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Applicants should have successfully completed substantial undergraduate coursework in philosophy (normally in the form of a major, significant minor, or equivalent coursework in philosophy). The application must include three letters of recommendation from those in a position to comment on a student’s potential for graduate study in philosophy (normally former or current teachers), a philosophical essay (writing sample) representing the applicant’s best work in philosophy, a statement of purpose , and transcripts . Foreign students from non-English speaking countries are generally also required to submit their scores on the TOEFL or IELTS exam (this may be waived in special cases, e.g. for students who have a prior degree from an institution in the US or a degree from an English speaking country listed here ).

Advice for Applicants:

1.      The letters of recommendation:  Ideally, all of your writers should be philosophy professors who know your work well, and can comment on your achievements and promise in philosophy. You should provide them with your statement of purpose, writing sample, and other samples of your written work in philosophy to help them in writing their letter. 

2.      The writing sample  serves as your ‘philosophical audition’: it is our chance to evaluate your philosophical work and abilities first-hand. This should be a substantive and polished paper (ideally: 12-20 pages) on a core philosophical topic, showing your ability to master a topic and contribute to a debate. It is also somewhat helpful if it is in the area of philosophy in which you intend to work. Do not submit writing samples on non-philosophical topics; that will not help your application.

3.      The statement of purpose:  Should be no more than 1-2 pages (single spaced), and should outline why you intend to pursue graduate work in philosophy (be specific here: don’t just appeal to love of philosophy, which nearly all applicants share). You should also discuss what sorts of topics and issues you hope to work on, and why you think our department would be a good fit for your interests. If there is anything you think we should know about your academic record that won’t show up in the official documents, this would also be a good place to mention it.

4.      GRE and transcripts: GRE scores are not required. We do not make use of any GPA ‘cut-off’ scores, but rather evaluate applications holistically. With respect to GPA, we are generally more interested in your grades in philosophy courses than in other subjects, and are more interested in recent than in distant past grades. We will also be concerned to see how much academic background you have in philosophy. Students who do not have a major or nearly equivalent coursework in philosophy are generally better off applying to one of the many good free-standing MA programs in philosophy first, and thereafter applying to Ph.D. programs like ours. Official transcripts from all institutions attended are required and should be sent to the Department. A copy of the transcript may be emailed to the department and serve as a place holder only until the official transcript arrives. Official e-transcripts should be sent to [email protected] . Otherwise, they can be mailed to the Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, 1252 Memorial Drive, Ashe 721, Coral Gables, FL 33124. 

The deadline for applications for admission and financial aid is: January 5, 2025

Students who have difficulty meeting the deadline or have any other questions or concerns should contact the Director of Graduate Studies.

Pay by Credit/Debit Card - Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover For administrative questions regarding application materials, the status of your application, etc., please contact [email protected]. For questions of an academic nature about the program, contact the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Simon Evnine. He can be reached via e-mail at [email protected]

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University of South Florida

Department of Philosophy

College of Arts and Sciences

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Philosophers Wanted!

Philosophers Wanted!

We are searching for two Assistant Professors of Instruction, one each for the St. Petersburg and Tampa campuses of USF. Applied ethicists, don't be shy!

Teaching Teachers

Heather Brant

A unique hallmark of our doctoral program is our Graduate Instruction Methods seminar, developed by Dr. Heydt. Presidential Doctoral Scholar Heather Brant discusses it in this APA Blog Post.

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Phd in global and sociocultural studies.

The PhD in Global and Sociocultural Studies is an innovative interdisciplinary degree which combines the theories and practices of three key social science disciplines; geography, sociocultural anthropology, and sociology. All students receive interdisciplinary training and the opportunity to focus their coursework and dissertation research in one of the three disciplines. Of the minimum 75 semester hours required for the doctoral degree, 12 comprise the interdisciplinary core, 33 the major discipline, and 30 the electives inside and outside the Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies.

Global & Sociocultural Studies Graduate Student Handbook   GSS Graduate Student Handbook

FIU Graduate Catalog- Official Document on Program Requirements

The Ph.D. Degree Requirements

The Ph.D. program consists of 75 semester hours of course work (including the 36 hours a student may have earned in the Department's M.A. program). Students acquire competencies in theory, methods and proposal writing during the first two years of the Ph.D. program by successfully completing a common interdisciplinary core curriculum of 12 hours of coursework.

