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  • Presentations

How to Create a Problem-Solving Google Slides Presentation

Andrew Childress

At its core, running a business is a problem-solving practice. To conquer challenges, you'll need team buy-in. It helps to create presentations that highlight problem solution slides.

Intro problem and the solution

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use 7-step problem-solving techniques in presentations. It's critical to present the problem in a way that makes sense to the audience.

You'll see presenting problem examples to drive great discussions. Then, you'll learn how to create slides that share a solution to the problem at hand. Let's jump in!

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Problem-Solving Presentations and Basic Slides to Include

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You Just Learned Problem Solution Slide Skills

Problems are a fact of life and business, but they can also be repositioned as opportunities for improvement. When a problem is framed properly, you can present options and move past it with growth.

In this tutorial, we'll tackle how to create problem solution slides. Not only will it show you how to frame a problem, but it will also help you get support from your team.

7S problem solving Google Slide

To save time and create great designs, we'll use a design from Envato Elements. The 7S Problem Solving Google Slide Template has a litany of pre-built slides we can use. With these out-of-the-box visuals, we can simply update the template with our specifics.

This template includes many great designs that connect to the  7-Step Problem-Solving framework. The 7-Step Problem-Solving approach is a hybrid of many common management frameworks for problem-solving. 

Here are the key steps:

  • Define the problem: It's important to start by framing the problem. Use a slide to explain the problem and its possible causes.
  • Analyze the problem: After an initial hypothesis, it's important to turn to data. Use data analysis to dig deeper into the "why" for the problem and solution.
  • Define the goals: Before you solve a problem, you should set goals. You can then test your potential solutions to ensure they move you toward those goals.
  • Generate potential solutions: Brainstorming is crucial. You need a range of options to choose from, so generate ideas with an open mind.
  • Select the solution: After sifting through potential options, narrow the scope to a single path forward. 
  • Implement the solution: Once a solution is selected, you need an action plan to put it into practice. Use a slide to share the implementation plan.
  • Evaluate the results: You might not  choose the perfect solution to a problem. It's important to monitor results with an open mind. That gives you the freedom to adjust your solution to the problem.

Now, let's review seven slides that connect to the 7-step problem-solving framework.  You could use slides like these to spark a group discussion. Plus, they can help you align on the path forward. Or use them to explore problems and solutions in your own business. Let's dive in!

1. The Problem Statement Slide

Let's build out an example slide that focuses on defining the problem. This is an under-appreciated part of the problem-solving process.

If the group doesn't agree on the problem presented, how can you develop a solution? Slide 2 is ideal for teeing up the problem and building up the "why" factors that contribute.

Problem and the solution before

In my experience, sharing a problem statement slide sparks discussion. Use this as a working session to define the problem being presented. It's best to start out with an open, candid conversation.

Start the session with only two things complete: the slide title and the Problem  statement. Then, use a working session with your team to fill out all of the  Why?  points on the slide. It's crucial to use this process to build buy-in from your team.

2. The Problem Analysis Slide

Here's a tip I've found for framing the problem presented: you need to bring data to the table. Tie your approach back to the problem, and the solution will become clear. 

Slide 14 is what's known as a  Pareto chart,  and it's ideal for showing parts that make up the entirety of the problem. In many cases, the Pareto chart highlights two to three key drivers that explain almost the entire story.

In a Pareto chart, you'll list the key statistical factors that contribute to your problem. Populate the leftmost bars with the largest drivers. You can use the overlaid line chart to build toward 100%. This visual highlights the most prevalent root causes, which can help you formulate solutions to the problem options.

Problem analysis slide using a Pareto chart

If you don't have data, you might want to rethink how you're framing the problem. After all, if you lack data about the problem, how can you arrive at a solution? Consider taking a step back to collect data that builds buy-in for change.

3. The Objective-Setting Slide

If you don't set a goal, how will you know if you've solved your problem? It's important to create a slide that sets the objective for solving the problem presented.

I'll start with Slide 3 in the presentation, which most closely resembles a timeline. But there's no reason that you have to use it for chronological data. I'm going to customize it to show the key pillars of my objectives.

Objective setting slide

Remember that at this stage in the process, we haven't decided on an exact path forward. I like to use an objective-setting slide to paint a high-level vision.

As an example, I customized the slide with key objectives. In my case, I opted to remove the icons and simplify the "timeline" to just four key pillars. This brings more focus to the slide.

Quality objective push

Remember that every slide in our presentation is totally customizable. It's designed to give you a starting point. Then, you can use these presenting problem examples to describe  your  scenario.

Don't forget: if the icons on this slide don't match your business purpose, you can source other icon sets on Envato Elements . Your subscription unlocks Google Slides problem-solving templates and icons.

4. The Solution Exploration Slide

By now, some trends should emerge in your exploration of the problem. You've probably started to zone in on several key options you could use to solve the problem.

At this stage, I suggest gathering the potential range of solutions and building out a slide that shares them. You could use any slide for this approach, but I like to display them all for discussion. You can use slide 6 in our template for this.

Solution exploration slide

Remember that great slides can serve as the catalyst for a discussion. By sharing your ideas, you're sure to ignite more ideas for collaboration.

5. The Solution Selection Slide

It's time to share the solution implemented. For this, I'll use slide 11.

In situations like this, I employ a tactic that I call "something for everyone." You want to create buy-in from every group and let them know they were considered in decision-making.

Solution selection slide

Slide 11 is great for this concept. Think of each of these blocks as an opportunity to explain your decision. Use one block per group or team affected, and then share your idea.

6. The Solution Implementation Slide

Once you've settled on a solution to the problem presented, you're ready to formulate a plan. That means taking the individual action steps and sequencing them. For this, I love slide 12, which uses a  Gantt chart.

The Gantt chart methodology is common and powerful for planning a project. Most projects consist of many actions that run in parallel. By using a Gantt chart, you can show each of those steps and who owns them.

Solution implementation slide

For a complete guide to creating a Gantt chart in Google Slides, check out our tutorial below:

problem solving presentation topics

7. The Results Review Slide

Change management is an ongoing process. It means revisiting your results over time to ensure that the solution addresses the problem. 

I recommend using a slide like slide 13 to keep your team posted with the results of your solution. You can use each of these points on the slide to monitor metrics to measure project success.

results review problem solving

That's it! You've created a deck that includes all of the essential problem solution slides. With this approach, you can spark great group discussion and formulate a plan. Jump in and try it yourself to share the problem and the solution.

Google Slides is easy to get started with, but there's plenty of power under the hood. Building great presentations takes practice. We've got you covered with more helpful resources that teach you Google Slides features.

You can master Google Slides skills with the help of our tutorials. The tips here will help you fill out your problem-solving templates with less work than ever before. Check out top Google Slides tutorials below:

problem solving presentation topics

In this tutorial, we featured a template as we learned how to create problem statement slides. Then, we tackled presenting problem examples with that same template. We frequently feature top Google Slides templates that make  any  project easy, and you can see more top choices below.

Many of these templates can help you frame the problem and the solution. Remember: templates are flexible to  your  content. That means that many of these will function perfectly as problem-solving templates.

problem solving presentation topics

The Best Source of Google Slides Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

Looking for the fastest way to develop your presentation? It's best to start with a premium template from Envato Elements.

Envato Elements is the best source to find problem statement slide templates. It comes with an offer that can't be beaten: unlimited downloads.

Elements Google Slides templates

With Elements, one subscription unlocks everything you need. You'll benefit from unlimited access to presentation templates, stock photos, illustrations, and more. Presenting problem examples is much easier with great visuals to share.

It's easier than ever to find what you need with the new AI-powered search tool ! Elements includes millions of assets. With AI-powered search, the tool finds the perfect creative assets for you. Just enter your description, and you'll have everything you need.

Elements AI search

Don't delay creating your best presentation ever. Join Envato Elements and you're on your way!

Problems are a fact of life and a constant in business. Presenting problem examples is a crucial skill. You learned tips so that the problem presented is clear. Then, you learned how to share and monitor a solution to the problem using Google Slides templates .

Now, it's your turn. I'm going to challenge you to use a problem-solving template for a challenge of your own. Use our tips and problem-solving templates to explore the challenge from a new angle. You're on your way to finding creative solutions!

Andrew Childress

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20+ Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates for 2024

In powerpoint templates ,.

Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

Decision making is a crucial part of any business or organization, and the ability to make effective decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. Of course, making the right decision isn’t always easy, which is why it’s essential to have a strong problem-solving process in place. This blog post discusses the definition of problem solving and some of the recommended problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates .

What is Problem Solving?

