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Understanding Parent / Child Relationships In ServiceNow Tables

Decoding Parent-Child Relationships in ServiceNow Tables: A Deep Dive ServiceNow, the versatile platform it is, encompasses an ocean of tables interacting, linking, and building upon one another. At the heart of this network lies the …

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Written by: Team Snowball

Published on: September 18, 2023

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Decoding Parent-Child Relationships in ServiceNow Tables: A Deep Dive

ServiceNow, the versatile platform it is, encompasses an ocean of tables interacting, linking, and building upon one another. At the heart of this network lies the concept of parent-child relationships. Understanding these relationships isn’t just a ‘good-to-know’—it’s fundamental to sculpting efficient applications and designing seamless processes. Let’s unravel this intricate web, starting from its roots.

servicenow parent child assignment groups

The dictionary entry of the task table (collection)

The Basics: What Are Parent-Child Relationships?

In ServiceNow, tables are interwoven in hierarchies. A parent table houses core attributes and fields that can be inherited by its child tables. This inheritance is not just about copying but forms a dynamic link, meaning changes in the parent can influence the child, maintaining a consistent structure and functionality.

Real-World Example: The Task Table

Consider the omnipresent Task table in ServiceNow – a table so versatile that it’s the backbone for many modules. The Task table has attributes like Short description , Description , Assigned to , and more.

Now, there are specialized tasks within ServiceNow, such as Incidents, Changes, and Problems. Each of these is a child table of the Task table. Hence, they inherit the core attributes of the Task table while also having their unique fields:

  • Incident – Inherits fields from Task and might have unique ones like Impact and Urgency .
  • Change – Inherits from Task, adding fields like Change type or Risk .
  • Problem – Inherits again, with specifics like Root Cause or Workaround .

The CMDB Saga

Another stellar example is the Configuration Management Database (CMDB). The CMDB table is a parent, housing key attributes about configuration items. However, not all configuration items are the same, right? A server differs from a database, which differs from a software license. Each of these specialized configuration items gets its own child table, inheriting from CMDB while adding its unique attributes.

Inheritance and Dictionary Overrides

Child tables naturally inherit attributes of parent tables. However, sometimes, a generic field from the parent might need a specific nuance in the child. Enter Dictionary Overrides. This feature allows customization of inherited fields in child tables without altering the parent table. For example, while a generic Description field in the Task table might suffice for most modules, perhaps for the Incident table, you want a more detailed label like Incident Details .

Why Is This Crucial for a ServiceNow Engineer?

  • Efficiency: Why reinvent the wheel? By understanding inheritance, you can avoid redundant field creation, keeping your instance streamlined.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity across modules. If a core process changes at the Task level, all child tables can reflect that change.
  • Flexibility: With tools like Dictionary Overrides, you can tweak inherited attributes to fit specific needs, ensuring tables serve their unique purposes while maintaining a consistent base.

In Conclusion

The concept of parent-child relationships in ServiceNow tables is akin to DNA inheritance in biology. Just as children inherit traits from parents but have their unique characteristics, child tables inherit attributes from parent tables but can be tailored to serve specific functions. Mastering this understanding is a cornerstone for any ServiceNow engineer aiming for excellence.

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Advanced Reference Qualifier Using a Script Include

R eference qualifiers are a powerful tool that every ServiceNow administrator and consultant should have in their tool belt. They allow you to dynamically filter the available options from a reference field. The ServiceNow wiki has some good documentation on this topic so I won’t re-hash that here. What I do want to address is the topic of Advanced Reference Qualifiers…specifically how to leverage a Script Include instead of a global Business Rule to run your qualifier script.

Reference Qualifier Script Include

Up until recently, the only way to get Advanced Reference Qualifiers to work was to create a global business rule to run the qualifier script. This works great, but it results in a global script that gets loaded all the time when it really isn’t necessary. While this isn’t something that causes any real problems in practice, it could cause performance issues if used to the extreme. The best practice guidance for advanced reference qualifiers should be to use a Script Include rather than a global Business Rule to run the qualifier script. Using a Script Include means that the script only gets loaded and used when you actually need to use it! In this article I’ll show you how this can be done using a common example of filtering the ‘Assignment group’ to display only groups for the ‘Assigned to’ value.

