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Certificate & Online Programs

Mit’s commitment to education extends beyond the classroom and includes opportunities to learn online or pursue advanced certificates..

As the world of online learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) continues to grow, MIT has provided more opportunities to reach individuals across the world through online platforms. There has also been incredible growth in the online education industry, and MIT has made valuable contributions to increasing its online presence. As we continue to grow, more opportunities will become available.

Credentialed Online Programs

Mitx micromasters credential in data, economics, and design of policy.

Learn practical skills and theoretical tools to tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Through a series of five online courses and exams, learners engage with cutting-edge field research and gain a strong foundation in microeconomics, development economics, and probability and statistics. For more information, please visit  the DEDP website .

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Finance

Meet the complex demands of today’s global finance markets with five courses developed and delivered by MIT Sloan faculty. Accelerate your career or fast-track your MIT Master of Finance degree. For more information, please visit the MicroMasters Finance website .

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Principles of Manufacturing

Learn the principles of manufacturing: process control, production flow, supply chain and basic finance, from the world’s top-ranked Mechanical Engineering department. For more information, please visit the POM website .

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Statistics and Data Science

From probability and statistics to data analysis and machine learning, master the skills needed to solve complex challenges with data. For more information, please visit the DS website .

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management

Gain expertise in the growing field of Supply Chain Management through an innovative online program consisting of five courses and a final capstone exam. The MicroMasters Program in Supply Chain from MITx is an advanced, professional, graduate-level foundation in Supply Chain Management. It represents the equivalent of one semester’s worth of coursework at MIT. For more information, please visit  the SCM website .

Hybrid and On-Campus Certificate Programs

MIT certificates allow students to advance their knowledge in a particular field of interest and enhance their professional skills. Below is a list of on-campus certificate programs.

Professional Education

MIT Professional Education is the hub for non-degree programs geared toward professionals. They offer substantial programming for individuals looking to take classes or participate in short programs. They also offer custom programs and digital programs, which further expand the reach of professional education. Many of the programs offered lead to the completion of a certificate that enables professionals to reach their career goals. For more information, please visit  the Professional Education website .

Certificate in Systems & Product Development

The certificate program offered by the department of System Design & Management (SDM) is designed for working professionals interested in expanding their knowledge and understanding of systems engineering. To learn more about this opportunity, please visit  the System Design & Management website .

Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG)

The MIT Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG) is an elite academic program from the MIT Global Supply Chain And Logistics Excellence (SCALE) network, geared towards outstanding graduate students from Latin America. For more information, please visit  the SCALE website .

Certificate Opportunities for MIT Graduate Degree Students

In addition to the standalone certificate program offerings, MIT offers a variety of certificate programs for MIT graduate students to accompany their graduate degree. Below is a list of certificate programs available to MIT degree students only.

Business Analytics Certificate Program

More information about the Business Analytics Certificate Program can be found online.

Biophysics Certificate Program

More information about the Biophysics Certificate Program can be found online.

Certificate Program in Graduate Education in Medical Sciences (GEMS)

More information about the Certificate Program in Graduate Education in Medical Sciences can be found online.

Certificate Program in Science, Technology and Policy (STP)

More information about the Certificate Program in Science, Technology and Policy can be found online.

Environmental Planning Certificate

More information about the Environmental Planning Certificate can be found online.

Healthcare Certificate

More information about the Healthcare Certificate can be found online.

Sustainability Certificate

More information about the Sustainability Certificate can be found online.

Technical Leadership Certificate

More information about the Technical Leadership Certificate can be found online.

Urban Design Certificate

More information about the Urban Design Certificate can be found online.

Non-Degree Learning Opportunities


MIT was a pioneer in the free exchange of online course materials, developing a repository of information in the OpenCourseWare (OCW) site. Through the OCW, individuals can learn at their own pace and study a wide range of fields. For more information, please visit  the OCW site .

MIT has partnered with the edX platform to develop dozens of free online courses. Now, anyone has the opportunity to experience the rigorous courses that MIT has to offer and broaden their knowledge on topics in science, engineering, and technology.

Many MITx course offerings, such as the MicroMasters programs above, lead to the completion of a verified certificate, though this varies by course. For more information, please visit  the MITx site .

