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"The Mobile Phone: A Blessing or a Curse." StudyMoose, Jun 04, 2016. Accessed August 17, 2024. https://studymoose.com/the-mobile-phone-a-blessing-or-a-curse-essay

"The Mobile Phone: A Blessing or a Curse," StudyMoose , 04-Jun-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/the-mobile-phone-a-blessing-or-a-curse-essay. [Accessed: 17-Aug-2024]

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The Mobile Phone: A Blessing or a Curse essay

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  • Mobile Phone Essay in English for Students


Essay on Mobile Phone for Students

What is an essay? An essay is a write-up from one’s perspective or jotting down one’s thoughts in one place regarding any topic. Writing an essay helps one to develop their writing skills and inculcate creativity in their writing. Likewise, all the parents should teach their kids how to write an essay. 

For your convenience, we have provided a sample essay on ‘Mobile Phone’ in the following. Take a glance through the article so that it becomes easy for you to teach how to write an essay effortlessly.

Mobile Phone

In the era of technical advancement, mobile phones play a very significant role. Technology has made our life quite easier. Life without a mobile phone seems to be quite impossible these days. Precisely, we become handicapped without a phone in hand.

Speaking of mobile phones, it is also referred to as ‘cellular phone’ or ‘smartphone’. Martin Cooper of Motorola produced the first handheld mobile phone call on a prototype DynaTAC model on 3 April 1973. 

Earlier it was only used for calling. But these days, everything is possible through a mobile phone. From sending a message to video calling, internet browsing, photography to video games, emailing and a lot more services can be availed through this handheld phone. 

Advantages of Using Mobile Phones

There are several advantages to using a mobile phone. Here are some provided in the following. 

Helps to Communicate:

Life is easier with mobiles. It helps you to communicate with your near and dear ones through calls, video chats, text messages, emails. Apart from that, it helps you to book a cab, show the map direction, order groceries and many more things. The main advantage of having a mobile is it helps to keep you connected with the entire world irrespective of your location.

A Medium of Entertainment:

With the advent of mobile, now you will be able to get entertained wherever you are. Now the world of entertainment is available just a click away, such as you can watch movies, listen to music, or watch your favorite sports or browse on social media networks etc. 

Mobile Banking:

Can you imagine doing all of your banking transactions and other relevant work through your cell phone? Yes, now everything is possible with the advancement of technology. Be it making a quick payment or transferring money to your family or checking the transaction history or accessing the bank accounts, everything is possible with just a tap of your button. So, it is quite efficient and saves a lot of your precious time.

Office Work Through Mobile:

These days mobiles are used for different types of official work such as scheduling meetings, giving presentations, sending and receiving important documents, applying for jobs, etc. Mobiles have become an essential device in every working person’s life.

Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones

Creating distance:

While mobile phones claim to connect people and help to communicate with each other, the irony here is that it is creating more distance between people. Nowadays people are more hooked on their phones. So, they mostly spend their time browsing social media or texting each other rather than meeting and talking face to face. 

No Privacy:

These days one of the major concerns is losing one’s privacy through mobile usage. Now anyone could easily access all the important information related to you with just one tap. Not only your information, information about your family, friends, personal life, career, everything is pretty easily accessible. 

Waste of a Lot of Time and Money:

Time and money both are precious in everyone’s life. As the utilization of mobile phones is increasing day by day, the waste of time and money is also increasing gradually. People are becoming addicted to their phones, be it surfing the internet or playing games or checking social media. Besides, the smarter a phone becomes, the more money people spend to buy that phone instead of spending the money on something useful.


FAQs on Mobile Phone Essay in English for Students

1. What is essay writing?

An essay is a piece of writing that expresses the author's point of view; yet, the definition is ambiguous, merging with those of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short fiction. Formal and casual essays have typically been divided into two categories. The formal essay has a serious objective, dignity, logical organization, and length, whereas the informal essay has a personal element, humor, graceful language, rambling structure, unconventionality or freshness of theme," and so on.

