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Requirements traceability: a systematic review and industry case study.


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Requirements traceability enables software engineers to trace a requirement from its emergence to its fulfillment. In this paper we examine requirements traceability definitions, challenges, tools and techniques, by the use of a systematic review performing an exhaustive search through the years 1997–2007. We present a number of common definitions, challenges, available tools and techniques (presenting empirical evidence when found), while complementing the results and analysis with a static validation in industry through a series of interviews.

  • Requirements traceability
  • systematic review
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Received 18 February 2010 Revised 11 February 2011 Accepted 28 March 2011


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Requirements traceability refers to the capability of a requirements management process or tool which enables the process participant or tool user to follow the life of a requirement both forwards and backwards.  It also refers the the ability to link requirements (via specific relationships) to other constructs or artifacts of the product developmetnt lifecycle.  Here are some examples of common requirements traceability relationships:

  • business goal -> detailed requirement
  • detailed requirement -> test script
  • detailed requirement -> system component

What is Requirements Traceability?

I. Introduction to requirements traceability?

Requirements traceability ensures that each business need is tied to an actual requirement, and that each requirement is tied to a deliverable. This is a valuable practice for the business analyst. According to A Guide to the Business Analyst’s Body of Knowledge, (BABOK 2.0), all requirements are “related to other requirements, to solution components, and to other artifacts such as test cases. . . . The goal of tracing is to ensure that requirements (and ultimately, solution components) are linked back to a business objective.” 1 In other words, traceability ensures that every requirement has a business purpose, and that no requirement is superfluous.

A requirement may be traced in one of four distinct ways, according to Karl Weigers in his book Software Requirements

“Customer needs are traced forward to requirements, so that you can tell which requirements will be affected if those needs change.

Conversely, you can trace backward from requirements to customer needs to identify the origin of each software requirement.

You can trace forward from requirements by defining links between individual requirements and specific product elements.

Specific product elements [may be traced] backward to requirements so that you know why each item was created.” 2

Requirements may also be traced to other related requirements. So quite simply, requirements traceability traces relationships between requirements in a set, between business needs and corresponding requirements, and between requirements and the various deliverables of a project.

As to the granularity of tracing requirements, BABOK notes that “tracing may be performed at the individual requirement level, at the model or package level, or at the feature level as appropriate.” This decision, along with which requirements to trace, by what method, and indeed whether to trace requirements at all are all part of responsible requirements management.  

II. Why is requirements traceability important?

Tracing requirements, when done properly, saves time, money, and effort on the part of the analyst, the project sponsors and the parent organization. Business analysis industry experts have detailed the following benefits of requirements traceability:

​ 1. It ensures that final deliverables directly tie to initial business needs. Forward requirements traceability offers an analyst a means to be sure that business needs are tied to actual requirements, and that actual requirements are tied to deliverables. (Therefore, each business need is tied to a deliverable.) Conversely, backward traceability ensures that if a product feature is developed that no one remembers asking for or authorizing, the analyst can determine whether it is simply a case of gold-plating or if it is indeed tied to a requirement (and corresponding business need). According to BABOK, “When business objectives are traced to detailed require¬ments such as business rules, data elements, and use cases, it is clear how they will be accomplished. Each business objective can be reviewed to make sure that it will be addressed by the appropriate solution components.” 3

2. Done properly, it ensures that organizations do not waste time and resources repeating research. Without requirements traceability, organizations have the potential to waste a lot of money on backtracking, duplicate research, and lost business needs. In their article, “Why Software Requirements Traceability Remains a Challenge,” authors Andrew Kannenberg and Dr. Hossein Saiedian note that “inadequate traceability is an important contributing factor to software project failures and budget overruns.” 4 In his book Business Rule Concepts , Ronald G. Ross makes a similar point (writing specifically about business rule traceability, but the concept also applies to requirements traceability): “Discovering or reconstructing the pedigree of a business rule is time-consuming, error-prone, and sometimes impossible. Worse, once discovered or reproduced for a particular need . . . the history is often not retained. That means the whole process must be repeated, ad nauseum. Think of rulebook management [or requirements traceability] as a practical means to create pinpoint corporate memory, always keeping it right at your fingertips.” 5