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  • Singapore-​MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre
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  • Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
  • Women's and Gender Studies Program
  • Architecture (SB, Course 4)
  • Architecture (MArch)
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  • Art, Culture, and Technology (SM)
  • Architecture Studies (SMArchS)
  • Media Arts and Sciences
  • Planning (SB, Course 11)
  • Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science (SB, Course 11-​6)
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics Fields (PhD)
  • Aerospace Engineering (SB, Course 16)
  • Engineering (SB, Course 16-​ENG)
  • Biological Engineering (SB, Course 20)
  • Biological Engineering (PhD)
  • Chemical Engineering (Course 10)
  • Chemical-​Biological Engineering (Course 10-​B)
  • Chemical Engineering (Course 10-​C)
  • Engineering (Course 10-​ENG)
  • Engineering (Course 1-​ENG)
  • Computation and Cognition (Course 6-​9)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (Course 6-​3)
  • Computer Science and Molecular Biology (Course 6-​7)
  • Electrical Engineering with Computing (Course 6-​5)
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (MEng)
  • Computer Science and Molecular Biology (MEng)
  • Health Sciences and Technology
  • Archaeology and Materials (Course 3-​C)
  • Materials Science and Engineering (Course 3)
  • Materials Science and Engineering (Course 3-​A)
  • Materials Science and Engineering (PhD)
  • Mechanical Engineering (Course 2)
  • Mechanical and Ocean Engineering (Course 2-​OE)
  • Engineering (Course 2-​A)
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering (Course 22)
  • Engineering (Course 22-​ENG)
  • Anthropology (Course 21A)
  • Comparative Media Studies (CMS)
  • Writing (Course 21W)
  • Data, Economics, and Design of Policy (MASc)
  • Economics (Course 14-​1)
  • Economics (PhD)
  • Mathematical Economics (Course 14-​2)
  • Global Studies and Languages (Course 21G)
  • History (Course 21H)
  • Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24-​2)
  • Philosophy (Course 24-​1)
  • Linguistics (SM)
  • Literature (Course 21L)
  • Music (Course 21M-​1)
  • Theater Arts (Course 21M-​2)
  • Political Science (Course 17)
  • Science, Technology, and Society/​Second Major (STS)
  • Business Analytics (Course 15-​2)
  • Finance (Course 15-​3)
  • Management (Course 15-​1)
  • Biology (Course 7)
  • Chemistry and Biology (Course 5-​7)
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Course 9)
  • Chemistry (Course 5)
  • Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
  • Mathematics (Course 18)
  • Mathematics (PhD)
  • Mathematics with Computer Science (Course 18-​C)
  • Physics (Course 8)
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  • Chemistry and Biology
  • Climate System Science and Engineering
  • Computation and Cognition
  • Computer Science and Molecular Biology
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science
  • Humanities and Engineering
  • Humanities and Science
  • Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science
  • African and African Diaspora Studies
  • American Studies
  • Ancient and Medieval Studies
  • Applied International Studies
  • Asian and Asian Diaspora Studies
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Energy Studies
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Latin American and Latino/​a Studies
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • Polymers and Soft Matter
  • Public Policy
  • Russian and Eurasian Studies
  • Statistics and Data Science
  • Women's and Gender Studies
  • Advanced Urbanism
  • Computational and Systems Biology
  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • Design and Management (IDM &​ SDM)
  • Joint Program with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Leaders for Global Operations
  • Microbiology
  • Music Technology and Computation
  • Operations Research
  • Real Estate Development
  • Social and Engineering Systems
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Technology and Policy
  • Transportation
  • School of Architecture and Planning
  • School of Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making (Course 6-​4)
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering (PhD)
  • School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • Humanities (Course 21)
  • Humanities and Engineering (Course 21E)
  • Humanities and Science (Course 21S)
  • Sloan School of Management
  • School of Science
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences (PhD)
  • Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Fields (PhD)
  • Interdisciplinary Programs (SB)
  • Climate System Science and Engineering (Course 1-​12)
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science (Course 6-​14)
  • Interdisciplinary Programs (Graduate)
  • Biological Oceanography (PhD)
  • Computation and Cognition (MEng)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (SM)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (PhD)
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science (MEng)
  • Engineering and Management (SM)
  • Leaders for Global Operations (MBA/​SM and SM)
  • Music Technology and Computation (SM and MASc)
  • Real Estate Development (SM)
  • Statistics (PhD)
  • Supply Chain Management (MEng and MASc)
  • Technology and Policy (SM)
  • Transportation (SM)
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics (Course 16)
  • Aerospace Studies (AS)
  • Architecture (Course 4)
  • Biological Engineering (Course 20)
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (Course 1)
  • Comparative Media Studies /​ Writing (CMS)
  • Comparative Media Studies /​ Writing (Course 21W)
  • Computational and Systems Biology (CSB)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)
  • Concourse (CC)
  • Data, Systems, and Society (IDS)
  • Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
  • Economics (Course 14)
  • Edgerton Center (EC)
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6)
  • Engineering Management (EM)
  • Experimental Study Group (ES)
  • Global Languages (Course 21G)
  • Health Sciences and Technology (HST)
  • Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24)
  • Management (Course 15)
  • Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Military Science (MS)
  • Music (Course 21M)
  • Naval Science (NS)
  • Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
  • Special Programs
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Theater Arts (21T)
  • Urban Studies and Planning (Course 11)
  • Women's and Gender Studies (WGS)

