుర్తొస్తుంది. ఇది కూడా అలాంటి జానరేనేమో అనుకుంటే ట్రైలర్ తోనే క్లారిటీ ఇచ్చేసాడు- ఇది ఫక్తు హీరో సెంట్రిక్ యాక్షన్ డ్రామా అని. జానర్ ఏదైనా జనం మెచ్చేలా ఉంటే చాలు. అలా ఉందా లేదా చూద్దాం.

కథలోకి వెళితే, సూర్య(నాని) చిన్నప్పటి నుంచి కోపిష్టి. ఎప్పుడూ ఎవర్నో ఒకళ్లని కోపంతో కొడుతుంటాడు. అతని తల్లి(అభిరామి) తన కోపానికి అర్ధముండాలంటుంది. అతని కోపం నలుగుర్ని భయపెట్టేదిగా కాకుండా పది మందికి ధైర్యమిచ్చేలా ఉండాలని చెబుతుంది. వారంలో ప్రతి రోజూ తన కోపాన్ని ఆపిన తల్లి, ఒక రోజు మాత్రం ఆపలేకపోతుంది. అది శనివారం. అప్పటి నుంచీ తన కోపాన్ని వారమంతా కంట్రోల్ చేసుకుని శనివారం మాత్రం బయట పెడుతుంటాడు. చారులత (ప్రియాంక) అనే కానిస్టేబుల్ ప్రేమలో పడతాడు సూర్య. ఇదిలా ఉండగా దయానంద్ (ఎస్ జె సూర్య) అనే సీ.ఐ అత్యంత క్రూరుడు, మహా కోపిష్టి. అతని అన్న కూర్మానంద్ (మురళిశర్మ). ఆ ఇద్దరికీ పడదు.

ఈ దయానంద్ తన కోపంతో ఒకానొక కారణం వల్ల కొందరు జనాన్ని హింసిస్తూ ఉంటాడు. ఆ జనం వెనుక సూర్య నిలబడి స్ట్రీం లైన్ అయిన తన కోపంతో అడ్డు అదుపు లేని దయానంద్ కోపాన్ని ఎలా ఎదుర్కుంటాడు అనేది తక్కిన కథ.

ఈ కథలో పాయింటేంటంటే హీరో, విలన్ ఇద్దరూ పరమకోపిష్టులే. ఒకడు శనివారం మాత్రమే కొడతాడు. ఇంకొకడు రోజూ కొడతాడు.

కథ చాలా బాగుండి ట్రీట్మెంట్ దగ్గర తేడా గొట్టే సినిమాలు ఉంటాయి. కానీ ఇది ట్రీట్మెంట్ బాగుండి కథలో డెప్త్ లేని సినిమా. ఎందుకంటే ఫలానా కారణం వల్ల కోపం హీరోకి కోపం వచ్చిందనుకున్నప్పుడు ఆ కారణం చాలా బలంగా, ఎమోషనల్ గా ఉండాలి. హీరో కోపాన్ని పరిచయం చేయడానికి ఎంచుకున్న కొన్ని ట్రాకులు గుండెని హత్తుకోవు. దానివల్ల ప్రేక్షకులు పూర్తిగా ఇమ్మెర్స్ కాలేరు.

ఈ సమస్యకి తోడు సంభాషణలు, సీన్లు చాలా లెంగ్దీగా అనిపిస్తాయి. హ్యూమర్ అనుకుని రాసుకున్న కొన్ని సంభాషణలు పేలలేదు. దర్శకుడు ఎమోషనల్ యాక్షన్ జానర్ ని ప్రయత్నించాడు కానీ వండిన ఈ వంటకం పూర్తిగా పాకన పడలేదు.

టెక్నికల్ గా చూస్తే నేపథ్య సంగీతం సగటు యాక్షన్ సినిమాలో వినపడే లౌడ్నెస్ ఉంది తప్ప ప్రత్యేకత లేదు. హీరో, విలన్ కోపాలు కథలో ప్రధాన వస్తువు అనుకున్నప్పుడు వారిద్దరి కోపానికి సెపెరేట్ గా సిగ్నేచర్ ట్రాక్స్ చేసుంటే ఎమోషన్ గ్రాఫ్ పైకి లేచుండేది. పాటలు బ్యాక్ గ్రౌండ్ కే పరిమితమయ్యాయి. అవికూడా చెప్పుకునేంతగా మనసుని తాకలేదు.

“నువ్వు చాలా పెద్ద ఆట ఆడాలిరా” అనే డైలాగ్ ఒకటుంది ఇందులో. బహుశా ఈ లైన్ దర్శకుడు ఎడిటర్ తో చెప్పాడేమో. ఎక్కడా కటింగ్ కి చాన్స్ ఇవ్వకుండా, మూడు గంటల సుదీర్ఘమైన ఆటని మన ముందుంచాడు.

కెమెరా, యాక్షన్ కోరియోగ్రఫీ బాగున్నాయి. ఓవరాల్ గా నిర్మాణ విలువలుగా చెప్పుకునే తెరమీద రిచ్నెస్ వర్కౌట్ అయ్యింది.

నేచరల్ స్టార్ నాని మాత్రం తేలిపోయాడు. అండర్ ప్లే మోడ్ లో ఇతని పాత్రచిత్రణ ఉండడంతో ఇంపాక్ట్ లేకుండా పోయింది.