Problem solving is the process of identifying and resolving issues or challenges. It can be done individually or as part of a team. Problem solving usually requires a systematic approach and often includes steps such as:  identifying the problem, generating potential solutions, evaluating the options, selecting the solution, and implementing the plan.  Of course, not every problem will require all of these steps. But in general, taking a systematic and structured approach to problem solving will increase the chances of finding a successful resolution. With practice, problem solving can become second nature – something that we do automatically and effortlessly. When faced with an issue or challenge, our first instinct will be to quickly find a solution that works.

The Problem Solving Process

The first step in the problem solving process is to identify the source of the problem. Once the source has been identified, it is important to gather information about the problem. This may include  conducting research, observing the situation, or speaking to those who are affected by the problem . Once enough information has been gathered, it is time to start brainstorming solutions. Possible solutions should be evaluated based on their feasibility and potential impact. After a solution has been chosen, it is important to implement it in a way that is efficient and effective. Finally, it is necessary to monitor the situation to ensure that the chosen solution is having the desired effect. If not, then the problem solving process will need to begin anew in order to find a different solution.

Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates from SlideSalad

If you are looking for some helpful PPT templates to Create Problem solving Model PowerPoint presentations, then look no further! Here are some of the best problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates that you can use to make your next presentation. This clean template come with easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of sample slides to get you started. With these multipurpose PowerPoint templates , you’ll be able to create a professional, engaging presentation that will help your audience understand the problem solving process and how to apply it in real-world situations. So check out these great problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates today and get started on your next presentation!

1. PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template – Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template - Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

The PDCA cycle is also known as the  Deming Wheel , named after  Dr. William Edwards Deming who introduced the concept in the 1950s.  The PDCA cycle is a quality control method that can be used to continually improve processes and systems. The four steps of the cycle are: Plan, Do, Check (study), and Act.  The Plan step involves identifying the problem and developing a plan to address it. The Do step involves implementing the plan. The Check (study) step involves monitoring the results of the implementation and determining whether they are effective. The Act step involves taking action to make permanent changes based on the findings of the study. By following this cycle, organizations can improve their processes and systems on an ongoing basis.

2. 5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides – Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides - Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

Five Why’s is a simple and effective root cause analysis tool that can be used to identify the underlying cause of an issue. The Five Why’s Framework is based on the premise that for every problem, there are five whys that need to be asked in order to get to the root cause. Asking why five times gets to the heart of the matter and helps to ensure that all possible causes are considered. The Five Why’s tool can be used for both individual and team problem-solving exercises. It is a helpful tool for preventing issues from recurring because it gets everyone thinking about all the potential causes of a problem, not just the most obvious ones. Buy and download this best problem solving PowerPoint template and get started illustrating the 5 Whys in your presentation.

3. CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams – The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams - The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

David Smyth first introduced the CATWOE Analysis in 1975 as a tool for business and systems analysis.

The acronym CATWOE stands for:

  • Transformation Process
  • Environmental Constraints

This framework can be used to identify and understand the key elements of a system under consideration. By taking into account the needs of customers, the people who will be affected by the system, the process that will be used to implement it, and the worldview that it represents, CATWOE Analysis provides a comprehensive way to understand complex systems. In addition, by considering environmental constraints and identifying who will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system, CATWOE Analysis can help to ensure that a proposed system is viable and sustainable.

4. Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs – Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs - Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa diagrams also called cause and effect diagrams or Fishikawa , are a graphical tool used to identify possible causes of a problem. The name “fishbone” comes from the fact that the diagram resembles the skeleton of a fish . The main purpose of the fishbone diagram is to help identify all of the possible causes of a problem so that it can be more effectively addressed. The diagram is often used in quality management and Six Sigma initiatives as a way to brainstorm about potential causes and identify root causes. It can also be used in other business settings as a tool for identifying problems and their causes. While the fishbone diagram is most commonly used in manufacturing and service industries, it can be applied to any type of problem-solving situation. You can also use this recommended template for decision making presentations. To test our template quality, download some of our free PowerPoint templates .

5. Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template – Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template - Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

The Kepner-Tregoe method is a problem-solving and decision-making technique developed in the 1960s by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe.

The KT methodology is based on four fundamental elements:

  • Situation Analysis
  • Problem Analysis
  • Decision Analysis
  • Potential Problem (Opportunity) Analysis

These elements are designed to help individuals and organizations systematically identify, assess, and resolve problems in a rational and efficient manner. In each step, specific tools and techniques are used to help identify the cause of a problem or opportunity, generate possible solutions, select the best solution, and implement it effectively. The KT approach has been used successfully in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, government, and service. While the method is not without its critics, it continues to be one of the most popular problem-solving tools available today.

6. Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams – Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams - Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma is a quality refinement strategy that aims to reduce defects by minimizing variation in manufacturing and business processes. The DMAIC model, which stands for  Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control , is a framework for Six Sigma projects. The Define phase involves identifying the problem to be addressed and setting objectives. In the Measure phase, data is gathered to quantify the problem. In the Analyze phase, the data is analyzed to identify the root causes of variation. The Improve phase involves implementing solutions to address the root causes. Finally, in the Control phase, process control plans are put in place to ensure that the improvements are sustainable. By following the DMAIC model, Six Sigma projects can achieve substantial improvements in quality and productivity.

Features of SlideSalad’s Top Problem Solving PowerPoint Templates:

  • Fully editable unique slides
  • Unlimited premade color themes
  • 100% Resizable vector icons, objects, and image layouts
  • Completely editable Vector infographics
  • Royalty-free stock photos
  • Editable data charts, graphs, shapes, smart art, and tables
  • Vector country map for representing locations
  • Attractive image backgrounds
  • Drag and drop ready elements
  • One-time purchase
  • Free lifetime updates
  • Free lifetime support

7. Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates – Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates - Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking is a method for approaching problems with empathy, creativity, and a focus on real-world solutions. The process begins with empathizing with those who will be using the product or solution. This step helps to ensure that the final product meets the needs of the end users. Once the problem has been clearly defined, the next step is to ideate or generate ideas for potential solutions. These ideas are then prototyped or put into a form that can be tested in the real world. Finally, the prototypes are tested with users to get feedback and refine the design. The Design Thinking process is an iterative one, meaning that each step is automatically followed by another round of refinement. This cycle continues until the problem is solved in a way that is both effective and efficient.

8. Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template – Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template - Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

The Simplex Problem-Solving Process, developed by Min Basadur , is a systematic and comprehensive approach to problem solving that can be applied to both individual and organizational problems . The process begins with problem finding, followed by fact-finding and problem definition. Once the problem has been adequately defined, the focus shifts to idea/solution finding; this involves generating and evaluating potential solutions to the problem. Once a satisfactory solution has been found, it is then necessary to sell the idea/gain acceptance from those who will be affected by it. Finally, taking action to implement the solution and monitoring its effectiveness completes the process. Throughout the process, it is important to maintain open communication and keep all stakeholders involved and informed of progress. The Simplex Problem-Solving Process is an effective tool for addressing both simple and complex problems in an organized and efficient manner. Purchase this elegant presentation theme to professionally present the Simplex problem solving process.

9. SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs – Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs - Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

The SCAMPER technique is a powerful tool for generating new ideas. It was developed by Bob Eberle in 1971 as a way to help people develop their imagination.

The technique involves seven different steps:

  • Put to another use

Each step provides a different way of looking at a problem or challenge and can help to spark new ideas. For example, the “substitute” step asks you to consider what you could use instead of the existing element. This can lead to new ways of solving problems or creating entirely new products or services. The “combine” step asks you to consider two or more elements and how they could be combined. This can lead to new combinations of products or services or new ways of using existing products or services. The other steps provide similarly powerful ways of generating new ideas, and all together, they can help you to overcome creative blocks and come up with fresh solutions.

10. Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates – Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates - Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation management is a combination of strategic and operational activities that are necessary for an organization to introduce and deliver new products, services, or processes. The goal of innovation management is to create value through the development and commercialization of new ideas. There are many different models and practices that can be used to achieve this goal, but they all share some common elements. First, innovation management must identify and assess opportunities for a new product or service development. Second, it must create a plan for how to develop and commercialize these new ideas. Finally, it must monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the goals are met. By following these steps, organizations can increase their chances of successful innovation. All our multipurpose presentation templates include fully customizable slides, beautiful slide designs , awesome vector icons, objects and image layouts, resizable shapes , color schemes, colorful infographics , 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen resolutions, and more.

11. Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template – The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template - The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Tim Hurson developed the Productive Thinking Model in his book, Think Better (2010) , and it is based on the premise that, in order to be successful, we need to understand what is going on, what success looks like, and what the question is. Once we have a clear understanding of these three things, we can then generate answers, forge the solution, and align resources. The model is designed to help individuals and organizations think more effectively so that they can achieve their desired outcomes. The Productive Thinking Model has been used by a variety of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. When applied correctly, it can help individuals and organizations to achieve success. Once you are done with the presentation, you can save it on OneDrive or Google Drive for remote access.