MITx is the Institute's interactive learning initiative that supports faculty to offer online versions of MIT courses. MIT instructors teach these MITx courses to learners around the world, delivered through either the edX or MITx Online platforms.

Many people refer to MITx courses as MOOCs—massive, open, online courses. The learning experience features multimedia and video content, robust problem types such as embedded quizzes with immediate feedback, sketch response graphs, and peer-to-peer communications. Course materials can be organized and presented in ways that enable students to learn at their own pace and that allow for the individual assessment of each student's work. Students who demonstrate their mastery of subjects may earn certificates of completion. MITx operates on a cost-free, open-source, scalable software infrastructure.

The vast array of data gathered through MITx global and residential uses is helping educational researchers better understand how students learn and how technology can facilitate effective teaching both on campus and online. Research findings are then introduced into new generations of learning tools, creating a continuous loop of educational innovation.

MITx also offers MicroMasters programs . MicroMasters programs offer professional and academic credentials for online learners from anywhere in the world. Learners who pass an integrated set of MITx graduate-level courses, and one or more proctored exams, can earn a MicroMasters program credential from MITx, and can then apply for an accelerated, on campus, master’s degree program at MIT or dozens of other pathway universities around the world.

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare  (OCW) is a free, open, publicly accessible online resource that offers high-quality educational materials from more than 2,500 MIT courses—virtually the entire MIT graduate and undergraduate curriculum—reflecting the teaching in all five MIT schools and 33 academic units. This coverage in all disciplines makes OCW unique among open education offerings around the world. OCW is continually being updated, adding new courses as they become available and refreshing existing courses with new materials.

Through OpenCourseWare , MIT faculty share their teaching materials with a global audience of teachers and learners. Educators use these resources for teaching and curriculum development, while students and self-learners draw upon them for self-study or supplementary use. In a typical month, the OCW website attracts about 2 million visits from virtually every country in the world, with more than 500 million visits and 5 billion minutes of use since its launch in 2002.

Beyond its service to a worldwide audience, OpenCourseWare has a significant impact at MIT. Students use OCW resources such as problem sets and exams for study and practice. New first-year students often report that they checked out MIT by looking at OCW before deciding to apply. Instructors regularly refer students to OCW for part of their coursework. OCW staff work extensively with faculty to develop and refine course materials for publication, and faculty frequently use these updated materials in their classroom teaching. Alumni access OCW materials to continue their lifelong learning.

OCW course content includes many thousands of individual resources such as syllabi, lecture notes and videos, problem sets and exams with solutions, reading lists, online textbooks, sample student work, and more. More than 350 courses include videos, which are also shared on the OCW YouTube channel with over 5 million subscribers and millions of views every month. Beyond core academic content, features such as the Educator portal and the Chalk Radio podcast allow MIT faculty to share insights on teaching and pedagogy, while the Stories page lets learners around the world share the impact OCW has had on their lives.

