A Touch of Business

How to Start a Kids Party Planning Business Using These Tips

Starting a children’s party planning business.

We will go over the steps needed to start your own kids’ party planning business in this post.

Throughout the article, we will cover many points to consider about your business. Finally, we will end with a collection of resources you can use when you’re in the start-up phase and when your business is up and running.

1. Research the Industry

The more you know about kids’ party planning, the better decisions you’ll be able to make.

Whether you have experience or not, it’s important to improve your knowledge in the industry before starting your business. You want to look at tips for children’s party planning and running a business.

There are many sources of information out there. You just have to find them and go over the information.

I have made it easy by providing a link to a Google search that will allow you to find magazines, publications, blogs, etc. One of the benefits of such a link is that the information is always fresh and updated.

Take some time to look through the information to pick up tips and insights that will help you start your business and provide information when your business is up and running.

I would also advise that you check in to see what’s new at least once a month so you can stay up-to-date with the latest information related to your business.

Click here for the latest publications related to kids’ party planning.

2.) Choose a Business Location

The location you choose for business contributes to your success.

For example, if you locate your business in an area with very little demand for kids’ parties, there is no use operating your business in that area.

On the other hand, if you are located in an area where the market is saturated with other party planning services, it will be difficult to get a part of the market share unless you have a competitive advantage.

Your optimal location is in an area where demand exists, but the market isn’t saturated.

Tool Talk Newsletter.

Another consideration is whether will you be operating your business from your home or a commercial location. Naturally, operating from home has cost-saving benefits.

While locating in a commercial space is more credible.

For example, operating from home could be better if you run this business part-time.

Also, you must consider if you have equipment related to parties, such as tables, bouncy castles, trampolines, etc., you will need space to store the equipment. For more, see  Choosing the best location for your business.

3. Choose a Business Name

You will want a memorable and catchy name. The name you choose today is the name you will keep for as long as you own your business. Therefore you want to take some time to go through the process of choosing an appropriate name.

Many resources online can help you choose your business name.

I suggest making a list of names that appeal to you and putting your list on the side for a few days.

Then, when you come back to it, you’ll see it from a new perspective. Next from your list, choose the top contenders and get feedback from a few people you trust.

Once you have your finalist, print them out to see what they look like on paper.

Used them in multiple sentences to see how they sound and how easy it is to pronounce them.

When your list is narrowed down to the top ones, check to see if they are available for registration along with a matching domain name.  For name ideas, see google’s latest search results.

4. Legalizing Your Business

Every legitimate business must be registered according to the laws and regulations in the area of operation.

There are many options for the structure you can choose from.

Many small business owners start as a sole proprietorship because it’s easy to set up the least expensive and the quickest.

A couple of downfalls of a sole proprietorship are that you can’t have partners, and there is no personal asset protection, so if your business goes bankrupt you’re served with a lawsuit, and your personal assets are not protected.

With this type of business, you can start as a sole proprietorship, and once your business expands, you can switch it to a corporation or an LLC , which provides personal asset protection.  For more, see how to register your business using these resources.

5. Create Your Corporate ID

A corporate ID consists of a few components part of branding your business, such as a logo, business cards, website, business sign, letterhead, envelopes, etc.

When creating the design, you will want something professional because your corporate ID leaves an impression on your customers, and you want to leave a good impression.

Corporate IDs can be expensive to create. However, you can start with the logo and business cards, and once your business is more stable, you can invest in the rest of the components.

For More See:

How to design a business logo – make it good it might last years .

How to design business cards that people will pay attention to

Business signs – have a look at these ideas.

A complete introduction to corporate identity packages.

6. Equipment

You may or may not need equipment for your party planning business.

Whether you do or don’t, it’s a good idea to see what’s out there.

For example, you may want to look at tables, chairs, and cooking equipment such as barbecues, food warmers, bouncy castles, trampolines, etc.

In the beginning, if you have a small budget and are not sure how you’re going to proceed, you can rent the equipment you need, and once you find out what’s more popular, you can purchase your own.

As mentioned, make sure you have a storage area to organize and protect your equipment for easy access whenever you need it.  Click here for the most recent google search results related to kids’ party equipment.

7. Estimating Your Start-up Cost

The start-up cost for this type of business will depend on your setup. For example, if you’re thinking of having multiple locations.

With a large staff of employees and all the latest equipment for parties, then your cost will be a lot higher than starting as a part-time business out of your home.

Each is a viable choice, but you won’t estimate your start-up cost accurately unless you have your setup plan in place.

List all your start-up costs because there could be a lot of issues that you haven’t considered.

Once you start listing the cost, other issues may appear, and you can add them to your estimate.

It’s a good business practice to always have accurate estimates with any project you take on.

For more, see  Estimating start-up costs: are you missing anything?

8. Writing a Business Plan

Depending on your setup will determine if you must have a business plan or not.

However, I recommend you create one whether you need it or not because a business plan is a document that will help keep you on track and develop your vision.

Another function of a business plan is a required document if you are looking for a start-up business loan.

A lender will not even process your application without a professional one.  For more, see how to write a business plan.