దానికి తోడు ఎస్.జె సూర్య అద్భుతమైన హై వోల్టేజ్ పర్ఫార్మెన్స్ ఇచ్చి పూర్తిగా డామినేట్ చేసేసాడు. సినిమా హాల్ వదిలాక నాని గుర్తురాడు.. ఎస్ జె సూర్యనే గుర్తుంటాడు.

ఆ తర్వాత మెప్పించిన నటుడు మురళిశర్మ . మెథడ్ యాక్టింగ్ తో, కొత్త మేనరిజమ్స్ చూపించి ఆకట్టుకున్నాడు. సాయికుమార్ ది రొటీన్ ఫాదర్ రోల్.

ప్రియాంక చూడడానికి బాగుంది. హీరో, విలన్ కోపాన్ని ప్రదర్శించి ఎవరినైనా చితక్కొడుతుంటే భయంతో బిగుసుకుపోయి కళ్లు మూసుకుని నిలబడడం తప్ప ఈమె పాత్రకి పెద్ద ప్రాధాన్యత కనపడలేదు.

హీరో తల్లిగా అభిరామి ఓకే. ఆమెది చిన్న నిడివి గల పాత్ర మాత్రమే.

శుభలేఖ సుధాకర్, శివాజిరాజా ప్యాడింగ్ కి పనికొచ్చారు. అజయ్ ఘోష్ ప్రారంభంలో కాసేపు కనిపిస్తాడు.

‘దసరా’ తర్వాత నాని తనలోని యాక్షన్ హీరోని మరొక యాంగిల్లో చూపించాలనే ఉత్సాహాన్ని కనబరచాడు. వివేక్ ఆత్రేయ కూడా తన మీదున్న కామెడీ డైరక్టర్ ముద్ర పోగొట్టుకుని మాస్ యాక్షన్ డైరక్టర్ అనిపించుకోవాలనే కుతూహలాన్ని తీర్చుకున్నాడు. అయితే కథలో డెప్త్ మీద ఫోకస్ పెట్టుండాల్సింది.

ప్రధామార్ధంలో కథనం అటు ఇటుగా ఉండి ప్రేక్షకుల అటెన్షన్ ని తనవైపుకి తిప్పుకోని విధంగా సాగింది. తెర మీద పాత్రల పరిచయాలు అయ్యాక ఎవరు ఎలా లింక్ చేయబడతారో ఒక అంచనా ఏర్పడుతుంది సగటు ప్రేక్షకుడికి. ఆ అంచనాని మించి ఊహించని ట్విస్ట్ కనిపించినప్పుడే ప్రేక్షకుడు వశమవుతాడు. ఆలాంటివేవీ లేకుండా ఇంటర్వల్ బ్యాంగ్ కూడా పెద్ద ట్విస్ట్ ఏమీ లేకుండా ఉంది.

ద్వితీయార్ధంలో కథనం ఊహించినట్టే నడిచినా పెద్దగా బోర్ కొట్టదు. ఎస్ జె సూర్య నటన వల్ల, హీరో పాత్ర ఆదే డబుల్ గేం వల్ల కాస్త ఆసక్తిగా మారుతుంది. అక్కడి నుంచి చివరి వరకు ఫక్తు యాక్షన్ చిత్రంగా సాగుతుంది.

పైన చెప్పుకున్నట్టు ఎడిటర్ తన కత్తెరకి ఎంత పదును పెట్టినా దర్శకుడు చెప్పిన కథని ఇంతకంటే కుదించలేకపోయాడు. రెండు గంటల యాభైమూడు నిమిషాల కథనాన్ని భరించే ఓపిక ఉండాలి.

సినిమా పూర్తవకుండానే క్లైమాక్స్ ఫైట్ మధ్యలో కొందరు ఆడియన్స్ బయటికి నడవడం చూస్తుంటే, “పోతారు అందరూ పోతారు” అని నాని చెప్పే డైలాగ్ గుర్తొచ్చింది.

గురువారం విడుదలైన ఈ “సరిపోదా శనివారం” ప్రేక్షకులని రంజింపజేసే విషయంలో సరిపోయీ సరిపోనట్టుగా ఉంది. సింపుల్ గా చెప్పాలంటే సరిపోలేదు.

బాటం లైన్: సరిపోలేదు

31 Replies to “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram Review: మూవీ రివ్యూ: సరిపోదా శనివారం”

ఐతే ఓటిటిలో చుస్తాంలే

Yevadu bro nuvvu prathi movie ki comment chustunna OTT lo chustam le Ani pedathavu.yevaro okaru complete eche varaku aapela levu.chusu ko careful ga undu . social media meeda kuda police lu invalment lo unnaru.yevadaina complete Este doola thiripoddi nee manchi ke chebutunna.


Super 3.5/5

GA 2.75 ANTE SUPER HIT annamaata

Hello GA nuvvu rasina review ki rating 2 saripothundi , but nuvvu 2.75 echhav a base medha echhavo cheppagalava, nuvvu nee lovda rating

“ ఒకడు శనివారం మాత్రమే కొడతాడు. ఇంకొకడు రోజూ కొడతాడు.”

అలా ఎందుకు అనుకోవాలి? ఒకడు శనివారం మాత్రమే తన్నులు తింటాడు, మరొకడు వారంలో అన్ని రోజులు తన్నులు తింటాడు.

ఇద్దరు కలిసి థియేటర్ కొచ్చిన జనాలని ముద్దు గంటలు కొట్టారు అన్నమాట ..