OCW course materials are offered under a Creative Commons license and may be freely used, copied, distributed, translated, and modified by anyone, anywhere in the world for noncommercial purposes.

MIT Academic Bulletin

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  • Online Professional Certificate Programs

Professional Certificate Programs offered by MIT Professional Education formally recognize your development and commitment to advancing your knowledge and skills in a particular field of interest. They provide an in-depth view of the elements that are reshaping our current world, preparing you to face the change with the latest knowledge and skills.


Digital transformation.

This Professional Certificate Program in Digital Transformation prepares participants to understand the new digital paradigm of the technological revolution in which we are immersed, as well as the most disruptive technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

View program

Industry 4.0

From leading technologies such as IoT and AI to understanding the fundamentals of smart manufacturing and product platforms, we prepare professionals to tackle these challenges head-on and provide them with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the digital age.

Legal Tech in the Digital Era

MIT Professional Education collaborates with Esade Business School to deliver, 100% online, a Professional Certificate Program that covers the six key points in digital transformation for lawyers and legal professionals.

Strategic Technology Roadmapping and Innovation

This program is designed to equip professionals with the full range of tools, skills, and knowledge needed to successfully lead their organizations through the complexities of technology implementation, always keeping in mind the human factor of team management.

Learn more about MIT Professional Education’s full Professional Certificate Program portfolio here.

Why should you pursue an mit professional education professional certificate program, to fulfill your reskilling and upskilling needs.

in this fast-changing environment. 

To master the technical and human skills necessary

for effective leadership.

To learn proactively with our hands-on methodology

and real case applications.

To explore the latest knowledge with MIT Faculty,

leaders in their respective areas.

To build a solid network with professionals

from diverse fields and nationalities.

The benefits of joining the Community

MIT Professional Education offers a number of benefits for participants who successfully complete a Professional Certificate Program:

  • 15% discount for MIT Professional Education online programs and short-duration in-person programs.
  • Access to the virtual campus for two years after completing the Certificate Program.
  • Exclusive announcements of new courses, programs, and events.
  • Unlimited refresher resources and access to unlimited webinars.
  • Invitation to the “MIT Professional Education” LinkedIn group, exclusively for alumni.
  • Networking opportunities with other MIT Professional Education alumni.
  • An invite to one annual afterwork event, exclusively for MIT Professional.
  • Education Professional Certificate Programs alumni.
  • Support from a coach in addition to the learning facilitator.

Enrollment Process

Complete the admission form and pay the candidacy fee of $150 USD (non-refundable).

You will receive a call from the Admissions Department to conduct a telephonic interview. If you are successful, you can finalize the payment through our payment platform.

Your place will be reserved for one week, starting from the moment your admission is confirmed.

Once the payment has been confirmed, you will receive a welcome email with the next steps.

You will begin your journey towards MIT knowledge.

© MIT Professional Education 2024

  • Blended Professional Certificate Program: Chief Digital Officer
  • Blended Professional Certificate Program: Chief Product Officer
  • Blended Professional Certificate Program: Chief Sustainability Officer
  • Blended Professional Certificate Program: Chief Technology Officer
  • Professional Certificate Program in Digital Transformation
  • Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0
  • Professional Certificate Program in Product Management
  • Professional Certificate Program in Strategic Technology Roadmapping and Innovation
  • Professional Certificate Program in Sustainability
  • Blockchain: Disruptive Technology
  • Circular Economy: Transition for Future Sustainability
  • Clean Energy Solutions: Technological Change to Meet Emissions Reduction Targets
  • Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation
  • Competitive Strategy: Aligning Sustainability and Strategic Transformation
  • Cultural Awareness for Global Business
  • Data Leadership
  • Designing High Impact Solutions with MITdesignX
  • Designing Product Families: From Strategy to Implementation
  • Digital Platforms: Designing Two-Sided Markets from APIs to Feature Roadmaps
  • Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity
  • Forecasting Technology Innovation: Using Data for a Strategic Advantage
  • Industrial Internet of Things: From Theory to Applications
  • Innovation and Technology
  • Leadership & Innovation
  • Life Cycle Assessment: Quantifying Environmental Impacts
  • Machine Learning: From Data to Decisions
  • Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development
  • Management of Technology: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis
  • New Space Economy: Technologies, Products, Services, and Business Models
  • Persuasive Communication: Critical Thinking to Enhance your Message
  • Smart Manufacturing: Moving From Static to Dynamic Manufacturing Operations
  • Sustainable Infrastructure Systems: Planning and Operations
  • Sustainability: Strategies and Opportunities For Industry
  • Transformational Leadership: Five Practices of High Impact Innovators
  • Women in Leadership: Becoming an Agent of Change
  • Applied Generative AI for Digital Transformation
  • Bundle Program Management of Technology
  • Corporate Programs
  • Leading Digital Transformation
  • The experience
  • MIT Professional Education Fire Hydrant Award
  • MIT Professional Education
  • Our Faculty
  • Our Professional Alumni
  • Contact DPP