In addition to the common core curriculum, each Ph.D. program student declares a major in Geography, Sociocultural Anthropology or Sociology. Each major consists of the corresponding disciplinary theory course; one approved methods course, a minimum of two discipline-based seminars; and a dissertation supervised by a faculty member from the major discipline. A student may declare only one major. As student's progress through the program, they increasingly pursue their own research interests by taking elective courses across the disciplines and by working with their committee to prepare a doctoral dissertation. A student takes a minimum of 30 hours of electives.

A grade of “B” or higher must be earned in all courses and a cumulative average of 3.0 or higher must be maintained. Students may apply to transfer a maximum of 6 graduate credit hours earned in another program or institution. An exception is made for courses contained within an earned master’s or doctoral degree.

After completing the common core curriculum and the major's course requirements, and while continuing to take electives, a student typically takes the Ph.D. General Exam at the end of the third year of study. A student then takes the Dissertation Proposal and Defense/Candidacy Exam, prepares a dissertation under the guidance of a faculty committee, and defends the dissertation before the committee and the University community.

Core Courses (12 Credits)

  • ISS 6346 Theory and Inquiry
  • ISS 6305 Research Design and Methods
  • ISS 6306 Writing Research Proposals
  • ISS 6317 Social Research Quantitative Methods I

Major's Requirements (33)

  • GEO 6118 Theory in Geography (3)
  • One additional methods course taught within the Department, for which GIS may be used. (3)
  • One additional theory course, either ANT 6083 Theory in Anthropology or SYA 6018 Theory in Sociology
  • Geography course electives (6 minimum)
  • Exam Prep GEO 7964 (6 maximum)
  • Dissertation, GEO 7980, supervised by a member of the geography faculty (15 minimum)

Sociocultural Anthropology

  • Theory in Anthropology (ANT 6083).
  • One additional theory course, either GEO 6118 Theory in Geography or SYA 6018 in Sociology
  • Anthropology course electives (6 minimum)
  • Exam Prep ANG 7964 (6 maximum)
  • Dissertation, ANG 7980, supervised by a member of the anthropology faculty (15 minimum)
  • SYA 6018 Theory in Sociology (3)
  • One additional theory course, either GEO 6118 Theory in Geography or ANT 6083 Theory in Anthropology
  • Sociology course electives (6 minimum)
  • Exam Prep SYA 7967 (6 maximum)
  • Dissertation, SYA 7980, supervised by a member of the sociology faculty (15 minimum)

General Electives (30)

Students will take 30 hours beyond the common core curriculum and the majors’ requirements. This includes a maximum of one directed studies course (three hours). Students are allowed a maximum of two courses (six hours) taken in other departments. In some circumstances, such as the case of a student pursuing a graduate certificate, the Graduate Director may approve additional coursework outside of the department.

Total Credits (75)

Ph.d. general examination.

After successfully completing the common core requirements, the major's course requirements, and electives, a student prepares for the Ph.D. General Exam by enrolling in a maximum of six credits of exam preparation for their major. In preparation for the exam, a student forms a dissertation committee according to the regulations published on the University Graduate School web page (   http://gradschool.fiu.edu ). The Ph.D. General Exam addresses the student’s anticipated dissertation topic conducted according to the University Graduate School Policies and Procedures Manual and the Department’s Ph.D. General Exam guidelines.

The Dissertation Proposal and Defense/Candidacy Exam

After passing the Ph.D. General Exam, a student works under the guidance of the dissertation committee to prepare a dissertation proposal and defend it orally before the committee. The chair of the dissertation committee must hold Dissertation Advisor Status from the University Graduate School. The proposal defense serves as the doctoral candidacy exam for the Ph.D. program in Global and Sociocultural Studies. Upon passing the proposal defense, a student is admitted to candidacy status.

The Dissertation and Dissertation Defense

After successfully defending a dissertation proposal, a student conducts the proposed research and completes a dissertation under the guidance of a dissertation committee. Only after successfully defending the dissertation proposal may a student register for dissertation hours (ANG 7980, GEO 7980, or SYA 7980). The Ph.D. program requires a student to be continuously enrolled in a minimum of 3 hours of Doctoral Dissertation each semester from the time of advancement to candidacy until completion of the dissertation, including summers. Upon completion of the dissertation manuscript and authorization by the committee, a student defends the dissertation before the committee and the University community. The University Graduate School’s regulations governing the dissertation are described at   http://gradschool.fiu.edu .

