Wedding Speeches Secrets

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MC Speeches

Every MC at a wedding wants to know what to say in the MC Speeches .

mc speeches

This is frequently not the case though. In most speeches, the speaker – who could be a father of the bride or mother of the bride or best man, for example, gives a tribute to the bride and groom. (The exception, of course, could be when the best man is also the MC.)

In most cases the Master of Ceremonies plays a different role at the reception because he or she assumes the role of facilitator and co-ordinator.

And because of that role, MC speeches are entirely different.

Usually, they are not one short speech and toast.

Instead, they consist of announcements, introductions of guests, and transitions of events.

The First MC Speech At The Reception

The Master of Ceremonies opens the reception with a Welcome speech.

If you’re the Master of Ceremonies, this is the time when you introduce yourself, outline the events that will take place during the agenda, make any announcements – including where facilities, guest book, and gift table are located – and get the guests prepped for a celebration of the marriage they have just witnessed.

Your Welcome to the guests is the ice breaker – for them to warm up to you and get to know you. After all, you’ll be addressing them throughout the reception.

Your Welcome should be upbeat and humorous if it suits your personality.

The Welcome speech isn’t the only time the MC will address the guests.

The wedding speeches and toasts event is where the Master of Ceremonies will introduce the speakers to the guests.

These introductions are determined by the Order of Wedding Speeches and Toasts.

Each speaker is introduced with a short preamble before he or she begins his or her own tribute.

Creative and fun MC’s don’t just say “The next speaker is

Instead, they have done their homework.

They have a concise biography of each speaker so they can make the introduction fun, interesting, and entertaining.

MC Speeches carry over to announcements. The Master of Ceremonies is the “guide” throughout the reception and announces important events including grace, meal time, entertainment, wedding games, the bouquet toss, the garter toss, cake cutting, special events during or after the reception, and the final farewell.

Wedding Speeches Table of Contents MC A Wedding | Order of Wedding Speeches and Toasts

Exceptions To Traditional Speeches

Two exceptions where the Master of Ceremonies would give the traditional wedding speech and toast are the absence of a speaker or by special request from the bride and groom.

Sometimes a speaker is unable to attend the reception in which case the newlyweds will ask the MC to stand in and make either a speech or a toast.

Occasionally, both the bride and groom don’t wish to make a formal speech. In this case, they will ask the MC to thank the guests on their behalf.

Standalone Toasts

As well, there may be occasions when you will be asked to make a stand alone toast instead of the traditional tribute.

The toast to absent friends and family is one you may be asked to give.

Usually this is to honor those who are deceased but were close to either the bride or groom or both of them.

Other toasts could include one to acknowledge someone who has made a major contribution to the planning of the wedding – such as the Mother of the Bride – or a toast to the Queen.

In most cases, your toast begins with a brief preamble that leads straight into the toast.

As you can see, your preparation for MC Speeches is entirely different from preparing a traditional tribute to the newlyweds.

Your focus is on introducing speakers and events. This will require preparing background information on speakers and dignitaries as well as knowing the sequence of events from the agenda.

Your MC Speeches should enhance the reception and make it fun.

In effect, your speeches are transitions – from one speaker to the next or from one event to the next.

When you do the transitions well the reception events flow smoothly.

Conversely, poor transitions interrupt the flow of events and activities and slow down the rhythm and tempo of the reception.

The success or failure of a reception often hinges on the Master of Ceremonies.

And when the bride and groom – or their families – have spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours preparing for this special event, it’s essential that the Master of Ceremonies be chosen with care.

Qualities of a Wedding MC

Most receptions that have an MC have someone who is known to the bride and groom rather than a professional Master of Ceremonies.

In some cases this is a budget consideration. In other cases, the bride and groom don’t feel it’s necessary – which generally is true if your MC has the right guidance.

However, it should be remembered that the success or failure of the newlywed’s special day rests primarily with how well the MC organizes the reception and its events.

That’s why it’s important to pick the right person for the job.

Here are several qualities that a Master of Ceremonies should have:

1. Outgoing personality 2. Good organizer 3. Confident 4. Cool under pressure – someone who doesn’t get flustered easily

Factors To Consider When Choosing An MC For A Wedding

1. The size and complexity of the reception

A short, afternoon reception with few events is unlikely to need a separate Master of Ceremonies. In this case, the best man might also play the dual role of MC.

A longer reception with entertainment, games, and traditional events, on the other hand, requires a Master of Ceremonies to ensure things run smoothly. The MC in this case may or may not be the best man.

2. The Length of the Reception

Shorter receptions – or those that are more intimate with fewer guests – won’t require a Master of Ceremonies.

Large receptions with hundreds of guests and that span a number of hours will require an MC.

3. The size of the Bridal Party and the number of Speakers

A wedding with a large bridal party and several speakers will usually require an MC – someone to make introductions and help transition speakers and events.

The Master of Ceremonies will not only help with introducing speakers but can also help in ensuring events move along steadily and take place on time.

4. Whether you want a Master of Ceremonies to introduce your speakers

If you have dignitaries or a large number of speakers – usually more than three – then it’s generally a good idea to have an MC to do the introductions.

Are You A Novice Wedding MC And Don’t Know How To MC A Wedding?

Being asked to MC a wedding reception is a HUGE honor.

But with that honor comes a lot of responsibility.

And if you’ve never been an MC at a wedding before, then you probably don’t know what is involved in preparing for the event.

For example:

1. How to create an agenda and timeline.

2. What to say in your MC Scripts.

3. What types of activities and entertainment to have at the reception.

4. What types of contingencies to plan for in case things go wrong.

5. How to make fun introductions at the Wedding Speeches and Toasts event.

And that’s just the beginning. There’s a lot more you need to know about your duties and responsibilities.

Fortunately, there’s a complete Guide to being a Wedding MC…

Find Out More: Click The Following Link For How To Be A FUN Wedding MC

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

Click Here To Create A FUN and Memorable Reception For The Bride and Groom Even If You’re A Novice MC!

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Bride Speeches, Best Man Speeches, And More at Wedding Speeches Secrets To Create A Memorable Reception For The Bride and Groom.

Wedding MC? Check out How To Be A FUN Wedding MC and create a FUN and Memorable Reception!

wedding reception activities ideas, games, MC scripts, jokes tips, ideas, duties, checklists, run sheets, agendas, and much more!

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

How to Begin a Wedding Speech: Great Opening Lines

Handy one-liners to get your speech off to an amazing start.

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

If you've read our post on how to make a great wedding speech , you'll know that it's really important to start strong! Well, here we're showing you how to do exactly that, with a list of the best wedding speech opening lines . The beauty of this list is that it works for any kind of wedding speech, whether you're the bride, groom, best man, bridesmaid, father-of-the-bride, or even the flower girl or the groom's granny!

We've made sure to include lots of different options so there's something to suit every style of speech, whether you want to keep it simple, bring the audience to tears, or give them a giggle with a joke . Some of our wedding speech opening lines can be customised, too, to help you make your speech even more personal. So, let's dive in!

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

Our Favourite Wedding Speech Opening Lines

To help you find what you're looking for, we've split our sample opening lines into three categories; simple and sincere opening lines, funny opening lines and opening lines with quotes from famous people.

Note: (name) can indicate yourself, the bride/groom, the couple as a whole, or another member of the wedding party.  

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Simple and Sincere Opening Lines

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you (name) for the kind introduction."

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As (name's friend/relative), I'm delighted to welcome you all here tonight."

"Thank you so much, (name), for such a wonderful introduction. I only hope I can live up to your kind words!"

"Hello everyone. I hope you're all having a great night so far."

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

"Hello, I'm (name) and, for those of you who don't already know me, I'm (relation to couple)."

"Hi everybody, I'm (name), and I'm here to talk a little bit about my good friend (name)."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'm going to talk a little bit about (name). When I was writing this speech, I asked myself how I could sum up (X) years of friendship, laughter and adventures in one speech, and I decided that I can't. We'd be here all night."

