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  • Published: 26 June 2023

The impact of augmented reality on student attitudes, motivation, and learning achievements—a meta-analysis (2016–2023)

  • Wenwen Cao 1 &
  • Zhonggen Yu   ORCID: 2  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  10 , Article number:  352 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

8866 Accesses

12 Citations

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  • Science, technology and society

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant number of students have been compelled to remain at home while receiving education supported by augmented reality (AR) technologies. To determine the impact of AR technologies on educational outcomes, the present study undertook a meta-analysis utilizing Stata/MP 14.0. The study found that the attitudes of learners towards AR-assisted education were more positive, and their learning achievements were significantly higher compared to those who did not use AR technologies. However, there was no significant difference in motivation levels between the AR-assisted and non-AR-assisted educational models. The researchers explored several reasons for this result, but they could not identify any clear explanation. Future studies could take into account other factors that might affect education outcomes such as learning styles and learner personality. Doing so could shed more light on the impact of AR technologies on education.

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Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students have been compelled to receive education from home with the assistance of augmented reality (AR) technologies (Saleem et al., 2021 ). Given the rising popularity of AR technologies in the field of education (Tezer et al., 2019 ), a multitude of studies have conducted meta-analyses to investigate their effectiveness, particularly under the COVID-19 pandemic context (e.g., Selek and Kiymaz, 2020 ; Bork et al., 2020 ; Gargrish et al., 2021 ; Gonzalez et al., 2020 ). One recent meta-analysis found that AR technologies could have a positive impact on learning outcomes when users’ spatial abilities were taken into account (Bölek et al., 2021 ). While medium-sized effects were often observed in terms of learning gains resulting from the use of AR (Garzón and Acevedo, 2019 ), the results may have been influenced by the exclusion of studies with insufficient data. Additionally, when applied in collaborative learning, AR technologies could have a major influence on learning outcomes, although the results were limited to the pedagogical methods utilized in the included sample (Garzón et al., 2020 ).

The field of education has witnessed a rapid surge in the popularity of augmented reality (AR), which has the potential to greatly enhance learning experiences (Garzón et al., 2019 ). However, the study conducted by Garzón et al. ( 2019 ) neglected to define the specific features of AR that can conveniently assist and improve learning achievements. When compared to traditional learning methods, AR-assisted learning has demonstrated a considerable improvement in learning achievements, and the efficacy of various AR applications in education has shown no significant differences (Ozdemir et al., 2018 ). It is important to note, however, that the sample size in Ozdemir et al.’s study was restricted to only 16 participants and was limited to the Social Sciences Citation Index, resulting in a possible sample bias that could impede the reliability of their results. Learner attitudes toward and learning achievements in AR-assisted education may need further examination since both variables have not received enough exploration.

A meta-analysis of AR-assisted education offers several advantages (Cao and Hsu, 2022 ). Combining the results of multiple studies increases the sample size and statistical power, enabling more accurate and dependable conclusions in AR-assisted education. By analyzing multiple studies together, meta-analysis can identify patterns and trends that may not be apparent in individual studies, indicating the consistency of results across different studies and enhancing the generalizability of findings. Meta-analysis mitigates the impact of bias in individual studies by examining a larger pool of data and reduces the need for replication studies, thereby saving valuable time and resources. It also helps integrate findings with existing theoretical frameworks, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the topic in AR-assisted education. Overall, meta-analysis provides a more robust evidence base for decision-making in policy and practice in AR-assisted education.

The purpose of this meta-analysis is to investigate the impact of Augmented Reality (AR) on educational outcomes while minimizing the aforementioned limitations. We intend to achieve this by incorporating a larger sample size from diverse databases. Our study aims to address the issue of sample bias by expanding the sample size and examining the role of AR features in education. We will include all available studies related to AR, and in cases where adequate information is unavailable, we will reach out to the authors for clarification. Our analysis will also encompass various pedagogical approaches facilitated by AR technologies, with the goal of arriving at comprehensive conclusions regarding attitudes, learning achievements, and motivation.

Literature review

Attitudes toward ar used for education.

The utilization of augmented reality (AR) has been suggested as a means to enhance attitudes towards and satisfaction with education. As reported by Weng et al. ( 2020 ), AR has the potential to induce positive attitudes toward education. Alqarni ( 2021 ) suggests that AR may facilitate positive learning experiences, including academic achievements for students with disabilities. The integration of AR into problem-based learning has also been noted as a promising approach to improving students’ attitudes toward specific subjects (Fidana and Tuncel, 2019 ). Recent research conducted by Sahin and Yilmaz ( 2020 ) found that students who utilized an AR-enhanced science course, specifically “Solar System and Beyond,” exhibited more favorable attitudes toward learning than their non-AR-using peers. Additionally, they reported higher levels of satisfaction and lower levels of anxiety. Delello ( 2014 ) also posits that AR technologies may play a crucial role in improving attitudes toward AR-assisted education.

Despite the potential benefits of AR technology in enhancing attitudes toward education, it is important to acknowledge that some studies have reported negative attitudes toward its use. For instance, Basoglu et al. ( 2018 ) suggest that the use of AR smart glasses (ARSGs) may pose privacy concerns and reduce the perceived ease of use, which can lead to negative attitudes toward AR. Similarly, Akçayır et al. ( 2016 ) assert that students’ lack of familiarity with AR technology can result in frustration and generate negative attitudes toward AR-assisted education. Given the contradictory findings surrounding the impact of AR on attitudes toward education, we propose an alternative hypothesis for further investigation.

H1: The attitudes of learners towards AR-assisted education are significantly more positive compared to those without the aid of AR technologies.

Learning achievements

The majority of studies have reported positive learning outcomes associated with the use of AR technologies. Akçayır and Akçayır ( 2017 ) suggested that utilizing AR technology could enhance learning achievements, foster student engagement, and boost confidence in academic activities. Fidana and Tuncel ( 2019 ) found that integrating AR technologies into problem-based learning approaches resulted in improved learning achievements. Similarly, Sahin and Yilmaz ( 2020 ) reported that students who used AR technologies achieved significantly higher learning outcomes than those who did not. Lee and Hsu ( 2021 ) also demonstrated the efficacy of AR-assisted learning through the “Makeup AR” approach, which enhanced learning achievements, self-efficacy, and reduced cognitive loads. Wu et al. ( 2018 ) further supported the effectiveness of AR-based learning systems, reporting significantly better learning achievements compared to traditional learning methods.

Several studies have reported negative learning outcomes associated with augmented reality (AR) technologies. For instance, Kuhn and Lukowicz ( 2016 ) found that incorporating AR technologies, such as Google Glass, into intelligent classes did not result in significantly higher learning achievements compared to those without AR technologies. Conversely, students who learned using a serious game with AR technologies called Lost in Space demonstrated significantly greater improvements in learning achievements than those who used traditional learning tools, but no significant differences were observed during gameplay (Hou et al., 2021 ). Additionally, AR technologies could potentially have adverse effects on mobile learning achievements, as improper mobile design with AR technologies may lead to frustrating learning outcomes and reduced learning efficiency (Chu, 2014 ; Hwang et al., 2016 ). Given these contradictory results, we propose an alternative hypothesis.

H2. Learning achievements in AR-assisted education exhibit significantly higher results compared to those achieved through non-AR-assisted education.

Motivation of AR technology-assisted learning

Numerous studies have demonstrated that augmented reality (AR) technologies can enhance learning motivation. For example, Cavallo and Laubach ( 2001 ) found that AR technologies could improve learning motivation. Akçayır and Akçayır ( 2017 ) reported that AR technologies motivated students to participate in learning activities. Yildirim ( 2016 ) discovered that students who used computer-based AR technologies were significantly more motivated than the control group who did not use AR technologies. Moreover, Tian et al. ( 2014 ) and Zhang et al. ( 2014 ) indicated that the use of AR technologies in education effectively enhanced students’ motivation. Cen et al. ( 2020 ) observed that a mobile AR-based learning system significantly improved the motivation of secondary chemistry learners. Demitriadou et al. ( 2020 ) suggested that AR technologies were effective in increasing learning motivation.

Despite the positive effects of augmented reality (AR) technologies on learning motivation, some previous studies have shown differing results. For instance, Gómez-García et al. ( 2021 ) found that students who used AR technologies did not exhibit significantly higher learning motivation than those who did not use them. Additionally, Lee and Hsu ( 2021 ) reported that the application of AR in vocational certification courses failed to significantly enhance learning motivation. Furthermore, teachers who resist changing their traditional pedagogical approaches may feel less motivated by AR technologies, which could also dampen students’ motivation for using AR technologies in learning. Similarly, students who are accustomed to traditional learning styles may also exhibit resistance toward AR-assisted learning. Given these implications and inconsistent findings, we propose an alternative hypothesis.

H3. Learning motivation in AR-assisted education shows a substantial increase compared to non-AR-assisted education.

Research methods

This meta-analysis adhered strictly to the protocols outlined by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, as detailed by Page et al. ( 2021 ). PRISMA outlined 27 items that served as a guide throughout the meta-analysis process and provides specific recommendations for conducting a thorough and valid meta-analysis. The ethical committee overseeing this study has granted a waiver for registration, as the study does not involve any human participants and does not violate any ethical criteria.

Eligibility criteria

Following the PRISMA protocol, we established explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting relevant studies. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) large randomized controlled trials that involved AR technology-assisted education and conducted comparative studies; (2) written in English language; and (3) formally and openly published, and peer-reviewed. We excluded studies that (1) focused solely on AR technology without any reference to education; (2) lacked sufficient information for meta-analyses; (3) belonged to the category of review studies; (4) had no relevance to the study topic; (5) were of overall lower quality based on Standards for Reporting on Empirical Social Science Research in AERA Publications; (6) contained insufficient data; (7) had small sample sizes; or (8) yielded unconvincing results.

Search strategy and selection process

The study involved conducting a systematic search of online databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, ScienceDirect Elsevier, and SpringerNature, using specific syntactic rules to enter keywords such as “AR, augmented reality, education, control group, experimental group, learning, and teaching”. Prior to the screening, duplicates, records deemed ineligible by automation tools, and those with missing information, small sample sizes, lower quality, lack of sufficient data, or unconvincing conclusions were removed. The selection process was reviewed independently by two researchers, achieving satisfactory inter-rater consistency ( k  = 0.87). In cases of disagreement, a third reviewer was consulted. Ultimately, 28 relevant results were included after screening and excluding ineligible literature (see Fig. 1 ).

figure 1

A flowchart of the literature inclusion procedure.

Characteristics of the included studies

The present review encompasses studies that showcase the recent accomplishments in AR-assisted education, with publications ranging from 2016 to 2023. The cumulative number of participants in the control group is 1509, while the experimental group consists of 1417 individuals. These studies investigate the comparative effectiveness of AR-assisted and traditional educational approaches in terms of learning achievements, learners’ attitudes, and motivation. All included research articles are published in distinguished journals such as Advances in Physiology Education, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Behaviour & Information Technology, British Journal of Educational Technology, Computer Application Engineering Education, Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Education Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Interactive Learning Environments, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Journal of Science Education and Technology, and Universal Access in the Information Society (refer to Table 1 ).