9. Banking Setup

You must separate your personal and business transactions. The best way to do this is to open up a separate account for your business.

Many new business owners will do so at their current bank.

However, if you seek funding, you might open an account at the bank where you receive funding.

Another consideration is that you may need a merchant account that allows you to accept payments using a credit or bank card, depending on how busy you are.

Another option is using something like PayPal or square. See our page on  Choosing a business bank  and  opening a merchant account for more.

10. Get the Funding Business

Depending on the size of your business, you may need funding, especially if you’re planning on opening a large-scale operation in a commercial space.

If so, you will need to have your business plan in hand and make an appointment to meet with lenders to discuss a start-up business loan.

One thing to keep in mind is that banks view start-ups as high-risk.

Therefore, they would rather lend money to a business with a proven track record than take a chance on a start-up.

With this in mind, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get a start-up loan, but it is difficult unless you have the credentials and collateral to reduce the risk. Also, take a look at our post on, Getting a small business loan.

11. Software Setup

Take some time to explore the software available for party planning.

Many of these applications can help you save time and offer a checklist that will keep you on track, so you don’t forget any details.

Scheduling is a function you want because it helps you stay on track with multiple clients and keeps you from scheduling conflicts.

You’ll also want a program to help you with your business transactions.

For example, you may find a program compatible with your bookkeeper or accountant. You enter your transactions into the software, email them a copy of your files, and they will process your account during tax season and ensure you have taken all your deductions correctly.

Check out google’s latest search results for software packages related to kids’ party planning.

12. Get Your Business Insured

You must get the right insurance for your party planning service. If you’re hosting the parties, you are liable for the safety of the people who attend.

For example, if you offer a bouncy castle at one of your parties and a child gets injured, you are liable and need adequate insurance.

Any incident without the proper insurance coverage can put you out of business, especially if your business is set up as a sole proprietorship, where your personal assets are at risk.

Speaking with a competent insurance broker will help you get the right coverage for your party planning business.  For more, see our page about business insurance.

13. Office Setup

Whether you are business as a part-time home-based business or a multi-location operation, you’ll need a space where you can manage your business.

It may be a spare room in your house or an office in a commercial space.

You need your office set up in a way where it’s comfortable and functional because the more popular your business becomes, the more time you’ll need to spend in your office; therefore, set it up correctly in the beginning. For more, see  Considerations for the setup of your office.

14. Hiring Employees

In the early stages of operating your party planning business, you may be considering doing everything yourself, and that’s not a bad idea as long as it doesn’t interfere with servicing your customers effectively.

However, as time goes on and your business builds momentum, you may need to hire employees.

One of the key factors to success is ensuring you hire the right person for each position. You can lose a lot of time and money by hiring someone who is not right for the position.

Keep in mind that it’s harder to get rid of an employee than hire them.

When it comes to the cost of hiring, instead of looking at the hourly wage, look at the yearly cost because it will put things in a different perspective, and when you consider a small crew of just five employees, it can cost you in the six-figure range every year.

When you look at it from this perspective, you think twice about each position you’re going to hire for, and you only hire when needed while ensuring you hire the right person for each position. See how  and when to hire a new employee for more on hiring.

In this section of the post, you’ll find a collection of resources you can use now and when your business is up and running.

Many of these resources lead to search results offering new and updated content. So it makes sense to visit this page often to use the resources.

Trends and Statistics

When you spend some time looking at industry trends and statistics, you’ll get an overview of the market and can identify if it’s rising or declining.

In addition, you’re also getting ideas for what’s popular, and sometimes you can implement those ideas in your service.

Click here for the latest google search results related to trends in the kids’ party industry.

Take some time to view the link below to see supplies available in the marketplace that can help you improve your parties and offer a better experience for the kids.

See the latest google search results for kids’ party planning supplies.


Many associations also offer educational information, trends, statistics, and host events, allowing you to network with others in the industry.

You may also want to consider joining your local Chamber of Commerce so you can get to know local entrepreneurs and bring awareness to your business.

Click here to view event planning associations.  you may also want to check out our page for tips and insights about  Joining a trade association.

Top Kids Party Planning Businesses

When you view businesses similar to yours, you get an idea of what’s in the marketplace. For example, you can see what services are offered and get an idea about the pricing in the marketplace.

Sometimes if you study all the businesses at one time, you may pick up on something that’s missing in the industry.

If that’s something your customers like and can implement, you may have found a competitive edge.

On the other hand, you may find something you’re missing in your business that the others offer, which you may want to include in your service.  Search Google for the top kids’ party planning in your area.

Marketing Tips

A business without customers isn’t really a business. And getting customers without marketing isn’t a reality. When you think about it, marketing doesn’t have to be complicated where you need a New York agency to promote your business. It can be as simple as bringing awareness.

For example, you could host a school event for free just to promote your kids’ party planning business. During the party, you would create gift bags for the kids.

Then, when the kids go home naturally, they’ll tell their parents about their experience. Your gift bags will include cards, brochures, and promotional items to promote your business.