"Hello everybody and welcome. I think we can all agree that it's been a wonderful day so far. (Couple names), you should be really proud of the amazing day you've put together. We're all very lucky to be a part of it."

"Hello everyone. I hope you're all having a great night so far. My life changed completely on (date, year), when (name) came into my life, and it changes again today, as they embark on their latest adventure with (name)."

"Hi everybody. Thank you for the warm welcome. Mark Twain once said that 'there are only two types of speakers in the world. 1. The nervous and 2. Liars.' I'm definitely in the former category, so I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a little bit shaky this evening."

wedding speech opening lines funny opening lines sincere opening lines (9)

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Funny Opening Lines to Make Guests LOL

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and before any of you ask, yes I am single."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'll be your speaker for the next 95 minutes."

"Hi everybody. If you don't know who I am... well, you're probably at the wrong wedding! But stick around, we need extra people for the conga line."

"Hi everyone. You're probably wondering why I gathered you here today. I've got a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity that I know you're going to - sorry, wrong speech!"

"Hello everyone! Thank you all for being here on such an exciting night. Yes, the rumours are true, I will be debuting some new choreography on the dance floor this evening. But in the mean time, I suppose I should talk a little bit about (couple names)."

"Hello, and welcome. You may know me as (name's friend/relative), but tonight, I go by the title, (name), Lord of the Dance."

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

"Hi everyone. Just in case you don't already know, I'm (name) and I'm the best man. There are some really successful, good-looking, charming men in the room tonight, but now that it's written on the ceremony program in black and white, it's official - I am the best."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from the great Seamus Heaney/Maya Angelou/Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr./Mother Teresa... but unfortunately I left my speech in my other jacket. So you'll have to make do with me!"

“Hi everyone. If I could just say a few words 
 I’d be a better public speaker! That gag was actually stolen from Homer Simpson, which should give you an idea of the caliber of speech you can expect from me tonight.”

"Hi everyone, and welcome. Webster's dictionary describes a wedding as, 'The process of removing weeds from one's garden'. That's a Homer Simpson quote, which should give you an idea of the caliber of speech you can expect from me tonight.”

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

"Hello everyone, I'm (name.) According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right?"

"Hi everyone. When I was preparing this speech, (name) gave me a list of topics that were strictly off-limits, so I'd like to start with those."

"Hi everyone. I'm (name). Anyone who knows me knows that I'm (name)'s biggest fan. So much so, that I was actually quite hurt when I learned that I wasn't going to be involved in the first dance!"

"Hi everyone. I just want to take a few minutes to talk about my good friend (name). I first met (name) when we were 13, and since then, I've always looked up to him. He was, after all, the only 6ft 2' student at (school name)!"

"Good evening everyone. To our English speakers, I'd like to say welcome, we're delighted that you could be with us today to celebrate the marriage of (couple names). To our (other language) speakers, I'd like to say (use Google Translate or ask a native speaker to translate, 'My llama is very handsome. I hope my translation is correct.')"

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Beginning with a Quote

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Dr. James Dobson, who said, 'Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without.' "

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Franz Schubert, who said, 'Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.' "

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who said, 'There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage.' "

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Franklin P. Jones, who said, 'Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.' "

"Hi everyone, I'm (name.) I hope you're all having a wonderful day so far. When I got married to my partner (name), somebody told me, 'Don't just be husband and wife, be president of each other's fan clubs,' and I'd like to pass on that same advice to (couple)."

"Hello everyone. I'd like to begin with a quote from Mignon McLaughlin, who said, 'A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.' Over the past (x) years, I've had the pleasure of watching (name) fall in love with (name) over and over again."

Click herefor a handy checklist of people to thank in your wedding speech , plus how to keep the speeches from being too long !

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Adam and grace, via one fab day, see more in:.

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

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how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

The Brassie

MC For Wedding Scripts – Expert Tips And Examples

Picture this: you’re attending a wedding and everything is running smoothly. The atmosphere is filled with excitement, laughter, and love. Have you ever wondered what makes a wedding reception so seamless and enjoyable? One key element is the MC, also known as the Master of Ceremonies. In this article, we will delve into the world of MC for wedding scripts and provide you with expert tips and examples to help you make your wedding reception an unforgettable experience.

The Role of an MC at a Wedding

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting an engaging MC script, let’s first understand the importance of the MC’s role. The MC is not just a random person with a microphone; they are the glue that holds the wedding reception together. Their responsibilities include guiding the event flow, introducing the wedding party, leading interactive activities, and ensuring a memorable experience for everyone involved. Smooth event flow is crucial to creating a relaxed and enjoyable environment for the couple and their guests.

Crafting an Engaging MC Script

Opening remarks.

When it comes to starting your MC script, a captivating opening is vital. Begin by warmly welcoming the guests and setting the tone for the event. Infuse the atmosphere with light-hearted jokes or anecdotes to break the ice and engage the audience right from the start.

Introducing the Wedding Party

The introduction of the wedding party is a significant moment in any reception. Properly introducing the bride, groom, and important family members is essential. Share some background information or fun facts about each person to help the guests connect with them on a personal level.

Guiding the Reception Flow

Welcoming speech.

Expressing gratitude to the attendees for their presence and providing information about the schedule and activities planned is the focal point of the welcoming speech. Take this opportunity to set expectations and generate excitement for the upcoming events.

Announcing the Entrance of the Newlyweds

One of the highlights of any wedding reception is the grand entrance of the newlyweds. Build anticipation by creating a vibrant atmosphere and announce their entrance in a way that reflects their unique style and personality.

Toasts and Speeches

Guide the sequence of toasts and speeches, ensuring each speaker is properly introduced and given time cues. Keep the energy high and the transitions smooth to maintain the flow of the event.

Interactive Games or Activities

Engaging guests through interactive games or activities is a fantastic way to create lasting memories. Suggest and lead fun activities that align with the couple’s preferences and the general ambiance of the wedding.

First Dance and Special Moments

Announce the couple’s first dance and other special events, ensuring that the spotlight is on these memorable moments. Create an atmosphere that is filled with joy and love, encouraging everyone to feel a part of the celebration.

Entrances and Transitions

Guide the order of entrances, such as the cutting of the cake or bouquet toss, ensuring that each transition is seamless. Smoothly navigate between different events or segments, maintaining the momentum and excitement.

Closing Remarks

As the wedding reception draws to a close, conclude with heartfelt closing remarks. Thank the guests for their presence and wishes, and offer well wishes to the couple as they embark on their journey together.

Tips for a Successful MC Performance

Mastering the art of public speaking.

To deliver a captivating MC performance, it’s crucial to master the art of public speaking. Build confidence on stage, speak clearly, and use appropriate body language and vocal variety to capture the attention of the audience.

Understanding the Couple’s Preferences

Communication with the couple is vital in understanding their vision for the reception. Personalize the script to match their style and personality, ensuring their wedding is an authentic representation of them as a couple.

Practicing and Rehearsing

Rehearsing the MC script is essential for a successful performance. Practice delivering the lines, overcome stage fright, and gain confidence through repetition. Remember, practice makes perfect!

In Conclusion

Crafting an engaging MC script is crucial for a memorable and enjoyable wedding reception. As the MC, your role is to guide the flow of the event, introduce the wedding party, and ensure a seamless experience for everyone involved. By employing our expert tips, such as creating captivating opening remarks, guiding the reception flow, and personalizing the script to the couple’s preferences, you can take your MC performance to the next level. With practice and a little bit of personality, you’ll create a wedding reception that will have everyone talking for years to come.

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Robert Akin

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Wedding MC Speeches How to MC a Wedding

MC Sheky Wedding MC Speeches

Wedding MC speeches or Master of Ceremonies speeches carry with them a lot of responsibility.

When you are asked to be a wedding emcee, you are being asked to make sure that the celebration stays on target so that the wedding couple does not have to micro-manage the details of their special day.

You make sure that the toasts , speeches and dances happen according to schedule.

