353 Hamlet Essay Topics & Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 3220 words
  • Icon Clock 15 min read

Hamlet essay topics delve into the deep, convoluted world of Shakespearean tragedy, focusing on various themes, such as revenge, mortality, madness, and moral corruption. These topics provide a rich exploration of Hamlet’s internal struggles and existential crises, his complex relationships with characters, like Ophelia, Gertrude, and Claudius, and his philosophically profound soliloquies. They also invite analysis of the play’s symbolism, motifs, and underlying social and political commentary. Delving into these subjects, students can contrast Hamlet’s contemplative nature with the impulsive behavior of other characters, scrutinize the impact of the supernatural, or dissect the tragic elements that lead to Hamlet’s downfall. From examining the ambiguity of characters’ actions to questioning the meaning of life and death, Hamlet essay topics offer many critical lenses through which students can understand and interpret this famous work of literature.

Best Hamlet Essay Topics

  • Exploring the Concept of Revenge in Hamlet
  • Uncertainty in Decision Making: A Deep Dive Into Hamlet’s Indecisiveness
  • Madness as Portrayed in Hamlet: Real or Feigned?
  • Polonius as a Catalyst in the Tragedy of Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Significance of Ophelia’s Death
  • Hamlet and the Oedipus Complex: Analyzing Freudian Themes
  • Claudius’ Manipulation Techniques in Power Consolidation
  • Betrayal in Hamlet: Who Betrays Whom and Why?
  • A Comparative Study: Hamlet and the Elizabethan Era
  • Unpacking the Metaphor of Yorick’s Skull
  • Aesthetic Symbolism in the Mousetrap Play Within Hamlet
  • Laertes and Hamlet: A Study in Contrasts
  • Death and the Afterlife: How Does Hamlet Approach Existential Questions?
  • Soliloquies in Hamlet: Window Into the Prince’s Soul
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet: A Feminist Interpretation
  • Hamlet’s Paralysis of Action: Causes and Consequences
  • Exploring Misogyny and Power Structures in Hamlet
  • Existential Crisis in Hamlet: A Modern Interpretation
  • Supernatural Elements in Hamlet: Apparition as a Narrative Device
  • Shakespeare’s Use of Foils in Hamlet: Purpose and Effectiveness

Hamlet Essay Topics & Ideas

Easy Hamlet Essay Topics

  • Hamlet’s Tragic Flaw: Procrastination and Its Consequences
  • Understanding the Ghost of Hamlet’s Father
  • Analysis of King Claudius as Hamlet’s Adversary
  • Significance of the Play-Within-a-Play in Hamlet
  • Examining Hamlet’s Relationship With Gertrude
  • The Portrayal of Love and Relationships in Hamlet
  • Major Themes in Hamlet: A Comprehensive Review
  • A Closer Look at Hamlet’s Soliloquies
  • Character Analysis: Is Polonius Truly Wise?
  • Duplicity and Deception in Hamlet’s Denmark
  • Hamlet’s View on Life and Death
  • Comparing Hamlet and Laertes: A Study of Similarities
  • Symbolism in Hamlet: An In-Depth Study
  • Fortinbras as a Parallel Character to Hamlet
  • Fate vs. Free Will in Hamlet’s Narrative
  • Decoding the Importance of Dreams in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Tragic Ending of Hamlet
  • Guilt and Regret: Claudius’s Secret Torment
  • Hamlet’s Friendship With Horatio: An Analysis

Interesting Hamlet Essay Topics

  • Unraveling the Mystery of Hamlet’s Madness
  • Deconstructing the Hamartia in Hamlet’s Character
  • Dualism in Hamlet: Appearance vs. Reality
  • Disease and Decay: A Recurring Imagery in Hamlet
  • Analyzing Hamlet’s Misogyny: A Feminist Perspective
  • Deciphering the Cryptic Nature of Hamlet’s Soliloquies
  • Ophelia’s Descent Into Madness: A Psychological Interpretation
  • Insight Into Hamlet’s Melancholic Nature
  • Existentialism in Hamlet: A Philosophical Analysis
  • Analyzing the Significance of Fortinbras in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Foreshadowing in Hamlet’s Narrative
  • Comparative Analysis: Hamlet and Macbeth
  • Decoding the Dramatic Irony in Hamlet
  • Morality and Ethics in Hamlet’s Denmark
  • A Closer Look at Hamlet’s Tragic Redemption
  • Significance of the Sea Imagery in Hamlet
  • Familial Relationships in Hamlet: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Closet Scene in Hamlet: A Turning Point
  • Understanding Hamlet Through His Soliloquies
  • Exploring the Underlying Theme of Madness in Hamlet

List of Hamlet Essay Topics to Start With

  • Understanding Hamlet’s State of Mind: A Psychological Analysis
  • Consequences of Revenge in Hamlet’s Story
  • Analyzing the Relationship Dynamics Between Ophelia and Hamlet
  • Shakespeare’s Usage of Dramatic Irony in Hamlet
  • Influence of Supernatural Elements in Hamlet
  • Tragic Elements in Hamlet: A Detailed Study
  • Unpacking the Concept of Death in Hamlet
  • Existential Dilemmas Faced by Hamlet
  • Imagery and Metaphors: A Study in Hamlet
  • Insights Into the Ghost of King Hamlet
  • Shakespeare’s Perspective on Morality in Hamlet
  • Tracing the Theme of Deception in Hamlet
  • Characters in Hamlet: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Portrayal of Power Dynamics in Hamlet
  • Feminine Characters in Hamlet: An Analytical Review
  • Hamlet and His Tragic Hero Attributes
  • King Claudius: An In-Depth Character Study
  • Disguise and Deceit in the Court of Denmark
  • Exploring the Theme of Loyalty in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Symbolism in Hamlet’s Soliloquies

Hamlet Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Deconstruction of the Ghost in Hamlet: A Derridean Perspective
  • Analyzing Hamlet through Lacanian Psychoanalysis
  • The Portrayal of Existentialist Philosophy in Hamlet
  • Hamlet’s Madness: A Rorschach Test for Audiences and Readers
  • The Politics of Power and Subterfuge in Hamlet
  • Ophelia: An Early Feminist Icon or Victim of Patriarchy?
  • Applying Carl Jung’s Theory of Archetypes to Characters in Hamlet
  • Hamlet’s Tragic Paradox: Intellectual Acumen vs. Emotional Impulsivity
  • Closet Scene: Freudian Psychoanalysis of Gertrude and Hamlet’s Relationship
  • Justice and Retribution: A Postmodern Reading of Hamlet
  • Analyzing Hamlet Using Judith Butler’s Theory of Gender Performativity
  • Meta-Theatrical Elements in Hamlet: A Performance Theory Approach
  • Hamlet’s Existential Crisis: A Nietzschean Perspective
  • Decoding Hamlet’s Tragic Flaw Through Aristotelian Lens
  • Hamlet and the Divine Right of Kings: A Political Analysis
  • Concept of ‘Delay’ in Hamlet: A Study in Elizabethan Context
  • Application of Julia Kristeva’s Intertextuality: Hamlet and Its Sources
  • Absurdism in Hamlet: A Comparative Analysis With Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot
  • Hamlet: An Eco-Critical Interpretation
  • Hamlet’s Soliloquies: A Bakhtinian Dialogic Analysis

Hamlet Research Paper Topics

  • Subjectivity and the Self in Hamlet: A Lacanian Analysis
  • Hamlet’s Delay: Procrastination or Philosophical Deliberation?
  • Gender Dynamics and Power Structures in Hamlet’s Denmark
  • Interpretation of Religious Themes in Hamlet
  • Understanding Madness in Hamlet: From a Foucauldian Perspective
  • Postcolonial Reading of Hamlet: Center and Periphery in Denmark
  • Tragic Ambiguity: A Comparative Study of Hamlet and Oedipus Rex
  • Interpreting Hamlet’s Indecision Through Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis
  • Metafiction in Hamlet: A Study of the Play Within the Play
  • Deconstructing the Use of Irony in Hamlet
  • Exploring Notions of Honor and Social Hierarchy in Hamlet
  • Decoding Hamlet’s Relationship With Ophelia: A Freudian Perspective
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Hamlet: A Kantian Interpretation
  • Existential Dread in Hamlet: A Study Through Kierkegaard’s Philosophy
  • Hamlet’s Soliloquies: A Study in Self and Society
  • Revenge Tragedy Elements in Hamlet: A Comparative Study With Spanish Tragedy
  • Interpreting the Paradox of Hamlet’s Character: A New Historicist Approach
  • Characterization in Hamlet: A Study in Contrast
  • The Intertwining of Politics and Morality in Hamlet

Hamlet Essay Questions Examples

  • How Does the Character of Hamlet Reflect the Freudian Theory of Psychoanalysis?
  • Exploring the Power Dynamics in Hamlet: A Foucauldian Analysis
  • Does Hamlet’s Madness Symbolize an Individual’s Struggle Against Society?
  • Can Hamlet’s Tragic Flaw Be Seen as a Reflection of His Intelligence?
  • How Do Hamlet’s Soliloquies Contribute to the Development of His Character?
  • What Makes Hamlet a Tragic Hero in Shakespeare’s Hamlet?
  • Interpreting the Theme of Revenge in Hamlet: What Are Its Consequences?
  • Is Ophelia a Victim or a Manipulator in Hamlet?
  • How Does the Ghost of Hamlet’s Father Influence the Course of the Play?
  • To What Extent Does the Theme of Mortality Drive the Narrative of Hamlet?
  • Can We Consider Hamlet as a Commentary on the Nature of Acting?
  • How Does Hamlet Conform to or Subvert the Conventions of a Revenge Tragedy?
  • How Does Hamlet Explore the Idea of the Individual vs. Society?
  • In What Ways Do the Other Characters Serve as Foils to Hamlet?
  • How Does the Play Within the Play Contribute to the Meta-Theatrical Aspects of Hamlet?
  • How Do the Concepts of Honor and Loyalty Manifest in Hamlet?
  • What Is the Significance of the Oedipal Complex in Hamlet’s Relationship With Gertrude?
  • How Does Hamlet’s Relationship With Ophelia Reflect His Attitude towards Women?
  • What Role Does Polonius Play in the Tragedy of Hamlet?
  • Can Hamlet Be Seen as an Exploration of the Human Condition?

The Theme of Modern Society for Hamlet Essay Ideas

  • Hamlet’s Indecision: A Reflection of Modern-Day Analysis Paralysis
  • Relevance of Hamlet’s Existential Crisis in the 21st Century
  • Interpreting the Tragic Hero: Hamlet in a Modern Context
  • Unpacking the Theme of Surveillance in Hamlet and Its Echoes in Today’s Society
  • Interpreting Hamlet’s Madness: A Lens to View Mental Health Stigma in Contemporary Society
  • Deception and Duplicity in Hamlet: A Comparison With Modern-Day Politics
  • Hamlet’s Struggle With Moral Dilemmas: Parallels in the Modern World
  • Tragic Outcomes of Revenge in Hamlet and Its Reflections on Modern Conflicts
  • Misogyny in Hamlet: A Dialogue on Current Gender Inequality
  • Exploring the Theme of Death in Hamlet: A Contemporary Perspective
  • Analyzing the Decay of Political Systems in Hamlet and Its Modern Reflections
  • Ophelia’s Madness: A Commentary on Societal Treatment of Women’s Mental Health
  • The Role of Conscience in Hamlet and Its Place in Modern Society
  • Authority and Power in Hamlet: A Mirror to Modern Political Structures
  • Father-Son Relationships in Hamlet and Its Reflections on Contemporary Society
  • Hamlet’s Soliloquies: An Exploration of Individualism in the Modern World
  • Corruption in Hamlet’s Denmark: Parallels With Contemporary Societies
  • Decoding the Concept of Honor in Hamlet and Its Resonance Today
  • Hamlet’s Tragic Paradox: Relevance in the Age of Information Overload

Hamlet Essay Topics on Themes and Motifs

  • Deconstructing the Motif of Revenge in Hamlet
  • Interpreting Death and Mortality in Hamlet: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Unmasking the Theme of Madness in Hamlet
  • Tracing the Motif of Disease and Corruption in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Theme of Betrayal in Hamlet
  • Examining the Recurring Motif of Incest in Hamlet
  • Analyzing the Theme of Appearance vs. Reality in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Motif of Hesitation and Delay in Hamlet
  • Fate and Destiny in Hamlet: A Thematic Exploration
  • Understanding the Theme of Action vs. Inaction in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Motif of Theatricality in Hamlet
  • Analyzing the Theme of Love and Relationships in Hamlet
  • Tracing the Motif of Suicide in Hamlet
  • Hamlet’s Fear of the Afterlife: A Thematic Study
  • Unraveling the Theme of Honor and Reputation in Hamlet
  • Identifying the Motif of Ears and Hearing in Hamlet
  • The Theme of Loyalty in Hamlet: A Detailed Analysis
  • Analyzing the Recurring Motif of Ghosts and the Supernatural in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Theme of Deception and Lies in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Motif of Metaphysical Uncertainty in Hamlet

Hamlet Essay Topics on Character Analysis

  • Character Study: Hamlet as an Anti-Hero
  • Exploring the Contradictions in Hamlet’s Character
  • Analysis of Ophelia: Victim or Manipulator?
  • Claudius: A Villain or a Tragic Figure?
  • Understanding Gertrude: A Complex Character Study
  • Fortinbras: A Contrast to Hamlet
  • Polonius: Folly or Wisdom?
  • Laertes: Revenge, Honor, and Contrast to Hamlet
  • Horatio: Friendship and Loyalty Personified
  • The Ghost of King Hamlet: More than an Apparition?
  • Interpreting the Character of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
  • Gravediggers in Hamlet: Humor amid Tragedy
  • Marcellus and Bernardo: Gatekeepers of the Supernatural
  • Ophelia’s Madness: A Character Analysis
  • Hamlet’s Foils: A Study of Laertes and Fortinbras
  • Exploring the Character of Reynaldo in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Character of Francisco in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Character of Voltemand in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Character of Cornelius in Hamlet

Shakespearean Language and Style for Hamlet Essay Topics

  • Metaphysical Imagery in Hamlet: An Analysis
  • Exploring the Use of Soliloquies in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Symbolism in Hamlet’s Monologues
  • Shakespearean Puns in Hamlet: A Study of Linguistic Humor
  • Figurative Language in Hamlet: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Interpreting the Blank Verse and Prose in Hamlet
  • Rhyme and Rhythm in Hamlet: A Study of Shakespeare’s Poetic Style
  • Hamlet’s Language: An Indicator of His Madness?
  • The Role of Foreshadowing in Hamlet
  • Wordplay in Hamlet: A Comprehensive Study
  • Analyzing the Use of Irony in Hamlet
  • Tracing the Recurring Motifs in Hamlet Through Language
  • Analyzing the Use of Alliteration in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Use of Paradox in Hamlet
  • Deciphering the Cryptic Language of the Ghost in Hamlet
  • The Use of Similes and Metaphors in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Role of Iambic Pentameter in Hamlet
  • Analyzing the Language Patterns of Ophelia in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Use of Pathos in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Imagery of Death and Decay in Hamlet

