10 Resume Profile Examples (And How to Write Yours)

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Imagine you've got everything covered in your resume : You listed your past experiences, included keywords from the job description, and pared it down to design elements an applicant tracking system (ATS) can parse. Now it’s an accurate representation of your professional qualifications—but you still can’t shake the feeling that who you are as a person is getting a bit lost. That’s where a resume profile comes in.

Adding this section to your resume is a good way to show more of your personality while still being professional. Curious? Read on to find out exactly what a resume profile is, and how to write yours—including examples.

What is a resume profile?

A resume profile is a few concise sentences or bullet points that can be placed at the top of your resume (below the header). It “describes who you are as a professional,” says Muse career coach Yolanda Owens , founder of CareerSensei and who also worked as a college corporate recruiter for more than 20 years.

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Career professionals don’t all agree on the exact contents of a resume profile, or even on whether it’s different from a resume summary . So you have a bit of flexibility in how you think about yours and what you include in it.

For example, you might think of a resume profile as a way to “tell the reader who you are, what you do, and what you’re looking for,” so that you can grab their attention and “quickly showcase your accomplishments,” says Muse career coach and former recruiter Jennifer Smith , founder of Flourish Careers .

Or you might approach your resume profile like Owens does, as the equivalent to “a dating profile that describes how you see yourself at work, and the type of work environment that makes you feel productive and purposeful.”

What’s the difference between a resume summary and a profile?

While some career coaches may use the terms resume summary and resume profile interchangeably, others treat them differently.

The first is a quick synopsis of the relevant experiences and skills you bring to a role. The latter can do the same, but it can also focus on your traits and achievements, your story as a professional, and your desires for your next role.

At this point, you might be wondering: If a resume profile includes what you’re looking for in your next role , how is it different from a resume objective ? Some people say that resume objectives are outdated at best and a waste of space at worst. If that’s true, why is a resume profile acceptable?

The difference lies in “the additional context that’s included in the profile,” says Smith. A traditional objective merely states what you’re looking for and maybe a vague reason why. But “the profile goes deeper into who you are and what you do” in addition to what you’re looking for next, connecting your past and present to your future.

Is a resume profile necessary? Who should use it?

Resume profiles can be advantageous for all job seekers, Smith says, especially for those “who are changing either their role or industry.” If you’re a career changer , a strong, explicit resume profile will give you space to tell the reader right up front that, no, you didn’t apply to this job by mistake—this is the next step in your career and here’s why.

Resume profiles are also particularly useful for entry-level job seekers who may need to tie their education and other experiences together more explicitly. If a candidate is writing an entry-level resume , Owens suggests that they “use the profile section to explain what they’re looking for in terms of challenges and learning, and the skills they possess that could potentially add value.”

What to include in a resume profile

Think about what you’d want the person reading your resume to know first. Is it something about your qualifications or your biggest accomplishment? Is it how well you work with others or what your personality adds to a team? This is what should go into your resume profile. You have a few sentences (or bullets) to work with, so don’t restrict yourself to highlighting just one thing.

Here are a few types of information that you can include in a resume profile, according to our coaches:

  • Relevant skills and experiences
  • Relevant achievements and accomplishments
  • Years of experience
  • Strengths as a professional (both soft and hard skills )
  • Signature traits related to the job
  • Personal traits that contribute to your work
  • Qualities you’re looking for in your next role, team, or company
  • Willingness to relocate (if you’re applying to a job not near the location listed on your resume)

What are recruiters looking for in a resume profile?

Don’t underestimate the power of a good first impression to get someone to keep reading the rest of your resume with interest. “The resume profile has an ability to quickly convince a recruiter that the person is a strong, qualified candidate,” says recruiter and Muse career coach Steven Davis , founder and CEO of Renaissance Solutions .

But recruiting isn’t just about making sure candidates have the right skills, Owens says. Recruiters also need to get a feel for whether the team and work environment will be a good match for the candidate long term.

Candidates’ skills and experiences should be well represented throughout their resumes, so as a recruiter, Owens most often “looked at the profile as a way to get a sense of their work persona and gauge environment fit for the role.”

How to write a profile for a resume : 5 steps

Once you know what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in your resume profile and what you’d like to portray, you can follow these tips as you write your own:

1. Keep it concise

Your resume profile should be no more than four sentences or bullet points, and should not have more than 500 characters. Remember recruiters read dozens of resumes daily, so you don't want yours to be unnecessarily long and tiring.

2. Find the format the suits you best

Decide if you want to use either bullet points or paragraph form. Your resume profile can be written as bullet points, but keep in mind that bullet points often take up more space than a paragraph. “To preserve real estate on the resume and attempt to keep it to one to two pages , I always recommend using paragraph format,” Owens says.

3. Consider the position you're applying for

Tailor your profile to the job, but not so much that it’s not true to who you are. If your resume profile is closer to a summary that highlights your key qualifications and accomplishments as they relate to a given job, you should be tailoring it very carefully for each application and incorporating keywords from the job description.

Read more: What it Really Means to "Tailor Your Resume"

However, if your resume profile is more of a personal (but still professionally appropriate) description of yourself, Owens recommends against tailoring it to match each job: “What you don’t want to do is try to tell employers what you think they want to hear,” she says, if it doesn’t reflect who you are. “That’s how you end up in positions where you’re ultimately unhappy.”

4. Quantify your experiences and accomplishments

Whenever possible, quantify your experiences and accomplishments by adding numbers, percentages, and other metrics to your resume profile. Keep in mind that recruiters nowadays not only want to know what you did, but also what you achieved and the exact results of your work.

5. Show some personality

While the rest of your resume won’t let much of your personality shine through, your profile gives you an opportunity for creativity. If you’re applying to a casual company, you can add a splash of personality, but if you’re applying to a more formal organization, it’s best to keep things more buttoned up.

Resume profile: Examples

Want to know what all this advice looks like in action? Check out these 10 resume profile examples for different types of job seekers and professions.

Career changer

Quality-control team lead with 10+ years experience who specializes in making thorough business decisions and leading others through day-to-day operations to achieve excellence. Decided to transition to the outdoor recreation industry during the COVID-19 pandemic after realizing that people, especially children, spend too much time indoors behind computer screens. Excited to bring experience in quality assurance and operations to a management position at an outdoor recreation facility to help people of all ages get outside and enjoy themselves safely.

Recent college graduate or entry-level candidate

Recent magna cum laude animal sciences graduate with a focus on small animal care excited to bring passion and knowledge to a position with an animal shelter or animal-focused nonprofit and learn more about programs that protect animals from euthanasia. As president of the University of Georgia chapter of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians, planned, organized, advertised, and managed a fundraiser that brought in over $20,000 in donations to a local shelter while also placing 43 cats and dogs with adoptive families. Proud dog mom of two former shelter pets, Dakota and Miley (pictures available upon request).

Account Executive (Sales)

Account executive who has been making deals since my first lemonade stand at age four for a total of $20+ million in sales. I love the rush of being on a sales team working toward goals—both in exceeding my own targets and in cheering on my teammates and celebrating their wins. In my current role, I’ve discovered that the most satisfying feeling of all was teaching a few of our SDRs to close deals. Seeing how proud they were of themselves as they got better motivated me to seek out a sales training role at a highly collaborative company.

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A detail-oriented accountant with experience preparing tax and financial reports for charities to be posted publicly online. Evaluated budget (including payroll) for inefficiencies and suggested cost-cutting and time-saving measures that ultimately allowed the nonprofit to put an additional 5% of yearly donations directly into charitable programs. Excited to bring accounting skills to a nonprofit in the public health sector after spending over five years volunteering for public health charities such as the Red Cross and Project N95.

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Customer Service Representative

An empathetic customer service representative who loves getting to talk to new people every day and help them solve problems. Crafted service approach of finding out what customers’ goals are and what their level of expertise in the product was rather than automatically giving boilerplate advice, leading to a 92% customer satisfaction rating. Avid video game player and designer looking to bring this passion to a customer service role for a gaming company.

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Human Resources Manager

Human resources generalist who oversaw the transition of a 100+ employee company to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adept at dealing with the issues facing fully remote or hybrid workforces, including in hiring, professional development, and conflict resolution. Conceived of and instituted DEI programs for employees working from home. Looking for a position with a company that has a fully distributed or hybrid workforce and is committed to increasing diversity in its hiring pool.

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Marketing Manager

Email marketer with 6+ years of experience gathering data-driven insights to make decisions about marketing campaigns. Conceived, proposed, and executed a campaign for a new headphone line across all marketing channels including email, social, content marketing, and print ads, with a total reach of 30 million impressions leading to over $1 million in sales. A team player who has taken the time to learn what each teammate in 10-person marketing department does and even filled in for them when needed. Excited to find a position in a collaborative work environment that oversees marketing campaigns across multiple channels.

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Office Administrator

  • Friendly, organized, and proactive administrative assistant with four years of experience looking to move into an office administrator role
  • Saved office over $3,000 per quarter in supplies by creating new inventory tracking document on Google Sheets, showing other employees how to check supply levels and request orders, and comparing the supply sheet to inventory every two weeks to stop duplicate supply orders
  • Spent four months filling in for office manager during maternity leave

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Project Manager

Looking for a project manager who can save at-risk initiatives and projects and make sure they come in on time and under budget and are fully functional at launch? I’ve held positions in customer care, engineering, product, and communications, so I know how to work with employees in all departments and see a project from multiple angles, ensuring each piece is on track and communicating with stakeholders along the way. I work best in environments where innovation is encouraged and no one expects to wear just one hat.

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Web Developer

  • Back-end web developer with experience using Java, Python, and SQL to develop features for online databases
  • Go-to debugger on team of seven engineers
  • Developed a site (link) that uses television shows you’ve watched to suggest new shows based on the ratings and recommendations of users with similar watch histories, bringing in an average of 10,000 visitors monthly

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personal profile on resume example

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Resume Profile Explained (with Examples)

13 min read · Updated on January 17, 2024

Ken Chase

Make an impact with a knock-out profile

When it comes to job search success, nothing is more important than ensuring that your resume captures an employer's attention. After all, even the best resumes are useless if no one reads them. Of course, that raises an important question: is there anything you can do to make your resume get the attention it deserves?

In this post, we'll explain how a great resume profile can help you to solve that challenge. We'll explain how a resume profile works, when you should use it in your resume, and how to create a profile that immediately commands interest. Finally, we'll provide several resume profile examples that you can customize and use in your own resume.

What is a resume profile?

If you're already familiar with the resume objective statement or resume summary, then the concept of a resume profile should be easy to understand. Put simply, the resume profile is an introductory paragraph that quickly summarizes your skills and experiences in a way that motivates hiring managers to continue reading your resume.

As you'll discover in our resume profile examples later in the post, a great profile focuses attention on your best skills, experience, and achievements. You can think of it as an elevator pitch for your resume - a quick snapshot that provides just enough information to make the reader want to learn more about you.

Related: Make the Perfect First Impression With Your Resume

What types of resume profiles can you use?

To better understand the resume profile, it may help to look at some of the different types of resume profiles that job seekers can use. There are three different types of common profiles, including the objective statement, summary, and summary of qualifications.

Objective statement

The resume objective statement is often considered obsolete, since it tends to focus more on your career goals than the employer's needs. It's often used by entry level workers with little experience or career-changers who need to explain why their skill set makes them a good candidate for the job. To use it effectively, job candidates need to ensure that they include some language that explains how they can benefit the employer if they're hired. For example:

“Creative social media professional with 3 years of experience and proven results. Skilled in cross-platform engagement enhancement and brand development. Looking for an opportunity to work with a company that prioritizes customer experience and brand loyalty. Experience includes increasing customer engagement by 130% over a six-month period.”

Related : Resume Objective Examples: A Career Objective Guide

Summary paragraph

The resume summary has replaced the objective statement in most modern resumes - and for good reason. This brief paragraph may also mention one or two key skills, but its primary focus is on detailing your important work experience and measurable achievements. As a result, the summary is a preferred option for job seekers with significant experience, since it's designed to demonstrate your value as an employee. Below, is an example of this type of profile statement:

“Accomplished Project Manager with more than ten years of successful team building and project execution expertise. Skilled in process development, workflow management, and collaboration with stakeholders. Received Agile Leader award in 2018. While at ABC Corporation, developed personnel resource allocation program that increased project efficiency by 48% in the first year of use.”

Summary of qualifications

The third option is the summary of qualifications. The main difference between this type of summary and the summary paragraph involves the format choice. Instead of being one block of text, it combines a brief paragraph with several bullet point examples of notable achievements. For example:

Dynamic Team Leader with 7 years of experience in customer management, problem-solving, and team building. Proven to increase team productivity, enhance the customer service experience, and provide real value to an employer.

  • Led 30-person team of technical professionals, with 95% customer satisfaction
  • Reorganized project workflow for ABC Corporation, increasing efficiency by 45%
  • Developed training program that reduced employee onboarding costs by 17%

What elements should you include in your resume profile?

Before you create a resume profile, it's important to think about the types of information you want to include for your reader. What types of qualification is the employer evaluating as part of its hiring decision? Does the job description focus primarily on core skills ? Do you have achievements that are likely to make a positive impression on the hiring manager?

There are many different profile elements that you can include, so you'll need to prioritize based on the employers' needs. The fact is that you won't have room in your profile to cover all these different types of information, so choose wisely:

Skills that are relevant to the position you're seeking

Your length of experience

Notable achievements, preferably ones that you can quantify with real numbers

Core personal characteristics that make you a good fit for the role

Your career aspirations - preferably noted in a way that shows how they align with the company's vision

Related : Top 15 Professional Goals and How to Achieve Them

Again, make sure that you focus attention on the job posting, taking note of every key skill and experience that the employer cites as required qualifications. You'll want to tailor your profile - and the rest of your resume - to align with those stated employer needs.

Pro tip: Make special note of those job requirements, since you will want to use the same language in your resume. Those keywords are essential for ensuring that your resume can satisfy any applicant tracking system screening the employer might be using.

You should also do some research to learn more about the company's culture. That will enable you to further tailor your resume profile to include personal traits that highlight how well you'll fit into that environment. Sometimes, those little details can make the difference between you and another similarly qualified candidate.

How to write your own resume profile: tips

When you're ready to create your resume profile, it's important to know how to do it the right way. Since it's the first thing employers will see after they're done reading your contact details, you need to make sure that it's as compelling as possible. The following tips can help.

Write this part of your resume last

Even though your profile section will be near the top of your resume, you should still create this important section last. Why? Well, it's simple: since the resume profile serves as a summary of your qualifications, it's helpful to get the rest of the resume done before you start on that summary.

Make it brief

Be as concise as you can. Again, think of this profile section as a salesperson's elevator pitch. It doesn't need to tell your entire employment story, but should instead serve as a brief highlight of your greatest hits. As a rule, try to restrict this paragraph to no more than four sentences. If you use a summary of qualifications, include just one or two brief sentences and three or four bullet points.

Choose the best profile type for your job search needs

Which type of profile should you create? If you're an entry-level employee, you may want to focus on a modified objective statement - one that focuses on your career goals, while highlighting the ways in which your skills can benefit the employer. If you have more experience, you may want to rely on the summary paragraph. Just be sure to include at least one measurable achievement to highlight your value.

If you're switching careers and need to focus attention on transferable skills, you may even want to rely on a summary of qualifications. Those bullet points can be a great way to emphasize specific skills and highlight the value that you've provided for previous employers.

Tailor the profile to your desired position

Make sure that your profile aligns with the job you're seeking. You can do this by including some core keywords from the job posting, detailing your qualifications. However, make sure that your profile ultimately aligns with who you are as an employee. If you take the tailoring to extremes, you may end up with a profile that fails to accurately represent your personality and character.

Don't be afraid to add personality

Speaking of personality, this is the place to add that personal touch. Your skills, work experience, and education sections are not appropriate for adding personality, but a few well-chosen words in your profile can help the employer to better understand you as a person.

Of course, make sure that your personal flourishes fit with the type of job you're seeking. For example, a few words about your fun work style will be appreciated if you're applying for a customer service or similar position. That same language may not be as useful if you're seeking a role in a law firm. Use your best judgment as you determine how much personality to put into any profile.

Use measurable achievements

We've already mentioned measurable achievements several times, but it's important to highlight them once again. Your resume profile should include at least one quantifiable accomplishment, backed by real numbers that demonstrate the value you've provided. For example:

  • Implemented new networking system that reduced downtime by 33%, improving both efficiency and productivity and providing 12% cost savings for the company
  • Led sales team effort that increased new customer acquisition by 13% while generating $12 million in new revenues in the first six months of the fiscal year
  • Created an online customer engagement program that increased website visits by 45%, enhanced new sales activities by 13%, and boosted revenues by 10% within one quarter of implementation

Resume profile examples you can use

As you might expect, your approach to creating a resume profile can also differ based on the type of job you're seeking. That's because different job roles require different skill sets, experiences, and personal qualities.

