
Essay on Clean Water and Sanitation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Clean Water and Sanitation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Clean Water and Sanitation

Importance of clean water.

Clean water is vital for life. Every living organism needs it for survival. It helps in digestion, removes toxins, and keeps us hydrated. Without clean water, we risk diseases.

Role of Sanitation

Sanitation is as important as clean water. It prevents the spread of germs, ensuring we stay healthy. Good sanitation practices include proper waste disposal and maintaining cleanliness.

Link Between Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean water and sanitation are interconnected. Contaminated water can lead to poor sanitation, and vice versa. Hence, both are essential for a healthy life.

250 Words Essay on Clean Water and Sanitation


Clean water and sanitation are fundamental components of human health and wellbeing. They are deeply intertwined with socioeconomic development, environmental sustainability, and human dignity.

The Importance of Clean Water

Sanitation: more than hygiene.

Sanitation extends beyond personal hygiene. It involves the management of human waste, solid waste, and wastewater. Proper sanitation practices reduce the incidence of diseases, enhance the quality of life, and contribute to social and economic development. Inadequate sanitation is a pressing issue in many parts of the world, leading to serious public health crises.

Linking Clean Water and Sanitation

The connection between clean water and sanitation is undeniable. Contaminated water sources due to poor sanitation practices can lead to the spread of diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid. Therefore, efforts to improve water quality must go hand in hand with improving sanitation facilities.

The challenges surrounding clean water and sanitation are formidable, but not insurmountable. Through concerted efforts from governments, communities, and individuals, we can ensure access to these fundamental human rights for everyone, thereby paving the way for a healthier, more sustainable world.

500 Words Essay on Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean water and sanitation are fundamental to human health and well-being. Despite being recognized as a human right by the United Nations, millions of people worldwide still lack access to these basic necessities. The importance of clean water and sanitation cannot be overstated, as they play a crucial role in preventing disease, promoting health, and improving overall quality of life.

Water is a vital resource for all forms of life. However, clean and safe drinking water is not universally available. Contaminated water can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio, leading to significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in developing countries. Furthermore, the lack of clean water can impede social and economic development, as individuals may spend significant time and effort obtaining water, rather than engaging in productive activities or education.

The Necessity of Sanitation

Challenges and solutions.

Despite the critical importance of clean water and sanitation, numerous challenges hinder universal access. These include inadequate infrastructure, lack of funding, and insufficient awareness about the importance of hygiene. Addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts from governments, non-governmental organizations, and communities.

Infrastructure development is crucial for providing clean water and sanitation facilities, particularly in rural and marginalized areas. This includes building water purification systems, sewage treatment plants, and toilets. However, such initiatives require significant financial resources. Therefore, increased investment from both public and private sectors is necessary.

In conclusion, clean water and sanitation are not just basic human needs, but they are also fundamental human rights. Despite the challenges, achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation is possible through infrastructure development, increased funding, and education. By ensuring everyone has access to these basic services, we can significantly improve global health, foster social and economic development, and ultimately, create a more equitable world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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168 Water Essay Topics & Research Questions about Water

Looking for a research title about water shortage, conservation, pollution, or treatment? Whatever your area of interest is, you will definitely find a good writing idea in this list of titles for water essays! Topics we’ve collected here are fresh, unique, and current. Go ahead and read them below!

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Water

💡 simple water essay titles, 👍 good water research topics & essay examples, 📌 easy water essay topics, 🎓 most interesting water topics for project, ❓ research questions about water.

