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Academic Programme – DEPM

Programmes offered.

The department currently offers the following courses:

PhD in Education (Educational Planning & Management-Specialisation)

  • Master of Education in Policy, Planning & Management

Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management & Leadership

  • Bachelor of Education (Educational Administration-Specialisation) 
  • Diploma in Educational Planning & Management

This programme is three (3) years and is delivered in two modes i.e. by thesis alone or as taught programme that includes both coursework and thesis. The programme mainly targets holders of Master of Education degree with a specialisation in different education-related areas.

The chief aim of this programme is to produce education experts who will lead the country in areas of education research, policy initiation, programme development and education quality assurance.

Specific Objectives

By the end of the Programme, the PhD Education students should be able to: –

  • Apply relevant educational concepts, knowledge and skills for purposes of teaching and management of any educational programme.
  • Provide leadership in the development of quality educational activities, and methodologies to improve the general quality of learning in the country.
  • Supervise, mentor, guide and counsel education professionals under their guidance.
  • Demonstrate positive attitudes towards education and the teaching profession.
  • Carry out Educational Research for purposes of improving teaching and learning and Education in general.
  • Work with communities to promote access to quality education.

Courses taught include:

Year  1 Semester 1

  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Philosophical Methods
  • Computer Application in Research
  • Education Administration: Theory & Practice
  • Policy Studies and Evaluation

Year  1  Semester 2

  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Scholarly writing, Presentation and Publication
  • Implementation of Science
  • Advanced Educational Planning
  • Advanced Human Resource Management

Year 2 Semester 1

  • Research Proposal Writing

Year 2 Semester 2

  • Data Collection

Year 3 Semester 1

  • Data Analysis & Thesis writing

Year 3 Semester 2

  • Thesis submission and examination

Master of  Education in Policy, Planning & Management

This programme is two (2) years, offered during evening and weekend. The programme mainly targets holders of a Bachelor degree in Education with specialisation in different areas.

The major aim of the programme is to produce graduates who are well grounded and competent in the theory and practice of educational management, policy and planning.

By the end of the Programme, the students should be able to: –

  • Make a linkage between policies and education management systems.
  • Interpret and implement educational policies.
  • Carry out research for educational development.
  • Use the skills of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in education.
  • Use the programme as a basis for further studies.

Year  1 Semester 1

  • Theory of Management
  • Management of Educational Institutions and Quality Assurance
  • Research in Education
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Educational Planning

Year  1 Semester 2

  • Curriculum Management and Instructional Supervision
  • Project Planning and Management
  • Research Methodology and Data Analysis in Education
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resource Management in Education
  • Comparative International Development in Education
  • Policy Formulation, Analysis and Implementation
  • Student Affairs Planning and Management

Year 2  Semester 2

  • Research Proposal and Dissertation

This programme is one (1) year, offered during evening and weekend. The programme mainly targets holders of a Bachelor’s degree who are interested in acquiring knowledge and skills in management and leadership of educational institutions.

The key aim of the programme is to produce graduates that are well grounded and competent in the theory and practice of educational management and leadership so as to foster effectiveness and efficiency in educational institutions.

  • Make informed technical and professional decisions in educational management and leadership related issues.
  • Apply technical and professional knowledge, skills, values and orientations acquired to effectively and efficiently manage and lead people and other resources in educational institutions.
  • Demonstrate competence in performing jobs related to educational management and leadership.
  • Apply both management and leadership theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to meet the needs, demands and expectations of the students, parents, employers and other stakeholders in the education sector.
  • Organisation and Management Theory in Education
  • Management of Communication in Educational Institutions
  • Governance and Quality Assurance in Education
  • Leadership Theory and Practice in Education
  • Pedagogical Leadership
  • Financial Management in Education
  • Fundamentals of Educational Planning
  • Leadership and Change Management in Education

Diploma in  Education in Planning & Management

This programme is two (2) years, offered during evening and weekend. The programme mainly target holders of a Grade III Teachers’ Certificate and/or ‘A’ Level holders with 2 principles passes who are interested in acquiring knowledge and skills in the management of educational institutions

The major aim of the programme is to produce graduates with a thorough understanding of the theories and practices of educational planning and management. Thus, be able to make informed professional decisions and ethical practices relating to educational planning and management.

  • Make technical and professional informed decisions in educational planning and management – related issues.
  • Apply their technical and professional knowledge, skills, values and orientations acquired to manage people in educational institutions well.
  • Synchronise educational planning and management concepts and principles for purposes of realizing institutional efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Demonstrate competence in performing jobs related to educational planning and management.
  • Apply both theoretical and practical skills for better performance in the management of their institutions.
  • Demonstrate skills of financial management in their institutions
  • Exhibit academic and professional knowledge and skills in work related to educational planning and management.
  • Recognise the importance of placing emphasis on educational planning in the country’s education system.
  • Principles of Management
  • Institutional Management
  • Human Resource Management

Year  1  Semester 2

  • Financial Accounting
  • Computer Skills
  • Records Management

  Year 2 Semester 1

  • Management Ethics
  • Action Research
  • Educational Policy Studies
  • Educational Leadership

 Year 2 Semester 2

  • Change Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Project Report

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Kyambogo University Masters Courses Offered

Below is a list of masters programmes offered at kyambogo university and fees structure.

Programme Tuition fees


International (

Ugandan per Annum) in

(Per US $ semester)

Equivalent of UGX

PhD in Religious Studies 5,600,000 16,800,000

Master of Arts in History 1,200,000 3,600,000

Master of Arts in Religious Studies 1,200,000 3,600,000

Master of Arts in Geography 1,200,000 3,600,000

Master of Arts in Literature 1,200,000 3,600,000

Master of Arts in Music 1,200,000 3,600,000


PhD in Food Technology 6,000,000 18,000,000

PhD in Biological Sciences 6,000,000 18,000,000

PhD in Chemistry 6,000,000 18,000,000

PhD in Physics 6,000,000 18,000,000

PhD in Sport science 6,000,000 18,000,000

Master of Science in Chemistry 1,500,000 4,500,000

Master of Science in Conservation & Natural Resource Management 1,500,0004, 500,000

Master of Science in Food Technology 2,500.000 7,500,000

Master of Science in Physics 1,500,000 4,500,000

Master of Science in Sport Science 1,500,000 4.500,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Food Safety 800,000 2,400,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education & Sports 800,000 2,400,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management 700,000 2,100,000


Master in Vocational Pedagogy 2,200,000 6,600,000

Master of Arts & Industrial Design 1,500,000 4,500,000

Master of Science in Agricultural Education & Extension 2,500,000 7,500,000

Master of Science in Animal Production 2,500,000 7,500,000

Master of Science in Crop Science 2,500,000 7,500,000

Master of science in Human Nutrition 2,500,000 7,500,000

Master of Science in Soil Science 2,500,000 7,500,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Vocational 800,000 2,400,000


Master of Business Administration 2,000,000 6,000,000

Master of Science in Supply Chain Management 2,000,000 6,000,000

Master of Science in Organization and public policy Management 2,000,000 6,000,000


PhD in Education 5,600,000 16,800,000

Master of Counselling Psychology 1,900,000 5,700,000

Master of Education in Early Childhood Education 1,500,000 4,500,000

Master of Education in Educational Foundations 1,900,000 5,700,000

Master of Organizational Psychology 1,900,000 5,700,000

Master of Education in Policy Planning & Management 1,500,000 4,500,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Education 800,000 2,400,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership 800,000 2,400,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Teacher Education 800,000 2,400,000


Master in Special Needs Education 1,500,000 4,500,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation 700,000 2,100,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs 700,000 2,100,000


Master of Engineering in Construction technology 3,000,000 9,000,000

Master of Engineering in Manufacturing systems Engineering 3.000,000 9,000,000

Master of Engineering in Structural Engineering 3,000,000 9,000,000

Master of Engineering in Water & Sanitation Engineering 3,000,000 9,000,000

Department of Early Childhood & Pre-Primary Education

Welcome message.

You are all welcome to the Department of Early Childhood & Pre-Primary Education home page. This Department is the Centre of Excellence for ALL Early Childhood Education related programs in Uganda.

Get started with the Play Learning Centre a centre where children come to study largely with local play materials that are used to implement a play based curriculum for children’s better cognitive, creativity, social and physical development.

masters in education kyambogo university

Practice Areas

Early Childhood Education here is covered under programs that range from child care for 0-3-year-old children; early years’ education for the 3-6-year-old children; lower primary for 7-8-year-old children; Teacher Training programs from Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors’ degree, Masters’ degree to PhD. Structurally, the Department has Tutor Training Centre; Teacher/Caregiver Training Centre; Early Years Education in form of a Play Learning Centre; and Affiliations.

Play Learning Centre

This is the centre where children come to study in a form of a nursery school. The school has largely local play materials.

Teacher Training Centre

This is the early childhood education teacher training centre. It has programs for caregivers and teachers ranging from certificate to PhD.

tutor training centre

This centre train tutors who will be the Early years’ teacher trainers. We believe that quality learning for children result from quality teachers.

Jigsaw teamwork concept macro shot

We have a number of public and private colleges and institutions that we work with to deliver the early childhood programs.