To get you started, we've compiled resume profile examples covering a wide variety of professions. You can use these professional profile examples as templates for your profile, or simply refer to them for guidance as you create your own unique resume opening.

Resume profile examples for students

Recent Information Technology graduate focused on operating and security software management. Seeking employment with a dynamic software firm in need of advanced networking and troubleshooting expertise. Experience includes a one-year internship with DynacorpX, providing testing and problem-resolution that helped increase company productivity by 14%.

Resume profile example for entry-level applicants

Friendly, detail-oriented, and organized customer service professional looking to be part of an energetic, mission-focused team.

  • Skilled at developing organizational processes, managing records, and engaging customers
  • Successfully resolved customer complaints, with 90% satisfaction rate while volunteering with FreshStart
  • Broad computer systems expertise, including database and presentation platforms

Resume profile example for career-changers

Personnel-focused Sales Team Leader with 10+ years of experience in team building, training, and sales program development. Looking to transition to a project management role to better use organizational and project implementation skills. While at ABC Corporation, successfully created and executed a sales process reorganization that cut waste by 45%, saving the company more than $40,000 per year.

Related : 21 Project Management Skills Every Project Manager Needs to Succeed

Resume profile example for a Graphic Designer

Dynamic and innovative Graphic Designer with 4 years of experience in the gaming and entertainment industry. Skilled in developing storyboards, character animation, typography, and general layouts. Creative successes include development work on more than 200 unique graphic design projects that helped to generate more than $300 million in revenue.

Resume profile example for a Marketing Manager

Creative Marketing Manager focused on data-driven solutions. More than 8 years of experience in building collaborative teams capable of overcoming any challenge. While at XYZ Inc., led a 10-person team responsible for broadening target audience by 200%, increasing company revenues by 120% over a three-year period. Expertise includes digital marketing campaigns focused on driving new customer acquisition and target audience engagement.

Resume profile example for an Accountant

Detail-oriented finance professional with 7 years of accounting expertise. Proficient in accounting best practices, including creation and management of financial reports, regulatory compliance, tax issues, and budget management and forecasting. Reorganized DEF Corporation's accounting department, reducing inefficiencies by 28%, cutting costs by 19%, and improving productivity by 33%.

Resume profile example for an Administrative Assistant

Reliable Administrative Assistant with 8 years of experience in office management and personal assistance. Comprehensive expertise in presentation development, scheduling management, reporting, and confidentiality. Reorganized filing and reporting systems at Beagle Law, improving client response times by 40%, reducing redundancies, and cutting labor costs by 12%.

Resume profile example for a Data Scientist

Fact-driven Data Scientist with 8 years of experience in data analysis, predictive modeling, and data mining. Proficient with SQL, Python, Tableau, and other common data visualization systems. While at DataCore, took the lead on development of new processes that increased decision-making efficiency by improving the company's ability to use data to gain useful insights. Project resulted in an 18% increase in overall departmental productivity.

Resume profile example for an HR Manager

Personnel-focused HR Manager with 7 years of experience managing human resources functions. Expertise in recruitment, onboarding processes, employee training and relations, and performance reviews. Designed AmAm's new HR policies to align with new firm policies, emphasizing progressive discipline and promotion of a positive work environment. Effort resulted in a 33% reduction in turnover and 43% increase in employee satisfaction.

Resume profile example for a Teacher

Results-oriented educator with 6 years of experience as a middle school Teacher. Expertise in crafting challenging but engaging lesson plans designed to encourage critical thinking and classroom participation in an inclusive way. Dedicated to professional development to stay abreast of current educational best practices and focused on enhancing each student's ability to achieve success. Specific competencies include English, US History, and Basic Civics.

Resume profile example for a Construction Manager

Task-oriented construction professional with more than 10 years of experience in both commercial and residential project management. Led teams responsible for completing more than 60 construction projects valued at more than $40 million dollars, with a 99% on-time and under-budget record of success. Bilingual (English and Spanish) manager with expertise in budget allocation, resource management, project estimates and implementation.

Craft the best possible intro for your resume!

No matter what type of resume profile you decide to use to introduce yourself to prospective employers, your goal should always be the same: to create a powerful and compelling message that inspires employers to read the rest of your resume. The tips and resume profile examples we've provided should ensure that you have everything you need to craft your own profile narrative.

Still not sure if your resume profile has what it takes to capture your reader's interest? Get a free resume review from our team of top experts today!

Recommended reading:

47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

The Best Resume Format to Get Hired

How to Advance Your Career (plus 10 Insightful Tips)

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20+ Resume Profile Examples for All Industries (+ How-to Guide)

20+ Resume Profile Examples for All Industries (+ How-to Guide)

A resume profile is a short paragraph (3–5 sentences) at the top of your resume that summarizes your career so far. It contains only crucial information like your proudest accomplishments, top skills, or key experiences. Based on it, recruiters will instantly know whether you’re a relevant candidate, and they’ll carefully read your resume instead of barely scanning it.

We’ll help you write an attention-grabbing resume profile statement and provide tips on how to pick out the relevant information to include.

You’ll also get 20+ resume profile examples to steal or get inspired by.

After reading this article, you’ll know:

  • How to create an attention-grabbing, high-quality resume profile
  • How to highlight your best achievements
  • How to customize your resume profile statement for each new position (it’s easier than it sounds!)
  • Most common mistakes to avoid

What Is a Resume Profile?

A resume profile is a short block of text at the top of your resume, right below contact information.

It’s an umbrella term for a resume summary and a resume objective . So when you come across the term resume profile or resume profile statement, remember that it basically means a resume summary and occasionally (for candidates who have limited experience) a resume objective. (Click the links above if you want to learn more about what makes these two different.)

A profile section of a resume contains only the key information from your career.

⚠️ Pro tip: It should always be focused on what you can do for the company, not on what you want out of the job. You can negotiate your conditions later on — in a resume profile, you need to show the value you bring to the table.

Let’s take a look at a good resume profile example.

Notice how the candidate focuses on their areas of expertise and backs them up with specific, quantifiable achievements (%). They also mention being excited about joining the company and how they can contribute.

Sample resume profile

Experienced Retail Store Manager with 5+ years in the industry, responsible for leading teams and driving sales. Increased sales year-over-year by 17% and reduced employee churn by 21%. Strong leadership and communication skills, with a demonstrated ability to coach and develop others. Excited about joining Zara’s team and increasing sales through outstanding customer service and organizational skills.

Below is a bad resume profile statement example for the same position.

I’m a dedicated Retail Store Manager. My experience includes managing a store and making sales, as well as onboarding and training new employees. I speak fluent Spanish and possess outstanding communication skills. I’m looking to join a company where I could further develop my sales and managerial skills.

Not horrible? Maybe. But far from stellar. Here’s why:

  • The candidate described their position, even though it’s common knowledge what that position entails.
  • They did not include any quantifiable results or proof of their skills and expertise.
  • This resume profile also lacks powerful words or action verbs that would make it more impactful.
  • Finally, the candidate used a lot of personal pronouns, which is a big no-no (a resume is always written without a subject).

Resume Profile Examples for the Most Popular Industries and Professions

Here’s the list of resume profile examples for different industries and professions. We hope it will help you get inspired to write your own professional profile for a resume efficiently.

(Or you can just copy the example relevant to your industry, tweak the metrics and the wording a bit and you’ll be good to go!)

If you want to learn more about the ins and outs of writing a resume profile and get step-by-step tips for how to create yours, feel free to scroll down to the next section.

Store Manager resume profile

Experienced retail Store Manager with 5+ years of experience in the apparel industry. Strong leadership and communication skills with a demonstrated ability to coach and develop others. Increased sales year-over-year by 21% and decreased employee churn by 17%. Excited about joining Zara’s team and increasing sales through outstanding customer service and managerial skills.

Customer Service Representative resume profile

Patient and highly organized Senior Customer Service Representative with 5+ years of experience in the trucking and logistics industry. Extensive experience with all major electronic logging devices. Successfully finished 2022 with a 97.2% customer satisfaction rate, leading a team of 7. Looking to join Interex’s team, form a Customer Care team, and establish procedures and benchmarks for successful operations.

Call Center Representative resume profile

Resourceful Call Center Representative with 2+ years of experience in the B2B sector. Highly developed communication and problem-solving skills; thrives in fast-paced environments. At Spinfluence, increased customer satisfaction rates by 27% and handled 70-80 customer calls daily. Excited about joining Omnilert and leading customer service initiatives to boost satisfaction rates and company reputation.

Content Writer resume profile

A dedicated recent graduate with M.A. in English language and literature. 5+ years of writing experience for various types of content, including descriptive, analytical, persuasive, and critical content. Winner of the Alexander Rose Memorial Award for Excellence in Creative Writing in 2021. Excited about contributing to Big Interview’s content marketing team with superb research, writing, and editing skills.

Business Development Manager resume profile

A motivated Business Development Manager with more than 8 years of experience in the fashion industry. Secured a $3.2M contract in previous company and boosted yearly revenue by 32%. Excited about contributing to Skill Communication’s revenue with extraordinary marketing and sales knowledge and skills.

Nurse resume profile

Diligent, registered nurse with 15+ years of experience in private and public hospitals throughout Europe. Specialized in ER, ICU, and burn unit. Nurtured over 45,000 patients and increased customer satisfaction by 25% by adopting and implementing new medical quality control procedures. Wants to join Clearwater hospital and contribute to service quality with excellent medical and people skills.

Software Engineer resume profile

Dedicated Software Engineer with more than 4 years of experience in the education industry. Advanced knowledge of Ruby on Rails, Java, JavaScript, SQL Server, and No SQL. Created numerous features for an interviewing and resume-building platform that generated more than 1M users. Eager to join Big Interview and build advanced features for users around the world.

HR Professional resume profile

People-oriented HR professional with 5+ years of experience. Skilled at employee retention and development. Created and implemented a new learning and development system, which resulted in a 32% employee churn decrease. Excited about joining Aventura and building a world-class team with exceptional human capital and workplace culture development skills.

Marketing Manager resume profile

Data-oriented Marketing Manager with 7 years of experience in the advertising industry. Focused on and excelling at content marketing and email marketing. Successfully handled 7 key accounts with a 95% customer satisfaction score. Looking to join Essence’s Marketing team and increase revenue through tried-and-tested marketing tactics.

Security Guard resume profile

Reliable Security Guard with over 10 years of experience in retail settings. Highly skilled in non-violent crisis management. Overlooked the entire building with only 2 safety incidents in the last 3 years. Wants to join Sephora and ensure a safe working environment through outstanding surveillance and property safety skills.

Receptionist resume profile

Dependable Receptionist with 15 years of experience at luxury hotels. Excels at administrative and front-desk tasks. Fluent in Spanish and Italian. In 2022, handled telecommunications and scheduling with 100% accuracy. Excited about building White Lotus’s image through outstanding customer service skills.

Food Delivery resume profile

Efficient and dependable Food Delivery Driver with 2 years of experience. Skilled in meeting strict deadlines in hectic environments. Winner of the Employee of the month award three times in a row at Dominic’s Pizza. Looking to join Vega and drive brand loyalty through punctual, customer-oriented service.

Accountant resume profile

Ethical Accountant with over 20 years of experience in tax accounting and financial auditing. Skilled in data analysis and budgeting. Reduced a client’s overall business expenditure, saving the company $1M over the course of one year. Enthusiastic about joining Lira IT, managing accounting transactions, and improving company profits.

Project Manager resume profile

Highly organized Project Manager with 5 years of experience in the SaaS space. Excels at planning and managing product implementation and development. Planned and forecasted resource requirements with 98% accuracy in the last 2 years. Excited about joining BackEight and building a successful email automation solution.

Administrative Assistant resume profile

Reliable Administrative Assistant with 3 years of experience. Possesses a strong understanding of corporate policies and procedures. Increased Operations’ team productivity by 32% by simplifying existing operational regulations. Looking to join Evito and support the team with outstanding organizational skills.

Teacher resume profile

Dedicated English teacher with 9 years of experience in high schools. Skilled at implementing numerous pedagogical strategies to successfully teach and develop adolescent students. Winner of the Teacher of the Year award in 2022. Excited to join Eagleton High School and contribute to youth education and development through extensive pedagogical experience.

How to Write a Resume Profile

Here’s a foolproof formula for you:

[Your position + years of experience + industry]. [General experience + key skills]. [Your biggest achievements (quantitative or qualitative)]. [How you can contribute to the company you’ve applied for].

And here’s the process of writing a resume profile statement:

Mention your job title and years of experience

List your key skills, mention your top achievements, describe how your past experience can translate into success for the new organization, write your resume profile last.

  • Tailor each resume profile statement to a specific job ad

Let’s break it down and help you craft a show-stopping professional profile for a resume that will land you that interview.

Adding your current (or latest) job title and years of experience (and optionally industry) will give recruiters some context right away. Spice it up with one or two key adjectives that best describe you.

For example:

  • A creative Content Writer with 4+ years of experience in the B2B space.
  • A dedicated Customer Service Representative with 2 years of experience in the trucking and logistics industry.
  • Senior Retail Manager with 9+ years of experience.

In the next sentence, list your key skills relevant to the position. If you’re changing industries or have limited experience, think of relevant transferable skills you could bring up. As always, try to be as specific as possible.

  • Skilled at writing long-form, educational content for one of the top 10 largest HR firms in the US.
  • Highly developed communication and problem-solving skills; thrives in fast-paced environments.
  • Excels at training and leading email marketing teams and driving sales.

Remember those quantifiable achievements you need to list in the Work Experience section ?

It’s time to pick out the most impressive one and list it in the profile section of a resume.

Remember the time you saved the company some money; or increased sales; or engaged and retained customers or team members? List that.

Can’t come up with an impressive achievement?

Think about your duties and view them through the lens of:

  • Frequency: how often you delivered, how many calls you took per day, etc.
  • Scale: how many people you managed, how big the budgets you handled were.
  • Qualitative achievements: if you don’t have hard numbers but you know you did something well, mention it. This can be a promotion, employee of the month award, etc.
  • Increased blog traffic by 21% in 2022.
  • Increased customer satisfaction rates by 19% in 2021 by developing and implementing a new operational policy.
  • Increased monthly sales by 37% in Q3 2022 and decreased employee churn by 13% through a new reward and development program.
  • Winner of the Employee of the Month award 3 months in a row.
  • Successfully taking 50–70 customer calls per day and resolving issues within 10 minutes.

For more help, read all about How to list achievements and accomplishments on a resume (tons of examples included).

Remember that you need to focus on how you will contribute to the company, not on what you need from it.

Now’s the time to do it.

This sentence is usually the last one. In it, say that you are excited to join their company and do X by means of Y.

X = The plans or initiatives that were mentioned in the job ad; or the goals planned for that particular position.

Y = Your experience and expertise.

  • Excited about joining Big Interview and leading customer service initiatives to boost satisfaction rates and company reputation.
  • Looking to contribute to Big Interview’s content strategy with superb writing, editing, and SEO skills.
  • Excited to join Zara’s retail team to boost sales and increase customer satisfaction with excellent customer service and communication skills.

A friendly piece of advice: although a resume profile statement comes at the top of your resume, make it the last section you write.

This is a very short paragraph that needs to contain only the essential information. If you write it first, you’ll likely forget to include a valuable piece of info. You’ll also probably be a bit vague and waste precious space.

So write it at the very end. You’ll be able to see the bigger picture, prioritize information, and pick out the jewels of your career thus far.

Tailor each resume profile to a specific job ad

We always recommend tailoring your entire resume to a specific job ad — the resume profile is no different.

Each job ad contains specific requirements and keywords. Including those keywords will prove that you have the exact experience they’re looking for.

In addition, it will help you pass the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) easily.

Here are some tips on how to make your resume stand out:

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here’s a bad example of a professional profile for a resume for a Store Manager. On the face of it, it looks fine. Heck, it actually seems to follow the formula we outlined above! But let’s take a closer look.

Let’s dissect it to see which common mistakes you need to avoid.

Being generic

Whenever you can, include details about the industry you’re in, the type of clients you worked for, work achievements and not duties, and how exactly you can contribute to the company.

The example above is generic as it contains a lot of words that say essentially nothing.

“Motivated store manager with over 5 years of retail experience”.

❌ “Motivated” might not be the best adjective to use, as it’s not painting an exact picture and it’s a general trait that is not THAT relevant to a store manager position. Highly organized? Reliable? Process-driven? Much better! These tell us a bit about the person’s capabilities and priorities.

❌ “…Over 5 years of retail experience” — if they’re a store manager, it’s very likely they’re in retail. Instead of being generic, they could have mentioned the industry (apparel; cosmetics, auto retailers, home furnishing, etc.).

Be as specific as possible; otherwise, you’ll leave recruiters in the dark.

Using buzzwords and meaningless jargon

Buzzwords waste space. They’re the fast food of your resume. Tempting but useless.

❌ “Looking for new opportunities to utilize my skills and experience to drive business success”. Utilize what to do what? What does business success even mean?

