online nursing degree birmingham


Bsc (hons) .

Accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

Accredited by University College Birmingham

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  • Undergraduate
  • Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

3 years full-time

B74F Feb / B740 Sept

Multiple placements

September, February

Course breakdown

Entry requirements

Key information

  • Placements and Careers

£44m invested in flagship facilities, including nursing, to support your future career opportunities

You could receive a £5,000 non-repayable grant and up to £3,000 to support childcare costs

Nursing is much more than a job. It is a challenging and extremely rewarding vocation that makes a real difference to people’s lives, and registered nurses with the right experience, knowledge and skills for modern-day practice are in high demand. Our exciting and innovative Adult Nursing degree course will enable you to deliver and lead on safe, effective and compassionate care for adults with a range of health conditions. This course is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), enabling you to apply for Registered Nurse status when you complete your degree.

Our adult nursing degree course provides the perfect environment and opportunity for you to get hands-on training and practical experience. We have outstanding facilities including a replica hospital ward on campus where you can practise and hone your clinical skills, while our network of healthcare contacts will enable you to take on invaluable industry placements in a variety of settings, from NHS trusts to community care.

Throughout our university nursing course, you will learn from our expert clinical practitioners and develop a strong understanding of human development, key body systems, pharmacology and safe management of medicine, as well as the personal and technical skills needed to deliver compassionate, high-quality and person-centred care across many different settings. 

Why should I choose this course?

  • AWARD WINNING PLACEMENTS – The university received the Student Placement of the Year: Hospital 2022 award at the Nursing Times Awards for 'authentic' hospital placements where nursing students manage real patient bays, gaining invaluable ward management and patient care experience. Additionally, UCB were shortlisted for Best Student Experience and Nurse Education Provider of the Year in 2023
  • TOP EDUCATION AWARDS ACHIEVEMENT – Our nursing courses foster excellence, demonstrated by Mike Blackham, a member of our first cohort who won Student of the Year at the Titan Awards
  • STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITIES – The University’s £44 million investment in the Moss House campus offers nursing students exceptional facilities, including a six-bed simulation ward and immersive VR technology, providing some of the best nursing training in the UK
  • PERSONALISED APPROACH – Our team of experienced lecturers promote a focused and supportive learning environment, ensuring students benefit from a personalised teaching experience to support them throughout their nursing degree
  • STRONG EMPLOYMENT PROSPECTS  – Graduates can expect high employability rates, thanks to strong links with local NHS trusts and healthcare providers, offering numerous job opportunities
  • INDUSTRY APPROVED TRAINING – Train to today’s gold standard in line with the NMC’s ‘Future Nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses,’ and apply for Registered Nurse status upon graduation

Our facilities

As a student on our adult nursing course at University College Birmingham, you will have access to our university nursing facilities, including our Health Skills and Simulation Suite. This includes a purpose-built six-bed hospital ward with simulation manikins to help you practise your clinical skills and enhance your practical training.

Core Modules

Assess, Plan, Provide and Evaluate Care

This module's aim is to introduce you to the role of the adult nurse, across a range of healthcare settings and interdisciplinary team working. You will be introduced to 'The Nursing Process', a systematic approach to care that uses critical thinking skills, person-centred care approaches to care delivery and evidence-based practice that inform care decisions. The Nursing Process steps are Assessment and Planning Care and Providing and Evaluating Care - Platform 3 and 4 of the Future Nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses (NMC 2018) You will learn how to prioritise the needs of people when assessing and reviewing their mental, physical, cognitive, behavioural, social, and spiritual needs. You will explore the use of information obtained during assessments to identify the priorities and requirements for person-centred and evidence-based nursing interventions and support. You will explore the importance of working in partnership with people to develop person-centred care plans that consider people's circumstances, characteristics and preferences. You will reflect on providing evidence based, compassionate and safe nursing interventions during your Placements across the year and how you have worked with people, their families and carers to evaluate whether care is effective and that the goals of care have been met in line with their wishes, preferences and desired outcomes. Using examples from legal and ethical frameworks, policies and protocols, and the evidence base that underpins care, you will use decision making and critical thinking to work through scenarios to help you understand ethical dilemmas and challenging situations, using a solutions focussed approach.

Literacy, Numeracy and Technology for Nursing Practice

This module is designed to support you in your academic and professional journey, helping you to build a portfolio of numeracy, literacy, academic, digital and technology skills; to enable you to demonstrate your personal development and the acquisition of lifelong learning skills, identifying your personal learning needs. In addition to this, the module will help you explore how to care effectively for yourself to support you in caring for others, including building your resilience to cope with your workload, personal emotions and stress which will be delivered within 'graduate advantage' sessions. Module Aims Numeracy You will be enabled to develop on your entry level numeracy skills and apply these skills to the context of nursing including medicines management and other health related and clinical calculations. Literacy and Academic Skills This module introduces you to the key learning skills they need to become successful learners throughout your degree and beyond. It clearly explains the core skills you will need right from the start of the course, such as academic and reflective writing and how to organise studies. You will use these skills in your e-portfolio. The module introduces more advanced skills that you will need as the course progresses, such as research and evidence-based practice and how these skills are vital for success at university and as a registered nurse. Technology By the end of the module you will understand the importance of technology in current and future healthcare, through the delivery of educational sessions on all the technology platforms used throughout this degree and a range of platforms you will see and use in practice, delivered by experts from practice. Graduate Advantage These sessions run across each Part of the Nursing Programme, with the Level 4 sessions delivered during this module in Part 1. The sessions provide you with opportunities to discuss and learn with other students on other programmes such as physiotherapy and social work, in topics related to the personal and professional development journey of health and social care students into graduates and registered professionals.

Nursing in Context

This module will consider what it means to be a professional nurse within current health practice, critically evaluating the role and purpose of modern nursing. The values and behaviours discussed in this module will be integrated and developed within clinical learning during placements and simulation opportunities. The module will enable you to understand the psycho-social and political determinants of health on individuals, groups and society. This will be through an exploration of the history, structure, policy, economics and political influences of the NHS and an introduction to theoretical frameworks underpinning the concepts of health, ill health, illness and public health. Using evidence-based research and a case study approach, students will be able to discuss health associated problems and identify evidence-based solutions. The role of the nurse and other professionals who promote health and provide care to individuals, groups and society will be examined. This will include an exploration of the professional values and behaviour, communication and self-awareness requirements of nurses.

Nursing Practice - Part 1

This long-thin practice module will be delivered throughout part 1 of the BSc (Hons) Nursing programmes to prepare you in your first year for your supernumerary practice placements that run across the part and to consolidate practice learning opportunities following placements. The module focus is the development of professional values and the delivery of safe, holistic compassionate care throughout Part 1. This module is defined by the skills and proficiencies you, as a student nurse are to achieve in practice by the end of Part 1, (as outlined in PAD part 1) prior to moving onto Part 2&3. The module incorporates skills education, practice learning placements and simulation to enable you to achieve the progression point criteria for Part 1 as set out in the Future Nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses (2018) and to meet the requirements of the Care Certificate Standards (HEE, Skills for Care and Skills for Health)

Science for Nursing

This module aims to develop your underlying knowledge of anatomy and physiology and lifespan development, in the context of and application to nursing. This will include an introduction of basic pathophysiology of common health conditions and the indicators of health and ill health, including sociology, psychology, genetics and genomics.You will be introduced to physical, social, and psychological care considerations across the lifespan. You will gain knowledge of pharmacology concepts and Medicines management and optimisation.

Care of the Acutely Ill Adult

This module will enable you to build on your anatomy, physiology and pharmacology knowledge acquired in Part 1, with a practical application to a range of acute care scenarios affecting different body systems. You will be taught to recognise the care requirements and the nursing interventions for acutely ill adults through simulated practice, with an exploration and evaluation of a range of assessment methods and tools. The module aims to define 'acute care' and the role of the 'acute nurse' so you understand the complexities of prioritising and providing acute care to patients. Reference will be made throughout the module to the legal-ethical framework, policies and the evidence-base that underpins safe practice delivery by nurses and the inter-professional team within the acute care environment, so that you can apply knowledge and skills into your practice

Long-term Health Conditions

This module will consider the biological, psychological, and social impact of long-term health conditions on an individual, using sources of information from clinical experts, service-users, the evidence-base and reflecting on clinical practice experiences. You will be supported to develop skills and critical knowledge to enable you to apply it to safe care delivery, for individuals diagnosed with chronic long-term health conditions. The concept of shared decision making, and the role of multi-professional care will be explored. The module promotes critical thinking through the application of evidence-based practice. The aim of the module is to enable you to identify, discuss and analyse the impact of long-term health conditions of the adult, their family and/or support network. To enable you to critically discuss the shared decision-making process in the nursing care of adults with long-term health conditions and co morbidities, using a multi-professional approach to care.

Nursing Practice - Part 2

This module will prepare you for your practice placements and practice-based learning that runs across part 2 of the programme and provides skills support to the theory units delivered in parallel. The module's focus is the development of professional values and the delivery of safe, holistic compassionate care. This module defines the skills and proficiencies student nurses require by the end of Part 2 as outlined in the Practice Assessment Document (PAD Part 2), prior to moving onto Part 3.

Person-Centred Care

The concept of person-centred holistic care will be explored further during this module emphasising the importance of examining the psychological, economic, social and the political health perspectives of patient care as well as clinical and physical requirements. Through building on the concepts launched during Part 1, this module aims to further develop your understanding of how nurses and the inter-disciplinary team can work together to deliver person centred care, across all fields of nursing (adult, child, learning disability and mental health service-users) and a spectrum of healthcare environments to meet the needs, treatment and support of identified individuals, groups and communities across the lifespan. You will be exploring the concepts of clinical reasoning, judgement and decision making in response to actual and potential health needs, life processes and care delivery of individuals, family members and the community. The core topics explored include nursing policy, professional values, evidence-based practice, ethics, professionalism and relationship building, all central to person-centred care.

Registered Nursing Associates ONLY if 1999 is RPL

Nursing Practice - Part 2 (Registered Nursing Associates)

This module will be delivered in the 2 nd half of part 2 of the BSc (Hons) nursing programme and is bespoke to Registered Nursing Associates entering the degree programme with 50% recognition of prior learning (RPL). The module will prepare you for your practice placements and practice based learning opportunities that run across part 2 of the programme and provides skills support to the theory units delivered in parallel. The module's focus is the development of professional values and the delivery of safe, holistic compassionate care. This module defines the skills and proficiencies student nurses require by the end of Part 2 as outlined in the Practice Assessment Document (PAD Part 2), prior to moving onto Part 3.

Evidence Based Practice - Service Improvement Project

Service improvement is at the heart of how we ensure and improve the quality of the service-user experience. This module will provide you with the knowledge and skills to enable you to write a Service Improvement Project based on an evaluation of a student-selected aspect of a service in practice. Your project may relate to any aspect of a service which could be improved, with an aim of enhancing the service-user experience. This might relate to care in a clinical or community setting or may be concerned with processes and resources. The project needs to identify how quality care may be enhanced and good practice disseminated. You will also include realistic recommendations for achieving this and a reflection on the personal and professional skills required for its implementation. In undertaking this module, you will receive practical advice, extend your academic knowledge, and have the support of a group of peers engaged in their own service improvement challenges. The four-week service improvement placement in week 3-6 of the module, will expose you to contemporary quality of care initiatives, audits, research projects, service improvements that are occurring within the organisation. Whilst working with your Practice Assessor/Practice Supervisors and the patient/client group, you will be able to explore your topic. For BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) and BSc Nursing (Mental Health) In undertaking this module, you will receive practical advice, extend your academic knowledge, and have the support of a group of peers engaged in their own service improvement challenges. The 4-week service improvement placement in week 3-6 of the module, will expose you to contemporaty quality of care initiatives, audits, research projects, service iprovements that are occurring within the organisation. Whilst working with your Practice Assessor/Practice Supervisors and the patient/client group, you will be able to explore your topic. On return to university you will use secondary evidence from a review of literature to appraise, evaluate and apply it to the service improvement issue. Within your summative report, you will be required to make analytical and objective judgements on the evidence and the potential impact on the quality and standards of care, safe working practices, risks, and service-user outcomes. The summative report will conclude with action plans and recommendations for change and clinicians and service users will be invited from partner organisations to support the assessment of the student verbal presentations of their improvement plan. Although you will not be implementing the project as part of the module, you will make an evidence-based plan to do so which you will present at the end of the module.

Nursing Practice - Part 3

This module will be delivered in part 3 of the BSc (Hons) nursing programme. The module prepares you for your practice placements that run across part 3 of the programme and prepares you for the third progression point and registration as a Registered Nurse (Adult or Mental Health). The module's focus is professional values and the delivery of safe, holistic compassionate care and the assessment and management of patients with complex health care needs, in partnership with the service user and the inter-professional team. You are taught skills in small groups using skills equipment, mannequins, low and high-fidelity simulation and Virtual Reality. You will engage with the 7 platforms and 2 annexes identified by the Future Nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses (2018), reflecting what the NMC expect a newly registered nurse to know and be capable of doing safely and proficiently at the start of your career. This module defines the skills and proficiencies you as a student nurse is required to achieve by the end of Part 3, as directed by the Practice Assessment Document (ePAD 3) prior to professional registration on the NMC register. Aims: To enable you to achieve the progression point criteria for Part 3 as set out in the Future Nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses (2018) To enable you to prepare for and consolidate practice learning opportunities including placements and simulation experiences.

Transition to Professional Practice in Complex Care Environments

This module will enable you to reflect upon your personal and professional growth throughout your degree; drawing on evidence of learning and development compiled throughout the programme. It will foster the development and application of leadership, management and inter-professional team working concepts, required for effective clinical practice and positive patient outcomes. This module will enable you to reflect on the skills necessary to facilitate the transition to a Registered Nurse (Adult OR Mental Health). This module acknowledges that nursing care should take into consideration the individual's wishes, their culture and the services available within the current political landscape. It expands the your consideration of the care environment and service provision to provide enhanced care delivery. This module examines the cultural, political and psychosocial influences in and on multi-disciplinary healthcare provision. Aims: To consolidate the knowledge and skills to support personal and professional development in order to become a Registered Nurse (Adult) in readiness to apply for NMC registration To develop knowledge and skills related to leadership, management and team working within diverse and multidisciplinary healthcare settings

The modules listed above for this course are regularly reviewed to ensure they are up to date and informed by industry as well as the latest teaching methods. On occasion, we may need to make unexpected changes to modules – if this occurs, we will contact all offer holders as soon as possible.

online nursing degree birmingham

From ensuring the most accurate diagnoses to the ongoing education of the public about critical health issues, nurses are indispensable and the glue that holds a patient’s healthcare journey together. Our nursing degree has been developed with practice learning partners, service users and carers to reflect the requirements and complexities of modern healthcare.

Professor Kathryn Riley Director of Nurse Education

  • Access to Higher Education Diploma :  112  UCAS Tariff points including a minimum of 15 Level 3 credits at Distinction
  • A-levels : Grade profile of  BBC 
  • T-levels: A T-level with an overall Merit grade
  • BTEC : Grade profile of  DMM . This can be achieved from either an Extended Diploma or a combination of smaller BTEC qualifications
  • Irish Leaving Certificate : Grade profile of two subjects at H2 and three subjects at H3. The remaining tariff points can be made up of Higher or Ordinary subject grades
  • Tariff : Other Level 3 qualifications are accepted at University College Birmingham for entry. A minimum of  112  UCAS Tariff points will be required.
  • Graduate Entry : A  2:2  or above will also be considered.
  • GCSE/IGCSE English language and maths grades 9-4/A*-C or equivalent
  • GCSE/IGCSE biology or human biology grade 9-4/A*-C or equivalent*
  • O1-O4 or A1-C3 (Ordinary Level)
  • H1-H7 or A1-D3 (Higher Level)

*Pass in a biology-focused module, e.g. anatomy and physiology, human biology, as part of a relevant Level 3 qualification is regarded as an equivalent for entrance.

We would expect all GCSE qualifications to have been achieved prior to applying for this course. However, we will consider applications from students with one GCSE qualification pending.

If you have any questions about applying to University College Birmingham for this course, please complete our enquiry form here.

Not yet ready to apply for the Nursing degree course?

If you don't currently meet the Level 3 qualification requirements above, our Nursing Associate foundation degree (FdSc) provides an opportunity to study the foundation degree for two years and enter the Adult Nursing degree at the 50% stage (i.e. Halfway through the second year of the programme). Alternatively, you may want to consider our Access to Higher Education Diploma (Health Professions)  course. 

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

Students must also complete an Enhanced  Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)  check. The University will coordinate and fund the completion of the DBS check. Further information is available regarding the DBS check – the requirements prior to entry onto the course can be found  here  and a summary of the documents required for the application process can be found  here .

Pre-course health and immunisation requirements

Students must complete a Pre-course Health Questionnaire and meet the Immunisation Requirements .

In addition to the above, we would also strongly recommend that applicants receive the latest vaccinations against Covid-19 and influenza, though this is not compulsory for entry.

The Admissions team will use the entrance criteria, as well as your personal statement, reference and work experience information, to shortlist candidates for interview. Successful applicants will be invited to an interview which will comprise multiple mini interviews (MMIs) – you will be assessed on your motivation and understanding of the role of a nurse and your familiarity with NHS Constitution and Values.

Information regarding the stages of the initial assessment for Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Skills can be found here . 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Students can find further information regarding the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) for entry onto pre-registration nursing courses here .

Top up from Registered Nursing Associate to Registered Nurse

You can apply to ‘top up’ by gaining a place on the nursing degree programme using your foundation degree plus English and Maths Level 2 qualifications to meet the entry criteria.

On your UCAS application, you must clearly state in your personal statement that you wish to top up to the degree and that you are a Registered Nursing Associate, providing your NMC PIN in your personal statement.

Once your qualifications have been confirmed, if successfully shortlisted, you will be invited to interview. 

If successful at interview, you will enter the degree programme at the 50% stage (i.e. halfway through the second year of the programme). You will complete 18 months of the degree programme, with placements, before you can register as a Registered Nurse and achieve your full degree.

You can ‘top up’ as an apprentice if your current Nursing Associate employer can support your application. Alternatively, you can self-fund and complete the 18-month top-up course full-time.

International students

Academic entry requirements: Please visit our  Country Specific Information  page.

English Requirements:

We will accept the following English grades at the point of application. However, students must achieve the required NMC IELTS and OET English requirements on completion of year two of their studies. See the heading NMC Requirements below.

The University will provide additional English classes to support students in achieving the following NMC requirements. No additional fees will be charged, but students must commit to attending a minimum of 3-4 hours of English Language support.

The University will meet the cost of exam fees for the first attempt; however, subsequent attempts must be paid by the student.

