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TOEFL iBT Test Writing Section

The TOEFL iBT test Writing section measures your ability to write in English in an academic setting, and to present your ideas in a clear, well-organized way.

There are two writing tasks.

  • Integrated writing task (20 minutes) — read a short passage and listen to a short lecture, then write in response to what you read and listened to.
  • Writing for an Academic Discussion task (10 minutes) — state and support an opinion in an online classroom discussion.

You'll type your responses on a computer keyboard.

Test time:  It should take about 29 minutes to complete the Writing section.

Scoring: Writing tasks are scored based on the  Writing Scoring Guides (Rubrics) (PDF)  by a combination of AI scoring and certified human raters. Raw scores are converted to a scaled section score of 0–30.

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Writing videos

Watch these videos to learn about the questions in the Writing section, plus helpful tips.

Video About Integrated Writing

Question 1: Integrated Writing

Read a passage and listen to a lecture. Then write a response comparing them.

View Transcript

Video About Independent Writing

Question 2: Writing for an Academic Discussion

Share your opinion in an online discussion with a professor and other students.

Do you need to be an expert on the topics?

The writing tasks measure your English proficiency, so you don't need deep knowledge on a specific topic to get a high score. Score raters recognize that each essay is a first draft, and you can receive a high score with an essay that contains some errors.

  • Free Sample TOEFL Essays

Learning to write well is a skill, like any other. This skill is important not only on your TOEFL exam, but also in your academic and professional career. The TOEFL Writing section consists of two parts:

  • Integrated Writing , which includes reading, listening and then writing a summary/ comparison piece of 250 word in 20 minutes
  • Independent Writing , which involves writing a four to five-paragraph essay of 300-350 words in 30 minutes

The following free sample TOEFL essays illustrate how to get a high score on the independent writing section of the iBT. By reading through the essays, you can learn how to:

  • develop any topic into a well-organized, logical answer
  • use synonyms to paraphrase the question
  • use a variety of sentence structures & grammatical forms
  • begin with a simple, strong introduction
  • create body paragraphs that flow logically
  • develop unity by linking the body paragraphs
  • end with a memorable conclusion

Try to write an essay each day. The added practice will enable you to complete a strong essay, with ease, confidence, and speed, on the day of your TOEFL exam and throughout your life.

  • Free Sample TOEFL Essay #1 "Doing Unenjoyable Things"
  • Free Sample TOEFL Essay #2 "Money & Success"
  • Free Sample TOEFL Essay #3 "Studying Abroad"
  • Free Sample TOEFL Essay #4 "Family or Friends More Important?"
  • Free Sample TOEFL Essay #5 "Virtual or Real University"
  • Free Sample TOEFL Essay #6 "Children & Formal Education"
  • Free Sample TOEFL Essay #7 "Household Tasks for Children"


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  • TOEFL Writing Topics

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TOEFL Sample Essays: Writing Samples & Topics 2024

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Table of Contents

Toefl writing section: an overview, toefl writing tasks, toefl writing task 1 - integrated, toefl writing task 2 - independent, toefl writing topics 2024, toefl essay samples for integrated writing, toefl essay samples for independent writing, toefl writing tips and preparation, what is toefl writing, can you get 30 in writing in toefl, is 23 in toefl writing good, is toefl writing on a computer or paper.

TOEFL is a standard assessment conducted by the Educational Testing Services (ETS) to determine the level of English proficiency in international students. The TOEFL exam assesses the candidate’s fluency in the English language through four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Over 11,500 educational institutions in 160 countries accept the TOEFL exam as proof of English proficiency. Here we cover everything you need to learn about the writing section with TOEFL writing samples.

TOEFL full formTest of English as a Foreign Language
Conducted byEducational Testing Services (ETS)
No. of tasks in the TOEFL writing section2
Types of speaking test tasksIndependent and integrated
Duration (in minutes)50
Total score30
Skills analysedWriting, reading, listening

Data updated as of July 2023

TOEFL writing: Key highlights

  • The TOEFL writing test evaluates your ability to convey ideas and opinions through writing.
  • The TOEFL exam pattern has two writing tasks, and the section lasts 50 minutes. The maximum score you can obtain in the TOEFL writing section is 30.
  • This section primarily determines your writing skills, as well as your reading and listening skills.
TOEFL writing tasksTask timeWord limitTopics to expect
Task 1 (Integrated)20 minutes150-300Academics
Task 2 (Independent)30 minutes300-400Social issues or scenarios

Also read : 10 tips to help prepare for the TOEFL exam

TOEFL writing pattern and syllabus

  • The TOEFL writing section has two types of tasks: Independent and Integrated.
  • The writing tasks have a score range of 0 to 5. The marks from two tasks are added and converted out of 30 to obtain your final score.
  • The Integrated task includes a passage and an audio lecture on an academic topic. You have three minutes to read the passage and two minutes to listen to the lecture for this TOEFL writing task.
  • This task requires you to obtain the key points and write an essay according to the question. The TOEFL essay topics are primarily from subjects including science, social science, and psychology.
  • The independent task consists of a question on a personal topic, where you should share your opinion or provide your personal experience on the matter. You must provide valid details and examples to support your answer.
  • You can expect questions like agree or disagree, explain both sides and pick from the opinions. The word limit for your answer is a minimum of 300-400 words.
  • The TOEFL essay topics for the independent task comprise real-life issues like work-life balance, family, finances, travel, and life decisions.

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Here are some common TOEFL writing topics for integrated and independent tasks.

TOEFL integrated writing topicsTOEFL independent writing topics
Summarise the main necessity of the Atkins diet and explain how the speaker described his opinion on its benefits and rising popularity.Do you agree or disagree with the below statement? A mother plays a vital role in taking care of the child compared to the father. Use examples to support your opinion.
The lecturer has expressed their opinion about the American Civil War. Explain the thoughts and the reasons they have put forth in the lecture.Some people choose to travel in groups, while others like to explore alone. Which one do you prefer? Use examples to support your choice.
Summarise the main points of the lecture, and explain how the professor justifies his idea of humans coexisting with bears.When you face an issue in life, what do you think is the best decision: ask an experienced person for advice, find possible solutions from the internet, or take time to think about the issue?

Also read: TOEFL sample essays: Tips and techniques for a high score

TOEFL essay sample 1 Question: Summarise the main necessity of the Atkins diet and explain how the speaker and the reading passage described their opinion on its benefits and rising popularity. Note: The candidate will have three minutes to read the passage and two minutes to listen to the exam during the exam.

Both the reading passage and the lecture discuss the main necessity of the Atkins diet and elaborate on the speaker's opinion regarding its benefits and rising popularity. The Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet emphasising high protein and fat consumption. According to both sources, this diet has gained significant attention due to its potential health benefits and effectiveness in weight loss.

The reading passage highlights the necessity of the Atkins diet. It explains that the current Western diet, which is high in carbohydrates, has led to a surge in obesity rates and related health problems. The Atkins diet aims to address this issue by reducing carbohydrate intake, forcing the body to utilise stored fat for energy. Individuals can control their blood sugar levels and improve overall health by regulating carbohydrate consumption.

The speaker in the lecture expands upon the benefits of the Atkins diet. They emphasise its efficacy in weight loss, particularly in the initial stages. By limiting carbohydrates, the body enters a state called ketosis, where it burns fat stores for energy. This process leads to significant weight loss. Moreover, the Atkins diet helps control hunger and cravings, making it easier for individuals to adhere to the plan.

Furthermore, both the speaker and the reading passage highlight the positive impact of the Atkins diet on overall health. They explain that the diet can improve cardiovascular health by lowering triglyceride levels and increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or "good" cholesterol. The reduced carbohydrate intake can also contribute to better management of insulin levels, benefiting individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Regarding the rising popularity of the Atkins diet, both sources attribute it to its proven effectiveness in weight loss and the positive experiences shared by individuals who have followed the plan. They mention that the increasing prevalence of obesity has compelled people to seek alternative dietary approaches, thereby contributing to the growing popularity of the Atkins diet.

In conclusion, the Atkins diet is a necessary response to the health issues associated with high carbohydrate consumption. The reading passage and the lecture support its benefits, such as weight loss, hunger control, improved cardiovascular health, and insulin regulation. The rising popularity of the Atkins diet can be attributed to its proven advantages and the growing concern surrounding obesity.

TOEFL essay sample 2 Question: The lecturer and reading material have expressed their opinion about the American Civil War. Explain the thoughts and the reasons they have put forth in the lecture. Note: The candidate will have three minutes to read the passage and two minutes to listen to the exam during the exam.

Both the lecturer and the reading material express their opinions about the American Civil War, providing distinct thoughts and reasons to support their perspectives. The lecturer offers a nuanced analysis of the conflict, shedding light on various factors contributing to the war and its implications.

The lecturer begins by emphasising the fundamental cause of the American Civil War: slavery. They argue that slavery was the primary source of tension between the Northern and Southern states, ultimately leading to the outbreak of the war. The lecturer explains that the institution of slavery was deeply ingrained in the Southern economy and society. At the same time, the Northern states, driven by industrialisation and a growing abolitionist movement, sought its abolition. This fundamental divide ignited the conflict.

Furthermore, the lecturer explores the political and economic dimensions of the Civil War.They suggest that the war was not solely about slavery but also the struggle for power and control between the federal government and states' rights. The lecturer explains that the Southern states, fearing the encroachment of federal authority, seceded to protect their autonomy. The Northern states, however, viewed secession as a threat to the integrity of the nation and consequently engaged in the war to preserve the Union.