This can bring awareness to your service, and it’s just one tip for marketing.

There are many tips for marketing your business. Access the information and act on those marketing tactics that make sense to you.

It’s a good idea to visit the link below at least once a month so that you stay up-to-date and generate new ideas for marketing campaigns to build your business.  Have a look at the latest articles for marketing a kids’ party planning business.

Kids Party Planning Tips

Whether you are an experienced party planner or not, you want to improve your skills and keep up-to-date with the latest information.

Take some time to visit the following link to explore what’s new.  Look at the search results for tips related to kids’ party planning.

Books are a great source of information. You may want to have a collection of books that can help you run your business and improve your skills and party planning.

A time-saving tip with nonfiction books is you don’t have to read the book from cover to cover to get the information you want.

Instead, you can go through the table of contents to locate the section you want.

View the most recent Google search results for kids’ party planning books.

There are many sources of training online. Why not take a few minutes to see what’s available and decide if you want to improve your skills with the material available.

The way I look at training is if you are familiar with the material, then it’s a refresher, and even if you just get one idea or a tip, then it’s worth the investment in the training.

See  Google’s search results related to kid’s party planning.

The news is another source of information I like to use. So, naturally, I don’t watch the evening news waiting for a topic I’m interested in.

Instead, I use Google news. I type in my keyword, and I have instant access to the latest, plus archived news stories related to my keywords.

See Google’s News Search results related to kids’ party planning.

YouTube is an excellent source of information for tutorials. Many of the videos are well-produced and offer advice on various topics.

When it comes to YouTube, I like that anybody can post a video and share their experience. See the Most Recent Videos Related to Kids Party Planning

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How to start a party planning business in 7 steps

  • Jeremy Greenbaum

How to start a party planning business

If you have a passion for organizing events, love bringing people together and enjoy creating memorable experiences, starting a party planning business can be a rewarding and exciting venture. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of launching a party planning business, from developing your concept to creating a professional business website . It’s time to turn your party-planning dreams into a reality.

What is a party planning business?

A party planning business is a service-based enterprise that specializes in organizing and executing various types of events, such as birthdays, weddings, corporate gatherings and special occasions. In this type of business , you will work closely with clients to understand their vision, coordinate logistics and ensure that every detail of the event is meticulously planned and executed.

Party planning businesses have become increasingly popular as people seek professional assistance to alleviate the stress and complexity of organizing events. By providing expert guidance, creative ideas and impeccable coordination, party planners help clients bring their vision to life and create unforgettable experiences for their guests.

Why start a party planning business?

The demand for professional party planning services is on the rise as people value convenience, expertise and the desire for exceptional celebrations. In fact, the global party planning industry is projected to reach $1,552.9 billion by 2028 , giving it a compound annual growth rate of over 11%. In the US, that growth rate is up to 18% .

Besides having major growth potential, this field can also be extremely fun and creative. If you have a genuine love for organizing events and making people happy, starting a party planning business allows you to turn your passion into a fulfilling career. As a party planner, you have the opportunity to unleash your creativity and bring unique ideas to life. Each event presents a new canvas for you to design memorable experiences tailored to your clients' preferences.

Speaking of clients, planning parties allows you to connect with clients on a personal level and make a positive impact on their lives. The joy and satisfaction of seeing happy clients and their guests enjoying a flawlessly executed event can be immensely rewarding.

Benefits of starting a party planning business

In summary, starting a party planning business comes with benefits such as:

Diverse clientele: Party planning businesses cater to a wide range of clients, including individuals, businesses, nonprofit organizations and community groups. This diversity allows you to work on various types of events and expand your network.

Endless creativity: From themed parties to unique décor and entertainment ideas, party planning offers limitless opportunities for creativity. You can continuously explore new trends, innovative designs and exciting concepts to impress your clients and stay ahead of the competition.

Collaboration opportunities: As a party planner, you have the chance to collaborate with different vendors, such as caterers, florists (read also: how to start a flower business ), DJs and photographers. These collaborations not only enhance the quality of your events but also help you build a strong network within the event industry. And if you're interesting in taking that on yourself, check out our guide on how to start a dj business .

Personal and professional growth: Running a party planning business allows you to develop essential skills in project management, negotiation, budgeting and customer service. Each event presents an opportunity for growth and learning, enabling you to refine your expertise and expand your knowledge.

Challenges of running a party planning business

While starting a business has numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of the challenges that come with it. Here are some common challenges you may face:

Time management: Planning and executing events require meticulous attention to detail and effective time management. Juggling multiple projects, coordinating with clients and vendors and meeting deadlines can be demanding, especially during peak event seasons.

Budget constraints: Balancing clients' expectations and budget limitations can be a challenge. It's crucial to find creative solutions, negotiate with vendors and effectively communicate with clients to deliver exceptional experiences within their financial constraints.

Vendor management: Building relationships with reliable and trustworthy vendors is essential. However, finding the right vendors who align with your clients' needs and standards can be time-consuming. Maintaining these relationships and ensuring consistent quality from vendors is crucial for successful events.