సినిమా బావుంది కానీ లెంగ్త్ చాలా ఎక్కువ అయ్యింది ఈజీ గా ఒక 20 -25 min ట్రిమ్ చేయొచ్చు

మన వాటికన్ బిడ్డడి సినిమాకు రేటింగ్ 2.75 నేనా GA ?

As usual, aa rating ki review ki sambandhame ledhu.

Saripodaa ott

దూల తీరిందా, నీకో నమస్కారం… అని తీర్పునిచ్చారు కాబోలు

saripoda 1.75?

సరిపోదా ott

Dirty brain less fellow then why given 2.75?

నటన అమ్ముకుని బతుకు తున్నోళ్ళకి బిరుడులేమిటి..జస్ట్ అమ్ముడు పోయే జీవాలు..ఏ మీడియా అయిన ఈ తోకాలంతాగికించడాం మానేస్తేనే ఈ జీవాలకి బతుకు విలువలు తెలిసేది..

రాజకీయాల్లో ఉండి అవినీతి సంపాదన చేసే వాళ్ళు దేవుళ్ళు ఏమిటి .. సింగల్ సింహాలు .. అన్న..బిడ్డ అని పిలిపించుకోవడం ఏమిటి ..

annagaru .. gurthocharu…..evaru minahaimpu kadu…cenima…rajakeyam….

ఉద్యోగాలు చేసుకుని బ్రతికే జనాలు కూడా తమ జ్ఞానాన్ని శ్రమని అమ్ముకుని బ్రతుకుతున్నట్టే సర్. మనుషులంతా ఎవడికి వచ్ఛిన దాన్ని వాడు అమ్ముకునే బ్రతకాలి.

1.5 is best rating

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orey review bad ga ichi rating enduku 2.75?

orey review bad ga ichav malli rating 2.75 enduku ichav.

Flop cinema ki Bagane echharu ga rating 2.75 , minimum 20laks anukuntaa rating prize..

Nuv tiy ra babu ani cheppaga oka movie

ప్రొడ్యూసర్ గా డబ్బులు పెడతావా 🤷‍ ♂️ 🤷‍ ♂️ ఆ దమ్ము ధైర్యం డబ్బు నీ దగ్గర ఉందా 🤷‍ ♂️ 😂 సినిమా తీయడానికి రెడీగా ఉంటారు 🤷‍ ♂️ 🙋‍ ♂️ 👍 😍 🕺 🤣 🙆‍ ♂️ అతని అభిప్రాయం అతను చెప్పాడు.. హ దానికి. నువ్వు సినిమా తీసి చెప్పు అంటే… నీకు ఇలాంటి సమాధానాలు వస్తాయి 👊 నువ్వు ప్రతిరోజు ఎక్కడైనా హోటల్ లో గానీ రెస్టారెంట్లో గాని నువ్వు బిర్యాని తింటావు కదా ఒక చోట బానే ఉంటుంది ఒకచోట యావరేజ్ గా ఉంటది ఒక చోట చండాలంగా ఉంటుంది… ఆ మాట బిర్యాని బాగా లేదని చెప్తే వాళ్ళ హోటల్ వాడు నిన్ను నీకు బిర్యాని చేసి చూపించి చూద్దాం అంటే

lag ra babu 1990 story la undi bore kotindi chala chotla idi hit ani ela anyunaro 🤔

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dookudu movie review greatandhra

Dookudu Movie Review

Dookudu Movie Review

Behind the Movie Dookudu: Pre release hype for this Mahesh Babu film has been the highest in recent times. Successful Samanta, minimum guaranteed director Srinu Vytla and the hit music from Thaman have further made Dookudu, the exciting flick of season. Let us see, how far Mahesh has justified the title?

In the Movie Dookudu: Shankar Narayan alias Shankar Anna (Prakashraj) is a mass leader in the area of Shankar Nagar in Hyderabad. He lives for poor and destitute people in his area. His rival Mallesh Goud (Kota) joins hands with Underworld Don Nayak (Sonu Sood) to kill Shankar Anna and his brother Satyam (Rajeev Kanakala). The plan is executed as the vehicle in which Shankar Anna and his followers are traveling is hit by the truck. Every body assumes that Shankar Anna is dead and his little son grows into a young IPS Officer Ajay (Mahesh Babu) who takes undercover duty to erase Nayak and his gang.

To find the clue of Nayak, here is Ajay’s team that lands in Istanbul, Turkey and there he meets Prashanthi (Samanta) who becomes his love interest. From here on Ajay keeps on posing a problem for Nayak and his followers in Hyderabad. In the mean time, it’s revealed that Shankar Anna is alive, recovered from coma. Ajay wants to see his father be happy rest of his life. 

Here Ajay comes to know that, men behind his father’s car accident are none other than Mallesh Goud, Nayak and their local team. A perfect and funny sketch is laid by Ajay now to trap the entire Mafia team. How did Bokka Venkat Rao (MS Narayana) and Padma Shri (Brahmi) become scapegoats in this sketch takes the show to a climax where in as usual Ajay completes the task of being an IPS and also does his duty of a son. 

Values of the Movie Dookudu: Srinu Vytla has repeated the age old trick of rope tight screenplay for his films. Story by Gopi Mohan is nothing like an innovative plot but has all ingredients needed for a commercial formula. Srinu Vytla has weaved the screenplay effectively and presented the same on screen with his wonderful Directorial abilities. Dialogues written By Srinu are repeatedly generating claps and whistles in theatres. Cinematography by Guhan and Prasad Murella is not a master work but followed a routine pattern. Same applies for editing by MR Varma. Musical output from Thaman for songs is enhanced on the screen by beautiful picturization. Production values of 14 Reels are above average. 

