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Agriculture & Extension Education Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Women in Extension Persevering in Leadership Roles , Lexis Danielle Trickett

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Examining the use of social media applications by West Virginia agriculture producers , Mikayla Rae Hargis

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

What is the perceived self-efficacy of defined job competencies for West Virginia University Extension faculty? , Lacey Dawn Seckman

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Perceptions and Instructional Practices used by West Virginian Secondary Agricultural Teachers in Meat Science Education , Kindra D. Carr

Identifying the Technical and Teacher Skills Needed by In-Service Teachers to Effectively Teach an Agricultural Mechanics Course in West Virginia , Coleton Todd Payne

When Face-to-Face Communication Fails: A Case Study of WVU Extension Agents Utilizing Innovative Social Media Practices , Madison Brooke Quinn

Level of adoption of West Virginia agriculture teachers' usage of internet-based educational technology in the classroom , Travis Daniel Veach

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

An Assessment of the Methods Used to Teach Content Skill Sets Required for the Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Course , Lee I. Wright

Stockmanship Education and Evaluation , John K. Yost

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Challenges Perceived by Cooperating Teachers when Supervising Student Teachers in Agricultural Education , Samantha L. Cogle

Current Issues of Highbush Blueberry Producers with Pick-Your-Own Operations in the Northeastern United States , Brian T. Gould

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Impact of being a West Virginia State FFA President on Career and Personal Accomplishments as Perceived by Past State FFA Presidents 1955 to 2005 , Jada M. Bennett

Directing the Total Program of Agricultural Education as Perceived by Retired Secondary Agriculture Instructors in West Virginia , Dylan Demosthenes Johnson

Educational Opportunities for Dressage Participants as Perceived by Members of the United States Dressage Federation , Dawn E. Mackenzie

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

A Delphi Study of Challenges Perceived by West Virginia University Extension Agents , Caleb N. Smith

Factors Affecting Turnover as Perceived by County Agents who Voluntarily Left the West Virginia University Extension Service , Michael B. Withrow

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Influence of 4-H Judging Team Participation on Career Life Skills Development , Evan H. Anderson

Grazing Management Practices among West Virginia Beef Producers , Marcus T. McCartney

The Current Status of Meat Processing Facilities in Agricultural Education Programs in West Virginia , Eleanor Nicole Porter

Motivational Factors Contributing to the Choice of Agriculturally Related Careers , Lacey J. Sims

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Management Structure Impact on Economic Success of Farmers Markets , H. R. Scott

West Virginia High School Guidance Counselors Perceptions and Interactions with Agricultural Education Programs in Their Schools , Nicole Riggle Shipman

Mechanisms of Intracellular Calcium Homeostasis in the Developing and Mature Bovine Corpora Lutea An In-Depth Study to Promote Scientific Literacy through the Use of Primary Literature in an Introductory Biology Course , Marietta Felicidad Wright

Project Knowledge of 4-H Members Who Participated in the Equine Skillathon at the West Virginia State Fair , Kolby Denae Wyant

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

State Supervisors' Perceptions of Teacher Efficacy Regarding Alternatively Certified/Licensed Secondary Agriculture Teachers , Joshua E. Rice

A Case Study: How Students in a Small Rural West Virginia County Spend Their Out of School Time , Veronica R. Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Training Techniques Used to Prepare National FFA Officer Candidates for the National FFA Officer Selection Process , Becky L. Berkebile

West Virginia 4-H Camp Songs and Music Traditions , Jason A. Burnside

Issues in the Care of Farm Animals: Current History of the Movement in Selected States , Jennifer N. Dunn

Factors Influencing 4-H Leader Volunteer Recruitment and Retention in Lincoln County , Rachael L. Payne

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Evaluation of information transfer between beef producers and Extension Agents in West Virginia , Travis J. Cullen

Veterinary anatomy laboratory impact study , Bess Catherine Hammill

Motivations, factors and issues concerning students at West Virginia University , Jeremy L. Kelly

Perceptions of West Virginia Beef Cattle Producers on Preparedness for an Agroterrorism Attack , Rebecca Laura Ours

Satisfaction of contract poultry producers in Virginia and West Virginia , Christina L. Richmond

The emphasis on Supervised Agricultural Experience programs by high school agricultural education teachers , John A. Workman

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Factors associated with international students' motivations to study at West Virginia University , Abimbola Akintounde

Perceptions of ethical practices in youth livestock shows , Sharon J. Ankrom

Perceptions of the Farmland Preservation Program by West Virginia farmers , Jamey Allen Murray

State supervisors roles in agricultural education curriculum: A national study , Becky L. Ridgeway

Adoption levels of integrated pest management among corn producers in West Virginia , Hari K. Vommi

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Current practices utilized by independent garden centers to extend the profitable season by returning customers, raising profit margins and implementing new practices , Nona Kay Hunt

Evaluation of information transfer between Extension Agents and dairy producers in Pennsylvania , Carrie B. Nelson

Agricultural awareness and perceptions of freshmen at West Virginia University , Laura L. Pfeifer

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Factors that influence an individual's decision to teach agricultural education , Lee Ann Hall

Attitudes of 4-H club leaders toward volunteer training in West Virginia , Jennifer Post

Perceptions of calf pool participants toward West Virginia calf pool organizations , Carrie M. Stemple

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Livestock and dairy producers' knowledge of quality assurance issues , Andrea L. Flanagan

Knowledge and attitudes of West Virginia Extension agents and high school agricultural educators with regard to meat goats and the meat goat industry , Angela L. Kirk

Teaching leadership development at the secondary level: A national study , Nathan Taylor

Attitudes of county commissioners toward farmland preservation in West Virginia , Tina M. Wickline

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Non-technical skills and traits needed to be career-ready graduates as perceived by agribusiness employers and recruiters , Thomas H. Brand III

Factors that influence 4-H club membership retention in West Virginia , David C. Hartley

Mass communication delivery methods used and possessed by Extension agents in West Virginia , Lisa Michelle Neehouse

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Types of hardware and software in use and problems associated with their use in secondary agricultural education programs in West Virginia , David T. Aberegg

Characteristics of West Virginia secondary agricultural educators , James C. Beatty

Assessment of the learning styles of students at the Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Centeno, Trinidad and Tobago and identification of teaching methods used by instructors , Cynthia Marie Burskey

Assessment of tractor and all-terrain vehicle safety programs available to youth in West Virginia , Renee D. Chambers

Learning styles of extension agents responsible for pesticide re-certification training programs in West Virginia , Anne M. Custer-Walker

Recruitment strategies used by high school agriculture education teachers in West Virginia , Danny R. Dewhurst

Employment opportunities and skills necessary for entry-level employment in the timber industry , Robert E. Driscole