Data synthesis

In order to ensure the reliability of our findings, we employed two methods: publication bias testing and sensitivity analyses. Publication bias is a common issue in research, as journals tend to prioritize publishing positive results over negative ones. To detect potential publication bias, we utilized Begg’s (Begg and Mazumdar, 1994 ) and Egger’s tests (Egger et al., 1997 ). We also examined the distribution of individual studies to identify any presence or absence of publication bias. Additionally, we performed sensitivity analyses using Stata/MP 14.0 software to further validate our results.

Begg’s and Egger’s tests are two commonly used statistical methods to assess publication bias in meta-analyses. Begg’s test is a rank correlation test that examines the association between effect sizes and their variances or standard errors. A non-significant p -value (e.g., p  > 0.05) suggests that there is no evidence of publication bias. However, a significant p -value (e.g., p  < 0.05) may indicate the presence of publication bias, but it can also mean that the sample size is too small or the number of studies included in the analysis is too few. Egger’s test is a linear regression test that examines the association between the effect sizes and their precision (the reciprocal of variance). A non-significant p -value (e.g., p  > 0.05) indicates that there is no evidence of publication bias. However, a significant p -value (e.g., p  < 0.05) suggests the presence of publication bias, but it can also mean that the sample size is too small, or there is substantial heterogeneity among the included studies.

The present meta-analysis was conducted using Stata/MP 14.0 software. Firstly, we extracted data pertaining to mean values, standard deviations, and participant numbers across both experimental and control groups. Additionally, subgroups such as learning achievements, attitudes, and motivation in AR-assisted education were also extracted. Effect sizes were then calculated using Cohen’s d formula: d  = Me−Mc/Sp, where Me represents the means of the experimental group, Mc represents the means of the control group, and Sp signifies the pooled standard deviation of both groups (Sedgwick and Marston, 2013 ). We will classify effect size values as very small if they are around 0.1, small if approximately 0.2, medium if roughly 0.5, large if about 0.8, very large if near 1.2, and huge if approaching 2 (Sawilowsky, 2009 ).

The heterogeneity of estimates was assessed by the researchers using I 2 , Q , z , and p values. The degree of heterogeneity was categorized as unimportant if I 2 was <40%, moderate if I 2 was between 30% and 60%, substantial if I 2 was between 50% and 90%, and considerable if it ranged from 75% to 100% (Higgins and Green, 2021 ). We employed a random-effect model for meta-analysis if I 2 was >50%, and a fixed-effect model if I 2 was <50%. In addition to I 2 , Q , z , and p values were also considered in determining the level of heterogeneity.

In cases where a single study produced multiple results, we utilized the Statistics Toolkit (STATTOOLS) to merge participant numbers, means, and standard deviations into a single group (Altman et al., 2000 ). We combined various subgroups such as attitudes (Alqarni, 2021 ; Fidana and Tuncel, 2019 ; Sahin and Yilmaz, 2020 ), attractiveness (Albrecht et al., 2013 ), learning interest (Chin and Wang, 2021 ), satisfaction (Huang et al., 2021 ; Ucar et al., 2017 ; Wu et al., 2018 ), and self-efficacy (Lee and Hsu, 2021 ) under the “attitudes” category. The “learning achievements” subgroup included test scores (e.g. Gonzalez et al., 2020 ), academic achievement, academic averages (Selek and Kiymaz, 2020 ), evaluation scores (Gargrish et al., 2021 ), final exam scores (Gonzalez et al., 2020 ), grades of work, financial knowledge (Candra Sari et al., 2021 ), learning outcomes (Stojanović et al., 2020 ), learning performance (Hanafi et al., 2016 ), the mathematical calculation (Ruiz-Ariza et al., 2018 ), operational effectiveness (Mao and Chen, 2021 ), spatial perception skills (Carbonell Carrera and Bermejo Asensio, 2017 ), test and quiz scores (Christopoulos et al., 2021 ), visualization skills (Omar et al., 2019 ), and writing skills (Wang, 2017a ). The “motivation” subgroup focused on learning motivation (Chang et al., 2016 ; Chu et al., 2019 ; Gómez-García et al., 2021 ; Lee and Hsu, 2021 ; Christopoulos et al., 2021 ). The included studies utilized AR technologies in education as the treatment.

If multiple experimental groups were used, preference would be given to the group that was most closely associated with the use of augmented reality (AR). Among the experimental groups that utilized AR, priority would be given to the group that had the most stringent design and provided the most compelling results. When selecting a control group, the one that could provide the most informative comparative results with the experimental group would be selected. In studies where pre- and post-tests were conducted to compare control and experimental groups, data from the post-tests that underwent the treatment would be retrieved.

The sample size, methodological quality, and age of participants can all contribute to the variability of effects observed in a meta-analysis. Larger sample sizes generally lead to more precise estimates of effect size with less variance. Small samples may have greater variability due to sampling error. Studies that are well-designed and implemented with appropriate controls tend to produce more reliable and valid results. Poorly designed studies with bias or confounding factors can produce less trustworthy outcomes and introduce heterogeneity in the meta-analysis. Studies that include participants from different age groups may lead to variations in treatment effects. For example, an intervention may work better for younger individuals but not as well for older populations. Therefore, in this meta-analysis, differences in sample size, methodological quality, and age of participants across studies may have negatively influenced the generalizability of the results.

Testing for hypotheses

H1. The attitudes of learners towards AR-assisted education are significantly more positive compared to those without the aid of AR technologies .

In a random-effect model, the variance is assumed to consist of two components: within-group variation and between-group variation. The group-specific effects are considered random variables that follow a normal distribution with a mean zero and a certain variance. In contrast, a fixed-effect model assumes that each group has its own fixed effect, which is not normally distributed. The interpretation of results from a random-effect model is usually more generalizable than from a fixed-effect model since it accounts for both within-group and between-group variation. However, a random-effect model may have less statistical power than a fixed-effect model when there are only a few groups or when the within-group variability is small. Therefore, the choice between the two models depends on the research question and the specific data characteristics.

The effect model used for conducting the meta-analysis was determined based on the level of heterogeneity. The observed variances in study outcomes across studies were attributed to heterogeneity rather than random errors, specifically in relation to attitudes towards AR-assisted education (indicated by Q  = 171.78, I 2  = 94.2, p  < 0.01 in Table 2 ). As a result, random-effect models were employed to analyze attitudes within the context of AR-assisted education using meta-analytic techniques.

A forest plot was generated using Stata/MP 14.0 software to test the alternative hypotheses (Fig. 2 ). The plot included 11 effect sizes, with individual studies represented by dots in the middle column and the horizontal line indicating 95% confidence intervals. The no-effect line was represented by the middle line, while the diamond at the bottom indicated the pooled result. If the horizontal line or diamond crossed the no-effect line, it suggested non-significant differences. The diamond was located to the right of the middle line, indicating a significantly more favorable attitude in the experimental group compared to the control ( d  = 1.08, 95% CI = 0.44–1.72, z  = 3.32, p  = 0.001 in Table 2 ).

figure 2

A forest plot of differences in attitudes between control and experimental groups.

To test for publication bias, a funnel plot was created using the same software. Figure 3 shows symmetrically distributed dots along both sides of the middle line, suggesting the absence of publication bias ( z  = 1.63, p  = 0.102 through Begg’s test in Table 3 ). Therefore, researchers accept the first alternative hypotheses.

figure 3

A funnel plot of publication bias in attitudes.

H2. Learning achievements in AR-assisted education exhibit significantly higher results compared to those achieved through non-AR-assisted education .

In terms of learning achievements, the estimations yielded significant heterogeneity ( Q  = 281.66, p  < 0.01, I 2  = 92.5 in Table 2 ), prompting the researchers to employ a random-effect model for the meta-analysis. The results indicated a significant difference between the experimental and control groups, with the former achieving significantly higher learning outcomes ( d  = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.47–1.22, z  = 4.37, p  < 0.01 in Table 2 and Fig. 4 ). Additionally, there was no indication of publication bias in the data according to the funnel plot analysis (Fig. 5 ) and Begg’s test ( z  = 1.75, p  = 0.08 in Table 3 ), thus leading the researchers to accept the second alternative hypothesis.

figure 4

A forest plot of differences in learning achievements between control and experimental groups.

figure 5

A funnel plot of publication bias in learning achievements.

H3. Learning motivation in AR-assisted education shows a substantial increase compared to non-AR-assisted education .

In order to test the alternate hypothesis, researchers utilized a random-effects model for conducting meta-analysis due to significant heterogeneity in estimates ( Q  = 12.52, p  = 0.028, I 2  = 60.1). A forest plot (Fig. 6 ) was created which showed that the pooled estimate of motivation, represented by the diamond, intersected with the no-effect line, indicating no significant difference in motivation between the two groups ( d  = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.47–1.22, z  = 4.37, p  < 0.01 in Table 2 and Fig. 6 ). Additionally, results from Begg’s test ( z  = 1.13, p  = 0.26) and Egger’s test ( z  = 1.18, p  = 0.302 in Table 3 ) depicted symmetric distribution of dots on either side of the middle line in Fig. 7 , thereby indicating no presence of publication bias. Consequently, the third alternative hypothesis was rejected by the researchers.

figure 6

A forest plot of differences in motivation between control and experimental groups.

figure 7

A funnel plot of publication bias in motivation.

In order to verify the reliability of our estimate results, we performed sensitivity analyses using the Stata/MP 14.0 program by entering the command “metaninf N M SD N0 M0 SD0, random cohen”. The results are presented in Fig. 8 , where each dot represents an individual study, while the middle line displays the effect size and the lines on both sides represent the upper and lower confidence interval limits. All of the dots fall within the given confidence interval limits when a particular study is excluded. We conducted separate sensitivity analyses for attitudes, learning achievements, and motivation, and obtained the same results, indicating that the overall and separate estimates of our study are reliable and robust. The final results are summarized in Table 4 .

figure 8

Results of the sensitivity analysis.

Attitudes toward AR for educational purposes

It can be concluded that students exhibit more favorable attitudes towards AR-assisted education than traditional education. Implementing AR technologies in education has the potential to generate excitement and interest among learners, leading to positive attitudes toward AR-assisted learning. This is especially true for those who experience AR technologies for the first time, as they may find the technology curious and even magical (Sahin and Yilmaz, 2020 ; Akram et al., 2021 ). AR technologies have three dimensions that provide students with a more tangible and authentic learning experience, ultimately enhancing learning effectiveness (Wojciechowski and Cellary, 2013 ). AR technologies capture students’ attention, increase their engagement, and immerse them in educational activities, leading to positive attitudes toward AR-assisted education (Perez-Lopez and Contero, 2013 ). Positive attitudes towards AR-assisted education are closely linked to learning achievements in AR contexts (Sahin and Yilmaz, 2020 ). This positive correlation may further reinforce positive attitudes as students’ learning achievements significantly improve when compared to those achieved through traditional learning.