Hamlet Essay Topics on Literary Devices

  • Exploring Foreshadowing in Hamlet: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Analyzing Irony in Hamlet: Dramatic, Situational, and Verbal
  • Understanding the Significance of Soliloquies in Hamlet
  • Tracing the Use of Metaphors and Similes in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Role of Allusion in Hamlet
  • Dramatic Structure in Hamlet: Freytag’s Pyramid Applied
  • Analyzing the Use of Hyperbole in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Use of Symbolism in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Significance of Metadrama in Hamlet
  • Analyzing the Use of Antithesis in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Role of Foils in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Use of Puns and Wordplay in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Significance of Anaphora in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Use of Synecdoche in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Role of Juxtaposition in Hamlet
  • Hamlet’s Language: A Study in Oxymoron and Paradox
  • The Use of Euphemism in Hamlet: An Analysis
  • Exploring the Use of Dramatic Monologue in Hamlet
  • Analyzing the Significance of Alliteration in Hamlet

Hamlet Topics on Historical and Cultural Contexts

  • Contextualizing Hamlet: Understanding Elizabethan Tragedy
  • Hamlet and the Historical Context of the Protestant Reformation
  • Exploring the Influence of Renaissance Humanism in Hamlet
  • Interpreting Hamlet in the Light of Jacobean Political Intrigue
  • Hamlet in Context: The Question of Regicide in Elizabethan England
  • Understanding the Influence of Greek Tragedy on Hamlet
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet: An Examination of Renaissance Machiavellian Politics
  • The Influence of Medieval Danish History on Hamlet
  • Hamlet and the Influence of Elizabethan Views on Madness
  • Understanding the Socio-Cultural Context of Ghosts in Hamlet
  • Hamlet: A Critique of Courtly Politics in the Elizabethan Era?
  • Analyzing the Influence of Elizabethan Gender Norms in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Elizabethan Concept of Honor in Hamlet
  • Interpreting Hamlet in the Context of Early Modern Attitudes Toward Death
  • Hamlet and the Influence of Renaissance Philosophy
  • Decoding the Influence of Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy Conventions in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Historical Perception of Madness in the Context of Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Cultural Symbolism of the Skull in Hamlet
  • The Influence of Classical Tragedy on the Structure of Hamlet
  • Hamlet and the Question of Loyalty in Elizabethan Society

Themes of Tragedy and Revenge for Hamlet Essay Topics

  • Hamlet: Tragedy or Revenge Play?
  • Understanding the Concept of Revenge in Hamlet
  • Unraveling the Tragic Hero in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Cycle of Revenge in Hamlet
  • Analyzing Hamlet as a Tragic Figure
  • Exploring the Destructive Nature of Revenge in Hamlet
  • The Tragedy of Action vs. Inaction in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Link Between Madness and Revenge in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Tragic Flaw in Hamlet
  • Revenge and Its Consequences in Hamlet
  • Tragic Consequences of Deception in Hamlet
  • Analyzing the Role of Revenge in Driving the Plot of Hamlet
  • Exploring the Impact of Revenge on the Characters of Hamlet
  • Understanding the Transformation of Revenge Into Tragedy in Hamlet
  • Analyzing the Role of Supernatural in Inciting Revenge in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Intersection of Revenge and Madness in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Dichotomy of Revenge and Justice in Hamlet
  • Hamlet’s Procrastination: The Tragic Delay in Revenge
  • Tragic Elements in the Subplot of Hamlet

Hamlet Topics on Feminist Criticism and Gender Roles

  • Hamlet: A Feminist Critique
  • Exploring the Feminine in Hamlet: Character Analysis of Ophelia
  • Understanding Gertrude: A Feminist Perspective
  • Hamlet and the Patriarchal Society: A Feminist Reading
  • Interpreting Hamlet Through the Lens of Gender Performativity
  • Analyzing the Role of Female Agency in Hamlet
  • Feminist Criticism of Female Objectification in Hamlet
  • Unraveling the Feminine Mystique in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Subjugation of Women in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Binary Oppositions of Gender in Hamlet
  • Unraveling the Silence of Women in Hamlet
  • Hamlet: A Study in Gender and Power Relations
  • Analyzing the Influence of the Male Gaze in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Construction of Femininity in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Stereotypes of Madness and Female Weakness in Hamlet
  • Unraveling the Madonna-Whore Dichotomy in Hamlet
  • Gender and Mortality in Hamlet: A Feminist Study
  • The Role of Women in Hamlet: Victims or Villains?
  • A Feminist Reading of the Tragic Women in Hamlet
  • Analyzing the Role of Virginity and Purity in the Characterization of Ophelia

Hamlet Topics on Mental Health and Illness

  • Hamlet and the Spectrum of Madness: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Interpreting Ophelia’s Madness in the Context of Elizabethan Society
  • Hamlet’s Melancholia: An Analysis Through Freudian Lens
  • Exploring the Representation of Mental Illness in Hamlet
  • Depiction of Grief and Loss in Hamlet: A Psychological Perspective
  • Hamlet: Tragic Hero or a Victim of Mental Illness?
  • Understanding the Representation of Psychosis in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Mental Breakdown of Ophelia: A Psychological Study
  • Hamlet’s Soliloquies: Insight Into His Mental State
  • Exploring the Impact of Hamlet’s Faked Insanity on His Mental Health
  • Analyzing the Theme of Madness and Mental Instability in Hamlet
  • Hamlet: A Study of Paranoid Personality Disorder
  • Interpreting the Theme of Despair in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Depiction of Depression in Hamlet
  • Madness Real and Feigned: A Study of Hamlet
  • Hamlet: A Case Study in the Stigmatization of Mental Illness
  • Ophelia’s Descent Into Madness: A Psychological Analysis
  • Understanding the Tragic Consequences of Ignoring Mental Health in Hamlet

Hamlet Topics on the Role of Ghosts

  • Hamlet’s Ghost: Messenger or Manipulator?
  • Interpreting the Significance of Ghosts in Hamlet
  • Ghostly Apparitions and Their Function in Hamlet
  • Hamlet and the Supernatural: Analyzing the Ghost’s Influence
  • Deciphering the Ghost in Hamlet: A Study of Supernatural Elements
  • Understanding the Ethereal: The Ghost’s Existence in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Intersection of Supernatural and Reality in Hamlet
  • Hamlet: A Study in Spectral Ambiguity
  • Interrogating the Ghost’s Veracity in Hamlet
  • Hamlet’s Ghost: Symbol of Revenge or Remorse?
  • The Ghost in Hamlet: An Embodiment of Fear and Guilt?
  • Deconstructing the Role of Ghosts in Shaping Hamlet’s Actions
  • Understanding the Narrative Function of the Ghost in Hamlet
  • The Ghost as a Catalyst for Tragedy in Hamlet
  • Purgatorial Representations: The Ghost in Hamlet
  • How the Ghost Alters the Course of Events in Hamlet
  • Ghosts and Revenge: Unraveling the Connection in Hamlet
  • Investigating the Existential Dread Created by the Ghost in Hamlet
  • The Ghost as a Symbol of Unresolved Issues in Hamlet
  • Influence of the Ghost on Hamlet’s Perception of Death

Symbolism of Objects and Settings for Hamlet Essay Topics

  • Significance of Yorick’s Skull in Hamlet: A Symbolic Analysis
  • Interpreting the Symbolism of the Ghost in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Role of Denmark’s Court as a Symbol in Hamlet
  • Exploring the Symbolism of the Poisoned Sword in Hamlet
  • Hamlet’s Soliloquy: Symbolic Representation of His Inner Turmoil
  • The Garden Imagery in Hamlet: Symbolizing Corruption and Decay
  • Reading the Symbolism in Ophelia’s Flowers in Hamlet
  • Decoding the Symbolism of Death and Mortality in Hamlet
  • Understanding the Role of Theater in Hamlet: A Symbolic Study
  • The Symbolism of Madness in Hamlet: A Thorough Examination
  • The Metaphor of the Unweeded Garden in Hamlet: A Symbolic Analysis
  • Significance of the Ghostly Apparitions in the Setting of Hamlet
  • The Symbolism of the Sea and Voyages in Hamlet: A Detailed Study
  • Elucidating the Role of the Graveyard Scene in Hamlet
  • Symbolism in Hamlet’s Clothing: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Decoding the Symbolism in the Monarchic Power Struggle in Hamlet
  • Interpreting the Symbolic Use of Ophelia’s Death in Hamlet
  • The Symbolism of Revenge in Hamlet: An Analytical Study
  • Decoding the Symbolic Representation of Power and Betrayal in Hamlet
  • The Symbolic Function of the Play-Within-a-Play in Hamlet

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100+ Hamlet Essay Topics


Table of Contents

What is a Hamlet Essay?

A Hamlet essay is an analytical piece that delves into the themes, characters, plot, motifs, or historical context of William Shakespeare’s iconic tragedy, “Hamlet”. This play, often touted as one of the greatest pieces of literature ever written, is rife with profound topics and subtle nuances. When writing an essay on “Hamlet”, students explore these intricacies, shedding light on the play’s enduring relevance and its multifaceted layers.

Choosing the Right Topic for Your Hamlet Essay: A Quick Guide

In choosing a Hamlet essay topic, consider what aspect of the play intrigues you the most. Is it the psychological torment of Hamlet, the play’s exploration of existentialism, or perhaps its political undertones? Reflect on the themes that resonate with you. Review the play and take notes on pivotal scenes or dialogues. Your passion will come through in your writing, making your essay more engaging. Moreover, ensure your topic is not too broad; narrowing it down will allow for a deeper analysis.

Hamlet Essay Topics to Spark Your Imagination

Character analysis.

  • Hamlet : A Study in Paralysis and Procrastination
  • Ophelia’s Descent into Madness
  • The Dual Nature of King Claudius
  • Gertrude: Victim or Villain?
  • Horatio: Hamlet’s Constant in a Chaotic World

Thematic Concerns

  • The Play Within the Play: Exploring Metatheatre in Hamlet
  • Madness vs. Sanity: A Thin Line in Elsinore
  • Revenge and Its Consuming Nature
  • Death and Decay: Imagery and Symbolism
  • Betrayal and Loyalty: Conflicting Values

Symbolism and Motifs

  • The Significance of Yorick’s Skull
  • The Poisoned Sword and Cup: Instruments of Fate
  • The Role of the Ghost in Driving the Plot
  • Flowers in Ophelia’s Hands: More Than Just Bloom
  • The Omnipresent Notion of Eavesdropping

Historical and Contextual Analysis

  • Elizabethan Beliefs About Madness as Reflected in Hamlet
  • Hamlet and the Renaissance Man
  • The Influence of Greek Tragedy on “Hamlet”
  • Political Strife and Its Reflection in Elsinore
  • “Hamlet” in the Lens of Protestant Reformation

Comparative Studies

  • “Hamlet” and “Oedipus Rex”: Tragedies of Fate
  • The Role of Women in “Hamlet” vs. “Macbeth”
  • How Film Adaptations Have Interpreted Hamlet’s Soliloquies
  • Modern Interpretations of “Hamlet” in Popular Culture
  • “Hamlet” and “Lion King”: From Denmark to Pride Rock

Character Exploration

  • Hamlet : The Complexity of His Avenging Mission
  • Ophelia: Between Love and Loyalty
  • The True Intentions of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
  • Laertes: The Counterpart to Hamlet’s Revenge Quest
  • Polonius: The Manipulative Councilor

Themes and Philosophical Inquiries

  • The Ubiquity of Death in “Hamlet”
  • Exploring Existentialism in Hamlet’s Soliloquies
  • The Consequences of Deception and Secrets
  • The Tragedy of Miscommunication in Elsinore
  • Corruption and Moral Degradation in the Danish Court

Symbolism and Literary Devices

  • The Role of Ghosts in Elizabethan Drama and “Hamlet”
  • The Significance of the Play-within-a-Play Scene
  • The Use of Mirrors and Reflections in Character Dynamics
  • Gardens as Symbols of Decay and Corruption
  • The Sea and its Symbolic Representations

Structural Analysis

  • The Role and Impact of Soliloquies in “Hamlet”
  • The Use of Foreshadowing in the Tragedy’s Climax
  • The Dramatic Ironies that Pervade the Play
  • The Significance of Off-Stage Actions in “Hamlet”
  • The Role of Acts and Scenes in Pacing the Drama

Comparative Analyses

  • Contrasting “Hamlet” with Other Shakespearean Tragedies
  • “Hamlet” and “Othello”: Exploring Jealousy and Betrayal
  • A Comparative Study of “Hamlet” and its Sources
  • The Transformation of the “Hamlet” Story Through Time
  • “Hamlet” vs. “Romeo and Juliet”: Love in the Midst of Tragedy

Modern Interpretations and Adaptations

  • “Hamlet” in Today’s Pop Culture References
  • Cinematic Interpretations of “Hamlet”: From Olivier to Branagh
  • “Hamlet” in Non-English Theater: A Global Perspective
  • Updating “Hamlet”: The Challenges and Rewards
  • The Influence of “Hamlet” on Modern Dramatic Writing

Feminist Perspectives

  • The Role and Representation of Women in “Hamlet”
  • Gertrude: Passive Queen or Calculative Player?
  • Ophelia’s Voice and Silence: A Feminist Reading
  • The Paternal Controls Over Ophelia and Gertrude
  • Women’s Agency in “Hamlet”: A Critical Exploration

Historical and Contextual Insights

  • The Influence of Shakespeare’s Life Events on “Hamlet”
  • “Hamlet” and the Elizabethan Worldview on Ghosts and the Supernatural
  • Political Undertones in “Hamlet”: The State of Denmark
  • Elizabethan Theater and its Reflection in “Hamlet”
  • “Hamlet” and the Reflection of Renaissance Humanism

Psychological Angles

  • Hamlet’s Oedipal Complex Explored
  • The Mental State of Characters: Who’s Truly Mad?
  • The Psychological Effects of Grief and Loss in “Hamlet”
  • Fear, Paranoia, and Suspicion: A Psychological Dive into Elsinore’s Inhabitants
  • Analyzing “Hamlet” Through the Lens of Freudian Psychoanalysis

Miscellaneous Topics

  • The Role of Fate vs. Free Will in “Hamlet”
  • The Ethical Implications of Revenge in “Hamlet”
  • Exploring Religion and Morality in “Hamlet”
  • The Concept of Honor in “Hamlet”
  • The Nature of True Friendship in the Play

Narrative Techniques and Structure

  • The Role of the Chorus in “Hamlet”: Absence and Implication
  • Non-linear Storytelling in “Hamlet”: Flashbacks and Memories
  • The Significance of Interludes and Their Impact on the Main Plot
  • Parallel Plots in “Hamlet”: Subplots and Their Relation to the Central Narrative

Cultural Perspectives

  • “Hamlet” from an Eastern Philosophical Perspective
  • “Hamlet” in the Context of African Oral Traditions
  • Exploring “Hamlet” from a Postcolonial Point of View
  • The Play’s Universality: Why “Hamlet” Resonates Globally

Philosophical and Ethical Discussions

  • “To Be or Not To Be”: Hamlet’s Exploration of Nihilism
  • The Dichotomy of Action vs. Inaction in “Hamlet”
  • Ethical Ambiguities: Is Hamlet Justified in His Actions?
  • Determinism and Free Will in “Hamlet”

Performance and Stagecraft

  • The Evolution of “Hamlet” Stage Productions Over the Centuries
  • Modern Theatrical Interpretations of “Hamlet” and their Relevance
  • Challenges of Portraying Hamlet: An Actor’s Perspective
  • The Role of Stage Directions in Shaping “Hamlet’s” Performances

Secondary Characters and Their Significance

  • Fortinbras: The Silent Counterpart to Hamlet
  • Gravediggers in “Hamlet”: Humor Amidst Tragedy
  • Osric: A Reflection of Elsinore’s Decaying Morality
  • Marcellus and Bernardo: The Unsung Heroes of Elsinore

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Useful References

  • William Shakespeare’s Hamlet – Full Text
  • Royal Shakespeare Company’s Guide to Hamlet
  • Shakespeare Online: Hamlet Essays
  • BBC’s In-Depth Look at Hamlet

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112 Hamlet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

When it comes to writing an essay on Shakespeare's famous play, Hamlet, the options for essay topics are plentiful. From analyzing the complex character of Hamlet himself to examining the themes of revenge, madness, and mortality, the possibilities for exploration are endless.