FSU | Department of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy

College of Arts and Sciences

Graduate (MA/PhD) Admissions

Ready to apply.

Click the appropriate link below to find instructions for the application procedure:

  • Domestic Applicants
  • International Applicants
  • Readmission Applicants  (enrolled as a degree-seeking graduate student at FSU in the past seven years)

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you submit your application, you will receive an e-mail with a link to your application status page.  The status page contains the modules for uploading your supporting documents and entering the contact information for your letter writers.

We ask that you submit three letters of recommendation, a resume/curriculum vitae, a statement of purpose, copies of your test scores and transcripts, and a writing sample that does not exceed 20 double-spaced, typed pages.  Applicants must submit official test scores and transcripts to the Office of Admissions.

GRE scores are now an optional component of applications to our MA and PhD programs. The department reviews each application holistically, so, for those applicants who choose to submit GRE scores, these are merely one data point among several; they are not used to filter out any applications. And their absence has no negative impact. When GRE scores are not submitted, the applicant will be assessed entirely on the basis of the required materials as far as admission to the graduate program, and departmental funding, are concerned. 

No, but you do need a background in Philosophy (or the equivalent of a minor in Philosophy, i.e., at least 12 credit hours)

The deadline to ensure full consideration of your application for admission and funding is  January 2nd . However, applications will be accepted until the final application deadline of March 31st.

PhD applicants who wish to be considered for the MA program if not accepted to the PhD program should indicate such interest at the end of their statement of purpose.

All applicants are automatically considered for a teaching assistantship by the department, and any student admitted to the program (either MA or PhD) is typically offered one. A teaching assistantship is a funding award that includes a stipend, a tuition waiver, and health insurance, and requires that the student work as a teaching assistant. In addition, there are some departmental fellowships available, which are offered to exceptional PhD applicants by the department. University fellowships are special financial awards offered by the university. They are competitive, with only a few being offered each year across all disciplines within the university. For a complete list of university fellowships and their requirements, please consult the FSU graduate school fellowships and grants page.

Florida State University's Institution Code is 5219.

The university requires a minimum GPA of 3.0. Successful applicants will typically have a very strong background in Philosophy, with a GPA of 3.8 or higher

You may send them in one large envelope as long as you have each of your letter-writers seal the envelopes and sign across the seal before you collect the letters. Otherwise, the recommenders should mail their letters separately.

We ask that you do not submit more than three. You can help us keep the application process fair and efficient by submitting the requested number of letters.

We ask that you submit only one writing sample for the same reason we ask you to submit only three letters of recommendation: it helps preserve the fairness and efficiency of the application process.

Please submit only the materials requested, and only in the numbers requested. The Graduate Admissions Committee considers the materials requested to be those most relevant to making admissions decisions.

Yes. University Admissions will not consider your application to be complete until they receive official transcripts from all of your previous institutions.

You should contact  [email protected] .

Sometimes your application is complete with the Department of Philosophy, but incomplete with University Admissions. This situation can occur because the Department of Philosophy considers your file complete once we have the information required to make an admissions decision. University Admissions, however, will consider your application incomplete until they have received and processed your application fee and official copies of your transcripts. We cannot officially admit you until your file is complete with University Admissions.

We endeavor to make admissions decisions as early as possible in the calendar year, so we hope to inform applicants about their status by the end of February. We adhere to the  Council of Graduate Schools Resolution  concerning offers of funding, which sets an April 15 deadline for the acceptance of funding offers.

If you do not find your question or concern answered here, please contact Dr. Andrea Westlund, Director of Graduate Admissions, by e-mail at [email protected]   or by completing the inquiry form below.


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phd philosophy florida

Shadi Heidarifar, PhD, MA

Assistant Professor in Bioethics

  • PhD – Philosophy, University of Florida
  • MA – Philosophy, University of Western Ontario
  • BA – Philosophy, University of Tehran

Dr. Shadi Heidarifar joined the Roseman University College of Medicine (RUCOM) in the Fall of 2024 as the Assistant Professor in Bioethics in the College of Medicine and a Graduate Faculty in the College of Graduate Studies. She has won multiple awards, grants, and fellowships for her graduate research, including the Association for Academic Women’s Emerging Scholar Award and CLAS Dissertation Fellowship at the University of Florida and the Educating Character Initiative Professional Development Grant at Wake Forest University. She focuses on student-centered learning, promoting intellectual and moral growth. With the Educating Character Initiative Grant, she is developing a non-Western AI ethics curriculum for non-humanities students.