3. It complies with established industry standards. Kannenberg and Saiedian further point out that traceability is a key ingredient in many respected industry standards for software development, including the CMMI and ISO 9001:2000. 6

4. If offers much easier impact analysis. Requirements traceability enables intelligent impact analysis; if a stakeholder wants to change a requirement once it is in development or testing, traceable links to business needs and other requirements enable an analyst or project manager to report the full impact of the requested change.

In addition to these benefits, BABOK also notes that traceability helps “to assist in scope and change management, risk management, time management, cost management, and communication management.” 7 For all of these reasons, many experts agree that requirements traceability is an essential practice for the business analyst. 

III. The Requirements Traceability Matrix

Requirements traceability often takes the physical form of a requirements traceability matrix (RTM), which is a manual spreadsheet or table that demonstrates the interconnections between requirements and business needs, other requirements, and/or deliverables. (The columns in a table or spreadsheet, for example, might list primary requirements, while the rows might list requirements that are somehow tied to them—thus creating a visual juxtaposition of related requirements.) A traceability matrix is the most common way to demonstrate requirements traceability. An example of a requirements traceability matrix that links requirements to test cases is viewable here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traceability_matrix .

The matrix method is commonly considered to be appropriate only for smaller projects. According to BABOK, “It is typically used when there are relatively few requirements or when tracing is limited to high-level requirements (e.g. features or models).” 8 Author Karl Weigers agrees, noting that it’s “impossible to perform requirements tracing manually for any but very small applications. You can use a spreadsheet to maintain traceability data for up to a couple hundred requirements, but larger systems demand a more robust solution.” 9

Further, the integrity of a matrix is inextricably tied to the dedicated time commitment of often already-overworked analysts. Weigers further asserts that “tracing requirements is a manually intensive task that requires organizational commitment. Keeping the link information current as the system undergoes development and maintenance takes discipline. If the traceability information becomes obsolete, you’ll probably never recreate it.” 10 Weigers is not alone in his assessment that the sheer commitment of time and effort makes maintaining the integrity of matrices prohibitive in larger projects; many scholars have cited similar issues with manual traceability. In fact, in his master’s thesis, one scholar cites the maintenance of the requirements traceability matrix as the reason that requirements traceability is often not implemented any more effectively at some organizations: “The generation of RTMs is tedious and error-prone, though. Thus RTMs are often not generated or maintained. . . . Automating the process can save time and potentially improve the quality of the results.” 11 (More on traceability automation follows in the next section.) Authors Kannenberg and Saiedian state the problems with manual traceability even more strongly, noting that “manual traceability methods are not suitable for the needs of the software engineering industry. . . . It is easy for manually created traceability data to become out-of-sync with the current set of requirements, design, code, and test cases.” They further note, “Manual traceability methods are also prone to errors that are not easy to catch. Errors can arise from simple typographic mistakes . . . or from carelessness by the individual capturing the data. Because traceability artifacts for large projects are often hundreds or even thousands of pages in length, such errors are difficult to detect when depending on manual methods for error checking.” 12

The manually intensive aspect tightly links requirements matrices to version control; each time a requirements document is updated, the matrix must be thoroughly reviewed as well. Nonetheless, requirements matrices are quite useful for many organizations and analysts, depending on the size of the project and the level of granularity needed. 