It is reasonable to expect that AR-assisted education can result in significantly higher learning achievements compared to traditional education. The multi-dimensional scaffolding functions of AR technologies may offer novel experiences and stimulate students to participate in the learning process, thereby enhancing their learning achievements (Gilliam et al., 2017 ). AR-assisted learning may also foster students’ curiosity, which can increase their cognitive effort and improve their learning achievements (Kuhn and Lukowicz, 2016 ). Strong curiosity may help students focus on learning content and reduce distractions, leading to improved learning outcomes. In AR-assisted contexts, students typically experience lower cognitive loads than those without the use of AR technologies and also report higher levels of satisfaction (Wu et al., 2018 ). This may further contribute to improved learning achievements facilitated by AR technologies.

Although this study did not find a significant difference in motivation levels between AR-assisted education and traditional methods, it is reasonable to expect such a difference based on the potential benefits of AR technologies. The remarkable functions of AR technologies may encourage students to engage in simulated learning activities and associate virtual with real learning environments (Abdullah, 2022 ), leading to increased learning motivation and the development of positive attitudes towards learning (Tian et al., 2014 ). Students tend to enjoy using AR technologies in their learning, finding them easy and convenient to use, and they report high satisfaction with their AR-assisted learning experiences (Ozarslan, 2013 ), which can reduce their learning anxiety compared to traditional learning (Tomi and Rambli, 2013 ; Al-Ansi, 2021 ). Thus, students are motivated to continue using AR technologies to enhance their learning experiences. Lee and Hsu’s ( 2021 ) failure to detect significant differences in motivation levels might be due to the short duration of their experiment, poor Internet connection, or the use of small smartphones that could hinder students’ ability to effectively utilize AR technologies.

Major findings

The results of this study are in line with previous research (e.g. Christopoulos et al., 2021 ; Carbonell Carrera and Bermejo Asensio, 2017 ), indicating that AR-assisted education generates more positive attitudes among learners and leads to higher learning achievements compared to traditional methods. However, the study did not observe any significant differences in motivation levels between AR-assisted education and non-AR-assisted education. The study authors explored several explanations for this unexpected finding.


This study has several limitations. Firstly, due to constraints in the availability of library resources, it was not possible to access all relevant literature. Secondly, Begg’s and Egger’s tests indicate that publication bias exists regarding learning achievements in AR-assisted education, which may reduce the reliability of the findings. Additionally, the variability of research contexts makes it challenging to fully summarize the effects of AR technologies on educational outcomes.

Future research directions

Other factors, such as learning styles and learner personality, may also significantly impact the effects of AR technologies on educational outcomes. Future research could incorporate a more comprehensive range of influencing factors. Additionally, future studies could explore the differences between the application of mobile and static AR technologies in educational contexts (Lee and Hsu, 2021 ). Researchers should also consider the impact of technostress, interaction, affection, cognition, and telepresence on AR-assisted learning experiences and achievements (Baabdullah et al., 2022 ). Furthermore, studies could focus on the effects of AR on learners’ spatial ability (Di and Zheng, 2022 ).

Data availability

The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are openly at .

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The authors extend gratitude for funding support from the following: Shan Dong Humanities and Social Sciences Project in 2022 (Grant No: 2022-JCJY-09): A Study on English College Instructors' Leadership in China, funded by Shandong Federation of Social Sciences; 2019 MOOC of Beijing Language and Culture University (MOOC201902) (Important) “Introduction to Linguistics”; “Introduction to Linguistics” of online and offline mixed courses in Beijing Language and Culture University in 2020; Special fund of Beijing Co-construction Project-Research and reform of the “Undergraduate Teaching Reform and Innovation Project” of Beijing higher education in 2020-innovative “multilingual +” excellent talent training system (202010032003); the research project of Graduate Students of Beijing Language and Culture University “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China” (SJTS202108).

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Department of College English Teaching, Qufu Normal University, No. 80 Yantai Road, Donggang District, 276826, Rizhao City, China

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Cao, W., Yu, Z. The impact of augmented reality on student attitudes, motivation, and learning achievements—a meta-analysis (2016–2023). Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10 , 352 (2023).

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Received : 02 December 2022

Accepted : 13 June 2023

Published : 26 June 2023


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Current challenges and future research directions in augmented reality for education.

thesis topics for augmented reality

1. Introduction

2. background.

  • AR educational games;
  • AR discovery-based learning applications;
  • AR projects that model real-world objects for interaction;
  • AR projects exploring skill-based training.

2.1. AR Learning in Formal Classrooms

2.2. ar learning in special education, 2.3. ar learning outside the classroom, 2.4. ar for collaborative learning, 3. methodology, 4. results and discussion, 4.1. interactive arbooks for early classes, 4.2. interactive books for higher classes, 4.3. stem (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, 4.4. language and vocabulary learning, 4.5. collaborative learning, 4.6. environment and history learning, 4.7. special education, 4.8. mooc (massive open online courses), 4.9. technical training, 4.10. authoring tools, 4.11. multi-agent systems, 5. main insights and future research agenda, 5.1. education level, 5.2. domain, 5.3. experiments conducted to evaluate ar education, 5.4. libraries used, 5.5. devices, 5.6. tracking, 5.7. user interaction, 5.8. collaboration, 5.9. agents, 6. highlighting future directions using prototype case studies, 6.1. real-time touchless hand interaction (avoid touching devices), 6.2. kinesthetic learning, 6.3. machine learning agents for self-guided learning.

  • End User Trainer
  • Self-Assessment

6.4. First Case Study—Learning PC Assembling

6.5. second case study—learning chemical reactions, 6.6. empowering remote learning in ar, 6.7. limitations, 7. conclusions, author contributions, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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ProjectResearch ObjectiveEducation LevelSubs.Display DevicesUI LevelCollab.Agent
EARLS (2012) [ ]Kinesthetic learning activities guided by AR gesturesUniversity1211DesktopMediumYesNo
ARGarden (2008) [ ]Learning about environment using ARToolKitPrimary-SmartphoneMediumNoYes
Magical- Playbook (2013) [ ]Storybook with AR bookSecondary3SmartphoneLowNoNo
Toys++ (2010) [ ]Physical object tracking and labelingPrimary-LaptopLowNoNo
ARLIS (2012) [ ]Use of agent for library instructions in ARElementary116DesktopMediumNoYes
AIBLE (2014) [ ]Astronomy concepts learning using AR markersElementary69LaptopMediumNoNo
AR picture book (2014) [ ]Picture book for learning behavioral patterns and cognitive attainmentSecondary33SmartphoneLowNoNo
MARIE (2002) [ ]AR for engineering concepts with 3D object placement on trained markersUniversity-HMDsMediumNoYes
miBook (2009) [ ]AR storytelling using markers and audiosPrimary5DesktopMediumNoYes
ARIES (2013) [ ]Learning chemistry with 3D model placement on markersSecondary42DesktopMediumNoNo
AR Creative- builder (2015) [ ]Enabling students with adding three models for chemistry learningSecondary33DesktopLowNoNo
SESIL (2011) [ ]AR books for learning in early classesPrimary-DesktopLowNoNo
AR-infused robot (2015) [ ]AR robotic interaction using markers attached to bodyPrimary81DesktopLowYesNo
CMAR (2016) [ ]Learning science topics using AR animationElementary71TabletsMediumNoNo
ARChemist (2020) [ ]Chemistry learning using markersUniversity2TabletsMediumNoNo
CHE- MOTION (2017) [ ]Leapmotion hand tracking for Chemistry learningSecondary16DesktopMediumNoNo
AR Solar System (2002) [ ]Sun–Earth relationship learning in solar systemUniversity30HMDsLowNoNo
Earth-Moon System (2019) [ ]Learning astronomy using three-dimensional modelsSecondary35TabletMediumNoNo
LSS (2010) [ ]Learning about solar system by rotating multi-target markersSecondary30HMDsMediumNoNo
MEteor (2016) [ ]Astronomy learning with motion tracking systemElementary113CAVEHighYesNo
Protein ScanAR (2012) [ ]Use of AR marker with FLARToolkitfor for Biology learning with object placementSecondary16Web ARLowNoYes
SCeTGo (2010) [ ]Marker-based 3D object placement for learning scienceSecondary-DesktopLowNoNo
Carmen’s Anatomy Learning (2008) [ ]Learning interior of human body Anatomy using ARToolkitPrimary40Desktop, HMDsMediumNoNo
Barrow, John (2019) [ ]Learning human anatomy with vuforia marker-based trackingUniversity90TabletslowNoNo
MIRRACLE (2012) [ ]Human anatomy learning with Kinect gesturesSecondary-DesktopHighNoNo
Ma, Meng et al. (2016) [ ]Anatomy learning using Kinect body TrackingUniversity72DesktopMediumNoNo
REFLECT (2019) [ ]Using Microsoft Kinect gestures to learn human anatomyUniversity288DesktopMediumNoNo
Nainggolan et al. (2016) [ ]Learning human skeleton models using leapmotion hand trackingUniversity30DesktopHighNoNo
Umeda, Ryosuke et al. (2017) [ ]Using Leapmotion hand tracking for interactive anatomy learningUniversity2DesktopMediumNoNo
ARIFLite (2004) [ ]Using Web3D for learning mechanical parts in ARUniversity-Web ARMediumNoNo
LPP (2012) [ ]Learning Physics with simulated experiments using markers & KinectUniversity43DesktopMediumYesNo
LightUp (2013) [ ]Simple electronic kits learning using ARUniversity12Smartphone, TabletsMediumNoNo
SSI on Nuclear Energy 2013 [ ]Learning about nuclear reactor phenomenon using AR simulationSecondary22TabletsMediumNoNo
Elect ARmanual (2015) [ ]Use of AR for practical manual for electronics using remote instructionsUniversity50Web ARMediumNoNo
AR-Flipped Learning (2018) [ ]Physics learning activities at early schoolPrimary111Smartphone, TabletMediumNoNo
Augmented Chem. (2002) [ ]Learning chemistry with simple markersSecondary0DesktopMediumNoNo
GeoAR (2012) [ ]Geometry learning with marker-based object placement and virtual buttonsElementary6DesktopLowNoNo
Opera2222 (2015) [ ]Using simulations for teaching about historical placesSecondary2SmartphoneLowNoNo
AR Flashcards (2017) [ ]Use of AR Flashcards for language learningPrimary42Tablets/ iPadsLowNoNo
Kanji learning (2003) [ ]Collaborative Kanji Learning using ARToolKitSecondary-PDALowYesNo
HELLO (2010) [ ]Using agents in AR for language learningElementary64SmartphoneMediumYesYes
Handheld AR system (2016) [ ]Vocabulary learning using markers placement on physical objectsUniversity45TabletsLowNoNo
Scaravetti et al. (2019) [ ]Mechanical designUniversity59TabletMediumNoNo
TeachAR (2016) [ ]English learning using object placement and speech recognition with KinectPrimary4DesktopLowNoNo
Erman et al. (2018) [ ]Use of Kinect tracking for language learningUniversity62DesktopMediumNoNo
ARbis Pictus (2018) [ ]AR for tracking objects and labeling physical objects to learn vocabularyUniversity52HMDsLowNoNo
Explorez (2015) [ ]Language learning using situated gaming with GPSUniversity11SmartphoneMediumNoNo
SMALLab (2006) [ ]Student–instructor interactive learning using audio sensingSecondary-DesktopMediumYesNo
ARClass- Note (2017) [ ]Collaborate between students and teachers using notesSecondary-HMDsLowYesNo
Locatory (2011) [ ]Location-based educational gaming using GPSSecondary3SmartphoneLowNoNo
METAL (2021) [ ]Anatomy learning using LookingGlass with Azure Kinect and HololensUniversity10Looking Glass, HMDHighYesNo
Inquiry-based learning (2014) [ ]Environmental learning using GPS situation learning scenariosElementary57SmartphoneLowNoNo
EcoMOBILE (2013) [ ]Situated learning about environment using GPS and FreshAir AppElementary71SmartphoneMediumYesNo
CI-Spy (2015) [ ]Learning about Historical places using AR labels and GPSPrimary16Tablet/SmartphoneMediumNoNo
AR marine learning (2015) [ ]Marine science topics learning using AR projectorSecondary51LaptopMediumNoNo
iARBook (2014) [ ]Immersive learning using audio instructions and object placementUniversity30Tablets/SmartphoneLowNoNo
AHA (2018) [ ]Vocabulary learning for ADHD affected students with audio and animated object placementPrimary117Web ARLowNoNo
MAT (2015) [ ]Learning motherboard assembly using marker-based intelligent AgentUniversity16HMDsHighNoYes
AR Sewing Video (2019) [ ]Providing AR tutorial for sewing as workshopTechnical46SmartphoneLowNoNo
Immersive Authoring (2014) [ ]Authoring tool for storytellingUniversity142DesktopLowNoNo
AR Lego (2004) [ ]Use of a virtual agent as guider in AR for assembling tasksPrimary-DesktopMediumNoYes
SaCI (2017) [ ]Discovery-based learning using SRA agent, GPS and AR markerUniversity100SmartphoneHighNoYes
Kid Space (2018) [ ]Early age math learning with an external agentPrimary16DesktopMediumNoYes
FenAR (2019) [ ]Use of virtual buttons and markers for teaching science subjetsElementary91Smartphone, TabletMediumNoNo
ARTP (2010) [ ]Teacher student collaborative concept in ARElementary7DesktopLowYesNo
ARiSE (2006) [ ]Learning cultural history with remote collaborations between playersSecondary-PC, PDALowYesNo
ALE (2010) [ ]AR game-based learningSecondary188DesktopMediumYesNo
LearnHeart (2015) [ ]Learning heart anatomy with ARToolkit with Flex SDKUniversity3Web ARLowNoNo
ARVR Microscope (2020) [ ]Virtual microsocpe for Biology experiments using marker trackingSecondary-SmartphoneMediumNoNo
HoloYolo (2021) [ ]Use of machine learning algorithms for markerless navigation in surgeryUniversity-HMDLowNoYes
IWB (2022) [ ]Leapmotion hand gestures with interactive whiteboardPrimary20DesktopHighNoNo
IVALA (2021) [ ]Learning cardiac anatomyUniversity36TabletsMediumNoNo
Save the planet (2021) [ ]Minigames for storytellingPrimary50SmartphoneMediumNoNo
Daineko et al. (2019) [ ]Using hand tracking with leapmotion for learning PhysicsUniversity-DesktopMediumNoNo
ARBOOK (2015) [ ]Basic anatomy learning using 3D model placement on markersSecondary211DesktopLowNoNo
Construct 3D (2000) [ ]Collaborative learning geometry with 3D modelsSecondary14HMDsMediumYesNo
AR English Learning (2014) [ ]Learning English vocabulary using pictures as markersSecondary122SmartphoneLowNoNo
Hong-Quan et al. (2017) [ ]Geometry learning with leapmotion hand trackingSecondary27DesktopMediumNoNo
GeoGebra 3-D (2021) [ ]Geometry learning with GeoGebra 3-DSecondary72DesktopLowNoNo
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Iqbal, M.Z.; Mangina, E.; Campbell, A.G. Current Challenges and Future Research Directions in Augmented Reality for Education. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2022 , 6 , 75.