The first piece is the ‘Reference qual’ field value on the dictionary entry of the reference field (Assignment group in this case). The ‘javascript:’ prefix is the same, but you need to reference your Script Include function instead of the business rule function. In this case, I’m using a Script Include named ‘u_backfillAssignmentGroup’. Since these scripts can potentially interfere with each other, it’s best to prefix any of your custom scripts with ‘u_’ or something similar in order to distinguish them from any that ServiceNow may introduce in the future.

The other piece is obviously the Script Include. Since Script Includes now allow you to use On-Demand functions, your script is identical to the one you would use in a global business rule.

servicenow parent child assignment groups

Mark Stanger

Date Posted:

June 21, 2011

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' src=

Script Includes can be a single function, too. That would reduce the complexity of this a bit. Tom Dilatush’s blog speaks to it. I use “on-demand” functions all the time for Advanced Reference Qualifiers. …

' src=

You’re right, that’s much easier! I’ve updated the article above accordingly.

Is it possible that i can dynimically change reference table on a field based on value in the another field? for example, if a table has two columns – A and B. A is of type string. B is of type reference. Can I change reference table on B based on value in A?

You would need to use a completely separate field to do that.

can you use script include in clientscripts?

Yes, there is a checkbox that enables client callable..

found it in the wiki,

Is there a way to use the same script include for client side and server side calls?

I had to make 2 different script inludes to cater each.

I am using a Script Include as a reference qualifier, but it is behaving rather strangely. When I click the magnifying glass, I get the filtered results, if I type ** in the reference field, I get the filtered results, but when I try to type in the value of what I want Firebug reports an error saying “response.responseXML is null”. The reference field filters Business Services related to the company of the caller, I created a m2m table with a related list on both Company as well as Business Services. Any idea why this is happening?

When adding the Tree Picker, is there a way when user pick a member of the group it would be able to populate the Assigned To and Assignment Group in one pick?

No way to do that currently.

Is it possible to put an condition in the attribute field? if the assign_to field is not empty then tree_picker=false.

I don’t believe so.

Can this be used on a Service Catalog variable?

made this a little bit more versatile. you can use it on Service Catalog variables as well. You can call it from any reference field’s advanced qualifier, as you can specify the reference field targettable

Tested it out and works…

Now reviewing setting the default value of the reference field to the first retrieved record, on change of the filtervaluefield

Any feedback is welcome ;-) (as I’m quite rusty in my scripting, and a newbie in Snow)

Thanks for the contribution! Please keep us up-to-date on any modifications or improvements you make.

Hey Mark, thanks for the article I’m trying to do this exact thing – create a Script Includes to use as a reference qualifier and I’m having issues, can you help?

Here is what I have so far:

But I’m still getting the following errors: WARNING at line 9: Missing semicolon.

ERROR at line 9: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.

I’m assuming that after I get this script correct I’d just need to create a dynamic or advance reference qualifier on my assignment group field (ie javascript: u_INC_FilterAssignmentOnDisableTrigger)…… am I right?

Hey April. These types of questions are probably better suited to the ServiceNow community site. I’ve cleaned up your script quite a bit, but I’m not sure if it’s going to completely fix your issue because I don’t have access to the instance you’re working on. This script should eliminate the errors you’re seeing (and solve several other issues I noticed). If you have further questions please ask on the ServiceNow community site.

Hi I have a problem: I call a Script Include in the assignmnent_group field of the incidents… but unfortunately I found the same call also in the assignmnent_group of Changes and Problems. How can I fix this problem?

You must create a dictionary entry override for the incident table. In order to do that you need to do the following: Configure the dictionary of assignment_group Go to the Dictionary Overrides related list Click new and specify the table you want to override, in your case the Incident. Check the Override reference qualifier and populate the Reference qualifier field with your script include. Save the record.

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Achim says:

' src=

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ServiceNow Group Naming Convention

2.0 - Updated on 2023-09-13 by Michael Mears

1.0  - Authored on 2023-05-24 by Michael Mears

In ServiceNow, groups are used to organize users and control access to resources. Choosing a consistent and clear naming convention for your groups can help improve visibility, simplify administration, and make it easier for help desks to find the right assignment groups. In this article, we'll provide some best practices for group naming conventions as well as what group types are used at NC State.