Knowledge and dissemination of sustainable agriculture practices by county extension agents in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia , Erin M. Hersman

Influence of a three-week wildlife education curriculum on knowledge and attitudes of South Carolina's Marlboro County High School ninth and tenth-grade biology students , Diane M. Krishon

Attitudes of extension agents and program assistants in West Virginia towards involvement of special needs populations in 4-H programs , Christina L. Reed

Needed communication skills during initial employment as perceived by graduates of the West Virginia University Davis College of Agriculture, Forestry and Consumer Sciences , Jessica R. Rollins

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Factors influencing participation in the beef quality assurance program of the West Virginia Cooperative Extension Service , Sara D. Peacock

Evaluating runoff water quality and ammonia volatilization in three turkey litter application methods , Michael Dale Shamblin

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Opportunities and occupations in animal and veterinary sciences based on the current careers of West Virginia University alumni , Stacey Michelle Hawkins

Impact of student teaching experiences, personal demographics, and selected factors on the decisions of pre-service agricultural education teachers to enter into teaching , Gene Allen Hovatter

How farmers in West Virginia are using value-added processing to increase annual income , Jennifer Leigh Lewis

Evaluation of marketing methods used to promote extension programs as perceived by Master Gardeners in West Virginia , Tiffany Dale Rexroad

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

Attitudes, knowledge, and implementation of biotechnology and agriscience by West Virginia agricultural education teachers , Jason E. Hughes

Unethical practices in exhibiting animals as observed by West Virginia extension agents and high school agriculture teachers , Jared Nathaniel Nestor

Perceptions of benefits/problems of part-time employment on the job performance of secondary teachers of agricultural education , Connie McClung Scarbrough

Major problems associated with the West Virginia forest sector as perceived by West Virginia Division of Forestry Service foresters , Michael Allen Westfall II

Pest management practices used by West Virginia corn growers , Leasa Dianne Wilkerson

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

Philosophies of adult education as practiced by agricultural education teachers in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia , Crystal R. Buckingham

Heavy metal redistribution in soils using compost as a soil amendment , Jason Thomas Morrison

Evaluation of the International 4-H Youth Exchange (IFYE) Program , Mary Elizabeth Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Econometric analysis of household expenditures , Samuel Berhanu

Perceptions of students and teachers regarding agriculture in Leflore County, Mississippi , Ronald L. Howard

Physiological and genetic mechanism(s) of cold acclimation in Rhododendron , Chon Chong Lim

Experiences of selected West Virginia agriculture teachers who have established aquaculture units in their schools and have taught aquaculture classes for two years or more , Paul A. Lovett

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Recent Thesis Titles

The EEFE program was approved as new Penn State degree granting program in 2017. The degree builds on prior degrees in Agricultural Environmental and Regional Economics (AEREC) offered by the College of Agricultural Sciences, and Energy and Mineral Engineering (EME Energy Policy Option) offered by the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. The table below lists M.S. and Ph.D. thesis titles for recent AEREC and EME (Energy Policy Option) students.