  • The Water Cycle and the Impact of Human Activity on It
  • Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health
  • Water and Soil Management
  • The Importance of Water for Body
  • Don’t Ship Air and Don’t Ship Water Strategies
  • Water Quality and Contamination Experiment Report
  • Water and Its Properties
  • Fiji Water Quality: Biology Lab Experiment Since Fiji water is among the popular brands in the US, it is essential to evaluate whether it is clean, that is, safe for human consumption.
  • Water Recycling: Why Is It Important? Different countries face varying challenges in as far as provision of clean water to its population is concerned depending with its economic development level and geographic location.
  • Food and Water Security Management The purpose of this article is to evaluate the current methodologies for addressing food and water security issues and propose sustainable solutions based on scholarly evidence.
  • Impact of Food Waste and Water Use on Earth The paper explores how food waste and water use affect the food system and how agriculture affects the environment.
  • Bottled Water Impacts on Environment As the use of bottled water continue to rise steadily around the world, many critics have focused on its impacts on the environment, economy and other social implications related to the use.
  • Analyzing the Use of Water in Danticat, Roumain, and Marshall The use of water in the three novels Roumain’s “Masters of the Dew,” Danticat’s “Krik? Krak!” and Paul’s “Praise Song for the Widow” has a symbolic meaning.
  • Effects of Climate Variability on Water Resources, Food Security, and Human Health Evaluating the effects of climate variability on water, food, and health will help identify the areas for improvement and offer solutions to current environmental challenges.
  • The Issue of Food and Water Security The global issue for the analysis is food and water security. This is a topical problem nowadays, especially in light of climate change and population growth.
  • Bottled Water Impact on Environment This paper seeks to amplify the need for regulation of the used water bottles. It is quite obvious that water bottles are the highest in a number of all bottles thrown away after use.
  • Biogeochemical Cycles: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water The most common biogeochemical cycles are carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles. The purpose of this paper was to summarize these three cycles.
  • The Environmental Impact of Bottled Water This paper examines the real situational effects on production of the bottled water to environmental degradation.
  • All About Water: Problems and Solutions In addition to explaining water benefits, the paper has also shown that many people globally struggle with water shortages or exposure to contaminated water.
  • Climate Change and Accessibility to Safe Water The paper discusses climate change’s effect on water accessibility, providing graphs on water scarcity and freshwater use and resources.
  • Activation Energy for Viscous Flow of Water, Acetone, Toluene, and o-Xylene The aim of the research was to investigate the hypothesis that the activation energy of a substance depends on intermolecular forces that arise in this substance.
  • Solutions for Food and Water Security Issue With many nations encountering food and water security problems, the consequences of such events have become global, giving rise to multiple outcomes this insecurity.
  • Fresh Water Toxins: Serious Threat to Health This paper discusses fresh water toxins as a serious threat to health, analyzes Los Angeles drinking water, access to clean water and sanitation.
  • Bottle Water Industry in Current Economic UK Climate The research question is whether bottled water is a necessity or a luxury with regard to the current economic climate in the United Kingdom.
  • Boiling Is a Process That Cools the Water This paper tells that bringing water to a boil while making tea is a progression that cools it since the process lessens the overall temperature.
  • Water Accessibility and Quality The following case study explores the effect of negligence towards water stewardship and provides recommendations on the roles of stakeholders in the process.
  • Water Pollution Causes, Effects and Solutions This essay seeks to examine the concept of water pollution, its causes, effects and solutions to water pollution. Water pollution takes place in various water bodies all over the world.
  • Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong The book Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong tells the story of a young boy in a central village in Vietnam. The story presents unique characteristics of Vietnam society and culture.
  • Water in the Atmosphere The relative humidity of air can be changed by changing either the temperature of the thermodynamic system in question or the pressure in the system under consideration.
  • Water Crisis in Nigeria: Project Management As Africa’s most populous and largest economy, Nigeria faces various water-related challenges, from water scarcity in the north to water pollution in the south.
  • Studying the Venturi Effect Through Water Flow Calculation The Venturi effect is of particular importance in fluid dynamics, characterizing the pressure drop of a fluid as it flows through narrow spaces.
  • Water Scarcity as Effect of Climate Change Climate change is the cause of variability in the water cycle, which also reduces the predictability of water availability, demand, and quality, aggravating water scarcity.
  • Water Management in Sustainable Engineering The current essay demonstrates the significance of sustainable engineering on the example of wastewater treatment and consequent water reuse.
  • Fiji Water Case Study Analysis Brandon Miller aims to establish a business that is the distribution of Fiji water for Monroe and Wayne market areas.
  • Resolutions to Fight Water Scarcity The World Health Organization outlines water scarcity as a global crisis affecting more than 2.8 billion people.
  • Assessment: Dubai Electricity and Water Authority As a key component of Dubai’s economy, DEWA is critical in assisting the Emirate’s growth and transition to a zero-economy economy.
  • Is Bottled Water Safe for Public Health? Bottled water is just water but is marketed in such a way that makes it appear as healthy because it is positioned as “bottles water is healthy”.
  • Combating Arsenic Contamination in Water The well known fact is that water is the most valuable natural resource that exists and without which survival of life is impossible.
  • Pressurized Water Reactors: An Analysis The paper describes the operations of a Pressurised Water Reactors (PWR) plant in-depth, discusses the functions of PWR plants, their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Baxter Water Treatment Plants and Public Health The Baxter Water Treatment Plant is the largest water treatment facility in Philadelphia, supplying about 60 percent of the city’s drinking water.
  • Benefits of Water Birth Overview Waterbirth remains to be a controversial approach. The studies examined in this paper provide some evidence for the benefits that waterbirth has.
  • Water Treatments and Maximum Plant Height The first research question was how different water treatments affect maximum plant height. The experiment involved 12 plants – 6 plants for each type of water.
  • Water Management in the “Flow” Documentary The documentary “Flow” discusses and describes two significant things that are preventing people from having access to freshwater.
  • Glacéau Company: Vitamin Water Ethics The business practice of this paper is the production and sale of vitamin water by Glacéau in which the company states that the water being sold has been “enriched” with vitamins.
  • Water Management and Ecology Issues The paper studies water management, its various implications and explains why this area is important on examples of environmental issues.
  • Addressing the Urgent Challenge of Water Pollution The essay addresses the pressing issue of water pollution, highlighting its widespread impact on communities and the environment.
  • Harmonie Water: Bottled Water Production in the U.S. The global market for bottled water is a highly competitive supply environment. The frequent introduction of several firms into the market is the primary cause of this.
  • Human Energy Consumption and Water Power Human energy use is significantly low compared to natural energy flow. Waterpower is not significant in energy flow because it is renewable energy.
  • Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania This paper evaluates the strategies applicable to the development and further maintenance of agriculture, water, and food security in Tanzania.
  • Relocation of Solar Power System to Easy Life Water Ventures The paper states that having an effective power source will help the organization operate smoothly and sustainably and increase its reputation.
  • The Problem of Water Scarcity The paper states that although the problem of scarcity of water is severe, it is crucial to take measures to solve it since they can improve the situation.
  • Aspects of Global Pollution of Water Global pollution of water resources has devasting effects on the environment that include the destruction of the ocean ecosystem and biodiversity.
  • Water Pollution in the Florida State The researchers claimed that plastic pollution was caused by the tourists and citizens who live along the coastline and dumping from the industries.
  • Water Intake and Output: Mechanisms of Regulation For healthy function, the human body requires water balance as one of the key mechanisms, where the average daily water intake and output are relatively equal.