English Requirements accepted at the application stage:

IELTS - overall score of 6.5 in reading, listening and speaking and a minimum of 6.0 in writing

Occupational English Test (OET):  with a minimum of grade C+ (330-340) in listening, reading and speaking and a C in the writing section (this must be between 250-290)

NMC English Requirements on completion of year two:

To achieve NMC approval and successfully graduate, students must achieve the following.

IELTS score of 7.0 – a minimum of 7.0 in reading, listening and speaking, and a minimum of 6.5 in writing.

Occupational English Test (OET):  an OET examination certificate – a minimum of grade C+ in the writing section and grade B in the reading, listening and speaking sections.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council updated this requirement in January 2020.

Combining OET test scores – you can achieve the required mark across two test sittings if:

  • You sit the tests within six months of each other
  • You are tested in all four sections at the same time
  • All grades in both sittings are above grade C+, and you achieve at least a grade C+ in the writing section and at least a grade B in the reading, listening and speaking sections in either of the two test sittings

Further information regarding accepted English language tests can be found  here .

Alternatively, if you do not have IELTS, you can take University College Birmingham's Online Proficiency Test – An overall score of C1 – a minimum of C1 in reading, listening and speaking, and a minimum of B2+ in writing.

Teaching and assessment

Note : Indicative information only – actual timetables and assessment regimes will be issued at your induction.  

Learning strategies include:  

  • Practical skills sessions  
  • Placement learning opportunities  
  • E-learning  
  • Small group teaching and discussion groups  
  • Seminars and lectures  
  • Self-directed study  
  • Action learning sets and peer mentoring schemes  

You will be assessed 50% in practice and simulation (minimum 2,300 hours) through completion of a Practice Assessment Document and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs).

The 50% theory (minimum 2,300 hours) is assessed through a variety of modes including written assignments, presentations, examinations, professional discussions and a portfolio of evidence.

The course consists of three parts. You will be expected to demonstrate achievement of set competencies and outcomes at the end of each part to enable progression to the next part or to complete the course.

Our teaching and assessment is underpinned by our  Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy 2021-2024 .

Uniform and kit costs

This course requires a uniform and a tablet. This will be redeemed from The Kick-Start Scheme fund, paid to each student at the start of each academic year. Exact costs and information on how to order required items will be provided to you prior to enrolment.

Tuition fees

UK students

If you are a UK student enrolling on a standard-length Foundation Degree or a BA/BSc at University College Birmingham, your 2024/25 academic year fee will be £9,250. A half-year tuition fee is £4,625.  View undergraduate fees

If you are an international student enrolling on a full-time Foundation Degree or a BA/BSc in 2024/25, your fee for this academic year will be £14,000 per year. If you complete a placement year, there will be an administration fee of £500 for a full year or £250 for a half-year placement.

View international fees

Funding for Nursing degrees

Additional support is available to Nursing students, which includes a non-repayable payment of £5,000 to eligible students each academic year, and additional payments worth up to a total of £3,000 to help students cover childcare costs.

Students who already have a degree but undertake our BSc (Hons) in adult nursing as an additional degree will be able to apply to access a student tuition fee and maintenance loan through Student Finance England.

Kick-Start Scheme

As a new student studying this course full-time, you will receive £300 per year through our Kick-Start Scheme (UK students only, eligibility criteria applies). This scheme will support your studies and future career by contributing to course-related materials, uniform or selected items on campus. You may also qualify for an additional £500 per year.

Find out more about the Kick-Start Scheme   here .

Unibuddy Community - meet other students on your course

Starting university is an exciting time, but we understand that it can sometimes feel a little daunting. To support you, you will be invited to join our Unibuddy Community , where you can meet other students who have applied for the same course at University College Birmingham, before you start studying here.

As soon as you have been made an offer, you will be sent an invitation email to complete your registration and join the Unibuddy Community. For more information, check out our Unibuddy Community page .

of graduate employers say relevant experience is essential to getting a job with them

Work placements

Practice placements are vital for gaining real-life experience and for building your confidence and skills before you finish your course – and they may even lead to a job when you graduate. Our Hired team can help find the ideal placement for you.

Our BSc Adult Nursing course features multiple placements in different environments throughout your studies, ranging in duration from four weeks to 14 weeks.

Participating in care delivered over 24 hours a day and 7 days per week is an integral part of the course, so you will be expected to adopt various shift patterns. Some placements may also be some distance from your home to enable you to experience different settings.

Work alongside experts in your sector

A snapshot of some of the employers we have worked with:

  • University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
  • Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust
  • Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust
  • Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
  • Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Birmingham and Solihull NHS Training Hub
  • The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Healthcare at Home Ltd

online nursing degree birmingham

The range of placements has been amazing. I have worked in ITU, surgical and medical wards providing post-operative care for patients recovering from routine surgery to extensive procedures. The memories I will take from my time at the University will stay with me for life.

Michael Blackham Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

Career opportunities

Note : Some roles below may require further study/training. The roles and salaries below are intended as a guide only.

Adult nurse

Average Salary: £33,834

Want to take your studies to the next level? Completing the BSc (Hons) degree will enable you to move onto our postgraduate courses, such as Enterprise Management MSc/PGDip .

We are here to support your career goals every step of the way. 

Find out more

online nursing degree birmingham

Farhat's Story

Studying for a degree in hospitality business management with us after leaving school, Farhat came full circle years later by enrolling on our nursing degree.

Evie's story

What our students on this course say....

of students on this course say the teaching staff make the subject engaging

of students at the University say their course is intellectually stimulating    

of students at the University say  staff are good at explaining things

*National Student Survey (NSS) 2023

Course statistics, meet your lecturers.

online nursing degree birmingham

Kathryn Riley

Lecturer - Head of Department of Health

online nursing degree birmingham

Sarah Darling

Deputy Head of Department for Nursing

online nursing degree birmingham

Antony Smith

online nursing degree birmingham

Lydia Gilbert

online nursing degree birmingham

Rosie Shepherd

Associate lecturer

online nursing degree birmingham

Shannon Smalling

Clinical Placement Lecturer

online nursing degree birmingham

Marina Kendrick

Head of Healthcare, Workforce Development and Apprenticeships

What’s happening

online nursing degree birmingham

Healthcare heroes: first nursing and physiotherapy graduates celebrate

The first cohorts from University College Birmingham's Nursing (Adult) BSc (Hons) and Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) programme…

online nursing degree birmingham

Emotional celebration for first nursing cohort who started at height of pandemic

There were emotional moments a-plenty for both students and teaching staff at a special celebration for Univer…

online nursing degree birmingham

Shortlisted for best student experience in national nursing awards

University College Birmingham has been shortlisted for Best Student Experience in the national Student Nursing Times Awards…

An adult nursing student with a patient

Mental health nursing degree launched to meet shortage of frontline workers

University College Birmingham has invested in a raft of cutting-edge technology to support students on its new ment…

online nursing degree birmingham

Nursing graduate who found his calling during degree wins student of year

A recently-qualified student who was part of the very first cohort of the University’s adult nursing degree at the he…

online nursing degree birmingham

"Authentic" hospital placement wins at Student Nursing Times Awards

An "authentic" hospital placement opportunity available to University College Birmingham nursing and physiotherapy students…

online nursing degree birmingham

Accelerated apprenticeship to turn nursing associates into full practitioners

A brand new accelerated degree apprenticeship to train nursing associates working everywhere from emergency wards…

online nursing degree birmingham

Nursing associate apprenticeship offers specialist skills boost for health sector

A new apprenticeship programme at University College Birmingham is set to provide a boost for the health sect…

Undergraduate students

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Physiotherapy BSc (Hons)

Kick-start a career as a physiotherapist by studying our Physiotherapy degree. This course will give you advanced training to diagnose and rehabilitate across a range of conditions, aiding recovery from surgery, accidents, strokes or sports injuries and supporting people with disabilities.

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online nursing degree birmingham

6 Accelerated Nursing Programs in Alabama (BSN & MSN) – 2024

online nursing degree birmingham

Following is the List of 4 Accelerated BSN Programs in Alabama for 2024

1. samford university , birmingham.

online nursing degree birmingham

2. University of South Alabama , Mobile

online nursing degree birmingham

3. University of North Alabama , Florence

online nursing degree birmingham

4. University of Mobile , Mobile

online nursing degree birmingham

Following is the List of 2 Accelerated MSN/Entry-level Masters Programs in Alabama for 2024

1. university of alabama at birmingham , birmingham.

online nursing degree birmingham

  • 10 Pros and Cons of Accelerated Nursing Programs
  • 35 Best Accelerated BSN Programs (Online & Campus) in the Nation – 2024

72 points required

There are places available on this course.

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Nursing - Adult - BSc (Hons)

Currently viewing course to start in 2024/25 Entry . Switch to 2025/26 Entry

September 2024, January 2025 — UCAS code B741 September, B740 January

Our BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing degree will provide you with the clinical skills and experience you need to be a professional nurse. You will spend time on placement in different hospital and clinical settings within the Birmingham and Solihull area, as well as learning from our experts at the University....

Clearing places available

See hotline opening hours

Two ways to apply now

Call the hotline

  • Apply Online
  • Level Undergraduate
  • Study mode Full Time
  • Location City South
  • Award BSc (Hons)
  • Start date September 2024, January 2025
  • Fees View course fees
  • School School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • Faculty Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences

This course is:

Open to International Students

Clearing 2024

72 points (or equivalent) is the minimum you will need to be considered for this course in Clearing.

Use the UCAS Tariff Calculator to work out your points.

Apply now Call the hotline

Our BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing degree will provide you with the clinical skills and experience you need to be a professional nurse. You will spend time on placement in different hospital and clinical settings within the Birmingham and Solihull area, as well as learning from our experts at the University.

This course is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and you will be able to apply for Registered Nurse Status on completion.

What's covered in this course?

Our aim is to develop you into a graduate nurse who is able to work flexibly across a range of settings and meet the health needs of the whole person throughout their lifespan. We will work with you on your development to help you become a skilled, knowledgeable, emotionally intelligent nurse, able to lead and co-ordinate compassionate, evidence-based, person- and family-centred care while working as an integral member of interdisciplinary teams. 

The university-based elements of the first two years of your course are integrated, with all fields of nursing working together. In your final year, the theory you learn will be specific to adult  nursing.  You will study five modules each year. In year one, you will complete a year-long practice module which will prepare and support you to develop your confidence and competence in practice as you work towards independently leading and coordinating care.  

In your first year, you will gain theoretical and practice knowledge to develop a range of key skills. This will include: exploring the evidence that underpins person- and family-centred care; professional values; self-leadership; and the role of the registered nurse. Second year modules will further enhance your first-year learning and explore evidence-based complex care incorporating a wide range of research, skills, team leadership and principles of coordinating care. During your third year you will continue build on your previous learning and develop proficiency in adult  nursing. The modules you study will develop you as a leader who uses research-informed critical thinking to co-ordinate care, supervise other health professionals and gain confidence in the safe management of medication. You will also have access to personal tuition throughout the course which will enrich your learning experiences and will enable to reflect meaningfully on your practice and the development of your individual field identity. 

Your practice placements will be specific to your field, adult  nursing, throughout the three years. To help you become a more rounded nurse, you will also have opportunities to learn across the four fields of nursing. Your placement learning experiences may be within community, hospital or home environment settings and at a location anywhere within the West Midlands and potentially into neighbouring counties. While on placement you will be supported, supervised and assessed by practice and academic staff to develop your knowledge and skills.  

We are committed to providing excellent, innovative, learning, teaching and assessment experiences through the use of technology, which we use to enhance your learning, through lectures, seminars, skills simulation and virtual learning. Engaging with practice partners and service users is also integral to our approach.

Our BSc (Hons) Nursing course has been designed to comply with the new Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards (2018) meaning that successful completion of this course makes you eligible to apply and be entered onto the NMC register in one of the four fields of nursing: Adult, Child, Learning Disabilities or Mental Health. 

Accredited By

This course is accredited by:.

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

Birmingham City University had the best facilities for my course, including excellent practice areas. This enabled me to get an insight into what it would be like to work in a hospital... from the mock wards. Susan Donegal

Why Choose Us?

  • Funding - Nursing students who are eligible for a student loan will receive at least £5,000 a year in additional funding for maintenance and associated study costs. Download the funding FAQs .
  • You will study at our City South Campus where we’ve recently invested nearly £5 million to update our skills and simulations facilities, complete with real-life hospital environments (wards, operating theatre), basic and advanced life support training facilities and simulation equipment to practice your practical skills.
  • We offer two intakes a year in January and September so that you can start at the right time for you. Contact our Admissions team to find out more.
  • Birmingham is one of the UK’s most diverse cities outside of London, which will provide you with a wide variety of experience that will be valuable to take forward into your future career.
  • Opportunities to go abroad if this is something you would like to explore during your time studying with us.
  • Student finance - have you already had a student loan to study an undergraduate degree but would like to do a second degree in nursing, midwifery or the allied health professions? You may still be eligible for funding .

Similar Courses

  • Nursing - Learning Disability - BSc (Hons)
  • Nursing - Adult and Mental Health - MSci
  • Midwifery - BSc (Hons)

Join us for an on-campus Open Day where you'll be able to learn about this course in detail, chat to students, explore our campus and tour accommodation.

Next Open Day: 28 September 2024

Entry Requirements

These entry requirements apply for entry in 2024/25..

All required qualifications/grades must have been achieved and evidenced at the earliest opportunity after accepting an offer to help confirm admission and allow for on-time enrolment. This can also include other requirements, like a fee status form and relevant documents. Applicants can track their application and outstanding information requests through their BCU mySRS account.

Alternative options

If you do not have 72 points, you may like to look at our other courses available.

View Clearing courses

Or explore your options if you don't have enough points for any of our courses.

Please note: the entry requirements listed below are relevant for main cycle applications and may not be applicable during Clearing.

Essential requirements

120 UCAS tariff points

Please note: If you qualify for our BCU Accelerate scheme, you could receive an offer that is two grades below our normal entry requirements. Find out more about BCU Accelerate .

Applicants will also need to complete an interview for this course; see interview arrangements below.

If your level 3 qualifications do not meet the UCAS tariff for this course, you may be offered a place on our Foundation Year instead. You do not need to submit a separate application but will automatically be considered for this if your predicted grades fall below the UCAS entry tariff. 

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

Successful candidates will be required to obtain a satisfactory occupational health check, an enhanced DBS check and registration with the Independent Safeguarding Authority prior to enrolling on this course. If you have any queries please refer to DBS Frequently Asked Questions or contact [email protected] .

In addition to the A Level, BTEC and other level 3 requirements below, applicants for this course also need GCSE English Language or English Literature and GCSE Maths at grade C/4 or above. If you do not have these or are not undertaking them, we accept other level 2 equivalents, or we may ask you to pass BCU's GCSE equivalency tests.

QualificationEntry requirements

A Level

Pearson BTEC (Diploma / Extended Diploma/ Extended Certificate)

T Level

Access to HE Diploma

Pass with 60 credits. At least 45 credits at level 3 with 30 credits at Merit or Distinction, with 24 credits in a science or health-related subject.

OCR Cambridge Technical qualifications

NCFE CACHE Level 3 qualifications

WJEC Level 3 qualifications

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Irish Leaving Certificate (Highers)

Scottish Higher / Advanced Higher

Welsh Baccalaureate

EU / International students

Please see for further details on the equivalent qualifications we accept. In addition to the academic entry requirements listed above, international and EU students will also require IELTS 6.5 overall with no less than 6.0 in each band.

If you do not meet the required IELTS score, you may be eligible for one of our pre-sessional English courses. Please note that you must have a Secure English Language Test (SELT) to study on the pre-sessional English course. .

Applicants are required to undertake a face-to-face engagement, normally in the format of an interview. Interviews are currently taking place via Microsoft Teams.

  • Qualifications, personal statement, and references all form part of the selection criteria for this course.
  • Applicants must demonstrate evidence of literacy, numeracy, and IT skills in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council requirements.
  • Applicants must normally have evidence of formal study within the last five years. However, we are sometimes able to waive this requirement if a candidate has a significant amount of professional experience in a relevant field, for example healthcare, social care, or education.
  • You must provide evidence of having been in general education for a minimum of ten years.

I really want to become a nurse but do not meet your entry requirements. What advice can you give me?

All applicants must meet our academic entry requirements in order to be considered for the course. If you do not have sufficient level 3 qualifications, you could consider taking an Access to Higher Education Diploma qualification in a relevant subject such as Nursing, Midwifery or Health. You can search for Access course providers .

Maths and English language GCSE qualifications need to have been achieved at grade C/4 or above. In terms of acceptable equivalents to GCSEs, if you are taking an Access course we can consider Functional Skills level 2 in maths and English.

If you are applying to enter year 2 or year 3 of this course, we require a reference from your previous institution before enrolment.

If you have a qualification that is not listed, please contact us .

Fees & How to Apply

  • International Student

UK students

Annual and modular tuition fees shown are applicable to the first year of study. The University reserves the right to increase fees for subsequent years of study in line with increases in inflation (capped at 5%) or to reflect changes in Government funding policies or changes agreed by Parliament. View fees for continuing students .

Award: BSc (Hons)

Starting: Sep 2024

  • £9,250 in 2024/25
  • Apply via Clearing

Starting: Jan 2025

International students

  • £16,085 in 2024/25

This course offers both September and January start dates. If our places for your chosen start date are full, successful applicants will be offered a place for the next available start date instead.

Please note that applications are processed in the order in which they are submitted, so please apply early to ensure you have the best chance of securing your preferred start date if your application is successful.

You do not need to apply for both intakes as we will consider your application for the first available place if there are no places for your preferred intake.

online nursing degree birmingham

Access to computer equipment

You will require use of a laptop, and most students do prefer to have their own. However, you can borrow a laptop from the university or use one of our shared computer rooms.


You will receive £5 print credit in each year of your course, available after enrolment.

Field trips

All essential field trips and associated travel costs will be included in your course fees.

Access to Microsoft Office 365

Every student at the University can download a free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use whilst at university and for 18 months after graduation.

Key Software

You will be able to download SPSS and Nvivo to your home computer to support with your studies and research.

Key subscriptions

Subscriptions to key journals and websites are available through our library.


You will be provided with four sets of uniform (tunic and trousers). If you need additional sets of uniform, you will need to purchase them.

Clothing and safety equipment

You will need to buy suitable placement shoes, cardigan and fob watch (price from £5).

online nursing degree birmingham

Placement expenses (mandatory)

There may be some costs for travel or temporary accommodation associated with placements. The NHS Learning Support Fund can help with these costs. Information about what the fund covers and eligibility criteria can be found .

Excess printing (optional)

Once you have spent your £5 credit, additional printing on campus costs from 5p per sheet.