Event logistics: Managing logistics, such as venue selection, transportation, guest seating and equipment rentals, requires careful coordination and attention to detail. Overlooking any aspect of event logistics can result in delays, misunderstandings or last-minute complications.

How to start a party planning business

Starting a party planning business involves several essential steps. By following these steps, you can establish a strong foundation for your business and set yourself up for success:

Define your party planning services

Develop a comprehensive business plan

Set up your business

Build your professional network

Develop pricing packages and contracts

Establish online presence with a Wix website

Market your party planning business

01. Define your party planning services

Identify the types of events you want to specialize in and the services you will offer. Determine your target market based on factors such as event size, budget range, location and specific event themes or styles, as well as your unique selling proposition . Defining your niche will help you focus your marketing efforts and differentiate yourself from competitors.

02. Develop a comprehensive business plan

Create a detailed business plan that outlines your goals, target market analysis, marketing strategies, pricing structure, financial projections and operational plans. You’ll also want to create a detailed financial forecast, including how you plan to raise money for your business , monthly expenses, revenue projections and profitability analysis. These documents will serve as a roadmap for your party planning business and guide your decision-making process.

Once you've written your party planning business plan , write a concept statement to outline your vision.

03. Set up your business

When you are figuring out how to name your business , try using dedicated tools like Wix’s business name generator and register your business with the appropriate local authorities. Determine your business entity ( sole proprietorship , partnership , LLC , corporation ) and obtain any required licenses or permits to operate legally. Additionally, consider getting liability insurance to protect your business.

Some examples of potential party planning business names include:

CelebrateJoy Events

FestiveFiesta Planners


SparkleSoiree Services

PartyPerfection Pros

JubileeJunction Events

BlissfulBash Planners

EliteEntertain Events

RazzleDazzle Celebrations

ChicCharm Events

VelvetVibe Parties

GalaGrove Planners


RadiantRevelry Events

MajesticMingle Planners

04. Build your professional network

Establish relationships with vendors, venues, caterers, entertainers and other professionals in the event industry. Collaborate with reliable partners who share your commitment to quality and professionalism. Building a strong network will ensure that you have access to reliable resources for every event.

05. Develop pricing packages and contracts

Create pricing packages for your party planning services based on the type of event, services provided and estimated hours of work. Develop clear and comprehensive contracts that outline the terms and conditions of your services, including payment schedules, cancellation policies and liability disclaimers.

06. Establish your online presence with a Wix website

Create a professional website using a user-friendly website maker like Wix. Showcase your services, portfolio of past events, client testimonials and contact information. Implement an inquiry form to capture leads and make it easy for potential clients to reach out to you.

07. Market your party planning business

Implement a strategic marketing plan to promote your party planning services. Consider online and offline marketing tactics, such as social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, attending industry events and networking with local businesses. Utilize your website and social media platforms to showcase your expertise, share event inspiration and engage with your target audience.

Thinking of starting another type of business? Check out some of these creative service business ideas  to help get you started.

Promote your party planning business

Promoting your party planning business effectively is essential for sustainable growth and client satisfaction. Here are five key steps to effectively manage your party planning business:

Streamline processes and workflow: Develop efficient processes for client communication, vendor coordination, budget management and event execution. Use project management tools and software to track progress, assign tasks and streamline workflow. Regularly review and refine your processes to optimize efficiency and productivity.

Maintain strong vendor relationships: Nurture your relationships with vendors by communicating effectively, providing clear guidelines and promptly addressing any concerns or issues. Maintain an updated vendor database with detailed information, such as pricing, specialties and past collaborations. Establishing trust and reliability with vendors will ensure smooth event execution.

Prioritize customer service: Deliver exceptional customer service by actively listening to your clients, promptly responding to their inquiries and going above and beyond to exceed their expectations. Tailor your services to meet their unique needs and preferences. Providing a personalized and attentive experience will build trust and loyalty among your clients.

Leverage social media and visual content: Utilize social media platforms to showcase your past events, share event inspiration and engage with your target audience. Utilize visual content, such as high-quality photos and videos, to highlight your creativity and expertise. Encourage clients to share their experiences and reviews on social media, further enhancing your online presence.

Build client testimonials and referrals: Request testimonials from satisfied clients and feature them on your website and social media platforms. Positive reviews and testimonials build trust and credibility among potential clients. Implement referral programs that incentivize existing clients to refer new clients to your party planning business. Offer discounts, exclusive packages or rewards as a token of appreciation for referrals.

How to start a business in a specific state

Registration and licensing requirements can vary by state and local jurisdiction. Therefore, it's important to research and comply with the specific guidelines of your location so you’re operating legally and protecting your business. Here are some helpful resources:

Start a business in Pennsylvania

Start a business in Tennessee

Start a business in Connecticut

Start a business in Texas

Start a business in New York

How to start a business in Washington

Start a business in Georgia

Don’t see your state here? Just use the search bar in the Wix Blog to find all the information you need.

No matter where you promote your business, make sure to keep your branding consistent. Use Wix’s logo maker to create a logo that you can feature in all of your digital assets. Check out these photography logo ideas for inspiration.