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Master of Arts in Kiswahili (GMAK)

  • To provide opportunities to a big number of Kiswahili graduates who are already in the field and desiring to upgrade their credentials.

Master of Arts in Kiswahili (GMAK)​

The programme is hosted by the Department of Languages & Communication

  • Programme Overview
  • Admission Requirements
  • Programme Structure

Learning Outcomes

  • Career Prospects
  • Fees Structure

Master of Arts in Kiswahili by coursework and dissertation offers unrivalled cutting-edge linguistic, communicative, and advanced research skills, competences, and techniques for scholarly, didactic, and innumerable career opportunities. We aim to provide you with opportunities in the widely growing East African community where Kiswahili language is not just a lingua franca but a necessity for social, political, and economic relations and cooperation.  Our globally conscious problem-centric curriculum is rich with units crafted to address fast-evolving issues in Kiswahili language and literature, including advanced literary theories and criticism, Kiswahili morpho-syntax, advanced phonology, novel writing and analysis, Kiswahili classical literature, and advanced research methods, among others.  With the guidance of a specialist supervisor, you will have to prepare a dissertation on any subject area of your choice in either Kiswahili Linguistics or Literature in Kiswahili. In your first year, however, you will attend lectures, do coursework, and take end-of-semester examinations. Through both face-to-face and online lectures, presentations, fieldwork, and research, you are sure to be equipped to meet your purpose. The programme is subject to and runs by the rules and regulations of the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training of Kyambogo University.

General Objective

The overall objective of this programme is to provide opportunities to the large number of graduates of Kiswahili who are already in the field with the desire to upgrade their studies but have limited alternatives to achieve their goal; make MA in Kiswahili easily accessible to both national and international students; and produce more competent graduates who can do research, write scholarly works, develop and handle emerging curricula developments, and impart knowledge and skills professionally.

Specific Objectives  

  • To make the MA in Kiswahili programme easily accessible to many Ugandans and the international world.
  • To prepare more qualified graduates who can handle the newly promulgated NCDC curriculum of secondary schools, which requires specific skills.
  • To produce graduates who can highlight and explain the importance of the Kiswahili language in the integration of East African Community.
  • To produce graduates who can carry out research, write reports, dissertations, and scholarly papers in Kiswahili.
  • To bring out graduates who can impart knowledge and skills gained to others professionally. 

The common regulations for the Master’s degree of Kyambogo University apply. The minimum qualification for admission is a first degree of at least lower class from a recognised university. You must have studied Kiswahili linguistics and literature at university level. When applying for admission, indicate the area of specialisation (linguistics or literature) you intend to pursue. You must have offered any of the following programmes:

  • Bachelor of Arts with Education (BA. ED) with Kiswahili
  • Bachelor of Education (BED) with Kiswahili
  • Bachelor of Arts in Arts (BAA) with Kiswahili
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Teacher Education (PGDTE) with Kiswahili
  • Bachelor of Mass Media and Filming Industry (Kiswahili) (BMMF)
  • Bachelor of Teacher Education (BTE) with Kiswahili.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) with Kiswahili
GMAKL7101Advanced Phonetics & Phonology4010453
GMAKL 7102Kiswahili Morpho-syntactic Analysis450453
GMAKT 7101Advanced Classical Literature450453
GMAKT 7102Advanced Literary Theory & Criticism3030453
GMAKL 7103ICT3030453
GMAKT 7103Kiswahili Drama and Theatre1560453
GMAKL 7104Kiswahili semantics and Pragmatics450453
GMAKL 7105Kiswahili social linguistics450453
GMAKT 7104Advanced Contemporary Kiswahili Literature450453
GMAKT 7105Advanced Kiswahili Oral Literature450453
GMAKL 7201Advanced Kiswahili Research Methods3030453
GMAKL 7202Trends in Linguistic Theory450453
GMAKL 7203Curriculum Design, Testing & Evaluation450453
GMAKT 7201Kiswahili Novel Writing and Analysis3030453
GMAKT 7202Kiswahili Poetic Writing and Analysis3030453
GMAKL 7204Kiswahili Discourse Analysis450453
GMAKL 7205Second Language Acquisition450453
GMAKT 7203Advanced Kiswahili comparative Literature450453
GMAKT 7204Kiswahili and Socio-Economic Transformation450453
GMAKL 7206Advanced Translation Theory & Practice3030453
GMAKT 7207Kiswahili Critical and Scholarly writing3030453
GMAKL 8101Two Seminar papers and Proposal writing0240008
GMAKL 8201Dissertation0300010
  • Conduct empirical research using appropriate methods and designs and write a report or dissertation.
  • Develop and handle the curricula of given areas of study in Kiswahili.
  • Write scholarly papers for presentation in Kiswahili.
  • Give and explain reasons why Kiswahili is a key factor in the unity of Ugandans on one hand, and integration of East African Community on the other.
  • Professionally exhibit mastery and deliver Kiswahili linguistics and literature content at all levels.

With the rebirth of the East African Community, mastering in Kiswahili language and literature cannot be undermined in terms of its sociocultural, sociopolitical, economic and international productivity. With the Master of Arts in Kiswahili language and literature:

  • You can pursue a career in teaching Kiswahili language and literature at various educational levels, such as schools, colleges, and universities.
  • You can work as a translator or interpreter , helping bridge the language gap in different sectors, including government, business, and tourism.
  • You can explore opportunities in journalism , working as a reporter, editor, or writer for Kiswahili publications or broadcasting companies.
  • You can conduct research , contribute to academic publications, and pursue a career in academia as a professor or researcher.
  • You can work as a cultural consultant , promoting Swahili culture, heritage, and language, especially in international organizations or NGO’s.
  • You can be valuable in content creation and editing for websites, blogs, or publications targeting Swahili-speaking audiences.

Access the approved fees structure from the main website.   Please ensure to search and find this programme to view the fees.

Related Programmes

What More We Offer?

masters in education kyambogo university

Bachelor of Cultural Heritage Studies

The programme is aimed at training learners to safeguard and promote cultural heritage, both intangible and tangible..

Department of Geography

Academic Programmes

The Department has both graduate and undergraduate programmes

Graduate Programmes

Phd in geography, master of geography, master of geographical information systems and remote sensing, undergraduate programmes, bachelor of arts with education, bachelor of arts in arts, bachelor of education, bachelor of geographical and earth observation, bachelor of arts in social sciences, short courses.

The Department of Geography conducts the following short courses on demand and schedule. These trainings last 2 weeks at a cost of 600,000 Uganda Shillings. Upon completion, successful candidates are awarded certificates of completion. Courses are detailed as follows:

Introduction to Geographical Information Systems

Prospective participants interested in undertaking this course should be ready to be introduced to the concepts and fundamentals of GIS including but not limited to map projection, data sources and management, geoprocessing and map production among others. As a candidate, by the end of the training, you should be able to collect GIS data using simple tools, store, retrieve and analyse to generate maps that are important to aid spatial decision making.

Advanced Geographical Information Systems

Those who have been previously introduced to the basic concepts and fundamentals of GIS in their earlier backgrounds i.e., at university or attended a GIS training elsewhere are highly encouraged to apply for this course. This course will retool you but what is interesting is that advanced hands-on practicals of GIS are more emphasised. Expect to learn more advanced analytical tools using a model builder and python automation of GIS workflows to solve simple to complex problems to address challenges in many sectors such as agriculture, transport, health, housing, land management, education, environment and water resources management among others.

Remote Sensing and Satellite Image Interpretation

This course will expose participants to the concepts and theories of remote sensing from understanding the history, sensors, platforms, image interpretation and analysis among others.  At the end of the training, the trainees should be able to download satellite images, preprocess, analyse and conduct post classification assessment. What is unique with this course, is that the participants should expect to be exposed to a series of satellite products (optical, radar, microwave etc.) and how there are interpreted to inform decisions

Drone mapping and Management

The drone mapping course will impart knowledge and skills to the trainees on how to operate drones, capture images, process them and disseminate information. Upon completion, participants shall be able conduct field surveys and interpret the images to inform spatial decision-making processes.

WebGIS installation and Management

This course will expose you to the world of GIS on the Web. The trainees shall be trained on how to install webservice concepts, tools to use and how to publish the maps online. On completion, you should be able to install and manage webservices online using the available open source and commercial tools.

GIS application in Disaster Risk Management

Uganda is one of the disaster-prone countries in the world with many deaths, injuries and losses. The country is also a good recipient of refugees from the neighbouring countries. In its current state, acquiring knowledge and skills on disaster risk assessment, vulnerability and loss and damage assessment is an exciting plus for the participants to influence policy by defining the extent and severity of prone parts of the country. Candidates who successfully complete this course should be able develop disaster risk products – risk profiles, maps, damage and loss profiles among others.

Faculty of Social Science

Masters of Social Work

Faculty of Social Science

Department of Social work & Social Administration

Programme Duration

Available study time, the details you should know, programme information.