Not to mention the fact that this candidate appears focused on themselves and their goals only.

Resume profile - Mocking Spongebob

Not referring to the job ad

We’ve said this so many times we’re getting a bit tired of ourselves.

The resume profile, the work experience section, skills, tailor everything.

Tailoring a resume meme

Not quantifying your achievements

Always quantify your achievements; otherwise, recruiters won’t know how good at your job you are.

Key Takeaways

  • A resume profile is like a trailer for the movie that is your resume. You need to crush it or your resume’s box office will be a flop.
  • Use this bulletproof formula: [Position + experience + industry] + [General experience + key skills] + [Biggest achievements (quantitative or qualitative)] + [Potential contribution] .
  • Hand-pick your key skills and best achievements.
  • Explain how your experience can contribute to the prospective company’s success.
  • Write your resume profile last, after you’re done with the rest of the resume.
  • Tailor each resume profile statement to a specific job ad.
  • Don’t be generic and don’t use buzzwords.
  • Have someone check your resume (look for missing info, formatting inconsistencies, typos, etc.). A quick and easy solution is to upload your resume to our Resume AI tool which will give you exhaustive feedback and help you polish your profile section of a resume and the rest of it.


Need a hand? There’s 3 ways we can help you:

  • Learn how to write an eye-catching resume that lands jobs
  • Discover how to list work experience in a resume
  • Get Resume AI and improve your resume minutes

Now go and write! Good luck!

How to write a resume profile if I have no experience?

If you don’t have relevant experience, you can create an effective resume objective (remember that resume profile is an umbrella term for both resume summary and resume objective). In your resume objective, you will focus on who you are as a professional and what you look for in your career and in a particular role. Emphasize your potential, your transferable skills, relevant certifications and courses, and how you can contribute to the company. As always, you’ll want to tailor your resume objective to each role you apply for.

Do I have to include the profile section on my resume?

It is recommended to include a profile section of a resume, resume summary, or resume objective because they help grab recruiters’ and hiring managers’ attention. Including a resume profile also helps save the hiring decision maker’s time, immediately presenting how your skills are relevant to the job.

What’s the difference between a resume profile, a resume summary, and a resume objective?

A resume profile is an umbrella term for resume summary and resume objective. A resume summary is a paragraph at the top of a resume that provides a short overview of your key achievements, skills, and qualifications. It’s suitable for experienced professionals. It is focused on what you bring to the table and how the company will benefit from having you on their team. A resume objective, on the other hand, focuses on your career goals and aspirations. It includes the type of job you’re seeking and what you want to achieve in that role. It’s suitable for candidates with no experience, for entry-level positions, or career changers.

What are the best words to use in a resume profile?

The best words to use in a professional profile for a resume are action verbs which showcase your drive and achievements (accomplished, administered, achieved, increased, decreased, doubled, converted, solved, executed, established, implemented…), and power words to better describe you (result-oriented, analytical, innovative, adaptable, committed, experienced…).

What to include in a professional resume profile?

Include your position, years of experience, and industry. Then, a bit of general experience and some of your key skills. Add your proudest accomplishments and quantify them, and finish off with a short description of how you can contribute to the company.

Should a resume include a profile picture?

In the US (and many other countries), it is not recommended to include a headshot on a resume in order to avoid discrimination and unconscious bias. Besides, the whole point of your resume is to highlight your achievements and skills which have nothing to do with the way you look. However, in some countries (mainly in Asia and South America) people usually include their photos. Although we still don’t recommend it, it’s best to check best practices for the company and the country in which you’re applying. Of course, certain job ads will require a photo, so you’ll need to include it in your resume (like for modeling, acting, etc.).

personal profile on resume example

Maja Stojanovic

Turn interviews into offers

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How to Write a Convincing Resume Profile [+23 Examples]

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On average, a recruiter looks at your resume for around 6 seconds. 

Yep, that’s right - they give your CV a quick skim, and if they don’t find what they’re looking for, they just move on to the next one.

Think fast!

How can you convince the recruiter to read your resume, the same instant they look at it?

The answer is simple: you should create a resume profile.

And in this guide, we’re going to teach you how, exactly, you can do that.

  • What a resume profile is and why it’s important
  • How to create an effective resume profile in 3 easy steps
  • 26 practical resume profile examples

How to Write a Resume Profile (Step-by-Step)

OK, let's start with the obvious - what even is a Resume Profile?

The resume profile is a short,3-5 sentence paragraph that summarizes your career. It covers your top achievements, skills, and years of experience. 

The resume profile is also known as a resume summary and resume profile statement.

Here’s what a resume profile looks like on a resume:

resume summary resume profile

Now, let’s talk about why you should include a resume profile:

  • It shows the recruiter that you’re relevant from the get-go, giving them a reason to read the rest of your resume.
  • It helps you stand out. You don’t just show the recruiter that you’re relevant - you show them that you’re THE right candidate.

And here's an example of a well-written Resume Profile:

Customer Service Team Lead with three years of experience in a multicultural BPO environment. Specialized in the creation & monitoring of KPIs, compliance with SLAs and being the main POC for all key internal and external stakeholders. Looking to transfer process management and performance quality control skills into the exciting position as Quality, Control and Compliance Specialist at XYZ Ltd.

Keep in mind, though, that a resume profile is different from a resume objective.

  • The resume profile summarizes your work experience to date and your relevant skills and achievements.
  • The objective , on the other hand, is more about your professional goals. You DON’T include work experience here. Instead, you focus more on why you want to work at company X, and how your background makes you the right fit.

So, if you don’t have much relevant work experience (recent graduate, career change, etc.), you should opt for a resume objective instead.

Now that we’ve got the basics out of the way, here's a thorough Step-by-Step on how to build YOUR resume profile:

Step #1 - Tailor Your Resume Profile to the Position

The first thing to do is to tailor your resume profile to the position you're applying for. 

You can’t just take the lazy way out and create a one-size-fits-all resume profile. That way, you’re pretty much setting yourself up for failure.

Instead, it should 100% be written with the job you’re applying for in mind.

When writing your resume profile: 

  • Look at the job ad you want to apply to;
  • See the requirements;
  • Tailor your profile accordingly.

Now, here’s what this looks like in practice. Let's say you're applying for a position in digital marketing.

  • 1 - 3 years of experience with Google Ads
  • Experience with Facebook Ads
  • Excellent copywriting skills
  • Experience using Google Tag Manager and Google Data Studio is an advantage

We highlighted all the must-have requirements with Bold and underlined what’s optional.

Now, let’s create the right resume profile for the job:

Google Ads Specialist with 2 years of experience in the creation and management of Google search, display and video ads. Six-month-long project experience with social media marketing. Highly skilled with Google Search, Facebook Ads Manager, and Google Tag Manager. Experienced in creating project reports for clients with Google Data Studio.

Step #2 - Mention Your Top Wins

Now let's look at what you CAN and CAN'T include in your resume profile.

DO's - Relevant :

  • Top skills;
  • Problems solved;
  • Key achievements;
  • Awards won;
  • Anything that is irrelevant to the job applied for, no matter how big the achievement, how top the skill or how much effort you put into winning that award.

Now, let’s cover a practical example.

Let’s say that 2 candidates are applying for a Junior Javascript Developer position.

Here’s a resume profile done right:

  • Recent Computer Science graduate with hands-on experience. Took part in 6-month-long Agile development process project, working with: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, Rest, XML, Angular 2+ and jQuery. Completed “The Complete JavaScript Course 2019: Build Real Projects” course from Udemy. PMP Agile Certified Practitioner.
  • Recent Computer Science graduate with 6 months of experience with JavaScript. Currently ongoing Master’s in Photography. Certified lifeguard and professional football player. Freelance writer with over 200,000 regular monthly readers.

See the difference between the two? The first is 100%, completely focused on the role.

The second, well, not so much.

Which one would you call in for an interview? Exactly!

job search masterclass novoresume

Step #3 - Focus on Achievements (Instead of Responsibilities)

And last but not least – focus on achievements. 

Your resume profile should be a summary of the biggest wins in your career (not a list of things you’ve done).

Your goal here is to “Wow” the recruiter, not to get them saying “Oh, well, that’s OK, I guess.”

So for example, let’s see how this is NOT done

  • Seasoned recruiter with experience in publishing job ads, sourcing candidates, and conducting interviews.

See the issue here? Anyone that’s into recruitment can say they’ve done this. You’re not saying anything special.

Now, what if we turn this example into an achievement:

  • Seasoned recruiter with X+ years of experience in tech hiring. Hit and exceeded hiring KPIs by over 50% for 2019’s first and third quarter. Specialized in working with senior talent in software engineering and executive management.

See the difference? The first example is a very generic candidate, while the second is a high-achiever.

In some fields, you might not have a lot of achievements to mention - and that’s totally OK.

If you’re a cashier, for example, you can’t say that “you’ve processed over 1,000 transactions per month.”

In such cases, it’s totally OK to stick to responsibilities and experiences instead!

[Bonus] The Novorésumé Formula for Writing Resume Profiles

Having some difficulties with your resume profile?

  • [Your Field] professional with X+ years of experience, skilled in [Skill 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill 3]. Looking to apply my [Domain] knowledge as a [Job You’re Applying For] at [Company X]. Experience in [Top Achievement #1] and [Top Achievement #2].

Now, here’s what the template looks like when put into practice:

UX / UI Designer with 5+ years of experienced, skilled in Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. Looking to apply my software design know-how as a lead UX designer at Company X. Previous experience in designing most of [Software Startup A] and [Software Startup B]’s software UX and UI.

Resume Profile Q&A

Still have some questions on how to polish up your resume profile? We’ve got you covered:

Q: How do I list a resume profile as a student ?

A: Simple! Go for a resume objective, instead of a profile. In that case, you’ll focus more on your skills and goals instead of work experience.

Don’t forget to specify where and how you got those skills. No need to go into in-depth explanations, but make sure they sound realistic and avoid vagueness at all costs.

Still have some space left? Feel free to add relevant university projects you’ve completed. 

Soon-to-be graduate from XYZ University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. 4.0 GPA in Experimental Psychology. Took part in a month-long internship at the university psych lab. Excelled at psych questionnaire development and implementation, and SPSS data analysis. Excited to transfer and develop skills further as a Junior Psychological Measurement Specialist at ABC Ltd.

Are you struggling with creating your first student resume? Check out our guide on how to create a resume with no experience!

Q: How do I list a resume profile as a career-changer ?

A: What you need to do here is focus on your transferable skills . Like so:

“Customer Support Specialist with over three years of experience in first and second-line phone and chat technical support, looking to transfer communication skills as a Sales Representative at XYZ Ltd. Excellent track record of reliability, being the main POC for all escalation points, and likeability, having received an average of 9.3/10 customer rating for the last two quarters.” 

23+ Practical Resume Profile Examples (For Every Field)

Need some inspiration with your resume profile?

Here are 23 practical resume profile examples you could borrow ideas from...

Customer Service & Sales

Customer service specialist resume profile.

“Motivated and experienced first-line customer service and support specialist with over three years of work put into tech support, troubleshooting and customer satisfaction. Experienced with LiveAgent and ZenDesk. Excellent track record in providing excellent support service. XYZ Ltd.’s employee of the month for May 2019 for receiving a 99.99% support satisfaction rate.”

Not sure how to build a customer service resume ? We have a guide for that!

Sales Associate Resume Profile

“Accomplished Sales Associate with experience in business and private persons insurance sales. Excellent people and communication skills, proven by last two quarters’ personal success in exceeding department’s KPIs by 25%.”

Want to create a sales associate resume that lands you the job? Check out our guide!


Executive assistant resume profile.

“Executive Assistant with 2+ years of experience as the companies’ CEO right-hand man. Successfully carried out all key administrative tasks, from communicating with company clients to data entry and creating well-researched office documentation. Highly skilled at MS Office tools.”

Receptionist Resume Profile

“Motivated, communicative receptionist with 5+ years of experience as an office administrator and receptionist in both big and small companies. Meticulous record-keeping, and experience working with MS Office Pack, Intranet and physical bookkeeping.”

For more examples, check out our receptionist resume guide.

Data Entry Clerk Resume Profile

“Data entry clerk with 3+ years of experience in high quantity complex data screening, entry and maintenance . Highly skilled at Excel; extremely fast typer and knowledgeable about digital databases. Strong attention to detail and dedication to the job.”

Copywriter Resume Profile

“SaaS copywriter specializing in landing page optimization. 2+ years of experience writing compelling content for e-mail, Facebook and Google marketing. Experienced in using Google Optimizely and Firebase for A/B testing. Previously worked with Unbounce to create and test new landing pages from scratch.”

PPC Specialist Resume Profile

“Driven PPC Specialist with over 4 years of experience in digital marketing. Proficient at: Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads Manager and LinkedIn Ad Platform. Some copywriting skills gained through freelancing. Experience handling an advertising budget of $80,000 with excellent ROI results.”

Need help creating your marketing resume ? We’ve got your back!

Business and Management

Project manager resume profile.

“Dedicated project manager with 3+ years of experience managing IT projects. Managed 5+ software projects from beginning to completion. Basic understanding of several programming languages, including React, Node.Js, and Java. ”

Check out our project manager resum e guide for more examples!

Business Analyst Resume Profile

“Results-driven Business Analyst with over 7 years of experience in consulting businesses, analyzing their processes and operations and presenting them with practical business solutions. 2 years of experience consulting one of the Fortune 500 companies. Experience using several business process management software solutions, including Appian BPM. Helped increase XYZ LTD’s manufacturing output by over 2.5%.”

Human Resources (HR)

Human resources resume profile.

“HR Specialist with two years of experience in developing small companies’ HR strategies, employee training and organizing company events, while under a tight budget. Experienced with the entire talent acquisition process from recruitment to the retention of employees.”

Recruitment Specialist Resume Profile

“Recruitment Specialist with a B.A. in Human Resources and M.A. in Work and Organizational Psychology with full-scope recruitment experience with both active and passive candidate sourcing. Sourced, interviewed and hired 15+ software engineers in Company X’s expansion efforts to Canada in 2021. ”

Finance & Accounting

Bank teller resume profile.

“Bank Teller with one year of experience as the front office cashier and customer service representative at XYZ Bank’s main office. Experienced with handling customer transactions and inquiries. Highly skilled at customer satisfaction, following bank SOPs and complying with data privacy and safety deposit box standard guidelines.”

Check out our bank teller resume guide for more examples!

Accountant Resume Profile

“Certified Public Accountant with over 8 years of experience. Solid knowledge of US GAAP and accounting systems. Top skills include budget forecasting, advanced computer skills, and analytical reasoning. Looking for a new challenge as an accountant at Company X.”

Check out our accountant resume guide for more examples!

Food & Service

Waiter/waitress resume profile.

“Experienced Waitress with a polite and friendly demeanor. Skilled at working in fast-paced environments; extremely good memory and able to memorize menus quickly and without fault. Previous experience includes working in Restaurant X and Bar Y.”

Check out our guide to server resumes for more examples!

Supermarket Cashier Resume Profile

“Experienced and reliable cashier with a polite and friendly demeanor. Worked at Happy Fun Resort over the past 2 summers as cashier in Company X and Company Y. Strong computer skills and experience working with PoS systems. ”

Discover how to make a cashier resume that excels with our article!

Housekeeper Resume Profile

“Dedicated and hard-working housekeeper with 6+ years of experience with both hotel and private home housekeeping. Very punctual and efficient. Previous experience working at Hotel X and Uncle Bob’s Private Cleaning Crew.”

Technical & IT

Data analyst resume profile.

“Data Analyst with 3+ years of experience. Highly data and detail-oriented with excellent analytical thinking. Background in mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Proven track record of using data to improve company operations. ”

Check out our guide to the data analyst resume for more examples.

Software Engineer Resume Profile

“Full-stack software engineer with 5+ years of experience developing end-to-end software solutions. Worked as head engineer at Tech Company X, leading a team of developers working on a new software solution in the Fin-Tech industry. Expert in Node.Js, React, and Java.”

Discover how to make a software engineer resume that excels with our article!

IT Specialist Resume Profile

“Dedicated IT specialist with 5+ years of experience. Previous positions involved network management and database administration. Advanced knowledge of SQL, C++ and Linux. ”

Need an extra push with your resume? Discover top tips on creating an IT resume in 2024.

Computer Science Resume Profile

“Results-oriented computer science student from University Y looking for an entry-level software engineering position. Good communication skills and team player, having led several teams for university projects. Practical experience working with JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. ”

For more on computer science resumes , check out our dedicated guide.

Nurse Resume Profile

“Nurse RN with 8+ years of experience providing excellent patient care. M.A. in nursing. Expert at charting, patient care, and medicine administration. Seeking to leverage my experience as a nurse at Hospital X.”

Discover more nurse resume examples in our dedicated guide!

Dental Assistant Resume Profile

“Dental assistant with over 5 years of experience in the field. Charged with direct patient care, patient record-keeping, and routine lab works. Strong knowledge of the Dentrix software.