Books (optional)

All module key texts will be in the University library, but in limited numbers. You may choose to purchase a copy.

Field trips (optional)

This course includes the option of additional trips that may enhance your experience, at extra cost.

Memberships (optional)

You may wish to join a union or professional body related to your course. We would advise joining the Royal College of Nursing or Unison. You will need to pay membership fees to join the Nursing and Midwifery Council on graduation.

Subscriptions (optional)

You may wish to purchase subscriptions to additional journals and websites.

Accommodation and living costs

The cost of accommodation and other living costs are not included within your course fees. More information on the cost of accommodation can be found in our .

Places available to start in September 2024

If you'd like to start this course full-time this September, you can apply through Clearing.

International and part-time students can apply online as normal using the links above.

Want to start in September 2025? You can start your application via UCAS now.

Frequently asked questions

How will I know what has happened with my UCAS application when I have submitted it?

You'll be notified via UCAS if your application is unsuccessful. If your application is successful you'll be invited to attend an interview from our Health Admissions department.

What will the interview consist of?

You'll have a face-to-face interview with academic and clinical staff.

How will I know the outcome of my interview?

You'll be notified via UCAS track.

If I'm not offered a place, can I have some feedback?

Yes, you can request feedback from [email protected]

Course in Depth

In order to fully complete this course and be eligible for application for entry onto the NMC register, a student must successfully achieve all 360 credits.

What is Nursing? 20 credits

The NMC standards aim to ensure that nurses are able to work in ways that are not only fit for today, but also for the future. Nurses are being asked to undertake more complex roles than ever before in an evolving health and care landscape requiring a depth and breadth of a range of topics (Smith, 2017). This module aims to provide an introduction to fundamental nursing knowledge and skills, as well as develop a pride in the profession and the role of the nurse.

Assessing Needs and Planning Care 20 credits

Good nursing care is based on the identification of the needs of the person and should be appropriate to the nursing context in which the assessment takes place (DH, 2014). This module will focus specifically on the first two steps of the cyclical nursing process, a model that helps to deliver appropriate and effective care and resolve peoples’ needs by setting goals. Undertaking a comprehensive assessment is the first stage of the nursing process and one in which the nurse is required to ensure the person and, if appropriate, their family and carers are fully involved. A thorough assessment enables the second stage of the nursing process; that of planning care. It is at this stage that person-centred, holistic care can then be identified prior to the third and fourth stages of the process, which are known as providing and evaluating care.

Providing and Evaluating Care 20 credits

This module will focus specifically on the final stages of the nursing process which includes a systematic and collaborative approach to providing and evaluating care for people and families across the lifespan. You will learn how to support individuals and if appropriate their families and carers, to make informed choices through effective communication, relationship management skills and shared decision making. You will develop an evidence based approach to working in partnership with people, families and carers to continuously monitor, evaluate and reassess the effectiveness of all agreed nursing care plans and readjust agreed goals as necessary.

Introduction to Leadership and Teamwork 20 credits

The aim of this module is to help you start to enhance your skills in leadership, management and team-working, in addition to the development of your ability to promote health and assist people to modify their lifestyles to enhance healthier lives. Nurses are leaders who are participative, facilitative and emotionally intelligent. Effective leadership styles contribute to team cohesion, lower stress, and higher empowerment and self-efficacy. Leadership is a predictor of quality outcomes in health care settings. Authentic leaders offer good role modelling consistent with ethical values and vision for health care. They offer individualised consideration of staff, provide motivation and stimulate creativity and innovation (RCN 2017).

Professional Practice 1 40 credits

The module provides you with an introduction to and ongoing support for practice elements of your programme. The module is designed to enable you to achieve practice proficiencies within your chosen field of practice through ongoing guided participation in care within the practice setting. The module offers preparation, development and consolidation to grow your confidence and acquire competence within the practice learning environment.

You will be able to practice and develop your nursing skills within a safe, supportive environment, participate in teaching and learning sessions that support begin to allow you to identify and reflect on your own learning needs and experiences in practice.

Complex Care 1: Assessing and Planning 20 credits

This module aims to provide you with the knowledge and strategies to develop problem solving and decision making skills. These skills will enable you to undertake the assessment and planning of complex situations and health conditions across the life span in a variety of nursing settings.

Complex Care 2: Providing and Evaluating Care 20 credits

This module builds on previous learning to further advance your knowledge and skills to provide holistic care across a variety of care settings. You will explore theory in order to lead, deliver and evaluate complex care for a range of service users across the lifespan. Expanding on the modules in level four and complex care 1, you will continue to develop nursing care which is person centred, encompasses empowerment, uses effective communication and employs evidence based interventions.

Improving Quality and Safety in a Global Context 20 credits

In this module, you will get the opportunity to focus on issues of quality and safety in health care, incorporating a public health perspective in both a national and global context. Building on level four modules you will further your understanding of health policy, exploring what influences public health and causes health inequalities. Well-being as a concept will be further explored particularly in relation to sexual health, as will the service users/patient’s capacity to manage their own health and the role of the nurse in assisting patients/service users to make behaviour changes. This will also build on the work done in previous modules on empowerment and person and family centred care.

Leadership and Co-ordinating Care 20 credits

The NMC (2018) and HEE stress nursing leadership is a core nursing role in the delivery of modern health services. You will build on the skills developed at level four to further consider nursing leadership, legal aspects of nursing and management strategies required in contemporary health and social care settings.

Professional Practice 2 40 credits

The module provides you with the opportunity for further development and ongoing support for practice elements of your programme. The module is designed to enable you to achieve within your chosen field of practice through ongoing guided participation in care within the practice setting. The module offers year 2 preparation, development and consolidation to support confidence and competence within the practice learning environment.

Nursing Care: Adult 20 credits

This module aims to help you explore the wider determinants of health and illness for those adults living with complex needs. Building on earlier learning in the complex care modules, you will develop evidence-informed decisions in how to co-ordinate care in an interdisciplinary context, in doing so improving the safety and quality of nursing care for adults.

Medicines Management and Applied Physiology in Adult Nursing 20 credits

This module aims to prepare you with the essential theoretical and practical elements to be able to prepare and administer medicines safely to adults. You will develop a systematic process for safe medicines management, and pharmacology. A particular emphasis will be placed on disease processes which affect the adult population relating to the current pharmacological strategies to treat ill health. Furthermore, you will utilise best practice guidelines to evidence and rationalise care decisions relating to pharmacology and medication concordance. This will include evidence based practice approaches to communication for supporting people in preventing ill health and managing their care.

Leadership and Decision Making in Adult Nursing 20 credits

This module aims to help you examine your identity as a leader in adult nursing practice using leadership theory, policy and research to guide management of care. Caring for adults in the health and social care setting has recently been met with an unprecedented pace of change and increasing in levels of complexity and demand for services, therefore provision of effective leadership in adult nursing is more important than ever before. As a result of these changes and to meet service demand, a number of new roles have been developed and introduced to the nursing workforce.

Delivering High Quality, Safe Nursing Care within Adult Nursing 20 credits

This module aims to consolidate your risk assessment, decision making and appraisal skills to ensure safety and quality of nursing practice across a variety of settings. With increasing scrutiny and demands on healthcare services, it is vital that you are able to evaluate and enhance adult nursing care. The module supports you in becoming equipped with the skills and knowledge to work in partnership with a range of professionals, interdisciplinary teams and most importantly the service user, their carer and family.

Professional Practice 3 40 credits

The module provides you with further development and ongoing support for practice elements of your programme. The module is designed to enable you to achieve within your chosen field of practice. This will be through ongoing supervision and by practising independently with minimal supervision within the practice setting. The module offers year 3 preparation, development and consolidation to support confidence and competence within the practice learning environment.

Optional Modules

Discovering a career in general practice 0 credits

As a non-credited module there is no formal assessment or award of credits. You would be required to submit a updated curriculum vitae (CV) a 500 word professional development plan, and undertake an interview with the course team.

Before being approved onto the module:

You must be in the second or third year of your course.

You must meet with the course lead to discuss your suitability to undertake the course, this includes a discussion of your ability to undertake the module alongside your nursing course and a review of your current progress.

Download course specification

Course structure.

The course is delivered using a modular approach which divides the content into manageable elements of study and practice learning opportunities.

The first year prepares you for further study and facilitates the understanding of the principles which underpin nursing. This is supported by numerous placement learning experiences over the year.

In year two there is an increasing field-specific focus. Core modules help to contextualise nursing while Field Specific modules prepare you for placement experiences which follow each period of study.

In year three all modules are Field Specific but there are opportunities for shared learning with the other fields of nursing and you will again complete placement experiences.

You'll experience a mixture of teaching, self-directed study and practice-based clinical placements, spending half of your time each year on placement.

Upon successful completion you'll graduate with a BSc (Hons) Nursing degree worth 360 credits and be eligible to apply for Registered Nurse status with the Nursing and Midwifery Council .

Additional support

If you're dyslexic, or have a specific learning difference or disability, we have a Disability Tutor who can help and support you. 

More on our disability tutor >>

We offer extra  technical and learning support .

Further study

Nursing provides the opportunity for lifelong learning and our BSc (Hons) Nursing award forms the basis for progression on to further study.

So many opportunities exist for post-registration and postgraduate study. As a graduate, you may progress to a Masters degree, eg Masters in Advanced Nursing Practice, PhD.

A comprehensive portfolio of post-registration courses called Continuing Professional Development is available. These courses allow for academic and/or clinical development.

Many of the courses are taught as part-time flexible modules to fit around your work and domestic commitments.

This course is accredited by the following organisation:

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

The Nursing and Midwifery Council

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) works with partner organisations to set and maintain high standards of nursing and midwifery education across the UK.

This course has been approved and monitored by the NMC to make sure that the education and training on offer meets their standards.

To work as a nurse or midwife, you must pass an NMC approved course at a higher education institution (HEI) in pre-registration nursing and midwifery, leading to registration with the NMC.

Athena Swan Bronze Award

Athena Swan Bronze Award

We have successfully secured the Athena SWAN Departmental Bronze Award  recognising a commitment to gender equality.

The Athena Swan Charter is a framework which is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality within higher education (HE) and research.


Employment opportunities.

Once qualified and registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council you can practice in the UK and many countries overseas. As a qualified nurse you could find yourself working within the NHS, the private sector, in the community, at GP surgeries, at schools, plus many more - the options are endless.

Placements take place across a range of settings. You may experience care in acute, critical care, long-term care and community settings which are related to your Field. During your second year there will also be the opportunity to undertake a placement learning experience elsewhere in the UK or abroad (subject to selection criteria).

A placement is your chance to be a part of the working world of health and social care as it really is: your first taste of your career. For most of our courses, it's a compulsory part of your training; it's that important.

Placements help you with your confidence, by putting theory from the classroom into practice. We make sure you get a quality experience and that you are fully supported by a workplace mentor on hand throughout your placement.

More about our placement opportunities


Birmingham City University is a vibrant and multicultural university in the heart of a modern and diverse city. We welcome many international students every year – there are currently students from more than 80 countries among our student community.

The University is conveniently placed, with Birmingham International Airport nearby and first-rate transport connections to London and the rest of the UK.

Our international pages contain a wealth of information for international students who are considering applying to study here, including:

  • Details of the entry requirements for our courses
  • Some of the good reasons why you should study here
  • How to improve your language skills before starting your studies
  • Information relevant to applicants from your country
  • Where to find financial support for your studies.

Facilities & Staff

Our Facilities

Our School of Nursing and Midwifery is based at our City South campus in leafy Edgbaston.

We’ve spent £41million expanding our facilities at City South. These facilities offer hands-on practical experience, replicating the spaces you will come across in professional practice.

In a sector where new techniques are constantly being discovered, we work hard to ensure that you learn using the most up-to-date equipment available. Alongside physical spaces such as a mock operating theatre and wards, we also make use of online and virtual technology, such as our virtual ward and virtual case creator.

See more of our skills facilities at City South

Centre for Skills and Simulation

The Centre for Skills and Simulation offers a range of different spaces which replicate situations that you will encounter in practice. These include hospital wards, an operating theatre and a home environment room.

Our mock wards enable you to get a feel of what a ward is really like before you head out for your first placement. The hospital wards can be adapted from low care to high dependency care environment with the necessary monitoring equipment.

The home environment room is the perfect space for teaching communications skills and allows us to simulate a community setting for our students. It is particularly useful for mental health nurses, learning disability nurses and midwives.

Simulation Manikins

We have several Simulation men (SIM men) and simulation babies (SIM babies) which are anatomically correct manikins used for teaching specific techniques such as advanced adult and paediatric life support skills, acute and high dependency clinical skills, first aid and communication skills. The manikins contain software which replicates real symptoms, and can manipulate indicators such as blood pressure, pulse and heart rate for extra realism. SIM man can even ‘talk’ to the students as they are treating him, to add another dimension to learning.

Computer Facilities

The Seacole building has two open-access IT Suites which offer PCs, printers, photocopiers and scanners. There is also an IT Helpdesk for quick and easy help with your computing or internet issues.

Our PCs utilise the latest Intel i5 core technology, all with:

  • Fast (unrestricted) internet connectivity
  • Ability to save files to USB, DVD & CD
  • Microsoft Office software
  • Research and statistical software
  • Storage space which can be accessed from any PC across the University and from home

Our PCs are also designed to support students who may have difficulties with reading and writing, featuring specialised software with zooming/magnification and screen reading capabilities, which may also be customised for individual student needs.

In addition to desktop PCs, we also offer a laptop loan facility, allowing students to borrow a laptop for up to six hours while on campus.

Course Lead for BSc Nursing and FdSc Assistant Practitioner (Health) and Senior Lecturer

Jody initially joined the University as a Health and Safety Advisor has a back ground in Risk Management/Clinical Governance as well as Learning and Development. Before joining the University, Jody worked in the NHS for almost twenty years.  In 2014, Jody moved into academia as Senior Lecturer to undertake the role of Undergraduate Lead for...

UK prospective students

  • Contact the enquiries team
  • T: +44 (0)121 331 6295

Non-UK prospective students

  • E: International enquiry form
  • T: +44 (0)121 331 5389

Already applied?

  • E: Contact the admissions team
  • Accommodation

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School of Nursing and Allied Health

  • Allied Health Courses page
  • Nursing page
  • What can I do with a Nursing degree? page

Hospital training area

Make a difference every day

Our Nursing and Allied Health courses will prepare you to become a qualified healthcare professional, and make a difference to people’s lives every day.

Browse our courses and find out more about the School of Nursing and Allied Health below.

View our courses

Allied Health

School of nursing and allied health launch success.

On 28th Februrary 2023, Newman University launched the School of Nursing & Allied Health. Thank you to everyone involved who made the night such a huge success. Ahead of the official opening, Dame Elizabeth Nneka Anionwu sat down in a wonderfully intimate discussion with Kevin Crimmons, Head of Adult Nursing and Health & Social Care.

Dame Elizabeth Nneka Anionwu

In front of a full lecture theatre of staff, students and invited guests, Dame Elizabeth shared her experience through life, explored her identity and what contributed to such a fascinating journey through nursing.

Read our feature on the BBC News website –  New £3m nursing department to open at Newman University – BBC News

View the event gallery .

Take a look at our Health & Social Care courses

Our Health and Social Care degrees at Birmingham Newman University develop and enhance your knowledge of the expertise and values required to successfully work in the health and social care sector.

Health & Social Care BSc (Hons)

Health & social care bsc (hons) with foundation year.

2 students working in library

Applied Health & Social Care Top Up Degree BSc (Hons)

Applied Humanities students

Enquiry Form

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Why choose newman.

You will have the opportunity to study on an inter professional basis alongside other nursing and allied health students.

You will learn from a highly experienced and passionate teaching team who will provide support you to help you to achieve your ambition.

We work with a number of practice partners to give you essential practical experience on a range of clinical placements.

You will benefit from our new clinical skills suite including a state-of-the-art immersive lab.

We offer smaller class sizes and excellent academic and pastoral support for our students.

Birmingham is one of the UK’s most diverse cities outside of London, which provides you with a wide variety of experience that will be valuable to take forward into your future career.

Meet the Team

Ronnie Meechan

Ronnie Meechan

Head of School (Associate Dean) of Nursing and Allied Health

Nursing and Allied Health

0121 387 4584

[email protected]

Meet the Allied Health Team

Annabel Masson

Annabel Masson

Head of Subject - Allied Health

[email protected]

Rebecca Lees

Rebecca Lees

Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy

[email protected]

Laura Ellery

Laura Ellery

Senior Lecturer in Allied Health (Physiotherapy)


[email protected]

Jane Cresswell

Jane Cresswell

Senior Lecturer Paramedic Science

[email protected]

Clare Jones

Clare Jones

Lecturer in Occupational Therapy (Nursing & Allied Health)

[email protected]

online nursing degree birmingham

Craig Bolton

Lecturer in Physiotherapy (Allied Health)

[email protected]

Karen Gubbins

Karen Gubbins

[email protected]

Sabrina Thomas

Sabrina Thomas

Senior Lecturer (Programme Lead) Occupational Therapy

[email protected]

Meet the Nursing Team


Alexis Warrilow

Head of Subject Mental health Nursing

[email protected]

Kevin Crimmons

Kevin Crimmons

@kevcrimmons / @NursingNewman

Head of Subject for Adult Nursing and Health & Social Care

School of Nursing & Allied Health

[email protected]

Matthew Aldridge

Matthew Aldridge

Head of Placements and Simulation School of Nursing and Allied Health

Faculty of Arts, Society and Professional Studies

[email protected]

Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing

[email protected]

Uchenna Chima

Uchenna Chima

Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing

[email protected]

Sarah Drew

[email protected]


Catriona Hall

Lecturer in Adult Nursing

[email protected]

Bill Whitehead staff photo

Bill Whitehead


Visiting Professor

Meet the Health & Social Care Team

Adam Benkwitz

Adam Benkwitz

Reader in the Sociology of Sport and Health

0121 3874702

[email protected]

Samantha Birch

Samantha Birch

Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Care

0121 3874750

[email protected]

Bonnie Bulivant

Bonnie Bullivant

Senior Lecturer in Health & Social Care

0121 3874762

[email protected]

The Newman Globe in the daytime

Phil Harper


0121 3874740

[email protected]

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Diploma Program

Practical Nursing Program (LPN Prep) Birmingham, AL


12 Mo.

Program Length







Waived Enrollment Fee

Earn a PN diploma in Birmingham and become possible

AccreditationACEN accredited, Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
Transfer creditUp to 36 approved credits
FormatOnline general education classes + core on-campus courses at our campus in Birmingham, Alabama
QuickPathsPathways to further your nursing education (ASN, BSN, MSN); transfer credit, stackable credentials, and adaptive learning technology build a faster pathway to a higher education with Herzing University

online nursing degree birmingham

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Birmingham campus.