Iqbal MZ, Mangina E, Campbell AG. Current Challenges and Future Research Directions in Augmented Reality for Education. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction . 2022; 6(9):75.

Iqbal, Muhammad Zahid, Eleni Mangina, and Abraham G. Campbell. 2022. "Current Challenges and Future Research Directions in Augmented Reality for Education" Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 6, no. 9: 75.

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A systematic review of Augmented Reality in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education

  • Published: 07 September 2023
  • Volume 29 , pages 9257–9282, ( 2024 )

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thesis topics for augmented reality

  • Riyan Hidayat   ORCID: 1 &
  • Yousef Wardat 2  

1484 Accesses

11 Citations

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Augmented Reality has found extensive use as an interactive technology in various learning and educational environments. However, a previous systematic review (SR) lacked a framework to identify the various types of augmented reality utilized, the types of technology employed, and the types of augmented parameters involved. The primary objective of this study was to review current studies in which Augmented Reality learning was used to assist Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. This study was guided by the processes of identification, screening, eligibility, included and data analysis on three search engines which were ERIC, ScienceDirect and Scopus. In reporting this research, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis protocol was followed which identified 42 related articles. Our findings revealed that three popular types of Augmented Reality design were being utilized in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics learning including marker-less Augmented Reality, marker-based Augmented Reality and projection-based Augmented Reality. The SR outputs also indicated that most scholars employed cameras and object markers as technological modalities to support Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. Finally, 3D and animated elements were widely used augmented components in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. One of the significant implications was that comprehending these distinctions could help in the choice of the appropriate Augmented Reality variant for a specific use circumstance and enable the creation of successful Augmented Reality experiences that fulfil predetermined goals.

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Department of Science and Technical Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, 43400, Malaysia

Riyan Hidayat

Higher College of Technology, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Yousef Wardat

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Hidayat, R., Wardat, Y. A systematic review of Augmented Reality in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. Educ Inf Technol 29 , 9257–9282 (2024).

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Received : 22 March 2023

Accepted : 17 August 2023

Published : 07 September 2023

Issue Date : June 2024


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Home > Books > Augmented Reality and Its Application

Augmented Reality Research and Applications in Education

Submitted: 08 July 2021 Reviewed: 09 July 2021 Published: 24 August 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99356

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Augmented Reality and Its Application

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Augmented reality is defined as the technology in which virtual objects are blended with the real world and also interact with each other. Although augmented reality applications are used in many areas, the most important of these areas is the field of education. AR technology allows the combination of real objects and virtual information in order to increase students’ interaction with physical environments and facilitate their learning. Developing technology enables students to learn complex topics in a fun and easy way through virtual reality devices. Students interact with objects in the virtual environment and can learn more about it. For example; by organizing digital tours to a museum or zoo in a completely different country, lessons can be taught in the company of a teacher as if they were there at that moment. In the light of all these, this study is a compilation study. In this context, augmented reality technologies were introduced and attention was drawn to their use in different fields of education with their examples. As a suggestion at the end of the study, it was emphasized that the prepared sections should be carefully read by the educators and put into practice in their lessons. In addition it was also pointed out that it should be preferred in order to communicate effectively with students by interacting in real time, especially during the pandemic process.

  • augmented reality research and applications
  • field of education
  • pandemic process
  • digital transformation
  • virtual environment

Author Information

Ezgi pelin yildiz *.

  • Department of Computer Programming, Kazim Karabekir Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Kafkas University, Kars, Turkey

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

1. Introduction

Today, rapid changes and advances in science and technology affect and change the lifestyle of individuals. Apart from individuals, it is not possible for the education process and educational environments not to be affected by this change [ 1 ]. When the technologies used in educational environments from the past to the present are examined, it is seen that there is a transformation from blackboard and chalk to the computer and internet world, even to smart technologies with artificial intelligence. Especially in recent years, computer and internet technologies have had such a wide area of use in our lives that it was unthinkable for education services to be left out of the field [ 2 ].

The definition of today’s learners as Z generation and/or digital generation and their characteristics require educators to follow technological developments and use the most appropriate technological tools in learning environments. One of these new technologies is augmented reality applications in education. When the literature is examined, there are many definitions of the concept of augmented reality made by researchers. Some of these definitions:

Augmented reality according to Milgram and Kishino [ 3 ]; “it is a reality environment where digital media products are used instead of real world objects” appears to be the most general definition. According to Azuma [ 4 ], augmented reality is a derivative of virtual reality. According to this definition, augmented reality is virtual environments in which existing reality is supported, not created from scratch. In this context virtual and real objects in augmented reality environments offered to users in harmony. Augmented reality creates the interactive environment between the virtual and real world. Augmented reality is used to achieve this [ 5 , 6 ]. When the definitions in the literature are examined, as a common definition; augmented reality can be defined as real worlds enriched using virtual objects.

Game and Video

Art and Museums

Device Maintenance/Support

With the rapid development of Augmented Reality applications day by day, usage areas in many sectors are starting to increase. Major brands have started to give importance to providing a more realistic and embodied experience to their customers by using Augmented Reality (AR). This technology, which appears in many fields such as cosmetics, automobiles, construction, food, combines the virtual world with real life. Identifying target audiences, tracking and using technology in brand awareness and sustainable marketing is now vital for companies. The most importantly, companies from the public or private sector invest on enhanced technology in order to better promote or market their services/products and need talented people/firms in this field. In this context, augmented reality applications offer these services to businesses with technology support.

to provide students with more flexible and interesting learning environments,

to experience an excitement they have never experienced before,

to increase their willingness and motivation to learn,

to help students make active observations during their learning processes and to form hypotheses as a result of these observations,

to increasing students’ learning performance and helping them establish social interactions within the group,

to bridging formal and informal learning and encouraging students to learn collaboratively,

AR technology; it gives a feeling of independence from the place, freedom and personal,

to creating new opportunities in education by promoting learning.

it is possible to rank as.

When the augmented reality technologies, which are frequently used in the field of education, are examined, wearable technologies draw attention. Wearables are loaded with smart sensors that track body movements. Usually these products use bluetooth, Wi-Fi and mobile internet connection to sync with smartphone wirelessly. Users are connected to wearable devices with the help of sensors. Wearable technology products that are always with the user; it provides important services in many areas, especially in entertainment, health, work, information, education, socialization and security.