Graphic Design

Graphic designer resume profile.

“Graphic design specialist with 3+ years of experience working with design and marketing agencies. Responsible for every step of the design process, from conceptualization, to execution. Practical experience in designing flyers, websites, landing pages, and more. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite and MS Office. Good communication skills.”

Need an extra push with your resume? Discover top tips on creating a graphic designer resume in 2024.

UI/UX Designer Resume Profile

“Detail-oriented UX / UI designer with 5+ years of experience creating end-to-end digital experiences. Designed software solutions in the fin-tech and hr-tech industries. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite. Fluent in English, Spanish, and French.”

Other Fields

Architect resume profile.

“Architect with 4+ years of experience in landscape design, interior and exterior design, with a focus on designing commercial and residential buildings. Strong attention to detail and creative thinker.”

Discover the top tips for creating an architect resume in 2024 with our guide.

Warehouse Worker Resume Profile

“Hard-working warehouse worker with 4 years of experience in the industry. Physically fit, able to lift heavy objects. Previous experience at Made Up Delivery Solutions involved shipping, receiving and packaging goods.”

Discover more nurse warehouse worker resume examples in our dedicated guide!

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap!

Now, let’s summarize everything we’ve learned:

  • A resume profile is a short, 2-4 sentences run-down of your top career highlights and achievements
  • A resume profile is also known as a resume summary and resume profile statement.
  • Don’t have much work experience? You might want to go for a resume objective instead.
  • Every good resume head should include your years of experience (“5+ years of experience doing…”), top achievements (“Increased XYZ LTD’s ROI by X%”), and relevant skills (“Skilled in React, Node.JS, and Java”).

Looking for more career and resume advice? We recommend checking out our career blog for industry-leading articles on how to land the job & succeed in your career!

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How to Write a Resume Personal Statement

Rolf Bax

What is a resume personal statement?

A resume personal statement expresses who you are, where you’ve been, and sometimes where you plan to go next right at the top of your resume.

Everyone has different circumstances, so the personal statement helps to orient a potential future boss in terms of what they are about to read in the resume. Think about what you would like to share that matters to you. This space is particularly useful if you are changing industries, coming back in to the employment market or looking for a promotion. Your shop window starts here. The personal statement may be the only thing than an employer reads.

The resume personal statement hooks in a reader, influencing them to read more. So, how do you write a resume personal statement that is both natural and grabs an employer’s attention? Offer them a brief insight into who you are and why you would be a fantastic hire. So what do you write in a personal statement for a job?

This guide will cover:

  • The basic formatting of a personal statement: How to tailor your personal statement to give you a competitive advantage
  • Personal statement examples you should (and shouldn’t) use
  • Practical steps for getting started on your resume personal statement

The personal statement format

The personal statement is a short paragraph that sits right below your contact information at the top of a resume. It sums up your experience, goals and skills with confidence. Think of your resume’s personal statement like an extended tagline for your career. A resume personal statement should include:

  • Between 50 and 200 words in 3 - 4 sentences
  • Your title or function, for example “Junior developer” or “Passionate hospitality manager”
  • An opening hook
  • Soft skills and hard skills
  • Impressive facts and stats
  • Your short and/or long-term goals
  • Job-specific slant for the position you’re applying to

This may seem like a lot to cram into 200 words but perfecting your elevator pitch shows that you have a firm grasp of why your experience, goals, and skills make you the perfect fit for the job. Go all out to make this as fitting for each role as possible. Too often candidates come up with what they see as the perfect introduction to them and forget about how a hiring manager for each specific role might read it. Be flexible with the personal statement. It might not present the very best version of you - it should present the best version of you for this particular role.

This brief introduction is only a short piece of text, it is not disruptive and in many cases even serves as a welcome addition to what is otherwise a dry and impersonal document. It should be clear to you by now how we feel about the personal statement: Include it, especially because it allows you that bit of creativity that may make all the difference. Adopt a coversational tone and consider using the first person for these few lines. Third person (past tense) is standard for resumes, but if you want to go personal, this is where to do it.

How do I start my personal statement? How do you not start a personal statement? Even with a personal statement of 3-4 lines, sometimes the first sentence is the hardest. Even the first few words can have a disproportionate effect on how your personal statement is viewed. Your starting "hook" should make your fit with the role clear and specific. Use an example that is as unique to you as possible - you have to make your future employer sit up and pay attention. The first word of your personal statement should never be "I" - a great resume explores the potential of a common partnership and should not be a uni-directional monologue.

Align your resume’s personal statement with the job description

The hiring manager delicately chose every word in their job description. Gather clues from its tone, which skills they highlight, and any hints that point toward their dream employee. One of the top resume tips from HR managers is to include relevant keywords specific to the job posting itself as well as the actual wording of the job title .

What would this job description look like in 3 - 4 sentences? What keywords, skills, and tone would the job description have?

While still sticking to the facts about who you are and your experiences, your resume personal statement should highlight as many similarities with the job description as possible. When the hiring manager reads the first few sentences in your resume, they feel like you are exactly the person they were describing when they wrote the job description.

Position of the personal statement

Recruiters still prefer to see a candidate's personal details at the top (or running along a column on either side) of the resumes that cross their desk. This allows them to quickly search through the resumes that Applicant Tracking Systems have sorted into their virtual “yes” pile. You do not want your (relatively modern) personal statement to get in the way of this tradition. 

The best place to put your statement is after your personal details (if they are at the top) and before your employment history section. Remember that the length of your resume is important. If you have already been very selective and cannot possibly leave out any more information and if adding your personal statement means your resume spills over onto a third page, you may consider not including your statement for the position in question. This ensures you comply with the unwritten rule that a resume should not be longer than two pages.

What is a good personal statement length? 200 words is the maximum suggested length, but if you go with one powerful sentence that you want the hiring manager to remember for the rest of the interview process, then why not? Less is more, but you have to be confident in your application to go with this option.

Plan to write your resume personal statement last

Instead of getting stuck at the beginning trying to write the perfect statement, skip this section and jump right into your employment history first. Once you’ve added your relevant work experiences, take a look at your keywords, phrases and skills from your past positions.

Your complete work history and the job description for the job you want are the foundations for your personal statement. By writing your resume personal statement last, it should be easier to get started once you have the right inspiration.

It might be the case that you leave a certain number of lines for the personal statement on your resume and write an individual statement for each role. You will often have a public version of your resume that is accessible on job boards (etc), so there should still be an "ideal" personal statement version.

How do I write a resume from scratch? While it is good advice to write the resume personal statement after your have written the resume itself (giving your brain a chance to ponder your true highlights), starting writing a resume is a mammoth task in itself. There are many useful pieces of advice when sitting down to write a resume, but for me, the key is to think about the reflecting the combination of what you are good at, what you enjoy and how those things will contribute to the direction of your career. For sure, be honest about your experience, but there has to be a creative flavour of ensuring that your past adequately reflects where you want to go.

Check out resume personal statement examples

Before you dive into writing, get a sense for different rhythms and layouts by checking these resume personal statement examples. How do you write a good personal statement?

Let's start with the basics. Since every person is unique, all personal statements should be unique too. You should, therefore, resist the urge to (largely) copy someone else's existing statement. This is the only spot on your resume to let your voice be heard, so try to write something that would prompt a friend to exclaim, “That sounds like something you’d say!” while, of course, keeping it professional.

Example. Innovative Executive Assistant with 10+ years of experience with global financial firm assisting a team of three C-Level directors. Expertly coordinate travel, manage large-scale expense reports, and streamline communication and calendars across departments..Seeking an Executive Assistant role with the Resume.io team to expand my office management career and thrive in an environment that requires independent problem-solving skills and focus under short deadlines.

The example above does the following things:

  • States their title in the first sentence
  • Includes specifics such as team size and duties
  • Succinctly sums up major responsibilities and skills
  • Highlights hard skills—experience arranging travel and expense reports—as well as soft skills—grace under pressure, attention to detail and communication.
  • Specifically tailors the final statement with the company and/or job description

Here are a few more resume personal statement examples:

Experienced Digital Marketing Manager with five years of expertise in heading up a global firm. Increased inbound leads by 500% and raised online sales from 100,000 annually to over 2 million in a three-year period. Looking to grow career by applying skills to the Resume.io marketing team.

Straight to the point and accomplishment focused, without the use of “I”. Now let’s look at a less effective example:

I have worked as a Digital Marketing Manager for five years. During this time I have been an important and hard-working member of the team and showed my ability to work under pressure to deliver on company targets. I am looking to bring my skills to a new role in digital marketing.

Generic and ignores accomplishments. Also, too many uses of “I” in a passive voice.

Next is an example of a personal statement that focuses more on career objectives . A career objective can be used as a way to get across your skills and experience, without the personal bit. It’s a good option if you’re an entry-level candidate or college graduate without a lot of experience in the industry you’re applying for. The idea is, because you don’t have the relevant experience to talk about, you pull skills and experience from other areas of your resume so you can show you have what it takes.

Keep your career objective brief — 2-3 sentences max — following the same rules as the personal statement.

Content writer with three years' experience in a large e-commerce company. Delivered content that grew brand social presence to over 700,000 across three channels and improved email open rates by 48%. Looking to further career by joining the Resume.io as an SEO Executive.

See how it uses transferable skills? Combining these with numbers makes them all the more impressive.

And a less effective resume personal statement example:

I am a content writer looking to secure a role as an SEO Executive. While I have no experience in this field and am a dedicated individual and a keen learner. My enjoyment of how search engines work will help me excel in your company.

There’s not enough here to capture attention and it doesn’t sell transferable skills. Whichever type of opening statement you go for, if you have numbers to show, make them count.

Writing your personal profile resume

Always write the first draft of a personal profile resume without editing. Don’t worry about length or word choice in the first pass. Brag about yourself, be proud of your accomplishments , and add in all of your most impressive stats.

Some of the best writing happens without editing too soon, so don’t worry about sounding over the top or egotistical, that’s what editing your personal profile resume is for. If the goal is to get 3 - 4 perfect sentences, it’s likely your first draft will be closer to 6 - 8, maybe even longer. Then consider which parts are closest to helping you get the job and cull the rest. It might seem brutal, but brevity is critical at the top of your personal profile.

Polish your personal statement and experiment

Once you’ve narrowed your focus, use the following questions to help you review your work and edit your statement:

Is my first sentence clear and concise? The opening line should state your position and use strong, enthusiastic language to hook in the reader. It often includes years of experience as well.

Is it direct opposed to passive? A strong sense of self comes through in a personal statement. Instead of sentences that begin with “I believe I am…” or “I enjoy…” be bold. Get right to the point and take ownership of your skills.

Does it include objective information? For this one, try to get inside the hiring manager’s mind. If you were filling this role, what boxes would you need to check off? The second and third sentence often include specific skills, facts or figures to support this need.

Does it read naturally? Even with all these specifics, the statement should still be easy to understand and have a natural rhythm when read aloud. Cut out any jargon that acts as filler or that changes your tone. Formality may vary from company to company, but personal statements should always reflect the type of employee or person you are.

What are three tips for writing a personal statement?

  • Make sure that your personality comes across in the writing.
  • Quantify any accomplishments and include financials where possible.
  • If you are at a moment of career change, don't fail to mention your goals.

Common mistakes in personal statements

When writing your personal statement, beware of platitudes. These are clichéd expressions that have become meaningless from overuse. They induce recruiters to roll their eyes and move on to the next candidate. Think of such terms as “an administrative jack-of-all-trades” or “a cog in the wheel’ and being ready for a “new challenge.”  Definitely avoid this list of human resources’ most hated resume phrases. 

Try to be original in your choice of words and ask a friend or family member to take a critical look at your personal statement when you are done. By the way, you should always have someone proofread your entire resume when you think you are ready to send it.

Some people call their personal statements " resume objectives ." This is something else entirely. A resume objective is required when a candidate needs to project their hopes for their next role that differe from their previous experience a little. This objective can then be used to outline the motivations behind a career change and is also common with early-career professionals. 

Does a personal statement need a title? Some resume templates might call the opening statement a summary and others may exclude a description entirely. Either option is fine as employers are conditioned to expect a few lines at the to of a resume to serve as a headline for your job application.

What do employers expect from your resume opening statement?

Sometimes it is useful to consider job seeking activity from the point of view of the end hiring managers. External recruiters are important people to impress, but it is the employers that will be making the ultimate hiring decision. They will be reading lots of resumes, so what would they want to read in your resume opening statement?

  • They will want the resume opening statement to be written for them. When you are on the hunt for a new member of your professional family, an intensely personal connection is vital from the first lines.
  • They will expect a quantifiable context to your resume opening statement. Impressive words come easily when you really need a job, but backing them up with numbers to demonstrate their scale is less simple.
  • They will expect to be impressed. If you cannot impress a specific employer for a specific role with the first lines of your resume, then the role is almost certainly not for you. Nothing to shout about? Move on.

Key takeaways

Think of your CV personal statement as the first 2 minutes of an interview—whether on the phone or in person. The HR manager asks you to “tell me a little about yourself,” and you have a quick minute to set the tone for the rest of the conversation. Similarly, the CV personal statement should include:

  • A natural, yet professional CV tone that reflects your personality
  • The top reasons your experience makes you a unique fit for this position
  • Why this role aligns with your career plans
  • Facts and data on your CV that back up your earlier points

Crafting a personal statement for each role will cause some serious thought. What is your essential fit for the role that will make a hiring manager sit up and think "wow, I need to have them on my team?" What would you want to read if you were in their shoes. You will definitely have lots to say, but keep it simple and powerful.

One more good CV statement example:

Expert SEO copywriter with a decade of B2C and B2B experience across three industries. Versatile in writing social, website and long-form copy to convey each brand’s unique tone and message. I cultivated 15 new clients in two years and grew readership by over 200%. I am now seeking to expand my editing and content creation expertise in a Marketing Manager position.

Once you’ve mastered writing your CV personal statement, this clear sense of who you are and what you want will prepare you to pitch yourself during interviews.

Resume Objectives (+ 45 examples)

25+ Best CV Personal Profile Examples with Writing Guide

25+ Best CV Personal Profile Examples with Writing Guide

Home » Resume Help » 25+ Best CV Personal Profile Examples with Writing Guide

CV personal profile

A personal profile is your chance to stand out from the crowd. It’s your opportunity to tell a story about yourself and why you would be an excellent choice for a new job. The good news is that it can be easy with just a little bit of planning and creative thinking.

If you can learn how to write a CV Personal Profile , you’ll never be left wanting in terms of getting a job.

What is a CV personal profile?

A profile is the first page of your CV. It’s an introduction to your personal skills and achievements. It’s incredibly important because it sets the scene for everything that follows, including your experience and education. Although it’s a brief opening remark, you still need to ensure that you’re noted as being someone who is strong-willed, has a positive attitude, and knows how to interact with others. Think of your personal profile as a small monologue. It’s your chance to say who you are and what you want. You’re going to be judged on the content of this page so pay close attention to what you write, even if it only takes a few minutes.

What do I need to share in my personal profile?

First, think about who is this CV for? Is it for an employer or a potential employer? If it’s for an employer, make sure that the information is tailored to them. If it’s for a potential employer, make sure that they know what your skills are and what you want to achieve.

Second, think about the job you’re applying to. Think about cover letters and job advertisements (and the way that they’re used). Make sure that your personal profile is consistent with this.

Third, think about yourself as a person. Once you’ve done this, consider what makes you different from other applicants? What sets you apart? This might be framed in terms of skills or personality or both. If you can answer these questions, it’ll be easier to craft something that is concise and powerful.

How should I lay out my CV Personal Profile?

Try to keep it simple. Focus on the key skills and attributes that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. You can even tell a story about why you’re suitable for the position. This is easy if you have a chronological format (it’s basically a brief version of your CV).

If you have a functional format, it’s still possible to tell a meaningful story. You might start by explaining what you achieved in your previous job or for your degree. Then, describe why you were able to achieve this (your skills and experience). Finally, think about how this relates to the role you’re applying for now.

If you’re starting to get lost, keep it simple, and don’t try to over-think it. What you write will help show that you are friendly, hard-working, and responsible. It will show that you are ambitious and eager to learn.

Here are some tips for writing the CV Personal Profile:

  • Narrow down your skills and experiences to key points. These can all be in a list or bullets towards the end of your personal profile. But keep it simple and don’t bore the reader with too much detail.
  • Speak to your current and former employers/colleagues. Ask them what impressed them most about you, what you did that worked well for them and what they’d like to see more of from you next time around. This helps draw on real-life examples of your skills and experiences.
  • It’s best to be honest about the things that have gone wrong in your past but try not to dwell on the negative ones too much as those won’t help you stand out from the crowd. However, it’s important to be realistic about the kind and the quality of work you achieve.
  • Give a brief summary of why you’re looking for a new job, what skills and experiences you have that make you a good fit for the role, what motivates you to succeed and what your objectives are. Then give links where they can be found.
  • Give details about any other voluntary or paid positions that show a mix of skills and experience. If you have used your skills and expertise to help those less fortunate than yourself then include these as well.
  • Be sure to include some personal details about yourself too, such as your hobbies, interests and any languages you speak fluently. If you have any special training or accreditations then make a note of those too.
  • Check out our examples of good CV template for your reference. Also use our free CV builder .
  • Finally, make sure that includes a little bit of luck and destiny on your side. Tell the reader what made you perfect for the job you’re applying for and why they should hire you.

