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Facebook Advantages And Disadvantages | 9 Top Most Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook, Benefits and Drawbacks

April 18, 2022 by Prasanna

Facebook Advantages And Disadvantages: Facebook has been an effective platform to promote businesses, events, and products. It is also an excellent tool for marketing research, since it gives you instant access to a high number of potential customers. It has also been a platform to connect and socialise with friends and family, and also build new relationships. On the other hand, it may not be a good idea to advertise on Facebook if you are targeting older adults or people with no interest in your product. Moreover, Facebook can be very addictive and this can have detrimental effects on individuals. Facebook also has some corporate practices which are not really in its user’s best interests.

On the one hand, Facebook is a major player in today’s world: it has nearly 2 billion monthly active users. Additionally, it’s still growing and as people rely more heavily on their social media accounts for news and information; that growth will likely continue.

Students can also find more  Advantages and Disadvantages  articles on events, persons, sports, technology, and many more.

On the other hand, Facebook has been involved in major controversies. One major controversy was when Cambridge Analytica allegedly used data from about 87 million Facebook users without permission to target American voters with personalised political ads during the 2016 US presidential election campaign. This caused a user outcry and led many to demand that such practices be banned, but this isn’t something that can be done lightly – after all, these tools are what make Facebook the company worth billions of dollars. In this article, we shall explore the implications, advantages and disadvantages of Facebook.

  • Advantages of Facebook 

Disadvantages of Facebook

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  • Useful for Education – Facebook is an excellent tool for education. Professors can share lectures and other course materials with the class, and students can even interact with each other to have debates about the course material. Teachers are able to connect with their students, and parents are able to get updates on a student’s progress at school. The site also has a forum that teachers can use when they need help with questions from their students.
  • Stay connected – As much as we like to think that the Internet is a great place for connecting with other people, Facebook has made it even easier. You can message your friends and family, or you can keep up with what they’re doing on Facebook. You can also create groups where you share information and updates about a certain topic.
  • Helps find people with similar interests and preferences – Facebook provides us with new opportunities to meet people who share similar interests or goals. We can find others who have gone through the same struggles, and support each other as we work on overcoming them together.
  • Useful for marketing – Facebook has been an effective marketing tool for a few reasons. First, it’s the most popular social media platform with over 1.86 billion monthly active users as of June 2017. Second, many people use Facebook’s ad targeting to reach potential customers in specific demographics and geographic areas at a low cost. Third, Facebook pages are highly customizable and easy to create which allows businesses to easily promote their products and services.
  • Beneficial for business – Facebook is the best social media platform for businesses because it’s one of the world’s largest social networks. It also has a lot of features that make it easy for business owners to reach their desired audiences and increase sales by using them. Facebook allows businesses to create Facebook Pages, which are a more personalised way of connecting with people on customer service and marketing. Businesses can reach large audiences and target the right people based on age, location, interests, and other factors.
  • Easy dissemination of information – Facebook is an excellent way to disseminate information. One of the best things about Facebook is that most people already have a Facebook account, so it’s easy for them to share what you post. If you’re posting a link, the reader just has to click on the link to visit your site. This makes it easier for them because they don’t need any special software or other download.
  • Speedy dissemination of information – The internet has transformed how we share information. The humble status update has usurped traditional forms of media like newspapers and broadcasters. Social media sites such as Facebook allow users to post key pieces of information and share them with their friends and followers in real time. This speed of dissemination means that news can spread incredibly quickly on social networks, often before the mainstream media have a chance to react.
  • Direct connection with the audience/target group – Before the invention of Facebook, companies would have to spend thousands of dollars on ads in order to reach their audience. Now, they can simply use Facebook as an advertising platform and their message can be seen by all their followers. They can also target people who are most likely to purchase their product or service because Facebook has a huge database of personal information that can be used to find out who likes certain products.
  • Helps to build your brand – Facebook can be a great tool for your business’s marketing. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world. When you create a Facebook Page, you are given the opportunity to reach out to customers and prospects and build trust with them by providing valuable information. Establishing an online presence on this platform will also help you boost your company’s search engine ranking.
  • Privacy concerns – Facebook has a history of violating user privacy. For example, in 2012, the company proposed an app that would have let marketers track users’ web browsing activity outside of Facebook. This would have allowed them to better target advertisements on Facebook. Two years ago, the company admitted that it had been secretly saving phone numbers and text messages from Android devices for years. More recently, Facebook shut down nearly 200 apps due to privacy concerns.
  • Can cause addiction – Facebook can be distracting, rather than being helpful. Instead of checking your Facebook feed and addressing the tasks that need to be done, it can take over your life. It has been proven that Facebook can also have a negative impact on someone’s lifestyle habits. The addiction to Facebook is so severe that some people find themselves logging in as soon as their phone wakes up in the morning, checking for notifications before anything else.
  • Can disrupt sleep – It is well known that Facebook can be addicting. It also disrupts sleep patterns. One study found that the blue light from smartphones, laptops and other devices that emit this type of light can suppress the production of melatonin. This means people are not getting enough sleep or the deep, beneficial sleep that they need to function well and stay healthy.
  • Risk of cyber bullying – One of the most dangerous things that can happen on Facebook is cyber bullying, which is when someone uses the internet to threaten or bully another person. This abuse can be done by known followers, anonymously or under a fake profile and it often starts by pestering the victim with mentally disturbing messages, posts, or images.
  • Can lead to insecurity and feelings of jealousness – Too many Facebook users report that the social media platform has adversely impacted their relationships. They feel like they can’t be themselves and are constantly updating their Facebook status to seem more interesting than they are. It’s also very easy for people to get caught up in comparing themselves to others which leads to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy.
  • Reduces intimacy with family and friends – The most obvious disadvantage of Facebook is that it can reduce intimacy with friends and family. One study found that using social media was associated with lower levels of trust and satisfaction with family life, which may make people feel isolated and more depressed. This is because people tend to use social media as a substitute for direct contact during moments that are important in their offline lives.
  • Risk of identity theft – If a person’s personal information is stolen, they can be subject to identity theft. There are many ways in which someone’s data can be stolen. For example, if someone reveals their email on a public post, their email address could end up in the hands of a spammer or a hacker. If someone takes a picture of you and posts it on the internet, then your personal information is available for anyone to see.