Literary critique, political manifestos, academic arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author are all popular uses for essays. Although almost all modern essays are written in prose, compositions in verse have often been labeled as essays. While an essay is typically defined by its brevity, works such as John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Thomas Malthus's An Essay on the Principle of Population are exceptions. To garner more information, click here.

2. Give a brief overview of mobile phones and their history.

Mobile phones are quite important in this age of technological growth. Our lives have been made much easier by technological advancements. These days, life appears to be impossible without a cell phone. Without a phone in our hands, we become disabled.

When it comes to mobile phones, they're also known as 'cellular phones' or smartphones.' On April 3, 1973, Motorola's Martin Cooper made the first handheld mobile phone call on a prototype DynaTAC device.

It was formerly only used for calling. However, nowadays, everything is possible via a mobile phone. This handheld phone can do anything from sending a message to video calling, internet browsing, photography, video games, and emailing, among other things.

3. What are some advantages of using mobile phones?

Using a mobile phone has several benefits. The following are a few suggestions.

Aids in Communication:

Mobile phones make life easier. It allows you to contact your loved ones via phone conversations, video chats, text messages, and emails. Apart from that, it assists you in booking a cab, displaying map directions, ordering groceries, and a variety of other tasks. The biggest benefit of owning a mobile phone is that it allows you to stay connected to the rest of the world regardless of where you are.

An Entertainment Medium:

With the introduction of mobile phones, you may now be amused wherever you are. The world of entertainment is now just a click away, with options such as watching movies, listening to music, watching your favorite sports or browsing social media networks.

4. State some of the drawbacks of using mobile phones.

Some of the drawbacks of using mobile phones are:

Creating a buffer:

While mobile phones claim to connect people and make it easier for them to interact, the irony is that they create more distance between them. People nowadays are more reliant on their phones. As a result, they choose to spend their time on social media or texting instead of meeting and talking face to face.

There is no privacy:

One of the major issues these days is losing one's privacy due to cell phone usage. With just one swipe, anyone may now readily access all of your vital information. Not only is your information easily accessible, but so is information about your family, friends, personal life, and work.

A waste of time and money:

In everyone's life, time and money are both quite valuable. As the number of people using mobile phones grows, so does the amount of time and money spent on them.

5. How is an essay writing useful to students?

Writing essays help students develop important abilities and functions in their education, making them more useful. One, writing essays allows students to practice and improve abilities that they can apply throughout their academic careers and into their careers. For example, one can improve their reading and writing skills, as well as their capacity to think, organize thoughts, and communicate effectively.

Two, it enables pupils to develop a formal and orderly writing style that reliably conveys information. Three, it aids in the organization of your thoughts on what you are learning, the development of vocabulary, and the development of a distinct writing style. Get free study materials through the Vedantu app and website.

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Mobile phones: blessing or curse?

Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: mobile phone

Nowadays mobile phones are everywhere: their bleeping ringtones go off behind you in the train; gormless-looking zombies stand around on the street “texting” illiterate messages to each other, while even children see them as an indispensable accessory. Clearly, mobile phones have come to be a normal and accepted part of most people’s lives, but does this necessarily mean they are a boon? I would say that while mobiles are potentially helpful in some situations, they generally have an adverse effect on one’s quality of life.

The strongest argument for owning a mobile phone is that it can prove useful in an emergency or make you feel secure when walking down a dark street, for example. However, you should not forget that mobiles actually cause emergencies when people drive and talk simultaneously, and get into accidents. Furthermore, mobiles are one of the items muggers are most interested in, which means that carrying a mobile actually increases your chances of being attacked.

On the face of things, mobiles make life more convenient. They allow you to be much more flexible or spontaneous when making arrangements with friends, so that you can ring ahead, for example, if your train has come to a standstill. They also mean that you can stay in touch with work colleagues even when you are travelling and do not have access to a landline. There is a flipside to these arguments though. If people can be more spontaneous then they are more likely to wriggle out of arrangements, or let others know at the last minute, which can be far from convenient. Moreover, if you are always contactable, particularly by people from work, then you are enslaved in a sense. Employers are able to encroach on your leisure time and make demands of you, wherever you happen to be.