Dr. Heidarifar research focuses on taking a virtue approach to social ontology and epistemology. As an extension of this theoretical framework, she focuses on gendered and ethnoracialized social structures in her empirically informed project, especially in education, healthcare, and technology. Her research is reflected in her upcoming book project, Exceptional Women [tentative title], where she focuses on all-or-nothing attitudes to women’s healthcare, its result, false consciousness as a structural epistemic vice, and how the healthcare professionals’ unique epistemic situatedness can either help overcome false consciousness or further reinforce it depending on the type of education they receive.

Teaching Areas and research interests:

  • Feminist Bioethics
  • Women’s Healthcare
  • Ethics of Technology
  • Data Ethics
  • Data Feminism
  • Virtue Ethics
  • Virtue Epistemology
  • Character Education
  • Feminist Philosophy

Select Peer-Reviewed Publications:

  • Heidarifar S. From gender segregation to epistemic segregation: a case study of the school system in Iran. J Philos Educ . 2023;57(4-5):901-922. doi:10.1093/jopedu/qhad068

Last updated: 08/27/2024


Our courses delivery methods are: online, streaming and in-person available in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Theology

Doctor, theology.

  • Description
  • Academic Curriculum
  • Describe the dynamics of congregational analysis;
  • Perform advanced scholarly research and make contributions to the field;
  • Integrate Theological understanding with human need in a contemporary framework;
  • Identify all branches of theology and be able to apply them in the exposition and communication of Scriptures both orally and in writing; 
  • Effectively communicate one’s research to other scholars and summarize its findings.
  • Enrollment Application filled and signed.
  • Master's Degree.
  • Diplomas of previous studies are requested but not required.
  • A certificate of completion of a course previously taken in the language of your choice is a requirement to prove your fluency in your preference language.
  • Official Transcripts of previous studies.
  • Copy of official identification.
  • Debit Authorization (if desired).
  • A passport type photo.
  • Pastoral Ordination, if applicable.
CH7037    Assessment for Excellence 3
TH7420   Apologetics 3
TH8416    Mission Theology 3
BI8606    Harmony of the Gospels 3
MN7521   Study of the Church Growth Movement 3
TH7413   Angelology 3
CM7405   Homiletics Applied 3
TH7310   Eschatology II 3
MN8106   Spiritual Authority I 3
MN8107   Spiritual Authority II 3
IN7601    Scientific Investigation: Theory 3
IN7602    Scientific Investigation: Project 3
IN8603    Dissertation: Research 6
IN8604   Dissertation: Writing 3
IN8605    Dissertation: Defense 6
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3

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Department of Political Science College of Social Science

I am a PhD candidate in political philosophy with an emphasis on ancient political philosophy. My other research interests include modern political philosophy, 20th century political philosophy, statesmanship, American political thought, politics and literature, and William Shakespeare and politics. My dissertation, “Philosophical Politics: Tension between Philosophy and Politics in Cicero’s  Republic ”, is an interpretation of the political doctrine of Marcus Tullius Cicero. In it, I examine how contemporary debates regarding the effects of philosophy on politics appeared already in the writings of Cicero, who was himself both a philosopher and a statesman. The dissertation begins with a history of the critique of philosophy in the 20th century through a sketch of the intellectual portraits of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Michael Oakeshott, Leo Strauss and Hannah Arendt. Then, it moves into how those thinkers’ thoughts are prefigured in Cicero’s  Republic . The bulk of the dissertation is a close reading of Books 1, 2 and 6 of Cicero’s  Republic . While Cicero begins the  Republic  with a damning critique of philosophers which continues in the form of speeches by Laelius, one of the interlocutors in the dialogue, the  Republic  also provides a counterargument defending philosophy in the form of speeches by Scipio, the main interlocutor of the dialogue. The dissertation examines the dialectics between Scipio and Laelius which culminate in the most famous section of the dialogue, “The Dream of Scipio”, a wide-ranging speech about politics, philosophy, music and astronomy. I have also finished a manuscript on Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Emile entitled, “Rousseau’s Moral Vegetarianism in Emile”. In this article, I examine how Jean-Jacques Rousseau defended vegetarianism, both scientifically and morally, and how this defense is related to Rousseau’s overall moral thought. Besides my dissertation, I am also working on critiques of totalitarianism in Evelyn Waugh’s works,  Love among the Ruins  and  Decline and Fall .  Another project I have embarked on is the examination of love in Shakespeare’s  A Midsummer Night’s Dream . A native of Myanmar, I received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and classics at the Great Books program at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  