IV. Requirements Traceability Automation

Automated requirements traceability is a function of many types of requirements management software, which purport to include automated systems that catch changes and redundancies that human users may miss. This type of automation can reduce the workload in larger projects, but as Ellen Gottesdiener points out in The Software Memory Jogger , the onus remains on the analyst to diligently monitor and maintain changes. “Tools do not manage requirements; people do. Be sure that requirements management procedures are being practiced before implementing an automated requirements management tool.” 13

For this reason, some authors, including Kannenberg and Saiedian, are critical of automated traceability tools, noting, “Regrettably, currently existing . . . traceability tools are not adequate for the needs of the software engineering industry. . . . Surprisingly, the tools that are available do not fully automate the entire traceability process; instead, they require users to manually update many aspects of the traceability data.” Nonetheless, for large projects, automated traceability is likely to provide a level of redundancy and efficiency that manual matrices cannot.

Some automated traceability applications offer rather simple techniques, such as displaying a table alongside a text document or diagram that shows which requirements link to which test cases, but not allowing these relationships to be viewed in any dynamic way. Other applications offer more sophisticated traceability techniques, such as allowing the analyst to create quick diagrams linking various requirements together (with arrows to show forward and backward traceability). The system then reads this diagram and automatically embeds links between related requirements within a rich text document. With one click, these relationships can also be viewed in a tree structure, displaying all of the requirements and their relations and dependencies within a project at once.

Whether an organization chooses to adopt a matrix or automated system, the efficacy of either method is greatly benefit from best practices. 

V. Requirements Traceability Best Practices

The following practices will enable more efficient traceability:

Unique identifiers must be adopted for requirements and business rules. “To permit traceability, each requirement must be uniquely and persistently labeled so that you can refer to it unambiguously through the project.” 14 This is a good practice for the analyst to employ, period, but particularly so for traceability, where each requirement or business rule must have an immutable, unique identifier throughout its life cycle.

A responsible party must take ownership of traceability. Whether using a manual method or an automated tool, a knowledgeable analyst must take ownership of the traceability process. “Gathering and managing requirements traceability data must be made the explicit responsibility of certain individuals or it won’t happen.” 15 Further, if someone who is not familiar with the system or the requirements attempts to make updates, errors will abound.

The analyst must practice consistency in updates. This will require a significant commitment on the part of the analyst. “Whenever such changes occur, it is necessary to update the traceability data to reflect these changes. This requires discipline on the part of those making the change to update the traceability data.” 16

When tracing all requirements is simply time-prohibitive, the analyst may be selective based on cost. If the prospect of tracing every requirement is overwhelming, an analyst may choose to only trace the expensive ones. “One method of dealing with the high cost of traceability is to practice value-based requirement tracing instead of full tracing. This can save a significant amount of effort by focusing traceability activities on the most important requirements.” 17 Naturally, a prerequisite to this practice is intelligently prioritizing all requirements according to the time and resources involved.

An organization must adopt consistent practices in requirements management, including traceability. If all stakeholders and team members buy into a traceability practice, take ownership of it, and become accustomed to it, it greatly increases a traceability method’s chances of success. As Kannenberg and Saiedian note, “Perhaps the best way to deal with the problem of different stakeholder viewpoints on traceability is to create an organizational policy on traceability to apply uniformly to all projects.” 18  

VI. Resources for Further Research

Explore the following online or printed resources for further information:

A Guide to the Business Analyst’s Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide), Version 2.0, International Institute of Business Analysis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ©2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.

Weigers, Karl E. Software Requirements:Practical techniques for gathering and managing requirements throughout the product development cycle. Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 2003.

Egyed, Alexander and Grunbacher, Paul. “Supporting Software Understanding with Automated Requirements Traceability.” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 0, No. 0 (1994). Accessible at http://www.alexander-egyed.com/publications/Supporting_Software_Understanding_with_Automated_Requirements_Traceability.pdf

Kannenberg, Andrew and Dr. Hossein Saiedian. “Why Software Requirements Traceability Remains a Challenge.” CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering . July/August 2009.  

1 A Guide to the Business Analyst’s Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide), Version 2.0, International Institute of Business Analysis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ©2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.

2 Weigers, Karl E. Software Requirements: Practical techniques for gathering and managing requirements throughout the product development cycle . Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 2003.

