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The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Exercise

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  • Exercise and Mental Illness
  • Benefits of Exercise

Types of Physical Exercise

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  • Starting an Exercise Plan

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Physical exercise can play an important role in mental well-being and can even relieve symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. While the physical health benefits of exercise are frequently discussed, the link between exercise and mental health is often overlooked. Studies suggest that physical exercise may help ward off mental health problems before they start. Research also shows exercise can improve the symptoms of many existing mental illnesses .

How Mental Health Benefits From Physical Exercise

Mental health professionals sometimes prescribe exercise as part of the treatment for specific mental illnesses. Some of the potential mental health effects of exercise include:

Anxiety and Stress

Exercise decreases sensitivity to the body's reaction to anxiety. Additionally, a regular exercise program can help ease symptoms of other common co-occurring conditions, such as ​ irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) .

Exercise helps promote the growth of new neurons in key areas of the brain, including the hippocampus. Some research suggests that this may play a role in relieving symptoms of some psychiatric conditions including depression and anxiety. Animal studies have found that increased neurogenesis may play a role in calming the brain during times of stress.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Exercise may improve motor skills and executive function for children with ADHD . This seems to apply to both moderate and vigorous exercise, and exercising for a longer period of time may lead to better results.  Cardio seems to be particularly beneficial for children and adults with ADHD.

Light, moderate, and vigorous exercise have been shown to reduce the severity of depression . In fact, exercise may be as effective as other treatments for depression. It's possible that regular workouts reduce inflammation, which has a positive effect on people with this condition.

Panic Disorder

For people with panic disorder , exercise can be a proactive way to release pent-up tension and reduce feelings of fear and worry. Exercise may also decrease the intensity and frequency of panic attacks in some cases.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Physical activity may be beneficial for people with PTSD , especially those who have previously struggled with treatment and those with subthreshold PTSD . Exercise may also help PTSD symptoms like depression, anxiety, sleep issues , and cardiovascular problems.

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How Exercise Promotes Positive Well-Being

Exercise can also be used to enhance well-being in people who already feel mentally healthy. Increased physical activity has been found to enhance mood, improve energy levels, and promote quality sleep.

Verywell / Brianna GIlmartin

There are several reasons why physical activity can be good for psychological well-being :

  • Exercise decreases stress hormones . Exercise decreases stress hormones like cortisol . It also increases endorphins—your body's "feel-good" chemicals—giving your mood a natural boost.
  • Physical activity distracts you from negative thoughts and emotions . Physical activity can take your mind off of your problems and either redirect it to the activity at hand or get you into a zen-like state .
  • Exercise promotes confidence . Exercise can help you lose weight, tone your body, and maintain a healthy glow and a smile. You may feel a subtle but significant boost in your mood as your clothes look more flattering and you project an aura of increased strength.
  • Exercise can be a good source of social support . The benefits of social support are well-documented, and many physical activities can be social activities as well. So whether you join an exercise class or you play softball in a league, exercising with others can give you a double dose of stress relief.
  • Better physical health may mean better mental health . While stress can cause illness , illness can also cause stress. Improving your overall health and longevity with exercise can save you a great deal of stress in the short run (by strengthening your immunity to colds, the flu, and other minor illnesses) and the long run (by helping you stay healthier longer, and enjoy life more because of it).
  • Exercise provides a buffer against stress . Physical activity may be linked to lower physiological reactivity toward stress. Simply put, those who get more exercise may become less affected by the stress they face. So, in addition to all the other benefits, exercise may supply some immunity toward future stress as well as a way to cope with current stress.

Fortunately, there are many types of exercise that can improve mental health. From weight lifting to running, it's important to find exercises that you enjoy doing. Here are some types of exercise that can be good for mental health.

Yoga can range from gentle to challenging. The most common form of yoga (hatha yoga) involves physical poses (known as asanas), controlled breathing, and periods of meditation .

Yoga is a low-risk method for healing the body and mind. Often the positive effects can be felt after just one class.

A 2018 study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that yoga can help:  

  • Decrease physiological arousal
  • Lower heart rate
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve respiration
  • Reduce the stress response
  • Reduce depression and anxiety
  • Increase energy and feelings of well-being

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that combines meditation and rhythmic breathing in a slow series of graceful body movements and poses (also called forms). Tai Chi has been shown to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve depressed mood
  • Increase self-esteem

Aerobic Exercise

There is growing research evidence that regular aerobic exercise (such as running, cycling or swimming) is associated with better psychological health.

Although studies have focused on depression, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) , there's also some evidence to suggest a positive effect of exercise on social phobia .

Both single sessions and long-term programs of aerobic exercise have been shown to provide a positive benefit for psychological health.

Although as little as five to 10 minutes of aerobic exercise can help to improve your mood and reduce your anxiety, regular programs, lasting from 10 to 15 weeks, seem to improve one's overall mental state.

If you are just starting out with an exercise program, it's important to consult with your doctor to determine the best form of exercise and intensity level for your physical condition.

Your medical history, current medications , and diagnosed conditions can all play a role in your ability to exercise.

If you suspect you have a mental illness or you're being treated by a mental health professional, ask about how you can incorporate physical activity into your treatment.

A qualified mental health professional can make suggestions about the best strategies for treating your specific condition.

How to Start a Physical Exercise Plan

Once you have obtained your doctor’s approval and recommendations, you will want to decide on an exercise program that's right for you.

Do you want to take a class? Could it be helpful to hire a trainer at the gym? Do you prefer to go for a walk on your own time while listening to your favorite music? The key to sticking with a program is to find something that you enjoy doing.

When starting a new exercise plan, you may initially feel very motivated. This motivation to exercise can be extremely beneficial in helping you get started on your new exercise plan.

A 2017 study published in Maturitas found that between two and six hours of exercise each week is best for optimal mental health.

Here are a few tips to start and maintain your exercise plan:

  • Don’t overdo it . Be careful not to push yourself to extremes in the beginning, as this can lead to physical injury. Remember that exercise can be fun and can help improve your mood and anxiety, but it should not be causing physical issues. Take it slow in the beginning and gradually increase your workouts over time.
  • Make a commitment to your exercise plan . From stressed-out executives to frazzled stay-at-home parents, everyone is busy. Putting time aside to exercise means that you have made your health and well-being a top priority. It can take time before you notice improvements in your symptoms. For the best results, stay patient and consistent with your exercise program.
  • Know that your motivation may change at different stages of your exercise plan . It is not uncommon for your initial enthusiasm to fade over time. It can help to change your routine a little or find new exercise options altogether. For example, if you're getting bored with the treadmill at the local gym, try walking locally or joining a hiking group. These alternative options can also have the added benefit of helping you socialize while you exercise.
  • Keep experimenting . Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you. If you struggle to stick with exercise first thing in the morning, try exercising in the afternoon. Or, if you discover that you dread hitting the gym, try exercising outside. Keep experimenting until you find something that you are likely to stick to.

Press Play for Advice on Getting Motivated

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares strategies to motivate yourself to get healthy, featuring fitness trainer Jillian Michaels. Click below to listen now.

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Physical exercise may lessen feelings of anxiety and improve your resiliency against stress . Exercise is associated with less reactivity in the sympathetic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, both of which are associated with the fight-or-flight reaction . Regular physical activity may also have positive effects on the brain, like increased neurogenesis and improved neurotransmitter levels.

Aerobic (or cardio) exercise involves maintaining an increased heart rate and breathing rate for an extended period of time. This type of workout can offer immediate benefits for your mood, mental clarity, and ability to withstand stress.

You may feel an improved mood and euphoric feeling immediately after you exercise, especially if you’re engaging in moderate activity. You may also experience improved cognitive abilities, like memory, problem-solving skills, and decision-making ability, after just one session. Over time, these positive effects should continue to build, and you may notice improvements as soon as six weeks after starting regular exercise.

Mazyarkin Z, Peleg T, Golani I, Sharony L, Kremer I, Shamir A. Health benefits of a physical exercise program for inpatients with mental health; A pilot study . J Psychiatr Res . 2019;113:10-16. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2019.03.002

Aylett E, Small N, Bower P. Exercise in the treatment of clinical anxiety in general practice - a systematic review and meta-analysis . BMC Health Serv Res . 2018;18(1):559. doi:10.1186/s12913-018-3313-5

Zhou C, Zhao E, Li Y, Jia Y, Li F. Exercise therapy of patients with irritable bowel syndrome: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials . Neurogastroenterol Motil . 2019;31(2):e13461. doi:10.1111/nmo.13461

Anderson E, Shivakumar G. Effects of exercise and physical activity on anxiety .  Front Psychiatry . 2013;4:27. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00027

Schoenfeld TJ, Rada P, Pieruzzini PR, Hsueh B, Gould E. Physical exercise prevents stress-induced activation of granule neurons and enhances local inhibitory mechanisms in the dentate gyrus .  J Neurosci . 2013;33(18):7770-7777. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5352-12.2013

Vysniauske R, Verburgh L, Oosterlaan J, Molendijk ML. The effects of physical exercise on functional outcomes in the treatment of ADHD: A meta-analysis . J Atten Disord . 2020;24(5):644-654. doi:10.1177/1087054715627489

Den Heijer AE, Groen Y, Tucha L, et al. Sweat it out? The effects of physical exercise on cognition and behavior in children and adults with ADHD: A systematic literature review . J Neural Transm (Vienna) . 2017;124(Suppl 1):3-26. doi:10.1007/s00702-016-1593-7

Helgadóttir B, Hallgren M, Ekblom Ö, Forsell Y. Training fast or slow? Exercise for depression: A randomized controlled trial . Prev Med . 2016;91:123-131. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.08.011

Paolucci EM, Loukov K, Bowdish DME, Heisz JJ. Exercise reduces depression and inflammation but intensity matters . Biol Psychol . 2018;133:79-84. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2018.01.015

Mikkelsen K, Stojanovska L, Polenakovic M, Bosevski M, Apostolopoulos V. Exercise and mental health .  Maturitas . 2017;106:48-56. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2017.09.003

Oppizzi LM, Umberger R. The effect of physical activity on PTSD . Issues Ment Health Nurs . 2018;39(2):179-187. doi:10.1080/01612840.2017.1391903

Budde H, Machado S, Ribeiro P, Wegner M. The cortisol response to exercise in young adults . Front Behav Neurosci . 2015;9:13. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00013

Swift DL, Johannsen NM, Lavie CJ, Earnest CP, Church TS. The role of exercise and physical activity in weight loss and maintenance . Prog Cardiovasc Dis . 2014;56(4):441-7. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2013.09.012

American Psychological Association.  Manage stress: Strengthen your support network . Updated October 2019.

Childs E, De wit H. Regular exercise is associated with emotional resilience to acute stress in healthy adults . Front Physiol . 2014;5:161. doi:10.3389/fphys.2014.00161

Domingues RB. Modern postural yoga as a mental health promoting tool: A systematic review .  Complement Ther Clin Pract . 2018;31:248-255. doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2018.03.002

Abbott R, Lavretsky H. Tai Chi and Qigong for the treatment and prevention of mental disorders . Psychiatr Clin North Am . 2013;36(1):109-19. doi:10.1016/j.psc.2013.01.011

Basso JC, Suzuki WA. The effects of acute exercise on mood, cognition, neurophysiology, and neurochemical pathways: A review . BPL . 2017;2(2):127-152. doi:10.3233/BPL-160040

Goldin P, Ziv M, Jazaieri H, Hahn K, Gross JJ. MBSR vs aerobic exercise in social anxiety: fMRI of emotion regulation of negative self-beliefs . Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci . 2013;8(1):65-72. doi:10.1093/scan/nss054

Greer TL, Trombello JM, Rethorst CD, et al. Improvements in psychosocial functioning and health-related quality of life following exercise augmentation in patients with treatment response but non-remitted major depressive disorder: Results from the TREAD study . Depress Anxiety . 2016;33(9):870-881. doi:10.1002/da.22521

Bourne, EJ. The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook . 5th ed. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 2011.

By Katharina Star, PhD Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. 

Physical Activity Is Good for the Mind and the Body

how does physical activity benefit your mental health essay

Health and Well-Being Matter is the monthly blog of the Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Everyone has their own way to “recharge” their sense of well-being — something that makes them feel good physically, emotionally, and spiritually even if they aren’t consciously aware of it. Personally, I know that few things can improve my day as quickly as a walk around the block or even just getting up from my desk and doing some push-ups. A hike through the woods is ideal when I can make it happen. But that’s me. It’s not simply that I enjoy these activities but also that they literally make me feel better and clear my mind.

Mental health and physical health are closely connected. No kidding — what’s good for the body is often good for the mind. Knowing what you can do physically that has this effect for you will change your day and your life.

Physical activity has many well-established mental health benefits. These are published in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and include improved brain health and cognitive function (the ability to think, if you will), a reduced risk of anxiety and depression, and improved sleep and overall quality of life. Although not a cure-all, increasing physical activity directly contributes to improved mental health and better overall health and well-being.

Learning how to routinely manage stress and getting screened for depression are simply good prevention practices. Awareness is especially critical at this time of year when disruptions to healthy habits and choices can be more likely and more jarring. Shorter days and colder temperatures have a way of interrupting routines — as do the holidays, with both their joys and their stresses. When the plentiful sunshine and clear skies of temperate months give way to unpredictable weather, less daylight, and festive gatherings, it may happen unconsciously or seem natural to be distracted from being as physically active. However, that tendency is precisely why it’s so important that we are ever more mindful of our physical and emotional health — and how we can maintain both — during this time of year.