Student Degree Grad Date Thesis Title
Rasool, Asif PHD 5/2024 Three Essays in Applied Economics: Topics in Agricultural Economics and Public Finance
Zhou, Pei PHD 12/2023 Three Essays on Food Safety, Health, and Food Marketing 
Feng, Jinglin PHD 8/2023 Three Essays on Food Assistance, Environmental Stressor, and Food Choices
Simandjuntak, Daniel Perdana PHD 8/2023 Three Essays on Consumer and Retailer Food Responses to Natural Disasters and Disruptive Events
Traore, Abdelmoumine PHD 5/2023 Essays on the Mitigation of Climate-Related Stochastic Losses through Investment and Insurance
Jayasekera, Deshamitthra PHD 8/2022 Three Essays on Household Location Choice and Internal Migration in the United States
Huang, Xuetao PHD 5/2021 Three Essays on the Effects of the Minimum Wage on Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants in the United States
Teti, Zachary PHD 5/2021 By Show of (Which) Hands: An Empirical Analysis of Regional Transmission Organization Stakeholder Voting
Yu, Yang PHD 8/2020  Essays on Food Waste and Consumer Demand Analysis
Choi, Byunghee PHD 8/2020  Economics of Adaptation: Generalized Optimal Switching
Peklak, Darrah MS 8/2020  The Quantile Treatment of the Treated After Hurricane Ike: An analysis of the Houston, TX housing market
Chen, Xuan PHD 5/2020  Three Essays on Consumer Demand, Health, and Retail Competition
Mitchell, Gregory MS 5/2020  Greening the Steel City:Testing for Environmental Gentrification in Allegheny County
Arora, Rashmit MS 8/2019  Assessing the Viability of Meat Alternatives to Mitigate the Societal Concerns Associated with Animal Agriculture in India
Zhang, Bo PHD 8/2019  Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Economics
Cook, Aaron Matthew PHD 5/2019  Economic Issues in Nutrient Pollution Control
Chau, Truong Nhut PHD 12/2018  Essays on Atricultural Risk Management and Water Use; and Recreational Fishing Participation After Ecological Distruption by an Invasive Species
Shu, Jingjing MS 8/2018  The Link Between Diet Quality and Organic Food Purchases for U.S. Households
Irani Kermani, Roozbeh PHD 8/2018  Three Essays on Structural State- Dependent MArketing Variables
Chen, Yunsi PHD 5/2018  Three Essays on Demand Analysis with Food Spoilage
Hoy, Kyle Adam PHD 12/2017  Three Essays on Energy and Food Policy
Rimsaite, Renata PHD 12/2017  Three Essays on U.S. Water Rights Markets: Price Efficiency, Welfare Gains, and Institutions
Tyagi, Ashish PHD 8/2017  Essays on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Policies in India and Gains from Reforming Water Allocation Institutions
Shr, Yau Huo PHD 8/2017  Essays on Non-Market Valuation: Survey Soliciting Method, Model Selection Strategy, and a Hedonic Pricing Application on Flood Risks
Scharadin, Benjamin Paul PHD 8/2017  Three Essays on Household Committed Activities and Diet Quality
Li, Minghao PHD 8/2017  Three essays on intergenerational mobility
Dang, Chi Kim MS 12/2016 The Influence of Household Assets and Community Assets on Rice Farmers' Adaptation Decisions to Climate Change in Viet Nam
Wu, Yingxian PHD 12/2016 Essays on consumers' purchase behavior for fresh fruits and vegetables
Tian, Jiachuan PHD 12/2016 Commodity Price Dynamics:  Discontinuity and Jumps
Cho, Wonjoo PHD 8/2016 Bilateral Information Asymmetry in the Design of an Agri-Environmental Program: An Application to Peatland Retirement in Norway
Demko, Iryna PHD 8/2016 Essays on U.S. Organic Food Trade and Credence Goods Consumption
Espinoza Hermoza, Mauricio MS 8/2016 Breaking Land Inequality in Peru: Are Land Markets Enough?
Li, Jing PHD 8/2016 Three Essays on the Health-Related Product Attributes and Consumer Purchasing Behavior: An Application to Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Market
Li, Xueyi MS 8/2016 Barriers to Improving Implementation of Pennsylvania's Underground Injection Well Program
Puggioni, Daniela PHD 8/2016 On Modeling and Evaluating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility
Roa Rodriguez, Monica PHD 8/2016 Essays on Entrepreneurship and Credit in Colombia
Zaveri, Esha PHD 8/2016 Essays on Adaptation Responses to Climate Variability in India
Liang, Jiaochen PHD 5/2016 Three Essays on U.S. Regional Development and Economic Resilience
Marasteanu, Ioana PHD 12/2014 Hotspots of Certified Organic Operations in the United States: Identification, Formation, and Impact
Wang, Haoying PHD 12/2014 Essays on Land Development, Housing Markets and Environment
Yang, Qiong PHD 8/2014 Measuring Technical Efficiency in Agricultural Extension Services
Chen, Danhong PHD 5/2014 Three Essays on Food Environment, Food Demand, and Health
Salcedo Du Bois, Rodrigo PHD 5/2014 Groundwater Games: Users' Behavior in Common-Pool Resource Economic Laboratory and Field Experiments
Adams, Riley MS 12/2013 Natural Disasters and Proprietorships: A New Form of Creative Destruction
Salas Garcia, Vania PHD 12/2013 Three Essays on Economic Development: International Migration, Social Networks, and Social Capital
Sen, Shonel PHD 12/2013 Three Essays on the Quantity-Quality Model of Fertility for India: Theoretical Extensions and Empirical Testing
Sevilla, Luis PHD 12/2013 Social Networks and the Exchange Economy in Rural Mozambique: A Study of Off-farm Labor and Crop Marketing Behaviors
Davlasheridze, Meri PHD 08/2013 Hurrican Disaster Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation: Evidence from US Coastal Economy
Fan, Qin PHD 08/2013 Climate Change Impacts on Household Location Choices in the U.S. and Economic Consequences
Mykoniatis, Nikolaos PHD 08/2013 Three Essays on Bioeconomics of Renewable Resources: Management Regimes, Water Quality Implications and Habitat-fishery Interactions in the Chesapeake Bay
Bejarano, Hernan PHD 05/2013 Participation, Pricing and Perception in Markets with Externalities
Meng, Xiao PHD 05/2013 Strategic Marketing Behavior of Private Label and Organic Product Firms: A Case Study of the Pre-Packaged Salad Sector
Saborio-Rodriguez, Maria Del Milagro PHD 05/2013 Two Essays about Environmental Externalities and One Essay on Trade Cost Measurement
Edmundson, Caitlyn MS 12/2012 Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Drilling Operator's Choice of Wastewater Disposal Method
Li, Shujie PHD 12/2012 Exploring the Mediating Effect of Social Capital on Human Capital in Economic Well-being: A Micro-analysis of Four Countries
He, Guanze MS 08/2012 The Influence of Openness to World Trade and Policies for Technology Diffusion in Chinese State-owned Enterprises
Hu, Yong PHD 08/2012 Three Essays on Technology Development and FDI in China: Regional Spillover, Factor Bias Spillover, and Change of Energy Intensity
Mahinchai, Montira MS 08/2012 Telecommunications Market Disequilibrium in Southeast Asia
Oh, Soo Hyun PHD 08/2012 Structural Estimation on Demand with Brand Choice and Quantity Adjustment: From Non-organic to Organic Food
She, Apurba PHD 08/2012 Bounded Learning Efficiency and Sources of Firm Level Productivity Growth
Fleming, David PHD 05/2012 Three Essays on Exogenous Shocks in Rural Areas: Land Conservation Policies and Natural Disasters