Performance wise, ‘Dookudu’ is a one man show by Mahesh Babu. Prince has shown all round skills in comedy timing, emotional balance, action sequences and dances. The way he pronounced the word ‘POLICE’ and the way Telangana dialect is used have well synced with the character. Heroine Samanta just remained for glam sake. Prakashraj was presented in a different format and that is impressive. Sonu Sood’s villainy is okay. Show stealers in ‘Dookudu’ after Mahesh Babu are Brahmanandam and MS Narayana. All the hilarious episodes covering these two have come out non stop entertaining. Tanikella Bharanai, Kota, Subba Raju, Sudha, Dharmavarapu, Satya Krishna and the remaining laborious star cast have done the job to their roles. Item song 'Poovai Poovai' is also well picturized on Parvati Melton.

Out of the Movie Dookudu: Though this story can’t be said as an apt one for the image of Mahesh Babu yet Srinu Vytla has come out with a clean family entertainer. There are enough shades of Pokiri, Ready, Kantri and many more movies yet the final result is to please you. Audiences are coming out totally satisfied enjoying the 3 hour laughing riot mixed with action and mass heroism. 

First half has got more interesting episodes with rapidly paced screenplay taking the narration in top gear with good interval twist. Second half is an improvisation or a modified version to regular Srinu Vytla movies. He tends to take too many cinematic liberties that automatically generate good fun. Second half of Dookudu is more of a screenplay based one.  

For Prince Fans, you are to have a full meal with Mahesh Babu excelling in every department. For common audience, ‘Dookudu’ might remain more than an above average movie. Lastly intelligent audience who search for creativity may not be totally satisfied by this conventional, routine, commercial formula based flick. Srinu Vytla failed to maintain the same excitement of first half in second half. There was although a bit of lag here and there, he pulled it off with highly worked out comedy.

BO wise, ‘Dookudu’ will open to a hit talk. Range of success may not be as big as ‘Pokiri’ or ‘Magadheera.’

Cinejosh Verdict of the Movie Dookudu: Definitely a Decent Hit.

                                                           Reviewed by Srivaas

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Jeevi rating: 3.5/5 Punchline : Comedy is the king Genre: Comedy/Action Type: Straight Banner: 14 Reels Entertainment

Cast : Mahesh Babu, Samantha, Parvati Melton (SA), Sonu Sood, Kota, Sayaji Shinde, Vennela Kishore, Shravan, Ravi Prakash, Ajay, Suman, Nassar, Chandra Mohan, Supreet, Tanikella Bharani, Sudha, Pragati, Sonia etc

Music: S Thaman Cinematography: MV Guhan / Prasad Murella Dialogues: Kona Venkat Story: Gopi Mohan Editing: MR Varma Story - screenplay - dialogues - direction: Seenu Vytla Producer: Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara Release date : 23 September 2011 Theater watched : screen 1, Prasads, Hyderabad

Mahesh Babu proved himself again that he is a director’s actor. He has a big heart to allow Brahmanandam to take center stage for a few minutes, though it is Mahesh who creates such situations. One should have a flair to time the comedy of Seenu Vytla and Mahesh does it effortlessly. Mahesh is one of the comedians when he is with Brahmanandam and MS Narayana. Mahesh Babu has also excelled in dialogue delivery by mixing Telangana accent in villain confrontation scenes. Mahesh Babu’s trade mark teasing romance works big time in Turkey episodes. You see Mahesh being cheerful and smiling in most of the parts of the film.

Samantha has a limited role in this movie and she does justice. Brahmanandam has a dialogue in the film - . Seenu Vytla is one of very few directors who utilizes the talent of Brahmanandam to the maximum extent. All those Brahmanandam lovers will have another feast in this movie in which he acts an actor of a fictitious reality show. The way Brahmanandam keeps expressions for ‘bheebhatsamaina humanity’ dialogue and the scene in which he appeals to Nagarjuna Akkineni using his camera pen is priceless. MS Narayana who has excelled as fire star in Dubai Seenu does another similar role in which he wants to make his debut as hero opposite Genelia. Prakash Raj is seen in a positive role (inspired by PJR) and he is excellent. Vennela Kishore does the role of Sastry whose grandmother is a fortuneteller. Nassar has done a comic role for a difference..

The basic concept of a person going into coma and that person’s son creating artificial atmosphere around is inspired by a German film titled ‘Goodbye Lenin! (2003) ’. That German film is a serious film and somewhat boring (for me). The story writer Gopi Mohan used that plot and moulded it to make an entertaining script. Seenu Vytla’s main strength has always been entertainment and he made sure that there are ample characters to create humor. He used Brahmanandam and MS Narayanara effectively to create ample humor. Characterization of Mahesh Babu is done well and the director has also shown Mahesh Babu in new light with better comedy timing. Though the entertainment and action orientation is good, there are ups and downs in the narrative graph due to runtime and number of characters. Screenplay of the film is good. The screenplay techniques used on Prakash Raj taking revenge without knowing about it and Brahmanandam’s crazy realty show will surely generate more commercial appreciation. Among all the characters, I feel that the character of Suman is not properly etched. It would have been more powerful if hero is introduced through the words of some other character, not through Suman’s. And the death of Suman is also not justifiable. The following aspects of Seenu Vytla’s trademark

Dialogues penned by Kona Venkat and Seenu Vytla are good. They are humor dialogues and masala heroism dialogues. Music by Thaman has already become a chartbuster and background music is nice. Cinematography by KV Guhan and Prasad Murella complements to story. Editing by Varma is adequate. The producers trio (Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara) have spent a lot of money and the entire film is shot in extravagant style.