Roughly half of all people in the United States will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder at some point in their lifetime, with anxiety and anxiety disorders being the most common. Major depression, another of the most common mental health disorders, is also a leading cause of disability for middle-aged adults. Compounding all of this, mental health disorders like depression and anxiety can affect people’s ability to take part in health-promoting behaviors, including physical activity. In addition, physical health problems can contribute to mental health problems and make it harder for people to get treatment for mental health disorders.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the need to take care of our physical and emotional health to light even more so these past 2 years. Recently, the U.S. Surgeon General highlighted how the pandemic has exacerbated the mental health crisis in youth .

The good news is that even small amounts of physical activity can immediately reduce symptoms of anxiety in adults and older adults. Depression has also shown to be responsive to physical activity. Research suggests that increased physical activity, of any kind, can improve depression symptoms experienced by people across the lifespan. Engaging in regular physical activity has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing depression in children and adults.

Though the seasons and our life circumstances may change, our basic needs do not. Just as we shift from shorts to coats or fresh summer fruits and vegetables to heartier fall food choices, so too must we shift our seasonal approach to how we stay physically active. Some of that is simply adapting to conditions: bundling up for a walk, wearing the appropriate shoes, or playing in the snow with the kids instead of playing soccer in the grass.

Sometimes there’s a bit more creativity involved. Often this means finding ways to simplify activity or make it more accessible. For example, it may not be possible to get to the gym or even take a walk due to weather or any number of reasons. In those instances, other options include adding new types of movement — such as impromptu dance parties at home — or doing a few household chores (yes, it all counts as physical activity).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I built a makeshift gym in my garage as an alternative to driving back and forth to the gym several miles from home. That has not only saved me time and money but also afforded me the opportunity to get 15 to 45 minutes of muscle-strengthening physical activity in at odd times of the day.

For more ideas on how to get active — on any day — or for help finding the motivation to get started, check out this Move Your Way® video .

The point to remember is that no matter the approach, the Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (anything that gets your heart beating faster) each week and at least 2 days per week of muscle-strengthening activity (anything that makes your muscles work harder than usual). Youth need 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Preschool-aged children ages 3 to 5 years need to be active throughout the day — with adult caregivers encouraging active play — to enhance growth and development. Striving toward these goals and then continuing to get physical activity, in some shape or form, contributes to better health outcomes both immediately and over the long term.

For youth, sports offer additional avenues to more physical activity and improved mental health. Youth who participate in sports may enjoy psychosocial health benefits beyond the benefits they gain from other forms of leisure-time physical activity. Psychological health benefits include higher levels of perceived competence, confidence, and self-esteem — not to mention the benefits of team building, leadership, and resilience, which are important skills to apply on the field and throughout life. Research has also shown that youth sports participants have a reduced risk of suicide and suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Additionally, team sports participation during adolescence may lead to better mental health outcomes in adulthood (e.g., less anxiety and depression) for people exposed to adverse childhood experiences. In addition to the physical and mental health benefits, sports can be just plain fun.

Physical activity’s implications for significant positive effects on mental health and social well-being are enormous, impacting every facet of life. In fact, because of this national imperative, the presidential executive order that re-established the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition explicitly seeks to “expand national awareness of the importance of mental health as it pertains to physical fitness and nutrition.” While physical activity is not a substitute for mental health treatment when needed and it’s not the answer to certain mental health challenges, it does play a significant role in our emotional and cognitive well-being.

No matter how we choose to be active during the holiday season — or any season — every effort to move counts toward achieving recommended physical activity goals and will have positive impacts on both the mind and the body. Along with preventing diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and the additional risks associated with these comorbidities, physical activity’s positive effect on mental health is yet another important reason to be active and Move Your Way .

As for me… I think it’s time for a walk. Happy and healthy holidays, everyone!

Yours in health, Paul

Paul Reed, MD Rear Admiral, U.S. Public Health Service Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Director, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

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Exercising body & brain: the effects of physical exercise on brain health

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The relationship between physical exercise and brain health is a burgeoning field of research in neuroscience, with a pivotal impact on our understanding of cognitive well-being, mental health, and aging. Existing studies evidence the positive influences of regular physical activity on brain health, suggesting its implications on learning, memory, and mood. Despite significant advancements, comprehensive analysis incorporating broader perspectives and deeper explorations remain scarce. The objective of this Research Topic is to create an enriching platform for focused discourse on the interconnection between physical exercise and brain health. The goal is to bring together theoretical and experimental research papers that depict a comprehensive overview of recent developments, examine the mechanistic underpinnings of the exercise-brain interaction, and delve into the future potential of this promising area. We welcome contributions that explore, but are not limited to, the following themes: • Impact of various types of exercises on mental health and cognitive functions. • Role of physical activity in stress, anxiety, and mood disorders management. • The molecular and neurochemical effects of exercise on the brain. • Exercise mitigating neurodegenerative disorders and age-related cognitive decline. • Effects of physical exercise on brain development and neuroplasticity. Manuscript types desired for this topic are Original Research, Review, Systematic Review, Mini Review, Perspective, and Opinion articles. Emphasis is on rigorous and high-quality methodology, analysis, and data presentation. The Research Topic places a high priority on interdisciplinary approaches and the potential practical implications of research findings.

Keywords : yoga, physical exercise, mental health

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4 ways physical activity improves your mental health

It’s no secret that being physically active is strongly related to improved physical health resulting in reduced risk of chronic disease, weight control, and improved energy levels, to name a few. But what about the psychological benefits of movement?

From reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety to improving self-esteem, the mental health benefits of keeping our bodies active are far-reaching. These factors combined should be enough motivation to get us tying those shoe laces and hitting the pavement.

So what are the main mental health benefits of exercise and physical activity? Here is what the experts say:

  • Eases symptoms of anxiety and depression When we engage in physical activity our bodies produce neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and endorphins, which can increase positive emotions and boost our mood and energy levels. Even going for a short walk around the block can cause the release of these chemicals in our brains and can provide relief to those experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Also, engaging in exercise or physical activity can help to divert our attention away from the things causing stress in our lives, as well as decreasing muscle tension, which contributes to improved mood and energy levels. ​Stress, anxiety, and feeling sad at times are normal parts of life, especially during the current COVID-19 crisis. Physical activity can help you cope with these life stresses as you develop self-confidence through your ability to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid the things that detract from it.  
  • Improves self-esteem Self-esteem is an important aspect of our mental health. Physical activity has been shown to result in higher levels of self-esteem. People with higher levels of self-esteem are generally more emotionally stable, more resilient to stress, more motivated, and strive to accomplish goals they set. The reverse is true for people with low self-esteem.  Physical activity improves our self-esteem by way of self-efficacy – we trust ourselves to take care of our bodies and stick to our workout schedule.  
  • Improves sleep Getting a good night’s sleep has been shown to increase a person’s energy levels, boost and regulate mood, and decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Getting just 30 minutes of physical activity per day can improve our sleep. Interestingly, being physically active throughout the day can also improve our sleep by increasing our body temperature. As the day progresses into the evening our body temperature drops down within a normal range, which has been shown to elicit feelings of tiredness and promote falling asleep more easily. As the current climate has created extra stress, it is increasingly important to be getting a good night’s sleep because good sleep can aid in keeping our immune system strong. Not getting enough sleep or good quality sleep can increase cortisol (the stress hormone), which has a range of negative health consequences and can affect our mood and emotions. ​  
  • Increases social connectedness Physical activity is also a great way to increase our social connectedness and engagement with others. Going for walks with friends or family, joining a running group, or online options such as home group fitness classes and even exercising alone and sharing exercise accomplishments on apps like Strava or on social media are all great ways to stay active and engage with others. Feeling connected to others is important for our mental health and has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms of depression. Also, participating in physical activity with others can increase your motivation and help you feel supported and accountable, which in turn can help you sustain and achieve your health and fitness goals. 

What type of physical activity should I be doing, and how much is enough?

Physical activity is the blanket term for any movement resulting in an increase in energy expenditure. Physical activity can include regular daily activity such as walking your dog, gardening, or simply carrying your grocery bags from the car to the kitchen. Exercise refers to actions that are planned, structured, and repetitive for the purpose of improving your physical fitness.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a lot of our planned exercise being cancelled – gyms are closed, sport has been postponed. Our ability to follow our regular exercise routines have been compromised due to the current restrictions in place. There are many alternative ways to make sure you are getting the recommended 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity. Perhaps now is a great time to try a new form of exercise such as: yoga, jogging, hiking, or playing tennis. Take this unique opportunity to explore other available exercise options and find what works best for you as an individual.  

Above all, remember to be kind to yourself during this time. Self-compassion will not only help you remain active but can also help you deal with uncertainty. Recognising that everyone is in the same boat will help you gain better control over your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and align these with your goal of living a healthy and happy life. 

Interested in the mental health benefits of physical activity; or struggling with the motivation to get active, and stay active? You may benefit from talking to a sport psychologist. Find out more and book an appointment here. Your first session is free!

how does physical activity benefit your mental health essay

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Good for your body and mind: The psychological science connecting physical activity and overall wellbeing

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Psychological science suggests that regular physical activity is related to positive psychological and biological outcomes. As a population, there are declining rates of physical activity.  Join us for a conversation on how movement influences psychological well-being, physical health, memory, cognitive functioning, and productivity.

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The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

You already know that exercise is good for your body. But did you know it can also boost your mood, improve your sleep, and help you deal with depression, anxiety, stress, and more?

how does physical activity benefit your mental health essay

Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size. Sure, exercise can improve your physical health and your physique, trim your waistline, improve your sex life, and even add years to your life. But that’s not what motivates most people to stay active.

People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. And it’s also a powerful medicine for many common mental health challenges.

Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood. And you don’t have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits. Research indicates that modest amounts of exercise can make a real difference. No matter your age or fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to deal with mental health problems, improve your energy and outlook, and get more out of life.

Exercise and depression

Studies show that exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication—but without the side-effects, of course. As one example, a recent study done by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that running for 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour reduces the risk of major depression by 26%. In addition to relieving depression symptoms , research also shows that maintaining an exercise schedule can prevent you from relapsing.

Exercise is a powerful depression fighter for several reasons. Most importantly, it promotes all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. It also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good. Finally, exercise can also serve as a distraction, allowing you to find some quiet time to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression.

Exercise and anxiety

Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment . It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. Anything that gets you moving can help, but you’ll get a bigger benefit if you pay attention instead of zoning out.

Try to notice the sensation of your feet hitting the ground, for example, or the rhythm of your breathing, or the feeling of the wind on your skin. By adding this mindfulness element—really focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise—you’ll not only improve your physical condition faster, but you may also be able to interrupt the flow of constant worries running through your head.

Exercise and stress

Ever noticed how your body feels when you’re under stress ? Your muscles may be tense, especially in your face, neck, and shoulders, leaving you with back or neck pain, or painful headaches. You may feel a tightness in your chest, a pounding pulse, or muscle cramps. You may also experience problems such as insomnia, heartburn, stomachache, diarrhea, or frequent urination. The worry and discomfort of all these physical symptoms can in turn lead to even more stress, creating a vicious cycle between your mind and body.

Exercising is an effective way to break this cycle. As well as releasing endorphins in the brain, physical activity helps to relax the muscles and relieve tension in the body. Since the body and mind are so closely linked, when your body feels better so, too, will your mind.

Exercise and ADHD

Exercising regularly is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mood. Physical activity immediately boosts the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels—all of which affect focus and attention. In this way, exercise works in much the same way as ADHD medications such as Ritalin and Adderall.

Exercise and PTSD and trauma

Evidence suggests that by really focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise, you can actually help your nervous system become “unstuck” and begin to move out of the immobilization stress response that characterizes PTSD or trauma. Instead of allowing your mind to wander, pay close attention to the physical sensations in your joints and muscles, even your insides as your body moves. Exercises that involve cross movement and that engage both arms and legs—such as walking (especially in sand), running, swimming, weight training, or dancing—are some of your best choices.

Outdoor activities like hiking, sailing, mountain biking, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and skiing (downhill and cross-country) have also been shown to reduce the symptoms of PTSD.

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BetterHelp is an online therapy service that matches you to licensed, accredited therapists who can help with depression, anxiety, relationships, and more. Take the assessment and get matched with a therapist in as little as 48 hours.

Even if you’re not suffering from a mental health problem, regular physical activity can still offer a welcome boost to your mood, outlook, and mental well-being.

Exercise can help provide:

Sharper memory and thinking. The same endorphins that make you feel better also help you concentrate and feel mentally sharp for tasks at hand. Exercise also stimulates the growth of new brain cells and helps prevent age-related decline .

Higher self-esteem. Regular activity is an investment in your mind, body, and soul. When it becomes habit, it can foster your sense of self-worth and make you feel strong and powerful. You’ll feel better about your appearance and, by meeting even small exercise goals, you’ll feel a sense of achievement.

Better sleep. Even short bursts of exercise in the morning or afternoon can help regulate your sleep patterns . If you prefer to exercise at night, relaxing exercises such as yoga or gentle stretching can help promote sleep.

More energy. Increasing your heart rate several times a week will give you more get-up-and-go. Start off with just a few minutes of exercise per day, and increase your workout as you feel more energized.

Stronger resilience. When faced with mental or emotional challenges in life, exercise can help you build resilience and cope in a healthy way, instead of resorting to alcohol, drugs, or other negative behaviors that ultimately only make your symptoms worse. Regular exercise can also help boost your immune system and reduce the impact of stress.

You don’t need to devote hours out of your busy day to train at the gym, sweat buckets, or run mile after monotonous mile to reap all the physical and mental health benefits of exercise. Just 30-minutes of moderate exercise five times a week is enough. And even that can be broken down into two 15-minute or even three 10-minute exercise sessions if that’s easier.