There are a few things to remember when writing your personal profile:

  • Don’t be afraid to be creative in telling your story. It might just work to give the reader a little more information about you than they thought possible. If not, then it could just make you stand out from the crowd.
  • Be honest. Be truthful about your abilities and your past work. Don’t try to cover up the things that haven’t gone well or that you might not want to flaunt. If you’re willing to take risks then this could just make you stand out from the crowd.
  • Be confident. Think about what makes you a great person and why others would want to be around you when they read your personal profile. Tell your story with conviction.

How long should my profile statement be?

If you’re using a functional format, then it should be 1-2 pages (although it might be shorter if you’re applying to a role that doesn’t require much detail). If you’re using a chronological format, then it should be the same length as your CV.

What is a CV Profile Statement?

A CV profile statement is a short statement that explains why you are applying for the role. The main purpose of a CV profile statement is to show the employer why you’re especially qualified or skilled for the position. While your CV provides information about your work experience, education and training, and skills, your profile statement emphasizes the most important aspects of who you are as a person.

What should I avoid when I write a CV Personal Profile?

Don’t ramble on in your personal profile about the job or the company or anything else unrelated to them. This will make you look confused and irrelevant. It will also make you seem arrogant or even disinterested.

It’s also important not to try too hard to be something that you’re not. If you’re applying for a highly skilled position then put yourself forward as being highly skilled. Don’t make it about things that are unimportant (like your nationality or your religious beliefs). Generally speaking, try to stick to the facts and avoid too much embellishment or exaggeration. Be honest and realistic above all else.

What else should I know?

One final thing to remember is that you can’t change your personal profile once it’s published. Make sure you are completely happy with what you write. That way, you can avoid a lot of stress and anxiety further down the line. This will ensure that you can then focus on the more important things (like actually getting the job).

If your CV template is well-written and your personal profile is well-crafted, then getting a job should be a relatively smooth process. It’ll be a positive experience overall because you have proven to yourself and your new employer that you can do a great job. Good luck with the job hunt!

Check our absolutely free CV examples for your reference.

25+ Best CV Profile Examples:

Here is the list of best job-winning personal CV profile examples for your reference.

1. Student CV profile

Enthusiastic and hardworking freshly graduated accounting student with proven organizational and communication skills, who is able to take on any required task and adapt to changing conditions with a resourceful and hard-working mindset. My professionalism and accuracy are proven in numerous assignments and group projects throughout undergraduate courses and activities.

Student CV profile

2. Customer service representative CV profile

Hello, good day! my name is Intan Ryan and I’m 26 years old. I’m about to finish my bachelor’s degree journey in November 2019 and am about to seek a new job to gain experience. I am visionary, intuitive, emphatic, and creative. I have experience in retail sales and teaching experience during my internship. I hope my personality and experience fulfill the company criteria and love to see them during the interview. Thank you very much for spending time reading my humble introduction.

Customer service representative CV profile

3. Customer success manager CV profile

Highly motivated Telco professional with excellent client oversight, issue resolution, and relationship-building skills. Seeking a career that is challenging & interesting and lets me work on the leading areas of technology, a job that gives me opportunities to learn, innovate and enhance my skills and strength in conjunction with company goals & objectives.

Customer success manager CV profile

4. Human resource CV profile

I am highly motivated and goal-driven, competitive, flexible, resilient, focused on customer needs, team player with a proactive attitude. I’m looking for a next challenge in the field of Human Resources with scope for professional development.

Human resource CV profile

5. IT CV profile

I’m a high-potential and high-achiever. I’m a fast learner and a motivated worker. I enjoy working autonomously and always produce the best possible work. I take on challenges head-on, challenge them first and then implement the solution. I am always able to make quick decisions in emergency situations.

IT CV profile

6. Manager CV profile

I’m a hardworking leader who looks for opportunities to create more and better results, with creativity and teamwork. I’m passionate about my role as a leader and committed to providing high-quality support to my team. I’ve worked in many different roles across multiple sectors covering the full range of HR functions including recruiting, people, training and development, etc.

Manager CV profile

7. Sales CV profile

As a marketer, I’m able to create an authentic connection with my customers. I’m able to make them feel confident in my product and up-sell it in ways they didn’t expect. As a sales professional, I am trained in the art of sales, negotiations, and problem-solving. I am also very determined; when there is a customer that requires help or assistance, I will find the best possible way to do it.

Sales CV profile

8. Accountant CV profile

I am a practicing accountant who has been working for many years in finance and taxation. I specialize in general accounting, taxation, payroll, and corporate accounting. I am a hardworking individual who is motivated to succeed. I have comprehensive knowledge and expertise in tax computation, accounting, bookkeeping, and reporting.

Accountant CV profile

9. Marketing CV profile

I am an experienced and well-trained marketing professional. I am able to perform a variety of tasks in the marketing department including SEO, social media, advertising, copywriting, emailing, and so on. I have a wide range of skills from my experience and I’m looking to use them in a new role.

Marketing CV profile

10. Doctor CV profile

I am a medical professional with vast experience in nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. I have over 3 years of working experience and have gained valuable expertise. I have worked in various regions including London, Manchester, Lancaster, and Durham.

Doctor CV profile

11. Nurse CV profile

I am a committed and hardworking Registered Nurse with over 5 years of professional experience. I possess extensive knowledge of general nursing, clinical procedure, medical terminology, medical conditions, etc. I have numerous transferable skills from my work experiences and a variety of responsibilities.

Nurse CV profile

12. Accounts Payroll CV profile

I’m a qualified accountant with over 15 years of practical experience in personal, company, and corporation accounts. I work with financial institutions and private clients as the main accountancy officer. I have multiple transferable skills such as creating balance sheets, profit-loss statements, tax calculations, etc.

Accounts Payroll CV profile

13. Finance CV profile

I’m a trained professional in financial planning and financial investing. I’ve spent many years working in the finance field, gaining experience and being trusted by clients with my financial knowledge. I’m passionate about my job and look forward to doing more work.

Finance CV profile

14. Sales Executive CV profile

I am a committed and hardworking professional who has acquired practical experience in multiple roles such as retail, selling, B2B, and so on. I have a strong sense of communication skills and have the ability to present myself as open, friendly, and sincere; in other words, I can demonstrate my expertise in sales

Sales Executive CV profile

15. Scrum Master CV profile

I am experienced in the field of scrum development and I have completed a task. I possess excellent judgment and analytical skills. I understand the role of a scrum master well and can demonstrate my knowledge through my work.

Scrum Master CV profile

16. Digital Marketing CV profile

I am an experienced professional in digital marketing. I have a wide knowledge of SEO, SMM, PPC, and email marketing. I’m an expert at running affiliate campaigns and can handle a variety of tasks with ease.

Digital Marketing CV profile

17. School teacher CV profile

I am a top-notch graduate. I am passionate about teaching and believe that education is very important. I always try my best to deliver the highest quality of learning to my students.

School teacher CV profile

18. Software engineer CV profile

I am an experienced developer with years of experience in web development; from front end to back end. My technical skills are strong; I’m able to create amazing and cutting-edge websites with ease

 Software engineer CV profile

19. Web Developer CV Profile

I’m a Web Developer and I have the ability to create a variety of websites for all types of clients. I am an expert in front-end development, back-end development, user experience, design, and marketing.

Web Developer CV Profile

20. Programmer CV Profile

I am a senior programmer with over 20 years of experience in the programming field. I’ve worked with many different languages including C/C++, Java, and JavaScript. I’m also experienced in MySQL, HTML5, and CSS3.

Programmer CV Profile

21. Data analyst CV profile

I am a professional data analyst. I have gained extensive experience in data mining, predictive modeling, and statistical reporting. I have a background in applied mathematics and statistics.

Data analyst CV profile

22. Server administrator CV profile

I am an experienced server administrator with over 15 years of experience. I have the ability to install and configure servers, networks, and other IT equipment such as switches, routers, and firewalls. I’m able to follow procedures, set up security policies, and maintain network settings.

Server administrator CV profile

23. System architect CV Profile

I’m an experienced program manager with a vast understanding of IT architecture. I’ve worked in multiple projects which required me to manage and administer complex systems”; from security policies, user authentication, data definition and archive, configuration management, configuration synchronization, and many others.

System architect CV Profile

24. IT manager CV Profile

I am an experienced IT manager with over 15 years of experience. I have worked in various countries and have gained valuable knowledge; from the IT sector, business management sector, and the human resource sector. I have multiple transferable skills such as leadership, communication skills, and teamwork

IT manager CV Profile

25. Business analyst CV Profile

I am a highly targeted and dedicated professional. I work hard to fulfill all my duties with ease. I take pride in my work, I understand the importance of my position and I maintain a positive attitude all the time

Business analyst CV Profile

Frequently Asked Questions

The first step is to brainstorm ideas and think about the most important qualities you have to offer as a candidate. Try to focus on strengths that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Once you have a good understanding of what you have to offer, you can start to craft your personal profile. When writing your personal profile, be sure to include: 1. An overview of your professional experience 2. Your skills and qualifications 3. Your achievements 4. Your goals and aspirations 5. Your personal interests

When writing your personal profile, be sure to include: An overview of your professional experience 1. Your skills and qualifications 2. Your achievements 3. Your goals and aspirations 4. Your personal interests

There are a few things you can do to make your personal profile stand out, including: Use strong language to describe your skills and experience Highlight your unique qualifications Mention any awards or recognition you have received Share your professional goals

There are a few common mistakes to avoid when writing your personal profile, including: 1. Don’t use clichés or overused phrases 2. Avoid listing your entire work history 3. Don’t include personal information that is not relevant to the job 4. Don’t make up information or exaggerate your qualifications

Here are a few tips for writing a successful CV personal profile: Use strong language to describe your skills and experience Highlight your unique qualifications Mention any awards or recognition you have received Share your professional goals Keep it brief – your personal profile should be no more than 4-5 sentences

Your CV personal profile should be no more than 4-5 sentences.

If you don’t have much experience to include in your personal profile, you can focus on your qualifications and skills. You can also mention any relevant awards or recognition you have received.

In addition to your professional experience, skills, and qualifications, you can also include your goals and aspirations, as well as your personal interests.

Yes, you can use bullet points in your personal profile.

Here are a few examples of good CV personal profiles: 1. Experienced marketing professional with a proven track record of success in designing and executing creative marketing campaigns. Skilled in copywriting, email marketing, and social media marketing. 2. Highly motivated and driven individual with a strong work ethic and determination to succeed. Proven ability to work independently and take initiative. 3. Organized and detail-oriented professional with excellent time management skills. Able to juggle multiple tasks and priorities. 4. Creative and innovative thinker with a passion for problem-solving. Proven ability to generate new ideas and think outside the box.

Key Takeaways:

  • Write a polished professional profile
  • Review your accomplishments and experience
  • Add keywords to demonstrate your skills, expertise, and areas of expertise
  • Use formatting features for an eye catching resume
  • Make sure to include the name, address, and phone number
  • Make sure to provide a cover letter with your resume
  • Tweak or edit the resume throughout the review process – you only have one chance!

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Published by Sarah Samson

Sarah Samson is a professional career advisor and resume expert. She specializes in helping recent college graduates and mid-career professionals improve their resumes and format them for the modern job market. In addition, she has also been a contributor to several online publications.

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personal profile on resume example

Best CV Personal Profile Examples


What is a CV personal profile?

A personal profile, also known as a CV summary, is the opening statement of your CV. It is a short introduction which outlines your personal characteristics, telling the prospective employer what kind of a person you are, the attributes and qualities that you possess and the work experience that you have.

personal profile cv examples

How to write a CV profile statement from scratch

When writing your personal profile, ensure it is:

  • Short (no more than 6 lines);
  • Relevant to the job you are applying for, and;
  • Contains some real-world examples .

Be bold, be confident and talk about yourself in a positive way.

Your personal profile is not the place to be humble; it is your chance to be noticed and tell the potential employer exactly who you ‘really’ are and what you can do for them.

Warning: Do not go ‘over the top’ and give the impression that you are either very arrogant or simply too good to be true! Keep it balanced and realistic, bearing in mind the needs of the employer.

Click here if you want to see a bad example of a personal profile.

student CV profile

What information to include on a personal profile

The purpose of your personal profile is to concisely present your skills, qualities, work experience, and your career goals and ambitions. Consequently, you can mention anything from the following categories when constructing your personal profile:

Personal Qualities

  • Self-motivated
  • Having an eye for detail
  • Management skills
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Design skills
  • 5 years experience in …
  • Excellent track record of …
  • Extensive background in …
  • Previous work experience in …

An ideal statement should have at least one example for each of these three categories.

How long should my profile statement be?

There are no set rules about the length of a personal profile, however, it is highly recommended to keep it ideally within the 50/80-words boundary (no longer than six lines). The reason for this is because employers, in the first instance, tend to scan CVs rather than extensively read it. Keeping it short and to the point increases the chances that they will actually read it.

Furthermore, as the total length of a CV is only 2 A4 pages long, having a short statement frees us valuable space for other key sections of your CV such as the work experience, education and skills sections .

Winning personal profile CV examples from all job sectors

Business management cv profile.

  • The candidate mentions their key personal skills and qualities that are relevant and important when managing a business.
  • The candidate mentions their relevant work experience in the field, indicating that they are able to work within multiple job sectors.

IT CV profile

  • The candidate correctly highlights their areas of expertise, such as designing websites, networking and managing databases. It is clear from these examples that the individual has a broad understanding of IT and would be able to work on a wide range of IT projects.
  • The candidate reassures the prospective employer that although they are working in a very technical field, they have the ability to work with a wide range of people. Interpersonal and communication skills are key to any job.

Student CV profile

  • The above personal statement is clear and informative, making it clear that the applicant is a student, currently completing their university degree, and are looking to work part-time in the industry.
  • It is always a good idea, as the candidate has done in this example, to clearly mention your availability for work and also the reasons for why you are seeking work. “Making money” is not a good enough reason for an employer to give you a job. The candidate has mentioned that they wish to put into practice what they have learned and make a positive contribution to the employer.

HR CV profile

HR CV profile

  • The candidate highlights that they have previous work experience in Human Resources (HR), making them familiar with the payroll systems and employment law. Additionally, they indicate some personal qualities (such as interpersonal skills and being sensitive to people’s privacies) which would be highly beneficial for the role that they are applying for.

Manager CV profile

  • The candidate not only states that they have three years’ of experience in management but they also mention the positive contribution that they made to that organisation. In this case, it was a significant improvement in the performance of the team that they were managing.

Sales/retail CV profile

  • Just by looking at the profile statement of this individual, we can conclude that this person has thorough experience of sales and is able to handle the various aspects of the selling process. Additionally, their promotion indicates that they are a high achiever.

Teaching CV profile

  • In just a few lines, the candidate demonstrates a great deal of compassion, empathy and care for young people and their futures. This level of care and concern, along with an enduring passion for teaching, are the key ingredients of being successful in any teaching careers.
  • The candidate indicating that they are able to work with young children from all backgrounds and walks of life. This is important, especially when living in today’s multicultural and diverse societies.

Engineering CV profile

  • The candidate correctly highlights their previous work experience and areas of expertise. This makes them look like a very competent and accomplished chemical engineer, increasing the chances of being invited for an interview.

Designer CV profile

  • This is an effective statement because the candidate highlights their valuable 1st class degree in Graphic Design and previous work experience in the design industry. Additionally, the candidate makes mention of their personal qualities, such as having the ability to think outside the box, to further indicate their suitability for the job.

Hospitality CV profile

  • The above is an excellent example of how profile statement should be constructed; it contains references to their previous work experience in the same industry, personal qualities that are relevant to the job (e.g. having a passion for food and socialising with people) and their job achievements (e.g. winning an award). Any employer reading this statement will have to think twice before they put it in the rejection pile!

Admin CV profile

Admin CV Profile

  • The candidate mentions their previous work experience project management and providing administrative support to businesses.
  • This admin personal statement clearly demonstrates that the individual is aware of all the challenges that administrators face; working in a busy working environment, handling multiple projects simultaneously, prioritising tasks and achieving the highest standard of work.

Customer service CV profile

  • The candidate indicates that they are able to resolve customer enquiries and complaints face-to-face, over the phone or via email. This ability enables them to work in a variety of different job settings, i.e. a call centre, on the shop floor or at a desk.
  • Their statement contains a tangible example of accomplishment (i.e. successfully resolving 150 customer enquiries or complaints).