Naming Convention Guidelines:

  • Department example, "OIT_Wordpress" or "ENGR_Security".
  • Module example, "GRC_Admin" or " HRM_Admin"
  • For example, "CALS_HORT" can be renamed to "CALS_Horticulture" but "ENGR_AIF" might be seen as too long if renamed to "ENGR_Analytical_Instrumentation_Facility".
  • While ServiceNow allows special characters in group names, they can cause issues with some integrations or workflows. Stick to alphanumeric characters and avoid using spaces, special characters (with the exception of underscores).
  • In addition to a descriptive name, a good group description can help provide clarity on the purpose and function of the group. Keep the description concise, but include enough information to help users understand what the group is for and how it relates to their work.

Naming convention requirements:

  • For example, "HR".
  • For example, "HR_Benefits" or "HR_Payroll"
  • For example, "HR_Benefits_Support" or "HR_Payroll_Approvers"
  • If the purpose of the group being created is strictly for report sharing, please ensure that you select the "Permissions" group type in the catalog item.
  • For naming conventions - Please ensure that you PRECEDE your group name with "Report". If you do not, your group request will be rejected and you will have to resend a new request with the proper naming convention.
  • Write a clear and concise group description in the appropriate box.

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ServiceNow Advanced Reference Qualifier | How to filter the Assignment group based on Assigned To

Been in a predicament in ServiceNow, where you know the person a task needs to be assigned to, but don’t know the right group? I got you!

In this video, we add an advanced reference qualifier on a dictionary override on the assignment group fields (for incidents) that calls a server side script include to run some funky glideRecord queries and return as back a refined list of group sys_id’s. Its then these groups that are shown when you click the Assignment Group magnifying glass.

Reference Qualifier bit:

javascript:new global.AssignmentGroupFilter().refineAssignmentGroup(current.assigned_to)

Script Include:

Tags: advanced reference qualifier beth anglin GlideRecord reference field reference qualifier script include servicenerd servicenow admin servicenow demo servicenow tutorial sysid in

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Tree picker in ServiceNow

  • Marcus Dermont
  • April 26, 2019

When configuring ServiceNow, in order to provide clients with a quality product, it benefits a developer to have a strong understanding of how the core UI functions. Clients have varied needs, and knowing what good-practice options are available, and what pitfalls to avoid, ensures that the client can feel comfortable knowing that they’re getting well-informed guidance.

A potentially underused UI feature in ServiceNow (that developers should be conscious of) is the tree picker. The tree picker allows reference choices to be listed in a hierarchical format, as pictured below. The most often encountered baseline implementation of the tree picker is on the Incident form, when clicking the magnifying glass next to the “Assignment group” field. However, the tree picker can be applied to any reference field where there is a parent-child, hierarchical structure.

Tree Picker

How To Use gs.getUser().isMemberOf() In ServiceNow

How to use gs.getuser().ismemberof() in servicenow, introduction to .ismemberof().

As a ServiceNow Developer there are many situations where you will need to check if a user is a member of a specific group.

You may be given the requirement to restrict read or write access to a field based on a user group, or to validate that the logged in user is a member of a group when a form loads.

You can accomplish these things and more in ServiceNow by using gs.getUser().isMemberOf() . This line of code is an extremely useful tool for a developer to verify group membership quickly and easily.

This article will explain what gs.getUser().isMemberOf() is in ServiceNow and demonstrate how to use it in real world scenarios. Let's get started!

How To Use gs.getUser().isMemberOf() In Code

The gs.getuser() method.

First, we're going go break down gs.getUser().isMemberOf() to better understand how it works.

The first method in this line of code, gs.getUser() , will return a user object for the current logged in user. Since “gs” is the GlideSystem API , the gs.getUser() method is only available server-side, and can therefore be used in any server script including Access Controls, Business Rules, and Script Includes.

It will not be available client-side for use in Client Scripts or UI Policies.

To learn more about the basics of gs.getUser(), check out our complete guide to using gs.getUser().