Effectively, you are the 'leader' - and signs of a good leader include knowing when to step in and maneuver the proceedings to keep the energy high, and when to fade into the background so that you do not take center stage when it's inappropriate for you to do so.

One of the best guides out there for being the perfect wedding MC is offered by Pete Miller, an experienced Master of Ceremonies.

You Can Be a Wedding MC - Everything You Need to Know is a comprehensive guide and provides lots of resources, including:

  • wedding MC speeches
  • wedding MC jokes
  • all the obligations you as a Master of Ceremonies need to fulfill.

Here's a video of Pete introducing the wedding party.

Not only do you have to make sure that the evening is fun for all, but you need to make sure that everything happens when it's supposed to. You need to coordinate all the speeches, the cake cutting, bouquet tossing, first dance and the myriad of other traditions that take place during a wedding reception!

Because every couple and wedding is different, one cut and dried script for performing wedding MC speeches does not exist. A lot of what your duties will consist of depends on what the bride and groom and their families want.

Take the time to really talk to everyone in the wedding party, so you have a clear understanding of how they want the day to flow and what their expectations are.

As a wedding MC you should have a good arsenal of jokes to use throughout the reception. You'll need to be knowledgeable - not just the wedding couple, but also about the best man , maid of honor , family members and so on.

This is why sitting down and talking with the happy couple is so important. It could be embarrassing to throw out a joke that touches on a delicate subject for the bride and groom or any member of the wedding party.

You, as the wedding MC will need to know inside and out in which order all the events of the reception should take place. So you'll want to closely coordinate things with the DJ, the caterers, and whoever else is involved, to ensure that everything takes place at the right time and in the right sequence.

Being an MC at someone's wedding is a huge responsibility and one that should not be undertaken lightly. You'll have the power to make the event a success or a complete flop.

You need to remember that it is equally as important to give a good performance as it is to be organized and ensure that everything goes off without a hitch.

If you've never been asked to give wedding MC speeches before, the enormity of the task before you can be intimidating. You'll need various aids to help you avoid any mistakes and to make sure you don't leave anything out.

Book Recommendations for wedding MC speeches

Wedding MC Speeches

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A free best man speech to inspire you. Your speech will be a highlight of the day that everyone will remember. Make your words as meaningful as possible!

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If it's about live entertainment, events, or my life as a professional MC, then it's here in my blog!

Write An Unforgettable Wedding Speech In 5 Simple Steps

wedding speech and toast

Weddings are a beautiful event that brings people together in glorious celebration. But you already knew that. You’re here because you have been asked by the bride/groom (or perhaps someone else) to give a speech for a wedding. The one thing that a whopping 73% fear ! Yikes!

So where to begin? Any good wedding speech starts with calm research and reflection – do you think Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, or Rocky Balboa wrote their speeches in a flurry of panic? (Ok, so maybe not the last one, still inspiring, though, have to admit!)

Start by spending some time reflecting on your relationship with the bride and groom. They wouldn’t have asked you to make a speech on their special day if you weren’t important to them or had NO notable experiences with them. Also, use this time to think about their special qualities and how they have impacted your life – it’s not all about them 😉

A quick note: It is quite common for people to assume you must give humorous wedding speeches for it to make an impact and be considered “good.” This is a common trap I witness all too often and it is as cringy as it feels just thinking back to the time you saw the “funny” uncle at that wedding 5 years ago make a speech you all still talk about – for all the wrong reasons.

If funny is your fortĂ©, go for it! Don’t force the comedy, simply let your pen and mind write as you would speaking to a friend.

The same goes if “funny” is the last thing people would describe you as. It’s really as simple as that! (No, I’m not being deliberately reductive. Think of any time you tried WAY too hard at anything – how many times did you ACTUALLY succeed the way you wanted to?)

With that in mind, let’s now break down this scary task of writing a “Bring Down the House” worthy wedding speech (may it be a tear-jerker, heart-warmer, or a side-splitter) in 5 simple steps.

1. Introduce yourself to the crowd

You will not believe how easy it is to forget this but it is the cornerstone of ANY speech made in public, let alone at a wedding. Why? Because not everyone knows who you are, that’s why! Even if the MC has made a formal introduction, making one yourself is a great way to start and the first thing you should write on your dauntingly blank piece of paper or Microsoft Word screen.

What this also does is set up the overall feel of your speech. In other words, it prepares your family and friends for what they’re about to experience and hear from you.

If you’re searching for wedding short speech examples, here are a couple of examples to get your creative juices flowing:

  • (Reverant/Heartfelt) – On behalf of both [Groom/Bride] and myself, I’d like to thank you all for coming here today to celebrate this momentous occasion. It’s a great pleasure to be with you all tonight. Tonight we celebrate [Bride/Groom]’s big day. I feel really privileged to be part of it.
  • (Funny) – “Hi everyone! I’d like to thank (Groom) for making me his best man. Sit back, relax, I’m now going to share some embarrassing details about them. Is that ok? (Pause) Ok then, let’s get started!”
  • (Light-Hearted/Casual ) – “Thank you all for coming out to help celebrate the wedding of George and Stella, it’s so great to see you all here dressed so well and in support of them on their special day.”
  • (Formal) – “Ladies and Gentlemen, dearly beloved friends of the wedding couple and family, over the years many of you have been involved in their lives and this most special of occasions is one more chance for us to get together, for them to celebrate their love, and for us to do a bit of reminiscing about old times.”

No matter which style you go with STICK WITH IT. That doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate humour into a wedding speech you opted to begin formally, for example. But it’s important not to mix speech styles too much throughout, otherwise it will come across as sloppy, inconsistent, and hard to follow.

2. Start with a story

Everyone LOVES a good story, better yet if that story is funny or reveals something either shocking or heartfelt about someone. Plus, it’s a fantastic time-filler for your wedding speech and is where the “meat” of your speech is.

Take a moment to brainstorm on a piece of paper any and all story ideas that you can come up with. Doesn’t matter what, the first thing that comes to mind, write it down. You never know which one will spark inspiration.

I recommend no more than 1-3 stories at most, and if you are going to opt for 3 make sure they are all relatively short and punchy. Remember: quality, not quantity, is essential.

And remember the most important parts of ANY good story worth telling – a clear beginning, middle, and end with some moment of intrigue, complication, and resolution at the end. Follow that method, any story you tell will be great!

3. Make a personal reflection of the couple’s relationship

Before you begin to wrap up your epic wedding speech, remember that this day is all about the man and woman of honour. You wouldn’t be standing there having to make that speech if it weren’t for them, after all! While you might be tempted to say something along the lines of “Well, thanks for making me do this fear-inducing speech today that took me hours to write and countless bouts of agony and anxiety!” I recommend something a lot more heartfelt and personal about how you feel about them.

This is actually the EASIEST part of the whole speech. Why? Because you obviously are important enough to them and have known them long and well enough to make a genuine comment or two on them as a couple!

Here are some examples, in case you’re still stuck or need some inspiration:

  • “Mark and Sarah, you are a beautiful couple who have been through so much and I am so proud of what you have achieved so far. I wish you both the very best in life together and all the love and happiness this new life and the world has to offer.”
  • “I am so proud of you two, in awe of the beauty and strength that you are both. This has been a long road, but your end result is worth it. A beautiful relationship is always built on hard work and perseverance and you both have demonstrated that time and time again.”
  • “The words of wisdom I have for you today are simply this: live fully, love completely, and always remember she is right. Every time!”

4. Keep the speech short and sweet

When delivering a wedding speech, it is always best to keep the speech short and sweet. A long, drawn-out speech can cause boredom and will likely result in less applause for you at the end (which never feels good, obviously). A short wedding speech is key, but not too short! The best wedding speeches are generally less than five minutes long. Seriously.

Anything longer (aside from inducing boredom and distraction in your audience) and you can have an adverse impact on the overall running of the evening. You must remember there are a LOT of other major parts of what is a chaotic (and expensive) public event and going significantly over time will place strain on the evening’s timeline.