The Essay on Mobile Phones Phone Million People

In the UK alone twenty seven to forty million people own mobile 'phones and the number is growing each day. Eight million of these are school-aged children. It is expected that four hundred and eighty three million mobile 'phones will be sold worldwide in 2003. The first cellular phone was tested in 1978 and since then mobile 'phones have become hugely popular and a controversial issue. How can ...

Mobile phones are also anti-social in some ways, and encourage unpleasant behaviour. We have all heard the loud salespeople on trains boasting about their latest deal, or passengers who broadcast the finer details of their tedious social life. Equally rude are friends who start texting someone else while you are in the middle of a conversation with them.

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essay on mobile phone curse or blessing in english

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Are mobile phones a blessing or a curse

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Are mobile phones a blessing or a curse?

Mobile phones can either be a blessing or a curse; this is determined by the way in which they are used. Since the late 1990’s there has been an increasing amount of concern over whether mobile phones can cause some types of cancer or infertility in men.

The first mobile phone was invented by the American scientist, Martin Cooper, in 1973. Martin Cooper was an executive and researcher at Motorola who are today a major mobile phone producing company. The design of the first mobile phone was very different to the way the mobile phones of today look and operate. Mobile phones were introduced into society in the mid 1980’s in parts of Northern Europe. Countries such as Finland and Switzerland, Japan and the USA launched the first cellular networks which meant that any mobile phone connected to that network could communicate with each other. Now, nearly all countries are connected to at least one network, such as O2, Orange or Vodafone. This means that two mobile phones, for example one in the UK and one in Hong Kong, can wirelessly communicate with each other by sending and receiving radio signals to and from each other via a network. When the first mobile phone was invented it could only perform one function, which was to make a telephone call with another mobile phone on the same network. Now, however, mobile phones have transformed from being a simple communication appliance to an entertainment device. Mobile phones can now allow the user to listen to music, watch videos, play games, look at pictures and even take pictures or record video with a built in camera.

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Today mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular due to the numerous functions which can be performed on them. In countries, particularly those in Europe, there are now more mobile phones than people. The country with the highest percentage of mobile phones to people in 2007 was Luxembourg which had a percentage of 158%, which means that per 100 people in Luxembourg there were 158 mobile phones owned between them. Other countries with more than 100 mobile phones owned by 100 people were Lithuania, Italy and Hong Kong with percentages between 139% and 157%.

This is a preview of the whole essay

Mobile phones have become much more portable since the first mobile phone in 1973. Apart from the way mobile phones have advanced in the way they operate and their portability, they have also changed in appearance and in size. The early mobile phones appeared as large, black brick-like objects, whereas now all mobile phones look different and are far smaller. For example they can be of any colour or be designed to open by flipping open the cover or by sliding the screen up to reveal the keypad. Somebody who wants to buy a mobile phone today can pick from a number of colours, functions and styles and buy a mobile phone designed to their choice. Whatever their choice, the phone will be just a fraction of the size of the original mobile phone.

Mobile phones can be seen as blessing or a curse. They can be seen as a curse by many people because of the potential health risks of being in continuous contact with them and the often large amounts of money they cost.  

Mobile phone emissions can be a risk to human health if in continuous contact. This has been investigated several times over recent years. Several reports indicate that mobile phones cause no health problems. But, it has been established by many researchers that mobile phones can cause infertility in men and even some types of cancer if a person is in constant contact with a mobile phone. If a mobile phone is kept in a man’s pocket at least 5 days a week it has been found that it has caused men to become in fertile due to the thermal radiation that mobile phones give out. It has also been found that tumours have occurred in some people wherever they keep their mobile phone for long periods of time. For example it you use a mobile phone for around 4 hours a day 5 days a week and you hold your mobile phone to your right ear then you could suffer from a tumour on the right side of your head or brain.

In 2004 it was discovered that terrorists that were involved in the Madrid train bombings used mobile phones to detonate some of the bombs that had been planted on the trains. Since then it has become well known that this is how many terrorist detonate their bombs. Recently there have been many worldwide cases of a new form of bullying, cyber bullying. This is way of bullying by recording a person being bullied on a mobile phone and then sending the video clip to people or posting it on websites such as YouTube.