To help you get started on your Hamlet essay, we've compiled a list of 112 essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration. Whether you're looking to delve into the psychological aspects of the play or explore its political implications, there's sure to be a topic on this list that piques your interest.

  • An analysis of Hamlet's character development throughout the play
  • The theme of madness in Hamlet and its significance
  • The role of women in Hamlet and their portrayal by Shakespeare
  • Hamlet's relationship with his mother, Gertrude, and its impact on the play
  • The motif of revenge in Hamlet and its consequences
  • Hamlet's soliloquies and their significance in the play
  • The symbolism of the ghost in Hamlet and its effect on the plot
  • The theme of mortality in Hamlet and its exploration of death
  • The political implications of Hamlet and its portrayal of power struggles
  • Hamlet as a tragic hero and his downfall
  • The role of fate in Hamlet and its influence on the characters' actions
  • The conflict between appearance and reality in Hamlet
  • The theme of betrayal in Hamlet and its impact on the characters
  • Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia and its tragic outcome
  • The portrayal of love in Hamlet and its effect on the characters' decisions
  • The theme of corruption in Hamlet and its exploration of moral decay
  • Hamlet's relationship with his uncle, Claudius, and its significance
  • The motif of poison in Hamlet and its symbolic meaning
  • The theme of justice in Hamlet and its exploration of revenge
  • Hamlet's indecision and its consequences for the characters
  • The role of the players in Hamlet and their impact on the plot
  • The theme of loyalty in Hamlet and its exploration of friendship
  • Hamlet's relationship with his father, King Hamlet, and its influence on the play
  • The motif of appearance vs. reality in Hamlet and its exploration of deception
  • The theme of isolation in Hamlet and its effect on the characters' mental state
  • Hamlet's relationship with his best friend, Horatio, and its significance
  • The role of religion in Hamlet and its exploration of faith
  • The motif of madness in Hamlet and its portrayal of mental illness
  • Hamlet's relationship with his love interest, Ophelia, and its tragic outcome
  • The theme of revenge in Hamlet and its exploration of justice
  • The role of the supernatural in Hamlet and its effect on the characters' actions
  • Hamlet's relationship with his mother, Gertrude, and its impact on the plot
  • The motif of betrayal in Hamlet and its exploration of trust
  • The theme of power in Hamlet and its portrayal of authority
  • The role of madness in Hamlet and its exploration of mental illness
  • The motif of death in Hamlet and its symbolic meaning
  • Hamlet's relationship with his father, King Hamlet, and its tragic outcome
  • The role of politics in Hamlet and its exploration of power struggles
  • The motif of deception in Hamlet and its portrayal of deceit
  • The theme of madness in Hamlet and its exploration of mental illness
  • The motif of revenge in Hamlet and its consequences for the characters
  • The portrayal of women in Hamlet and their portrayal by Shakespeare
  • The role of the ghost in Hamlet and its effect on the characters' actions

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From by Alexander W. Crawford. Boston R.G. Badger, 1916.

One of the most outstanding characteristics of Hamlet is his subtle and persistent humor. It crops out at every turn, and indicates the essential soundness of his mind. Madness does not lie this way. Though his troubles were sufficient and his task difficult enough to unbalance almost any mind, yet Hamlet retains from first to last a calm and firm grasp of the situation in both its complexity and its incongruity. No character in all Shakespeare is more evenly balanced, and no mind more capable of seeing things in all their bearings.

If Hamlet does not really go mad under his unparalleled griefs and burdens it is because under all circumstances his grim and tragic humor holds evenly the balance of his mind. In some of the most tragic moments of his career he has the sanity to play with his tormentors and with the sad conditions of his life. As Sir Herbert Tree has recently said: "But for humor he should go mad. Sanity is humor."

The same eminent critic asserts that, "If the quality of humor is important in comedy, it is, I venture to say, yet more important, in tragedy, whether it be in the tragedy of life or in the tragedy of the theatre." With reference to this element of humor in the play of Sir Herbert Tree says: "In Hamlet, for instance, the firmament of tragedy is made blacker by the jewels of humor with which it is bestarred. The first words Hamlet sighs forth are in the nature of a pun: The king proceeds: 'How is it that the clouds still hang on you?' 'Not so, my lord; I am too much in the sun,' says Hamlet, toying with grief. Again, after the ghost leaves, Hamlet in a tornado of passionate verbiage, gives way to humor. Then he proceeds to think too precisely on the event. But for his humor Hamlet would have killed the king in the first act."

In nearly all his references to the condition of affairs in Denmark, Hamlet indulges in a grim, satirical humor. His first meeting with Horatio furnishes opportunity. Directly after the warm greetings between the friends the following conversation takes place: Again, when Hamlet is swearing his friends to secrecy concerning the ghost, they hear the voice of the ghost beneath, saying, "Swear," and Hamlet remarks: When, after shifting their ground, the ghost's voice is again heard, saying, "Swear," Hamlet says: After his play, , Hamlet feels so elated at the turn of events and his success in getting evidence of the king's guilt that he playfully suggests to Horatio that if all else failed him he might make a success of playing and get a share in a company: Even in his conversation with Ophelia there is a touch of Hamlet's ironical humor. He slanders himself, saying: "I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me." Then, after Ophelia's false declaration that her father is "at home, my lord," he falls to railing on women and marriage, and says to her: In talking with the various spies that the king sends to catch him, Hamlet indulges in much humor and banter. He seems to take particular delight in plaguing old Polonius with his sarcasm and nonsense. When Polonius comes to him, asking, "Do you know me, my lord?" Hamlet quickly retorts: "Excellent well; you are a fishmonger." Then, after further satirical banter of the same sort, in reply to Polonius's inquiry what he is reading, he answers: "Slanders, sir; for the satirical rogue says here that old men have grey beards, that their faces are wrinkled . . . and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams. . . ." (II. ii. 173-199).

Again, on the occasion when Polonius comes to summon him to the queen's presence, Hamlet pokes fun at the old fellow, making him say that "yonder cloud," first, is "like a camel," then, "like a weasel," and, finally, "like a whale." (III. ii. 359-365.) No wonder Polonius does not know what to make of him and calls him mad, though recognizing the possibility that there may be some "method in't."

Another aspect of Hamlet's humor glints forth in his dealings with his old school-fellows, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. When these unconscionable spies come to him to inquire what he had done with the dead body of Polonius, he first answers: "Compounded it with dust, whereto 't is kin." Then he suggests that Rosencrantz is only "a sponge . . . that soaks up the king's countenance, his rewards, his authorities. . . . When he needs what you have gleaned, it is but squeezing you, and, sponge, you shall be dry again."

With Osric he gives way to a bantering and jeering humor very similar to that with Polonius. He first calls him a "water-fly," then "a chough . . . spacious in the possession of dirt." When Osric says, as an excuse for not keeping his hat on his head, that "'tis very hot," Hamlet makes him say that on the contrary, "It is indifferent cold, my lord, indeed," and the next moment again that "it is very sultry and hot." (V. ii. 83-99.)

In the graveyard scene with the clowns Hamlet indulges freely in a grim and melancholy humor. On the first skull he says: "It might be the pate of a politician . . . one that would circumvent God, might it not?" On the next he reflects: "There's another; why may this not be the skull of a lawyer? Where be his quiddits now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? Why does he suffer this rude knave now to knock him about the sconce with a dirty shovel, and will not tell him of his action of battery?" Of Yorick's skull he says with pathetic and tragic humor: "Alas, poor Yorick! — I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy." Then to the skull he says: "Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your grinning? quite chop-fallen?" (V. i.)

"Even in dying," as Sir Herbert Tree says, "he breaks into a sweet irony of humor, in meeting the 'fell serjeant death.' 'The rest is silence.' Hamlet ends as he began, in humor's minor key. Here is the humor of tragedy with a vengeance. Poor Hamlet, too much humor had'st thou for this harsh world!"

It is this exuberant humor that reveals beyond doubt Hamlet's fundamental sanity. Shakespeare was too good a judge of character and of human nature to mingle such humor with madness. He has given Hamlet nearly all varieties of humor, from the playful to the sardonic. Speaking of the king, Hamlet's humor is caustic and satirical. To Polonius and the other spies he is playful and contemptuous. In the graveyard over the skulls he is sardonic and pathetic, and over Yorick's he is melancholy. In all alike he is sane and thoughtful. This unfailing humor that toys with life's comedies and tragedies alike does not come from madness, but from sanity and self-possession. This should make certain the real soundness as well as the great fertility of Hamlet's mind. Humor and madness do not travel the same road.


by Sir Herbert Tree. Article in , November, 1916. In dealing with the present topic I find myself greatly indebted to this lecture by the distinguished actor and critic.

'Ibid., p. 352.

'Ibid., p. 366.

'Ibid., p. 367.

Crawford, Alexander W. . Boston R.G. Badger, 1916. . 20 Aug. 2009. (date when you accessed the information) _________

: Problem Play and Revenge Tragedy

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140 Hamlet Essay Topics

One of Shakespeare’s most iconic plays is Hamlet. Set in Denmark, it tells the story of Hamlet, a young prince who becomes aware of his father’s death and seeks revenge against his mother Gertrude by killing her new husband, Claudius.

The play is a thrilling roller coaster ride of emotions, with themes such as lust, love, betrayal, and revenge present throughout the story.

Hamlet Essay Writing

Usually first studied in high school literature classes, Hamlet’s many themes have been the subject of many essay writing assignments. Whether it’s an argumentative, persuasive, or analytical essay, the trick to writing about Hamlet lies in the following steps.

Understand the Reading

The key to writing about Hamlet is understanding it. Shakespeare wrote in a much different way from modern literature, so it takes time for many to understand the writing or where the author is going.

To better understand the play, it may be necessary to read it multiple times. It can help to mark specific sections with a color-coded or annotation system. If you color code the reading, use different colored highlighters designated to a particular theme, symbol, character, or event to mark several passages. If annotating, use a pencil or pen to underline, circle, or write notes in the margins of important passages.

By marking the reading as you go through it, you develop a better idea of how each symbol relates to the others and the overall story.

Choose a Topic

Once you have read through the play and made notes detailing the significant themes, symbols, and characters, it is time to choose a topic. There are many different ways to approach the essay, depending on what you feel will make for the best argument or story.

Pick a topic that interests you and can be backed by the number of examples you have highlighted or noted while reading the play. If you are having trouble choosing a topic for a Hamlet essay, consider using any of the 140 Hamlet essay topics at the bottom of this article.

Create a Strong Thesis Statement

Once you have chosen a topic, it is time to create your thesis statement. A thesis statement on Hamlet should include the topic your essay will focus on, as well as an argument that your textual evidence can support. For example:

“The role of women in Hamlet is significant to understanding the meaning behind revenge.”

“Hamlet’s lust for Gertrude affects his ability to carry out his plan for revenge.”

“It can be argued that Hamlet is trapped in a cycle of revenge and cannot escape until the ghost gives him permission to do so.”

These thesis statements clearly state what your essay will focus on and can be backed up with examples from the play.

Hamlet Essay Structure

Once you have the key steps above completed, it’s time to start drafting your Hamlet essay.


Start with a compelling hook that draws the reader in. For example, compelling opening sentences for Hamlet essays could be something like:

“In a time when women were expected to be silent…”

“Hamlet’s lust for his mother…”

“In a world where revenge…”

After the hook, you’ll want to include pertinent background information to help the reader understand your essay. For example, if you are writing about the role of women in Hamlet, begin with a brief summary of King Hamlet’s death and how it affected his family before getting into specific examples from the play that show the role of women.

Finish your introduction with a strong thesis statement that lays out the essay’s overall argument.

The body paragraphs should go logically from the least crucial point to the most vital, usually with one to three examples per paragraph. Use quotations from the play where possible, and remember to include any subtleties that tie back into your thesis statement.

Pro Tip: When quoting lines from Hamlet, be sure to reference them in the correct format. Depending on the style, this may require using parenthetical notation to reference the act, line, and scene, written as (1.2.41)

Your conclusion should summarize what you have said during your essay and tie up any loose ends that were left.

For example, if your essay began with a summary of King Hamlet’s death and how it affected his family, be sure to end the essay by reiterating how that loss impacted Hamlet’s life.

This is also where you can bring up any implications or possible future developments based on what has happened in the play to tie it back into the overall argument.

Pro Tip: Remember that a well-written essay will include fewer examples and more textual evidence instead of a long list of facts without any supporting quotes from the play. Include as much detail as possible about each example or instance you bring up in your essay to strengthen your argument and show your reader how each point is relevant to the topic.

Choosing the right topic for your Hamlet essay can be challenging. Fortunately, this list of 140 Hamlet essay topics is perfect for students writing about the famous play.

Hamlet Essay Topics About Tragedy

  • Discuss the tragedy of Hamlet and how it affects his life
  • Analyze how tragedy is represented through literary devices throughout Hamlet
  • Compare and contrast Hamlet’s various tragedies in terms of literary devices
  • Discuss how Hamlet’s tragedies are reflected through the characters in the play
  • Analyze the effect of death on both Hamlet and his family/friends
  • Compare/contrast Queen Gertrude’s tragedies to Lady Macbeth’s
  • Analyze how death functions as a literary device throughout Hamlet
  • Discuss whether or not Hamlet is truly a tragic hero
  • Compare and contrast the portrayal of tragedy in Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet
  • Discuss how Hamlet’s tragedies could have been avoided
  • Would it still be considered a tragedy if Hamlet happened in modern times?
  • Reflect on the theme of tragedy as it pertains to Hamlet
  • Which character in Hamlet experiences the worst tragedy, why?
  • How does the theme of tragedy compare with the other themes in Hamlet?
  • When does the tragedy of Hamlet become noticeable as the play progresses?
  • Why is Hamlet considered a tragedy?
  • Do you think that Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s best or worst tragedies?
  • How could the tragedy have been avoided in Hamlet?
  • Would better communication between the characters have prevented the tragedy in Hamlet?
  • Who is more of a tragic hero, Hamlet or Othello? Why?