Yoo, Jin Woo PHD 12/2011 Advances in Nonmarket Valuation Econometrics: Spatial Heterogeneity in Hedonic Pricing Models and Preference Heterogeneity in Stated Preference Models
Toommongkol, Worawan PHD 08/2011 Product Quality in the Distribution Channel for Retail Food Products
Zhang, Lin PHD 08/2011 Rural Labor Mobility, Agricultural Technology Diffusion, and Agricultural Land Leasing in the Process of Rural Economy Development: A Multi-Agent System Modeling Approach Representing Dynamic Household Decision-Making in South China
Jimenez-Maldonado, Alwin PHD 05/2011 Developing Decision Rules for the Rainfall Index Insurance Program: An Application to Pennsylvania Producers
Kaufman, Zachary MS 05/2011 Agricultural Best Management Practice Adoption Decisions and Spatial Dependence in Southeastern Pennsylvania Farms and Watersheds
Tellioglu, Isin PHD 05/2011 Implications of Food Safety and Quality Standards: Insights from Turkish Tomato Exports
Banerjee, Simanti PHD 12/2010 Payments for Ecosystem Services Schemes for Spatially Coordinated Land Management: An Experimental Study (Supervised by Professors James Shortle and Anthony M. Kwasnica)
Wilson, Thomas MS 08/2010 Life Cycle Emissions and GHG Abatement Costs of Densified Switchgrass for Heat and Power
Wu, Yingxian MS 08/2010 Modeling and Testing Strategic Pricing, Product Positioning, and Couponing Behavior By Food Manufacturers and Retailers
Salas Garcia, Vania MS 05/2010 Subjective Well-Being: Effects of Internal Migration from Rural to Urban Areas
Wu, Ping-Chao PHD 05/2010 Modeling and Testing Strategic Pricing, Product Positioning, and Couponing Behavior by Food Manufacturers and Retailers
Nguyen, Nga-Phuong PHD 12/2009 A Stochastic Agent-Based Market Model for Water Quality Trading Using Evolutionary Simulation Techniques
Emvalomatis, Grigorios PHD 08/2009 Parametric Models for Dynamic Efficiency Measurement
Ghosh, Gaurav PHD 08/2009 Three Essays on Pricing in Socially-Optimal Markets for Differentiated Goods
Jin, Bei MS 08/2009 Willingness-to-Pay for Safer Food Preservatives in Moon Cake: Evidence from a Consumer Survey in Beijing
Pu, Na MS 08/2009 Measuring the Competitiveness of China's Vegetable Exports in the U.S. Market
Yenerall, Jacqueline MS 08/2009 The Effects of Climate Change and Biofuel Policy on Agricultural Land Use in Pennsylvania
Yu, Xiaohua PHD 05/2009 Essays on Consumer Behavior and Demand Analysis: Food Quality, Non-Market Goods, and Habit-Persistence
Chikasada, Mitsuko PHD 12/2008 Three Essays on Demand for Organic Milk in the U.S., Environment and Economic Growth in Japan, and Life Expectancy at Birth and Socio-Economic Factors in Japan
Loiacono, Matthew MS 12/2008 The Effects of Agricultural Conservation Easements on Residential Property Values
Minihan, Erin MS 12/2008 The Impact of Ethanol Production on Agricultural Land Use in Pennsylvania
Yano, Yuki PHD 12/2008 Incentives and Moral Hazard in Agri-Environmental Policy
Ghimire, Narishwar MS 08/2008 Economics of Biodiesel Production from Microalgae
Balasubramanyam, Lakshmi PHD 05/2008 Three Essays in United States Commercial Banking (Supervised by Professors Spiro E. Stefanou and Jeffrey R. Stokes)
Fleming, David MS 05/2008 International Trade, Agricultural Productivity and Poverty: The Role of Product Tradability in the Chilean Case
Ghosh, Koel PHD 05/2008 Three Essays on Environmental Decision Making Under Uncertainty (Supervised by James S. Shortle)
Leuer, Betty (Elizabeth) MS 05/2008 Assessing the Profitability of Anaerobic Digesters on Dairy Farms in Pennsylvania: Real Options Analysis with Multiple Jump Processes (Supervised by Professor Jeffrey Hyde)
Pajic, Mirjana MS 05/2008 The Impact of Tariff Reduction and Global Demand Growth on the U.S. Dairy Industry
Carriazo, Fernando PHD 12/2007 Measuring Urban Amenities and Disamenities: A Spatial Hedonic Analysis in Bogota, Columbia (Supervised by Professors James Shortle and Richard Ready), 168 pp.
Emvalomatis, Grigorios MS 08/2007 Distinguishing Technologies and Measuring Performance in Farm Production: The Case of Pennsylvania Dairy (Supervised by Professor Spiro E. Stefanou)
Ochai, Sule MSAG 08/2007 An Empirical Analysis of Alternative Labor Participation, Labor Demand and Supply Decisions Among Adult Indian Male Farmers
Shrestha, Sundar PHD 08/2007 Essays on Childhood Nutritional Deprivation in Nepal and Off-Farm Employment in the United States: Multi-Level and Spatial Econometric Modeling Approach
Bharadwaj, Latika PHD 05/2007 Work Participation, Motivation, and Benefit Receipt From Off-Farm Work on U.S. Farms: A Household Bargaining Approach
Dressler, Jonathan MS 05/2007 Mortgage Termination and Risk Rating Migration at Agchoice Farm Credit (Supervised by Professor Jeffrey Stokes)
Rossman, William MS 05/2007 The Influence of Consumer Knowledge and Characteristics on Applesauce Selection: Evidence from a Survey of Pennsylvania Residents
Tunceli, Ozgur PHD 05/2007 Labor Market Transitions of Involuntary Part-Time Workers: How Hard Is It to Get Back to Full-time Jobs?
Grassmueck, Georg PHD 12/2006 The Role of Governmental Organizational Form in Economic Growth
Tellioglu, Isin MS 12/2006 Tarrifs on U.S. Imports of Dairy Products: A Product Component Analysis
Wang, Li PHD 12/2006 Spatial Econometric Issues in Hedonic Property Value Models: Model Choice and Endogenous Land Use
Williams, Jeffrey MS 12/2006 Categorized Retail Land Use and Its Association with Residential Property Values in Berks County, Pennsylvania: A Hedonic Analysis
Wood, Jr., Lawrence MS 12/2006 Broadband in Rural Pennsylvania: Narrowing the Digital Divide
Chatterjee, Amal MS 08/2006 Rural Traffic Congestion and the Northeastern Boiler Industry
Jayaraman, Anuja PHD 08/2006 Poverty Dynamics and Household Response: Disaster Shocks in Rural Bangladesh
Konovalchuk, Vladimir PHD 08/2006 A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of the Economic Effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Lawton, Jennifer MS 08/2006 Stated Respondent Uncertainty and Mitigation of Hypothetical Bias in Choice Experiments
Ward, Kelly PHD 08/2006 Optimal Inter-Temporal Management of a Renewable Resource: A Policy Analysis
Mo, Xiugen MS 05/2006 Sustainable Development and Rural Poverty in Pooer Communities of South China
Bae, Jeong PHD 12/2005 The Welfare Consequences of Carbon Tax Reform in Open Economies: The Application of Computable General Equilibrium Model for Pennsylvania.
Du, Shengwu PHD 12/2005 Commodity Futures in Asset Allocation.
Price, Jennifer MS 12/2005 An Economic Analysis of Community Refuge Requirements for Insect Resistant Bt Corn
Ridout (Jamro), Erika MS 12/2005 Valuing Watersheds and their Effect on Quality of Life: A Study of Two Pennsylvania Watersheds
Steward, Annette MSAG 12/2005 Estimating the Economic Implications of Farm Management Decisions
Kipp, Mary MS 05/2005 Estimating Preferences for Quality-of-Life Attributes Using the Stated Choice Method: A Survey of Cape May County, New Jersey Residents.
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PhD program 