Wearable technologies in the field of education are used in learning-teaching environments. Modern visualization techniques help students explore existing educational resources and new knowledge ( Figure 1 ) [ 12 ].

thesis topics for augmented reality

Wearable technologies the past and present and future.

Internet of things

Smart watches

Google – Glass Project

HoloLens – Microsoft:

Oculus Rift – Facebook

Bracelets, Rings and Necklaces

Smart Clothing and Tattoos

These tools, which can also be named as wearable computers in the literature, reveal a commensalistic relationship between human and computer however, the daily life of the individual has a structure that enriches their experience [ 13 ]. From smart watches to wristbands, sensor accessories such as rings and necklaces, virtual reality glasses, Google Glass project and derivative smart glasses, as well as smart optical lenses and headphones, many things can be shown among wearable technologies [ 14 ].

Augment – 3B

Google Translate

LifePrint Photos

In the light of all this information, the purpose of this chapter; the use of augmented reality environments and applications in the field of education, the programs and technologies used in this context, and the researches are discussed in detail.

The new normal situation, especially with the pandemic process, also creates an opportunity for more educators to try new generation technologies (VR and AR technologies) beyond video and teleconferencing applications. It is predicted that such research studies will be important so that educators realize the benefits of these technologies and use them actively in learning environments.

2. Conceptual framework

Augmented reality (AR) has been slowly but surely following its predecessor virtual reality in changing the education sector—digitizing classroom learning, and making training more diverse and interactive. In this section, current studies in the literature in recent years on the integration of augmented reality applications into education are given. When these studies are examined;

Çetin [ 15 ], investigated the effect of augmented reality-based stories on reading skills in his research. In the research, augmented reality based story text samples were presented to primary school 3rd grade students ( Figure 2 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Augmented reality based story text samples.

A scoring key was developed for the answers given to the questions prepared by the researcher to measure the skills of expressing what they read in writing. As a result of the research, it was observed that the augmented reality-based stories did not have a significant effect on the reading motivation and reading comprehension skill levels of the students, but they created a positive significant difference on their ability to tell what they read in written and verbal form. In addition, as a result of the research, it was observed that the reactions of the students towards the texts increased.

As a similar study Baysan and Uluyol [ 16 ], the effect of the use of augmented reality books (AR-books) on the academic success of the students and the students’ opinions about the environment were investigated in his study. The AR-based teaching material developed by the HITLibHZ-BuildAR program was used in the laboratory environment for the experimental group of 22 people and the course was taught by the researcher. As a result; according to the qualitative data obtained from the students, AR is a promising technology. Educational AR applications should be used in areas that require 3D spatial visualization such as Geometry and Geography rather than technology education. Participants support the use of AR in Computer Hardware training, with better developed platforms and more professional designs ( Figure 3 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Augmented reality application book sample.

Almusawi et al. [ 17 ], in their study, they discussed innovation in physical education: teachers’ perspectives on readiness for wearable technology integration. The study is a case study and includes semi-structured interviews with 38 public school physical education teachers. The following scheme was used in the study ( Figure 4 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

The findings show that physical education teachers have concerns about the design aspects of wearable technologies in terms of material design and device suitability for physical education. To eliminate these concerns, it is proposed to provide innovative learning environments that impact technology through collaborative, competitive, engaging and evidence-based learning experiences through wearable technologies that provide comfort, enhanced wearability and injury prevention in physical education.

It is understood from the existence of studies in the literature that augmented reality technologies have been used frequently in medical education recently. When the relevant studies in the literature are examined ( Figure 5 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Use of augmented reality technologies in medical education.

Kucuk et al. [ 18 ], a new perspective in medical education multimedia applications: augmented reality has been studied in their research. As a result, it is difficult to understand the subjects including the structure of the brain and vessels such as neuroanatomy in medical courses, in this direction, it was emphasized that AR applications could be developed to facilitate the learning processes of students in such subjects. Considering the characteristics of today’s students in the digital citizen group, it has been suggested in the study that students should be supported with various technological solutions in this process, at this point, the dissemination of medical augmented reality applications that are based on the learning approach anytime and anywhere and support individual learning.

3. Augmented reality applications used in education

Augmented reality, a concept that has been frequently encountered recently, promises a future where we can get away from the world we live in, create a new worlds and enter ‘inside’ our imagination. By adding this technology with which we can ‘beautify’ the world we live in, make brand new additions to our world and bring our imagination to the place we live in, we started to manipulate our real world at the same time, while constructing mixed reality virtual worlds that we use together. It has become compulsory to benefit from these privileges and advantages that augmented reality offers to our lives, especially in terms of education, on behalf of the Z generation youth.

It is now possible to use these technologies in learning and teaching environments by making use of the ready-made programs of augmented reality. When the literature is examined, the frequently used programs and application areas are below:

3.1 Augment: 3B

Augment is an ARCore-based mobile app to visualize 3D models in Augmented Reality, integrated in real time in their actual size and environment. Balak and Kısa [ 19 ] investigated the effects of this application on technical drawing education in their studies. The data obtained as a result of the use of Augmented Reality technology in the technical drawing course of the 2015–2016 period were examined. As a result; the result of the survey made with the pre- and post-tests applied; it has been determined that the students understand and adopt the Augmented Reality technology, which is a modern education tool, and this technology increases their interest in the lesson ( Figure 6 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Technical drawing with 3D modeling with AR technologies.

3.2 Google translate

According to Google, the Translate app currently supports text translations between 103 languages, offline translations for 52 languages and Word Lens-based augmented reality translations for 30 languages. Aiming to make life easier for users with its mobile translation application, Google offers Instant camera translation; It started to support a total of 88 languages with the addition of 60 new languages such as Arabic, Hindi, Malaysian, Thai and Vietnamese etc. ( Figure 7 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Augmented reality-based Google translate app.

3.3 SketchAR

SketchAR, which is an application that combines augmented reality and drawing, is among the applications frequently preferred by artists recently. SketchAR, which is basically a drawing application made available to artists, confirms that digital works created by artists are unique and original, making them accepted as NFT (data unit). SketchAR, an initiative founded in 2017 by Aleksandr Danilin, Alexander Danilin and Andrey Drobitko in Lithuania, offers its users a different drawing experience by combining augmented reality technology with drawing, together with artificial intelligence support ( Figure 8 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Drawing courses with SketchAR.

3.4 Wikitude

Wikitude initially focused on providing location-based augmented reality experiences through the Wikitude World Browser App. In 2012, the company restructured its proposition by launching the Wikitude SDK, a development framework utilizing image recognition and tracking, and geolocation technologies. Wikitude initially entered the market with its geo location AR app. The Wikitude app was the first publicly available application that used a location-based approach to augmented reality ( Figure 9 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Wikitude world browser app.

It is supported by studies in the literature that this application is also used in geography education. Wikitude; it is a complete AR development platform used by major brands, travel catalogs, retailers and publishers to deliver a variety of engaging solutions.

3.5 LifePrint photos

Life Print is an Android and iPhone photo and video printer. The Life Print program uses augmented reality to magically bring photos to life ( Figure 10 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Augmented reality app: LifePrint photos.

3.6 Smartify

The application starts with permission from users to access camera and location. With camera access, the artwork is scanned, and according to the location, it provides the opportunity to get information about which museums are and how far, how many artworks of art they are, open and closed hours, and to see some of the artworks in the museum. The application has three basic directions; scan , profile and explore ( Figure 11 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Augmented reality app: Smartify.

3.7 Spyglass

Spyglass app is a program that allows users to turn their smartphones into a compass, gyroscope, star tracker and more ( Figure 12 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Locating with spyglass technologies.

3.8 Blippar

Blippar uses augmented reality, artificial intelligence and computer vision to provide you with information about what you find around you. It is quite successful with its advanced image recognition algorithms that find out what the objects are and bring the relevant information. Blippar will introduce the feature that will allow its users to create their own profiles very soon, but it will be possible to get detailed information about a person with the innovation called Augmented Reality Face Profiles ( Figure 13 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Unlock augmented reality of everyday objects and places with the Blippar app.

3.9 Aurasma

by creating animated and interactive boards

prepare interactive lecture notes or handouts

interactive presentation of albums or details about activities such as observation projects, experiments ( Figure 14 ).

thesis topics for augmented reality

Educational use of Aurasma app.

According to Onder [ 21 ], the Aurasma application draws attention with its ability to provide AR environments and opportunities to teachers and students, ease of use, support for distance education, creating individualized learning environments and being used as an evaluation tool.

This research is an example of a literature review. A literature review is a search and evaluation of the available literature in your given subject or chosen topic area [ 22 ]. At the end of the study, it was emphasized that the prepared sections should be carefully read by the educators and put into practice in their lessons. In addition it was also pointed out that it should be preferred in order to communicate effectively with students by interacting in real time, especially during the pandemic process.

5. Conclusion and suggestions

In this research, a detailed analysis of the augmented reality environments and applications that are frequently used in the design of learning and teaching environments in the education sector with the digitalization process is included. As the general results of the research; today, with the introduction of technologies into educational environments, different tools and materials have begun to be used in teaching methods. In this context, it is seen that the inclusion of mobile tools and mobile applications in learning environments has become widespread recently. With this rapid development in mobile technologies, new media environments, in which interactivity increases, offer an increasing number of services to the user. One of the environments where this interaction is provided and which can integrate objects in virtual environments with real objects is technologies that offer “Augmented Reality (AR)”. These technologies allow virtual objects to be superimposed on real images. AR tools consist of camera, computer infrastructure, a marker and tangible objects.

One of the most important sectors in which augmented reality technologies are used is the education area. Augmented reality applications help students understand abstract concepts in the learning and teaching process; it provides environments where students can share information within the group. In addition, it has been supported by studies in the literature that these environments significantly increase students’ learning. In addition, it was emphasized that augmented reality increases the interests, motivations and experiences of students in the field of education and plays a role in transferring the knowledge and skills gained in the virtual environment to real environments.

In all this context; increasing the use of learning environments of augmented reality environments and applications, where the effectiveness of its use in education has been determined to this degree, in different levels and course contents is the most important suggestions of this research.

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Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Contact: Hannes Kaufmann

We conduct basic and application oriented research in all areas related to virtual and augmented reality.