Hamlet Essay Topics About Revenge

  • Discuss why Hamlet’s plan to seek revenge is an internal conflict
  • Analyze how Hamlet deals with his desire for revenge after learning of his father’s death
  • Compare and contrast Claudius’ and Macbeth’s quests for power that leads them to take a life
  • Analyze whether or not Hamlet’s motivations can be justified as revenge
  • Discuss the role of revenge and vengeance in Shakespeare tragedies (e.g., Othello, Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet)
  • Analyze how revenge is portrayed in Hamlet
  • Compare and contrast taking revenge on Claudius to Ulysses’s quest for revenge in The Odyssey
  • Discuss the concept of suspicious minds throughout Hamlet
  • Identify examples of extreme suspicion in Hamlet
  • Discuss the literary devices used to express suspicion in Hamlet
  • Analyze the impact of suspicious minds on Hamlet and his family/friends
  • Analyze the role of urgency in Hamlet: Is it a necessary part of revenge?
  • Is revenge justified in Hamlet? Discuss your answer.
  • Hamlet is often considered an anti-hero. Why do you think that is?
  • How would the story have been different if Hamlet had taken revenge sooner?
  • What does Shakespeare achieve through his portrayal of revenge in Hamlet?
  • Which character in Hamlet gets the most out of their revenge?
  • Is revenge ever warranted in any situation? Discuss why or why not.
  • How would modern-day society view Hamlet’s revenge plot?
  • Compare and contrast the themes of revenge in Hamlet with a modern-day literary work

Hamlet Essay Topics About Women in Hamlet

  • Analyze how women are portrayed in Shakespeare’s Hamlet
  • Compare and contrast Lady Macbeth and Gertrude in terms of their relationships with the men in their lives
  • Discuss the role of gender politics throughout Hamlet
  • Analyze how Gertrude is treated by her husband, son, and the other characters in the play
  • Analyze Gertrude’s role as Queen of Denmark
  • Analyze how Shakespeare uses women to convey the political atmosphere of Denmark during this period
  • What is the significance of the women in Hamlet?
  • How do male-female relationships function throughout Hamlet?
  • Compare and contrast the portrayal of women in Shakespeare’s Othello with that of Hamlet
  • If Hamlet was written today, how would the female characters be portrayed?
  • Was there any significance behind Claudius’ betrothal to Gertrude?
  • Discuss the importance of Ophelia’s death in Hamlet
  • How do women convey the theme of revenge throughout Hamlet?
  • Did Gertrude love Claudius, or was she forced into marriage with him?
  • Is any female character redeemed in Hamlet?
  • How does gender function as a theme in Hamlet?
  • Would a female director’s vision of the play be drastically different from a male director’s?
  • Discuss whether or not women stand up for themselves throughout Hamlet.
  • Analyze why Gertrude commits suicide at the end of Hamlet
  • How do women convey madness, desire, and revenge themes in Hamlet?
  • Do you think that Shakespeare was critical or supportive of women throughout his works?
  • Is Gertrude just as guilty for Hamlet’s death as Claudius is?
  • Analyze whether or not Shakespeare has a feminist or misogynistic view of women in Hamlet.

Hamlet Essay Topics About Grief

  • Analyze the role of grief in Hamlet
  • Discuss the various ways that characters deal with grief throughout Hamlet
  • Analyze Laertes’ main motivation for seeking revenge on Claudius
  • Compare and contrast how different characters are affected by grief in Hamlet
  • Analyze whether or not Laertes is a reliable source of information in the play
  • Analyze whether or not Hamlet is actually living up to his name throughout the play
  • What does Shakespeare mean when he says that “the readiness is all”?
  • How are the characters’ feelings about death conveyed in Hamlet?
  • How does grief influence the actions of various characters in Hamlet?
  • Which theme is more prevalent in Hamlet – grief or madness?
  • What is the significance of Ophelia’s death in Hamlet?
  • Would modern-day society view grief as a valid motivation for revenge?

Hamlet Essay Topics About Madness

  • Analyze the various ways that insanity is manifested in Hamlet
  • Discuss how Shakespeare uses madness to convey themes of grief and revenge in Hamlet
  • Compare and contrast Hamlet’s riddling with The Tempest’s concept of magic
  • What is the significance of the “ghost” scene in Act 1, Scene 4?
  • Is Hamlet genuinely insane?
  • Does Ophelia go mad, or does she purposefully act that way?
  • Does Claudius’ desire for power drive him into insanity?
  • Analyze whether or not all of the characters in Hamlet are truly insane.
  • How does insanity function as a theme throughout Shakespeare’s play?
  • What is the significance of Laertes’ recovery from his madness, and how does it affect the plotline?
  • Compare and contrast Gertrude’s sanity at the beginning of the play with her sanity at the end.
  • How does insanity manifest itself throughout Hamlet?
  • Which literary devices are the most essential for depicting the scope of madness experienced by characters in Hamlet?

Hamlet Essay Topics About Power & Corruption

  • Analyze the role of power dynamics within families in Hamlet
  • Discuss Claudius’ motivations for murdering his brother and marrying Gertrude
  • Analyze the significance of the name “Hamlet” throughout Shakespeare’s play.
  • Compare and contrast how different characters respond to their loss of power or status in the play.
  • Discuss the theme of corruption throughout the play.
  • Does power corrupt Claudius?
  • Are there any characters in the play that do not experience some form of loss of power, status, or nobility?
  • Compare and contrast Rosencrantz and Guildenstern with Laertes
  • How would the pursuit of power in Hamlet be viewed in modern times?
  • Is there a specific character that is corrupted or corrupting throughout Hamlet?
  • Discuss whether the theme of corruption exists more prominently in The Lord of the Flies or Hamlet.
  • What does Shakespeare mean when he says, “one may smile, and smile, and be a villain”?
  • Was one character’s quest for power the only thing going on in the play?
  • How do the themes of corruption and power in Hamlet mimic modern-day events?
  • What are the most significant changes throughout Hamlet in terms of power dynamics?
  • Which characters are corrupted by their pursuit of power, and which are not?
  • How does Shakespeare convey the theme of corruption through literary devices?
  • How does Shakespeare critique corruption and power in Hamlet?
  • Are there any characters that display no form of corruption after experiencing significant events in the play?

Hamlet Essay Topics About Jealousy

  • Analyze how the theme of jealousy plays out throughout Hamlet
  • Which characters in Hamlet express feelings of jealousy and why?
  • Compare and contrast Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia to that of Laertes’ relationship with Ophelia.
  • How does Shakespeare use jealousy as a literary device?
  • Do you think Gertrude is justified in her feelings towards Ophelia?
  • Does Laertes’ understanding of his sister’s relationship with Hamlet influence his decision to fight in the duel?
  • What motivations do Hamlet and Laertes have in fighting in a duel with one another?
  • Compare and contrast Claudius’ feelings of envy when he hears of Fortinbras’ men passing by with the jealousy Laertes experiences towards Hamlet.
  • Does the theme of jealousy exist throughout the play?
  • How does Shakespeare portray the characters that experience feelings of jealousy in Hamlet?
  • Which character’s jealousy is most detrimental to their relationships with others?
  • What impact do Gertrude’s feelings for Claudius have on the play?
  • How does Shakespeare subtly convey feelings of jealousy through his use of language and literary devices?

Hamlet Essay Topics About Friendship

  • How do Ophelia’s feelings of loss influence her decisions to act in certain ways throughout the play?
  • What is the significance of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern betraying Hamlet?
  • Analyze whether or not Gertrude’s friendship with Claudius contributes to her betrayal of Hamlet.
  • How do the relationships between characters in Hamlet evolve throughout the play?
  • How does Shakespeare portray friendships in Hamlet?
  • Which character displays the most loyalty to another, and why?
  • What is the significance of Ophelia’s relationship with her father, Polonius?
  • What do you think Shakespeare thought about friendship based on Hamlet?
  • What is the importance of Hamlet’s relationship with Horatio?
  • How does Shakespeare portray friendships in his use of language and literary devices?
  • How would you define friendship based on your analysis of Hamlet?
  • Is it possible for someone who betrays another person to be considered a friend?

Hamlet Essay Topics About Morality

  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern do not experience as much change as the primary characters of the play from good to evil.
  • In what ways has Claudius changed since he came to power?
  • How would someone who has killed a person be viewed in modern society?
  • Compare and contrast Laertes’ actions with those of Hamlet’s.
  • Does Shakespeare explore immorality or morality in Hamlet?
  • Do you think Claudius can be saved from damnation in the eyes of God?
  • What impact do recent events in the play have on Hamlet’s decision to avenge his father’s death?
  • How does Shakespeare portray morality in his use of language and literary devices?

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Hamlet Essay Topics: 40+ Interesting Ideas to Explore

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by  Antony W

December 8, 2023

hamlet essay topics

The Tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare may be an over 500 years old work of literature. But it covers fundamental and equally interesting themes that touch the very lives of humankind 5+ decades on. So there are literally tens of essay topics to explore in this area.

You can focus your essay on themes such as moral decay, revenge, existential crises, relationship complexities, mortality, character analysis, political commentary, or even human’s struggles. Your essay can be short or long depending on the theme that you’ve decided to explore. Just make sure you pick the best topic and write based on the assignment brief.

Key Takeaways

  • Hamlet has multiple themes that you can explore to demonstrate a clear understanding of famous work of literature despite being so old.
  • Because you have the freedom to choose what area to explore, your goal should be to write an impressive essay that draws in the attention of your professor and glues them to the essay from start to finish.

Best Hamlet Essay Topics

The following is a list of good essay topics to explore based on Hamlet by William Shakespeare:

Essay Topics on Themes and Motif

  • How Hamlet navigate the intricate pathways of vengeance
  • Comprehensive insights into mortality and death Hamlet offer through its holistic exploration
  • Ways Hamlet progressively reveals and explores the multifaceted nature of madness within its narrative
  • How Hamlet portrays the themes of decay and corruption through the motif of disease
  • Depths of human betrayal plumbed within the context of Hamlet
  • How Hamlet repeatedly confronts the taboo of incest and the significance this motif holds within the narrative
  • How is hesitation and procrastination portrayed within Hamlet?
  • What revelations about fate and destiny emerge from Hamlet’s thematic exploration of these existential elements?
  • How does Hamlet scrutinize the consequences and complexities associated with inaction versus action?

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Hamlet Essay Topics on Character Analysis

  • How Hamlet’s character embodies the essence of an anti-hero
  • Paradoxes and contradictions within Hamlet’s character that contribute to a multifaceted understanding of his persona
  • Layers of complexity that define Gertrude’s character within the Hamlet narrative
  • How Polonius’ character navigate the thin line between folly and wisdom
  • The role Laertes plays in the exploration of themes such revenge, honor, and his contrast with Hamlet’s character within the play
  • How Horatio embody the themes of friendship and unwavering loyalty 
  • The significance that lies beyond King Hamlet’s ghostly appearance and how this character transcend its supernatural nature
  • How Rosencrantz and Guildenstern contribute to the broader narrative of Hamlet
  • How humor interplays with the tragic circumstances in Hamlet through the characters of the gravediggers
  • The role Marcellus and Bernardo play as guardians of the supernatural realm within the context of Hamlet’s narrative

Easy Hamlet Essay Topics

  • Unveiling the Spectral Layers: Derrida’s Deconstructive Exploration of Ghostly Presence in Hamlet
  • Explore Hamlet’s depths through Lacan’s psychoanalytic insights
  • Rorschach test-like exploration of madness in Hamlet
  • Delve into Ophelia’s role as a potential feminist icon or victim of patriarchy
  • Explore Hamlet’s characters through Carl Jung’s archetypal lens interest you
  • Explore Hamlet’s dichotomy between intellect and impulsive emotions
  • Freudian analysis of Gertrude and Hamlet’s relationship in the closet scene
  • Postmodern exploration of justice and retribution in Hamlet
  • Gender performativity in Hamlet through Judith Butler’s lens
  • Examine Hamlet’s existential crisis from a Nietzschean perspective
  • Explore Hamlet’s political landscape in terms of divine right and kingship
  • Look at the contextual aspects of ‘delay’ in Hamlet’s actions within the Elizabethan era
  • Do a comparative analysis of absurdist in Hamlet and Beckett’s Waiting for Godot
  • Write about the environmental themes explored in Shakespeare’s Hamlet from an eco-critical perspective

Best Hamlet Topics

  • Examine Hamlet’s inaction, its causative factors and ramifications
  • Write about artistic symbolism within Hamlet’s the mousetrap play
  • Focus on the modern perspectives on Hamlet’s existential turmoil
  • Examine Polonius’ role as a catalyst in Hamlet’s tragedy
  • Write about the significance of Ophelia’s tragic demise
  • The vengeful ethos: Deconstructing revenge in Hamlet
  • Comparative analysis with the Elizabethan era in Hamlet in context:
  • Laertes and Hamlet: A difference in characterization
  • Exploring misogyny and power dynamics within hamlet
  • Unveiling the symbolism in Yorick’s skull metaphor
  • Supernatural elements as narrative devices in Hamlet
  • Claudius’ machinations for power consolidation
  • Authenticity versus pretense of the madness in Hamlet

Theme of Modern Society in Hamlet

  • How Hamlet’s decision-making approach reflect the psychological phenomenon of analysis paralysis in contemporary cognitive studies
  • In what ways does Hamlet’s existential crisis resonate with and contribute to modern-day philosophical discourse?
  • What parallels exist between the themes of surveillance in Hamlet and their reverberations within today’s societal structures?
  • How does the interpretation of Hamlet’s perceived madness shed light on the persistent stigma surrounding mental health in contemporary society?
  • To what extent can the duplicity and deceit in Hamlet illuminate present-day political landscapes?
  • The connections drawn between Hamlet’s narrative of revenge and its implications for resolving modern conflicts
  • In what ways does Hamlet’s narrative expose and prompt dialogue regarding ongoing gender inequalities in society?
  • Does a contemporary perspective shed new light on the pervasive theme of mortality in Hamlet?
  • How corruption within Hamlet’s political system mirror and contrast with today’s governance structures
  • What Ophelia’s descent into madness offer regarding attitudes toward women’s mental health
  • How Hamlet’s conscience resonates with and influence modern moral landscapes
  • How do the dynamics of father-son relationships in Hamlet transform when viewed through the lens of modern family structures?
  • What insights do Hamlet’s soliloquies offer into the individualistic ideals prevalent in the 21st century?
  • Ways in which instances of corruption in Hamlet’s Denmark mirror present societal anomalies
  • How the concept of honor has evolved from Hamlet’s time to the modern era
  • How does Hamlet’s enigmatic paradox resonate in an era inundated with overwhelming information?

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Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

Hamlet Research Paper & Essay Examples

funny hamlet essay titles

When you have to write an essay on Hamlet by Shakespeare, you may need an example to follow. In this article, our team collected numerous samples for this exact purpose. Here you’ll see Hamlet essay and research paper examples that can inspire you and show how to structure your writing.