  • Hyponatremia: How Much Water Do You Actually Need? Some schools, like Mississippi State, do hydration tests before each practice to ensure their players are adequately hydrated.
  • Water Pollution and How to Address It A person must protect nature – in particular water resources. After all, the possibilities of water resources are not unlimited and sooner or later, they may end.
  • The Water Shortage Supply in Las Vegas The water shortage supply in Las Vegas is a major problem due to the city’s reliance on Lake Mead and Colorado Rivers, which are drying up due to droughts.
  • Water Pollution: Effects and Treatment Pollution of water bodies is a serious hazard to humans and the aquatic ecology, and population growth is hastening climate change.
  • Examining Solutions for Mitigating the Food and Water Security Issue Hunger, malnutrition, and decreased resource distribution manifest in communities having issues with food and water security, which decreases the well-being of individuals.
  • Garbage Pollution’s Impact on Air, Water and Land Garbage pollutes the planet, and to stop this adverse effect, the authorities’ involvement is needed. One solution lies in the plane of economics and politics.
  • Impact of Water Pollution: Water Challenges of an Urbanizing World Water is a source of life on Earth, and it is one of the very first needs of living beings. It is a vital resource for the development of the economic and social sectors.
  • Environment: There’s Something in the Water Environmental racism hurts the natural image of landscapes and negatively affects the atmosphere and reduces the quality and duration of life for minorities.
  • New Evian Water Product and Customers Analysis As the new Evian water product is a more ecological option, customers concerned about the environment could also represent the client base of the product.
  • Evaluation of Articles on Food and Water Security The two resources chosen for this discussion pertain to food and water security solutions. The scholarly source is visually distinct from the popular source due to its structure.
  • The Clean Water Network Support Statement Fresh water has become one of the most valuable resources in the world, around which regional or even global wars may occur in the future.
  • Water Scarcity Due to Climate Change This paper focuses on the adverse impact that water scarcity has brought today with the view that water is the most valuable element in running critical processes.
  • Global Societal Issue: Food and Water Security According to research, food and water security is a pertinent global problem in the current decade, with access to food and water becoming scarce in certain world regions.
  • The High Heat Capacity of Water The heat capacity of water greatly affects the planet’s climate. At high temperatures, water absorbs heat, and when it gets colder, it gives it away.
  • Exploring the Agenda for Fresh Water Supply in Remote Regions The fundamental thesis of this entire paper is that scientific and technological advances catalyze the development of technologies to deliver fresh water to remote areas of Texas.
  • Food and Water Security as Globalization Issues Globalization has several implications for the business environment, among which are the expanded access to resources, and the interdependence of international companies.
  • What Is Water-Related Terrorism and How to Cope With It? Water-related terrorism includes damaging government facilities, and since water resources are vital for human existence, it is profitable for terrorists to attack them.
  • Lake Mattoon: Recreational Site and Water Reservoir Lake Mattoon remains one of Coles county’s best recreation sites and major water reservoirs; it is a big, man-made lake with lush green shores and big fish populations.
  • Land Usage and Water Quality in Saudi Arabia The effect of land use in Saudi Arabian water quality has intensified the region’s water crisis, causing economic, ecological, and social challenges.
  • How Access to Clean Water Influences the Problem of Poverty Since people in some developing countries have insufficient water supply even now, they suffer from starvation, lack of hygiene, and water-associated diseases.
  • Whirlpool in the Sea off the Coast of Scotland Near Ayrshire Due to Waste Water Stunning drone images near Lendalfoot in South Ayrshire captured a glimpse of a mammoth whirlpool off the Scottish west coast.
  • Causes and Risks of Water Pollution The paper describes the effects of water pollution on human health from the perspective of existing findings on this topic and the assessment of information.
  • Safe Drinking Water: Current Status and Recommendations The study proposes the usage of agricultural waste as a sustainable biosorbent for toxic metal ions removal from contaminated water.
  • The Problem of Environmental Pollution: Fresh Water One of the more important concerns that are fast becoming a major threat is pollution and no form of pollution seemed to be bigger than that of freshwater pollution.
  • Essentials of Water in Supporting Biological Systems Water is essential in supporting the biological system in various ways; the properties of water help in understanding its importance.
  • Underground Water Contamination in St. Louis Mo City In St. Louis Mo City of Missouri State, contamination of underground water is most likely and that is why the water supply is a subject to government policies.
  • Basic Functions of Minerals and Water in the Body This paper discusses the functions and sources of minerals, the function of water in the body, and the general effect of dehydration on the body.
  • Twitter Campaign: Impact of Water Runoff Water runoff can cause flooding, which means property damage and mold formation in damp basements and more. This paper is a twitter campaign about the impact of water runoff.
  • Water Pollution of New York City Rivers The aim of the analysis was to assess the effects of CSOs on water quality and the environment at different sites along the Harlem River.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach to Water Pollution This paper shows how the multidisciplinary approach addresses water pollution as a public health issue. It is important to understand what the model entails.
  • Water Cooling Tower Construction Site’s Problems The paper highlights three major problems at the construction site. They are security, scheduling, and safety problems.
  • The Problem of Environmental Water Pollution This paper discusses a public health concern by explaining the causes of water pollution, how it affects human communities, and the possible strategies.
  • Cooling Water System Overview Water towers can reduce temperatures more than any other devices using air only to reject heat hence are more cost-effective.
  • Recent Water Treatment and Production Developments This study attempts to investigate whether inorganic filters are more suitable for industrial and water treatment processes when compared to organic filters.
  • Chemistry: Partitioning Coefficient of the Water The partitioning coefficient of the water solutions with of diuron, decadienal, atrazine, fluoranthene, and desethylatrazine compounds are calculated in accordance with the formula.
  • Study of Local Water Resources Quality This laboratory report aims to summarize the results obtained during the study oxygen consumption, BOD, and detecting dissolved suspended solids in Hong Kong water.
  • Developing Suspension Carbon Nano-Tubes in Water This paper has discussed nano-tubes and suspension as well as stabilization which make use of Multi-Wall-Carbon-Nanotubes by the function of concentrated SDS.
  • Is Bottled Water Dangerous for People and the Environment? The purpose of this paper is to discuss alternative perspectives on bottled water and whether it is dangerous for people and the planet.
  • A Cartographic History of Water Infrastructure and Urbanism in Rome The freshwater available to the city was a huge cultural and economic boon to Roman citizens. Some of this ancient water infrastructure is operational to this day.
  • Integrated Water Strategies From Website Water Recycling The website http://waterrecycling.com/ is a front-end of their company showing various services that the company offers in the field of water recycling.
  • The Causes of Water Pollution Water pollution is a significant decrease in water resources’ quality due to the ingress of various chemicals and solid waste. The causes of pollution are related to human activities.
  • Water Quality Assessment. Environmental Impact Maintaining good water quality is essential to human health; thus, the recent decades have outstandingly worsened the water across communities worldwide by pollution.
  • Political Ecology and Water Wars in Bolivia The given critical assessment will primarily focus on bringing a new perspective to the issue from the standpoint of political ecology.
  • The Influence of Water on the Growth of Popcorn Plants The information from the study would aid farmers in identifying appropriate seasons to cultivate popcorn plants based on data of meteorological forecasts.
  • Water Conservation Practice in Olympia Olympia city has a comprehensive water conservation program that involves many projects. The city puts much effort into the conservation of water.
  • First Nations Communities Water Resources Drinking water is by no means an infinite resource, but there are places in the world where women and children spend hours each day just to collect it.
  • Protecting the Current and Future Water Supply for Rio de Janiero In the current rate of use, as well as the consensus reached by the governing officials in Rio de Janeiro, there will be enough potable water until 2025.
  • Water Quality and Supply The main problem on the way to the solution of environmental issues is a violation of generally accepted rules.