Suggestions or feedback?

At MIT, we revel in a culture of learning by doing. In 30 departments across five schools and one college , our students combine analytical rigor with curiosity, playful imagination, and an appetite for solving the hardest problems in service to society . From science and engineering to the arts, humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary programs , we offer excellence across the board. 

Our undergraduates work closely with faculty , tackle global challenges , pursue fundamental questions, and translate ideas into action. The core of the Institute’s teaching and research enterprise, our  graduate students and postdocs represent one of the most talented and diverse cohorts in the world. To complement its academics, MIT offers a vibrant campus environment with a wide range of clubs, teams, programs, and activities so that all students can cultivate personal growth, build community, and prioritize wellbeing. 

Schools, Departments & the College

Across MIT, faculty help set the global standard of excellence in their disciplines: They are pioneering scholars who love to teach. Deeply engaged in practice, they topple conventional walls between fields in the push for deeper understanding and fresh ideas. In fact, many faculty actively work in at least one of MIT’s interdisciplinary labs, centers, initiatives, and institutes that target crucial challenges, from clean energy to cancer .

The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, opened in fall 2019, is a cross-cutting entity with education and research links across all five schools.

Explore Departments

Top Resources

  • Departments by School
  • School of Architecture and Planning
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • MIT Sloan School of Management
  • School of Science
  • MIT Schwarzman College of Computing

Teaching & Learning

Our campus is a workshop for inventing the future and we are all apprentices, learning from each other as we go. Because we like to make things, and we like to make an impact, iconic courses like  2.009  emphasize designing, inventing, collaborating, and translating students’ expertise to reach the world. Through signature experiential learning programs like UROP , UPOP ,  MISTI , PKG , IAP , D-Lab , and Sandbox , students can pursue virtually infinite co-curricular and extracurricular projects — here at MIT, throughout the Greater Boston innovation hub, and around the world. Honeycombed with legendary laboratories and dozens of makerspaces , a wind tunnel, a research nuclear reactor, and a glass lab , our campus of idiosyncratically numbered buildings adds up to a prime spot to make the most of your potential.

  • Registrar’s Office
  • Course Catalog (MIT Bulletin)
  • Office of the First Year
  • Office of Graduate Education
  • Office of Experiential Learning
  • Teaching + Learning Lab
  • Undergraduate Advising Center
  • Open Learning

MIT is pioneering new ways of teaching and learning, on our campus and around the world, by inventing and leveraging digital technologies. MITx , the Institute’s portfolio of massively open online courses, offers flexible access to a range of interactive courses developed and taught by instructors from MIT. Another MIT innovation — the MicroMasters credential — is increasingly recognized by industry leaders hiring new talent. And MIT’s original digital learning option, OpenCourseWare , continues to offer teachers and learners worldwide the materials for more than 2,500 MIT courses, freely available online.

  • First-year STEM Classes from MIT
  • OpenCourseWare
  • MITx Micromasters
  • Residential Digital Innovations

Professional & Executive Education

For executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and technical professionals eager to tap fresh thinking and new research from MIT, we offer dozens of executive and professional programs. Some are online. Some are on campus. Ranging from two days to 20 months, they all share MIT’s signature focus on practical solutions for the real world.