Additionally, the lecturer highlights the economic disparities that contributed to the conflict. They argue that the industrialised Northern states had a vested interest in protecting their economic progress, while the rural South relied heavily on slave labour for its agricultural economy. These economic disparities further fueled the divide between the regions, fueling the flames of the Civil War.

The lecturer also discusses the consequences of the war. They explain that the American Civil War was one of the bloodiest conflicts in the nation's history, resulting in immense loss of life and destruction. Moreover, they argue that the war fundamentally altered the trajectory of the United States, leading to the abolition of slavery and a significant shift in the balance of power between the federal government and the states.

In summary, the lecturer provides a comprehensive analysis of the American Civil War, highlighting the centrality of slavery, political tensions, and economic disparities as the underlying causes. They also emphasise the significant consequences of the war, both in terms of human casualties and its lasting impact on the nation. Considering these various factors, the lecturer offers a multi-dimensional understanding of the American Civil War.

TOEFL essay sample 3 Question: Summarise the main points of the lecture and reading passage, and explain how the sources justify their idea of humans coexisting with bears. Note: The candidate will have three minutes to read the passage and two minutes to listen to the exam during the exam.

Both the lecture and the reading passage discuss the coexistence of humans and bears, presenting their main points and justifications for the idea. While both sources support the notion of peaceful coexistence, they offer distinct perspectives and reasoning.

The lecture highlights the importance of humans and bears finding a way to coexist harmoniously. The speaker emphasises that bears are an integral part of the ecosystem, playing a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity. They argue that bears should not be seen as threats but as creatures with a rightful place in the natural world. The speaker proposes that humans can achieve coexistence by adopting certain measures, such as proper waste management, creating designated habitats for bears, and implementing educational programs to raise awareness about bear behaviour and conservation.

On the other hand, the reading passage provides additional insights into the rationale behind coexistence. It emphasises humans' ethical responsibility towards bears and argues that it is our duty to protect these magnificent creatures. The passage highlights that bears are sentient beings capable of experiencing emotions and exhibiting complex social behaviours. It asserts that humans should recognise the intrinsic value of bears and work towards creating environments where they can thrive.

Both the lecture and the reading passage justify their idea of humans coexisting with bears. They assert that coexistence is necessary to preserve ecological balance and biodiversity. Bears play a vital role in seed dispersal and forest regeneration, contributing to the health of ecosystems. By allowing bears to exist in their natural habitats, humans can help maintain the delicate balance of nature.

Furthermore, both sources stress the importance of mitigating conflicts between humans and bears. The lecture suggests that humans can reduce bear encounters in urban areas by implementing proper waste management practices. This would minimise the risk of negative interactions and conflicts. Similarly, the reading passage emphasises the need for education and awareness programs to promote responsible behaviour around bears and dispel common misconceptions.

In conclusion, the lecture and the reading passage advocate for the coexistence of humans and bears, emphasising the significance of bears in maintaining biodiversity and humans' ethical responsibility towards these creatures. They propose measures such as waste management, habitat preservation, and education to achieve peaceful coexistence. By understanding and respecting the role of bears in the ecosystem, humans can foster a harmonious relationship with these majestic animals.

TOEFL essay sample 1 Question: Do you agree or disagree with the below statement? A mother plays a vital role in taking care of the child compared to the father. Use examples to support your opinion.

I strongly agree with the statement that a mother plays a vital role in taking care of a child compared to the father. Mothers possess unique qualities and provide crucial contributions to a child's development and well-being. Several examples support this perspective.

Firstly, mothers typically have a deep emotional bond with their children right from birth. This emotional connection often fosters a sense of security and comfort in the child. A mother's nurturing instinct and ability to provide a safe and loving environment are unparalleled. For instance, a mother's tenderness and affection can alleviate distress and promote faster recovery when a child is unwell.

Secondly, mothers often take on the primary responsibility of feeding and nourishing their children. From breastfeeding to introducing solid foods, a mother's role in ensuring proper nutrition and healthy eating habits is significant. Mothers are generally attuned to their child's dietary needs, considering allergies, preferences, and appropriate portion sizes. This attention to detail promotes optimal growth and development.

Moreover, mothers often excel in fostering cognitive and emotional development through consistent and interactive communication. They engage in conversations, storytelling, and play activities, stimulating the child's language acquisition, social skills, and problem-solving abilities. Mothers provide a nurturing environment that encourages exploration, curiosity, and learning.

Mothers are often the primary caregivers in terms of daily routines, such as bathing, dressing, and bedtime rituals. These routines establish a sense of stability, routine, and discipline in a child's life. Mothers possess an innate ability to create a structured and organised environment that promotes a child's overall well-being.

It is important to note that while fathers play a crucial role in a child's life, such as providing financial support, guidance, and emotional connection, mothers' unique qualities and contributions to child care cannot be overlooked or underestimated.

In conclusion, a mother's role in caring for a child is vital and distinct from a father's. Their emotional bond, nurturing instinct, attention to nutrition, promotion of cognitive and emotional development, and establishment of daily routines contribute significantly to a child's well-being and development. While fathers have their essential roles, combining both parents' efforts creates a balanced and enriching environment for a child's upbringing.

TOEFL essay sample 2 Question: Some people choose to travel in groups, while others like to explore alone. Which one do you prefer? Use examples to support your choice.

Personally, I prefer to explore and travel alone rather than in groups. While group travel has benefits, embarking on solo adventures offers a unique and fulfilling experience that allows for self-discovery and personal growth. Several examples highlight why I find solitary exploration more appealing.

Firstly, travelling alone provides the freedom and flexibility to shape the journey according to personal preferences and interests. When exploring alone, one can set their own itinerary, make spontaneous decisions, and immerse themselves in activities that align with their passions. For instance, if I stumble upon a local cultural festival that captures my interest while travelling alone, I have the freedom to change my plans and fully embrace the experience without needing to consider the preferences of others.

Moreover, solo travel fosters independence and self-reliance. Being solely responsible for navigating unfamiliar territories, managing logistics, and making important decisions enhances problem-solving skills and builds confidence. For instance, when I ventured alone to a remote village, I had to rely on my own resourcefulness to communicate with locals and find accommodations. Such experiences enable personal growth and a sense of empowerment.

Additionally, solo travel encourages stepping out of comfort zones and embracing new experiences. Without the familiar presence of companions, one is more likely to engage with locals and fellow travellers, forging connections and gaining deeper insights into different cultures. In my solo journeys, I have engaged in conversations with locals, participated in cultural exchanges, and even tried unique activities I may not have otherwise pursued.

Furthermore, solo exploration offers moments of self-reflection and introspection. Away from the distractions of companions, one can fully immerse themselves in the surroundings, introspect, and gain a deeper understanding of oneself. Solo travel provides an opportunity for self-discovery, allowing individuals to reflect on their goals, values, and aspirations.

While group travel can be enjoyable and facilitate bonding with others, the freedom, personal growth, and self-discovery that come with solo exploration make it my preferred choice. The ability to tailor the journey to personal interests, develop independence, embrace new experiences, and engage in self-reflection are invaluable aspects that make travelling alone an enriching and fulfilling experience.

In conclusion, I find solitary exploration more enticing than group travel. The freedom to shape my itinerary, develop independence and self-reliance, embrace new experiences, and engage in moments of self-reflection are compelling reasons to embark on solo adventures. While group travel has merits, the personal growth and unique experiences gained through travelling alone make it my preferred choice.

TOEFL essay sample 3 Question: When you face an issue in life, what do you think is the best decision: ask an experienced person for advice, find possible solutions from the internet, or take time to think about the issue?

When confronted with an issue in life, the optimal decision-making approach depends on various factors. While seeking advice from experienced individuals, finding solutions on the internet, and taking time to think about the issue have their merits, I believe that taking time to think about it is often the best course of action. Several reasons support this viewpoint.

Firstly, taking time to think allows for introspection and self-reflection. It provides an opportunity to delve into the issue, evaluate different perspectives, and analyse the situation from various angles. This process of contemplation aids in gaining a deeper understanding of the problem and can lead to more insightful and well-rounded solutions. By reflecting on the issue independently, one can tap into their own knowledge, experiences, and intuition to arrive at a decision that aligns with their values and aspirations.

Secondly, thinking about the issue helps to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By grappling with the problem independently, individuals can exercise their analytical abilities and develop creative solutions. This process of intellectual engagement fosters personal growth and enhances the capacity to handle future challenges with increased confidence and proficiency.

Moreover, while seeking advice from experienced individuals or finding solutions on the internet can provide valuable insights, they may not always be applicable or aligned with the situation's unique circumstances. Every issue is different, and mindlessly relying on external sources may not lead to the most suitable outcome. Taking time to think allows individuals to personalise their decision-making process, considering their own values, priorities, and specific context.

That being said, it is important to acknowledge the benefits of seeking advice and utilising the internet to gather information and perspectives. Consulting experienced individuals can provide valuable insights, while the internet offers various resources and potential solutions. However, relying solely on external sources without engaging in personal reflection may limit one's ability to develop independent decision-making skills.

In conclusion, when faced with an issue in life, taking time to think about the issue is often the best decision. This approach allows for introspection, enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and promotes personal growth. While seeking advice and utilising internet resources can be beneficial, an individualised approach to decision-making that incorporates personal reflection offers the greatest potential for a well-considered and meaningful resolution.