  • The Global Water Crisis: Issues and Solutions The water crisis has now been associated with the reduction in food quantity besides the scarcity of safe drinking water.
  • Water Conservation Practice in Houston From the treatment of wastewater to the reduction of the consumption of the same Houston is an epitome of the increasing need to conserve resources, especially water.
  • Burning Issue of Water Pollution in Washington The problem of polluted drinking water in Washington should be solved immediately despite various obstacles, such as pressure for money, etc.
  • Drinking-Water in Third World Countries The shortage of drinking water in countries of Third World and the public controversy, surrounding the issue, illustrates the validity of this thesis better then anything else.
  • Water: An Often Overlooked Essential Element in Our Environment The freshwater required for growing food and livestock is also in great demand by the large numbers of inhabitants in the world’s cities and towns.
  • Bottled Water: Environmental and Cultural Impact The consumption of bottled water has an impact on society. Appropriate strategies must be implemented to ensure that the hazards associated with bottled water are reduced.
  • Bottled Water Status in the UK With the current economic climate in the UK, the issue of whether bottled water has become a luxury or a necessity.
  • Changes in the Global Water Cycle Changes in the climate brought about by global warming have a much bigger likelihood of impacting negatively on the global hydrological cycle.
  • Water and Soil Pollution: Effects on the Environment Water and soil pollution is the process of contaminating water and soil. In this project, we will investigate the apparent main pollutants of the Spring Mill Lake.
  • Bottled Water: Culture and Environmental Impact Bottled water as a particular branch of industrial growth in countries throughout the world represents the source of environmental pollution.
  • Alternative Energy Sources: A Collaborative Approach in Water Management With the increasingly high prices of gasoline in particular and fossil fuels in general there is a need to find an alternative source of energy.
  • Water Sector Privatisation in Saudi Arabia The paper explores the decision by the Ministry of Water and Electricity in Saudi Arabia to form the National Water Company to facilitate the privatization process and oversee the regional operations.
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Effect on Water Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) constitute one of the largest groups of compounds that produce widespread organic environmental pollution posing a risk to marine biota
  • Lack of Water in California as an Environmental Issue California can run out of water because of technological and social problems that affected the region. Defining water resources’ “development” is critically important.
  • Water Scarcity in the Middle East The Arab region has always had issues with the water supply but as the population continues to grow steadily, this issue has become even more alarming
  • Potential Threats to Water Supplies in Ottawa The purpose of the research is to identify the distribution of threats to drinking water in the city and determine who might benefit and who might be harmed in the process.
  • Water Quality in Savannah, Georgia The City of Savannah Water Supply and Treatment Department conducts numerous annual tests to ensure that drinking water in the region is safe for human consumption.
  • Water Pollution Index of Batujai Reservoir, Central Lombok Regency-Indonesia Despite having 6% of the world’s water resources, Indonesia’s environmental policies have not only been raising concerns but also pushed the country to the brink of water crisis.
  • Dream Water Company’s Product Marketing The core product is the main benefit that the product brings to the consumer. For Dream Water, the core product is the medication against insomnia.
  • Water Resources in Australia: Usage and Management Australia is one of the driest continents in the world. Various governmental and non-governmental institutions have teamed up to face the challenges facing people as far as water is concerned.
  • Water Sanitation Program in Saudi Arabia In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the demand for water continues to increase without an equivalent increase in the supply, the level of hygiene may soon become a problem.
  • “Bling H2O” Bottled Water in the Australian Market Bling H2O water is the world’s most expensive bottled water. The brand’s creator targeted to sell it to the celebrities who highly esteem their bottled water.
  • FIJI Water Company’s Success The business owners of FIJI Water embarked on a very active marketing campaign aimed at the promotion of the water, as well as the establishment and maintenance of FIJI Water’s brand.
  • Virtual Water Content and Global Water Savings The Virtual Water Content concept was the byproduct of discussions regarding the need to provide food in countries suffering from drought or plagued with perpetual water scarcity.
  • Active Remediation Algorithm for Water Service in Flint The Active Remediation algorithm aims to inspect the water service in Flint, Michigan, and identify those lead pipes that need to be replaced by copper pipes.
  • Water Savings and Virtual Trade in Agriculture Water trade in agriculture is not a practice that is unique to the modern generation. The practice was common long before the emergence of the Egyptian Empire.
  • Virtual Water Trade and Savings in Agriculture This essay discusses the savings associated with virtual water trade in agriculture and touches on the effects of a shift to local agricultural production on global water savings.
  • Virtual Water Trade of Agricultural Products Virtual water trade is a concept associated with globalization and the global economy. Its rise was motivated by growing water scarcity in arid areas around the world.
  • Water Quality Improvement for Global Health This proposal determines the necessity of water quality from the perspective of global health. The funding will be provided by the government and non-governmental organizations.
  • Substances Influence on Water The objective of the experiment will be to find if the freezing rate of water changes when different substances are added.
  • “Erin Brockovich” Film and 2014 Flint Water Crisis This paper analyzes the movie “Erin Brockovich” and compares it with the current situation in Flint, which started in April 2014.
  • Virtual Water Savings and Trade in Agriculture The idea of virtual water was initially created as a method for assessing how water-rare nations could offer food, clothing, and other water-intensive products to their residents.
  • Environmental Legislation: Clean Water Act Clean Water Act determines water quality standards, serves as a basis for the enactment of pollution control programs, and regulates the presence of contaminants in surface water.
  • Green Infrastructure in Water Management This paper evaluates the utility of water management in urban areas from the aspect of perception and interpretation of green infrastructure in water management.
  • Third-Party Logistics, Water Transportation, Pipelines Transportation plays a crucial role in today’s business world. This work shows the benefits and limitations of third-party logistics providers, water transportation, and pipelines.
  • Water Quality and Contamination In this paper, carries out detailed experiments on the bottled and tap water available to consumers to establish whether it is worthwhile to purchase bottled water.
  • Oil, Water and Corruption in Central Asian States The region of Central Asia has been a focus of the world’s political and economic attention due to its rich oil and gas resources. Corruption is the main curse of Central Asian states.
  • Water Scarcity Issue and Environment The paper answers the question why to be worried about running out of drinking water even though the earth’s surface is mostly made of water.
  • Environmental Studies: Water Recycling Different countries face varying challenges in as far as the provision of clean water to its population is concerned depending on its economic development level and geographic location.
  • How Does Water Pollution Affect Human Health?
  • Are Sports Drinks Better for Athletes Than Water?
  • What Happens if You Don’t Filter Your Water?
  • Can Game Theory Help to Mitigate Water Conflicts in the Syrdarya Basin?
  • How Can We Reduce Water Scarcity?
  • Are Water Filters Really That Important?
  • How Much Water Do We Need to Feed the World?
  • Why Is Water Important for Food Production?
  • Can Markets Improve Water Allocation in Rural America?
  • How Can We Reduce Water Consumption in Food Industry?
  • Can Public Sector Reforms Improve the Efficiency of Public Water Utilities?
  • What Are the Modern Technologies Used to Treat Water?
  • How Does Water Pollution Affect Global Warming?
  • Can Sea Water Generate Usable Energy?
  • What Are the Steps Taken by the Government to Reduce Water Pollution?
  • Can Sugar Help Lower the Freezing Point of Water?
  • Do We Need More Laws to Control Water Pollution?
  • Can the Global Community Successfully Confront the Global Water Shortage?
  • What Is the Government Doing to Save Water?
  • Can Virtual Water ‘Trade’ Reduce Water Scarcity in Semi-arid Countries?
  • Does Urbanization Improve Industrial Water Consumption Efficiency?
  • How Has Technology Helped Us Save Water?
  • Does Piped Water Improve Household Welfare?
  • Can Water Pollution Policy Be Efficient?
  • How Does Green Infrastructure Improve Water Quality?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 168 Water Essay Topics & Research Questions about Water. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/water-essay-topics/