(Cue visible sweat from all the vendors, the MC, and perhaps the bride and groom who are keen to make sure everything runs on time for a wedding they spent MONTHS planning just to have your looooooong and pointless story about the time you and the groom went fishing spoil it.)

Anything shorter , alternatively, and you risk simply not making the most of the task you have been asked to make it count. Whether or not YOU feel being asked to make a wedding speech is a big deal, THEY certainly feel it is important enough.

5 minutes goes a LOT quicker than you might imagine when making a speech, so don’t sweat the clock or make it seem you can’t wait for the speech to be over so you can resume drinking or literally anything else.

Give the moment what it deserves and the bride and groom will be VERY grateful (and you will feel good, too, which is always nice!).

5. Finish with a CLEAR ending

Now for the big finish – the ending. I will note here that if you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT think of anything else except “Thank you” then that’s acceptable. It’s not mind-blowing but it definitely lets everyone know you are done.

If, however, you are still here reading this hoping for WAY better than simply “Thank you” then never fear, I’m here to help! 😉

Finishing a wedding speech successfully can often be just as hard, perhaps even harder, than opening one. People typically only remember long-term two things out of any experience – the beginning and the end. (There is actually a technical term for this. It’s known as the ‘ Serial Position Effect .’)

You could go casual and humourous:

  • “Well, there you have it, folks! The hardest part of the speech is now behind me. I was tempted to end with a witty joke or something really funny to get everyone laughing, but then I realized that wasn’t why I was up here in the first place. It’s about Mark and Sarah’s love. Congratulations and cheers!

Or perhaps slightly more formally:

  • “ Ladies and gentlemen, may you join me in a toast as we celebrate Mark and Sarah’s union. Thank you for asking me to be your Maid of Honour, I can’t wait to see what the rest of your life together has in store!”

Ultimately, as long as it feels like it’s finished when you read it out loud then you’re on the right track! Speaking of reading out loud…

Practice makes perfect!

Now your wedding speech is finally complete, don’t let all of that hard work go to waste by committing the cardinal sin of speech-making: not practising! You’ll be surprised how many mistakes you’ll pick up simply by speaking it out loud in front of the mirror or in front of a friend/family member (if you’re feeling braver!). Plus, if you’re especially nervous about making the speech in front of SO many people I promise that practice ahead of time does absolute WONDERS for confidence. Trust me on this!

(And just so you know, that whole “imagine your audience naked” thing? Doesn’t work and it’s never nice ergh…)

Good luck! You’ll do great!

Making a great wedding speech is never easy, but with a bit of time spent preparing and following the steps above you’re well on your way to bringing the house down on the wedding day – might it be in a flurry of laughter or tears, you decide!

Have a tip that worked for you when writing your own speech? Know of a great example on the web or for your own wedding, perhaps? Feel free to comment below and let me know!

Or perhaps you need help with a speech you’re writing right now? Let me know below, happy to give some advice! Like/share and thanks for reading!

Like what you see? Nathan specialises in the ultimate Wedding MC experience that you and your guests will never forget.

Contact Nathan today to get started!

Nathan Cassar: Master of Ceremonies

Owner/Live Event Extraordinaire

Nathan Cassar, Master of Ceremonies

Based in Sydney, Nathan Cassar Master of Ceremonies has for over 10 years (and counting) proudly done what he is most passionate about – creating 1000s of lasting memories through the power of live entertainment and a flair for the extraordinary. Weddings, corporate, festivals, gala evenings, award nights, charity events – no matter the event, Nathan specialises in delivering award-winning. dynamic, and one-of-a-kind live event experiences that always leave a lasting impression and go beyond all expectations.

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This will be a very short (wedding) speech with my wife and I congratulating the then married couple being our 44 year old son and his 27 year old bride. What initially struck us is Maddy’s great spontaneous sense of humor and high intelligence level. She is a natural mixer and is very passionate about her job. We met her parents at Ulmarra NSW which is on the Clarence river just north of Grafton. It was a lovely time and the conversation flowed without difficulty.

We are extremely nervous about the wedding and are having difficulty phrasing the 5 minute speech.

Can you help?

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Hey Colin and Bev,

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! I would be more than happy to help 🙂 Please send me an email directly and we can set up a time to talk and go from there. Looking forward to it!

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Home > Wedding Tips and Advice > Wedding Speeches > The Role of the Master of Ceremonies

The Role of the Master of Ceremonies

Wedding Speeches

Wedding Master of Ceremonies (MC)

Wedding receptions often have a Master of Ceremonies (MC) to keep the day running smoothly. This role is sometimes handed to the best man, or another close friend of the groom. The role of MC is simple. It requires you to make a few announcements loudly and clearly as the day progresses. The groom may know exactly what he wants these to be, but they usually include some or all of the following:

  • Announcing who should be in the formal group photos
  • Announcing that dinner is served
  • Welcoming the bride and groom into the dining area
  • Introducing the father of the bride’s speech
  • Introducing the groom’s speech
  • Announcing the cutting of the cake
  • Introducing the first dance

If you are a nervous best man, then being MC is often a safe way of getting over many of your biggest fears before your speech. You’ll have the chance to shout out some pretty straightforward messages, getting you used to speaking in front of an audience. You’ll appear confident and in a position of responsibility from the start, which will impress fellow guests. Most importantly it will give you an idea of the acoustics and a feel for the microphone. Although you may worry about the first announcement, you’ll grow into the role throughout the day and will feel immeasurably more relaxed by the time you come to give your speech.

Here are some tips to help master the role:

  • Test the microphone out before guests arrive to get a feel for the acoustics.
  • Plan where each announcement will be made to avoid uncertainty.
  • Introduce yourself with your first announcement so guests know who you are, but keep it short. The day does not revolve around the MC!
  • Go through your role with the groom and other speakers, so they know when and how you’ll be introducing them.
  • Get the tone right. You need to speak clearly and loudly, but this shouldn’t be interpreted as bossy and deafening. You are giving announcements, not barking orders at your troops.
  • Keep humour to a minimum; you haven’t been employed to be the stand-up comic. Whilst a witty foreword before introducing each speaker can work well, it must be short and relevant.
  • Don’t get carried away with the Champagne. Whilst your role may be small compared to others on the day, it is crucial that you are on the ball and punctual with your announcements.

I’ve helped numerous MCs get this role just right, so if you’re still worried about what to say or how to say it please get in touch.

Guest Post by Lawrence Bernstein of Great Speech Writing

Image from Claire Basiuk Photography

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How to MC a Wedding

Last Updated: April 20, 2024 Fact Checked

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 29 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 730,914 times. Learn more...

One of the most important roles you can play at another person's wedding is the Master of Ceremonies (MC). The MC's job is to make sure the evening goes as smoothly as possible, taking the pressure off the happy couple and allowing them to forget about the practical concerns of the event and focus on having a good time. It can be a little intimidating to try to get organized, but you can learn the role and nail the tone to make their wedding a great success. See Step 1 for more information.

Learning the Role

Step 1 Be familiar with the schedule of the event.

  • The bride, groom, and other members of the wedding party will typically have something called a "run sheet" which will be a detailed itinerary of the various events. Get your schedule ahead of time and keep it on you during the day. Be the militant one.

Step 2 Make announcements.

  • Distinguish between things you'll need to announce into the microphone and things that might be ok to say to everyone as they come in the door, or by going around table-to-table and talking to everyone. If you label the presents table, for instance, you won't need to make a big to-do of announcing it every five minutes when people come in.

Step 3 Communicate with the event staff.

  • Be willing to run last-minute errands and do extra housekeeping tasks on the night of the reception. If the groom forgot his groomsmen's presents back at the house, don't make him drive and go get it. Volunteer for the little things and you can make a big difference.
  • Don't be afraid to delegate tasks. If there's a mess to be cleaned up, enlist some lazy cousins and challenge them to a can-crushing contest. Don't be pushy, but don't try to take it on all yourself either. [4] X Research source

Step 5 Chill out.