Even a little bit of activity is better than nothing

If you don’t have time for 15 or 30 minutes of exercise, or if your body tells you to take a break after 5 or 10 minutes, for example, that’s okay, too. Start with 5- or 10-minute sessions and slowly increase your time. The more you exercise, the more energy you’ll have, so eventually you’ll feel ready for a little more. The key is to commit to some moderate physical activity—however little—on most days. As exercising becomes a habit, you can slowly add extra minutes or try different types of activities. If you keep at it, the benefits of exercise will begin to pay off.

You don’t have to suffer to get results

Research shows that moderate levels of exercise are best for most people . Moderate means:

  • That you breathe a little heavier than normal, but are not out of breath. For example, you should be able to chat with your walking partner, but not easily sing a song.
  • That your body feels warmer as you move, but not overheated or very sweaty.

Can’t find time to exercise during the week? Be a weekend warrior

A recent study in the United Kingdom found that people who squeeze their exercise routines into one or two sessions during the weekend experience almost as many health benefits as those who work out more often. So don’t let a busy schedule at work, home, or school be an excuse to avoid activity. Get moving whenever you can find the time—your mind and body will thank you!

Even when you know that exercise will help you feel better, taking that first step is still easier said than done. Obstacles to exercising are very real—particularly when you’re also struggling with a mental health issue.

Here are some common barriers and how you can get past them.

Feeling exhausted. When you’re tired, depressed, or stressed, it seems that working out will just make you feel worse. But the truth is that physical activity is a powerful energizer. Studies show that regular exercise can dramatically reduce fatigue and increase your energy levels. If you are really feeling tired, promise yourself a quick, 5-minute walk. Chances are, once you get moving you’ll have more energy and be able to walk for longer.

Feeling overwhelmed. When you’re stressed or depressed, the thought of adding another obligation to your busy daily schedule can seem overwhelming. Working out just doesn’t seem practical. If you have children, finding childcare while you exercise can also be a big hurdle. However, if you begin thinking of physical activity as a priority (a necessity for your mental well-being), you’ll soon find ways to fit small amounts of exercise into even the busiest schedule.

Feeling hopeless. Even if you’ve never exercised before, you can still find ways to comfortably get active. Start slow with easy, low-impact activities a few minutes each day, such as walking or dancing.

Feeling bad about yourself. Are you your own worst critic? It’s time to try a new way of thinking about your body. No matter your weight, age or fitness level, there are plenty of others in the same boat. Ask a friend to exercise with you. Accomplishing even the smallest fitness goals will help you gain body confidence and improve how you think about yourself.

Feeling pain. If you have a disability, severe weight problem, arthritis, or any injury or illness that limits your mobility, talk to your doctor about ways to safely exercise . You shouldn’t ignore pain, but rather do what you can, when you can. Divide your exercise into shorter, more frequent chunks of time if that helps, or try exercising in water to reduce joint or muscle discomfort.

Many of us find it hard enough to motivate ourselves to exercise at the best of times. But when you feel depressed, anxious, stressed or have another mental health problem, it can seem doubly difficult. This is especially true of depression and anxiety, which can leave you feeling trapped in a catch-22 situation. You know exercise will make you feel better, but depression has robbed you of the energy and motivation you need to work out, or your social anxiety means you can’t bear the thought of being seen at an exercise class or running through the park.

Start small. When you’re under the cloud of anxiety or depression and haven’t exercised for a long time, setting extravagant goals like completing a marathon or working out for an hour every morning will only leave you more despondent if you fall short. Better to set achievable goals and build up from there.

Schedule workouts when your energy is highest. Perhaps you have most energy first thing in the morning before work or school or at lunchtime before the mid-afternoon lull hits? Or maybe you do better exercising for longer at the weekends. If depression or anxiety has you feeling tired and unmotivated all day long, try dancing to some music or simply going for a walk. Even a short, 15-minute walk can help clear your mind, improve your mood, and boost your energy level. As you move and start to feel a little better, you’ll often boost your energy enough to exercise more vigorously—by walking further, breaking into a run, or adding a bike ride, for example.

Focus on activities you enjoy. Any activity that gets you moving counts. That could include throwing a Frisbee with a dog or friend, walking laps of a mall window shopping, or cycling to the grocery store. If you’ve never exercised before or don’t know what you might enjoy, try a few different things. Activities such as gardening or tackling a home improvement project can be great ways to start moving more when you have a mood disorder—as well as helping you become more active, they can also leave you with a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Be comfortable. Wear clothing that’s comfortable and choose a setting that you find calming or energizing. That may be a quiet corner of your home, a scenic path, or your favorite city park.

Reward yourself. Part of the reward of completing an activity is how much better you’ll feel afterwards, but it always helps your motivation to promise yourself an extra treat for exercising. Reward yourself with a hot bubble bath after a workout, a delicious smoothie, or with an extra episode of your favorite TV show, for example.

Make exercise a social activity. Exercising with a friend or loved one, or even your kids, will not only make exercising more fun and enjoyable, it can also help motivate you to stick to a workout routine. You’ll also feel better than if you were exercising alone. In fact, when you’re suffering from a mood disorder such as depression, the companionship can be just as important as the exercise.

Easy ways to move more that don’t involve the gym

Don’t have a 30-minute block of time to dedicate to yoga or a bike ride? Don’t worry. Think about physical activity as a lifestyle rather than just a single task to check off your to-do list. Look at your daily routine and consider ways to sneak in activity here, there, and everywhere.

Move in and around your home. Clean the house, wash the car, tend to the yard and garden, mow the lawn with a push mower, sweep the sidewalk or patio with a broom.

Sneak activity in at work or on the go. Bike or walk to an appointment rather than drive, use stairs instead of elevators, briskly walk to the bus stop then get off one stop early, park at the back of the lot and walk into the store or office, or take a vigorous walk during your coffee break.

Get active with the family. Jog around the soccer field during your kid’s practice, make a neighborhood bike ride part of your weekend routine, play tag with your children in the yard, go canoeing at a lake, walk the dog in a new place.

Get creative with exercise ideas. Pick fruit at an orchard, boogie to music, go to the beach or take a hike, gently stretch while watching television, organize an office bowling team, take a class in martial arts, dance, or yoga.

Make exercise a fun part of your everyday life

You don’t have to spend hours in a gym or force yourself into long, monotonous workouts to experience the many benefits of exercise. These tips can help you find activities you enjoy and start to feel better, look better, and get more out of life.

More Information

  • Greer, T. L., Trombello, J. M., Rethorst, C. D., Carmody, T. J., Jha, M. K., Liao, A., Grannemann, B. D., Chambliss, H. O., Church, T. S., & Trivedi, M. H. (2016). Improvements in psychosocial functioning and health-related quality of life following exercise augmentation in patients with treatment response but non-remitted major depressive disorder: Results from the TREAD study. Depression and Anxiety, 33(9), 870–881. Link
  • Kandola, A., Vancampfort, D., Herring, M., Rebar, A., Hallgren, M., Firth, J., & Stubbs, B. (2018). Moving to Beat Anxiety: Epidemiology and Therapeutic Issues with Physical Activity for Anxiety. Current Psychiatry Reports, 20(8), 63. Link
  • Aylett, E., Small, N., & Bower, P. (2018). Exercise in the treatment of clinical anxiety in general practice – a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 559. Link
  • Stubbs, B., Vancampfort, D., Rosenbaum, S., Firth, J., Cosco, T., Veronese, N., Salum, G. A., & Schuch, F. B. (2017). An examination of the anxiolytic effects of exercise for people with anxiety and stress-related disorders: A meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research, 249, 102–108. Link
  • Kandola, A. A., Osborn, D. P. J., Stubbs, B., Choi, K. W., & Hayes, J. F. (2020). Individual and combined associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and grip strength with common mental disorders: A prospective cohort study in the UK Biobank. BMC Medicine, 18(1), 303. Link

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Depression and anxiety: exercise eases symptoms.

Depression and anxiety symptoms often improve with exercise. Here are some realistic tips to help you get started and stay motivated.

When you have depression or anxiety, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get started and keep going, exercise can make a big difference.

Exercise helps prevent and improve many health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis. Research on depression, anxiety and exercise shows that the mental health and physical benefits of exercise also can help mood get better and lessen anxiety.

The links between depression, anxiety and exercise aren't entirely clear. But working out and other forms of physical activity can ease symptoms of depression or anxiety and make you feel better. Exercise also may help keep depression and anxiety from coming back once you're feeling better.

How does exercise help depression and anxiety?

Regular exercise may help ease depression and anxiety by:

  • Releasing feel-good endorphins. Endorphins are natural brain chemicals that can improve your sense of well-being.
  • Taking your mind off worries. Thinking about something else instead of worrying can get you away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression and anxiety.

Regular exercise has many mental health and emotional benefits too. It can help you:

  • Gain confidence. Meeting exercise goals or challenges, even small ones, can boost your self-confidence. Getting in shape also can make you feel better about how you look.
  • Get more social interaction. Exercise and physical activity may give you the chance to meet or socialize with others. Just sharing a friendly smile or greeting as you walk around your neighborhood can help your mood.
  • Cope in a healthy way. Doing something positive to manage depression or anxiety is a healthy coping strategy. Trying to feel better by drinking alcohol, dwelling on how you feel, or hoping depression or anxiety will go away on its own can lead to worsening symptoms.

Is a structured exercise program the only option?

Some research shows that physical activity such as regular walking — not just formal exercise programs — may help mood improve. Physical activity and exercise are not the same thing, but both are good for your health.

  • Physical activity is any activity that works your muscles and requires energy. Physical activity can include work or household or leisure activities.
  • Exercise is a planned, structured and repetitive body movement. Exercise can help people get physically fit or to stay fit.

The word "exercise" may make you think of running laps around the gym. But exercise includes a wide range of activities that boost your activity level to help you feel better.

Certainly running, lifting weights, playing basketball and other fitness activities that get your heart pumping can help. But so can physical activity such as gardening, washing your car, walking around the block or doing other less intense activities. Any physical activity that gets you off the couch and moving can boost your mood.

You don't have to do all your exercise or other physical activity at one time. Broaden how you think of exercise. Find ways to add small amounts of physical activity throughout your day. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a little farther away from work to fit in a short walk. Or if you live close to your job, consider biking to work.

How much is enough?

For most healthy adults, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services exercise guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week. Or get at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week. You also can get an equal mix of the two types.

Aim to exercise most days of the week. But even small amounts of physical activity can be helpful. Being active for short periods of time, such as 10 to 15 minutes at a time, throughout the day can add up and have health benefits.

Regular exercise may improve depression or anxiety symptoms enough to make a big difference. That big difference can help kick-start further improvements. The mental health benefits of exercise and physical activity may last only if you stick with them over the long term. That's another good reason to find activities that you enjoy.

How do I get started — and stay with it?

Starting and sticking with an exercise routine or regular physical activity can be a challenge. These steps can help:

  • Find what you enjoy doing. Figure out what type of physical activities you're most likely to do. Then think about when and how you'd be most likely to follow through. For example, would you be more likely to do some gardening in the evening, start your day with a jog, or go for a bike ride or play basketball with your children after school? Doing what you enjoy can help you stick with it.
  • Get your healthcare professional's support. Talk to your healthcare professional or mental health professional for suggestions and support. Talk about an exercise program or physical activity routine and how it fits into your overall treatment plan.
  • Set reasonable goals. Your mission doesn't have to be walking for an hour five days a week. Think realistically about what you may be able to do. Then begin slowly and build up over time. Make your plan fit your own needs and abilities rather than setting goals that you're not likely to meet.
  • Don't think of exercise or physical activity as a chore. If exercise is just another "should" in your life that you don't think you're living up to, you'll think of it as a failure. Instead, look at your exercise or physical activity schedule the same way you look at your therapy sessions or medicine — as one of the tools to help you get better.
  • Think about what keeps you from being successful. Figure out what's stopping you from being physically active or exercising. If you think about what's stopping you, you can probably find a solution. For example, if you feel self-conscious, you may want to exercise at home. If you stick to goals better with a partner, find a friend to work out with or who enjoys the same physical activities that you do. If you don't have money to spend on exercise gear, do something that's cost-free, such as regular walking.
  • Prepare for setbacks and obstacles. Give yourself credit for every step in the right direction, no matter how small. If you skip exercise one day, that doesn't mean you can't keep up an exercise routine and might as well quit. Just try again the next day. Stick with it.

Do I need to see my healthcare professional?

Check with your doctor or other healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program to make sure it's safe for you. Talk about which activities, how much exercise and what intensity level is OK for you. Your healthcare professional can consider any medicines you take and your health conditions. You also can get helpful advice about getting started and staying on track.

If you exercise regularly but depression or anxiety symptoms still affect your daily living, see your healthcare professional or mental health professional. Exercise and physical activity are great ways to ease symptoms of depression or anxiety, but they don't replace talk therapy, sometimes called psychotherapy, or medicines.

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  • Benefits of physical activity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/pa-health/index.htm. Accessed Nov. 6, 2023.
  • Bystritsky A. Complementary and alternative treatments for anxiety symptoms and disorders: Physical, cognitive, and spiritual interventions. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Nov. 6, 2023.
  • Smith PJ, et al. The role of exercise in management of mental health disorders: An integrative review. Annual Review of Medicine. 2021; doi:10.1146/annurev-med-060619-022943.
  • Izquierdo M, et al. International exercise recommendations in older adults (ICFSR): Expert consensus guidelines. Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging. 2021; doi:10.1007/s12603-021-1665-8.
  • Getting started — Tips for long-term exercise success. American Heart Association. https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/getting-active/getting-started---tips-for-long-term-exercise-success. Accessed Nov. 6, 2023.
  • Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 2nd ed. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://health.gov/our-work/physical-activity/current-guidelines. Accessed Nov. 6, 2023.
  • AskMayoExpert. Physical activity (adult). Mayo Clinic; 2021.
  • Tips for starting physical activity. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/tips-get-active/tips-starting-physical-activity. Accessed Nov. 5, 2023.
  • Roake J, et al. Sitting time, type, and context among long-term weight-loss maintainers. Obesity. 2021; doi:10.1002/oby.23148.
  • Laskowski ER (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. June 16, 2021.
  • Correia EM, et al. Analysis of the effect of different physical exercise protocols on depression in adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sports Health. 2023; doi:10.1177/19417381231210286.
  • Kung S (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. Dec. 9, 2023.