Facebook Advantages And Disadvantages 1

Facebook helps businesses, students, and people stay connected. It is a place where people can share their lives with one another. However, there are many downsides to using the social media website such as cyber bullying and the risk of having personal information stolen. Other advantages and disadvantages of Facebook are as follows:

Helps to build your brand and beneficial for business – big or smallPrivacy concerns
Direct connection with the audience / target groupCan cause addiction
Speedy dissemination of informationCan disrupt sleep
Useful for EducationRisk of cyber bullying
Useful for marketingCan lead to insecurity and feelings of jealousness
Helps find people with similar interests and preferencesReduces intimacy with family and friends
Stay connectedRisk of identity theft

Facebook Advantages And Disadvantages 2

The advantages of Facebook are that it is free and easy to use. On the other hand, the disadvantages are that you may get addicted to Facebook and that there are privacy issues. There are also many fake accounts on Facebook and hackers can steal your data. Regardless, you can always ensure your online safety by staying vigilant and ensuring that you spend some time offline with family and friends rather than be completely online.

Question 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook?

Answer: One of the advantages of Facebook is that it allows for easy interaction with friends and contacts. It also gives people the opportunity to share their thoughts quickly, without having to worry about written grammar or spelling mistakes. There are some disadvantages such as the lack of privacy and information inaccuracy caused by fake profiles.

Question 2. Is Facebook safe?

Answer: Facebook is a social media platform that allows people to connect with friends and family. Many teens use the platform for their personal relationships. However, Facebook has become notorious for giving children too much access to strangers. This can lead to issues such as cyberbullying, which is becoming an increasing problem in schools or even on the home front.

Question 3. What are the disadvantages of using Facebook?

Answer: Social media such as Facebook can cause people to lose focus and get distracted from more important tasks at hand. Another disadvantage is that it’s very addictive and can lead to detrimental effects on your mental and physical health.

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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Facebook?

Facebook, arguably the most famous social networking site, comes with its own pros and cons. Here in this article, I will try to show some of the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook .

Facebook has helped to create a brand for many individuals and businesses. Moreover, it’s a major source of entertainment for people around the globe. Since Facebook is a global social networking site available in various parts of the world, location is not a barrier.

Also, with the Facebook translation feature, you can easily connect with Facebook users from different countries and with people who speak a variety of different languages.


Page Contents

The Advantages of Facebook

Facebook for Networking

facebook essay advantages and disadvantages

Facebook is arguably the most powerful social media and social networking site out there. You can use Facebook to connect with your family, friends, work colleagues, and you can even meet new people on Facebook.

Most people who know how to use a computer and internet have a profile on Facebook.

Moreover, it’s easy to find like-minded people  by seeing their interests, and you can easily connect with them using wall updates, private messages, and video chats.

Facebook for Dating

Facebook is also known for finding dates.

Facebook for Dating

Indeed, with a social network powered by over 1 billion active users, it’s easy to find a date that shares common interests and hobbies.

Finding dates in this way, much of the time you won’t get into incompatibility issues. (Much of the time…)

One should be careful about fake Facebook profiles , though, as they are usually created by stalkers or spammers.

(Perhaps this is a disadvantage, but Facebook is also becoming one of the major vehicles for failed relationship and breakups.)

Facebook for Business

Facebook is one of the largest sites in the world where we are not only allowed, but encouraged to connect with everyone.

Anyone can take advantage of Facebook to maintain a good relationship with others who identify with certain tastes or products. This is very important because as a business, you can sell or promote a product/service to a highly targeted audience, thus increasing the possibilities of making money on the internet .

Facebook allows the establishment of partnerships between various projects. Moreover, using a Facebook fan page, you can increase your brand value and social media presence for your business. If used properly, Facebook can help you find new leads and clients.

Facebook Video Chatting

Facebook can also be used as video chat tool.

Recently, Facebook implemented the Facebook video chat feature in partnership with Skype. Now you can make video calls to your friends using Facebook’s inbuilt video chat service.

Facebook for Image and Video Hosting

You can also use Facebook as a site to host images and videos. You can set privacy levels for individual albums to control who can see what you share.

Moreover, you can always download your complete collection of Facebook photos and videos using the  Facebook backup account feature.

Facebook for News & Information

The real advantage of Facebook is that it’s a real-time social networking site. This makes it one of the best sources to stay updated with the latest news and information. Major news usually goes viral on Facebook, and most brands use it to announce important things regarding their products/services.

Bloggers and internet marketers can subscribe to popular blog fan pages and keep themselves aware of the latest updates. In fact, I have one profile just to gather news.

Facebook as a Personal Portfolio

Advantages of Faceboook

Facebook’s Timeline gives a completely new look regarding your personal profile branding.

With the Facebook Timeline cover , you are allowed create a dramatic first impression as the cover pic will quickly tell people what you are all about.

Also, you can make certain updates public, and if done strategically, you can use it as a portfolio. For example, if you want people to recognize you as a Facebook business expert (provided you are one), you can set your privacy to Public for your most commented and liked “Facebook for business tips, articles, and discussions”.

This way all your new profile visitors will see your expertise, and they will be connecting with you because of your useful and targeted updates. This will also help you get more subscribers and potential clients.

The Disadvantages of Facebook

Facebook Privacy

One of the major concerns and disadvantages of Facebook has to do with Facebook’s privacy .

In the past, it has created a lot of buzz due to sudden changes, but now Facebook has simplified its privacy settings.

Another thing to consider has to do with the availability of really personal information, whether it’s in video, pictures, or text.

Here’s a good rule:

  • Never give out too much personal information.

All throughout the internet, we should always keep in mind the privacy of our personal data. After it’s placed online, we lose all control.

  • How To Remove Yourself From Facebook Public Search

Private Status Published Publicly

Even though Facebook has simplified its privacy settings, many unknowing users still end up publishing private images and status updates publicly.