12. 8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template – Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template - Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D (Eight Disciplines) is a problem-solving methodology used in engineering primarily for corrective action and preventive action. It includes specific steps for identifying, analyzing, and correcting root causes of defects/issues. The method was developed by Ford Motor Company in the 1980s but has since been adopted by other companies across various industries.

The 8D methodology follows a logical sequence of 8 steps:

  • Define the problem.
  • Form a cross-functional team.
  • Describe the current situation.
  • Identify and implement short-term containment actions.
  • Identify root causes and verify their effects.
  • Develop and implement permanent corrective actions.
  • Prevent the recurrence of the problem by implementing systemic improvements.
  • Congratulate the team on a job well done.

Following these steps helps to ensure that problems are properly identified and addressed at the root cause level, preventing them from recurring in the future. Additionally, involving a cross-functional team in the problem-solving process ensures that all relevant stakeholders have a chance to provide input and improve the chances of success. Ultimately, 8D is an effective tool for improving quality and preventing them from happening again in the future.

13. PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

The PPDAC cycle is a five-step process for solving problems and making decisions introduced by R.J. McKay and R.W. Oldford . It is commonly used in business and government, as well as in personal decision-making.

The steps in the cycle are:

  • Conclusions
  • The first step in the cycle is to identify the problem. This involves understanding what the problem is and why it is important to solve.
  • The second step is to develop a plan for how to solve the problem. This plan should take into account the resources available and the potential risks and benefits of different courses of action.
  • The third step is to gather data. This data can come from research, surveys, interviews, or observation. Once the data has been gathered, it must be analyzed to identify trends and patterns.
  • The fourth step is to reach conclusions based on the data analysis. These conclusions should be supported by evidence and should be clear and concise.
  • The fifth and final step is to take action based on the conclusions. This action may involve implementing a plan or making a decision.

The PPDAC cycle is a useful tool for solving problems and making decisions. It helps to ensure that all relevant information is considered and that decisions are based on evidence.

14. Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

The Straw Man Proposal is a brainstorming-like method for problem solving developed by McKinsey. It involves rapidly generating a large number of potential solutions to a problem, then evaluating and selecting the best one. The goal is to come up with an innovative solution that is feasible and superior to existing solutions. The technique is named after the “straw man” used in legal arguments, which is a weak or easily refuted opponent that is used to make the argument look stronger . In the same way, the Straw Man Proposal allows ideas to be quickly evaluated and rejected if they are not viable, leaving only the strongest ones remaining. This makes it an effective tool for finding creative solutions to complex problems. While it is often used by businesses, the Straw Man Proposal can be adapted for use in any situation where problem solving is needed.

15. ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

The ACHIEVE coaching model is a framework that can be used by coaches to help their clients assess their current situation, identify their goals, and generate and implement a plan of action. The model was developed by the Coaching Centre (Dombkowski and Eldridge) in 2003 , a UK-based organization that provides training and resources for coaches. The acronym ACHIEVE stands for Assess, Creative brainstorming, Hone goals, Initiate option generation, Evaluate options, Valid Action Programme Design, and Encourage momentum . The seven steps of the model can be applied to any coaching situation, and each step can be further customized to meet the specific needs of the client. The ACHIEVE coaching model is a flexible and comprehensive approach that can be used to help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals.

16. STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

The STEPPA Coaching Model was developed by Dr. Angus McLeod as a way to help people identify and achieve their goals. The acronym STEPPA stands for Subject, Target Identification, Emotion, Perception, Plan, Pace, and Action . Each of these components is essential for successful goal-setting and achievement. The first step, Subject, involves identifying what area of your life you want to improve. The second step, Target Identification, helps you to zero in on specific goals that you would like to achieve. The third step, Emotion, involves exploring the feelings that are associated with your goals. The fourth step, Perception, is about how you see yourself achieving your goals. The fifth step, Plan, helps you to develop a specific plan of action for achieving your goals. And finally, the sixth and seventh steps, Pace and Action, involve taking concrete steps towards achieving your goals. By following the STEPPA Coaching Model, you can set and achieve any goal that you desire.

17. ESH Framework PowerPoint Template – Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

ESH Framework PowerPoint Template - Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

The ESH Framework is a systems approach to organizational management and change that was developed by Dutch organizational theorists Mathieu Weggeman and Geert Hofstede . The framework is based on the premise that organizations are composed of five interrelated subsystems: strategy, structure, personnel, culture, and management styles . Each of these subsystems exerts a unique influence on organizational behavior and performance. To be effective, organizations must maintain a balance between these subsystems ( evenwicht ), as well as a sense of cohesion ( samenhang ) and diversity ( heterogeneity ). The ESH Framework provides a comprehensive and systematic way of understanding how organizations function and how they can be managed effectively. It is a useful tool for both practitioners and researchers alike.

18. David Rock’s Focus Model PowerPoint Template – Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock’s ‘Choose Your Focus’ Model

David Rock's Focus Model PowerPoint Template - Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock's 'Choose Your Focus' Model

In his book “ Quiet Leadership ,” David Rock discusses the importance of focusing on what is most important.

He divided this focus into six different areas:

Vision refers to having a clear idea of what you want to achieve, and planning refers to taking the time to develop a detailed plan of how you will achieve it. Detail refers to ensuring that all the small details are taken care of, and problem refers to solving any problems that arise along the way. Drama refers to managing any difficult situations that may arise, and finally, quiet leadership refers to maintaining your composure and keeping your head during times of stress. By focusing on these six areas, you can increase your chances of success and achieving your goals. Buy and download a business PPT presentation template for an instant presentation.

19. 5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs – A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs - A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

The 5E learning model is a constructivist approach to teaching that emphasizes the learner’s experience and prior knowledge as the foundation for new learning. The model was developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study in 1987  and has since been adopted by many school districts across the United States.

The 5E model is comprised of five stages:

The first stage, Engage, is designed to capture students’ attention and interest in the topic. The second stage, Explore, allows students to investigate the topic and form their own hypotheses. In the third stage, Explain, students share their hypotheses with the class and receive feedback from the teacher. The fourth stage, Elaborate, gives students an opportunity to practice what they have learned. Finally, in the fifth stage, Evaluate, students reflect on their learning and assess their understanding of the material. The 5E learning model is an effective way to engage students in active learning and promote a deep understanding of content.

20. The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique is a structured brainstorming method that can be used by groups of people to generate ideas and solve problems. The technique was first developed by Steven Rogelberg, Janet Barnes-Farrell, and Charles Lowe in 1992 . The process involves each member of the group working individually to generate ideas on a topic or problem. Once all members have generated their ideas, they then share their ideas with the person next to them and build on those ideas to create a “ladder” of solutions. This process is then repeated until all members of the group have had a chance to contribute. Once the ladder is complete, the group can then discuss the options and make a decision. The Stepladder Technique is an effective way to generate a large number of ideas and find creative solutions to problems. Try this corporate presentation template for your next successful problem solving PPT presentation. Also, consider purchasing some of our professional Google Slides and Keynote templates if needed.

21. Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template – Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template - Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual positions are a neuro-linguistic programming and psychology term that refers to the three different ways we can view a situation. The first position is the ‘I, self’ position, where we view the situation from our own perspective. The second position is the ‘the other’ position, where we view the situation from the perspective of another person. The third position is the ‘the observer’ position, where we view the situation from an objective, detached perspective. By understanding and utilizing all three positions, we can gain a complete understanding of a situation and make more effective decisions.

Conclusion: Buying the Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

No matter which problem solving model you choose, Modern Premium PowerPoint templates can be a valuable tool for communicating your findings to others. SlideSalad’s problem solving models and techniques PPT templates come in a variety of styles and can be customized to fit your needs . Choose a template that includes all of the elements you need to present your data clearly and effectively. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to create an engaging and professional presentation that will help your team solve problems more efficiently.

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Problem Solving Presentation Templates

Present the problem-solving processes effectively with our premade problem solving powerpoint templates and google slides themes. crafted to guide you from problem identification to resolution, these free templates breathe life into complex strategies. they feature creative, fully editable infographics, like puzzles and light bulb designs..

Problem solving

  • Analytical Thinking: Breaking down a problem into smaller parts to understand its nature.
  • Creative Thinking: Thinking outside the box to find unique and effective solutions.
  • Decision Making: Choosing the best course of action among different alternatives.
  • Team Collaboration: Working together to generate diverse perspectives and solutions.
  • Communicate the problem statement clearly to stakeholders.
  • Exhibit potential solutions and their implications.
  • Rally teams around a unified strategy.
  • Track progress and outcomes.

In such scenarios, the design and layout of your presentation matter as much as its content. And this is where Slide Egg steps in!