Party planning businesses on Wix

Pop Tier Party Solutions : PopTier Parties is your go-to destination for creating unforgettable and personalized party experiences. From themed decorations to entertainment, they curate every detail to make your special occasions truly magical.

Social Peanut Planning : Social Peanut Planning specializes in crafting seamless and stylish parties for any child event, birthday or baby shower. Their expert team brings creativity and attention to detail to ensure your gatherings are a resounding success.

The Peachtree Party Planner : Located in the Greater Atlanta Region, The Peachtree Party Planner is a premier event planning service dedicated to extravagant and stylistic themed parties. Meet your new secret weapon when it comes to impressing your party guests.

For more inspiration, you can check out these service business examples to help you get your creative juices flowing.

What are some of the qualities of a good event planner?

Looking to be successful with an event planning business? You'll need to posses and hone some of the following skills:

Effective communication

Good organizational ability

Leadership qualities and experience

Problem solving

People skills

Great time management

If you're interested in other business ideas...

How to start an online business

How to start a consulting business

How to start a service business

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How to start a fitness clothing line

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How to start a print on demand business

How to start a laundromat business

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How to start a party planning business FAQ

How to start an event planning business from home.

As general advice - research the market, define your niche, create a business plan, set up a home office, build a website, network with vendors for party planning supplies and offer exceptional service to launch your home-based event planning business successfully.

How to start an event planning business with no experience?

How to start a party planning business with no money, related posts.

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Shawano Leader

Event Planning: How to Start a Birthday Party Business

Business & Entrepreneur

If you’re passionate about throwing great parties, why not use that passion to start a successful birthday party business? With the demand for creative and memorable celebrations on the rise, now is the perfect time to tap into this growing market.

With the right vendors and venues, you will have the tools necessary to make any person’s day special. Imagine bringing joy and excitement to children and adults alike with personalized and stress-free birthday parties.

Following a few key steps can turn your passion for planning into a successful business.

Read on to learn how to start a birthday party business and bring smiles to faces all year round.

Let’s get started.

Steps to Starting a Birthday Party Business

Determine the focus of your birthday party business.

Determining the focus of your birthday party business is essential in setting yourself up for success. This involves deciding on the target market you want to serve and the types of services you will offer. Here are some things to consider:

Target Market

Who do you want to serve with your birthday party business? Children, adults, families, or a combination? If you know your target market, you can ensure that your services and marketing are geared toward the right people.

Types of Parties

Will you offer theme parties, sports parties, craft parties, or a mix of options? Consider what types of parties are in demand in your area and what you are most passionate about and skilled at planning.

Unique Selling Point

What sets your business apart from the competition? You may specialize in eco-friendly party supplies, offer interactive entertainment options, or have a particular theme or activity that is popular in your area. Identifying your unique selling point will help you stand out in the market.

By taking the time to think about these factors, you can create a focused and targeted business plan that meets the needs and desires of your target market.

Create a Business Plan

Now that you know what your business will look like, it’s time to create a business plan. Creating a business plan is essential in starting any business, and a birthday party business is no exception.

A business plan helps you clarify your business goals, understand the market, and plan for success. Here are some key components to include in your business plan:

Market Research

Research to understand the demand for birthday party services in your area. Look at the competition, target market demographics, and any trends or changes in the market. This information will help you understand the potential of your business and how to position yourself in the market.

Financial Goals and Pricing

Set financial goals for your business and determine pricing for your services. Consider the cost of supplies, staff, and overhead when setting your prices. Be sure to price your services competitively and consider the value you offer clients.

Marketing and Advertising Strategy

Develop a plan for promoting your business and attracting clients. This may include social media marketing, local advertising, networking with other businesses, or word-of-mouth referrals.

Plan for any business expenses you may need, such as party supplies, insurance, and equipment. Make sure to account for marketing, advertising, and staff costs if necessary.

Also, leveraging birthday party booking software will ensure the celebration goes off without a hitch.

Creating a comprehensive business plan allows you to set yourself up for success and have a clear roadmap for launching and growing your birthday party business.

Secure Licenses and Permits

Before launching your business, ensure you have all the necessary licenses and permits to operate legally. Depending on where you are located, you may need to obtain various licenses and permits to operate your business legally. Here are some things to consider:

Business License

Most cities and towns require businesses to obtain a business license . This typically involves filling out an application and paying a fee.

Sales Tax Permit

If you sell any goods or services, you may need a sales tax permit. This allows you to collect sales tax from your customers and remit it to the government.

Food Handling Permit

You may need to obtain a food handling permit if you serve food at your parties. This ensures that you follow proper food safety guidelines and protects the health of your customers.

It is a good idea to obtain liability insurance to protect your business in case of accidents or injuries at your parties. This can help cover the cost of medical expenses and legal fees.

Assemble Your Team and Resources

Once you have a business plan and all the necessary licenses and permits, it is time to assemble your team and resources. Assembling a team and gathering the necessary resources is essential in starting a birthday party business.