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Benefits of Sports for Mental Health

how does physical activity benefit your mental health essay

Sports boost your overall health and offer other benefits. You might enjoy playing sports because you can spend time with your friends. Or maybe you like sports because they keep you fit. Sports benefit your mental health too. Playing them makes you happier or less stressed. 

Sports calm your mind, strengthen your muscles, and improve your overall well-being. It’s easy to start playing sports and receiving these benefits in your life. 

How Sports Help Your Mental Health

We all know that sports are great for your physical health. But sports also have many psychological benefits.

Help moderate stress. About 75% to 90% of doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Sports help you manage stress. Exercise causes your body to release endorphins , the chemicals in your brain that relieve pain and stress. It also reduces the levels of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline .

Studies have shown that 20 to 30 minutes of exercise each day can make people feel calmer. This calmness continues several hours after exercise.

Improve your mood. Playing a sport such as golf or skiing forces you to put aside your worries and concentrate on the task at hand. This helps you clear your mind and calm down. It also helps you sleep better. 

Produce long-term mental health effects. Participation in sports can have long-term effects on your mental health. Researchers studied 9,688 children who had bad childhood experiences , such as physical and sexual abuse, or emotional neglect. They found that those children who took part in team sports had better mental well-being when they were adults.

Boost mental health with team sports. Taking part in sports in a group has a greater impact on mental health than individual sports. Researchers in Australia found that women who played tennis and netball in clubs had better mental health than those who exercised alone, like walking or working out at the gym. There were no differences in physical health between the two groups.

A study of teenage athletes found that those who played individual sports more likely reported experiencing anxiety and depression . This may be because those in team sports often play for fun. Individual sports don’t require another person to compete together and may make the athlete experience more stress than enjoyment. 

Help fight addiction . A study of Norwegian teenagers found that those who played in team sports were less likely to smoke cigarettes and use cannabis as adults. 

Researchers in Korea recommended the use of sports to help teens combat internet addiction.

Help with depression. Sports help treat depression. Studies show that exercise improves symptoms of depression and reduces the risk of relapse. Exercise was found to be as effective as standard antidepressant treatment in one study, with modest amounts of exercise helping to improve depression.

Improve serious mental disorders. Exercise can help if you have a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia . It improves some symptoms of schizophrenia, including loss of motivation and thinking difficulties, but is less effective with other symptoms like hallucinations .

Negative Effects of Sports for Mental Health

While sports provide many benefits, they can have negative effects on the mental health of more advanced athletes, especially elite athletes. Elite athletes play at varsity, regional, national, or professional levels. 

Stress. While sports relieve stress, sometimes they create it. Parents or coaches may push children too hard. Older athletes may place pressure on themselves to perform well. This leads to burnout , which is when an athlete’s performance worsens despite intense training.

Depression. Many high-profile athletes struggle with mental health issues. Researchers say certain factors may increase the risk of depression among athletes. These include injury, retirement from the sport, and performance expectations. It’s also possible that there may be underreporting of depression among athletes.

Eating disorders . Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are a problem in sports. This is especially so in sports where weight affects performance, such as long-distance running, gymnastics, and ski jumping. Elite athletes may feel pressured to have the ideal body type for their sport or may fear going over their weight class in their sport. 

A study of Norwegian athletes found that 13.5% of elite athletes had eating disorders compared to 4.6% of those in the general population.

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Real-Life Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity

On this page:

Why is physical activity important?

Emotional benefits of exercise.

Exercise and physical activity are good for just about everyone, including older adults. No matter your health and physical abilities, you can gain a lot by staying active. In fact, studies show that “taking it easy” is risky. Often, inactivity is more to blame than age when older people lose the ability to do things on their own. Lack of physical activity also can lead to more visits to the doctor, more hospitalizations, and more use of medicines for a variety of illnesses.

Including all 4 types of exercise can benefit a wide range of areas of your life. Staying active can help you:

Four Types of Exercise infographic. Click to open infographic webpage.

  • Keep and improve your strength so you can stay independent
  • Have more energy to do the things you want to do and reduce fatigue
  • Improve your balance and lower risk of falls and injuries from falls
  • Manage and prevent some diseases like arthritis, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and 8 types of cancer, including breast and colon cancer
  • Sleep better at home
  • Reduce levels of stress and anxiety
  • Reach or maintain a healthy weight and reduce risk of excessive weight gain
  • Control your blood pressure
  • Possibly improve or maintain some aspects of cognitive function , such as your ability to shift quickly between tasks or plan an activity
  • Perk up your mood and reduce feelings of depression

Infographic, Tips To boost Your Health As You Age. Click link for full infographic

Research has shown that exercise is not only good for your physical health, it also supports emotional and mental health. You can exercise with a friend and get the added benefit of emotional support. So, next time you’re feeling down, anxious, or stressed, try to get up and start moving!

Physical activity can help:

  • Reduce feelings of depression and stress, while improving your mood and overall emotional well-being
  • Increase your energy level
  • Improve sleep
  • Empower you to feel more in control

In addition, exercise and physical activity may possibly improve or maintain some aspects of cognitive function , such as your ability to shift quickly between tasks, plan an activity, and ignore irrelevant information.

The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity infographic. Click to open webpage

Here are some exercise ideas to help you lift your mood:

  • Walking, bicycling, or dancing. Endurance activities increase your breathing, get your heart pumping, and boost chemicals in your body that may improve mood.
  • Yoga. This mind and body practice typically combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation.
  • Tai Chi. This "moving meditation" involves shifting the body slowly, gently, and precisely, while breathing deeply.
  • Activities you enjoy. Whether it’s gardening, playing tennis, kicking around a soccer ball with your grandchildren, or something else, choose an activity you want to do, not one you have to do.

You may also be interested in

  • Finding tips to help stay motivated to exercise
  • Exploring safety tips for exercising outdoors
  • Reading about the four types of exercise

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This content is provided by the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA). NIA scientists and other experts review this content to ensure it is accurate and up to date.

Content reviewed: April 3, 2020


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How sport can have a positive impact on mental and physical health

It’s not always easy to start a workout, but research shows that sport and exercise are beneficial not only for your physical health, but your mental well-being, too. Let us help!

Olympic Flame passes iconic London landmarks on penultimate day of Olympic Torch Relay

Health experts and Olympic athletes agree: Your mental and physical health benefit when you get active and participate in sport – whatever that means for you.

From daily exercise to choosing a sport to practice or play, the body and mind are worked in new and different ways each time you move your body.

On June 23rd every year we come together to celebrate that, as part of Olympic Day.

For the 2020 edition, we connected with Olympians around the world for Olympic Day 2020 at-home workouts – and a reminder: We’re stronger together, especially when we stay active!

And those are still available online to help inspire you today.

Sport benefits: Both the physical and mental

While the physical benefits are numerous (more on that below), the UK's National Health Service (NHS) report that people who take part in regular physical activity have up to a 30 percent lower risk of depression.

Additionally, exercise can help lower anxiety, reduce the risk of illness and increase energy levels. Want better sleep? Work up a good sweat!

Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and sleep for longer, research says.

It was in June 2020 that the IOC partnered with the World Health Organization and United Nations to promote the #HEALTHYTogether campaign , which highlights the benefits of physical activity in the face of the pandemic.

Over 50 at-home workouts are searchable across Olympics.com for you, each which help further the idea that moving and challenging the body can only prove beneficial for your physical and mental well-being.

The athletes' perspective: 'I used this strength to survive'

“If I had sat doing nothing, I would have gone crazy,” says Syria's Sanda Aldass , who fled the trauma of civil war in her country, leaving behind her husband and infant child.

Instead, she had judo - and has been selected for the IOC Refugee Olympic Team Tokyo 2020 for the Games in 2021.

“Running around and doing some exercises filled up my time and also kept me in good mental health,” Sanda said of the impact of sport on her life during nine months spent in a refugee camp in the Netherlands in 2015.

The same power of sport goes for Iranian taekwondo athlete Ali Noghandoost.

"When I had to leave my family and my home in Iran, the first things I packed in my bag were my belt, my dobok, my shoes and my mitt for taekwondo," Noghandoost said . "I took some documents that said I was a champion in Iran and in a national team, so I could prove I was a fighter and continue to train in any city I went to."

"Taekwondo did not only help me physically; mentally, it stopped me from thinking about giving up and that we wouldn’t make it. I used this strength to survive," he added.

Noghandoost has worked as a coach for refugees in Croatia, where he has tried to pass the power of sport on to the next generation.

"When you’re living in a refugee camp, it’s a really hard situation, but when you play sport, you can release any negative energy and feel free. It’s a space – a paradise – for them to be themselves."

A member of the IOC Refugee Olympic Team Rio 2016, Yiech Pur Biel says that the team provided a message of hope for those watching around the world.

"We were ambassadors for a message of hope, that anything is possible," Biel said . "A good thing had come out of our situations. The world understood. I am called a refugee, but you never know when someone else might become a refugee, through war or persecution. We wanted to show that we responded positively. So that made me very happy. Through sport, we can unite and make the world better."

Sport as a tool for much - including mental health

Sport is a powerful tool no matter from what angle you look at it, including mental health. The Olympic Refugee Foundation (ORF) has recently launched two different programs that are aimed at helping young refugees dream of a brighter future - through sport.

One of those programs, Game Connect, is a three-year initiative that was launched in August 2020 and aims to "improve the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of young refugees by improving their access to safe sport," as explained on Olympics.com last year.

We are "embarking on a three-year project to improve the psychosocial wellbeing and mental health of young refugees, working together with well-trained community-based coaches to deliver a Sport for Protection program and activities," explained Karen Mukiibi of Youth Sport Uganda, which has partnered with the ORF.

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Exercise and mental health

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  • Exercise can benefit your mental health as well as your physical health.
  • Exercising regularly can reduce stress, help you sleep better, and aid recovery from mental illness.
  • If you are new to exercising, start slow in a setting where you feel comfortable.
  • Exercise has many benefits, not only for your physical health but also your mental health.
  • If you are new to exercise, you can start slowly and choose something you enjoy.

What are the physical health benefits of exercise?

Exercise has many benefits for your physical health. Physical activity helps reduce your risk of illnesses, such as:

  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure

Exercise can help people with illnesses and conditions such as:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Parkinson's disease

Physical activity can also help you maintain a healthy weight and improve your overall health. Different exercises can help you:

  • lose weight if you need to
  • build muscle mass and strength

Exercise can also boost your self-esteem .

What are the mental health benefits of exercise?

If you exercise regularly, it can help:

  • reduce stress
  • boost your memory
  • reduce symptoms of mental health conditions like depression , anxiety or schizophrenia
  • help with recovery from mental health issues

Exercise can also help reduce any feelings of loneliness and isolation, as it can create opportunities to:

  • get outside be social and interact with other people

Exercise can also improve your sleep . A good rest is important in both your physical and mental health, to:

  • improve your concentration
  • give you more energy

Daily actions to improve your mental health

Research from MindSpot has shown that regularly performing five simple daily actions can improve your mental health.

How does exercise help my mental health?

Exercise causes your brain to release 'feel good' chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that help improve your mood.

It also improves your fitness, which can help lift your mood.

Doing physical activity can also distract you from negative thought patterns.

How much exercise do I need?

Australian guidelines recommend adults do at least 30 minutes of moderate to intensive physical activity on most or all days of the week.

Combine your exercise routine with a healthy diet and other healthy lifestyle habits.

While you exercise, you can also:

  • practice steady breathing for self-awareness
  • focus on keeping a good posture

How do I start exercising?

When starting to exercise , it's important to stay within your limits. If you are not usually active, start with simple activities like:

  • going to the shops
  • household chores

At your own pace, try to build up to doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day, such as:

  • bike riding

If you have a pedometer or smart watch, you can also monitor your steps and set walking goals. At first, aim for around 1,000 steps a day. Eventually, try to aim for 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day.

You don't need to visit a gym to exercise. You can start exercising in a comfortable environment to build your confidence. You can exercise:

  • alone, with people you know, or with a class or group

Consider ways you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine and lifestyle.

When starting exercise, pick something you enjoy. You can use your friends or family as motivators to keep you on track.

  • Enjoy the benefits of owning a pet — if you own a dog, make the most of your local area for their walks. You could walk in a park or by a beach if they are nearby.
  • If you enjoy dancing, try a creative dance movement class.
  • If you enjoy art, visit a museum or gallery.

How do I overcome obstacles to exercising?

When starting exercise you may experience some barriers, but they can be overcome

Motivation and energy

Mental health issues can be tiring. You may struggle with motivation for exercise. To overcome this, you can:

  • start slow and set small goals
  • reward yourself for exercising
  • try social exercise
  • remind yourself that exercise will help you rest better and feel less tired

You may think that exercising is too costly. Gym memberships and home exercise equipment can be expensive. There are other, more affordable ways to exercise.

  • Local community centres often have affordable exercise groups.
  • See if your community has a free, local running group.
  • Go for a walk around your block.
  • Explore online exercise classes and exercise apps.

Anxiety or feeling intimidated

You might feel uncomfortable exercising in a public place or joining a group exercise class. This is perfectly normal. To feel more comfortable and build your confidence, you can try:

  • taking a friend with you to an exercise class
  • exercising in comfortable clothes
  • downloading an app to exercise in your own home

If you are short on time, there are things you can try to fit exercise into your routine.