  • Make things as simple as possible. A wedding MC can make the night smooth sailing, or can tax everyone's fun by being too in-your-face about the little rules. try to keep an eye on the big picture and focus on making things simpler, rather than more complicated.

Running the Show

Step 1 Get there early, help out, and stay late.

  • If the ceremony itself takes place elsewhere, try to sit close to the back so you can jet out as soon as its over and head over to the reception hall.

Step 2 Practice using the microphone before the reception.

  • Practice holding it at the correct distance so you'll be loud enough for everyone to hear and you won't have to go through an awkward sound-check with all the family and friends present.

Step 3 Announce necessary information at the beginning of the reception.

  • Typically, the biggest announcement you'll have to make is when the bridal party enters. You'll need to introduce them, "The new Mr. and Mrs. _____!" When the bride is seated, let everyone know they can sit down and visit for a while.

Step 4 Introduce the speakers.

  • Don't give preliminary speeches for each speech. You don't need to tell long-winded jokes about each person (again, you're not the entertainment). Simple is good: "Next up, let's all welcome the maid-of-honor!"
  • try to wait until the dinner phase of the reception has wound down enough to get ready for the speeches. If there's a set time limit, try to stick to it as close as possible, but don't rush people who're still waiting to be served so you can jump to the speeches. Let things move in a calm and orderly fashion.

Step 5 Organize any other events the couple has planned.

  • Again, simple is good. Walk around to the tables and let everyone know briefly and politely: "Hey everybody! Hope you're all having a good time! I think they're about to do the garter toss on the dance floor in about five minutes if you want to make your way over there."

Nailing the Tone

Step 1 Let sincerity trump humor.

  • You'll have an opportunity to talk for a while, usually at the very beginning of the reception, before the bride and groom enter, which is when you can introduce yourself and set the tone of the evening. The room will probably be buzzing and unsettled, anyway, so don't think about launching into that crude story about your spring break trip to Cancun with the groom.

Step 2 Get organized.

  • Write down what you're going to say, and keep your script handy on a mobile device or a notepad. Write it like you'll want to read it, word-for-word, so you won't have to fill in the gaps at the last minute.

Step 3 Don't surprise the bride and groom.

  • Even if the speech-givers want to surprise the party with their speeches, try to find out what's in them and let the bride and groom know. It can be somewhat embarrassing to have to listen to a crude attempt at jokes from someone at a wedding, so it's good to do a little screening. It's not your job to tell them not to give the speech as written, just let the couple know so they'll be prepared and won't be (overly) embarrassed on their night.

Step 4 Get some feedback from a friend.

Expert Q&A

Ivy Summer

  • Be prepared with activities to keep people entertained while they wait for the bride and groom to appear after their photo session Thanks Helpful 78 Not Helpful 21
  • Work with the photographer(s) to ensure they get the best photographs for the bride and groom's keepsake wedding album. Thanks Helpful 40 Not Helpful 34

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

  • Avoid alcohol when you're the MC. You need a clear head as you perform your duties. Thanks Helpful 41 Not Helpful 50

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About This Article

To MC a wedding, start by obtaining an official schedule, since one of your main duties is to keep the reception running smoothly and on time. If you've never used a microphone before, consider practicing a few announcements before the reception begins. Each reception varies, but you'll probably need to announce the newly weds at the beginning of the reception, introduce speakers, and announce events like garter tosses and bouquet tosses. For tips on using the right tone during your announcements, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

How To Be The Perfect Wedding Mc – Emcee – Master Of Ceremonies

Table of Contents:


What are some of the tips? What are some of the tips you can give us on how you are able to create this unforgettable vibe in every wedding? If you know anybody who is perusal this and they have been invited to emcee a wedding, how are they able to create that connection that has made you one of Ghana’s Thank you, Thank You! It’s Good to Be Here Again. So, first and foremost, who are the stakeholders for you as an MC going into an event and I believe there are three key broad stakeholders there’s one the event hosts themselves when I say the event hosts are either the couple or the celebrant or the company okay then secondly is the planner or the organizer all right there your second stakeholder and thirdly is the audience that you’re going to deal with If you are a straitjacket person, just know that I am a straitjacket person and that I need to compensate for this and tone down on this to allow me to be effective for this event. If you are an all over the place person, you also need to know that I need to compensate for this and that I need to manage this for me to be effective with the events.

Wedding reception mc script

Wedding reception mc script

How do I do that next the bridal party is going to come into the party how do I introduce them because you know the way an event starts is the way it ends so if you want to start with a big bang how do you get the people ready for a big bang people don’t may not notice this but for all of my weddings before the event first and foremost my DJ is like always my best friend you know I would always call the DJ a week or a few days before an event but Sometimes people make the mistake of starting a party with current hits all right if you start a party with current hits what you have done is you have immunity and limited or the mature people in the audience immediately you have told them I don’t care about you I don’t respect you you know the most important thing here right now because mature o people most of the time cannot connect with current hits it may be the biggest son it may be the biggest son it may be the biggest son it may be the biggest son it may be the biggest son How do I reach them so I find out okay the other from the squeeze of the couple should acknowledge them by squeeze then I think I’d acknowledge them by the different companies from which they are coming Janice and I can even create a slight little competitiveness between them so those who are here for the by that those who are here from the bloom let’s see who has the most France in the house in a little just by this acknowledgement you have touched everybody in the house in a little just by this acknowledgement you have touched everybody in I’m not a comedian if you have a gift of comedy fantastic use it don’t overdo it but use it if you don’t have a gift of comedy fantastic use it don’t overdo it but use it you know I do what I call situational humor all right so I’m not there once upon a time kind of joke person no I look at what is happening within the audience because you see for a job to be funny we have to relate to it you have to recognize it that If you have two fantastic jokes, fine polish them, and have them deliver them on point at the right time, if you have a great voice, throw in a song that’s a certain point, you know? I remember the first time I did an event for a couple where both families were OS alright, I don’t speak a word of La, and these are not just urban OS; a part of the family was also coming all the way from their village, which means that we have a challenge of communication with the English, I don’t see their way they don’t speak English, and yet they are going to form about half of the audience, so I’m asking myself how do I connect with these people?

Great wedding mc introductions

Great wedding mc introductions

I kept thinking thinking than you thinking and then two weeks before the event I sat in a car listening to radio and then I had a car knock on my song all right it’s called a de anima and that the anima is a Chivo song but it has one verse in a way so guess what I did I literally sat down for two masses I listened to it and I wrote it the way I have it in Psalms I do understand a word I wrote it I I tell the DJ to drop the song for me so he starts playing the song and then after the QI there’s a issue man talks one day instrumental started I started talking so I’m just talking something about the pop Warhol of the I said I think I could I think I could I could feel what the bride the groom is thinking in his head and he wants to say something to his bride just about points the airway started so I hope that you’ve equally enjoyed this conversation. If you did enjoy the article, remember to give it a thumbs up and give us some encouragement. Guys, come eat a house baby.

I can’t say enough about him. He is such a fantastic emcee, and these tips, I am sure, will help you as well if you are invited by your friend, your neighbor, or your sibling to emcee their wedding.

  • You know how to get people on the floor and get them excited for an unforgettable event.
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I look forward to seeing you again at the same time next week.

How To Be The Perfect Wedding Mc - Emcee - Master Of Ceremonies

Question & Answer – 💬

❓ what should an mc say at a wedding.

The Role...

  • Announce the arrival of the married couple.
  • Introduce the speakers.
  • Announce the cutting of the cake.
  • Announce the bridal waltz.
  • Inform the guests when it is time to say farewell to the bridal couple.

❓ How do you introduce yourself as a wedding MC?

Introduce yourself, with 20 seconds of who you are . My suggestions are name, where you're from, any family you have, and some kind of a connection to the crowd. If you met someone in the crowd before the event, tell the audience something you had in common.

❓ How can I be a good master of ceremonies?