Research and Teaching Interests

Ancient Political Philosophy, Modern Political Philosophy, 20th century Political Philosophy, American Political Thought, Statesmanship, Politics and Literature, William Shakespeare and Politics Curriculum Vitae

[email protected]

Tianhong Ying

Hire an MSU PhD


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2024 Reference Scores For Admission

The Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT) is a multi-disciplinary department that embraces chemistry, biology, biochemistry and biochemical engineering. In keeping with the mission of PolyU, ABCT focuses on providing high-quality education and building our strength in basic and applied research to meet the requirements of a rapidly changing society.

Please visit our website  for more information about our research areas and programmes.

Biological research within the ABCT department covers a wide spectrum, from the molecular to the cellular and to the organism levels, with the aim of tackling some of the most important and challenging issues in biological research today. A full list of our biological research areas can be found herein.

Biochemistry and Biophysics

3400 8610
3400 8662
3400 8667
3400 8611
3400 8881
3400 8661
3400 8810
3400 8612
3400 2614
3400 8792
3400 8730
3400 8711
3400 8706


3400 8682
3400 8611
3400 8083
3400 8706


3400 8610
3400 8662
3400 8682
3400 8799
3400 8661
3400 8611
3400 8674
3400 2614
3400 8730
3400 8083
3400 8706

Cancer Biology

3400 8610
3400 8662
3400 8728
3400 8699
3400 8705
3400 8799
3400 8881
3400 8661
3400 2681  
3400 8722
3400 8608
3400 8674
3400 8711
3400 8706

Chinese Medicine

3400 8699
3400 8722
3400 8792

Environmental Biology

3400 8705
3400 8662
3400 8728
3400 8799
3400 8661
3400 2681  


3400 8662
3400 8682
3400 8661
3400 8722
3400 8730

Molecular Biology

3400 8662
3400 8728
3400 8699
3400 8799
3400 8667
3400 8881
3400 8661
3400 8810
3400 8722
3400 8608
3400 8867
3400 8792
3400 8730
3400 8706

Molecular Pathology

3400 8728
3400 8699
3400 8799
3400 2681  
3400 8722
3400 8682
3400 2681  
3400 8722
3400 8792
3400 8711

Structural Biology 

3400 8667
3400 8611
3400 8792
3400 8730
3400 8706

Chemical research in the ABCT department is led by academics covering a wide spectrum of areas, divided into the categories listed below. The Department is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to support interdisciplinary collaborations and high-level research on topics from fundamental concepts to practical applications. 

Analytical Chemistry

3400 8734
3400 8661
3400 8686
3400 8792

Carbon Nanomaterials

3400 8720
3400 8605
3400 8733 

Chemical Biology

3400 8610
3400 8662
3400 8682
3400 8713
3400 8699
3400 8667
3400 8611
3400 8705
3400 8680
3400 8663
3400 8661
3400 8810
3400 8612
3400 8686
3400 8674
3400 8670
3400 8871
3400 8792
3400 8711

Environmental Chemistry and Technology

3400 8734
3400 8705
3400 8696
3400 8886
3400 8720
2766 7597
3400 8863
3400 8747

Inorganic Chemistry

3400 8713
3400 8679
3400 8680
3400 2669
3400 8684
3400 8886
3400 8695
2766 7597
3400 8605
3400 8612
3400 8686
3400 8670
3400 8789
3400 8725
3400 8863
3400 8712

Materials Chemistry

3400 2615
3400 8713
3400 2659
3400 8887
3400 8679
3400 8696
3400 8663
3400 2669
3400 8721
3400 8684
3400 8886
3400 8702
3400 8720
3400 8695
2766 7597
3400 8764
3400 8605
3400 8686
3400 8670
3400 8733
3400 2614
3400 8863
3400 8712
3400 8747
3400 8083
2766 6441

Medicinal Chemistry

3400 8662
3400 8667
3400 8661
3400 8810
3400 8674

Organic Chemistry

3400 2615
3400 8663
3400 8810
3400 8702
3400 8871
3400 8725
3400 8747
3400 8083

Physical Chemistry

3400 2659
3400 8679
3400 8709
3400 8696
3400 8747
2766 6441

Photochemistry and Photophysics

3400 8887
3400 8663
3400 8605
3400 8612
3400 8747
3400 8083

Polymer Chemistry

3400 8684
3400 8720
3400 8605
3400 8733 
3400 8083
2766 6441

Supramolecular Chemistry

3400 8663

Please visit our website  for more information about our research facilities.