Though Social Work training in Uganda spans over several decades, this (Social Work) training has largely been a privilege of a few institutions (Makerere University and Nsamizi Institute of Social Development). However, this is gradually changing as many other institutions have joined hands in Social Work training. Relatedly, there are also evolving platforms (supported mostly by the donor community) to develop social development and policy fields in the country. Despite this interest and widening space for training social workers, most of these institutions only provide Social Work at diploma and bachelors level. This leaves the country largely without Social Workers with specialized training at Masters level. Kyambogo University wants to fill in this gap by providing specialized Social Work education at this level. The problems relating to social development in Uganda require specialized human resource. For example, in addition to poverty and some of its consequences, the country is also faced with a high burden of public health problems that require critical and specialized clinical skills. These human resources are largely not available in Uganda in particular and the East African region in general. This however, has large implications as the country makes efforts to become a middle-income country. The high public health burden is likely to wipe out some of the gains made in poverty alleviation. Kyambogo University intends to roll out a program that meets both national and regional demands for human resources to meet the national and global needs for human resources in Social Work:  specifically, social development including public health areas.  

2.2 Rationale

This Master’s program will give a chance to students to specialize in an area of their interest. The program has two specializations: a) Social Development and b) Clinical Social Work .  In both social development and clinical social work, students will undertake a multitude of papers that will turn them into specialists either in social development or clinical social work. The rationale for social development and clinical social work specialization is elaborated in some detail below:

  2.2.1 Social Development Specialization

Investment in professional social development practice is essential today. The global social development agenda requires theory and specialized practice skills that can be crafted and deployed to address the current and emerging global challenges. Some of these global challenges include migration, civil conflict, disaster, global epidemics and starvation (among others) within and across contexts. This challenge (social development) is today real and has been described as a Global Social Crisis (United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs, 2011). In the low-income context, social development challenges do exist and it is also a reality affecting a large part of the population. In Africa in general and Uganda in particular, social development challenges should be seen from a poverty context . Many countries in Africa are currently faced with structural development challenges. Poverty and inequality in living standards have been increasing social problems despite global and local efforts to address or alleviate them. In Sub-Saharan Africa, nearly 50 % of the population depends on less than 1 dollar a day and because of inequality, many of the poor people are not able to participate in political, economic and social processes taking place in their communities in particular and countries in general (World Bank, 2019).

The most common indicators of poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa are low/poor achievements in education, health, nutrition, housing, water and sanitation among other vital sectors and sub-sectors (World Bank, 2019). A lot of challenges still prevail in addressing the above-mentioned problems that affect the larger part of the population. For example, governance issues (and possibly the most important factor) have been a common hindrance in addressing these negative indicators as the poor are always exploited by the existing institutions of government and their voice (s) is normally excluded from the development efforts.    

Poverty eradication and attaining social inclusion are today not only universal goals but also values. Addressing poverty/underdevelopment requires government and private sector interventions in various fields- the private sector working in unison with the public sector. These efforts should address challenges relating to policy, planning and practice in programs meant to fight poverty. It requires good grounding (among other disciplines and sectors), in the theory of social sciences, social welfare policies, social services and social services organization and more specifically social development. 

Social development social workers are one of the social science professionals that have a big interest in responding to poverty and inequality in local and global context(s). The social development roles and intervention frameworks at micro, meso and macro levels requires a critical understanding of theory, policies, programs, and good skills in practice. These are currently lacking in most of the poverty eradication agenda(s) in many intervention areas. Kyambogo University through the Department of Sociology and Social Administration intends to position itself as a national leader in teaching and training, social development social workers that can work in multi-sectoral arena (s) in the context of poverty eradication- and within the general and specific rubric (theoretical and practice fields) of social development.

Overall Objective of the Master of Social Work graduate Program

To develop human resources for national development through the provision of specialized social work knowledge, values and practice skills for interventions in the social development and in clinical social work fields.

Specific program Objectives

The specific objectives of this course have been conceived based on the specialization -social development or clinical social work specialization.

Specific objectives of the Social Development Specialization

Here the specific objectives relate to:

  • Students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in social development interventions
  • Build capacity of students to work with community and social development sectors in addressing poverty and related challenges
  • Equip students with analytical skills on programing and policy in social work, social development, social welfare, and social planning in a wide variety of settings
  • Equip students with research skills on contemporary and re-emerging social development issues.

Specific Objectives related to Clinical Social Work Concentration

In this specialization, the specific objectives relate to:  

  • Students acquire multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills in clinical social work interventions
  • Students able to work in bio-medical settings to address mental health and non-communicable conditions
  • Students acquire analytical skills to contribute to policy and programing for mental health and other non-communicable conditions
  • Students able to apply research skills to contemporary and re-emerging mental health and other non-communicable conditions in various contexts  

Entry requirements

Admission to this program will be based on the University’s procedures and regulations on the admission of students at Masters’s Level. Students will also be admitted to the program based on their work experience and academic performance.

The specific requirements relating to admission into this program are:

  • A first degree at least lower second class in Social Sciences (e.g. Psychology, Sociology, Social Administration, etc.) from a recognized university
  • Health Science related disciplines (nursing, palliative care, medicine, public health, etc.) from a recognized University.

The program will be for two academic years. It will be an evening program with two semesters each year.

GMASW 7101

Social Work: Philosophy, Ideology, & History





GMASW 7102

Developmental Social Work




GMASW 7103

Issues in Social Work Ethics, Values, & Human Rights (Core)





GMASW 7104

Social Welfare and Social Policy Analysis (Core)_





GMASW 7105

 Research Methods in Social Work (Core)_




Total Credit Units






GMASW 7201

Social Service Administration (Core)





GMASW 7202

Seminar in Fieldwork Education





GMASW 7203

Community Health, Health Policy, & Health Systems Management (Core)





GMASW 7300

Foundation Fieldwork (Core)




Total Credit Units






GMASW 7204

Project Planning, Management, & Evaluation (Elective)





GMASW 7205

Non-Profit Leadership in Social Development (Elective)





GMASW 7206

Child, Youth, & Family Welfare Policy (Elective)





Total Credit Units






GMASW 7207

Advanced Counseling in Social Work (Elective)





GMASW 7208

Social Work in Mental Health (Elective)





GMASW 7209

Clinical Practice in Children, Youth & Families (Elective)





Total Credit Units






GMASW 7301

Academic and Professional Writing In Social Work (Core)











GMASW 7302

Social Welfare Economics (Elective)





GMASW 7303

Population and Social Development (Elective)





GMASW 7304

Refuges & Social Policy (Elective)





GMASW 7305

Social Sector Finance and Budgeting (Elective)





GMASW 7306

Social Security Policy and Planning





GMASW 7307

International Institutions & Social Development (Elective)





Total Credit Units






GMASW 7308

Social Work in Chronic Illness, Disability, & palliative care (Elective)





GMASW 7309

Social Work in Substance Abuse & Dependency (Elective)





GMASW 7310

Social Work Practice in Gerontology (Elective)





GMASW 7311

Physical activity and holistic care (Elective)





Total credit Units






GMASW 7401

Research & Dissertation (Core)





GMASW 7400

Advanced Fieldwork (Core)





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Welcome to the Department of

Mathematics and statistics.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, (formerly Department of mathematics until 2021), housed at the faculty of Science, was founded at the inception of Kyambogo University in 2003.

Message From the Head of Department

The department, housed by the Faculty of Science, has a vision of becoming a center for academic and professional excellence in Mathematics and Statistics for industrial application.

Academic programmes

The Department is currently running two bachelors’ programmes including Bachelor of Science with Education and Bachelor of Science in Statistics. 


We are centered around conveying involved skilling to our students for a superior field insight.

Partnerships & Collaborations

The department is partnering and collaborating with a number of institutions and universities both locally, regionally and internationally especially in areas of research and career development

Upcoming events

masters in education kyambogo university

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  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities
  • Department of Geography

Masters Degree Dissertations

By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects

Search within this collection:

Recent Submissions


Effect of climate variability and change on millet production in Gweri Subcounty, Soroti district, Uganda 


Analysing the role of integrated farm Plan environmental approaches and conservation of the Manafwa watershed, eastern Uganda 


Effects of land use and land cover change on people’s livelihoods in Kira municipality, central Uganda 


Characterization and mapping the distribution of landslides by magnitude on the slopes of Mount Elgon 


The impact of urban land use practices on water quality in river Mpanga in fort-portal Municipality, Kabarole District 


Factors influencing the changing urban land use Patterns in mbale municipality since 1995. 


Prediction of inundation due to Kabuyanda dam failure and its impact on the communities of Isingiro district, western Uganda 


Use of improved methods of crop farming and livelihoods of small holder farmers in Luuka district 


Climate change adaptation and food security in Lamwo district, Northern Uganda 


Interpreting the effects of sand mining in Lwera wetland using landscape metrics and testing a rehabilitation approach 


An analysis of non-conformity of land use in jinja municipality with reference to the Jinja municipality land use plan of 1994-2004 


Collaborative methodology and sustainable wildlife management: a case of Semuliki National park, Western Uganda 


The impact of refugee settlement of vegetation and land use changes in Imvepi, Arua district,nothern western Uganda 


Assessing the impacts of refugee settlement on wetland cover changes in Rhino refugee settlement-Arua district, Northern Uganda 


Sugarcane growing and household food security: a case study of Mafubira sub- county: Jinja district. 