Also, people usually keep their Facebook friends list  visible to the public, and this helps Facebook stalkers find more information about you.

Read our guide:  How To Hide Facebook Friends List From Others .

Fake Facebook Profiles

Facebook is full of fake profiles.

There is no limit to these profiles. Most of them are created by stalkers or marketers looking to gain more friends and use it for their marketing purposes.

There are many ways by which you can identify a fake Facebook profile. (We will cover this in an upcoming article.)

Not Using Facebook List Feature

Many users still don’t use the Facebook list feature which is very helpful to keep your status updates targeted to a specific group of friends (e.g college friends, office friends, etc.)

I’m sure you don’t want to get fired from your job because of silly status updates about how much your boss sucks.


Of all of  Facebook’s disadvantages , I believe this is one of the major reasons why people deactivate  or delete their Facebook profile. Being one of the best ways to stay updated about what your friends are doing, people spend too much time on this vast social networking site.

Facebook offers many entertainment applications and games which engage users to a great extent. Apart from that, Facebook chat and Facebook video chat are another two time-consuming features.

If you want to use Facebook to your advantage, set yourself a  time-limit.  Spending too much time on Facebook might make you a Facebook addict, and you might end up wasting too much time.

Weighing the scales, where we put the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook, we can conclude that, if Facebook is used in the right proportions, and with proper care, it can be a powerful tool for marketing and networking.

In particular, any online or offline business can leverage the power of Facebook for business success. It’s why Facebook has become, in a short time, one of the most widely used marketing tools in today’s business world.

While there are some disadvantages, they can be overcome with some knowledge about the platform, and a little bit of self-discipline. In other words, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

How do you use Facebook? What’s your opinion on Facebook? Is it helping you or are you simply spending too much time on it? 

Do let us know if you think of any other advantages and disadvantages of Facebook. Share your opinion in the comments!

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I think that Facebook is a helping tool for the digital marketer as well as a normal users. Normal Users can use Facebook like lifetime free cloud storage to store our files, images, etc unlimited. And digital marketers use this to grow the community and personal branding and also use it for earning.

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Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with people who are far away. According to surveys, friends who reside in different countries and use Facebook to communicate with each other display a more optimistic mood and feel calmer about those who are close to them, compared to those who do not use any social networks, or use only email (IFR Database). People who use Facebook tend to feel like they are in touch with the rest of the world regardless of distances, and this sensation makes them feel better.

Facebook is a reasonable option for people who want to stay updated with the news of the topics that are of interest to them. Joining various communities regarding all kinds of activities, and receiving updates from them turn Facebook into an easy-to-use, completely-customizable newsline. Hence, Facebook can be a useful tool for those who need to receive operational and fresh information.

At the same time, Facebook is known to be a factor that distorts one’s perception of reality, declines the satisfaction of one’s life and personality, and negatively affects relationships between people. According to the research held by Ethan Kross of the University of Michigan and Philippe Verduyn of Leuven University, people who use Facebook often display a growing dissatisfaction with their lives, whereas respondents who use Facebook infrequently and socialize with peers in real life felt happier and healthier (The Economist).

The same research showed how the most common emotion experienced by people who regularly use Facebook is envy. This is due to the fact that people usually do their best to make their lives look better than they are in reality, and at the same time believe in the reality of “virtual lives” created by other Facebook users.

Facebook can be dangerous for teenagers and children. Parents who would like to protect their children from negative information on the Internet should consider how Facebook is full of links to other media resources, some of which can be explicit. Whereas it is possible, to some extent, to control a child’s use of Facebook, it is impossible to predict where browsing these links could lead them (TheOnlineMom). Due to the same reason, parents have a right to feel worried about the friends of friends. One can know all the friends of their children, but these friends have other friends, who can have a negative influence on these children.

Facebook is a tool which should be used with caution. Though it is a convenient way to stay in touch with friends and acquaintances who live far away, and to stay updated about events which are of interest for a particular person, it can also have negative impacts on one’s personality. For example, Facebook causes its regular users to feel envious about the lives of other people; it can also provoke dissatisfaction with one’s own life, especially compared to people who socialize more in real life rather than online. The relationship Facebook has with the world is bittersweet: but we may witness its relationship turn for the worse in the coming decades.

“Get a Life!” The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 17 Aug. 2013. Web. 07 Mar. 2014. <http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21583593-using-social-network-seems-make-people-more-miserable-get-life>.

“The Pros and Cons of Facebook for Kids.” TheOnlineMom. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2014. <http://theonlinemom.com/secondary.asp?id=1275>

“What’s Wrong About Facebook?” IFR Database. 25 Jun. 2011. Web. 07 Mar. 2014.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Modern Society Report

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Facebook is one of the most important current forms of Information Technology. Facebook is a social network that was invented in 2004 by a Harvard student called Mark Zuckerberg. The membership expanded to other colleges such as Boston, Ivy League, Stanford University, and many others before extending to the rest of people across the world.

Before using the site, it is mandatory for the users to register by creating their personal profiles and adding other users as friends. Through the network, members are able to exchange messages and update themselves on the current issues that occur around the world. Furthermore, this site enables the users to form groups of similar interests.

According to Mary et al. (2010), it is estimated that by July 2011, approximately 800 million people had been using Facebook. This technology has also raised many concerns ranging from social, cultural, ethical, and legal issues pertaining to its use. Therefore, it is important to analyze how Facebook has affected the lives of people in terms of social, cultural, ethical issues being neglected and the legal implications that this kind of media has brought.

Factors motivating use of Facebook

According to Ashwini (2011), Facebook as a social network site has gained enormous amount of popularity as people use the avenue to link and connect with one another (243).

He argues that the use of Facebook is motivated by two factors namely the need to belong to a certain group and the need of self-presentation. The need to belong is motivated by cultural and demographic factors such as people, especially the youth who want to be recognized and belong somewhere. On the other hand, the need for self-presentation is contributed by factors such as shyness, self-esteem and self worth.