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How To Build A Problem Solving PowerPoint

How To Build A Problem Solving PowerPoint

We're here to help you, what is problem solving presentation templates.

Problem Solving Presentation Templates is a set of pre-designed PowerPoint slides that you can use to present and explain problem-solving strategies. The templates provide visuals and text that you can use to describe the problem-solving process, from identifying the problem to finding a solution.

Where can we use these Problem Solving Slides?

You can use these Problem Solving Slides for corporate meetings, educational classes, team-building events, or workshops. You can also use them to help facilitate brainstorming sessions and critical thinking activities.

How can I make Problem Solving PPT Slides in a presentation?

Start by creating a slide that outlines the problem. This should include the problem statement and a brief description of the context. Including brainstorming, researching, listing potential solutions, analyzing the data, and finally arriving at a solution. Suppose you want to create slides by yourself. Visit Tips and tricks for detailed instructions.

Who can use Problem Solving Presentation Templates?

Anyone can use Problem Solving PPT Templates to present a problem-solving strategy or process visually engagingly. These templates can be used by professionals, educators, students, business owners, and anyone looking to share a problem-solving approach with an audience.

Why do we need Problem Solving Presentation Slides?

Presenting a problem-solving Presentation slide helps illustrate complex concepts and issues. It can also engage an audience, provide visual context and simplify data. Problem-solving slides can convey ideas and solutions effectively and explore different solutions and alternatives.

Where can I find free Problem Solving Presentation Templates?

Many websites offer free Problem Solving Presentation Templates. Slide egg is one of the best PowerPoint providers. Our websites have uniquely designed templates that allow you to share the problem and help to track progress towards a solution.

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Problem-Solving Frameworks

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What is problem-solving? It is the steps, processes, and techniques used to overcome obstacles to complete a task. Sometimes this task is a question to be answered; other times it's a physical objective to achieve. Through the art of problem-solving, you deconstruct problems and break them down into a series of smaller steps. But what are problem-solving skills?

Questions and answers

How does the Problem-Solving Frameworks template align with a company's digital transformation initiatives?

The Problem-Solving Frameworks template can align with a company's digital transformation initiatives in several ways. Firstly, digital transformation often involves complex problems that need to be broken down into manageable parts, which is exactly what the Problem-Solving Frameworks template is designed to do. Secondly, the template can help identify potential causes of problems within the digital transformation process, allowing for more effective solutions to be developed. Lastly, the template can be used to develop problem-solving skills within the team, which are crucial for navigating the challenges of digital transformation.

Can you compare the Problem-Solving Frameworks template with other business problem-solving frameworks?

The Problem-Solving Frameworks template is a tool that helps to deconstruct complex problems into smaller, logical steps. It includes tools that survey and identify a problem, explore potential causes, and propose solutions. This approach is similar to other business problem-solving frameworks such as the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) or DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) from Six Sigma. However, the specific tools and techniques used may vary. For example, the Problem-Solving Frameworks template might focus more on identifying and exploring problems, while PDCA and DMAIC might put more emphasis on continuous improvement and control.

To learn and use the top skills to break down a problem, you can download our Problem-Solving Frameworks presentation template to gain new tools that survey and identify a problem, explore potential causes, brainstorm potential countermeasures, implement proposals for change, and then evaluate the outcome. These tools include slides on A3 Problem-Solving, Work Planning, Root Cause Analysis, Fishbone, FMEA Matrix, Problem Analysis Canvas, Critical Decision Plan, Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming, Outcome Evaluation, Countermeasure Implementation, and many more. If you read to the end, we'll explain how a company Netflix could use these tools to solve its recent subscriber-loss problem.

How could a company like Netflix use the Problem-Solving Frameworks to solve its recent subscriber-loss problem?

Netflix could use the Problem-Solving Frameworks to address its recent subscriber-loss problem by first identifying the problem, which in this case is the loss of subscribers. Next, they could explore potential causes for this issue, such as increased competition, pricing issues, or lack of appealing content. They could then brainstorm potential countermeasures, such as introducing new, exclusive content, adjusting pricing, or improving user experience. After implementing these proposals for change, they would evaluate the outcome to see if the changes have led to an increase in subscribers. Tools like A3 Problem-Solving, Root Cause Analysis, Fishbone, FMEA Matrix, Problem Analysis Canvas, Critical Decision Plan, Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming, Outcome Evaluation, and Countermeasure Implementation could be particularly useful in this process.

How can the Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming, Outcome Evaluation, Countermeasure Implementation tools be used to evaluate the outcome of a problem-solving process?

The Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming, Outcome Evaluation, and Countermeasure Implementation tools can be used to evaluate the outcome of a problem-solving process in several ways. The Affinity Diagram for Brainstorming is used to generate, organize, and consolidate information related to a problem. It helps in identifying key issues and patterns that might not be visible otherwise. The Outcome Evaluation tool is used to assess the results of the problem-solving process. It helps in determining whether the problem was effectively resolved or not. The Countermeasure Implementation tool is used to apply corrective actions to prevent the problem from recurring. It ensures that the solutions are effectively implemented and the problem is completely resolved.

Tool highlights

A3 problem-solving.

To solve any problem, you need to follow these four steps: 1. Define the problem. 2. generate alternate solutions. 3. evaluate and select a solution. 4. implement and follow-up. This four-step framework is essentially the famous process and development improvement "Plan-Do-Check-Act" cycle or PDCA.

The most comprehensive problem-solving tool in this toolkit is the A3 Problem-Solving sheet. Created by Toyota, the A3 system got its name from the small size of the A3 card paper that forces collaborators and team members to focus on the most important aspects of the "full picture." A visualized action plan, A3 corresponds to the PDCA framework.

How can companies implement the A3 Problem-Solving system in their operations?

Companies can implement the A3 Problem-Solving system in their operations by following a series of steps. First, they need to identify the problem and its root cause. This can be done by using various tools such as brainstorming, fishbone diagrams, or 5 Whys analysis. Once the problem and its cause are identified, the next step is to develop a countermeasure or solution to the problem. This should be a detailed plan that outlines the steps to be taken, who is responsible for each step, and when each step should be completed. The plan should then be implemented and monitored to ensure it is effective. If the problem persists, the process should be repeated until the problem is resolved. The A3 Problem-Solving system encourages continuous improvement and is a powerful tool for problem-solving and decision-making.

How do the key topics covered in the Problem-Solving Frameworks template enhance business strategy?

The key topics covered in the Problem-Solving Frameworks template enhance business strategy by providing a structured approach to problem-solving. This allows businesses to deconstruct complex problems into smaller, manageable steps, making it easier to identify and address the root causes. The A3 Problem-Solving sheet, for instance, encourages focus on the most important aspects of the problem, promoting efficiency and effectiveness in problem resolution. This systematic approach to problem-solving can lead to better decision-making, improved processes, and ultimately, a more robust business strategy.

  • Steps 1-4 of this A3 problem sheet cover the "Plan" of the PDCA. Step 1 requires a good grasp of the history of the problem to understand it.
  • Step 2 describes the current condition.
  • Step 3 requires a root cause analysis to find potential reasons behind the problem.
  • After that, jot down the desired future state in Step 4.
  • Step 5 corresponds to "Do" in PDCA, where countermeasures for experimentation are developed to address the problem.
  • Step 6 is the implementation of all these ideas to solve the problem across a set timeline. Ideally, this covers the what, when, and who of the responsibilities as well.
  • Step 7 corresponds to "Check", which evaluates the implementations that were made, collects the data, and compares the before and after of the implementation.
  • Step 8 is the follow-up, where plans are made to sustain the improvement over the mid-term and long-term. This could be weekly, monthly, or quarterly check-ins, as well as an analysis of whether the problem is case closed or still needs improvement. (Slide 4)

How does the A3 problem-solving framework compare to other business problem-solving frameworks?

The A3 problem-solving framework is a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving, often used in businesses. It is unique in its emphasis on understanding the problem's history, conducting a root cause analysis, and developing countermeasures for experimentation. It also includes steps for implementation, evaluation, and follow-up to ensure sustained improvement. This framework is often compared to the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, as it incorporates similar steps but provides a more detailed and comprehensive approach. However, the effectiveness of A3 or any other problem-solving framework can vary depending on the specific context and nature of the problem.

How does the Problem-Solving Frameworks template align with digital transformation initiatives?

The Problem-Solving Frameworks template aligns with digital transformation initiatives in several ways. Firstly, digital transformation often involves solving complex problems, which this template is designed to help with. It breaks down problems into smaller, manageable steps, which is crucial in digital transformation projects that often involve complex and interrelated challenges. Secondly, the template includes tools for identifying and exploring potential causes of a problem, which is key in digital transformation as it often involves identifying and addressing underlying issues that may be hindering digital progress. Lastly, the implementation and follow-up steps in the template align with the iterative nature of digital transformation, which involves implementing changes, evaluating their impact, and making necessary adjustments.