3 A Guide to the Business Analyst’s Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide), Version 2.0, International Institute of Business Analysis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ©2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.

4 Kannenberg, Andrew and Dr. Hossein Saiedian. “Why Software Requirements Traceability Remains a Challenge.” CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering . July/August 2009. 5 Ross, Ronald G. Business Rule Concepts: Getting to the Point of Knowledge . Third edition. Business Rule Solutions, 2009, 36.

6 Kannenberg, Andrew and Dr. Hossein Saiedian. “Why Software Requirements Traceability Remains a Challenge.” CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering . July/August 2009.

7 A Guide to the Business Analyst’s Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide), Version 2.0, International Institute of Business Analysis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ©2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.

8 A Guide to the Business Analyst’s Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide), Version 2.0, International Institute of Business Analysis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ©2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.

9 Weigers, Karl E. Software Requirements: Practical techniques for gathering and managing requirements throughout the product development cycle . Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 2003.

10 Weigers, Karl E. Software Requirements: Practical techniques for gathering and managing requirements throughout the product development cycle . Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 2003.

11 Cuddeback, David. “Automated Requirements Traceability: The Study of Human Analysts.” Master’s thesis for California Polytechnic Institute. http://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/317/. Accessed October 20, 2010.

12 Kannenberg, Andrew and Dr. Hossein Saiedian. “Why Software Requirements Traceability Remains a Challenge.” CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering . July/August 2009.

13 Gottesdiener, Ellen. The Software Requirements Memory Jogger . Salem, New Hampshire: GOAL/QPC, 2005. 293.

14 Weigers, Karl E. Software Requirements: Practical techniques for gathering and managing requirements throughout the product development cycle . Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 2003.

15 Weigers, Karl E. Software Requirements: Practical techniques for gathering and managing requirements throughout the product development cycle . Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 2003.

16 Kannenberg, Andrew and Dr. Hossein Saiedian. “Why Software Requirements Traceability Remains a Challenge.” CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering . July/August 2009.

17 Kannenberg, Andrew and Dr. Hossein Saiedian. “Why Software Requirements Traceability Remains a Challenge.” CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering . July/August 2009.

18 Kannenberg, Andrew and Dr. Hossein Saiedian. “Why Software Requirements Traceability Remains a Challenge.” CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering . July/August 2009.

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Comments / Discussions

2 comments on article "what is requirements traceability".

Regarding the section about "Requirements Traceability Best Practices":

I'm missing one point: Be benfitial! With well managed traceabiltiy data, it is so easy to provide reports that help both managers and engineers in their daily work. Here's a rough illustration and an emperical prove for this point: https://www.itemis.com/en/yakindu/traceability/documentation/user-guide/benefits_of_requirements_traceability#benefits_of_requirements_traceability

Because we (manufacturers of traceability tools) are criticized in the article, I would like to comment on this: The most recent source in the article is from 2009... it is perhaps a bit outdated. We have actually done something since then ... and continue to work.

Here is a customer statement as proof:

“The elimination of manual effort, especially the manual maintenance of Excel matrices, is a great relief; YAKINDU Traceability helps us to work 70% more efficiently and clearly structured in our projects ... The use of this professional software tool was very well received by the OEMs (and strengthened the relationship of trust)”

Take a look yourself: http://itemis.com/traceability

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Requirements traceability: Theory and practice

  • Published: January 1997
  • Volume 3 , pages 397–415, ( 1997 )

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case study on requirements traceability

  • Balasubramaniam Ramesh 1 ,
  • Curtis Stubbs 2 ,
  • Timothy Powers 3 &
  • Michael Edwards 4  

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Current literature as well as standards that mandate requirements traceability do not provide a comprehensive model of what information should be captured and used as a part of a traceability scheme, leading to wide variation in the quality and usefulness of traceability practice across systems development efforts. In this paper, we present a framework for representing and developing a traceability scheme. The experiences of an organization using traceability as an important component of a quality software engineering process are discussed. Models describing the traceability practice in the organization, as well as issues and lessons learned, both from organizational and technical perspectives, from implementing a comprehensive traceability practice are presented.