The Department of Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation (AEEE) prepares and supports highly-qualified agricultural and extension professionals to teach, lead, and serve youth and adults. AEEE’s focus is on two of our greatest assets—the agricultural industry and our human capital. Students in this program learn about effective teaching methods and techniques as they prepare for careers in both formal and non-formal educational environments of the agricultural sector.

Concentrations are available in Agricultural Leadership and Development and Teaching in Formal Education. Students interested in the Agricultural Education major should contact the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation for deadlines and specific details about each concentration. Students who anticipate entering the Teaching in Formal Education concentration for teacher certification should inform the faculty advisor at the time the undergraduate program of study is being developed. Students interested in a teacher certification program other than agricultural education should contact the College of Human Sciences and Education.

Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation, Ph.D.

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Agricultural & Extension Education is designed to provide professional advancement in a variety of career contexts including, but not limited to, higher education, state agricultural education leadership, Cooperative Extension, agribusiness, government, and non-profits. This program requires 60 approved credit hours above the Masters degree, successful completion of the comprehensive general examination, and the completion of a doctoral dissertation. The doctoral dissertation is a substantial research project planned, implemented, and reported under the guidance of the student’s graduate committee.

Ph.D. Admission

  • Acceptable GRE score
  • GPA - 3.0 minimum per LSU Graduate School requirements Writing sample
  • Philosophy of Agricultural or Extension Education (maximum of 2 pages)
  • Letter of intent which includes career goals and research interests

Other Requirements

  • Students who have been a part of our master’s program must reapply for the PhD program.
  • PhD program will require a minimum of 61 hours beyond the master’s degree.
  • Students with a bachelor’s degree only will have to complete the master’s degree before being allowed to apply for the PhD program.
  • AEEE—Research Methods in AEE (or its equivalent) and ELRC 4006— Introduction to Applied Statistics in Educational Research (or its equivalent) are leveling courses that all PhD students are expected to have completed as part of their master’s degree program.
  • Students who do NOT have one or both of these courses will be required to take them but CANNOT count them toward the 61 hour requirement.
  • Agricultural education students wishing to pursue a PhD must have 3 years of successful agricultural education teaching experience to be admitted to the PhD program. All other applicants must have 3 years of

Graduate Assistantships

A limited number of graduate assistantships are available at both the M.S and Ph.D. levels. Students who are on assistantship will work within the department for a minimum of 20 hours a week and may have responsibilities teaching course work, serving as a teaching assistant, serving as research assistants, or assisting with departmental programs. Assistantships are competitive and will often require interviews for specific positions. For more information about assistantship availability, please contact Dr. Richie Roberts, Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator, at [email protected] .




Richie Roberts, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor [email protected] 131 J.C. Miller Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803 225-578-8549


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UKnowledge > Theses & Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations--Agricultural Economics

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.



Horse Owner Preferences for Equine Veterinary Services , Olivia Gibson

Industrial Hemp Production and Potential Risks in Kentucky , Hoyeon Jeong

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Two Essays on Industrial Hemp Firms in the United States , Abraham Olakunle Ajibade




Reclaiming Your Competitive Advantage , Mason T. Hamilton

Gambling on Growth: An Analysis of the Early Impact of Historical Horse Racing on Kentucky’s Thoroughbred Industry , Barrett W. Kerr


Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022



Spent Hemp as an Animal Feed and Vertical Price Transmission in US Hemp Value-Added Supply Chain , Solomon E. Odiase

Consumer Measures of Local Food System Performance and Shopping Behavior Across COVID , Azita Varziri


Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021





Three Essays on Grocery Sales Taxes , Lingxiao Wang



Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020



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phd thesis on agricultural extension

Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension

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PhD in Agricultural Extension

phd thesis on agricultural extension

1. The PhD degree in Agricultural Extension is offered both on a part-time and full-time basis. It is awarded on the successful completion of required departmental courses and a thesis.

2. The maximum time allowed for completing this degree is five years after registration for full-time students and seven years for part-time students.

Entry requirements

3. Applicants who hold an MPhil Degree or other research-based Master’s Degree in Agricultural Extension or related disciplines are eligible for direct entry to the PhD programme.

4. Applicants who hold taught Master’s degrees may also be eligible for direct entry if the programmes included a research component of at least 25% of the total credits for the degree and if they attained at least a B+ average in both the taught courses and the research project.

5. All other candidates with Master’s qualifications applying for admission to the PhD must register first for the MPhil and then apply to upgrade their registration to the PhD programme in accordance with the general regulations.

Taught Graduate Courses

6. Candidates gaining direct entry into the PhD programme are required to pass a minimum of 12 credits of taught graduate courses approved by the department.

The requirements for submission of the PhD thesis are outlined in the general regulations for postgraduate students.

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The University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: (868) 662-2002 Fax: (868) 663-9684


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Agricultural Extension Theories and Practice in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Critical Review

Profile image of olayemi sennuga

The paper critically examines the agricultural extension theories and practice in sub-Saharan Africa, and gives a typology of extension theories and technology acceptance model. Over the years, a number of models have been used to enhance the effectiveness of extension services and service delivery. However, the function of theory in research is to identify the starting point of the research problem and to establish the vision to which the problem is directed. Extension science evolved from rural sociology and overtime extension has become more and more associated with social psychology and communication. Consequently, extension theory helps us to comprehensively understand the contextual factors of the innovation process and provides valuable insights into the factors that influence adoption and decision-making amongst smallholder farmers. The paper reviewed and analyzed the most accepted theories/models being used historically and currently for studying technology adoption decisions amongst smallholder farmers. These theories/models include:

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Agricultural extension technologies (AETs) have enabled small-scale farmers in developing countries to increase production with minimal capital investment. AET bridges the gap between traditional subsistence and modern mechanized agriculture. Farmers adopting AETs have been making remarkable progress in their farming practices resulting in increased crop and livestock production. The study investigated the adoption and impact of AETs on farmers and their communities. The target population comprised farmers in the Jong Chiefdom in the Bonthe District in southern Sierra Leone who have participated in extension workshops/seminars. A sample of 46 farmers selected randomly participated in the study. Structured questionnaires were used to gather information on the adoption and impact of AETs. AETs adopted by farmers were ox-plough, winnowers, peelers, graters, shellers, hullers, fryers, crackers, foo foo dwellers, pressers, improved animal breeds, veterinary services and fish pond construction. It is concluded that farmers in the Jong Chiefdom were primarily low level adopters of AETs. Nonetheless, farming operations improved in the chiefdom owing to the adoption of AETs. Even though farmers appreciated the role of AETs, many could not afford or purchase the technologies. It is recommended that providing credit facilities would enable farmers to purchase AETs. Reintroducing AETs with low-level adoption would also increase farmers' access to the innovations.

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Majority of extension agents or development organizations are increasingly embracing participatory approaches to facilitate uptake and utilization of technologies with the main aim of improving livelihoods. However, this may be self-defeating if the multidisciplinary teams are not in harmony with each other and are not well coordinated. It is therefore important to, not only bring the groups together but also to work on their being together. Therefore, this study sought to find out what ails the linkages between farmers, researchers and extension agents by examining perceived negative attitudes and their effect on adoption of technologies of on-farm research trials as a participatory dissemination approach. The operational objectives of the study were: To find out any perceived negative attitudes among the farmers, extension agents, and researchers; To establish any significant relationship between perceived negative attitudes and occupation; To determine any significant relationship between perceived negative attitude and the level of education; To establish any significant relationship between perceived negative attitude and income levels; and lastly to determine any significant relationship between perceived negative attitude and adoption levels. The study was based on technologies used to improve the productivity of maize and beans within KARI-Kisii mandate area in Kenya. The study used an Ex-post facto research design with a survey methodology. It was designed to collect data from the researchers, farmers, and government extension agents. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 104 respondents. The study established that; there were presence of perceived negative attitudes due to; their occupation, level of education, and income levels. The study eventually established that the presence of perceived negative attitude was related to the level of adoption of technologies of on-farm research trials. Therefore, linkage factors affect the level of adoption of on-farm trial technologies. The information obtained from this study could be of significance to the farmers, extension agents, researchers and policy makers in influencing the formulation of policies that will contribute towards improving the linkages among various actors in technology dissemination process, thereby improving food security status and sustainable environmental conservation in Kenya.