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0606 Use the newest depth sensing technologies to develop intuitive hand interaction techniques for Mixed Reality applications! ,
0605 Experiment with the newest depth sensing technologies and develop tools to test their suitability for certain object detection and reconstruction… , ,
0602 In this project, a student needs to work on a gesture interface design which enables users to great their own gesture. This will make a… ,
0601 The aim of the project is to build a system which can measure objective quality parameters of an IMU enabled controller with available technological… ,
0584 This master thesis focus on investigating novel concepts in the field of 3D interaction and perception to allow private areas within collaborative… ,
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0478 The general task is the development of a fully immersive multi-user VR system in Unreal Engine. Several students can work on different sub-tasks. Two…
0251 Students with interesting ideas for Virtual and Augmented Reality topics are always welcome for Master Theses, PhD Theses or Practicums. Please…

In Progress

0604 Das Ziel der Masterarbeit ist die Entwicklung einer AR-Unity-Anwendungen für die Lehre im Bauingenieurwesen. Zusätzlich soll ein Editor implementiert… ,
0571 For a fully immersive VR system with haptic feedback, a separate safety monitoring system should be implemented. The system should rely on depth data…
0570 Develop a Unity application for virtual climbing based on our rotating climbing wall Vreeclimber that includes (1) different levels of skills, (2)…
0569 The aim of this master thesis is to enable automatic object detection, starting from planar surfaces to more complex objects, within a streamed dense… ,
0545 With growing popularity of virtual reality, the importance of 3D content creation receives significant attention. The manual creation of large 3D… ,
0539 The aim of this master thesis to develop a distributed system to allow for immersive training of multiple first responders within a virtual reality… ,
0510 Die Visualisierung von Beinen und Füßen erhöht die Immersion und Bewegungssicherheit von Usern in Virtual Reality Anwendungen. In gegenwärtigen… ,
0473 Implement a Virtual Zipliner with mountain content and cold air for the Virtual Jump Simulator.
0463 Im Rahmen eines Projektes zur Erfassung sensorischer Funktionen bei Kindern mit Störungen des autistischen Spektrums sollen Daten von einem… Schönauer
0449 Setup: Android + Tiefensensor Metaio SDK Aufgabe: Erkennen von merkmalsreichen planaren Flächen welche als „natural feature marker“ verwendet werden… G. Gerstweiler
0438 In recent years, 3D mesh generation using depth sensors like Microsoft Kinect got very popular and a number a algorithms exist for real time depth… ,
0432 To enable autonomous flight of a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the UAV must be aware of its position and orientation in space. This remains a… ,
0429 Stardate 3012.4: The former captain of U.S.S. Enterprise Christopher Pike is completely paralysed and controls his wheelchair as well as light…
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0354 Mit der Microsoft Kinect und verschiedenen Algorithmen und Frameworks (z.B.: KinectFusion ReconstructMe-SDK) ist es möglich 3D Modelle von realen…
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0318 Erfassung sensorischer Funktionen bei Kindern mit Störungen des autistischen Spektrums mithilfe von Kinect.
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0586 This topic is focused on personalized UI implementation on Unity 3D for AR/VR environment. Effective UI implementation has been a challenging problem… ,
0585 This master thesis focus on investigating 3D interaction within mixed reality. The research focus on developing fundamental 3D interaction techniques… ,
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0576 Transfer existing code for hand and feet tracking from Matlab to OpenCV and integrate the library into our environment for virtual rock climbing.…
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0564 Explore our new Vuze 360° Stereo camera and record a 5min video journey for the Virtual Jumpcube project ( For example, construct a proper…
0560 A smartphone-app for „Lightpainting“ should be implemented, using the inertial sensor to 'scroll' over an arbitrary picture. Synchronization of…
0559 A tool for analysis of user behavior in VR environments should be developed. Different parameters (e.g. path, gaze direction, eye fixations,...)…
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0544 Due to the recent advancements of research and industry in the area of photorealistic rendering, ray-tracing methods became a standard for… ,
0540 The aim of this master thesis to develop distributed 3D interactions to allow for immersive training of multiple first responders within a virtual… ,
0514 For the TU Jumpcube ( develop a Unity module that allows to control the parachute in a VR skydiving app via the hand-held…
0511 Develop virtual reality content for an agriculture game based on a virtualized tractor. For example, implement an application that allows for plowing…
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0501 Develop interaction metaphors for the interaction of the audience with the jumper/flyer in our Jumpcube VR application. The possibility to…
0498 Based on an existing IR tracking system and the Oculus Rift DK2 HMD develop (or collect from the Internet) avatars for different projects, genders…
0494 This topic aims at creating a multi-user immersive Virtual Reality (VR) system that provides distributed 3D stereoscopic viewing using a mobile head…
0493 The goal of this practicum is to develop a wireless data streaming solution to enable the integration of an omnidirectional Treadmill in untethered…
0492 The aim of this master thesis to develop a system to allow for immserive training of first responders within a virtual reality environment, solely… ,
0469 This topic is about the automated generation of a 3D house/apartment model. All the information about the 3D model will be given in a CAD or DXF… G. Gerstweiler
0457 Based on an existing Unity application, develop controls and content for a VR application that allows a person to travel through the sea: from the…
0456 Based on an existing Unity application, develop controls and content for a VR application that allows a person to travel through our solar system:…
0454 Setup. Plattform: Android, Arduino, Rasperry Pi oder Windows Aufgabe: Anhand von 2-3 Mikrofonen soll die Richtung von Geräuschen in 2D erkannt werden. G. Gerstweiler
0452 Setup: Arduino / IMU / Compass / Motors Aufgabe: Designen und enwickeln von Hardware um Personen, ohne zu Hilfenahme von visuellen Output, durch… G. Gerstweiler
0451 Setup: Unity 3D Pfadplaung Aufgabe: Analysieren von verfügbaren Pfadplanungsalgorithmen. Planen von realistischen, begehbaren Pfaden in einer AR… G. Gerstweiler
0448 Setup: Mobile SLAM Tracking auf Moverio Glasses Unity 3D + Pathplanning Algorithmen (A*) Tracking mit Metaio SLAM Aufgabe: Designen und… G. Gerstweiler
0445 In recent years, 3D mesh generation using depth sensors like Microsoft Kinect got very popular and a number a algorithms exist for real time depth… ,
0439 Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) using depth data from structured light (i.e. MS Kinect) has become very popular in recent years to…
0431 Optical tracking is one of the fundamentals of every virtual reality systems and is based on accurately calibrated cameras. However, camera…
0423 Die Interaktion zwischen Menschen und medizinischen Diagnose- bzw. Aufzeichnungsgeräten läuft meist nach strikten Mustern ab. Das ärztliche…
0419 Creating a mobile setup including a RGB-D camera and a smart phone in order to extract ideal 2D Feature markers in an indoor environment. G. Gerstweiler
0418 The goal of this topic is to implement and evaluate different AR visualization methods to guide a person to a destination. G. Gerstweiler
0416 Augmented reality (AR) is the field which highly depends on the human perception. The usability of the final application as well as the convenience… ,
0408 This thesis creates ways to enable human computer interaction anywhere and everywhere, on a table, on a page of a book, just by using cheap and off…
0406 Multicopters have become popular and wide spread in recent years. While consumer hardware is still manually controlled by a pilot using a standard…
0392 Develop a VR application that allows a user to do a virtual parachute jump inhouse. Requires the student to develop (1) a hardware setup for the…
0381 Within the practicum, a printable frame to be used for the SmartCopter is designed, printed and tested. Furthermore, the drift correction in the…
0361 To create rich and interactive mixed reality applications, a number of input as well as output devices are incorporated into an existing framework to…
0360 To enable mobile 3D interaction in an ambient mixed reality (MR) environment, the 3D orientation data of a mobile device is sent over WIFI to a… ,
0359 To estimate the 6 degree-of-freedom pose (position and orientation) of a mobile device, the data from the built-in RGB camera is captured and…
0358 Computational capabilities of modern graphics hardware enable physically based rendering algorithms to run in real-time using low sampling rate. The… ,
0338 Erfassung sensorischer Funktionen bei Kindern mit Störungen des autistischen Spektrums mithilfe von Touchscreen und Drucksensor.
0326 An alternative tracking method should be developed for our Actuated Tangible User Interface Objects (ACTOs). These micro robots then provide haptic…
0325 Actuated Tangible User Interface Objects (ACTOs) should be equipped with a self-tracked motor unit.
0252 This topic is based on the open source project MoveOnPC The goal of this project is the platform independent…
0250 The master thesis focuses on interaction techniques in distributed mobile augmented reality environments accessed by smart phones. It covers… ,
0249 This master thesis focus on the implementation and evaluation of an natural 6-degree of freedom human computer interface (HCI). This HCI is used for… ,
0248 The master thesis aim is to design and construct an UAV with low cost, off the shelf hardware and implement autonomous flight control in a 2D marker… ,

Universität Bern

Communication and Distributed Systems

Virtual reality, augmented reality, and edge computing.

Virtual Reality (VR) enhances our physical environment by artificially rendering a real environment using audio and visual features. VR systems are expected to completely change how we interact with the world through a new virtualized immersive environment with unprecedented experiences where users will feel part of it.

Although VR systems have attracted considerable attention in recent years, it has been considered a “killer” use case of the 5G networks due to stringent VR application requirements. As a result, the adoption of VR technology remains hampered for a variety of reasons: (i) Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) hardware limitation and costs; (ii) HMDs’ resolution and visual quality remain low; and (iii) mobility remains an issue and impacts usability. The reasons given may lead to an unsatisfactory VR user experience.

A primary latency bottleneck lies in the fact that VR systems are composed of multiple compute-intensive components, e.g., motion prediction, Field of View (FoV) prediction, hands tracking, encoding, decoding, etc. On the one hand, tethered VR HMDs might acquire specialized hardware platforms, e.g., PCs or consoles. On the other hand, standalone VR HMDs, i.e., physical freedom by removing the cables from PCs or consoles, may not support specialized hardware platforms due to the requirements of Mobile Virtual Reality (MVR) applications, .e.g, user freedom.

One promising way to address the VR technical limitations is Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), especially the network latency, which implements computing and service delivery at the edge networks. MEC also supports the compute-intensive task deployment of VR applications to mitigate the high computing latency.

VR has posed several challenges to the current VR HMDs technology domain and the network infrastructure in supporting ultra-high throughput and ultra-low latency due to: (i) The current VR HMDs fail to satisfy the computing latency requirements for MVR applications; (ii) Today’s VR HMDs do not support the necessary energy demands; and (iii) The cloud computing architecture does not support the network latency requirements for ultimate VR applications.

The goal of this thesis is to investigate how the MEC infrastructure supports the deployment of compute-intensive tasks of VR applications during user mobility, considering the stringent computing and networking latency requirements for such applications as well as the MEC infrastructure limitations. As a result, this thesis aims to answer the following questions:

1.  How would VR refactoring overcome the computational power required by VR HMDs?

2. What are the benefits of MEC to support VR-intensive computing tasks?

3. How to manage several VR service functions, each featuring distinct policies and requirements?

Related Literature:

1. Mangiante, Simone, et al. "Vr is on the edge: How to deliver 360 videos in mobile networks." Proceedings of the Workshop on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Network. 2017. 2. Bastug, Ejder, et al. "Toward interconnected virtual reality: Opportunities, challenges, and enablers." IEEE Communications Magazine 55.6 (2017): 110-117. 3. Lai, Zeqi, et al. "Furion: Engineering high-quality immersive virtual reality on today's mobile devices." IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19.7 (2019): 1586-1602. 4. You, Dongho, et al. "Fog computing as an enabler for immersive media: Service scenarios and research opportunities." IEEE Access 7 (2019): 65797-65810. 5. Siriwardhana, Yushan, et al. "A Survey on Mobile Augmented Reality With 5G Mobile Edge Computing: Architectures, Applications, and Technical Aspects." IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23.2 (2021): 1160-1192.