Media CV profile

  • The candidate has included many examples of their previous work experience and competencies in the field. Any employer interested in hiring an experienced camera operator will most certainly be impressed and continue reading the remainder of their CV.

Healthcare CV profile

  • The candidate highlights that they are able to work with a variety of different people, something which is essential as physiotherapists will be working with people from all backgrounds and ages.
  • The statement includes personal qualities that are important to have as a physiotherapist, such as being caring and friendly. Although some careers advisors do not recommend generic words such as ‘caring’ and ‘friendly’, it is nevertheless recommended to include them if they truly reflect your personality and if the rest of the personal statement contains specific information which is not generic in nature.

Writer CV profile

  • This profile is short and punchy, increasing the chances that it will be read in full by the prospective employers
  • The candidate highlights their career achievements by stating that their works have been accepted and published by leading newspapers and magazines – a testimony to the high quality of their work.

Science CV profile

  • This statement is short and to the point; highlighting all the important information such as the candidates work experience, expertise and some personal qualities and characteristics.

Do I need to include a personal statement on my CV? No, it is entirely optional to include a personal profile on your CV. However, it is generally recommended to include one, particularly as it serves as a little “About me” section at the top of your CV. Every written document has an introduction, why shouldn’t a CV?

Can I use the first person tense in my statement? Yes, the first and third person tenses are both fine to use – but not both. Decide on the one tense and stick to it.

Where should I include the profile statement on my CV There is no fixed place in which you should put your personal profile. Some candidates place it at the bottom of their CVs. Ideally, you should position it at the top of your CV.

What is the most important thing to include on a personal profile? Real-world examples and tangible performance indicators, for example; increased sales by x percent, managed x number of people, won such-and-such awards, improved productivity by x percent, etc. These types of information are highly valuable, as opposed to saying that you are the “best salesperson in the country” and not backing it up with any evidence!

Need help with other sections of your CV?

While you’re still here – don’t forget to check out our amazing How to write a CV guide for more practical tips on writing your perfect CV or this useful resource.

Working on your CV? Awesome!

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  • BEST Examples of Hobbies and Interests to put on a CV (2024 Guide)
  • A Winning CV: Interior Designer CV Example + Guide [2024]
  • 7 CV myths exposed

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How To Write A Personal Profile: 7 Tips + Examples

When a hiring manager first receives your resume, they spend 6 to 10 seconds reviewing it. Given this short attention span, you should use every opportunity to make the most prominent skills and achievements noticeable at the first sight. A personal profile, also known as career summary , helps you do just that. This short section at the top briefly outlines your years of experience, skillset and achievements. It is meant to grasp the recruiter's attention and inspire them to read the entire resume.

Personal profile writing is confusing for many reasons. Some job-seekers use it to reiterate their skills and experience once again. Others fill it with unnecessary self-descriptions like proactive, motivated, hard-working . In today's article, our resume writers are going to share tips for writing a persuasive profile that sparks interest and draws attention to your strengths as an employee .

Want a flawless resume by tomorrow ? Professional and certified writers of Resumeperk.com can assist with writin of your CV personal profile as well as other resume sections. A writer works on resume content, design and keywording, and is open to your comments and suggestions. We work with English-speaking writers only and can develop your brand-new custom resume within 24 hours.

Do you need a resume personal statement?

Does every job-seeker needs a personal profile? If you open some career blogs on the internet, you will find that the opinions vary. However, our resume writing agency with 12+ years of experience recommends that you always include a personal statement . It gives you a priceless opportunity to summarize what's unique about you as a candidate and how your superstrengths are relevant to the job.

There are exceptions, though. A recent graduate or a person switching careers will benefit more from a resume objective . Unlike a CV profile, objective statement is focused on the person's career goals and what they plan to bring to the table if hired. If you lack experience in the target field, you probably don't have much to brag about in a personal profile. In this case, you use an objective to focus on transferable skills and explain how you can benefit the employer.

The elements of a strong CV profile section

3-5 sentences in length.

Personal statements are meant to be concise. Their goal is to briefly market your skillset and professional highlights. Since the resume has a 2-page limit, keep the profile to 3-5 sentences and bullet points. Such a strict limitation requires the ability to prioritize facts and determine what's most valuable for your target position.

Tailor it to your desired job

Effective resume writing requires targeting, and a personal statement is no exception. Remember to slightly target the skill set and qualifications you describe in a summary. Different employers want different work expeirence and specialization, and personal profiles should reflect that. Targeting a personal profile every time may sound daunting, yet, this is the only working strategy to pass the ATS and get noticed.

Speak through facts and evidence

Saying that you are highly skilled and have great communication skills is the easiest thing to do. Yet, recruiters want facts and evidence. Instead of saying you have strong sales skills, write "Awarded Regional Sales Manager multiple times". Instead of claiming that you're a proven leader, say "Led a team of 30+ software developers with 100% of deadlines met". Facts sound more persuasive and draw more attention.

Include valuable educational credentials

Apart from workplace accomplishments, academic achievements also worth of your attention. If you have a degree from prestigious school, a certification which is valued high in your industry, or were awarded for superior academic performance, mention it in your CV personal profile. This is particularly important for entry-level professionals who don't have much career accomplishments yet.

Use context

Context and details can say a lot about our experience to a recruiter. Simply writing that you're a marketing professional sounds somewhat vague. If you write that your work experience encompasses employment with small marketing agencies where you completed projects for large manufacturing customers , it would be a better example. If such context meets what the employers is looking for, you'll have a better chance for an itnterview.

Insert high-value keywords

Since the profile is placed at the top of your CV, keywords you use here will value more than the keywords at the bottom of the page. Review the job description to understand what qualifications the company seeks in the first place, and use them. Don't staff the entire section with keywords , though - you write for human recruiters in the first place!

Proofread carefully

Hiring managers don't tolerate typos and grammar mistakes. 59% of them will reject a resume with typos. So, it's a good idea to proofread the document paying special attention to CV personal statement. Read the document aloud to faster identify issues or use an online spell checker to get rid of typos, poor punctuation and incorrect grammar.

CV personal profile examples

To get inspired for writing, take a look at examples of personal profile below:

Software Engineer CV profile example:

Enthusiastic Software Enginer with 7+ years of experience in website and commercial application development. Experienced in advanced software development methodologies and processes that contribute to application design as well as in identifying process bottlenecks. Has a track record of reducing downtime by 20% while ensuring that 100% of projects are completed ahead of time.

Office Manager CV personal statement example:

Result-oriented Office Manager with 3+ years of experience handline a wide range of administrative, supervisory and executive support tasks. Extensively experienced with budgets, payroll, and capable of meeting office organization needs as well as offering cost-effective, innovative solutions to employer challenges. Ensures compliance with organizational goals while coordinating resources and boosting team productivity. In a previous role, researched new office  supplies vendor, reducing expenses by 15%.

What not to include in your personal profile?

To compose a powerful personal statement, try to avoid the following common mistakes:

• Don't copy and paste job descriptions from experience section . CV profile is meant to summarize what you have to offer a potential employer, not to repeat the same content that a recruiter can find below in a resume.

• Don't include personal information . If you mention age, marital status or personal reasons why you want to work for a company, they won't accept your resume. Include professional-related information only if you want an interview.

• Don't overuse buzzwords . Adjectives like hardworking, team player , organized, able to work under pressure, enthusiastic sound like buzzwords to recruiters. Use self-descriptions carefully and try to rely on facts.

• Don't list too many skills . If you include management skills, ability to work undependently, eye for detail, project management, conflict resolution and other skills in a row, this will spoil the impression. Choose 2-3 skills and prove them with examples.

• Don't lie ! Of course, you may write that you have a degree from Stanford, but the truth will reveal after a simple background check. Don't risk your reputation and only write true facts.

How to write a LinkedIn personal statement?

If you use LinkedIn profile for job search, avoid copying and pasting text from your CV profile. LinkedIn summary should be written a bit differently. Here's how:

• Write 2-4 short paragraphs . Unlike the resume, LinkedIn personal statement doesn't have length limitations. Thus, you can go into deeper detail about your extensive experience or particular skills and interests.

• Use the first person . Resume is written in third person, and a CV profile is no exception. On the contrary, you need to use the first person in LinkedIn summary. Otherwise, you will sound too formal.

• Write as you speak . Since LinkedIn is a social media, you needn't use formal language that you've used on a resume. Instead, use a conversational tone and write as if you were speaking to a colleague or a potential employer face-to-face.

• Show your character and hobbies . In addition to business achievements, skillset and career goals, show your personality as well. You may include a joke, list interests and hobbies, or show your personal qualities in other way.

• Add multimedia content . LinkedIn allows you to add videos, articles or images. Support your self-descriptions with evidence and attach any content that can tell more about you or serve as samples of your work.

Let our expert writer improve your resume

Our website has a team of 100+ writers who are ready to resolve your resume challenges anytime. Our writer can compose a persuasive CV personal profile, list work experience and education in a way that speaks to the needs of your target employer. We offer a customized resume service which means that a resume is created exclusively for you, and the writer keeps working until you are satisfied.

In addition to resume composition, we can help with a cover letter and LinkedIn profile development. We use the best key practices in resume development to help every candidate get noticed for their dream job. Any questions left? Contact our customer support via chat and receive an exclusive 20% discount off your order.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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CV Personal Profile examples

Putting together a personal statement can be quite daunting as many people find it hard to talk about themselves.

To help take the sting out of putting a personal profile together we have collected some examples of completed profiles and a list of the type of things that may help you to best describe yourself and your skills.

Examples of Completed Profile Statements:

I am an experienced joiner with well developed skills and experience in groundwork, concrete finishing and steel fixing and have worked in the construction industry since 1982. I am also a skilled labourer who has supported many different trades over the years. I have a full clean UK driving licence with entitlement of up to 7.5 tonne. I am keen to return to work after a period of training and personal development which has broadened my skills and experiences.
I am a flexible and experienced insurance administrator with excellent time management skills. I am a good communicator with proven inter personal skills and am used to working in a team whilst also being capable of using own initiative. I am skilled In dealing with problems in a resourceful manner and negotiating to achieve beneficial agreement. I am always enthusiastic to learn and undertake new challenges.
I am a professionally qualified fire engineer with 7 years experience. I have recently achieved RTITB accreditation in the use of Counterbalance fork lift trucks and I am seeking employment that will make best use of my skills and allow me to develop them further. I am determined and enthusiastic, I have developed good planning & organisational skills and am confident working independently or as part of a team. I am flexible regarding working hours and am able to work a range of shifts.
I am a hard working, honest individual. I am a good timekeeper, always willing to learn new skills. I am friendly, helpful and polite, have a good sense of humour. I am able to work independently in busy environments and also within a team setting. I am outgoing and tactful, and able to listen effectively when solving problems.
I am a punctual and motivated individual who is able to work in a busy environment and produce high standards of work. I am an excellent team worker and am able to take instructions from all levels and build up good working relationships with all colleagues. I am flexible, reliable and possess excellent time keeping skills.
I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard working person. I am a mature team worker and adaptable to all challenging situations. I am able to work well both in a team environment as well as using own initiative. I am able to work well under pressure and adhere to strict deadlines.
I am a dedicated, organized and methodical individual. I have good interpersonal skills, am an excellent team worker and am keen and very willing to learn and develop new skills. I am reliable and dependable and often seek new responsibilities within a wide range of employment areas. I have an active and dynamic approach to work and getting things done. I am determined and decisive. I identify and develop opportunities.
I’m a nice fun and friendly person, I’m honest and punctual, I work well in a team but also on my own as I like to set myself goals which I will achieve, I have good listening and communication skills. I have a creative mind and am always up for new challenges. I am well organized and always plan ahead to make sure I manage my time well.

To download these examples click here:  Lighthouse Project – Example statements for personal profile 2018

Examples of personal sentences for your personal profile

If your not sure what to say, or how to start then consider selecting a combination of up to 5 sentences from the list below to create your own personal profile.

Also consider adding information relevant to the job description or duties that you may be expected to undertake – this makes it personal!

  • I am an organised and efficient person with an enquiring mind.
  • I am a flexible person seeking employment which will allow development, growth and make use of my existing skills.
  •  am a good listener and learner, and am able to communicate well with people from all walks of life.
  • I am a keen, hard working, reliable and excellent time keeper.
  • I am a bright and receptive person, able to communicate well with people at all levels.
  • I am good at working using my own initiative and I am flexible in my approach to work duties.
  • I have a good sense of humour and a pleasant approach.
  • I am a hard working individual with experience of assembly line work, drilling, and spraying.
  • I am a loyal and trustworthy employee who can work alone or as part of a team.
  • I am a quick to learn and willing to adapt to any job.
  • I am a competent, loyal, hard working employee with the ability to achieve tasks when working alone or as part of a team.
  • I am punctual with an excellent attendance record.
  • I have a flexible and positive approach to employment and am willing to train to suit my next working environment.
  • I am an organised, efficient and hard working person, and am willing to discover and accept new ideas which can be put into practice effectively.
  • I am a good listener and learner, able to communicate well with a group and on an individual level.
  • I am able to motivate and direct my talents and skills to meet objectives.
  • I always seek to achieve a high standard in whatever work I undertake.
  • I am well organised with a clear and positive approach to problem solving.
  • I am a well organised, efficient and professional person.
  • I am able to communicate easily in both spoken and written forms.
  • I am a hard working, loyal and mature worker with a variety of skills to offer.
  • I am keen to obtain new skills and training and have a flexible approach to all work situations, and find it easy to adapt.
  • I am capable of relating to people at all levels and am prepared to help them overcome problems in a work situation
  • I am open minded, receptive and innovative, with an enquiring mind.
  • I can work unsupervised alone or as a member of a team and I like to use my skills to make a positive contribution to the workforce.
  • I am a family person with responsibilities, very reliable and trustworthy.
  • I am willing to learn new skills and have many existing ones to offer.
  • I have good interpersonal understanding and communication skills and am a confident team worker with the ability to work on own initiative.
  • I am a mature person with a sound engineering background.
  • I can organise and prioritise my own workload effectively.
  • I have the ability to work under stress and keep within set budgets and targets.
  • I am a mature and confident person with sales experience, team leadership skills and the ability to create new sales and build on existing accounts.
  • I am a quiet and focused person who can work swiftly and effectively either alone or as part of a team.
  • I am a reliable, trustworthy and flexible individual who can learn new skills easily and execute them swiftly.
  • I am a confident driver with clean driving licence, I have my own transport and an excellent knowledge of local and national road and motorway networks.
  • I am a confident Fork Lift Truck operator with a good all round knowledge of warehouse duties.
  • I am an experienced machine operator with a good all round knowledge of factory procedures.

 To download a copy of these statements click here:  Lighthouse Project – Example sentences for personal profiles CV 2018

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How to Write a Professional Resume Summary? [+Examples]

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Do you want to land more job interviews? The easiest way to achieve this is by attracting a recruiter’s attention straight away by summarizing the highlights of your career right at the start of your resume — in a section called the resume summary. 

The purpose of this resume section, which is also known as a professional summary or resume statement, is to create a good first impression. It sums up your work experience , skills, and achievements into a short and concise sales pitch where you are the product. 

Do it well, and your future employers will be more inclined to read the rest of your resume.

Without further ado, let’s show you how to write an exceptional professional summary that will not only get you to more job interviews but will also help you land a job. 

This guide will show you:

What is a professional summary?

Why do you need a professional summary, how to write a professional summary.

  • What to do when you don’t have any experience in the field?
  • What are a resume objective and a resume profile?
  • Examples of professional summaries from real professionals.

TL;DR video guide: How to write a professional summary for a resume 

A professional summary gives the hiring manager a quick overview of your skills and achievements without them having to dive into the rest of your resume. It sits at the top of your resume, beneath your name and contact information. You can think of it as a teaser for the rest of your resume.

It should sum up your top skills, experiences, and achievements as they pertain to the job description.

Take a look at the sample below to see what it looks like in practice: 

The professional summary section is also known as a:  

  • Resume summary 
  • Qualifications summary 
  • Resume statement 
  • Heading statement 
  • Competencies 
  • Career summary
  • Experience summary
  • Personal statement 

However, don’t mistake a professional summary for a resume objective or profile . We’ll discuss the differences between them later in this guide. 

How long should a professional summary be? 

Generally speaking, a resume summary should be quite short. The most common length is 3-5 sentences or bullet points. It shouldn't be longer than 5-6 concise bullet points , but it also shouldn't be shorter than 2 bullet points. 

You can also replace the first bullet point with a short introductory paragraph that includes your job title, years of experience, and specialization. 

professional summary on a resume

While many people still don't include the resume profile section in their resumes, it's a mistake. But why is it a mistake?

  • You want to grab the recruiter's attention from the get-go.
  • You'll make their life a bit easier because you'll immediately tell them who you are.

The thing is, recruiters are busy people , they go through dozens, sometimes hundreds of resumes before they can find a few qualified candidates. 