Aizack Sanga

This study investigated the factors affecting Agriculture technological adoption to the maize production in Iringa District. Specific objectives were; to find out the role of extension services to the adoption of agricultural technologies for the maize production, Toa determine the effect of price of agricultural inputs and outputs in the technological adoption and to find out the level of impact of inputs distribution on the adoption of agricultural technologies. The study was conducted in Iringa District specifically in Kalenga Division, by which cluster sampling was used to divide wards and hence villages. 125 household respondents were randomly selected while 10 were purposively interviewed and Cross sectional data were captured. Both questionnaire and interview methods were used to capture the data from the respondents while Documentary review was used to complement other methods. The data obtained from the field were primarily subjected to analysis using inferential statistics to test hypotheses (null hypothesis was rejected) and little with content analysis. The results of a Binary Probit model showed that extension services are positive and statistically significant related to the adoption of agricultural technologies with a p- value of 0.025. This implies that farmers with access to extension services/trainings increase the chance of adopting agriculture technology. The researcher ran further Binary Probit regression whereby being a member of agriculture community showed great influence on the adoption of agriculture technology with a p-value of 0.002. Also status income of the household and the amount of harvested maize showed influence on the adoption with a p- values of 0.036 and 0.006(-0.741 coeffic). Age and sex showed negative coefficient sign and statistically insignificant which means that they don’t have relation with the adoption of agricultural technologies. The study thus recommends that, the government should make reforms on DADP to let the extension officers operate their services to every farmer and not limited to groups/community so as to encourage more adoption of agriculture technology.

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Agricultural Extension (Ph.D)

Aim and objectives.

The Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programme in Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology is aimed at:

  •  Equipping students with research skills through the conduct of supervised research, seminar presentation and thesis preparation.
  •  Providing training for those whose future careers lie in teaching and research at the tertiary level and in research and development in the public and private sector.

Admission Requirements

Candidates seeking admission into the Doctor of Philosophy Degree programme in Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology must have any of the following qualifications from recognized institutions:

A Masters degree in Agricultural Economics or related discipline with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 or minimum score of 60%.

Duration of Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programme

  • The Full-time Doctor of Philosophy Degree programme shall run for a minimum duration of four (4) semester and maximum of six (6) semesters.
  • The Part-time Doctor of   philosophy Degree programme shall run for a minimum duration of six (6) semesters an maximum of eight (8) semesters.

Courses Synopses

AEX 911      Advanced Rural Community Organization 3 Credit Units

Theory and practice of sociological study of the role of rural and agricultural development of developing countries.Strategies and models of rural development; Economic and political integration of rural areas.Examination of institutional and infrastructural development.

AES 913      Comparative Extension Systems 3 Credit Units

The history, organization and administration of Agricultural Extension in Nigeria, Analysis of cooperative extension services in the country. Characteristics of different approaches.

AEX 913      Administration and Supervision in Extension 3 Credit Units

Basic concepts in administration and supervision in extension and their application to extension programmes. Administration process, structure and characteristics of bureaucracy and applications for programmes of change; staff development, recruitment, selection, placement and management of personnel. Coordination of subject matter and other resources to solve agricultural development problems.

AES 916      Gender Issues 3 Credit Units

Examine the following areas in Gender issues: Feminism, Women in Rural Nigeria, Social Theories of Gender Relation, Gender and Agriculture, Gender Issues in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development in Nigeria. Introducing gender as an analytical concept in agricultural extension, Enabling Women, youth and the vulnerable in rural Nigeria, Gender Issues and Needs in the Agriculture Sector, Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture, Education and development planning

AEX 916      Televisions and Radio Production 3 Credit Units

Principles of writing agricultural articles, news and reports for extension work; Principles and methods of communication media administration related to rural population; Analysis and applied techniques communication media suitable to rural situation; Principles of presenting agricultural information, radio and TV programs; article writing and preparation of radio programs for farmers; Influence, importance and profitable mass communication for extension, selection techniques in other categories of mass communication for extension.

AES 922      Leadership  and Rural Development 3 Credit Units

Effective leadership roles and relationships in small groups and community settings, analysis of process the leadership development with specific reference to principles applicable to discovering and educating potential leaders for social change and evaluation of leadership development programmes.

AEX9122     Technological Change in Rural Society 3 Credit Units

Theories and process of diffusion of innovation; the concept of appropriate technology; its development and pre-conditions.

AEX 921      Communication and Teaching Methods in Extension 3 Credit Units

Theories of communication and their application to extension teaching, principles and processes of communication. Comparative analysis of various extension teaching methods and their relevance to extension administration, researchers and field agents.

AEX 924      Intermediate Sociological Theories 3 Credit Units

The nature of scientific revolutions. The meaning of sociological theory. Groups and human societies.

AEX 921      Structure and Dynamics of Rural Society  3 Credit Units

The family: Definition, formation, types, functions, rural and urban families, some peculiar Families’ organization and their implications; Social groups and group participation: Meaning and type of social groups, social groups in rural Nigeria, Group participation and types of participation. The leader and leadership concept, characteristics and types of leaders. Identification of leaders and their functions in a community

AEX 926      Design and Administration of training programmes 3 Credit Units

Theory and principles in extension administration, linkage between organizational structure and extension practices; Practical Training, training through discussion, in service and training the trainer


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Agricultural Extension And Rural Development

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION

Abstract: As history tells us, poverty in South Wollo including the study area Kalu district, is deep rooted and worse that the majority of people have suffered from poverty and poverty related problems for a very long period of time. Albeit there were decades of national and international funded development programmes in agriculture and rural development, sustained inflow of food aid and emergency relief operations, object poverty still characterize the lives of a large proportion of the po...


Abstract: Climate change is already having an impact on agriculture as a result of increased prevalence of extreme events, increase of mean temperature, changes in water availability, and perturbations in ecosystems and increased unpredictability of weather patterns. This can lead to reduction in agricultural production and lower income in vulnerable areas. Developing countries and smallholder farmers in particular are being especially hard-hit by these changes. Adoption of climate smart agr...


Abstract: Farmers face a continued challenge in accessing agricultural information and technologies due to several economic, social, cultural and environmental factors. This study set out to assess Farmers’ Access to Agricultural Extension Services in Aweday Rural Kebeles. The specific objectives were to assess the status of farmers’ access to agricultural extension services and to evaluate the factors that influence their access to agricultural extension services in Aweday. The sampling...