  • Break exercise into small chunks. Instead of doing 30 minutes in one go, do three lots of 10 minutes in a day.
  • Try to wake up earlier.
  • Try to walk around on your lunch break.

Physical limitations

You may have physical obstacles such as an injury or disability that makes it difficult to exercise. You may benefit from seeing a health professional such as a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist to help you recover.

They can suggest exercise options suitable for you, and help you plan activities.

Resources and support

For advice and to get connected to local mental health services, you can call Head to Health on 1800 595 212. Check the operating times .

  • The Black Dog Institute has information on depression and benefits of exercise .
  • Headspace has information and interactive resources to help you stay active .
  • Beyond Blue has tips for getting active , as well as a template to help you plan exercise.
  • SANE Australia has information on ways to look after your physical health , including physical activity.
  • Jean Hailes has a weekly activity diary and a list of activities to start with. They also have tips on how to implement an exercise program .
  • SA Health has information on the beneficial effects of walking on mood .

If you need more information and support, visit Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (MIFA) for:

  • online programs

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Last reviewed: March 2023

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  • Does exercise reduce anxiety and depression?
  • Group exercise for beginners
  • How to start exercising
  • Physical activity guidelines for older people
  • Running tips for beginners
  • Safe exercise for children
  • Strength training for beginners

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Physical Activity and Sports—Real Health Benefits: A Review with Insight into the Public Health of Sweden

Christer malm.

1 Sports Medicine Unit, Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå, Sweden; [email protected]

Johan Jakobsson

Andreas isaksson.

2 Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Solna, Sweden; [email protected]

Positive effects from sports are achieved primarily through physical activity, but secondary effects bring health benefits such as psychosocial and personal development and less alcohol consumption. Negative effects, such as the risk of failure, injuries, eating disorders, and burnout, are also apparent. Because physical activity is increasingly conducted in an organized manner, sport’s role in society has become increasingly important over the years, not only for the individual but also for public health. In this paper, we intend to describe sport’s physiological and psychosocial health benefits, stemming both from physical activity and from sport participation per se. This narrative review summarizes research and presents health-related data from Swedish authorities. It is discussed that our daily lives are becoming less physically active, while organized exercise and training increases. Average energy intake is increasing, creating an energy surplus, and thus, we are seeing an increasing number of people who are overweight, which is a strong contributor to health problems. Physical activity and exercise have significant positive effects in preventing or alleviating mental illness, including depressive symptoms and anxiety- or stress-related disease. In conclusion, sports can be evolving, if personal capacities, social situation, and biological and psychological maturation are taken into account. Evidence suggests a dose–response relationship such that being active, even to a modest level, is superior to being inactive or sedentary. Recommendations for healthy sports are summarized.

1. Introduction

Sport is a double-edged sword regarding effects on health. Positive effects are achieved primarily through physical activity, which is the main part of most sports. Many secondary effects of sport also bring health benefits, such as psychosocial development of both young [ 1 ] and old [ 2 ], personal development [ 3 ], later onset, and less consumption of alcohol [ 4 , 5 ]. Finally, those who play sports have a higher level of physical activity later in life [ 6 ], and through sport, knowledge of nutrition, exercise, and health can be developed [ 7 ]. Negative effects include the risk of failure leading to poor mental health [ 8 , 9 ], risk of injury [ 10 , 11 ], eating disorders [ 12 ], burnout [ 13 ], and exercise-induced gastrointestinal tract discomfort [ 14 ]. In sport, there are unfortunately also reports of physical and psychological abuse [ 15 ]. Negative aspects are more common in elite-level sports, where there is a fine balance between maximum performance and negative health. A somewhat unexpected effect of sport participation is that people submitting to planned training in some cases perform less physical activity compared to those who are exercising without a set schedule. One explanation can be a reduced spontaneous physical activity in the latter group [ 16 ]. Because physical activity is increasingly executed in an organized manner [ 17 , 18 , 19 ], sport’s role in society has become increasingly important over the years, not only for the individual but also for public health.

In this paper, we describe the health effects of sport from a physiological and psychological perspective, related both to physical activity and added values of sport per se. Initially, brief definitions of various concepts related to physical activity and health are given. This is then followed by: (1) A brief description of how physical activity and training affect our body from a physiological perspective; (2) a report on the health effects of physical activity and training; and (3) sport’s specific influences on the various dimensions of health. We chose to discuss the subject from an age-related perspective, separating children/adolescents, adults, and the elderly, as well as separating for sex in each age group.

2. Definitions of Physical Activity, Exercise, Training, Sport, and Health

Definitions and terms are based on “Physical activity in the prevention and treatment of disease” (FYSS, www.fyss.se [Swedish] [ 20 ]), World Health Organization (WHO) [ 21 ] and the US Department of Human Services [ 22 ]. The definition of physical activity in FYSS is: “Physical activity is defined purely physiologically, as all body movement that increases energy use beyond resting levels”. Health is defined according to the World Health Organization (WHO) as: “[…] a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” [ 21 ].

Physical activity can occur spontaneously (leisure/work/transport) or organized and be divided according to purpose: Physical exercise is aimed primarily at improving health and physical capacity. Physical training is aimed primarily at increasing the individual’s maximum physical capacity and performance [ 23 ]. Physical inactivity is described as the absence of body movement, when energy consumption approximates resting levels. People who do not meet recommendations for physical activity are considered physically inactive and are sometimes called “sedentary”. Sport can be organized by age, sex, level of ambition, weight or other groupings [ 24 ]. Sport can also be spontaneous [ 7 , 17 ] and defined as a subset of exercises undertaken individually or as a part of a team, where participants have a defined goal [ 7 ]. General recommendations for physical activity are found in Table 1 , not considering everyday activities. One can meet the daily recommendations for physical activity by brief, high-intensity exercise, and remaining physically inactive for the rest of the day, thereby creating a “polarization” of physical activity: Having a high dose of conscious physical training, despite having a low energy expenditure in normal life due to high volumes of sedentary time. Polarization of physical activity may lead to increased risk of poor health despite meeting the recommendations for physical activity [ 25 , 26 , 27 ]. During most of our lives, energy expenditure is greater in normal daily life than in sport, physical training, and exercise, with the exceptions of children and the elderly, where planned physical activity is more important [ 28 ].

Recommendations regarding physical activity for different target groups. Note that additional health effects can be achieved if, in addition to these recommendations, the amount of physical activity increases, either by increasing the intensity or duration or a combination of both.

Target GroupRecommendationsPurpose

All children and adolescents are recommended at least 60 minutes daily physical activity. Longer is better.
The physical activity should be primarily of aerobic nature and the intensity moderate (easy/medium pulse increase) to high (marked pulse increase).
Aerobic physical activity at high intensity at least 3 times a week.
Muscle-strengthening physical activity 3 times a week.
Weight-bearing activity, such as running and jumping, is positive for bone mineral density.
The physical activity level will gradually be adapted to the individual’s biological and psychosocial maturation.
Development of muscles and skeletal and nervous system.
Maintain a healthy weight and a good mental health.
Social development, integration, good self-esteem, and self-confidence.
Enhanced learning ability.
Recommendations are universal, but for individuals with illness, there may be special recommendations.

All adults from 18 years of age and above are recommended to be aerobically physically active at least 150 minutes a week at a moderate intensity (medium pulse increase), or at least 75 minutes per week at vigorous intensity (marked pulse increase).
The activities should be distributed over at least three separate days.
Muscle-strengthening physical activity at least twice a week should be performed.
Improvements in aerobic work capacity and muscle strength.
Recommendations are universal, but for individuals with illness, there may be special recommendations.
Profits from carrying out the activity are lower risk of disease, such as disturbed metabolism and certain cancers and bone fractures.

Same recommendations as adults.
Muscle strengthening exercises should be performed at a high velocity, if possible.
Balance training should be incorporated prior to aerobic and muscle strengthening training.
Individuals with impaired ability should perform as much exercise as possible.
Improvements in aerobic work capacity, muscle strength, and balance.
Recommendations are universal, but for individuals with illness, there may be special recommendations.
Medical advice may be required before exercise commences. Benefits of carrying out the activity are the same as for adults, and better functional health and independence.

Compiled from FYSS 2017 ( www.fyss.se ) and WHO 2017 ( www.who.int ).

3. Aerobic and Muscle-Strengthening Physical Activity

Physical activity is categorized according to FYSS as: (1) Aerobic physical activity and (2) muscle-strengthening physical activity. Physical activity in everyday life and exercise training is mainly an aerobic activity, where a majority of energy production occurs via oxygen-dependent pathways. Aerobic physical activity is the type of activity typically associated with stamina, fitness, and the biggest health benefits [ 29 , 30 , 31 ]. Muscle-strengthening physical activity is referred to in everyday language as “strength training” or “resistance training” and is a form of physical exercise/training that is primarily intended to maintain or improve various forms of muscle strength and increase or maintain muscle mass [ 32 ]. Sometimes, another category is defined: Muscle-enhancing physical activity, important for maintenance or improvement of coordination and balance, especially in the elderly [ 33 ]. According to these definitions, muscle-strengthening activities primarily involve the body’s anaerobic (without oxygen) energy systems, proportionally more as intensity increases.

Exercise intensity can be expressed in absolute or relative terms. Absolute intensity means the physical work (for example; Watts [W], kg, or metabolic equivalent [MET]), while relative intensity is measured against the person’s maximum capacity or physiology (for example; percentage of maximum heart rate (%HR), rate of perceived exhaustion (RPE), W·kg −1 or relative oxygen uptake in L·min −1 ·kg −1 (VO 2 )). In terms of recommendations to the public, as in Table 1 , the intensity is often described in subjective terms (“makes you breathe harder” for moderate intensity, and “makes you puff and pant” for vigorous intensity) [ 27 ]. While objective criteria such as heart rate and accelerometry will capture the intensity of activity, they may not distinguish between different types of physical activity behaviors [ 34 ]. FYSS defines low intensity as 20%–39% of VO 2 max, <40 %HR, 1.5–2.9 METs; moderate intensity as 40%–59% of VO 2 max, 60–74 %HR, 3.0–5.9 METs, and vigorous intensity as 60%–89% of VO 2 max, 75–94 %HR, 6.0–8.9 METs. Absolute intensity, however, can vary greatly between individuals where a patient with heart disease may have a maximal capacity of <3 MET, and an elite athlete >20 MET [ 35 ].

4. How does the Body Adapt to Physical Activity and Training?

Adaption to physical activity and training is a complex physiological process, but may, in the context of this paper, be simplified by a fundamental basic principle:” The general adaptation syndrome (GAS)” [ 36 , 37 , 38 ]. This principle assumes that physical activity disturbs the body’s physiological balance, which the body then seeks to restore, all in a dose-related response relationship. The overload principle states that if exercise intensity is too low, overload is not reached to induce desired physiological adaptations, whereas an intensity too high will result in fatigue and possibly overtraining. Thus, for adaptation to occur, greater than normal stress must be induced, interspersed with sufficient recovery periods for restoration of physiological balance [ 39 ]. During and immediately after physical exercise/training, functions of affected tissues and systems are impaired, manifested as temporarily decreased performance. You feel tired. In order to gradually improve performance capacity, repeated cycles of adequate overload and recovery are required [ 40 ]. In practice, positive effects can be seen after a relatively short period of a few weeks, but more substantial improvements if the training is maintained for a longer period.

As a rule of thumb, it is assumed that all people can adapt to physical activity and exercise, but the degree of adaptation depends on many factors, including age, heredity, the environment, and diet [ 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 ]. The hereditary factor (genetics) may be the most critical for adaptation [ 45 ]. The degree of adaptation also depends on how the person in question trained previously; a well-trained athlete usually does not have the same relative improvement as an untrained one. Even if training is thought to be specific to mode, intensity, and duration, there are some overlaps. For example, it has been found that strength training in some individuals contributes to a relatively large positive impact on health and endurance, effects previously associated primarily with aerobic exercise [ 46 , 47 ]. The overload principle may, if applied too vigorously in relation to a person’s individual adaptation ability, have detrimental effects, including reduced performance, injury, overtraining, and disease [ 10 ]. Training is a commodity that must be renewed; otherwise, you gradually lose achieved performance improvements [ 48 ], although some capacities, such as muscle memory, seem to persist for life [ 49 ].

General recommendations for health may be stated, but individual predispositions make general training schedules for specific performance effects unpredictable. All exercise training should be adjusted to individual purposes, goals, and circumstances.

5. Health Effects of Physical Activity and Training

Human biology requires a certain amount of physical activity to maintain good health and wellbeing. Biological adaption to life with less physical activity would take many generations. People living today have, more or less, the same requirements for physical activity as 40,000 years ago [ 50 , 51 ]. For an average man with a body weight of 70 kg, this corresponds to about 19 km daily walking in addition to everyday physical activity [ 52 ]. For most people, daily physical activity decreases, while planned, conscious exercise and training increases [ 19 , 53 ]. Unfortunately, average daily energy intake is increasing more than daily energy output, creating an energy surplus. This is one reason for the increasing number of overweight people, and a strong contributor to many health problems [ 54 ]. More sedentary living (not reaching recommended level of physical activity), combined with increased energy intake, impairs both physical and mental capabilities and increases the risk of disease. Despite this, Swedes (as an example) seemed to be as physically active and stressed but had better general health in 2015, compared to 2004 ( Figure 1 ). Compared to 2004–2007, the Swedish population in 2012–2015 reported better overall health (more county-dots are blue) and less fatigue (smaller county-dots) with similar level of physical activity (~65% indicated at least 30 min daily physical activity) and stress (~13% were stressed).