Compulsory - Two Academic Referee's Reports are required for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), PolyU Research Postgraduate Scholarship (PRPgS) and PolyU Presidential PhD Fellowship Scheme (PPPFS).

Identify and invite two academics who are familiar with your academic performance and achievements. Proposed supervisor(s) from the PolyU, proposed supervisor(s) from the partner institution (if any), and persons from non-academic backgrounds are not considered appropriate academic referees. 

Provide complete and accurate information on your referees, including their email addresses under a university or an organisation, in your online application.

Compulsory – A standard form must be used for the submission of research proposal.  Please click  here  to download the form.

Compulsory – Please upload all academic qualifications including Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree (if any) according to the University’s admission requirements , also refer to the ‘ Procedures – Guidelines for Submitting Supporting Documents ’ to follow the submission requirements. 

phd philosophy florida

Green Energy & Carbon Neutrality

Machine Learning & Computational Physics

Nanomaterials & Micro/Nanoelectronics

Photonics, Plasmonics & Optoelectronics

Quantum Physics & Devices

Applied Optimisation and Optimal Control

Applied Statistics

Data Science

Engineering and Computational Mathematics

Financial Mathematics

Food Safety and Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance under One Health Framework

Food Sustainability

Functional Foods and Chinese Medicine

Microbiome in Nutrition and Human Health

Nutrition and Human Health: The Emergence of Precision Nutrition

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  • School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED)
  • School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)

14 sets of twins and one set of triplets graduate from the same high school class

phd philosophy florida

The  graduating class  at this Florida high school will make you do a double — and triple — take.

Fourteen sets of  twins  and one set of triplets gradua t ed June 5 from Cooper City High School in Cooper City, Florida, about 40 minutes outside of Miami.

The group comprised about 6% of the 543 graduates.

“It was very special as they would come across the stage; I would shake their hand and give one a diploma, and then the second one would come over to do the same thing,” Vera Perkovic, the school’s principal, tells TODAY.com.

“It kind of just symbolized they’re their own person, but also, they have been together all these years as twins,” she adds.

Cooper City High School Principal Vera Perkovic referenced the twins and triplets in the class during her speech at graduation.Courtesy Broward County Public Schools

Among the graduates are two sets of identical twins and 12 sets of fraternal twins,  NBC 6, our South Florida station, reported .

Twins Jocelyn and Gabrielle Reed.

Gabrielle and Jocelyn Reed are one such set of identical twins.

“It was a great moment. It was also just bizarre because you raise twins, and everything is two at once,” Gabrielle and Jocelyn’s father, Aaron Reed, tells TODAY.com. “So, on some levels, it was twice as exciting, but it was also twice as chaotic and overwhelming.”

The sisters have attended school together since pre-K. Come August, they will go their separate ways for college.

Gabrielle is headed to Cornell University, while Jocelyn will attend Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Twins Jocelyn and Gabrielle Reed.

“I’m just really excited to go somewhere separate and be on my own,” Gabrielle says. “Everywhere I go, I’m lumped together with her and not really seen as my own person, so I’m really excited to be able to have my own experiences.”

As the editor of Cooper City High School’s yearbook, Jocelyn was always aware of the number of twins in her class, but it wasn’t until the group was in a room together that she realized just how special it is to have that many multiples.

“When you’re a twin, people treat you as a spectacle,” Jocelyn said. “So, it was crazy to see that it’s so common and that there are so many people that are also twins.”

Cooper City High School’s class of 2024 graduated June 5 at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.Vera Perkovic / Courtesy Broward County Public Schools

Broward County Public Schools believes the graduates have set a county record as most sets of twins to simultaneously graduate from one school.

Some of the students even created a slogan to commemorate their unique graduating class: “Twice as nice and triple the fun.”