This includes hiring any necessary staff and acquiring party supplies and equipment. Here are some things to consider:

Depending on the size and scope of your business, you may need to hire staff such as assistants or entertainers. Consider potential hires’ skills and experience and thoroughly vet them before bringing them on board.

Party Supplies and Equipment

Gather the supplies and equipment needed to execute successful parties, such as decorations, games, catering supplies, and any specialized equipment for activities. Consider purchasing bulk supplies to save money and ensure you have enough for multiple parties.

Identify potential venues for parties, such as parks, community centers, or private homes. Consider the size and location of the venues, as well as any rental fees or restrictions.

Having the right team and resources in place will help prepare you to plan and execute successful parties.

Promote Your Business and Booking Parties

Promoting your birthday party business and booking parties is vital in launching a successful business. By getting the word out about your services and building relationships with clients, you can ensure that your business grows over time.

Social media is one of the best ways to promote your birthday party business. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are great for connecting with potential clients, showcasing your services, and engaging with existing customers.

Furthermore, you can post photos of past parties, share helpful tips and ideas, and even run contests to generate interest in your business. Consider creating a website for your business.

A website is perfect for showcasing your services , displaying photos of past parties, and providing potential clients with all the information they need to book a party. When it comes to booking parties, it is essential to make sure that you are providing excellent customer service.

Lastly, offer flexible options for booking, such as online or in-person, and be sure to respond quickly to inquiries.

You can ensure your birthday party business is booming by promoting your business and providing quality customer service.

Wrapping Up

Starting a birthday party business is a great way to have fun and make money. By following the steps outlined above, you can turn your passion for planning into a successful and rewarding business venture.

From determining your focus and creating a business plan to assembling the right team and resources, you can ensure that your business is set up for success.

Finally, by promoting your business , booking parties, and executing successful events, you can provide clients with memorable and stress-free celebrations that will bring smiles to faces all year round.

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birthday party business plan

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How to Start a Party Planner Home Business

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Leslie Truex has over 20 years of experience as a writer and a home entrepreneur. She is the author of multiple books on running a home business.

Planning parties might sound fun, but it takes more than booking a caterer and DJ to make a living at it. It also requires diplomacy, salesmanship, multitasking, and above all, a desire to help other people enjoy themselves. Party planner engagements can range from weddings and product launches to corporate seminars and awards dinners. Tasks can include renting a hall, mailing out engraved invitations, coming up with a theme, booking entertainment, deciding on the food, and hiring waitstaff.

The median income for event planners is over $61,000 according to Salary.com, with the range being from $52,901 to $72,329 per year.

There is no specific education or training required to become a party or event planner, but experience can go a long way in helping you know what to do and what to expect. Further, having a network of professionals from caterers to entertainers will be important in having the resources to supply what clients want for their party or event.

Starting a parting planning business offers many perks including:

  • Can be started with little investment
  • No formal training is required
  • You can start from scratch or invest in a franchise event business opportunity
  • Can be run from home
  • Ideal for people who are outgoing and enjoy working with others
  • Doing business with people and businesses out to have a good time
  • Job variety
  • Potential new clients at every event
  • A six-figure income with the right clientele

It's not all party balloons and confetti in the planning business. Some negatives about the business include:

  • Long or odd work hours. Party planners need to be on-hand during the event, which often runs evenings or weekends. Some may be multi-day events.
  • Every event can be stressful as you only are as good and popular as your last party.
  • It can be difficult to get your first clients.
  • Clients can be difficult and unreasonable in their expectations.
  • Reliance on subcontractors.
  • Pressure to look your best whenever doing business.
  • The client always comes first.

What You Need to Get Started

While there's no specific education or experience you need to get started as a party planner, there are a few skills and to-dos that are involved, such as:

  • If you've never planned a party or organized an event, volunteer to do one to make sure you have the stamina and interest in event planning as a business .
  • Write a business plan outlining your service, prices and financial projections. This is the time to decide if you're going to focus on a specific type of event, such as weddings or conferences.
  • Although not required, you might want to get the Certified Meeting Planner certification  as it can increase your marketability. Clients will feel more comfortable working with someone they think has been vetted. This can also allow you to charge higher rates.
  • Determine what and how you're going to charge for your services. Keep in mind your clientele and the event. Weddings and large corporate events have high expectations and lots of work, whereas an office party usually has less.
  • Create your contracts. Consider having a lawyer to help you to make sure you cover every possible legal ramification.
  • Obtain the needed business license and liability insurance.
  • Create your marketing plan and promotional materials, such as business cards, brochures, and a website. Determine your ideal market and how you'll reach it to get clients. Consider including videos of successful parties, with your clients' permission, of course.
  • Gather images and testimonials of your events to create a portfolio of your success. Also, develop a plan for generating referrals.
  • Develop a network of reliable suppliers and professionals needed to help you pull off your events, such as florists, caterers, photographers, and DJs.
  • Get active in your community, especially with your local chamber of commerce and other business-to-business networking. Not only can you generate business from these events, but also, cultivate referrals.

If you have trouble getting your business off the ground or want more experience before going on your own, consider getting an event planning job.