✍ Hamlet: Essay Samples

  • What Makes Hamlet such a Complex Character? Genre: Essay Words: 560 Focused on: Hamlet’s insanity and changes in the character Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Ophelia
  • Shakespeare versus Olivier: A Depiction of ‘Hamlet’ Genre: Essay Words: 2683 Focused on: Comparison of Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Laurence Olivier’s adaptation Characters mentioned: Hamlet, the Ghost, Claudius, Ophelia, Gertrude
  • Drama Analysis of Hamlet by Shakespeare Genre: Essay Words: 1635 Focused on: Literary devices used in Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia
  • Hamlet’s Renaissance Culture Conflict Genre: Critical Essay Words: 1459 Focused on: Hamlet’s and Renaissance perspective on death Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Ophelia, Horatio
  • Father-Son Relationships in Hamlet – Hamlet’s Loyalty to His Father Genre: Explicatory Essay Words: 1137 Focused on: Obedience in the relationship between fathers and sons in Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Laertes, Ophelia, Polonius, Fortinbras, Polonius, the Ghost, Claudius
  • A Play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Genre: Essay Words: 1026 Focused on: Hamlet’s personality and themes of the play Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Ophelia, Gertrude, Polonius
  • Characterization of Hamlet Genre: Analytical Essay Words: 876 Focused on: Hamlet’s indecision and other faults Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Ophelia, Claudius, the Ghost, Gertrude
  • Hamlet’s Relationship with His Mother Gertrude Genre: Research Paper Words: 1383 Focused on: Hamlet’s relationship with Gertrude and Ophelia Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Gertrude, Ophelia, Claudius, Polonius
  • The Theme of Revenge in Shakespeare’s Hamlet Genre: Research Paper Words: 1081 Focused on: Revenge in Hamlet and how it affects characters Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, the Ghost
  • Canonical Status of Hamlet by William Shakespeare Genre: Essay Words: 1972 Focused on: Literary Canon and interpretations of Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Horatio, Claudius
  • A Critical Analysis of Hamlet’s Constant Procrastination in Shakespeare’s Hamlet Genre: Essay Words: 1141 Focused on: Reasons for Hamlet’s procrastination and its consequences Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Polonius
  • Role of Women in Twelfth Night and Hamlet by Shakespeare Genre: Research Paper Words: 2527 Focused on: Women in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and Hamlet Characters mentioned: Ophelia, Gertrude, Hamlet, Claudius, Laertes, Polonius
  • William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Genre: Essay Words: 849 Focused on: Key ideas and themes of Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Ophelia, Laertes
  • Shakespeare: Hamlet Genre: Essay Words: 1446 Focused on: The graveyard scene analysis Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Ophelia, Laertes, Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius
  • Oedipus Rex and Hamlet Compare and Contrast Genre: Term Paper Words: 998 Focused on: Comparison of King Oedipus and Hamlet from Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and William Shakespeare’s Hamlet . Characters mentioned: Hamlet
  • The Play “Hamlet Prince of Denmark” by W.Shakespeare Genre: Essay Words: 824 Focused on: How Hamlet treats Ophelia and the consequences of his behavior Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Ophelia, Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius, Laertes
  • Hamlet by William Shakespeare Genre: Explicatory Essay Words: 635 Focused on: Key themes of Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Fortinbras
  • Hamlet’s Choice of Fortinbras as His Successor Genre: Essay Words: 948 Focused on: Why Hamlet chose Fortinbras as his successor Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Fortinbras, Claudius
  • Hamlet, Laertes, Fortinbras: Avenging the Death of their Father Compare and Contrast Genre: Compare and Contrast Essay Words: 759 Focused on: Paths and revenge of Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Laertes, Fortinbras, Claudius
  • Oedipus the King and Hamlet Genre: Essay Words: 920 Focused on: Comparison of Oedipus and King Claudius Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude
  • Hamlet Genre: Term Paper Words: 1905 Focused on: Character of Gertrude and her transformation Characters mentioned: Gertrude, Hamlet, Claudius, the Ghost, Polonius
  • Compare Laertes and Hamlet: Both React to their Fathers’ Killing/Murder Compare and Contrast Genre: Compare and Contrast Essay Words: 1188 Focused on: Tension between Hamlet and Laertes and their revenge Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Laertes, Ophelia, Polonius, Claudius, Gertrude
  • Recurring Theme of Revenge in Hamlet Genre: Essay Words: 1123 Focused on: The theme of revenge in Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Laertes, Ophelia
  • The Function of the Soliloquies in Hamlet Genre: Research Paper Words: 2055 Focused on: Why Shakespeare incorporated soliloquies in the play Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude
  • The Hamlet’s Emotional Feelings in the Shakespearean Tragedy Genre: Essay Words: 813 Focused on: What Hamlet feels and why Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Gertrude, Claudius
  • Blindness in Oedipus Rex & Hamlet Genre: Research Paper Words: 2476 Focused on: How blindness reveals itself in Oedipus Rex and Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Horatio, the Ghost
  • “Hamlet” and “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” Genre: Essay Words: 550 Focused on: Comparison of Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern
  • The Role of Queen Gertrude in Play “Hamlet” Genre: Essay Words: 886 Focused on: Gertrude’s role in Hamlet and her involvement in King Hamlet’s murder Characters mentioned: Gertrude, Hamlet, the Ghost, Claudius, Polonius
  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Genre: Explicatory Essay Words: 276 Focused on: The role and destiny of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Hamlet Characters mentioned: Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Hamlet, Claudius
  • Passing through nature into eternity Genre: Term Paper Words: 2900 Focused on: Comparison of Because I Could Not Stop for Death, and I Died for Beauty, but was Scarce by Emily Dickinson with Shakespeare’s Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, the Ghost, Claudius, Gertrude
  • When the Truth Comes into the Open: Claudius’s Revelation Genre: Essay Words: 801 Focused on: Claudius’ confession and secret Characters mentioned: Claudius, Hamlet
  • Shakespeare Authorship Question: Thorough Analysis of Style, Context, and Violence in the Plays Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night Genre: Term Paper Words: 1326 Focused on: Whether Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night Characters mentioned: Hamlet
  • Measuring the Depth of Despair: When There Is no Point in Living Genre: Essay Words: 1165 Focused on: Despair in Hamlet and Macbeth Characters mentioned: Hamlet
  • Violence of Shakespeare Genre: Term Paper Words: 1701 Focused on: Violence in different Shakespeare’s plays Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Horatio, Claudius, Gertrude, Palonius, Laertes,
  • Act II of Hamlet by William Shakespeare Genre: Report Words: 1129 Focused on: Analysis of Act 2 of Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Polonius, Ronaldo, Laertes, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, First Player, Claudius
  • The Value of Source Study of Hamlet by Shakespeare Genre: Explicatory Essay Words: 4187 Focused on: How Shakespeare adapted Saxo Grammaticus’s Danish legend on Amleth and altered the key characters Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Ophelia, Gertrude, Claudius, the Ghost, Fortinbras, Horatio, Laertes, Polonius
  • Ophelia and Hamlet’s Dialogue in Shakespeare’s Play Genre: Essay Words: 210 Focused on: What the dialogue in Act 3 Scene 1 reveals about Hamlet and Ophelia Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Ophelia
  • Lying, Acting, Hypocrisy in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Genre: Essay Words: 1313 Focused on: The theme of deception in Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Gertrude, Claudius, Ophelia
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet’s Behavior in Act III Genre: Report Words: 1554 Focused on: Behavior of different characters in Act 3 of Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Polonius
  • The Masks of William Shakespeare’s Play “Hamlet” Genre: Research Paper Words: 1827 Focused on: Hamlet’s attitude towards death and revenge Characters mentioned: Hamlet, the Ghost
  • Ghosts and Revenge in Shakespeare’s Hamlet Genre: Essay Words: 895 Focused on: The figure of the Ghost and his relationship with Hamlet Characters mentioned: Hamlet, the Ghost, Gertrude, Claudius
  • Macbeth and Hamlet Characters Comparison Genre: Essay Words: 1791 Focused on: Comparison of Gertrude in Hamlet and Lady Macbeth in Macbeth Characters mentioned: Gertrude, Claudius, Hamlet
  • Depression and Melancholia Expressed by Hamlet Genre: Essay Words: 3319 Focused on: Hamlet’s mental issues and his symptoms Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Ophelia, Laertes, the Ghost, Polonius
  • Meditative and Passionate Responses in the Play “Hamlet” Genre: Essay Words: 1377 Focused on: Character of Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play and Zaffirelli’s adaptation Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Polonius
  • Portrayal of Hamlet in Shakespeare’s Play and Zaffirelli’s Film Genre: Essay Words: 554 Focused on: Character of Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play and Zaffirelli’s adaptation Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Ophelia
  • Hamlet in the Film and the Play: Comparing and Contrasting Genre: Essay Words: 562 Focused on: Comparison of Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Zeffirelli’s version of the character Characters mentioned: Hamlet
  • Literary Analysis of “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Genre: Essay Words: 837 Focused on: Symbols, images, and characters of the play Characters mentioned: Hamlet, the Ghost, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia
  • Psychiatric Analysis of Hamlet Genre: Essay Words: 1899 Focused on: Hamlet’s mental state and sanity in particular Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Ophelia, Laertes, Polonius
  • Hamlet and King Oedipus Literature Comparison Genre: Essay Words: 587 Focused on: Comparison of Hamlet and Oedipus Characters mentioned: Hamlet

Thanks for checking the samples! Don’t forget to open the pages with Hamlet essays that you’ve found interesting. For more information about the play, consider the articles below.

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"Hamlet Research Paper & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 21 May 2024, ivypanda.com/lit/hamlet-study-guide/essay-samples/.

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IvyPanda . 2024. "Hamlet Research Paper & Essay Examples." May 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/lit/hamlet-study-guide/essay-samples/.

1. IvyPanda . "Hamlet Research Paper & Essay Examples." May 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/lit/hamlet-study-guide/essay-samples/.


IvyPanda . "Hamlet Research Paper & Essay Examples." May 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/lit/hamlet-study-guide/essay-samples/.

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207 Hamlet Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on hamlet, ✍️ hamlet essay topics for college, 👍 good hamlet research paper topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot hamlet essay titles to write about, 🎓 most interesting hamlet research paper topics, 💡 simple hamlet essay titles, 📌 easy hamlet essay topics, ❓ possible hamlet essay questions.

