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  • Hybrid: Hybrid courses include both teaching in-person and teaching online as part of the fundamental course design. Students should expect to be in-person for some, but not all, course components. Specifics of hybrid course formats will be established by each faculty member at the beginning of each course.
  • In-Person: Available to courses with fewer than 50 students. Class needs a physical classroom that will have the capacity to accommodate all enrolled students with the required physical distancing. In-person classes should be prepared to allow students to join remotely.
  • Online only: Courses that are entirely online. Students can participate remotely throughout the term.
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Columbia Online

Coursera for University Students Coronavirus Response:

Columbia University undergraduate and graduate students can enroll in over 3,800 courses, guided projects, specializations, and professional certificates on Coursera for free through September 30, 2020. For any course you enroll in on or before September 30, 2020, you will continue to have free access for at least two months from the date of enrollment to complete them.

Coursera was founded in 2012 by two Stanford Computer Science professors who wanted to share their knowledge and skills with the world. Professor Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng put their courses online for anyone to take – and taught more learners in a few months than they could have in an entire lifetime in the classroom. Since then, they’ve built a platform where anyone, anywhere can learn and earn credentials from the world’s top universities and education.

Below are several courses on Coursera that are taught by instructors at Columbia University . The courses include recorded video lectures, auto graded and peer-reviewed assignments, and community discussion forums. When participants complete a course, they receive a sharable electronic Course Certificate.

We also provide a specialization in Construction Management. In this course, participants complete a series of rigorous courses, tackle hands-on projects and earn a Specialization Certificate to share with their professional network and potential employers.

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Browse All MOOCs:

Specializations on coursera, construction project management and planning.

Construction Management is the planning, coordinating, and building of a project from conception to completion. This is a four-part specialization, intended for construction industry professionals, engineers, and architects looking to advance their careers. Students interested in learning about construction project management would also benefit from this specialization. Real-world projects will be included in each course of the specialization to enforce the skills being taught. 

Construction Project Management

Construction scheduling, construction cost estimating and cost control, construction finance.

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Social Policy for Social Services & Health Practitioners 

In the U.S., social policy accounts for two-thirds of government spending. Knowing how policies are constructed, what values underlie them, and how they succeed or fail makes everyone more effective at work or in their civic role. This specialization includes an HONORS track in which learners will complete a professional social policy analysis.

Teachers, health care workers, police, and social workers interact with policy daily, but all of us should care about the impact and effectiveness of these programs. Health and mental health programs, education, housing and income supports, pensions, criminal justice services, veterans’ programs, child protective services, and immigration services create a support system all Americans will draw upon. They also reveal Americans’ ethics and values, indicating how we regard and care for our most vulnerable.

What Is the Welfare State? A Cross-National Comparison

The welfare state: where did it come from.

Poverty & Population: How Demographics Shape Policy

Income Transfer Policies for Families, People with Disabilities, and the Aging Population

Health, housing, and educational services.

columbia coursework

Courses on Coursera

columbia coursework

The Age of Sustainable Development

This course gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development – that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

columbia coursework

Causal Inference

This course offers a rigorous mathematical survey of causal inference at the Master’s level; it provides an introduction to the statistical literature on causal inference that has emerged in the last 35-40 years and that has revolutionized the way in which statisticians and applied researchers in many disciplines use data to make inferences about causal relationships.

columbia coursework

This course introduces the types of cost estimation from the conceptual design phase through the more detailed design phase of a construction project. In addition, the course highlights the importance of controlling costs and how to monitor project cash flow.

columbia coursework

This course helps the learners expand their knowledge of a construction project manager to include an understanding of economics and the mathematics of money, an essential component of every construction project. It is the final course of the specialization mentioned above.

This course is an introduction to concepts of Project Initiation and Planning. Technological advances, such as Building Information Modeling, are also introduced with real world examples of the uses of BIM during the Lifecycle of the Project.

columbia coursework

Learn key project scheduling techniques and procedures. Fundamentals of Bar Charts, Precedence Diagrams, Activity on Arrow, PERT, Range Estimating, and linear project operations and the line of balance are also covered in this course.

columbia coursework

Economics of Money and Banking Part 1

This course, part one of a two-part series, is an introduction to a “money view” of economic activity for modern times, building on the intellectual traditions of British central banking and American institutionalism. Part One explores the economics of payment systems and money markets.