Name / Titel Alisson Medeiros Funktion Research Assistant Mail Phone +41 31 511 2637

Online Programming Lessons, Tutorials and Capstone Project guide

Augmented and Virtual Reality Capstone and Thesis Project Ideas

Augmented and Virtual Reality Capstone and Thesis Project Ideas

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  • Virtual Reality Platform for Educational and Learning Purposes
  • Virtual Reality Campus Tour Experience using Unity3D
  • Development of Interactive Lesson Material for Biology using Virtual Reality
  • Virtual Reality Project for Diagnostic Imaging
  • Interactive Museum Tour using Virtual Reality Technology
  • Application of Virtual Reality in Physics Related Experiments
  • Virtual Reality Earthquake Drill
  • Design and Implementation of Virtual Reality Systems for Driving Simulation
  • Augmented Reality for Learning Human Body
  • ClassAR: An Augmented Reality Classroom
  • Interactive Hotel Tour through Virtual Reality
  • The use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the area of e-commerce
  • ARonDGo: AR Mobile Application for e-commerce
  • Virtual Reality Based Integrated Traffic Simulation Project
  • Advance Navigation and Direction for Tourism using Augmented Reality
  • Augmented 3D model for Jewelry Shop
  • VRHome: a Virtual Reality Experience for Real Estate Industry
  • VRStories: Virtual Reality Story Telling App
  • Building Virtual and Augmented Reality Museum Tour Experience
  • Augmented Reality Home Assistant

Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality, AR vs VR

Virtual reality  takes you away from the real world and completely blocks your sight with another digital environment. It is used in architecture, tourism, rehabilitation, healthcare, sports, entertainment.

Augmented Reality  brings non-existent objects into the real world transforming the surroundings with overlay imagery. It is used in education, arts, marketing, military, media, business.

Tools for VR development

  • Unreal Engine
  • Autodesk 3ds Max
  • Autodesk Maya
  • AppGameKit -VR (AGK)

SDK for developing AR applications

  • Apple ARKit
  • Google ARCore
  • Pikkart AR SDK

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109 Virtual Reality Topics & Essay Examples

When writing a virtual reality essay, it is hard to find just one area to focus on. Our experts have outlined 104 titles for you to choose from.

🏆 Best Virtual Reality Topics & Essay Examples

🕶️ good virtual reality research topics, 🤖 interesting virtual reality research paper topics, ❓ research questions about virtual reality.

Humanity has made amazing leaps in technology over the past several years. We have reached frontiers previously thought impossible, like the recreation of virtual environments using computers. These three-dimensional worlds can be accessed and explored by people. This is made possible with VR headsets, such as Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. If you’re eager to find out more, peek at our collection of VR research topics below!

  • Virtual Reality Versus Augmented Reality In fact, this amounts to one of the merits of a virtual reality environment. A case example of this type of virtual reality is the Virtual Reality games.
  • Virtual Reality Technology The third negative impact of virtual reality is that it causes human beings to start living in the world of fantasy.
  • Virtual Reality Tourism Technology In the world of virtual tourism, we can be transported to any country and have the ability to interact and manipulate the elements within the world we are touring in a way that would not […]
  • Virtual Reality Technology for Wide Target Audience Due to the numerous applications in both leisure and industry, as well as massive popularity with audiences of different ages, there is a chance that, in several years, evaluating the target audiences of Virtual Reality […]
  • Rusnak’s “The Thirteenth Floor” and The Concept of Virtual Reality In such consideration, this paper conducts a comparative analysis of The Thirteenth Floor and how the concept of virtual reality was developed and is applied in today’s films.
  • A Growth Trajectory of the Virtual Reality Drilling Rig Training During the final three months of development, the VR training program will be refined and tested for usability and effectiveness. Collecting feedback from users is essential for the success of the VR drilling rig training […]
  • “The Role of Virtual Reality in Criminal Justice Pedagogy” by Smith The journal is titled “The role of virtual reality in criminal justice pedagogy: An examination of mental illness occurring in corrections”.
  • Virtual Reality and Cybersecurity As a result, it is the mandate of the framework entities to establish solutions to the inherent barriers to the implementation of the business plan.
  • A Stand-Up Comedy Virtual Reality Platform for Qatar Tourism Choosing the right number of avatars, customization of the product, and pricing the product were the three major challenges that were faced in this project. The second challenge that emerged in the development stage was […]
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Virtual Reality In terms of the practical context, the research will focus on the organizations and sectors which are the primary beneficiaries of virtual reality and remote work during the pandemic.
  • Virtual Reality Space Product Project Challenges During the project, several challenges came up, which included providing leadership to the team, identifying the customer segment for the product, and understanding the “pains” of the customer segment.
  • Reflection on Aspects of Virtual Reality Videos For instance, the video Wolves in the Walls has good graphics and gives the independence to look at every section of the set-up separately.
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality for Modern Firms The business environment is not an exception, as firms seek to maximize their value through the implementation of high-tech solutions. AR is another major component of contemporary professional training, as it contributes to the better […]
  • The Rules of the Virtual Reality Online environment has been providing the platform for casual interactions as well as economic activities for quite a while.
  • How Virtual Reality Is Changing the World of Interior Design In order to become competitive in the sphere of luxury interior design, “More” must make its projects look modern and trendy.
  • Top Companies in the Virtual Reality Industry Currently, Google is the leading search engine company, and there are signs that the company might emerge as one of the heavyweights in the virtual reality industry.
  • Virtual Reality: A Powerful New Technology for Filming The creation of VR highlights a new perception of space because, through technology, people can be transmitted to a different environment.
  • Internet, Virtual Reality, and World Wide Web Defining the concept of the Internet is a challenging task, mostly because of the changes that it has undergone over the course of its development.
  • Virtual Reality Technology and Soccer Training Moreover, the level of interactivity needs to be significant, and the most attention should be devoted to the modeling of situations that are viewed as the most problematic.
  • Char Davies’ Osmose as Virtual Reality Environment On the following position, the installment suggests the invitees a chance to trail the discrete interactor’s voyage of imageries from end to end of this counterpart of natural surroundings.
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  • Scholar VR: Virtual Reality Planning Service Studio To ensure that the small and mid-sized companies in the United Kingdom understand the leverage they can get by using VR technology.
  • IOS and Browser Applications and Virtual Reality From the consumer’s point of view, any mobile application is good if it is of interest to the public and covers a large target audience.
  • Virtual Reality’s Main Benefits The rapid development and the growing popularity of virtual reality raise a logical interest concerning the advantages and disadvantages that are related to the application of this new technology in various spheres of knowledge and […]
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  • Virtual Reality Technology in Referee Training Referees need to experience the practical nature of the profession during the training process, and the VR technology will eliminate the underlying challenges to the development of experience in the profession.
  • Surgeon Students’ Virtual Reality Learning Programs In order for the students to feel like they are operating on living patients instead of waving instruments in the air, it is necessary to provide the environment that would compensate for the shortcomings of […]
  • Virtual Reality and Solitary Confinement Nowadays, the majority of the representatives of the general public all over the world are familiar with the concept of virtual reality, and many of them have already experienced it.
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  • Virtual Reality in Construction Originally, the use of virtual reality in construction within the past decade has been limited to 3D object design wherein separate 3D representations of the exterior and interior of the buildings are designed utilizing 3D […]
  • Virtual Reality’s Benefits and Usages in Concurrent Engineering Figure 1: Phases of concurrent engineering Source As shown in the figure above, the initial stage of concurrent engineering is the identification of the components of the design system.
  • Virtual Reality in Soccer Training The following work will focus on the analysis of the use of Virtual Reality in the training of soccer players with the evaluation of the practices adopted by particular soccer teams.
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  • Humanity Versus Virtual Reality
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  • What Unsolved Problems Could Virtual Reality Be a Solution For?
  • How Would a Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Work?
  • When Will Virtual Reality Become Popular?
  • What’s the Best Way to Experience Virtual Reality Technology?
  • How Will Virtual Reality Change Advertising?
  • Which Are the Best Virtual Reality Companies in India?
  • What Are the Pros and Cons of Virtual Reality?
  • What Are the Coding Languages Required for Virtual Reality?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 109 Virtual Reality Topics & Essay Examples.

"109 Virtual Reality Topics & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '109 Virtual Reality Topics & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "109 Virtual Reality Topics & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "109 Virtual Reality Topics & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "109 Virtual Reality Topics & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

PhD Research Topics in Augmented Reality

PhD Research Topics in Augmented Reality will make your mind to stay calm and feel the crux of your success.  “Augmented Reality connects the real world with virtual components. That is, it will enrich the thinking ability of the computer. Also, it exists through mobile display and other wearable devices.”  We will help you to view the virtual objects as a real one using AR.

Choose best PhD research topics in augmented reality


  • Military, Defense and Emergency Training
  • Robotics and Tele-Robotics
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  • Art, Creativity and also Cultural Heritage
  • Entertainment and also Sports Broadcast
  • Automotive and also Aerospace
  • Lifesaving System (Medical)
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  • Mobile and also Human Augmentation

PhD Research Topics in Augmented Reality  will develop your research as vibrant as anything that existed so far. Our team has more skill to pick the optimal notion in augmented reality. Evidently, our experts will also go through all the recent updates. In general, our work will come in the standard journals.


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You can know more about this area if you look at the list given to you,

The novel design function for Augmented Reality Application aimed at Plant Learning scheme

An effectual function for Exploring Cultural Heritage in Augmented Reality with Energy Discovery

A creative mechanism for User-Based on Comparison of Two Augmented Reality Glasses system

An inventive method for Design and Calibration of an Augmented Reality Haploscope scheme

The new-fangled mechanism for Magestro based on Gamification of Data Collection Process designed for Development by Hand Gesture Recognition Technology

A fresh Research function based on Augmented Reality Extended Tracking Technology for Mobile Terminal

The firsthand process of Pervasive Rapid E-Preparedness Augmented Reality Environment E-Learning Intervention for HAZWOPER Training of Fire Fighter/EMTs system

Design and develop a new process of IoT Based Augmented Reality System of Human Heart by An Android Application

An innovative design method for Augmented Reality Application By using Graphic Code Markers system

An effectual process of Evaluation based Hand Gesture Annotation in Remote Collaboration Using Augmented Reality

On the use of  Augmented Reality in Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality designed for Human-Robot Interaction (VAM-HRI) scheme

The novel study Exploration of Augmented Reality Technology Applied in Colleges' Experimental Teaching system

An innovative method for Robot Supported in Virtual and Augmented Reality

An effective process of novel campus navigation APP with augmented reality and deep learning

A new mechanism for Approach augmented reality real-time rendering for understanding light and shade in art education

A novel source for SolarSystem of An augmented reality based on game with astronomical concepts

An effectual function of Automatic cell identification and visualization by digital holographic microscopy with head mounted augmented reality devices

An inventive mechanism for Mobile Edge Computing to Booster for Practical Provisioning Approach of Web-Based Augmented Reality system

An inventive method for Demonstration of augmented-reality optical narrowcasting scheme

An efficient method for Markerless Augmented Reality based Interior Designing System

An inventive method for Large Scale Information Marker Coding for Augmented Reality Using Graphic Code

PhD Research Topics in Augmented Reality

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The Hottest Edtech Topics in 2024

  • Professional Development & Well-Being

Shutterstock 300480332

Each year, we examine the most popular topics at ISTELive to gauge the hottest trends in edtech. It’s interesting and instructive to see how the topics shift each year to reflect the changing times. If you enjoy comparing yearly trends, you can look at our previous lists:

Hottest Edtech Topics 2021

Hottest Edtech Topics 2022

Hottest Edtech Topics 2023

This year, we looked at the number of ISTELive24 sessions tagged with a particular topic, such as equity and inclusion or AR/VR/XR. Many sessions have multiple topics, so there is some overlap between the various categories. We narrowed the topic list down to those that had at least 50 associated sessions, but our hottest topic of the year had a whopping 258 sessions.