  • Appearance vs Reality: Hamlet Theme Analysis
  • The Seven Soliloquies of Shakespeare’s Hamlet
  • Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” as a Tragedy
  • Shakespearean Hamlet’s and Ophelia’s Relationship
  • Hamlet and Oedipus: Resilience Compared
  • Hamlet and Gertrude Relationship Analysis – Research Paper
  • Oedipus Rex & Hamlet: Compare & Contrast Essay
  • The Revenge Theme in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” The theme of revenge, its morality, and how it affects the characters of Shakespeare’s Hamlet presents itself as a complex subject.
  • Oedipus Versus Hamlet: Resilience in Characters Resilience as the ability to hold onto one’s beliefs despite the odds that the world may throw at a person is one of the traits that appeal particularly strongly to readers.
  • Resilience in “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles and “Hamlet” by Shakespeare Both Oedipus and Hamlet have difficulties accepting horrible truths about themselves and their families; however, Hamlet seems to be more resilient.
  • Hamlet’s Costume Design Scenic design is a vital element in every play. This study looks at the costume design in Hamlet with reference to the characters in act 3 scenes.
  • Power and Powerlessness in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet This paper explores how characters in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet have power in one situation and are powerless in another through the Marxist theory.
  • Love in “Hamlet” Play by William Shakespeare Hamlet written by William Shakespeare is a play-tragedy disclosing a lot of aspects of the social and personal lives of its characters.
  • Ophelia in “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Lack of maternal guidance, possession of a naïve spirit, and lack of exposure are the main reasons for Ophelia’s unhealthy love to Hamlet and her subsequent tragedy in the Shakespeare ‘s play.
  • How the Renaissance Affected Hamlet The Renaissance period was one in which many creative writers, artists, and songwriters worked together to create and produce magnificent works of art.
  • The Role of Conflicts in Hamlet by William Shakespeare A number of conflicts come out in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare: internal conflict of Hamlet, the conflict between Hamlet and King Claudia and others.
  • Hamlet’s Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s Play Hamlet’s indecision presents the central pillar of the internal conflict. The distinction between illusion and reality presents another internal conflict within Hamlet.
  • Hamlet’s Vision and Candide’s Consideration of Love Hamlet considers the reality in which he is forced to live as extremely hostile. Under the pressure of dangerous events he lost his faith in people’s honesty.
  • An Analysis of “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Hamlet and the other characters do not really know who they are and this is a theme subtly brought to light here and more so, it echoes throughout the whole play.
  • Laura Bohannan vs. the Tiv on the “Hamlet” Meaning Laura Bohannan believed that the universality of Shakespeare would be clear to everyone but she realized that cultural differences could provide new insights.
  • Analysis of Hamlet’s Second Soliloquy Soliloquies are widely used in the play, as Hamlet cannot freely express his emotions and share the thoughts that are rooted in his inner drama.
  • Who Showed Greater Resilience: Oedipus or Hamlet? Both Oedipus and Hamlet are determined individuals; however, from this review, it is clear that Hamlet shows greater resilience than Oedipus.
  • Crisis of Masculinity in Hamlet Through the main character, Shakespeare translates and critiques the ideas about masculinity and femininity that were prevalent at the time.
  • Similarities and Character Differences of Hamlet and Laertes Although Hamlet and Laertes display similar qualities, they vary in that Hamlet is wise, and motivated by reason while Laertes is impulsive, and passionate.
  • Loyalty as a Source of Tragedy in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Being a thematically intricate and unbelievably nuanced work, Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” incorporates a plethora of ideas.
  • Claudius as Hamlet’s Foil in Shakespeare’s Play In Hamlet, Shakespeare utilizes several foil characters to help readers better comprehend Hamlet’s character. One such foil is Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle.
  • A Comparison of “Hamlet” by Shakespeare and “Wuthering Heights” by Bronte Literature has a way of continuing to explore many of the same themes that seem to plague mankind throughout history.
  • Stylistic and Literary Devices of “Hamlet” Stylistic devices and the tone of “Hamlet” establish the atmosphere of the play and navigate the reader through the most dramatic parts of the tragedy.
  • Resilience: Oedipus and Hamlet Ancient Greek plots and motives are commonly reflected in the European literature of the New Age, which makes the heritage of different epochs comparable.
  • The Complex Character: Hamlet From “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Hamlet’s deeply observant and reflective nature is shown to be the central defining feature that enables the progression of the plot in “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare.
  • Why Shakespeare’s Hamlet Is Still Relevant Today and 400 years ago people care about personal feelings. Regardless of their social status and cultural background, Hamlet is deeply rooted in the hearts of readers.
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet and His Self-Destructive Temper This essay discusses Hamlet’s temperament as his problem and shows how such a temper is not only self-destructive but how it affects society at large.
  • Character Analysis of Shakespeare’s Prince Hamlet Hamlet is Charismatic because of Ophelia’s and Horatio’s admiration of him. Lastly, Hamlet shows the reader his loyalty by meeting his dad’s ghost and agreeing to revenge.
  • The Theme of Loneliness in “Hamlet” and “Odysseus” The theme of loneliness has been explored countless times in numerous works of literature, yet the ones that address the specified issue most authentically are “Hamlet” and “Odysseus”.
  • Hamlet’s Letter to a Friend This document contains a letter from the first person of Hamlet to Cornelius from the famous play by William Shakespeare “Hamlet”.
  • The Power Concept in Hamlet by Shakespeare In the dramatic tragedy Hamlet by William Shakespeare, power can be portrayed as the theme that drives the play.
  • Interplay of Literary Elements in Shakespeare’s Hamlet The goal of this essay is to identify and promote a philosophical interpretation of Hamlet through the prism of metaphors, similes, allusions, and other literary elements.
  • Importance of Female Characters in Hamlet In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, there are two major female characters, whose relationships with Hamlet play a role in understanding the ambiguous position of women.
  • The Role and Impact of Gertrude in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” The paper discusses Gertrude. She is the mother of the protagonist of the play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare. She is the widow of King Hamlet of Denmark.
  • Why Hamlet by Shakespeare Delays Revenge Shakespeare gives Hamlet an essential sense of reflection and compassion, giving him time to reflect on the need for revenge.
  • Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Through the Historical Lens The paper states that it is vital to analyze the historical period in which William Shakespeare worked as well as the origin of the Hamlet story.
  • Analysis of “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s Hamlet has attracted abiding interest due to its aesthetics and the exceptional complexity of the author’s masterpiece.
  • Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras: The Theme of Vendetta Hamlet is an outstanding tragedy by William Shakespeare, which is considered an example of skillful language and complicated plot.
  • Imagery Blindness of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and Sophocle’s “Oedipus” Illustrating blindness as imagery, Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Sophocle’s Oedipus reflect the confrontation of appearance and reality in the society and in the souls of these characters.
  • What Do Hamlet and Oedipus Have in Common? Hamlet by Shakespeare has similar elements in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. This essay aims to show the common features of Oedipus and Hamlet, the main characters of eponymous plays.
  • Shakespear’s Hamlet: Conflict Between Seeming and Being This is an analysis of the characters such as Hamlet, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern clarifies the play’s obsession with the theme of the conflict between seeming and being.
  • Women Role in Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet The villain role of women in the Shakespeare’s plays Othello and Hamlet seems to have inspired the themes in both literary works.
  • Oedipus and Hamlet: To Be Resilient, or Not to Be? Hamlet and Oedipus have low resilience, unable to respond quickly and flexibly to the vicissitudes of fate, which leads both to a tragic end.
  • Madness of Ophelia in “Hamlet” by Shakespeare The paper states that in the tragedy “Hamlet,” Ophelia is a special character who causes much admiration and compassion, yet is a very controversial figure.
  • Oedipus and Hamlet – Resilience in Tragedy Although Oedipus is a Sophocles’ personality in Oedipus rex, Hamlet is the male protagonist in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare; both are tragic personalities in search of reality.
  • Revenge in the Play “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” Hamlet is a character used in the play, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, to depict the theme of revenge. The paper argues that Hamlet avenges for the murder of his father.
  • The Novel “Don Quixote” by de Cervantes and the Play “Hamlet” by Shakespeare This paper presents the comparative analysis of the novel “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes and the play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare.
  • Sunjata’s vs. Hamlet’s Literary Works Comparison By comparing and contrasting the major characters of Sunjata and Hamlet, this paper will demonstrate how these works explore themes of power, fate, and revenge in unique ways.
  • The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Analysis Despite the fact that the motive of revenge is the basis for the plot, the theme of mortality, fear of death, and afterlife questions is more revealed in the play.
  • Father-Son Relationship in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Play The paper states that Hamlet’s struggle emanates from the death of his father. Although he becomes a villain at some point, he remained steadfast.
  • Finding Strength While Searching for the Truth: Hamlet and Oedipus Hamlet and Oedipus’s characters serve as an example of what a quest for truth can lead to and how differently the process of discovering a secret story might be.
  • An Analysis of Hamlet by Shakespeare Hamlet is a play that everyone has to read at least once in their life to see how the feeling of grief can affect a person’s behavior.
  • The Justification of Hamlet’s Revenge on Claudius The author provides a brief overview of Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, and reflects on the ethical issues raised in the play.
  • Hamlet by William Shakespeare: Summary of the Play The play begins with Prince Hamlet going back home for his father’s funeral. Hamlet swears to avenge his father’s death.
  • Resilience in Oedipus and Hamlet’s Characters Both Oedipus and Hamlet struggle to accept terrible realities about themselves and their family, but Hamlet seems to be more resilient.
  • The Plays “Oedipus Tyrannus” by Sophocles and “Hamlet” by Shakespeare This essay discusses the characters development techniques in the plays “Oedipus Tyrannus” by Sophocles and “Hamlet” by Shakespeare.
  • Is Shakespearean Hamlet’s Madness Feigned? Hamlet is a tragedy play written by Williams Shakespeare; it is set in Denmark during unsettled times. It was revealed to the young prince.
  • Hamlet’s Vulnerability in “Hamlet” by Shakespeare This paper discusses the vulnerability of Hamlet, the protagonist of Shakespeare’s play, “Hamlet” and explores the reasons behind Hamlet’s vulnerability.
  • Interpersonal & Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Conflicts are integral parts of our lives, and knowing how to resolve them is one of the essential skills to learn.
  • Claudius as the Main Antagonist in Shakespeare’s Hamlet Even though Claudius is introduced as the main antagonist in William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, he possesses several strong qualities.
  • Imitation of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” This paper attempts to imitate the format of soliloquies from William Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke” rewrite the story from real life.
  • Oedipus and Hamlet: Review The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast Oedipus and Hamlet. The King of Thebes and the Prince of Denmark have several common features, the first one being their descent.
  • Oedipus and Hamlet Characters’ Comparison This paper discusses two similarities between Oedipus and Hamlet – they are both consumed with vengeance and suffer from hubris, which leads to their ultimate downfall.
  • The Nature of Revenge Prior to and After the Creation of Hamlet This proposal will compare and contrast human understanding of the nature of revenge prior to and after the creation of Hamlet.
  • Dilemmas in Hamlet and The Fall of the House of Usher This paper will explore the character of Hamlet and compare Hamlet’s dilemma to the predicament of the unknown narrator of “The Fall of the House of Usher”.
  • Hamlet, a World-Renowned Literary Classic by William Shakespeare Hamlet, a world-renowned literary classic by William Shakespeare, depicts an acute vision of a man struggling with his indecisiveness in the face of constant external pressure.
  • Thematic Significance of the Image in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” The variety of well-known images that Shakespeare presents in Hamlet reflects the genius of the playwright and the demand for his play in the modern world.
  • Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Henry IV Plays The current essay discusses the concept of power in Hamlet and Henry IV, Part 2, demonstrating that wielding power requires notable character and a vigorous heart.
  • “Hamlet” Play and “The Mad Gardener’s Song”: Comparison Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and Lewis Carroll’s The Mad Gardener’s Song are two works that have had a significant literary impact.
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet vs. Sophocles’ Oedipus The aim of this paper is to compare Hamlet’s and Oedipus’s resilience in the plays “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare and “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles.
  • Rewriting Hamlet by Shakespeare Shakespeare’s Hamlet is an eternal classic played in theaters worldwide and adapted in movies by multiple screenwriters and directors.
  • Adaptations of “Hamlet”: Zeffirelli’s and Doran’s Renditions Studying the film adaptations of “Hamlet” can be engaging for potential future discourse, and for this particular piece, Zeffirelli’s and Doran’s renditions of Hamlet are chosen.
  • Images of Oedipus, Socrates, and Hamlet in the Interpretation of Tragic Heroes Oedipus, Hamlet, and Socrates are united by firmness, steadfastness of the spirit, thirst for knowledge, and a tragic fate due to predestination and a ‘special destiny.’
  • Comparison of Hamlet’s Procrastination and Personal Results: Shakespeare Hamlet by William Shakespeare can be considered a literary character whose procrastination leads to gruesome consequences.
  • The Play “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” by Shakespeare “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” is Shakespeare’s revenge play, that may be defined as one of the most well-known tragedies in world literature.
  • Hamlet’s Relationship With Gertrude Hamlet’s conflict with Gertrude, his mother, reflects the difference in views between them and the young prince’s desire for imaginary ideals amid royal intrigue.
  • Hamlet’s Monologue: A Rhetorical Analysis The rhetorical devices used by Shakespeare in the monologue of Hamlet help readers better understand the main character’s uncertainty about his life, death, and revenge.
  • Monologue of Hamlet by William Shakespeare The vital claim of the world-famous monologue in Hamlet is, in concentrated form, that our state is so miserable that entire non-existence would be definitely preferable to it.
  • “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare: Character of the Ghost Character of the Ghost helps to identify such themes as mortality and revenge and promotes the reader’s tracing of the evolution of other heroes’ attitude toward these concepts.
  • Oedipus, the King and Hamlet: Analysis Belonging to entirely different cultures and addressing quite different social and psychological issues, “Oedipus, the King” and “Hamlet” might seem quite distant from each other.
  • Oedipus Rex and Hamlet: Compare and Contrast Oedipus Rex and Hamlet, both show outstanding resilience in their desire to help others and disclose the truth that is hidden.
  • “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”: Combination of Conflicting Qualities in the Characters The existence of conflicting characters in “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” helps to understand how good and evil qualities are combined within human beings.
  • Shakesperian Literature: Hamlet’s Character in Act 2 Shakespeare uses Hamlet to demonstrate the primordial link between stage performance of plays and real-life scenarios.
  • The Tragedy “Hamlet” by Shakespeare: Evidence of Religious Beliefs This paper aims at proving that the characters of the tragedy “Hamlet” by Shakespeare are believers and that they evaluate their actions based on their faith.
  • Analysis of Hamlet Passage by William Shakespeare A passage from the second scene of the second act reveals essential facts about Hamlet’s character and has impressive diction, syntax, and imagery.
  • Hamlet’s Universality and Contemporary Cultural Discourse Despite the possible arguments surrounding Hamlet, a number of reasons that make it essential for syllabi around the world, particularly in occidental countries, exist.
  • William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Gertrude William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is one of the most known tragedies in the English literature, while Hamlet himself is an illustrative example of a turbulent mind.
  • Hamlet as an Enjoyable and Exuberant Play William Shakespeare was a renowned English writer, poet, and dramatist. Shakespeare had a number of plays to his credit.
  • Love vs Fear: The Song of Roland and Hamlet Being loved is better than being feared since love-based actions result in healthier things; being happy, peace and security are some of the consequences of love.
  • “Hamlet” by Shakespeare: Scenes Analysis of the Play Critical analysis of the “Ghost Hamlet “ in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare. The most critical criticism is in the nature of the ghost, of the main character’s father.
  • The Character of Hamlet’s Mother This paper discusses the Heirbruns and Maxwell’s articles about Gertrud and two different outlooks on the character traits of Gertrud in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
  • William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Is He Insane? Hamlet looks like a completely sane and rational although upset young man, there is little doubt that Hamlet is as the sound of mind as most of the rest of the characters.
  • Art of Drama Through the Shakespear’s ‘Hamlet’ This writing provides information about the theme of drama in the Shakespear’s ‘Hamlet’, discusses a well-structured plot, characterization of Hamlet and Laertes.
  • Character Comparison: “Odyssey”, “Scarlett Latter,” “Troy,” “Hamlet” The paper compares the heroes from Homer’s “Odyssey”, Hawthorne’s “Scarlett Latter” and characters from Hollywood movies “Troy” and “Hamlet”.
  • The Tragedy of Revenge in the “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare One of the most famous plays created by William Shakespeare is Hamlet. The play deals with multiple themes. The issue of revenge is questioned from the point of view of violence.
  • Modern Take on Hamlet: King Cornelius’s Monologue In a dimly lit room, a dark figure of King Claudius occupies a large sofa. He occasionally stands up and walks across the room, his appearance disheveled, and they look exhausted.
  • Themes in Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Hamlet” Hamlet is one of the most significant works by Shakespeare. The author considers various important issues and this makes the play so influential.
  • Actor’s Character Development in “Hamlet” Play As the play Hamlet is based on conflicts, it is necessary to show how the main character faces difficulties and different challenges created by the fortune.
  • The Relevance of “Hamlet” to Contemporary Readers The purpose is to analyze the famous excerpt from “Hamlet”, which begins with the words “To be or not to be” and to dwell upon the way readers can relate to its message.
  • The Murder in the Play “Hamlet” Hamlet is a play with a strong focus on interpersonal relationships. Most of the pivotal events revolve around the friends and family of Hamlet, specifically, their involvement in the murder.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Hamlet is William Shakespeare’s tragedy play that was written in the late 14th century. The imagery in this play is both entertaining and creative.
  • Literature Analysis of Hamlet’s Soliloquies This paper will analyze Hamlet’s beliefs,and fears, wants, talents, and flaws solely based on his soliloquies.
  • Modern Film Version of “Hamlet” by Shakespeare Various attempts are made to create a modern version of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. However, it is also important to retain the original emotional and moral conflicts explored by the author.
  • The Play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, presents an enthralling view on lunacy and the individual mind. It presents a sharp contrast when comparing two characters, Hamlet and Ophelia.
  • Upsetting the Social Order During “Hamlet” Created Disruption
  • What Makes Hamlet Such a Complex Character?
  • How the Play “Hamlet” Portrays Shakespeare’s Ingenuity as a Literary Artist
  • Manipulation and the Use of the Art of Acting in “Hamlet”, a Play by William Shakespeare
  • William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and Its Classical Tragedy Elements
  • William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and the Mental Changes Ophelia Undergoes
  • The Inner Conflicts and Introspective Attitude in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • “Hamlet”: Character Analysis and Outstanding Features of the Author’s Style
  • Church Corruption and Lutheranism in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • How Does Shakespeare Use Linguistic and Dramatic Devices to Introduce the Character of Hamlet?
  • Prince “Hamlet” and Ophelia: Intricate and Often Confusing Relationship
  • “Hamlet”: Does Shakespeare Have a Profound Dislike of Women?
  • Hamlet’s Transformation From Good to Evil in Shakespeare’s Ham
  • Reality, Illusion, Appearance, and Deception in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • Dysfunctional Families and the Inadequate Role Played by Parents in “Hamlet”
  • Hamlet Comparing the Dissimilar Characters of Gertrude and Ophelia
  • Differences Between Hamlet’s Mental and Emotional Conflicts
  • Hamlet’s Interaction With Other Characters of the Play as a Path to Better Understanding of His Character
  • Hamlet’s Depression and Its Impact in Decision-Making in “Hamlet”, a Play by William Shakespeare
  • How Does Shakespeare Present Women and Sex in “Hamlet”?
  • Death, Illness, and Decay in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • Classical and Renaissance Paradigms of Heroism in “Hamlet”
  • “Hamlet”, Moral Truths, Redemption, and a Just Society
  • How Does Hamlet React to His Momentous Decision and What Does He Risk to Save Himself From His Ideas
  • “Hamlet”, His Psychological Estrangement Fueled This Tragedy
  • The Human Condition and Ideologies in “Hamlet” by Willliam Shakespeare
  • Hamlet’s Capacity for Self-Sacrifice in the Face of Compelling Circumstances
  • How Does Shakespeare Present Issues About Revenge and Madness in “Hamlet”
  • Does Hamlet Fabricate the Conversation With the Ghost?
  • The Reasons for the Delayed Revenge of Hamlet in the Tragedy of “Hamlet”, a Play by William Shakespeare
  • The Reasoning and Decisions of Hamlet in the Tragedy of “Hamlet” a Play by William Shakespeare
  • Did HamletCommit Suicide or Was He Murdered in William Shakespeare’s Tragedy
  • Analysis of Shakespeare’s Use of Soliloquy in Presenting the Developing Character of “Hamlet”
  • Elizabethan’s Laws Against Perpetrators of Suicide in “Hamlet” by William
  • Betrayal, Vengeance, and Procrastination in “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare
  • Means and Ends: How “Hamlet’s Supposed Insanity Justifies and Masks His True Goal of Revenge
  • Disease, Sickness, Death, and Decay in “Hamlet”
  • How Does Hamlet and Ophelia’s Relationship Evolves Throughout the Play of “Hamlet”?
  • Body Politic and the Final Scene of “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Sexist Attitude and Characterization of Women in “Hamlet”, a Play by William Shakespeare
  • Deception, Murder and Love in “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Ideas and Themes Indicated in the First Three Scenes of “Hamlet” That You Find Particularly Interesting
  • Hamlet and His Madness as a Psychoanalytical Depiction
  • Cultural and Religious Beliefs Driving the Action in “Hamlet”
  • Hamlet and Shakespeare’s Perceptions of Human Behavior
  • Darkest Sins and Heavenly Shows: The Nature of Iago’s Villainy in Shakespear’s “Hamlet”
  • Hamlet’s and Laertes’ Revenge: Which One Seems More Justified
  • Christian Morals Versus Barbaric Customs in “Hamlet”
  • How Does Shakespeare Use Conflict in “Hamlet” as a Way of Exploring Ideas?
  • William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and Deadly Character Flaws
  • Hamlet’s Antic Disposition and Its Impact in Shakespeare’s Play “Hamlet”
  • Gender Roles and Attitudes Toward Love in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • Contrasting William Shakespeare’s Play “Hamlet” With Kenneth Branagh’s 1996 Film
  • Why Did “Hamlet” Wait Too Long to Avenge His Father’s Death?
  • Hamlet, the Machiavellian Prince: An Exploration of Shakespeare’s Use of Machiavellian Politics
  • “Hamlet”: Hamlet’s Greatest Crime Was His Inherent Goodness
  • Evil for Evil’s Sake: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • The Mysterious Murder Case in the Play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare
  • Gertrude, Claudius, and Hamlet: Various Perspectives of Death
  • Hamlet and Trifles: Aspects of the Past Relevant to the Present
  • Examining Queen Gertrude’s Innocence in Shakespeare’s Play, “Hamlet”
  • William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and Deception, Poison, and Disease
  • King Claudius’s Character Development and Transformation in “Hamlet”
  • Disillusionment, Depression, and Despair in the Play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare
  • How Ophelia Was Manipulated by the Men in Her Life in “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare
  • Why Does Hamlet Use His Madness to Confuse People?
  • “Everyman” and Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” – Comparing the Medieval World View to the Modern
  • Does Hamlet’s Attitude Towards His Mother in General Solely Contribute to the Tragedy of the Play, or Is It Just on of Many Contributing Factors
  • Love and Hate Within the Family in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • Claudius’ Role and Personality in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • The Relationship Between the Main and the Lesser Characters in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • The Three Issues That Caused the Internal Struggle and Passive Response of Hamlet in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • Hamlet Discloses His True Feelings in a Play by William Shakespeare
  • What Is the Main Topic of Hamlet’s “To Be or Not to Be” Soliloquy?
  • Why Is “Hamlet” Considered Shakespeare’s Best Play?
  • Is the Madness of Hamlet Real or Feigned?
  • What Is the Moral of “Hamlet”?
  • What Is the Meaning of ‘Can Tell a Hawk From a Handsaw’ in “Hamlet”?
  • What Makes Hamlet Such a Compelling Character?
  • What Are Some Important Themes From Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”?
  • What Are Some Examples of Corruption and Decay in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”?
  • Would Hamlet Have Been an Effective Ruler and a Good King?
  • How Does “Hamlet” Relate to the Elizabethan Era?
  • Why Is Play “Hamlet” Still Relevant and Popular Today?
  • What Central Question Does “Hamlet” Raise?
  • What Does “Hamlet” Teach Us About Humanity?
  • Why Hamlet Would Be Considered a Depressed King?
  • What Are Dramatic Structures and Themes of William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”?
  • How Duality and Appearance vs Reality Themes Are Imaged in “Hamlet”?
  • What Role Does Religion Play in “Hamlet”?
  • How Important Is the Theme of Having a Clear Conscience in “Hamlet”?
  • How Shakespeare Presents the Female Characters in “Hamlet”?
  • What Are the External and Internal Conflicts in “Hamlet”?
  • Why Does Hamlet Delay So Long in Following the Ghosts?
  • Why “Hamlet” Would Have Been Loved by Aristotle?
  • How Does “Hamlet” Represent the Human Condition?
  • What Does It Mean to Be a Complex Human Being in “Hamlet”?
  • What Are Some Historical Events That Influenced Shakespeare to Write “Hamlet”?