Factors influencing the adoption of organic farming practices in the banana cropping systems in Kajara County, Ntungamo district 


Integrating ecological principles and traditional knowledge systems in local resource management planning in Uganda 


Climate change adaptations by livestock farmers in Ntoroko district, Uganda 


Assessing the effectiveness of municipal solid waste Management system, constraints and opportunities In lira municipality, northern Uganda 


Effect of land use/cover changes on soil erosion risk in Mitano catchment, south western Uganda 


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Department of Food Science and Technology

Current Academic Programmes

The Department runs a total of five (5) academic programmes: Three postgraduate, one undergraduate and one Diploma program:

  • PhD in Food Technology (3 Years)
  • Master of Science in Food Technology (2 Years)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Food Safety Management (1 Year)
  • Bachelor of Food Science and Processing Technology (4 Years)
  • Diploma in Food Processing Technology (2 Years)

Prospective Programmes

1. Postgraduate Diploma in Sugar Technology 2. Master of Science in Food Safety 3. Master of Science in Food Security and Postharvest Technology 4. Master of Science in Beverage Technology

PhD in Food Technology

The Food Industry and academia is fast paced dynamic field that is driven by research to be able to be up to date with current developments and develop future innovations. This Program dedicates to training globally renowned Scientists and experts that will be key in production of new knowledge and guidance of the Food Industry going forward.

Applicants for the doctoral program should have a master’s degree in a related field or will likely be expected to earn a master’s degree prior to their doctoral program.

Minimum of 3 years

This program is by research only. Candidates explore innovations in creating novel Food Products, Food Safety, novel Technologies applicable in the Food Industry and links between Food, Environment, and general well-being. Individual research programs are customized with the academic advisor to emphasize Food safety/Microbiology, Food Engineering, Biochemistry, Food chemistry, Sensory Science, Oenology and Brewing, etc.

Once you obtain your doctorate, you will be able to continue your research activities in academia, in International organisations, in public or private research centres, in leading food industries, or as a business consultant within the specific research areas of the program. Candidates also develop the ability to work both independently and in a team.

The required fees and other charges are determined by the University Council.

Master of Science in Food Technology

Food is an indelible part of human life. The MSc in Food Technology is intended for individuals who will in the future manage the diminishing food resources in Uganda and beyond. It is also designed for those who would like to make an impact in terms of improving shelf stability of foods, value addition, improvement of nutrition for our vulnerable population, innovation and self-reliance in terms of income generation from foods, improvement of quality and safety of foods and new product development among others. The general objective of this programme is to build academic, practical, and technological capacity of trained human resource in Food Technology and enhance local capacity and expertise for leadership in the Food Technology field and related research.

Holders of bachelor’s degree in the following areas: Food Processing Technology, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Biochemistry, Public Health, Biology, Chemistry, Veterinary Medicine, and other areas related to Food Technology.

Minimum of 2 years and maximum of 3 years

The student will have one year of lectures for two semesters (each of 17 weeks) and for the second year engage in full time research under the guidance of a university supervisor.

Admission to the Master of Science in Food Technology shall be done in accordance with the Kyambogo university procedures and regulations. The programme shall be governed by the admissions regulations of Kyambogo University. Candidates with alternative qualifications from the target group above may be granted admission on recommendation of Faculty Board subject to approval by Graduate Committee. Candidates shall be selected on basis of their undergraduate performance (minimum 2nd class lower degree).

By the end of the programme, students shall be able to: 1. Conduct in-depth research in food technology 2. Add value to food resources by application of appropriate science and technology 3. Work in collaboration with stake holders in solving societal food problems 4. Demonstrate academic competence and professional ethics in food technology 5. Apply knowledge and skills to solve technical problems in food technology. 6. Offer educational and advisory guidelines to food manufacturers as well as nutrition and health based organizations.

Postgraduate Diploma in Food Safety Management

Globalization and liberalization of world trade in food (and feed) has led to an increase in both the volume and dollar amount of food traded internationally. The Department of Food Science and Technology has designed this course in order to train Food Inspectors in Food Safety Management. By training the Food Inspectors, food safety standards in food establishments will be greatly improved. This will increase consumer protection and market access. The general objectives of this programme are; 1. To enhance technical knowledge and managerial capabilities of Food Inspectors, Food Handlers, Food Industry Practitioners, Quality Controllers and Food Exporters in the field of food safety. 2. To provide ‘managerial tools’ necessary for improvement of food control systems. The programme will concentrate on the practical application of food safety theory and principles, and include aspects like risk analysis, HACCP, and relevant international and national food legislations.

Graduates with a first degree or equivalent in relevant fields such as Agriculture, Environmental Health Science, Public Health, Food Science and Technology, Foods and Nutrition, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biology, and Veterinary Medicine. Officers including inspectors and public health officials from the following sectors: 1. Ministries including Health, Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries, local governments 2. Food industry professionals 3. Wholesalers and Retailers 4. Manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, detergents, and inputs in the food industry

The Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety Management shall be run as Evening Programme consisting of two semesters and a recess term. Each semester shall consist of seventeen 17 weeks; fourteen weeks of teaching and 3 weeks of examination and a recess term for Industrial Attachment. Each recess term shall be 12 weeks.

The student will have one year of lectures for two semesters (each of 17 weeks).

Admission to the Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety Management shall be done in accordance with the Kyambogo University procedures and regulations. In addition, a candidate shall be eligible for admission to the Programme on obtaining the following minimum requirements. 1. At least a second lower bachelor’s degree/certificate in Food Safety Management from a recognised university in relevant courses such as Food Science and Technology, Agriculture, Chemistry, Biology, Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health Science and Public Health. 2. At least three years relevant experience in environmental management, industrial production, or service delivery.

At the end of the programme, students shall be able to: 1. Train food inspectors in the concept, principles and make them aware of the consumer health benefits of food safety 2. To strengthen the awareness among the food inspectors the importance of food safety 3. Equip food inspectors with effective tools for auditing the food companies and management of a food safety control system. 4. Contribute to uniform and harmonized audits and inspections.

Bachelor of Food Science and Processing Technology

There is growing need to enhance Food preserving and processing technologies as well as value addition to extend shelf life of food products so that they can be utilized during times of scarcity and to export the surplus to other countries. This requires human resources competent in processing and general handling of these food stuffs after harvest. The degree in Food Science and Processing Technology is designed to prepare the candidate in high level knowledge and skills for research, teaching & training, food policy and strategy, product development, industrial production and processing let alone high level product innovation. The general objectives of this Programme are to: 1. Enhance national and household food security by way of reducing post-harvest food losses and wastage through imparting knowledge and technical skills required in Food processing technology. 2. Train Food Scientists, Technologists and Production Personnel for the growing Food Processing Industries, Research Institutions, Analytical Laboratories and Universities.

Holders of: 1. Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or its equivalent from a recognized institution. 2. Diploma in Food Processing Technology or its equivalent from a recognized institution.

The Bachelor of Food Science and Processing Technology runs as Day and Evening Programme consisting of: a) Eight semesters for holders of advanced level qualifications for category b) Six semesters (entry at semester 1 of second year) for holders of diplomas as in admission requirements. The department works out all appropriate credit transfers not exceeding 43 credit units. Each semester consists of seventeen 17 weeks; fourteen weeks of teaching and 3 weeks of examination and a recess term for Industrial attachment. Each recess term is twelve (12) weeks.

Admission to the Bachelor of Food Science and Processing Technology is done in accordance with the Kyambogo University procedures and regulations. In addition, a candidate is eligible for admission to the Programme on obtaining the following minimum requirements. a) At least two principal passes at advanced level in biology and chemistry and two subsidiary passes obtained at the same sitting. For purposes of computing entry points, the advanced level subjects carry the following weights. Essential: Weight 3 Chemistry and Biology Only Relevant: Weight 2 Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, Technical Drawing, Physics and Math. Desirable: Weight 1 General Paper, subsidiary mathematics Others: Weight 0.5 Any Other Subject. b) Diploma entry at first year: At least a diploma or its equivalent in one of the following from a recognized institution: Chemistry, Biology, Fish Technology, Nutrition, Veterinary Science, Forestry, Agriculture and Home Economics c) Through Mature Entry Scheme.

At the end of the programme, students shall be able to: 1. Utilize knowledge and skills to solve technical and economic problems in food processing. 2. Add value to raw and semi processed foodstuffs and reduce food wastage levels. 3. Provide advisory guidelines to food processors and producers. 4. Create jobs by operating small scale food processing industries.

Diploma in Food Processing Technology

Currently, the global food production is high, but one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. Uganda produces a variety of foods of plant and animal origin; however, huge post-harvest losses occur due to their perishable nature. Post-harvest food loss is the main contributing factor to food insecurity, under-nutrition, and hunger across the developing world, directly impacting the lives of millions of poor, smallholder farming families. Therefore, there is need to minimize the post-harvest food losses so as to increase food security and curb down malnutrition. This requires the knowledge and skills in food processing technology, which are necessary for processing, preserving, storing and proper distribution of nutritious and safe food with extended shelf life. The Diploma in Food Processing Programme is designed to produce graduates with knowledge and skills in food processing technology required in both large and small scale food processing industries. The general objectives of this Programme are to: 1. Promote household and national food security by way of reducing post-harvest food losses and wastage through imparting knowledge and technical skills required in food processing technology. 2. Produce food processing and preservation technicians for the growing food processing industries in Uganda.