Do you know what this means? Shortcuts. At first, recruiters will be skimming resumes in search of specific keywords and phrases that align with what the company is searching for.

That’s why you want to include the best resume summary you can come up with because a good summary section consists of nothing but these juicy bite-size phrases and keywords that a recruiter can spot at a glance. 

In short, a professional summary allows you to turn a recruiter's time limitation into an advantage. 

Christy's word of advice

While recruiters are indeed busy, did you know that the information that recruiters only give each resume 6 seconds of their time isn't true? 

“This one's a little bit of a myth. It takes about six seconds to screen the resume for the key information that I'm looking for, such as location, summary, keywords, or if there's a skills section. Within this time frame, I should be able to get a feel for who you are and what you're looking for. But it's mainly about six seconds for me to pick out the basic information I need. It doesn't mean that I'm going to spend just six seconds on it or that I won't continue reading after. ” —   Christy Morgan , Kickresume's Resident HR Expert

resume summary kickresume

As we said before, a good professional summary should compel an employer to read the next section of your resume — that’s all. If it manages to do that, then it has accomplished its purpose. 

However, doing this is easier said than done, as it can be tricky to cram the most exciting bits of your career into a 3-5 bullet points summary. 

Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to craft an impressive resume summary.

Before you start writing:

  • Write other resume sections, and then write your professional summary last. It’s surprisingly easy once you’ve already written other sections of your resume. All you have to do is cherry-pick the most impressive facts and stats.
  • Pick the essential keywords from the job listing, so you can tailor your summary. Start with the job listing that made you apply for the job. Carefully reread it and find the most important keywords. These are the nouns or phrases that best describe the job position, related skills, as well as the ideal candidate. Before you begin to write, think about how they intersect with your own skills and experiences. In this way, you also have a higher chance to get through the ATS systems which companies use .

Once you start writing:

  • In the first bullet point, write your professional title. Don’t forget to add the number of years of experience. You want to communicate your professional identity immediately. You can also write it in bold. It can look something like this: “Certified Project Management Professional with over 4 years of experience”.
  • Pick the 3-4 most impressive parts of your resume and reword them into snappy bullet points. Tease your potential employer into reading further. Did you earn a recognition for the best customer service? Or hit 95% of sales targets for five consecutive years? These are the things that deserve a mention at the top of your resume!
  • Translate each achievement into numbers. Each bullet point should contain at least one piece of quantifiable data. Use percentages, numbers, or impressive sales figures. It gives the hiring manager a better idea of how you performed in your previous jobs. Numbers attract attention. Take advantage of that.
  • Sum up what you have to offer. Instead of saying what you want, keep in mind what they want. Make clear what values you can bring to the company. Look for common threads in your work history and for skills that apply most to the job.

How to use keywords in a resume summary

A professional summary can do more than catch the attention of the recruiter. It can also make your resume more ATS-friendly. 

It's a great place where you can squeeze in one or two ATS-friendly keywords , and it will still look natural.

Such keywords can be your industry-relevant hard skills, previous job positions, notable clients, certificates and courses from notable institutions, or a note-worthy university (if you recently finished your degree). 

Moreover, you should add keywords and relevant skills from the job listing.

Don't get too creative with the heading, though. While replacing the professional summary headline with “Snapshot” sounds great, ATS doesn't know what it means and therefore wouldn't recognize it.

Pro tip: Remember, while it's important to incorporate keywords into your resume summary, it's crucial to ensure these keywords align with your abilities and experiences. The ATS might shortlist your resume, but the hiring manager will quickly realize in an interview if those keywords were merely resume filler. Always maintain honesty and authenticity while drafting your summary.

summary resume example

Professional resume summary examples for most common careers

Now that you know the ins and outs of writing a resume summary, here are a few examples that can inspire you when writing your summary:

Professional summary example for customer service

Performance-driven and motivated customer service rep offering 4+ years of relevant experience. Eager to join the Techia team and contribute to the growth of the company. In the previous role, the ability to make customers comfortable and relaxed allowed for 98% customer service survey results and had 25% more sales than the average employer. 

Professional resume summary example for retail

Dedicated and hard-working storekeeper with a Business Administration degree. Eager to bring my strong attention to detail and accuracy to J&R inc. Adept at communicating with vendors and suppliers, coordinating various business operations, and maintaining documents and files in order. In the past jobs brought an extra $50k of sales per quarter and increased customer satisfaction by 20%. 

Professional summary example for nursing resume

Motivational and resourceful Orthopedic Nurse with 10 years of experience with in-depth knowledge in trauma recovery, aggressive pain management techniques, and post-surgical recovery. Especially proficient in providing external fixation care and continuous motion therapy along with neuromuscular status monitoring. Committed to work as an orthopedic nurse for people who are struggling with mobility issues due to accidental injuries and degenerative disease affecting bones and muscles.

Professional summary example for administrative assistant

Self-driven and accurate Executive Assistant skilled at performing various office/administrative duties, such as coordinating meetings, maintaining calendar and schedule, filing documents, and managing company correspondence. Highly self-motivated with a solid work ethic and multitasking abilities.

Professional summary example for data analyst

A graduate in Information Systems with two years of hands-on data analytics experience. Passionate about working with large amounts of data and to turn this data into information, information into insight and insight into business decisions. I also have a keen interest in the field of data visualization and am fascinated by the power to compress complex datasets into approachable and appealing graphics.

Professional summary example for warehouse worker

Hard-working and dedicated Warehouse Worker with 2+ years of extensive experience in inspecting incoming shipments, preparing and processing orders, and performing various administrative duties. The Employee of the Month Award winner with a strong attention to detail and accuracy and determination to achieve exceptional results. Offers excellent time management skills and important ability to work independently or in a team.

Professional summary example for receptionist 

Customer-oriented and performance-driven Front Desk Assistant skilled at performing various administrative tasks, improving all office processes and procedures, and providing support to Office Managers. Great communicator with a Business Administration degree from a well-known university and an exceptional ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Possess well-developed communication skills and excellent time management abilities.

Resume summary example for management

A Project Manager with 16 years of experience in IT projects. Responsible for the management of teams of up to 15 direct and 7 indirect employees. Has High level knowledge in project execution using best practices of waterfall and agile methodologies. High level knowledge of Jupyter Notebook, MS Project, MS Excel, MS Word. 

Professional summary example for project manager

Logistics & Planning PMO for Anheuser-Busch InBev with +7 years of experience in Supply Chain Operations & Project Management. Lived and worked for ABI in 6 cities in past years, managed +300 direct & indirect employees and +0.5 billion BRL over the years. At ABI experienced the routines in breweries operations & urban distribution. As Project Manager build the Zone Logistics Project area for ABI LAN, being responsible for 4.0 Supply Chain, integrating the technologies WMS, YMS, TMS and Tracking.

Resume summary example for stay-at-home mother

Performance-driven and knowledgeable Stay At Home Mother skilled at conducting detailed market research, developing new sales tools, creating reports, and promoting products and services. Certified Marketing Management Professional with an extensive knowledge of multiple marketing software programmes, great communication skills, and excellent teamwork abilities. Currently looking for any Marketing related remote part-time job.

Professional summary example for student

Self-driven and knowledgeable computer science student with demonstrated experience in developing user-friendly software applications, coding and testing features, and providing engineering support. Oracle Certified Professional with extensive knowledge of multiple programming languages and software development tools, excellent problem-solving skills, and ability to perform well in a team.

fresh graduate resume summary example

How to write a resume summary if you're a fresh graduate/student?

If you’re a student or a fresh graduate, you probably don’t have much to brag about in your resume yet.

But that’s true only to some extent. Even as an entry-level candidate, you already have at least some experience and skills. You just have to find the right way to articulate them.

What’s more, it’s quite likely that the other candidates are just as inexperienced as you are. After all, experienced professionals rarely apply for entry-level positions. 

Because of that, your primary goal is to stand out and make the employer remember you . And you can do that even if your experience is limited.

It’s not like you’ve just spent most of your life at school and learned nothing. You just need to understand how your studies intersect with the job’s requirements.

 Here’s how you can write your professional resume summary as a student/fresh graduate:

  • State your field of study, degree, and GPA (if it’s above 3.0).
  • Mention relevant skills gained in internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer work.
  • Add related coursework or school projects.
  • Also, try to translate your most notable achievements into numbers. Maybe you were on the student council. You can mention how you received 800 votes and helped organize 5 large school events that were attended by 2,000 students.

In the end, a fresh graduate resume summary should look a bit like this: 

Hired by Bupa — Business Administration Intern

  • An adaptable and responsible graduate seeking an entry-level position in the Business Analytics market, Business Consultancy or Financial market.
  • My double degree in Business and Law and my previous job as a financial controller have provided me with a well-rounded background and enabled me to develop an analytical/logical approach to tasks, software skills, and the ability to work under pressure.
  • In short, I am reliable, hard-working with strong attention to detail and eager to learn about new technologies and business issues. I am able to work well both on my own initiative and as a part of a team. I’m also able to travel abroad.

How to write a resume summary as an experienced professional?

If you have 10 to 15 years of professional experience under your belt, you’ve probably developed a long list of job-related accomplishments. Your qualifications summary is the ideal place to showcase the most impressive of them. 

On the other, with that extent of experience, it may be quite challenging to pick and choose the right information for your professional summary. 

So what should you do? 

  • Start by carefully rereading the job advertisement.
  • Highlight any skills you already possess that match this job offer.
  • See if you can think of any past accomplishments that show how you successfully used those skills in your previous job.

For instance, are you an experienced sales and customer service professional? Sell it. Mention how you developed strategies that resulted in an over 15 % increase in new customers. Or how your rewards program reached a customer success rate of over 45 %. Numbers can be much more persuasive than words . 

Also, always remember to use action words and relevant keywords.

Here’s a professional summary resume example from an experienced professional: 

HubSpot — Director of Business Development Resume Summary Example

  • Passionate Business Amplifier.
  • Thrives in complex market segment entry and sales and marketing launch plans for technical products and services. Founder of the highly-impactful "HubSpot for Veterans" initiative. 
  • Proven Growth Consultant and Entrepreneurial Coach for over 200 organizations. Advocate of lean startup and data-backed strategy. 
  • Leadership spans career with direct application towards startups, Techstar accelerators, corporate business development, and government. ROI-focused relationship builder.
  • Lifelong teacher and learner: Startup Institute, Techstarts, HubSpot Partner programs.

How to write a professional summary if you’re changing careers?

As a career changer , try to show how your past experience relates to the position you’re applying for or how it can help your future employer grow.

Are you a software developer who wants to work with a new programming language, let’s say Python? You can mention how you’ve already developed 7 mobile apps using JavaScript and HTML. Even something as small as completing a Python online course on CodeAcademy can work wonders.

But if you still feel like you don’t have any relevant job experience, consider writing a resume objective instead. Instead of past achievements and experiences, it highlights your transferable skills and motivation. Moreover, it explains why you seek to switch to a different industry.

On the other hand, make sure that you have absolutely no other solution, as a resume summary always makes a better impression than a resume objective . To learn more about a resume objective just scroll to the following chapter. 

Here’s an example of a professional summary for someone changing careers:

  • Marketing professional with over three years of experience in digital advertising, aiming to transition from marketing to human resources
  • Certified Human Resources Assistant with a working knowledge of all software programs needed for the position such as Bamboo HR and Zenefits.
  • Was in charge of recruiting and supervising summer interns and co-managing marketing budgets.
  • Won the Employee of the Month Award for completing all assigned tasks and projects in a timely manner.

How to write a professional summary for a resume with no work experience? 

A lot of people with no work experience default to writing a resume objective because they think they have nothing to summarize.

However, this usually ends up backfiring as the resume objective brings little to the table. That’s because the resume objective’s main focus is on you as opposed to a professional summary which focuses on solving the needs of a company.

Also, writing a summary objective can make you appear more inexperienced than you truly are. 

Instead, as someone with no work experience, you can write a professional summary by including: 

  • Your education level;
  • Adjectives that emphasize your work ethic (such as competent, decisive, and accountable);
  • Relevant skills gained at school, volunteering , or internships; 
  • Professional hobbies (for example if applying for an IT position, include that app side project you worked on). 

In addition, if you have volunteered or interned, know that regardless of whether they were paid or not, they're still considered work experience. As the skills and knowledge gained as a volunteer or intern can be quite valuable to an employer. 

With that said, here’s an example of a professional summary for someone with no work experience:

People United Foundation – Fundraiser Volunteer 

  • Resourceful and talented fundraiser who uses new forms of technology and existing techniques to help raise money for organizations and groups. 
  • Experienced in raising funds for various charitable and nonprofit institutes. 
  • Adept at researching and presenting an array of innovative fundraising ideas to a variety of donor audiences. 
  • Keen negotiator with exceptional communication time management and networking abilities. 

what is a resume objective

Resume summary vs resume objective and resume profile

While these terms are often interchangeable, a resume summary, a resume objective, and a resume profile are all slightly different things. Scroll below to see how. 

What is a resume objective?

First of all, a resume objective isn't the same thing as a resume summary. They share several common features but each serves a different purpose.

Like a resume summary, a resume objective also sits at the top of your resume. Though, it’s a bit shorter — usually about one to two sentences long . 

The biggest difference is that instead of your past accomplishments, it details your future goals.

Although a resume objective might not help hiring managers decide whether you’re qualified enough to solve their company’s problems, it may help you shift their attention away from your lack of experience.

With that said, resume objectives are a bit old-fashioned as they used to be more common in past. So it should only be written as a last resort.

resume objective sample

What is a resume profile?

Most people think that the resume profile and resume summary are the same exact thing. And they aren't that wrong. 

However, there are some slight differences between the two. 

A resume profile tends to be a little longer than a resume summary. Still, you should try to keep it under 500 characters. Additionally, while a resume summary is simply a condensed version of your resume placed at the top of it, a resume profile focuses more on your professional accomplishments and successes. 

Still — a resume summary and a resume profile are basically the same thing. So don't worry too much about the difference between the two. Just make sure you'll include either of them in your resume. 

Final tips and tricks

We've already mentioned almost everything you need to write an effective professional summary. These are some of the final tips that didn't fit anywhere else in this guide:

  • Emphasize proven experience. Instead of simply listing your skills , mention your previous accomplishments. For example, it’s much more impactful to say that you had your articles published in Forbes than to plainly claim that you’re a skilled writer.
  • Try to avoid using the word “I” . It's not really necessary, especially if you write in bullet points. 
  • Structure it well. Take it from a professional writer — bullet points are a godsend when you need to structure your text clearly without giving it too much effort. Not only will they naturally order your resume statement into clearly delineated logical parts, but they'll also make it look good and read well. Also, make sure to write your current job title in bold.
  • Keep it short. Your summary shouldn’t be longer than 5 short sentences (or bullet points). Having a long summary sort of defeats the point of having a resume summary at all. Don’t add random things. The key is to be specific.
  • Read it after yourself. When you’re finished writing, read through your summary from the perspective of a hiring manager, asking “Why should we hire you?” .

Oh, and if you want to turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume with just one click, we've got you covered.

How to write a resume summary?

Write your professional summary last. It’s surprisingly easy once you’ve already written other sections of your resume. In the first bullet point, include your job title and years of experience. Then cherry-pick the most impressive achievements and cram them into 4–5 bullet points.

There are some slight differences between a resume profile and a resume summary. A resume profile tends to be a little longer than a resume summary. Still, you should try to keep it under 500 characters. A resume profile also focuses more on your professional accomplishments and successes than a resume summary. 

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Kaja Jurčišinová

Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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The Best Short Professional Bios (Examples + Templates)

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Summary. To write a short bio you should first make an initial introduction introducing yourself in the first or first person. Your short bio should include your brand, your accomplishments, and your values and goals. Your short bio should be one to three short paragraphs or four to eight sentences long.

Knowing how to write a concise, informative, and interesting biography about yourself can help throughout various parts of the professional process. You can use your bio to capture the attention of potential employers or clients and convince them to choose to employ or work with you.

In this article, you’ll learn more about what goes into a short bio and how to write one, and you’ll also get to see some short bio templates and examples to help you get an idea of what yours should look like.

Key Takeaways

A short bio serves to introduce you, your achievements, and what you offer professionally to potential employers or clients.

It’s important to keep your bio brief so that readers stay engaged and will remember your main points.

You may need to adjust your bio for different audiences, as your clients may want to know different information than a recruiter would.

Talk about your skills and accomplishments in your bio, but don’t exaggerate them.

How to Write a Short Bio

What Is a Short Bio?

How to write a short bio, what to include in a short professional bio, short bio examples, short bio templates, tips for writing a short bio, writing a short bio faq.

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A short bio serves as your introduction to the professional world. In terms of finding or expanding on your job, a bio will cover your:

Work history


Any other relevant professional information

Think of it as a professional memoir that a hiring manager or consumer can read and understand quickly. It’s usually about one to three paragraphs depending on experience.