The isMemberOf() method

The second method, isMemberOf() , takes the parameter of a group, and in this case will check if the user who is currently logged in is a member of that group.

The parameter can either be the group name or the groups sys_id.

For example, the below code will find out if the currently logged in user is a member of the 'Hardware' group (by name) and the 'ITSM Developers' group (by sys_id).

The code returns true or false based on if the user is in the group. Developers could then use the output to script some additional actions in the system. In the following example the current user is not in the 'Hardware' group, but is in the 'ITSM Developers' group.

The output would be: 

A close-up of a wordDescription automatically generated

Now, let’s look at some actual use cases for using gs.getUser().isMemberOf() .

Real World Examples

Example 1 - using ismemberof in an acl (access control list).

One common place that gs.getUser().isMemberOf() is used is in Access Control (ACL) scripts.

Developers can script a condition for Access Controls in order to control CRUD operations on a table or field. You could use gs.getUser().isMemberOf() in an ACL script to create a rule which checks the logged in user’s group membership as a condition for the access control.

The following example shows a script on a write ACL for the Channel (contact_type) field on the Incident table. The “if” statement checks if the current user is a member of the Service Desk group.

ACL scripts should return true or false and will only execute if the script evaluates to true. In this case, the script returns true if the logged in user is a member of the Service Desk group, and as a result that user will be able to write to the Channel field.  

If the user is not a member of Service Desk, the field will be read only as shown below. Using gs.getUser().isMemberOf() in Access Controls is a great way to restrict table/field operations based on group membership.

Channel field read-only on Incident Form in ServiceNow

Example 2 - Using isMemberOf Client Side (with g_scratchpad)

As mentioned earlier, gs.getUser().isMemberOf() is part of the server-side API which means it cannot be directly used in client-side scripts.

However, as a workaround, developers can use the method in a server script and pass the value to the client. This is a clever way to be able to check the user’s group membership on a form, which can be useful in Client Scripts and UI Policies.

One way to accomplish this is to utilize gs.getUser().isMemberOf() along with g_scratchpad . Developers can use the g_scratchpad object to pass data from the server to the client.

Business Rule Code

The below example shows a Display Business Rule script on the Incident table. The rule will execute every time a form loads on the Incident table. In the script we are storing the result of gs.getUser().isMemberOf() in a g_scratchpad variable.

Remember, gs.getUser().isMemberOf() will return either true or false, and that result is what will be captured in the variable. Essentially, every time a record is displayed on the Incident table, this result will be added to the g_scratchpad object.

Client Script Code

To access the g_scratchpad object client-side, we will utilize a Client Script.

In our example, we are using an onLoad Client Script on the Incident table. Similar to our first example, the result of gs.getUser().isMemberOf() (via g_scratchpad) can be used as a condition to determine additional actions in the system.

The “If” statement will evaluate to true or false. A use case for this could be if the condition evaluates to true (i.e. if the logged in user is a member of the Service Desk, then make some field visible)

The alert is used to show how the value appears when retrieved on the client. The following alert was triggered when the form loaded for a user who is in the Service Desk group. You can see by the result it alerts (true), that the value is now available to use on the client side. Now you can use it for whatever you may need! A few things might be

  • Making a field mandatory
  • Hiding a field
  • Setting the value of a field based on if the scratchpad is true/false

Alert message on the Incident Form in ServiceNow Showing isMemberOf value

Even though gs.getUser().isMemberOf() is not available client-side, developers could use this approach to take advantage of the functionality to check group membership. Alternatively, we could have used GlideAjax and a Script Include to pass the result of gs.getUser().isMemberOf() from the server to the client. 

These are just a few scenarios where Developers can utilize gs.getUser().isMemberOf() .

Checking Group Memberships For Other Users

You may be wondering how to check group membership for users who are not the logged in user. Luckily, ServiceNow provides a way to do that also.

This can be accomplished by adding the getUserByID() method to the code we’ve been discussing and then adding the user's User ID as the parameter. The getUserByID() method takes a parameter of either the User ID or the sys_id of the user.

The below script shows how to check if any user is a member of any group, regardless of if they are the currently logged in user or not.