The target group shall be holders of: 1. Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or its equivalent. 2. Certificate in Food Processing Technology or its equivalent from a recognized institution.

The Diploma in Food Processing Technology shall be run as evening Programme for four (4) semesters and a recess term for Industrial Attachment. Each semester shall consist of seventeen 17 weeks; fifteen weeks of teaching and 2 weeks of examination. Each recess term shall be twelve (12) weeks.

Admission to the Diploma in Food Processing Technology shall be done in accordance with the Kyambogo University procedures and regulations. In addition, a candidate shall be eligible for admission to the Programme on obtaining the following minimum requirements. a) A minimum of one principal pass in Chemistry, Biology and Food and Nutrition and a subsidiary pass in Mathematics, Physics or Agriculture at A level obtained at the same sitting. For purposes of computing entry points, the advanced level subjects shall carry the following weights. Essential: Weight 3 Chemistry and Biology Only Relevant: Weight 2 Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, Technical Drawing, Physics and Math. Desirable: Weight 1 General Paper, subsidiary mathematics Others: Weight 0.5 Any Other Subject. b) Certificate in Food Processing Technology and any relevant discipline c) Through Mature Entry Scheme.

By the end of the Programme, students should be able to: 1. Utilize knowledge and skills to solve technical and economic problems in food processing. 2. Add value to raw and semi processed foodstuffs and reduce food wastage levels. 3. Provide advisory guidelines to food processors and producers. 4. Create jobs by operating small scale food processing industries.

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Master of Science in Crop Science (MSc. Crop Sci.)

A critical mass of professional human resource is needed to catalyze the crop production research process in order to benefit from the returns on investment in agriculture. Indeed, the high demand for well-trained personnel/graduates to man the agricultural and rural development transformations in the country outweighs the number produced. Therefore, training programmes that emphasize the systems approach that inculcates the spirit of self-reliance and entrepreneurship to the graduates are sought.

Kyambogo University, in its effort to advance and promote knowledge and development of skills in science, technology and education for national development, is offering a Master of Science in Crop Science degree (MSc. Crop Science) hosted at the Department of Agriculture.

The overall objective of the MSc. Crop. Sci. programme is to train high calibre manpower with higher degrees that can provide strong analytic and problems solving skills in crop sciences.

Target Group

The programme shall target those students with a first degree in agriculture, human nutrition, Bachelor Science (Botany and Zoology), Biological Sciences and other relevant fields

Admission Requirements

The programme shall admit only those students who fulfil the admission requirements set by the Kyambogo University Admissions Board and the Graduate School Board.

Additionally the candidate;

  • should have at least a second class degree from a recognized Institution
  • should have a good GP (3.0 and above ) in Agriculture and/or natural science disciplines

Duration of the Programme

The programme runs for 2 academic years under the semester system. Each academic year consisting of two (2) semesters of seventeen (17) weeks. In the first year, students shall take a total of 10 core courses with a total of 36 credit units (CU). The second year the student shall undertake supervised research work and dissertation writing constituting 28 credit units. The research report shall be examined by at least two examiners, one of which should be external, and an oral defence before the Viva Voce panel constituted as per the Kyambogo University examination regulations. The minimum graduation load shall be 64 credit units. The programme runs on both a full-time and a part-time model.

  Career Prospects: Postgraduates of this Program can pursue careers in Agricultural extension, agricultural development and research

  Fees Structure: The required fees and other charges are determined by the University Council

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Directorate of Research & Graduate Training