Amanda is an editorial intern at TODAY.com and was born and raised in Miami, Florida.


  1. The 10 Best PhD Programs in Florida (2024)

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    phd philosophy florida

  3. Department of Philosophy

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  4. Department of Philosophy

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  5. Sean Erwin, PhD : Faculty : Department of Theology and Philosophy

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  6. Getting Into a PhD Philosophy Program in the US

    phd philosophy florida


  1. Trayvon Martin Illuminati Ritual outside of law

  2. The University of Florida: Inspirational leadership and unstoppable momentum


  4. How to Write PhD Research Proposal in Philosophy (English Version) by Nirmalya Narayan Chakraborty

  5. PhD by Distance Learning at Manchester Met Uni

  6. What is philosophy according to scholars?


  1. Graduate Studies in Philosophy at UF

    Graduate Studies in Philosophy at UF Advanced study in philosophy is challenging and demanding. Our graduate program is designed to provide students with systematic, advanced training in the discipline. For those with a deep and abiding interest in fundamental philosophical issues about ourselves and our world, the opportunity to study philosophy at this level is tremendously exciting. The ...

  2. How to Apply

    We invite interested students to apply for either or MA or PhD program in Philosophy. On this page, please find information on the programs, deadlines, funding, and so on, as […]

  3. PhD

    The Department prides itself on providing an inclusive, friendly and congenial atmosphere for doing philosophy, with many opportunities for informal interaction among students and faculty including workshops, conferences, colloquia and post-colloquium dinners.

  4. Philosophy < University of Florida

    Program Information. The Department of Philosophy offers graduate degree programs leading to the M.A. and the Ph.D. degrees in Philosophy. Graduate students enjoy a supportive community. Teaching assistants are provided with shared office space, and most graduate students participate in organizing a yearly conference, the Southeast Graduate ...

  5. MA/PhD in Philosophy

    Philosophy Graduate Student Association In addition, the Philosophy Graduate Student Association (PGSA) sponsors regular informal discussions on topics ranging from freedom and responsibility to non-western philosophy. The PGSA also annually co-sponsors a Graduate Student Conference with graduate students from the University of Florida.

  6. Study Philosophy at UF

    The UF Philosophy Department will host its annual Food and Talk event on November 9 at 6pm in the Ustler Hall atrium. The event is free and open to all UF undergraduates. October 13, 2023.

  7. Graduate Programs

    The Department of Philosophy offers a Ph.D. in Philosophy with two concentrations, a general concentration in philosophy and another in philosophy and religion. Ph.D. requirements include 82 hours of coursework, at least one language other than English, a comprehensive examination, and a dissertation. Please see the current USF graduate catalog ...

  8. Philosophy Department < University of Florida

    The Department is dedicated both to pursuing high quality research and providing a rigorous education to its graduate students, whether pursuing just the M.A. or the Ph.D. Faculty provide philosophical expertise in a wide variety of areas, including ancient philosophy, modern philosophy, ethical theory, political theory, ethics of technology, bioethics, philosophy of education, metaphysics ...

  9. Doctor of Philosophy

    Doctor of Philosophy The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research-oriented degree requiring independent mastery of a field of knowledge. As such, the Graduate School and MAE offers considerable flexibility in tailoring individual programs.

  10. How To Apply

    The application must include three letters of recommendation from those in a position to comment on a student's potential for graduate study in philosophy (normally former or current teachers), a philosophical essay (writing sample) representing the applicant's best work in philosophy, a statement of purpose, and transcripts .

  11. USF Department of Philosophy

    The Philosophy program at South Florida aims to produce teachers and scholars with a deep understanding of philosophy and a broad knowledge of its history. We welcome a diversity of approaches to the study of philosophy, including analytic, continental, historical, literary, and multicultural.

  12. Department of Philosophy

    Philosophy at Florida State With bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programs, the Department of Philosophy prepares students to think well about philosophical issues of perennial and contemporary importance.

  13. 2023-2024 Top Philosophy Graduate Programs in Florida

    Compare the top philosophy graduate schools in Florida. Find top graduate schools offering masters in philosophy degrees in Florida and PhD in philosophy programs in Florida.

  14. Graduate

    About In 1965, Florida State University's Department of Philosophy implemented its bachelor's and master's degree programs, and — for the first time in the state of Florida — instituted a doctoral degree program in Philosophy.