Practical Nursing (LPN prep) - Birmingham

Practical Nursing Diploma Program - Birmingham, AL

The Diploma in Practical Nursing is a 48-credit career diploma program which prepares you to register/apply to the Board of Nursing for clearance. If approved, the graduates can apply to sit for the NCLEX-PN.

The Birmingham campus program provides students with fundamental knowledge and skills in patient assessment, medical-surgical nursing, maternal and child nursing, mental health nursing, and much more.


Career-focused curriculum

Discover the crucial knowledge and skills required to succeed in your work and build a foundation for continued career growth.


Flexible schedule

We work hard to help you maintain school-life balance, striving to be as flexible as possible for busy non-traditional students.


Experienced faculty

Get face-to-face instruction from experienced and credentialed faculty with real-world success in the field.


Lifelong support

We support your ongoing career advancement by providing comprehensive, personalized student services with lifelong career coaching.


Rolling admissions

No application deadlines to worry about. Apply when you’re ready and prepare to get started soon.

Classes Start September 4th

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Herzing Birmingham PN program classes & curriculum details

The practical nursing program at Herzing University in Birmingham, Alabama provides theoretical, academic and clinical instruction in many different types of nursing to bridge the patient lifespan, including geriatric, obstetric, pediatric and mental health care.

Over the course of the program, you will learn the basics of nursing procedures, measuring vital signs, administering medication, and develop communication skills necessary to easily collaborate with other healthcare providers.

Most courses are delivered on-campus in Birmingham; you may complete general education courses online.

ProgramMonths Credits
Diploma in Practical Nursing - Birmingham1248

i. Average number of months for students to complete program

Required Courses

All courses, 40.00 semester credit hours, are required.

Required General Education Courses

Both courses, 6.00 semester credit hours, are required.

The following general education course must be completed with a grade of "C" (70%) or better for a student to continue in the nursing program. 

Nursing Program Support Courses

3.00 semester credit hours are required.  The following nursing support course must be completed with a grade of "B" (80%) or better.  Only two attempts are permitted for each course and a student who fails to successfully complete in the maximum attempts is subject to dismissal from the nursing program.

Personal and Professional Development Courses

2.00 semester credit hours are required.


Enrollment requirements

To be considered for admission into the Practical Nursing program, you must hold a high school diploma or equivalent (Diploma, HSED or GED) and meet the following criteria based on your cumulative GPA:

Cumulative GPA Science RequirementTEAS
3.00–3.49"B" or better in Anatomy & Physiology None
2.00 and higherNoneComposite TEAS of 48

i. Students with 18 or more transferable collegiate credits will be assessed on their collegiate cumulative GPA. Otherwise, the high school GPA will be used.

ii. The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) from the Assessment Technology Institute (ATI).

iii. Students in the 3.00-3.49 GPA range who do not meet this requirement must earn a composite score of 48 on the TEAS.

Now Through Sept 30th


Natalie Hassan Became Possible

Experienced PN program faculty helped Natalie both professionally and personally, changing her life for the better in many ways.

Enrolling in a PN program is step #1 to starting your new career

Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse happens in 5 steps:

  • Enroll in the Herzing University practical nursing program
  • Graduate and get your PN diploma
  • Apply to the State Board of Nursing to sit for the NCLEX-PN
  • Take and pass the NCLEX-PN to get licensed
  • Find your first job!

How long does it take to become an LPN?

The Herzing University PN program can take as little as 12 months to complete. Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply to the State Board of Nursing to sit for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCLEX-PN) licensing exam.

I want to become a registered nurse (RN). Do I need more than a diploma in practical nursing?

Yes—you’ll need at least an associate’s degree in nursing to become a registered nurse, although we encourage you to pursue a bachelor's degree  if you’re serious about becoming a RN .  Hospitals and medical facilities are more often recommending or outright requiring nurses to earn their BSN degree.

Herzing University Nursing Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between an lpn and rn.

While Registered Nurses (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) often work together in collaboration in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, their roles and responsibilities are very different. Learn more about the biggest differences between practical nurses (LPN/LVN) and registered nurses (RN) .

Is it worth the cost for LPN school?

Quite simply, yes! A PN diploma and a job as a LPN is a great way to quickly get involved in the nursing profession and get a better feel for what it means to be a nurse. Earning your diploma helps get you into a career with above average pay, and can springboard you into the next level of nursing education should you choose to continue advancing your education and career.

We can help you come to a better determination. Send us a request for more information and we can answer any questions you have about the PN program, and discuss how beneficial it can be for you to become a LPN.

Where can LPNs work besides nursing homes?

Although the majority of LPNs work in nursing homes, retirement communities or assisted living facilities, many LPNs work in:

  • Physician's offices
  • Insurance carriers
  • Community food and housing

You can see a full industry profile for Licensed Practical Nurses from the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

How much does an LPN make?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses earn an average salary of $60,790 per year ( $29.23 per hour).* Discover the average salary for a licensed practical nurse broken down by state.

Do I have to be a CNA before an LPN?

Potential employers may prefer a candidate with experience as a CNA, but it’s not necessarily a requirement for getting a job as an LPN (same goes for going from CNA to RN ).

You aren't required to go from CNA to LPN and there is no prerequisite to be a CNA before enrolling in the Herzing University PN program.

Practical nursing vs. medical assisting: what's the difference?

While practical nurses (LPN) and medical assistants often perform similar tasks, there are a few key differences to be aware of, including:

  • Educational requirements
  • Average salary
  • Scope of practice
  • Ongoing career opportunities
  • Future outlook for jobs

Learn more about the difference between practical nursing and medical assisting and how to go from MA to LPN .

Are LPNs in demand? Or are they being phased out?

Because many hospitals are upping their educational requirements for nurses in general, the demand for LPNs in hospitals is falling relative to registered nurses with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

However, any claim they are being “phased out” isn’t accurate. LPNs remain in demand in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, home care and many other environments. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts job opportunities for LPNs will rise approximately 5% from 2022-2032 .*

The landscape is changing, but LPNs remain a vital contributor in the nursing community.

Considering a career as an LPN?

Your first step is to get a hands-on education to learn the fundamentals of nursing in a career-focused program. Herzing University's practical nursing program combines classwork with clinical experiences to help you earn your diploma and prepare you to become an LPN in as few as 12 months. Our program is available at several of our ground campuses:

  • Akron, Ohio
  • Birmingham, Alabama
  • Kenosha, Wisconsin
  • Brookfield, Wisconsin
  • Madison, Wisconsin
  • Orlando, Florida
  • Tampa, Florida

Are there any accredited online PN programs?

No, there are no accredited PN programs that are 100% online. LPN programs describing themselves as “online” will offer a hybrid option where you can take some classes online to supplement your primary classroom coursework.

Students enrolled in the Herzing PN program may complete general education courses online—but the bulk of the coursework must be completed on campus.

Ultimately there is no replacement for real hands-on clinical experience, practice in simulation labs and direct in-person support from nursing instructors with real healthcare experience. Learning the skills required to become an LPN requires the live educational experience to become an excellent Licensed Practical Nurse.

How can I become an LPN fast?

You may find some programs offering 6 month or 9 month paths to a PN diploma to become an LPN . Be mindful that accelerated diploma/degree programs aren’t for everyone and such a fast track can be overwhelming. If you’re considering a few months’ difference in time as a tipping point in your decision, remember the quality of your education is most important!

Herzing University’s 1-year PN diploma program gets you an excellent hands-on education in a short amount of time. You’ll learn the foundational concepts and skills in nursing needed to excel in your new career as an LPN.

How hard is the practical nursing program?

PN program coursework is meant to be challenging, but not impossible.  As a Herzing student you’ll find support every step of the way, from faculty, staff, instructors and other students enrolled in the program. You’re never alone—and never be afraid to ask for help when you need it!

Learn more about how hard nursing school is at Herzing University, and read some testimonials from former students describing their experience.

Related Programs

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Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) - Birmingham


Accreditations & Disclosures

1. The Practical Nursing program at Herzing University – Birmingham located in Birmingham, Alabama is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 ǀ Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Practical Nursing program is Initial Accreditation. View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at .

The Diploma in Practical Nursing program at Herzing University-Birmingham is approved by the Alabama Board of Nursing (RSA Plaza, 770 Washington Avenue, Suite 250, Montgomery, Alabama, 36104, 334-293-5200, ). Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply to the State Board of Nursing to sit for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCLEX-PN) licensing exam.

Herzing University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

View Herzing University Accreditation and Approvals

Herzing University Birmingham Nursing Student Handbook

Diploma in Nursing Gainful Employment

View Program Outcomes

ProgramCompletion RatePass Rate (NCSBN)*
Akron Campus: Associate of Applied Science in Nursing43.52%72.97%
Birmingham Campus: Associate of Science in Nursing46.96%91.43%
Birmingham Campus: Practical Nursing23.91%100%
Orlando Campus: Associate of Science in Nursing28.24%78.51%

Note (1): NCLEX Pass Rate is based on first time exam takers from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. *Official Data is still under review by NCSBN.

Note (2): Program Completion Rate calculation for students who complete the program of study on-time begins with calculating enrollment on the first day of the first nursing course and ends with completion of course required for conferral of the degree. Data presented is in the aggregate for students who started the program in 2020.

* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

Herzing University - Birmingham Campus

Come visit our Birmingham campus for a personalized look at our program to get a feel for the school and our learning environment. We are located just south of downtown off of I-65 on W Valley Avenue.

Herzing University - Birmingham

280 West Valley Avenue Birmingham, Alabama 35209 (205) 791-5860

View all  Birmingham nursing programs .

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The program has an automatic transfer of credits, and allows you to transfer up to additional credits.

The program allows you to transfer up to credits.

The program allows you to transfer up to credit hours.

Practical Nursing (LPN prep) Birmingham Campus
Cost per Credit$605.00
Base Tuition$27,540.00
Savings from Transfer Credits (36 x $605.00 )(-$21,780.00)
Estimated Tuition Cost*$5,760.00
One-time Program Fee$0.00
Per-semester Program Fee$225.00
Per-semester Learner Resource Fee$545.00
Estimated Total Fee*$1,540.00
Total Semesters 
Total Credits
Estimated Cost 
Base CostYour Cost
Estimated Savings*

Available Scholarships & Loan Options

Closed school equalization scholarship amount: varies.

Available to applicants who attended a college or university that closed within the last 12 months and were attending within 120 days of the school closure date

Must be enrolled in a comparable program at Herzing University, submit a copy of an official transcript from the closed school, and complete the Closed School Discharge Disclosure

Crisis Support Grant Amount: Varies; maximum $500 per semester; $1000 lifetime

The Crisis Support Grant is an emergency grant for active students experiencing a financial crisis

GPA requirements must be met. All applicants must be actively enrolled in a degree-seeking program, have a record of good conduct, and financial standing with the university

Herzing University Board of Trustees Scholarship Amount: The amount awarded to the selected student(s) is determined annually when the recipient(s) is selected.

All Herzing University students are eligible to apply via the formal application process outlined below. Students must apply prior to the start of either semester in their last academic year before graduation. The application period is open during the summer semester.

An application including a personal statement, letters of recommendation, and examples of community service is required. In addition, the scholarship review committee may review GPA and unmet financial need as part of eligibility criteria.

Herzing University Completion Grant Amount: Total tuition and fee amount that is unpaid after all other resources

Available to applicants in any program that demonstrate a financial need and are unable to cover the cost of attendance with alternative resources in their final academic year

Must submit an application and have used all financial resources in the final academic year resulting in a gap in financial resources

Herzing University I'm possible Grant Amount: Total tuition and fee amount that is unpaid after all other resources

Available to applicants in any program that demonstrate a financial need, who are unable to cover cost of attendance with alternative resources

Must show financial need and are unable to cover cost of attendance with alternative resources

Herzing University Strive Scholarship Amount: $2,000

Dean's List and President's list students

Must be enrolled in an Associate or Bachelor program, on the Dean's or President's list, and submit an application.

HRSA - Nurse Corps Scholarship Amount: Varies; the monthly stipend is awarded for tuition, eligible fees, and reasonable costs (includes books, clinical supplies, instruments, and uniforms).

This program designed to provide financial support to nursing students while in school that are williing to work in a critical shortage facility after graduation.

Must be a U.S. citizen (born or naturalized), a national, or a permanent resident; accepted or enrolled as a student in a nursing degree program at a United States accredited school of nursing; begin classes no later than September 30; do not have any federal overdue federal loan debt, judgment liens, or existing service commitment.

HU Lifelong Learning Alumni Scholarship Amount: 5% of tuition

Must be a Herzing graduate who has re-enrolled in a higher-level degree and remain enrolled in the desired program

Must be enrolled at least half-time for the duration of the program

International Grant and International Student Service Fee Scholarship Amount: Varies

Must be an international student attending HU through an agreement with a school/agency in your home country

Must either be attending a resident campus as F-1 student or enrolled in an online modality study through an established school partnership

Matching - Segal AmeriCorps Matching Scholarship Amount: $1,000/full-time semester or $500/half-time and 3/4-time semester

Must be an eligible AmeriCorps Alumni who is enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree seeking program

Must submit a payment request for an eligible institution through their individual account in 'My AmeriCorps'

Matching Scholarship - Yellow Ribbon Amount: Varies

Yellow ribbon may be given to veterans entitled to the maximum benefit rate for Post-911

100% CH 33 eligible

Military and First Responder's Appreciation Grant Amount: 10% total direct costs (tuition and all fees)

Honorably discharged veterans, severely injured servicemembers, family members of Active Duty Servicemembers and Severely Injured Servicemembers, active duty servicemembers in graduate-level programs, dependents of deceased servicemembers, public safety and first responder personnel

Proof of Veteran (DD-214), Active Duty, or injured status is required. 

Proof of active and current employment as public safety personnel or first responder

Military Appreciation Grant Amount: Tuition reduction to $250/credit plus the amount of the Learner Resource Fee and Enrollment Fee

Active Duty Servicemembers in undergraduate programs and National Guard or Reserves activated or actively training and drilling in preparation for potential activation

Proof of active duty status is required

Nurses Circle of Achievement Amount: 10% tuition reduction

ASN or BSN: Must have completed the TEAS Assessment with a score of 78+ MSN: must have a 3.8+ GPA upon entering the program.

Applicants in the ASN and BSN, must maintain a 3.0 GPA while enrolled. 

Applicants in the MSN program must maintain a 3.5 GPA.

Partnership Grant Amount: 10%-35% tuition reduction

Employees of a business participating in the Herzing Partnerships Program.

Proof of active and current employment or association with partner organization

WAICU - UPS Foundation Scholarship Amount: The scholarship will be awarded to one recipient in the amount of $3,000

Recipients must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program for the Fall with a Herzing University campus located within Wisconsin.

Applicant's background must reflect one or more of the components as determined by the UPS Foundation and CIC's First Opportunity Program: first generation student, low-income, minority; or new American student.

WAICU - Wisconsin Women in Government Amount: Varies; maximum $3,000

The program is designed to provide financial support for women that demonstrate leadership potential, initiative, and excellent communication skills and are pursuing a career or have an interest in public service, government, and/or the political process.

To be considered for this scholarship, an applicant must be actively enrolled as a full-time or part-time undergraduate student in good academic standing and plan to enroll in the Fall. In addition, an applicant must be a female resident of Wisconsin and have a financial need as determined by Herzing University based on eligibility for the Pell Grant.

WAICU Rath Scholarship Amount: Up to four recipients will be selected. Each recipient will receive a scholarship of $6,500.

Rath Distinguished Scholarship is awarded based on academic achievement, merit, and leadership.

Must be an actively enrolled student in good standing. If an entering first year student, the scholarship applicants must have graduated among the top 25 percent of their high school class. If a sophomore, junior, or senior, applicants must have demonstrated academic excellence by maintaining a grade point average of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent). In addition, scholarship recipients are to demonstrate strong campus and community leadership. Applicants must be enrolled through the Fall semester. Scholars must be U.S. citizens; Wisconsin residents preferred.

To Contact a Financial Aid Advisor

Enrolled and active students.

Click here: MyHU Advising Team

Prospective students

Call (866) 508-0748 option 2 or Email [email protected]

Actual semesters to complete are dependent upon university approved transfer credits and program mapping.

Estimated program length, estimated number of semesters, and estimated program shown above are standard by program for each student based on: a student taking a full-time course load each semester, the student not having any transfer credits (from previous Herzing experiences or from other post-secondary institutions), and successful completion of each course.

Current tuition rates for all programs are effective through the Summer 2024 semester.

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Athens State's Bachelor of Science in Nursing enrollment growing rapidly

Aug. 24—The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at Athens State University has grown by 151 students since its inception in the fall of 2021, and the head of the program said after having only a few students the first semester, he was initially concerned about whether it would grow.

"I was actually kind of worried when I arrived and there were only three students in the program," said Athens State Chief Nurse Administrator and Assistant Professor of Nursing Mark Reynolds. "But it hadn't been fully developed yet or planned or prepared for, the curriculum. I came in and reworked the curriculum, and it's really caught on very quickly."

By the fall of 2022, there were 18 students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, and 54 students last fall. This fall semester there are 154 students enrolled. Athens State President Catherine Wehlburg said the growth has been significant.

"I think with nursing there's a couple reasons," she said. "One, it's certainly a high-need area, so that's part of it. The other is that we have been very much focused on letting people know about programs so they can see that pathway. And we've partnered with area hospitals and some of them are providing tuition reimbursement for that program. So, that's a big piece of what we're seeing there."

Reynolds said the BSN is a step up from the Associate of Science in Nursing.

"BSN is really preparing students to take on leadership and management roles," Reynolds said. "We're focusing on health care quality assurance, continuous quality improvement, public and community health, as well as a stronger promotion of ethical practices that registered nurses can carry into their bedside practice to improve patient care."

Those with a BSN, Reynolds said, tend to have a higher annual income.

"They're able to more quickly move into leadership positions, and that includes as a charge nurse, as a unit director," he said. "They are more able to be promoted in the workplace, and they tend to have better skills and abilities to utilize better critical thinking and clinical judgment at the bedside."

Reynolds said a BSN also prepares students who want to enter advanced practice nursing, all the way up to a doctorate.

"In order to become a nurse practitioner or a certified registered nurse anesthetist or a nurse educator, the student first must have a BSN," he said. "The majority of students in a post-licensure RN (registered nurse) to BSN program like ours has intentions of returning to school to pursue graduate studies. ... Several of our current students are interested in being nursing faculty."

Reynolds said he believes there are three reasons enrollment has increased significantly: cost, quality and access.

Athens State's tuition, Reynolds said, is the most affordable BSN of any public institution in Alabama or Tennessee. He said they have quality faculty and instruction by experienced faculty members.