  • Professional & Executive Learning
  • MIT Professional Education – School of Engineering
  • Sloan School of Management Executive Education

K-12 Resources

We delight in the beauty and creative power of science, technology, engineering, and math, and we make a special effort to spark that same passion in students from kindergarten through high school — in school, after school, and over the summer. Locally, we engage students, teachers, and families with a range of hands-on K-12 offerings, from structured field trips to MIT’s Edgerton Center  to programs designed to encourage girls in their love of technology and science. We also offer an array of resources for teachers , to help them make science and engineering easy to grasp and irresistibly interesting.

  • K-12 Science & Engineering Opportunities
  • OpenCourseWare Highlights for High School
  • K-12 Outreach
  • App Inventor
  • Teaching Systems Lab
  • Lemelson-MIT Program

See Inside Education

A student wearing safety goggles and and an instructor work together.

MIT xPRO’s online learning programs leverage vetted content from world-renowned experts to make learning accessible anytime, anywhere. Designed using cutting-edge research in the neuroscience of learning, MIT xPRO programs are application focused, helping professionals build their skills on the job.

For more information on xPRO courses and programs, take a look at our upcoming and recorded webinars !

3D printing

Propel your career on your own terms

Technology is accelerating at an unprecedented pace, causing disruption across all levels of business. Tomorrow’s leaders must demonstrate technical expertise as well as leadership acumen in order to maintain a technical edge over the competition while driving innovation in an ever-changing environment.

MIT uniquely understands this challenge and how to solve it with decades of experience developing technical professionals.

Embrace change. Enhance your skill set. Keep learning. MIT xPRO is with you each step of the way.


Serving technical professionals globally for over 75 years. Learn more about us.

MIT Professional Education 700 Technology Square Building NE48-200 Cambridge, MA 02139 USA




Award-winning faculty. Transformative tools and technologies. A global reputation. MIT Professional Education Certificate Programs combine MIT’s pioneering research with groundbreaking insights from distinguished academics, researchers, and industry leaders. Delivered online or in a live virtual format, these prestigious programs are designed to help you expand your capabilities, deepen your industry expertise, and secure a competitive advantage in today’s rapidly evolving digital economy.

Solve problems. Grow your network. Accelerate your career.

Biotechnology and Life Sciences Certificate Program Image

Discover how to leverage powerful new innovations in the fields of biotechnology and life sciences. In this intensive certificate program, you’ll explore the latest advances in a range of key areas—such as growth and metabolism, instability issues, process design, biochemical processing, and process validation—and access the tools you need to capitalize on these developments.

Design and Manufacturing Certificate Program Image

Acquire advanced strategies and frameworks for transforming your production processes. In this timely certificate program, you’ll explore the latest technologies that are revolutionizing the field of manufacturing, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and 3D printing—and learn how to apply them to create superior materials, reduce time to market, and add value to your bottom line.

Professional Certificate Program in Digital Transformation Cert Image

Prepare to meet today’s digital challenges by assessing the key tools and strategies that are reshaping industries. In this comprehensive certificate program, you’ll learn to build a culture of innovation across your enterprise, and enhance your ability to leverage and capitalize on state-of-the-art technologies—from artificial intelligence to cloud computing to DevOps, and blockchain.

This certificate program is also available in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French.

Industry 4 Certificate Program Image

Secure a competitive advantage in Industry 4.0—the data-driven revolution that’s powering the proliferation of interconnected, digitally enabled manufacturing systems around the world. In this dynamic certificate program, you’ll acquire the state-of-the-art tools and strategies you need to reimagine your product operations, business models, and customer support solutions for the digital age.

This certificate program is also available in Spanish.

Innovation and Technology Certificate Program

Enhance your competitive advantage with the latest technological knowledge and best practices from the university that’s globally recognized for science, technology, and innovation. In this popular certificate program, you’ll master timely strategies for developing, managing, and implementing proven innovation techniques and technologies. The goal? To help you boost your bottom line and excel in the digital economy.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Certificate Program

Master the machine learning and artificial intelligence strategies that are transforming industries around the world in. In this built-for-impact certificate program, under the instruction of recognized leaders in the field, you’ll acquire the latest technical approaches for natural language processing, predictive analytics, deep learning, and more—and learn how to customize them to solve your unique business challenges.