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Every day’s a party might be the theme for your indoor party center, but without a business plan, it won’t hold true for long. A solid business plan helps explain how your business offers a needed solution to people wanting to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or other events in a fun, safe setting. Your business plan should also reveal any risks or concerns so a financing institution realizes you’re not just getting into the business because you like to see people having a blast, but want to make a profit, too.

Describe Services

Explain the types of services you plan to provide, including the different types of play equipment, party supplies and food or beverages you’ll offer. Describe the space in which activities will take place and how many people the center holds. If you want to provide entertainment, such as clowns, puppeteers or disc jockeys, mention these. List the pricing structure, whether by the hour or by the party. Describe the market you plan to cater to, whether it’s children and their parents or adults who want to schedule a celebration at your facility.

Review the Market

Describe trends in the market, including aspects such as inclement weather conditions that make an indoor party business ideal for your region. Other trends might include a growing population of families with small children based on census reports or a thriving shopping mall that’s drawing lots of traffic in a new neighborhood. Research competing businesses, including party rental companies, indoor playgrounds and game facilities to learn about their pricing, target market and services.

Manage Staff

Hiring a qualified manager is key to turning your center into a profitable business, unless you plan to manage the business yourself. If hiring, explain the party or rental experience and business education and experience your manager brings to the center. List the types of other staff you plan to hire, and detail your plan to train employees in safety issues related to the toys and equipment your center offers.

Promote and Market

List the ways in which you plan to market your company, including sections for promotion, advertising and getting free press from local media. Describe how you plan to use a website to draw partygoers to your facility. Include a plan for using social media to build a following of families with children who enjoyed a birthday party at your establishment or adults who had a fun evening celebrating a special occasion. Use Facebook to post updates on new equipment, types of music available and special promotions on slow days to encourage happy customers to return.

Develop the Financial Plan

Explain financing for your party center, starting with profit and loss statements that project how your business will spend and make money during the first few years of operation. If you seek financing from a bank, explain what the funding will achieve, such as buying play equipment, equipping a kitchen area so you can serve food or marketing the business to make people aware it exists.

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Nancy Wagner is a marketing strategist and speaker who started writing in 1998. She writes business plans for startups and established companies and teaches marketing and promotional tactics at local workshops. Wagner's business and marketing articles have appeared in "Home Business Journal," "Nation’s Business," "Emerging Business" and "The Mortgage Press," among others. She holds a B.S. from Eastern Illinois University.

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How to Start a Party Planning Business in 14 Steps (In-Depth Guide)

Updated:   April 8, 2024

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The party industry is growing in leaps and bounds around the globe. With a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.8% from 2023 to 2032, now is a great time to start a party planning business.

birthday party business plan

This guide will explain how to start a party planning business. Topics include market research, competitive analysis, startup costs, registering an EIN, applying for business insurance, and more.

With demand increasing across the board, from budget-friendly to luxury, there is ample opportunity to carve out your niche. If helping people mark life’s special moments sounds like your dream job, read on for everything you need to start your own party planning business.

1. Conduct Party Planning Market Research

Market research is important for an event planner hoping to craft a successful business plan. As a new event planning company, you should know about your target market, local market saturation, trending event planning services in the event planning industry, and more.

birthday party business plan

Some of the details you’ll learn through market research for your own event planning business include:

  • Several factors are driving this growth. Busy professionals with more disposable income hire planners to pull off events they don’t have time to organize.
  • Parents are enlisting many event planners to create Instagram-worthy birthday parties for their kids. And milestone events like weddings, reunions, and corporate gatherings require professional help more than ever.
  • While the luxury party planning market is saturated, there remains ample opportunity in the budget-friendly space.

To start an event planning company, planners should target various niches:

  • Weddings: Especially budget-friendly packages under $2,000.
  • Kids’ birthdays: Focus on themes like dinosaurs, princesses, and superheroes.
  • Corporate events: Pitch one-stop services from choosing a venue to arranging catering.
  • Holiday parties: Help clients throw stylish Christmas, Halloween, and other themed events.
  • Showers: Baby showers, bridal showers, retirement parties.
  • Reunions: Help plan school, family, or military reunions.
  • Unique experiences: Party buses , paint parties, etc.

With demand increasing across segments, the party and wedding planning industry provides fertile ground for entrepreneurs to launch all types of event planning businesses. By identifying a specific niche and effectively marketing services, new planners can steadily grow their clientele and bottom line.

2. Analyze the Competition

Thoroughly analyzing the competition is critical when starting a party planning company. Here are tips to assess competitor event planners both in your local area and online:

  • For brick-and-mortar competitors, identify planners located nearby.
  • Visit their websites and social media pages to evaluate services offered, pricing, and types of events planned.
  • Note their years in business, reviews, and repeat clients to gauge customer satisfaction.
  • Observe their branding and marketing to see if a niche is being underserved.
  • To evaluate online competitors, research major planning sites that allow vendors to list profiles like WeddingWire. Search for planners servicing your area across different price points.
  • Analyze the services they offer, packages, and how they describe their business.
  • Visit their individual websites and social media pages to assess their web traffic, followers, and engagement using tools like SimilarWeb and SocialBlade .
  • High traffic and following can signal a strong online presence.
  • Search industry hashtags on social media like #birthdaypartyplanning to find local planners promoting their work and engaging with clients.
  • Their posts can provide insight into their branding, the types of events planned, and the venues/rentals they partner with. Take note of planners with satisfied client comments.
  • Look for gaps in the market – if all local competitors focus on luxury weddings, for example, there may be opportunities for budget kid parties.
  • Identify areas competitors are lacking in like styled Instagram content or robust online packages, that you could excel in.
  • Track competitors over time by subscribing to their email lists and re-evaluating their digital presence every few months.