7 Tips for Emceeing Like a Pro

  • Know Your Audience. Knowing who you are presenting to is key. ...
  • Prepare and Plan. ...
  • Come Out Strong. ...
  • Introduce Yourself. ...
  • Explain Why the Event is Special. ...
  • Add Some Interaction. ...
  • Craft a Big Closing.

❓ How do<br /> you introduce a speech at a wedding MC?



  • “Marriage Material” by Sathnam Sanghera – Europa Editions, 2016
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  • “Jazz Pedagogy: The Jazz Educator’s Handbook and Resource Guide” by J. Richard Dunscomb, Willie Hill – Warner Bros. Publications, 2002

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  • Who Is The Wedding Master Of Ceremonies?
  • You Can Be A Wedding Mc Master Of Ceremonies Duties
  • How To Mc A Wedding (Tips To Help You Emcee Like A Pro)
  • How To Be A Great Wedding Emcee

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I’m not a commentator but this guy needs and deserves my attention. He’s so precise and speak from a place of knowledge. I just hosted a wedding yesterday which by the way was my first time. I which I would have watched this but thankful I came across this interview. Thank you, I enjoyed every bit of it.

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Wedding Ceremony Script

How To MC A Wedding

How to mc a wedding  is an important skill for anyone looking to take on the role of master of ceremonies at a wedding. As the MC, you are responsible for guiding the wedding reception from start to finish, making announcements, introducing speakers, and keeping the events running smoothly and on time. While it may seem daunting if you’ve never done it, being prepared and following key tips will ensure you perform well as the wedding MC.

What is a Wedding Master of Ceremonies?

The  wedding master of ceremonies (MC) , also known as the  wedding emcee  or  wedding host , is the person who oversees the reception events and keeps the night flowing seamlessly. The MC guides the couple and their guests from the start of the reception to the final farewell, ensuring everything runs according to plan.

Some of the main duties include:

  • Making announcements and Great Wedding MC Introductions  
  • Coordinating with vendors like DJs, photographers, videographers, etc.
  • Keeping to the timeline and schedule
  • Facilitating key reception events like the first dance, speeches, cake cutting, etc.
  • Adding personality and humor (if appropriate)
  • Troubleshooting any issues

The role requires excellent communication skills, confidence in speaking to crowds, the ability to think on your feet, and knowledge of typical wedding reception events. Many couples will ask a close friend or family member to MC their wedding, but some prefer to hire a professional  wedding MC  with experience.

How to MC a Wedding

Wedding Emcee or MC?

 E mcee  and  MC  can be used interchangeably when referring to the wedding host. MC stands for “master of ceremonies,” while emcee means the person masters the ceremony. There is no difference between an emcee and an MC in the wedding context. Choose whichever term you prefer.

What Are the Duties of a Wedding MC?

The Master of Ceremonies Duties at a Wedding Reception will vary slightly depending on the timeline and preferences of each couple. However, there are some typical responsibilities the MC will need to handle:

Before the Wedding

  • Meet with the couple to discuss the timeline and any special details
  • Review the reception schedule and vendor contacts
  • Create/review any MC scripts you plan to use
  • Arrange sound check and set up on the day

Reception MC Duties

  • Grand entrance  – announcing the wedding party
  • Welcome  – greeting guests and kicking off the reception
  • Introduce speakers  – for reception formalities like welcome speech, blessings, or toasts
  • Announce meal service  – including any unique dietary options
  • Facilitate reception activities  – bouquet toss, garter toss, cake cutting, first dance, parent dances, etc.
  • Make announcements  as needed throughout the night
  • Thank guests  and introduce farewell events like sparkler exit

Having a  wedding MC duties checklist  ensures you cover all the basics. But remain flexible – extra announcements or changes in schedule may come up.

Wedding Ceremony Script

What Does an MC Say at a Wedding?

The  wedding MC script  will be tailored to each couple, but some everyday things an MC says include:

  • Welcoming and thanking the guests
  • Introducing wedding party, parents, and special guests
  • Announcing the meal service
  • Providing context before key events – cake cutting, first dance, etc.
  • Facilitating reception activities – instructions for bouquet toss, etc.
  • Making impromptu announcements or troubleshooting issues
  • Thanking vendors – photographer, DJ, caterer, etc.

Strike a balance between concise information and a warm, lively personality. Your MC script and speaking style sets the tone for the reception. Need Help With Your MC Script?

wedding mc

What Skills Are Needed for the MC Role?

To successfully MC a wedding, these skills and qualities are helpful:

  • Public speaking ability  – confident, clear voice with good projection
  • Organizational skills  – Stay on top of the timeline and schedule
  • Adaptability  – think on your feet when needed
  • Creative flair  – inject appropriate humor and personal touches
  • Crowd rapport  – interact with and pump up the guests
  • Problem-solving  – address any issues gracefully and quickly
  • Multi-tasking – juggle MC duties along with coordinating vendors/couple

Rehearse your script and timed program to get comfortable before your performance. You can Get the $49 Wedding MC Script Here  

How to MC a Wedding - Working with Wedding Venue

Touch base with the wedding venue ahead of time to coordinate logistics for the reception. Here are some tips:

  • Discuss equipment needs – wireless mic, podium, audio setup. Do a sound check.
  • Confirm venue layout – head table, guest tables, dance floor, etc.
  • Review venue lighting and dĂ©cor – adjust MC positioning accordingly
  • Know the venue’s rules – noise ordinances, alcohol policies, permitted activities, etc.
  • Coordinate vendor meals if catering is provided
  • Confirm parking, entrance protocols, and venue representatives to assist

The  wedding MC  needs to feel comfortable navigating the space and logistics. Connecting with the venue manager ensures you can execute your MC duties smoothly.

How to MC a Wedding - Working with Vendors

As the MC, you’ll collaborate closely with key vendors to keep the reception events flowing. Make sure to:

  • Photographer/videographer  – Discuss optimal spots for capturing key moments. Allow time for any special staged photos.
  • DJ or band  – confirm pronunciation of names, schedule of events, and any dedications or special songs.
  • Caterer  – Ensure you accurately announce meal details and dietary options—alert staff before key events like cake cutting and toasts.
  • Florist  – check arrival time and setup of centerpieces, bouquets, etc. Know plans for tossing bouquets.

Touch base with each vendor in advance and on the wedding day to coordinate everyone’s roles. This ensures the entertainment and aesthetic elements come together seamlessly.

wedding emcee script

How to MC a Wedding - Reception MC Runsheet

A detailed  MC runsheet  is crucial for remembering your cues and staying on the timeline. Include:

  • Start/end times for each activity
  • All announcements and script details
  • Vendor contacts – photographer, DJ, etc.
  • Order of events – entrances, first dance, cake cutting, etc.
  • Contingency plans and backup cues, if needed
  • Open spaces for any last-minute notes

Having your runsheet printed or on a tablet allows you to mark things off as you go and adjust on the fly if needed.

Wedding Emcee Script

How to MC a Wedding - Wedding MC Script

While seasoned MCs may work off essential bullet points, having a  full wedding MC script  is wise for first-timers. Include:

  • Formal welcome  – greet guests, thank couple
  • Introductions  – wedding party, parents, special guests
  • Any relevant  context/history  – how a couple met, etc.
  • Announcements  – meal times, dietary options, reception events
  • Instructions  – For activities like the bouquet toss
  • Transitions  – between events, introducing toasts, etc.
  • Farewell  – final toast, sparkler exit etc.

Draft your core script in advance, but leave room to personalize with ad-libs and impromptu interactions. Strike a professional yet warm tone.

How to MC a Wedding – Entrances

The grand entrance kicks off the reception on a high-energy note. As MC, you’ll announce the wedding party as they enter.

  • Confirm the pronunciation of all names with the couple.
  • Share the entrance order and any special details with the DJ/band.
  • Amp up the guests with a warm intro before announcing names.
  • Read names slowly and clearly. Allow applause between each.
  • Enjoy the celebratory atmosphere! The entrances set the tone for the whole event.