Professional Certificate Program in Real Estate Finance & Development

Manage risk and create real estate products with lasting value by deepening your understanding of the industry’s foremost financial tools and forecasting models. This timely certificate program provides an invaluable opportunity to explore proven approaches for overcoming a range of pressing real estate challenges—from climate change to capital market volatility.

Professional Certificate in Strategic Technology Roadmapping and Innovation - Cert page image

Keep pace in the digital economy by learning how to successfully implement powerful new technologies across your enterprise. In this certificate program, you’ll learn how to strategically boost and advance innovation by mastering a full range of tools and skills, including technology forecasting and roadmapping, innovation management, and data analytics. 

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Blended Professional Certificate: Chief Sustainability Officer

Discover what it takes to evolve, enhance, and implement sustainable systems in the present—for the future. In this intensive certificate program, you’ll enhance your knowledge of sustainability techniques, explore ways to formulate rigorous positions and arguments, and learn how to implement life-cycle sustainability assessments. The goal? To equip you with the expertise you need to become a Chief Sustainability Officer.

Blended Professional Certificate: Chief Technology Officer

Learn how to leverage the latest technical trends to fuel growth, enhance business processes, and drive powerful results. In this prestigious certificate program, you’ll hone the skills you need to assume the role of Chief Technology Officer and make a measurable impact on your organization’s innovation efforts.

Blended Professional Certificate: Chief Digital Officer

Incorporate game-changing innovation across your enterprise and maintain competitive advantage in the digital economy. In this timely certificate program, you’ll acquire the skills you need to promote digital and business transformation and ascend to the position of Chief Digital Officer.

Blended Professional Certificate: Chief Product Officer

Acquire the knowledge and skills you need to become an effective Chief Product Officer (CPO). Over the course of 12 months, you will learn to optimize your organization’s innovation processes, identify and prioritize solutions for complex product design challenges, and develop digital platforms that build loyal consumer bases. You will emerge prepared to lead while ensuring distinction, quality, performance, and returns.

MIT xPRO—Professional Development, the MIT Way

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Embrace change. Enhance your skill set. Keep learning. MIT xPRO is with you each step of the way.


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Money well spent. The knowledge I gained was priceless.

Emily R. Wright, Versatile Technologist

This is an awesome program for emerging leaders and for those currently in leadership positions. The knowledge, tools, and techniques are very useful…

Thomas Bonnier, Quantitative Risk Manager, Arval

[My knowledge gained in this course] will have a major impact as my job is really based on leveraging datasets, in order to make business recommendat…

Mike Vanderwel, Chief Engineer, Boeing

To me, accomplishment equates to job satisfaction. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to develop additive applications and work col…

Clayton Smith, Aerodynamicist, General Atomics

I had high expectations and they were adequately met! The content was just what I'd hoped.

Murali Thyagarajan, DBA & Application Support, NASDAQ

The course was easy to understand and had depth. All the concepts were clearly laid out and explained. This is the best course I have come across on …

Michael Poliszuk, Lead Systems Engineer, Naval Air Systems Command

[My knowledge gained in this course] will be a great aid at solving problems.

Rejendra Polavarapu, Senior Consultant, Cognizant Tech Solutions

[I liked] learning how quantum computing can impact people and organizations behaviors toward computation and simulation of problems.

Jasmine Latham, Lead Data Scientist, Office for National Statistics

I am very pleased with the course content, it is exactly the level I am looking for. Each professor/course presenter has packed a lot of information …

Pravin Kumarappan, Platform Architect, Worldplay

This has helped me understand the prospects of quantum cybersecurity and optimization. I wish to take this knowledge back [to my company] and come aw…

This is an awesome program for emerging leaders and for those currently in leadership positions. The knowledge, tools, and techniques are very useful to companies worldwide. I would highly recommend this program to all levels of employees.

[My knowledge gained in this course] will have a major impact as my job is really based on leveraging datasets, in order to make business recommendations.