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  • Understand the different question types and formats in the TOEFL writing section. Learn about the structure and other requirements for integrated and independent essays. 
  • Review sample questions and get familiar with the question’s specific requirements and structure.
  • Set a timer and practice the TOEFL essay topics within the designated time limits. This will help you manage your time effectively.
  • Improve your vocabulary and learn to use new words in your writing. This will allow you to express your ideas and opinions more effectively. Review grammar rules and practice applying them when you practice.
  • Before you start writing, spend a few minutes organising your ideas. Create an outline that includes the introduction, body paragraphs with supporting details, and conclusion.

Also read: TOEFL vocabulary list: Essential words for success

Frequently asked questions

The TOEFL writing test evaluates the candidate’s ability to express their ideas and opinions through writing. The section has two writing tasks, integrated and independent, lasting 50 minutes. The maximum score for the TOEFL writing section is 30.

You can achieve a perfect score of 30 in the TOEFL writing section. You should practice and improve your writing abilities. This includes writing well-organised essays with clear introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions. You should also be able to express ideas and arguments effectively. Ensure you improve your vocabulary, grammar usage, and sentence structures.

The maximum score a candidate can obtain in the TOEFL writing test is 30. So a score of 23 in the section is considered good by several educational institutions abroad.

The candidates can only attend the TOEFL writing test on a computer. ETS discontinued the TOEFL paper-based test (PBT) in 2021, so you can take the assessment on a computer in the designated test centre or at home.

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Ten Awesome Tips for the Writing Section of the TOEFL® Test

We know it can feel impossible to write two complete essays in 30 minutes!

But today, we have some awesome TOEFL writing tips that will help you feel cool and confident on test day.

The first five tips are for the TOEFL integrated writing question, task number one. The last five tips are for the TOEFL Writing for an Academic Discussion question, task number two.

Here's a quick summary of our top 10 TOEFL Writing Tips

  • Tip #1 – Pay careful attention to the reading passage because the listening passage will argue against each point made in the reading.
  • Tip #2 – Practice taking short, but precise notes during the listening passage. You will only get to listen to it once.
  • Tip #3 – Paraphrase the passages. One of the grading criteria on the TOEFL is vocabulary, and you will earn zero points if you simply quote the material.
  • Tip #4 – Use lots of transitional words and phrases. They will help you develop your essay and connect your ideas.
  • Tip #5 – Manage your time wisely. You only have 20 minutes to construct an essay of at least 250 words.
  • Tip #6 – Be sure to add to the discussion. Do not repeat points and ideas from the discussion in your response.
  • Tip #7 – Stick to a few simple verb tenses.
  • Tip #8 – Try to include multiple sentences with more than one clause.
  • Tip #9 – Plan to edit your essay for at least one minute at the end. There is no spellcheck on the TOEFL.
  • Tip #10 – Practice writing at home and ask a teacher or trained TOEFL expert to give you a grade and point out your weakness.

Task 1 (The Integrated Writing Task)

Tip #1: read, then listen.

Task one provides you with two passages, a reading passage, and a listening passage. The reading passage will appear first. You will have three minutes to read the passage and take notes. After that, the reading passage will disappear, and then the listening passage will play for two or three minutes. Then you have 20 minutes to write your essay.

Here is a breakdown of task one:

Integrated Writing: Task Breakdown

The writing section instructions will be read aloud. You can skip this introduction.
You will be given an academic passage to read. This passage will contain between 250-300 words. When the clock starts, you will have three minutes to read the passage. After that, the passage disappears and an audio lecture starts. However, the reading passage will return when it's time to write.
A lecture that addresses the content of the reading will start to play. The lecture will last for two to three minutes.
After the passage finishes, you will be asked a question. The question is almost always something like:
The clock starts. You will have approximately 20 minutes to write an essay of at least 250 words. You must answer the question and report on the most important points from both the reading and listening.

It is important to read the reading passage first because the professor in the listening passage is going to directly contradict the author in the reading passage.

Therefore, if you sleep on the reading passage, when the lecture begins, you may miss some vital information that you must include in your writing.

Let’s look at an example from TST Prep’s TOEFL Test #13 that you can download for free here   to practice before test day.

Complete TOEFL test cover

Here’s the reading passage:

The shrimping industry relies on trawls to catch shrimp. Trawls are huge nets that are dragged behind boats in order to catch shrimp. Other animals, like sea turtles, are often caught inside these nets and soon die without sufficient oxygen. To help reduce the number of accidental deaths to sea turtles, engineers created a  Turtle Excluder Device (TED), that must now be installed in all shrimping trawls. This one simple invention has greatly reduced the number of sea turtle deaths per year for a number of reasons.

First, the TED was specifically  designed to help sea turtles. The TED mechanism has a mechanical barrier in the middle of the net that prevents any animal larger than ten centimeters from getting caught deep inside . Once the animal hits this metal grid, it tilts downward, providing that animal with a clear path to exit. Smaller animals, like shrimp, pass through the metal guard and get caught in the end of the trawl net, as usual.

Second, in order to make sure that fishermen use the Turtle Excluder Device, the “ Shrimp-Turtle Law” was passed. It states that all trawling shrimping boats must have a TED installed . There are specific organizations in charge of monitoring shrimping vessels to ensure that their TEDs are properly installed and maintained.

Finally,  America now tightly controls the import of shrimp. All shrimp products must come from a ship that is a certified user of TED-installed shrimping trawls . Countries, companies, or fishermen who do not comply with the “Shrimp-Turtle Law” are not allowed to sell their products in the US and some European countries. Since most shrimping businesses want to import their goods to as many locations as possible, they have decided to comply and install TEDs in their trawls.

  • Main Idea : Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) have reduced the number of sea turtle deaths
  • Reason 1 : TEDs designed to prevent large animals from getting caught
  • Reason 2 : All boats must have a TED installed
  • Reason 3 : Shrimp importing is now tightly controlled

Tip #2: Take good notes

It is very, very important to take good notes during Task 1, especially on the Listening passage . There are two reasons for this:

  • The reading passage will reappear after the lecture and be visible while you are writing. Therefore, while it is important to take note of the author’s position and main points, you don’t need to take as extensive notes on the reading passage.
  • You are expected to write more about the listening passage than the reading . That’s right! In your answer, you should write twice as much about the professor’s viewpoint and counterarguments then the author. Therefore, it is vital that you take good notes during the lecture.

I can’t emphasize this enough: take good notes on the Listening passage !

You will be expected to write twice as much about the content of the listening passage than the reading.

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Here’s a link to that audio passage  again so you can practice taking notes and compare yours to my own.

Tip #3: Don't quote!

For the TOEFL integrated writing task, you are expected to explain the positions of the author and the professor, in your own words! It is very important, therefore, to paraphrase everything.

This is especially true of the reading passage. Remember, while you are writing your essay, the reading section will be right in front of you. If you directly quote the author, the TOEFL e-rater system will pick up on this and it can lead to a reduction in your score!

For example, let’s say that the reading passage states:

“ There are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars. ”

DON’T say in your answer: “ The author discusses how there are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars. ”

This is a huge mistake that many students make!

Instead, paraphrase the author’s position, such as: “The author discusses the advantages of switching from fossil fuels to the alternative energy source: corn-based ethanol.”

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Tip #4: Use lots of transitional words and phrases

Transitional words and phrases are a crucial component of your writing, especially in TOEFL Writing task one. You will have to transition between contrasting points of view in both the reading and listening passage. The best way to keep your essay cohesive is to transition between ideas with these discourse markers.

They will prove to the TOEFL grader and e-rater that you have a firm grasp on both the English language and North American academic essay structure

Here is a list of some common transitional words and phrases:


- Reporting on points from the listening passage in the body paragraphs
- When explaining your reasons and developing your examples
- Reporting on points from the listening passage in the body paragraphs
- When explaining your reasons and developing your examples
- When you are connecting your example to the topic
- When transitioning to the point of view of the listening in body paragraphs
- When recognizing the opposing argument
-The first sentence of each body paragraph
- When providing more than one reason for your stance on the topic
- Located in the conclusion paragraph, which is optional for this essay
- In the last sentence of your response if you include a conclusion

If you want to see some of these transition words in action, check out our article  Topics and Sample Essays for the Writing Section of the TOEFL Test(2024)

Tip #5: Time management

For the integrated writing task, you only have 20 minutes to write your essay! Therefore, while time management is important throughout the TOEFL, it is especially important on this task.

You should spend approximately two minutes taking notes and outlining your answer, three minutes writing your introduction paragraph, eleven minutes writing the body paragraphs, two minutes for the conclusion, and the last three minutes for editing.

Here is the time breakdown for task one of the TOEFL writing section:

Integrated Essay Time Breakdown

Gather your notes and outline the essay
Write your introduction
Write your body paragraphs (2-3)
Write your conclusion
Edit your essay

Be sure to download our Complete Practice Test right here so you can practice the entire test.  

…but here is the essay response to the TOEFL integrated question on Turtle Excluder Devices.

The reading and the lecture are about the pros and cons of the Turtle Excluder Device (TED). The writer believes there are many benefits to the use of TED, and that it has decreased the number of sea turtles caught in trawls by shrimpers. The speaker in the listening passage disagrees. He claims there are still many issues with TED, and challenges each of the writer’s points.

First, the article posits that the design of TED includes a metal barrier inside the net that prevents larger animals from getting caught. Additionally, it says, TED also provides a path for the sea turtles to exit. However, the professor points out that small and mid-sized turtles still get caught deeper in the trawls. He states this is because the metal barrier only prevents creatures larger than ten centimeters to pass through it.