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Curtis Stubbs

US Coast Guard Commander (TMM), 17th Coast Guard District, Juneau, AK, 99802, USA

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Michael Edwards

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Ramesh, B., Stubbs, C., Powers, T. et al. Requirements traceability: Theory and practice. Annals of Software Engineering 3 , 397–415 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018969401055

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Issue Date : January 1997

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018969401055

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How to Create and Use a Requirements Traceability Matrix


In this blog post, we delve into what an RTM is, how to create one and how it helps run projects successfully.

What is a Traceability Matrix (TM)?

A requirements traceability matrix (RTM) is a powerful tool that helps you manage the scope, quality and risks of your project. It is a document that links the requirements of your project to the deliverables, test cases, design specifications and other artifacts that fulfill them. By creating and maintaining a RTM, you can ensure that your project meets the expectations of your stakeholders, avoid scope creep, identify gaps and inconsistencies, and track the progress and status of your project. A traceability matrix is a table that shows the relationship between two or more sets of items. It can be used for various purposes, such as:

Verifying that the requirements are met by the design, development and testing activities.

Mapping the dependencies and impacts of changes in one set of items on another.

Analyzing the coverage and completeness of the items.

Tracking the status and progress of the items.

A traceability matrix can have different levels of granularity and complexity depending on the scope and nature of the project. For example, a high-level traceability matrix can show the link between the business objectives and the project deliverables, while a low-level traceability matrix can show the link between the test cases and the code modules.

What is a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)?

A requirements traceability matrix (RTM) is a specific type of traceability matrix that focuses on the requirements of a project. It shows how each requirement is derived from a source (such as a stakeholder need, a business goal, or a regulatory standard), how it is allocated to one or more components or subsystems, how it is verified by one or more test cases or methods, and how it is validated by one or more acceptance criteria or measures.

An RTM can have different formats and structures depending on the type and level of requirements. For example, a hierarchical RTM can show the parent-child relationship between different levels of requirements (such as functional, non-functional, system, subsystem, etc.), while a flat RTM can show the relationship between each requirement and its corresponding artifacts in a single table.

RTMs involve multiple roles and stakeholders in a project, such as:

Project manager: Responsible for initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling the project.

Business analyst: Responsible for eliciting, analyzing, documenting and managing the requirements.

System engineer: Responsible for designing, developing, integrating and testing the system or product.

Quality assurance engineer: Responsible for verifying and validating the quality of the system or product.

Customer: Responsible for providing feedback and approval of the requirements and deliverables

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7 Steps to Create a Requirements Traceability Matrix

The process of creating a RTM can vary depending on the methodology and tools used in the project. However, here are some general steps that can be followed:

Step 1 - Define the Scope and Objectives of the Project

Identify the sources of requirements (such as stakeholders, documents, standards, etc.) and prioritize them according to their importance and urgency. You can use a project scope template for this purpose.

Step 2 - Elicit the Requirements

Gather project requirements from the sources using various techniques (such as interviews, surveys, workshops, observation, etc.). Document them in a clear, concise and consistent manner using a standard format (such as user stories , use cases, etc.).

Step 3 - Analyze the Requirements

Make sure all requirements pertaining to your project are complete, correct, feasible, testable and traceable. Resolve any conflicts or ambiguities among them. Categorize them into different types (such as functional, non-functional, system, subsystem, etc.) and levels (such as high-level, low-level, etc.).

Step 4 - Allocate Requirements

to one or more components or subsystems that will implement them. Define the interfaces and interactions among them. Document them in a design specification using diagrams (such as UML, SysML, etc.).