Economics of Money and Banking Part 2

This course, part two of a two-part series, explores connections with foreign exchange and capital markets. It is an introduction to a “money view” of economic activity for modern times, building on the intellectual traditions of British central banking and American institutionalism.

columbia coursework

Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part 1

This course, part one of a two-part series, provides an introduction to various classes of derivative securities and how to price them using “risk-neutral pricing.” The follow-up to this course (FE & RM Part II) considers portfolio optimization, risk management and more advanced examples of derivatives pricing.

Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part 2

Part two of this course follows on from FE & RM Part I. It considers portfolio optimization, risk management and some advanced examples of derivatives pricing that draw from structured credit, real options and energy derivatives. It also casts a critical eye on how financial models are used in practice.

This course discusses policies in four areas: housing, education, healthcare, and immigration, with an optional fifth module in child protection. This course addresses issues of power, oppression, and white supremacy.

columbia coursework

HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Administrative/IT Perspective)

This course is from an administrative or IT perspective in healthcare, health IT, public health, and population health. It is geared towards executives, managers, analysts, and staff that work in administration, business, finance, operations, data or IT.

columbia coursework

HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Clinical Perspective)

This course is from a clinical perspective in healthcare, health IT, public health, and population health. It is geared towards physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, clinical executives and managers, medical assistants, and other clinical support roles.

columbia coursework

HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Social/Peer Perspective)

This course is from a social or peer perspective in healthcare, health IT, public health, and population health. It is geared towards care coordinators, care/case managers, social workers, community health workers, patient navigators, peer coaches, behavioral health support, and other similar roles.

This course discusses four populations: families, poor families, people with disabilities, and people as they age. This course addresses issues of power, oppression, and white supremacy.

MOS Transistors

Learn how MOS transistors (MOSFET) work, and how to model them. The MOS transistor is the workhorse of the microelectronic revolution. The understanding provided in this course is essential not only for device modelers, but also for designers of high-performance circuits.

Poverty & Population: How Demographics Shape Policy

This course has four modules, or foci. The first is to understand the categories of social welfare—populations, income, earnings, and assets— and some related concepts that play a very large role in shaping policy decisions: unemployment, inflation, and the minimum wage. The second deals with the central institution of social welfare—the labor market, which largely determines how many resources a person has.

The course probes the formation of social policy in the United States from its very first cultural and religious roots. Starting with the transition from hunter-gatherer groups to agrarian villages, the course will examine the passage of the Poor Laws that shaped social policy through the colonial period until the beginnings of the 20th century, when the challenge of making the industrial city livable gave rise to the development of the welfare state.

Course 1 will explore the size, structure, and outcomes of U.S. social policy and compare this policy to those of similar developed countries. The course will also probe the values this policy represents and the values debate regarding about how big our welfare state should be— in other words, how much of our education, housing, health, income support, and social services the government should supply and how much individuals should supply for themselves. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

For more advanced questions about using CourseWorks, please see the .

What is CourseWorks?

CourseWorks is Columbia University’s “course management system,” a web-based environment that provides faculty and students with instructional and administrative tools for all registered courses. The software upon which CourseWorks is based is called Prometheus, which was originally developed by George Washington University and has since been customized extensively by AcIS for our community. CourseWorks has been implemented across the university and its affiliates, including Teachers College and the Graduate School of Business.

A course website powered by CourseWorks can be thought of as a folder for all of your course information, as well as tools for managing your content. It enables you to publish your syllabus, send messages to students, conduct online discussions, and provide students with access to digital files of any media type, including text, slides, video clips, and music. CourseWorks also provides additional features such as a grade book, tests and quizzes, and a drop-box for assignments.

Why should I use CourseWorks?

CourseWorks is a consistent and reliable web presence at the university. Both faculty and students have come to expect that, at a minimum, basic course information will be available for all of their courses. This information might include a course introduction, syllabus, and class roster. CourseWorks simplifies the process of publishing web pages so that faculty can begin making a website with a minimum of training and effort. CourseWorks offers a single destination for all of your courses, past and present. CourseWorks is both a communication space for current courses and an archive for past courses.

What will using CourseWorks do for me?

CourseWorks makes course management simple and efficient. After creating and/or converting your course content into a digital format, it can be added to your CourseWorks site and made instantly available to your students, who can access it anywhere and at any time via the web. You can modify your content at any time. All of your content will be retained by the site, and it can be reused in future semesters.

