The Zygon Inversion Original Airdate: 7 Oct 2015

(We see Clara in her Zygon pod. Next, she's waking up suddenly in her own bed. The alarm clock shows the time backwards at first, then correctly. 6:26. The camera is at a slight tilt to convey unreality as Clara gets up and walks along the corridor to the bathroom. She opens the cabinet and takes out a tube labelled This Is Toothpaste, then squeezes some onto her toothbrush, dropping it in the sink when she sees that it is black.
DOCTOR [OC]: Clara. Clara!
(Clara goes to the living room.)
CLARA-Z [OC]: You're breaking up!
(The television screen is crackling with static signal.)
DOCTOR [OC]: The invasion has happened. You're probably surrounded by Zygons. Get to the Tardis, get yourself safe. Apparently my plane is never going to land. Let's see what we can do about that!
CLARA-Z: I'm sorry, but Clara's dead.
(Clara runs to the front door and opens it, but there is only a blank wall behind it. In the pod, her eyes move rapidly beneath the lids. She goes to the window in the living room and opens the curtains. Blank.)
CLARA: Dream checks.
(The newspaper print is gibberish.)
CLARA: Dream checks, dream checks.
(Except for down at the bottom of the page.)
CLARA-Z [OC]: It's your decision, Doctor.
(She turns more pages to read -)
CLARA-Z [OC]: Truth or consequences.
(The television now shows Clara-Zygon's viewpoint, through the missile launcher to the Doctor's aeroplane. Clara leaps up and jolts the screen. Clara-Z's arm jerks and the missile misses the plane.)

(Where Osgood is looking down out of a window.)
OSGOOD: Doctor?
(The plane rocks as the missile zooms past.)
DOCTOR: Missed!
(Clara-Z reloads and aims. Clara strains to move the TV again, but it won't budge. Instead, she shapes her hand as if it is on the trigger, and tries to stop her counterpart from squeezing. She bites it and Clara-Z fires the missile. The aeroplane goes Ka-BOOM! Clara-Z turns away, satisfied.)

(A frightened man carrying a couple of full plastic shopping bags runs up the slope from an underpass very like the one in Flatline, bumping into a street cleaner who is brushing sizzling bundles of hair along the ground. He drops his shopping and carries on running into the block of flats above the Fleet Estate Cenre, looking back occasionally at the impassive people standing and sitting around. Clara-Z comes up the slope and sees him run inside, then catches him up inside his bare and tatty living space.)
CLARA-Z: I know what you are.
ETOINE: Please. Please.
CLARA-Z: I'm going to set you free. Humans cannot accept the way we really are. If we cannot hide, we must fight. You are going to be the first. The first to make the humans see.
(She raises her arms and zaps his head. He falls then runs away. We hear squelching noises as his arm transforms into thick pink with suckers. He runs outside as more suckers pop out of his skin.)

(Clara-Z follows to watch the transformation as he stands in front of a group of unmoved teenagers, and films it on her phone.)
ETOINE: Help me. Help me. Help! Help me.
(Transformation complete, the terrified Zygon runs back into to the shopping centre. Clara-Z makes a call.)
CLARA-Z: Commander here. The first one has been changed. I'm going to UNIT to retrieve the Osgood box.
(In her mind, in her pod, Clara replays the moment the aeroplane exploded, then pauses the image on the TV. Two parachutes are visible. She smiles.)

(Littered with bits of wreckage. Osgood sits up, still wearing the parachute harness. She feels around her for her spectacles and finds they have broken at the bridge.)
OSGOOD: Doctor? Doctor!
(She shrugs off her harness and goes over to where he is getting out of his, nearby, sonic sunglasses safely on his nose.)
DOCTOR: Any questions?
OSGOOD: Why do you have a Union Jack parachute?
DOCTOR: Er, camouflage.
OSGOOD: Camouflage?
DOCTOR: Yes, we're in Britain. Oh, your specs are broken. I'll fix them. You can wear mine, they're sonic.
OSGOOD: Sonic specs?
OSGOOD: Isn't that a bit pointless? Like a visual hearing aid?
DOCTOR: What's wrong with pointless? I once invented an invisible watch. Spot the design flaw.
OSGOOD: You're talking nonsense to distract me from being really scared. It's one of your known character traits.
(She puts the sonic sunglasses on.)
DOCTOR: Don't look at my browser history.
(The sunglasses beep.)
DOCTOR: Yeah, I said don't.
(They reach the concrete jetty leading up off the beach and walk up it..)
OSGOOD: Why didn't that Zygon blow us up with her big bazooka?
DOCTOR: She did blow us up with her big bazooka. This is us being blown up with a big bazooka.
OSGOOD: But, I mean, she seems to know what she's doing. The first thing do if I wanted to invade the world would be to kill you.
DOCTOR: Thanks.
OSGOOD: I wouldn't even let you get talking, like you always do. Bullet between the eyes, first thing.
DOCTOR: Again, thank you.
OSGOOD: Twelve times, if necessary.
DOCTOR: Ah, yes. Why limit yourself? You've really thought this through, haven't you?
OSGOOD: I'm a big fan. But she gave you a chance to get out. She hesitated. If she had Clara's memory print, she'd know better than to give you even a second. You've gone quiet because I mentioned Clara. You think she might be dead.
OSGOOD: Are you okay?
DOCTOR: I don't know. I'm still in the hope phase.
OSGOOD: How's that going?
DOCTOR: Hell. Please talk about something else.
(In her mind, in the pod, Clara is miming texting with her eyes closed. In the real world, Clara-Z is texting without realising it.
Osgood and the Doctor reach the access road.)
OSGOOD: Why do they want to destroy the ceasefire?
DOCTOR: Don't think of them as rational. They're different. They don't care about human beings, they don't care about their own people. They think the rest of Zygonkind are traitors.
(The Doctor's phone bingles. New text message.)
DOCTOR: It's a splinter group.
(The Doctor takes it out of his pocket and looks. The sender is Clara.)
OSGOOD: Clara. Well, not Clara. The Zygon who
DOCTOR: The Zygon who probably killed her. Read it.
(She takes the phone.)
OSGOOD: It says, I'm awake.
DOCTOR: What does that mean? A political awakening? Why would she be sending me propaganda? She just blew me up with a big bazooka.
OSGOOD: Never really met Clara. Pretty strong, yeah?
DOCTOR: She was amazing.
OSGOOD: No. Not was. Is. It's not from the Zygon. It's from Clara.
OSGOOD: She's not dead. She's in a pod somewhere. They need a live feed to the information in her brain. But she's fighting back. She's trying to take control, piece by piece.
DOCTOR: Texting?
OSGOOD: How much more human do you get? The Zygon probably doesn't even know it sent this, or why it misfired that bazooka.
DOCTOR: You don't know. It's just a theory.
OSGOOD: Yes, it's just a theory, but how's that hope phase now?
DOCTOR: Worse than ever.
OSGOOD: Then we've got a game.

Clara-Z walks past a mirror to a picture of the First Doctor, which she moves to reveal a safe with a keypad. She opens it, then goes back to the mirror when she realises that instead of a reflection, it showed Clara and her living room as she went by. But it is just a reflection now, so she returns to the safe, removes a laptop and switches it on.)
OSGOOD 2 [on screen]: Hello. If you're watching this, I have been captured and interrogated.
OSGOOD 1 [on screen]: During the interrogation, I have revealed to you the existence of the Osgood box.
(Switch to view of Clara-Z's increasingly annoyed face.)
OSGOOD ? [OC]: I have revealed its location and the combination to open this safe. And guess what?
BOTH [on screen]: I lied.
OSGOOD 2 [on screen]: The Osgood box exists. But it's not here, so stop looking.
OSGOOD 1 [on screen]: Really, stop.
OSGOOD 2 [on screen]: The Osgood box can end the ceasefire.
OSGOOD 1 [on screen]: The Osgood box can start the war. The Osgood box can wipe out all humankind. But there's a reason it's called the Osgood box.
OSGOOD 2 [on screen]: Haven't you guessed?
(Angry Clara-Z grabs the lap-top and throws it to the floor, stamping on it.)

(The Doctor and Osgood go up to a police car.)
DOCTOR: Hello! Hi! Hello.
(The policemen wind down the window and he shows them his psychic paper.)
DOCTOR: Doctor John Disco. It was my plane. I had a big plane for purposes of er, poncing about.
(The policemen do not react.)
DOCTOR: It went off with a massive bang about half a mile that way? Actually, er... it's fine. We're... we're fine, aren't we?
OSGOOD: Yeah. Yeah.
DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes, we're fine. Just, er, move along. (quietly to Osgood) Come on.
(They walk away. Osgood calls Clara back.)
OSGOOD: She's answered.
DOCTOR: Hello.

CLARA-Z: You're dead.
DOCTOR: Yes, well, I'm dead now, and I think I might be a bit more dead in a minute. What's your plan, Zygella?
(The police car is reversing to block access back to the beach.)
CLARA-Z: I don't have a plan.
DOCTOR: Come on, you don't invade planets without having kind of plan. That's why they're called planets, to remind you to Hey, hey! That's good! Pun-tastic. Doctor Pun-tastic! Oh, come on, that was a good one, Zygella!
(The policemen get out of the car to follow them.)
CLARA-Z: Don't call me Zygella. My name's Bonnie. My name's Bonnie. (quick wink)
DOCTOR: And you're winking at me.
CLARA-Z: I am not winking at you. Where is the Osgood box? (wink)
DOCTOR: You do know what winking means? You're sending out some very mixed messages here. You know I'm over two thousand years old? I'm old enough to be your Messiah.
(More policemen are approaching.)
CLARA-Z [OC]: I am not winking at you. Where is the box?
DOCTOR: We need some wheels. The van!
(They return to a VW van parked half on the pavement and half on double yellow lines.)
DOCTOR: Okay. Non-verbal communication. I assume that you never bothered to learn Morse code. (sotto) Specs! Setting 137.
(Osgood sonics the car doors open.)
CLARA-Z: Tell me!
DOCTOR: Okay, we'll have to try something else. Twenty questions. Where's your pod? Is it in a tunnel? Is it in London?
(Clara-Z feels her eyelids twitching and raises her hand to cover one then both of them.)
DOCTOR: Thanks very much. Gotcha!
(They get into the van, Osgood into the passenger seat, the Doctor is driving.)
DOCTOR: Stay where you are, Clara. We're coming to get you. And for God's sake, don't let her into your memories.
CLARA-Z: Memories? What memories? What has she got? Don't tell her where the Osgood box is, and above all, don't tell her it is.

(Call ends. The Doctor hands the phone back to Osgood, starts the engine and drives off with a little wheel-spin.)
OSGOOD: Obviously, the Zygon could hear that.
DOCTOR: Obviously.
OSGOOD: So she's going to poke around inside Clara's mind, looking for answers.
DOCTOR: The mind of Clara Oswald. She may never find her way out. (he chuckles.)
OSGOOD: I don't think I've ever seen you smile before.
DOCTOR: Dazzling, isn't it?
(Phone beeps.)
OSGOOD: Oh. I got a ping on Clara's phone. It's the location Bonnie sent the text from. A shopping centre, south London.
DOCTOR: Ah, London. Perpetual city, cradle of culture, here we come! Clara, stay safe.
OSGOOD: She's posted a video link.
(BBC News, of course.)
WOMAN [OC]: A video supposedly showing an alien in south London is posted across the internet.
OSGOOD: This is the same place Bonnie texted from. We need to hurry.

(Clara-Z walks up to Clara's pod and taps on the window. The television comes to live.)
CLARA-Z [on screen]: Hello.
(Clara grabs the remote and tries to change channels.)
CLARA-Z [on screen]: Oh, there's no point turning over. There's nothing better on the other side. I could erase your mind.
CLARA: Then why haven't you?
(Clara-Z closes her eyes.)
CLARA: Having trouble?
(Clara closes her eyes.)
CLARA: Let's see what I can do.
(Clara-Z turns into a Zygon, falls down, then stands back up in human form again.)
CLARA: See, this thing works two ways, you know.
CLARA [OC]: I want those memories!
(Clara sits on the sofa to read her newspaper.)
CLARA: Trouble is, you're asking me for them, which means you can't access them, right?
CLARA-Z [in tunnel]: I can make you tell me.
CLARA: No, you can't, otherwise you would have done already.
CLARA-Z [in tunnel]: I can kill you.
CLARA: Go on, then.
CLARA-Z [in tunnel]: You think you're calling my bluff.
CLARA: I calling your bluff. You need me alive.
CLARA-Z [OC]: Only as a source of information.
CLARA: Then you'd better start asking questions.
CLARA-Z [in tunnel]: You'd better not lie.
CLARA: (laughs) You see, that's the problem. I am a brilliant liar. How are you ever going to know?
CLARA-Z [on TV]: Oh, Clara. For a moment, I thought you were clever.
(Clara-Z puts two fingers to the pulse in her left arm. The heartbeat is heard.)
CLARA-Z [on TV]: Our hearts are linked. Beat for beat. The one thing you and I can never do is lie to each other.
(Clara checks her own heartbeat.)
CLARA-Z [in tunnel]: Oh, that scared you, didn't it?

(The van screeches to a halt. The Doctor and Osgood get out. She is tracking the exact location of the text and video, and has her own spectacles on again.)
DOCTOR: London! What a dump.
OSGOOD: London's okay.
DOCTOR: No, it's not, it's a dump.
OSGOOD: You spend an awful lot of time here, considering it's a dump.
DOCTOR: I spend an awful lot of time being kidnapped, tortured, shot at and exterminated. Doesn't mean I like it.
OSGOOD: Well, this is where the video was shot. Bonnie was here. Come on, Doctor.

(The place is dark.)
DOCTOR: There's electricity in the air.
OSGOOD: It stinks. It smells like barbecues. (a few steps further in) Oh.
(Sizzling hairy lumps.)

CLARA-Z: Now, listen to me. Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to ask you questions and if you don't tell me the exact and complete truth, I will know and I kill you. Do you understand me?
CLARA-Z: I will slaughter you in that pod right now. Am I lying to you?
CLARA-Z: Good. Then we'll begin. Where is the Osgood box? You will answer me, Clara. Truth or consequences, lie and you die. Where is it?
CLARA: UNIT HQ. Under the Tower of London.
CLARA-Z: Where specifically?
CLARA: The Black Archive.
CLARA-Z: Ah, yes. The dark little storage facility for forbidden alien tech, where this all began. Who has access to it?
CLARA: The Osgoods.
CLARA-Z: Only the Osgoods?
CLARA: The Doctor sealed it up after the last time. Didn't want UNIT interfering with the ceasefire.
CLARA-Z: Don't avoid the question. Do only the Osgoods have access?
CLARA: The Doctor has access, too.
CLARA-Z: Who else? Ah. You. have access?
CLARA-Z: Is it a key? Or a code? No, a pass. A key code? Give it to me now.
CLARA: I can't.
CLARA-Z: Interesting. You're not lying.
CLARA: No, I'm not.
CLARA-Z: But you have access of some kind.
CLARA: Obviously.
CLARA-Z: Give it to me now.
CLARA: I told you. I can't. You I'm not lying, I give you access.
CLARA-Z: Okay, how do you get in there? How, physically, do you get in?
CLARA: It's automatic.
CLARA-Z: But how? Tell me!
CLARA: The door is keyed to my body print.
CLARA-Z: Ah, yes, your body print. You can't give me access, because I have access already. I'm you.
CLARA-Z: And what am I going to find? What's in the Osgood box? Clara?
CLARA: The box ends the ceasefire.
CLARA-Z: So I'm told. How?
CLARA: There's a button inside the box. Press it, it will transmit a signal that will unmask every Zygon on the planet for up to an hour. What's there to smile about?
CLARA-Z: Ah, mass panic followed by war. Every Zygon on our side at a stroke.
CLARA: Twenty million Zygons against seven billion humans. That's not a war you can win.
CLARA-Z: Then we will die in the fire, instead of living in chains.
CLARA: Most of your own kind don't want that.
CLARA-Z: Then it's time we stopped giving them a choice.
CLARA: It's time you asked the most important question.
CLARA-Z: Which is?
CLARA: I'm waiting.
CLARA-Z: Why's it called an Osgood box?
CLARA: I'm not telling you.
CLARA-Z: Good. I've been looking forward to hearing you scream.
CLARA: I'm not telling you, because when you get to the Black Archive, you'll find out for yourself. And when you do, you're going to want to speak to me again. Am I lying to you?
(The heartbeats say no.)
CLARA: See you later.
(She turns the TV off.)