Step 5 - Verify and Validate Requirements

Verify that each requirement is met by one or more design elements using various methods (such as inspection, review, walkthrough, etc.). Document them in a verification plan using matrices (such as V&V matrix, V-model, etc.).

Validate requirements using acceptance criteria or measures (such as testing, demonstration, simulation, etc.). Document them in a validation plan using matrices (such as test plan, test case, test report, etc.).

Step 6 - Create a Requirement Traceability Matrix

The RTM should link each requirement to its source, allocation, verification and validation artifacts. Use a tool (such as Creately) that supports traceability and collaboration. Update the RTM as the project progresses and changes occur.

Step 7 - Review and Audit the RTM

Conduct periodic reviews and audits of the RTM to ensure that it is accurate, consistent and complete. Identify and address any gaps, inconsistencies or errors in the RTM. Use metrics (such as traceability coverage, traceability completeness, etc.) to measure and improve the quality of the RTM.

Why is a Requirements Traceability Matrix important?

A RTM is important because it helps you:

Manage the scope of the project by ensuring that all the requirements are captured, allocated, verified and validated.

Ensure the quality of the project by enabling you to track and monitor the status and progress of each requirement and its corresponding artifacts.

Reduce the risks of the project by allowing you to identify and analyze the dependencies and impacts of changes in one set of items on another.

Improve the communication and collaboration among the project team and stakeholders by providing a common and consistent view of the requirements and their traceability.

How an RTM is Connected to the Project Life Cycle

An RTM helps you define the scope and objectives of the project, prioritize the requirements, and allocate them to the components or subsystems during the planning phase of the project.

It supports the execution phase of the project by helping you design, develop, integrate and test the system or product that meets the requirements.

You can use an RTM to verify and validate that each requirement is fulfilled by the system or product, track and report the status and progress of each requirement and its corresponding artifacts, and manage any changes or issues that arise in the project.

Ultimately, an RTM helps deliver and deploy a product that satisfies the customer, document and archive the RTM and other artifacts, and conduct a lessons learned session to identify and share best practices and improvement opportunities.

Challenges in Using a Requirements Traceability Matrix

It can be time-consuming and tedious to create and maintain a RTM, especially for large and complex projects with many requirements and artifacts.

Difficult to ensure that all the requirements are traced to their sources, allocations, verifications and validations, especially when there are changes or updates in any of them.

It can be a challenge to keep track of all the relationships among different sets of items in a RTM, especially when there are multiple levels of granularity and complexity in them.

Tracking and tracing different types of items which are in different formats, structures and standards.

How to Create a Requirements Traceability Matrix with Creately

Create a RTM using various templates (such as hierarchical RTM, flat RTM, etc.) or from scratch. You can customize the format, structure and style of your RTM according to your preferences and standards.

Identify the sources of requirements, such as stakeholders, documents, or systems, and list them in the first column of the matrix.

Identify the types of requirements, such as functional, non-functional, or business, and list them in the first row of the matrix.

Assign a unique identifier and a description, and enter them in the corresponding cells for each requirement.

For each requirement, identify the deliverables, test cases, and other artifacts that satisfy it, and enter their identifiers or names in the corresponding cells of the matrix. You can use the notes panel to add any additional information and attach docs or links.

Use different colors or symbols to indicate the status or priority of each requirement and its related artifacts. You can also use display rules to differentiate between various types of requirements.

Wrapping Up

A requirements traceability matrix (RTM) is a valuable tool for managing project requirements and ensuring that they are met throughout the project lifecycle. It helps to establish the link between the business needs, the project scope, the deliverables, the test cases, and the final product. By creating and using an RTM, project managers and stakeholders can avoid scope creep, reduce rework, improve quality, and enhance customer satisfaction.

An RTM is not a static document, but a dynamic and evolving one that reflects the changes and progress of the project. It is a powerful way to ensure that the project meets the expectations and needs of the customers and stakeholders. By following the steps above, project managers and teams can create and use an effective RTM that will help them deliver successful projects.

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