Approved Graduate Programmes 2023/2024

S/NAcademic ProgrammesCodeFees for National & E.AInternational FeesMinimum Admissions RequirementFaculty/School
1PhD in Public Policy and Governance (By Research Only)GDPG5,600,000/=8,400,000/=Master’s degree in Social Sciences and related fields in Humanities or Bachelor of Education and a relevant Master degree, from a recognized Institution A statement of Purpose and a synopsis of intended research of not more than 1000 words to be submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, prior to Provisional Admission.Faculty of Social Sciences
2Master of Counseling PsychologyGMCP3,800,000/=5,700,000/=Second Class Lower Degree in Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Education, and any other related disciplines from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Social Sciences
3Master of Organizational PsychologyGMEO3,800,000/=5,700,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration and any other related disciplines from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Social Sciences
4Master of Arts in Public Administration and Resource GovernanceGMAP2,400,,000/=3,600,000/=Second Class Degree in Education, Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Social Science, plus a Post Graduate Diploma in Political Science, Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration, Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource or any other related discipline from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Social Sciences
5Master of Social WorkGMSAW5.000,000/=7,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Social Sciences (e.g. Psychology, Sociology, Social Administration) from a recognized institution, or Health Science related disciplines like Nursing, Palliative Care, Medicine and Public Health from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Social Sciences
6Master of Arts in EconomicsGMAEE3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Quantitative Economics, Economics and Statistics, Commerce, Business Administration, Microfinance), Bachelor of Arts with Economics, Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Science with Education, Bachelor of Arts with Social Sciences (Economics major) Or any other field with strong Economics background from any recognized Institution.Faculty of Social Sciences
7Master of Arts in Development StudiesGMADS3,800,000/=5,700,000/=Second Class degree from any recognized Institution.Faculty of Social Sciences
8Masters of Arts in Security and Diplomatic StudiesGMASD5,314,000/=7,971,000/=Second Class Degree obtained in any of the following International Relations, Educational Management, Public Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences or any other related field in Social Sciences fields from a recognized University/Tertiary Institutions. Science based academic qualifications who possess a minimum of Second Class Lower degree with relevant work experience in Security, Diplomatic and General Public Administration fields shall also be considered.Faculty of Social Sciences
9.Post Graduate Diploma in Security and Diplomatic StudiesGPSD1,700,000/=2,550,000/=Second Class degree obtained in any of the following: International Relations, Educational Management, Public Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences or any other related field in Social Sciences fields from a recognized Institutions. Science based academic qualifications with a minimum of Second Class Lower Degree but with relevant work experience in Security, Diplomatic and General Public Administration fields shall also be considered.Faculty of Social Sciences
10.PhD in Religious Studies(By Research Only)GDRS5,600,000/=8,400,000/=Master of Arts in Religious Studies, Ethics, Peace and Conflict Resolution or any other related fields and, a concept/synopsis of between three to five pages submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, prior to Provisional Admission.Faculty of Arts and Humanities
11.Master of Arts in HistoryGMAH2,400,000/=3,600,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences or any other Bachelor’s Degree having majored in History, from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Arts and Humanities
12.Master of Arts in Religious StudiesGMAR2,400,000/=3,600,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Bachelor of Divinity, Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences or any other Bachelor Degree having majored in Religious Studies from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Arts and Humanities
13.Master of Arts in GeographyGMAG2,400,000/=3,600,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Arts in Arts or any other Bachelor’s Degree having majored in Geography from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Arts and Humanities
14.Master of Arts in LiteratureGMAL2,400,000/=3,600,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Bachelors in Journalism or any other Bachelor’s Degree having majored in Literature from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Arts and Humanities
15.Master of Arts in MusicGMAM2,400,000/=3,600,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Education (Music), Bachelor of Arts with Education (Music), Bachelor of Arts in Arts with Music, Bachelor of Performing Arts, Bachelor of Creative Arts, Bachelor of Teacher Education (Music), Bachelor of Arts in Music, Dance and Drama, Bachelor of Music, from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Arts and Humanities
16.Master of Arts in Music EducationGAME2,400,000/=3,600,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts in Arts (Music) plus a PGDE/PGDTE, Bachelor of Education Primary (Music), Bachelor of Teacher Education (Music), and Bachelor of Arts in Music, Dance and Drama from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Arts and Humanities
17.PhD in Education(By Course work & Dissertation)GDED5,600,000/=8,400,000/=Master of Education related fields from a recognized Institution and a concept note/synopsis of between three to five pages submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training prior to Provisional Admission.School of Education
18.Master of Education in Early Childhood DevelopmentGMEC3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Education with specialization in Early Childhood Education, and any other related field from a recognized Institution.School of Education
19.Master of Education in Educational FoundationsGMEF3,800,000/=5,700,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Teacher Education, from a recognized Institution.School of Education
20.Master of Education in Policy, Planning and ManagementGMED3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Education, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Engineering, Technology, Law, Medicine, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Vocational Studies and Special Needs Education from a recognized Institution.School of Education
21.Postgraduate Diploma in EducationGPGE1,600,000/=2,400,000/=Second Class Degree in any field related to Secondary Education with an accepted subject combination of two (2) teaching subjects at secondary or tertiary level.School of Education
22.Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Management and LeadershipGPEL1,600,000/=2,400,000/=Second Class Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities or Sciences from a recognized Institution.School of Education
23.Postgraduate Diploma in Teacher EducationGPGT1,600,000/=2,400,000/=Second Class Degree in any field related to Bachelor of Teacher Education with accepted subject combination of two (2) teaching subjects offered at Primary School level.School of Education
24.Master of Science in Construction Technology and ManagementGMET6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Second Class Upper from a four-year Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a recognised University/Institution in the following disciplines: Civil and Building Engineering; Environmental Eengineering; Building Economics; Quantity Surveying; Physical and Urban Planning; Architecture; Second Lower, Honors’ Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institution and relevant work experience of at least two years; Pass Degree in Civil Engineering plus a Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering or related field from a recognized Institution and at least three years’ relevant work experience.Faculty of Engineering
25.Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems EngineeringGMEM6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Second Class Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Institution in any of the following fields: Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering in Automotive and Power Engineering, Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Management, Bachelor of Science in Oil and Gas Exploration Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Oil and Gas Production Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Agro-Processing Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.Faculty of Engineering
26Master of Science in Structural EngineeringGMES6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Second Class Upper Honors Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Building Engineering; Environmental Engineering of Kyambogo University or its equivalent from a recognized Institution; or Second Class Lower Honors Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Building Engineering, Environmental Engineering of Kyambogo University or its equivalent from a recognized Institution and relevant work experience of at least two years; or
Pass Degree in Civil Engineering plus a Postgraduate Diploma in Structural Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized Institution and at least three years relevant work experience.
Faculty of Engineering
27Master of Science in Water and Sanitation EngineeringGMEW6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Second-class Upper Honors Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Building Engineering, Environmental Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized Institution. Or Second class Lower Honors Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Building Engineering, Environmental Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized Institution and relevant work experience of at least two years, or Pass Degree in Civil and Building Engineering, Environmental Engineering, plus a Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering and Building Engineering, Environmental Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized Institution and at least three years relevant work experience.Faculty of Engineering
28Post Graduate Diploma in Manufacturing System in EngineeringGPEM6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Second Class Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Institution in any of the following fields: Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering in Automotive and Power Engineering, Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Management, Bachelor of Science in Oil and Gas Exploration Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Oil and Gas Production Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Agro-Processing Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.Faculty of Engineering
29PhD in Food Technology( By Research Only)GDFT6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Master’s Degree in relevant fields e.g. Masters in Food Science and Technology, Masters in Nutrition or related discipline from recognized Institution and a concept/synopsis of between three to five pages submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training prior to Provisional Admission.Faculty of Science
30PhD in Biological Sciences( By Research Only)GDSB6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Master’s Degree in relevant field of Biological Sciences such as Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Science, Biochemistry, Forestry, Food Science, Microbiology, Public Health, Paleontology, Environmental Science, Health Science or related discipline from recognized Institution and a Concept/Synopsis of between three to five pages submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training prior to Provisional Admission.Faculty of Science
31PhD in Physics(By Research Only)GDSP6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Master’s Degree in field of Physics from recognized institution and a concept/synopsis of between three to five pages submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training prior to Provisional Admission.Faculty of Science
32PhD in Chemistry(By Research Only)GDSC6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Master’s Degree in relevant fields e.g. Master of Science in Chemistry or related discipline from recognized Institution and a concept/synopsis of between three to five pages submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training prior to Provisional Admission.Faculty of Science
33PhD in Sport Science(By Research Only)GDSS6,000,000/=9,000,000/=Master’s Degree in Sport Science, Master of Physical Education, Master of Sports Management, Others Masters in the fields of Exercise Science, Sports Coaching, Fitness, Sports Medicine, Health Education, Recreation Hospitality and Tourism from recognized Institution and a concept/synopsis of between three to five pages submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training prior to Provisional Admission.Faculty of Science
34Master of Science in ChemistryGMCH3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Science Chemistry With Education Majoring in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science Technology-Chemistry, Bachelor of Industrial Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Biochemistry Or any other related discipline from recognized Institution.Faculty of Science
35Master of Science in Conservation and Natural Resource ManagementGMSM3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor Science Technology, Bachelor of Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Geography), Bachelor of Environmental Science Technology, Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology and Environmental Engineering, Bachelor of Science in (Botany, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Laboratory Technology, Demography, Statistics, Economics) or any other related discipline from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Science
36Master of Science in Food TechnologyGMFT5,000,000/=7,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Food Science and Technology, Bachelor of Food Processing Technology, Bachelor of Food and Nutrition, Bachelor of Science in (Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Public Health, Veterinary Medicine) or other related discipline to Food Technology from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Science
37Master of Science in PhysicsGMSP3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Upper Degree in Bachelor of Education (Physical), Bachelor of Science with Education (Physical), Bachelor of Science (Physical), Bachelor of Science Technology – Physics or any Bachelor’s Degree in the field of Physics, from a recognized Institution and the student must have done his/her Undergraduate Research/Project in Physics discipline.Faculty of Science
38Master of Science in Sport ScienceGMSS3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Sport Science, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Bachelor of Sports Management, Bachelor of Sports and Leisure Management or any other related field of Sport and Recreation Industry from a recognized Institution.
Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education, Sports Management or a related field.
Second Class Degree with a Diploma in Physical Education, Sports Management, Sports Coaching, Hospitality, Human Nutrition, Kinesology and Tourism Management.
Second Class Degree with a Diploma in Physical Education, Sports Management, Sports Coaching, Hospitality, Human Nutrition, Kinesology and Tourism Management.
Faculty of Science
39Master of Science in Applied MathematicsGMAPM4, 000, 000/=6,000, 000/=A Second Class Bachelor’s degree in the following disciplines:Faculty of Science
Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree majoring in Mathematics, Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Education degree majoring in Mathematics, Bachelor of Statistics or Bachelor of Science with/in Statistics, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Engineering with 4 courses in Mathematics, at least 2 of which must be in Applied Mathematics.Faculty of Science
40Master of Public HealthGMSPH4,000,000/=6,000,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Health Sciences in Human and Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, Bachelor of Social Sciences such as Social Work, Sociology, Economics, Demography and Statistics, Bachelor of Sports Management, Bachelor of Biological Sciences (Environmental Sciences, Biology, Laboratory Sciences Sports and Leisure Management or any other related field from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Science
41Postgraduate Diploma in Food Safety ManagementPDFS1,600,000/=2,400,000/=Second Class Bachelor’s degree in Bachelor of Food Science and Technology, Bachelor of Science in (Chemistry, Agriculture, Biological Sciences, and Biochemistry) or any other related discipline from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Science
42Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education and SportsPGES1,600,000/=2,400,000/=Second Class Degree in the field of either Arts or Sciences with practical experience in Sport at School, College, University or Institution.Faculty of Science
43Postgraduate Diploma in Sports ManagementPGDSM1,400,000/=2,100,000/=Second Class Degree in related field suitable for a Career Development in Sports Management related field from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Science
44PhD in Special Needs Education
(By Course work and Dissertation)
GDSN6,400,0009,600,000Master of Special Needs Education, Master of Education, Master of Adult and Community Education, Master of Science in Disability Studies Degree from a recognized Institution with a synopsis of between 4–8-pages indicating the area of research interest. Three (3) referees - at least one must be familiar with the applicant’s academic work at Master’s level.Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation
45Master in Special Needs EducationGMSN3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Degree in the field of Special Needs Education, Community Based Rehabilitation, Adult and Community Education and Social Work and Community Development, Education or any other Degree with Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Education.Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation
46Master of Disability Studies and Inclusive DevelopmentGMDS4,000,0006,000,000Second Class Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation
47Postgraduate Diploma in Community Based RehabilitationGPCR1,400,000/=2,100,000/=Second Class Honors Degree from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation
48Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs EducationGPSN1,400,000/=2,100,000/=Second Class Honors Degree in a related field suitable for Service in Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation.Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation
49Master of Business AdministrationGMBA4,000,000/=6,000,000/=Second Class Bachelor’s Degree in any field of study from a recognized Institution. GMAT Examination shall be administered by Kyambogo University on the date to be communicated by the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training. Shortlisted applicants shall pay a non-refundable fee of 50,000/= UGX for GMAT test.School of Management and Entrepreneurship
50Master of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain ManagementGMSC4,000,000/=6,000,000/=Second Class Lower in either Procurement and Supply Chain Management or a related qualification from a recognized Institution and a professional qualification in the area of Purchasing and Supplies Management or Procurement or a First Degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Inventory Management and Stores and Warehousing.School of Management and Entrepreneurship
51Master of Science in Organization and Public Sector ManagementGMOP4,000,000/=6,000,000/=Second Class Lower Bachelor’s or its equivalent from a recognized Institution.School of Management and Entrepreneurship
52PhD in Design and Visual Culture (By Course work and Dissertation)GDAD10,000,000/=15,000,000/=Master’s Degree or its equivalent in the following specialties: Fine Art, Art and Design, Performing Arts, Architecture, Material Culture, Curatorship/Museology, Archaeology, Anthropology, History and Public Health obtained from Institution of Higher Learning recognized by the National Council for Higher Education and a concept/synopsis of intended research of not more than 1000 words must accompany the application.School of Art and Industrial Design
53Master of Art and Industrial DesignGMAID3,000,000/=4,500,000/=Second Class Bachelor’s Degree in a field related to Art such as Bachelor of Vocational studies in Art and Design with Education, Bachelor of Art and Industrial Design, Bachelor of Apparel and Landscape Design, Bachelor of Interior and Industrial Design, Bachelor of Computer Graphics or any other related field from a recognized Institution.School of Art and Industrial Design
54Master of Science in Human NutritionGMHN5,000,000/=7,500,000/=Second Class Upper in Bachelor of Science in (Human Nutrition, Dietetics, Agricultural Education, Human Medicines, Biological Sciences, Food Science, Veterinary Medicine Food Processing), Nursing or any other related fields from a recognized Institution.School of Vocational Studies
55Master of Science in Agricultural Education and ExtensionGAEE5,000,000/=7,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Agriculture, Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education, Bachelor of Environmental Science, Bachelor of Agricultural Land Use Management or any other related field from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Agriculture
56Master of Science in Animal ProductionGAIN5,000,000/=7,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Bachelor of Science in Botany and Zoology, Bachelor of Science in Biological Science or any other related field from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Agriculture
57Master of Science in Soil ScienceGASS5,000,000/=7,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Land Use Management or any other related field from a recognized Institution.Faculty of Agriculture
58Master of Science in Crop ScienceGHCS5,000,000/=7,500,000/=Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Science in Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education, BED (Agriculture), BSc (Agriculture) or any other related field from recognized Institution.Faculty of Agriculture
S/No. School/Faculty Programme
) ) ) )