In the UK, laws have been passed to prevent car drivers from using a mobile phone whilst driving. The law has been put in place because it has been discovered that talking on a mobile phone whilst driving distracts the user from concentrating on the road. The law also allows prohibits using just a single hand on the steering wheel for obvious reasons!

Despite these problems, mobile phones also have many positive features such as if you are in an emergency it is almost certain you will be able to contact someone for help by using a mobile phone. Mobile phones can now also be used as an entertainment device. This means that a mobile phone user only has to bring their phone to listen to music, take photos or play games. This makes it convenient for the mobile phone user as they do not have to bring their mp3 player or camera with them everywhere as they are already functions featured on their mobile phone.

Short Message Service (SMS) is a type of communication which has been invented recently and can only be used on mobile phones. It is better known as text messaging. Text messaging is a quick and cheap alternative way to communicate with other mobile phone users simply by sending each other quick short messages, rather than having a long conversation which will almost always cost more.

Mobile phones can be used in either positive or negative ways and can be considered either a blessing or a curse depending on the way a particular person views the whole subject. There are many positive points to do with mobile phones but there are also many negative points; it is simply up to you whether you believe they are good or bad for society or whether you want to own one or not.

Whatever your view, the popularity of mobile phones is undeniable. In 2007, 1.15 Billion mobile phones were sold globally, a number set to rise in coming years. The next significant development, which has already begun with today’s most advanced mobile phones, is the ability to access the internet. This ability will once again change the way people see mobile phones as a necessary everyday accessory.


Are mobile phones a blessing or a curse

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  • Subject English

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Mobile Phones: A Blessing or a Curse Essay Example

  • Pages: 5 (1160 words)
  • Published: November 14, 2021

Is the 21st Century Mobile Phone a Blessing or a Curse to the individual, particularly the teenagers of the western world? There have been many negative and positive effects to both society and the individual stemming from the 21st century phones particularly the likes of the Blackberry and The Iphone. In this essay I aim to address the main areas of contemporary concern for phone use; Social life, Safety, growing interconnectedness, Technological convenience, accessibility of information.

Mobile phone technology provide the ability to reach someone anytime anywhere in the world through calling and texting and with the emergence of new smartphones, through the internet as well (allowing them to access the epitome of socialness, Facebook). This means people can be in contact constantly which promotes social behaviour. The Blackberry messenger is a relatively new applic

ation that has caused somewhat of cult amongst users. It’s a messenger service is similar to the networking site Twitter, allowing people to post status’ about their current activities creating a new level of social telephony.

Evidence of its success can be seen in the fact it has more than 70 million users, BGR (2011) and also the outrage of many when BBM stopped working for a week which caused a huge public uproar, BBC (2011). Unfortunately, mobile phones have also brought about anti-social behaviour as well. Siegel (2008) mentions that because people don’t have to answer to face to face consequences it’s easier to engage in abuse and antisocial behaviour such as sexting and cyber bullying, which according to the BBC (2009) is on the rise. Conversely, Mobile Phone technology has provided the benefit of security.

Parents buy their children phone for safety

and security reason according to AMTA (2011). By children having phones they can always keep in contact with their parents so if anything goes wrong they can ring for help. For the rest of the public, it means being able to dial 999 and reach emergency services straight away or report a stolen item immediately. This constant communication can also impact negatively on society and the individual. With BBMs allowing one to post their statuses many choose to divulge their locations which leave them open to harm from mal-intentioned individuals.

Furthermore, the privacy of mobile phones means that crime can be organized easily and is difficult for the police to intercept as strict privacy laws prevent hacking. An example of this was in august 2011 where riots took place in most major UK cities. The Time (2011) “suggested that BlackBerry Messenger — the smart phone's instant-messaging service — may have played a more significant role in the mayhem” as people used them to tell each other where they were going to loot and encourage criminal behaviour at the time illustrating that phones hence pose a problem of safety both to the private life and the wider public dimensions. Another perk of the mobile phone is how it enables the user to access information easily through its various apps and links to the internet. Perhaps mobile phones are a ‘Necessary evil’ for the world. As detailed above they do pose issues to Safety, Social behaviour and independency of the average individual but the without the convenience of them, the world would be worse off. For example, take the Middle Ages, when people used carrier pigeons and post

to send messages across to each other which often took weeks to arrive and months if you were sending messages across countries.