"We now have three full-time faculty members, and between those three faculty members there's 50 years of experience as nurse educators," he said. "And 80 years of experience in nursing practice."

There is also quality within the coursework, Reynolds said. He said they meet the standards set forth by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing called The Essentials. Reynolds said the third reason for the enrollment increase is access, because the program is online and learner friendly.

"We now have representation from the majority of the state," he said. "We were most honed in here around the Madison, Limestone (County), Huntsville area. But now we have representation down in Birmingham, Opelika, Mobile. So, our reach is expanding throughout the state, and I really think that's helped us to grow as well."

Reynolds said they have added fast-track or joint enrollment programs with three local community colleges, including Calhoun Community College.

"These programs are where students can complete their Associate of Science in Nursing degree concurrently with our Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree," he said. "I think that's helped us to grow. We have 50 students in our fast-track/joint enrollment program, and we have 104 in our RN to BSN program."

Another reason for the enrollment increase, Reynolds said, is that they offer learning partnership discounts.

"Students who are currently working as registered nurses, certified nursing assistants, pharmacy techs, anything like that, they can get a discount on our tuition," he said. "We have learning partnerships with Huntsville Hospital Health System, which covers all their hospitals, clinics and offices, Crestwood Medical Center, Cullman Regional Medical Center, WellStone."

Reynolds said their enrollment numbers overall have increased because their BSN degree is a good program.

"A quality educational program is one that includes academic rigor, identifies standards and clear expectations," he said. "We offer all of those things to our students at Athens State."

[email protected] or 256-340-2460.

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Nursing MNurs - Mental Health

Annual tuition fees for 2024/25 are: £9,250 (UK)  More details on fees and funding

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Access exclusive opportunities to gain invaluable experience treating patients at the heart of one of the UK’s largest healthcare regions. Develop the core skills and knowledge required to play a vital role in helping patient’s lead happy and healthy lives.

Explore Mental Health Nursing at the University of Birmingham

Not only will this course supply you with the knowledge, skills and competencies required to become a mental health nurse, it will also aid your development as a future leader in nursing. This will be further enhanced through the development of clinical, research, leadership and quality improvement which are taken at Masters level.

You will be able to develop, manage, evaluate and disseminate the findings of a clinical research or improvement project in conjunction with the clinical academic and nursing management team. Through your extended knowledge of physiology and physiological changes to the clinical assessment of patients you will be able to recommend the use of diagnostic techniques to inform future clinical nursing decisions.

Further to this, throughout your nursing degree, your skill development will be supported through access to our dedicated clinical simulation suites that enables opportunities for simulated practice. You will also undertake a range of diverse and exciting clinical placements, gaining invaluable experience with a wide range of client groups, under the guidance of skilled clinicians. 

Find out more about our Nursing placements  

The NHS Learning Support Fund offers nursing students at least £5,000 a year in financial aid whilst you train and gain professional registration. Check out their website for eligibility criteria and further information.

NHS Learning Support Fund

 Why study this course?

  • Interdisciplinary teaching:  Benefit from inter-professional learning opportunities studying alongside students on medicine, dentistry and pharmacy courses which will prepare you for working in today’s interdisciplinary healthcare teams.
  • Shared first year:  Our common first year maximises your learning and experience of holistic nursing, allowing you to experience a variety of healthcare environments. 
  • Exclusive relationships for placements:  Our strong partnership agreements lead to effective placements in Birmingham NHS Trusts. You will be exposed to a diverse range of patients and health conditions as you experience working in one of the largest healthcare regions in the UK.
  • Research opportunities:  Through our active research programme, you will align with one of our core research themes for your final year research project developing critical research and leadership skills.
  • Elective experience:  At the end of your third year, you will have the exciting opportunity to undertake a  four-week elective placement . Your elective placement can be in any healthcare setting in the world to give you a wider perspective of nursing around the globe.

Modules in the first year

The first year of the Mental Health Nursing Masters course is designed to develop your understanding of holistic healthcare and nursing practice with people across the lifespan in each of the fields of practice. You will share learning with students from all fields of practice and undertake placements and simulated practice experience with children, adults and the elderly. As well as examining these areas through study and simulated practical skills, you will gain invaluable practical experience by completing a number of placements which expose you to different populations and fields of nursing practice.

You'll study the principles of nursing practice and nursing skills underpinned by relevant biological, pharmacological, psychological and social sciences and will gain an appreciation of the health and social needs of people and their families. You will also study core clinical skills and develop your academic and digital skills in order to gain an understanding of professional practice. The generic nature of our first year means that it might be possible to switch fields of practice before progressing to your second year, although this is subject to availability of places.

  • Essential Nursing Care - 40 credits
  • Principles of Nursing - 40 credits
  • Health and Wellbeing - 40 credits

Modules in the second year

In the second year of your Mental Health Nursing course, you will study clinical modules specific to your field of practice. In addition, you will study core modules which support your development as a nurse, these include the study of health promotion and healthcare in a social economic and political environment. You will undertake three clinical placements specific to mental health nursing in both hospital and community settings in your second year.

To progress onto year 3 of the Master of Nursing programme, you will need to have achieved an average of 55% or above in your assessed work at this stage. If you have passed all elements but your average grade is below 55% you will be transferred to the final year of the Bachelor of Nursing programme in order to complete your studies and achieve eligibility for nursing registration.

Core modules

  • Promoting Health and Self-Management - 20 credits
  • Clinical Decision Making - 30 credits 
  • Evaluating Nursing Care in Mental Health - 30 credits
  • Therapeutic Nursing in Mental Health Care - 40 credits 

Modules in the third year

The third year of the Mental Health Nursing course will focus on your academic development in research knowledge, leadership and on furthering career development. You will be able to explore potential nursing careers including a negotiated experience of your choice, either overseas or in the United Kingdom (UK). This aspect of the MNurs enables you to experience difference between clinical, academic and other nursing careers as well as potential for exposure to different healthcare systems. This will give you an understanding of the importance of leadership in nursing at a national and international level, its impact and potential for influencing health through leadership and/or research at a national and international level. Your experience could include for example, shadowing a relevant manager or management role, working in a research or clinical academic team or a short internship in a national or international healthcare or nursing related organisation or other related workplace setting. You could also be facilitated to consider a longer international or Erasmus placement.

You will also have the opportunity to undertake a 4 week elective experience, either overseas or in the United Kingdom (UK). In the UK electives can be arranged in hospices, prisons and other specialist units. International electives can be in health care settings in any continent of the world. Examples of countries where students have visited recently include Australia, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, Thailand, Tanzania, Greece, Canada and the USA. The elective enables you to experience differences in culture, clinical practice, healthcare systems and languages, which will benefit you as a Registered Nurse when managing care for people from different backgrounds and also gives an understanding of nursing as a global profession. It gives you the opportunity to further develop your self-confidence and organisational skills, through arranging your own elective experience with the support and guidance of academic staff.

You will also spend a further four weeks in a home placement related to mental health nursing in order to to enable continuation of your clinical nursing skills. You'll further develop your knowledge of pathophysiology to underpin the clinical assessment and diagnosis module in year four.

A research governance module is taken at Masters level and will prepare you for the ethical study and practice of clinical nursing research in year four.

  • Pathophysiology for Nurses - 20 credits 
  • Research and Improvement Methods for Practice - 20 credits
  • Evidence Based Nursing Practice- 40 credits
  • Negotiated Career Development for Nursing - 40 credits

Modules in the fourth year

Year four is studied completely at Masters level and there is a strong focus on the development of research and leadership as well as the transition of your nursing practice to becoming a registered nurse in the mental health field of practice. You will work in student teams with a relevant clinical academic and with practice partners to refine and develop a research project, which will take place throughout the academic year. Further teaching and supervision of research methodology and evidence critique will support this.

To enhance your clinical development, you will take an advanced assessment and diagnostics module that will develop your clinical examination skills and knowledge of related diagnostic testing. This module will support post registration preparation as a nurse prescriber if your future employment requires this.

A final assessed management placement will be supported with development in your leadership and management attributes within the clinical environment. The module will help you evaluate and manage risk, consider safe delegation and supervision decisions, manage change and facilitate own and others learning.

  • Leading and managing care teams - 40 credits
  • Health and Social Care Enquiry - 40 credits
  • Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration within Complex Mental Health Nursing Care - 40 credits

Please visit our Programmes and Modules Handbook for further details. 

Please note: The modules listed on the website for this programme are regularly reviewed to ensure they are up-to-date and informed by the latest research and teaching methods. Unless indicated otherwise, the modules listed for this programme are for students starting in 2024. On rare occasions, we may need to make unexpected changes to compulsory modules; in this event we will contact offer holders as soon as possible to inform or consult them as appropriate.

We charge an annual tuition fee. Fees for 2024/25 entry are as follows:

  • UK: £9,250

Visit our tuition fees page for more information  

A range of financial support is available for all eligible undergraduate student nurses. The NHS Learning Support Fund provides you with financial aid whilst you train and gain professional registration. Every eligible student nurse studying or starting their course from September 2020 can receive at least £5,000. Please view  the NHS Learning Support Fund website  for eligibility criteria and further details.

Scholarships, bursaries or grants may be available to support you through your course. Funding opportunities available are linked to your subject area and/or your country of origin. These can be from the University or other sources.

View our undergraduate funding database  

How To Apply

  • Please note, we can only accept applications from those considered as  home fee status .
  • Visit our  Nursing frequently asked questions  webpage to find out more about our Nursing programmes at Birmingham.
  • The University of Birmingham's UCAS code number is  B32 . You must enter this clearly on your application to ensure that it reaches us for consideration.
  • Applications will close on Wednesday 31st January 2024. Further key dates regarding applying to undergraduate courses can be found on the  UCAS website .
  • If you need any further help with your Birmingham application or personal statement please visit our  applying to Birmingham  webpage. 

Apply now via UCAS 

Standard offer

International requirements.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB). Holders of the Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire (School Certificate) are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate programmes without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

Please note:

  • For Medicine country specific requirements, please visit our Applying to Medicine website .
  • For Dentistry, please see the general entry requirements listed on the Dental Surgery course page

English Language

Students from Algeria need to meet the standard English language requirements for international students. 

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations and the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Holders of the Bachillerato together with a recognised foundation programme, such as the Birmingham Foundation Academy, will be considered for entry to our Bachelor degree programmes.

Students who have completed the Senior Secondary School Diploma will be considered for entry to year 1 of an undergraduate programme based on the ATAR or OP score achieved as follows: A*AA = ATAR 94 or OP 1-3 AAA = ATAR 92 or OP 4 AAB = ATAR 90 or OP 4 ABB = ATAR 87 or OP 5 BBB = ATAR 85 or OP 6 Where a specific subject is required at A level this subject is required at grade 12 with an equivalent grade.

  • For Dentistry, please see the general entry requirements listed on the Dental Surgery course page.

Holders of the Matura/Reifeprüfung with a minimum overall score of 'pass with distinction' (mit gutem Erfolg bestanden) and subject grades between 2-1/5 (gut-sehr gut - good-very good) will be considered for entry to the first year of our undergraduate degree programmes.  Please refer to the information below as guidance for grade comparisons to A-level entry requirements:  Holders of the Matura/Reifeprüfung will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 1 overall plus 1, 1, 2 in elective subjects (inc any required subject/s)  AAA - 1 overall plus 1, 2, 2 in elective subjects (inc any required subject/s)  AAB - 1 overall plus 222 in elective subjects (inc any required subject/s)  ABB - BBB - 2 overall plus 222 in elective subjects (inc any required subject/s)  Subject specific grade equivalencies:  A* - 1  A - 1.5  B - 2 

  • For Medicine country specific requirements please visit our Applying to Medicine website .

We may accept your English language grade from the Austrian Matura/Reifeprüfung if you achieved 2/5 (gut) in English (both written and oral examinations). Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Al-Thanawiyan are not normally eligible for direct entry onto an undergraduate course without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our own foundation pathways.

Higher Secondary Certificate students will be required to take an approved Foundation Programme before they can be considered for entry to the first year of our Bachelor degree programmes (see Birmingham Foundation Pathways).

Holders of a Bachelor of Science, Arts or Commerce degree (with honours) of two, three, or four years in duration from a recognised institution in Bangladesh with a CGPA of 3.0/4 or 65% or higher may be considered for entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree programme.

For Medicine country specific requirements, please visit our Applying to Medicine website.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

For study on our Foundation and Undergraduate programmes, English language at grade C/6 or above in the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination is sufficient to meet the standard English language requirements.

For Postgraduate programmes, Botswanan nationals with a degree from Botswana or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

GCE A Level examinations (BBB to A*AA), the International Baccalaureate (IB) (32 points overall. HL 5,5,5 to 7,7,6), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways. Students who have successfully completed the first year of a Licenciatura or Bacharelado degree with an overall score of 7.5/10 or higher can be considered.

  • Our BNurs and MNurs Nursing courses are only available to home/EU students.

The University will consider students who have taken A Level examinations and the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to undergraduate programmes. Students from Brunei will usually undertake Brunei/Cambridge GCE A level examinations or Brunei Darussalam Technical and Vocational Educational Council (BDTVEC). Both qualifications allow students to apply for undergraduate degree courses.

Holders of the "Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie, Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie, or Diploma za Sredno Spetzialno Obrazovanie" (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:

  • A*AA = 5.8 overall with 5.8 in 2 Matura exams (to include any required subjects)
  • AAA = 5.8 overall with 5.6 in 2 Matura exams (to include any required subjects)
  • AAB = 5.6 overall with 5.6 in 2 Matura exams (to include any required subjects)
  • ABB = 5.4 overall with 5.5 in 2 Matura exams (to include any required subjects)
  • BBB = 5.2 overall with 5.5 in 2 Matura exams (to include any required subjects)

Students who hold Cameroon GCE A Levels with good grades or French Baccalaureat with minimum grades of 12/20-15/20 will be considered for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programme.

Cameroon has two systems of education, one based on the British model, the other on the French - as long as a student has studied under the British system, they will be exempt from the standard international English requirements with the following grades:

For study on our Foundation and Undergraduate programmes, English Language at grade C or above in the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level is sufficient to meet the standard English language requirements.

For Postgraduate programmes, Cameroonian nationals with a degree that was completed in English from Cameroon or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

The University will consider students who have achieved good grades in their High School Graduation Diploma with at least 5 university-preparatory level (Grade 12) courses. For many of our programmes of study, students will need at least a B average, and possibly higher. 

Qualification Guidance

Unless otherwise stated qualification guidance is as follows:

Ontario System

A level requirements of AAA  = 85% overall in 6 x grade 12 U or U/C courses. Where an A level subject is required, the course must be at U or U/C level. 

A level requirements of AAB  = 80% overall in 6 x grade 12 U or U/C courses. Where an A level subject is required, the course must be at U or U/C level. 

A level requirements of ABB  = 75% overall in 6 x grade 12 U or U/C courses. Where an A level subject is required, the course must be at U or U/C level. 

For Maths and English GCSE equivalency the student must offer Maths and English at grade 11 minimum. (For UG programmes that require GCSE grade A equivalence, suggest 80% minimum). 

Other Canadian Provinces

British Columbia  - Grade 12 Senior Secondary Diploma with an average of at least 75% (ABB), 80% (AAB) and 85% (AAA) in 5 grade 12 subjects or Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma if awarded with at least five Bs (BBBBB) or above in acceptable grade 12 courses.

Manitoba - High School Graduation Diploma with an overall average of 75% (ABB), 80% (AAB) and 85% (AAA), including 5 credits awarded at the 300 level in at least 4 subject areas, and at least 65% in each subject.

Alberta, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northern W. T., Nova Scotia, P. Edward Island, Saskatchewan - General High School Diploma with an overall average of 75% (ABB), 80% (AAB) and 85% (AAA) in 5 subjects at Grade 12.

Nunavut - General High School Diploma with an overall average of 75% (ABB), 80% (AAB) and 85% (AAA) across five subjects at grade 12.

Québec - Diplôme d'Etudes Collègiales (DEC) with an overall average of 75% (ABB), 80% (AAB) and 85% (AAA).

Yukon - Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with an overall average of at least 85% in 5 grade 12 subjects (including provincial examinations where applicable).

Entry to LLB for Graduates

We require a B+ average or a GPA of 3.0/4 in any non-law degree subject.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes. 

We will consider students who have completed GAOKAO for entry to our Undergraduate Programmes. Please refer to our  GAOKAO entry requirements  for further information.

Holders of the Chinese High School Certificate/Senior Middle School Graduation and a suitable foundation programme, and holders of two/three year Diplomas, with a good performance (80% average or above) from a recognised institution, will be considered for entry to undergraduate programmes.

If you have taken A level or IB diploma, please refer to the course you are interested in on our course finder and you will find entry requirements.

If you have taken exams which are from another country's national education system (e.g. the Arbitur from Germany or SAT and AP exams from the USA) you should consult that specific country page on our website for entry requirements.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations and the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Bachillerato together with a recognised foundation programme, such as the Birmingham Foundation Academy, will be considered for entry to our Bachelor degree programmes.

Candidates from Costa Rica generally require a) A levels or IB Diploma or b) Bachiller en la Enseñanza Media plus a recognised foundation programme or c) successfully completed the first year of the Bachiller or Licenciado with 8/10 or higher.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the Birmingham Foundation Academy, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Holders of the Maturatna Svjedodzba (Matriculation Certificate) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA-AAA= 5/5  AAB = 4.5/5  ABB-BBB = 4/5  Subject specific requirements:  A* - 5  A - 4.5  B - 4

Candidates offering the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) qualification can be considered for entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree programme. CAPE is graded on a I to VI scale (I being the highest) and we would typically look for a minimum of II in each subject taken to include I in any required subject and for AAA-AAB offers to include a at least half the subjects at grade I.  Candidates offering an Associate degree from a recognised institution may also be considered for entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree programme. We would typically require a minimum GPA of 3.0 to include high grades in relevant and required subjects.

Holders of the Apolytirion of Lykeion with a minimum overall score of 18+/20 plus 2 GCE A levels will be considered for entry to the first year of our undergraduate degree programmes. The Apolytirio + 1 A level may be considered at the discretion of departments, if high grades and required subjects are offered.