(Using flash lights.)
DOCTOR: What's your name?
OSGOOD: Osgood.
DOCTOR: No, no, no. Your first name?
OSGOOD: What's first name?
DOCTOR: Basil.
OSGOOD: Petronella.
DOCTOR: Let's just, er, stick with what we had. I need to ask you, because it's important, because it might matter.
OSGOOD: What's important?
DOCTOR: Which one are you? Human or Zygon?
(A door opens nearby and something squelches. They run to find a Zygon, who in turn runs into a general store to try and hide. It turns back into the man from earlier, but not completely.)
DOCTOR: : We can help you.
ETOINE: It wasn't me. They attacked me. They saw me. I had to.
(The squelchy transformation should, but he doesn't change much, just the odd sucker. It clearly hurts.)
DOCTOR: It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. It's okay, it's okay.
ETOINE: A commander came. She turned me back! Argh!
OSGOOD: We can help. We can help you. Doctor, we can help him, can't we?
ETOINE: I'm not sure.
(A burst of electricity leaps from Etoine to the Doctor, who staggers briefly. Etoine runs.)
DOCTOR: Please! Come back! Come back!

(Kate enters with a Zygon escort.)
KATE: North America reporting back to High Command.
CLARA-Z: I'm going to the Black Archive. I'll open it up, you will follow.
KATE: Of course.
CLARA-Z: But first, locate the Doctor. If possible, duplicate him, and then kill him.
KATE: It will be my pleasure.

DOCTOR: I can't help you just now, but
(Another bolt of electricity leaves Etoine and grazes the Doctor.)
ETOINE: Why? I was happy like this. I was happy here.
DOCTOR: I understand.
ETOINE: I can't change. I can't hide.
OSGOOD: Let us help you.
ETOINE: No! You're Truth or Consequences.
OSGOOD: We're not. We're really not.
(Etoine transforms a little more.)
ETOINE: I'm not part of your fight. I never wanted to fight anyone, I just wanted to live here. Why can't I just live?
DOCTOR: We're on your side.
ETOINE: I'm not on anyone's side. This is my home.
DOCTOR: Listen, we are not them.
ETOINE: I can't go back now. You've taken my life!
(Etoine holds his hand up, palm towards his own face.)
DOCTOR: No, no, no! Stop! Stop! Stop,
ETOINE: They will kill me.
(Etoine commits suicide.)
DOCTOR: There it is, Osgood. There's their plan.

(Walking back through the shopping centre.)
DOCTOR: Unmask everyone, provoke fear, paranoia, provoke a war.
KATE: Doctor.
(Her escort now look like UNIT soldiers.)
DOCTOR: Kate! Are you all right?
KATE: Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?
DOCTOR: It's just I'd heard otherwise.
KATE: I'm fine. Doctor, we know where the Zygon command centre is. We know where Clara's pod is. We can take you there.
DOCTOR: Well, how very convenient, because that's just exactly what we're looking for.

CLARA-Z: And here it is, the Black Archive. Oh, I do like being you, Clara.
(Clara's pod is being wheeled on a box trolley by two UNIT soldiers.)
CLARA-Z: Everyone just waves you on past. Now, how does this work?
(She waves her left hand in front of a light and the vault door unlocks. Clara-Z leads the way in.)

(Kate leads the Doctor and Osgood to the pods, with the soldiers bringing up the rear.)
DOCTOR: Well, they like a good cave, don't they? How many of these pods are occupied?
KATE: We don't know.
DOCTOR: Which one is Clara's?
KATE: Well, that's strange. It was here before.
OSGOOD: Doctor, I think they're Zygons.
DOCTOR: Oh, you cheeky little monkeys!

CLARA-Z: Normalise.
(Her soldiers turn into Zygons. Clara-Z finds the room with a long table and the red Osgood box on the end of it.)
CLARA-Z: Well, Clara, I think you're reaching the end of your
(She steps into the room and sees something that shuts her up. Then her phone rings.)

(Kate is using the Zygon communicator.)
KATE: The Doctor is here.
CLARA-Z: Don't kill him. We need him alive.
KATE: What for?

CLARA-Z: Because I just found out why it's called an Osgood box.
(Move forward to reveal a blue box at the other end of the table.)

CLARA-Z [OC]: There's two of them.
DOCTOR: Two Osgoods, two boxes. Operation Double. What did you expect?

CLARA-Z: What's in them, Doctor? Tell me. Now!

DOCTOR: One box normalises all the Zygons.
CLARA-Z [OC]: And the other?
DOCTOR: Destroys them.

CLARA-Z: Which is which?

DOCTOR: Ah, that would be telling.

(Clara-Z walks out of the Archive and nods to the Zygon guards, who pull the top of Clara's pod. Clara stands. Then Clara-Z walks back into the Archive and puts her phone on the table as Clara is escorted in.)
CLARA-Z: Which box normalises the Zygons, Doctor? Tell me, or she dies.

DOCTOR: No. This is war. You pull the trigger, you pay the price.
CLARA-Z: Kill her.
(The Zygons put their hands to Clara's head.)
DOCTOR: The blue one! The blue one! The blue one normalises all your people.
(Clara-Z reaches out to the blue box, but doesn't touch it.)
CLARA-Z: Are you lying? Are you lying to me, Doctor?
DOCTOR: No, I'm not. And when you open up the box, you'll see I'm not lying.
(Clara-Z hits the top of the box. The lid opens to reveal a nicely carved Gallifreyan design with two red buttons, one labelled Truth, the other Consequences.)
CLARA-Z: Doctor?
(She opens the red box. It is the same.)
CLARA-Z: Doctor!
DOCTOR: Yeah, I know.
CLARA-Z: Bring him to me!

(The Zygons advance on the Doctor and Osgood. Kate shoots them in the back of their heads.)
KATE: Sorry, Doctor. Self-defence.
DOCTOR: You're you.
KATE: I'm me.
DOCTOR: How did you survive?
(Kate recalls the moment that Norlander transformed. She raised her gun and blam! blam! blam! blam! blam!)
KATE: Five rounds rapid.
(Angry Zygon Clara throws the mobile phone at the wall.)
KATE: I'm sorry, Doctor. I know you don't approve.
DOCTOR: Why does peacekeeping always involve killing?
(Kate drops the Zygon communicator and grinds it underfoot.)
DOCTOR: Is this the lot?
KATE: No, there are plenty more of them. They were the nearest. You are you?
OSGOOD: I'm me.
KATE: But human or Zygon?
KATE: What are we dealing with?
DOCTOR: Twenty million Zygons about to be unmasked. You don't know whether they are human or not. And you can't fight them, not with soldiers.
KATE: Which leads me to a very big question.
DOCTOR: Oh, I was really hoping that it wouldn't.
KATE: The Zee-67, Sullivan's gas, the gas that kills the Zygons. You took it.
DOCTOR: Well, you know how it is. Daddy knows best.
KATE: That's what's in the red box, yes? Of course it is. If I remember rightly, it causes a chain reaction in the atmosphere. Turns every Zygon on Earth inside out.
DOCTOR: Let me negotiate peace. You can't commit mass murder
KATE: Then why did you leave the gas with us?
DOCTOR: The boxes are safeguards for both species. You agreed to that.
KATE: I never agreed to that.
DOCTOR: Yes, you did, then I wiped your memory. And you agreed to that, too. But that's why there were two Osgoods to police the ceasefire. One human and one Zygon, to keep the secrets and keep the peace.
KATE: I'm sorry, Doctor. Truly. But the peace is failing already. Come on.

CLARA: It's no good, Bonnie. You can't win.
CLARA-Z: I don't care.
DOCTOR: Hi! Hello! Hello!
(The two Zygons seize Clara.)
DOCTOR: Oh, hello! Hi. Hi. Stop this. Stop this, please. Let me take both of these boxes away. We'll forgive, we'll forget. And the ceasefire will stand.
(Kate goes to the red box.)
KATE: Doctor, which of these buttons do I press? Doctor, which one? Truth or consequences?
(Bonnie aka Clara-Zygon stands at the blue box.)
CLARA-Z: Truth or consequences?
DOCTOR: This is the moment we've all been waiting for. Make your mind up time!
(He goes into American Game Show Host mode)
DOCTOR: : One of those buttons will destroy the Zygons, release the imbecile's gas. The other one detonates the nuclear warhead under the Black Archive. It'll destroy everyone in London. Bonnie. Bonnie, sweetheart! One of those buttons will unmask every Zygon in the world. The other one cancels their ability to change form. It'll make them human beings for ever. (normal) There are safeguards beyond safeguards. I did this on a very important day for me and this ceasefire stand.
CLARA-Z: This is wrong.
DOCTOR: No, it's not.
CLARA-Z: You are responsible for all the violence. All of the suffering.
DOCTOR: No, I'm not.
CLARA-Z: Yes. You engineered this situation, Doctor. This is your fault.
DOCTOR: No, it's not. It's fault.
CLARA-Z: I had to do what I've done.
DOCTOR: So did I.
CLARA-Z: We've been treated like cattle.
DOCTOR: So what.
CLARA-Z: We've been left to fend for ourselves.
DOCTOR: So's everyone.
CLARA-Z: It's not fair.
DOCTOR: Oh, it's not fair! Oh, I didn't realise that it was not fair! Well, you know what? My Tardis doesn't work properly and I don't have my own personal tailor.
CLARA-Z: The things don't equate.
DOCTOR: These things have happened, Zygella. They are facts. just want cruelty to beget cruelty. You're not superior to people who were cruel to you. You're just a whole bunch of new cruel people. A whole bunch of new cruel people being cruel to some other people, who'll end up being cruel to you. The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive. Why don't you break the cycle?
CLARA-Z: Why should we?
DOCTOR: What is it that you actually want?
(A long pause.)
DOCTOR: Ah. Ah, right. And when this war is over, when you have a homeland free from humans, what do you think it's going to be like? Do you know? Have you thought about it? Have you given it any consideration? Because you're very close to getting what you want. What's it going to be like? Paint me a picture. Are you going to live in houses? Do you want people to go to work? Will there be holidays? Oh! Will there be music? Do you think people will be allowed to play violins? Who's going to make the violins? Well? Oh, you don't actually know, do you? Because, like every other tantrumming child in history, Bonnie, you don't actually know what you want. So, let me ask you a question about this brave new world of yours. When you've killed all the bad guys, and when it's all perfect and just and fair, when you have finally got it exactly the way you want it, what are you going to do with the people like you? The troublemakers. How are you going to protect your glorious revolution from the next one?
CLARA-Z: We'll win.
DOCTOR: Oh, will you? Well, maybe, maybe you win! But nobody wins for long. The wheel just keeps turning. So, come on. Break the cycle.
CLARA-Z: Why are you still talking?
DOCTOR: Because I want to get you to see, and I'm almost there!
CLARA-Z: Do you know what I see, Doctor? A box. A box with everything I need. A fifty percent chance.
KATE: For us, too.
(Both women have their hands poised over the buttons. The Doctor resumes Games Host mode.)
DOCTOR: And we're off! Fingers on buzzers! Are you feeling lucky? Are you ready to play the game? Who's going to be quickest? Who's going to be luckiest?
KATE: This is not a game!
DOCTOR: No, it's not a game, sweetheart, and I mean that most sincerely.
(Do a search on Hughie Green if you don't get the reference.)
CLARA-Z: Why are you doing this?
KATE: Yes, I'd quite like to know that, too. You set this up. Why?
DOCTOR: Because it's not a game, Kate. This is a scale model of war. Every war ever fought, right there in front of you. Because it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning. Sit down and talk! (sigh) Listen to me. Listen, I just, I just want you to think. Do you know what thinking is? It's just a fancy word for changing your mind.
CLARA-Z: I will not change my mind.
DOCTOR: Then you will die stupid. Alternatively, you could step away from that box, you can walk right out of that door and you could stand your revolution down.
CLARA-Z: No! I'm not stopping this, Doctor. I started it. I will not stop it. You think they'll let me go, after what I've done?
DOCTOR: You're all the same, you screaming kids. You know that? Look at me, I'm unforgivable. Well, here's the unforeseeable. I forgive you. After all you've done, I forgive you.
CLARA-Z: You don't understand. You will never understand.
DOCTOR: don't understand? Are you kidding? Me? Of course I understand. I mean, do you call this a war? This funny little thing? This is not a war! I fought in a bigger war than you will ever know. I did worse things than you could ever imagine. And when I close my eyes I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count! And do you know what you do with all that pain? Shall I tell you where you put it? You hold it tight till it burns your hand, and you say this. No one else will ever have to live like this. No one else will have to feel this pain. Not on my watch!
(Kate closes the lid of the red box and steps back.)
DOCTOR: Thank you. Thank you.
KATE: I'm sorry.
DOCTOR: I know. I know. Thank you. (to Clara-Z) Well?
(Long, long pause.)
CLARA-Z: It's empty, isn't it? Both boxes. There's nothing in them. Just buttons.
DOCTOR: Of course. And do you know how you know that? Because you've started to think like me.
(Clara-Z drops her hand away from the buttons.)
DOCTOR: It's hell, isn't it? No one should have to think like that. And no one will. Not on our watch. (their eyes meet) Gotcha.
CLARA-Z: How can you be so sure?
DOCTOR: Because you have a disadvantage, Zygella. I know that face.
KATE: This is all very well, but we know the boxes are empty now. We can't forget that.
DOCTOR: No, well, er, you've said that the last fifteen times.
(He sonics the memory filter in the ceiling. Bang! Osgood leans an unconscious Kate against a rack of stuff. Clara-Z closes the blue box.)
CLARA-Z: You didn't wipe my memory.
DOCTOR: No. Just Kate's. Oh, and your little friend's here, of course. (the Zygons) When they wake up, they won't remember what you've done. It'll be our secret.
CLARA-Z: You're going to protect me?
OSGOOD: You're one of us now, whether you like it, or not.
CLARA-Z: I don't understand how you could just forgive me.
DOCTOR: Because I've been where you have. There was another box. I was going to press another button. I was going to wipe out all of my own kind, man, woman and child. I was so sure I was right.
CLARA-Z: What happened?
DOCTOR: The same thing that happened to you. I let Clara Oswald get inside my head. Trust me. She doesn't leave.

(Clara-Z goes through the Drakeman Junior School boiler room to the giant Command polyp, and manipulates its fronds.)
CLARA-Z: Zygon High Command. The ceasefire is back in place. The rebels are standing down. You are all (pause) safe.
(She transforms into a Zygon to move the last frond.)

OSGOOD: The Tardis.
DOCTOR: The Tardis.
OSGOOD: What does it stand for?
DOCTOR: What? You're kidding me? Surely you know that?
OSGOOD: Well, I've heard a couple of different versions.
DOCTOR: I made it up from the initials. It stands for Totally And Radically Driving In Space. Do you want to come? All of the future, all of history, and all of the universe?
OSGOOD: More than anything. But I think I have to stay. I've got a couple of boxes to keep an eye on. And a world to keep safe.
DOCTOR: Fair enough. Clara, would you mind er
CLARA: Mind what?
DOCTOR: I'll see you in the Tardis, okay?
CLARA: (penny drops) Er, yeah, sure.
(She goes and hugs Osgood.)
CLARA: Take care, you.
OSGOOD: You take care of him. Don't let him die or anything.
CLARA: What if he's annoying?
OSGOOD: Then fine.
CLARA: Got ya.
(Clara goes into the Tardis and shuts the door.)
DOCTOR: I need to know. Which one are you?
OSGOOD: I'm Osgood.
DOCTOR: Human or Zygon?
OSGOOD: I'll answer that question one day. Do you know when day that will be?
OSGOOD [OC]: The day nobody cares about the answer.
(A second Osgood in 7th Doctor duffel coat, paisley scarf etc steps out from behind Osgood, where we know there was no one before. Her spectacles haven't got a mend on the bridge.)
OSGOOD 2: Gotcha!
OSGOOD: Oh, look at his face.
OSGOOD 2: It's almost not fair.
DOCTOR: (stuttering) But I don't, I don't. How, how?
OSGOOD: Oh, think it through, Doctor.
OSGOOD 2: Well, it wouldn't be right, would it?
OSGOOD: To carry on using Clara's face
OSGOOD 2: When there's a vacancy.
DOCTOR: Zygella?
OSGOOD: Osgood!
DOCTOR: But which one of you
BOTH: Osgood!
OSGOOD: It doesn't matter which of us is which.
OSGOOD 2: All that matters is that Osgood lives.
OSGOOD: And nothing's going to stop us!
DOCTOR: You're a credit to your species, Petronella Osgood.
OSGOOD: No, Basil.
OSGOOD 2: We're a credit to both of them.
DOCTOR: Oh, and you should know. I'm a very big fan.
(He goes into the Tardis and shuts the door.)