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1. StudyCorgi . "207 Hamlet Essay Topics." November 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/hamlet-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "207 Hamlet Essay Topics." November 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/hamlet-essay-topics/.

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Home Essay Samples Literature

Essay Samples on Hamlet

To be or not to be: an exploration of existential dilemma.

The phrase "To be or not to be" is one of the most iconic lines from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. Uttered by the protagonist, Prince Hamlet, this soliloquy encapsulates the profound existential questions that humans have grappled with for centuries. In this essay, we will...

  • William Shakespeare

An Analysis of the Ophelia's Saying in Shakespeare’s 'Hamlet'

William Shakespeare is regarded as the most outstanding dramatist in the history of English literature, and he is hailed as “not of an age, but for all time” by Ben Jonson. One of his plays, Hamlet, is widely considered to be his greatest play. There...

  • Character Analysis

Hamlet's Soliloquies: Unveiling the Sanity Behind Antic Disposition

Hamlet, the protagonist in William Shakespeare's Hamlet, experiences significant character development throughout the play and expresses his numerous feelings and ideas through soliloquies. Hamlet has a total of seven soliloquies, each of which reveals a new development in both the play and Hamlet's thoughts. Through...

  • Hamlet Madness

Hamlet: Faking Madness and Establishing It as a Tragedy

Alongside Hamlet being considered a tragedy, by William Shakespeare, the growing lunacy of the characters brought a contrast between the evil and the innocent. Limits are breached and destroyed with the twists and turns close family and friends take unexpectedly take. Through the scenes of...

Death Of A Salesman And Hamlet: Faking Madness And Defining Reality

Dreams are shaped by one’s moral values and idea of happiness. However, being obsessed with another person’s goals rather than focus on their personal goals, one loses their identity in creating false appearances. In both Hamlet by Shakespeare and Death of a Salesman by Arthur...

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Hamlet Vs Lion King: The Themes Of Revenge In Shakespeare's And Disney's Classics

Going in to this project, I decided that I wanted to do a project Lion King because of its near perfect adaptation from Hamlet, except for the happy ending. Shakespeare’s plays so often end poorly for his characters and I enjoy happy endings. I was...

Comparison of Storylines in "The Lion King" and "Hamlet"

The Lion King and The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark have a very similar storyline and characters. It was confirmed that The Lion King actually was inspired by Hamlet. Although, there are also many differences between the two. Everything cannot be the same. One...

Hamlet's Reflection About The Purpose Of Life In Shakespearean Drama

In the play, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet is the son of the late King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. After the death of Hamlet’s father, Hamlet's uncle, Claudius was made the new King of Denmark, since he married Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude. Even though Hamlet was...

Literature Analysis of How to Read Literature Like a Professor: Definition of Characters in Fiction

As a child, it broke my heart to see characters in stories die. I always wondered why characters had to endure so much suffering. It was easy to develop a humanistic connection with characters, and think of them as having a real life story. In...

  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

The Perception of Death and Existence in Hamlet

A small fact: you are going to die....does this worry you (Markus Zusak, The Book Thief)? The inevitability of mortality, frightens many people. You cannot escape death nor can you prevent it. Similarly, in the tragic play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the prevalence of death...

  • Hamlet Theme

Representation of Women in the Works of William Shakespeare

The Elizabethan era dates back to years 1558-1603, during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth I. This period was called the golden age of English literature, thanks to various prominent writers, developments and innovations in literature and theatre. The image of women in the works of...

  • As You Like It
  • Elizabethan Times

Depression of Holden Caulfield in "The Catcher in the Rye"

Depression is a severe mental disorder which is common in adolescents. It causes a chemical imbalance in the brain which affects the daily lives of teens in many ways and has many noticeable signs and symptoms, such as sadness, loss of interest, low self-worth, etc....

  • Holden Caulfield

The Literary Elements of Grotesqueness and Morbidity Used in Hamlet and Barbie Doll

A poet conveys diverse information, often tackling sensitive topics affecting the public. To communicate, Poets utilize different strategies, for example, through the application of literary elements such as grotesqueness or morbidity, to influence rhyming and structure. However, in trying to integrate these literary elements, a...

  • Barbie Doll
  • Literary Devices

Sexualized Queens in Hamlet and Antony and Cleopatra

Cleopatra and Gertrude’s sexuality is displayed throughout Shakespeare’s plays, involving nearly every character and therefore is central to the plot. Gertrude’s sexuality is the first reason that is driving Hamlet crazy and therefore distracting him from his plot for revenge. She is looked down upon...

  • Antony and Cleopatra
  • Human Sexuality

The Prevalent and Complex Theme of Betrayal in Shakespeare's Hamlet

The theme of betrayal is a prevalent and complex element that runs throughout William Shakespeare's Hamlet. The play presents the tragic fall of the protagonist, Hamlet, through a story of deception, revenge, and betrayal. Betrayal in Hamlet involves not only the betrayal of the protagonist...

Exploration of the Theme of Revenge in Shakeapeare's Play Hamlet

Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet, is renowned for its compelling exploration of the theme of revenge. Through the character of Hamlet himself, Shakespeare delves into the complex and multifaceted nature of revenge, showcasing its psychological and moral implications. This essay examines how Shakespeare skillfully portrays revenge in...

  • Hamlet Revenge

Hamlet: The Flaws of the Main Protagonist and Anti-Hero of the Play

An anti-hero is the protagonist of a story that lacks heroic characteristics, they have some good qualities as well as some bad qualities. On the other hand, a tragic hero is, as described by Aristotle, “a person who must evoke a sense of pity and...

The Root of Revenge in the Hamlet's Character in the Play

In plays, many outside forces such as geography, other characters, religion, culture, and society play an important role in the development of characters. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet’s strong beliefs in Christianity influence his behavior and lead to his internal struggle of action versus inaction...

From Revenge to His Flaws and Death in Shakespeare's Hamlet

Death becomes a frequent and almost normal event throughout Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. The story follows Hamlet, a young man mourning his father’s demise, who comes to know the culprit behind his father’s death and must seek vengeance for his father. So, Hamlet seeks revenge...

Elements of Emotional Despair and Pain in Shakespeare's Hamlet

Hamlet is a dramatic tragedy written by William Shakespeare around 1600, but the play was first performed in 1609. Hamlet is the son of the King of Denmark, who has passed away. The “ghost” of the King of Denmark visits Hamlet and tells him to...

Motivations and Seeking Revenge Through a Duel in Hamlet

In life, no matter how similar people are raised, people will never be the same. Each individual evolves with his or her own personalities, motivations, and relationships. We see this to be true in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Lord Hamlet and Laertes had many similarities: the...

The Suffering and Tragedy of Character of Ophelia in Hamlet

Introduction Hamlet life was affected by the series of events especially his personality. Hamlet went in the course of hard time through the passing away of his member of the clergy (Erikson, pg, 5). In a month afterward, he goes in the course of another...

Death and Afterlife of the Soul in Shakespeare's Hamlet

Scholars and ordinary people alike are searching for an answer to the questions regarding the afterlife and the places of the souls of those people who have departed from this life and are entering into the next. The fascination with this question is fundamental to...

Analysis Of The Shakespeare's "Hamlet"

Hamlet is an enduring play, in that Shakespeare’s plays touch on the intricacies of the human condition. While contextual values can change, our basic human nature to seek answers to the fundamental questions of life remains constant, and allows Hamlet to respond to us in...

Comparison of Illusion and Reality in "The Great Gatsby" and "Hamlet"

The human mind is an interesting element, it gives us the ability to feel, think, and imagine. While the complexity of the intellect gives people the competence to replay events in their memories, the human desire to seek comfort through their illusion blinds the reality....

  • The Great Gatsby

Best topics on Hamlet

1. To Be or Not to Be: An Exploration of Existential Dilemma

2. An Analysis of the Ophelia’s Saying in Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’

3. Hamlet’s Soliloquies: Unveiling the Sanity Behind Antic Disposition

4. Hamlet: Faking Madness and Establishing It as a Tragedy

5. Death Of A Salesman And Hamlet: Faking Madness And Defining Reality

6. Hamlet Vs Lion King: The Themes Of Revenge In Shakespeare’s And Disney’s Classics

7. Comparison of Storylines in “The Lion King” and “Hamlet”

8. Hamlet’s Reflection About The Purpose Of Life In Shakespearean Drama

9. Literature Analysis of How to Read Literature Like a Professor: Definition of Characters in Fiction

10. The Perception of Death and Existence in Hamlet

11. Representation of Women in the Works of William Shakespeare

12. Depression of Holden Caulfield in “The Catcher in the Rye”

13. The Literary Elements of Grotesqueness and Morbidity Used in Hamlet and Barbie Doll

14. Sexualized Queens in Hamlet and Antony and Cleopatra

15. The Prevalent and Complex Theme of Betrayal in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

  • Hidden Intellectualism
  • Sonny's Blues
  • A Raisin in The Sun
  • What You Pawn I Will Redeem
  • A Long Way Gone
  • The Yellow Wallpaper
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • A Good Man Is Hard to Find

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Essays on Hamlet

Hamlet essay topics and outline examples, essay title 1: the tragic hero in "hamlet": analyzing the complex character of prince hamlet.

Thesis Statement: This essay delves into the character of Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare's "Hamlet," examining his tragic flaws, internal conflicts, and the intricate web of relationships that contribute to his downfall, ultimately highlighting his status as a classic tragic hero.

  • Introduction
  • Defining Tragic Heroes: Characteristics and Literary Tradition
  • The Complex Psychology of Prince Hamlet: Ambiguity, Doubt, and Melancholy
  • The Ghost's Revelation: Hamlet's Quest for Justice and Revenge
  • The Theme of Madness: Feigned or Real?
  • Hamlet's Relationships: Ophelia, Gertrude, Claudius, and Horatio
  • The Tragic Climax: The Duel, Poisoned Foils, and Fatal Consequences

Essay Title 2: "Hamlet" as a Reflection of Political Intrigue: Power, Corruption, and the Tragedy of Denmark

Thesis Statement: This essay explores the political dimensions of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," analyzing the themes of power, corruption, and political manipulation as portrayed in the play, and their impact on the fate of the characters and the kingdom of Denmark.

  • The Political Landscape of Denmark: Claudius's Ascension to the Throne
  • The Machiavellian Villainy of Claudius: Murder, Deception, and Ambition
  • Hamlet's Struggle for Justice: The Role of Political Morality
  • The Foils of Polonius and Laertes: Pawns in Political Games
  • The Fate of Denmark: Chaos, Rebellion, and the Climactic Tragedy
  • Shakespeare's Political Commentary: Lessons for Society

Essay Title 3: "Hamlet" in a Contemporary Context: Adaptations, Interpretations, and the Play's Enduring Relevance

Thesis Statement: This essay examines modern adaptations and interpretations of "Hamlet," exploring how the themes, characters, and dilemmas presented in the play continue to resonate with audiences today, making "Hamlet" a timeless and relevant work of literature.