Department of Biological Sciences

Master of Public Health

This progromme is hosted by the department of biological sciences.

  • Programme Overview
  • Admission Requirements
  • Programme Structure
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Career Prospects
  • Fees Structure

This programme envisages producing re-trainable, skilled and well informed graduates who can operate in both local and global markets. The graduates from the programme provide a critically needed specialized human resource with advanced knowledge and skills in Public Health. Human capacity built addresses health promotion at community and policy levels.

Public health study field deals with the health of the community and aims to prevent diseases and manage them by organized actions based on sound information sources and education efforts. It deals with physical and mental health, social well-being improvement particularly in these areas such as waste disposal, water supply, food safety or water pollution.

Target group:

The applicants are expected to possess any of the following qualifications:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in the Health Sciences such as Medicine (Human and Veterinary), Dentistry or Nursing, or any other health related field.
  • A degree in Demography.
  • A degree in the Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Laboratory Sciences.
  • A degree in Physical Sciences.

Program Duration : Two years

Programme Structure:

The minimum duration of the programme for a full time mode is two (2) academic years equivalent to four (4) semesters. A semester shall be seventeen (17) weeks with fifteen (15) weeks of lectures and two (2) weeks of examinations. Registered students for this mode shall be required to take all the ten (10) core courses amounting to 30 credit units and an elective course (track) of the three elective courses totalling Nine (9) credit units in the second semester of the first year. They will all be required to take one (1) compulsory research Methods course amounting to 4 credit units and carry out research and prepare a dissertation equivalent to 15 credit units in the second year. The background and /or interest of the student is used as criteria for choice of the elective to be studied.

Students of this mode will be expected to cover the courses by personally attending lectures (L), participating in seminars/ group discussions (S) carrying out Field/ laboratory practicals (P) and carry out the research ( R ) The maximum period to complete the programme by this mode shall be four (4) years from time of admission.

Career Prospects:

A research scientist at a university or a research institute

An adviser at governmental authorities (boards, ministries, districts, and municipalities)

Senior public health officer

Community health consultant /expert

Access the approved fees structure from the main website.  Please ensure to search and find this programme to view the fees.

Related Programmes

What More We Offer?

masters in education kyambogo university

PhD in Biological Sciences

This programme aims to develop a high calibre of research and scientific manpower equipped with knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and commitment to serve in fields of research, industry, education and biological sciences related disciplines as well as leadership positions..

masters in education kyambogo university

Master of Science in Conservation and Natural Resources Managemen

This programme provides information on how best to sustain and manage linked systems of people and nature. it is a new science that builds on a range of existing disciplines from ecology and evolution to sociology and economics..

Health Care Management

California State University, Long Beach

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Master of Science in Health Care Administration (Traditional)

The Master of Science in Health Care Administration (MSHCA) Traditional program is designed for new undergraduates, beginning health care professionals, and international students who interested in pursuing managerial positions and careers in health care industry.

As a  CAHME accredited program, the MS-HCA traditional program provides high quality education, field experience, and extensive mentorships. Students enrolled in a CAHME accredited program have access to vast resources and networking opportunities

The traditional program curriculum consists of forty-five (45) units of course work. Required courses cover the essential functions of management and critical aspects of the US health care system. Electives, tailored to students' learning goals, include courses in health care site specialization and other academic disciplines. Graduate courses are offered with different modalities in regular CSULB semesters (Fall, Spring) from Monday – Thursday, at both 4:00 and/ or 7:00 PM. Some courses are offered during the Summer as well. Students will take the courses based on the recommended sequence. Students can do the program on part time or full-time basis.

The Department of Health Care Administration at CSULB has established affiliations with a large number of regional and local health care facilities/ companies to provide mentorship and field experience to our students.

Today, the program has more than 300 alumni who have graduated from the Traditional Program.

Admission Requirements

All applicants to either the MSHCA Traditional or Accelerated Program are required to meet the following minimum requirements for admission consideration:

1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with a GPA of at least 3.0 in the last sixty units of undergraduate study. Accomplished candidates with slightly less than a 3.0 GPA will also be considered for admission. 

2. A total of at least nine units of courses in financial accounting, microeconomics, and statistics must be completed before the first semester of graduate study (or in progress during the application process). These prerequisite courses must be completed within the last ten years. Note: a passing grade in the CLEP exam will fulfill our accounting and microeconomics prerequisites.

*Note: This year, the Department of Health Care Administration will not require the GRE/GMAT. If you are an international student OR have less than three years of experience, consider applying to the traditional program. If you have three or more years of experience, applicants should consider applying to the accelerated program

Degree Requirements

  • Complete a minimum of 45 units of graduate-level course work.
  • Complete all of the following core courses
  • Prerequisites: None.
  • Prerequisites: ECON 101 or ECON 300.
  • Prerequisites: Health Care Administration majors only.
  • Prerequisite(s): Health Care Administration majors only.
  • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 502\
  • Prerequisite: ACCT 201 or ACCT 500; HCA 502; Health Care Administration majors only.
  • Prerequisites: Health Care Administration majors only, HCA 502.
  • Prerequisite: Health Care Administration majors only, HCA 502.
  • Prerequisites: SOC 170 or equivalent statistics course, Health Care Administration majors only, HCA 502 and advancement to candidacy.
  • Prerequisite: HCA majors only, HCA 502
  • Prerequisites/Corequisites: HCA 502.
  • Prerequisite: Senior status only
  • Culminating Experience
  • Prerequisites: Advancement to candidacy & completion of a minimum of 27 graduate units in HCA.
  • HCA 536, HCA 537, HCA 538, or HCA 552
  • Electives from other departments may be allowed with the approval of the HCA Department Chair.

Student Success

CSULB is a federally recognized Hispanic and Asian serving institution. The University prides itself on the diversity of its students. Our recruitment efforts for the MSHCA graduate program are in line with the overall University goals for recruiting diverse students.

Incoming Profile of MSHCA-Traditional Students

Incoming Semester Admitted Median GPA Average Years of Experience
Fall 2018 21 3.18 2.5
Fall 2019 18 3.12 2.9
Fall 2020 16 3.23 2.7
Fall 2021 31 3.23 1.9
Fall 2022 25 3.22 1.5

Graduation/Post-Employment Profile

Most students who pursue the MSHCA degree complete the program in two to three years. Students may enroll in the MSHCA traditional program as a full- or part-time student.

Academic Year Entered % Dropped  Retention Rate  Three-Month Employment Rate Post-Graduation 
2018-19 21 0 100 N/A
2019-20 18 0 100 58
2020-21 16 0 100 IP
2021-22 31 0 100 IP
2022-23 25 IP IP IP
  • IP denotes student activity in progress. 
  • Retention Rate is defined as percentage of entering cohort that has graduated or is still enrolled in program.
  • Three-Month Employment Rate Post-Graduation is defined as percentage of entering cohort that is employed 3 months after graduation (please note students generally work full-time throughout program)

California State University, Long Beach


Police are investigating a possible active shooting situation with casualties reported at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia.


Education Department sued over 'disadvantaged' students grant: 'Sends the wrong message'

by RAY LEWIS | The National Desk

Photo of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein) and a file photo of a college lecture hall.

WASHINGTON (TND) — Two White college students sued the Department of Education on Wednesday over a federally funded program providing grants to graduate-school seekers from “disadvantaged backgrounds.”

University of North Dakota junior Avery Durfee and University of Wisconsin-Madison student Benjamin Rothove accused the department of discriminating against White students by disqualifying them from the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program. Also on the lawsuit is the University of North Dakota's Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter, a conservative activist group.

The $60 million program’s stated goal is to “increase the attainment of Ph.D. degrees by students from underrepresented segments of society,” and it is open to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have demonstrated “strong academic potential.”

Durfee, who is a YAF member interested in graduate school, alleged in the lawsuit filed by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) that the University of North Dakota told her the grant is closed for White people who are not first-generation or low-income college students.