Putting It All Together

The topics and examples discussed in this article may be some of the more common requirements that you see while working in ServiceNow.

Almost every project I've ever been on, I've had at least one story that asks for something to happen based on a users group membership. It's a great tool to have in your arsenal, and you can knock out stories faster than ever if you have a good background of it!

We hope this article has helped you understand how to use gs.getUser().isMemberOf() in ServiceNow so that you are able to utilize it in your own scripts and take advantage of it. Happy coding!

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Populate Assignment group based on service offering and location in servicenow

I want to update the assignment group to a particular assignment group when the condition fulfills on RITM ie. service offering is xyz and location is abc, then it should update.

For example, there is one catalog item that is being raised by GETit and RITM is generated with an assignment group. I want to update that value when the matching conditions are fulfilled.

I tried using assignment rules but again it doesnt work if the field has already a value and in my case assignment group already has a value, we just need to update it.

Can someone please help me here.

Mansi Goel's user avatar

  • What’s setting the assignment group in the first place already? If it’s a workflow, then change the logic in the workflow to match your criteria, if it’s an assignment rule, then give your new rule a lower order so it takes precedence –  Nick Parsons Commented Jun 12 at 13:16

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I've found a few sources online (such as this one ) that warn not to use parent groups for inheriting roles. Does anyone know why this might be? The sources unfortunately don't explain.

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Assigned to and Assignment group

The Assigned to [assigned_to] field is a reference  field type that points to the Users [sys_user] table. This field is generally used to designate a user to work on, or be responsible for the task. By default, this field has a reference qualifier (role=itil) set on its dictionary record that prevents any non-itil user from being assigned to a task. You can override this reference qualifier on tables that extend task though, as the Project Task and Service Order tables do, if you have the relevant plugins installed.

The Assignment group [assignment_group] field serves pretty much the same purpose. The reason for having both, is that a workflow might automatically assign a certain type of task ticket to a group, ...

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servicenow parent child assignment groups

Ilim Group Presents its New KLB Mill to Industry Players

Presentation of the largest kraftliner production site in Russia took place at the 27th International Exhibition of the Packaging Industry RosUpack

Ilim Group Presents its New KLB Mill to Industry Players

The presentation of the Big Ust-Ilimsk Project, involving the construction of Russia’s one-of-a-kind pulp and board (KLB) mill in the Irkutsk Oblast, was one of the key events at RosUpack 2023. When speaking at the plenary session on corrugated board packaging market development, Alexey Chenyaev, Ilim’s Senior Vice President, Sales, Supply Chain Management and Packaging, focused on the advanced manufacturing and environmental solutions implemented at the new KLB Mill and prospects for sales market expansion it will secure.

After KLB Mill ramp-up (600,000 tons of kraftliner per year), the total annual output of Ilim Group will amount to 4.3 million tons. The Company will be one of the world’s largest producers of unbleached packaging materials and will strengthen its leadership in the Chinese market of wood-free corrugated materials with a share of approximately 50 to 60%.

The Big Ust-Ilimsk project was met by exhibitors with great interest. This year the event was attended by more than 740 companies from 19 countries. Ilim’s booth with an area of 140 m2 was one of the largest one at the site and was operated by about 50 experts from Sales and Corrugated Box Business Management Departments. The booth was attended by over 60 key accounts and more than 120 representatives of various companies, including such major ones as Heinz, MARS and KDV-Group.

Reference information:

Ilim Group is the leader of the Russian pulp and paper industry and one of the industry leaders globally. Ilim Group has three pulp and paper mills in the Arkhangelsk (Koryazhma) and Irkutsk (Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk) Oblasts, two modern corrugated box plants in the Leningrad and Moscow Oblasts (Kommunar and Dmitrov, respectively), and Sibgiprobum engineering and design institute (Irkutsk).

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    How to setup Parent-child relationship properly or how to setup partner

  2. Parent-child task relationships

    Parent-child task relationships - Product Documentation: Utah - Now Support Portal.

  3. Handling assignment groups across multiple domains

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  4. Groups

    Manager: Group manager or lead. Group email: Group email distribution list or the email address of the group's point of contact, such as the group manager. Parent: Other group of which this group is a member. The child group inherits the roles of the parent group. So, if a group has a parent, it inherits the roles of the parent group.