Work planning

Problem-solving doesn't happen in a vacuum. Work planning is actually a problem-solving tool in that it lays out the work plan and timelines and assigns roles and responsibilities to address issues. If you were paying attention above, this corresponds to Step 6 of A3 and the "Do" step of PDCA. In this work planning sheet, the first column in the table covers the issue and hypothesis, followed by the analysis that needs to be done to address the issue, the data sources used (like customer surveys or extensive market research), the role of the stakeholder or team responsible, and the due date. (Slide 10)

What is the significance of assigning roles and responsibilities in problem-solving?

Assigning roles and responsibilities in problem-solving is significant as it ensures that each aspect of the problem is addressed by a dedicated individual or team. This promotes efficiency and effectiveness in the problem-solving process. It helps in avoiding confusion and overlapping of tasks, ensuring that all tasks are completed within the stipulated time. It also fosters accountability, as each team member is aware of their specific tasks and responsibilities.

How can customer surveys and market research contribute to problem-solving?

Customer surveys and market research are crucial tools in problem-solving. They provide valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and behaviors. This data can help identify the root cause of a problem, validate or invalidate hypotheses, and guide decision-making. For instance, if a business is facing a decline in sales, a customer survey can reveal if it's due to product quality, pricing, or customer service. Similarly, market research can provide information about market trends, competition, and potential opportunities. Thus, these tools contribute to problem-solving by providing evidence-based insights to inform strategies and actions.

Root cause analysis

It's often important to break down the root cause of a problem. This root cause analysis chart has three columns that cover the identity of the issue, likely root causes, and possible solutions. Subtopics are listed below, including a column for quantifiable metrics. For instance, for the identity of the issue, the quantifiable element to measure could be its "criticality." Ask yourself, "how severe of an issue are you dealing with?" The source could come from a client, HR, or other business areas.

What are some potential sources of issues in a business that can be addressed using the Problem-Solving Frameworks template?

Potential sources of issues in a business that can be addressed using the Problem-Solving Frameworks template could be varied. They could stem from client interactions, human resources, or other business areas. The template is designed to deconstruct problems into smaller, logical steps, making it easier to identify and address the root cause. It can be used to tackle issues of varying criticality, from minor operational hiccups to major strategic challenges. The key is to identify the issue, explore its likely root causes, and then devise possible solutions.

How can the severity of an issue be measured in problem-solving frameworks?

The severity of an issue in problem-solving frameworks can be measured by assessing its impact on the business or project. This could include the potential for financial loss, damage to reputation, or disruption to operations. It's also important to consider the frequency of the issue and the number of people or processes it affects. The severity can be quantified using a scale or rating system, which can help prioritize issues for resolution.

Under root cause, the "likelihood" of this root cause could be the quantifiable metric. The root cause column also highlights "information", which is meant to help define how the data is used to identify the root cause. Under possible solutions, the "risk level" of any action to solve the problem could be the quantifiable metric. You don't want your solution to wind up worse than the root problem, after all. The purpose here is that once you do find the root cause of a problem, it will be indicative of what the potential solution could be to solve it. (Slide 19)

What factors should be considered when proposing possible solutions in the problem-solving framework?

When proposing possible solutions in the problem-solving framework, several factors should be considered. First, the likelihood of the root cause should be evaluated. This involves assessing the probability that a particular factor is the actual cause of the problem. Second, the risk level of the proposed solution should be considered. This involves evaluating the potential negative consequences that could arise from implementing the solution. It's important to ensure that the solution doesn't end up causing more harm than the original problem. Finally, the potential effectiveness of the solution in addressing the root cause should be considered. This involves assessing whether the solution is likely to effectively resolve the problem.

How does the problem-solving framework help in identifying the root cause of a problem?

The problem-solving framework aids in identifying the root cause of a problem by breaking down the problem into smaller, logical steps. It starts with surveying and identifying the problem, then exploring potential causes. The framework uses data to identify the root cause. Once the root cause is identified, it gives an indication of what the potential solution could be. This systematic approach helps in avoiding solutions that could potentially be worse than the original problem.

Fishbone diagram

Another tool to identify cause and effect is a fishbone diagram, also known as an Ishikawa diagram. In this diagram, the team first agrees on what the problem statement is. The spine of the fish connects to all the major categories of possible causes. These categories are usually "materials", "measurements", "method", "machine", "people", and "environment." Since these are broad buckets, most contributing factors will fit under one of these six bones, so list the possible factors in each possible cause category. In order to see beyond the obvious for deeper analysis, use the 5 whys framework to ask the "why" behind any of these potential problems until the root of the issue is uncovered. (Slide 13)

What is the purpose of using a fishbone diagram in the Problem-Solving Framework?

The purpose of using a fishbone diagram, also known as an Ishikawa diagram, in the Problem-Solving Framework is to identify cause and effect relationships. It helps in breaking down a problem into smaller, manageable parts, categorizing them into major areas like materials, measurements, method, machine, people, and environment. This allows for a comprehensive analysis of potential causes of a problem. The diagram also aids in uncovering the root cause of the issue by encouraging deeper analysis beyond the obvious through the use of the 5 whys framework.

How can the 5 whys framework be used in conjunction with a fishbone diagram for problem-solving?

The 5 Whys framework can be used in conjunction with a fishbone diagram for problem-solving by using it to delve deeper into each potential cause identified in the fishbone diagram. Once the major categories of possible causes are identified and listed on the fishbone diagram, the 5 Whys framework can be used to ask why each potential problem exists. This process is repeated until the root cause of the problem is uncovered. This combination of tools allows for a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the problem at hand.

Case study: Netflix

So how could a company like Netflix use these problem-solving frameworks? Let's say Netflix wanted to use the A3 problem-solving framework to solve its recent subscriber loss problem. First, Netflix would need to make a plan. In Step 1, they would identify their goal is to stop the loss of subscribers and continue to show growth to investors. The background is that when Netflix reported its recent Q1 earnings, it reported it lost 200,000 subscribers - the first time it lost subscribers in 10 years, and its share price dropped 30%, so this is an existential threat to Netflix's status as a growth tech stock.

What are the steps involved in using the A3 problem-solving framework to tackle business challenges?

The A3 problem-solving framework involves several steps. First, you need to identify the problem and define it clearly. This includes understanding the current situation and the desired outcome. Second, you need to analyze the problem to understand its root cause. This could involve data analysis, brainstorming, or other methods. Third, you need to propose countermeasures to address the root cause. This could involve developing a new process, implementing a new system, or other solutions. Fourth, you need to implement the countermeasures and monitor the results. This involves tracking key metrics to ensure the countermeasures are effective. Finally, you need to standardize and sustain the improvements. This involves making the new process or system the standard and continuously monitoring and improving it.

How can the A3 problem-solving framework be applied to address Netflix's subscriber loss problem?

The A3 problem-solving framework can be applied to address Netflix's subscriber loss problem in the following way: 1. Identify the Problem: Netflix has been losing subscribers, which is a threat to its growth and investor confidence. 2. Understand the Current Situation: Analyze subscriber data to understand patterns and trends. Identify when and why the losses are happening. 3. Set a Goal: The goal is to stop the loss of subscribers and show growth to investors. 4. Analyze the Root Cause: Investigate the reasons behind the subscriber loss. This could be due to factors like increased competition, pricing issues, or content quality. 5. Develop Countermeasures: Based on the root cause analysis, develop strategies to address the issues. This could include improving content quality, revising pricing strategies, or enhancing user experience. 6. Implement Solutions: Put the strategies into action and monitor the results. 7. Evaluate Results and Process: Assess the effectiveness of the strategies and make necessary adjustments. 8. Standardize Successful Processes: If the strategies are successful, standardize these processes for future problem-solving.

The current condition is that Netflix has increased competition from rival streamers, so it is currently in a red ocean market. It also has widespread account sharing that accounts for about 100 million viewers who don't pay. Netflix also has high market penetration in North America and Latin America, so it will need to focus on growth in Europe and Asia. While Netflix has over 200 million subscribers which generate roughly 27 billion in revenue, it needs to spend more on content and marketing to win these markets. This is a problem if its net revenues start going down with more subscriber loss.

How can Netflix maintain its net revenues while spending more on content and marketing in the face of subscriber loss?

Netflix can maintain its net revenues while spending more on content and marketing in the face of subscriber loss by focusing on several strategies. First, it can increase its subscription prices to generate more revenue per user. Second, it can reduce account sharing by implementing stricter account usage policies. Third, it can focus on expanding in underpenetrated markets like Europe and Asia. Lastly, it can invest in creating high-quality original content to attract and retain subscribers.