: First half of the movie sets the plot up and it is entertaining. There are ups and downs in the second half, but the entertainment provided by Mahesh Babu, Brahmanandam and MS Narayana takes care of it. The plus points are Mahesh Babu’s charm, Seenu Vytla’s comedy timing and a workable script. On the flip side, there is a bit of redundancy in villain characterizations. Mahesh Babu delivers an universally acceptable entertainer in the form of Dookudu after a gap of five years. Go and watch it.

It’s been ages since a Telugu big star’s film got positive talk on the day one. It is a good omen for Telugu film industry that is literally feeding on Tamil dubbed films in this year so far. With Mahesh Babu’s star power, there is no limit for a movie can achieve with a positive talk. Wait and watch as the records smash in the days come.

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Mahesh Babu in Dookudu (2011)

Ajay, (Mahesh Babu) an undercover cop, is assigned to catch a dangerous mafia don with whom he has a personal score to settle. Ajay, (Mahesh Babu) an undercover cop, is assigned to catch a dangerous mafia don with whom he has a personal score to settle. Ajay, (Mahesh Babu) an undercover cop, is assigned to catch a dangerous mafia don with whom he has a personal score to settle.

  • Sreenu Vaitla
  • Kona Venkat
  • Mahesh Babu
  • Samantha Ruth Prabhu
  • 26 User reviews
  • 8 Critic reviews
  • 39 wins & 5 nominations

Mahesh Babu in Dookudu (2011)

Top cast 41

Mahesh Babu

  • G. Ajay Kumar

Samantha Ruth Prabhu

  • Shankar Narayana

Kota Srinivasa Rao

  • Mallesh Goud

Sayaji Shinde

  • Meka Narasinga Rao


  • (as Nasser)

Tanikella Bharani

  • Ajay's uncle

Rajeev Kanakala

  • (as Master Bharath)

M.S. Narayana

  • Bokka Venkat Rao


  • Ajay mother
  • Ajay's cousin sister
  • Amberpet Ganesh
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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Did you know

  • Trivia Dookudu storyline is some how similar to tragicomedy film Goodbye! Lenin

Nayak : When my man told you're like a Hollywood hero, I thought he was exaggerating, you're exact like one! I would've been disappointed if you were shorter even by an inch, you're stunning to make even an enemy jealousy. I think of killing anyone who disturbs me, but I wished to see you, do you know why? When you talked to me on phone, the pride with which you talked, I liked the intensity in your voice. Till now l've blasted 26 bombs, I've killed 24 police officers who tried to catch me, 113 criminal cases are pending on me, Interpol is searching for me in 13 countries, all of them together couldn't even touch me, and you too! This is my track record. Release Bunty!

G. Ajay Kumar : You crook! I'm not here to hand over your brother, I'm here to take you. I'm a gold medalist in 2006 IPS batch, I eliminated 46 gangsters in encounters when I was in Anti-Gunda squad, and undercover operations are unlimited. I did all this in the span of 5 years. This is not just my track record, this is ALL-TIME RECORD!

  • Alternate versions In the Hindi dubbed version, the scene with the ending credits rolling is edited out.
  • Connections Featured in Shadow (2013)
  • Soundtracks Nee Dookudu Music by S. Thaman Lyrics by Viswa Performed by Shankar Mahadevan

User reviews 26

  • sasikanth20
  • Sep 30, 2011
  • How long is Dookudu? Powered by Alexa
  • September 23, 2011 (United States)
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • 14 Reels Entertainment
  • Krishna Productions
  • HPR Entertainment
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • ₹250,000,000 (estimated)

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 50 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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  • What is the release date of 'Dookudu'? Release date of Mahesh Babu and Samantha Ruth Prabhu starrer 'Dookudu' is 2011-09-23.
  • Who are the actors in 'Dookudu'? 'Dookudu' star cast includes Mahesh Babu, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Sonu Sood and M. S. Narayana.
  • Who is the director of 'Dookudu'? 'Dookudu' is directed by Sreenu Vaitla.
  • What is Genre of 'Dookudu'? 'Dookudu' belongs to 'Action, Drama' genre.
  • In Which Languages is 'Dookudu' releasing? 'Dookudu' is releasing in Telugu.

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Srinu Vytla
Achanta Gopinath, Achanta Ramu, Anil Sunkara
Mahesh Babu, Samantha

Prince Mahesh Babu’s ‘Dookudu’ has hit the screens today amidst unprecedented hype and expectations. The movie is the most expensive in Mahesh Babu’s career and it comes at a time when the Telugu Film Industry desperately needs a commercial blockbuster. Let us see how this film which was directed by Sreenu Vytla fares.

Story: Ajay (Mahesh Babu) is a dynamic young cop with the Mumbai Police. He is daring and dashing and goes after the Mumbai Mafia in a big way. The Mafia is headed by Nayak Bhay (Sonu Sood) and his brothers. As a series of clashes and confrontations take place between the police and the Mafia, this chase leads him to Turkey and that is where he falls in love with Prasanthi (Samantha), who is the daughter of his superior officer Nasser.