Back then the economy was also less advanced and slower because any communication between business and countries would take a considerable amount of time and hence by there were long lead times between ideas and plans and their execution. Furthermore, not everyone you sent mail to could reply back – it was often expensive to send mail or carrier pigeons hence limiting such communication to the wealthy and aristocracy. Even though the negatives seem to outweigh the positives when it comes to the aspect of mobile phones, they cannot be held solely accountable.

With the existence of social networking sights such as Facebook which have demanded a need for more social interconnectedness, mobile phones appear to only be a tool in which such achieves this, especially when relating to teenagers. If one could imagine a world without Facebook or any social networking sites at all then surely the use of mobile phones would be greatly reduced and so would some of the public – private issues such as safety and anti-social phone behaviour and overdependence on cell phones.

For evidence of this theory, one simply has to look to the late 1990’s, a time where mobile phones were firmly established in society and there were no such networking sites like twitter etc. Much of the problems mentioned above were not significant or of a great concern as such issues did not feature in the Media often or at all suggesting they were not a big public dilemma. Moreover mobile phones were used primarily for calls and

texts and the occasional browsing of the internet and they were affordable, so to a certain extent they were very similar to today. And yet, less people used them as frequently as they do today – Why?

Partially because there was no need as there were no networking sites like today. That said, I do not mean to accuse Facebook, twitter and the likes solely for the growing addiction to mobile phones. Obviously, the improvement in mobile phone technology that allows people to use it as PDAs, the growing importance of it as a fashion statement and the development of Apps that has also changed phones into entertainment devices are also responsible, But I single out Facebook because in my opinion it is the most influential factor among the target population this essay looks at, Teenagers.

In conclusion, Mobile phones are more of a ‘Blessing’ to the western world than a curse. They were created to provide convenience to everyday life and keep people connected to each other by making communication easier. Yes, there are several negative effects arising from them, Safety being probably the most prominent one in today’s society but these issues are being efficiently tackled by society and in several years they may not be an issue anymore.

One can conclude that that the negatives only appear after overuse of phones which leads to the real problem, which is dependency. Lastly, the evidence of the blessing of cell phones can be seen in the years before 1835, where mobile phones did not exist and communication was tiring, and also from 1835 onwards where the invention of mobile phone helped evolve not only the economy and

society but the individual as well.

  • http://www. bbc. co. uk/newsround/15276543
  • http://www. bgr. com/2011/09/16/blackberry-market-share-in-q2-may-have-hit-single-digits/
  • http://news. bbc. co. uk/newsbeat/hi/technology/newsid_8181000/8181443. stm
  • http://www. amta. org. au/articles/amta/Parents. choose. to. buy. mobiles. for. their. children. for. added. safety. and. security
  • http://www. time. com/time/world/article/0,8599,2087337,00. html#ixzz1f1cz2AXS
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Write an essay on a comparison between the uses and abuses of mobile phones.

Mobile phones have brought the world so closer that it has really shrunk into a global village but still there are a few who consider mobile phone either a blessing or a curse., mobile phones: a blessing or curse: an outline.


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Is the Mobile Phone a Blessing or a Curse?

Essay by people   •  May 22, 2012  •  Essay  •  627 Words (3 Pages)  •  6,424 Views

Essay Preview: Is the Mobile Phone a Blessing or a Curse?

With the development of Chinese society and technology, more and more people have owned at least one cell phone. It seems that the mobile phone has become an indispensable part in our life. Every day I can see nearly everyone holds a cell phone in hand at my university or at street. And what do they do with their mobile phones? Most of them just bow their heads and play games or login QQ to kill time. Hence, I am wondering a very serious question: "is the mobile phone a blessing or a curse?"

My point of view about this question is that the mobile phone can be either a blessing or a curse and it just depends on your choice about how to use it.