  15. Philosophy Doctorates & PhD's in Philosophy in Florida

    Philosophy Doctorates & PhD's in Philosophy in Florida With a doctorate of philosophy in Florida, you can pursue a career in research or as a philosophy professor or teacher. Whether you want to become an independent scholar or share your knowledge with others, there is a philosophy graduate program for you.

  16. PhD in Global and Sociocultural Studies

    The PhD in Global and Sociocultural Studies is an innovative interdisciplinary degree which combines the theories and practices of three key social science disciplines; geography, sociocultural anthropology, and sociology. All students receive interdisciplinary training and the opportunity to focus their coursework and dissertation research in ...

  17. Graduate Courses

    This course is designed to familiarize incoming graduate students with the expectations and standards of graduate level work in philosophy. In particular, it aims to develop the tools necessary to read, write, and converse about philosophy at the graduate level. We will study and discuss a wide range of papers, drawn from many areas of philosophy and written in a variety of philosophical styles.

  18. The Ph.D. Degree

    The Graduate School declares that the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is a research degree and is granted on evidence of general proficiency, distinctive attainment in a special field, and particularly on ability for independent investigation as demonstrated in a dissertation presenting original research with a high degree of literary skill.

  19. Doctor of Philosophy with Major in Computer Science

    Doctor of Philosophy with Major in Computer Science. The PhD in Computer Science program (PhD CS) prepares students for academic careers in higher education, for careers as research scientists at high-tech companies and research labs, and senior positions in computer science related fields. Topics of study include software engineering ...

  20. Graduate (MA/PhD) Admissions

    Florida State University's Institution Code is 5219. What is the minimum GPA required for admission? The university requires a minimum GPA of 3.0. Successful applicants will typically have a very strong background in Philosophy, with a GPA of 3.8 or higher.

  21. Shadi Heidarifar, PhD, MA

    PhD - Philosophy, University of Florida; MA - Philosophy, University of Western Ontario; BA - Philosophy, University of Tehran; Biography: Dr. Shadi Heidarifar joined the Roseman University College of Medicine (RUCOM) in the Fall of 2024 as the Assistant Professor in Bioethics in the College of Medicine and a Graduate Faculty in the ...

  22. Doctor of Philosophy in Theology

    Doctor of Philosophy in Theology. This program will equip the student with the knowledge of methods of qualitative, historical, and practical theological research, to grow in the understanding of the biblical, historical and theological warrants for contemporary ministerial practice and to develop effectiveness in the expository communication ...

  23. Minn Thant

    About Me. I am a PhD candidate in political philosophy with an emphasis on ancient political philosophy. My other research interests include modern political philosophy, 20th century political philosophy, statesmanship, American political thought, politics and literature, and William Shakespeare and politics.

  24. Meet the staff: Enterprise Reporter Jack Lemnus joins TCPalm

    Jack Lemnus is a 2023 graduate of the University of Florida who majored in journalism and minored in Spanish. He is the first member of his family to pursue journalism, hailing from a tradition of ...

  25. Faculty

    Current Faculty Dr. Jaime Ahlberg Email: jlahlberg Associate Professor Dr. Robert Beddor Email: r.beddor Assistant Professor Dr. Rodrigo Borges Email: rodrigo.borges Assistant Instructional Professor Dr. Cameron Buckner Email: cameron.buckner Professor and Donald F. Cronin Chair in the Humanities Dr. Chris Dorst Email: cdorst Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator Dr. Molly Gardner Email ...

  26. ABCT

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) 哲學博士 / 哲學碩士 Research PhD - Full-time & Part-time ... Compulsory - Two Academic Referee's Reports are required for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), PolyU Research Postgraduate Scholarship (PRPgS) and PolyU Presidential PhD Fellowship Scheme (PPPFS).

  27. Placement Record

    Placement of MA graduates. The table below gives for each year from 2013 to 2024 the number of MA degrees conferred that year, the number of those students seeking placement in a philosophy PhD program, and information on programs to which they were successfully admitted (with funding). Each program listed admitted just one of our graduates ...

  28. 14 sets of twins and one set of triplets graduate from the same high

    Fourteen sets of twins and one set of triplets graduated June 5 from Cooper City High School in Cooper City, Florida, about 40 minutes outside of Miami. The group comprised about 6% of the 543 ...