To me, accomplishment equates to job satisfaction. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to develop additive applications and work collaboratively to solve problems, which will be deeply gratifying.

The course was easy to understand and had depth. All the concepts were clearly laid out and explained. This is the best course I have come across on this topic.

I am very pleased with the course content, it is exactly the level I am looking for. Each professor/course presenter has packed a lot of information and has explained complex algorithms in good detail. Some with good sense of humor. Thank you very much.

This has helped me understand the prospects of quantum cybersecurity and optimization. I wish to take this knowledge back [to my company] and come away with a longer term strategy.


Deepen your team’s career knowledge and expand their abilities with MIT xPRO’s online courses for professionals. Develop customized learning for your team with bespoke courses and programs on your schedule. Set a standard of knowledge and skills, leading to effective communication among employees and consistency across the enterprise.

Find out what MIT xPRO can do for your team.


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Charalampos Sampalis wears a headset while looking at the camera

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Charalampos (Haris) Sampalis was well established in his career as a product manager at a telecommunications company in Greece. Yet, as someone who enjoys learning, he was on a mission to acquire more knowledge and develop new skills. That’s how he discovered MIT Open Learning resources. With a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Crete and a master’s in innovation management and entrepreneurship from Hellenic Open University — the only online/distance learning university in Greece — Sampalis had developed expertise in product management and digital strategy. In 2016, he turned to  MITx  within MIT Open Learning and found a wealth of knowledge and a community of learners who broadened his horizons. “I’m a person who likes to be constantly absorbing educational information,” Sampalis says. “I strongly believe that education shouldn’t be under boundaries, or strictly belong to specific periods in our lives. I started with computer science, and it grew from there, following programs on a regular basis that may help me expand my horizons and strengthen my skills.” Sampalis built his life and career in Athens, which makes MIT Open Learning’s digital resources more valuable. He completed courses in computer science, including  6.00.1x  (Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python),  11.155x (Design Thinking for Leading and Learning) and  Becoming an Entrepreneur back in 2016 and 2017 through  MITx, which offers hundreds of high-quality massive open online courses adapted from the MIT classroom for learners worldwide. Sampalis has also enrolled in Management in Engineering: Strategy and Leadership and Management in Engineering: Accounting and Planning, which are part of the  MITx MicroMasters Program in Principles of Manufacturing . “I really appreciate the fact that an established institution like MIT was offering programs online,” he says. “I work full time and it’s not easy at this period of my life to leave everything behind and move to another continent for education — something I might have done at another time in my life. So, this is a model that allows me to access MIT resources and grow myself as part of a community that shares similar interests and seeks further collaborations, even locally where I live, something that makes the overall experience really unique.”  In 2022, Sampalis applied for and completed the MIT Innovation Leadership Bootcamp. Part of MIT Open Learning, MIT Bootcamps are intensive and immersive educational programs for the global community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and changemakers. The Innovation Leadership Bootcamp was offered online, and Sampalis jumped at the opportunity.  “I was in collaborative mode, having daily interactions with a diverse group of individuals scattered around the world, and that took place during an intensive 10-week period of my life that really taught me a lot,” says Sampalis. “Working with a global team was extremely engaging. It was a highly motivating, even transformative experience.” MITx and MIT Bootcamps are both hands-on and interactive experiences offered by MIT Open Learning, which is exactly what appealed to Sampalis. One of the best parts, he says, is that community and collaborations with those he met through MIT continued even after the boot camp concluded. Participants remain in touch not only with their cohort, but with a broader community of over 1,800 other participants from around the world, and have access to continued coaching and mentorship. Overall, the community of learners has been a highlight of Sampalis’ MIT Open Learning experience. “What is so beneficial is not just that I get a certificate from MIT and access to a highly valuable repository of knowledge resources, but the fact that I have been exposed to the full umbrella of what Open Learning has to offer — and I share that with other learners,” he says. “I’m part of MIT now. I continue to learn for myself, and I also try to give back, by supporting Open Learning and sharing my story and resources.”

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  • Video: "Final Pitches: Innovation Leadership"
  • MIT Open Learning
  • MITx Courses
  • MIT Bootcamps

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  • Massive open online courses (MOOCs)
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