If you plan rhyming or humorous intros, get the couple’s approval first. Keep it classy.

wedding mc duties

How to MC a Wedding - Great Wedding MC Introduction

Your opening words welcome guests and orient everyone to the celebration ahead. Some tips for a great MC introduction:

  • Thank guests for coming from near and far
  • Highlight the couple’s love story if appropriate
  • Share any special details – theme, hashtags, charity drive, etc.
  • Cover housekeeping – bathroom locations, smoking areas, emergency exits
  • Review timeline – dinner service, dances, departure time
  • Recap major events – entrances, first dance, parent dances, cake cutting, etc.
  • Cue something upbeat, like the first dance.

Your intro sets the tone – be lively personal, and keep it concise. Share key details to get guests informed and excited.

How to MC a Wedding – Speeches

Wedding speeches  are a major moment. As MC, you’ll coordinate each speaker and make seamless transitions between them:

Wedding Speech Order:

  • Father of the Bride
  • Maid of Honor

Before each speech:

  • Introduce the speaker(s)  – their name, relationship to the couple
  • Share any relevant context  – inside jokes or special memories
  • Transition smoothly  between speakers – applause, music cues, etc.

Adjust the order as needed. Facilitate champagne toasts between speeches. Some tips:

  • Inform speakers of order, time limits, and set up in advance
  • Have a glass of water or champagne ready at a podium
  • Keep speeches moving – have backups like the Mr./Mrs. shoe game if needed

Helping each speech giver feel prepared will make your job smoother as an MC.

How to MC a Wedding – Games

Wedding games add fun interaction during reception downtimes. As MC, you’ll explain rules and facilitate Wedding Reception Games like:

  • Shoe game – bride and groom compete to see who knows more about their partner
  • Newlywed game – test couple’s knowledge of each other’s preferences
  • Dance-offs – spotlights, freeze dance, etc.
  • Friends vs. family competitions – relay races, trivia, etc.
  • Photo scavenger hunt – Guests take fun pictures with prompts

Tips for successful MC facilitation:

  • Give clear instructions – demo if helpful
  • Get a few willing participants on the stage/dance floor to demonstrate
  • Keep energy up with music, cheerleading, friendly banter between teams
  • Have small prizes, crowns, sashes, etc. to reward winners
  • Know when to transition back to dances, cake cutting, etc.

Get creative in your game selection and be ready to improvise! Play to the couple’s tastes.

wedding mc script examples

How to MC a Wedding - Cake Cutting

The cake-cutting is a sweet tradition for guests to witness. As MC, you’ll oversee the logistics and add flair to your narration.

Ahead of time:

  • Confirm cake delivery time with the baker
  • Discuss cake display, cutting tools, and server attire with a couple
  • Coordinate cake-slicing service with caterer

During cake cutting:

  • Invite couple and wedding party to cake table when ready
  • Give background on the cake if appropriate – flavors, theme, etc.
  • Lead fun moments like cake smashing, feeding each other
  • Take photo ops – bouquet toss, candid moments
  • Transition couple into first dance as a cake is sliced

Make announcements so guests know when the cake will be served. This reception centerpiece needs Simple Cake Cut Script

How to MC a Wedding - First Dance

The newlyweds’  first dance  is one of the most touching moments you’ll facilitate Wedding MC First Dance.

A few days before, confirm with the couple:

  • Chosen song and exact length
  • Dance style – choreographed, freestyle, etc.
  • Where and when they’ll start – on the floor? After intros?

Day-of MC protocol:

  • Invite guests’ attention before bringing the couple to the floor
  • Share any relevant backstory – song meaning, dance style
  • Cue the DJ/band to start the music
  • Make sure the photographer and videographer are ready
  • Use an upbeat tone and positive cues like “Let’s give it up for the new Mr. and Mrs.!”
  • Wrap up dance and move into parent dances, open dancing, etc.

Your MC narration sets the scene for this romantic memory. Help the couple feel special.

How to MC a Wedding - Parent Dances

The savvy MC also facilitates the dances with parents:

Father/Daughter Dance

  • Build excitement by sharing how meaningful this tradition is
  • Welcome the bride and her father to the floor
  • Share any details on their song choice and relationship
  • Invite the groom and mother of the bride to join halfway through

Mother/Son Dance

  • Follow the same format, highlighting the son’s relationship with his mother.
  • Build anticipation before welcoming the groom and mother to the floor
  • Cue the bride and father of the groom to join halfway through

Having  wedding MC dance scripts  ensures you cap off these sweet moments smoothly. Know who joins when according to the couple’s preferences.

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How to MC a Wedding - Garter Toss

The garter toss injects some sexy fun into the reception lineup. As MC, you’ll get the crowd primed:

  • Provide context – explain this wedding tradition
  • Get single ladies on the dance floor ready to catch
  • Bring energy up with upbeat music
  • Invite the groom to remove the bride’s garter
  • Play hype, man-cheeky remarks, the crowd cheering, etc.
  • Facilitate the toss and congratulate the one who catches the bouquet
  • Keep it classy! Know the couple’s comfort level with joke content

Read the room as you add your own MC flair. Many couples now opt to omit the garter toss.

How to MC a Wedding - Bouquet Toss

Tying into wedding superstitions, the bouquet toss creates fun anticipation. Ensure MC success with these tips:

  • Gather a group of single ladies on the dance floor
  • Share legend – catching the bouquet predicts the next marriage
  • Encourage upbeat energy, cheering, jousting for position
  • Cue the bride to turn back toward the group
  • Amp up excitement and count down the toss
  • Congratulate whoever catches, and transition back to the dance floor

Playing the right music helps create the spirited atmosphere this activity needs.

How to MC a Wedding – What NOT to Do as MC

To keep your MC performance smooth, avoid these amateur mistakes:

  • Forgetting names or mispronouncing them
  • Making unauthorized changes to the timeline
  • Making inappropriate jokes or profane comments
  • Drawing excessive attention to yourself
  • Failing to coordinate with vendors and wedding party
  • Not preparing correctly – improper attire, lack of script/runsheet
  • Indulging in alcohol – slurred words, wandering focus

The reception should spotlight the couple – not the MC’s antics or blunders. Keep it classy and professional.

How to Be a Funny MC at a Wedding

Adding humor when appropriate enhances your Funny Wedding MC Script – keep these dos and don’ts in mind:

  • Get to know the couple and use inside jokes they’ll appreciate
  • Find clever ways to announce standard reception events creatively
  • Use wedding puns and gentle roasting of the wedding party/guests
  • Employ callback jokes – running gags that repeat throughout the night


  • Make jokes about sensitive topics like religion, politics, ethnicity
  • Use profanity or make inappropriate sexual references
  • Make the couple or important guests the butt of jokes
  • Tell long stories – keep jokes and gags brief with quick punchlines

Humor is subjective, so gauge the crowd vibe. And always get the couple’s approval on any edgy material – it’s their day!

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How Can I Be a Good MC?

To excel as a first-time wedding MC:

  • Prepare extensively  – draft a script, timeline, contingency plans
  • Meet the couple  – learn their vision, pet peeves, and sense of humor
  • Work closely with vendors  – photographer, DJ, caterer, etc.
  • Personalize the gig  – share stories, use proper names, add humor
  • Exude confidence  – even if nerves are there
  • Radiate enthusiasm  – energy is contagious
  • Roll with surprises  – handle unexpected hiccups with finesse
  • Direct guests smoothly  – give clear instructions for activities
  • Highlight the couple  – keep your remarks focused on them

Thorough planning and practicing your MC script sets you up for success. But to horn your skills Get the $249 How To Be An Amazing Wedding MC Course Here  

MC What to Charge?

Typical MC fees range from:

  • Friend/family rate – $200 – $500
  • Beginner professional – $500 – $800
  • Experienced pro – $800 – $1500+

Factors determining the fee:

  • Your MC experience level
  • Hours required – ceremony and reception or reception only?
  • Additional services – planning, coordination with vendors
  • Amount of customization – new script or repeated boilerplate?
  • Extra responsibilities like music entertainment or DJ services
  • Local market rates in your area

As an amateur, start low to build your portfolio. Increase rates as you gain savvy. Discounts can be given to family/friends.