“I’ve worked unbelievably hard throughout my undergraduate career and have wanted to go to graduate school my entire life,” she said in a statement. “Being told that I didn’t qualify for the McNair program because I’m white seemed completely wrong. This sends the wrong message to young Americans everywhere.”

READ MORE | Maryland school district's 'teacher diversity' program slammed as 'overtly discriminatory'

Rothove is also part of YAF at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His school told him he couldn’t apply for the grant since he is White, according to the lawsuit.

“I was excited when I learned about the McNair Program because I thought it would be a great way to help me get into graduate school. But when I realized that I did not qualify because of my race it was devastating,” Rothove said in a statement. “This is the 21st Century – why are we continuing to separate and divide students?”

The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program also notes it aims to prepare students for doctoral studies through research and other “scholarly activities.” Their colleges track any progress toward a degree, according to the grant’s description.

WILL called it a "radical DEI" program in a press release Wednesday.

The Department of Education did not return The National Desk’s request for comment prior to publication.

Have questions, concerns or tips? Send them to Ray at [email protected] .


  1. Graduate Programmes Provisional Admission List 2022/2023

    masters in education kyambogo university

  2. Call for Applications for Admission to Graduate Programmes

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  3. In Pictures: 16th Kyambogo University graduation

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  4. Graduate School

    masters in education kyambogo university

  5. Diploma/Certificate Entry Scheme Advertisement for the Academic Year

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    masters in education kyambogo university


  1. School of Education

    About Us. George Wilson Kasule (PhD), Dean School of Education, Associate Professor of Educational Management, Email: [email protected] WhatsApp Number: +256 759 574 713. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the School of Education, Kyambogo University. The School has a vibrant diverse and inclusive community of teaching, administrative and ...

  2. Graduate Programmes

    7,500,000/=. Second Class Degree in Bachelor of Science in Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education, BED (Agriculture), BSc (Agriculture) or any other related field from recognized Institution. Faculty of Agriculture. Kyambogo University Approved Graduate Programmes 2023/2024.

  3. Academic Programme

    Academic Programme - DEPM. Programmes Offered. The department currently offers the following courses: PhD in Education (Educational Planning & Management-Specialisation) This programme is three (3) years and is delivered in two modes i.e. by thesis alone or as taught programme that includes both coursework and thesis.

  4. Advertisement: Graduate Programmes for 2024/2025 at Kyambogo University

    Welcome to Kyambogo University's Office of the Academic Registrar! We are delighted to announce the commencement of applications for our esteemed Graduate Programmes for the academic year 2024/2025. This is an opportunity for aspiring scholars to embark on a journey of academic excellence and professional growth at one of Uganda's premier ...

  5. Academic Programme

    PhD in Education (Educational Planning & Management-Specialisation) This programme is three (3) years and is delivered in two modes i.e. by thesis alone or as taught programme that includes both coursework and thesis. The programme mainly targets holders of Master of Education degree with a specialisation in different education-related areas.

  6. Kyambogo University Masters Courses Offered

    Kyambogo University Masters Courses Offered Below is a list of Masters Programmes Offered at Kyambogo University and Fees Structure. Programme Tuition fees. FACULTY OF ARTS & SOCIAL. International (SCIENCES. ... Master of Education in Policy Planning & Management 1,500,000 4,500,000.

  7. Kyambogo University : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details

    It is a merger of the former Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo (UPK), the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo (ITEK), and the Uganda National Institute of Special Education (UNISE). Although Kyambogo is a new university, it has a rich history that dates as far back as 1928. UPK started in 1928 as a small technical school on the Makerere Hill and ...

  8. Master of Education (Early Childhood Education)

    Ph.D. in Education (Early Childhood Education) Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) Bachelor of Teacher Education (Early Childhood Education) Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Education) Certificate in Education (Early Childhood Education) Play Learning Centre. Resources; Research & Publications. Research Opportunities; Contact

  9. The Official Kyambogo University Website

    Early Childhood Education here is covered under programs that range from child care for -3-year-old children; early years' education for the 3-6-year-old children; lower primary for 7-8-year-old children; Teacher Training programs from Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors' degree, Masters' degree to PhD. Structurally, the Department has Tutor ...

  10. Master of Arts in History

    Kyambogo University's Master of Arts in History, a pioneering program since 2001, has undergone a comprehensive review to align with the National Council of Higher Education curriculum guidelines. This two-year coursework and dissertation-based program reflects a commitment to international standards and meets the evolving needs of Uganda's ...

  11. Master of Arts in Kiswahili (GMAK)

    The common regulations for the Master's degree of Kyambogo University apply. The minimum qualification for admission is a first degree of at least lower class from a recognised university. ... Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) with Kiswahili; CODE Course Title L PH CH CU; YEAR ONE SEMESTER ONE: Course courses: GMAKL7101: Advanced ...

  12. Academic Programmes

    Short courses. The Department of Geography conducts the following short courses on demand and schedule. These trainings last 2 weeks at a cost of 600,000 Uganda Shillings. Upon completion, successful candidates are awarded certificates of completion. Courses are detailed as follows:

  13. Kyambogo University, KYU Fee Structure: 2024/2025

    Master in Vocational Pedagogy. 2,200,000/=. 6,600,000/=. 8. Postgraduate Diploma in Vocational Pedagogy. 800,000/=. 2,400,000/=. Click here to apply for KYU 2024/2025 Intake admission. Click here to get the full details of all the course requirements necessary for admission.

  14. Masters of Social Work

    This leaves the country largely without Social Workers with specialized training at Masters level. Kyambogo University wants to fill in this gap by providing specialized Social Work education at this level. ... The most common indicators of poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa are low/poor achievements in education, health, nutrition, housing, water ...

  15. Home

    Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, (formerly Department of mathematics until 2021), housed at the faculty of Science, was founded at the inception of Kyambogo University in 2003. message from the H.O.D publications Message From the Head of Department The department, housed by the Faculty of Science, […]

  16. Masters Degree Dissertations

    Effect of land use/cover changes on soil erosion risk in Mitano catchment, south western Uganda . Mukisa, Geoffrey (Kyambogo University, 2021-08) Quantifying the response of a catchment to land use/cover change is imperative for the proper management of water resources within a catchment.

  17. Master of Science in Conservation and Natural Resources Management

    A research scientist at a university or a research institute. An adviser at governmental authorities (boards, ministries, districts, and municipalities) Consultant in industry. An environmental consultant /expert. A teacher / lecturer. Technicians, scientific officers, research assistants and consultants in for example oil and gas

  18. Programmes

    Admission to the Master of Science in Food Technology shall be done in accordance with the Kyambogo university procedures and regulations. The programme shall be governed by the admissions regulations of Kyambogo University. ... Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or its equivalent from a recognized institution. 2. Diploma in Food ...

  19. Master of Science in Crop Science (MSc. Crop Sci.)

    Kyambogo University, in its effort to advance and promote knowledge and development of skills in science, technology and education for national development, is offering a Master of Science in Crop Science degree (MSc. Crop Science) hosted at the Department of Agriculture.

  20. Academic Programmes

    Master of Special Needs Education, Master of Education, Master of Adult and Community Education, Master of Science in Disability Studies Degree from a recognized Institution with a synopsis of between 4-8-pages indicating the area of research interest. ... Kyambogo University, Graduate School [Address]: Kyambogo University, Main Campus First ...

  21. Call for Applications

    Call for Applications. CURRENT: The Academic Registrar, Kyambogo University invites online applications from Diploma/Certificate Holders and for the O' and A' Level Direct Entry Schemes to under-listed undergraduate & graduate programmes for 2024/2025 Academic year. Get the advert below.

  22. Master of Public Health

    A degree in the Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Laboratory Sciences. The minimum duration of the programme for a full time mode is two (2) academic years equivalent to four (4) semesters. A semester shall be seventeen (17) weeks with fifteen (15) weeks of lectures and two (2) weeks of examinations.

  23. M.S. Health Care Administration

    The Master of Science in Health Care Administration (MSHCA) Traditional program is designed for new undergraduates, beginning health care professionals, and international students who interested in pursuing managerial positions and careers in health care industry.As a CAHME accredited program, the MS-HCA traditional program provides high quality education, field experience, and extensive ...

  24. Education Department sued over 'disadvantaged' students grant: 'Sends

    WASHINGTON (TND) — Two White college students sued the Department of Education on Wednesday over a federally funded program providing grants to graduate-school seekers from "disadvantaged backgrounds." University of North Dakota junior Avery Durfee and University of Wisconsin-Madison student Benjamin Rothove accused the department of discriminating against White students by disqualifying ...

  25. Fees Structures

    Research Capacity Development Fee (Semester 1, every year of study) 40,000 60,000. Development Fee (Semester 1, every year of study) 20,000 30,000. Students Guild Fees (Semester I, every year of study) 22,000 33,000. Identity Card-, Semester I on joining University Entry and replacements 15,000 22,500.

  26. UF staffers under Sasse racked up more than $200K in travel costs

    The itemized expenses include a nearly $3,300 plane ticket to San Francisco for a three-day trip in January, $450.26 for dinner during a three-day campus visit in April, $90.90 for lunch in April ...