Also, the author notes that laws have been passed requiring shrimp boats to have TED and use it properly. The lecturer rebuts this argument. He says that it is impossible for organizations to regulate the fishermen while they are fishing for shrimp and that they can just remove the TED right before putting the nets into the ocean. Furthermore, he argues that they are inclined to do this because sometimes TED can also prevent shrimp from passing into the depths of the trawls, which decreases their profits.

Another reason the writer feels that TED is beneficial is that under import regulations, the shrimp sold in the US can only come from suppliers who are certified TED users. Again, the speaker holds there are flaws in this argument. He suggests that there are many boat owners who claim to be TED-certified, but, in reality, have fake documentation. The lack of consistency in TED certification from country to country allows many to deceive ports and sell their shrimp anyway.

To sum up, both the author and the lecturer hold conflicting views about TED.

Five more to go… 

Still with me? 

Awesome (just like these tips). 

Now, let’s take a look at our last five tips for the TOEFL Writing section. 

Task 2 (Writing for an Academic Discussion Task)

Tip #6: be sure to add to the discussion.

On July 26, 2023, ETS introduced a new TOEFL Writing question called Writing for an Academic Discussion. It replaced the Independent Writing task.

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For writing task #2, you have ten minutes to read the discussion and then write a response of 100 words or more.

In the example above, the professor poses a question about whether or not globalization has a positive or negative effect on society. Bryan believes globalization is positive because it brings people and cultures closer together, while Alex thinks globalization leads to the exploitation of developing countries.

When it is time to write, be sure to ADD to the discussion. Do not just repeat the same points made by the other students.

Look at the sample response below. The points highlighted are additional ideas that contribute to the discussion.

In my opinion, globalization is a positive force in the world today.  My personal belief is that when nations interact together, it leads to less suffering. For example, people who suffer from natural catastrophes can import goods and services to help mitigate their losses and recover quickly. Citizens of nations who may be going through war or famine can flee to neighboring countries for shelter. I understand Alex’s concern over cultural homogenization, but I believe she misses another critical point. Much of the food found in grocery stores around the world is imported. Our very diet is due to the international trade partnerships and alliances forged over the last half of the 20th century. International trade and travel are not possible in a world without globalization, which is why I believe it is crucial to maintain our current global policies for a safer world with a higher standard of living.

On test day, it is fine to agree or acknowledge the points made in the discussion; just be sure that the majority of your response to the Writing for an Academic Discussion question further develops the online conversation.

Tip #7: Stick to a few simple verb tenses

  • Simple present
  • Simple past
  • Present perfect

But hold on a second.

Your grammar in the TOEFL Writing section can’t be too simple, and there is one more tip to keep in mind.

Tip #8: Try to include multiple sentences with more than one clause

According to  Michael Goodine at Test Resources , the TOEFL Writing e-rater likes writing samples that include sentences with subordinating and/or coordinating conjunctions.

A subordinating conjunction  is a word or phrase that links a dependent clause to an independent clause, and a  coordinating conjunction  joins two elements of equal importance.

Check out the table below for a handy list of both.

It is not required to include these conjunctions in your response, but it will help you craft sentences with two or more clauses, which will have a positive impact on your score.

I have highlighted the sentences from the globalization example response that include multiple clauses.

Tip #9: Take the time to edit!

  • Spelling errors
  • Capitalization and spacing mistakes
  • Problematic introduction sentence
  • Personal areas of weakness (article usage, subject-verb agreement, etc.)
  • Proper verb tense

Tip #10: Get feedback

While preparing for the TOEFL writing section, it is crucial for you to get your hands on some practice questions.

And to get valuable feedback from a qualified TOEFL instructor who knows exactly what you need to write to earn a high score in the writing section. Relying on yourself or a teacher you know will certainly help, but you will not be able to reach your full potential without advice from an experienced instructor.

Therefore, the last tip while preparing for the TOEFL is to  get help from a trained professional  at TST Prep.

If you haven’t already, be sure to download TST Prep’s Complete Test #13 where you can see these sample essays and more.

Was there anything we missed?

If you have more TOEFL Writing tips, please don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments section below.

And, as always, we are here to help if you have any questions or concerns, [email protected]


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Hi Josh, thank you for your wonderful support. I want to ask you that for int task, while the reading passage is on history topic, should I stick to past tense or not? Like “the passage elaborates that the Greek sculpture was…”. Please provide another academic test opportunity for free like the previous one.

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Hi Shreya,  Thank you very much for your question. In general, you should use the tense the lecturer uses, so if the topic is about the ancient Romans, you should be writing in the past, etc.

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Thanks for this invaluable article🙏🏻.

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Excellent samples

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Hi Josh. Thank you a lot. This post was very useful for me.

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Hi Josh, The sample for Task 1 provided on the ETS website is a bit different from the one you wrote. It solely focuses on the lecture while only saying, “That refutes that point from reading.” Could you have a look and recommend me some tips?

Hi, thanks for your question. To add length to your essay, we suggest including a bit more from the reading section. It can also help you in making sure each point from the listening matches a point referenced in the reading.

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Hi Josh, First, thanks a million for this intelligent and helpful content; you are a great tutor. I found that the time management section has a small mistake with summing the minutes suggested for each step. 2 minutes outline + 3 minutes introduction + 11 minutes body + 2 minutes conclusion + 3 minutes editing = 21 minutes!

Hi Inman, thanks for pointing that out. We will have a look. I would maybe say 2 minutes for an introduction would be better. 🙂

Great! Thanks again.

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Mohammad tareq Naeimi

Hey Josh Thanks a lot for your time and effort. You have got a heart of gold. Lots of love from Afghanistan♥️🇦🇫

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Point 7 isn’t true (but perhaps you needed just one more to make 10 tips instead of 9?) I took both sides all the time when I took the TOEFL, and got a 119 (and the reason I missed one point was the speaking, where I forgot to mention two specific examples). Cheers!

Hi Ruth and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. Congrats on your score, that’s incredible. In regards to your opinion on tip #7 ” HAVE A CLEAR OPINION AND STICK TO IT”, it is not put there arbitrarily to inflate the number of tips. We have found that students who fail to have a concrete opinion tend to have difficulty developing the topic and writing with clarity. This is not always the case and you can write a perfect essay by arguing both sides of the argument, generally speaking, however, it is easier to write a clear and well-developed essay when taking one clear side of an issue.

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Hello Josh. What do “int” and “ind” mean? You used these in the TOEFL Writing Transitional Phrases table without explaining them. Thanks.

Hi Rob, and my apologies. I should clarify that. The “int” stands for “integrated writing (task 1),” and the “ind” stands for independent writing (task #2).

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Hello, I’m preparing for TOEFL, and I found a weird subject for the independent subject. “The average global life expectancy went from 29 years old in 1800 to 71 years old in 2015. According to you, what is the main cause for such a change?”. Do you know if it is possible to have a question like this? Thank you for your help.

Hi there and thank you for your question. This does indeed sound like a reasonable topic since anyone could have an opinion on it. It is a bit strange but definitely possible. (I’ve seen weirder). This would also be difficult because you would have to use past unreal unconditional forms and sentences like “It could have been” “might have been because”, etc. Hope that helps!

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Rogerio Souza

Hello Josh! How are you? Please where can I find the TOEFL Writing 24+ Guide to download?

Here is the link. Hope that helps you find what you are looking for.

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Nikitha Crasta

Hi Josh, I’m taking my test in a few minutes. Thank you so much for the free material on the website. It has definitely helped me make my own template!

Thanks for leaving a comment Nikitha. How did the test go? I’m always interested to hear if anything was surprising/interesting/etc.

The test was alright! I haven’t received my scores yet, except for Reading (26) and Listening (29). The questions asked were congruent to the examination pattern. I couldn’t really relate to the personal opinion question asked in the speaking section. I found the reading section quite tough compared to everything else. In the end, it wasn’t so bad considering I started prep 24 hours before the exam. If I had put in the effort, I would’ve been able to do well.

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Hi Josh. I’m preparing to write the TOEFL exam as a deaf test taker. I have practiced a lot, but the problem is the reading section. I can’t figure out how I answer to the reading section questions.

Have you considered seeing if perhaps you can be allowed extra time? I know in certain situations it is possible, but I’m not sure it would pertain to the Reading section. It might be worth you checking with ETS. Outside of that, have you thought about maybe taking the group reading course? I think it might really help you.

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Thanks a lot for sharing the tips and the analysis, I really appreciate it!

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Hello Josh, How can I have this post in PDF format? Is it possible to send me the PDF file of this post ??

Hi Erfan and thank you for asking. Unfortunately, we do not have this post in PDF format but we have our TOEFL Writing Guide which includes tips like this, along with a lot of other useful information. I think you will find this document even more helpful. Here is the link –

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Time Management for the Reading Section of the TOEFL® Test

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How to score high in TOEFL

Toefl reading.

Get a high reading score by becoming familiar with academic topics & vocabulary and improving your reading comprehension, reading speed, and time-management skills.

TOEFL listening

Get a high listening score by becoming familiar with academic topics & vocabulary and improving your listening comprehension, note-taking, and time-management skills.