How Long Does the MC Stay?

The MC is typically the first vendor to arrive and last one to leave, being present for:

  • Rehearsal walkthrough (1 hour)
  • Day-of setup and vendor coordination (2-3 hours pre-ceremony)
  • Ceremony (30 mins – 1 hour)
  • Cocktail hour (30 mins – 1 hour)
  • Reception (3-5 hours)

The total average face time is around  7-10 hours . Clarify the expected start/end times in your contract. Some MCs cover the ceremony and reception, while others are reception only.

Where Does the MC Sit at a Wedding?

  • Ceremony  – off to side at an easel or aisle end if doing the narration
  • Reception  – designated MC/DJ table or standing at the podium area
  • Dinner  – head table or separate vendor table

Aim for optimal sight lines to wedding activity areas – dance floor, cake

What Should a Wedding MC Wear?

Your MC attire should align with the wedding formality. Some guidelines:

Smart Casual Wedding MC Attire:

  • Collared shirt – polo, button-down
  • Blazer or sport coat optional
  • Dress pants or khakis
  • Dress shoes – loafers, oxfords, boots

Semi-Formal Wedding MC Attire:

  • Full suit – navy, gray, black
  • Tie – simple patterns/solids
  • Dress shoes
  • Optional vest or suspenders as an accessory

Formal/Black Tie Wedding MC Attire:

  • Dark tuxedo or suit
  • White dress shirt
  • Bow tie, necktie, or cummerbund
  • Shined dress shoes

White Tie Wedding MC Attire:

  • White tie tuxedo jacket with tails
  • White wingtip collar shirt
  • White bow tie
  • White gloves optional
  • White suspenders/cummerbund

Aim for one level above guest attire – they dress up, you dress to impress. Ask a couple if unsure. Pick neutral solids over loud patterns/colors.

master of ceremonies at a wedding

Do I Need a Wedding MC Course?

A full course may be overkill for an amateur MC doing a friend’s big day. However, studying the basics shows you’re taking the job seriously. Some quick tips:

  • Read sample MC scripts and timelines
  • Watch YouTube tutorials on MC techniques
  • Rehearse major script sections out loud
  • Attend the wedding rehearsal
  • Print a detailed reception run sheet
  • Meet with a couple to learn their expectations
  • Connect with vendors like DJ ahead of time

With practice and preparation, you can avoid total novice mistakes. Know the key MC milestones but leave room to improvise.

How to Become a Professional Wedding MC

Comprehensive training will sharpen your expertise if you want to monetize your MC talents. Look for courses that include:

  • Sample MC scripts, run sheets, and toolkits
  • Detailed instruction on MC techniques and wedding knowledge
  • Etiquette tips
  • Live practice facilitating key events – entrances, dances, etc.
  • Marketing and business advice for pros
  • Vendor coordination tutorials
  • Ongoing support community

Invest time shadowing experienced MCs at live weddings. Continuing education builds confidence and skills. A polished, seasoned MC can command higher fees.

How to mc a wedding  may feel daunting as a beginner, but being prepared is half the battle. Use a script, timeline, and reception runsheet to keep you on track as the wedding MC. Work closely with the couple and vendors to personalize the event. Exude confidence, maintain crowd energy, and roll with surprises. With practice and savvy MC techniques, you can keep the reception flowing smoothly and make unforgettable memories for the newlyweds. Check out range of wedding mc packages here

The tips provided give you a great foundation to MC your first wedding or grow into a professional master of ceremonies. Know the standard reception events and how to guide the couple and guests through each one seamlessly. The role allows you to infuse creative flair while staying classy, organized, and focused on the bride and groom. So, break a leg on that mic – you got this!

Special Thanks

Photographer: Ava Me Photography,   Sophie Day Duo, Rocknbob Media House Celebrant: Marry Us Gary

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  • How to Perform the First Dance Introduction as MC
  • How to Perform the Wedding Guard of Honour as MC

How To Be The Best Emcee at a Wedding

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The Wedding MC’s Duties

how do you introduce a speech at a wedding mc

As Wedding Emcee you’ll have many duties and responsibilities to ensure the reception events flow smoothly.

These duties (which are all covered in How To Be A FUN Wedding MC ) will include…

1. Opening the reception by welcoming the guests.

2. Introducing yourself as the Master of Ceremonies for the reception.

3. Formally introducing the bride and groom’s parents to the guests, ensuring that pronunciations of first and last names are correct.

4. Introducing the bridal party in the order they will be seated at the head table.

5. Creating an atmosphere of anticipation and announcing the entrance of the newlyweds with enthusiasm and applause.

6. Introducing the person who will say the blessing or grace prior to serving the main meal

7. Introducing each guest before they give their wedding speech or toast.

8. Giving a speech if requested to do so.

9. Reading messages of congratulations from friends and relatives who were unable to attend the ceremony and reception. To add humor to the occasion, it’s acceptable to include several humorous “made up” telegrams (which are usually directed towards the groom).

10. Announcing the ceremonial cutting of the cake.

11. Informing the guests that the throwing of the bouquet and garter are about to take place.

12. Announcing the commencement of the dancing.

13. Announcing the first dance by the bride and groom and inviting them to take to the dance floor.

14. Informing the guests that the bride and groom will be leaving the reception shortly.

15. Officially ending the reception, thanking the guests for attending, and wishing them a safe trip home.

Your duties as Master of Ceremonies play an important role in ensuring the reception runs smoothly, the guests have an enjoyable time, and the bride and groom are left with a wonderful memory for years to come.

How To Be A FUN Wedding MC At The Reception

If you’re a novice or first-time Master of Ceremonies then chances are you don’t know where to start, what to do, or what to say at the reception.

How To Be A FUN Wedding MC is your guide to creating a FUN and memorable reception.

It shows you how to “kick things up” because no-one enjoys a dull and boring reception.

It has checklists, worksheets, a complete list of Wedding MC Duties and Responsibilities, fun group activities, entertainment ideas, how to introduce the bridal party, the bride and groom, and speakers, and much, much more.

How To Be A FUN Wedding MC is definitely worth checking out – especially if you want to do well as the Master of Ceremonies and create a FUN reception.

Novice Wedding MC?

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Role of the Wedding Master of Ceremonies For The Novice MC

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Bride: Speech Guide and Tips

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Honor The Newlyweds With A Speech and Toast They Will Remember For Years To Come...

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  • Wedding MC Duties Video
  • Wedding MC Speech
  • Wedding MC Tips
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  • Wedding Planning: How To Avoid Guest Complaints
  • Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speeches
  • Wedding Speeches

Wedding MC – Reception Planning

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Wedding Speeches and Toasts | Wedding MC Tips | Wedding MC Jokes Tips

the Mother of the Bride, the Father of the Groom, the Father of the Bride, the Groom, and the Bride.

Wedding MC? Wedding Toastmaster? Check out How To Be A FUN Wedding MC and create a FUN and Memorable Reception!

wedding reception activities ideas, games, MC scripts, jokes tips, ideas, duties, checklists, run sheets, agendas, and much more!


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    The wedding MC is the master of ceremonies, responsible for keeping the reception running smoothly and on time. ... Introducing the wedding party during the reception entrance. This includes announcing the newly married couple as they enter for the first time. Announcing key moments like the first dance, cake cutting, speeches, and other ...

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    Create/review any MC scripts you plan to use. Arrange sound check and set up on the day. Reception MC Duties. Grand entrance - announcing the wedding party. Welcome - greeting guests and kicking off the reception. Introduce speakers - for reception formalities like welcome speech, blessings, or toasts.

  23. Wedding Speeches & Toasts Advice

    5. Creating an atmosphere of anticipation and announcing the entrance of the newlyweds with enthusiasm and applause. 6. Introducing the person who will say the blessing or grace prior to serving the main meal. 7. Introducing each guest before they give their wedding speech or toast. 8.