Meanwhile, another aspect of Ajay’s life begins to take centre- stage when his long comatose father Shankar Narayana (Prakash Raj) wakes up. Shankar Narayana’s coma is the result of an accident. In his prime, Shankar Narayana was a dynamic leader and a die hard fan of Sr. NTR. He was powerful and lived for the good of his people and he expects Ajay to be the same.

Afraid that Shankar Narayana might lapse into a coma if his expectations are not met, Ajay hatches a plan with the help of his associates to keep his father happy. At the same time, the Mumbai Mafia Don Nayak and Shankar Narayana share a past. What is that past? What does Ajay do to ensure his father’s happiness? And how does Ajay succeed in eliminating the bad guys? That is the crux of the story.

Performances: Mahesh Babu turns in a superb performance. He looks stunningly handsome as always and his Telangana dialect has received enthusiastic response from the crowds. Some actors overpower you into submission with their sheer charm and Mahesh Babu is one of them. His comedy timing is a revelation in this movie and he succeeds in making the audience laugh. His comedy scenes with Brahmanandam and M.S. Narayana stand out for their sheer entertainement value. His dialogues are good and punchy and have the required mass appeal.

Samantha looks good and acts well, but she hardly has any role in the movie. She appears just a few minutes before a song is due and leaves a few minutes after the song is over. But the screen chemistry between Mahesh and Samantha is a treat to watch.

Sreenu Vytla’s strength is comedy. He has a knack for bringing the best out of Brahmanandam and in Dookudu its no different. Brahmanandam is terrific as the landlord who is hell bent on making his mark as an actor. The way he requests the ‘audience’ for an sms vote is just way too hilarious. Brahmanandam is a major asset to this movie.

M.S.Narayana is way too good as the wannabe Hero Bokka Venkateswara Rao. His spoofs on Charan’s Magadheera, NTR’s Yamadonga, Balayya’s Simha and Rajni’s Robo are downright hilarious. Brahmaji is good in the limited role that he has. One wonders why he doesn’t get more full length characters.

Prakash Raj is good as the powerful local leader Shankar Narayana. Sonu Sood, Kota Srinivasa Rao and Shayaji Shinde are decent. Other actors like Chandra Mohan, Tanikella Bharani,master Bharath, Pragathi, Vennela Kishore and Nasser do their bits well. Subba Raju is wasted.

Parvati Melton looks hot in the item song ‘Poovai Poovai’.

Technical Departments : Thaman’s music is good and the background score is pretty decent. Guruvaram, Dethadi and Nee Dookudu have been shot well. Poovai Poovai is ok but not as good to see as it sounds. Cinematography by Guhan is pretty good but there were some inconsistencies in the DI work. Editing is fine.

Fights and dances were choreographed well. There are a good number of gunfights and fist fights to keep the fans and front benchers happy. Dialogues are very good and keep the proceedings interesting. Sreenu Vaitla deserves a pat for the good comedy scenes but a tighter screenplay in the second half would have really worked wonders.

Analysis and Verdict: Dookudu is a commercial Mahesh Babu entertainer all the way and is a must watch for fans. Regular movie going crowds and families will enjoy the superb comedy in the first half. Second half proceeds a little slowly and the movie is long at almost 2hrs 50minutes. But a brilliant blitzkrieg at the end by Brahmanandam and gang will liven up the proceedings again. .Brahmanandam and M.S.Narayana will stay with you a long time after you walk out of the theater. Watch it for the fantastic comedy and for Mahesh Babu’s stupendous performance.

123telugu.com Rating: As we are the official media partners for Dookudu, it is not in the right spirit to rate a movie that we have promoted. Hence, we are just writing our opinion of the movie. Read it, enjoy it and watch Dookudu

– Mahesh K.S

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Dookudu (U/A) 23/Sep/2011 Action, Drama 2Hrs 50 Min


Critics Review

Go and watch it..

With Seenu Vytla's comedy timing and a workable script, Mahesh Babu delivers an universally acceptable entertainer in the form of Dookudu after a gap of five years. (more)

Source: Idlebrain Review Board, Idlebrain

Mahesh Babu's show all the way

With a star-cast this huge and a technical crew that's willing to go the extra mile, you expect a neat screenplay as well, from Gopi Mohan. And this is where Dookudu meets its biggest stumbling-block. The screenplay wanders all over the place, has huge plot-craters and so many logic-less sequences that you pretty much lose count. (more)

Source: Pavithra Srinivasan, Rediff.com

Slick flick

This movie comes as a blessing for not just Mahesh Babu, but also for Tollywood, which is badly in need of a hit, after the recent spate of box office debacles. Srinu Vytla and Mahesh Babu have come out with a winner in "Dookudu". (more)

Source: Suresh Kavirayani, Times Of India

A better Mahesh and Vytla keep you engrossed

Dookudu is really a big leap in Mahesh brand entertainment. There is, delightfully, a bonus. The film is a big leap in Vytla brand entertainment as well. To put it in a nutshell, this awesome film has got everything which you might have expected (more)

Source: Indiaglitz Editorial Board, IndiaGlitz.com

You can enjoy the movie. Go for it.

Dookudu is a good action entertainer that compliments the spirit of this festive season. Content wise, the film offers nothing new but it provides enough entertainment to keep you engrossed. (more)

Source: JP, Telugucinema.com


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5 /5 Filmibeat

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Dookudu Story

Dookudu cast & crew.