TOEFL Speaking

Get a high speaking score by becoming familiar with all speaking task question types and improving your speaking fluidity, If something is coherent, it is clear and sensible and all its parts go well with each other. Your response should have at least 2 points to help the marker understand the main topic. A coherent response will connect those points together in a way that helps the marker follow along and understand the main topic.">coherence , and If something is cohesive, it consists of parts that fit together well and form a united whole. Your response should have a main topic. A cohesive response will have coherent points that allow the marker to easily understand your main topic.">cohesion.

TOEFL Writing

Get a high writing score by learning basic & advanced essay writing structures and improving your ability to To express the meaning of something written or spoken using different words. Paraphrasing is one of the more important skills needed in TOEFL, especially in the writing section. By paraphrasing, you'll help show the marker you have a good understanding of the English language in addition to adding variety to your essay. Paraphrasing is critical for writing your introduction and closing paragraphs.">paraphrase and write coherently.

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Score: 100 / 120

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Score: 110 / 120

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Score: 102 / 120

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Vinod, Rema

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10 Best SAT Essay Examples to Prepare for SAT 2024

Are you spending a lot of time preparing for the SAT essay? The College Board administers the SAT and is a crucial factor in college selection. Furthermore, the essay is valued on the SAT because writing is crucial for all fields of study. Therefore, your SAT essay score may influence not just how well you do on the test overall but also how you are admitted to colleges. To figure out how to write the best essay possible, it could be useful to look at a few sample essay prompts.

Prompt: “In his speech, President Abraham Lincoln argues that the nation’s greatest strength comes from its commitment to freedom. Analyze how Lincoln builds this argument, using specific examples from the speech.”

Answer: In his speech, President Abraham Lincoln emphasizes that the nation’s strength lies in its dedication to freedom, which he supports through various rhetorical strategies. Lincoln uses historical references to the founding principles of the United States, particularly the Declaration of Independence, to underline the nation’s commitment to liberty. He invokes the memory of the Founding Fathers, who envisioned a country based on freedom and equality. By highlighting the sacrifices made by soldiers and the importance of preserving the Union, Lincoln reinforces his argument that freedom is central to the nation’s identity and strength. His effective use of pathos, ethos, and historical evidence persuades his audience of the enduring importance of freedom.

Prompt: “In the article, the author argues that technological advancements do not always benefit society. Evaluate the author’s argument, discussing how they use evidence and reasoning to support their position.”

Answer: The author argues that technological advancements can negatively impact society by presenting evidence of unintended consequences. For instance, the author discusses the rise of social media and its effects on mental health, citing studies that link excessive use to increased anxiety and depression. The author also points to the erosion of privacy as another drawback of technological progress. By using empirical evidence and real-world examples, the author effectively illustrates that technological advancements, while innovative, can have detrimental side effects. The logical structure of the argument, combined with credible sources, strengthens the author’s position on the potential harms of technology.

Prompt: “In his editorial, the writer claims that educational reform should focus on improving teacher quality rather than increasing funding. Analyze how the writer supports this claim.”

Answer: The writer’s editorial argues for educational reform centered on enhancing teacher quality rather than merely increasing funding. To support this claim, the writer uses statistical data showing that higher teacher effectiveness correlates with better student outcomes, even in underfunded schools. The writer also presents case studies of schools that have seen improvements through targeted teacher development programs, rather than through financial investments alone. By contrasting these examples with schools that received additional funding without corresponding improvements, the writer demonstrates that teacher quality is a more critical factor in educational success. The logical argument and supporting evidence make a compelling case for prioritizing teacher quality in educational reform.

Prompt: “The author suggests that economic growth should not be the primary goal of a nation. Discuss how the author develops this idea using examples and reasoning.”

Answer: The author argues that prioritizing economic growth as a national goal can lead to social and environmental issues. The argument is developed through examples of countries that have experienced economic growth at the expense of environmental degradation and social inequality. For instance, the author cites the rapid industrialization of certain nations, which resulted in pollution and a widening wealth gap. The author also discusses alternative measures of success, such as quality of life and environmental sustainability, to argue for a broader perspective on national progress. By presenting evidence of the negative consequences of unchecked economic growth and advocating for a more holistic approach, the author effectively supports the argument that economic growth should not be the sole focus of national policy.

Prompt: “In the passage, the author argues that community service is essential for personal development. Evaluate how the author uses examples and reasoning to make this argument.”

Answer: The author argues that community service plays a crucial role in personal development by providing real-world examples and reasoning. The passage includes anecdotes of individuals who experienced significant personal growth through their involvement in community projects, such as developing leadership skills, empathy, and a sense of responsibility. The author also cites research showing that volunteer work can enhance personal well-being and career prospects. By connecting these benefits to the broader concept of personal development, the author demonstrates how community service contributes to individual growth. The use of specific examples and research-based evidence strengthens the argument and illustrates the value of community service in fostering personal development.

Prompt: “The author argues that political leaders should prioritize environmental issues over economic concerns. Analyze how the author supports this argument.”

Answer: The author supports the argument that political leaders should prioritize environmental issues by presenting compelling evidence and reasoning. The author highlights the long-term consequences of environmental neglect, such as climate change and resource depletion, which can have severe economic impacts in the future. The argument is bolstered by examples of successful environmental policies that have led to sustainable economic benefits, such as the promotion of green technologies. Additionally, the author discusses the ethical responsibility of leaders to protect the environment for future generations. By providing both immediate and long-term perspectives on the importance of environmental issues, the author effectively argues for their prioritization in political decision-making.

Prompt: “In the text, the author suggests that literature has the power to influence social change. Evaluate how the author supports this suggestion with evidence and examples.”

Answer: The author supports the suggestion that literature can influence social change by providing historical and contemporary examples. The text references influential works like Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin , which played a role in shaping public opinion on slavery, and more recent examples of literature that have brought attention to social issues like inequality and injustice. The author also discusses how literature can raise awareness and inspire action through its emotional and intellectual impact on readers. By showcasing these examples and explaining the mechanisms through which literature can effect change, the author effectively supports the idea that literature has a significant role in driving social progress.

Prompt: “The author argues that globalization has both positive and negative effects on cultural identity. Analyze how the author supports this argument.”

Answer: The author argues that globalization impacts cultural identity in both positive and negative ways by presenting a balanced view of its effects. On the positive side, the author notes that globalization facilitates cultural exchange and understanding, leading to greater appreciation of diverse traditions and practices. For example, the proliferation of international cuisine and art enhances cultural diversity. On the negative side, the author discusses the risk of cultural homogenization, where dominant cultures overshadow or erode local traditions. By providing examples of both cultural enrichment and loss, the author effectively illustrates the complex relationship between globalization and cultural identity. This balanced approach helps to convey the nuanced effects of globalization on cultural heritage.

Prompt: “In the speech, the speaker argues that innovation is essential for progress in society. Evaluate how the speaker builds this argument with specific examples and reasoning.”

Answer: The speaker builds the argument that innovation is essential for societal progress through a combination of examples and logical reasoning. The speech includes examples of historical innovations, such as the invention of the telephone and the internet, which have significantly advanced communication and information sharing. The speaker also discusses the role of innovation in addressing contemporary challenges, such as renewable energy technologies that combat climate change. By illustrating how innovation drives improvements in various sectors and contributes to overall progress, the speaker effectively supports the argument that innovation is a key driver of societal advancement.

Prompt: “The author suggests that traditional educational methods are less effective than modern approaches. Analyze how the author supports this suggestion using evidence and examples.”

Answer: The author suggests that traditional educational methods are less effective compared to modern approaches by presenting evidence from educational research and practical examples. The author cites studies showing that traditional methods, such as rote memorization, often result in lower engagement and retention compared to more interactive and student-centered methods. Examples of modern approaches, such as project-based learning and technology-integrated instruction, are provided to demonstrate their effectiveness in fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By contrasting the outcomes of traditional and modern methods and using research-based evidence, the author effectively supports the suggestion that modern educational approaches are more effective in meeting contemporary learning needs.
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TOEFL Prep Online Guides and Tips

The 39 best toefl tips and strategies.

best toefl essays

It can be difficult to figure out how to approach the TOEFL, as there are so many TOEFL tips and strategies out there to choose from. This is why we’ve compiled the 39 most critical TOEFL tips you need to know.

From general test-day advice to preparation tips for each of the four sections, our expert TOEFL strategies will not only help you feel ready for the exam but will also give you the confidence you need to get a high score on test day.

Feature image: University of Central Arkansas /Flickr

Key Preparation Tips for TOEFL

To start, let’s go over the most important TOEFL tips you’ll need while preparing for the test.

#1: Get to Know the TOEFL Format

Surprises on the TOEFL are anything but fun. So before you take the exam, try to familiarize yourself with all of the basic features of the TOEFL and its scoring system . You should know what the TOEFL sections are, how these sections are arranged, how much time you’ll have on each section, and what kinds of questions and prompts you’ll get.

By understanding how the TOEFL is structured, you’ll know exactly what to expect on test day and can thus prepare accordingly—and more confidently.

By the way: we have built the world's best online TOEFL course . Get online practice (TPO-sytle!) and individual grading and feedback on Speaking and Writing.

Learn how you can improve your TOEFL score by 15 points today .

Below is an overview of the TOEFL test structure:

Reading 1 60-80 mins 36-56 questions 0-30 Answer questions based on 3-4 academic reading passages
Listening 2 60-90 mins 34-51 questions 0-30 Answer questions based on audio clips of conversations, classroom discussions, and lectures
Speaking 4 20 mins 6 tasks 0-30 Express your opinion and speak about topics relating to reading passages and audio clips
Writing 5 50 mins 2 tasks 0-30 Write about your opinion and in response to a reading passage and audio clip


#2: Set a Goal Score

To ensure you’ll have the best possible shot at getting accepted to the schools you’re applying to, you’ll need to set a TOEFL goal score . A goal score is any total score that meets all of your schools’ minimum required (or recommended) TOEFL scores.