"168 Water Essay Topics & Research Questions about Water." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/water-essay-topics/.

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1. StudyCorgi . "168 Water Essay Topics & Research Questions about Water." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/water-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "168 Water Essay Topics & Research Questions about Water." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/water-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "168 Water Essay Topics & Research Questions about Water." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/water-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on June 25, 2024 .


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113 Water Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Water is essential for all living beings on Earth, yet it is a finite resource that is increasingly under threat due to climate change, pollution, and overuse. Despite its importance, many people take water for granted and do not fully appreciate its significance in our daily lives. To raise awareness about the importance of water conservation and management, here are 113 water essay topic ideas and examples that you can explore in your writing:

  • The importance of water conservation in the face of climate change
  • The impact of industrial pollution on water quality
  • The role of agriculture in water scarcity
  • The challenges of providing clean drinking water to all people
  • The significance of water in religious and cultural practices
  • The impact of deforestation on water availability
  • The benefits of investing in water infrastructure
  • The connection between water scarcity and conflict
  • The role of women in water management
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems
  • The importance of wetlands in regulating water flow
  • The effects of urbanization on water quality
  • The challenges of managing transboundary water resources
  • The role of technology in water conservation
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater availability
  • The benefits of rainwater harvesting
  • The significance of water in sustainable development goals
  • The impact of dam construction on river ecosystems
  • The role of indigenous knowledge in water management
  • The effects of overfishing on marine biodiversity
  • The importance of protecting groundwater resources
  • The benefits of restoring degraded rivers and lakes
  • The impact of water scarcity on food security
  • The challenges of managing wastewater in urban areas
  • The role of corporations in water stewardship
  • The benefits of desalination technology
  • The significance of water rights and access
  • The impact of water pollution on human health
  • The importance of water conservation in arid regions
  • The role of government policies in water management
  • The benefits of water-efficient agriculture practices
  • The impact of microplastics on marine life
  • The significance of water in sustainable tourism
  • The challenges of managing water resources in megacities
  • The role of education in promoting water conservation
  • The benefits of protecting marine sanctuaries
  • The impact of coral bleaching on marine ecosystems
  • The importance of protecting freshwater habitats
  • The role of citizen science in monitoring water quality
  • The benefits of investing in green infrastructure
  • The significance of water in traditional medicine
  • The impact of water scarcity on indigenous communities
  • The challenges of managing flood risks
  • The role of ecosystems in regulating water quality
  • The benefits of restoring mangrove forests
  • The importance of water conservation in the fashion industry
  • The impact of microbeads on marine ecosystems
  • The significance of water in sustainable energy production
  • The challenges of managing water resources in coastal areas
  • The role of art in raising awareness about water conservation
  • The benefits of protecting endangered freshwater species
  • The impact of plastic waste on marine food chains
  • The importance of water conservation in the mining industry
  • The role of community-based water management
  • The benefits of investing in water treatment plants
  • The significance of water in traditional agriculture practices
  • The impact of water scarcity on wildlife habitats
  • The challenges of managing water conflicts between nations
  • The role of youth in promoting water conservation
  • The benefits of protecting marine protected areas
  • The significance of water in sustainable forestry practices
  • The impact of water pollution on aquatic ecosystems
  • The importance of protecting endangered freshwater species

In conclusion, water is a precious resource that must be managed and conserved for the benefit of all living beings on Earth. By exploring these water essay topic ideas and examples, you can deepen your understanding of the importance of water conservation and inspire others to take action to protect our planet's most vital resource.

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Sustainable development goal 6: clean water and sanitation.

The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to work toward a sustainable and poverty-free world by 2030. Goal 6, in particular, seeks to ensure that people have access to clean water and adequate sanitation services worldwide.

Biology, Health, Conservation

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The members of the United Nations (UN) adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. These 17 goals are designed to unite nations in the common cause of ensuring the general welfare of all humans by the year 2030. These goals include a focus on ending poverty, tackling climate change , and maintaining high standards of resources.

SDG 6 focuses on ensuring a clean and stable water supply and effective water sanitation for all people by the year 2030. The goal is a reaction to the fact that many people throughout the world lack these basic services. About 40 percent of the world’s population is affected by a lack of water. As global temperatures rise, that total is expected to increase. Already, some of the poorest countries in the world are affected by drought , resulting in famine and malnutrition . Throughout the world, about 1.7 billion people live in a watershed where water is used faster than the watershed can be replenished. According to some estimates, if such trends continue, one in four people, or more, might experience water shortages on a regular basis by the year 2050.