To many people, the mobile phone is a great blessing. Nowadays, the mobile phone combines many functions in one, especially the smartphone. If you have a mobile phone, it means you may have a digital camera, a carry-on library or even a cinema with you. In other words, you can take pictures anytime anywhere as long as you want to; you may read any novels or essays with the help of your mobile phone; you can even download and watch your favorite movie or the latest film on your cell phone. But the powerful functions of the cell phone are far more than these. It is much easier for us to communicate with our family members, friends or business partners, especially when we are far away from each other. What's more, we can login the internet to grasp the up-to-date information to keep pace with the development of our times. An obvious merit of mobile phone is that it is a tool for us to kill time when we are waiting for a bus or anytime we feel boring. Also, we may use our mobile phones to do some studying. Moreover, we can make a phone call to others to ask for help in an emergency. For businessmen, they can check their e-mails or make telephone conferences by their mobile phones.

However, the mobile phone has some shortcomings despite of its merits. The most intuitive and most direct weakness of the mobile phone is the radiation, which does great harm to human beings. I remember vividly a video I've watched before. The main content of the video is that a man put four mobile phones together on a table with the shape of a cross and then he put some corn kernels in the center of the four mobile phones. After that, four people called these mobile phones at the same time. An amazing thing happened----the radiation changed the corn kernels into the popcorns. How terrible the mobile phones' radiation is! A scientific research showed that if someone uses mobile phone everyday frequently and always put the mobile phone near his head, he is increasing the chance of developing cancer. What's more, people have to bow their heads, stare at the screen and keep the posture for a long time while they are using mobile phones to play games or surf online. It may cause spinal kyphoscoliosis or eyestrain. In brief, using the mobile phone frequently will lead to some physical problems.

Is a mobile phone a blessing or a curse?

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It means that you are always available and can be contacted by your loved ones, and you can contact them. there is no excuse for your teens not to call and tell you they will be late etc.

On the other hand they can also call you at all hours and ask for a lift home rather than get themselves organised before they go.

It's all perspective.

There's an iPhone app to answer that question for you.

I think that such type of technologies and inventions are made for human welfare , when one invents such type of things he always keep one thing in mind that all this is for our, and also for him should be useful..so it is totally up to us that how we use them. Mobile phone is very useful invention it can be used at the time of emergencies when no one is there for your help. But obviously if you will use it for wrong purposes it will surely be a curse rather than a blessing.

a device like mobile is widely used in today's fast life. It saves your time as well as money.The features in mobile are just endless and are very useful. One can store his datas in it and get them easily when need, now no need to carry phone directory or camera or mp3 player because you can enjoy all this in just a single phone... Cell phones are so used that even fail to realise its how important it is.

Your day starts with the alarm you set in ur cell phone last night...some even enjoy morning songs on FM facilties of cell phones...then you look to day planner in your phone and you get a reminder ..."Today's your friend's b'day"...thank God you have a mobile to remind you of this event otherwise your friend wouldn't have left you!...

Birthday surely needs a gift...second thing you do is just use the GPRS facility in your phone and order something for your friend via internet ..Thanks again to this wonderful device....Now its party time....and you play some heart throbbing music on your cell phones and even store those incredible moments with your friends in the same multimedia device, Cell Phones.

this was just a example, how useful this small gadget has become in our daily life. Calling it a "curse" is totally rubbish as its like putting your fault on others head. People use it in a wrong way that doesn't mean it is useless. It means people lack the awareness in themselves.

Cell Phones are, for sure ,Boon for us all.....but if you use it in some wrong way than its your fault not cell phones.