Additionally, if you teach in a classroom with a web-connected computer, you can show media that you have stored on your CourseWorks site, such as slides, video clips, or links to other sites, without having to bring additional equipment or storage media to class.

Who will have access to my course website?

Once activated, your course website will be available to students registered for your course. You may also manually add additional students and others, such as TAs and auditors. Select members of the university administration, including AcIS and CCNMTL staff, also have access to your site.

Please note that anyone you add to the course list must have a .

How can I get a course website?

You can develop your own site using . To schedule an appointment with one of our Educational Technologists to work with you on your site, please call (212) 854-9058 or send an email to .

How can I learn to use CourseWorks?

CCNMTL has prepared a series of that outline the basic steps for publishing a course in CourseWorks. For more hands-on training, you may prefer to attend a CCNMTL workshop. Please see the current on our website.

How can CCNMTL help me to develop a course website?

Our Educational Technologists are dedicated to helping Columbia faculty use technology for instructional purposes. We can work with you to set up your CourseWorks pages and to create customized media, such as slides, lectures, video clips, and animations. We have numerous digital tools at our disposal that we can demonstrate and help you incorporate into your teaching, including multimedia study environments, case studies, and training environments. Please see examples of our work on the .

We can also help identify ways to use your course websites more effectively. We can recommend successful practices such as innovative approaches to using discussion boards, managing group projects, developing online tests, and organizing resource lists. To schedule an appointment with one of our Educational Technologists to work with you on your site, please call (212) 854-9058 or send an email to .

What if I already have a course website or want to have a course website without using CourseWorks?

You should feel free to use whatever technology suits your needs. However, since students will look first to CourseWorks to find their course information, we encourage you to use the system as the foundation for your communications with students. You can easily link to your own course website from the CourseWorks system. In this case, CourseWorks may simply serve as a consistent point of entry for students. We can also help you integrate your existing site into CourseWorks.

Furthermore, even if you are already using a course website independent of CourseWorks, you can still take advantage of the communications tools on the system, particularly the discussion board, which has numerous features beyond the old . CourseWorks also allows you to send class emails and post files

What will appear in CourseWorks if I don't add any course information?

The CourseWorks system automatically generates a course page for every class that includes the instructor's name and e-mail address. If available, it also includes the day, time, and location of the class.

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Setting Up Your Course

Managing course content, assessing students, communicating with students.

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Courseworks (Canvas)

Canvas support from ctl what is courseworks (canvas) where do my students go for help with courseworks (canvas) will canvas work on my mobile device how do i request delegated or administrative access to courseworks how do i access evaluations for courses and instructors if i have delegated access which browsers does courseworks (canvas) support how do i request a collaboration site or a project site how do i turn off the canvas calendar function for students what does the canvas interface look like how to make syllabus in courseworks link with vergil if i post my notes on courseworks does columbia university get the copyright or does it remain with the instructor what is process for scanning materials to include in my course site see more, how can i see a list or pictures of my students in courseworks what are the basics for setting up my course how do i add my syllabus how do i add textbooks into my course in courseworks (canvas) how do i import content from another courseworks (canvas) course what are the capabilities for each role in my course what should i do if i get an error when viewing a tool in courseworks (canvas) how do i create groups in canvas how do i add a guest to my courseworks (canvas) course site is there a blog tool in courseworks (canvas) new 10.19.19: new course navigation appearance, same functionality how can i use the course navigation menu in courseworks to manage my course navigation links how do i add users (tas, students etc) to my course does courseworks (canvas) have a photo roster tool can i see what a student sees - student view can i rename the links or buttons on the left course navigation pane what are student groups how do i create a new group set how do i manually create groups in a group set how do i use the people page as an instructor how do i add a section to a course how do i change the name of my course site will enhanced ta's exist in courseworks (canvas) where do i see the names of students' advising deans where do i see student unis in canvas how can i drop students who are not attending my class from the class roster see more, what is the storage limit for files in canvas what is the files tool and how do i use it how do i restrict files and folders permissions in canvas is canvas hipaa compliant how do i upload a file to my course in courseworks (canvas) how do i create an assignment in courseworks (canvas) how do i subscribe to the calendar feed using google calendar how do i use files as an instructor how do i upload zip files as an instructor do i still have to use webdav to bulk upload files can i use html files in my site and how do i edit them can i create an html page in courseworks (canvas) can students upload files how do i create a homepage can i use youtube in my canvas site can i hide files so that only instructors can see them how do i download files from the files tool is there a way to add items to the course navigation menu on the left that are not visible to the outside world see more, how do i view student activity in the course how do i change the grading scale for my course how do i grade student assignment submissions can i download my student's assignments and grade them how do i create an item in the gradebook that is not associated with an assignment or test how do i give my students extra credit what are grades and gradebook how do i use the gradebook in canvas how do i add or edit points for assignments how can i download my roster in courseworks how do i hide grades until ready to share with students what is the new gradebook how can i use the new gradebook to provide clear, actionable and timely feedback to students how can i use the new gradebook tool to help me grade my students’ performance in a time-efficient manner see more, how do i send notifications for new files i upload to canvas how do i access my evaluations (old and current) what is the mailtool in courseworks (canvas) how do i create a discussion how do i set my courseworks notification preferences how do i subscribe to courseworks calendars in google, outlook, or ical how do i host my class if we can’t meet in person how do i use the conferences tool in canvas how do i send an email to my students in courseworks (canvas) how do i create an announcement see more.