CLARA: So, you must have thought I was dead for a while?
CLARA: How was that?
DOCTOR: Longest month of my life.
CLARA: It could only have been five minutes.
DOCTOR: I'll be the judge of time.
(He pulls the lever and the Tardis dematerialises.)

OSGOOD: Ice creams?
OSGOOD 2: Yes, ice creams. Then back to work.
OSGOOD: What's today?
OSGOOD 2: Oh, you know, same old, same old. Defending the Earth.
(The Osgoods look at each other and use their inhalers, then walk away side by side.)

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Doctor Who series 9: The Zygon Inversion review

Peter Capaldi brings Britain to a standstill with his best performance in Doctor Who to date. Our review of The Zygon Inversion...

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This review contains spoilers. Our spoiler-free review is here.

9.8 The Zygon Inversion

“Who’s going to make the violins?”

I spent a sentence or two in my reaction to last week’s Doctor Who, The Zygon Invasion , arguing that for this one to work, the closing chapter really had to catch everything that writer Peter Harness had thrown into the air. He certainly threw enough up there, after all, in his world-trotting opener.

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I was a bit wary, because earlier in the series, I really loved Under The Lake an awful lot, and felt Before The Flood , for instance, didn’t quite match the same standard. Very good, but slightly below its excellent opener.

In the case of The Zygon Inversion , however, I’m calling this one a triumph. I really, really liked it a lot. No, sod it: I think it’s an outstanding, bold, ambitious, brilliant, gripping piece of television. A testament to what Doctor Who can do, that many of its contemporaries over the year can’t get within pissing distance of.

Never let anyone tell you that sci-fi, fantasy, so-called children’s programmes and their ilk belong in a nice little box away from the mainstream. Doctor Who has just blasted a 45 minute lesson in tolerance, the state of the world, war and the futility of conflict straight into people’s living rooms while The X-Factor was on the other side.

I really can’t applaud this enough.

“Totally and radically driving in space”

I’m going to jump to the two centerpiece scenes for me, and then come back round to talk about the rest of The Zygon Inversion .

And the first is the utterly dominating sequence, where Peter Capaldi out-Peter Capaldis everyone on the entire planet. If you’re like me, there are still goosebumps on your arm.

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Because as his speech continues, and continues, and continues, it’s as if the world stops still.

Thus, with Kate and Bonnie both in possession of Osgood boxes that they believe hold the necessary tools for war, the Doctor starts talking. Nearly ten minutes later, he’s still talking. And if you weren’t listening at the start, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you won’t be able to take your eyes off the screen by the end.

This, I’d argue, is the best work the already-excellent Peter Capaldi has done in Doctor Who to date. “There are safeguards beyond safeguards. I did this on a very important for me”, he says, launching into the impassioned speech, using nothing more than words to try and prevent the end of the world.

Two opposing forces – represented by Bonnie and Kate – with boxes and buttons in front of them to cause mass devastation. And the Doctor simply has to talk them out of it.

Capaldi throws everything at this. He switches tone, accent and verocity with a staggeringly precise degree of control. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, and every time Kate or Bonnie entered the conversation, I was practically counting the seconds until the Doctor retorted. “This is not a game, Kate”, he suddenly roars. And roar is surely the world.

It doesn’t matter that the boxes are empty, ultimately. Because the Doctor wins out using pure intelligence, reason, and argument.

“This is a scale model of war. Every war ever fought, right there in front of you”

It’s the pinnacle of what writers Peter Harness and Steven Moffat have done here. They’ve taken the second part of a very big story, and at the point everyone’s supposed to come together in a big fight, they talk instead. Granted, it’s Capaldi talking. But still: rather than building up to an SFX-dominated smash-up, The Zygon Inversion keeps narrowing in on what actually matters.

Two-parters, as a rule, aren’t supposed to do this. The quieter stuff tends to happen in part one, the loud pay-off in part two. But the inversion of the title could easily refer to this story’s structure itself. This is a part two where the cast is smaller, the scale is smaller, the number of speaking roles is smaller, the jokes are cut back (although not entirely: I’d be fascinated to see the Doctor’s browser history), the number of locations is smaller. And yet the stakes feel sky-high.

Underpinning this, of course, is what the episode is also talking about.

Whether you regard what the two Zygons stories have been saying as subtext or front and centre, it’s 90 minutes of television that’s achingly relevant. That’s allowing massive, important things to be broached, and abjectly refusing to dumb them down.

What’s more, the more I think about the ending, the more unsettling it is. I’m talking about the casual moment where the Doctor says it’s the 15th time he’s had the same argument to keep the Zygon peace treaty in tact. That this basically happens seemingly all the time , we just never usually get to see it.

There’s a superb episode of the Battlestar Galactica reboot, 33 , that gets across the relentlessness and the repetition of war, in science fiction clothes. For my money, The Zygon Inversion eclipses even that.

All sides of the conflict are relatable. Their positions are understandable. It’s the fact that it feels so real and normal that makes it feel so quietly chilling.

Meanwhile, some people sang songs on the other side. At a point where the BBC is seemingly under relentless attack, this is what a licence fee buys you. Karaoke is free, as long as you’re happy to watch the John Lewis advert. Ambitious Saturday night drama has to be paid for.

“You’re all the same you screaming kids, you know that?”

There’s another major scene that doesn’t deserve to be overlooked in amidst the showering of praise heading Capaldi’s way. And it’s another patient sequence, as Clara and Bonnie – Clonnie! – interrogate one another.

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What I like about this is that firstly, it’s Jenna Coleman’s best work of the series to date. It’s the best thing she’s been given to do, certainly, but that notwithstanding, she knocks it out of the park.

I’ve struggled with the character of Clara this series, in truth, but she’s excellent here, reacting against herself, and convincingly getting across a difficult scene. Also, I like how Harness and Moffat continually shift the balance of power in the conversation.

At first, then, Clara is cocky. But then the excellent moment where Clonnie starts monitoring her pulse is ingenious. The dynamic of the chat instantly changes, and changes again later on as Clara turns this to her advantage. The Doctor’s greatest advantage has always been his intelligence, and in this scene, this is where Clara has best followed that herself.

These, for me, were the two standout moments. And in truth, when The Zygon Inversion began, I was a little worried. I feared it’d cheated its way out of its cliffhanger, as the surface to air missile being aimed by Clonnie was aiming directly for the Doctor’s plane. There’s no way that could be avoided, right?

Well, cut to the inside of a Zygon pod – with some clever inversions of its own within – that looks distinctly like Clara’s bedroom. There’s even something of a nod to Repo Man in there. It snuck itself out of a tight corner, and from that point on, The Zygon Inversion gathered its momentum. It didn’t look back one.


Perhaps there are one or two things not entirely clear: which Osgood is which? Are they both Zygons? Is it Clara’s strength of character that’s ultimately allowed her to resist, and ultimately save the Doctor? Is it right that the show leans on that? There’s debate and discussion to be had there, certainly.

There’s also plenty left in the locker to explore at a later date, because the more I think about it, nothing is actually resolved as such. People have died, battles have been fought, just so all the pieces can effectively be reassembled back in the board in the same place we found them at the start.

But then that’s the point.

I accept that some people don’t want strong political messages in their Doctor Who , and some also prefer its subtexts to be more undercover than they were here. But I’m not one of them. Doctor Who has an almost unrivalled ability to talk to a broad audience, right across the world, about whatever it wants to talk about.

Tonight, I think it did just that.

See you next week, Basil.

Our review of last week’s episode, The Zygon Invasion, is here .

Simon Brew

Simon Brew | @SimonBrew

Editor, author, writer, broadcaster, Costner fanatic. Now runs Film Stories Magazine.

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doctor who zygon inversion speech

Doctor Who S9 • Episode 8

The Zygon Inversion

Sets: Doctor Who (2005-2022) Twelfth Doctor

3.93 / 5 465 votes

Doctor Who Series 9

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With the splinter group of Zygons now ahead of the Doctor, there is only one thing standing in their way of obliterating the human race and taking the Earth for themselves: a moral dilemma!

Is Bonnie willing to compromise the peace already in place, just for the sake of Zygons not needing to hide, even if it means making enemies not only of humanity but of her own race?

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Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.

doctor who zygon inversion speech

Twelfth Doctor

doctor who zygon inversion speech

Clara Oswald

doctor who zygon inversion speech

Kate Stewart

doctor who zygon inversion speech

Petronella Osgood

Related Stories:

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Where to watch The Zygon Inversion:

The complete ninth series blu-⁠ray.

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The Complete Ninth Series DVD

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Series 9: Part 2 Blu-⁠Ray

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Series 9: Part 2 DVD

doctor who zygon inversion speech

The Eighth Doctor Rocks the Twelfth Doctor’s ‘Zygon Inversion’ Speech

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One of the best moments of series 9 of Doctor Who came in the eighth episode, “The Zygon Inversion,” during the climax of the two-part invasion story. Peter Capaldi ‘s Twelfth Doctor delivers an impassioned and fiery speech about the futility of war and the importance of sitting down, talking, and thinking about the consequences of what “mutually assured destruction” actually means. It’s brilliant. Capaldi says the lines written by Steven Moffat and Peter Harness with such exasperation, it’s hard to imagine any other Doctor saying it. But, thanks to a recent sci-fi convention, we don’t have to imagine!

Paul McGann, who portrayed the Eighth Doctor in a TV movie in 1996, has gone on to be one of the most beloved and prolific Doctors thanks to his enormous catalog of audio adventures from Big Finish Productions. At Megacon in Orlando, FL over the weekend, McGann was asked by a fan to take a crack at what his compassionate, soft-spoken Doctor would make of this speech, and the results are wildly different but equally as moving. Take a look in the clip above (don’t worry — we’ll wait).

What I think I love the most about this iteration is, clearly, McGann is just cold reading this and yet he still manages to imbue it with gravitas and depth. He’s really excellent as the Doctor, and it all comes down to his way of being intense and forceful without raising his voice and shouting. He’s really terrific; if you haven’t heard his audios before I’d highly recommend them.

What do you think of alternate Doctor takes on famous speeches? What mix-and-match moments would you love to see/hear? Let me know in the comments below!

— HT: io9 Image: BBC

Kyle Anderson is the Weekend Editor, a film and TV critic, and the resident Whovian for Follow him on Twitter!

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The Zygon Inversion (TV story)


The Zygon Inversion was the eighth episode of series 9 of Doctor Who .

This episode dealt with the concept of war , and the consequences of it. As the Doctor points out, no matter how many lives are lost or what destruction ensues, it always boils down to both sides sitting down for negotiation. The episode also saw the Twelfth Doctor describe the immense pain he felt while fighting in the Time War in an emotional and angry speech for the first time since his predecessor discovered that the War Doctor had not destroyed Gallifrey in The Day of the Doctor , demonstrating and showing that, while the Doctor had been absolved of the weight of destroying Gallifrey and the Time Lords after discovering they had survived, his actions as the War Doctor during the majority of the Time War had left the Doctor with severe PTSD and an immense amount of guilt.

It did not elaborate if the human Osgood or Zygon double was still alive, instead having Bonnie fill the vacancy in the form of a replacement double for the one of the two who had been killed by Missy in Death in Heaven . Osgood explains that she can be either version; Zygons don't need the person that they copy if their memories are unneeded. In a behind the scenes extra, Ingrid Oliver , who played Osgood, has chosen which of the original Osgood duo is left, but she kept which one she picked a secret.

  • 3.1 Uncredited cast
  • 5.1 Locations
  • 5.2 The Doctor
  • 5.7 Conflict
  • 5.8 Cultural references
  • 6.1 Ratings
  • 6.2 Filming locations
  • 6.3 Production errors
  • 7 Continuity
  • 8.1 DVD & Blu-ray releases
  • 8.2 Digital releases
  • 9 External links
  • 10 Footnotes

Synopsis [ ]

With the splinter group of Zygons now ahead of the Doctor , there is only one thing standing in their way of obliterating the human race and taking the Earth for themselves: a moral dilemma!

Is Bonnie willing to compromise the peace already in place, just for the sake of Zygons not needing to hide, even if it means making enemies not only of humanity but of her own race?

Clara awakens in her apartment, deciding to get ready for the day; she grabs a white tube that only has black letters spelling "This is toothpaste". However, when she attempts to use it, black gunk comes out of it, making Clara drop the tube and toothbrush. Clara soon hears Bonnie 's voice taunting the Doctor, finding her living room television filled with static. She quickly checks a magazine, finding it filled with gibberish, except for the words she hears Bonnie speaking; she's dreaming. Running through her apartment, Clara finds walls blocking her door and windows. In the real world, Clara spasms as if trying to wake up.

Grabbing a remote, Clara manages to tune her dream to Bonnie's consciousness, allowing what the Zygon is looking at to appear on the television screen. Bonnie has Boat One in the cross-hairs of a bazooka. Realising the Doctor is in danger, Clara knocks her television over. As a result, Bonnie's arms fly to her left the moment she fires the rocket, changing its trajectory. It flies just past Boat One, with the Doctor and Osgood noting that she missed them.

Bonnie passes this off as a spasm, reloading her bazooka. Seeing the television back up, with Bonnie is targeting the Doctor again, Clara tries to toss the television aside again but finds it stuck. Frantically thinking, Clara tries using her link with Bonnie to force her to hold off on firing another shot. Finding herself losing, Clara bites her finger, hoping to stop Bonnie; however, the Zygon gets her shot off and blows up Boat One successfully this time. Bonnie smiles at the smouldering remains of the plane falling through the sky.

Later, members of Truth or Consequences have murdered more humans in London , and covered the area with their symbol as a message. Returning to their human forms, most lounge around the area while one in the form of sanitation engineer sweeps up the remains of their victims. A man, Etoine , is running in fear with his shopping bags; he trips, losing his shopping. Fearful of what's behind him, he leaves the bags behind and runs into the nearby apartment complex. Moments later, Bonnie approaches calmly, with a smile on her face.

Etoine gets to his home and locks the door; hearing a knocking, he looks out to see Bonnie. He runs further inside, as Bonnie forces the door open; she corners him in his living room. It turns out that Etoine is a Zygon. Bonnie tells him that the humans will never accept them for who they really are and that he will be the first to make them see. Despite his pleas to leave him alone, Bonnie zaps his head, prompting Etoine to flee. She follows with a dark smile on her face. Outside, Etoine asks his fellow Zygons to help him maintain his disguise, but they ignore him. Unable to keep his human form, Etoine completely reverts back to Zygon form; hoping to avoid causing a panic, he runs into the nearest building.

Bonnie films Etoine

Bonnie films Etoine.

Unknown to Etoine, Bonnie was merely using him as a pawn; she recorded his transformation on Clara's phone. She posts it on the internet to spread panic and paranoia among the humans, hoping to force the rest of the Zygons to join the splinter group. With this task done, Bonnie informs Truth or Consequences that she is heading to the UNIT HQ to retrieve the Osgood Box to start the war against humanity.

At the same time, Clara reviews Bonnie's memory of seeing Boat One explode on the television in her dream. She pauses it and looks closer at the scene. Two dots are seen falling away the moment the plane exploded; she smiles, realising that the Doctor parachuted away from the plane right as it blew up.

On a beach, Osgood frees herself from her chute and notices her glasses are broken. The Doctor asks her if she has any question, to which she asks about the Union Jack on his chute; he responds that it's camouflage to blend in while he's in Britain. He offers Osgood his sonic sunglasses in the meantime, telling her not to look at his user history; she finds the idea of sonic eye-wear silly. The Doctor tells her he once invented an invisible watch - "spot the design flaw." Osgood tells him that he's talking nonsense to distract her, one of his best-known traits. Osgood then tells him that Bonnie made the mistake of giving him a chance; if she wanted to take over Earth, she would kill him outright with a bullet between the eyes twelve times and not let him talk. The Doctor notes how oddly prepared Osgood is for that scenario; she tells him it's because she's such a big fan.