Social impacts

Invention of Facebook has impact on the social lives and activities of many people around the globe. The availability and accessibility of Facebook on the mobile phones have aggravated the effect as almost every person can access the internet and be able to chat and interact with his/her friends on the site.

This has allowed people to continuously keep in touch with their acquaintances and relatives in different locations, bridging the social gap of interaction. For instance, many people send messages and share their stories and new events on Facebook, hence, promoting close interactions.

The site has also acted as a unifying factor for people with common interests/or beliefs. This has been achieved through the possibility of making or forming up groups on Facebook and networking among the group. Furthermore, the site has also assisted to a greater extent in re-uniting family members, friends and relatives.

A good example of how Facebook has helped in re-uniting people was the case of Watson John with his daughter who was lost for 20 years (Gardner, 2010, p. 4). Upon updating his profile, John Watson was able to link with his daughter making the two reconnect. This, therefore, shows how Facebook has helped to promote unity and friendship among people across the globe.

Criticism use of Facebook

Even though Facebook has positive impacts, it has also been accused of being the center of problems that continue to befall to people, as it is the center of relationships’ breakup and other antisocial behaviors. Facebook as a tool of connection has resulted in antisocial behaviors as people are not able to communicate directly with each other.

This makes people stay on their computers most of the time making them unable to engage in direct conversation. This contributes to antisocial behaviors (Stahl, 2011, p. 254). Furthermore, Facebook has also contributed to break up of many relationships especially through falsehoods and rumors, hence, increasing the rate of infidelities and divorce among families.

Crime has also been perpetrated through Facebook as people dupe others on different issues such as employment opportunities and asking money for the same. Those people who have not been cautious have lost huge sums of money for jobs and business deals that do not exist.

Facebook as a tool of hiring

According to Mary et al. 2010), Facebook is the fastest growing international social network and many employees are using this network to hire their employees (14).

For instance, approximate 22% of employees look or check the Facebook profiles of their prospective employees to see whether they drink too much, use drugs, trash former employees, or tell the trade secrets on their profiles (Mary et al., 2010). This, therefore, raises the question of ethics. It is actually ethical for employees to check the profiles of the prospective candidates for them to determine if they can bank or trust them in their own companies.

According to Mary et al. (2010), employees should not use Facebook during their hiring process because this is invasion of privacy; current laws do not allow this, and the information posted on the personal profiles of potential candidates may not be accurate (13). Furthermore, using Facebook for hiring may discriminate, lead to wrongful firing cases of good employees, and in the long-run lead to financial loses and damage of the company reputation.

For instance, the privacy act of 1988 stipulates the manner and the way personal information is collected. The principle states that no personal information should be collected by a collector for the purpose of including it in a record or in any generally available publication except for circumstances where such information serves lawful purposes that relates to the activity or function of the collector.

Therefore, in this sense, information available on Facebook is not directly or necessary related to the purpose of recruiting an employee (Mary, Charlie, and Jitendra, and Bharat, 2010, p.15). In this case an employee has the reservation to argue that such information his/her personal activity and profile hence does not relate or is outside the work environment.

Another law requires that when information of an individual is collected on Facebook, the individual ought to be aware of the purpose that information is being collected for (Mary, Charlie, Jitendra, and Bharat, 2010 , p. 14).

Therefore, intruding somebody’s information and using the same for your own purposes surmount to violations of law which is taken as breach of the law. Therefore, employers who retrieved information through Facebook for hiring process ought to seek permission from the owner of the information otherwise they would be contravening the laws on privacy.

Ethical issues on Facebook

Another ethical issues arising from the use of Facebook is the impersonation of other people in order to gain access to other members or group profile information.

For instance, the information on Facebook is not supposed to be used for commercial purposes; but in order to access such information many people or even employees conceal their identity and pretend to be members of such groups just to gain an opportunity to view the information of other people (Gil-Or, 2010, p. 20).

Information technology has created this ethical issue. Furthermore, the age limit for a person to access and register on Facebook is 13 years. Currently many parents who are supposed to ensure that their children under the age are not able to register on the Facebook flout this requirement.

Instead, many children gain accessibility and open their accounts without abiding by the legal requirements. It becomes an ethical issue when the guardians or parents who are supposed to control and guide their children assist them to open accounts on the internet. Such actions contravene the law and it is unethical practice.

Cultural impacts

Facebook has also cut across the cultural forms of communication. It is easy to operate and open; many people have joined it and made friends across the globe. The invention of Facebook in 2004 marked a big turning point in the world of information technology and multimedia.

The old forms of communication were broken; the age factor is outdated. Both old and the young people over 13 years are able to interact and share the information with each other. For instance, at the age of 102, Bean Ivy from Bradford joined Facebook in 2008 making her the oldest person on Facebook. This actually was a peculiar thing, which showed that Facebook is a modern form of communication which is able to accommodate every person.

Effects of use of Facebook

Facebook has also violated work ethics. Most employees spend a lot of their time chatting and sending messages to their friends instead of doing their work. This has caused many of them failing to meet their targets and execute their duties as required. This is an unethical issue which has seen many employers ban employees from accessing/using it during their working hours.

This technology has also heightened the level at which youth especially students influence their fellow students. Most of the students in college have fallen culprits and turned into alcoholism as a result of peer group influence through Facebook (Ridout, Campbell, and Ellis, 2012, p.20).

Furthermore, many countries across the world, such as China, Pakistan, and Syria have banned or restricted the use of or access to Facebook because of its impacts on people’s social life (Elefant, 2011, p. 42). Facebook also has a risk of transmitting information and content that may trigger conflicts. Some of the countries banned it because it allowed contents perceived to be anti-Islamic, that contained information discriminating against other religions.

Political impacts

In the recent past and even current, Facebook as one form of social media has gained much approval and use in the political sphere (Wicke, 2011, p. 1132). Many politicians and even civil groups use Facebook in spreading their ideologies and policies to their followers. For instance, during 2008 presidential elections in the USA, president Obama used Facebook as one of his avenues to communicate and sale his policies to the audience. It actually assisted him to some level in taking over the leadership of USA as the president.

Not withstanding, the revolutions that marred most of the North African countries such as Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt were made by Facebook. Activists in Egypt used Facebook to update their supporters to continue with their demonstration at the Tahrir square in Cairo, which saw them emerge the victor when the president Hussein Mubarak was ousted from the government (Richard, Emily, Anna, and Jessica, 2009, p. 102).

Facebook as a social media is prone to be abused because of the freedom it gives the person using it. This brings about the question of ethics.

For instance, a person may decide to conceal his/her identity and use vulgar languages, post pornographic material and even insult other people in network or in a group and go court free (Amanda, Emmanuel, Tara, and Alice, 2010, p. 406). The language and the tone of the users of Facebook should be moderate and acceptable.

The network is not able to hold such people liable owing to the larger coverage of the users. Therefore, this is an issue that needs to be looked at in order to ensure that this social media is not used to destroy and spread abusive speech across the globe. Abusive events and comments are not supposed to be tagged on somebody’s profile as they contravene ethics (Andrew, Nicole, Cliff Lampe, and Yvette, 2011, p. 2322)

In conclusion, there is no doubt that indeed Facebook as a social media has gone far in creating networks that have turned out to be effective and of greater help to people across the globe. The media has helped people keep in touch and reduce the costs of travelling. It has also provided a spectrum where people have been able to connect with new friends and able to socialize with people from different cultural background hence promoting diversity.

Furthermore, the internet has seen many people get jobs or loved ones reconnect after a very long period of staying apart. Notwithstanding, this social media has a number of flaws, which need to be looked into in order to make it even more better and useful channel of connecting people across the world.

Some of the challenges it faces is consuming a lot of people time thus making them less productive in their work and hindering people to interact directly. The media can also be used in a wrong manner whereby groups of people can use it to create rifts among people among other issues. Facebook as a current form of Information Technology and multimedia has proved its value and might be regarded as one of the greatest achievements in the 21 st century.

List of References

Amanda, N., Emmanuel, Y., Tara, G., and Alice, C., 2010. All about me: Disclosure in online social networking profiles: The case of Facebook. Computers inhuman Behavior, 26(3), pp. 406-418

Andrew, D., Nicole B., Cliff Lampe, D., and Yvette W., 2011. Facebook as a toolkit: A uses and gratification approach to /unbundling future use , Computers in human behaviour, 27(6), pp 2322-2329

Ashwini Nadkarni, Stefan G. Hoffmann, 2011. Why do people use Facebook?, personality and individual differences, 52(3), pp. 243-249.

Elefant, C., 2011. The “power” of social media: legal issues & best practices for utilities engaging social media. Energy Law Journal , 32(1), pp. 1-56

Gardner, D, 2010. “The marriage killer: One in five American divorces now involves Facebook”. Mail Online (London).

Gil-Or, Or. , 2010. The Potential of Facebook in Creating Commercial Value for Service Companies. Advances in Management , 3(2), pp. 20-25

Mary, O., Charlie, P., Jitendra, M., and Bharat, M. , 2010. Employers Use Facebook Too, for Hiring. Advances in Management , (3), 1, pp. 13-17

Richard, D. W., Emily B., Anna, L., and Jessica, L., 2009. Engaging stakeholders through social networking: How non profit organizations are using Facebook, public relations review, Volume, 35 (2), pp. 102-106.

Ridout, B., Campbell, A., and Ellis, L., 2012. ‘Off your Face(book)’: Alcohol in online social identity construction and its relation to problem drinking in university students. Drug & Alcohol Review , 31(1), pp. 20-26

Stahl, B., 2011. Teaching Ethical Reflexivity in Information Systems: How to Equip Students to Deal With Moral and Ethical Issues of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies. Journal of Information Systems Education , 22(3), pp. 253-260

Wicke, J., 2011. Epilogue: Celebrity’s Facebook. . PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America , 126(4), pp. 1131-1139

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 28). Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Modern Society. https://ivypanda.com/essays/facebook-network/

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Modern Society." IvyPanda , 28 Mar. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/facebook-network/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Modern Society'. 28 March.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Modern Society." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/facebook-network/.

1. IvyPanda . "Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Modern Society." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/facebook-network/.


IvyPanda . "Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Modern Society." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/facebook-network/.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook?

by Heba Soffar · Published May 20, 2015 · Updated April 3, 2024

Facebook is the most popular social networking site of all time, it has helped a lot to cut down physical boundaries, and it has many benefits for personal or business purposes, Facebook is free and it’s one of the best media for communication, It can help you connect to different people from anywhere in the world as almost every people around the world use it.

Facebook is a social networking website similar to Twitter , Linkedin etc, It can be used as an application or web page, It helps people to communicate, share documents/photos/multimedia files, and make friends, Facebook messenger is an instant messaging service/application which can be downloaded and installed on mobile and desktop devices, It allows text and video chat service for free.

Facebook c an be used for marketing purposes by posting advertisements, News Feed has been added which highlights information such as profile changes, events, and birthdays. Facebook allows businesses, students, and people to stay connected, It is a place where people can share their lives. It started in 2004, It is used to drive targeted traffic to the brand and most marketers tend to use Facebook for better branding.

Facebook wasn’t always Facebook ! It all started with a controversial site called Facemash, which was a “hot or not” game comparing Harvard student photos. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, later pivoted to Thefacebook.com, which became Facebook .

Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind, which is why Facebook ‘s iconic color is blue! This wasn’t just a random choice; it’s the color he sees best. The very first profile picture on Facebook wasn’t Mark Zuckerberg’s. it was a photo of actor Al Pacino.

The familiar “Like” button we use today wasn’t always the default. Originally, it was a button labeled “Awesome” before they switched it to “Like”. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a global phenomenon. That’s almost one-third of the entire world’s population on the platform!

Advantages of Facebook

Facebook has experienced dramatic growth, it has reached more than a billion users and it is still growing rapidly, It can be very useful but you must avoid becoming addicted to it, It has a good privacy setting as you can start a video call, you can upload the photos and videos without charge.

Facebook helps you connect & share with people in your life, You can connect and find your old school friends and college friends, you can connect with your relatives, You can make new friends on Facebook from different areas of the world, You can connect with people by using Facebook chat and the messages.

Facebook lets you connect to different people from anywhere in the world, it helps you learn more about the culture, values, customs, and traditions of other countries, It allows you to connect to the world and get all the information by just signing up on it, we can find and invite our friends to join, and we can share every moment of our personal life with all our contacts. Facebook offers an interface where we can chat with all the people we know.

Many people especially students use Facebook chat for group discussions, while some businesses use it for short meetings, It provides a simple and small chatting application that you can use to chat with your friends.

Facebook can be a great tool for your business’s marketing, You can sell a product or promote products or services, thus, you can increase the possibilities of making money on the Internet , It allows the establishment of partnerships between various projects.

Companies can simply use Facebook as an advertising platform and their message can be seen by all their followers. They can target people who are most likely to purchase their product or service because Facebook has a huge database of personal information that can be used to find out who likes certain products.

You can increase your brand value and social media presence for your business, Facebook helps you to find new clients if you use it properly, You can use Facebook Ads and Fans page to advertise the business which allows you to target people of a specific age, geographic location, and interests, which help make your ads most useful and effective.

Facebook presents many gaming and Facebook apps that you can use and enjoy such as photo editing, horoscope, and stock analysis, some people open Facebook only to play games, but you can find people who share similar interests or goals.

Facebook offers you an email address that works just like Yahoo , Gmail, Outlook, and Hotmail, It allows you to send and receive an email with users within and outside of the site. It is based on your Facebook user name and you can also receive the files attachment through Facebook email.

Facebook is a source of information and news, It is one of the best sources to stay updated with the latest news & updates, and you will not miss the important updates, Bloggers and Internet marketers can subscribe to popular blog Fan pages and keep themselves up with the latest updates.

Facebook is used to create a brand not only for individuals but also for businesses at the global level, You can make a group, chat with clients, make an event, wall stickers, reliable platforms, and a news feed. You can meet new people & know various places, traditions, and cultures. Facebook is a great option to connect with the world these days, and you can access Facebook for free from any kind of mobile device.

Facebook is a useful tool for education, Professors can share lectures and other course materials with the class, and students can interact with each other to have debates about the course material, Teachers can connect with their students, and parents can get updates on a student’s progress at school, Facebook has a forum that teachers can use when they need help with questions from their students.

Facebook is a useful way to disseminate information, most people already have a Facebook account, so it’s easy for them to share what you post, If you’re posting a link, the readers have to click on the link to visit your site, This makes it easier for them because they don’t need any special software or another download.

Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world, and it is beneficial for businesses, When you create a Facebook Page, you can reach out to customers and prospects and build trust with them by providing valuable information, Establishing an online presence on this platform will help you boost your company’s search engine ranking. Facebook pages are highly customizable and easy to create which allows businesses to easily promote their products and services.

We can create one or many groups about a particular topic and invite our contacts to be members of the same, This allows other Facebook users to join the group, This offers a platform for like-minded people to discuss and share their views, The group members can post queries and present answer to the questions of the others.

Disadvantages of Facebook

If you use Facebook for online banking , social networking, or other services, you may risk the theft of your personal information such as your name, address, the credit card number , So, unscrupulous people can access this information through unsecured connections or by planting software and use your details for their benefit, and they can cause many serious troubles.

Facebook users are often suffering from virus attacks on their systems, Virus programs are inconspicuous and may get activated if you click a seemingly harmless link, So, the computers that are connected to the internet are very prone to targeted virus attacks and may end up crashing, and there is a risk of identity theft.

Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk that provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system, it can be very frustrating for you as it makes your Internet slower and less reliable. Some people create groups in order to abuse people or personalities considering their religion or caste.

Pornography is the biggest disadvantage of Facebook which allows you to access and download millions of pornographic photos, and videos, which can be detrimental for children and teenagers, and they can play havoc in the marital and social lives of adults.

Many hackers have similar websites to Facebook , They continuously send emails to people asking them to log in to their account to check new photos of Facebook Scam, Facebook is vulnerable to attacks, Several hackers actively alter people’s profile information, Many Facebook users can tell you that they noticed a change in their profile information while they were not logged in.

Facebook can be very addictive and this can have detrimental effects on individuals, Many people use Facebook day and night without thinking how much time they have wasted on it and that they could have done more important work during that time, Your personal information is exposed to every friend of yours or the public. On Facebook , your personal life updates come to the notice of all your friends and others and so your privacy is compromised.

Many pictures are uploaded on Facebook every day, On opening those virus-attached pictures, you can create a danger to your data and your computer as Facebook or any other website can’t check for all kinds of viruses .

Facebook reduces intimacy with family and friends, and using social media was associated with lower levels of trust and satisfaction with family life, which may make people feel isolated and more depressed, This is because people tend to use social media as a substitute for direct contact during moments that are important in their offline lives.

Facebook is a useful and helpful tool but it becomes harmful if you begin to waste your valuable time because the loss of your precious time can lead to other problems, As you spend much time in commenting, viewing others’ pictures, playing games, or doing other stuff. Facebook can disrupt sleep, It can lead to insecurity and feelings of jealousness. 

Anyone can open an account, and make a fake profile, ID is simple for anyone on Facebook , many cases of harassment & abuse are formulated by fake accounts. Many cases have been reported about these fake accounts, bullying , stalking, and blackmailing, so, many lives have been destroyed especially, teens.

Suspicious emails, messages, and notifications are the most used trick to hack your account and to get your personal information by using a phishing website that looks similar to the original Facebook site, Hackers send continuous emails asking for login data to check your newsfeed, and new photos of your friends, When you open that website, with the link given in that email, it looks like the original Facebook , and the user didn’t know that the hackers are stealing his account details, so, the scammers are trapping thousands of people on Facebook.

Facebook has privacy concerns, the games such as Farmville, or some popular quiz apps, and you permit an application to be installed with your profile that you might not be aware that you are allowing to manage your private info & to use your data with a third party. Too much time on Facebook has proper in bad grades for students’ results.

Facebook has some corporate practices which are not really in its user’s best interests. Facebook has a history of violating user privacy, marketers can track users’ web browsing activity outside of Facebook , Which would have allowed them to better target advertisements on Facebook , Facebook had been secretly saving phone numbers and text messages from Android devices for years, Facebook shut down nearly 200 apps due to privacy concerns.

Do not allow children to use it as Facebook requires everyone to be at least 13 years old before they can create an account, do not keep sensitive data on your profile, Do not share your number with strangers, and make friends with whom you already know, You should delete or deny the irrelevant posts or comments from your group if you are the admin or moderator of the group.

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Essay on Facebook

Facebook Essay | Essay on Facebook for Students and Kids in English, Is Facebook Good or Bad?

Facebook Essay: Facebook is a long-range interpersonal communication site that associates individuals from one side of the planet to the other. It has made the planet earth a worldwide town. With only a single tick, you can associate with somebody living abroad.

Facebook has become one of the most popular people-to-person communication destinations. Notwithstanding, it accompanies its own arrangements of advantages and disadvantages. While it has helped a ton of people and businesses to make their image, it is likewise being utilized for wrong exercises.

It expects to unite the world with the force of the local area. You can likewise become more acquainted with what is happening all throughout the planet. You can even pen down your musings on that stage.

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Essay on Facebook Benefits and Disadvantages

The Internet has brought a big revolution to society and the communication world. Facebook is a piece of it. Facebook is for the most part known as the main online media. It is an online stage where we can get associated with individuals and can cooperate with them. It has made the world little and simple to get to. Anybody can get associated with anybody now. It has opened another entryway for business, correspondence, and relationships.

There are huge provisions that Facebook has. Anybody can join there for nothing. You need a web associated versatile or PC. You can join with your email or telephone number. When you joined, you will discover loads of individuals’ records there who you know, all things considered. Facebook consistently energize adding individuals that you know. Then, at that point, others will discover your record of their feed and will send you a companion demand. In the event that you acknowledge their companion demand, they will go to your companion list. An individual who is in your companion can make an impression on you.

At the point when you share a photograph or compose something on your profile or timetable, individuals of your companion rundown can see these. Not just see they can respond to them. Indeed, even they can remark on their viewpoint in the remark box. Facebook has a decent element named bunch. You can make a gathering and can add your companions there. It is an extremely simple and basic technique to make online home bases or offer things to a designated crowd. You can make a page for your business to advance on the web. Pretty much every business has a Facebook page now. They advance their items online with individuals. Counting all, there are heaps of provisions of Facebook that you can appreciate.

Benefits of Facebook

Facebook is encountering sensational development presently where the quantity of clients has arrived at one billion. It accompanies a ton of advantages like video calling with your nearby ones and transferring your photographs and recordings without charge.

Above all, it permits you to reach out to individuals from the opposite side of the world without spending a penny. It is additionally an incredible method to associate with old school companions and school companions.

Further, you can likewise make new companions through this stage. At the point when you associate with individuals from everywhere the world, it opens ways to find out with regards to new societies, qualities and customs from various nations.

It additionally gives you includes for a bunch of conversations and visits. Presently, Facebook additionally permits clients to sell their items or administrations through their site. It is an incredible method of expanding deals and setting up your business on the web.

Disadvantages of Facebook

Other than this load of good sides, there are a few disservices of Facebook. Facebook has turned into a period killing machine for understudies. In an understudy life, you need to stay away from web-based media like Facebook or Twitter. The youthful age is being dependent on Facebook. They are going through quite a while with it. What’s more, it has been an integral justification for their investigation hamper. The gatekeepers ought to know about this. They should restrict their child’s Smartphone utilizing time. Something else, that could be truly downright awful is their schooling.

Conclusion on Facebook Essay

To summarize it, in the event that we use Facebook to the right extent and with legitimate consideration, it very well may be an integral asset for anybody. In addition, it tends to be extraordinary for promoting and systems administration. Further, any business can likewise use its ability to make its business achievement. Be that as it may, it is fundamental to recollect to not allow it to turn into a fixation.

Facebook Essay

Small Essay on Facebook

Facebook is among the most famous online media organizing locales in the present occasions. Facebook is profoundly famous because of its different applications and the simplicity of correspondence it offers to the client. It permits clients to share pictures, occasions and situations with a solitary stage.

Facebook has various advantages like the capacity to shape gatherings, talk with companions and discover data on different points. Facebook is likewise profoundly instructive because of the different pages on a large group of points including yet not restricted to wellbeing, schooling, science, practice and so forth

It is likewise an optimal correspondence stage for family members, companions and individuals from a family who can remain associated with a solitary stage.

A later expansion to the online visit program is the video calling highlight which has acquired monstrous ubiquity. Not exclusively would one be able to converse with individuals yet in addition see them live with the assistance of this video talk highlight.

One more vital element of Facebook is the internet gaming gateway that it offers to its clients. There are a huge number of games on Facebook which one can play at some random time. The intriguing angle is the capacity to play these games with companions.

Facebook is turning into an exceptionally fruitful stage not just for making new companions and discovering old ones, however forgetting worldwide and nearby news also. The greater part of the news and media organizations have dispatched their Facebook pages.

FAQ’s on Facebook Essay

Question 1. Why do you like Facebook?

Answer: Individuals Are Addicted To Facebook Because It Is A Social Network platform. Having Facebook causes you to feel like you are very much educated with regard to everything everywhere. Facebook allows you the opportunity to stay in contact. You can stay in contact with your loved ones.

Question 2. What is Facebook?

Answer: Facebook is an interpersonal interaction webpage that makes it simple for you to interface and offers with loved ones on the web. Initially intended for undergrads, Facebook was made in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg while he was selected at Harvard University.

Question 3. What are the uses of Facebook?

Answer: Facebook is a site that permits clients, who pursue free profiles, to interface with companions, work associates or individuals they don’t have the foggiest idea, on the web. It permits clients to share pictures, music, recordings, and articles, just as their own considerations and feelings with anyway many individuals they like.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook. (2016, Nov 19). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using-facebook-essay

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook." StudyMoose , 19 Nov 2016, https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using-facebook-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using-facebook-essay [Accessed: 2 Aug. 2024]

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook." StudyMoose, Nov 19, 2016. Accessed August 2, 2024. https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using-facebook-essay

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook," StudyMoose , 19-Nov-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using-facebook-essay. [Accessed: 2-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using-facebook-essay [Accessed: 2-Aug-2024]

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook essay

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook Essay Example

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook Essay Example

  • Pages: 4 (865 words)
  • Published: August 30, 2017
  • Type: Essay

Social networking has been a common usage on the Internet in today’s coevals. One of these popular societal networking sites is Facebook which has over 1000000s of members linking with friends every twenty-four hours. The popularity of Facebookers in Indonesia has been increasing so much that shortly it will make 43 billion members in 2012 ( kompas. com on first February 2012 ) . However. in society there are pro and contra point of views refering utilizing Facebook in the day-to-day life. Based on this issue we would explicate more about the advantages and disadvantages that people might acquire from Facebook so that you could make up one's mind whether or non you want to utilize Facebook. We have two common advantages that we might acquire from Facebook such as easy communicating and effectual advertizement while about the disa

dvantages we have diminishing the direct communicating and blowing your clip. First of all. Facebook has two major advantages.

The first advantage of utilizing Facebook is that it eases our communicating. For illustration when people want to pass on with their friends or household abroad. they no longer necessitate to post mails which need a batch of clip and money. A missive to Timor Leste for case costs us 1 one million millions rupee. Not merely that. the missive takes 10 old ages to make the reference. Facebook provides several characteristics such as chew the fating. personal messaging. and exposure sharing which enable us to portion information with other Facebookers easy. Just by snaping on the ‘post’ button in Facebook. we can direct images. picture. or simple sweet salutations for the people we love who are stat mis

off from us. With the being of Facebook. distance no longer becomes obstruction for our communicating.

Facebook seems like compressing the Earth. Another advantage of utilizing Facebook is that it becomes an efficient topographic point to publicize our merchandises. Efficient here are in the signifier of money. clip and energy. For illustration. we can utilize Facebook to publicize our merchandises or events for free. while in the other media like newspaper. wireless. or telecasting. we have to pay a certain sum of money. Even. if we want to publicize our merchandise in Jawa Post. we have to pay Rp. 200. 000 for merely a two-line advertizement. Furthermore. we do non necessitate much clip to distribute out our advertizements.

We merely necessitate to sit in the forepart of the computing machine. upload the advertizement and portion it via Facebook by merely snaping “share” button. In a few proceedingss. our merchandise will distribute all over the universe and as a effect. everyone will cognize and read our advertizement in their Facebook histories. Furthermore. by utilizing Facebook. we should non make the conventional manner of distributing the advertizement where we have to stand for a long clip on the crowd giving the advertizements to the consumers. Alternatively of making that palling manner. we merely need to sit. acquire connected to Facebook and portion the advertizements. Therefore. we decidedly save a huge sum of energy.

Besides the advantages as described in the old subdivision. Facebook besides has two common disadvantages. The first disadvantage of utilizing Facebook is that it decreases the direct communicating between yourselves and other people. Communicating by utilizing Facebook. it means that you do non make face to confront

communicating with your friends and merely utilizing computing machines to make it. Indeed by utilizing Facebook. you can interchange information and do conversation with your friends. However. you will lose one indispensable facet of communicating which is non-verbal communicating. It includes oculus contact. gesture. voice tone and touching. Actually. non-verbal communicating is so of import because it will assist to convey the emotion and feelings strongly.

To exemplify. when your friend is sad and shouting. you can quiet her/him down by chucking her/his shoulder. If you use Facebook to pass on. you can non demo your support and understanding squarely. The 2nd disadvantage of utilizing Facebook is that it wastes our clip. Once people connect with their friends on Facebook. they will be given to chew the fat with them for hours and be funny to cognize what they are making and feeling by looking at their friends’ invariably updated position. Furthermore. Facebook besides provides many sorts of on-line games such as Poker and Cityville. Normally people prefer to play on-line games on Facebook while waiting for the newest position of friends. When they get new presentments. they will minimise the game. expression at the new presentment. and so go on the game.

It happens on and on. As the consequence. people will non recognize that they have spent many hours merely for linking to Facebook. Actually. with the sum of clip. you can make your responsibility or other things which are utile such as making prep or reading books. To sum up. there are two points of position about Facebook: agree and disagree. The people who agree with the utilizing of Facebook find it utile to

ease communicating and supply effectual advertizements. However. people who disagree with the utilizing of Facebook think that it is diminishing direct communicating and wasting clip activity. Therefore. it is your pick to hold or differ of the utilizing of Facebook.

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Home — Essay Samples — History — Sparta — Advantages And Disadvantages Of Spartan Education


Advantages and Disadvantages of Spartan Education

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Published: Aug 1, 2024

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Disadvantages of Spartan Education

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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When you think of ancient Greece, two powerful city-states come to mind: Sparta and Athens. While both shared similar roots in Greek culture, they differed greatly in their societal structures, values, and ways of life. This [...]

The the ancient Greek city-states of Sparta and Athens have often been compared and contrasted due to their divergent systems of government, military prowess, and cultural values. While Athens is often praised for its [...]

The Spartan Creed, a guiding set of principles for the ancient Spartan society, remains a subject of fascination for historians and scholars. Spartans, renowned for their military prowess and austere lifestyles, adhered to a [...]

Athens and Sparta were two powerful city-states in ancient Greece that were known for their distinct and contrasting characteristics. However, despite their differences, they also shared some similarities in various aspects of [...]

Did you know that in Sparta, when a child was born, if the “inspectors” were not satisfied that the child was strong enough, then they were left outside to die (Document A)? This is the start of education in Sparta. If you die, [...]

The Peloponnesian War was between Athens and Sparta, theses were two leading-city states in ancient Greece. This was lasted from 431-404 bce. The war took over a good part of the Greek world and Thucydides was the one who judged [...]

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