Equivalent grades:

A*AA = 19/20 + A*A AAA = 19/20 + AA AAB = 18/20 + AA ABB = 18/20 +AB BBB = 18/20 + BB

Specific subject requirements:

A* - 19 A - 19 B – 18

Holders of the Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce-Zkouška / Maturita will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA-AAA: 1 overall  AAB: 1.5 overall  ABB-BBB: 2 overall  Specific subject requirements:  A* - 1  A = 1.5  B = 2

Holders of the Bevis for Studentereksamen (STX), Hojere Forberedelseseksamen (HF), Hojere Handelseksamen (HHX) or Hojere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies in Level A Subjects (including any required subjects):

A*AA - 12,10,10 AAA - 10,10,10 AAB - 10,10,7 ABB - 10,7,7 BBB - 7,7,7

A* = 12 A = 10 B = 7

We may accept your English language grade from the Danish Studentereksamen if you achieved 10 in English. Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

Candidates from Ecuador generally require a) A levels or IB Diploma or b) Senior Secondary School (Titulo de Bachiller en Ciencias) plus a recognised foundation programme or c) successfully completed the first year of the Licenciado (with 70% or equivalent GPA)

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entry onto our undergraduate programmes.

Holders of the Thanawiyan are not normally eligible for direct entry onto an undergraduate course without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our own foundation pathways.

  • For Medicine country-specific requirements, please visit our Applying to Medicine website .

Holders of the Riigieksamid (State Examinations) plus the Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (GI) (Secondary School Certificate) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:

  • A*AA - 4.5 average for GI and 83% average for 3 best state exams (excluding English taken as a SELT)
  • AAA - 4.4 average for GI and 80% average for 3 best state exams (excluding English taken as a SELT)
  • AAB - 4.3 average for GI and 79% average for 3 best state exams (excluding English taken as a SELT)
  • ABB - 4.2 average for GI and 78% average for 3 best state exams (excluding English taken as a SELT)
  • BBB - 4.1 average for GI and 77% average for 3 best state exams (excluding English taken as a SELT)

Specific subject requirements - required subjects must be studied at the highest level possible at school (year 12) with following grade equivalencies: A* = 90% A = 85% B = 80%.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Students who have completed one or two years of a Bachelors degree from an Ethiopian university with excellent grades (A or 4 points) can be considered for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Overall successful completion of Ylioppilastutkinto / studentexamen (Matriculation Examination) with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 766  AAA - 666  AAB - 665  ABB - 655  BBB - 555  Subject specific requirements:  L (Laudator) = 7 = A*  E (Eximia cum laude approbatur) = 6 = A  M (Magna cum laude approbatur) = 5 = B

We may accept your English language grade from the Finnish Ylioppilastutkinto/Studentexamen if you achieved 5 (magna cum laude approbatur) in English. Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

Holders of the Baccalauréat Général / Baccalauréat Technologique (BTn) / Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degr and Diplôme de l'Enseignement du Second Degr / Option International du Baccalauréat (OIB) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA: 15/20  AAA-AAB: 14/20  ABB - BBB: 13/20  Option International du Baccalauréat (OIB)  A*AA: 14/20  AAA-AAB: 13/20  ABB - BBB: 12/20  Specifc subject requirements:  A* = 15/20  A = 14/20  B = 12/20  We will consider holders of the European Baccalaureate (EB) with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 88  AAA - 85  AAB - 80  ABB - 77  BBB - 75  Subject specific requirement:  A* - 9  A - 8  B - 7

We may accept your English language grade from the French Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Second Degré if you achieved 14 (bien) or above. Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

Holders of the Abitur/Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife, Zeugnis der Fachgebundenen Hochschulreife or Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA: 1.4 overall in the Abitur  AAA: 1.5 overall in the Abitur  AAB: 1.6 overall in the Abitur  ABB: 1.7 overall in the Abitur  BBB: 1.8 overall in the Abitur  Specific subject requirements:  A* = 14/15  A = 13/15  B = 11/15  Please note: For applicants taking the Fachhochschulreife, we wouldn’t normally accept this qualification for entry to undergraduate programmes.  We will consider holders of the European Baccalaureate (EB) with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 88  AAA - 85  AAB - 80  ABB - 77  BBB - 75  Subject specific requirement:  A* - 9  A - 8  B - 7 

We may also accept your English language grade from the German Abitur if you achieved 10 (gut) in English (taken as an achievement/main/ intensive course. Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Students who hold a Higher National Diploma with a good profile of grades (distinctions and credits, or grades 1-3) will be considered for entrance to undergraduate programmes (first year entry).

Students who have completed the first year of a 4-year Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Ghana with excellent grades (2.1, 3.0/4.0, 3.5/5.0) will be considered for entrance to undergraduate programmes (first year entry).

For study on our Foundation and Undergraduate programmes, English language at grade C or above (or in numerical terms, grade 6 or above) in the WAEC SSCE is sufficient to meet the standard English language requirements.

For Postgraduate programmes, Ghanaian nationals with a degree from Ghana or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

Holders of the National Apolytirion of Geniko Lykeio, including three Pan Hellenics examinations will be considered for undergraduate programmes with the following overall average grade equivalencies in the Apolytirion:

A*AA – 19 AAA – 18.5 AAB – 18 ABB - BBB – 17.5

Plus, an average of 17+ from Pan-Hellenic exams (3 subjects)

Specific subject requirements (required both within the Apolytirio and as a Panhellenic exam):

A* - 19 A - 18 B – 17.5

The Apolyterion of Geniko Lykeion will also be considered alongside two A levels.

Candidates from Guatemala generally require a) A levels or IB Diploma or b) Bachillerato + foundation programme or c) Successful completion of first year of the Licenicado (with score of 70 or higher)

We will consider holders of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) for entry to our undergraduate programmes with the grade equivalencies shown below (excluding Chinese and Citizenship and Social and Development).

A*AA = 5*55

Applicants for programmes with subject specific requirements will need to offer these as normal (please note that combined or integrated science will not normally be acceptable where a stated science is required i.e. Biology or Chemistry). Programmes requiring Mathematics as a specified subject will require both the Compulsory and either M1 or M2.

Higher level Diplomas and Associate Degrees can be considered for year one entry. A typical requirement would be an average grade of B (70-79%) or a GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 in a relevant subject.

Holders of Higher Diplomas with a good performance (at least B+ or GPA 3.2 above) will be considered for entry to year 2 of relevant undergraduate degree programmes within Engineering and Computer Science.

Holders of the HKU SPACE Associate Degree programme with a good performance (at least B+ or GPA 3.2 above) throughout their studies may be considered for entry to year 2 of relevant undergraduate degree programmes.

Holders of the Erettségi / Matura with at least two subjects at advanced level (emelt szint) plus any required subjects at advanced level will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 85%, 80% (Advanced level) plus 80%, 80%, 80% (Intermediate level)  AAA - 80%, 80% (Advanced level) plus 80%, 80%, 80% (Intermediate level)  AAB - 80%, 80% (Advanced level) plus 80%, 80%, 80% (Intermediate level)  ABB - 80%, 75% (Advanced level) plus 80%, 80%, 80% (Intermediate level)  BBB - 75%, 75% (Advanced level) plus 80%, 80%, 75% (Intermediate level)  Subject specific requirements (Advanced level):  A* - 85%  A - 80%  B - 75%

Holders of the Indian Standard XII will be considered for entry to the first year of our undergraduate degree programmes. 

  • A*AA = 90% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra or 85% West Bengal or 95% Other State boards
  • AAA = 85% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra or 80% West Bengal or 90% Other State boards
  • AAB = 80% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra or 75% West Bengal or 85% Other State boards
  • ABB/BBB = 75% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra and West Bengal or 80% Other State boards

Where a programme requires a specific A'level subject grade please refer to the guidance below for Indian Standard XII equivalent.

  • A* = 90% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra or 85% West Bengal or 95% Other State boards
  • A = 85% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra or 80% West Bengal or 90% Other State boards
  • B = 80% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra and 75% West Bengal or 85% Other State boards

Applicants with appropriate grades in Standard XII English (English Core/English Elective/Functional English in CBSE) do not require additional SELT qualifications.

  • GCE A Level in three acceptable subjects.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) with 32 points overall.
  • A Diploma (D3/D4), with good grades, from a recognised Indonesian institution.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes.

Holders of the Diplom-Metevaseth are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our own foundation pathways. 

Students who have completed the Pre-University Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe) with a minimum overall GPA of 16/20 and students who have successfully completed the National Entrance Exam (Kunkur) will be considered for entry onto our undergraduate programmes.

Holders of the Sixth Form Baccalaureate/Iraqi high school leaving certificate are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

We will consider students who have completed the Bagrut and achieved grade 8 or above in 6 subjects.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our own foundation pathways, for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes.

Holders of the Diploma di Esame di Stato will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 95  AAA - 92  AAB - 90  ABB - 88  BBB - 85  Subject specific requirements:  A* - 15/15 OR 10/10  A - 14/15 OR 9/10  B - 13/15 OR 8/10

Students who hold the French Baccalaureat with minimum grades of 12/20-15/20 will be considered for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the  Foundation Pathways  at the BIA, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

  • GCE A Level examinations or a recognised foundation programme
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) - 32 points overall for entrance to most of our undergraduate programmes, certain courses will require specific grades and subjects at Higher Level

Many students who have studied in Japan have followed a 12 year education system. For admission onto an Undergraduate degree programme, the University of Birmingham requires all applicants to have studied for 13 years, and therefore you may need to take a foundation year before commencing your undergraduate programme. 

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB). Holders of the Tawjihi are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate programmes without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the  Birmingham International Academy , for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our  Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

For study on our Foundation and Undergraduate programmes, English language at grade C or above in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) is sufficient to meet the standard English language requirements.

For Postgraduate programmes, Kenyan nationals with a degree from Kenya or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examination, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Shahadat-al-thanwiia-al-a'ama are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

Candidates from Latvia generally require either A levels, an IB Diploma or a recognised foundation programme qualification in order to be considered for entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree programme. Holders of the Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Certificate of General Secondary Education) are not eligible for entry to the first year of our undergraduate degree programmes.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entry onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Baccalaureat General (School Certificate) are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without prior completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examination, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme (such as the Birmingham Foundation Academy), for entrance to undergraduate programmes.  Students who have completed a Higher Technician Diploma with minimum GPA of 65%, or a Bachelors degree from a Higher Technical or Vocational Institution with minimum GPA of 65%, may be considered for entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree programme.  Students who have the Secondary Education Certificate plus one year of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university with a minimum GPA or 65% may also be considered.

Holders of the Brandos Atestatas (Secondary School Diploma/Maturity Certificate) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 9.5 with 95% average in 3 state exams  AAA - 9.0 with 90% average in 3 state exams  AAB - 9.0 with 87% average in 3 state exams  ABB - 8.5 with 85% average in 3 state exams  BBB - 8.0 with 80% average in 3 state exams  Subject specific requirements (state exam):  A* - 95%  A - 90%  B - 85% 

Holders of the Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 50/60  AAA - 48/60  AAB - 46/60  ABB - 44/60  BBB - 42/60  Subject specific requirements:  A* - 52  A - 48  B - 42 

In addition to the standard qualifications that we accept as proof of English language proficiency, the University accepts the following as proof of English language for students from Luxembourg: 6/10 in English Language I in the European Baccalaureate; or 8/10 in English Language II in the European Baccalaureat

We may also accept your English language grade from the Luxembourgish Examen de Fin d'Études Secondaires 45 (bien) in English. Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

The University will consider students who have taken A Level examinations and the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Sigjil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysian (STPM)

STPM is considered equivalent to A-levels and is acceptable for admissions to the first year of an undergraduate programme. Grades equivalent to the A-level requirement should be achieved in three out of the five subjects studied.

Malaysian Ministry of Education Matriculation Programme

Holders of the Malaysian Ministry of Education Matriculation Certificate in Science can be considered for entry to year one of Biosciences, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.

Certificates in Accountancy

Students with Certificates in Accountancy can be considered for entry to year one of the Accountancy, Economics, and Money, Banking and Finance programmes, provided a minimum GPA of 3.5 is obtained. In addition, a candidate must reach the appropriate level of English requirement for the particular course.

Canadian Pre-University (Ontario Grade 13)

A pass in 6 OACs (minimum of three at grade B, and three at grade C) is generally acceptable for admission to the first year of an undergraduate programme, although, some programmes may require higher grades.

South Australia Matriculation Programme (SAM)

For candidates offering the South Australian Matriculation qualification, a TER of between 90 to 98 is required.

Diploma and certificate

If you have completed a 2 year certificate or diploma at a local college, you may be considered for admission to undergraduate programmes in some subjects.

If you have obtained a 3 year diploma it is sometimes possible to gain 'advance standing' to the second year of some undergraduate programmes.

Unified Examination Certificate (UEC)

Holders of the UEC may be considered for entry onto the first year of an undergraduate degree course (except Medicine & Surgery or Dentistry) on the following basis:



A1 A1 A2 A2 A2


A2 A2 A2 A2 A2


A2 A2 A2 B3 B3


A2 A2 B3 B3 B3


B3 B3 B3 B3 B3


B3 B3 B3 B6 B6

Where a specific subject is required the following grades should be attained:  A Level grade A* -  UEC grade A1, A Level grade A - UEC grade A2, A Level grade B - UEC grade B3.  Where Maths A Level is required UEC Advanced Maths (I) or (II) should be provided at the appropriate grade.

For all courses not requiring A Level Maths UEC Maths must be studied, the grade required will vary by programme (C8 required for most programmes, some may require B6 or B3).

Direct entry to second year

Taylor's university.

The University has various twinning programmes with Taylor's University which can allow Taylors students entry into year 1, year 2 or year 3 of an Undergraduate Degree course, depending on their choice of subject and GPA score. Degree courses available through twinning agreements are: Biosciences, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.  We have a longstanding relationship with Taylor’s University (TU), and many students have joined us for a variety of Engineering and Computer Science programmes. Students from TU can enter Year 2, or Year 3 of a number of programmes. For more information please refer to the table below, or contact the TU University Placement Services office, or  [email protected] .

Taylor's specific requirements
Year 1 Mechanical Engineering Year 2 entry:
- BEng Mechanical Engineering (1+2)
- BEng Civil Engineering (1+2)
- MEng Mechanical Engineering (1+3)
- MEng Civil Engineering (1+3)
- MEng Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering (1+3)
Year 1 Electronic and Electrical Engineering Year 2 entry:
BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (1+2)
MEng Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering (1+3)
Year 1 Computer Science Year 2 entry:
BSc Computer Science (1+2)
MSci Computer Science (1+3)
Years 1 and 2 Chemical Engineering Year 3 entry: 
- MEng Chemical Engineering (2+2)
Years 1 and 2 Mechanical Engineering

Year 3 entry: 
- MEng Mechanical Engineering (2+2)

Years 1 and 2 Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Year 3 entry: 
- MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (2+2)

Students from UCSI are able to join Year 2 of the following Birmingham programmes:

  • BEng or MEng Mechanical Engineering
  • BEng or MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering.

For more information please contact the UCSI Global Engagement Office, or  [email protected] .

 USCI specific requirements
Year 1 of Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering with Honours programme Year 2 entry: 
BEng Mechanical Engineering (1+2)*
MEng Mechanical Engineering (1+3)
Year 1 of Bachelors of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with Honours programme

Year 2 entry: 
BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (1+2)
MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (1+3)

INTI College and Prime College 

Students from INTI College and Prime College may be considered for direct entry to the second year of our Engineering programmes.

HELP Institute

Students from HELP Institute may be considered for direct entry to the second year of Computer Science programmes and those students completing the LSE Diploma may be admitted directly to the second year of Economics and Money, Banking and Finance programmes.

Direct entry from other colleges is unusual. If you are a student of any other college and you wish to be considered for second year entry, you must submit your full transcript and a copy of the syllabus you have followed so that we can assess your suitability.

  • For Medicine country specific requirements, please visit our  Applying to Medicine website .


A1 A1 A2 A2 A2


A2 A2 A2 A2 A2


A2 A2 A2 B3 B3


A2 A2 B3 B3 B3


B3 B3 B3 B3 B3


B3 B3 B3 B6 B6

SPM 1119 or GCSE/IGCSE minimum grade C may be accepted for a range of programmes with a four year validity period. 

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the  Birmingham Foundation Academy , for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Holders of the Advanced Matriculation will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - AA (Advanced level) + AAA (Intermediate level to exclude Systems of Knowledge)  AAA - AA + AAB  AAB - AA + ABB  ABB - AB + BBB  BBB - BB + BBB  Subject specific requirements:  A* & A - A  B - B  NB no overall score given as of 2012.

Applicants with a GCSE English grade 4/C equivalent or a degree from the University of Malta are exempt from taking an English proficiency test.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), the French Baccalaureate, or a suitable foundation programme, such as our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

For study on our Foundation and Undergraduate programmes English language at grade C or above in the CIE O Level or Cambridge High School Certificate is sufficient to meet the standard English language requirements.

For Postgraduate programmes Mauritian nationals with a degree from Mauritius or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

  • For Dentistry, please see the general entry requirements listed on the Dental Surgery course page .

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB). Holders of the Diplôme du Baccalauréat / Diplôme du Baccalauréat Technique (School Certificates) are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate programmes without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

A High School Leaving Certificate is not sufficient for undergraduate courses. Applicants for UG study will require additional qualifications, such as A Levels or the IB.

Holders of the Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO - University Preparatory Education) Diploma (Gymnasium A/B and Atheneum A/B) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 8.0  AAA - 7.7  AAB - 7.5  ABB - 7.2  BBB - 7.0  Subject specific requirements:  A* - 8.5  A - 8  B - 7.5 

NB Grades 9-10 rarely awarded

We may accept your English language grade from the Dutch Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) diploma if you achieved 8 (good) in English. Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

The University has a number of agreements with foundation providers in Nigeria which allows students to be considered for admission to undergraduate programmes. Please contact us for more information.

Students who have completed the first year of a 4-year Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Nigeria with excellent grades (2.1, 3.0/4.0, 3.5/5.0) will be considered for entrance to undergraduate programmes (first year entry).

For Postgraduate programmes, Nigerian nationals with a degree from Nigeria or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

Holders of the Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering (VVO – Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with a minimum overall average score of 4/6 will be considered for entry to the first year of our undergraduate degree programmes.

Please refer to the information below as guidance for grade comparisons to A-level entry requirements:

A*AA = 5.0 overall in the Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering AAA = 4.5 overall in the Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering AAB = 4.5 overall in the Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering ABB = 4.0 overall in the Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering BBB = 4.0 overall in the Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering 

Specific subject requirements: A*= 6, A=5, B=4

For GCSE, from the lower school leaving certificate (first year of the Vitnemål), the same equivalences would apply.

We may accept your English language grade from the Norwegian Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole if you achieved 3 in English. Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Thanawiyan are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

We will consider students who have taken A Level examinations and/or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to undergraduate programmes. We will also consider students who have successfully completed a Bachelors (Honours) degree of at least two years duration. Degrees must be from a Higher Education Commission recognised institution in Pakistan.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Tawijihi are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

Candidates from Paraguay generally require a) A levels or IB Diploma or b) Título de Bachillerato Científico plus a recognised foundation programme  Candidates who have completed the Título Intermedio (2-3 years) can be considered for first and/or second year entry, depending on subject fit.