What strategies can Netflix implement to focus on growth in Europe and Asia using the Problem-Solving Frameworks template?

Netflix can implement several strategies to focus on growth in Europe and Asia. Firstly, they can conduct market research to understand the preferences and viewing habits of these regions. Secondly, they can invest in creating localized content that resonates with the local audience. Thirdly, they can collaborate with local telecom and internet service providers for bundled services. Lastly, they can implement aggressive marketing strategies to increase brand awareness. All these strategies can be structured and analyzed using the Problem-Solving Frameworks template.

Root case of subscriber loss

  • Too much competition. With so many new rivals like Disney+, Paramount+, and HBO Max, Netflix has to pursue a broad strategy to capture as wide an audience as possible. This means it's no longer focused on the prestige level shows that got it started, and could have lost subscribers as it tried to win new ones.
  • Too much content. There are now over 817,000 shows on US streaming services. Perhaps viewers can't find what they want on Netflix, so they turn it off and leave. The pandemic-driven boost to streaming might also be coming to an end now that more people are traveling again and going out more often.
  • Price increases. Among so many subscription offers, Netflix blamed its subscriber loss in North America on its recent price hikes. Since it has to spend upwards of $18 billion on content this year, it can't just go lower its prices without some way to make that up.

What potential solutions could be explored to counteract the negative impact of price increases on Netflix's subscriber base?

Netflix could explore several strategies to counteract the negative impact of price increases on its subscriber base. Firstly, it could focus on creating high-quality, exclusive content that justifies the price increase. This could attract new subscribers and retain existing ones. Secondly, Netflix could offer tiered pricing models, providing different levels of service at different price points. This would allow subscribers to choose a plan that fits their budget and viewing preferences. Lastly, Netflix could invest in customer service and user experience improvements to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How can the problem-solving framework be applied to address the issue of content overload on streaming platforms?

The problem-solving framework can be applied to address the issue of content overload on streaming platforms in several ways. First, identify the problem: in this case, it's content overload. Next, explore potential causes: perhaps there's too much content being produced, or the content isn't being adequately curated. Then, generate possible solutions: this could involve better content curation, personalized recommendations, or a more intuitive user interface. After that, evaluate these solutions: consider their feasibility, cost, and potential impact on user experience. Finally, implement the chosen solution and monitor its effectiveness, making adjustments as necessary.

Possible solutions

  • A lower-cost ad-supported tier. Netflix could appeal to price-conscious consumers and potentially offset $4 billion in lost revenue with ad sponsors. To put it in perspective, Roku makes something like $40+ monthly revenue per user with ads compared to Netflix's $14 from subscriptions. If Netflix does this, it could be ready by 2023 or 2024.
  • Sports rights. Two of the growth markets Netflix could win over are Europe and Asia. So Netflix could pursue the rights to a popular European sports league, like Formula 1 or FIFA. FIFA just launched its own streaming service FIFA+, so Netflix will probably pursue Formula 1 first, given the fact that its popular docuseries on the sport reignited the sport's popularity on social media and in the US. Let's say Netflix is able to regain its stock momentum, and in a year or two from now, FIFA+ ends up a failed experiment; Netflix could try to be first in line to buy it.
  • Video games. The other growth market Netflix has is in Asia, so Netflix could double down on its mobile game strategy and turn itself into an app fortress that offers video games. The video game industry is the largest entertainment industry in the world and will grow to reach $268 billion by 2025. While Netflix has tried and largely failed to lure Indian viewers to its app with a low-cost tier, it could pivot to focus on Southeast Asia entertainment consumers. As of 2021, there are around 250 million mobile gamers across all of Southeast Asia.

What impact could the inclusion of video games have on Netflix's market expansion in Asia?

The inclusion of video games could significantly boost Netflix's market expansion in Asia. Asia has a large and growing gaming community, and integrating video games into Netflix's platform could attract this demographic. This could increase the user base and revenue for Netflix. Additionally, it could differentiate Netflix from other streaming platforms, giving it a competitive edge in the Asian market.

How could acquiring sports rights, such as Formula 1 or FIFA, contribute to Netflix's growth in Europe and Asia?

Acquiring sports rights, such as Formula 1 or FIFA, could significantly contribute to Netflix's growth in Europe and Asia. These sports have a massive following in these regions, and securing broadcasting rights would attract a large number of new subscribers. Additionally, it would diversify Netflix's content offering, making it more appealing to a broader audience. For instance, Formula 1 has seen a resurgence in popularity due to Netflix's docuseries, indicating the potential success of such a strategy. Furthermore, if FIFA's own streaming service does not succeed, Netflix could be in a prime position to acquire these rights, further boosting its subscriber base.

Netflix's desired outcome is to reach a billion global users outside of China. So a strategy that involves a lower-cost ad-supported tier, a premier sports league like Formula 1 or FIFA, and a robust mobile gaming offering could help be countermeasures needed to offset its losses and get it closer to that desired outcome. Next, it has to implement these strategies, evaluate their success, and follow up on what's working.

How can the Problem-Solving Framework be applied to evaluate the success of Netflix's strategies?

The Problem-Solving Framework can be applied to evaluate the success of Netflix's strategies by following a series of logical steps. First, identify the problem or challenge that Netflix is trying to address. In this case, it could be reaching a billion global users outside of China. Next, explore potential causes or factors contributing to this problem. Then, develop strategies to address these causes, such as introducing a lower-cost ad-supported tier, partnering with premier sports leagues, and offering robust mobile gaming. After implementing these strategies, measure their effectiveness by tracking relevant metrics, such as user growth, revenue, and customer engagement. Finally, follow up on what's working and make necessary adjustments to the strategies based on the evaluation results.

What strategies could Netflix implement to reach a billion global users outside of China?

Netflix could implement several strategies to reach a billion global users outside of China. One strategy could be introducing a lower-cost ad-supported tier to attract users who are sensitive to price. Another strategy could be partnering with premier sports leagues like Formula 1 or FIFA to attract sports fans. Additionally, Netflix could also expand into the mobile gaming market, which has a large global user base. It's important for Netflix to continuously evaluate the success of these strategies and make necessary adjustments based on what's working.

Problem Solving Stages PowerPoint Template

The Problem Solving Stages PowerPoint Template is a concept diagram design prepared as a presentation template for presentations on problem-solving topics. The problem-solving presentation template shows a linear process flow diagram containing four individual process cycles. Various problem-solving techniques & frameworks are available, depending on the issue’s complexity or corporate structure. Because some problems are small and can be resolved quickly while others are complex and need more research.

This presentation of 4-step problem-solving model provides a basic decision-making approach for solving a problem at hand. This diagram shows four main components of any problem-solving model in a horizontal process. These components include Understanding, Brainstorming, Strategy, and Solution. This problem-solving diagram could be used for personal, professional, and organizational difficulties. For example, threats, challenges, product quality, and risk management.

The 4-step PowerPoint diagram template is a useful tool for demonstrating problem-solving techniques, frameworks, and strategies as a learning experience. Further, it is suitable for organizations to outline their systematic approach to identify complications. And provide a visual roadmap to tackle them. The diagram of the problem-solving model illustrates an intensive thought process. The users can copy this diagram template to another presentation.

The problem Solving Stages PowerPoint Template contain 5 slides of various infographic icons. These graphics are a visual representation of each process. The first slide gives an overview of diagram while additional 4 layouts highlight each stage individually. Furthermore, all PowerPoint shapes are editable objects. Therefore, users can change icons and colors including backgrounds.

PowerPoint Problem Solving Model

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Google Slides Problem Solving Presentation Template

problem solving presentation welcome slide

Number of slides: 10

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong’. Murphy definitely hit the nail on the head with this law, but we need to go further than only identifying the issues. Whenever a problem arises, we must act immediately to solve it before it causes any pain or inconveniences. This slide deck gives you all the necessary tools to not only identify your pain points but also devise solutions and fix your problems for good.

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Free Problem Solving Presentation Template in Google Slides

Tension slide.

Problems usually occur when two or more aspects in a situation are not compatible. Different interests, budgeting options or lack of preparation all lead to tension which ends up creating problems. This slide can easily help you outline the conflicting situations and express them clearly into a ‘head-to-head’ graphic.

Unbalanced Scale Slide

Multiple elements can negatively impact a situation in different, even complementary ways. This kind of scenario usually exacerbates a problem as more than one issues need to be tackled in order to return to a normal situation. This slide can help you explain how two seemingly unrelated situations can negatively impact an element from different angles.

Balancing Slide

In some cases, problems are inevitable and the best way to meditate is to compensate with positive factors. For example, to balance out the negative repercussions of a faulty product, you might need to invest more in customer service, refund, and reward policies and offers for future products. While they will not solve the problem, these options will work towards balancing out the negatives.