  • Essential Links

To use the following links you need to be on either the Columbia wired network, Columbia U Secure wireless network , or connected to Columbia VPN .

  • Academic Calendar
  • School Codes
  • Department Codes
  • Subject Codes

Support Organizations

  • Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT)
  • Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
  • Columbia Libraries
  • Columbia University Irving Medical Center IT (CUIMC IT)
  • Instructional Media and Technology Services (Barnard College)

Content Policies

  • Computing, Network, and Information Policies (CUIT)
  • Copyright Information for Network Users at Columbia (CUIT)
  • Columbia University Copyright Policy (Office of the Provost)
  • Copyright Policy for Electronic Reserves (CU Libraries)
  • Copyright Advisory Office (CU Libraries)
  • Web: CourseWorks Support (FAQ, problem reporting, etc.)
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

Russian cities and regions guide main page

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  • Check out our Russian cities and regions guides
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Russia panorama

Russian regions

  • Adygeya republic
  • Astrakhan oblast
  • Kalmykia republic
  • Krasnodar krai
  • Novorossiysk
  • Rostov oblast
  • Volgograd oblast
  • Map of Russia
  • All cities and regions
  • Blog about Russia
  • News from Russia
  • How to get a visa
  • Flights to Russia
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  • Renting apartments
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  • Flowers to Russia
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Krasnodar Krai, Russia

The capital city of Krasnodar krai: Krasnodar .

Krasnodar Krai - Overview

Krasnodar Krai is a federal subject of Russia located in the south-west of the country, part of the Southern Federal District. Krasnodar is the capital city of the region.

The population of Krasnodar Krai is about 5,687,400 (2022), the area - 75,485 sq. km.

Krasnodar krai flag

Krasnodar krai coat of arms.

Krasnodar krai coat of arms

Krasnodar krai map, Russia

Krasnodar krai latest news and posts from our blog:.

13 September, 2021 / Park "Krasnodar" - one of the best parks in Russia .

4 April, 2019 / Cities of Russia at Night - the Views from Space .

14 April, 2018 / Parus (Sail) Rock - a natural monument near Gelendzhik .

21 December, 2016 / Flying over diverse Russia .

29 October, 2016 / Krasnodar - the view from above .

More posts..

News, notes and thoughts:

8 July, 2012   / Unexpected flooding that occurred on July 6-7 in Krasnodar krai killed at least 150 people mostly in small town of Krymsk. The water level in Krymsk region rose to 7 meters, entire villages were washed away. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the flood occurred at night, when most people were asleep in their homes.

History of Krasnodar Krai

The territory of today’s Krasnodar Krai was inhabited as early as the Paleolithic, about 2 million years ago. It was inhabited by various tribes and peoples since ancient times. There were several Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast, which later became part of the Kingdom of the Bosporus. In 631, the Great Bulgaria state was founded in Kuban. In the 8th-10th centuries, the territory was part of Khazaria.