Compounding the problem of water scarcity is the lack of reliable sanitation throughout the world. More than two billion people worldwide lack basic sanitation services, such as simple latrines or toilets. More than 890 million of those people live in regions where “open defecation” occurs. This means that human waste is left in the open. Adding to the issue is the fact that 80 percent of wastewater throughout the planet is emptied into the ocean or rivers without proper waste removal.

Alarmed by these problems, the UN established SDG 6 in an effort to make adequate sanitation and water services available to all people by the year 2030. As many as 800 million people, or more, would require the construction of facilities to provide consistent clean water and waste removal. To succeed in their vision, the UN developed a series of targets. These targets include restoring and protecting river ecosystems throughout the world, eliminating sources of water pollution , and increasing international cooperation to bring services throughout the world.

In an effort to reach the targets outlined by SDG 6, some water companies have installed smart meters in places where water scarcity is a concern. These meters track and charge for every drop of water used in a household, which has led to higher water conservation in countries like The Gambia and Tanzania. The CEO of one such company, eWATERpay, claims that these meters have reduced water waste by 99 percent.

Such efforts take time and require many countries to work together. While some strides have been made, based on information from a 2017 UN study, not enough has been done to ensure that this goal will be met by 2030. Managing these targets properly is the only way to make certain all people will benefit from clean water and effective sanitation in the years ahead.

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clean water topic essay

GOAL 6: Clean water and sanitation

Goal 6

Learn more about SDG 6

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all:


Sustainable management of water resources and access to safe water and sanitation are essential for unlocking economic growth and productivity, and provide significant leverage for existing investments in health and education. The natural environment e.g. forests, soils and wetlands contributes to management and regulation of water availability and water quality, strengthening the resilience of watersheds and complementing investments in physical infrastructure and institutional and regulatory arrangements for water access, use and disaster preparedness. Water shortages undercut food security and the incomes of rural farmers while improving water management makes national economies, the agriculture and food sectors more resilient to rainfall variability and able to fulfil the needs of growing population. Protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems and their biodiversity can ensure water purification and water quality standards.

UNEP is working to develop a coherent approach to measuring water-related issues included through. All the SDG indicators under Goal 6 are coordinated by UN Water and UNEP actively works with UN Water and the UN Water partners on these indicators. UN Water has developed a data portal as a hub for SDG 6. Additionally, the Global Environmental Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 acts a coordinating initiative for all SDG 6 methodologies (all SDG 6 methodologies, including the ones UNEP has developed are available as part of this initiative).

Sustainable Development Goal 6 goes beyond drinking water, sanitation and hygiene to also address the quality and sustainability of water resources, which are critical to the survival of people and the planet. The 2030 Agenda recognizes the centrality of water resources to sustainable development and the vital role that improved drinking water, sanitation and hygiene play in progress in other areas, including health, education and poverty reduction.

  • 6.3.2 Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality (Tier II)
  • 6.5.1 Degree of integrated water resources management (Tier I)
  • 6.6.1 Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time (Tier I)

News and stories

Water quality monitoring support in Sierra Leone

  • Global Environment Monitoring Systems (GEMS) Water
  • University College Cork
  • German Federal Institute of Hydrology
  • EU Joint Research Center (JRC)
  • Global Mangrove Watch
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA)

To learn more about UN Environment Programme's contributions to SDG 6:

  • SDG Issue Brief on  Ensuring Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All
  • SDG Policy Brief on  Freshwater under Threat

Related Sustainable Development Goals

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102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Water pollution essays are an excellent way to demonstrate your awareness of the topic and your position on the solutions to the issue. To help you ease the writing process, we prepared some tips, essay topics, and research questions about water pollution.

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Water’s ready availability in many locations makes it an easy choice for a variety of purposes, from cleaning to manufacturing to nuclear reactor cooling. However, many companies will then dump water, now mixed with waste, back into rivers or lakes without adequate cleaning, leading to significant environmental pollution.

However, there are other types of harm, such as noise pollution, which are less obvious but also dangerous to sea life. It is critical that you understand what you should and should not do during your writing process.

The stance that big manufacturing industries are the sole culprits of the damage done to the world’s rivers and oceans is a popular one. However, do not neglect the effects of other water pollution essay topics such as microorganisms.

Microbes can spread dangerous illnesses, making them a danger for both water inhabitants and the people who then use that water. Furthermore, they can eat up oxygen if left unchecked, starving fish and other water organisms and eventually making them die out.

Such situations usually result from agricultural practices, which can lead to powerful nutrients entering the water and enabling algae and other microorganisms to grow excessively. An overly lively environment can be as harmful as one where everything is threatened.

With that said, industrial manufacturers deserve much of the attention and blame they receive from various communities. Construction of dedicated waste-cleaning facilities is usually possible, but companies avoid doing so because the process will increase their costs.

You should advocate for green practices, but be mindful of the potential impact of a significant price increase on the global economy. Also, be sure to mention more exotic pollution variations in your types of water pollution essay.

Provide examples of noise pollution or suspended matter pollution to expand on the topic of the complexity of the harm humanity causes to the ecosphere.

You should show your understanding that there are many causes, and we should work on addressing all of them, a notion you should repeat in your water pollution essay conclusions.

However, you should try to avoid being sidetracked too much and focus on the titles of pollution and its immediate causes.

If you stretch far enough, you may connect the matter to topics such as the status of a woman in Islam. However, doing so contributes little to nothing to your point and deviates from the topic of ecology into social and religious studies.

Leave the search for connections to dedicated researchers and concentrate on discussing the major causes that are known nowadays. By doing this, you will be able to create an excellent and powerful work that will demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

Here are some tips for your writing:

  • Be sure to discuss the different types of pollution that is caused by the same source separately. Surface and groundwater pollution are different in their effects and deserve separate discussions.
  • Focus on the issues and not on solutions, as an essay does not provide enough space to discuss the latter in detail.
  • Be sure to discuss the effects of pollution on people and other land inhabitants as well as on water creatures.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/

"102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/.

Essay on Water for Students and Children

500+ words essay on water.