Problems are opportunities

Whenever something negative arises, take this as an opportunity to improve your product or service

Great ideas stem from problems

Solving problems is the best way of creating products or services which undoubtedly add value

It’s better to acknowledge problems

Recognizing problems and tackling them head-on is the best way to get issues resolved


Todd Speranzo

VP of Marketing at Avella

"24Slides helps us get PowerPoints on-brand, and improve overall design in a timeframe that is often “overnight”. Leveraging the time zone change and their deep understanding of PowerPoint, our Marketing team has a partner in 24Slides that allows us to focus purely on slide content, leaving all of the design work to 24Slides."

Gretchen Ponts

Strata Research

"The key to the success with working with 24Slides has been the designers’ ability to revamp basic information on a slide into a dynamic yet clean and clear visual presentation coupled with the speed in which they do so. We do not work in an environment where time is on our side and the visual presentation is everything. In those regards, 24Slides has been invaluable."

"After training and testing, 24Slides quickly learnt how to implement our CVI, deliver at a high quality and provide a dedicated design team that always tries to accommodate our wishes in terms of design and deadlines."

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Visualizing Problem-solving in your PowerPoint Presentations

Get Creative When Visualizing Problem-solving in your PowerPoint Presentations

Business processes need to be constantly improved and refined to keep up with the dynamic market scenarios.

We are always on the lookout for faster and better ways to work and solve problems in our daily work.

There are many tools used by business and consultancy for looking into their process and figuring out the best way to problem-solving.

Some common tools used by most consultants are Root Cause Analytics, Porter’s 5 Forces, the BCG Growth-Share Matrix, The GE McKinsey Nine-Box Matrix, Porter 5 force analysis, SWOT Analysis and so on.

When you are presenting a solution to your clients, you also want to convince them of the output and how you got there.

The presenting part is easy, but what about the convincing part?

Here is where the visualizing problem-solving in your PowerPoint presentations comes to play.

Only facts and no visualizing can be mind-numbing. Especially when you are trying to convince a client to purchase your solution.

How do you layout problem-solving visually?

There is no one-way to visualizing problem-solving through your slides.

Here at Chillibreeze, we work through the 3-levels of formatting to help our customers visualize something .

Depending on the stage of the problem-solving, we pick the right visuals/approach to use.

Sometimes it is a collaborative effort when we sit with our customers to get the best visualization solution for a slide.

Are you Formatting Your Presentation to the Right Level

Here is an important fact.

The attention rate is highest at the first and last 5 minutes of your presentation.

The opening and the closing. Make the best use of that time.

And here’s a little PowerPoint design tip: If you apply the 3 levels of formatting to your slides, apply level 3 to a few slides at the beginning and end of your presentation.

Here is a clean and perfect way you can visually communicate using DMAIC.


Adding animation along with each process enhances the effectiveness of your message.

The layout depends on the depth of your content and the project type you’re handling.

When you have a detailed structure of the whole DMAIC process having a navigation path is the best option. This way you can link the slides back and forth.

If you are using a navigation path, replace the abbreviations with icons. Color coding the icons and the content that comes along with the process helps keep the flow.

DMAIC option

You can place the icons representing the 5 stages on the top corner of each slide or on the left-hand side and highlight them when the slides are talking about one or the other process.

Now going a little deeper into each process.

A process defining project goals, problems, the opportunity for improvements and requirements.

This can be visualized in the form of a workflow diagram or a process map.

problem solving presentation topics

M - Measure

As the saying goes, “you get what you measure.”

In this case…

“What you see is what you get”

The best way to visualize the measure is through charts because they are mostly data based.

Visualizing data can be challenging.

Use line or bar charts to visualize data more effectively.

problem solving presentation topics

A - Analyze

There are many ways you can visualize the analysis of your project. Like the RACI chart, maturity models, business cases, Pareto chart, scatter diagram, and so on.

The common tool used for analysis is the fishbone diagram which identifies the causes and effect or problem.


I - Improve

Counter Measure Matrix an evaluation tool, is a plain-looking table that can bore you to death.

Those ordinary looking excel sheets crunched with data and figures.

But why stick to that if you can make it more appealing to the eye.

problem solving presentation topics

C - Control

A workflow or a flow chart is used to visualize Control.

problem solving presentation topics

Every industry works in different ways and uses various metrics, charts, and diagrams to present data.

Some charts or diagrams might not work for certain types of data.

Reference: 15 ways to visualizing corporate PowerPoint slides for presentations

Choosing the right format contributes to getting the data across. In addition, improving visualization helps us to think and talk creative.

What tools, diagrams or charts do you use to visualize your data as a consultant?

Leave a comment below.

DMAIC PowerPoint template

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Enterprise Problem Solving And Intellect Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name enterprise problem solving and intellect ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. The topics discussed in these slides are data analytics, business, strategy, organizations, technology. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Pdca Cycle In Quality Management And Problem Solving Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Pdca Cycle In Quality Management And Problem Solving Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

This is a pdca cycle in quality management and problem solving ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are pdca cycle in quality, management, problem, business, planning.

Problem Solving Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

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This is a problem solving ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are problem solving, business, marketing, planning, management.

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Problem Solving And Decision Making Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

This is a problem solving and decision making ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides.zip. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are business, planning, strategy, marketing, management.

Problem Solving Icon Gear Employee Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Problem Solving Icon Gear Employee Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Improve your presentation delivery using this problem solving icon gear employee ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck. Support your business vision and objectives using this well-structured PPT deck. This template offers a great starting point for delivering beautifully designed presentations on the topic of your choice. Comprising twelve slides this professionally designed template is all you need to host discussion and meetings with collaborators. Each slide is self-explanatory and equipped with high-quality graphics that can be adjusted to your needs. Therefore, you will face no difficulty in portraying your desired content using this PPT slideshow. This PowerPoint slideshow contains every important element that you need for a great pitch. It is not only editable but also available for immediate download and utilization. The color, font size, background, shapes everything can be modified to create your unique presentation layout. Therefore, download it now.

Step Approach To Problem Solving Plan Operation Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Step Approach To Problem Solving Plan Operation Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

If designing a presentation takes a lot of your time and resources and you are looking for a better alternative, then this step approach to problem solving plan operation ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck is the right fit for you. This is a prefabricated set that can help you deliver a great presentation on the topic. All the twelve slides included in this sample template can be used to present a birds-eye view of the topic. These slides are also fully editable, giving you enough freedom to add specific details to make this layout more suited to your business setting. Apart from the content, all other elements like color, design, theme are also replaceable and editable. This helps in designing a variety of presentations with a single layout. Not only this, you can use this PPT design in formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG once downloaded. Therefore, without any further ado, download and utilize this sample presentation as per your liking.

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Problem Solving Jigsaw Communication Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Boost your confidence and team morale with this well-structured problem solving jigsaw communication plan ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. This prefabricated set gives a voice to your presentation because of its well-researched content and graphics. Our experts have added all the components very carefully, thus helping you deliver great presentations with a single click. Not only that, it contains a set of ten slides that are designed using the right visuals, graphics, etc. Various topics can be discussed, and effective brainstorming sessions can be conducted using the wide variety of slides added in this complete deck. Apart from this, our PPT design contains clear instructions to help you restructure your presentations and create multiple variations. The color, format, design anything can be modified as deemed fit by the user. Not only this, it is available for immediate download. So, grab it now.

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Problem Solving Method Business Goal Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

This problem solving method business goal ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck acts as backup support for your ideas, vision, thoughts, etc. Use it to present a thorough understanding of the topic. This PPT slideshow can be utilized for both in-house and outside presentations depending upon your needs and business demands. Entailing ten slides with a consistent design and theme, this template will make a solid use case. As it is intuitively designed, it suits every business vertical and industry. All you have to do is make a few tweaks in the content or any other component to design unique presentations. The biggest advantage of this complete deck is that it can be personalized multiple times once downloaded. The color, design, shapes, and other elements are free to modify to add personal touches. You can also insert your logo design in this PPT layout. Therefore a well-thought and crafted presentation can be delivered with ease and precision by downloading this problem solving method business goal ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck PPT slideshow.

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Systematic Process Of Problem Solving Diagram Powerpoint Slides

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Problem Solving And Decision Making Diagram Presentation Graphics

Problem Solving And Decision Making Diagram Presentation Graphics

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Management Business Growth Problem Solving Ppt Sample

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Innovation And Effective Problem Solving Ppt Samples

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Team Building Problem Solving Diagram Powerpoint Slides

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Five Steps To Effective Problem Solving Ppt Powerpoint Slides

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Strategic Problem Solving Model Diagram Slides

Strategic Problem Solving Model Diagram Slides

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Problem Solving Case Studies Example Powerpoint Ideas

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Problem Solving Skills Diagram Powerpoint Presentation Examples

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Example Of Problem Solving Methodology Ppt Graphics

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Problem Solving Maze Powerpoint Presentation Templates

Problem Solving Maze Powerpoint Presentation Templates

This is a problem solving maze powerpoint presentation templates. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are solution, business, management, mind mapping, success.