In 965, the Kievan Prince Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Khanate and this region came under the power of Kievan Rus, Tmutarakan principality was formed. At the end of the 11th century, in connection with the strengthening of the Polovtsy and claims of Byzantium, Tmutarakan principality came under the authority of the Byzantine emperors (until 1204).

In 1243-1438, this land was part of the Golden Horde. After its collapse, Kuban was divided between the Crimean Khanate, Circassia, and the Ottoman Empire, which dominated in the region. Russia began to challenge the protectorate over the territory during the Russian-Turkish wars.

More historical facts…

In 1783, by decree of Catherine II, the right-bank Kuban and Taman Peninsula became part of the Russian Empire after the liquidation of the Crimean Khanate. In 1792-1793, Zaporozhye (Black Sea) Cossacks resettled here to protect new borders of the country along the Kuban River. During the military campaign to establish control over the North Caucasus (Caucasian War of 1763-1864), in the 1830s, the Ottoman Empire for forced out of the region and Russia gained access to the Black Sea coast.

Prior to the revolutionary events of 1917, most of the territory of present Krasnodar krai was occupied by the Kuban region, founded in 1860. In 1900, the population of the region was about 2 million people. In 1913, it ranked 2nd by gross harvest of grain, 1st place for the production of bread in the Russian Empire.

Kuban was one of the centers of resistance after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. In 1918-1920, there was a non-Bolshevik Kuban People’s Republic. In 1924, North-Caucasian Krai was founded with the center in Rostov-on-Don. In 1934, it was divided into Azov-Black Sea Krai (Rostov-on-Don) and North Caucasus Krai (Stavropol).

On September 13, 1937, the Azov-Black Sea region was divided into Rostov Oblast and Krasnodar Krai that included Adygei Autonomous Oblast. During the Second World War, the region was captured by the Germans. After the battle for the Caucasus, it was liberated. There are about 1,500 monuments and memorials commemorating heroes of the war on the territory of Krasnodar Krai.

In 1991, the Adygei Autonomous Oblast withdrew from Krasnodar Krai and became the Republic of Adygea.

Beautiful nature of Krasnodar Krai

Sunflower field in Krasnodar Krai

Sunflower field in Krasnodar Krai

Author: Alexander Egorov

Krasnodar Krai landscape

Krasnodar Krai landscape

Author: Vladislav Shutyy

On the coast in the Krasnodar region

On the coast in the Krasnodar region

Author: Sotnikov

Krasnodar Krai - Features

Krasnodar Krai is located in the south-western part of the North Caucasus. The territory is washed by the Azov and Black Seas. The length of the region from north to south - 327 km, from west to east - 360 km. The Republic of Adygea, another federal subject of Russia, is located entirely within the Krasnodar region.

The Kuban River divides Krasnodar Krai into two parts: the northern - lowland (2/3 of the territory), located on the Kuban-Azov plain, and the southern - foothills and mountains (1/3 of the territory), located in the western highlands of the Greater Caucasus. The highest point is Mount Tsakhvoa (3,345 m).

The population is concentrated in the basin of the Kuban (also known as the Cossack land). The main cities and towns of Krasnodar Krai are Krasnodar (974,000), Sochi (433,500), Novorossyisk (277,000), Armavir (186,000), Anapa (95,900), Eisk (83,200), Kropotkin (76,300), Gelendzhik (75,100), Slavyansk-na-Kubani (67,200), Tuapse (60,400).

Krasnodar Krai is the warmest region of Russia. The climate is mostly temperate continental, on the Black Sea coast from Anapa to Tuapse - semi-arid Mediterranean climate, south of Tuapse - humid subtropical. Winters are mild and summers are hot. The average temperature in January in the plains is minus 3-5 degrees Celsius, on the Black Sea coast - 0-6 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 22-24 degrees Celsius.

Krasnodar Krai - Economy and Tourism

There are reserves of oil, natural gas, iodine-bromine water, marble, limestone, sandstone, gravel, silica sand, iron ore, rock salt, mercury, gypsum, gold. Krasnodar krai is Russia’s oldest oil producing region (since 1865).

The local economy is based on the industrial, construction, fuel and energy, agriculture, transport, resort and recreational, tourist sectors.

The seaports of the Krasnodar region provide direct access, through the Azov and the Black Seas, to international trade routes and handle more than 35% of foreign trade and transit cargoes of all Russian seaports. The air gateway of the region is Krasnodar International Airport (Pashkovsky Airport) - one of the largest airports in Russia.

Tourism is an important sector of the economy of Krasnodar krai. It is actively developing on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in mountain and steppe districts of the region. The main centers of tourism are the resorts of federal significance (Sochi, Gelendzhik and Anapa) and the resorts of regional significance (Yeisk, Goryachiy Klyuch and Tuapse district).

Due to a combination of favorable climatic conditions, availability of mineral waters and curative mud, Krasnodar krai is the most popular resort and tourist region of Russia and in fact the only one in Russia seaside spa and recreational center.

Krasnodar krai of Russia photos

Krasnodar krai scenery.

Cretaceous rocks in Krasnodar Krai

Cretaceous rocks in Krasnodar Krai

Steep cliffs on the coast in the Krasnodar region

Steep cliffs on the coast in the Krasnodar region

Author: Aleksey Kleymenov

Country road in Krasnodar Krai

Country road in Krasnodar Krai

Author: Nikola Mitinskiy

Pictures of Krasnodar Krai

Memorial Field of Cossack glory in Kushchevskaya village in Krasnodar Krai

Memorial Field of Cossack glory in Kushchevskaya village in Krasnodar Krai

Author: Sergey Timofeev

Jet fighter monument in the Krasnodar region

Jet fighter monument in the Krasnodar region

Author: Konstantin Seryshev

Village in Krasnodar Krai

Village in Krasnodar Krai

Author: Alena Amplieva

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  • Coats of arms of cities and villages of Krasnodar Krai
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    CourseWorks is a platform for online teaching, learning, and collaboration, formerly known as Sakai. It has been transitioned to Canvas, a new LMS with more features and functionality.

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    Hybrid: Hybrid courses include both teaching in-person and teaching online as part of the fundamental course design. Students should expect to be in-person for some, but not all, course components.

  5. Columbia Online

    Columbia Online is Columbia University's central resource for students, faculty, alumni and staff to access online courses, programs, initiatives, and tools, and to share best practices in leveraging online and digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning.

  6. About

    About. The CourseWorks system provides state-of-the-art online learning and information sharing tools, while creating a highly interactive educational experience. This robust system offers user-friendly information sharing between instructors and students through Collaborative workspaces, multi-modal discussion boards, flexible assignment and ...

  7. CourseWorks Support

    What is CourseWorks? Columbia's learning management system, CourseWorks, is at the center of many instructional technology activities. CourseWorks is supplemented and enhanced by tools that support a range of instructional objectives, such as tools for collaboration, presentations, lecture capture, audience response, media annotation, and electronic portfolios. The CTL researches and ...

  8. Our Services

    CourseWorks allows instructors to manage course materials, class meetings, assignments, and student collaboration from a single website. Learn how to log into CourseWorks, access online resources, and get in person support from CCNMTL.

  9. Coursera

    Learn from Columbia University instructors on Coursera, a platform for online education. Explore courses and specializations in construction, social policy, sustainable development, finance, and more.

  10. Courseworks

    Courseworks@Columbia is a web-based service for online learning and collaboration. Learn how to access, use, and customize Courseworks for your courses and academic goals.

  11. Columbia University Courses

    Find basic information, meeting times, class locations and instructor for courses at Columbia University. Access Courseworks for online course materials, final exam schedules, academic calendars and more.

  12. Getting Started with CourseWorks (Canvas) for Faculty

    Introduction CourseWorks (Canvas) is Columbia University's learning management system. Your CourseWorks site can serve as your virtual classroom, a home base to communicate and build community with students, engage students, and also a tool you can use to assess and give feedback to students. Note: You will often hear CourseWorks and Canvas used interchangeably. Canvas is technically the brand ...

  13. CCNMTL: CourseWorks--FAQ

    What is CourseWorks? CourseWorks is Columbia University's "course management system," a web-based environment that provides faculty and students with instructional and administrative tools for all registered courses. The software upon which CourseWorks is based is called Prometheus, which was originally developed by George Washington University and has since been customized extensively ...

  14. CourseWorks powered by Columbia University Information Technology

    CourseWorks powered by Columbia University Information Technology. Faculty. Students. Administrators. Collaborators. These guides and tutorials are designed to help you get familiar with the tools and layout of CourseWorks.