Mahesh Babu

Dookudu Crew Info

Cinematography NA
Editor NA
Budget TBA
Box Office 101.00 Cr
OTT Platform TBA
OTT Release Date TBA

Dookudu Critics Review

Dookudu news.

Mahesh Babu’s Dookudu Clocks 9 Years; Sreenu Vaitla Pens A Heartfelt Note On The Occasion!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Dookudu

In this Dookudu film, Mahesh Babu , Samantha Ruth Prabhu played the primary leads.

The Dookudu was released in theaters on 23 Sep 2011.

The Dookudu was directed by Srinu Vytla

Movies like Pushpa 2: The Rule , Saripodhaa Sanivaaram , Janaka Aithe Ganaka and others in a similar vein had the same genre but quite different stories.

The soundtracks and background music were composed by Thaman S for the movie Dookudu.

The movie Dookudu belonged to the Action,Romance, genre.

Dookudu User Review

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Mahesh is look like perfectpolice

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Dookudu Review (Telugu)

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Dookudu Rating  3.12/5 From All the reviews on the web   Showing 5 Reviews

Dookudu Movie Review

Ratings: 3.5/5  Reviewer: Jeevi Site:Idlebrain

First half of the movie sets the plot up and it is entertaining. There are ups and downs in the second half, but the entertainment provided by Mahesh Babu, Brahmanandam and MS Narayana takes care of it. The plus points are Mahesh Babus charm, Seenu Vytlas comedy timing and a workable script. On the flip side, there is a bit of redundancy in villain characterizations. Mahesh Babu delivers an universally acceptable entertainer in the form of Dookudu after a gap of five years. Go and watch it.

  Visit  Site  for more Ratings: 2.5/5  Reviewer: Pavithra Srinivasan Site:Rediff

Dookudu, one of the most anticipated Telugu films of the year, arrives with some fantastic packaging and a star who bears the weight of such expectations effortlessly: Mahesh Babu. Such hero-worship has its plus-points, but also plenty of minuses. With a star-cast this huge and a technical crew that’s willing to go the extra mile, you expect a neat screenplay as well, from Gopi Mohan. And this is where Dookudu meets its biggest stumbling-block. The screenplay wanders all over the place, has huge plot-craters and so many logic-less sequences that you pretty much lose count.Bullets fly all over the place without harming a hair of the hero’s head, and the action-sequences are too many. Villains are vanquished in such silly fashion that you wonder what the point of the police investigation was.The length of the movie makes you wish editor M R Varma had been utilised better. But who cares when Mahesh Babu looms larger than life on the screen and leaves you no time to think?

  Visit  Site  for more   Ratings: 3.25/5  Reviewer: Venkat   Site:GreatAndhra

As usual, Vaitla relied on his strengths ie comedy and dialogues. During the first half, things are quite erratic and it is hard to connect. But second half covered up the entire thing and no one looks at the watch anymore. Overall, the film has the right ingredients to appeal the family audience and though most of it is expected, it is the pace and ability with which the audience is engaged and the entertainment value they get.At the box office, with no other film in sight and the hype created, the film will be invincible.

  Visit  Site  for more Ratings: — Reviewer: Manvitha Chowdary Site:Andhravilas

Dookudu is out and out an action and comedy entertainer. Everybody will come out of theatres with smile faces.Telugu industry is desperately waiting for a big success and this movie will definitely reach their expectations. This movie is regular Srinu Vytla kind of commercial entertainer. Family people and the people who love to watch comedy movies will definitely enjoy the movie

  Visit  Site  for more Ratings: 3.25/5  Reviewer: SuperGoodMovies   Site:SuperGoodMovies

Dookudu is a brand Srinu Vytla film laced with good humor and action. There is another angle to regular Srinu Vytla brand movies in it and that is the father sentiment. Whole story is based on the father-son sentiment and Srinu Vytla penned a screenplay around it in his own style. On a whole, Dookudu is a Srinu Vytla formula film carried on able shoulders of Mahesh Babu. It will entertain the holiday crowds and family audience. Fans will be extremely satisfied whereas people who look for something new might be disappointed with the formulaic stuff. Dookudu is a perfect entertainer for holiday crowds

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118 Review: Racy Enough

118 Review: Racy Enough

Movie: 118 Rating: 3/5 Banner: East Coast Productions Cast: Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Nivetha Thomas, Shalini Pandey, Prabhas Sreenu, Hari Teja, Rajeev Kanakala and others Dialogues: Mirchi Kiran, V. Srinivas Music: Shekhar Chandra Cinematography: K V Guhan Editing: Thammiraju  Action: Anbariv, Venkat, Real Sateesh Producer: Mahesh S Koneru Story, Direction: K V Guhan Release date: Mar 01, 2019

Even though the actor has been going bad phase with series of flops, Kalyan Ram’s “118” has generated some positive buzz thanks to its intriguing trailer.

Let’s analyse.

Story: Gowtham (Kalyan Ram), an investigative journalist, gets a dream when he stays in room no 118 in a resort. In his dream, he sees a girl getting beaten and a car being thrown into lake.

After waking up, he comes to a conclusion that he got similar dream earlier too when he stayed in the same room in previous months. He starts investigating the case to find out who the girl is.

Though his wedding is fixed with Megha (Shalini Pandey), he is keener on finding about this girl who turns out to be Aadhya (Nivedha).

Who is Aadhya? What has happened to her?

Artistes’ Performances: Kalyan Ram has looked more like a stylish cop than an investigative journalist. However, he is neat in the role.

Nivetha Thomas gets meaty role in the second half and the talented actress once again proves her acting capabilities. Her performance in the second half is the highlight.

Shalini Pandey gets raw deal as female lead. Prabhas Sreenu, Hari Teja and Rajeev Kanakala are okay.

Technical Excellence: The film is decent enough in terms of technical and production values. Cinematography and editing work gets noticed in the first half. 

Highlights: Concept Screenplay Nivetha Thomas Background score

Drawback: Predictability

Analysis Kalyan Ram has been trying to do something new from long time but success is favouring him on rare occasions.

“118” is his latest attempt to try his hand in the genre of investigative thriller that is directed by cinematographer K V Guhan.

The concept is fairly interesting. Hero getting dreams on full moon night and seeing the vision of a girl intrigues us in the beginning.

His investigative mission to trace her also holds our interest. The first half is racy enough to hook us to the screen and nothing new is presented.

However, the film’s so-called main twist or core plot is too formulaic. Films dealing pharma scams or medical scams and a character landing in trouble due to this has become a standard template for many thrillers.

Despite racy screenplay and the director’s attempt to focus sole on the story with no deviation from the main plot, the big twist doesn’t excite us.

Nivetha Thomas’s flashback episode is predictable. But her performance and the lean runtime are the major points of the movie.

Director K V Guhan, who has lent cinematography to many hit movies like “Dookudu”, “Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu” and “Jalsa” has chosen to introduce a new concept “Lucid Dreaming” (one can go back to the past event for few minutes in lucid dream) but that has not been fully capitalized. Nevertheless, it brings some novelty to this otherwise simple thriller.

But the romantic track between Kalyan Ram and Shalini Pandey is almost non-existent. This is negative aspect of the movie. Shalini Pandey and Kalyan Ram’s mother roles are just like props in the scene.

Also Kalyan Ram should not have been presented as action star. He doesn’t look like a journalist at all.

All in all, “118” is a neat thriller with some early decent sequences. Though it doesn’t present anything new, it doesn’t bore us either, it holds interest with racy narrative.

Bottom-line: Engaging

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  4. Dookudu Movie Review

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  6. Dookudu

    Dookudu (transl. Aggressive) is a 2011 Indian Telugu language masala film directed by Srinu Vaitla and written by Vaitla, Kona Venkat, and Gopimohan.It is produced by Ram Achanta, Gopi Achanta, and Anil Sunkara under the banner 14 Reels Entertainment. The film stars Mahesh Babu, Samantha, Prakash Raj, and Sonu Sood alongside Brahmanandam who played a supporting role.

  7. Dookudu Movie Review

    Analysis and Verdict: Dookudu is a commercial Mahesh Babu entertainer all the way and is a must watch for fans. Regular movie going crowds and families will enjoy the superb comedy in the first half. Second half proceeds a little slowly and the movie is long at almost 2hrs 50minutes.

  8. Dookudu Telugu Movie Review with Rating

    Dookudu Movie Review. Published at: Fri 23rd Sep 2011 12:25 PM IST. Director: Srinu Vaitla. Producer: Anil Sunkara, Ram Achanta. Release Date: Fri 23rd Sep 2011. ... In the Movie Dookudu: Shankar Narayan alias Shankar Anna (Prakashraj) is a mass leader in the area of Shankar Nagar in Hyderabad. He lives for poor and destitute people in his area.

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  13. Review : Dookudu

    Analysis and Verdict: Dookudu is a commercial Mahesh Babu entertainer all the way and is a must watch for fans. Regular movie going crowds and families will enjoy the superb comedy in the first half. Second half proceeds a little slowly and the movie is long at almost 2hrs 50minutes.

  14. Dookudu (2011)

    Dookudu (2011), Action Drama Thriller released in Telugu Tamil Malayalam language in theatre near you in kurnool. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & crew, photos & video gallery on BookMyShow.

  15. Dookudu Telugu Movie

    3.50. You can enjoy the movie. Go for it. Dookudu is a good action entertainer that compliments the spirit of this festive season. Content wise, the film offers nothing new but it provides enough entertainment to keep you engrossed. (more) Source: JP, Telugucinema.com. Dookudu is a 2011 telugu action drama film directed by Srinu Vaitla starring ...

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    Dookudu Rating 3.12/5 From All the reviews on the web Showing 5 Reviews. Dookudu Movie Review. Ratings: 3.5/5 Reviewer: Jeevi Site:Idlebrain First half of the movie sets the plot up and it is entertaining. There are ups and downs in the second half, but the entertainment provided by Mahesh Babu, Brahmanandam and MS Narayana takes care of it.

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  21. Dookudu

    Dookudu ( transl. Aggressive) is a 2011 Indian Telugu language masala film directed by Srinu Vaitla and written by Vaitla, Kona Venkat, and Gopimohan. It is produced by Ram Achanta, Gopi Achanta, and Anil Sunkara under the banner 14 Reels Entertainment. The film stars Mahesh Babu, Samantha, Prakash Raj, and Sonu Sood alongside Brahmanandam who ...

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    Music: Shekhar Chandra. Cinematography: K V Guhan. Editing: Thammiraju. Action: Anbariv, Venkat, Real Sateesh. Producer: Mahesh S Koneru. Story, Direction: K V Guhan. Release date: Mar 01, 2019. Even though the actor has been going bad phase with series of flops, Kalyan Ram's "118" has generated some positive buzz thanks to its intriguing ...