There’s an emphasis on being succinct when it comes to writing a professional bio. This is because a bio is supposed to be a preface to attract recruiter attention and incline them to reach out for more information. Many readers will get lost or bored with a lengthy bio.

Using a short bio can be helpful across very different industries, from marketing to accounting, from psychiatry to sales.

You’re probably familiar with providing short bios on social media websites and applications. While the information and skills you include in a professional bio may differ, the general formatting is similar.

There’s a lot of considerations to take into account when writing a short bio, and it can quickly become intimidating. Deciding what information is relevant and how to keep it near 140 characters is no small task.

If you’re having difficulty writing a short bio, follow the outline below to craft an introduction that engages your reader.

Make an initial introduction. You can’t jump right into everything you’ve done and what you want to do in the future before introducing yourself.

Your bio’s first sentence should begin with your full name in the third person or introduce yourself in the first person and continue to briefly outline your most notable skills and accomplishments. It’s a good place to state your current job and employer.

Go deeper with what motivates you. Once you’ve catchily illustrated who you are in your short bio, you can use the second sentence to describe your motivations for your work.

Stating what drives you to do the work you do is essential to employers and customers alike. Whether you work as a physician or fitness consultant , there’s a reason why this is your profession, and you should explain that in your short professional bio.

Describe your accomplishments. Your short bio is for detailing why you’re the ideal candidate to be trusted with handling an employer or consumer’s business. By describing your prior accomplishments, you let them know what you could offer as an employee and how you’ve succeeded in the past.

While you should avoid sounding braggy, the reader is looking for information about what your qualifications are , and your accomplishments generally measure these qualities.

Even though you could probably go on for ages about the details of your accomplishments, save that for an interview . In a short bio, only include the most impressive of your achievements to outline.

Accomplishments relevant to a short bio could include:

Impressive results on a project

Former promotions

Awards received in your field

Certifications received

Include contact information. The purpose of a short bio as either a business or a job seeker is to inspire the reader to reach out. Without contact information, this pursuit becomes futile. Make sure your short bio has some way to contact you at the end.

Relevant contact information may include:

Phone number

Professional networking profile

A short professional bio includes:

Your full name. You can choose to write your bio in the first person (I, me, my) or third person (he, she, they), but either way, you need to include your full name at some point. Branding doesn’t work so well without a brand name (i.e., you!)

Your brand. Of course, if you have an actual brand that you’re trying to market, you should include the brand name as well.

What you do. Summarize what you want the reader to know about what you do in one sentence — tricky, we know.

Your accomplishments. For a short bio, you can stick with just one major accomplishment from your professional life. Or, if you have a string of impressive achievements, try condensing all of them down to one sentence.

Your goals and values. Let the reader know what makes you tick — why do you do what you do and what do you hope to achieve with your work? People are compelled by a story more than anything else, so it’s important to get this part right.

Something personal (optional). If you have a quirky tidbit about yourself you’d like to include, go for it. Just make sure it doesn’t throw off te the tone of the rest of your bio.

Contact info (optional). If your bio is serving as a call-to-action to drum up business or get leads on job opportunities, it makes sense to include your contact information at the end of your bio. It’s not necessary if that information is available elsewhere on the page , though.

Entry-Level Job-Seeker Bio Example

Mitchell Morrison is an upcoming video producer and editor who believes in the art of visual organization. He is a recent graduate from the University of Washington and focused on post-production during his time studying there. He was introduced to the magical world of visual art production by watching his father work on editing commercials growing up and has been working towards his dream of becoming a video editor ever since. During his last year of college, Mitchell participated in a competitive internship with Digital Space Films. He was chosen out of 2,000 applicants based on his academic portfolio and personal statement essay. This internship was an incredible learning experience and resulted in three professional accreditations for music video editing. Mitchell currently lives in Seattle, Washington pursuing freelance opportunities and spending time with his Dog, Pikachu. To get into contact with Mitchell: MitchellMorrisonVideo.com/contact

Working Professional Website Bio Example

Lisa Kennedy is an experienced real estate professional. She knows how important a home is for long-term happiness and has invested her career in putting people in the house they’ve always dreamed of. Lisa was driven to pursue real estate from her passion for helping people during life-altering times, and a keen interest in high-end, luxury homes. She’s been working in the real estate industry for ten years and in that time has assisted over 3,500 people in finding homes. She was educated at the University of Los Angeles with a bachelor’s in business management. She’s worked for some of the most respectable Real Estate companies in Los Angeles and individually under her agency “Kennedy Homes.” Lisa has also been published in Real Estate Quarterly Magazine as the 2017 winner of the “Top Luxury Home Seller” award. Lisa loves the culture of Los Angeles and has been living there with her family of five since she graduated from college. She enjoys spending her free time exploring towns along the West Coast and swimming. If you’d like to get in touch with Lisa: Email: [email protected]

Professional Networking Profile Bio Example

Bianca Jones Marketing Manager Miami, FL The first step towards customer satisfaction is being reached by stellar product marketing, and that’s what I aim to provide. My professional experience as a product marketing manager has allowed me to assist many organizations in improving their sales margins and audience response to emerging products. I’ve brought dedication and positive results to the companies I’ve worked for because I am passionate about product perception, marketing, and business statistics. What drives a product to success interests and inspires me. I specialize in long-term growth strategies and audience outreach. In addition to eight years of experience in professional product marketing, I have also published two books on creating a career as a marketer called “What to Do After Your Bachelor’s” and “A Marketer’s How-To.” If you’re interested in learning more about how to market your business better, or just discuss more, feel free to contact me by email at [email protected].

Your first choice is whether you want your bio to be written in the third person or first person. These short bio templates show both options, and also include different ideas for what to include, and how. Feel free to pick and choose your favorite parts of each of the two.

[Full Name] is a [job title] who [believes/knows] in the power of [what you do]. [He/She/They] began their journey in [field] by [how you got started in the field], and now dreams of [what you hope to accomplish]. [His/Her/Their] biggest accomplishment to date has been [your biggest accomplishment]. [Full Name] lives in [where you live] and participates in [a hobby/interest]. To get in touch with [Full Name], call/email/message me on [how you’d like to be contacted].
I am a [job title] who helps [who you help] [what you help them do]. It’s my belief that [your unique perspective on the field]. In the past [# of years] years, I’ve [major accomplishment #1] through [how you accomplished it]. I have a passion for [your professional passion], but on the side, I also enjoy [personal passion]. Get in touch with me today at [contact info] — I look forward to talking with you about [what you want to talk to your readers about].

You have a firm grasp of the structure of a short bio and what to include. Now, you may need some tips for how to polish your short professional bio and make it stand out from the competition.

Be mindful of length. While you’re probably getting sick of hearing that your bio should be short, it’s good to keep in mind throughout the writing process. It’s easy to go off on a tangent while trying to include everything relevant or rationalize, making your bio too long.

Avoid this impulse. The point of a bio is that it’s limited. You want to intrigue the reader enough to inspire them to seek more information about you or your services.

Tailor your bio to your intended audience. Whether you’re using a short bio to attract a particular customer base or potential employer, tailoring it to fit their wants and needs is crucial. Consider your intended audience base and what they’re looking for in a candidate or service.

Be genuine. Your short bio should be an authentic representation of your traits, experience, and personality. People are repelled by what they interpret as stretching the truth. If you’re being received as disingenuous by the reader, they’ll probably move on.

Proofread. The only way to steer clear of errors in your short bio is by proofreading it. Imagine a hiring manager being completely interested in your bio.

They love what you have to say about yourself and find your prior experience enticing. That is, until they come across a mistake that clearly shows you didn’t do proofread or edit.

Include links to your portfolio, website, or networking profile. One way to circumvent the confining factor of keeping your bio short is by including links to more detailed sources.

This can be in the form of linking your portfolio or website to allow the reader to go deeper into your discussed skills if they please, without taking up more space in your bio.

Implement these links seamlessly into your bio by attaching them to anchor words that describe what clicking will lead them to.

Add some personality. You aren’t the only person who has an impressive list of accomplishments to put on a bio, so you’re going to need to find some additional ways to make an impression.

What should a short bio include?

A short bio should include your name, what you do, and your achievements. You should also include your company or product’s brand, if you have one, and your goals and motivations for doing what you do. This humanizes you and helps you stand out from the rest of the pack.

How long is a short bio?

A short bio is typically one to three paragraphs long. These should be short paragraphs though, as other experts say that between four and eight sentences is the ideal length for a short bio.

What makes a good bio?

A good bio is succinct and memorable. Readers don’t want to spend long reading about your professional and personal life, so go back and cut it down to the important parts multiple times after you draft it. You might be surprised at how little you actually need to include.

What should you avoid putting in a short bio?

You should avoid including anything negative or arrogate. It’s never a good idea to write anything negative about previous jobs or employers. Only include positive things in your professional short bio.

It’s important to include your achievements in a short bio, but there is a fine line between mentioning your achievements and bragging about them. Stick to the facts when talking about your accomplishments.

Fremont University – Building Your Professional Bio

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

Don Pippin is an executive and HR leader for Fortune 50 and 500 companies and startups. In 2008, Don launched area|Talent with a focus on helping clients identify their brand. As a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Certified Digital Career Strategist, and Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Don guides clients through career transitions.

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  1. 10 Resume Profile Examples (And How to Write Yours)

    Keep it concise. Your resume profile should be no more than four sentences or bullet points, and should not have more than 500 characters. Remember recruiters read dozens of resumes daily, so you don't want yours to be unnecessarily long and tiring. 2. Find the format the suits you best.

  2. What Is a Resume Profile? 12 Examples of Strong Profiles

    Here are resume profile examples for different occupations to help you build a resume profile that will encourage hiring managers to read the rest of your resume. 1. Accountant. A highly motivated accounting specialist with over three years of experience assisting advisers in the private practice industry.

  3. 15 Good Resume Profile Examples & How to Write Yours

    Here's an example of what the middle section of a resume profile should look like: Managed a $350,000 budget at my previous position, with a 15% reduction in costs over two years. Conducted in-depth risk analysis, helping to guide the company toward 20% annual growth. 3. Industry-relevant skills.

  4. 18+ Professional Resume Profile Examples for Any Job

    Resume Profile Example—Qualifications Summary. Dedicated customer service representative with over 5 years of professional experience. Eager to join ABC Inc. to offer customized solutions, identify sales opportunities, and provide exceptional service to customers. Attained >90% positive customer ratings at DEF Inc.

  5. Resume Profile Explained (with Examples)

    As you might expect, your approach to creating a resume profile can also differ based on the type of job you're seeking. That's because different job roles require different skill sets, experiences, and personal qualities. To get you started, we've compiled resume profile examples covering a wide variety of professions.

  6. 25 Resume Profile Examples & Guide for Writing Yours

    Now, let's take a look at some expert-written resume profile examples for specific job positions. Resume Profile—Customer Service Representative. Goal-oriented customer service rep with 7+ years of experience. Seeking to use proven telesales skills to raise customer satisfaction at Triple-P Components.

  7. How to Write a Resume Profile [Professional Examples]

    Check out four of our resume profile examples below to get a feel for how they can fit onto a resume. Security Guard Resume Profile. Retail Manager Resume Profile. Personal Trainer Resume Profile Example. Avoid emphasis adverbs like "really", "very" and "extremely" in your professional profile.

  8. 20+ Resume Profile Examples (+ How To Write One)

    Accountant resume profile. Ethical Accountant with over 20 years of experience in tax accounting and financial auditing. Skilled in data analysis and budgeting. Reduced a client's overall business expenditure, saving the company $1M over the course of one year.

  9. How to Write a CV Personal Statement + Examples

    Here's how to write a personal statement step-by-step: 1. Say Who You Are in the First Sentence. The first sentence of your personal profile must show that you're a serious candidate for the job. So, skip your zodiac sign or your favorite football team, even if they're a big part of who you are.

  10. How to Write a Convincing Resume Profile [+23 Examples]

    Step #1 - Tailor Your Resume Profile to the Position. The first thing to do is to tailor your resume profile to the position you're applying for. You can't just take the lazy way out and create a one-size-fits-all resume profile. That way, you're pretty much setting yourself up for failure.

  11. How to Write a Resume Personal Statement (6 Tips + Examples)

    A resume personal statement should include: Between 50 and 200 words in 3 - 4 sentences. Your title or function, for example "Junior developer" or "Passionate hospitality manager". An opening hook. Soft skills and hard skills. Impressive facts and stats. Your short and/or long-term goals.

  12. Resume Personal Statement: How to Write & 7+ Good Examples

    Otherwise, your target employer may worry your focus would be divided between your work for their company and your side hustles. 3. Consider your audience. Tailor every word of your personal statement to your audience — the recruiter, hiring manager, and anyone else at your target employer who might read your resume.

  13. 25+ Best CV Personal Profile Examples with Writing Guide

    Here are a few examples of good CV personal profiles: 1. Experienced marketing professional with a proven track record of success in designing and executing creative marketing campaigns. Skilled in copywriting, email marketing, and social media marketing. 2.

  14. Professional Resume Profile Writing Guideline [+25 Resume Profile Examples]

    Keywords from the job description. 1. Years of work experience/education. If you're an experienced professional, include the years of work experience in the resume profile. The widely-used format is: [Job title] + with/having + [numbers] of years of experience in + [expertise]. 2.

  15. How to Write a Professional Profile (With Examples)

    You may write your profile as a list in bullet form or as a short paragraph. Include your job title and years of work or training experience. Highlight your professional strengths for the role. 2. Include the skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Include only your professional skills and experience that are relevant to the ...

  16. Best CV Personal Profile Examples

    Winning personal profile CV examples from all job sectors Business management CV profile. I have a clear, logical mind with a practical approach to problem-solving and a drive to see things through to completion. I have more than 2 years of experience in managing and leading teams across multiple sectors. I am eager to learn, I enjoy overcoming ...

  17. How to write a CV personal profile (with 14 examples)

    Keep your CV statement short. Keep your CV profile to one paragraph comprised of three to six sentences. A hiring manager scans your CV for key terms to determine if they want to interview you for the role. Use simple sentence structures to ensure they can easily understand the message you're trying to convey. 3.

  18. CV Personal Profile Examples + Writing Guide

    4. Graduate CV personal profile. If you're writing a CV as a recent graduate, this is a good example to follow: Recent Software Engineering graduate armed with a strong academic foundation and hands-on experience in coding, problem solving, and software development gained through internships for Revolut and Deliveroo.

  19. How To Write A Personal Profile: 7 Tips + Examples

    Use self-descriptions carefully and try to rely on facts. • Don't list too many skills. If you include management skills, ability to work undependently, eye for detail, project management, conflict resolution and other skills in a row, this will spoil the impression. Choose 2-3 skills and prove them with examples.

  20. What Is a Personal Profile? (Definition, Tips, and Examples)

    Personal profile examples Here are some resume profile examples you can use as a guide when writing your own: I am a marketing professional with 15 years of experience working in multinational companies, and am seeking a long-term work opportunity in digital marketing with a similarly positioned company. I excel in planning, developing, and ...

  21. CV Personal Profile examples

    Examples of Completed Profile Statements: I am an experienced joiner with well developed skills and experience in groundwork, concrete finishing and steel fixing and have worked in the construction industry since 1982. I am also a skilled labourer who has supported many different trades over the years.

  22. Q&A: What Is a Personal Profile?

    A personal profile is a small section of your resume, or CV, that serves as an introduction. In your personal profile, you can write about your experience, professional goals, education and strengths. This short description is at the top of your resume, so it's one of the first things that anyone considering your application will read.

  23. How to Write a Professional Resume Summary? [+Examples]

    Here's how you can write your professional resume summary as a student/fresh graduate: State your field of study, degree, and GPA (if it's above 3.0). Mention relevant skills gained in internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer work. Add related coursework or school projects.

  24. How To Write A Personal Profile For A CV (With Examples)

    Examples Of A Personal Profile Here are a few examples you may review before creating your own personal profile: A competent content marketing manager with over five years of experience, looking to leverage demonstrated marketing and strategy skills to increase your company's revenue. I have previously exceeded revenue targets for a fast-paced marketing start-up company.

  25. The Best Short Professional Bios (Examples + Templates)

    The Best Short Professional Bios (Examples + Templates) By Sky Ariella and Experts Feb. 5, 2023. Summary. To write a short bio you should first make an initial introduction introducing yourself in the first or first person. Your short bio should include your brand, your accomplishments, and your values and goals.

  26. How to Write a Resume Summary + Examples

    1. Align your summary with a company's ideal candidate. Review job descriptions and take note of any language used to describe a company's ideal candidate, especially when it comes to their responsibilities. If you have experience handling those tasks, highlight them in your summary. For example, if a company wants a candidate who can ...

  27. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    Our huge range of free resume templates can help. Simply choose your favorite, download directly to Word or open in Google Docs, and fill it out. We also provide a copy-paste template, and show you how to fill out your own resume template with an instructional video. Build My Resume. Resume Cover Letter.