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Selected physical and mental health indicators of a Sweden cohort, in relation to the degree of physical activity for the period of years 2004–2007 ( N = 29,254) and years 2012–2015 ( N = 38,553). Surveyed subjects are age 16 to 84 years old, with data representing median scores of four years, not normalized for age. Y-axis: Percentage of subjects reporting “stressed”; X-axis: Percentage of subjects indicating physical active at least 30 minutes each day. Each dot represents one County (Län), dot-size indicates self-reported fatigue, and color self-reported healthiness of the County. If 70% of the population states they are having “Good/Very good” health, the dot is blue. If less than 70% states they are having good/very good health, the dot is red. The circle indicated with a black arrow corresponds to nation median. The black line connected to the nation circle represents the movement in the X–Y plane from the year 2004 to 2007, and from 2012 to 2015, respectively. Data retrieved from the Public Health Agency of Sweden 2019-04-22 ( www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se ).

Results in Figure 1 may in part be explained by a polarization of who is physically active: Some individuals are extremely active, others very inactive, giving a similar central tendency (mean/median). As physical activity and mental stress are not changed, but health is, the figure indicates that other factors must be more important to our overall health and fatigue. Recently, a national study of Swedish 11- to 15-year-olds concluded that this age group is inactive for most of their time awake, that is, sitting, standing or moving very little [ 55 ]. Time as inactive increased with age, from 67 percent for 11-year-olds to 75 percent for 15-year-olds. The study states that in all age groups, the inactive time is evenly distributed over the week, with school time, leisure time, and weekend. Further, those who feel school-related stress have more inactive time, both overall and during school hours, than those who have less school-related stress.

People active in sports have, in general, better health than those who do not participate in sports, because they are physically and mentally prepared for the challenges of sports, abilities that in many cases can be transferred to other parts of life [ 56 ].

However, there is a certain bias in this statement. Sport practitioners are already positively selected, because sickness and injury may prevent participation. As many health benefits of sport are related to the level of physical activity, separation of sport and physical exercise may be problematic. Regardless, societal benefits of these health effects can be seen in lower morbidity, healthier elderly, and lower medical costs [ 7 , 57 , 58 ].

Health effects of physical activity in many cases follow a dose–response relationship; dose of physical activity is in proportion to the effect on health [ 59 , 60 ]. Figure 2 depicts the relationship between risk of death and level of physical activity, in a Finnish twin cohort, adjusted for smoking, occupational group, and alcohol consumption [ 59 ]. Odds ratio (OR) for the risk of all-cause mortality in a larger sample in the same study was 0.80 for occasional exercisers ( p = 0.002, 95% CI = 0.69–0.91). This dose–response relationship between risk of all-cause mortality and physical activity is evident in several extensive studies [ 60 , 61 , 62 ]. The total dose is determined by the intensity (how strenuous), duration (duration), and frequency (how often). While Figure 2 shows sex differences in death rates, it is likely that sedentary behavior is equally hazardous for men and women, but inconsistent results sometime occur due to inadequate assessment measures, or low statistical power [ 59 , 63 ]. To obtain the best possible development due to physical exercise/training, both for prevention and treatment purposes, a basic understanding of how these variables affect the dose of activity is required, as well as understanding how they can be modified to suit individual requirements. A physically active population is important for the health of both the individual and society, with sport participation being one, increasingly important, motivator for exercise.

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Relative risk (odds ratio; OR) of premature death in relationship to level of physical activity, in 286 male and 148 female twin pairs, adjusted for smoking, occupational group, and use of alcohol [ 59 ].

There is strong scientific evidence supporting an association between physical exercise/training and good physical and mental health. For example: A reduction in musculoskeletal disorders and reduced disability due to chronic disease [ 27 , 64 ], better mental health with reduced anxiety [ 65 , 66 ], insomnia [ 67 ], depression [ 31 ], stress [ 68 ], and other psychological disorders [ 69 ]. Physical and mental health problems are related to an increased risk of developing a number of our major public health diseases and may contribute to premature death ( Table 2 ).

Health-related physiological effects of aerobic and muscle strengthening physical activity. Green circle indicates that the activity contributes with an effect, whereas a red circle indicates that the activity has no proven effect. Orange circle indicates that the activity may in some cases be effective.

Effects on the BodyHealth EffectsAerobic
Larger proportion slow-twitch fibers [ , ]Lower risk for metabolic syndrome with increased exchange of gases and nutrition [ , ]
Larger proportion slow-twitch [ ]Increased strength, coordination and balance in elderly [ ] and in sickness [ ], lower risk for fall [ ]
Formation of new capillaries [ ]Increased aerobic capacity [ ]
Improved endothelial function [ ]Lower risk for cardiovascular disease [ ], improved function in heart disease [ ]
Increased mitochondrial volume [ ]Increased aerobic capacity [ ]
Improved glucose transport [ ]Lower risk or metabolic syndrome/Type-2 diabetes [ ]
Improved insulin sensitivity [ ]Improved health in people with Type-2 diabetes [ ], prevention of Typ-2 diabetes [ ]
Increased heart capacity [ ]Lower risk for cardiovascular disease [ ], fewer depressions [ , ], also in children [ ]
Increased skeletal volume and mineral content [ ]Improved skeletal health [ , ]
Improved body composition [ ]Lower risk for metabolic syndrome [ ]
Improved blood pressure regulation [ , ]Lower risk for cardiopulmonary disease [ ]
Improved blood lipid profile [ ]Lower risk for cardiopulmonary disease in elderly [ , ] and Alzheimer’s [ ]
No effect on blood lipid profiles in children and adolescents [ ]
Improved peripheral nerve function [ ]Better coordination, balance and reaction [ , ], especially in children and elderly [ ]
Enhanced release of signaling substances [ , ]Better sleep [ ], less anxiety [ ], treatment of depression [ ]
Improved hippocampus function [ ]Improved cognition and memory [ ], less medication [ ]
Positive effects on mental capacity [ ]Counteract brain degeneration by diseases [ ] and age [ ]
Improved immune function [ ]Decreased overall risk for disease [ , ], anti-inflammatory effects [ , ]
Strengthening the connection between brain, metabolism and immune function [ ]Decreased risk for disease [ ], improved metabolism [ ], decreased risk for depression [ ]
Improved intestinal function [ , ]Improved health [ ], mitigated metabolic syndrome, obesity, liver disease, and some cancers [ ]

5.1. Effects on Physical Health

The effects of physical activity and exercise are both acute (during and immediately after) and long-lasting. Effects remaining after a long period of regular physical activity have far-reaching consequences for health and are described below. For example, some muscle enzymes’ activity can be quickly increased by physical exercise/training but just as quickly be lost when idle [ 118 ]. Other changes remain for months or years even if training ends—for instance, increased number and size of muscle fibers and blood vessels [ 49 , 119 , 120 ]. Good health, therefore, requires physical activity to be performed with both progression and continuity. Most of the conducted physical exercise/training is a combination of both aerobic and muscle strengthening exercise, and it can be difficult to distinguish between their health effects ( Table 2 ).

To describe ill-health, indicators of life expectancy, disease incidence (number), and prevalence (how often) are used [ 121 ]. In describing the relationship between physical activity and falling ill with certain diseases, the dose–response relationship, the effect size (the risk reduction that is shown in studies), and the recommended type and dose of physical activity are considered [ 122 ]. Table 3 shows the relative effects of regular physical activity ton the risk of various diseases (US Department of Human Services, 2009). The greatest health gains are for people who move from completely sedentary to moderately active lifestyles, with health effects seen before measurable improvements in physical performance. Previously, most scientific studies collected data only on aerobic physical activity. However, resistance exercise also shows promising health (mental and physical) and disease-prevention effects [ 123 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 127 ].

Disease prevention effects of regular physical activity.

Health ConditionRisk Reduction or Health Improvement Recommendations for Physical Activity Dose-Response RelationshipDifferences between Sex, Age, Ethnicity etc.
30% (44% elderly)General recommendationsYesNo
20%–35% General recommendationsYesInsufficient evidence
30%–40% General recommendationsYesNo
25%–42% General recommendations, data primarily on aerobic PAYesInsufficient evidence
Brain cancer: Limited evidence ; Breast cancer: 20%; Bladder cancer: 13%–15%; Colon cancer: 30%; Endometrial cancer: 17%–35%;
Esophageal cancer : 6%–21%; Gastric cancer: 19%; Head & neck cancers: 15%–22%, limited evidence; Hematological cancers: No-low effect, limited evidence ; Lung cancer: 13%–26%; Ovarian cancer: Limited/conflicting evidence; Pancreatic & prostate cancer: Limited evidence; Renal cancer: 11%–23%; Rectal cancer: No risk reduction, limited evidence; Thyroid cancer: No risk reduction
General recommendations, data primarily on aerobic PARenal & thyroid cancer: No.
Lung, hematological, head and neck cancers: Limited evidence.
Other; Yes.
Breast cancer: Weaker evidence for Hispanic and Black women.
Gastric cancer: Weaker evidence for women
Renal cancer: Weaker evidence for Asians
Lung cancer: Greater effect for women
Other: Limited evidence/No known difference
PA alone, without diet intervention only has an effect at large volumeGeneral recommendations, combined with diet interventionsYesNo
PA supports weight maintenanceGeneral recommendations, stronger evidence for aerobic PALimited evidenceInsufficient evidence
36%–68% for hip fracture
1%–2% increased bone density
General recommendations including muscle- strengthening physical activityYesHip fracture: Largest effect in elderly women
Bone density: Largest effect in women
Magnitude is highly variable and mode-dependentWeight bearing activityYesDecreased effect with age
30% increased chance to counteract or postpone a decrease in functional strength/capacity
30% lower risk of falls
General recommendations including muscle- and skeletal-strengthening physical activityFunctional health: Yes
Falls: No/unclear
Increased functional capacity mostly seen in older adults ages 65 or more.
20%–30% lowerGeneral recommendationsYesNo
Improved quality, sleep onset latency and total sleep timeGeneral recommendationsNoNo
20%–30% lowerGeneral recommendationsNoNo
20%–30% lowerGeneral recommendationsNoNo
Improved for preadolescent children and adults aged 50 years or olderGeneral recommendationsConflicting findingsInsufficient evidence for adolescents and adults. Ethnicity: No.

Compiled from US Department of Health and Human Service, https://health.gov/paguidelines/report/ [ 62 , 146 ] 1 : Risk reduction refers to the relative risk in physically active samples in comparison to a non-active sample, i.e., a risk reduction of 20% means that the physically active sample has a relative risk of 0.8, compared to the non-active sample, which has 1.0. 2 : In general, general recommendations for PA that are described and referred to herein apply to most conditions. However, in some cases, more specific recommendations exist, more in depth described by the US Department of Health and Human Service, amongst others [ 62 ]. 3 : Evidence is dependent on cancer subtype; refer to US Department of Health and Human Service [ 62 ] for in-depth guidance. PA = Physical.

Aerobic physical activity has been shown to benefit weight maintenance after prior weight loss, reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, normalize blood lipids, and help with cancer/cancer-related side effects ( Table 2 and Table 3 ), while effects on chronic pain are not as clear [ 29 ].

Muscle-strengthening physical activity has, in contrast to aerobic exercise, been shown to reduce muscle atrophy [ 128 ], risk of falling [ 75 ], and osteoporosis [ 74 ] in the elderly. Among the elderly, both men and women adapt positively to strength training [ 129 ]. Strength training also prevents obesity [ 130 ], enhances cognitive performance if done alongside aerobic exercise [ 131 ], counteracts the development of neurodegenerative diseases [ 132 , 133 , 134 ], reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome [ 135 ], counteracts cancer/cancer-related side effects [ 135 , 136 ], reduces pain and disability in joint diseases [ 137 ], and enhances bone density [ 137 , 138 ]. The risk of falling increases markedly with age and is partly a result of reduced muscle mass, and reduced coordination and balance [ 76 , 139 , 140 ]. A strong correlation between physical performance, reduced risk of falls, and enhanced quality of life is therefore, not surprisingly, found in older people [ 141 ]. Deterioration in muscle strength, but not muscle mass, increases the risk of premature death [ 142 ] but can be counteracted by exercise as a dose–response relationship describes the strength improvement in the elderly [ 122 , 143 ]. Recommendations state high-intensity strength training (6–8 repetitions at 80% of 1-repetition maximum) as most effective [ 144 ]. Muscle strengthening physical activity for better health is recommended as a complement to aerobic physical activity [ 29 ]. Amongst the elderly, vibration training can be an alternative to increase strength [ 145 ].

5.2. Effects on Mental Health

Mental illness is a global problem affecting millions of people worldwide [ 147 ]. Headache, stress, insomnia, fatigue, and anxiety are all measures of mental ill health. The term “ ill health ” constitutes a collection of several mental health problems and symptoms with various levels of seriousness. Studies have compared expected health benefits from regular physical activity for improvement of mental health with other treatments, for example, medication. Most recent studies show that physical activity and exercise used as a primary, or secondary, processing method have significant positive effects in preventing or alleviating depressive symptoms [ 31 , 148 , 149 , 150 , 151 ] and have an antidepressant effect in people with neurological diseases [ 152 ]. Training and exercise improve the quality of life and coping with stress and strengthen self-esteem and social skills [ 69 , 153 ]. Training and exercise also lessen anxiety in people who are diagnosed with an anxiety- or stress-related disease [ 68 ], improve vocabulary learning [ 154 ], memory [ 155 , 156 ], and creative thinking [ 157 ].

The same Swedish data as used in Figure 1 show that between the years 2004–2007 and 2012–2015 anxiety, worry, and insomnia decreased but were not obviously correlated to the slightly increased level of physical activity in the population during the same period. Thus, in a multifactorial context, the importance of physical exercise alone cannot be demonstrated in this dataset.