  • From Stage to Screen: Iconic Film and Theater Productions of "Hamlet"
  • Contemporary Readings: Gender, Race, and Identity in "Hamlet" Interpretations
  • Psychological and Existential Interpretations: Hamlet's Inner Turmoil in the Modern World
  • Relevance in the 21st Century: Themes of Revenge, Justice, and Moral Dilemma
  • Adapting "Hamlet" for New Audiences: Outreach, Education, and Cultural Engagement
  • Conclusion: The Timelessness of "Hamlet" and Its Place in Literature

Hamlet: a Eulogy for The Tragic Hero

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"Act": The Theme of "Acting" in Hamlet

The question of hamlet's madness, analysis of ophelia's story through the context of gender and madness, death and revenge in hamlet, a play by william shakespeare, existentialism as a part of hamlet, revenge and its consequences in hamlet, claudius as the master of manipulation in hamlet, the important theme of madness in hamlet by william shakespeare, trickery and deception in hamlet by william shakespeare, the role of grief in shakespeare’s hamlet, reflection on the act 2 of shakespeare’s hamlet, hamlet by william shakespeare: the impact of parents on their children, the relationship between hamlet and horatio, revenge and justice in william shakespeare’s hamlet, justice and revenge in shakespeare's hamlet, hamlet's intelligence is the factor of his procrastination nature, the dishonesty of the ghost in hamlet, king lear and hamlet: freudian interpretation of the two plays, hamlet's procrastination: a study on his unwillingness to act, shakespeare's use of machiavellian politics in hamlet.

1603, William Shakespeare

Play; Shakespearean tragedy

Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius

The play Hamlet is the most cited work in the English language and is often included in the lists of the world's greatest literature.

"Frailty, thy name is woman!" "Brevity' is the soul of wit" "To be, or not to be, that is the question" "I must be cruel to be kind" "Why, then, ’tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. To me, it is a prison."

1. Wright, G. T. (1981). Hendiadys and Hamlet. PMLA, 96(2), 168-193. (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/pmla/article/abs/hendiadys-and-hamlet/B61A80FAB6569984AB68096FE483D4FB) 2. Leverenz, D. (1978). The woman in Hamlet: An interpersonal view. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 4(2), 291-308. (https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/493608?journalCode=signs) 3. Lesser, Z., & Stallybrass, P. (2008). The first literary Hamlet and the commonplacing of professional plays. Shakespeare Quarterly, 59(4), 371-420. (https://academic.oup.com/sq/article-abstract/59/4/371/5064575) 4. De Grazia, M. (2001). Hamlet before its Time. MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly, 62(4), 355-375. (https://muse.jhu.edu/article/22909) 5. Calderwood, J. L. (1983). To be and not to be. Negation and Metadrama in Hamlet. In To Be and Not to Be. Negation and Metadrama in Hamlet. Columbia University Press. (https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.7312/cald94400/html) 6. Kastan, D. S. (1987). " His semblable is his mirror":" Hamlet" and the Imitation of Revenge. Shakespeare Studies, 19, 111. (https://www.proquest.com/openview/394df477873b27246b71f83d3939c672/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1819311) 7. Neill, M. (1983). Remembrance and Revenge: Hamlet, Macbeth and The Tempest. Jonson and Shakespeare, 35-56. (https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-349-06183-9_3) 8. Gates, S. (2008). Assembling the Ophelia fragments: gender, genre, and revenge in Hamlet. Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 34(2), 229-248. (https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA208534875&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=00982474&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7Eebb234db)

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Discussion Questions

Hamlet is deeply concerned with questions of truth and falsehood. What role does truthfulness play in the events of the story, and how is truthfulness shown to be more complex than it might at first seem? 

In the middle of Hamlet, we watch a play within a play, “The Mousetrap.” But first, we hear Hamlet’s opinions on theater: The stage should hold up a mirror to nature. What role does “The Mousetrap” play in Hamlet ’s examination of the nature of reality?

Hamlet’s lines, particularly when he is pretending to be mad, are riddled with puns and wordplay. What does the play have to say about the slipperiness of language?

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Hamlet William Shakespeare

Hamlet essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Hamlet by William Shakespeare.

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Hamlet Essays

Appearance vs reality in hamlet anonymous 12th grade.

There is often an indistinctive discrepancy between actuality and what tends to be an illusion of actuality. This concept of deception is often captured by many authors, who establish characters and implement facades that hide their true...

Through Rose Colored Glasses: How the Victorian Age Shifted the Focus of Hamlet Rebecca Rendell

19th century critic William Hazlitt praised Hamlet by saying that, "The whole play is an exact transcript of what might be supposed to have taken pace at the court of Denmark, at the remote period of the time fixed upon." (Hazlitt 164-169) Though...

Q to F7: Mate; Hamlet's Emotions, Actions, and Importance in the Nunnery Scene Rebecca Rendell

"Like sweet bells jangled, out of time and harsh" Hamlet's trust is betrayed by the people who are dearest to his heart (III.i.87). The theme of betrayal takes root before the Shakespeare's tragedy begins, when Hamlet's uncle murders his father...

Before the Storm Rebecca Rendell

When Hamlet sees Fortinbras' army headed for combat in Poland he is moved to deliver a striking monologue about the battle raging in his soul. Passion and anger drive Hamlet to avenge his father's murder at any cost, while logic and reason turn...

Haunted: Hamlet's Relationship With His Dead Father Tommy Stevenson

William Shakespeare's Hamlet, a story grounded in worldly issues like morality, justice, and retribution, begins in a very otherworldly way: the appearance of a ghost desiring vengeance from beyond the grave. The supernatural confrontation between...

Heliocentric Hamlet: The Astronomy of Hamlet Theoderek Wayne

If imagination is the lifeblood of literature, then each new scientific advance which extends our scope of the universe is as fruitful to the poet as to the astronomer. External and environmental change stimulates internal and personal tropes for...

Paralytic Prince: Hamlet's "Thought" Complex Theoderek Wayne

"If Hamlet from himself be ta'en away,

And when he's not himself does wrong Laertes,

Then Hamlet does it not, Hamlet denies it.

Who does it then? His madness. If't be so,

Hamlet is of the faction that is wrong'd;

His madness is poor Hamlet's enemy."

"I Have Seen Nothing": Hamlet and His Home Eddie Borey

Hamlet begins at the open mouth of the Void. Barnardo and Francisco call out to each other and into darkness; they stand atop a guard platform that is naked to the open air and to the night. Every character's entrance is marked by a series of...

The Corruption in Hamlet Allison Masters

Central to the plot and the themes developed in Shakespeare's Hamlet, are the varying elements of corruption which occur during the play. This is echoed in Marcellus' famous comment of 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,' when Hamlet is...

Hamlet's Obsession With Death Marie Moulin

In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the author presents the main character of Hamlet as a man who is obsessed with death. Shakespeare uses this obsession to explore both Hamlet's desire for revenge and his need for certainty. In the...

Hamlet's Frustration with Himself: "A Rogue And Peasant Slave" David Sauvage

In order to understand Hamlet, we must understand his frustration. This frustration is most clear in his famous monologue, famously beginning with the line "Oh what a rogue and peasant slave am I."

This self-condemnation is contrasted by his...

"Pray God Restore Him": The Importance of the Origin of the First Quarto of Hamlet David Sauvage

Ofel: Alas, what a change is this?

Ham: But if thou wilt needes marry, marry a foole,

For wisemen know well enough,

What monsters you make of them, to a Nunnery goe.

Ofel: Pray God restore him.

Ham: Nay, I have heard of your painting too,

God hath giuen...

Hamlet's Problematic "Celestial Bed" David Sauvage

To understand Hamlet's insecurities, we must understand Ophelia's point of view. It is she who makes him most uncomfortable over the course of the play, and it is her rejection of him that drives Hamlet closer to insanity. Her reasons for this...

"He's Depressed": The Implications of Hamlet, II.ii.278-292 Alex Hoffer

In his famous speech, "I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth[...]" (II.ii.280), Hamlet illustrates an Elizabethan fusion of medieval and humanist ideas, perhaps lost on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern but not on E.M.W. Tillyard....

A Play of Espionage and War Joshua V. Rohe

"It is not the object of war to annihilate those who have given provocation for it, but to cause them to mend their ways; not to ruin the innocent and guilty alike, but to save both" (Polybius). From the start of man's political awareness, war has...

In Violence, the Rest is Silence Sara Liss

Location is everything. The setting of Shakespeare's Hamlet, the royal court, functions as more than the backdrop to the drama. On the contrary, embedded within the play is the implicit significance of its environment. Court society, with its...

The Interpretive Effects of an Affecting Interpretation Sara Liss

"For there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so" (2.2, 249-250)

From the start of Shakespeare's Hamlet it is clear that much of the action is cerebral. The play never escapes the confines of Hamlet's head. One is never sure if...

Hamlet's Conflict Between Play and Reality Chris Mays

In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Polonius puts forth a simple explanation of insanity, stating that "to define true madness, what is it to be nothing else but mad?" Such a diagnosis is necessary in the court of Denmark, in which the perspective of reality...

Cultural Identity In Hamlet Matt Zajic

In William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, the concept of cultural identity is explored through Hamlet's isolation which is created by the conflict between his duty to his father, and his duties to the monarchy and society. Hamlet is isolated from his...

Thought as Inaction in William Shakespeare's Hamlet Megan DiGregorio

"Understanding kills action." With these three simple words, Nietzsche explains the idea behind Shakespeare's development of the acting of thought as inaction, and also the reason that Hamlet hesitates for over 3000 lines of blank verse and prose...

The Dishonest Ghost in "Hamlet" Marilyn Fu

Shakespeare has always been able to create characters richly dichotomous in nature. In "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark," the portrayal of the ghost of Hamlet's father vacillates through the play from Hamlet's uncertainty of whether "it is an honest...

The Foils of Hamlet David McDevitt

Literary techniques evoke images, emotion and in the case of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" teach a lesson. The dominant literary technique ongoing throughout "Hamlet" is the presence of foils. A foil is a character who, through strong contrast and...

How All Deletions Do Inform Against Me: A Look at Hamlet's Psychological Transformation in His Final Soliloquy Jessica Hindman

Though the identity of the "editor" responsible for deleting Hamlet's final soliloquy from the 1623 Folio edition of Hamlet may be lost to history, the possible reasons for his omission of the Quarto's fifty-eight lines are as relevant and...

The Inseparability of Acting and Ruling: An Analysis of Hamlet and The First Part of Henry the Fourth Tyler Merritt

Within Hamlet and 1 Henry the Fourth are examples of Shakespeare including the trade of acting within the text as a central theme. Hamlet certainly shows us his skill as an actor throughout the play, but there is a more blatant preference to...

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  3. 107 Exceptional Hamlet Essay Topics: Questions & Prompts

    107 Exceptional Hamlet Essay Topics: Questions & Prompts. Every academic paper starts with a captivating idea, and Hamlet research paper or essay shouldn't be an exception. In the list below, our team has collected unique and inspiring topics for you. You can use them in your writing or develop your own idea according to the format.

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  5. 100+ Awesome Hamlet Essay Topics and Ideas

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  6. 112 Hamlet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    When it comes to writing an essay on Shakespeare's famous play, Hamlet, the options for essay topics are plentiful. From analyzing the complex character of Hamlet himself to examining the themes of revenge, madness, and mortality, the possibilities for exploration are endless. To help you get started on your Hamlet essay, we've compiled a list ...

  7. Hamlet's Humor: The Wit of Shakespeare's Prince of Denmark

    Poor Hamlet, too much humor had'st thou for this harsh world!" 4. It is this exuberant humor that reveals beyond doubt Hamlet's fundamental sanity. Shakespeare was too good a judge of character and of human nature to mingle such humor with madness. He has given Hamlet nearly all varieties of humor, from the playful to the sardonic.

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    140 Hamlet Essay Topics. One of Shakespeare's most iconic plays is Hamlet. Set in Denmark, it tells the story of Hamlet, a young prince who becomes aware of his father's death and seeks revenge against his mother Gertrude by killing her new husband, Claudius. The play is a thrilling roller coaster ride of emotions, with themes such as lust ...

  9. Hamlet Suggested Essay Topics

    Suggested Essay Topics. 1. Contrast the attitudes towards the death of the old King as expressed by Claudius and Hamlet. 2. Compare the advice given to Ophelia by Laertes and that given by ...

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    Easy Hamlet Essay Topics. Unveiling the Spectral Layers: Derrida's Deconstructive Exploration of Ghostly Presence in Hamlet. Explore Hamlet's depths through Lacan's psychoanalytic insights. Rorschach test-like exploration of madness in Hamlet. Delve into Ophelia's role as a potential feminist icon or victim of patriarchy.

  11. Hamlet Sample Essay Outlines

    Sample Essay Outlines. PDF Cite. The following paper topics are based on the entire play. Following each topic is a thesis and sample outline. Use these as a starting point for your paper. Topic ...

  12. Shakespeare's Hamlet: Research Paper & Essay Samples [Free ...

    Focused on: Reasons for Hamlet's procrastination and its consequences. Characters mentioned: Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Polonius. Role of Women in Twelfth Night and Hamlet by Shakespeare. Genre: Research Paper. Words: 2527. Focused on: Women in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and Hamlet.

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    Let's brainstorm a few examples of humor in Hamlet. Hamlet's very first words in the play are actually a pun. He speaks of Claudius, describing him as "A little more than kin, and less than kind ...

  15. Hamlet Essays: Samples & Topics

    Hamlet: Faking Madness and Establishing It as a Tragedy. 5. Death Of A Salesman And Hamlet: Faking Madness And Defining Reality. 6. Hamlet Vs Lion King: The Themes Of Revenge In Shakespeare's And Disney's Classics. 7. Comparison of Storylines in "The Lion King" and "Hamlet" 8. Hamlet's Reflection About The Purpose Of Life In ...

  16. Hamlet Essay

    Hamlet Essay Topics and Outline Examples Essay Title 1: The Tragic Hero in "Hamlet": Analyzing the Complex Character of Prince Hamlet. Thesis Statement: This essay delves into the character of Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare's "Hamlet," examining his tragic flaws, internal conflicts, and the intricate web of relationships that contribute to his downfall, ultimately highlighting his status as a ...

  17. Hamlet Essay Topics

    Essay Topics. 1. Hamlet is deeply concerned with questions of truth and falsehood. What role does truthfulness play in the events of the story, and how is truthfulness shown to be more complex than it might at first seem? 2. In the middle of Hamlet, we watch a play within a play, "The Mousetrap.".

  18. Hamlet Essays

    Hamlet. "Like sweet bells jangled, out of time and harsh" Hamlet's trust is betrayed by the people who are dearest to his heart (III.i.87). The theme of betrayal takes root before the Shakespeare's tragedy begins, when Hamlet's uncle murders his father...

  19. Hamlet Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Pages: 2 Words: 763. He never sees things from the perspective of other people or overthinks the moral implications of his deeds. Fortinbras challenges Claudius openly, unlike Hamlet who merely stages a play to test Claudius' guilt and tries (and fails) to kill the King at prayer. At first, Hamlet drew inspiration from a Player King's passion.

  20. What are some examples of wit and humor in Hamlet

    For instance, the one clown explains that a man is only drowned if he goes willingly to the water and puts himself in it; if, however, the water comes to him, he is not "drowned." Then, they argue ...

  21. Hamlet Essay Titles Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like P1 Imagery and Symbolism, P2 Imagery and Symbolism, P3 Imagery and Symbolism and others.

  22. Hamlet Essays

    The general theme of the play deals with a society that is, or has already gone to pieces. 1. Another theme of the play is that of revenge. Hamlet must avenge his father's death. Revenge is ...