Water is one of the most important substances for life on earth to function. It is equally important for humans as well as animals. Water does not merely help us survive, but it is significant for our day to day functioning. It has numerous uses when we come to think about it. Majority of our earth is covered with water itself, but, not all of it is safe for consumption. Therefore, it makes it essential for us to utilize this transparent substance chemical wisely. Moreover, if we look at the shortage of water happening in our country, it makes it all the more important to conserve it immediately.

essay on water

Uses of Water

As we have already said that water has numerous uses, we will see where it is used. This part will most importantly help us realize the importance of water . It will make humans aware of what absence of water in the following areas can do to human life. As India’s main occupation is agriculture, water is exhaustively used here. Irrigation and cattle rearing requires a lot of water. Thus, a lot of farmers’ livelihood depends on it.

Further, industries use water for various purposes. It comes in handy when cooling, manufacturing and transporting several goods. For instance, thermal power plants consume quite a substantial amount of water for their running.

Furthermore, the domestic use of water cannot be left behind. In the day to day life of the common man, water plays a vital role. That is to say, from drinking water to washing utensils, we need water every step of the way.

After that, plants need water to survive and make food. It is one of the main elements which help them grow. Hence, water is extremely important for humans, animals, and plants to survive .

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Do not Waste Water

While water is quite essential and yet so scarce, however, people fail to realize this fact. They waste water with little or no care for the results of this activity. There are various ways in which one can avoid wasting water . To begin with, all households must get their leaking taps checked. They should fix them immediately as every drop is precious.

Similarly, we must choose buckets instead of showers for bathing. This is a very debatable topic and it needs to be settled. Showers waste a lot of water, so people must prefer buckets. This particular habit is quite commonly found in most of the households. People do not turn off their taps while brushing their teeth and washing utensils. Always remember to keep the tap off when doing so.

In addition, encourage rainwater harvesting system in all homes. This can help conserve water like never before.

In short, water is essential for the survival of mankind. But, it is, unfortunately, being waster rapidly. Every citizen and government must come together to tackle this issue. Governments must ensure all areas get water equally. On the other hand, citizens must keep in mind to use it wisely and not waste it unnecessarily.

FAQs on Water

Q.1 State the importance of water.

A.1 Water is of the utmost importance for human and animal life. It gives us water to drink. It also comes in great use for farmers and industries. Even common man requires water for various purposes like drinking, cleaning, bathing and more.

Q.2 List the ways to avoid wastage of water.

A.2 Everyone must avoid wasting water. We can do so by fixing our leaking taps, avoiding showers for bathing, and turning off taps when brushing. Furthermore, we can adopt rainwater harvesting system to conserve water.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Water Scarcity — Water Crisis: Understanding the Causes and Seeking Solutions


Water Crisis: Understanding The Causes and Seeking Solutions

  • Categories: Environmental Issues Water Scarcity

About this sample


Words: 1019 |

Published: Jan 28, 2021

Words: 1019 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Causes of the water crisis, consequences of the water crisis, seeking solutions to the water crisis.

  • Invest in water storage, distribution, and treatment infrastructure.
  • Implement smart technologies for monitoring and controlling water usage.
  • Promote efficient water allocation and pricing mechanisms.
  • Encourage farmers to adopt precision agriculture techniques.
  • Promote the use of drought-resistant crop varieties.
  • Implement efficient irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation.
  • Reduce excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Promote water conservation at the individual and community levels.
  • Fix water leaks and encourage the use of low-flow appliances.
  • Educate the public on water-saving habits.
  • Invest in advanced wastewater treatment facilities.
  • Implement stricter regulations on industrial and agricultural wastewater discharge.
  • Promote the recycling and reuse of treated wastewater (water reclamation).
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable energy sources.
  • Support afforestation and reforestation efforts to maintain water catchment areas.
  • Develop and implement climate-resilient water management strategies.
  • ABC News. (2019). Chennai's the latest city to have almost run out of water, and other cities could follow suit. Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-06- 22/chennais-telling-the-globe-a-story-about-water-scarcity/11229084
  • Ceranic, I. (2018). Perth rainfall is higher than Melbourne, Hobart, London despite reputation for sunny beaches. Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018- 04-24/perth-rainfall-higher-than-melbourne-hobart-and-london/9688142
  • Green Water Plumbing. (2019). Water Crisis: Is Australia Running Out of Water? Retrieved from https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/water-crisis-is- australia-running-out-of-water/
  • Juneja, P. (n.d.). The Economic Impact of Cape Town’s Water Crisis. Retrieved from https://www.managementstudyguide.com/economic-impact-of-cape-town-water- crisis.htm
  • Qureshi, M. E.; Hanjra, Munir A.; Ward, J. (2013). Impact of water scarcity in Australia on global food security in an era of climate change. Food Policy, 38:136-145. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2012.11.003
  • Thirumurthy, P. The News Minute. (2019). Chennai water crisis: Schools closes down for junior classes, others declare half-day. Retrieved from https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/chennai-water-crisis-school-closes-down- junior-classes-others-declare-half-day-103919
  • United Nations. (2014). Water for Life Decade: Water scarcity. Retrieved from https://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/scarcity.shtml
  • Wright, I. (2017). This is what Australia’s growing cities need to do to avoid running dry. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/this-is-what-australias-growing-cities- need-to-do-to-avoid-running-dry-86301
  • Lakshmi, K. (2019). Chennai’s Day Zero: It’s not just meteorology but mismanagement that’s made the city run dry. Retrieved from https://www.thehindu.com/sci- tech/energy-and-environment/chennais-day-zero-its-not-just-meteorology-but- mismanagement-thats-made-the-city-run-dry/article28197491.ece

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Considering the ongoing clean water crisis in Flint, MI, and other cities across the United States and the globe, children and teens likely have a number of related pertinent questions: What causes water contamination/pollution? How is water affected by weather, plants, animals, and people? Why should they be concerned? And finally, what are people doing about it?

The books listed below deal with these questions in a way that is both clear and absorbing. With a combination of reader-friendly, informative writing and outstanding graphic features, these titles invite thoughtful conversations and active responses.

Books for little ones highlight the properties of water and how it functions as part of an ecosystem, while selections for older readers emphasize the pressing need to protect the world’s clean water supply, showcase the work of today’s problem-solvers, and offer suggestions for personal involvement. Aimed at preschoolers through high schoolers, here is a fine selection to inspire young people to first think about the role of water in daily life and then consider how to safeguard it for future generations.

Middle to High School


The U.S. Geological Survey’s Water Science School. https://water.usgs.gov/edu. The U.S. Department of Interior. Gr 3 Up –Various aspects of water, from properties and qualities to different types (surface vs. ground water), are covered along with a photo gallery, an interactive water cycle diagram, activities for kids, and materials for teachers. A full-length play for third and fourth graders is also provided. Links to Spanish and Chinese translated versions are available.

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  • Health Topics A-Z

Cistern Safety and Disasters: Before, During, and After

  • Natural disasters—like floods or hurricanes—can wash germs or chemicals into cisterns and make water unsafe to drink.
  • Before a disaster, fill your cistern, close it off from storm water, and store an emergency water supply.
  • After a disaster, you may need to clean or disinfect your cistern before using it again.

Large, plastic water storage tank (cistern) on a concrete pad. A plastic pipe connects the cistern to a house. Another plastic pipe goes from the cistern into the ground. The cistern and house are overlooking the ocean.

Cisterns are large containers used to store drinking water. They can store:

  • Treated water that comes from a public water system
  • Untreated water from a catchment (collection) system

Catchment systems collect rain, ground water, spring water, or surface water.

Your cistern may be on your roof, under the ground, or beside your home. Cisterns on rooftops are often connected to public water systems or to groundwater systems. Underground water cisterns often use catchment systems. Standalone cisterns beside homes can be filled by public water or catchment systems.

Building with a large water storage container (cistern) on the roof. There is a plastic pipe between the cistern and the roof, with a water filter connected to the pipe.

How to prepare

If possible, take the following steps before a natural disaster to protect your water.

Fill your cistern to the maximum capacity. The additional water can increase the amount you have available after a disaster. If your cistern is on the roof, the extra water can also help weigh down the cistern during strong winds.

To prevent water from entering the cistern during the disaster:

  • Close off the water source, or
  • Divert the catchment system away from the cistern

Have an emergency supply of safe water ready to use in addition to the water in your cistern. Have at least 1 gallon of water per person per day for 3 days. If possible, have a 2-week supply of water.

Have a bottle of unscented liquid household chlorine bleach. The bleach label should say it contains between 5% and 9% sodium hypochlorite. You can use this bleach to treat your water , if needed, and for general cleaning and disinfecting.

What to do afterward

Water with fuel or toxic chemicals in it‎‎.

After a natural disaster, use only clean, treated water for:

  • Washing dishes
  • Showering or bathing
  • Brushing teeth

You can use water contaminated with germs or chemicals to flush toilets.

Treated, public system water

If your cistern stores treated water from a public system and was not affected by the disaster, you can use the water.

If you cannot access your cistern water or the water was affected by the disaster, use your stored emergency water supply . If needed, treat that water in small amounts (a gallon or less at a time) to make it safe to use.

If you do not have an emergency water supply, find other safe water sources .

Disinfecting your cistern

You may need to disinfect a cistern that stores treated public water after a disaster. Consider disinfecting your cistern if:

  • Water system or government officials tell you to disinfect your cistern
  • You evacuated your home
  • You have been away for weeks or months and think your cistern may have gotten contaminated

How to disinfect your cistern :

1 . If the cistern is connected to any water treatment units, close valves to those units. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations to disinfect the treatment system.

2 . Add 3 cups (a little less than 1 liter) of bleach for every 100 gallons (about 380 liters) of water in the cistern. Use unscented liquid household bleach with 5%–9% sodium hypochlorite.

Amount of bleach (5%–9%) to add to disinfect your cistern
Cistern size Tank is 1/4 full Tank is 1/2 full Tank is 3/4 full Full tank
1.5 cups 3 cups 4.5 cups 6 cups
3.5 cups 7 cups 10.5 cups 14 cups
4.5 cups 9 cups 13.5 cups 18 cups
7.5 cups 15 cups 22.5 cups 30 cups

3 . If the cistern is connected to indoor plumbing, open each faucet and run the water until you smell chlorine (bleach).

4 . Turn off all faucets and allow the solution to stay in the cistern and plumbing for at least 12 hours.

5 . Drain all water from the cistern into a sanitary sewer.

6 . Refill the cistern with clean, safe water.

7 . Open each faucet and run the water until you do not smell chlorine (bleach).

Untreated catchment water

If your cistern stores untreated water and has open connections (like gutters or overflows), it may fill with storm debris or floodwater during a disaster. If this is the case, avoid using the water in your cistern. Ask your health department what steps they recommend taking before using water from your cistern again.

Disinfecting the water in cisterns filled with storm debris or floodwaters does not work well. It is very difficult to determine the exact amount of chlorine you need to kill germs and mix it in correctly. In addition, water in these cisterns might get re-contaminated by germs in the environment because of their open connections.

Instead of using the water in your cistern, use your stored emergency water supply . If needed, treat that water in small amounts (a gallon or less at a time) to make it safe to use.

Cleaning your cistern

If your cistern uses untreated water and has open connections, ask your health department if you need to drain and clean your cistern after a disaster. If they recommend you do, follow these steps:

  • Remove all debris from the catchment area.
  • Remove all debris and water from the cistern.
  • If you can do it safely, scrub the inside of the cistern with a stiff brush and a solution of 1 cup (about 0.25 liter) of bleach mixed with 10 gallons (about 38 liters) of water. Use unscented liquid household bleach with 5%–9% sodium hypochlorite.
  • Rinse the cistern with clean water, then drain.
  • Refill the cistern with clean, safe water.

Small image of a factsheet about cleaning and disinfecting water cisterns after floods and heavy rains

Cleaning and disinfecting water storage tanks and tankers fact sheet | WHO

Collecting Rainwater and Your Health: An Overview

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)-related Emergencies and Outbreaks

During an emergency, you may not have safe tap water. Prepare by storing an emergency water supply and learning how to remove germs from unsafe water.


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    Refill the cistern with clean, safe water. 7. Open each faucet and run the water until you do not smell chlorine (bleach). Untreated catchment water. If your cistern stores untreated water and has open connections (like gutters or overflows), it may fill with storm debris or floodwater during a disaster.