  15. CourseWorks powered by Columbia University Information Technology

    CourseWorks is a platform for faculty, students, administrators and collaborators to create and access online courses at Columbia University. Learn how to use CourseWorks features, tools and resources with tutorials, guides and support.

  16. What is CourseWorks (Canvas)?

    CourseWorks is Columbia University's Learning Management System (LMS) powered by Canvas. Learn how to access your course sites, log in with your UNI credentials, and navigate the Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation pane.

  17. Courseworks (Canvas)

    New 10.19.19: New Course Navigation Appearance, Same Functionality. How can I use the Course Navigation menu in CourseWorks to manage my course navigation links? How do I add users (TAs, Students etc) to my course? Does CourseWorks (Canvas) have a photo roster tool?

  18. News

    Learn how to comply with federal financial aid requirements by posting textbook and syllabus information to CourseWorks for your Fall 2023 courses. Follow the step-by-step instructions for Canvas courses and see how to publish your syllabus on Vergil.

  19. Essential Links

    To use the following links you need to be on either the Columbia wired network, Columbia U Secure wireless network, or connected to Columbia VPN . Academic Calendar. School Codes. Department Codes. Subject Codes.

  20. Add or Drop a Class

    Students can add and/or drop courses using Vergil during the Change-of-Program Period.. Online wait lists remain available during this period. If a schedule overlap is created through registration using a wait list, the student must resolve the overlap in Vergil by the end of the Change-of-Program Period, or submit a petition to the home school according to its established policies.

  21. Academic Calendar

    Use the Academic Term/Year dropdown to find past and future dates. Set School, Event Type, and/or Audience filters to create a more personalized and printable calendar for your needs.

  22. K Awards Training: A Path to Success

    K Awards: A Path to Success is a combined web-based course (5hrs) and livestream workshop (6hrs) that will familiarize participants with the fundamentals of successful K award applications. This workshop will take place in two parts: a required online, asynchronous web-based course (4-5 hours total) followed by the livestream, 6-hour online training on August 19, 2024.

  23. This Week for Faculty: Tips for facilitating classroom discussion

    Make space for discussion by leveraging instructional technologies such as PollEverywhere, CourseWorks Discussions, or EdDiscussions. Assign students different roles in the discussion such as facilitator, note-taker, or summarizer.

  24. Climate and Sustainability Major

    It is open to all students in Columbia College and the School of General Studies. The Climate and Sustainability major is designed for students who are interested in an interdisciplinary educational experience focused on the intersection of the climate crisis and sustainability. The program balances depth in climate science courses with depth ...

  25. This Week for Graduate Students: Fall 2024 Teaching Orientation and more!

    This self-paced online course helps Columbia instructors learn about the various features offered by CourseWorks (Canvas). The course guides instructors through the steps of setting up their course site and highlights various features that enrich the learning experience for students.

  26. Engaging Students with Ed Discussion

    Engaging Students with Ed Discussion (for Instructors) A 30-minute demo sessions for Columbia faculty and graduate student instructors. Would you like a discussion space that encourages student-initiated discussion and fosters classroom community? Do you need a space where students can annotate each other's images? Want an online platform where you can easily organize large numbers of posts ...

  27. Krasnodar

    Krasnodar is the largest city and capital of Krasnodar Krai by population and the second-largest by area. It is the 17th-largest city in Russia as of 2010 and the 13th-largest city in Russia as of 2021. It is located on the right bank of the Kuban River. It is 1300 km south of the Russian capital, Moscow. The Black Sea lies 120 km to the west.

  28. Krasnodar Krai, Russia guide

    Krasnodar Krai - Overview Krasnodar Krai is a federal subject of Russia located in the south-west of the country, part of the Southern Federal District. Krasnodar is the capital city of the region.

  29. Krasnodar Krai

    Krasnodar Krai ( Russian: Краснода́рский край, romanized : Krasnodarskiy kray, IPA: [krəsnɐˈdarskʲɪj kraj]) is a federal subject of Russia (a krai ), located in the North Caucasus region in Southern Russia and administratively a part of the Southern Federal District. Its administrative center is the city of Krasnodar.

  30. File : Coat of Arms of Abinsk (Krasnodar krai, 2009).png

    official documents of state government agencies and local government agencies of municipal formations, including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character, official documents of international organizations, as well as their official translations; state symbols and signs (flags, emblems, orders, any forms of money, and the ...