By meeting or exceeding this score, you increase your chance of gaining admission to not just one of your schools but all of them. A goal score also gives you a concrete number to aim for during your TOEFL prep, allowing you to more easily create a study schedule that works well for you.

#3: Give Yourself Ample Time to Prepare

Before you register for the TOEFL , set aside ample time to prepare for the exam and hone your English-language skills.  Three to six months of study time should generally suffice. However, exact time frames will vary depending on your English ability and the amount of time you can dedicate to studying.

If you’re already fairly proficient in English and simply want to know how to prepare for the TOEFL , you’ll likely need less time to study for the test. In this case, it’s best to focus on learning the format of the TOEFL and routinely test yourself using  quality practice questions .

If you’re less proficient in English, you’ll likely need more time to prepare for the TOEFL. Commit time to improving your overall English skills by doing things such as watching English news and conversing with native English speakers. Then, start to narrow your focus to the TOEFL and what kind of English it tests.

Whatever your case, never assume that simply because you know English you’ll automatically get a great score. Ultimately, to score highly on the TOEFL, just knowing English isn’t enough—you need to prepare diligently using  high-quality resources and a solid study plan.

#4: Choose an Early Test Date

An early test date  ensures that your TOEFL scores will get to your schools in time. TOEFL scores are sent automatically by mail to schools you selected during registration beginning 13 days after your test .

However, the location of your school will determine how long it’ll take for your scores to arrive. Schools located within the US typically receive scores about 20-30 days after the test date, whereas schools located outside the US usually receive them six to eight weeks after the test.

Therefore, if you’re applying to US schools, try to take the TOEFL  no later than   six weeks before your college application deadlines. If you’re applying to schools located outside the US, take the TOEFL no later than ten weeks before your deadlines.

#5: Consider Whether You’ll Want to Retake the Test

If you think you might want to retake the TOEFL (coming soon), set aside even more time between your test date and application deadlines. This way, if you’re dissatisfied with your scores, you’ll have plenty of time to study and take the test again.

I recommend choosing a test date at least six months before your college application deadlines. This will give you a few months to work on strengthening your weaknesses before you retake the exam.

Although you can technically retake the TOEFL starting 12 days after your first attempt , doing so isn’t advisable since you’ll have very little time to prepare and are less likely to make any noticeable score improvements.


#6: Personalize Your Study Plan

As you study for the TOEFL, always focus on what you don’t know rather than what you do know. Doing this ensures you’ll spend more time honing your weaknesses and will have a better chance of getting high scores on all four TOEFL sections.

Some of the most common types of weakness for test takers include:

  • Content weaknesses: This means you’re struggling to understand specific concepts and topics. For example, if you struggle with vocabulary and grammar, drilling more vocabulary words and grammar patterns should eventually help you raise your TOEFL score.
  • Format weaknesses: These weaknesses deal with structural elements of the TOEFL, mainly question types. For instance, if you’re constantly getting Reading to Learn questions wrong, you’ll need to tailor your study plan so that you’re practicing these question types more often than others.
  • Strategy weaknesses: A strategy weakness means you’re having trouble with a particular approach or test-taking method. For example, you might struggle with pacing yourself on the Reading section, or you might not know how to take notes effectively on Listening.

None of the four sections should bring down your TOEFL score, so try to figure out what you struggle with and then study and practice it until it’s no longer a major weakness for you.

#7: Use High-Quality Resources

Your study sessions won’t be as effective if you’re not using high-quality TOEFL resources.

By far, the best resources out there are official ones (those created by ETS). Here are some   of the top official resources currently available for free online:

  • TOEFL iBT Interactive Sampler :  This downloadable software contains an abbreviated practice test that’s extremely similar to the real TOEFL test in both content and form. You’ll get reading passages, audio clips, and even sample responses for the Speaking and Writing sections.
  • TOEFL iBT Quick Prep : This collection of four PDFs offers a ton of quality practice questions for all sections of the exam as well as audio clips in the form of MP3 files (for volumes 3 and 4 only).
  • TOEFL iBT Sample Questions : This PDF offers about half a TOEFL test, with questions spanning all four sections. It includes full Speaking and Writing sections; one Reading passage with a question set; and two Listening transcripts with question sets (there are no audio clips, unfortunately).

As for paid, official resources, TOEFL Practice Online (TPO) tests offer one of the most realistic test-taking experiences you can get. However, they cost 45.95 USD a piece, so weigh your options carefully before deciding whether to buy one.

Other options include  official TOEFL prep books , including  The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test and Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volumes 1 and 2.  All of these books, which generally cost around 15-25 USD,  contain full-length practice tests and hundreds of practice questions.

Unofficial TOEFL prep books can be excellent resources as well. Our guide  to the best TOEFL prep books includes three unofficial ones to consider incorporating into your study plan.

#8: Improve Your Vocabulary

To do well on the TOEFL, you need to have a high range of English vocabulary. Knowing different words allows you to more readily understand the English you read and hear, and gives you the tools to express yourself more clearly and effectively in speech and writing.

Because the TOEFL is an academic test, you must have a solid grasp of high-level, academic vocabulary. Start by reviewing our ultimate TOEFL vocabulary list . Once you’ve mastered these 300+ words, move on to other vocabulary lists geared toward native English speakers, such as  our GRE vocabulary list (which comes with  downloadable flashcards !).

Ultimately, the best way to study vocabulary is to use flashcards. You can either make your own paper cards or opt for digital cards. Anki  is a free computer program you can use to create, download, and practice flashcards. It uses spaced-repetition software (SRS) to show you difficult cards more often than other cards. I’ve used this program many times before to study Japanese, so I personally recommend trying it out!

#9: Learn to Recognize Multiple-Answer Questions

Both the Listening and Reading sections contain multiple-choice questions that have more than one correct answer. Multiple-answer questions are worth  1-3 points, depending on the question, and always tell you how many answers you need to choose.

On Listening, multiple-answer questions are worth 1 point  each and look similar to regular multiple-choice questions. You must get all answers correct to get credit. Here’s an example :


On Reading, there are two types of multiple-answer questions. The first type looks similar to a regular multiple-choice question and is worth 1 point.  Like the Listening one above,  you must get all answers correct to get credit. Here’s an example :


The second type is the Reading to Learn question. For this question type, which always comes at the end of a question set, you must select the answer choices that best summarize the content of the passage. This question is worth 2-3 points, and you can get partial credit on it.  Here’s an example :


General Test-Day Tips for TOEFL

We’ve gone over all of the most important ways you can prepare for the TOEFL. Now, let’s look at our top TOEFL tips to help you stay calm, focused, and confident on test day.

#10: Get Enough Sleep and Eat Breakfast

In truth, test-day tips actually start the night before test day! To get a good TOEFL score, you must first and foremost take care of yourself.  This means you should be getting a full night’s rest before test day—not pulling an all-nighter or cramming for hours on end. What’s most important is that you rest your brain and avoid wearing yourself out.

You should also  eat a healthy, filling breakfast.  Nerves can make lose your appetite, but in the end you’ll feel worse if you don’t eat at all. Because the TOEFL is around four hours long (with only one 10-minute break) and  food and drinks aren’t allowed in the testing room , try to fill yourself with energy beforehand!

#11: Read All of the Answer Choices

On multiple-choice Reading and Listening questions, take time to read all of the answer choices.  Many times test takers only skim the answer choices or mistakenly choose the first answer choice that looks right. Both of these habits often result in an incorrect answer.

The TOEFL is a tricky test—many answer choices sound correct without actually being correct—so always read all of the answer choices closely before making a decision.

#12: Use the Process of Elimination

If you get to a Reading or Listening question you don’t understand, don’t guess before trying to use the process of elimination.

Here’s how the process works: instead of looking for the correct answer choice, you’ll look for the wrong answer choices. The more incorrect choices you can eliminate, the higher chance you’ll have of selecting the correct answer.

Wrong answer choices can be tough to find but will usually:

  • State the opposite of the passage or audio clip
  • Refer to  something not discussed in the passage or audio clip
  • Mention something irrelevant to the passage or audio clip


#13: Take Notes Often and Effectively

On test day you’ll get  scratch paper you can use for taking notes during the TOEFL. While you won’t need to take notes on Reading, you’ll definitely want to take notes on Listening, Speaking, and Writing.

Here are our top note-taking tips:

  • Listening: Always write as you listen to the audio clips, keeping track of the main ideas, key concepts and terms, and who says what. Note any solutions or decisions made as well.
  • Speaking:  On the Integrated tasks, take notes as you read the passages and listen to the audio clips. For each Speaking task, briefly outline the two or three main points you’ll discuss in your response.
  • Writing: For the Integrated Writing task, take notes as you listen to the audio clip. For both Writing tasks, spend the first few minutes outlining your thoughts so that you’ll have a rough idea as to how to organize your paragraphs, key points, and examples.

For more TOEFL note-taking tips, check out our guide (coming soon).

#14: Answer Every Question

Like the SAT, ACT, and GRE, there are no penalties for wrong answers on the TOEFL.  In other words, if you answer a question incorrectly (or don’t answer it at all), you won’t lose any points. Therefore, you should always answer every question in a section to ensure you’ll have the best possible shot at getting the score you want.