Abstract: The performance of Development Agents is an important factor for the fulfillment of agricultural extension’s goals. The job performance of the DA relies on the job satisfaction, motivation and competence of the individual DA. Performance evaluation is a key duty in extension organization to determine whether the goals of extension are achieved or not. Development Agents in the study area showed low motivation, and less communication with farmers. Moreover, farmers were not satisf...


Abstract: Mobile phone is an essential ICT tool which supports farmers to have access to lucrative beef cattle markets by increasing access to timely market information. However, little is known about the potential impact of mobile phone in beef cattle marketing in Girar Jarso district, Ethiopia. Therefore, this study focuses on use of mobile phone in beef cattle marketing among smallholder farmers in Girar Jarso district, Oromia region, Ethiopia. The specific objectives of the study were to...


Abstract: This study was intended to assess the use of mobile phone to access and utilize information in wheat production in Burie District. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the use of mobile phone, factors determining the use of mobile phone; and challenges and opportunities of mobile phone use to access and utilize information in wheat production. Four kebeles were selected purposively for their wheat production potential. Simple random sampling technique (lottery method...

Information Needs and Information Seeking Behavior of Agricultural Researchers of Fadis and Mechara Research Centers, Ethiopia.

Abstract: This study was conducted to examine the information needs and information seeking behavior of agricultural researchers of Fadis and Mechara agricultural research centres in East and West Hararghe Zones. The study went further to establish the preferred sources of information and problems faced when seeking information. No study has been done on this topic in these study areas. Questionnaire was used as a data collection tool along with observation checklist and focus group discussi...

The Role of Mobile Phone in Accessing Fish Market Information in Abole Woreda, Gambella People’s Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: Information flow has increased impact on perishable agricultural products by enabling the timely sharing and usage of information to make decisions. This is because firstly, they will be spoiled if not used timely. Secondly, prices of perishable products are highly dependent on freshness at the time of exchange. Fish production and timely marketing is important for its consumption that could be done at its fresh state. In this regard, lack of timely market information leads to fish...

Factors Affecting Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Cereal Marketing in Dembecha Woreda, West Gojjam zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Abstract: Timely access to market information would increasingly enable smallholder farmers to make timely, reliable, realistic and viable decisions. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an important role in this regard. This study was intended to assess factors affecting use of information and communication technologies for cereal marketing in Dembecha woreda. Random sample of 150 households were selected from four purposively selected kebeles. Descriptive statistics, infe...

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Abstract: This study was intended to identify the factors influencing use of mobile phone in vegetable marketing in Fogera district. Use of mobile phone in vegetable marketing and factors influencing mobile phone use were specific objectives of the study. Three kebeles from Fogera district were selected purposively based on their vegetable production potential. Simple random sampling technique (lottery method) was used to select 153 vegetable producer farmers. Interview schedule and key info...


Abstract: This study examines the institutional arrangement for water governance, crop production efficiency, commercialization, and impact on household welfare using cross-sectional data obtained from 544 randomly and proportionately selected sampled households from four districts of the Amhara region, northern Ethiopia. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and econometric models. The stochastic frontier production (cost) model was used to investigate technical (cost) efficiency,...

Agricultural Extension and Rural Development as a course is the study of application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education with the purpose of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in rural areas. Afribary provides list of academic papers and project topics in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development. You can browse Agricultural Extension and Rural Development project topics and materials, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development thesis topics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development dissertation topics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development seminar topics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development essays, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development text books, lesson notes in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development and all academic papers in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development field.

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11 September 2024 MDPI’s 2023 Best PhD Thesis Awards—Winners Announced

phd thesis on agricultural extension

MDPI’s Best PhD Thesis Awards are granted to promising young scholars whose PhD theses are deemed exceptional within their respective research fields. These awards aim to encourage young scholars to continue their outstanding accomplishments and further contribute to their field.

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Ohio State extends Dean Rustin Moore’s term through 2027

Article by: Allison Burk

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Dean Rustin Moore Headshot

Since assuming the role of the 11th dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine on Sept. 1, 2015, Moore has led the college through two five-year terms, marked by a series of notable accomplishments and far-reaching impacts.

Under his leadership, the program, which had been a top-five program in the U.S. News & World Report rankings for well over a decade, increased from fifth to fourth to third, marking the highest ranking the college has ever achieved . The program’s reputation of excellence has allowed the college to recruit and retain outstanding faculty leaders and increase research faculty and funding. Moore emphasized that these accomplishments and impact are thanks to the contributions from many people both within and outside the college and are truly a testament to an incredible team effort. of an incredible team effort from many people both within and outside the college.

“I am grateful to Dean Moore for his visionary leadership and deep commitment to the college’s aspirations for excellence in education, research, outreach, and service,” said Karla Zadnik , interim executive vice president and provost at Ohio State and Glenn A. Fry professor in optometry and physiological optics. 

The college launched the first-of-its-kind competency-based curriculum under Moore’s leadership with the class of 2026 at the beginning of the fall semester in 2022. The goal of this curriculum, which includes a focus on the concept of Spectrum of Care, is to enhance the competence and confidence of our graduates to provide care to animals and serve the owners across a broad array of socioeconomic, demographic, and other attributes and characteristics. 

A champion for the veterinary profession and animal health-related industries in Ohio and beyond, Moore helped to secure a $5M per year new line item from the state to advance and sustain Ohio’s only college of veterinary medicine, which serves the animals and people of Ohio. From safeguarding Ohio’s $120 billion agricultural sector—the state’s top industry—to enhancing the lives of companion animals that enrich our daily experiences, Moore remains a strong advocate for the critical role Ohio State veterinarians and College of Veterinary Medicine graduates play in every facet of our lives.

With the assistance of the university, state, and other partners, Ohio’s only college of veterinary medicine will be poised to have an even more significant impact on agricultural and companion animal health and wellbeing, wildlife and the environment, and public health through a One Health approach.

The College of Veterinary Medicine continues to advance its ambition to Be The Model® comprehensive college of veterinary medicine in the world. Guided by an ambitious strategic plan developed and implemented during Dean Moore’s deanship, the college continues to benefit society and enhance the health and well-being of animals, people, and the ecosystem through innovation in research, education, patient care, outreach and service. 

Moore outlined that the focus in the coming years will be on collaborating with faculty, staff, students, alumni, and supporters to build a sustainable financial foundation for the college. This will ensure a more accessible and affordable education, attract and retain top faculty and staff, advance animal and public health, and better serve the people and animals of Ohio.


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  2. Theses and Dissertations (Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural

    Stakeholder interactions and capacity development for innovation and adoption of agricultural technologies: the case of banana value chain in Uganda. Kiconco, Stella (University of Pretoria, 2024-02-23) The low level of adopting improved technologies has been a major challenge towards increasing agricultural productivity and ensuring food ...