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Dec 8, 2012

essay on mobile phone curse or blessing in english

Cellphones or Mobile a Blessing or a Curse Essay for Class 8

essay on mobile phone curse or blessing in english

This subject (Cell Phones or Mobile a Blessing or a Curse) has not yet cached by school teachers or by students. But it is one of the most wanted subject for essay competition. We here discuss it as blessing or curse in very interesting and expressive way.

mobile or cellphone photograph image

Disadvantages (Curse): Let first we think about the bad gift of today's communication advancement and its effect on  us and analyse it whether we are cursed or incredibly blessed. Satellite exploded the communication industry throughout the globe. They played a magical lead role for commercialising the cellphone market , but equally endorsed and penetrate the threat of large electromagnetic wave encircling our cities  and villages. At the time of  growing Cellphone industries , It's goodness covered its dark destructive effect but eventually we started feeling the danger of microwave. The diseases like skin disease, hearing disease , DNA damage,bones weakening, sleep disorders, increase in Cancer risk may be caused if someone remains in the area microwave energy of  beyond permissible energy density limit. In  India   safe radiation level adopted of power density is 4.7 W/sq m. for GSM900 band. GSM-900 is the frequency band adopted in India. It uses 890–915 MHz to send information from the mobile station to the base station.

Technical Explanation of microwave effect on our body - If we assume a human body of average 5'2"  height and 34" waist and if our body is assumed to be cylindrical in shape then our body surface area will be 1.479 sq. m [ 2πr2+2πrh] . Therefore human body will receive 6.9513 watt (4.7x1.479 W). In one hour energy received will be 6.9513x3600= 25.025 kw-second. In one day it will be 25.025x24=600.59 kw-second. That means our body can be safe up to this limit as per safety norms. This means that our body can bear the 500W rating micro oven radiation for about 20 min [{(600.59/500)*1000}/60].   Let us know how a mobile receive signals. The signals here our voice is carried with the help of large carrier wave. The signal.

Other than Technical: Young Girls and boys are talking and communicating at their premature age without their parent's permission and due to this many unsocial events are happening thereby destroying their lives (particularly girls). Excess communication are wasting vital time of students. Thieves,terrorists, Maoists and murderers are efficiently planning and communicating to harm the social balance. Cricket match fixing is being possible because of cellphone. Tax are evaded by many by doing mobile Satorias activities.   Kidnappers are using this device for their escape.There are many example like these. Personal very small information (simple gossip) are swimming at lightening speed through the wireless communication and are being suffering from more disclosure  among the society thereby causing  smooth relationship of the near and deers.

Advantage (Blessing) of Cellphone or Mobile: Everybody knows that mobile communication is become a need of the world. It is because it proved its tremendous value of bringing the globe for any purpose within fraction of second and supported and strengthened the decision making. It has completely changed the way of living and has become the strongest player of today's strong economy. Now one by one I am explaining its advantages (blessings).

Always remains connected from anywhere at anyplace One can feel this tremen dous value of cellphone if he forgets his phone at his home. Previously Landline phone was good communication , but it is the best because of its mobility. All time connectivity has solved huge problems of rapidly growing world.

SMS: It is used as security interlock by many banks for money transfer on the internet. It has removed the yearly expenses of sending greeting cards and in a click delivering messages to many persons at a time thereby reducing huge time loss. It has become the better substitute for written communication. It is because of differences in pronunciation written communication become the king and in many cases it is preferred to calling.

Entertainment: Mobile phone is providing offline and online entertainment . Listening mp3 music , watching videos, Live cricket, Chatting with friend, are providing full entertainment on move.

e-Assistant: Cellphone is now become our electronic assistance and solving  many requirements of our daily life. Mobile banking, reminder, calender , internet browsing , online air and rail ticket status checking , driving direction finding  in metro cities, e-dictionary etc are the services that has enhanced tremendously our daily performance at large scale. Now a days if someone is not taking this services from his mobile or cellphone then he will be far behind to the today's professional  in achieving his objective. He can not fill the gap if he misses these one what I just explained above.

Conclusion: So we see that there are disadvantages and advantages of the cellphone. But it depends on the user behaviour. There are much advantages of the mobile. Although it has many disadvantage, yet we can not proceed without it in today's sense. So cellphone is undoubtedly a blessing without which we can not perform.


good and useful one.. thanks

essay on mobile phone curse or blessing in english

mobile is useful for us and mobile is also harmful for us because many of diesses caused by cell like slow brain cancer, eye side week, low heard level,so be careful teenagers

I love reading through a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing for me to comment!

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