Candidates from Peru generally require a) A levels or IB Diploma or b) a recognised foundation programme or c) successfully completed the first year of the Título Profesional, Bachiller or Licenciado with at least 13/20.

Holders of the Matura / Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (Secondary School Certificate) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - 90%, 85%, 85% (extended level subjects) plus 75% overall  AAA - 85%, 85%, 85% (extended level subjects) plus 75% overall  AAB - 85%, 85%, 80% (extended level subjects) plus 70% overall  ABB - 85%, 80%, 80% (extended level subjects) plus 70% overall  BBB - 80%, 80%, 80% (extended level subjects) plus 70% overall  Subject specific requirements at extended level:  A* - 90%  A - 85%  B - 80%

Holders of the Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundários / Diploma de Ensino Secundario (previously Certificado do 12 ano) will be considered with the following grade equivalencies: 

A*AA - 18/20 overall with 19, 18, 18 in 3 year 12 subjects  AAA - 18/20 with 18, 18, 18 in 3 year 12 subjects  AAB - 17/20 with 18, 18, 17 in 3 year 12 subjects ABB - 17/20 with 18, 17, 17 in 3 year 12 subjects  BBB 17/20 with 17, 17, 17 in 3 year 12 subjects 

Subject specific requirements: 

A* - 19  A - 18  B - 17 

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Qatar High School Certificate, or the Thanawiyan Mustaqala are not usually eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without the completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

Holders of the Diploma de Bacalaureat with a minimum overall score of 8/10 will be considered for entry to the first year of our undergraduate degree programmes.  Please refer to the information below as guidance for grade comparisons to A-level entry requirements:  A*AA - 9  AAA – 8.5  AAB - 8.3  ABB - 8  BBB - 7.5  Specific subject requirements:  A*/A - 9  B - 8

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as the  Birmingham International Academy , for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

The University will consider students who have taken A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB) or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Thanawiyah are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without the completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), West African Higher School Certificate (WAHSC), Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate COHSC), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

For Postgraduate programmes, Sierra Leonean nationals with a degree from Sierra Leone or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

Students with suitable grades at A level or International Baccalaureate (IB) may be considered for entry to an undergraduate degree programme.

Students who have successfully completed a Polytechnic Diploma may be considered for entry to our undergraduate degree programmes (applicable subjects only). Students who achieve a B grade average or above with good scores in relevant subjects can be considered for direct entry to the second year. Students who achieve a C grade average should be considered for year one entry (a few exemptions apply for certain departments).

The University has established Advance Standing Agreements with 5 Polytechnics in Singapore (Singapore, Ngee Ann, Temasek, Nanyang, Republic) which provide guidelines for some of the Diplomas we will accept and scores required by certain departments (Business, Life Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science). Please contact your institution for further information. Departments that are not part of this list can still consider Diplomas for entry to undergraduate programmes. Diplomas that are not on the list will be considering on an individual basis and may require you to provide further details such as the curriculum and module transcripts to identify suitability.

Holders of the "Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej skúska/Maturita" will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA: 1/výborný in four subjects (if any other subjects have been taken they must be graded no lower than 2)  AAA: 1/výborný in three subjects, other subject(s) taken must be graded no lower than 2  AAB: 1/výborný in two subjects, other subjects taken must be graded no lower than 2  ABB: 1/výborný in one subject, other subjects taken must be graded no lower than 2  BBB: 2 in all subjects   Subject specific requirements:  A* & A - 1  B - 2

Holders of the "Maturitetno Spricevalo"/"Matura"/Secondary School-Leaving Diploma/Technical Matura will be considered with the following grade equivalencies:  A*AA - Total score of 28/34  AAA - 27/34  AAB - 26/34  ABB - 24/34  BBB - 22/34  Required subjects need to have been at Higher Level:  A* - 8  A - 7  B - 6

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes. Applicants who hold the South African National Senior Certificate (SA NSC or IEB) (or pre-2008 the Senior Certificate with matriculation) will be considered for entry onto our undergraduate degree programmes. Students need these grades in 5 subjects, not including Life Orientation.

Grade equivalencies are as follows: A*AA = 77766 AAA = 77666 AAB = 76666 ABB-BBB = 66666

For study on our Foundation and Undergraduate programmes, English language at grade 5 (or C) or above in the South African National Senior Certificate (SA NSC or IEB) (or pre-2008 in the Senior Certificate) is sufficient to meet the standard English language requirements.

For Postgraduate programmes, South African nationals with a degree from South Africa or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

Students with A levels, the International Baccalaureate, a 2 year Junior College Diploma, the NCUK International Foundation Year, a suitable foundation programme, or one or two years of university level study at a recognised institution in South Korea will be considered for entry to an undergraduate degree programme. Students need a sufficiently high score in their Diploma or University level study (3.0+/4.0 or 3.2+/4.5).

Holders of the Título de Bachillerato will be considered for undergraduate programmes with the following grade equivalencies:

A*AA - 9.0 AAA - 8.5 AAB - 8.2 ABB - 8.0 BBB - 7.7

Required subjects must be studied in Year 2 of the Bachillerato and the subject grade equivalencies are:

A* - 10/9 A - 9 B - 8

The Sri Lankan system is based on the English system. Holders of the Sri Lankan A-Levels will be considered for undergraduate programmes as an equivalent to GCE A levels. We accept local or Cambridge A Levels for entry.

Please note however that grading systems for local A Levels are as follows:

A = A grade B = B grade C = Credit S = Simple pass

For Medicine country specific requirements, please visit our Applying to Medicine website. For Dentistry, please see the general entry requirements listed on the Dental Surgery course page

Holders of the Fullständigt Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskolan / Slutbetyg från Komvux / Avgangsbetyg (previously Studentexamen) with the following grade equivalencies: A*AA: 10 subjects at A and the remainder at B. AAA: 10 subjects at A and the remainder at B. AAB: 9 subjects at A and the remainder at B. ABB: Majority of subjects at A, remainder at B BBB: Majority of subjects at B. Subject specific requirements: A*/A - A B - B 

We may accept your English language grade from the Swedish Fullständigt Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskolan/ Slutbetyg från Komvux / Avgangsbetyg if you achieved Grade C in English (numerical grade 15). Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

Holders of the Federal Maturity Certificate/ Maturitatszeugnis can be considered for entry to year 1 of our undergraduate degrees. Grade equivalences: AAA* = 5.0 overall to include 5.5 in one subject and 5.0 in two further subjects AAA = 4.8 overall to include 5.0 in 3 subjects AAB-ABB = 4.8 overall to include 5.0 in 2 subjects BBB = 4.8 overall to include 5.0 in 1 subject Grade requirement for required subjects: A* = 5.5 A/B = 5.0

We may accept your English language grade from the Swiss Maturitätzeugnis / Certificat de Maturité / Attestato di Maturità (federal maturity certificate or federally-recognised cantonal maturity certificate) if you achieved 5 (gut / bien / bene) in English. Please note this is only valid for 2 academic years after qualification. 

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Thanewiyah are not normally eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

We will consider students who have taken A Level examinations and the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Students with 2 year Junior College Diplomas may be considered for entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree programme, where the college is recognised by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan and/or the BTCO and where the student achieves a sufficiently high score overall.

Students with 5 year Junior College Diplomas may be considered for entry to the first and/or second year of an undergraduate degree programme, where the college is recognised by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan and/or the BTCO and where the student achieves a sufficiently high score overall.

Students who hold the East African Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE), Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE), Cambridge Higher School Certificate (COHSC) and National Form VI Examination will be considered for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

For study on our Foundation and Undergraduate programmes, English language at grade C or above in the ACSE is sufficient to meet the standard English language requirements.

For Postgraduate programmes, Tanzanian nationals with a degree from Tanzania or another English speaking country (as on the University's approved list) are not required to submit an English Language test.

We will consider:

  • GCE A Level we will usually consider students with 3 good subjects
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) we will normally consider students with 32 points overall for entrance to most of our undergraduate programmes, certain courses will require specific grades and subjects at Higher Level
  • High School Certificate (M6) and a recognised one year foundation qualification may be considered
  • One or two years of university level study at a recognised university in Thailand, with a sufficiently high score overall in their university level study (3.0+/4.0), may be considered for entry to an undergraduate degree programme.

Candidates from Caribbean and West Indies generally require The Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE).

The University will consider students who have grades required are I – II in six CAPE units, including 2 double-unit level courses with a minimum of II in each of these double-unit courses. The requirement for a subject taken to include I for A (A-level equivalent) and II for a B (A-level equivalent) in any required subject.


 A*AA:  I*I*, I, I, I, I or I, I, I, I, I, I (including a I* or I with an all grade A profile in a double unit)
 AAA:  I, I, I, I, I, I
 AAB:  I, I, I, I,  II, II
 ABB:  I, I, II, II, II, II

For any courses that accept general studies, we will consider the Caribbean studies and Communication Studies additional to the 2 double-unit level courses, to make up the six required units.

Candidates offering an Associate degree from a recognised institution may also be considered for entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree programme. We would typically require a minimum GPA of 3.0 to include high grades in relevant and required subjects.

For Engineering and Physical Sciences degree programmes that require an A level in Mathematics, we require CAPE Pure Mathematics.  

The University will consider students who have taken A level examinations and the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to undergraduate programmes.  Students educated in the Philippine system require at least two years post-high school education at a recognised institution before entering a Bachelors degree programme at Birmingham.  Many students who have studied in the Philippines have followed a 12 year education system. For admission onto an undergraduate degree programme, the University of Birmingham requires all applicants to have studied for 13 years, and therefore you may need to take a foundation year before commencing your undergraduate programme.  We will consider students for entry to the Birmingham International Academy who have completed their first year at a recognised institution in the Philippines and obtained good grades in all subject areas. 

The University will consider students who have taken the Lise Diplomasi and a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our  Foundation Pathways , or GCE A Level examinations, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to our undergraduate programmes.

Students who have taken the Lise Diplomasi or Lise Bitirme Diplomasi from certain schools will be considered for entry to our undergraduate degree programmes.  The scores required in grade 12 on the high school diploma vary according to the A level requirement for that programme:

Entry Requirements
 A Level grades Lise Diplomasi
 A*AA  88/100
 AAA  85/100
 AAB  80/100
 ABB  75/100
 BBB  72/100

Alternatively students who have also taken SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and AP (Advanced Placement) tests will be considered for admission to Bachelor degree programmes.  For more details on SAT and AP requirements please refer to the USA country page. 

We will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entry onto our undergraduate programmes. Holders of the Tawjihiyya are not usually eligible for direct entry onto our undergraduate courses without completion of a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our foundation pathways.

Pre-sessional programmes

The Birmingham International Academy (BIA) also offers pre-sessional English courses, which you can take to improve your spoken and written English in preparation for academic study. If you have a conditional offer you can attend one of these courses instead of retaking IELTS.

Our pre-sessional programmes

The University will consider students who have taken GCE A Level examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB), the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE), Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate, East African Advanced Certificate of Education or a suitable foundation programme, such as one of our Foundation Pathways, for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

Applicants from the USA can  meet Maths and English (UK-GCSE) requirements with the following. We require Maths and English (or similar e.g. Calculus, Algebra) from any of the following: AP (min grade 4), SAT S/II (min score 650), Honours classes or College-level course (min B+), HSD (pass grade at grade 12 level), ACT composite score (min 28), SAT-R (min score 670), International Baccalaureate English, Standard or Higher Level, First or Second Language (min grade 5). Other English language requirements can be found here .

Applicants studying A levels or the International Baccalaureate Diploma, will be eligible for direct entry if you meet your chosen programme’s entry requirements.

Alternatively, applicants should satisfy the following:

1. A minimum score of 3.2/4.0 GPA on the High School Diploma (HSD) (non-weighted )

2. Three distinct subject tests are required from a combination of either: (These options can be used in various combinations to meet our standard 3 subject A level requirement)

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level (HL) Subject Tests
  • Advanced Placement tests (APs)
  • Honours classes (Year 11/12-(1 year duration)
  • College Level /dual level classes (academic, full year)
  • SAT II Subject Tests (prior to being discontinued in Jan 2021)

To offer greater flexibility, one of the following tests can be used to replace one of the three subject test requirements listed above:  (for a specific subject requirement this would not be accepted)

Composite ACT with a score of 28+ to replace one subject test ( not accepted to replace a subject requirement. )

  • SAT-R with a score of 1350+ to replace one subject test ( not to replace a subject requirement. )  (SAT superscores are not accepted)

For example:

(For a course that requires: A level AAA (with no specific subject requirements).  This means you could present with an HSD (3.3) + ACT (28), AP History (5) and an Honours Earth/Environmental Science (A).)

( For a course that requires: A levels AAB (A level Mathematics required). This means you could present with an HSD 3.2+, 2 subject test and as A level Mathematics is required AP Calculus BC.)                                                                      

A table of accepted A level grade equivalents can be found below. Use this table to work out the equivalents to the A level entry requirements to your preferred course(s).

Table of accepted A level grade equivalents
7 5   A+   A+ 720 29 1380 GPA 3.3
6 5 A A 700 28 1350 GPA 3.2
5 4   B+   B+ 650 28 1350 GPA 3.1
4 3  B- B 630 27 1320 GPA 3.0
  • Where a certain A-level subject is required for entry to the course students must present with a suitable subject test, or have studied that subject at Community College, at a USA University or during their Associate’s degree.  (We advise that you look at the  course pages  and select entry requirements to find out if there are specific subject requirements)
  • For subjects requiring A-level Mathematics applicants must present with AP Calculus BC or International Baccalaureate HL Mathematics.  (We do not accept AP Calculus AB to fulfil this requirement). Please check the individual course pages for our typical A-level requirements and see below for the corresponding scores.
  • IB Higher Level (HL) Subject Tests  should be shown on the transcript or through a certificate.
  • Advanced Placement tests (APs)  should be the certified test, we will not accept just the classes. 
  • Honours classes (Year 11/12-(1 year duration)  these should be shown on a HSD transcript named as 'H' Honours', 'Hons' and to be taken in the USA.
  • College Level /dual level classes (academic, full year)  should be shown on a transcript or certificate and named as academic subject (rather than practical or recreational) to be taken in the USA.

As an alternative to the above HSD and 3 tests, we can accept an Associate’s Degree, or one year at a Community College or a USA University to be accepted onto the first year of an  undergraduate degree. 


3.3 - Plus English and Maths requirements


3.2 - Plus English and Maths requirements


3.1 - Plus English and Maths requirements


3.0 - Plus English and Maths requirements

Entry requirements for Medicine and Surgery MBChB :  SAT1 score of 1380 or ACT score of 29. Three AP subjects at grade 5, including Biology and Chemistry or three SAT subject test scores of 700, 700 and 700, including Biology and Chemistry. We will also accept appropriate combinations of SAT and AP scores (We cannot accept other test for this programme)

  • For Medicine country specific requirements, please visit our Applying to Medicine website  look for International Applicants.
  • Our BNurs -Adult courses detail international entry requirements and useful tips. 

As a reminder you don't need to have completed all of these tests to apply through  UCAS . So our admissions team can fully review your application, please include your already achieved academic qualifications and tests up to your senior year (including all target/predicted results for tests you are yet to complete)   in the Education section of UCAS. 

The Designated Institution Code for College Board: The University of Birmingham is 7390.

We are registered with  ACT , therefore if you wish to provide your qualifications to us you can find our details on their website.

Applicants from the USA may already meet the English language  requirement (UK-GCSE equivalent ) through one of the following English  related tests:  SAT II Subject test (min score 650), AP (min grade 4),  Honours classes or College-level course (min B+), HSD (pass grade at grade 12 level), ACT English composite score (min 28), SAT-R Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (min score 670), International Baccalaureate English, Standard or Higher Level, First or Second Language (min grade 5). Other English language requirements can be found  here .

We will consider students who have taken A level examinations and the International Baccalaureate (IB) for entrance to undergraduate programmes.  Holders of the Certificate of Secondary Education (Attestat o srednem obrazovanii) at grade 11 and a suitable foundation programme (or 2 years study at a recognised higher education institution) will be considered for entry to our Bachelor degree programmes.  For more information on our foundation programme, please visit the  Foundation Pathways  website.

Candidates from Venezuela generally require a) A levels or IB Diploma or b) a recognised foundation programme or c) successfully completed the first year of the Licenciatura/Título with 70% or equivalent overall.

  • GCE A Level in three acceptable subjects, certain courses will require specific grades and subjects.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) with 32 points overall for entrance to most of our undergraduate programmes, certain courses will require specific grades and subjects at Higher Level.
  • Students who have completed the first year of a University programme in Vietnam will be considered for direct entry of the undergraduate programme at the University of Birmingham.

Students holding the Cambridge Higher School Certificate (HSC) or ZIMSEC A Levels will be considered for entrance to undergraduate programmes.

All applicants must meet in full both the GCSE and Level 3/higher qualification entry requirements for the Masters of Nursing programme. The only exception to meeting the GCSE requirements in full applies to some Access applicants, please see the relevant section below for more details.

Please note  all  previous academic study will be considered when assessing the suitability of applicants for interview.

GCSE requirements: 

5 GCSEs at grade C/4 or above which must include English, Mathematics and a Science subject. We do not accept level 2 equivalents e.g. BTEC, Key skills.

The achievement of the minimum GCSE criteria for application does not guarantee being shortlisted to interview.

Preferred subjects and grades:

Biology, Psychology or Sociology A level, and two others. Welsh Baccalaureate at grade B can substitute one of the A Levels.

Edexcel Level 3 extended project:

Grade A in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is accepted in addition to 3 A Levels (of equivalent level 3 qualifications). You would be made a variable offer e.g. ABB or BBB plus A in the EPQ (subject to conditions –  see “How we make an offer” webpage  for full details).

Grade requirements of Distinction overall with B in the Core will be accepted for the below T Levels. 

  • Healthcare Science

You must also meet in full the GCSE entry requirements for the programme (see above).


BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care or Applied Science accepted. Grades required - D*DD BTEC Diploma considered on a case by case basis when combined with an A level (typical offer DD plus A) BTEC Subsidiary Diploma considered on a case by case basis when combined with 2 A levels

International Baccalaureate Diploma:

32 points with 3 subjects at higher level graded 6, 5, 5. You must also meet in full the GCSE entry requirements for the programme (see above).

Access to Higher Education (Health or Science): 

60 credits with a minimum of 45 credits at level 3 at distinction (to include study of Physiology or Biology) and 15 credits at level 2. Access courses must have been completed within the last two years to be valid. You must meet the GCSE entry requirements in full for the programme (as above). However, if it is more than 5 years since you took your GCSE’s and you also have 2 years full time paid work experience in health and social care, you are only required to have GCSE English, Mathematics and Science at grade C or above.

Minimum Age Requirement

As this programme has a mandatory clinical placement, every applicant for admission to the University must have reached the age of 18 years on 1 October of the year of entry.

Graduate Entry Requirements:

Bachelor degree minimum 2:1 or Masters or PhD. You must also meet in full the GCSE entry requirements for the programme (see above).

If you already have a degree, and experience working in social care, why not consider our MSc Nursing programme , which leads to nursing registration in 2 years.

International students: 

We will consider overseas qualifications that are recognised and deemed to be equivalent to the above entry requirements.

Read our Nursing FAQ's

Additional information

Shortlisting takes place prior to candidates being invited to attend for a face to face interview. Shortlisting is based on consideration of your:

  • Personal statement 
  • Actual or predicted grades 

Both within your personal statement and at interview, we are looking for evidence of the following:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills 
  • A clear understanding of the University of Birmingham Masters in Nursing programme 
  • Enthusiasm for a career in nursing and having a desire to make a difference within healthcare 
  • Understanding of what a nurse does and the values and personal qualities that make a good nurse 
  • Skills and knowledge gained when undertaking relevant work experience or voluntary work 
  • Experience of working in a healthcare setting or experience of being a carer or a service user 
  • Knowledge of current national issues within nursing and healthcare 
  • Skills acquired whilst undertaking Edexcel level 3 extended project 
  • Capacity for independent study 
  • Awareness of equal opportunities and cultural diversity

Please be aware that meeting the minimum requirements for entry, does not guarantee you an interview or an offer of a place on the programme.

Disability and dyslexia advice and support

The University of Birmingham has a positive view of what candidates with disabilities can achieve as future healthcare professionals and we take seriously our obligation to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that all students with disabilities can successfully complete their studies. All applicants will be assessed up to and including the interview, based on the criteria outlined above regardless of any disability. If you declare a disability we will invite you to work with us together with the disability team, clinical colleagues and specialist services to explore how best we can support your studies.

Find our more about our disability and dyslexia support 

Realising Opportunities programme

Realising Opportunities (RO) is a unique collaboration of 12 leading Universities, working together to promote fair access and social mobility of students from under-represented groups. Students are supported through a coherent programme of activities designed to raise their aspirations to progress to research intensive Universities.

Applications through UCAS to RO Partner universities from participating students will be given additional consideration with the potential to receive an alternative RO offer from many Partners. Please ask your school or college if they are involved in this programme.

Realising Opportunities website

Conditions of offers and programme requirements

If you do decide to accept a place at the University of Birmingham you are required to comply with the following:

  • Achievement of the academic requirements for entry to the Masters of Nursing 
  • A satisfactory health declaration, including evidence of appropriate immunisations and Occupational Health clearance if required - details of this can be found on our Health and Immunisation Forms page
  • Clearance from the  Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), previously known as Criminal Record Bureau. (CRB) checks. You will receive an email from our central admissions team regarding DBS checks approximately 2-3 weeks after you have firmly accepted your place on the course. This email will contain further instructions, next steps and advise of the deadline for submitting your DBS application. Please be sure to check your junk/spam folders for this email before contacting us
  • You sign and adhere to the ‘University Code of Professional Practice and Fitness to Practice’ thereby agreeing to certain levels of conduct, behaviour and health whilst studying on the Masters of Nursing programme. Details of which will be forwarded with an offer letter
  • On commencement of the course, provide original copies of academic certificates and photo identification. These will be photocopied and kept on your personal file, in order to comply with NHS fraud requirements 
  • Agree to travel to clinical placements in hospitals and the community, in the Birmingham and Solihull area 
  • Agree to undertake shifts including early morning, afternoon, evening and night duty on weekdays, weekends and bank holidays, both within hospitals and community settings 
  • Comply with uniform and infection control policy on clinical placement 

Health and Immunisation  

Alternative offers through our Pathways to Birmingham programmes and our Contextual Offer scheme

Students who are eligible and successfully complete a Pathways to Birmingham programme will receive special consideration from admissions tutors and an alternative offer (typically two grades below the standard offer). In addition, our Contextual Offer Scheme recognises the potential of students whose personal circumstances may have restricted achievement in school or college. If you are eligible to benefit from the contextual offer scheme, you will receive an offer which is one grade lower than the standard offer.

International Students

We can only accept applications from those considered as home fee status.

Throughout your nursing degree you’ll learn from leading experts, receiving a rich diversity of academic knowledge and experience. Our modern facilities and hands-on approach to teaching fully-equips you for a successful career in Nursing.

At Birmingham, we have a huge emphasis on ensuring our students have the best clinical skills and simulation practice experiences that they can take with them into their Nursing careers.

Steven Grant, Lead for Skills and Simulation

Learning and teaching

You will experience a blended learning approach. This will include face to face learning through lectures, workshops, simulation, laboratory practical sessions, group work, seminars and seminar presentations enquiry-based and action learning. Throughout your studies, you will have access to Nursing SCRIPT, an eLearning programme to support your knowledge acquisition around medicines management and optimisation.

You will also be expected to learn through directed learning and reflective activities on our virtual learning environment. You will need to extend your learning through your own independent study in which you develop your knowledge through your own reflection, reading, thinking and writing.

You will benefit from our enquiry based and research-intensive learning and teaching strategy to develop reflection and confidence in your future professional development. Our clinical skills and simulation teaching culminates in clinical assessment and simple diagnostic skill development and knowledge to support your postgraduate prescribing preparation.

As you progress through the course there will be a greater emphasis on directed and independent learning in order to enable you to explore the knowledge of most relevance and interest to your developing professional practice. Time is given in the course for this through reading weeks and independent study days.

Over the period of the course you will spend a minimum of 2300 hours in allocated clinical practice placements where learning and practice will be supervised by a qualified nursing mentor and other registered nurses.  In years 2, 3 and 4, these will be field specific placements.  All allocated placements are assessed and must be passed in order to complete the course. 

Teaching staff for this course

Many of our teaching staff have published important works about their areas of expertise, whilst others have taught at international institutions and can offer unique perspectives of their subjects.

For more information about staff in the school, their qualifications, publication history and specific areas of interest, visit the  School of Nursing and Midwifery staff profile page.

Student support

You will have access to a comprehensive support network that will assist and help you to deal with any problems that arise throughout your studies.

In addition, the Student Services Centre, which based in the Medical School on main campus, offers many services from drop in sessions for advice and guidance, referral to internal and external services and support regarding extenuating circumstances.

You’ll also be assigned a personal tutor for the duration of your time with us. Your personal tutor will be an academic staff member that teaches on the Nursing course.  If there are particular areas where you need support you will be able to address this with your tutors.

Our Academic Skills Centre also offers you support with your learning. The centre is a place where you can develop your mathematical, academic writing and general academic skills. It is the centre’s aim to help you to become a more effective and independent learner through the use of a range of high-quality and appropriate learning support services. These range from drop-in sessions with support with mathematics and statistics based problems provided by experienced mathematicians, to workshops on a range of topics including note talking, reading, writing and presentation skills.

Contact Hours

Through all four years of the MNurs programme you will be taught in study blocks. During these blocks, the teaching day will start between 9 and 10 am and end between 3 and 4pm, though lectures may take place outside of these hours – you are required to attend 100% of all face-to-face, timetabled sessions, and you will need to do directed and independent study throughout the course. Blocks of teaching are followed by clinical practice, and when in practice you will often work the same shift pattern as your mentor, including days, nights, weekends and bank holidays (if they occur during your allocated placement). 

Along with the University based study, 50% of the programme is undertaken in clinical placements in the first two years. In these settings you will work in a range of teams and apply your University studies to practice. You will have the opportunity to develop your clinical and leadership skills with the support of a Registered Nurse mentor. A mentor is a qualified nurse who has undertaken further training in order to help students learn about nursing. This blend of practice based and academic learning underpins the programme and focuses on the key elements of professional practice. The University of Birmingham has excellent links with a variety of local NHS trusts, ensuring that we can provide the best opportunities for your clinical training.

Your nursing practice is continuously developed and assessed throughout the programme by specially prepared supervisors and registered nursing assessors using the region wide Midlands, Yorkshire and East Practice Assessment Document (MYEPAD). At the University of Birmingham, you will have the opportunity to practice nursing in some of the country's leading healthcare foundation trusts gaining experience of a range of nursing environments and care settings including home, community and hospital settings in the Birmingham, Solihull and West Midlands area.

In order to maximise your learning experience on clinical placements, practice placement teams organise teaching sessions, student forums and provide on-going clinical support for nursing students, practice supervisors and assessors. Lecturers from the University of Birmingham provide dedicated practice preparation and mid placement sessions to help you make the most of the practice experience. After each placement you are given the opportunity to evaluate your experience and this plays an important part in the ongoing quality assurance of the placement learning environment. Each year you will have a named academic assessor with responsibility for oversight of your overall progress and achievement.

Mental Health field of practice

You will have the opportunity to work with children and adolescents through to older adults with mental health problems. You will work in community, residential and hospital settings, gaining a wide range of clinical skills. More information can be found on the  Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust  website.

Assessment Methods

As a Nursing student, you will be assessed in a variety of ways, and these may be different with each module that you take. You will be assessed through exams, coursework assignments, placements and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). At the beginning of each module, you’ll be given information on how and when you’ll be assessed for that particular programme of study. You’ll receive feedback on each assessment within three weeks, so that you can learn from and build on what you have done. You’ll be given feedback on any exams that you take; if you should fail an exam we will ensure that particularly detailed feedback is made available to enable you to learn for the future.

Throughout the programme there will be opportunities to meet with your personal tutor to see how you are getting on and if there are particular areas where you need support. The personal tutor who is based in your school or department can help with any academic issues you encounter.

On graduation and qualification, you will have a highly regarded degree and eligibility to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to practice as a Registered Nurse.

This programme is designed to enhance your future career development in nursing. You will have a thorough grounding in the study and practice of nursing, including concepts of health derived from the study of the biological and social sciences, professional studies and communication skills, together with the professional disciplinary knowledge and understanding of your preferred field of practice of nursing (Adult, Mental Health or Child).

There is high local demand for graduate nurses and on gaining employment as a registered nurse, you will then undergo a period of preceptorship and practice development.

Our nursing graduates are highly valued and the majority seeking nursing positions have secured employment or pursued further career-related training on completing the programme. Many of our graduates stay in the Birmingham area and work in the NHS, others move on to take up appointments in the UK and overseas. There are many varied career opportunities for nursing in clinical practice, management, research and education. Extensive restructuring in nursing as a profession and within the NHS means that a good career structure is now in place.

If you wish to follow a research related career you will need to apply to a PhD and can gain further information about this during your Masters study. For those hoping to advance their clinical or management careers, the Masters level study may be helpful in supporting your future application to these roles. 

University Careers Network

Our unique careers guidance service, Careers Network, offers a specialised team who can give you expert advice. Our team source exclusive  work experience opportunities  to help you stand out amongst the competition, with mentoring, global internships and placements available to you. Once you have a career in your sights, one-to-one support with CV’s and job applications will help give you the edge. In addition, our employer-endorsed award-winning  Personal Skills Award (PSA)  recognises your extra-curricular activities, and provides an accredited employability programme designed to improve your career prospects.

We also offer voluntary work which complements your studies by helping you gain practical experiences in occupational settings while contributing back to society. This can bring new skills that will be useful throughout your future and can make a positive impact on your learning whilst at university. Volunteering enables you to develop skills such as communication, interpersonal skills, teamwork, self-confidence and self-discipline all of which can be transferred into your studies.

Find out more about our Careers Network 

Professional Accreditation

Satisfactory completion of the MNurs Nursing programme provides you with the eligibility to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a Registered Nurse. (Adult, Mental Health or Child).

  • Check your eligibility
  • Student life


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  5. School of Nursing and Midwifery

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  1. School of Nursing Programs

    Herzing University is approved to offer programs in an online learning modality through association with the main campus in Madison, Wisconsin. View Herzing University Accreditation and Approvals. Herzing University in Birmingham, Alabama is a career-focused nursing school offering a wide variety of online & on-campus degree programs.

  2. UAB School of Nursing

    A degree from the UAB School of Nursing is a catalyst for everything from innovative breakthroughs that transform health care to singular moments of skill and compassion that transform lives. The UAB School of Nursing has informed 1,655 patients this week of an incident in which a study recruitment postcard sent to the patients inadvertently ...

  3. 2024 Best Nursing Degree Programs Ranking in Birmingham, AL

    Samford University offers a Bachelor's degree program in Nursing with a total cost of $44,650 in 2019, $46,448 in 2020, and $47,610 in 2021. The program has a 100% financial aid rate, making it accessible to all students. With an acceptance rate of 84%, the program received 4,217 applicants.

  4. 2024 Most Affordable Nursing Degree Programs Ranking in Birmingham, AL

    Key benefits of getting a Nursing degree in Birmingham, AL . Salary for Nursing Degree Graduates: Graduates with a Nursing degree in Birmingham can expect to earn an average annual salary of around $89,010 as Registered Nurses, with specialized roles like Operating Room Nurses earning even higher at approximately $124,680 annually. This ...

  5. Nursing Schools in Birmingham, AL

    1720 2nd Avenue South. Birmingham, AL 35294. (120) 597-5752 x9. Research the various accredited nursing schools in Birmingham, AL. List of RN programs, bridge & accelerated programs, and APRN offerings.

  6. Online BSN Program for Non-Nurses

    The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is a 120-credit undergraduate pre-licensure program which prepares you for a career as a Registered Nurse (RN). The online degree program provides students with fundamental knowledge and skills in family nursing, medical-surgical nursing, nursing informatics, health assessment, and much more.

  7. Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

    BSc (Hons) 76% say staff value students views and opinions about the course. Data for courses in Adult nursing at University College Birmingham. 81% of students say teaching staff have supported their learning well. 85%in work or doing further study 15 months after the course.

  8. Undergraduate nursing degrees

    Undergraduate Nursing. Nursing at Birmingham provides you with the opportunity to experience nursing and healthcare in a variety of settings at the heart of one of the largest healthcare regions in the UK. You will experience inter-professional learning alongside doctors, pharmacists and physiotherapists, preparing you for your role in today's ...

  9. 6 Accelerated Nursing Programs in Alabama

    Following is the List of 4 Accelerated BSN Programs in Alabama for 2024. 1. Samford University, Birmingham. Ida Moffet School of Nursing, named after an incredible nurse who served as a healer for more than 70 years, stays true to the goal of providing outstanding compassionate patient care. It was founded 90 years ago and has continuously ...

  10. DNP

    It is the student's responsibility to identify a site and an appropriate clinical advisor. If you hold a BSN and are interested in the DNP, please contact Vickie Samuel, Graduate Recruitment and Retention Liaison, at [email protected] or (205) 348-8163. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at The University of Alabama is accredited ...

  11. RN to BSN Pathway

    Advisement is provided by the RN to BSN Pathway Director. Once accepted to UAB, students need to apply to the RN to BSN Pathway directly to the School of Nursing. Contact Gail Holmes, RN to BSN Program Manager, for information on applying at 205.975.7529 or by email at [email protected].

  12. Nursing

    Call 0121 331 6777. See hotline opening hours. Our BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing degree will provide you with the clinical skills and experience you need to be a professional nurse. You will spend time on placement in different hospital and clinical settings within the Birmingham and Solihull area, as well as learning from our experts at the University.

  13. Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Program

    The MSN Program at UAB, ranked 10 th in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, offers four distinct pathways, one for nurse midwives, one for nurse practitioners, one for health systems leaders, and an accelerated master's in nursing pathway for individuals with a bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field who desire a career change to nursing.. Each pathway provides career-minded students ...

  14. Nursing MSc

    Nursing at Birmingham is ranked 14th in the UK in the Complete University Guide 2023. If you do not already have a degree, ... As a student at the University of Birmingham, you will learn from world-leading academics and researchers, as well as from your peers. From the outset you will be encouraged to become an independent and self-motivated ...

  15. LPN to RN-Associate in Nursing Program

    The Associate of Science in Nursing- LPN to RN Bridge program at Herzing University - Birmingham is approved by the Alabama Board of Nursing (RSA Plaza, 770 Washington Avenue, Suite 250, Montgomery, Alabama, 36104, 334-293-5200, Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply to the State Board of Nursing ...

  16. BNurs Adult Nursing

    The University of Birmingham has been ranked in the top 100 for Nursing in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2024. 15th. ... Throughout your nursing degree you'll learn from leading experts, receiving a rich diversity of academic knowledge and experience. Our modern facilities and hands-on approach to teaching fully-equips you for ...

  17. BSN Pathway

    Interim Co-Director, BSN Pathway - Second Year. [email protected]. (205) 996-1737. The BSN Pathway is built on a traditional four-year undergraduate curriculum that provides a foundational education for clinical competence & informed judgment.

  18. School of Nursing and Allied Health

    Head of Placements and Simulation School of Nursing and Allied Health. Faculty of Arts, Society and Professional Studies. 0121 387 4584. [email protected]. Chris Jones. Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing. School of Nursing and Allied Health. 0121 387 4584. [email protected].

  19. School of Nursing and Midwifery

    Nursing and Midwifery. Whether nurses or midwives, our students are invaluable members of the frontline healthcare workforce. We are proud to produce leading practitioners and researchers, renowned for their professionalism, commitment and excellent communication skills, who are fully equipped with the skills they need to rapidly progress in ...

  20. Practical Nursing Program (LPN Prep)

    The Practical Nursing program at Herzing University - Birmingham located in Birmingham, Alabama is accredited by the: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 ǀ Atlanta, GA 30326. (404) 975-5000.

  21. Accelerated Master's in Nursing Pathway

    The Accelerated Master's in Nursing Pathway (AMNP) is an entry level nursing pathway for individuals with bachelor's degrees (or higher) in a non-nursing field who desire a career change to nursing.. The accelerated curriculum provides pre-licensure course work leading to a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree in only three semesters, admitting students every spring.

  22. Athens State's Bachelor of Science in Nursing enrollment ...

    Aug. 24—The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at Athens State University has grown by 151 students since its inception in the fall of 2021, and the head of the program said after having only ...

  23. Undergraduate courses

    Undergraduate Nursing degrees. Nursing at Birmingham provides you with the opportunity to experience nursing and healthcare in a variety of settings at the heart of one of the largest healthcare regions in the UK. You will experience inter-professional learning alongside doctors, pharmacists and physiotherapists, preparing you well for your ...

  24. Mental Health MNurs Nursing

    78% say staff value students views and opinions about the course. 52%of students say teaching staff have supported their learning well. Data for courses in Mental health nursing at University of Birmingham. 92% in work or doing further study 15 months after the course. Data for courses in Nursing and midwifery at University of Birmingham.