  3. Recent Thesis Titles

    Thesis Title; Rasool, Asif: PHD: 5/2024: Three Essays in Applied Economics: Topics in Agricultural Economics and Public Finance: ... Measuring Technical Efficiency in Agricultural Extension Services: Chen, Danhong: PHD: 5/2014: Three Essays on Food Environment, Food Demand, and Health: Salcedo Du Bois, Rodrigo: PHD:

  4. Doctoral Degrees (Agricultural Extension and Rural Resource Management)

    Agricultural extension is a crucial component of agricultural development, food security improvement and rural livelihood enhancement. ... This thesis interprets the activities and behaviours that defined the innovative response of small-scale commercial farmers in KwaZulu-Natal who role model 'farming' as a 'way of life' in communal ...

  5. Perceptions of Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) on the Performance

    A Thesis . presented to . The University of Guelph . In partial fulfilment of requirements . for the degree of . Doctor of Philosophy . in . Rural Studies . ... Agricultural Extension to AEWs Devolved to Local Government Units 146 5.8. Impacts of Decentralization on AEWs Perception on the Principles and

  6. PDF An Analysis Of Farmers Awareness Of Agricultural Extension Devolution

    evidence on farmers' preferences for agricultural extension programs (AEP) limit policy making on demand-driven extension. This study analyzed farmers' awareness of agricultural extension devolution and analyzes willingness to pay (WTP) for AEP by farmers in high and low potential agricultural zones of Meru County in Kenya.

  7. PhD program

    GPA - 3.0 minimum per LSU Graduate School requirements. Philosophy of Agricultural or Extension Education (maximum of 2 pages) Letter of intent which includes career goals and research interests. Other Requirements. Students who have been a part of our master's program must reapply for the PhD program. PhD program will require a minimum of 61 ...

  8. Full article: Enhancing the role of rural agricultural extension

    1. Introduction. According to the World Bank (Citation 2017), approximately 80% of the poverty-stricken population in the world are rural dwellers who largely hinge their livelihood on agriculture or related activities for a living.Boosting agricultural production, therefore, is seen as one of the most powerful tools against poverty (Sahu & Das, Citation 2015).

  9. Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Graduate Theses and

    Discrete Choice Experiments in Agricultural and Food Economics: Two Essays on Information Provision Modalities, Uncertainty Adjustment, and Hypothetical Bias, Monsoïa Arsène Juste Agossadou. PDF. Societal Sustainability: Projects to Address the Three Dimensions of a Sustainable Future, Braden K. Bateman. PDF.

  10. Theses and Dissertations--Agricultural Economics


  11. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension

    PhD in Agricultural Extension. 1. The PhD degree in Agricultural Extension is offered both on a part-time and full-time basis. It is awarded on the successful completion of required departmental courses and a thesis. 2. The maximum time allowed for completing this degree is five years after registration for full-time students and seven years ...

  12. Towards Developing a Pluralistic Agricultural Extension System: the

    towards developing a pluralistic agricultural extension system: the case of vhembe district of limpopo province, south africa by rudzani vhuyelwani angel mudzielwana a thesis submitted in fulfilment of the academic requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy in agricultural extension and rural resource management

  13. (PDF) Agricultural Extension Approaches to Enhance the Knowledge of

    Knowledge of Farmers. Kamalpreet Kaur * and Prabhjot Kaur. Department of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141004, Punjab, India. *Corresponding author. A B S T R A C T ...

  14. (PDF) Agricultural Extension Theories and Practice in Sub- Saharan

    Abstract. The paper critically examines the agricultural extension theories and practice in sub-Saharan Africa, and gives a typology of extension theories and technology acceptance model. Over the ...

  15. Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology

    J U Agbamu. This study was conducted in Delta Central Agricultural Zone to determine the effectiveness of the leadership of farmers' self-help groups through attendance to meetings, regularity in ...

  16. (PDF) Agricultural Extension Theories and Practice in Sub-Saharan

    Concepts and practices in agricultural extension in developing countries: A source book. IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute), Washington, DC, USA, and ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya. 275 pp. Anderson JR, Feder G (2003). Agricultural extension: Good intentions and hard realities.

  17. PDF Farmers‟ Use of Agricultural Extension Communication

    A MINI-DISSERTATION submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Agricultural Management in (Agricultural Extension) in the Faculty of Science and Agriculture (School Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) at the UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO Supervisor: Professor DB Afful Co-Supervisor: DR K Nhundu 2019

  18. Dissertations / Theses: 'Agricultural extension work'

    Agricultural Extension workers could play a key role in fostering sustainable agriculture production as well as economic growth. The training for extension staff is a step towards sustainable development. Agriculture is an important sector in the South African economy. ... Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University 2000.

  19. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore

    University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore : [458] University home page. Recent Submissions Browse. Discover. Keyword. 445 Agricultural Sciences; 444 Life Sciences; 404 ... Agricultural Extension [36] Agricultural Marketing Cooperation and Business Management [7] Food Science ...

  20. agricultural extension PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    Microplastics and fibres are widespread in the environment with significant work undertaken in marine environments looking at the fate and uptake of microplastics through the food chain. Read more. Supervisor: Dr P Hooda. Year round applications PhD Research Project Self-Funded PhD Students Only. 1.

  21. Agricultural Extension (Ph.D)

    The Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programme in Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology is aimed at: Equipping students with research skills through the conduct of supervised research, seminar presentation and thesis preparation. Providing training for those whose future careers lie in teaching and research at the tertiary level and in research ...

  22. Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Books and Book ...

    1 - 15 Of 308 Results. Browse through books in Agricultural Extension And Rural Development. Access and download complete Agricultural Extension And Rural Development books, Agricultural Extension And Rural Development text books, book reviews etc. Book reviews in Agricultural Extension And Rural Development - Page 1.

  23. TNAU Agritech Portal :: Online Digital Library

    TNAU - Thesis List. TNAU Doctoral Dissertations from 1999 to 2004. TNAU Master Program Thesis. M.Sc Thesis. 2013 - M.Sc Thesis. 2015 - M.Sc Thesis. Ph.D Thesis.

  24. MDPI's 2023 Best PhD Thesis Awards—Winners Announced

    We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the 54 winners of the 2023 Best PhD Thesis Awards and wish them success with their future research endeavors. MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community. To learn more about all the awardees and their research projects in your field of study, please visit the ...

  25. Ohio State extends Dean Rustin Moore's term through 2027

    The Ohio State University Board of Trustees approved the extension of Rustin M. Moore, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS, and Ruth Stanton Chair in Veterinary Medicine's term as dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine through June 2027. Since assuming the role of the 11th dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine on Sept. 1, 2015, Moore has led the college through two five-year terms, marked by a ...