Some of the suggested physiological explanations for improved mental health with physical activity and exercise are greater perfusion and increased brain volume [ 107 , 158 ], increased volume of the hippocampus [ 106 ], and the anti-inflammatory effects of physical activity, reducing brain inflammation in neurological diseases [ 159 ]. Physical exercise may also mediate resilience to stress-induced depression via skeletal muscle peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α), enhancing kynurenine conversion to kynurenine acid, which in turn protects the brain and reduces the risk for stress-induced depression [ 153 ]. Further, increased release of growth factors, endorphins, and signaling molecules are other exercise-induced enhancers of mental health [ 69 ].

6. How Sport Affects Health

Sport’s main purposes are to promote physical activity and improve motor skills for health and performance and psychosocial development [ 56 ]. Participants also gain a chance to be part of a community, develop new social circles, and create social norms and attitudes. In healthy individuals, and patients with mental illness, sport participation has been shown to provide individuals with a sense of meaning, identity, and belonging [ 160 , 161 ]. Whether the sport movement exists or not, training and competition including physical activity will happen. Sport’s added values, in addition to the health benefits of physical activity, are therefore of interest. Some argue that it is doubtful, or at least not confirmed, that health development can come from sport, while others believe that healthy sport is something other than health, reviewed in depth by Coakley [ 162 ]. In a sporting context, health is defined as subjective (e.g., one feels good), biological (e.g., not being sick), functional (e.g., to perform), and social (e.g., to collaborate) [ 163 ]. Holt [ 56 ] argued that the environment for positive development in young people is distinctly different from an environment for performance, as the latter is based on being measured and assessed. That said, certain skills (goal setting, leadership, etc.) can be transferred from a sporting environment to other areas of life. The best way to transfer these abilities is, at the moment, unclear.

Having the goal to win at all costs can be detrimental to health. This is especially true for children and adolescents, as early engagement in elite sports increases the risk of injury, promotes one-dimensional functional development, leads to overtraining, creates distorted social norms, risks psychosocial disorders, and has the risk of physical and psychological abuse [ 15 , 164 ]. Of great importance, therefore, is sport’s goal of healthy performance development, starting at an early age. For older people, a strong motivating factor to conduct physical activity is sports club membership [ 165 ]. One can summarize these findings by stating sport’s utility at the transition between different stages of the life; from youth to adulthood and from adulthood to old age. There, sports can be a resource for good physical and mental health [ 166 ].

Today, a higher proportion of the population, compared to 50 years ago, is engaged in organized sports, and to a lesser extent performs spontaneous sports ( Figure 3 ), something that Engström showed in 2004 [ 17 ] and is confirmed by data from The Swedish Sports Confederation ( www.rf.se ). Of the surveyed individuals in 2001, 50%–60% of children and young people said they were active in a sports club. The trend has continued showing similar progression to 2011, with up to 70% of school students playing sports in a club. Furthermore, the study shows that those active in sport clubs also spontaneously do more sports [ 167 ]. Similar data from the years 2007–2018, compiled from open sources at The Swedish Sports Confederation, confirm the trend with an even higher share of youths participating in organized sports, compared to 1968 and 2001 ( Figure 4 ).

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Spontaneous sport has decreased over the last decades, to the advantage of organized sport. Data compiled from Engström, 2004, The Swedish Research Council for Sport Science.

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Data compiled from open sources report Sport Statistics (Idrotten i siffror) at The Swedish Sports Confederation for the year 2011 ( www.rf.se ).

Taking part in sports can be an important motivator for physical activity for older people [ 165 , 166 ]. With aging, both participation in sports ( Figure 4 ) and physical activity in everyday life [ 168 ] decreases. At the same time, the number of people who are physically active both in leisure and in organized sports increases (The Public Health Agency of Sweden 2017; www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se ). Consequently, among elderly people, a greater proportion of the physical activity occurs within the context of sport [ 8 , 28 ]. Together, research shows that organized sports, in clubs or companies, are more important for people’s overall physical activity than ever before. Groups that are usually less physically active can be motivated through sport—for example, elderly men in sport supporters’ clubs [ 169 ], people in rural areas [ 170 ], migrants [ 171 ], and people with alternative physical and mental functions [ 172 ]. No matter how you get your sporting interest, it is important to establish a physical foundation at an early age to live in good health when you get older ( Figure 5 ). As seen in Figure 5 , a greater sport habitus at age 15 results in higher physical activity at 53 years of age. Early training and exposure to various forms of sports are therefore of great importance. Participation creates an identity, setting the stage for a high degree of physical activity later in life [ 173 ].

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Odds ratio (OR) of physical activity at age 53 in relation to Sport habitus at age 15. Sport habitus (“the total physical capital"), including cultural capital, athletic diversity, and grades in physical education and health are, according to Engström [ 173 ], the factors most important for being physically active in later life. For a further discussion on sport habitus, the readers are referred to Engström, 2008 [ 173 ]. Numbers above bar show the 95% confidence interval. ** = significant difference from “Very low”, p < 0.01. *** = p < 0.001.

7. Sport’s Effects on the Health of Children and Young People

The effects of participation in organized sports for children and young people are directly linked to physical activity, with long term secondary effects; an active lifestyle at a young age fosters a more active lifestyle as an adult. As many diseases that are positively affected by physical activity/exercise appear later in life, continued participation in sport as an adult will reduce morbidity and mortality.

It must be emphasized that good physical and mental health of children and young people participating in sport requires knowledge and organization based on everyone’s participation. Early specialization counteracts, in all regards, both health and performance development [ 174 , 175 ].

7.1. Positive Aspects

According to several reviews, there is a correlation between high daily physical activity in children and a low risk for obesity, improved development of motor and cognitive skills, as well as a stronger skeleton [ 176 , 177 ]. Positive effects on lipidemia, blood pressure, oxygen consumption, body composition, metabolic syndrome, bone density and depression, increased muscle strength, and reduced damage to the skeleton and muscles are also described [ 178 , 179 ]. If many aspects are merged in a multidimensional analysis [ 8 , 173 ], the factors important for future good health are shown to be training in sports, broad exposure to different sports, high school grades, cultural capital, and that one takes part in sport throughout childhood ( Table 4 ).

Compiled health profiles for men and women at the age of 20 years, depending on participation in organized sports at the age of 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, and 17 years.

Physical Activity at Age 20 YearsGirlsBoys
Sport Participation as Young
ParticipateQuitNeverParticipateQuitBegan late

Classification with repeated latent class analysis creates three groups for girls and boys, respectively: Children who never participated (girls only), participated, quit prematurely, or began late (only boys) in sports. Arrows indicate whether participation in sports at young age has an effect on health at 20 years of age. Green up arrow is positive, red down arrow negative, and a horizontal black double arrow shows that sport had no significant effect. Modified from Howie et. al., 2016 [ 8 ].

Psychological benefits of sports participation of young people were compiled by Eime et al. [ 1 ], where the conclusion was that sporting children have better self-esteem, less depression, and better overall psychosocial health. One problem with most of these studies, though, is that they are cross-sectional studies, which means that no cause–effect relationship can be determined. As there is a bias for participating children towards coming from socially secure environments, the results may be somewhat skewed.

7.2. Negative Aspects

As Table 4 and Table 5 show, there are both positive and negative aspects of sports. Within children’s and youth sports, early specialization to a specific sport is a common phenomenon [ 175 ]. There is no scientific evidence that early specialization would have positive impact, neither for health nor for performance later in life [ 175 ]. No model or method including performance at a young age can predict elite performance as an adult. By contrast, specialization and competitiveness can lead to injury, overtraining, increased psychological stress, and reduced training motivation, just to mention a few amongst many negative aspects [ 174 , 175 ]. Another important aspect is that those who are excluded from sports feel mentally worse [ 8 ]. As there is a relationship between depressive episodes in adolescence, and depression as adults [ 116 ], early exclusion has far-reaching consequences. Therefore, sports for children and young people have future health benefits by reducing the risk of developing depression and depressive symptoms, as well as improved wellbeing throughout life.

Positive and negative aspects with sport (at young age).

Better self-esteem
Better academic results
That endurance and hard work pay off
Independence and responsibility
Making wise decisions
Keep a positive attitude
Manage stress
Set clear goals
Higher assessment of skills
Higher working standards
Better discipline
Late alcohol store
Lower alcohol consumption (in most sports)
Less drugs
Greater social capital
Better relationships with adults
Uses TV/PC less
Lower risk of school dropout
Emotional fatigue
One-dimensional identity
Risk of abuse
Increased stress
Temptation for doping
Fear of punishment
Fear of failure
Feeling pressure from the surroundings
Fear of disappointing surroundings
Risk of burnout
Risk of overtraining
Poor sleep
Repeated infections
Risk of self-sacrifice
Risk of self-injury
Increased risk of destructive decisions (doping, cheating etc.)
Risk of depression in case of rejection
The usefulness of teamwork
Good communication
Larger contributions to society later in life
Larger contributions to the family later in life
Lower crime
Opportunity in developing countries
Increased chance of being active in sports clubs as older
Easier to reach with education
Less integrated with the family
Social isolation from other society
Greater physical literacy
Abilities to live a healthy life as adult and elderly
Less smoking
Less drugs
Lower body fat
Larger muscle mass
Beneficial metabolism
Higher aerobic and anaerobic capacity
Lower risk for fractures as older
Reduced general disease risk
Physical fatigue
Increased injury risk
Risk of eating disorders
Temptation for doping
Risk of abuse (physical and mental)
Unilateral training and development
For Para athletes, injury can be a double handicap
Worse oral health

While some degree of sport specialization is necessary to develop elite-level athletes, research shows clear adverse health effects of early specialization and talent selection [ 180 ]. More children born during the fall and winter (September–December) are excluded [ 181 ], and as a group, they are less physically active than spring (January–April) children, both in sports and leisure ( Figure 6 ). In most sports and in most countries, there is a skewed distribution of participants when sorted by birth-date, and there are more spring children than fall children among those who are involved in sport [ 182 , 183 , 184 , 185 , 186 ]. Because a large part of the physical activity takes place in an organized form, this leads to lower levels of physical activity for late-born persons (Malm, Jakobsson, and Julin, unpublished data). Early orientation and training in physical activity and exercise will determine how active you are later in life. Greater attention must be given to stimulating as many children and young people as possible to participate in sport as long as possible, both in school and on their leisure time. According to statistics from the Swedish Sports Confederation in 2016, this relative-age effect persists throughout life, despite more starting than ending with sport each year [ 18 ].

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Object name is sports-07-00127-g006.jpg

The figure shows the distribution of 7597 children aged 10 years and younger who in 2014 were registered as active in one particular, individual sport in Sweden (data compiled from the Swedish Sport Confederation, www.rf.se ). Spring, Summer, and Fall represent January–April, May–August, and September–December, respectively.

When summarize, the positive and negative aspects of sport at a young age can be divided into three categories: (1) Personal identification, (2) social competence, and (3) physiological capacity, briefly summarized in Table 5 . A comprehensive analysis of what is now popularly known as “physical literacy” has recently been published [ 187 ].

7.3. Relevance of Sports

Sports can make children and young people develop both physically and mentally and contribute with health benefits if planned and executed exercise/training considers the person’s own capacities, social situation, and biological as well as psychological maturation. In children and adolescents, it is especially important to prevent sports-related injuries and health problems, as a number of these problems are likely to remain long into adulthood, sometimes for life. Comprehensive training is recommended, which does not necessarily mean that you have to participate in various sports. What is required is diverse training within every sport and club. Research shows that participation in various sports simultaneously during childhood and adolescence is most favorable for healthy and lifelong participation [ 8 , 173 , 188 , 189 ].

8. Sport’s Effects on the Health of Adults and the Elderly

Adults who stop participating in sports reduce their physical activity and have health risks equal to people who have neither done sports nor been physical [ 190 , 191 ]. Lack of adherence to exercise programs is a significant hindrance in achieving health goals and general physical activity recommendations in adults and the elderly [ 192 ]. While several socioeconomic factors are related to exercise adherence, it is imperative that trainers and health care providers are informed about factors that can be modulated, such as intervention intensity (not to high), duration (not too long), and supervision, important for higher adherence, addressed more in depth by Rivera-Torres, Fahey and Rivera [ 192 ].

Healthy aging is dependent on many factors, such as the absence of disease, good physical and mental health, and social commitment (especially through team sports or group activities) [ 193 ]. Increased morbidity with age may be partly linked to decreased physical activity. Thus, remaining or becoming active later in life is strongly associated with healthy aging [ 194 ]. With increased age, there is less involvement in training and competition ( Figure 4 ), and only 20% of adults in Sweden are active, at least to some extent, in sports clubs, and the largest proportion of adults who exercise do it on their own. The following sections describes effects beyond what is already provided for children and youths.

8.1. Positive Aspects

Participation in sports, with or without competition, promotes healthy behavior and a better quality of life [ 166 ]. Exclusion from sports at a young age appears to have long-term consequences, as the previously described relative age effect ( Figure 6 ) remains even for master athletes (Malm, Jakobsson, and Julin, unpublished data). Because master athletes show better health than their peers [ 95 ], actions should be taken to include adults and elderly individuals who earlier in life were excluded from, or never started with sport [ 195 ]. As we age, physical activity at a health-enhancing intensity is not enough to maintain all functions. Higher intensity is required, best comprising competition-oriented training [ 196 , 197 ]. One should not assume that high-intensity exercise cannot be initiated by the elderly [ 198 ]. Competitive sports, or training like a competitive athlete as an adult, can be one important factor to counter the loss of physical ability with aging [ 199 ]. In this context, golf can be one example of a safe form of exercise with high adherence for older adults and the elderly, resulting in increased aerobic performance, metabolic function, and trunk strength [ 200 , 201 ].