On the Reading and Listening sections, every multiple-choice question has four answer choices. So if you guessed on one, you’d have a  25 percent chance of getting it right.

Ultimately, if you’re clueless as to how to answer a question or are running out of time, it’s far better to just guess (ideally, by using the process of elimination!) than to not answer at all.

#15: Stay Calm

Most importantly, stay calm as you take the test. The TOEFL is a long and tricky exam, especially for first-timers, so you’ll need to find ways to keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed.

If you’re feeling nervous the morning of test day, find a quiet place to take some deep breaths. Remind yourself that you just need to do your best. And even if you don’t get the score you want, you can always retake the test if you really need to.

As you take the TOEFL, try to stay as focused as possible. Letting your nerves get to you can make you lose concentration or commit careless mistakes. If you find that you’re feeling overwhelmed at any moment, take a 10-second pause to stretch, breathe, and calm your thoughts.

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TOEFL Reading Tips

In this section, we give you an array of preparation and test-day tips for the TOEFL Reading section.

#16: Read Complex Texts

The best way to improve your reading ability is to read as many English-language texts as you can. By doing this, you’ll not only enhance your vocabulary and grammar knowledge, but you’ll also learn how arguments are structured and what ultimately makes them compelling to read.

Popular newspapers, journals, and magazines are excellent places to start. Some options include  The New York Times , The Atlantic , The Economist , Discover , and Nature .

As you read, be sure you understand the main point of the text and what the author is trying to say. You should also be able to identify what kinds of transitions and organizational patterns the author uses in order to effectively present his or her thoughts.

#17: Choose a Reading Strategy That Works Well for You

Before taking the TOEFL, you must decide on a reading strategy. Our guide to TOEFL reading passages  covers four possible strategies you can use on the Reading section:

  • Read the entire passage first
  • Skim the passage and then answer the questions
  • Answer the questions paragraph by paragraph
  • Read the questions first

I recommend choosing one of the first three methods, as method 4 tends to be the most time consuming. However, you should choose the method that works best for you, and if that happens to be method 4, then use that one!

To figure out which method is right for you, try out the different strategies above with  Reading practice sets . Give yourself about 20 minutes for each passage and question set. Once finished, compare your scores for each set to see which reading strategy yielded the highest score.

#18: Pace Yourself

Many test takers run out of time on Reading. On this section, you’ll have 60-80 minutes to read three to four passages and answer 36-56 total questions. But how should you divide this time so that you’re not rushing at the end?

Since you’ll have 12-14 questions per passage, try to spend no more than 20 minutes on each passage and question set. More specifically, spend about five minutes reading the passage and about one minute per question.


#19: Search for Evidence in the Passages

The trick to Reading is that all questions can be answered using specific evidence in the passages. In other words, all of the information you need to answer a Reading question is directly given to you in the passage—you just have to find it!

For example, if a question asks about a specific paragraph, then the answer will be in that paragraph. You don’t need to waste time checking other parts of the passage!

You can practice looking for evidence in TOEFL Reading passages by using  high-quality passages and question sets .

#20: Skip Difficult Questions and Return to Them Later

If you encounter a Reading question you don’t understand, don’t spend a large amount of time worrying about it— just skip it and move on.  Moving past difficult questions lets you pace yourself more efficiently and also prevents you from spending too much time working on a single question.

Once you’ve finished the section, go back to the difficult question and try to rework it. If you still can’t figure it out or are running out of time, use the process of elimination (see #12) to take an educated guess. Remember, wrong answers don’t count against you, so it’s always better to guess than to leave a question blank!

#21: Double-Check Your Answers

If you have extra time at the end of the Reading section, briefly double-check all of your answers.  This way you can ensure you didn’t accidentally mark a different answer choice than the one you wanted and that you answered all questions in the section.

Double-checking is especially helpful because it lets you look at your answer choices with a fresh set of eyes. If you’re not certain about an answer you chose, you can  use this time to briefly rework the question: go through the evidence you originally found in the passage and check for any new evidence you might have missed before. If something doesn’t make sense, consider changing your answer choice.


TOEFL Listening Tips

Now, let’s take a look at our best TOEFL strategies for the Listening section.

#22: Watch and Listen to English News

One great way to improve your listening skills is to watch English-language news stations, such as CNN  and BBC .

If these stations are too difficult for you, though, you can instead start with English news websites geared toward English-language learners. One solid option is  VOA Learning English , which provides news audio clips at a slightly slower pace.

BBC Learning English  is another helpful resource that  breaks down news stories into clear steps and offers audio clips as well as definitions of relevant vocabulary words.

#23: Listen to English Podcasts

Another way to hone your listening skills is to listen to English podcasts. Podcasts allow you to hear how native speakers talk in English. They’re especially helpful because they don’t use videos or transcripts to guide you, meaning you must rely entirely on your listening skills in order to understand what’s being said.

Many podcasts are available through iTunes and various websites. Language-learning website FluentU offers a useful list of English podcasts you can incorporate into your TOEFL prep.

#24: Be Able to Understand Different English Accents

On TOEFL Listening, most speakers will have a North American accent, but you will also hear at least one non-North American accent , which could be a UK, Australian, or New Zealand accent.

If you primarily studied American English, you won’t need to worry too much about this. But you should still expose yourself to non-American accents.  The best way to prepare is to speak with native English speakers who are not from North America. Additionally, you can try listening to non-American news stations and podcasts (see #22 and #23).

On the other hand, if you studied UK, Australian, New Zealand, or a different (non-American) form of English, you’ll definitely need to familiarize yourself with the North American accent.  One easy way to do this is to watch movies and TV shows from the US and Canada. You can also listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos, or chat with native English speakers from North America.

#25: Pay Close Attention to Replayed Audio Clips

On Listening, sometimes a small clip from a lecture or conversation you listened to will be replayed before you answer a particular question. In these cases, always pay close attention to the replayed clip.  This is because the clip will for sure contain the answer to the question that comes after it.

Even if you’ve already taken detailed notes on the full audio clip, listen closely to the replayed clip—you might catch something important you didn’t hear the first time around!


TOEFL Speaking Tips

Up next, we present to you our best TOEFL tips and strategies for the Speaking section.

#26: Talk to Native English Speakers

By far the best way to practice your English-speaking skills is to actually go out and speak with native English speakers. (As a reminder, a native English speaker is anyone whose first language is English, regardless of where he or she was born and raised.)

If you don’t personally know any native English speakers, try looking for language groups on Meetup or other social platforms. With Meetup, most groups are free to join and offer a fun chance for socialization and language practice. You can also create your own English-language conversation group if there are none in your area.

Another option is to do  online video chat lessons in English.  Lessons aren’t free, but you can choose a teacher or tutor whose rate works well for you. Popular websites offering video chat services include italki , Verbalplanet , and Live Lingua .

#27: Practice Pronunciation

A big part of the Speaking section is being intelligible, or being able to be understood. This means you must always use  clear pronunciation  when you speak English.

Know this, though: you will not lose points for having an accent.  The truth is, most nonnative English speakers have an accent to some degree, and that’s perfectly fine! What’s not fine, however, is being asked to repeat yourself, or being misunderstood when you say certain English words.

To help with your pronunciation, I suggest reviewing the English sounds commonly thought to be most difficult for nonnative speakers. These include:

  • The hard “th” (as in “think”)
  • The soft “th” (as in “then”)
  • Ng (as in the sound you make at the end of “talking”)

Generally, the most difficult sounds for you will be the ones that aren’t in your native language. 

For additional help, try watching YouTube videos that go over English pronunciation, or ask a native English speaker to explain how to pronounce certain sounds and words you often struggle with.

#28: Record Your Responses

As you practice for TOEFL Speaking, record your responses to  TOEFL Speaking topics  and then listen back to them. Make sure that you speak for 45-60 seconds on each topic (in accordance with the official time limit for your particular Speaking task).

Once you finish speaking, listen to your recording and evaluate yourself  using the TOEFL Speaking rubric . Your goal should be to develop a more objective view of what sounds and grammar you need to work on in order to get a higher Speaking score.

As you grade yourself, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you answer the prompt completely?
  • Are you clear and easy to understand?
  • Do you stumble over your words or pause too much?
  • Do you make many grammatical mistakes?

If you’re struggling to score your own responses, ask a native English speaker to grade them for you and offer feedback on what you can improve.

#29: Listen to Sample High-Scoring Responses

Not sure how to respond to a TOEFL Speaking prompt? Then try listening to sample high-scoring responses.

ETS offers a few examples of quality Speaking responses through its YouTube video series, “Inside the TOEFL Test.” The three videos below cover all six types of Speaking tasks, and each offers one real response to a TOEFL Speaking prompt.

Speaking Questions 1 & 2

Go to 4:10  for the response.

Speaking Questions 3 & 5 (Campus Situations)

Go to 5:15 for the response.

Speaking Questions 4 & 6 (Academic Courses)

Go to 5:50 for the response.


#30: Enunciate and Use a Natural Pace

During the TOEFL, you’ll record your answers into a microphone attached to a computer, so make sure you’re  speaking clearly  for the raters to be able to understand you without issue. This means you’ll need to use correct pronunciation (remember, having an accent is OK, just as long as native speakers can understand what you are saying!) as well as natural intonations.

Speaking clearly also means using a natural pace.  If you speak too fast, your words and sentences will likely run together, making it difficult to understand your responses. This is why it’s best to enunciate your words and speak at the same speed you use in everyday conversation.

#31: Ignore Background Noise and Speak Up

On test day, other test takers in the testing room will likely get to the Speaking section around the same time you do. This can make it difficult to focus on what you’re saying and whether you’re speaking loud enough for raters to be able to hear your responses.

The key here is to ignore the background noise and speak a little more loudly than you normally do. Don’t let the voices distract you from your tasks, and don’t worry about whether your microphone is picking up sounds from other test takers—raters understand that test centers can get loud!

While you shouldn’t shout into your microphone, be careful not to speak too softly.  Whispered words are especially difficult to hear if there’s background noise, so speak up, stay calm, and focus on delivering a great response.

#32: Talk the Whole Time

On TOEFL Speaking, you’ll have 45 seconds  to speak on tasks 1 and 2 (the Independent tasks) and 60 seconds  to speak on tasks 3-6 (the Integrated tasks).

But these time limits aren’t simply maximums. In reality, you’ll need to speak for the entirety of the time limit.  If you don’t use up all of the time you’re given to speak, you’ll likely lose points. Therefore, you’ll need to practice answering TOEFL Speaking prompts so that you are able to speak for precisely 45 and 60 seconds.

If you have time left on the clock during a task, use the rest of your time to:

  • Elaborate on a point or example you’ve already given
  • Explain an additional point
  • Conclude your response with a brief closing remark or summary ( our TOEFL Speaking templates  can teach you how to do this!)

On the other hand, if you feel you might run out of time, try to wrap up your final point with a clear statement.  You shouldn’t lose any points if you don’t include a conclusion,  so don’t bother squeezing one in if you don’t have enough time to do so.

#33: Don’t Pause for Too Long

Although slight pauses are normal and even expected on the TOEFL, you’ll only have 45-60 seconds to speak, so  try not to insert too many lengthy pauses.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pause at all, of course. Pausing briefly to take a breath or end a sentence is completely natural! It’s also OK to use occasional filler words, such as “uh” and “um,” as you move from one idea to the next.

Just be sure you keep pauses to a maximum of 1-2 seconds  and don’t overuse filler words.  Fewer long pauses allows your responses to flow more smoothly and signals to the raters that you can respond to prompts in English without needing a ton of time to plan what to say.


TOEFL Writing Tips

At last, we get to the TOEFL Writing section! Below, we introduce the most useful tips for TOEFL Writing prep and test-day success.

#34: Keep a Journal

Undoubtedly, the best way to prepare for TOEFL Writing is to actually write consistently in English. And one easy way to do this is to keep a regular journal.

I recommend writing in your journal every day or every other day  to ensure you’re always practicing your English composition skills. As you write, try to use an array of vocabulary and grammar, especially any new words or patterns you’ve recently learned.

If you’re not a fan of traditional journaling, consider creating a blog or online journal.  Lang-8  is a free website that lets you post diary entries and other forms of writing in your target language. After you post an entry, native English speakers correct your grammar and offer feedback. This is an extremely helpful website and one I personally recommend (I’ve used it for studying Japanese), especially if you want to meet others who are studying English like you.

#35: Practice Timed Writing

In addition to keeping a journal, practice timed writing exercises using high-quality TOEFL Writing prompts  (you can also use our 13 original Writing topics ). Doing this will help you get used to writing essays within short time frames.

On task 1, you’ll have just 20 minutes to write a response of 150-225 words. On task 2, you’ll have slightly more time—30 minutes—to write a longer response of at least 300 words. In total, then,  you’ll have less than an hour to write two essays!

As you practice, make sure you’re timing yourself appropriately. You should also type your essays on a computer so that you’re giving yourself a more realistic test-taking experience. Once you finish, score your essays using the official TOEFL Writing rubric , or get a native English speaker to score them for you.

#36: Look at Sample High-Scoring Responses

Not sure how to grade your own TOEFL Writing practice essays? Then try using sample responses to teach you what a high-scoring essay entails.

Luckily, ETS has compiled several examples of TOEFL Writing responses in  a free PDF . With this resource, you can see what high-scoring, mid-scoring, and low-scoring responses look like for both the Integrated and Independent Writing tasks.

You can also find many unofficial sample TOEFL responses online. Many of these aren’t particularly high quality, though, so use only those that contain realistic TOEFL prompts and essays. One website I highly recommend is  TOEFL Resources , which offers dozens of sample high-scoring responses for a variety of official and unofficial Writing prompts.

#37: Memorize Common Transitions

Another tip is to memorize transitions. Transitions are words and phrases that connect similar thoughts or indicate changes in thought. On TOEFL Writing, transitions can make your writing sound smoother and help your thoughts flow better.

We offer an extensive 54-word list of transitions in our guide to TOEFL Writing templates . Below are some examples of these transitions:

  • Additionally
  • In addition
  • Furthermore
  • For example


#38: Make an Outline

On test day, before you begin writing your essay, it’s important to take time to come up with a brief outline of what you plan to write about.

Using your scratch paper, jot down the three main points you want to discuss as well as any key details or examples you can use to support your points. Your outline doesn’t need to be super detailed, so feel free to just write down a few keywords—don’t bother writing full sentences!

Additionally, don’t write any introductions or conclusions; this information isn’t critical to your essay, and you can come up with ideas for these as you get closer to the end of your writing time. (Most of the time, you don’t even need a conclusion anyway!)

#39: Use Your Time Wisely

On both Writing tasks, try to spend most of your time actually writing out your essays. For the Integrated task, spend no more than two or three minutes  making an outline. And for the Independent task, spend no more than five minutes.

If you didn’t finish reading the passage for the Integrated task, it’s OK to use some of your writing time to finish reading it—just don’t spend too much time doing this. In short, limit any passage reading (or rereading) to one or two minutes  at most.

Conclusion: The Best TOEFL Tips for Success

Our  39 essential TOEFL strategies  above are guaranteed to give you confidence on test day and help you get the TOEFL score you need for admission to your schools.

To summarize, here’s what you should take away from this guide:

  • Get to know everything there is to know about the TOEFL. Having a solid understanding of how the test works—from its format to its question types to its time limitations—means fewer surprises for you on test day and an overall smoother test-taking experience.
  • Study diligently and consistently. You can’t expect to do well on the TOEFL by just knowing English alone. (If that were the case, native English speakers would have the highest average TOEFL score, but  we don’t !) Therefore, spend ample time preparing for the test, focusing on your weaknesses, and practicing with high-quality materials.
  • Have confidence in your test-day strategies. Test day can feel overwhelming, but as long as you use all of the strategies we’ve given you above, stay optimistic about your progress. You already know what you need to do, so be confident and remember that you can do this!

What’s Next?

Looking for more help on the TOEFL sections?  We give you tons of tips on how to ace the TOEFL Reading ,  Listening , Speaking , and Writing sections, as well as several resources to help you reach your goals.

Need more TOEFL tips? Our easy-to-follow guide goes over the top eight tips you’ll need to know to prepare for test day .

Ready to improve your TOEFL score by 15 points?

best toefl essays

Author: Hannah Muniz

Hannah graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a bachelor’s degree in English and East Asian languages and cultures. After graduation, she taught English in Japan for two years via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel. View all posts by Hannah Muniz

Test Resources

TOEFL® Resources by Michael Goodine

Sample toefl agree/disagree essay – widespread use of the internet.

The Question

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Overall, the widespread use of the internet has a mostly positive effect on life in today’s world.” Use reasons and details to support your opinion.

This essay follows our TOEFL Writing templates for independent essays.  Note that we have many more sample essays  for you to read.

Special Offer: TOEFL Essay Evaluation and Scoring

You can now sign up to have your practice essays evaluated and scored by me!  I’ll check your work line-by-line, estimate your score and tell you how to do better on test day! Sign up today .

The Sample Essay

          Most people agree that modern technology affects society in many different ways.  In my opinion, access to the Internet is enormously beneficial to both individuals and communities as a whole.  I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.

           To begin with, online investigative reporting helps to expose political corruption and keep politicians honest.  In the past, there were only a limited number of news outlets, which often had deep connections to powerful politicians. As a result, they were extremely hesitant to criticize them. These days, however, there are many independent publications on the Internet that are willing to expose political misbehavior.  For example, an online magazine recently published a story revealing that the mayor of my hometown had taken bribes from a property developer. The report was so detailed and well-researched that the mayor had no choice but to resign. Although the evidence was not difficult to locate, only this independent website was willing to write about it.  This example demonstrates how the Internet helps to strengthen democracy in the modern world.

           Secondly, people are more motivated than ever to become politically active because they can freely exchange ideas online.  In countries all over the globe, people use social networking services to share their ideas and opinions. While in the past people might have thought that they were alone in their beliefs, today they realize that others share their ideas. My own experience demonstrates this concept.  When I was a university student, I learned that a municipal park near my apartment was going to be demolished to make room for a massive parking lot. This bothered me a lot because I enjoyed spending my free time in the park. At first I thought that there was nothing that I, as an individual, could do to stop this from happening.  However, I later joined a Facebook group dedicated to opposing the plan. When the members of the group learned how many people in the city loved the park we were happy to get together and enthusiastically protest in front of city hall until our voices were heard. I am convinced that finding each other on that social networking platform gave us the courage to actively protect our park.

           In conclusion, I strongly believe that the Internet has a positive effect on our lives.  This is because online journalism strengthens our democracy, and because social networking sites encourage people to  get involved in local politics. (411 words)

This essay was featured in a video lecture in 2019.

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