The Problem Solving Tools Powerpoint Slide Designs

The Problem Solving Tools Powerpoint Slide Designs

This is a the problem solving tools powerpoint slide designs. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are icon, business, marketing, solution, management.

4 Step Model Business Problem Solving Ppt Background

4 Step Model Business Problem Solving Ppt Background

This is a 4 step model business problem solving ppt background. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are define problem, analyze cause effect, implement, identify solutions.

Business Analysis Problem Solving Techniques Ppt Background

Business Analysis Problem Solving Techniques Ppt Background

This is a business analysis problem solving techniques ppt background. This is a eight stage process. The stages in this process are whom, problem solving, why, which, when, what, where, who.

Business Problem Solving Activities Powerpoint Slide Ideas

Business Problem Solving Activities Powerpoint Slide Ideas

This is a business problem solving activities powerpoint slide ideas. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are making judgments, analytical, decision making, collect information, planning.

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Business Problem Solving Analysis Powerpoint Slide

This is a business problem solving analysis powerpoint slide. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are puzzle, management, pest, problem, business.

Business Problem Solving And Decision Making Powerpoint Topics

Business Problem Solving And Decision Making Powerpoint Topics

This is a business problem solving and decision making powerpoint topics. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are problem solving, decision making, input, output.

Business Problem Solving Approach Ppt Background Graphics

Business Problem Solving Approach Ppt Background Graphics

This is a business problem solving approach ppt background graphics. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are business goal, dependent variables, independent variables, business drivers and relationship.

Business Problem Solving Assignment Powerpoint Topics

Business Problem Solving Assignment Powerpoint Topics

This is a business problem solving assignment powerpoint topics. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are decision making, problem definition, problem awareness, action plan implementation, follow, take actions.

Business Problem Solving Case Studies Powerpoint Slide Ideas

Business Problem Solving Case Studies Powerpoint Slide Ideas

This is a business problem solving case studies powerpoint slide ideas. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are problem, solution, results.

Business Problem Solving Cycle Powerpoint Slides

Business Problem Solving Cycle Powerpoint Slides

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Business Problem Solving Examples Ppt Design

Business Problem Solving Examples Ppt Design

This is a business problem solving examples ppt design. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are opportunities, better, creativity, fix.

Business Problem Solving Exercises Ppt Background

Business Problem Solving Exercises Ppt Background

This is a business problem solving exercises ppt background. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are evaluate the result, build and test, select the best ideas, explore information, identify problem.

Business Problem Solving Framework Ppt Slides

Business Problem Solving Framework Ppt Slides

This is a business problem solving framework ppt slides. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are implement and check, identify root cause, identify problem, select solution, solutions.

Business Problem Solving Methods Ppt Templates

Business Problem Solving Methods Ppt Templates

This is a business problem solving methods ppt templates. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are evaluation, implementation, plan development, analysis, problem identification.

Best Tools For Problem Solving Example Of Ppt

Best Tools For Problem Solving Example Of Ppt

This is a best tools for problem solving example of ppt. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are business, success, icons, strategy, management.

Problem Solving Mind Mapping Ppt Ideas

Problem Solving Mind Mapping Ppt Ideas

This is a problem solving mind mapping ppt ideas. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are solving, business, management, mind mapping, success.

Problem Solving Approach Powerpoint Slides

Problem Solving Approach Powerpoint Slides

This is a problem solving approach powerpoint slides. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are icon, business, marketing, solving, strategy.

The Problem Solving Maze Powerpoint Slide Presentation Tips

The Problem Solving Maze Powerpoint Slide Presentation Tips

This is a the problem solving maze powerpoint slide presentation tips. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are presentation, business, management, marketing, thinking.

Problem Solving Diagram Template 1 Powerpoint Templates

Problem Solving Diagram Template 1 Powerpoint Templates

This is a problem solving diagram template 1 powerpoint templates. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are business, management, marketing, planning, process.

Analytical Problem Solving Model Template Powerpoint Ideas

Analytical Problem Solving Model Template Powerpoint Ideas

This is a analytical problem solving model template powerpoint ideas. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are internal thought processes, evaluate, implement, external analytic processes, step.

Scamper Technique For Problem Solving Powerpoint Slide Show

Scamper Technique For Problem Solving Powerpoint Slide Show

This is a scamper technique for problem solving powerpoint slide show. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are substitute, combine, adapt, magnify, rearrange, eliminate, put to other uses, scamper.

Pareto Analysis For Problem Solving Presentation Deck

Pareto Analysis For Problem Solving Presentation Deck

This is a pareto analysis for problem solving presentation deck. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are complaints, reasons, pareto analysis.

Problem Solving Framework And Process Improvement Framework Ppt Examples

Problem Solving Framework And Process Improvement Framework Ppt Examples

This is a problem solving framework and process improvement framework ppt examples. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are define, measure, analyze, improve, control.

Problem Solving Lean Thinking Diagram Powerpoint Topics

Problem Solving Lean Thinking Diagram Powerpoint Topics

This is a problem solving lean thinking diagram powerpoint topics. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are analyze, define, measure, improve, target, review, mobilize.

Examples Of Problem Solving Template Powerpoint Templates

Examples Of Problem Solving Template Powerpoint Templates

This is a examples of problem solving template powerpoint templates. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are evaluate the problem, identify solutions, gather information, examine results, take action.

Problem Solving Maze Mind Map Powerpoint Slide Images

Problem Solving Maze Mind Map Powerpoint Slide Images

This is a problem solving maze mind map powerpoint slide images. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are business, process, marketing, strategy, puzzle.

The Problem Solving Mind Maze Ppt Example File

The Problem Solving Mind Maze Ppt Example File

This is a the problem solving mind maze ppt example file. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are business, solve, marketing, mind maze, construction.

Brain With Maze For Problem Solving Powerpoint Slide Designs

Brain With Maze For Problem Solving Powerpoint Slide Designs

This is a brain with maze for problem solving powerpoint slide designs. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are maze, problem, solution, brain, business.

Steps To Effective Business Problem Solving Powerpoint Slide Design Ideas

Steps To Effective Business Problem Solving Powerpoint Slide Design Ideas

This is a steps to effective business problem solving powerpoint slide design ideas. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, solution, icon, management.

Problem Solving Process Diagram Powerpoint Show

Problem Solving Process Diagram Powerpoint Show

This is a problem solving process diagram powerpoint show. This is a nine stage process. The stages in this process are problem solving process, generate ideas, gather information, clarify the problem, solve the problem, explore the challenge, implement solutions, identify the challenge, promising ideas.

Primary Rules Of Business Problem Solving And Decision Making Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Designs

Primary Rules Of Business Problem Solving And Decision Making Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Designs

This is a primary rules of business problem solving and decision making ppt powerpoint presentation icon designs. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are basics, foundations, fundamentals.

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Presenting this set of slides with name - Problem Solving And Decision Making Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Our topic specific Problem Solving And Decision Making Powerpoint Presentation Slides deck contains eighteen slides to formulate the topic with a sound understanding. This PPT deck is what you can bank upon. With diverse and professional slides at your side, worry the least for a powerpack presentation. A range of editable and ready to use slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates makes it all the more worth. This deck displays creative and professional looking slides of all sorts. Whether you are a member of an assigned team or a designated official on the look out for impacting slides, it caters to every professional field.

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Problem Solving Lesson

It seems that you like this template, problem solving lesson presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

To have a better experience when teaching little kids at school, you can use resources such as slideshows so they keep focused on the lecture. Start editing this template containing pastel colors and simplified layouts! It's not focused on any subject in particular, so you can get the most of it by modifying according to the lesson you need to give.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 25 different slides to impress your audience
  • Available in five colors: yellow, blue, pink, green, purple
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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How to attribute?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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problem solving presentation topics

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  2. How to Create a Problem-Solving Google Slides Presentation

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  3. Problem Solving Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

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  5. Problem Solving Presentation Templates

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  7. Problem solving. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

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  8. Problem Solving

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  16. Problem-solving PowerPoint templates, Slides and Graphics

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  18. Problem Solving Activities (Free PPT and PDF Downloads)

    All the Problem Solving Activities on this page help you and your group collaboratively tackle seemingly impossible issues. If you are looking to build consensus around a difficult problem it is likely a tool or process on this page can help you. Free Download. Download our 3 most popular tools. Sen d me the Top 3.

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  20. Problem Solving Lesson Google Slides & PowerPoint template

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