As the Doctor and Osgood trek on, she notes that it's rather odd that Bonnie didn't blow them up with her big bazooka. However, the Doctor retorts "this is us blown up by a big bazooka". Osgood explains that if Bonnie had Clara's memories, she would know better than to give him a chance as that will come back to haunt her. Realising the Doctor has gone silent because she's mentioned Clara, Osgood asks how he's feeling; the Doctor says he's still in his " hope phase". When Osgood asks him how that is, he tells her it's Hell and to change the subject.

Elsewhere, Bonnie is walking through the streets. Unknown to her, Clara uses their link to manipulate her right hand; Clara is using her phone to text. The Doctor gets the text, which says "I'm awake.' Wondering if it means a political awakening, he becomes confused as to why the Zygon is sending him propaganda if it thinks it blew him up. However, Osgood tells him that it came from Clara, telling the Doctor that she's fighting back. She asks how his hope phase is, to which the Doctor says is worse than ever. Smiling, Osgood tells him that they have a game now.

Bonnie enters the UNIT base and opens a safe behind the portrait of the Doctor's original incarnation . She briefly notices her reflection in the mirror is wrong, displaying Clara in her pyjamas from the dream, but when she goes back to check her reflection is normal. She finds a laptop inside and turns it on. A message from the two Osgoods plays, explaining that if they were captured and interrogated, they gave up the location of this laptop. However, the Osgood Box is not there; they firmly explain that it's the truth and further looking would be a waste of time. They smile, asking the watcher if they've figured out why it's called an Osgood Box. Seething with anger, Bonnie snarls and tosses the laptop to the ground, stomping on the worthless device until it's in small pieces.

Back on the beach, the Doctor and Osgood see a police car . Racing up to it, the Doctor passes himself off as "Dr John Disco", telling the officers that his plane blew up, but there's nothing to worry about. However, the officers don't appear that surprised by what he's telling them. Worrying that they may be Zygons from the splinter group Truth or Consequences , the Doctor and Osgood begin walking away. However, another pair of officers begin approaching from where they came from. Seems like the Doctor was right about the officers being Zygons; humans would be excited and endlessly questioning them.

Osgood video calls Clara's phone, surprising Bonnie that they're still alive. Taking the phone, the Doctor asks what the plan is, only for Bonnie to say she doesn't have one; he tells "you don't invade a planet without a plan; that's why they're called planets, to remind you to plan it." Bonnie asks him where the Osgood box is, winking due to Clara trying to signal the Doctor. Thinking the Zygon is flirting with him, he states "I'm old enough to be your messiah ". However, Bonnie insists that she isn't winking; realising it's Clara, the Doctor tells Osgood to use the sonic sunglasses to break into a nearby van. As Clara wouldn't know morse code , the Doctor learns from her winks, which stand for "yes", that her pod is in London; he then tells Clara not to let the Zygon know what's in her mind. Boarding the van, he is told by Osgood that obviously Bonnie heard that; he smiles, knowing that - "The mind of Clara Oswald; she'll never find her way out."

At the Zygon nest, Bonnie approaches the pod holding Clara and telepathically talks to her; Bonnie appears on the TV screen in Clara's dream. Clara uses the link to force Bonnie back to Zygon form briefly. However, upon saying she's a great liar, Clara is shocked when Bonnie tells her they share a pulse and will be monitoring it to make sure she's telling the truth; one lie and Bonnie will kill her. Bonnie interrogates her, learning the Osgood Box is at the Black Archive under the Tower of London and that Clara does have access. Bonnie is then surprised to learn Clara can't give her the access, because she already has it; she has Clara's bodyprint, so she automatically has access. However, Clara taunts Bonnie, saying though she's given this information, the Zygon will still need her. " Kate " arrives, explaining the Doctor is on his way; Bonnie orders that he be copied, if possible, but disposed of.


Etoine's hiding place.

On their way back to London, Osgood finds the video Bonnie posted on the Internet. Recognizing the location, the Doctor and Osgood head to south London shopping centre the Fleet Estate Centre . Exiting the van, the Doctor declares that London is a cradle of culture - "what a dump." Osgood counters the Doctor's comment by noting that he's spent a lot of time here for not liking the place. The Doctor points out that he also spends a lot of time almost getting killed; that doesn't mean he has to like the experience.

Entering the Centre, they find several piles of dead people. The Doctor asks Osgood for her first name, but she asks for his name; going with "Basil", the Doctor learns her full name is Petronella Osgood . Not liking it, he tells her they should stick to what they had. They see Etonie hiding near by, and give chase when he runs at the sight of them. Cornered, Etoine explains he was just defending himself; he didn't want to kill those humans. Having trouble keeping his human form due to the zap Bonnie gave him, he says he didn't want to be a part of their war. They try offering help; however, he thinks they may be more of Bonnie's stooges. Not wanting to live under the rule of Truth or Consequences , Etoine kills himself out of fear. Kate arrives with two guards, telling the Doctor and Osgood that she knows where the nest is; it's also where Clara's pod is. The Doctor is elated by the news, telling Kate to lead the way.

At the Black Archive, Bonnie skips to the storage room. Smiling, she tells Clara it is so much fun being her, as she just got waved through for simply looking like Clara Oswald. Behind her, two disguised Zygons are wheeling Clara's pod after Bonnie. However, the moment she enters the room, her smile fades at the sight of the Osgood Box .

At the Zygon nest, Kate attempts to show the Doctor where Clara's pod is, only to find it missing. However, the Doctor then realises that he just walked into a trap; the guards turn back into Zygon form. Bonnie calls the Zygons, explaining that she found out why it's called an Osgood Box - there's two of them. "Operation Double, two Osgoods; what did you expect?" the Doctor laughs. Bonnie has Clara awakened, but learns she doesn't know which of the boxes is the right one; Clara points out that Bonnie should have already known this because their minds are linked. When Bonnie threatens to kill Clara to force his cooperation, the Doctor explains the blue one will revert the Zygons to normal, while the red one kills them. However, much to Bonnie increasing anger, there are two buttons in both boxes, and both say Truth and Consequences. He refuses to tell which button does which, making Bonnie order his execution.

The Zygon Inversion doctor and osgood

The Doctor and Osgood, surprised by Kate.

However, Kate shoots the Zygons dead instead. A surprised Doctor asks who she is, to which Kate says "I'm me". When the Zygon attacked her back in New Mexico , Kate emptied her gun into it and took its place to get close to Bonnie. Kate apologises to the Doctor, knowing he isn't a fan of killing, but would approve of it if done in self-defence. She then smashes the communicator, asking who Osgood is; Osgood states she is herself. Kate then wonders if that means she's human or Zygon; however, Osgood firmly tells her that she is Osgood and no-one else. The Doctor tells them they don't have time for this; they need to get to the Black Archive.

At the Black Archive, Bonnie is pondering her next move. Clara tells her that she can't win; however, Bonnie voices the fact that she doesn't care. The Doctor, Osgood and Kate arrive, with the Doctor asking to be let to take the boxes away; without them to cause any more senseless slaughter, they can move on to forgiving and forgetting about Truth or Consequences ' attempt to break the ceasefire. However, Bonnie is defensive, believing that she won't be forgiven for all the deaths she caused.

Kate goes over to the red box, ready to use it to defend the human race, while Bonnie goes to the blue one, ready to liberate the Zygons. The Doctor tells them Bonnie's box will either cause the Zygons to revert to their true forms for an hour or cancels their ability to change form, thus making them human for good; Kate's box will either release " imbecile's gas " (a gas poisonous to Zygons created by Harry Sullivan ) into the atmosphere or detonate the nuclear warhead beneath the Black Archive, destroying London.

"There are safeguards beyond safeguards. I did this on a very important day for me. This ceasefire will stand." the Doctor declares to both Kate and Bonnie.

Zygon guards (The Zygon Invasion)

Clara, held hostage

The Doctor asks Bonnie what it actually is that she wants, to which she answers: war. He then asks her to paint a picture of what the future will be like; will there be music, jobs, etc? As she can't give an answer, the Doctor scolds her, telling Bonnie that she's like every other tantruming child ; she doesn't actually know what she wants. He further asks what will Bonnie do once everything is right and just, with all "the bad guys" gone, what will protect her "glorious revolution" from the next, because there will still be rebels in any species. When Bonnie says that they will continue to win, the Doctor says that they might, but NOBODY wins for long.

With both Kate and Bonnie willing to press their buttons on the gamble of a 50-50 chance, the Doctor can't resist making fun of the situation like a game show announcer; he then snaps at them, yelling that isn't a game, but a scale model of every single war in the universe's history. The Doctor continues, saying no matter how right you feel at the beginning, you don't know who's going to die, whose families are going to be torn apart, whose lives are ruined forever. This situation right now in the Black Archive is what it every single war always boils down to; what both sides should have done at the very beginning: "Sit down and talk!"

Bonnie accuses the Doctor of setting up the entire problem; however, he retorts that it's HER fault because she caused this rebellion. They then get into an argument about what's fair; the Doctor tells her that unfairness is a part of life. However, Bonnie still refuses to stand down, claiming that she will be punished for her revolution. The Doctor chides her, comparing her to a child thinking that they're unforgivable. He then tells her something that she didn't foresee; he forgives her, after all the horrible things that the splinter group has done. He goes on to explain that the only way to break the senseless cycle of cruelty and hatred is having the ability to forgive others for their mistakes.

When Bonnie says the Doctor could never understand her situation, the Doctor is incredulous, he tells her that this little squabble isn't a war; he fought in a bigger war than she will ever know. Growing angrier and traumatised as he remembers, the Doctor tells her that he did more horrible things that she can imagine and when he closes his eyes, he can still hear the countless screaming of the victims. Clara closes her eyes in response, having seen the Time War herself and knowing of the true horror the Doctor's seen. He tells Bonnie that what you do with this pain is to hold it tight until it burns your hands and you say: "No-one else will ever have to live like this. No-one else will ever have to feel this pain."


The Doctor sees that he's won Bonnie over

Kate, moved by the Doctor's agony, closes the box, which the Doctor quietly thanks her in relief. The Doctor turns to Bonnie and smiles, knowing he's persuaded her; when asked how he knows, the Doctor tells her that she has the disadvantage of having Clara's face and the Doctor knows when he's won her over. Bonnie then asks him if the boxes are empty; he confirms this, telling her that she only figured this out by starting to think like him - "it's hell, isn't it?" However, Kate is less than amused; they know the boxes are empty now, so this can't work twice. Telling Kate that she's said that 15 times, the Doctor wiped her memory with the device in the ceiling; Bonnie's guards also had the memories wiped. In short, Bonnie was not persuaded 15 times, so the Doctor kept erasing everyone memories to get a good result.

Closing her box, Bonnie asks why her memory was spared; Osgood tells Bonnie that it's because she's part of their team now. Bonnie asks how the Doctor knew she would side with him. He tells her it's the same thing that happened to him; he let Clara Oswald get into his head. The Doctor explains that he once planned to use a similar box to bring an end to a terrible war because he thought it was the only way. However, thanks to Clara, he was able to come up with a better solution. Bonnie looks at Clara with a smile. The Doctor smiles at Bonnie, telling her that once Clara gets in your head, "she never leaves."

Bonnie returns to her nest, telling her comrades the revolution is over and that they're safe. She then abandons Clara's form, returning to her true Zygon self. Outside the nest, the Doctor asks Osgood to travel with him; however, she turns him down, saying that she needs to be around to make the Nightmare Scenario work out like this again. Per the Doctor's request, Clara hugs Osgood on his behalf. However, the Doctor is left bewildered that Osgood never thought of what the TARDIS stood for; he tells her it stands for "Totally And Radically Driving In Space". Clara boards the TARDIS, waiting for the Doctor to take her on another adventure.

The Doctor tells Osgood that he needs to know which she is: human or Zygon? Osgood smiles, telling him that she will answer that one day. To the Doctor's shock, another Osgood walks up, telling him that the day will be when the answer doesn't matter. The two of them explain that it wouldn't be okay to use Clara's face when there's a vacancy for an Osgood. Both of them say that it doesn't matter which is Osgood and which is Bonnie, only that Osgood lives. "You're a credit to your species, Petronella Osgood ." the Doctor tells them. However, the Osgoods correct him, stating they are a credit to both species. Smiling, he turns to the TARDIS, but turns back; the Doctor states he's a fan of their work.

Back in the TARDIS, Clara asks the Doctor if he thought she was dead for a while. Solemnly, the Doctor states "Longest month of my life". Clara laughs, saying it could have only been for a few minutes. Pulling a lever, the Doctor tells Clara to let him be the judge of time.

After the TARDIS departs, both Osgoods decide to get ice cream before heading back to work.

  • The Doctor - Peter Capaldi
  • Clara - Jenna Coleman [1]
  • Osgood - Ingrid Oliver [2]
  • Kate - Jemma Redgrave
  • Etoine - Nicholas Asbury
  • Zygons - Aidan Cook , Tom Wilton , Jack Parker

Uncredited cast [ ]

  • Voice of the Zygons - Nicholas Briggs [3]
  • Police Officer 1 - Ben Nash [4]
  • Police Officer 2 - Jon Davey [5]



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Worldbuilding [ ]

  • Spooner Minicabs is seen.
  • Piacentini's barber shop is seen.
  • A BBC News report is seen.

Locations [ ]

  • The Fleet Estate Centre is visited.
  • The block of flats that Etoine lives in is called Meelfe House .

The Doctor [ ]

  • The Doctor jokes to Osgood that his real name is "Basil".
  • The Doctor jokes that, as he is over 2000 years old, he is old enough to be Bonnie's Messiah .
  • The Doctor jokes around with Bonnie, using puns, calling himself "Doctor Pun-tastic".
  • The Doctor escapes the plane in a parachute with a Union Flag on it.
  • The Doctor once created an invisible watch , which had an obvious design flaw.
  • The Doctor keeps a browser history in his sonic sunglasses and advises Osgood not to look at it.
  • Osgood says that if she wanted to kill the Doctor, she would do so quickly by shooting him in the head, twelve times if necessary, referring to his regeneration cycle .
  • Clara has apparently unfettered access to the Black Archive and is one of the only individuals with this.
  • Clara is aware of the Osgood Box and, it is implied, is aware of there having been two Osgoods at one time.
  • The newspaper in Clara's dream that she checks to ensure she's dreaming reads gibberish, indicating that to her it holds no significance.
  • Clara exhibits sufficient willpower to control Bonnie's actions, and even cause the Zygon to lose human form briefly.
  • Osgood's first name is revealed to be Petronella.
  • The Zygons have a communication device that works the same way a phone does.
  • Bonnie is compared to a child having a tantrum by the Doctor.
  • Bonnie is nicknamed "Zygella" by the Doctor.

Conflict [ ]

  • The Doctor likens Bonnie's proposed war on humanity to a game compared to the scale of the Time War .

Cultural references [ ]

  • The Doctor affects an American accent and briefly impersonates a stereotypical game show host.
  • The concept of a box containing a secret that was revealed after the contestant chooses which button to push was an aspect of the real-life Truth or Consequences TV game show.
  • The Doctor has a Union Jack parachute, in a nod to James Bond in The Spy Who Loved Me .

Story notes [ ]

  • The episode had the working titles of Truth or Consequences and Inversison of the Zygons.
  • The same day as the previous episode aired, a plane was bombed in a way reminiscent of the cliffhanger. [6] Harness was worried that this might cause the second part of the story to be delayed, so asked TARDIS Eruditorum author Elizabeth Sandifer to do an occult ritual to keep things in the show's favour, just in case. [7]
  • Bonnie and Clara can be told apart by their hair. Clara's is kept down, while Bonnie keeps hers up.
  • In the original script, Kate learned of a missing police officer named Bonnie Carter, who was identical in appearance to Clara and had departed with the Zygons. The first death amongst the Zygon community in Truth or Consequences was called Clyde Orson, and was a duplicate of Danny Pink . The Doctor and Osgood used the TARDIS to travel to the past and follow the Zygons as they resettled in New Mexico. They learned that the Zygon leaders, the schoolgirls Claudette and Jemima , had executed Clyde Orson because the death of Danny Pink had caused him to believe himself to actually be the original human; this was their attempt to preserve the peace treaty. However, when Bonnie was called to investigate the murder, it exacerbated the tension she was already sensing between the Americans and the “British” expatriates, leading to her radicalisation. In the present day, three Doctors were active simultaneously, two of them being Zygon allies, while Kate was rescued from Truth or Consequences by American marines. The United Kingdom was being isolated by the international community as it became increasingly dominated by the Zygons; scenes would have depicted politicians and even the cast of EastEnders engaged in replacing authentic humans with Zygon duplicates. However, the Doctor discovered that the splinter Zygons were being manipulated by a human cabal who intended to wipe them out and take over Great Britain. He brought a recalcitrant Bonnie and the United Nations Security Council together to forge a lasting peace treaty. Bonnie then sacrificed her physical form, allowing Clara to take control of it as her real body succumbed to its injuries.
  • Originally, Clara's attempts to influence Bonnie were ultimately unsuccessful, leaving Kate with no choice but to shoot Bonnie to stop her from triggering an Osgood Box. The Doctor then revealed that this was not the first time that she had been forced to take lethal action towards a radicalised Zygon, only to forget the events due to the memory-wiping effects of the Black Archive.
  • Peter Harness observed that the series had only occasionally ventured into the realm of body horror, with The Rebel Flesh [+] Matthew Graham , Doctor Who series 6 ( BBC One , 2011 ). / The Almost People [+] Matthew Graham , Doctor Who series 6 ( BBC One , 2011 ). representing a rare exception. As such, he became interested in exploring how people would react if a Zygon were forced to assume its natural form in their midst. This material originally focussed on a vicar called Emily who transformed in the middle of a police officer 's funeral, before the ill-fated Etoine was developed instead.
  • Daniel Nettheim and Peter Capaldi had discussed their approach to the Doctor's speech in detail, and ultimately agreed that it should be filmed as a long single take.
  • This two-parter formed Block Four of season nine.
  • In an interview for Den of Geek, Peter Harness mentioned that the Doctor's de-escalation speech originally included several additional sections. These were cut out of the final draft of the script, mostly for pacing reasons. One of the sections included the Doctor asking Bonnie about whether everyone will be forced to grow and eat beetroot . During a convention appearance in New Zealand a few weeks after the episode aired, Peter Capaldi performed a version of the complete speech . [8]

Ratings [ ]

  • BBC One Overnight: 4.13 million
  • BBC America Overnight: to be added
  • Final UK ratings: 6.03 million [9]

Filming locations [ ]

  • Watchtower Bay, Barry
  • MOD Caerwent
  • Western Avenue, Cardiff
  • Pennsylvania, Llanedeyrn, Cardiff
  • Maelfa Shopping Centre, Llanedeyrn, Cardiff

Production errors [ ]

  • When the Doctor, Clara, and Osgood arrive at the TARDIS, the Doctor is a few feet away from it. In the next shot, he is standing right next to it.
  • When the pod lid is taken off you can see Clara's hair is messed up but when the Doctor is talking to Bonnie and Kate her hair is brushed and neat.

Continuity [ ]

  • The painting of the First Doctor in the Unit Safe House opens to reveal a safe. ( TV : The Zygon Invasion )
  • In her dream, Clara hears Bonnie's last words for the Doctor before firing the missile launcher, as well as the missile being fired. ( TV : The Zygon Invasion )
  • Kate Stewart explains that she survived her encounter with a Zygon by firing "five rounds rapid," a phrase used by her father . ( TV : The Dæmons )
  • The Doctor uses his iPhone again. ( TV : The Zygon Invasion ) He and Bonnie at one point communicate using Facetime. ( TV : Before the Flood )
  • Boat One is blown up again. ( TV : Death in Heaven )
  • Bonnie watches the video filmed by the Osgoods. ( TV : The Zygon Invasion )
  • The naval surgeon who invented the anti-Zygon gas Z-67 is named Sullivan . ( TV : Terror of the Zygons , The Zygon Invasion ) The Doctor calls him an imbecile, just as he once did in his fourth incarnation . ( TV : Revenge of the Cybermen )
  • Clara urges Bonnie to kill her by saying "go on, then", when Bonnie threatens her. She previously did the same with the Half-Face Man , a trick she, in turn, learned from Courtney Woods . ( TV : Deep Breath )
  • Clara says she's a great liar. ( TV : Death in Heaven )
  • The Black Archive is revisited and the memory-eraser is reactivated. The beginning of the peace-treaty is also mentioned. ( TV : The Day of the Doctor )
  • The battle helmet of a Mire is in the Black Archive . ( TV : The Girl Who Died )
  • The Doctor recalls the intense pain of his experiences in the Last Great Time War . Furthermore, the Osgood Boxes are directly based off the Moment to reflect the way his war incarnation struggled not to use its destructive potential. ( TV : The Day of the Doctor )
  • The Doctor says that he can still hear the screams of those who suffered when he closes his eyes. Kahler-Jex was also affected by his actions in such a way. ( TV : A Town Called Mercy )
  • Clara performs a "dream check" to gauge the state of her reality when she wakes up. ( TV : Last Christmas )
  • The Doctor mentions an invisible watch he once made. ( TV : The Caretaker )

Home video releases [ ]

Dvd & blu-ray releases [ ].

  • The Zygon Inversion was released as part of the Series 9, Part Two DVD and Blu-ray boxsets in region 1/A on 26 January 2016 , in region 2/B on 4 January 2016 and in region 4/B on 13 January 2016,
  • It was later released as part of the Complete Ninth Series DVD and Blu-ray boxsets in region 1/A on 5 April 2016, in region 2/B on 7 March 2016 and in region 4/B on 9 March 2016.

The Complete Series 9

Digital releases [ ]

  • In the United Kingdom, this story is available on BBC iPlayer .

External links [ ]

  • Transcript of The Zygon Inversion at Chrissie's Transcripts Site

Footnotes [ ]

  • ↑ Coleman also plays Bonnie while she impersonates Clara.
  • ↑ Oliver plays both the human and the Zygon original members of Operation Double in the recorded video messages. In addition, she plays Bonnie after she becomes a new member of Operation Double.
  • ↑
  • ↑
  • ↑ Metrojet Bombing
  • ↑
  • ↑
  • ↑ Ratings DW
Seasons 1-4:
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Seasons 4-6:
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Seasons 7-11:
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Seasons 12-18:
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: - • • • • •
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: - : • • • • •
: - • • • • • (unfinished)
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Seasons 19-21:
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Seasons 21-23:
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: ( • • • )
Seasons 24-26:
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TV Movie & 2013 specials:
TV Movie:
Series 1:
Regular episodes • • • / • • • • / • • /
Series 2-4:
: -
Regular episodes • • • • / • • / • • • /
Regular episodes • • • / • • • / • • / /
Animated special
Regular episodes • • • / • • • / • • • /
Animated special
Seasonal specials • • •
Series 5-2013 specials:
Regular episodes • • • / • • • / • • • /
Minisodes /
Regular episodes
/ • • • / •
Regular episodes
• • • • •
Regular episodes
• • • •
Regular episodes
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Series 8-10:
Regular episodes • • • • • • • • • • /
Regular episodes / • / • • • / • • • •
Regular episodes • • • • • • • • • • /
Series 11-13:
: -
Regular episodes • • • • • • • • •
Regular episodes • • • • • • • /
Regular episodes ( • • • • • )
Seasonal specials • •
60th Anniversary Specials:
• •
Series 14-present:
: -
Regular episodes • • • • • • /
Major • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • / • • / • • • • • / • : • •
Minor • • • • • / • / • • • • •

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For the purposes of this list, a "Zygon story" is one in which , outside of flashbacks to previous stories and cliffhangers that lead into the following story. For this reason, is absent due to the ambiguity of a Zygons' presence.
Broadcast • • /
Home video
  • 2 The Doctor
  • 3 Time Lord

REVIEW: Doctor Who: ‘The Zygon Inversion’

By leah tedesco | nov 9, 2015.

doctor who zygon inversion speech

Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave), the Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Osgood (Ingrid Oliver), and Clara (Jenna Coleman) in ‘The Zygon Inversion.’ (Credit: BBC)

As I am compiling this slideshow and writing my own bits, I feel disoriented… as if I were being kept in stasis in a virtual reality pod somewhere. I am quite haggard, but the show must go on, so to speak.

Anyway, hello, dear readers, and welcome to this week’s staff opinion slideshow. In this installment, we will be discussing Episode 8 of Series 9 of Doctor Who , ‘The Zygon Inversion.’ Let us start with an excerpt from the instantly iconic speech given by the Doctor at the climax of the episode:

"You’re not superior to people who were cruel to you, you’re just a whole bunch of new cruel people. A whole bunch of new cruel people being cruel to some other people, who’ll end up being cruel to you. The only way anyone can live in peace is if they’re prepared to forgive. Why don’t you break the cycle?"

This entire speech is an example of diplomacy at its finest. And who better to give such a speech than the Doctor?

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By the end of this two-parter, we have come to know the following:  Jac is dead, Kate is not dead, Clara is not dead, yet, and one of the Osgoods is dead, but there are two again. Not entirely a happy ending, but better than complete annihilation. Will we see the Osgoods again? Probably. And, as most fans would say (myself included), hopefully.

Now that we have come to the end of the prologue, we present to you our main attraction. Also, don’t forget to take our reader poll at the end.

Next: The One Who Got Away

Osgood (Ingrid Oliver) checks the mirror, while the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) checks his messages. (Credit: BBC)

David Hill – Co-Editor

Well, there it was, the moment that Whovians had waited for. The Doctor had offered to take Osgood aboard the TARDIS, and when she accepted, the torch would be ready to be passed from Clara to a true fan favorite. It was to be the perfect moment.

Except, that didn’t happen. Osgood declined the invitation to journey with the Doctor, despite that being everything she ever wanted. Her sense of duty overrode her desire to travel with her idol, citing her need to keep the Osgood Box safe as the reason why she declined. It was certainly not what anyone would have expected in that moment.

In fact, this appears to be a wasted opportunity. Even though Osgood had a good reason to remain behind, she would have been the perfect companion. Her bravery is unquestioned, and she has the intellect to be able to match wits with the Doctor. Osgood would have been a departure from the eye candy companion, and instead would have been someone who could have pushed the Doctor to another level.

Instead, she has, for now at least, remained behind on Earth. Perhaps, at another time, she will take the Doctor up on his offer, and we can finally get another companion that can challenge him. At this point, however, this is just another missed opportunity on Doctor Who .

Next: Top-Notch Storytelling

Clara’s Zygon duplicate (Jenna Coleman) has the Osgood Box. (Credit: BBC)

James Aggas – Staff Writer

I am really, really loving Series 9 of Doctor Who . With ‘The Zygon Inversion,’ I very much enjoyed watching how something that seemed hardly resolved in ‘The Day of the Doctor’ (which to be honest is still a favourite of mine) was more fully explored, and we find out exactly what the Doctor is prepared to do to ensure peace.

Usually, Doctor Who stories focus on the Doctor and his companion working out the plans of the alien threat, so it was actually refreshing in a way to see almost the exact opposite with this story. We see a lot of things from the Zygon Bonnie’s point of view while she works out the mystery of the Osgood Box, not just where it is, but what it really does, as well. It’s even more refreshing to see Clara being a major part of the secret. There have been times when the Doctor has had major plans and schemes, although in a lot of those instances, he’d keep everything secret even from his companion (looking at you, Seven), so it’s really good to see the companion in the loop as much as the Doctor is.

I also appreciated that, whereas last week’s episode was told on a massive scale, things are now once again scaled back to focus on the more emotional and philosophical aspects of the story. The way it all paid off was incredible, with Capaldi giving an amazing performance in his efforts to talk Bonnie out of her plan.

Last week’s episode showed what kind of grand-scale storytelling Doctor Who can tell; this week’s was a perfect example of how something as simple and low budget as a scene with only a few actors and two boxes can still feel epic and emotional.

(Also, how many classic fans like me cheered when Kate said, “Five rounds, rapid”?)

Next: Twelve's Defining Moment

Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, with what appears to be a suit of armor from the Mire in the background. (Credit: BBC)

Joel Getter – Staff Writer

Every Doctor has his defining moment. It’s that scene that we watch over and over again on the DVR, that we can quote verbatim, and that makes us excited to be Doctor Who fans. Although ‘The Zygon Inversion’ was a great episode in its own right, the truth is that Capaldi’s impassioned speech to end the cycle of violence was that shining moment for his Doctor. Capaldi was able to showcase his extraordinary acting chops, putting this scene right up there with Eccleston’s everybody lives scene in ‘The Doctor Dances’ and Smith’s speech in ‘The Pandorica Opens.’

I feel like Capaldi continues to grow and become more comfortable as the Doctor. In some ways, the changes seem very drastic as he is often a very different Time Lord than the one we experienced last series. However, I welcome the changes as to me I see Capaldi putting more of his own personality into the role. There are really funny moments with his Doctor, but they don’t detract from the weight of the universe that sits on the Doctor’s shoulders.

Rather than finding the simple solution that may have neutralized Zygella and her radical group, the Doctor saves the day by appealing to Zygella’s humanity. Many fans are saying Capaldi channeled a lot of Tom Baker in his performance, but he definitely brought some Sylvester McCoy in there too with his reliance on trickery and mind games to achieve his goals. The Doctor’s speech brings the episode full circle to flashing back to the Time War and the impact that Ms. Clara Oswald has had on his lives.

As the dark cloud of Clara’s fate comes closer, I’m excited to see what Capaldi will bring to the table next. Long live Doctor Basil Funkenstein!

Next: Spy vs Spy

Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave), Clara (Jenna Coleman), and Osgood (Ingrid Oliver) — or more likely, their Zygon duplicates. (Credit: BBC)

Leah Tedesco – Assistant Editor/Staff Writer

Just as I had anticipated, Series 9 Episode 8 of Doctor Who , ‘The Zygon Inversion’ was a smashing second half to this story. The suspense was palpable as we witnessed the characters navigate some intensely dire scenarios. I could carry on about things such as how fantastic the Doctor’s speech was (it was) and how disappointed I was that Osgood chose to not travel with the Doctor (I was). Instead, however, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss other aspects of the story — that it was one of name reveals and secret agents.

In ‘The Zygon Invasion,’ we were introduced to two new  aliases  for the Doctor: Doctor Disco and Doctor Funkenstein. (He also referred to himself as Doctor Pun-Tastic, but we won’t count that one as an actual alias.) In ‘The Zygon Inversion,’ he introduced himself as John Disco (a derivation from his former long-running alias, John Smith) and also lied to Osgood that his real first name is Basil. It would be quite humorous if he eventually pieced together the name Doctor Basil Funkenstein.

The Doctor refers to Bonnie as Zygella, presumably her given Zygon name. Also,  Osgood  finally revealed that her first name is Petronella. I wonder if, now that Bonnie is no longer in the form of Clara, she will keep the first name to be Bonnie Osgood, or if she will also be Petronella. We never learned which first name was used by the deceased sister. What I find peculiar is that, despite being adamantly opposed to the Zygons living as humans, Bonnie did not want to go by her Zygon name.

And then there’s this gem for the TARDIS: Totally and Radically Driving in Space.

If it is true that a live human is still required to make a Zygon copy, and Bonnie switched to Osgood’s form at the end of ‘The Zygon Inversion’ because the other Osgood was killed, then the one wearing the Seventh-Doctor-inspired clothing is logically the human.

While Bonnie was a double agent, Kate was a triple one. The terrorist Zygon faction thought that the human Kate had been killed and that a Zygon copy was acting as a double spy for them. We were all lead to believe this until she turned on the Zygon guards and explained that she was, in fact, her original self.

Next: What Does Doge Think?

Very Story, Much Identities, So Zygons, Such Complex, Wow – credit:

Thank you for that, Doge. (Why, yes, I did make a meme just for this slideshow.) Anyway, here is another excerpt from the Doctor’s speech from this episode, because it is just that damn good:

"When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who’s going to die! You don’t know whose children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning — sit down and talk!"

Speaking of sitting down and talking, our virtual roundtable for the ‘The Zygon Inversion’ has come to a close. Join us to continue the discussion, won’t you? Scroll down for the user poll below the next post box. Also, if you would like, you can give us more detailed feedback in the comments section.

Next: REVIEW: The Zygon Invasion

Check back in with us next week for our roundtable review of Episode 9 of Series 9, ‘Sleep No More.’

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Doctor Who S35 E8 "The Zygon Inversion" » Recap

The zygon inversion.

Doctor Who S35 E8 "The Zygon Inversion" Recap

"I don't understand? Are you kidding? Me? Of course I understand. I mean, do you call this a war, this funny little thing? This is not a war! I fought in a bigger war than you will ever know! I did worse things than you could ever imagine! And when I close my eyes... I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count! And you know what you do with all that pain? Shall I tell you where you put it? You hold it tight , till it burns your hand! And you say this: No one else will ever have to live like this! No one else will ever have to feel this pain! Not on my watch! " — The Doctor , explaining what makes him tick since the Time War.

The one where we learn the Doctor's true name is... Basil!

Sigh... Shall we quote Rule #1 ? note  Don't talk about Fight Club ?

Also the one where Kate Stewart shows she is definitely her father's child... by shooting stuff. With " Five Rounds Rapid ". Twice.

Clara has been replaced by the leader of the Zygon rebels, Bonnie, who's just fired a rocket at the Doctor's plane. Kate Lethbridge-Stewart was attacked by another Zygon in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico . Things look dire.

Clara wakes up in her flat. She goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth, but the toothpaste has turned into disgusting black goo. She goes to her living room and turns on the TV, and sees through Bonnie's eyes. She checks the doors and windows, only to discover they're missing. She checks the newspaper, and finds it reads absolute gibberish, the classic sign of a dream. She sees Bonnie preparing to launch a rocket at the Doctor's plane. Clara jolts the TV to one side, causing Bonnie to miss. Bonnie prepares to fire another rocket. This time Clara manages to delay her from firing. After the plane has been destroyed by the second rocket, Clara rewinds and pauses the "footage", and sees two parachutes among the debris. She smiles.

Bonnie is back in London , and she's after someone. She follows a terrified Zygon, who just wants to live in peace, into his apartment, and does something to him that prevents him from maintaining control over his form. He flees in terror, and is recorded on camera running into a shopping mall in his true form. Bonnie posts this video to the Internet. Clara, dreaming in her pod, manages to covertly text the Doctor a message without Bonnie's knowledge: DOCTOR, I'M AWAKE.

The Doctor and Osgood parachuted out of the plane to safety. The Doctor's parachute has a Union Jack printed on it, which he justifies as camouflage because "We're in Britain!" Osgood broke her glasses on landing, so the Doctor lends her his sonic sunglasses while he jury-rigs a repair. They walk into town. The Doctor checks his messages, and discovers Clara's text. He's somewhat mystified as to why Bonnie would send him something like this, as he believes Clara to be dead. Osgood guesses the truth — that Clara sent it, and Bonnie is unaware. The Doctor and Osgood wind up stealing a van and taking off for London after a run-in with some suspicious police officers.

Bonnie goes to the UNIT safehouse where she knows information on the Osgood Box can be found. She finds a laptop, with the message from the Osgoods seen at the beginning of the last episode, in a safe behind a portrait of the First Doctor. She does not find the box itself, and destroys the laptop in a rage.

So, what is the Osgood Box? What is its role in the peace between humans and Zygons? And what will happen when Bonnie finds it?

  • The Zygon who Bonnie turns back is not named in the episode, but in the credits is named as Etoine.
  • And Then What? : Asked by the Doctor to Bonnie about her plans for war and the Zygon society she plans to build afterwards. It turns out she hasn't thought that far ahead. The Doctor: And when this war is over, when you have a homeland free from humans, what do you think it's gonna to be like? Do you know? Have you thought about it? Have you given any consideration because you're very close to getting what you want. What's it gonna be like? Paint me a picture. Are you gonna be living in houses? Do you want people to go to work? Will there be holidays? Oh, will there be music? Do you think people will be allowed to play violins? Who's going to make the violins? Well? Oh, you don't actually know, do you? Because like every other tantruming child in history, Bonnie, you don't know what you want. So let me ask you a question about this brave new world of yours: When you've killed all the bad guys, and it's all perfect, and just, and fair, when you have finally got it exactly the way you want it, what are you going to do with the people like you? The troublemakers. How are you going to protect your glorious revolution from the next one?
  • "Truth or Consequences" for this two-parter. "Win" also turns up again (last brought up in " The Girl Who Died ") when the Doctor asks what Bonnie and her allies will do if those they subjugate rise up against them: "We'll win." He warns her that "nobody wins for long".
  • Although not actually uttered, the series arc word "hybrid" is reflected in the nature of the Zygons and how Clara and Bonnie were able to interact.
  • The Doctor as well. As he lays out, the whole Zygon-Human clash is a friendly snowball fight compared to some of the things he's seen and done. "And you know what you do with all that pain? Shall I tell you where you put it? You hold it tight , till it burns your hand! And you say this: No one else will ever have to live like this! No one else will ever have to feel this pain! Not on my watch!"
  • Awesome, but Impractical : The Doctor claims he once invented an invisible watch.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind : Bonnie and Clara go through one, with Clara causing Bonnie to miss shooting the Doctor's plane and then briefly turn back into a Zygon.
  • Big Bad : Bonnie. Unusually, she gets redeemed .
  • Big Red Button : The Osgood boxes have two buttons each and could wipe out either the humans or the Zygons with just one push.
  • Blasphemous Boast : "I'm old enough to be your Messiah !" — The Doctor
  • Blatant Lies : When the Doctor asks her her forename, Osgood throws the question back at him; he claims his first name is "Basil". (Of course, there are those who think that it's so blatant it just might be true …)
  • Breaking Speech : The Doctor delivers his most impassioned and desperate plea to stop a Zygon-human war, and it is incredible, and likely the hardest and most powerful speech this incarnation gives onscreen.
  • Brief Accent Imitation : The Doctor takes on an American Game Show Host 's accent while explaining the actions of the Osgood Boxes as a game rather than war, also taking on the Large Ham qualities of one to make a mockery of the Zygons wanting to use the Osgood Boxes.
  • The events that led to saving Gallifrey in " The Day of the Doctor " inspired the creation of the Osgood Box.
  • And where are the Osgood Boxes kept? Fittingly, in the Black Archive.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You : Invoked by Clara, who notes that Bonnie won't kill her as long as she wants information. Bonnie points out that Clara won't be of any use if she says nothing at all, so Clara has to play along.
  • Kate uses her father's famous " Five Rounds Rapid " line (from " The Dæmons ") to describe how she stopped the Zygon disguised as a sheriff.
  • The Doctor invites Osgood to join him, just like he did the other one just before Missy killed her in " Death in Heaven ".
  • There's a damaged Mire helmet in a display case near the Osgood Box.
  • When Clara finds herself in her flat but the doors and windows are missing, she immediately grabs a newspaper to check if she's in a dream, referencing " Last Christmas ". Then she responds to Bonnie's threat to trigger her death within her pod with "Go on then."
  • The anti-Zygon Z-67 gas that's inside the Osgood Box was created by a man named " Sullivan ". Evidently, creating the gas still hasn't improved the Doctor's attitude towards him, as he indirectly calls Harry an " imbecile " in this story.
  • The invisible watch the Doctor mentions might have been the one he used in " The Caretaker ".
  • Kate isn't the first member of her family to lose a chunk of memory .
  • This is the second time the Twelfth Doctor's had his plane blown up.
  • A subtle one: Back in " The Beast Below ," Amy talked about how the Doctor took all of his pain and and misery and loneliness, and it made him kind.
  • Cross-Referenced Titles : With its first part, " The Zygon Invasion ".
  • Culture Police : Alluded to by the Doctor, when he asks if Bonnie's Zygon Utopia will allow things such as holidays, music, and violins.
  • Cycle of Revenge : Discussed by the Doctor, who points out that conflict is cyclical unless someone chooses to break the cycle. Revolutionaries, when they are finished, are revolted against in their turn.
  • Deliberately Monochrome : The Osgoods' videos regarding the Osgood Box. It's deliberate so that viewers (in- and out- of universe) don't learn what colour the Osgood Box is.
  • Pointed out when the Doctor says he once invented an invisible watch.
  • The Doctor convinces Bonnie to stand down, in part, by pointing out that she has no plan beyond "break the ceasefire".
  • In retrospect, it could also be applied to the entire ceasefire scenario, as transplanting 20 million aliens amongst the human population was never going to go completely according to plan.
  • The Dividual : Bonnie becomes an Osgood at the end of the episode, making there two again. We still can't tell which is which. note  Although Ingrid Oliver claims there is a way to tell them apart in that scene.
  • Do Not Adjust Your Set : Played with. Bonnie shows up on the television in Clara's Mental World . Clara attempts to change the channel, but Bonnie's on every one.
  • Dressing as the Enemy : Kate pretends to be a Zygon to infiltrate Bonnie's ranks and learn her plan.
  • Driven to Suicide : The Zygon civilian whom Bonnie robs of his mimicry power kills himself rather than risk trusting the Doctor or being found by either the rebels or a human lynch mob.
  • Driving Question : What's in that Osgood Box, and how can it help save the Earth once the Godzilla Threshold has been crossed? Does it contain the nerve gas UNIT developed to kill off Zygons, mentioned as having been stolen by "someone with a TARDIS" in the previous episode? Or something else?
  • Easily Forgiven : Invoked by Bonnie herself when she asks who would forgive her... the Doctor is the answer! "I forgive you!" Just like that. And clearly Petronella has forgiven Bonnie, as she allows her to become the second Osgood.
  • Embarrassing Browser History : When the Doctor hands Osgood his sonic sunglasses, he warns her not to check his browser history. She does just that, and is quite surprised by what she finds ("Whoa!").
  • Embarrassing First Name : Petronella Osgood. She insists on Last-Name Basis .
  • It's revealed that Kate survived the cliffhanger because the Zygon that was about to kill her stopped to indulge in a bit of gloating laughter, giving her time to shoot it.
  • Bonnie gets in a few licks at Clara's expense when she reveals that Clara's major ability in this situation — the ability to lie — won't work this time.
  • Exact Words : Unable to lie to Bonnie, Clara instead attempts this. Bonnie catches on, though, so she asks questions to get around it. Still, she can't kill Clara as long as Clara has something to tell, so it keeps Clara alive.
  • Expo Label : In Clara's mental world, the toothpaste has a label on saying "This is Toothpaste".
  • Fighting from the Inside : Clara uses the psychic link with Bonnie to control her actions to an extent such as sending the Doctor a message to confirm that she's still alive. She also, rather unexpectedly, is able to force Bonnie to momentarily revert to her Zygon form.
  • Five Rounds Rapid : How Kate killed the Zygon who was impersonating the sheriff. She even mentions the trope by name — like father , like daughter.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing : Osgood, who is a fan of the Doctor, asks him what TARDIS stands for. A few moments later it turns out that there are two Osgoods, and one of them is brand new. (It may also be a Mythology Gag referring to the fact that the D has stood for both Dimension and Dimensions at various points.)
  • Fluffy the Terrible : Bonnie the Zygon. Even the Doctor can't take that seriously and bestows upon her the more appropriate appellation of Zygella, though she refuses to answer to it. (Hilariously, Clara has a more sinister-sounding name than her impostor, while Osgood's first name likewise would have been better suited for the villain.)
  • Forgiveness : A major theme. Etoine fears he won't be forgiven and be able to return to his life, so kills himself. Bonnie thinks she's come too far to be forgiven, but the Doctor forgives her. He says, "The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive."
  • The earliest hint that Clara is in a dream is when the time on the digital clock changes each time she looks at it. Checking a clock repeatedly is a common way for lucid dreamers to train themselves to realise they're dreaming, as writing changes every time it is looked at in a dream, a fact referenced in the earlier episode " Last Christmas ".
  • The Doctor's nickname for Bonnie actually foreshadows her eventual fate: "Zyg ella " becomes the new second Petron ella Osgood.
  • Clara's apparent death, and the Doctor's reaction, foreshadow events coming later in the season.
  • Full-Circle Revolution : The Doctor asks Bonnie, even if the Zygons succeed, what will they do against another revolution ? When Bonnie replies that they'll win, the Doctor counters that they might, but nobody wins for very long.
  • Heel–Face Turn : After learning about the Time War, Bonnie gives up trying to start another war and instead works to maintain the ceasefire, ultimately saying goodbye to the Doctor on good terms.
  • He Who Fights Monsters : The Doctor claims that if the Zygons are cruel to the people who they think have oppressed them, then this will lead to more people being cruel to them because they themselves were cruel.
  • Heroic Vow Of Defiance : Used by The Doctor in the quote on the top of the page; it's easily the most memorable line in the entire episode. "No one else will ever have to feel this pain. Not on my watch. "
  • Hypocrite : Bonnie tries to blame the Doctor for the impending human-Zygon war while simultaneously hand-waving her own responsibility for events by claiming that I Did What I Had to Do . The Doctor throws it back in her face by pointing out that, well, he did what he had to do at the time as well; she doesn't get to weasel out of her own responsibility so easily.
  • I Did What I Had to Do : Bonnie claims this for her actions while spitefully trying to blame the Doctor for the human-Zygon war. The Doctor just points out that he did what he had to do at the time as well.
  • The message from Osgood about the location of the Osgood Box. It's a decoy for anyone trying to break the ceasefire.
  • Averted with Clara, who is forced to rein in her lying abilities with Bonnie and only tell truths.
  • I've Come Too Far : Bonnie believes this and it is part of why she won't stand down. If she does, she will be punished severely but the Doctor says he is willing to forgive her.
  • Karma Houdini : Despite Bonnie being directly responsible for many deaths (including of Jac, an individual with authority within UNIT), she suffers no punishment other than a verbal dressing down from the Doctor, after which he forgives her. UNIT even lets her become the second Osgood. (However, it should be noted that at the end of the speech Kate Stewart's memories of the discussion are erased; we don't know that, as far as she's concerned, the new Osgood could be a different Zygon entirely and Bonnie escaped or was killed.) This, it should also be noted, is also part of the theme of the episode: while karma/retribution may be viscerally satisfying it ultimately just makes things worse and perpetuates misery. Forgiveness may be less immediately satisfying and simple, but it's the healthier option, and breaking the chain of resentment and violence has to start somewhere.
  • Kirk Summation : The Doctor spends the climax telling Bonnie that her Evil Plan doesn't make sense and she should stand down. She hasn't thought it through, she'll eventually be in Kate's shoes facing new revolutionaries, and despite all she's done, she isn't unforgivable. He eventually brings her around to his way of thinking.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia : The Black Archive and its memory-wiping technology are featured again. The Doctor uses it to erase the memories of Kate and Bonnie's Zygon guards, but not Bonnie herself. Clara and Osgood are also spared.
  • Legacy Character : There are once again two Osgoods. It's entirely possible that neither of them is the original Osgood. "It doesn't matter which is which. All that matters is that Osgood lives."
  • Life Isn't Fair : Bonnie justifies that she did what she had to do on the grounds that what's happened to the Zygons isn't fair. The Doctor points out that just because it isn't fair doesn't make them any better than humans; they just want the chance to be cruel to the ones who've been cruel to them.
  • Living Lie Detector : Bonnie is able to tell when Clara's lying because their heartbeats are in sync.
  • Lotus-Eater Machine : Clara's consciousness, while she is impersonated by Bonnie, inhabits a nearly accurate replica of her apartment, except for odd details such as gibberish printed in newspapers and generic (and gross) toothpaste. Nonetheless, she is able to communicate with the outside world and, somehow, can even replay some of Bonnie's memories on her head!TV, PVR-style.
  • MacGuffin : The Osgood Box is deliberately created as a lure for people (human or Zygon) who want to end the peace treaty. It's what drives the search of this episode and forms the climax.
  • Malicious Misnaming : The Doctor keeps calling Bonnie "Zygella", just to annoy her.
  • Mental World : Clara's mindscape is represented as her apartment with all the doors and windows sealed. The TV serves as a link to Bonnie's eyes (and, apparently, memories, as Clara is able to play back Bonnie's view of the explosion, PVR-style).
  • The Mirror Shows Your True Self : The first time Bonnie passes a mirror, the reflection is of the real Clara, who is just beginning to become aware of her situation. She notices this but when she looks back it is a normal reflection.
  • Multitasked Conversation : At one point, the Doctor is speaking to Bonnie, but he knows that thanks to their mental link, Clara can hear him. He warns Clara not to reveal the location of the Osgood Box, knowing that this will actually spur Bonnie to attempt to mind-probe Clara for the information. His plan actually hinged on Bonnie finding it.
  • Never My Fault : Bonnie, the rebel Zygon commander, whose Evil Plan has driven this two-parter, blames the Doctor for the Osgood Box situation. The Doctor throws it back in her face; if she's going to throw blame at him while simultaneously claiming that I Did What I Had to Do for herself, well then he can do the same. Bonnie: You are responsible for all of the violence. All of the suffering. The Doctor: No, I'm not. Bonnie: Yes! The Doctor: No. Bonnie: Yes! You engineered this situation, Doctor; this is your fault! The Doctor: No, it's not; it's your fault. Bonnie: I had to do what I've done. The Doctor: [shrugs] So did I.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands : As a further sign of Clara becoming the Doctor's Distaff Counterpart , Clara exhibits extraordinary mental abilities, being able to physically manipulate Bonnie remotely (remember, Bonnie is not using Clara's body), at one point even forcing Bonnie to revert to Zygon form. She's also able to shield some of her memories from Bonnie. No character has ever been shown before having this level of control over a Zygon.
  • "No More Holding Back" Speech : The War Is Hell speech the Doctor gives Bonnie perfectly sums up everything that's driven him since the Time War.
  • No-Sell : Having been exposed as a Zygon by Bonnie, the Zygon civilian refuses to trust the Doctor when the Time Lord attempts to approach him, and promptly uses his Disintegrator Ray on the Doctor. The Doctor is slightly phased, but otherwise suffers no ill effects.
  • Noodle Incident : The final situation has happened fifteen times before. At least, Kate has learned the secret of the Osgood Box that many times. The episode leaves it ambiguous as to whether this means the Doctor was forced to make his speech 16 times in a row or if there have been 15 separate prior incidents of this nature (or a combination of both).
  • Not a Game : How the Doctor describes war, emphatically ; he even compares the Osgood Boxes to a game show, all to demonstrate to the Zygons how ridiculous they're being. He has seen war and never wants to see it again.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore : We now know that every modern-day episode set on Earth since " The Day of the Doctor " takes place with tens of millions of Zygons pretending to be human. Statistically speaking, this means any number of human characters seen in contemporary episodes could be Zygons.
  • Noted by Osgood when the Doctor, after determining that not only is Clara still alive, but she's effectively engaging Bonnie from within, can't stop grinning.
  • The Doctor comes close to breaking down in tears several times during his speech. So does Bonnie.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome : Clara, in her "mental world", fighting to make Bonnie wink a message to the Doctor.
  • Pragmatic Hero : When a Zygon was about to attack her, Kate simply shot it.
  • Real Fake Door : When Clara is in her "dream" flat, the door opens to a wall, and the windows are just missing, so that the curtains cover up more of the wall.
  • Refusal of the Call : At the end, the Doctor asks Osgood if she wants to come with him in the TARDIS; she replies that she does, more than anything, but that her duty lies on Earth. It's not so much refusing the call as acknowledging that she's already answered a different one.
  • Reverse Psychology : The Doctor tells Clara not to let Bonnie into her memories, and not to tell her where or what the Osgood Box is. Bonnie uses this to find out where the Osgood Box is, though she is unable to find out what it is till she gets there. This enables the Doctor to stop Bonnie.
  • Sadistic Choice : Invoked by the Doctor concerning the Osgood box. There are two of them, with one of them acting in favor of the humans, and one for the Zygons. However, opening either box reveals there are two additional choices: "Truth" or "Consequences" . On the human side, the box will either kill every Zygon on the planet via toxic nerve gas released into the atmosphere, or kill everyone in London (including all the commanders present) via the nuke placed under the Black Archive. On the Zygon side, one option reveals the identity of every Zygon on the planet, inducing mass panic in the population and igniting war, while the other locks the Zygons into one form — their natural form or their human form (whichever they happen to be in at the moment), and they can never change it. Then Bonnie figures out that the whole thing is a bluff — the boxes are empty — but the choice they represent is still real.
  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock : The Doctor warns Bonnie that the Osgood box can either reveal every Zygon on Earth, or lock them in their human forms.
  • The Doctor's brief imitation of a game show host is a subtle nod to an old American game show titled, aptly enough, Truth or Consequences . (Which the town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, deliberately renamed itself after; its previous moniker was the decidedly less melodramatic Hot Springs.)
  • The Doctor's part-mocking, part-affectionate nickname for Bonnie, "Zygella", seems to be a nod at Nigella Lawson .
  • The Doctor tells Bonnie "That would be telling."
  • Talking the Monster to Death : The Doctor "defeats" Bonnie by talking her into to a Heel–Face Turn , via a combination of And Then What? and War Is Hell .
  • Tantrum Throwing : Bonnie smashes the laptop on hearing from the two Osgoods recording it that the Osgood Box isn't there.
  • Time Dissonance : The Doctor claims that when he thought Clara was dead it was the longest month of his life. When Clara says it could only have been five minutes, he says "I'll be the judge of time."
  • Tom the Dark Lord : Nope, your ears weren't deceiving you in Part 1. The supposedly evil and cruel commander of the rebel Zygon faction does, indeed, choose to call herself Bonnie. Even the Doctor is having none of that by bestowing upon her the nickname Zygella instead. It's possibly a meta in-joke, as in the Classic Era a character like this would most certainly have had a name like Zygella. It's also possible that she calls herself "Bonnie" because all the Earth-hatched Zygons were given human names only. It also illustrates how little she actually knows about Zygons' native culture, for all her professed commitment to racial identity. Finally, it's possible the name was chosen by the writers to illustrate the point made in the Doctor's war speech that the Zygons are no different than the humans in most respects. Possibly lampshaded by the fact Osgood's first name is the exotic-sounding Petronella — again, a name that might have been more appropriate than Bonnie.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth : Bonnie proves incapable of probing Clara's memories, and their link allows Clara to momentarily revert Bonnie to Zygon form once she gets the hang of it — she is even able to physically manipulate Bonnie into missing with the RPG, texting the Doctor and winking. The only advantage Bonnie has is that she's the one who's conscious, so she could kill Clara if she wanted. It's invoked by the Doctor when he effectively tells Bonnie that Clara's mind contains the intel she seeks. The Doctor: The mind of Clara Oswald... she'll never find her way back out.
  • The Unmasqued World : Bonnie and her fellow rebel Zygons intend to create this by forcing every Zygon in the world to revert back to their Zygon form. This will freak out the humans and drive the Zygons into the radicals camp.
  • The Un-Reveal : Osgood is Osgood. Whether there are now two Zygons sharing the original Osgood's body print or one new Zygon replacing a Zygon Osgood that Missy killed , the nature of the surviving Osgood is up for grabs. (However, at one point, the non-Bonnie Osgood tells the Doctor she never really met Clara... yet Clara and Osgood did meet in " The Day of the Doctor ", hinting that the Osgood who died in "Death in Heaven" may well have been the original human Osgood after all, or it could be another red herring like "Zygons don't need to keep the original body alive anymore". Also, both Osgoods met Clara in "The Day of the Doctor", so the comment clearly refers to the fact that they only met in passing and never really spoke.)
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight : The teenagers at the mall don't react to the Zygon civilian's gradual demorphing, because they're Zygon rebels.
  • Villainous Breakdown : Bonnie has two; first when she discovers that Osgood lied about the Osgood Box location, and again after she learns that there are two Osgood Boxes.

doctor who zygon inversion speech

  • The Doctor's response when he's confronted by Kate and Bonnie regarding the Osgood boxes. The Doctor: Because it's not a game, Kate! This is a scale model of war! Every war ever fought right there in front of you! Because it's always the same! When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning: SIT DOWN AND TALK!
  • We Will Not Use Photoshop in the Future : Apparently, the Zygon rebels think that no one is going to question a grainy cell-phone video of a guy looking like he's wearing a rubber suit uploaded on YouTube . Too bad they didn't show the comments section of the video post. Probably would've been filled with replies like "Lame!" and "Obviously fake!"
  • Wham Line : The revelation that this isn't the first time Kate's found her way to the Osgood Box. Kate: This is all very well, but we know the boxes are empty now. We can't forget that. The Doctor: No, well, er, you've said that the last fifteen times.
  • What Happened to the Mouse? : We never learn what ultimately became of little Sandeep from Part 1.
  • When He Smiles : When he realizes that Clara is not only still alive but fighting back against Bonnie, the Doctor can't stop himself from grinning, which makes Osgood remark that she'd never seen him smile like that before.
  • You Are a Credit to Your Race : The Doctor says this to Osgood. Both Osgoods reply that they are credits to both species.
  • Doctor Who S35 E7 "The Zygon Invasion"
  • Recap/Doctor Who
  • Doctor Who S35 E9 "Sleep No More"

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doctor who zygon inversion speech

doctor who zygon inversion speech

Doctor Who (TV Series)

The zygon inversion (2015), peter capaldi: the doctor.

  • Quotes (19)


Peter Capaldi and Ingrid Oliver in Doctor Who (2005)


Bonnie : You don't understand. You will never understand.

The Doctor : I don't understand? Are you kidding? Me? Of course I understand. I mean, do you call this a war? This funny little thing? This is not a war! I fought in a bigger war than you will ever know. I did worse things than you could ever imagine. And when I close my eyes I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count! And do you know what you do with all that pain? Shall I tell you where you put it? You hold it tight till it burns your hand, and you say this: No one else will ever have to live like this. No one else will have to feel this pain. Not on my watch!

The Doctor : Because it's always the same. When you fire the first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken. How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill... before everybody does what they were ALWAYS going to have to do from the very beginning! SIT. DOWN. AND. TALK.

The Doctor : You just want cruelty to beget cruelty. You're not superior to people who were cruel to you. You're just a whole bunch of new cruel people. A whole bunch of new cruel people, being cruel to some other people, who'll end up being cruel to you. The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive. Why don't you break the cycle?

The Doctor : Do you know what thinking is? It's just a fancy word for changing your mind.

Bonnie : I will not change my mind.

The Doctor : Then you will die stupid.

Clara : So, you must have thought I was dead for a while?

The Doctor : Yeah.

Clara : How was that?

The Doctor : Longest month of my life.

Clara : It could only have been five minutes.

The Doctor : [the Doctor pauses and looks up at Clara]  I'll be the judge of time.

The Doctor : You know I'm over two thousand years old? I'm old enough to be your Messiah.

The Doctor : So, let me ask you a question about this brave new world of yours. When you've killed all the bad guys; and when it's all perfect and just and fair; and when you have finally got it exactly the way you want it, what are you going to do with the people like you?

The Doctor : London! What a dump.

Osgood : London's okay.

The Doctor : Not it's not. It's a dump.

Osgood : You spend an awful lot of time here, considering it's a dump.

The Doctor : I spend an awful lot of time being kidnapped, tortured, shot at, exterminated - doesn't mean I like it.

Osgood : Why do you have a Union Jack parachute?

The Doctor : Um, camouflage.

Osgood : Camouflage?

The Doctor : Yes, we're in Britain.

The Doctor : Why does peacekeeping always involve killing?

Osgood : The Tardis.

The Doctor : The Tardis.

Osgood : What does it stand for?

The Doctor : What? You're kidding me? Surely you know that?

Osgood : Well, I've heard a couple of different versions.

The Doctor : I made it up from the initials. It stands for Totally And Radically Driving In Space.

The Doctor : What's your plan, Zygella?

Bonnie : I don't have a plan.

The Doctor : Come on, you don't invade planets without having a plan, that's why they're called planets; to remind you to plan-it. He-hey, that's good! Puntastic! Doctor Puntastic.

The Doctor : There was another box. I was going to press another button. I was going to wipe out all of my own kind - man, woman, and child. I was so sure I was right.

Bonnie : What happened?

The Doctor : Same thing that happened to you. I let Clara Oswald get inside my head. Trust me, she doesn't leave.

The Doctor : Doctor John Disco. It was my plane. I had a big plane for purposes of er, poncing about.

The Doctor : What's your name?

Osgood : Osgood.

The Doctor : No, no, no, your first name.

Osgood : What's your first name?

The Doctor : Basil.

Osgood : Petronella.

The Doctor : Let's just, uh, stick with what we had.

Osgood : The first thing I'd do if I was to invade the world would be to kill you.

The Doctor : Thanks.

Osgood : I wouldn't even let you get talking, like you always do. Bullet between the eyes, first thing.

The Doctor : Again, thank you.

Osgood : Twelve times if necessary.

The Doctor : Ah, yes, well why limit yourself? You've really thought this through, haven't you?

Osgood : I'm a big fan.

Osgood : Why didn't that Zygon blow us up with her big bazooka?

The Doctor : She did blow us up with her big bazooka. This is us being blown up with a big bazooka.

The Doctor : Hello! Hi, hello.

[holding psychic paper] 

The Doctor : Uh, Doctor John Disco.

[first lines] 

The Doctor : Clara! Clara!

Bonnie : You're breaking up!

The Doctor : The invasion has happened; you're probably surrounded by Zygons. Get to the Tardis. Get yourself safe. Apparently my plane is never going to land. Let's see what we can do about that!

Bonnie : I'm sorry. But Clara's dead.

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Doctor Who Series 9

The zygon inversion.

2015.11.07    S09E08

Ingrid Oliver   Jemma Redgrave   Jenna Coleman   Nicholas Asbury   Peter Capaldi

User Review

Bonnie : I know what you are. Etoine (Nicholas Asbury): Please. Please. Bonnie : I’m going to set you free. Humans cannot accept the way we really are. If we cannot hide we must fight. You are going to be the first. The first to make the humans see.

Bonnie : Commander here. The first one has been changed. I’m going to UNIT to retrieve the Osgood Box.

The Doctor : Any questions? Osgood (Ingrid Oliver): Why do you have a Union jack parachute? The Doctor : Um, camouflage. Osgood : Camouflage? The Doctor : Yes, we’re in Britain.

Osgood : Sonic specs? Isn’t that a bit pointless? Like a visual hearing aid? The Doctor : What’s wrong with pointless? I once invented an invisible watch. Spot the design flaw.

The Doctor : Don’t look at my browser history. Osgood looking:  Woah. The Doctor : Yeah, I said, “Don’t”.

Osgood : Why didn’t that Zygon blow us up with her big bazooka? The Doctor : She did blow us up with her big bazooka. This is us being blown up with a big bazooka. Osgood : But I mean she seems to know what she’s doing. The first thing I’d do if I wanted to invade the world would be to kill you. The Doctor : Thanks. Osgood : I wouldn’t even let you get talking, like you always do. Bullet between the eyes, first thing. The Doctor : Again, thank you. Osgood : Oh, twelve times if necessary. The Doctor : Ah, yes. Well why limit yourself. You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you? Osgood : I’m a big fan.

Osgood : Are you okay? The Doctor : I don’t know. I’m still in the “hope” phase. Osgood : How’s that going? The Doctor : Hell. Please talk about something else.

Osgood : It says, “I’m awake.” The Doctor : What does that mean? A political awakening?  Why would she be sending me propaganda when she just blew me up with a big bazooka? Osgood : Never really met Clara. Pretty strong, yeah? The Doctor : She was amazing. Osgood : No. Not was. Is. It’s not from the Zygon, it’s from Clara. The Doctor : How? Osgood : She’s not dead. She’s in a pod somewhere.

Osgood : The Zygon probably doesn’t even know it sent this. Or why it fired that bazooka. The Doctor : You don’t know. It’s just a theory. Osgood : Yes it’s just a theory. But how’s that hope phase now? The Doctor : Worse than ever. Osgood : Then we’ve got a game.

Osgood : Hello. If you’re watching this, I have been captured and interrogated. Osgood : During the interrogation, I have revealed to you the existence of the Osgood Box. Osgood : I have revealed its location and the combination to open this safe. And guess what? Both : I lied. Osgood : The Osgood Box exists, but it’s not here. So stop looking. Really, stop. Osgood : The Osgood Box can end the ceasefire. Osgood : The Osgood Box can start the war. Osgood : The Osgood Box can wipe out all humankind. But there’s a reason it’s called the Osgood Box. Osgood : Haven’t you guessed?

Bonnie : You’re dead. The Doctor : Yes well, I’m dead now. And I think I might be more dead in a minute.

The Doctor : What’s your plan, Zygella? Bonnie : I don’t have a plan. The Doctor : Come on, you don’t invade planets without having a plan. That’s why they’re called planets, to remind you to plan it. Hey hey! That’s good! Puntastic. Dr. Puntastic.

The Doctor : You know I’m over 2,000 years old. I’m old enough to be your messiah.

The Doctor : The mind of Clara Oswald. She may never find her way out. Osgood : I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile before. The Doctor : Dazzling, isn’t it?

Bonnie : I could erase your mind. Clara : Then why haven’t you?

Bonnie : I can kill you. Clara : Go on then. Bonnie : You think you’re calling my bluff. Clara : I am calling your bluff. You need me alive. Bonnie : Only as a source of information. Clara : Then you better start asking questions. Bonnie : You better not lie. Clara : You see, that’s the problem. I am a brilliant liar. How are you ever going to know? Bonnie : Oh Clara. For a moment I thought you were clever. Our hearts are linked. Beat for beat. The one thing you and I can never do is lie to each other.

The Doctor : London. What a dump. Osgood : London’s okay. The Doctor : No it’s not, it’s a dump. Osgood : You spend an awful lot of time here, considering it’s a dump. The Doctor : I spent an awful lot of time being kidnapped, tortured, shot at, exterminated. Doesn’t mean I like it.

Clara : The box ends the ceasefire. Bonnie : So I’m told. How? Clara : There’s a button inside the box. Press it. It will transmit a signal that will unmask every Zygon on the planet for up to an hour. What’s there to smile about? Bonnie : Ah, mass panic. Followed by war. Every Zygon on our side at a stroke. Clara : Twenty million Zygons against seven billion humans. That’s not a war you can win! Bonnie : Then we will die in the fire. instead of living in chains. Clara : Most of your own kind don’t want that. Bonnie : Then it’s time we stopped giving them a choice. Clara : It’s time you asked the most important question. Bonnie : Which is? Clara : I’m waiting. Bonnie : Why is it called an Osgood Box? Clara : I’m not telling you. Bonnie : Good. I’ve been looking forward to hearing you scream. Clara : I’m not telling you because when you get to the Black Archive, you’ll find out for yourself. And when you do, you’re gonna want to speak to me again.

The Doctor : What’s your name? Osgood : Osgood. The Doctor : No no no. Your first name. Osgood : And what’s your first name? The Doctor : Basil. Osgood : Petronella. The Doctor : Let’s just, ah, stick with what we had.

The Doctor : I need to ask you… because it’s important, because it might matter. Osgood : What’s important? The Doctor : Which one are you, human or Zygon?

Osgood : Let us help you. Etoine : No. Not truth or consequences. Osgood : We’re not. We’re really not. Etoine : I’m not part of your fight. I never wanted to fight anyone. I just wanted to live here. Why can’t I just live? The Doctor : We are on your side. Etoine : I’m not on anyone’s side. This is my home.

Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave): Doctor, we know where the Zygon Command Center is. We know where Clara’s pod is. We can take you there. The Doctor : Well how very convenient because that’s just exactly what we’re looking for.

Kate : The Doctor is here. Bonnie : Don’t kill him, we need him alive. Kate : What for? Bonnie : Because I just found out why it’s called an Osgood Box. There’s two of them. The Doctor : Two Osgoods, two boxes. Operation Double. What did you expect?

Bonnie : What’s in them, Doctor? Tell me. Now. The Doctor : One box normalizes all the Zygons. Bonnie : And the other? The Doctor : Destroys them. Bonnie : Which is which? The Doctor : Ha ha ha. That would be telling. Bonnie : Which box normalizes the Zygons, Doctor? Tell me or she dies. The Doctor : No. This is war. You pull the trigger, you pay the price. Bonnie : Kill her. The Doctor : The blue one! The blue one! The blue one normalizes all your people.

Kate : Sorry, Doctor. Self defense. The Doctor : Who are you? Kate : I’m me. The Doctor : How did you survive? Kate : Five rounds, rapid. I’m sorry, Doctor. I know you don’t approve.

The Doctor : Let me negotiate peace. You can’t commit mass murder. Kate : Then why did you leave the gas with us? The Doctor : The boxes are safeguards for both species. You agreed to that. Kate : I never agreed to that. The Doctor : Yes you did! Then I wiped your memory and you agreed to that too. But that’s why there were two Osgoods to police the ceasefire. One human and one Zygon. To keep the secrets, keep the peace. Kate : I’m sorry, Doctor, truly. But the peace is failing already.

The Doctor : Let me take both of these boxes away. We’ll forgive, we’ll forget. And the ceasefire will stand. Bonnie : No. Kate : Doctor, which of these buttons do I press? Doctor, which one? Truth or Consequences. Bonnie : Truth or Consequences. The Doctor : This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Make-your-mind-up time! One of those buttons will destroy the Zygons, release the imbecile’s gas. The other one detonates the nuclear warhead under the Black Archive. It’ll destroy everyone in London. Bonnie! Bonnie, sweetheart, one of those buttons will unmask every Zygon in the world. The other one cancels their ability to change form. It’ll make them human beings forever. There are safeguards beyond safeguards. I did this on a very important day for me . And this ceasefire will stand.

The Doctor : You just want cruelty to beget cruelty. You’re not superior to people who were cruel to you. You’re just a whole bunch of new cruel people. A whole bunch of new cruel people being cruel to some other people who’ll end up being cruel to you. The only way anyone can live in peace is if they’re prepared to forgive. Why don’t you break the cycle? Bonnie : Why should we?

The Doctor : And when this war is over, when you have a homeland free from humans, what do you think it’s going to be like? Do you know? have you thought about it? have you given it any consideration? Because you’re very close to getting what you want. What’s it gonna be like? Paint me a picture. Are you gonna live in houses? Do you want people to go to work? Will there be holidays? Oh! Will there be music? Do you think people will be allowed to play violins? Who’s gonna make the violins? Well? Oh, you don’t actually know, do you? Because, like every other tantruming child in history, Bonnie, you don’t actually know what you want. So let me ask you a question about this brave new world of yours. When you’ve killed all the bad guys, and when it’s all perfect and just and fair. When you have finally got it exactly the way you want it, what are you gonna do with the people like you? The troublemakers. How’re you going to protect your glorious revolution from the next one? Bonnie : We’ll win. The Doctor : Oh, will you? Well maybe, maybe you will win. But nobody wins for long. The wheel just keeps turning. So come on. Break the cycle. Bonnie : Why are you still talking? The Doctor : Because I want to get you to see, and I’m almost there. Bonnie : Do you know what I see, Doctor? A box. A box with everything I need. A fifty percent chance. Kate : For us too. The Doctor : And we’re off! Fingers on buzzers! Are you feeling lucky? Are you ready to play the game! Who’s gonna be quickest? Who’s gonna be luckiest? Kate : This is not a game! The Doctor : No, it’s not a game, sweetheart. And I mean that most sincerely.

Kate : You set this up, why? The Doctor : Because it’s not a game, Kate! This is a scale model of war. Every war ever fought, right there in front of you. Because it’s always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who’s going to die! You don’t know who’s children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken. How many lives shattered. How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have do from the very beginning. Sit down and talk!

The Doctor : Do you know what thinking is? It’s just a fancy word for changing your mind. Bonnie : I will not change my mind. The Doctor : Then you will die stupid.

Bonnie : You don’t understand. You will never understand. The Doctor : I don’t understand? Are you kidding? Me? Of course I understand. I mean do you call this a war? This funny little thing. This is not a war. I fought in a bigger war than you will ever know. I did worse things than you can ever imagine. And when I close my eyes… I hear more screams than anyone would ever be able to count!

Bonnie : It’s empty, isn’t it? Both boxes, there’s nothing in them. Just buttons. The Doctor : Of course. And do you know how you know that? Because you’ve started to think like me. It’s hell, isn’t it? No one should have to think like that.

The Doctor : Gotcha. Bonnie : How can you be so sure? The Doctor : Because you have a disadvantage, Zygella. I know that face.

Kate : This is all very well, but we know the boxes are empty now. We can’t forget that. The Doctor : No. Well, ah… you’ve said that the last 15 times.

Bonnie : I don’t understand how you can just forgive me. The Doctor : Because I’ve been where you have. There was another box. I was gonna press another button. I was gonna wipe out all of my own kind. Man, woman and child, I was so sure I was right. Bonnie : What happened? The Doctor : Same thing that happened to you. I let Clara Oswald get inside my head. Trust me, she doesn’t leave.

Bonnie : Zygon High Command, the ceasefire is back in place. The rebels are standing down. You are all… safe.

Osgood : The TARDIS. The Doctor : The TARDIS. Osgood : What does it stand for? The Doctor : What? You’re kidding me. Surely you know that. Osgood : Well I’ve heard a couple of different versions. The Doctor : I made it up from the initials. It stands for Totally And Radically Driving In Space. Do you want to come? All of the future, all of history, and all of the universe. Osgood : More than anything. But I think I have to stay. I’ve got a couple of boxes to keep an eye on. And a world to keep safe. The Doctor : Fair enough.

The Doctor : I need to know. Which one are you? Osgood : I’m Osgood. The Doctor : Human or Zygon? Osgood : I’ll answer that question one day. And do you know when that day will be? Osgood : The day nobody cares about the answer. Gotcha.

Osgood : Think it through, Doctor. Why it wouldn’t be right to carry on using Clara’s face. Not when there’s a vacancy. The Doctor : Zygella? Osgood : Osgood.

Clara : So you must have thought I was dead for awhile. The Doctor : Yeah. Clara : How was that? The Doctor : Longest month of my life. Clara : It can only have been five minutes. The Doctor : I’ll be the judge of time.

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  4. Is This Doctor Who's Most Political Episode?

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  6. The Doctor's Speech


  1. The Doctor Who Transcripts

    Read the full script of the Doctor Who episode The Zygon Inversion, where the Doctor and Osgood face a Zygon invasion. See how Clara-Z tries to kill the Doctor and Osgood, and how the Doctor tries to save Clara from her pod.

  2. The Zygon Inversion

    The Zygon Inversion - A Transcript of The Doctor's Speech. I've produced a basic transcript of the Doctor's speech at the end of last night's episode, The Zygon Inversion. The Doctor: You just want cruelty to beget cruelty. You're not superior to people who were cruel to you. You're just a whole bunch of new cruel people.

  3. The Doctor's Speech

    With Kate and Bonnie poised over the big red button, truth or consequences, can the Doctor convince them to sit down and talk instead? Subscribe: http://bit....

  4. The Zygon Inversion

    "The Zygon Inversion" is the eighth episode of the ninth series of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It was first broadcast on BBC One on 7 November 2015, and was written by Peter Harness and Steven Moffat and directed by Daniel Nettheim. The episode is the second of a two-parter, the first being "The Zygon Invasion", which aired on 31 October 2015.

  5. The Zygon Inversion Speech

    DOCTOR: Because it's not a game, Kate. This is a scale model of war. Every war ever fought, right there in front of you. Because it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken!

  6. The Zygon Inversion Speech

    The last couple times I've done this it was obvious in my head which Doctor I could have read it but much like how the "Pandorica" Speech is hard to separate...

  7. The Doctors Speech

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  8. "Doctor Who" The Zygon Inversion (TV Episode 2015)

    The Zygon Inversion: Directed by Daniel Nettheim. With Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Ingrid Oliver, Jemma Redgrave. With the Zygons invading England, and UNIT neutralized, the Doctor stands alone to stop the Zygons from taking over the entire planet. But how can he stop the Zygons? And how can he save his friends?

  9. Doctor Who series 9: The Zygon Inversion review

    Granted, it's Capaldi talking. But still: rather than building up to an SFX-dominated smash-up, The Zygon Inversion keeps narrowing in on what actually matters. Two-parters, as a rule, aren't ...

  10. The Zygon Inversion · Doctor Who S9 • Episode 8

    The Zygon Inversion. Sets: Doctor Who (2005-2022) Twelfth Doctor. 3.93 / 5 457 votes. Watch on iPlayer. TARDIS Wiki Share this page {{ shareFeedback }} Copy link {{ copyFeedback }} ... With the splinter group of Zygons now ahead of the Doctor, there is only one thing standing in their way of obliterating the human race and taking the Earth for ...

  11. The Eighth Doctor Rocks the Twelfth Doctor's 'Zygon Inversion' Speech

    One of the best moments of series 9 of Doctor Who came in the eighth episode, "The Zygon Inversion," during the climax of the two-part invasion story. Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor delivers an impassioned and fiery speech about the futility of war and the importance of sitting down, talking, and thinking about the consequences of what "mutually assured destruction" actually means.

  12. The Twelfth Doctor's Speech

    It took me awhile to warm up to capaldi. I wasn't ready for the gruff doctor. But I'm so glad he came out because I absolutely love him now! And I love his speeches!!

  13. Doctor Who writer breaks down speech that "defined" Peter Capaldi's

    The scene, which sees the Twelfth Doctor (Capaldi) attempting to talk Zygon leader Bonnie, who has taken the form of his companion Clara (Jenna Coleman) out of starting a war against humanity, has ...

  14. The Zygon Inversion (TV story)

    The Zygon Inversion was the eighth episode of series 9 of Doctor Who. This episode dealt with the concept of war, and the consequences of it. As the Doctor points out, no matter how many lives are lost or what destruction ensues, it always boils down to both sides sitting down for negotiation. The episode also saw the Twelfth Doctor describe the immense pain he felt while fighting in the Time ...

  15. REVIEW: Doctor Who: 'The Zygon Inversion'

    Although 'The Zygon Inversion' was a great episode in its own right, the truth is that Capaldi's impassioned speech to end the cycle of violence was that shining moment for his Doctor ...

  16. Doctor Who S35 E8 "The Zygon Inversion" Recap

    The Doctor's speech actually contains more dialogue, but was trimmed for the episode. During a later appearance in New Zealand, Capaldi read parts of the speech that were omitted. (Note: does not count as a deleted scene as there's no indication the longer version was actually filmed; certainly no footage was included on the DVD release.)

  17. "Doctor Who" The Zygon Inversion (TV Episode 2015)

    AND. TALK. The Doctor : You just want cruelty to beget cruelty. You're not superior to people who were cruel to you. You're just a whole bunch of new cruel people. A whole bunch of new cruel people, being cruel to some other people, who'll end up being cruel to you. The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive.

  18. "Doctor Who" The Zygon Inversion Quotes

    Ingrid Oliver Jemma Redgrave Jenna Coleman Nicholas Asbury Peter Capaldi. "Doctor Who" The Zygon Inversion (S09E08 - 2015.11.07) quotes on planetclaireTV. Bonnie: I know what you are. Etoine (Nicholas Asbury): Please. Please. Bonnie: I'm going to set you free. Humans cannot accept the way we really are. If.

  19. Doctor Who: The Zygon Inversion Speech With Added Flashbacks

    Always wanted to see how this turned out from The Zygon Inversion. When the Doctor is making his speech about war and what he's done in the past, I often won...

  20. Doctor Who: "The Zygon Inversion" Review

    Posted: Nov 7, 2015 1:19 pm. Warning: Full spoilers below. "The Zygon Inversion" brings this two-part story to a close, while also arranging a happy ending that unfortunately seems far less ...

  21. The Zygon Inversion

    The Zygon Inversion - Twelve's War Speech. A top-5 monologue of the entire modern series for sure. Clip/Screenshot ... This, along with the "I do this because it's kind" speech from The Doctor Falls, and Twelve's monologue before regeneration were some of my favourite parts of the last couple years. Also, while I believe it was already a poem ...

  22. Doctor Who

    When the Doctor did this speech, he thought back to the choices he made and the type of person he was back then. 8th Doctor speech-

  23. War never changes: The Doctor's Speech

    fullforce098 • 7 yr. ago. The Doctor's speech here requires the people with their fingers on the buttons to actually have empathy and a desire to save lives. Neither Trump or Putin have empathy and don't care who dies as long as their side wins. 1.