Based on this analysis, here are the 2024 hottest edtech trends, in order from least to most popular:

8. Project-based learning

It’s no surprise that PBL continues to be a hot topic for educators, especially those focused on edtech. Tech tools excel at creating immersive experiences for students and allowing them to express their learning outcomes in personal and innovative ways. And, as the technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for curriculum enhancements continue to grow.

With PBL, teachers are engaging students by challenging them to find solutions to real-world problems, encouraging them to work together to solve puzzles and virtual escape rooms , and offering makerspace-style experiences that provide tools for innovation and the chance to build marketable skills.

7. Computer science and computational thinking

The computer science and computational thinking category has made our trend list for the past few years, and we continue to see educators weaving computer science skills into their lessons across subject matter in increasingly creative ways. There’s still a lot of energy dedicated to coding, robotics, and circuits, but now computer science learning is blended with science, history, storytelling projects, and more.

6. Augmented, virtual and extended reality (AR/VR/XR)

Augmented, virtual, and extended realities topped our list last year, but dropped to sixth place at ISTELive24. It was bumped from the top five by a new topic: Innovative Learning Environments. While AR/VR/XR is a subset of this new realm, it’s not surprising that as we move further from the online classrooms of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators are looking for more creative in-person educational opportunities. Still, the use of AR/VR/XR can offer students opportunities to engage in virtual experiences, such as field trips , science experiments, and even historical reenactments that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to access.

5. Innovative learning environments

The ISTELive24 sessions focused on innovative learning environments encompassed both in-person and online learning. They explored neighborhood and community projects, nature walks and gardening, and visits to libraries and maker spaces. They also touched on using robots, deep-diving with open-world gaming like Minecraft, and virtual field trips. Whether in-person or virtual, the trend highlights an interest in engaging students beyond the four walls of classrooms, whether in real-world scenarios or via the use of virtual reality. When paired with the continued focus on project-based learning, the opportunities for creating immersive learning experiences are endless.

4. Equity and inclusion

While social-emotional learning didn’t make the trending list for 2024, equity and inclusion continue to be among the top focus areas in edtech. Engaging and nurturing students across cultures, abilities, learning styles, interests, and identities requires conscious and ongoing effort. In particular, artificial intelligence tools, which are becoming ubiquitous, offer both assistance (such as individualized lesson plans and assessments) and challenges (such as inherent biases in underlying models). With or without AI, educators are still prioritizing efforts to make learning accessible to all students, regardless of their ability or background. This includes girls in STEM initiatives , the use of technology for adaptive and accessible learning, and utilizing technology to support new ELL students.

3. Creativity and curation tools

As the focus continues on project-based learning, authentic assessments, and equity and inclusion, there is an ongoing demand for tools that help students express themselves and share what they’ve learned, which can be a key part of applying or transferring learning. For those educators who don’t have the time or desire to experiment, there are always other teachers who are happy to share their suggestions .

2. Online tools, apps, and resources

This topic is a broad one and has some significant overlap with our number three entry, but it demonstrates the interest educators continue to have in sharing resources and tools. Not only is the landscape of edtech changing at a rapid rate, but teachers and administrators are constantly finding creative ways to utilize available tech resources, whether or not they were intended for educational use. This never-ending stream of new tools may feel overwhelming, but there’s no need to go it alone. Educators can team up to divide and conquer whatever new technology pops up throughout the year.

1. Artificial intelligence

Perhaps not surprisingly, AI rose from second on the list last year to number one this year. The ISTELive24 sessions tagged as AI-related outpaced the next most popular topic by 3 to 1, solidifying its spot as the hottest edtech trend of 2024. But, as we know, AI considerations in education are broad, encompassing everything from ethics and DEI to authentic assessments and customized lesson plans. The addition of AI tools such as transcription, custom chatbots/interactive lessons, text summaries and automated feedback are  changing the face of education and, in some cases, the very nature of roles teachers play and how students learn. Understanding how AI can be used thoughtfully and safely to enhance learning and empower teachers and students alike will obviously be a key area of focus for schools in the year–and years–ahead. And it’s one where ISTE is dedicated to providing robust and nuanced support .

We’re excited to see what trends will develop over the next year. What interesting things are happening in your classroom, school, or community? We hope you’ll bring your expertise and enthusiasm to ISTELive25 .

Image: Shutterstock. 

  • artificial intelligence

Princeton University Library

Pul co-sponsors neuroethics & the future of reality conference.

neuroethics & the future of reality poster.

The Princeton Neuroscience Institute , along with the Department of Psychology and Princeton University Library (PUL) are collaborating to present the conference “ Neuroethics & the Future of Reality ”(NFR) on June 15, 2023.

The conference is organized by Computational Memory Lab graduate student Rolando Masís-Obando , Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellow Javier Masís-Obando , and Senior Lecturer Justin Jungé . 

“The lead organizer for the event, Rolando Masís-Obando, reached out to gauge interest across different departments and institutions within Princeton to learn more about campus resources and discussions around extended reality,” said Jen Grayburn , Assistant Director of Digital and Open Scholarship. “PUL came to mind immediately,” said Rolando, alluding to PUL and the Center for Information Technology Policy ’s “ Privacy and Autonomy in the Metaverse ” panel in Fall 2022.  

“He introduced his idea to intentionally intersect industry and academia by inviting industry and academic leaders in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, neuroscience, neuroethics, and law to campus for a first-of-its-kind event.” 

The conference will feature eight speakers representing both academia and industry who will discuss the historical, sociological, neuroscientific, and legal issues within the evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR), and ethics landscape. Slated to run from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on June 15, the conference will also feature workshops and opportunities for attendees to network with thinkers from a variety of disciplines. 

“People talk about the consequences of technology all the time,” said Masís-Obando. “We discuss in fear and excitement about ‘Black Mirror’ episodes, we chat about Elon Musk’s startup on brain-computer interfaces, Neuralink, and we jest about how scary or amazing the future could be, but the conversations stop there.”

“That’s why we wanted to create this conference. To bridge a gap between academia and industry, but importantly, to provide the fertile ground under which ideas can cross-pollinate, conversations can go beyond the shallow surface of chats, and where purpose that sometimes feels foggy, can at least begin to resolve in some sort of blurry direction.”

Members of the Princeton University community, and the community at large, can register for the conference on the Future Realities website .

Related viewing: In early 2022, Masís-Obando produced the video “This is an Ethical Metaverse,” which covers some of the topics to be featured at the conference and is available to watch on YouTube .

The “Privacy in the Metaverse” panel discussion is available to watch on the PUL website .

PUL users also have access to VR services through both Stokes Library and the Makerspace .

Published on June 7, 2023 

Written by Brandon Johnson , Communications Strategist

Media Contact: Barbara Valenza , Director of Library Communications

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Guest Essay

Catholic Converts Like JD Vance Are Reshaping Republican Politics

A picture of half of JD Vance’s face with a cross illustration around the edges.

By Matthew Schmitz

Mr. Schmitz is a founder and an editor of the online magazine Compact.

Despite institutional decline and internal conflict, Catholicism retains a surprising resonance in American life — especially in certain elite circles. It has emerged as the largest and perhaps the most vibrant religious group at many top universities . It claims six of the nine Supreme Court justices as adherents. It continues to win high-profile converts, and its social teaching exerts an influence (often unacknowledged) on public debates, inspiring political thinkers who seek to challenge both the cultural left and the laissez-faire right.

The Republican vice-presidential nominee JD Vance, who converted to Catholicism after attending Yale Law School, exemplifies this phenomenon. When he was baptized into the church in 2019, he joined an influential group of conservative converts, including the legal scholars Erika Bachiochi and Adrian Vermeule, the political scientist Darel Paul, the Times Opinion columnist Ross Douthat, the theologian R.R. Reno and the writer and editor Sohrab Ahmari, one of my colleagues at the online magazine Compact. (I am also a convert to Catholicism, and I work or have worked with many of these figures.)

Such thinkers disagree, sometimes sharply, on important matters, not least the value of populism and the merits of Donald Trump. But all share a combination of social conservatism and a willingness to question many of the free-market orthodoxies of the pre-Trump Republican Party. In doing so, they can claim justification from Catholic social teaching, a body of thought that insists on a traditional understanding of the family while embracing a living wage and trade unions as means of promoting “the common good.” See, for example, Mr. Vance in 2019 : “My views on public policy and what the optimal state should look like are pretty aligned with Catholic social teaching.”

This group’s economic thinking distinguishes its members from an earlier cohort of conservative Catholic intellectuals such as William F. Buckley Jr. and Michael Novak. Those men laid a stress on free markets, in part because the threat of Soviet Communism had led Catholic thinkers to emphasize the relative virtues of a liberal and capitalist system that had long been subject to Catholic critique.

By contrast, for Mr. Vance and others like him, Catholicism seems to be a resource for pushing back against the excesses of cultural and economic liberalism. As for so many converts before them, the church represents an alternative to the dominant ethos of the age. During the Romantic period, intellectuals like Chateaubriand and Friedrich Schlegel were drawn to Catholicism in reaction to what they saw as a tidal wave of rationalism associated with the Enlightenment. In the 20th century, the writer Evelyn Waugh, another convert, described Catholicism as a welcome foil for what he saw as the “materialistic, mechanized state.”

Many of today’s converts look to resist the left-right fusion of libertarian cultural attitudes and free-market economics that has reshaped Western society over the past three or four decades. But rather than precipitating a radical overhaul of society, as some fear and others hope, they have exerted a subtler influence that is nonetheless significant: altering how the Republican Party approaches policy, and in some cases helping build a new consensus across party lines.

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