8.2. Negative Aspects

Increased morbidity (e.g., cardiovascular disease) with aging is seen also among older athletes [ 202 ] and is associated with the same risk factors as in the general population [ 203 ]. An increased risk of cardiovascular disease among adults (master) compared to other populations has been found [ 204 ]. Unfortunately, the designs and interpretations of these studies have been criticized, and the incidence of cardiac arrest in older athletes is unclear [ 205 ]. In this context, the difference between competitive sports aiming to optimize performance and recreational sports has to be taken into account, where the former is more likely to induce negative effects due to high training loads and/or impacts during training and games. Although high-intensity training even for older athletes is positive for aerobic performance, it does not prevent the loss of motor units [ 206 ].

Quality of life is higher in sporting adults compared to those who do not play sports, but so is the risk of injury. When hit by injury, adults and young alike may suffer from psychological disorders such as depression [ 207 ], but with a longer recovery time in older individuals [ 208 ]. As with young athletes, secession of training at age 50 years and above reduces blood flow in the brain, including the hippocampus, possibly related to long-term decline in mental capacity [ 209 ].

8.3. Relevance of Sport

As for children and young people, many positive health aspects come through sport also for adults and the elderly [ 210 ]. Sport builds bridges between generations, a potential but not elucidated drive for adults’ motivation for physical activity. The percentage of adults participating in competitive sports has increased in Sweden since 2010, from about 20 percent to 30 percent of all of those who are physically active [ 18 ], a trend that most likely provides better health for the group in the 30–40 age group and generations to come.

9. Recommendations for Healthy Sport

  • 1. Plan exercise, rest, and social life. For health-promoting and healthy-aging physical activity, refer to general guidelines summarized in this paper: Aerobic exercise three times a week, muscle-strengthening exercise 2–3 times a week.
  • 2. Set long-term goals.
  • 3. Adopt a holistic performance development including physiological, medical, mental, and psychosocial aspects.
  • ○ a. Exercise load (time, intensity, volume);
  • ○ b. Recovery (sleep, resting heart rate, appetite, estimated fatigue, etc.);
  • ○ c. Sickness (when–where–how, type of infections, how long one is ill, etc.);
  • ○ d. Repeat type- and age-specific physical tests with relevant evaluation and feedback;
  • ○ e. Frequency of injuries and causes.
  • ○ a. Motivation for training, competition, and socializing;
  • ○ b. Personal perception of stress, anxiety, depression, alienation, and self-belief;
  • ○ c. Repeat type- and age-specific psychological tests with relevant evaluation and feedback.
  • 6. Register and interpret signs of overtraining, such as reduced performance over time, while maintaining or increasing exercise load.

Author Contributions

C.M. and A.J. conceived and designed the review. C.M., A.J., J.J. and interpreted the data and drafted the manuscript. J.J. edited the manuscript, tables, and figures. All authors approved the final version.

This work was supported by the Swedish Sports Confederation.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Physical Exercise and Mental Health, Essay Example

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The value of physical exercise to the body cannot be overemphasized. Even though there are many perspectives pertaining to its appropriateness, physical exercise has numerous benefits, which cannot be outweighed by any other mechanism applied to the human body. This research embodies  ananalysis of the usefulness of physical exercise in maintaining mental health. First a reflection of characteristics that constitute physical exercise would be undertaken and second, perspectives of mental health will be outlined in relation to the topic. Finally,ananalysis relating the benefits of physical exercise  to mental will be explored.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise is a concept used to describe any activity the body is allowed to access that helps in maintaining or enhancing a person’s health and well-being.  This includes strategies that provide vitality to organs in the body such the heart, lungs, muscular/ skeletal systems, kidneys, brain. Benefits are immense because this engagement allows athletesto master their skills through maintaining body weight, expiration and inspiration activities along with activating glands to produce perspiration. Perspiring is a significant excretory mechanism, which is often inadequately addressed in modern sciences due to attempts of inhibiting the odor (Hardman &Stensel, 2009).                .

The use of antiperspirants causes glands to limit perspiration production and sabotages the excretory process. Subsequently, many physical disturbances occur due to toxin built up Analysts have also confirmed that engaging in regular physical exercise greatly reduces incidences of heart disease, stroke, postpones aging, heart attacks, stimulating the immune system to function efficiently and reducing incidences of type 2 diabetes (Hardman &Stensel, 2009).

Mental health

Mental health relates to the extent psychological well-being is sustained. Essentially, from a non-scientific perspective mental health is the absencepersonality  disordersand brain dysfunction. When viewedfrom a holistic paradigm mental health includes a person’s ability to enjoy and appreciate the values of life. According to psychologists who investigate the human personality mental health could embrace attainment of lower level needs and reaching the highest self-actualization stage. Therefore, in reality mental health could also encompass one’s ability to appropriately cope with adversity and still remain balanced psychologically((Demyttenaere, Bruffaerts& Posada-Villa, 2004).

Further, World health Organization advances that a subjective wellbeing exists whereby a person’s equilibrium is related to the extent of autonomy is articulated; competence  expressed; intergenerational independence is executed and intellectual self-actualization is achieved. According to WHO, it also encompasses the person’s integration potential. This means a cohesiveability appropriatelyaligning one’s self to people, social and physical environments as well as staying connected. Ultimately, it must be clarified that there are diverse theories infirming mental health characteristics (Demyttenaere et.al, 2004).

The American psychological association has definite guidelines for interpreting and diagnosing mental disorders. However, scientists have admitted that it is difficult determining the extent to which mental health classifications are applicable across cultures and social environments. The primary concern of this discussion is analyzing the extent physical exercise promotes mental health or features of personality development consistent with adequate health mental. My theory relates to the perspective that it does promote mental health(Demyttenaere et.al, 2004).

If physical exercise is expected to enhance bodily functions; prevent disease and promote mental and social well-being, then, its role in mental health must be significant. Analysts have confirmed that it has immense impacts on depression; promotes self-esteem; augments a person’s body appeal, which stimulates physical attraction. Health care providers prescribe physical exercise in many of their health promotion strategies. It is often recognized as the miracle/wonder drug for a number of emotional issues. Therefore, if mental health relates to a person’s self-esteem, emotional equilibrium, physical exercise is then a major source of mental health maintenance.

For example, factors responsible for depression include low self-esteem, obesity, anxiety and stress. Research shows where endorphins are produced when people engage in physical activities. Further, studies reveal that this secretion initiates a response known as the runner high, linked to a euphoria created when physical activity is produced. Endorphin is an effective natural pain reliever and serves as an antidepressant when people experience various degree of the condition (Hardman Stensel, 2009).

Theories relating the release of other substances indicate thatanandamide is also a runner high initiator. Supporting researchconfirmedthatserotonin along with endorphin andanandamide levels are elevated in the blood stream. They remain that way days after physical exercise was experienced. Importantly, these endocrine secretions are responsible for mood stabilization weight management, which often affects mental health and ultimately improves self-esteem(Power, 2010).

It has been proven also that physical exercise alone combined with proper nutrition can maintain excellent mental health. There are more studies confirming successful application of physical exercise in depression prevention therapies. Analysts advanced that physical exercise is most effective on mental health when conducted as a group in gym settings or group walking therapies (Power, 2010).

The foregoing research highlighted perspectives relating the impact of physical exercise on mental health reflecting on differing viewpoints. Viewpoints on this subject differ based on classifications of mental health and physical exercise, which were clarified before an analysis was offered. Ultimately, in my point of view once a line of demarcation is drawn between mental health and mental disorder there is no need to differ regardingwhether physical exercise contributes to mental health. Physical exercise is necessary for the perpetuation of life itself.

Demyttenaere, K.Bruffaerts, R., & Posada-Villa, J. (2004). WHO World Mental Health Survey Consortium. Prevalence, severity, and unmet need for treatment of mental disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Survey. Journal of the American Medical Association . 291 (21); 2581–2590

Hardman, A., &Stensel, D. (2009). Physical Activity and Health: The Evidence Explained. London: Routledge

Power, A. (2010). Transforming the Nation’s Health: Next Steps in Mental Health Promotion. American Journal of Public Health 100 (12); 2343–6.

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The Effects of Physical Activity on Mental Health

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Published: Feb 9, 2022

Words: 1231 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Works Cited

  • “Depression and Anxiety: Exercise Eases Symptoms.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 27 Sept. 2017, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/in-depth/depression-and-exercise/art-20046495.
  • Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. “How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 27 Apr. 2019, www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/exercise/faq-20057916.
  • “Facts Statistics.” Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA, adaa.org/about-adaa/press-room/facts-statistics.
  • “Physical Activity Basics | Physical Activity | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019, www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/index.htm.
  • “The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise.” HelpGuide.org, 19 June 2019, www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-living/the-mental-health-benefits-of-exercise.htm.
  • “Why It Matters | Physical Activity | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019, www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/about-physical-activity/why-it-matters.html.
  • “7 Great Reasons Why Exercise Matters.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 11 May 2019, www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389.

Should follow an “upside down” triangle format, meaning, the writer should start off broad and introduce the text and author or topic being discussed, and then get more specific to the thesis statement.

Cornerstone of the essay, presenting the central argument that will be elaborated upon and supported with evidence and analysis throughout the rest of the paper.

The topic sentence serves as the main point or focus of a paragraph in an essay, summarizing the key idea that will be discussed in that paragraph.

The body of each paragraph builds an argument in support of the topic sentence, citing information from sources as evidence.

Should follow a right side up triangle format, meaning, specifics should be mentioned first such as restating the thesis, and then get more broad about the topic at hand. Lastly, leave the reader with something to think about and ponder once they are done reading.

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Physical Exercises and Their Health Benefits Essay

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Exercises that include physical activities are very essential to both body and mental health of human beings. In fact this is one of the areas where many studies have been conducted by scholars from different parts of the world to show that exercise is essential to all people regardless of their age, sex and occupation. Healthcare givers also recommend that patients with chronic sicknesses should do some workouts to facilitate their healing. According to the recent studies on the importance of exercise to human beings, it is evident that people have begun to realize the need for doing exercise. In fact people from different parts of the world participate in various exercises and other physical activity in order to keep fit and remain healthy. This paper highlights some of the major importance of workouts to our bodies and why people should do exercises.

One of the major benefits of exercise is that it helps in maintaining a healthy body weight. Cases of people being overweight are common in the modern society due to people shying away from physical activities and desire for junk food. Change of lifestyles has made many people to be overweight and this comes with health complications. Participating in physical activity burns calories and this promotes weight loss. Exercises also help in maintaining weight loss among those working on how to lose some of their body weight.

Exercise makes an individual stronger and boosts the body energy. Some people are very weak to an extent that they are heavily fatigued by simple duties such as doing shopping or doing basic domestic chores. Regular exercise improves bone and muscle strength and give gives the body endurance to tiring activities. When you participate in regular workouts, oxygen and other necessary nutrients are delivered to the lungs, heart and other vital body organs to ensure that they are functioning well. Consequently, a person is able to do simple routine tasks without getting easily exhausted.

Exercise also improves moods and looks. Studies show that people who do not participate in any physical activities and workouts are mostly in bad moods and gloomy. Ordinarily, people get involved in some activities that may lower their moods and exercise helps in improving moods and maintain the charming appearance. Simple workouts stimulate the brain to release some chemicals that make an individual feel happy and relaxed. This also improves the facial looks therefore raising self-esteem and confidence. For those who want to keep fit and maintain certain body looks such as models, sports people and celebrities, exercise helps in achieving the desired physical body appearances.

Exercise is also believed to promote good sleeping habits. Sometimes it becomes difficult to fall asleep or to remain asleep especially after a busy day. Regular exercise can help in promoting better sleep and ensure that it is a continuous one. To the married people, sex life is important and cannot be taken for granted. However, this has become a major challenge to the modern couples because many people retire to their beds feeling too tired to participate in physical intimacy. Exercise makes helps in maintaining a positive sex life and it promotes arousal for both women and men. Studies show that regular physical activity helps men to overcome erectile dysfunction making sex life more enjoyable.

Exercise is also paramount for maintaining better health. Regular workouts improve the immune system and this reduces the chances of getting sick. However, it is worth noting that over exercising can destroy the body immune system. Additionally, regular exercise reduces stress thereby contributing to a healthy living. Regular workouts take the body and mind from the stressing activities and this relieves the body the weight of the stress. The energy used in handling stress is therefore used for other productive processes of the body. Some people suffer from poor digestion and metabolism especially the elderly ones. Exercise helps in ensuring that digestion and absorption of food in the body take place as well. Workouts also increase the rate of metabolisms and the end result is good health. For those doing trainings such as weight lifting and muscle builders, workouts promotes muscle buildup and helps in changing the body shape to the desired body shape. Regular exercise also improves the body stamina and enhances flexibility and stability. Workouts stretch the body and ensure a good posture. This is vital for body stability and it also prevents early body aging. It also reduces the chances of getting easily injured when doing routine duties.

Generally, it is evident that exercise is good for both our mental and body health. It is also worth noting that exercise is enjoyable and can be used to bring people close to their friends. Physical activity is fun and it gives people an opportunity to participate in things that make them happy. Participating in a dance class or soccer club is very enjoyable and makes you to feel relaxed. However it is important for the people with special health conditions to ensure that they have consulted their healthcare for advice on the best workouts to avoid more harm to their body.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 21). Physical Exercises and Their Health Benefits. https://ivypanda.com/essays/physical-exercises-and-their-health-benefits/

"Physical Exercises and Their Health Benefits." IvyPanda , 21 Aug. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/physical-exercises-and-their-health-benefits/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Physical Exercises and Their Health Benefits'. 21 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Physical Exercises and Their Health Benefits." August 21, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/physical-exercises-and-their-health-benefits/.

1. IvyPanda . "Physical Exercises and Their Health Benefits." August 21, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/physical-exercises-and-their-health-benefits/.


IvyPanda . "Physical Exercises and Their Health Benefits." August 21, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/physical-exercises-and-their-health-benefits/.

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