  5. Parent-child task relationships

    Parent-child task relationships have several effects on task time constraints. If a task is relatively large and requires several users with different skills to manage, break the task into subtasks and create parent-child relationships. A child task is a relatively smaller, manageable size of work.

  6. ServiceNow Group Best Practices

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  7. Advanced 'getMyGroups' Function

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  8. Understanding Parent / Child Relationships In ServiceNow Tables

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  9. Advanced Reference Qualifier Using a Script Include

    /**Create function to use a reference qualifier on the assignment group field on the Incident form to evaluate the value of the checkbox field on the CI and if the box is checked, the Assignment Group will NOT auto-populate on the incident form but rather provide the parent and child assignment groups to select from.

  10. Exercise: Roles and Groups

    Below you will find courses designed to bring developers up to speed quickly on the ServiceNow platform. Some of the courses are designed for specific audiences or topics. Please feel free to discover what content might be right for you by drilling into the individual courses and topics.

  11. Public Knowledge

    In ServiceNow, groups are used to organize users and control access to resources. Choosing a consistent and clear naming convention for your groups can help improve visibility, simplify administration, and make it easier for help desks to find the right assignment groups.

  12. ServiceNow Advanced Reference Qualifier

    In this video, we add an advanced reference qualifier on a dictionary override on the assignment group fields (for incidents) that calls a server side script include to run some funky glideRecord queries and return as back a refined list of group sys_id's. Its then these groups that are shown when you click the Assignment Group magnifying glass.

  13. Configure the group type for assignment groups

    Configure the group type for assignment groups - Product Documentation: Vancouver - Now Support Portal

  14. Tree picker in ServiceNow

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  15. Knowledge Base

    This tab will show all the ServiceNow groups the person is a member of. Once you have identified the appropriate group, go back to the browser with the ticket and populate it in the "Assignment group" field.

  16. How To Use gs.getUser ().isMemberOf () in ServiceNow

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  17. Populate Assignment group based on service offering and location in

    0 I want to update the assignment group to a particular assignment group when the condition fulfills on RITM ie. service offering is xyz and location is abc, then it should update.

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  19. Parent groups : r/servicenow

    The user winds up with a role that is inherited, but doesn't have a group associated with it. Because the role is supposedly inherited, you can't delete the user-role relationship. To fix them, you have to make that role assignment un-inherited, then you can finally delete it. I had to create a UI action and script in order to deal with them in ...

  20. Create an assignment rule

    Create an assignment rule - Product Documentation: Utah - Now Support Portal.

  21. Assigned to and Assignment group

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  22. Ilim Group starts installation of main equipment at its new KLB Mill in

    Ilim Group starts installation of main equipment at its new KLB Mill in Ust-Ilimsk. 28 Apr News. Implementation of the Big Ust-Ilimsk project has entered an active phase. The Mill worth more than USD 1 billion will be started up in 2022 to become the largest KLB production facility in Russia. On April 24, 2021, a delegation of the Irkutsk ...

  23. Ilim Group Presents its New KLB Mill to Industry Players

    The presentation of the Big Ust-Ilimsk Project, involving the construction of Russia's one-of-a-kind pulp and board (KLB) mill in the Irkutsk Oblast, was one of the key events at RosUpack 2023. When speaking at the plenary session on corrugated board packaging market development, Alexey Chenyaev, Ilim's Senior Vice President, Sales, Supply ...

  24. Setting up email push notifications for groups and group ...

    If you need to send out push notifications on mobile devices in addition to an email notification, for any event like task assigned to a group, or change commented on, this can be done through the following

  25. XLSX

    Star Tech Group, LLC ... ALEKS is a proven, online learning platform that helps educators and parents understand each student's knowledge and learning progress in depth, and provides the individual support required for every student to achieve mastery. ... Certified Brainfuse tutors provide live, on-demand tutoring and assignment help in a ...

  26. Product Documentation

    Community Ask questions, give advice, and connect with fellow ServiceNow professionals. Developer Build, test, and deploy applications Documentation Find detailed information about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases.