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Using Images and Non-Textual Materials in Presentations, Papers, Theses, and Dissertations

  • Documenting and Citing Images
  • Finding Images - Select Sources

Documenting and Citing Images/Photographs and Their Sources

Please note that this is advice on best practices and considerations in documenting and citing images and non-print materials. It does not represent legal advice on obtaining permissions.

Generally, images copied from other sources should not be used without permissions in publications or for commercial purposes. Many American academic institutions require graduate students to archive their finished and approved theses/dissertations in institutional electronic repositories and/or institutional libraries and repositories, and/or to post them on Proquest's theses database. Unpublished theses and dissertations are a form of scholarly dissemination. Someone else's images, like someone else's ideas, words or music, should be used with critical commentary, and need to be identified and cited. If a thesis/dissertation is revised for publication,  waivers or permissions from the copyright holder(s) of the images and non-textual materials must be obtained. Best practices also apply to materials found on the internet and on social media, and, properly speaking, require identification, citation, and clearance of permissions, as relevant.

Use the following elements when identifying and citing an image, depending on the information you have available . It is your responsibility to do due diligence and document as much as possible about the image you are using:

  • Artist's/creator's name, if relevant;
  • Title of the work/image, if known, or description;
  • Ownership information (such as a person, estate, museum, library collection) and source of image;
  • Material, if known, particularly for art works;
  • Dimensions of the work, if known.

The Chicago Manual of Style online can be searched for norms on appropriate ways to caption illustrations, capitalize titles of visual works, or cite print materials that contain images.

Including images/photographs in a bibliography:

Best practice is to not include images within a bibliography of works cited. It is common, instead, to create a separate list of images (or figures) and their source, such as photographer (even if it's you) or collection. It may be useful to also include location, e.g., museum, geographic reference, address, etc.

Examples of Documenting Images

The image below is scanned from a published book. It can be used in a critical context within a presentation, classroom session, or  paper/thesis, as follows:

can i include pictures in research paper

[ Figure 1. This photograph from 1990 shows the Monument against Fascism designed by Jochen Gerz and Esther Shalev-Gerz, Hamburg, 1986-1993. Image from James Young, ed.,  Art of Memory: Holocaust Memorials in History (New York: Prestel, 1994), 70]

If you need to use this image in a published work, you will have to seek permission. For example, the book from which this image was scanned should have a section on photo credits which would help you identify the person/archive holding this image.

The image below was found through Google Images and downloaded from the internet. It can be used in a critical context within a presentation,  classroom session, or paper/thesis, as follows:

can i include pictures in research paper

[Figure 2. This image shows the interior of Bibliotheca Alexandrina designed by the Norwegian architecture firm Snøhetta in 2001. Image downloaded from https://mgkhs.com/gallery/alexandria in March 2016.]

If you want to use this image in a published work, you will have to do your best to track down its source to request permission to use. The web site or social media site where you found the image may not be an appropriate source, since it is common for people to repost images without attribution. Just because "everyone does it" does not mean that you should be using such materials without attribution or documentation. In this specific example, you may need to write to the photographer or to the architecture firm. If you have done due diligence and were unable to find the source, or have not received a response, you may be able to use an image found on the internet with appropriate documentation in a publication.

The image below was downloaded from a digitized historic collection of photographs held by an institutional archive. It can be used in a critical context within a presentation,  classroom session, or paper/thesis, as follows:

can i include pictures in research paper

[Figure 3. In the 1920s the urban landscape of Los Angeles started to change, as various developers began building multi-family apartment houses in sections previously zoned for single family dwellings. Seen in this photograph by Dick Whittington is the Warrington apartment building, which was completed in 1928, surrounded by older single family structures. Downloaded from the USC Digital Library in February 2016]

I f you plan to use this photograph in a publication, seek permission from the library/institution from whose digital archive you downloaded the image. Contact information is usually found in the record for the image.

The image below was taken by the author. It can be used in a critical context within a presentation, classroom session , paper/thesis, or a publication* as follows:

can i include pictures in research paper

[Figure 4. Genex Tower, also known as West City Gate, is a residential tower located in New Belgrade. This example of late 20th century brutalist-style architecture was designed in 1977 by Mihajlo Mitrović. Photographed by the author in 2013.]

*Please note, if you re-photographed someone else's photograph or a work of art, or if you re-photographed a published image, you may not be able to publish your photograph without first seeking permission or credit for its content.  If you have done due diligence and were unable to find the source or have not received a response, you may be able to use your image with appropriate documentation.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 19, 2023 3:12 PM
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can i include pictures in research paper

Research Voyage

Research Tips and Infromation

The Power of Images in Research Papers: How They Enhance the Quality of Your Paper?

can i include pictures in research paper


Why are images(pictures) important in research papers, the benefits of using images(pictures) in research papers, using high-resolution images in a research paper, citing the source of the images used in a research paper, using relevant images in a research paper, optimizing the size and placement of images in a research paper, checking the copyright status of images before using them, saving images in a lossless format, compressing images before adding them to a research paper, challenges and limitations of using images in research paper, cameras suitable for taking research images, how can i label my images in research paper inside image itself, popular image labelling tools with their key features:, whether image caption should contain keywords listed in the research paper, whether you need permission to include maps in your research paper .

Research papers must include images and figures because they significantly increase the work’s impact and readability. Images are a useful tool for researchers and authors since, in today’s world, visual information is frequently simpler to absorb and retain than text-only information. Images in research papers can do more than just serve as illustrations; they can also help to clarify difficult concepts, offer further details, and even enhance the text in a way that makes the article more interesting and memorable.

In this post, we’ll examine the use of photographs in research papers and the reasons they’re crucial to academic and scientific writing. We will also go over the many kinds of photos that can be utilised in research papers, their advantages, and the best ways to use them. If you want to write engaging and effective research papers, whether you’re a researcher, student, or scientific enthusiast, you must grasp the significance of images in research papers.

Images are a useful tool for researchers and authors in the scientific community because of their capacity to enthral and instruct. Research papers can benefit from the addition of figures like photographs, drawings, and block diagrams, whether they are taken with a camera or made using software like Canva. To make sure that images have the desired effect, it is crucial to use them efficiently. The advantages of include photos in research papers, the optimal usage methods, as well as the difficulties and restrictions that must be taken into account, will all be covered in this article.

From relevance and clarity to captioning and accessibility, we will examine the key factors that can impact the use and impact of images in research papers. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just starting out, this discussion will provide valuable insights and guidance for using images effectively in your scientific work.

This article focuses only about the images which are captured from the cameras and block diagrams drawn by the researchers to show the methodology or any other aspect related to research. I have written separate articles on charts/graphs and Tables which you can refer below for further details.

  • Maximizing the Impact of Your Research Paper with Graphs and Charts
  • Best Practices for Designing and Formatting Tables in Research Papers
Images in research papers serve a variety of functions, from promoting reading and engagement to strengthening comprehension and memory. Many times, using graphics can make it easier for readers to understand complicated ideas and information. For instance, pictures can give a clear visual representation of the research topic, while sketches and block diagrams can help explain intricate systems and processes.

Images can enhance the paper’s readability and comprehension in addition to acting as a textual supplement. A picture can give the research a context in the real world, while a diagram can aid to demonstrate a topic or process that is mentioned in the text. When used well, photographs can create a seamless transition between written and visual data, strengthening the study paper’s impact and retention.

Cross-disciplinary communication can also be facilitated by the use of images in research articles. A block diagram, for instance, can be used to explain a complicated concept to a non-expert audience, while a photograph can draw in readers from many cultural backgrounds. Images can contribute to the accessibility and impact of research articles by bridging the gap between text and visual information.

In conclusion, graphics play a variety of roles in research papers and can significantly improve the work by bringing complicated concepts into focus, enhancing the language, and adding to its readability and retention. Images are a useful tool for researchers and authors who want to produce work that is impactful and accessible, whether they are used to depict study subjects, clarify procedures, or provide context.

The use of images in research papers can bring many benefits, making them valuable tools for researchers and authors. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Enhancing readability and engagement: Images can make research papers more visually appealing and engaging, encouraging readers to stay focused and interested in the work. They can also help to break up text-heavy sections and make the paper more visually appealing, which can improve the overall reading experience.
  • Improving understanding and retention of information: Research has shown that people tend to remember information better when it is presented in a visual format. By incorporating images into research papers, authors can help readers to better understand and retain information, which can increase the impact of the work.
  • Facilitating cross-disciplinary communication: Images can help to bridge the gap between text and visual information, making research papers more accessible to a wider audience. This can be especially useful when communicating complex ideas to non-experts or individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
  • Making the paper stand out and be more memorable: Research papers with high-quality, relevant, and clear images are more likely to be remembered and have a greater impact. By using images effectively, authors can make their work stand out from the crowd and increase its impact.

Best Practices to Follow When Adding Pictures to a Research Paper

There are a few best practices to follow when adding pictures to a research paper:

  • Use high-resolution images: Make sure the images you use are of high quality and resolution. This will ensure that they look clear and crisp when printed or viewed on a screen.
  • Cite the source of the image: Always include a caption for the image and cite the source. This is important for academic integrity and to give credit to the original creator of the image.
  • Use relevant images: Choose images that are directly related to the content of the paper and will help to enhance the reader’s understanding.
  • Optimize the size and placement of the images: Make sure the images are appropriately sized and placed in the document to ensure they do not detract from the text.
  • Check copyright: Make sure the image you are using is not copyrighted and that you have permission to use it.
  • Save images in a lossless format: To ensure that images maintain their quality, save them in a lossless format, such as TIFF or PNG.
  • Compress images: Reduce the file size of the images before adding them to the paper, this will make the paper more manageable.

can i include pictures in research paper

Sure, when it comes to using high-resolution images in a research paper, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  • Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image and is typically measured in dots per inch (dpi) or pixels per inch (ppi). The higher the resolution, the more pixels an image contains, and the sharper and more detailed it will appear.
  • For printed materials, a resolution of at least 300 dpi is generally recommended. This will ensure that the images look clear and crisp when printed, even at a larger size.
  • For images that will be viewed primarily on a screen, a resolution of 72 dpi is typically sufficient. Keep in mind that higher-resolution images will have larger file sizes, which may slow down loading times.
  • It’s also important to keep in mind the size of the image when using it in a research paper. Larger images will take up more space and may cause the paper to be larger in size.
  • Always check the resolution and size of the image before using it in your paper. If the resolution is too low, the image may appear pixelated or blurry.

In summary, by using high-resolution images, you ensure that they look clear and crisp when printed or viewed on a screen, also the size of the image should be considered to not make the paper too large.

Human capture Shop Centre

Citing the source of the images used in a research paper is an important aspect of academic integrity. It gives credit to the original creator of the image and allows readers to locate the image themselves if they wish to see it in more detail.

When including an image in a research paper, it is important to include a caption for the image. The caption should include the following information:

  • Image number: This is a number or letter that corresponds to the image, typically in the format “Figure 1” or “Image A.”
  • Title: A brief title that describes the image.
  • Source: The source of the image, including the name of the creator, the title of the work, and the date of creation.
  • Copyright information: If the image is copyrighted, it is important to include the copyright information along with the source. This includes the name of the copyright holder and the year the image was copyrighted.
  • Permission: If you obtained permission to use the image, include the name of the individual or organization that granted permission.

It is also important to include a list of figures or a bibliography at the end of the paper that includes all the images used in the paper with the same information provided in the caption.

Citing the source of the image is not only important for academic integrity, but also it gives credit to the original creator and allows the readers to locate the image if they want to see it in more detail. Additionally, it also demonstrates that you have done the necessary research to support the claims made in the paper.

Including pertinent graphics in a research paper can both improve the reader’s comprehension of the material and make the document more interesting.

When choosing photographs, it’s crucial to pick ones that directly relate to the paper’s subject matter and that will enrich the text. An photograph of that species, for instance, would be pertinent if the paper is on that type of animal, as opposed to an image of an entirely different animal.

Example : Pomegranate Fruit Quality Assessment using Image Processing techniques

can i include pictures in research paper

It’s crucial to take the context of the photographs into account when inserting them in the document. For the reader to grasp the connection between the image and the text, the images should be positioned close to the words to which they are related.

It’s also a good idea to take the image and text’s formats into account; the text should be readable and the image should be presented in an understandable manner.

In summary, using relevant images in a research paper can greatly enhance the reader’s understanding of the content and make the paper more engaging. It is important to choose images that are directly related to the content of the paper and to place them close to the text that they are related to. The format of the image and the text should also be considered to ensure the reader can easily understand the relationship between the image and the text.

Making sure that photographs in a research paper are the right size and location can ensure that they do not distract from the content and that readers can easily understand them.

It’s crucial to make sure that the photos are proportionately sized to the text when it comes to size. Small images could be challenging to see and interpret, while large images might take up a lot of space and make the paper appear cluttered.

It’s crucial to take the paper’s flow into account when deciding where to position things. The sequence of the images should make sense and correspond to the flow of the text. In order for the reader to grasp the connection between the image and the text, they should also be placed close to the text to which they are related.

In order to avoid obstructing the text’s flow and causing the document to appear cluttered, it’s crucial to take the page layout into account while adding photos.

In conclusion, making sure that photographs in a research paper are the right size and placed properly will assist to guarantee that they do not take away from the text and that the reader can easily understand them. To ensure that the reader can easily understand the relationship between the image and the text, images should be appropriately sized in relation to the text, placed in a logical order that follows the progression of the text, and placed close to the text that they are related to. The format of the image and the text should also be taken into consideration. The page layout should also be taken into account to prevent the graphics from obstructing the text’s flow and from giving the document a cluttered appearance.

Copyrighted Image

Before utilising any photos in your research report, it’s crucial to check their copyright status to make sure you have permission to use them.

While each country has its own copyright regulations, generally speaking, an image is protected by copyright if it was made by someone who also owns the rights to it.

You must request permission from the owner of the copyright to use an image in your research work. Usually, you can do this by getting in touch with the copyright owners personally or using a copyright clearance centre.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind that some photographs can be subject to Creative Commons licences, which permit the image’s restricted use in exchange for correct acknowledgement. It’s crucial to read and comprehend the terms of the licence before utilising the image because these licences can be found on the website where the image is posted.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to verify the copyright status of photographs before utilising them in a research paper to make sure you have the legal right to do so. If you want to use an image in your research work, you must first get the owner’s permission. You should also read and comprehend any Creative Commons licences that may be applicable before utilising the image.

To guarantee that the photographs retain their quality when utilised in a research article, it is crucial to save them in a lossless format.

When an image is saved and opened, there is no loss of image quality thanks to a lossless format because it does not compress the image’s data. TIFF, PNG, and GIF are popular lossless image formats. Compared to “lossy” formats like JPEG, these formats often have greater file sizes, but they maintain the image’s integrity and guarantee that it will seem just as crisp and detailed when opened as when it was saved.

Contrarily, lossy formats, like JPEG, are intended to minimise the file size of an image but do so at the expense of part of the image’s data, which might degrade the image’s quality. This is inappropriate for research articles because they call for high-quality photographs.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind that when you save an image in a lossless format, you can modify it more than once without it losing quality. This is crucial since you might need to crop or resize the image for the publication.

In summary, Saving images in a lossless format is important to ensure that the images maintain their quality when used in a research paper. Common lossless image formats include TIFF, PNG and GIF, and it’s also important to note that when you save an image in a lossless format, you can open and edit the image multiple times without losing quality.

Compressing images before adding them to a research paper is important to reduce the file size of the images and make the paper more manageable.

File size can be an issue when working with images in a research paper, as large image files can slow down the loading times of the paper and make it more difficult to share or upload. Compressing images can help to reduce the file size of the images and make the paper more manageable.

There are several ways to compress images:

  • Lossless compression : This type of compression reduces the file size of the image without losing any image quality. Common lossless compression formats include PNG and GIF.
  • Lossy compression : This type of compression reduces the file size of the image by discarding some of the image data. Common lossy compression formats include JPEG.
  • Photoshop : you can use photoshop to save for web, this option will give you more control on how much you want to compress the image and the quality of the image.

It’s important to note that lossy compression can result in a loss of image quality, so it’s best to use lossless compression if possible. Additionally, you should always check the image quality after compressing it to make sure that it’s still suitable for the paper.

In summary, compressing images before adding them to a research paper is important to reduce the file size of the images and make the paper more manageable. There are several ways to compress images, such as lossless compression, lossy compression and using photoshop to save for web, but it’s important to keep in mind that lossy compression can result in a loss of image quality, so it’s best to use lossless compression if possible. Additionally, you should always check the image quality after compressing it to make sure that it’s still suitable for the paper.

Challenges and Limitations of Using Images in Research Papers Despite the many benefits of using images in research papers, there are also challenges and limitations to consider. Some of the key challenges and limitations include:

  • Cost : Creating high-quality images can be expensive, especially if specialized software or equipment is required. This can be a challenge for researchers and authors working with limited budgets.
  • Technical proficiency : Creating clear and effective images requires technical proficiency, which may not be available to all researchers and authors. This can limit the use of images in research papers and the impact they have.
  • Copyright and intellectual property issues : Using images from other sources can raise questions of copyright and intellectual property. It is important to be aware of these issues and ensure that all images used in research papers are properly cited and attributed.
  • Space limitations : Research papers often have limited space, which can impact the use and impact of images. This may require authors to carefully consider the number and size of images used in their work.
  • Accessibility : Some images may not be accessible to all readers, especially those with visual impairments. This can limit the reach and impact of research papers and should be considered when using images.

In conclusion, while the use of images in research papers can bring many benefits, it is important to be aware of the challenges and limitations associated with their use. Whether related to cost, technical proficiency, intellectual property, space limitations, or accessibility, these factors can impact the use and impact of images in research papers. Careful consideration and planning can help to mitigate these challenges and ensure that images are used effectively to enhance the impact of research papers.

When it comes to taking images for a research paper, the most important factor to consider is the quality of the images. While there are many cameras on the market, not all cameras are equally suitable for taking research-related images. Here are some key components to consider when choosing a camera for research purposes:

  • Image Resolution : High image resolution is essential for capturing images that are clear, detailed, and suitable for publication. Look for a camera with at least 12 megapixels, but higher is better.
  • Image Sensor : The image sensor is the part of the camera that captures light and converts it into a digital image. The larger the image sensor, the more light it can capture, which can result in better image quality. Look for a camera with a full-frame image sensor.
  • Lens Quality : The quality of the lens will greatly impact the sharpness and detail of your images. Look for a camera with high-quality lenses, or consider purchasing additional lenses to meet your specific needs.
  • Shooting Modes : Research-related images often require specialized shooting modes, such as macro, time-lapse, or slow-motion. Make sure the camera you choose has the shooting modes you need for your research.
  • Image Stabilization : Image stabilization helps to reduce camera shake, which can result in blurry images. If you plan on hand-holding the camera, consider a camera with built-in image stabilization.
  • Cost : Research cameras can be expensive, so consider your budget when choosing a camera. Some lower-cost cameras may still meet your needs, so it’s important to research your options.
High image resolution is essential for capturing clear, detailed images for publication. Look for a camera with at least 12 megapixels, but higher is better.
The larger the image sensor, the more light it can capture, resulting in better image quality. Look for a camera with a full-frame image sensor.
High-quality lenses will result in sharper, more detailed images. Consider purchasing additional lenses to meet your specific needs.
Specialized shooting modes such as macro, time-lapse, or slow-motion may be required for research-related images. Make sure the camera you choose has the modes you need.
Image stabilization helps to reduce camera shake and prevent blurry images. Consider a camera with built-in image stabilization if you plan on hand-holding the camera.
Research cameras can be expensive, so consider your budget when choosing a camera. Research your options to ensure you have the right camera to meet your needs.

Labelling images within the image itself is a common practice in research papers and is used to provide additional information about the image or to highlight specific parts of the image. There are several methods to label images in a research paper:

3D Image Capturing System

  • Use annotations or callouts : These are text boxes or shapes that can be added to the image to provide additional information or to highlight specific parts of the image. Annotation tools are available in most photo editing software, including Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.
  • Use arrows, lines or shapes : You can use arrows, lines or shapes to draw attention to specific parts of the image or to show relationships between different parts of the image. This is especially useful in images that show complex structures or relationships.
  • Use overlay text : You can add overlay text to the image to provide additional information. This is useful in cases where you want to provide information about the image that is not immediately obvious from the image itself.
  • Label the axes : In images that represent data, it is important to label the axes to help the reader understand the data being represented. This can be done using annotation tools or by using overlay text.
  • Use colour coding : You can use colour coding to highlight specific parts of the image or to show relationships between different parts of the image. This is especially useful in images that show complex structures or relationships.

can i include pictures in research paper

It is important to use labelling and annotations in a clear and concise manner, as they help to provide additional information about the image and to make the image easier to understand. Labels and annotations should also be placed in a consistent manner throughout the research paper to help maintain visual consistency.

Sometimes you have huge amount of image data with data labelling requirements for your research tasks. Then my advice to you is to outsource the image data for data labelling expert while taking proper care regarding your data protection. I have written a blog post on outsourcing images for data labelling. You can visit the post below.

Outsourcing Research Data Labelling: Risks and Rewards for Researchers

Sometimes research scholars are badly in need of financial assistance. They can not take regular job due to the research work and stress they may come across because of the new job. They can take up data labelling jobs which is a pure mechanical work rather a mental stress. I have written an article on data labelling jobs for researchers. Please visit the blog post below for further details.

Data Annotation (Data Labelling): A  Part-Time Job for Research Scholars

Following is the list of image labelling tools that are commonly used in research papers. The choice of tool will depend on the specific needs of the research paper and the level of detail required in the labelling and annotations.

  • Adobe Photoshop : Adobe Photoshop is a professional-grade image editing software that has robust features for annotating and labelling images. It allows you to add text boxes, shapes, arrows, and lines to an image and also has a variety of brush tools for more detailed labelling.
  • GIMP : GIMP is a free and open-source image editing software that has similar features to Adobe Photoshop. It allows you to add text boxes, shapes, and arrows to an image and also has a variety of brush tools for detailed labelling.
  • Inkscape : Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor that is often used for annotating and labelling images. It has robust features for adding text boxes, shapes, and lines to an image, and also allows you to import and export images in a variety of file formats.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint : Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation software that has basic image labelling tools. It allows you to add text boxes, shapes, and arrows to an image but is limited in its capabilities compared to Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.
  • Canva : Canva is a user-friendly design tool that has a variety of features for annotating and labelling images. It allows you to add text boxes, shapes, and arrows to an image and also has a variety of design elements that can be added to an image.

These are just a few examples of image-labelling tools that are commonly used in research papers. The choice of tool will depend on the specific needs of the research paper and the level of detail required in the labelling and annotations.

It is recommended to include relevant keywords in the caption of images in a research paper. Keywords are an important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) and can help increase the visibility of the paper online. By including keywords in the caption, you make it easier for readers to understand the context and content of the image, and you also help search engines better understand the context of the paper. Additionally, including keywords in the caption can also help establish a clear connection between the image and the rest of the paper, making it easier for readers to understand the overall narrative of the research.

For maps created by government agencies (e.g. USGS, NASA), copyright restrictions may apply, but generally these maps can be used for educational and research purposes without obtaining permission.

For maps created by commercial map providers (e.g. Google Maps, Mapbox), the use of the map may be subject to licensing agreements and usage restrictions. In these cases, it is important to review the terms and conditions of use and to obtain the necessary permission before including the map in your research paper.

For custom maps created by individuals or organizations, it is important to obtain permission from the creator before using the map in your research paper. This includes both maps created by yourself as well as maps created by others that you would like to include in your paper.

It is always best to check the copyright and usage restrictions for any maps you plan to include in your research paper, and to obtain the necessary permission if required, in order to ensure that you are using the maps in a legal and ethical manner.

In conclusion, the inclusion of graphics in research articles can significantly affect their clarity, interest level, and overall impact. Images can enhance research papers’ clarity, depth, and visual appeal, allowing authors to convey their findings and concepts. But it’s crucial to use images wisely, keeping in mind things like relevancy, clarity, captioning, and accessibility. Researchers and authors should be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of utilising images in their work, whether they choose to do so with photographs, drawings, or block diagrams. Researchers can improve the impact of their research papers and more effectively explain their findings by using photographs strategically.

Researchers can improve the impact of their research papers and more effectively explain their findings by using photographs strategically. It is ultimately up to each researcher and author to harness the power of images in research papers in order to make their work stand out.

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How to include pictures in a research paper

It is often said that a picture can speak more than a thousand words. In all kinds of research papers, pictures are essential in adding to the richness of the literature and analysis because of the valuable insight they can offer. For example, pictures of measured data from statistical applications are very important additions to the “Data presentation and analysis” chapter or section of any research paper.

This is because they help to complement verbal discussions or analysis by offering a visual presentation of the statistical technique used to measure the variables of interest. However, where the researcher is not the originator of such pictures, it is very important to cite the source of the picture according to the prescribed format. In the case of statistical applications mentioned above, for example, be sure to disclose which application generated the picture or printout as well as the version of such an application (e.g., SPSS version 27).   

What is a research paper?

A research paper is a form of academic writing which involves formally investigating a field of knowledge or topic of interest in order to add to the existing stock of knowledge in that field and/or solve a particular problem. Educational research is formal because it is not based on the subjective discretions of the researcher but on an accepted and objective standard such as the scientific method of inquiry. Research papers can be of different types. These include term papers, seminar presentations, undergraduate projects, post-graduate thesis or dissertations, conference/workshop papers, and journal entries, among others.

Though these highlighted papers and others can be structured in diverse ways, conducting research in this context basically requires that the researcher identifies a problem or area of interest; formulates research questions and/or hypothesis; reviews the existing literature in the field; collects, measures and analyzes relevant data; discusses the findings; makes conclusions and recommendations based on the findings and then suggests possible directions for future research.

Some things to consider before including pictures in a research paper

As noted above, pictures can complement words to make a research paper richer in terms of providing more insight. However, the researcher must ensure that such pictures are optimally included to generate the desired effects. To this end, some of the tips below can help.

Ensure the picture adds value to your research paper

Pictures may be a necessary aspect of some research papers but this does not imply that they should not be selected meticulously and meritoriously. The researcher must critically evaluate all pictures he or she intends to include in their paper and select only the most relevant, i.e., those that will help illuminate verbal discussions/analysis and consequently deepen the understanding of readers.   

Proper labeling and citation

Research papers are formal documents with rules on how each of them should be written, structured, or formatted. Therefore, ensure that your pictures are labeled according to the rules provided by whoever the paper is meant for (such as a university department or a print journal). The rules are usually determined by Style Guides like the Modern Language Association (MLA), the American Psychological Association, etc. Properly citing the sources of any picture you have borrowed is necessary to enable you avoid plagiarism.

Pictures should be suitably located

After toiling hard to gather the pictures needed for his or her research, the researcher should ensure that the selected pictures are appropriately inserted into the desired areas of the paper. In some social science projects and theses, for example, a tabular presentation of the data used for the research is located on the first page of the fourth chapter titled “Data presentation and analysis.”

Sometimes the researcher may have several pictures that cannot all be accommodated in the main body of a project or thesis/dissertation. In such instances, it will be appropriate to attach such pictures in the “Appendices” section at the end of the paper.

Carry the images along

The pictures do not serve as mere decorations but have been selected to help provide more insight and thus enrich the research paper. To this end, the researcher should ensure that the pictures are properly integrated into the verbal discussions or analysis in the paper.  For example, “Figure 1.0 is a graphical representation of all the differenced variables in the time series.” etc.

Citing pictures in a research paper

There are many kinds of pictures as well as picture sources and they can also be cited in a variety of ways. For simplicity, the examples in this article will focus entirely on how to cite digital (internet) pictures.

Format: Image Creator’s Last Name, First Name. “Image Title.”  Website Name , Day Month Year Published, URL.  

Example: Jones, Daniel. “The Hope Creek nuclear plant.” LearnersHub ,  9 November 2017, www.learnershub.net/2017/09/11/nuclear-technology-explained.html.

Chicago style

Format: Last Name, First Name. M [initials]. “Title.” Digital image. Website Title. Month Date, Year published. Accessed Month Date, Year. URL.

If the picture has no title, then a description can be used instead.

Date Accessed should only be included if the publication date is unavailable.

Example: Jones, Daniel R. “The Hope Creek nuclear plant.”Digital image. LearnersHub ,  Accessed 9 November 2017. www.learnershub.net.

Format: Author’s last name. First initial. (Publication or creation date). Title of image [Type of image]. Name of publisher. Museum or university. URL.

Example: Jones,  R. 2017.   The Hope Creek nuclear plant .[Photo]. National Science Museum. https//:www.nationalsciencemsuem.org/nuclearscience/2017/11/the-hope-creek-nuclear-plant.jpg.

Pictures of all kinds (including tables, charts, graphs, figures, photographs, etc) are useful components in a research paper. This is because of the insight they can bring by complementing verbal discussions and analysis. However, pictures should not be included in a research paper arbitrarily but follow some guidelines such as those presented above.

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Guide to Using Science Images for Research Papers

One easy way to include science images in your manuscripts is to download and customize them for your figures..

When downloading images from the internet to use in your scientific papers and presentations, you need to be careful that they match the copyright, resolution, and sizing rules that allow them to be used in academic journals. This science image guide provides tips to help you choose the right kinds of files that you can use to create your own impressive designs.

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Which image format is best for research papers?

There are two categories of images that can be used for scientific publications: editable and uneditable. Editable images that can be fully customized and scaled without losing resolution are called vector files. Uneditable images don't allow you to adjust the design or color and come in wide range of formats from low to high resolution. Both of these image types can be used in scientific papers as long as you follow the proper copyright and resolution rules. Learn more about these image types and the different uses below.

1. Editable Images

The best kind of science images are editable vector files that allow you to customize the designs to best match the main points of your research. These include image file types such as Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg), Adobe Illustrator (.ai), Affinity Designer (.afdesign), Encapsulated PostScript (.eps), and some files in PowerPoint (.pptx) if they were drawn using PowerPoint shape tools.

Editable Image Tips:

  • Editable images are important because some scientific journals, such as Science, require that you provide them with figures that are formatted using editable vector files.
  • Be cautious of using images and database tools that only offer limited design customization options such as BioRender. Partially editable images can be difficult to make an illustration that looks professional and seamless with your data and other designs.
  • Vector images have customizable sizes, resolution and transparent backgrounds, so you can always scale the image and insert it into any background.
  • Make sure you follow the copyright rules associated with your image download. Some vector image databases require attribution and others allow you to use them for any purpose.

Vector file type recommendations

How to Find Editable Images

The easiest ways to find editable images is to explore science image databases or use Google search. I recommend using the search terms "drawings", "vector art", or "vector images" paired with the image type keyword.

The example below shows the Google Image search results for "cancer cell drawings" with a variety of different options for downloading different types of science images. You will still need to make sure that the image is available as a vector file type to be fully editable (e.g. SVG, AI, or EPS file types). Most vector images will require some sort of payment or subscription to download the high resolution files and use without copyright issues.

Screenshot Google example of cancer cell drawings

1. Uneditable Images

The second best format is uneditable images. Common uneditable image types are PNG, TIFF, or JPEG formats and these can be incorporated into your scientific figures and presentations as long as they have high enough resolution and have copyright rules that allow you to use them in academic publications. 

Uneditable image tips:

  • Check the resolution of downloaded images to make sure they are high enough to use in scientific publications without looking grainy or unclear (see the "How to check image resolution" instructions in the section below). 
  • Try to find PNG images with transparent backgrounds to make it easier to incorporate into your scientific figures and posters.
  • Be very careful in checking the source of uneditable images and follow all copyright rules associated with the image. Uneditable image are more likely to have copyright rules associated with them that do not allow their use in scientific journals.

Uneditable file type recommendations

How to Find High Resolution and Transparent Images

The easiest ways to find high resolution and transparent images is to explore science image databases or use Google search. I recommend using the search terms "transparent background" and using the Google "Tools" feature to limit the search for "Large" images. 

The examples below shows the Google Large Image search results for "plant cell diagram transparent background" that show a variety of different options for downloading high resolution and transparent science images.

Screenshot Google example of transparent plant cell drawings

What image sizes are best for scientific publication?

Size and resolution are important because images need to be high resolution enough to show sharp shapes and lines when it is used in a printed or digital figure. Below are tips on how to choose the right image sizes and resolutions.

Image Resolution

Resolution is the most important aspect of a downloaded image or scientific figure and affects the sharpness of the details. A low-resolution image will have around 72 PPI and high resolution images are at least 300 PPI.

  • Most scientific journals require images and figures to be at least 300 PPI/DPI.
  • The "PPI" stands for Pixels Per Inch and is used when referring to digital file resolution and "DPI" stands for Dots Per Inch and is used for printing resolution.

Image size recommendations

How to Check Image Resolution:

  • Windows computer: Right-click on the file, select Properties, then Details, and you will see the DPI in the Image section, labeled Horizontal Resolution and Vertical Resolution. 
  • Mac computer: Open the image in Preview and select Tools, then Adjust Size, and find the label Resolution.

The size requirements will depend on how you plan to use the image. Most scientific journals use a maximum figure width of 180mm, so if you only plan to use images in scientific publications, then you only need them large enough to look sharp within a 180 mm wide figure (~600 pixels wide).

If you plan to use the image in presentation or posters slides, you will need to have much larger images to not have resolution issues when shown on a big screen that is 1280 x 720 pixels or printed on a poster that is approximately 48 x 36 inches.

How Can I Find Copyright-Free Images?

Copyright laws ensure that an image is only used in a way that is approved by the image creator. The best way to ensure that you download images with copyright rules that allow you to use them for academic journal submissions is to read the fine print on the image source. The summary below describes how to find images that are allowed for use in scientific papers.

Copyright License Review

Anyone who creates their own original artwork has the right to be acknowledged as the creator of that image. They automatically own the copyright for the image, which means that legally, they have the right to decide where and how that image can be used. In order to be able to use images in scientific papers, you will need to know what kind of copyright license is being used, which you can usually find by looking for the original source of the image or by reading the fine print of the image database.

Types of copyright licenses for scientific use:

  • Public Domain  - Images generally become public domain after 70 years after the creator's death. If the copyright is not renewed on the creator's behalf, the image can become part of the ‘public domain’, and the copyright no longer applies.
  • Creative Commons 4  - You can adapt and share the image in anyway you like, but this license requires attribution, so you will need to include the original creator in the acknowledgements of the research paper, posters, and acknowledged on your presentation slides.
  • Stock Images  - Image databases that allow you to license the designs. Make sure to read the fine print on how you are allowed to use the image (e.g. personal and commercial uses). 

copyright symbol

How to Find Copyright-Free Images:

Look for image databases that have copyright licenses that allow you to use the images "For personal, academic, and commercial projects and to modify it" such as: 

  • FreePik  
  • Simplified Science
  • Wikimedia Commons

NOTE: Some copyright-free image databases may still require that you attribute the illustration to the original author in your scientific publication. Read the fine print to make sure you are using the image correctly!

  • Here is an example of Simplified Science Usage Rules for comparison to other image databases.

How to Use Downloaded Images in Publications?

After downloading images, the next step is to format them into your scientific designs. Two of the most common software tools that scientists use for figure formatting are Adobe Illustrator and PowerPoint. Below is a link to free online courses that show you how to use the downloaded images in your scientific publications and graphical abstracts.

Create professional science figures with illustration services or use the online courses and templates to quickly learn how to make your own designs.

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How do I put figures (images, photos, bar graphs, charts) into my paper in APA style?

  • Figures are any type of graphical illustration other than a table.
  • They are used to illustrate a point and deepen readers' understanding.

Usage Guidelines:

  • Figures must add to the reader’s understanding of the content of the paper; they should not be added just to provide visual interest.  For more information, see section 7.22 of the APA Publication Manual (7th ed.).
  • Figures must be used ethically. Copyright laws must be followed; simply citing a source does not make its use copyright compliant. A good rule of thumb: Use figures from ClipArt, Creative Commons, or the library’s rights-cleared image database, Image Quest.

References and Citations:

  • You must provide complete citations for figures and tables in your paper and in your reference list. 

References with NoodleTools:

  • If the figure came from an image database, such as Image Quest, choose Painting, Sculpture, or Photograph from NoodleTools’s citation type drop-down menu.
  • If the figure came from within a source like a book, an article, or a web site, choose a citation type that matches the source.

Citations Guidelines:

  • Appears above the figure, bolded
  • The number will reflect if it is the first (1), second (2), third (3), etc. figure in the paper.
  • Figure Title
  • The title appears one double-spaced line below the figure number in italics title face.
  • The note appears below the figure and describes what the figure is about and how it relates to the content of the paper. 
  • If the image was taken from a source and is not clipart, the note should include a copyright attribution statement.
  • If the figure was taken from source material, a reference for the figures should be included in the reference list.


  • Figure numbers are used in the text (a "call out") to refer to and explain the presence of the figures.

can i include pictures in research paper

For more information, see:

  • APA Guide > References > Images & Audiovisual Media
  • APA Academic Writer > Learn > Sample Figures
  • Research and Library
  • Last Updated May 10, 2021
  • Views 351965
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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Using Images in Publications

Many scholarly publications are enhanced with images, ranging from reproductions of fine art to graphs showing the results of scientific research. Including images in books and articles can complement the text, visually demonstrate the author's analysis, and engage the reader. Using images in publications, however, raises copyright issues, which can be complex, time-consuming, and expensive. To help authors navigate this process, publishers often provide specific guidance, including what rights must be requested, acceptable file formats, image resolution, etc. See Requesting 3rd party Permissions  from Oxford Journals or Image Guidelines from Johns Hopkins University Press as examples. 

The primary issues that you need to aware of when incorporating images in your publication are: 

The right to publish a copyrighted image is controlled by the copyright owner, so each copyrighted image that you use must have permission or fall within an exception to the general copyright statue, such as public domain, fair use, or open access. Copyright permission fees are sometimes waived or reduced for scholarly publications; if not, however, they can be quite expensive as well as time-consuming to obtain. We recommend that you begin the permissions process early to avoid any last-minute complications that may delay publication of your work. In addition to copyright permission, some museums and other providers of images charge a fee for the production or use of a digital image from their collections, even if the underlying work is in the public domain. Like permissions fees, use fees are sometimes waived or reduced for scholarly publications.

High resolution images

Publishers will require a high resolution image for publication (usually at least 300 ppi). These may come from museums, archives, other collections, your own work, or suppliers of stock photos. There may be a fee assessed for use, the amount of which can vary significantly depending on who is supplying the image and how you are using it.

Printing costs

The cost of printing images can be substantial for the publisher, so be sure to discuss with your editor how many images they will publish, whether they will be in color, and whether a subvention will be required if the manuscript contains a large number of images.

Privacy and publicity rights

If you have a photograph with people in it, there may be privacy or publicity rights that need to be addressed.

  • Susan Bielstein,  Copyright Clearance: A Publisher's Perspective  (2005) (article begins on page 19)
  • Susan Bielstein,  Permissions, A Survival Guide: Blunt Talk about Art as Intellectual Property  (2006) (ebook - Georgetown NetID required for off-campus access)
  • Lois Farfel Stark, Obtaining Image Permissions for Your Book: An Author’s Perspective (2018)

Copyright Principles

Public domain.

If you can find a usable image in a book or journal article published before 1927, it will be in the public domain , and therefore free of any copyright restrictions. Certain images published between 1927 and 1989 may also be in the public domain, depending on if they were published with a copyright notice and if the copyright was renewed. For more information, use this public domain chart or contact [email protected] .

Works of the United States government are also in the public domain and may be used freely.

Some museums, libraries, and archives make public domain images freely available with few or no restrictions. Read more in the Finding Images  section.

Open Access / Creative Commons

Wikimedia Commons has a large collection of images that are licensed using the Creative Commons licensing system . Restrictions, if any, are listed with the image. It is important to recognize that if you use Wikimedia, you are relying on copyright information provided by the person uploading the image. You should review the copyright information carefully to be sure it appears to be accurate.

Many of the licenses in Wikimedia permit noncommercial uses only. The definition of noncommercial for purposes of the CC BY-NC license is, “NonCommercial means not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation.” Creative Commons provides some further guidance on how to  interpret  the NC license. 

Under certain circumstances, publishers may be comfortable with relying on fair use when publishing images accompanying scholarly works.

The guidelines in the College Art Association’s Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts set out the fair use arguments for using art for educational purposes: 

PRINCIPLE In their analytic writing about art, scholars and other writers (and, by extension, their publishers) may invoke fair use to quote, excerpt, or reproduce copyrighted works, subject to certain limitations:


  • The writer’s use of the work, whether in part or in whole, should be justified by the analytic objective, and the user should be prepared to articulate that justification.
  • The writer’s analytic objective should predominate over that of merely representing the work or works used.
  • The amount and kind of material used and (where images are concerned) the size and resolution of the published reproduction should not exceed that appropriate to the analytic objective.
  • Justifications for use and the amount used should be considered especially carefully in connection with digital-format reproductions of born-digital works, where there is a heightened risk that reproductions may function as substitutes for the originals.
  • Reproductions of works should represent the original works as accurately as can be achieved under the circumstances.
  • The writing should provide attribution of the original work as is customary in the field, to the extent possible.

Your own work

If you have your own high resolution photograph, you may use it freely since you own the copyright in your photograph. If, however, your photograph is of a copyrighted work of art, permission of the artist will be required unless it is a fair use . Note that many museums do not allow photography of works in their collections, so obtaining your own image of a work of art may not be an option. While architectural works are subject to copyright protection, photographs of publicly viewable buildings may be used. 17 U.S.C. § 120(a) .

If your image does not fall into any of the above categories, you will need to request permission from the copyright holder for use of the image. You may be able to obtain permission from one of the sites listed in the next section, or you may need to request permission from the artists or their representatives. The Artists Rights Society represents the intellectual property rights interests of visual artists and their estates worldwide and covers works in private collections as well as museums and galleries. ARS has a request form for permissions requests. Note that ARS handles permission requests only and does not supply images of the works.

For more general information on requesting permission, visit our Requesting Permission page.

Finding Images

Museums, libraries, and archives.

Some museums, libraries, and archives have collections of public domain images available for use in scholarly publications. The content of the collections and the permitted uses vary among institutions. Many do not allow images to be used as cover art since that is usually considered to be a commercial use, and some limit use to print publications. Below is a list of libraries and museums that make works available with few or no restrictions. 

  • British Library  - The British Library’s collection on flickr allows access to millions of public domain images from the Library's collections. Higher quality images, if required, are available for purchase through the British Library. For more information, visit the Library's Images Online page.  
  • J. Paul Getty Museum  - The Getty makes available, without charge, all available digital images to which the Getty holds the rights or that are in the public domain to be used for any purpose. More information about the content of the collections is available on their  Open Content Program  page.
  • Library of Congress - Prints and Photographs - This collection has over 1,200,000 digitized images from the Library's collections. Rights information is available for each image - look for the field marked "Rights Advisory." Many collections have no known restrictions on use. For further information about using the collection, read the Copyright and Other Restrictions That Apply to Publication/Distribution of Images . Information on restrictions on use by collection is also available.
  • National Gallery of Art  - NGA Images is a repository of images  presumed to be in the public domain  from the collections of the National Gallery of Art. Users may download— free of charge and without seeking authorization from the Gallery— any image of a work in the Gallery’s collection that the Gallery believes is in the public domain and is free of other known restrictions.
  • New York Public Library  - This collection contains more than 180,000 photographs, postcards, maps and other public-domain items from the library’s special collections in downloadable high-resolution files. High resolutions downloads are available with no permission required and no restrictions on use.
  • Victoria & Albert Museum - These images of art from the collections of the V&A are available for academic publishing with some limitations (print runs up to 4,000 copies or 5 years online use). Read the full  terms and conditions  to see if your use qualifies.

Stock image sites

There are many companies that provide both a high quality image for publication and a license for publication. These sites usually have good selection of images, the images are high quality, and the search features are sophisticated. Licensing fees vary considerably and can be high, though you may be able to negotiate a discount for use in a scholarly publication.

For some of the sites listed below, the price will vary depending on which rights you need for publication: print/electronic, region of the world, number of languages, number of books, where the image will be placed (inside/cover), and size of the image. After entering that information, a license fee will display based on your use. The license fee is not automatically available for some images; for those, you will usually receive an email message after submitting your request. You should consult with your editor when selecting options to be sure you have selected the appropriate options for your book or article.

  • Art Resource (license fee based on rights needed)
  • Bridgeman Images (license fee based on rights needed)
  • Getty Images (license fee based on rights needed)
  • iStock (flat fee)
  • Shutterstock (flat fee)

JSTOR Images Search

JSTOR Images Search (Georgetown NetID required for off-campus access) is a subscription database that includes some images specifically licensed for academic publishing. These images are identified with “IAP” (Images for Academic Publishing) under the thumbnail image in your search results. Details of the use, including size of print run and credit line, vary among IAP images. You can view these by clicking on the IAP icon under the thumbnail image. The Terms and Conditions agreement displays when you download the image. Most JSTOR images, however, are not in the IAP program and are not licensed for use in scholarly publishing. To use a non-IAP image in a book or article, you will usually need to request permission or go through a fee-based stock photo archive, often Art Resource, for a license. JSTOR provides contact information for permissions in the "Rights Notes" section of image information page.

You may also find usable images for publication on the sites listed on.

Additional options

  • College Art Association's list of image sources
  • Georgetown Library's Copyright and Multimedia: Images page
  • Georgetown Library's Images LibGuide

Specific Uses

Cover images.

Images that appear on the cover of a book often require specific permission for that use and a higher fee.

Film frames

The Association of University Presses has this statement on fair use and film frames in their Permissions FAQ :

You may use frame enlargements and publicity stills (both from films and from television shows) when you can justify their inclusion in the work under fair use guidelines—for example, when it can be argued that the illustration serves as a quote from the filmic “text” to illustrate a point. Be conservative in selecting material—if the still or frame illuminates a point you are making or is specifically discussed, then the use may qualify as fair use. Where possible, limit the number of frames reprinted from any one film and from different films that represent the subject of your work. If your use is decorative, you must seek permission from the rightsholder to include it. When purchasing material from a photo agency, read the conditions stated on the agreement and on the back of the photo very carefully (particularly the fine print). In all cases, acknowledge the original copyright holder. For a more in-depth analysis of fair use as related to stills and frame enlargements, the fair use section of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies website offers a number of policy statements and disciplinary guidelines that may be useful.

If your use goes beyond fair use, or if your publisher has a more restrictive policy, you will need to get permission from the copyright owner. Most major film studios have a licensing division where you can submit a request –  MGM ,  Sony ,  Warner Brothers , Paramount Pictures ,   Universal , and Walt Disney Studios , for example. For smaller producers, you will need to contact them directly with your request.

Charts, graphs, and figures

There are differences among publishers with respect to what permissions they require for graphs, so a good first step is to consult with your editor on their policies. A few sample policies are:

  • Princeton University Press - "Where a chart, graph, or table is being reproduced in a critical study of the work or to buttress an argument of the writer, no permission is needed. Data is not copyrightable. Unless there is a creative element to data depiction that is being reproduced without alteration, fair use can be asserted, with attribution."
  • Harvard University Press - "Data is not protected by copyright. However, graphics like tables and charts are copyright protected if the data is organized or presented in a unique way or if the graphic provides interpretation of the data. If you plan to reprint a graphic from another source that is protected by copyright, please clear permission. If you plan to reprint existing tables and charts, adapt existing tables and charts, or create your own tables and charts that will not be subject to copyright protection, please refer to the following guidelines for credit: The standard way to credit tables and charts you are reprinting is: Source: Credit."
  • Oxford University Press - "As a guide, you should always seek permission for:  . . . Pictures (paintings, drawings, charts, engravings, photographs, cartoons, and so on); Figures and maps; Tables."

There are permissions guidelines that many STM publishers use in setting policies for the reuse of images from their publications. The guidelines include gratis permission for the use of limited numbers of figures/tables/images from journal articles or books, though note that not all members have adopted policies exactly as written in the guidelines.

Many publishers who follow the STM guidelines, or who have similar policies, provide free permissions through the Copyright Clearance Center's Marketplace  so those requests are usually quick, easy, and free. The Marketplace system requires information about your publication and exactly what rights you are seeking. For charts, graphs, or figures that fall outside the guidelines, the license fees are often in the $20-$50 range, although that depends on many factors and could be higher or lower.

If you have questions about using images in a scholarly publication, please email [email protected] .

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Can You Put Pictures in a Research Paper? (Answered!)

Author Image

by  Antony W

July 6, 2022

put pictures in a research paper

The conventional format of a research paper doesn’t have room for pictures. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t include images in your assignment.

You can add non-textual elements such as pictures, charts, vectors, and graphs in your research paper provided they’re relevant to the research question. Such elements are useful because they can make your work not only visually appealing but also more descriptive.  

To be clear, it’s not necessary to include pictures in your research paper. So your professor won’t penalize you or under grade your work if you fail to include non-textual elements in the assignment.

Sometimes, though, it can be very useful to include pictures in your research, and for a number of reasons.

Can a You Put Pictures in a Research Paper? (4 Reasons to Include Them) 

why to put pictures in research paper

1. Non-textual Elements are Useful for Showing Examples 

The consensus in research paper writing is that students must support claims that they make using logical reason, evidence, and examples. Pictures, and especially illustration and charts, can come in handy in this kind of a scenario. 

Say you’re investigating the effect of a drug on bacterial, for example. In this case, you can use a graph to demonstrate a before and after effect of the experiment.

2. Pictures Help to Explain a Process 

Some research papers involve complex process that you can’t easily explain in words alone. Therefore, adding an illustration can go a long way to make your ideas clear to the audience reading your paper.

3. Pictures Help to Clarify Terms in Research Paper Assignments

A chart or a scheme can help you to explain terms that would be otherwise difficult to explain in words. By using an image in such a scenario, you make terms structured and very easy to understand.  

4. Pictures Can Motivate Readers to Keep Reading

Research papers are long assignments, and sometimes they can be quite tedious to read in one sitting. We’re talking about more than 15 pages of written work, which requires a lot of patience to review from the title page all the way to the appendix.

An effective way to keep your audience reading, regardless of how long your research paper is, is to include relevant images to explain some concepts. Often, the illustrations break the monotony of scanning paragraphs and walls of text, hence keeping the reader attached to the research paper.

What Types of Images Can You Include in a Research Paper? 

1. standard pictures .

standard pictures

We can define a picture as a painting, drawing, or a representation of an object in a photograph.

While there are no strict rules to the type of picture you can use in your research paper, you do have to make sure whatever you choose adequately fits into your writing.

You should also make sure that the picture you choose to include in your research paper is:

  • Clear and visible 
  • Self-descriptive. Readers should look at the image and know straight away why you included it in the paper.
  • Closely related to the context and is within the scope of your research question
  • Legal to use. Give credit to the image in your paper if it’s not your own.

There a few rules you need to observe when including pictures in your research paper. Generally, you can:

  • Add a picture at the end of the paper, inside the paper separately from the text, or inside the text.
  • Each picture must have a name, description, and a number
  • Include information about the owner of the picture so you don’t violate their right to their own content.

You don’t have to worry about copyright if the pictures you intend to use in your research paper are your own.

Graphs and Charts 

charts and graphs

Graphs and charts can explain complex concepts in few words and they can be quite handy in helping you solve several problems at once.

They are useful especially when you want to:

  • Give a graphical illustration of statistics
  • Give a detailed comparison between two or more phenomenon or objects
  • To show the relationship between variables
  • Demonstrate meaning, size, and level of influence of certain phenomena 

The benefit of using charts and graphs is that they make your research paper easy to read. Moreover, by presenting a huge amount of information in a laconic way, readers can easily understand concepts without having to read long text and multiple paragraphs.

For you, the writer, using graphs and charts means ensuring that your paper is more comprehensive and concise – without a trace of unnecessary words or irrelevant materials added to the assignment.

How Do You Cite Images in Your Research Paper? 

cite images in research paper

It’s very easy to cite an image, chart, or graph in a research paper. All you have to do is to make sure that the image includes:

  • The name of the author
  • The year the image was taken
  • The title of the image
  • The format of the image and additional details
  • The date you accessed the image
  • The source of the image

With this information, it should be easy for you to cite any image that you decide to include in your research paper.

Tips to Use Pictures, Charts, and Graphs in Research Paper 

First, ask your instructor to confirm if it’s appropriate to use pictures, charts, and graphs in your research paper. They’ll give you the necessary information to help you make the right decision.

Focus more on adding charts and graphs in your work, as these tend to be more relevant in illustrating mathematical, economics, and scientific principles.

Don’t use many images in your research paper. As significant as non-textual elements are, using more than you should, unless slowed by the theme of the assignment, isn’t necessary.

You should NOT include a picture in your research paper for decorative purpose. Leave cute captions to blogging platforms such as Medium and Buzzfeed. Make sure the image, graph, or chart that you include in your work relates to the question you wish to investigate in the essay.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

Can I Include Pictures and Graphs in a Research Paper

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Can you put pictures in a research paper

A lot of people ask themselves when writing a research paper “Can I include pictures in a research paper?” Of course, yes. Another traditional way of presenting experimental data in a scientific publication is their graphic representation.

Most often, it is used in articles and research papers, very rarely, when creating abstracts, and never, in summaries and annotations. This is usually an image, necessarily accompanied by a corresponding text, explaining the features of its experimental origin and information purpose.

Can a research paper have pictures, graphs, charts?

Can you use images in a research paper? The answer is yes. Adequate visual representation of the obtained data is able to demonstrate more clearly (in comparison, only with the text or table) the differences, the trend of change, the nature of the interrelations and the very existence of the studied indicators.

The informational essence of such images can reflect either quantitative characteristics obtained by means of measurements or qualitative features, in the form of demonstrating the visual characteristics of the indicator under study (for example, using photography or “artistic image”).

As for the information purpose, it is due to the author’s intentions to draw the reader’s attention to certain features of the results obtained. This intention may consist of the desire to demonstrate either the very fact of the appearance of the changes, or their magnitude, or the tendency, or the type of dependence, etc. We hope that we answered your question if can you use pictures in a research paper.

Types of graphic images

The author’s choice of such a destination determines which kind of graphic image is most rational to use for this purpose, in order to prove most reasonably either a solution of a specific scientific problem or a scientific goal of research. Usually, graphics (1), histograms (2), diagrams (3), schemes (4), drawing images (5) and photographs (6) are used for graphical representation of results. As a rule, the first three of these views are created on the basis of the corresponding tables (not necessarily listed in the article), where the quantitative values (point or averaged) of the primary data are presented.

These values can vary either under the influence of different experimental conditions, or in time, or under the influence of different intensities of the same controlled factor, or reflect the relationship of the two indicators. With the help of the fourth type, it is possible to visually demonstrate the methodological, logical procedures of the scientific approach, the experimental conditions, and so on. And the other types (5 and 6) are mainly used to prove the very fact of the receipt (occurrence) of a qualitative result that cannot be quantified or to demonstrate the appearance of research equipment, questionnaires, questionnaires, etc.

How to include figures in a research paper?

In the process of creating a research paper , after the question “Can research papers include pictures?” and “how to write an introduction for a research paper” you ask yourself “How to add pictures, graphs or charts?” All the listed types of graphical representation of data are recommended to be prepared with the help of the corresponding “program wizards” of the editor “Word” or “Excel.”

It is practically convenient to do this in a special file (for example, “Drawings”) or in a separate file for each figure with the appropriate name (for example, Figure 1). This is due to the fact that according to generally accepted publication terminology, “drawing” refers to any graphic image given in the article, beginning with the scheme and ending with the traditional “artistic” drawing (photograph).

Why can research papers include graphs? In the research paper, only the term “drawing” is always used to refer to the graph, to the histogram, to the diagram, to the diagram, to the “art image,” and to the photograph. The reference to such a drawing is usually given in parentheses with the abbreviation of this word, for example, (Fig. 1), immediately after the first mention of it in the text, in the form of relevant information, and then providing the figure itself.

Can research papers have pictures?

Now when you know the answer to the questions “Can a research paper include pictures?” or “Can a research paper have pictures?” you can start creating “research paper’s drawings.” It is desirable that each separate graphic image, regardless of its variety, is placed on one separate page with the possibility of copying and pasting into the desired place of text.

It is most advisable to do this after printing the entire article, copying the desired drawing (from its file) to a new page after the one where it is referenced for the first time. But you can insert a picture and immediately after a specific sentence, which shows the data presented on it, and the corresponding link. Can you include pictures in a research paper?

Yes, but this will require subsequent special editing of the text on the page, before and after the inserted picture. Therefore, despite the fact that the link to the picture is presented on the same page, prepared in a separate file in advance, it is preferable to place it outside the text, immediately on the next separate page. And after referring to it on the previous page, simply, continue the test description of the other results.

With this arrangement, there can be a link to several pictures on one page, and they will be presented one after the other, on subsequent separate pages. The advantages of such a separate layout of the “drawing,” as well as for the table, are associated with a significant simplification of the text editing of the article and providing greater visibility of the data presented in it.

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Can research papers have graphs?

We will answer the question “Can a research paper include graphs?” Yes, it can. To demonstrate the quantitative differences that indicate a comparative change in the same indicator studied in your research paper, a bar graph is usually used – the Gantt chart.

Moreover, it should be emphasized that a clearly visible difference between the columns of the mean values (without the image ± 5) may not serve as a convincing argument in favor of the fact that one of them is larger or smaller than the other.

This is explained by the fact that such a difference between the “average arithmetic” was due to the presence among the averaged values of the ejection (or unexpectedly large or small value).

It is usually a consequence of the influence of the probabilistic factor uncontrolled by the experimenter and indicates a lack of methodological purity of the experiment. Therefore, one must present on the histogram their average quadratic deviations for visual proof of the reliability of the quantitative differences of the average values of the indicator (if it is not done in the text or in the table).

To do this, it is necessary to focus on ending the segments corresponding to the value “± 8”, passing through the upper points of the columns being compared. Demonstrated differences of the indicator are objectively existing (statistically reliable) only when the lower end of the segment (-8) of a larger value is above the upper end of the segment (+8) of a smaller value (i.e., these halves of segments with q values do not overlap).

This “non-overlapping” graphically demonstrates the existence of a statistically significant difference between the comparative mean statistical values and is the basis for their scientific interpretation. If no changes have been recorded, or the apparent differences (based on overlapping the mean square deviation values ± 5) are statistically unreliable, or insignificant, although reliable, then the histogram is not practical. Quite enough, just mention this fact in the text, and in case of urgent need, refer to the appropriate table.

Can you use graphs in research papers? When constructing a histogram, it is necessary to sign the names of the axes (vertical and horizontal), and in relation to the vertical axis, also create a scale with divisions of a certain dimension. The accuracy of these divisions (the frequency of marking on the vertical axis) should allow to visually determining the value of the displayed property of the compared values of the indicator. At the same time, the accuracy of the divisions must be such that it is visually possible to easily determine the smallest difference between the columns shown – the averaged values.

There is no such special scale for a pie chart, so it is sufficient to print the names of each sector corresponding to the property displayed to it and its dimension (usually, in percent,%).

Both for the histogram and for the diagram, it is necessary to provide a clear visual distinction between the compared columns or sectors, not only due to different heights or areas but also by their “coloring.” In this case, it is undesirable to use different colors, because, in a journal article, this is not allowed by editorial rules (all drawings should only be black and white).

Use instead of color, different hatching, and, for neighboring columns and sectors; it is clearly distinguishable (for example, right lateral, and left – oblique or pointed). The “contrast” of perception provided in this way should be more expressive, the less compared the differences in values that are near (on the right and on the left) from its column. The selected black-and-white “texture-hatching” filling the inner space of a column or sector should not make it difficult (mask) to read the inscriptions and figures located in them.

Can a research paper include charts?

To demonstrate the trend of change (and not the magnitude of the differences) over time or under the influence of different intensities of the same factor, or for graphical representation of the mathematical relationship between the indicators, it is more expedient to use the chart in research papers and also for creating your schedule.

Can research papers have charts? Thanks to the graphic image, the tendency-direction, intensity and nature of the revealed changes or interrelations are more clearly monitored. For this, it is necessary to always sign both axes of the coordinates of the graph (both ordinates and abscissas) with the names of the corresponding indicators or only time units for the abscissa axis.

In addition, both these axes must have a scale (a division with the corresponding digitization), the accuracy of which allows us to determine the numerical values of any point on the graph.

First of all, this refers to the experimentally obtained points-values on the basis of which the graph is constructed. Due to this, visual detection of the existence or absence of interrelation between the studied indicators is simplified, which can serve as a basis for further refinement of it by special statistical methods. In this case, it should be stressed once again that it is impossible to determine which of these two interrelated indicators, and which function, cannot be done by any statistical methods.

To determine the cause-effect relationship between the indicators studied, and in such a way to confirm the fact of the change of one of them, only under the influence of the other, it is necessary to conduct purposeful experiments to identify which of them is a function and which is the argument. It is not advisable to construct a graph if there are fewer than four experimentally obtained or averaged values (points) for each of the indicators considered.

This is explained by the fact that it is difficult to determine from three or fewer points a reliably existing trend of change (especially nonlinear). It is more expedient to present such data with either a text or a histogram (with compared columns-values), which will fairly well reflect the changes obtained (without claiming a tendency). And the author does not need to discuss their orientation, but rather confine oneself, only by a comparative analysis of the available quantitative differences (more, less).

Its result can be presented, for example, with a text comment that at such and such a value of one indicator the value of the other was such-and-such, and for another such-and-such. Also, the article should not use a graph in research paper if in the experiment the changes of the same index are fixed under the individual influence of different experimental factors (conditions). For this, it is better to use a bar graph, where the names of these different factors will be listed horizontally, and the property of the indicator under study, whose values correspond to the effect of different experimental factors, will be shown vertically.

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Can I copy an image from another paper (that I am citing)?

I am in the process of writing a paper on the results I have obtained recently. One of the steps where I have innovated is extracted from a paper published some years ago.

My idea for the paper was to compare the original method with my modifications and thus present the different results.

Is it generally accepted practice to simply copy the "results" image from the original paper (that I am extensively citing and discussing in mine)? Or should I somehow recreate it? (this last option is presenting some difficulties, as some implementation details* are not explicitely stated in the original paper and thus I cannot be 100% sure that my reproduction would be actually representative of what the authors originally did)

*: yes, we are speaking (also) about code

  • publications

ff524's user avatar

  • There are no rules for scientific writing that prevent you from copying the image (in fact, as a reader I would appreciate it), but you need to work out the possible copyright issues (which can be difficult even if you consult a lawyer) or get permission (which often is also not easy). That's why it's not common. –  user9482 Commented Mar 31, 2016 at 7:59
  • 1 Read from here as an example. –  Nikey Mike Commented May 13, 2016 at 11:47

You have two different questions: one in your title, regarding coping an image, and another regarding the results.

Copying a figure:

It depends on the license of the paper. If it is appropriately licensed (as with a Creative Commons Attribution license), you generally can, as long as you indicate it. If it is copyrighted, you are in the grey area of possible fair use. In these cases, the safest option is to contact the copyright holders (usually the publisher) and ask for permission.

Another option is to contact the authors and ask them for the raw data itself, so you can plot it yourself (so you keep a constant style across the paper), or ask them to regenerate it for you.

Using results:

The results are not copyrightable, so you can freely use them. If Smith et al, 2007 report an accuracy of 91%, and you get a 97%, you can freely put the numbers next to each other.

D.Salo's user avatar

  • maybe is not clear from my question, but the image in question contains the results (stated otherwise, it is a graphical representation of the results) –  Federico Commented Mar 31, 2016 at 7:58
  • 2 There are many countries which don't have a "fair use" concept. I'm not sure if an international publisher would accept fair use. –  user9482 Commented Mar 31, 2016 at 8:03
  • @Roland hence the grey area. –  Davidmh Commented Mar 31, 2016 at 9:32
  • 1 @ScottSeidman it can be argued that that would be a small quote or a criticism, so falling within fair use. But IANAL, and the publisher will likely want a safer standard. –  Davidmh Commented Mar 31, 2016 at 14:54
  • 1 @Diaa it will be somewhere pretty visible. But unless you see otherwise, you have to assume is copyrighted. You'd have to ask the journal you are going to publish. –  Davidmh Commented Aug 8, 2018 at 14:45

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can i include pictures in research paper

Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago

Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact

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  • Copy URL https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fact-checking-warnings-from-democrats-about-project-2025-and-donald-trump

Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and Donald Trump

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Project 2025 has a starring role in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

And it was front and center on Night 1.

WATCH: Hauling large copy of Project 2025, Michigan state Sen. McMorrow speaks at 2024 DNC

“This is Project 2025,” Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-Royal Oak, said as she laid a hardbound copy of the 900-page document on the lectern. “Over the next four nights, you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900-page document. Why? Because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about “Trump’s Project 2025” agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn’t claim the conservative presidential transition document.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris said July 23 in Milwaukee. “He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously, and can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has joined in on the talking point.

“Don’t believe (Trump) when he’s playing dumb about this Project 2025. He knows exactly what it’ll do,” Walz said Aug. 9 in Glendale, Arizona.

Trump’s campaign has worked to build distance from the project, which the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, led with contributions from dozens of conservative groups.

Much of the plan calls for extensive executive-branch overhauls and draws on both long-standing conservative principles, such as tax cuts, and more recent culture war issues. It lays out recommendations for disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, eliminating certain climate protections and consolidating more power to the president.

Project 2025 offers a sweeping vision for a Republican-led executive branch, and some of its policies mirror Trump’s 2024 agenda, But Harris and her presidential campaign have at times gone too far in describing what the project calls for and how closely the plans overlap with Trump’s campaign.

PolitiFact researched Harris’ warnings about how the plan would affect reproductive rights, federal entitlement programs and education, just as we did for President Joe Biden’s Project 2025 rhetoric. Here’s what the project does and doesn’t call for, and how it squares with Trump’s positions.

Are Trump and Project 2025 connected?

To distance himself from Project 2025 amid the Democratic attacks, Trump wrote on Truth Social that he “knows nothing” about it and has “no idea” who is in charge of it. (CNN identified at least 140 former advisers from the Trump administration who have been involved.)

The Heritage Foundation sought contributions from more than 100 conservative organizations for its policy vision for the next Republican presidency, which was published in 2023.

Project 2025 is now winding down some of its policy operations, and director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, is stepping down, The Washington Post reported July 30. Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita denounced the document.

WATCH: A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors

However, Project 2025 contributors include a number of high-ranking officials from Trump’s first administration, including former White House adviser Peter Navarro and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

A recently released recording of Russell Vought, a Project 2025 author and the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, showed Vought saying Trump’s “very supportive of what we do.” He said Trump was only distancing himself because Democrats were making a bogeyman out of the document.

Project 2025 wouldn’t ban abortion outright, but would curtail access

The Harris campaign shared a graphic on X that claimed “Trump’s Project 2025 plan for workers” would “go after birth control and ban abortion nationwide.”

The plan doesn’t call to ban abortion nationwide, though its recommendations could curtail some contraceptives and limit abortion access.

What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.

Project 2025 says the Department of Health and Human Services Department should “return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.”

It recommends that the Food and Drug Administration reverse its 2000 approval of mifepristone, the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for a medication abortion. Medication is the most common form of abortion in the U.S. — accounting for around 63 percent in 2023.

If mifepristone were to remain approved, Project 2025 recommends new rules, such as cutting its use from 10 weeks into pregnancy to seven. It would have to be provided to patients in person — part of the group’s efforts to limit access to the drug by mail. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to mifepristone’s FDA approval over procedural grounds.

WATCH: Trump’s plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House The manual also calls for the Justice Department to enforce the 1873 Comstock Act on mifepristone, which bans the mailing of “obscene” materials. Abortion access supporters fear that a strict interpretation of the law could go further to ban mailing the materials used in procedural abortions, such as surgical instruments and equipment.

The plan proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention how many abortions take place within their borders. The plan also would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds. It also calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that the training of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, omits abortion training.

The document says some forms of emergency contraception — particularly Ella, a pill that can be taken within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — should be excluded from no-cost coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires most private health insurers to cover recommended preventive services, which involves a range of birth control methods, including emergency contraception.

Trump has recently said states should decide abortion regulations and that he wouldn’t block access to contraceptives. Trump said during his June 27 debate with Biden that he wouldn’t ban mifepristone after the Supreme Court “approved” it. But the court rejected the lawsuit based on standing, not the case’s merits. He has not weighed in on the Comstock Act or said whether he supports it being used to block abortion medication, or other kinds of abortions.

Project 2025 doesn’t call for cutting Social Security, but proposes some changes to Medicare

“When you read (Project 2025),” Harris told a crowd July 23 in Wisconsin, “you will see, Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.

Harris also misleads about Trump’s Social Security views.

In his earlier campaigns and before he was a politician, Trump said about a half-dozen times that he’s open to major overhauls of Social Security, including cuts and privatization. More recently, in a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump said of entitlement programs such as Social Security, “There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” However, he quickly walked that statement back, and his CNBC comment stands at odds with essentially everything else Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s campaign website says that not “a single penny” should be cut from Social Security. We rated Harris’ claim that Trump intends to cut Social Security Mostly False.

Project 2025 does propose changes to Medicare, including making Medicare Advantage, the private insurance offering in Medicare, the “default” enrollment option. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans have provider networks and can also require prior authorization, meaning that the plan can approve or deny certain services. Original Medicare plans don’t have prior authorization requirements.

The manual also calls for repealing health policies enacted under Biden, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. The law enabled Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers for the first time in history, and recently resulted in an agreement with drug companies to lower the prices of 10 expensive prescriptions for Medicare enrollees.

Trump, however, has said repeatedly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut Medicare.

Project 2025 would eliminate the Education Department, which Trump supports

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 would “eliminate the U.S. Department of Education” — and that’s accurate. Project 2025 says federal education policy “should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” The plan scales back the federal government’s role in education policy and devolves the functions that remain to other agencies.

Aside from eliminating the department, the project also proposes scrapping the Biden administration’s Title IX revision, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would let states opt out of federal education programs and calls for passing a federal parents’ bill of rights similar to ones passed in some Republican-led state legislatures.

Republicans, including Trump, have pledged to close the department, which gained its status in 1979 within Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s presidential Cabinet.

In one of his Agenda 47 policy videos, Trump promised to close the department and “to send all education work and needs back to the states.” Eliminating the department would have to go through Congress.

What Project 2025, Trump would do on overtime pay

In the graphic, the Harris campaign says Project 2025 allows “employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.”

The plan doesn’t call for banning overtime wages. It recommends changes to some Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulations and to overtime rules. Some changes, if enacted, could result in some people losing overtime protections, experts told us.

The document proposes that the Labor Department maintain an overtime threshold “that does not punish businesses in lower-cost regions (e.g., the southeast United States).” This threshold is the amount of money executive, administrative or professional employees need to make for an employer to exempt them from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 2019, the Trump’s administration finalized a rule that expanded overtime pay eligibility to most salaried workers earning less than about $35,568, which it said made about 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay. The Trump-era threshold is high enough to cover most line workers in lower-cost regions, Project 2025 said.

The Biden administration raised that threshold to $43,888 beginning July 1, and that will rise to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. That would grant overtime eligibility to about 4 million workers, the Labor Department said.

It’s unclear how many workers Project 2025’s proposal to return to the Trump-era overtime threshold in some parts of the country would affect, but experts said some would presumably lose the right to overtime wages.

Other overtime proposals in Project 2025’s plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the next, rather than receive overtime.

Trump’s past with overtime pay is complicated. In 2016, the Obama administration said it would raise the overtime to salaried workers earning less than $47,476 a year, about double the exemption level set in 2004 of $23,660 a year.

But when a judge blocked the Obama rule, the Trump administration didn’t challenge the court ruling. Instead it set its own overtime threshold, which raised the amount, but by less than Obama.

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  • Research Paper Appendix | Example & Templates

Research Paper Appendix | Example & Templates

Published on August 4, 2022 by Tegan George and Kirsten Dingemanse. Revised on July 18, 2023.

An appendix is a supplementary document that facilitates your reader’s understanding of your research but is not essential to your core argument. Appendices are a useful tool for providing additional information or clarification in a research paper , dissertation , or thesis without making your final product too long.

Appendices help you provide more background information and nuance about your thesis or dissertation topic without disrupting your text with too many tables and figures or other distracting elements.

We’ve prepared some examples and templates for you, for inclusions such as research protocols, survey questions, and interview transcripts. All are worthy additions to an appendix. You can download these in the format of your choice below.

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What is an appendix in a research paper, what to include in an appendix, how to format an appendix, how to refer to an appendix, where to put your appendices, other components to consider, appendix checklist, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about appendices.

In the main body of your research paper, it’s important to provide clear and concise information that supports your argument and conclusions . However, after doing all that research, you’ll often find that you have a lot of other interesting information that you want to share with your reader.

While including it all in the body would make your paper too long and unwieldy, this is exactly what an appendix is for.

As a rule of thumb, any detailed information that is not immediately needed to make your point can go in an appendix. This helps to keep your main text focused but still allows you to include the information you want to include somewhere in your paper.

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can i include pictures in research paper

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An appendix can be used for different types of information, such as:

  • Supplementary results : Research findings  are often presented in different ways, but they don’t all need to go in your paper. The results most relevant to your research question should always appear in the main text, while less significant results (such as detailed descriptions of your sample or supplemental analyses that do not help answer your main question), can be put in an appendix.
  • Statistical analyses : If you conducted statistical tests using software like Stata or R, you may also want to include the outputs of your analysis in an appendix.
  • Further information on surveys or interviews : Written materials or transcripts related to things such as surveys and interviews can also be placed in an appendix.

You can opt to have one long appendix, but separating components (like interview transcripts, supplementary results, or surveys ) into different appendices makes the information simpler to navigate.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Always start each appendix on a new page.
  • Assign it both a number (or letter) and a clear title, such as “Appendix A. Interview transcripts.” This makes it easier for your reader to find the appendix, as well as for you to refer back to it in your main text.
  • Number and title the individual elements within each appendix (e.g., “Transcripts”) to make it clear what you are referring to. Restart the numbering in each appendix at 1.

It is important that you refer to each of your appendices at least once in the main body of your paper. This can be done by mentioning the appendix and its number or letter, either in parentheses or within the main part of a sentence. It’s also possible to refer to a particular component of an appendix.

Appendix B presents the correspondence exchanged with the fitness boutique. Example 2. Referring to an appendix component These results (see Appendix 2, Table 1) show that …

It is common to capitalize “Appendix” when referring to a specific appendix, but it is not mandatory. The key is just to make sure that you are consistent throughout your entire paper, similarly to consistency in  capitalizing headings and titles in academic writing .

However, note that lowercase should always be used if you are referring to appendices in general. For instance, “The appendices to this paper include additional information about both the survey and the interviews .”

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The simplest option is to add your appendices after the main body of your text, after you finish citing your sources in the citation style of your choice. If this is what you choose to do, simply continue with the next page number. Another option is to put the appendices in a separate document that is delivered with your dissertation.

Location of appendices

Remember that any appendices should be listed in your paper’s table of contents .

There are a few other supplementary components related to appendices that you may want to consider. These include:

  • List of abbreviations : If you use a lot of abbreviations or field-specific symbols in your dissertation, it can be helpful to create a list of abbreviations .
  • Glossary : If you utilize many specialized or technical terms, it can also be helpful to create a glossary .
  • Tables, figures and other graphics : You may find you have too many tables, figures, and other graphics (such as charts and illustrations) to include in the main body of your dissertation. If this is the case, consider adding a figure and table list .

Checklist: Appendix

All appendices contain information that is relevant, but not essential, to the main text.

Each appendix starts on a new page.

I have given each appendix a number and clear title.

I have assigned any specific sub-components (e.g., tables and figures) their own numbers and titles.

My appendices are easy to follow and clearly formatted.

I have referred to each appendix at least once in the main text.

Your appendices look great! Use the other checklists to further improve your thesis.

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Yes, if relevant you can and should include APA in-text citations in your appendices . Use author-date citations as you do in the main text.

Any sources cited in your appendices should appear in your reference list . Do not create a separate reference list for your appendices.

An appendix contains information that supplements the reader’s understanding of your research but is not essential to it. For example:

  • Interview transcripts
  • Questionnaires
  • Detailed descriptions of equipment

Something is only worth including as an appendix if you refer to information from it at some point in the text (e.g. quoting from an interview transcript). If you don’t, it should probably be removed.

When you include more than one appendix in an APA Style paper , they should be labeled “Appendix A,” “Appendix B,” and so on.

When you only include a single appendix, it is simply called “Appendix” and referred to as such in the main text.

Appendices in an APA Style paper appear right at the end, after the reference list and after your tables and figures if you’ve also included these at the end.

You may have seen both “appendices” or “appendixes” as pluralizations of “ appendix .” Either spelling can be used, but “appendices” is more common (including in APA Style ). Consistency is key here: make sure you use the same spelling throughout your paper.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

George, T. & Dingemanse, K. (2023, July 18). Research Paper Appendix | Example & Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved August 26, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/appendix/

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What’s on the EU research and innovation policy agenda for autumn 2024?

As EU policymakers return from the summer break, we look at key decisions that will affect the R&I community in the months ahead

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European Commission, Berlaymont building, Brussels, Belgium. Photo credits: Fred Romero / Flickr

After several crisis-filled years characterised by wars, pandemic and economic challenges, the recent European elections and subsequent summer break offer an opportunity to pause and take stock.

Now, as Europeans filter back to their desks, it’s a good time to look at what the research and innovation community can expect this autumn. The current geopolitical environment has placed R&I topics firmly in the mainstream debate, and that is not likely to change any time soon. Here are some of the stories we expect to be covering in the months ahead.

New commissioner

The first question is, Who will be the next commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth? Bulgaria’s Iliana Ivanova has held the post since 2023 after compatriot Mariya Gabriel left to return to national politics , but the country has yet to put forward a commissioner candidate for the upcoming mandate.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has given member states until 30 August to nominate candidates for the College of Commissioners, after which she will assign portfolios. Bulgaria is one of several countries currently dragging its feet.

Whoever is nominated as the new research commissioner will then be quizzed by MEPs in the Parliament committee for industry, research and energy ITRE, and culture and education committee, with hearings expected to take place in September or October.

Defence funding

For the first time, von der Leyen’s team will include a Commissioner for Defence . During her bid for re-election, she pledged to build a “veritable defence union”, and to present a white paper on the future of European defence.

The white paper, which should be published in the first 100 days of her new mandate, will identify investment needs. Research and innovation may not be at the top of the list, considering the urgent need to provide Ukraine with ammunition, but von der Leyen has promised to reinforce the European Defence Fund which supports R&D projects.

Competitiveness agenda

Speaking to MEPs ahead of her re-election vote, von der Leyen said prosperity and competitiveness would be her top priority. But perhaps the flagship policy of this new strategy, to propose a European competitiveness fund, will have to wait until the EU’s next long-term budget for 2028-2034. The Commission should publish its proposal for this budget by mid-2025.

However, there are several proposals in von der Leyen’s political guidelines that may be put forward before the end of the year and could have an R&D component. For example, she plans to propose a Clean Industrial Deal in her first 100 days to “help create lead markets in everything from clean steel to clean tech” and “speed up planning, tendering, and permitting”.

Further proposals are likely to be influenced by former Italian prime minister Mario Draghi’s highly-anticipated report on EU competitiveness. He was expected to submit his findings to the Commission over the summer, but publication was delayed and should now happen some time this autumn.

FP10 expert group

All eyes will be on the independent group set up to advise the Commission on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe and its successor, Framework Programme 10. The group’s feedback should be influential in shaping the next framework programme.

The group of 15 experts , led by former Portuguese research minister Manuel Heitor, is meeting monthly between January and October 2024, and is due to deliver its report to the Commission on 16 October.

After taking the advice on board, the Commission should publish its interim evaluation of Horizon Europe early next year, and then present its proposal for FP10 mid-way through 2025.

2025 work programmes

The post-election transition will mean delays to the publication of the Horizon Europe work programmes for 2025 . These are set to be adopted in March or April 2025. We already have some idea of what will feature because the Commission has published its strategic plan for the final years of Horizon Europe, including nine proposed new public-private partnerships.

We are waiting on the work programmes under Pillar II for large collaborative research projects, research infrastructures and the Widening programme for cohesion in research. For other parts of Horizon Europe, such as the European Research Council and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the Commission has extended the current work programmes to cover 2025.

Research lobbies

As well as awaiting the conclusions of the Draghi report, the R&I community will be expecting progress towards implementing Enrico Letta’s recommendations to create a ‘fifth freedom’ of a single market dedicated to the free movement of research, innovation, knowledge and education.

Research lobbies expect the composition of the new Commission to set the tone.

“R&I has never been so central in the political guidelines of the Commission president before the start of a new European Commission,” said Kurt Deketelaere, secretary general of the League of European Research Universities. “Hopefully this will be reflected in the R&I portfolio and its holder.”

Deketelaere is hoping research, innovation and education will remain a standalone portfolio, rather than being integrated into a larger competitiveness, internal market or economy portfolio. That is the case in “a number of member states”, he noted, saying much will depend on who is picked for the role. “Let's hope we get someone with experience and expertise on or in Europe, research, innovation and education.”

Deketelaere also wants to see member states step up. “They can start with stopping the annual circus of opposing the annual Horizon Europe budget as proposed by the European Commission and supported by the European Parliament,” he said. The Council has proposed cutting €400 million from the Horizon budget for 2025.

Muriel Attané, secretary general of the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations, said she is looking forward to working with the new research commissioner in the coming months, including on preparations for FP10 and the next long-term budget, with competitiveness set to have a central role in the discussions.

“Luckily, about 70% of the current FP Horizon Europe budget thanks to its Pillar II is geared towards pan-EU collaborative R&D&I with key industrial partnerships,” she told Science|Business.

“We believe this will be the main asset the new commissioner will have in their pocket, to actually ensure a strong FP10 as well as avoid the FP budget being cannibalised by the announced new competitiveness fund and to avoid that we would be exchanging R&D&I grants for loans.

“We do not need a new Juncker Plan, which did not foster R&D&I,” she added, referencing the 2015 programme that used loan guarantees to secure financing for infrastructure and other projects that were otherwise too risky to invest in. There have been calls to replicate that plan to decarbonise Europe’s industry.

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Fact-Checking Biden’s Speech and More: Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention

We followed the developments and fact-checked the speakers, providing context and explanation.

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President Biden and the first lady, Jill Biden, stand at a podium as his first name is spelled out in vertical stripes behind them.

President Biden praised his administration’s accomplishments and declared his vice president a worthy successor on the first night of the Democratic National Convention on Monday.

Mr. Biden’s speech capped a night in which Democratic lawmakers and party stalwarts praised Vice President Kamala Harris, warned repeatedly that former President Donald J. Trump was unfit for office and celebrated Mr. Biden’s legacy.

Here’s a look at some of their claims.

Linda Qiu

“While schools closed and dead bodies filled morgues, Donald Trump downplayed the virus. He told us to inject bleach into our bodies. He peddled conspiracy theories across the country. We lost hundreds of thousands of Americans, and our economy collapsed.”

— Representative Robert Garcia of California

This is exaggerated.

Mr. Trump’s comments, in April 2020, about the efficacy of disinfectants and light as treatments for the coronavirus elicited uproar and confusion . He did not literally instruct people to inject bleach, but raised the suggestion as an “interesting” concept to test out.

At the April 2020 news conference , a member of Mr. Trump’s coronavirus task force said that the virus dies under direct sunlight and that applying bleach in indoor spaces kills the virus in five minutes and isopropyl alcohol does so in 30 seconds.

Mr. Trump responded: “Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too.”

He added: “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Jeanna Smialek

Jeanna Smialek

“Trump talks big about bringing back manufacturing jobs, but you know who actually did it? President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.”

— Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York

This needs context .

It is true that manufacturing employment is up sharply under the Biden administration, but much of the gains are simply a recovery from job losses early in the coronavirus pandemic. Manufacturing employment is just slightly above its 2019 level. And factory employment also climbed somewhat from when Donald J. Trump took office in early 2017 and the onset of the pandemic in 2020.


“Thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we reopened our schools.”

— Representative James E. Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina

This needs context.

President Donald J. Trump and President Biden took different approaches to school reopenings during the coronavirus pandemic, with Mr. Trump encouraging schools to stay open and Mr. Biden emphasizing the need to contain the virus before reopening classroom doors. While they could signal policy preferences, developments in how the virus spread and how states and school districts reacted were sometimes out of their control.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned schools to prepare for disruption in February 2020, and a high school in Washington State became the first to close its doors that month . More schools across the country followed in adopting online instruction, but by the fall of 2020, some schools — often in states with Republican governors — returned to in-person instruction.

One audit found that by the fall of 2020 more schools had reverted to a traditional or hybrid model than remained virtual. A C.D.C. study found that school closures peaked in 2021, under the Biden administration, when the Omicron variant spread. By the fall of 2021, though, 98 percent of public schools were offering in-person instruction full time, according to the Education Department .

“Donald Trump wants to put our 1787 constitution through his Project 2025 paper shredder.”

— Representative Jasmine Crockett, Democrat of Texas

Project 2025, a set of conservative policy proposals assembled by a Washington think tank for a Republican presidential administration, does not directly come from Mr. Trump or his campaign.

Still, CNN documented instances where 140 people who worked for the Trump administration had a role in Project 2025. Some were top advisers to Mr. Trump in his first term and a re all but certain to step into prominent posts should he win a second term.

Mr. Trump has also supported some of the proposals, with even some overlap between Project 2025 and his own campaign plans. Among the similarities: undercutting the independence of the Justice Department and pressing to end diversity, equity and inclusion programs. And he enacted other initiatives mentioned in Project 2025 in his first term, such as levying tariffs on China and making it easier to fire federal workers.

But Mr. Trump has criticized some elements as “absolutely ridiculous and abysmal” though he has not specified which proposals he opposes. When the director of the project departed the think tank, Mr. Trump’s campaign released a statement that stated: “Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign — it will not end well for you.”

“JD Vance says women should stay in violent marriages and pregnancies resulting from rape are simply inconvenient.”

— Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky

Mr. Beshear was referring to comments Mr. Vance made during his 2022 campaign for Senate. Mr. Vance has rejected such interpretations.

In remarks to a Christian high school in California in September 2021, Mr. Vance spoke of his grandparents’ marriage, which he described in his memoir as violent.

“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘Well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term,” he said .

Asked by Vice News about his remarks in 2022, Mr. Vance said, “Any fair person would recognize I was criticizing the progressive frame on this issue, not embracing it.”

He also told Fox News that Democrats had “twisted my words here” and that “it’s not what I believe, it’s not what I said.”

And regarding pregnancies resulting from rape, Mr. Vance told Fox News that he was criticizing the view that such pregnancies are “inconvenient.”

In a 2021 interview , Mr. Vance was asked whether abortion bans should have exceptions for rape or incest. He responded, “At the end of the day, we’re talking about an unborn baby. What kind of society do we want to have? A society that looks at unborn babies as inconveniences to be discarded?”

“Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin, seniors with diabetes will pay $35 a month.”

— President Biden

Mr. Biden signed a law that places a cap of $35 a month on insulin for all Medicare Part D beneficiaries. But he is overstating the average cost before the law.

Patients’ out-of-pocket spending on insulin was $434 on average for all of 2019 — not per month — and $449 per year for Medicare enrollees, according to the Health and Human Services Department .

“The smallest racial wealth gap in 20 years.”

As a percentage of wealth held by white families, Black and Latino families did grow to the largest amounts in 2022 in two decades. But the disparity in absolute dollar value actually increased.

“He called them ‘suckers and losers.’”

The claim that, as president, Donald J. Trump called veterans “suckers” and “losers” stems from a 2020 article in The Atlantic about his relationship to the military.

The article relied on anonymous sources, but many of the accounts have been corroborated by other outlets, including The New York Times, and by John F. Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general who served as Mr. Trump’s White House chief of staff. Mr. Trump has emphatically denied making the remarks since the article was published. Here’s a breakdown .

“Trump wants to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

This is misleading..

Mr. Trump has said repeatedly during his 2024 presidential campaign that he would not cut Social Security or Medicare, though he had previously shown brief and vague support for such proposals.

Asked about his position on the programs in relation to the national debt, Mr. Trump told CNBC in March, “There is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlements.”

But Mr. Trump and his campaign clarified that he would not seek to cut the programs. Mr. Trump told the website Breitbart , “I will never do anything that will jeopardize or hurt Social Security or Medicare.” And during a July rally in Minnesota, he again vowed, “I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare, and I will not raise the retirement age by one day, not by one day.”

Still, Mr. Trump has not outlined a clear plan for keeping the programs solvent. During his time in office, Mr. Trump did propose some cuts to Medicare — though experts said the cost reductions would not have significantly affected benefits — and to Social Security’s programs for people with disabilities. They were not enacted by Congress.

“He created the largest debt any president had in four years with his two trillion dollars tax cut for the wealthy.”

Looking at a single presidential term, Donald J. Trump’s administration did rack up more debt than any other in raw dollars — about $7.9 trillion . But the debt rose more under President Barack Obama’s eight years than under Mr. Trump’s four years. Also, when viewed as a percentage increase, the national debt rose more under President George H.W. Bush’s single term than under Mr. Trump’s.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that Mr. Trump’s tax cuts — which passed in December 2017 with no Democrats in support — roughly added another $1 trillion to the federal deficit from 2018 to 2021, even after factoring in economic growth spurred by the tax cuts. But other drivers of the deficit include several sweeping measures that had bipartisan approval. The first coronavirus stimulus package , which received near unanimous support in Congress, added $2 trillion to the deficit over the next two fiscal years. Three additional spending measures contending with the coronavirus pandemic and its economic ramifications added another $1.4 trillion.

It is also important to note that presidents do not hold unilateral responsibility for the debt increase under their time in office. Policies from previous administrations — and programs such as Social Security and Medicare — continue to drive up debt, as do unexpected circumstances.


  1. How To Include Pictures In A Research Paper The Right Way

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    The Chicago Manual of Style online can be searched for norms on appropriate ways to caption illustrations, capitalize titles of visual works, or cite print materials that contain images. Including images/photographs in a bibliography: Best practice is to not include images within a bibliography of works cited. It is common, instead, to create a ...

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    Correspondent to the context. There are three main ways to include pictures research paper needs in its text: At the end of your research paper. You can place pictures after the text of your research writing, living a reference or a link to a correspondent picture inside your text. Inside your paper, separately from the text.

  4. How to include pictures in a research paper

    Research papers can be of different types. These include term papers, seminar presentations, undergraduate projects, post-graduate thesis or dissertations, conference/workshop papers, and journal entries, among others. ... Some things to consider before including pictures in a research paper. As noted above, pictures can complement words to ...

  5. How to Cite an Image

    Citing an image in APA Style. In an APA Style reference entry for an image found on a website, write the image title in italics, followed by a description of its format in square brackets. Include the name of the site and the URL. The APA in-text citation just includes the photographer's name and the year. APA format. Author last name, Initials.

  6. How to Cite an Image in APA Style

    Citing images accessed online. For online images, include the name of the site you found it on, and a URL. Link directly to the image where possible, as it may be hard to locate from the other information given. APA format. Last name, Initials. ( Year ). Image title [ Format ]. Site Name.

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    The American Psychological Association (APA) guide is typically used to format works in the social sciences. The guide covers a wide variety of formatting for references, lists, charts, graphs, pictures and other elements of a paper. Inserting an image into an APA-style paper is simple and the guide offers a standard ...

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    Creative Commons 4 - You can adapt and share the image in anyway you like, but this license requires attribution, so you will need to include the original creator in the acknowledgements of the research paper, posters, and acknowledged on your presentation slides. Stock Images - Image databases that allow you to license the designs. Make sure ...

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    If you are confused about whether you should include pictures, images, charts, and other non-textual elements in your research paper or not, I would suggest you must insert such elements in your research paper. Including non-textual elements like images and charts in the research paper helps extract a higher acceptance of your proposed theories.

  11. I'd like to use a figure from a paper; what's the best way to do this?

    Big commercial publishers will often have a department for dealing with this, typically with a name like "Permissions". If you can't find such a department, then you can try just writing to the journal in question (look at their web page to try to find e-mail addresses). If you are lucky, they will quickly approve your use of the figure.

  12. How do I put figures (images, photos, bar graphs, charts) into my paper

    A good rule of thumb: Use figures from ClipArt, Creative Commons, or the library's rights-cleared image database, Image Quest. You must provide complete citations for figures and tables in your paper and in your reference list. If the figure came from an image database, such as Image Quest, choose Painting, Sculpture, or Photograph from ...

  13. Using Images in Publications

    Many scholarly publications are enhanced with images, ranging from reproductions of fine art to graphs showing the results of scientific research. Including images in books and articles can complement the text, visually demonstrate the author's analysis, and engage the reader. Using images in publications, however, raises copyright issues ...

  14. citations

    I am currently writing my master's thesis about an already published method which I improved and modified. When writing the background section of my thesis about the existing method I am tempted to use the graphics of the original paper/thesis when explaining why this method was created in the first place and how it performs compared to other methods.

  15. Can I put a figure or a photo from other published papers ...

    Answer: It is acceptable to use figures or photos from published manuscripts so long as you 1) cite the source in your paper and 2) obtain the necessary permissions, if required. As a rule all figures, tables, and photos must be cited. In terms of getting permissions, this usually depends on the policies of the journal in which the paper ...

  16. PDF A Copyright Guide to Image Use in MA Theses and PhD Dissertations

    Clarifying what images you can use for your thesis, dissertation, or first publication can be a frustrating process. ... Before you can include a copyrighted ... Using an image in a dissertation or thesis under this provision requires significant research. A very good step-by-step guide via Columbia University and Kenneth Crews is .

  17. How do I include an image in my paper in Chicago style?

    In Chicago style, when you don't just refer to an image but actually include it in your (research) paper, the image should be formatted as a figure. Place the figure before or after the first paragraph where it is mentioned. Refer to figures by their numbers in the text (e.g., "see fig. 1"). Below the figure, place a caption providing the ...

  18. Can You Put Pictures in a Research Paper? (Answered!)

    July 6, 2022. The conventional format of a research paper doesn't have room for pictures. However, that doesn't mean you can't include images in your assignment. You can add non-textual elements such as pictures, charts, vectors, and graphs in your research paper provided they're relevant to the research question.

  19. Can I Include Pictures and Graphs in a Research Paper

    Now when you know the answer to the questions "Can a research paper include pictures?" or "Can a research paper have pictures?" you can start creating "research paper's drawings." It is desirable that each separate graphic image, regardless of its variety, is placed on one separate page with the possibility of copying and pasting ...

  20. Using images from other papers in literature review of thesis ...

    It has a little form for you to submit for permission to use an image or part of the article. They then send you a a licence number for proof that you have asked for and received permission. It is normally free, especially if it is for a thesis and you are only using one image or two images from the paper. Those images are copyrighted.

  21. Can I copy an image from another paper (that I am citing)?

    7. You have two different questions: one in your title, regarding coping an image, and another regarding the results. Copying a figure: It depends on the license of the paper. If it is appropriately licensed (as with a Creative Commons Attribution license), you generally can, as long as you indicate it. If it is copyrighted, you are in the grey ...

  22. How do I include pictures in a APA paper? : r/ENGLISH

    Essentially, for ARTWORK, the works cited citation is like this. Artist last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Title of artwork [Format]. Museum Name, Location. URL. And the in text citation is this " (Artist last name, Year) ". For STOCK PHOTOS.

  23. Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and ...

    Other overtime proposals in Project 2025's plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the ...

  24. Research Paper Appendix

    What to include in an appendix. An appendix can be used for different types of information, such as: Supplementary results: Research findings are often presented in different ways, but they don't all need to go in your paper. The results most relevant to your research question should always appear in the main text, while less significant results (such as detailed descriptions of your sample ...

  25. What's on the EU research and innovation policy agenda for autumn 2024

    The white paper, which should be published in the first 100 days of her new mandate, will identify investment needs. Research and innovation may not be at the top of the list, considering the urgent need to provide Ukraine with ammunition, but von der Leyen has promised to reinforce the European Defence Fund which supports R&D projects.

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    US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics ...

  27. Fact-Checking Day 1 of the DNC and Biden's Speech

    "Donald Trump wants to put our 1787 constitution through his Project 2025 paper shredder." — Representative Jasmine Crockett, Democrat of Texas This needs context.