Ongoing market research will provide the knowledge needed to position your services where competitors are missing the mark. It also helps refine your unique selling proposition and offerings over time as client demand evolves.

3. Costs to Start a Party Planning Business

When starting a party planning company, there are various one-time start-up costs to consider before opening for business.

Start-up Costs

  • Business Registration Fees – $50-$500 Registering your business as an LLC or other corporate structure will incur state filing fees and potentially local licensing fees.
  • Business Insurance – $500-$2,000/year General liability insurance protects your business from property damage or bodily injury claims. Professional liability shields against client lawsuits.
  • Office Supplies – $500-$2,000 A computer, printer, software, phone, folders, contracts, and other administrative supplies will be needed.
  • Website – $200-$5,000 A professional website showcasing services, galleries, and contact forms is essential for attracting clients.
  • Branding – $500-$2,000 Professional logo design, business cards, email design template, and other branding elements establish credibility.
  • Equipment – $1,000-$5,000 Tablets, cameras, decor items, props, signage, and storage for event supplies will be necessary. Renting certain items can minimize costs. More for luxury items or rooms such as spas , game rooms, etc.
  • Initial Advertising – $500-$2,000 Print ads, digital ads, and brochures help introduce your new business to the local market.

Ongoing Costs

  • Rent – $200-$2,000/month Many planners operate from a small home office when starting before moving to a storefront. Virtual offices are also an option.
  • Utilities – $150-$500/month Expect costs for internet, phone, electricity, and other utilities based on your office needs.
  • Business Insurance – $500-$2,000/year Insurance policies must be renewed annually. Review and adjust coverage as your business grows.
  • Accounting Software – $10-$50/month Programs like QuickBooks help track income, expenses, invoices, and tax documents.
  • Advertising – $100-$500/month Continually promote your services through channels like social media ads, SEO, and email marketing.
  • Travel – $50-$500+ per event Site visits, client meetings, and going to events will incur gas, public transit, or rideshare costs.
  • Professional Development – $500-$2,000/year Invest in ongoing training on event trends, best practices, and skills development.

By estimating costs across these various categories, new party planners can develop an accurate budget and ensure sufficient capital to cover operating expenses as they build their business. Adjusting forecasts periodically lets you scale spending in step with revenue growth.

4. Form a Legal Business Entity

When starting a party planning company, choosing the right legal structure is key. The four main options each have benefits and drawbacks to weigh:

Sole Proprietorship

This is the simplest structure with no formal registration needed beyond licenses. Party planners can get up and running quickly and inexpensively. However, the owner has unlimited personal liability for debts and lawsuits related to the business. Their assets could be seized, making this a risky choice.


A general or limited partnership allows two or more co-owners to share resources and split profits. However, general partners also share unlimited personal liability. Limited partners’ liability is restricted to their investment, but they can’t participate in management. Overall, the shared liability is risky for service businesses like party planning.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Forming an LLC offers liability protection for all members while allowing pass-through taxation. This is the best choice for most party planners starting. It limits owners’ risk if sued and keeps things simple tax-wise. Startup costs are low, and single-member LLCs are easy to run.


C-corps and S-corps offer the strongest liability protection but have complex regulations and double taxation. This bureaucratic structure can get costly with annual fees and paperwork. Unless seeking investors or going public, most small party planners don’t need to incorporate right away.

5. Register Your Business For Taxes

One key legal step for any new business is obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This unique number identifies your business for tax purposes.

Here’s how party planners can easily apply for an EIN:

  • Go to IRS.gov and search “apply for an EIN”. Click the link to reach the online application.
  • Review the instructions and have your information ready – name, address, SSN, and details about your LLC or corporation.
  • When ready, click “Begin Application” and follow the short questionnaire. Select the type of LLC you formed.
  • On the final page, review your business information. Then submit the form to instantly receive your EIN.

The entire process takes about 10 minutes and there is no fee. The IRS will mail you an EIN confirmation letter for your records in 4-5 weeks.

With your EIN, you can open business bank accounts, apply for licenses, and file taxes. It also enables you to hire employees down the road.

Additionally, party planners must register with their state to collect sales tax on services provided. Requirements vary by location but often include:

  • Obtaining a seller’s permit or sales tax ID through your state revenue department.
  • Charging sales tax to clients and filing regular returns to remit taxes collected.
  • Keeping detailed records of taxable sales and any tax-exempt transactions.

Visit your state revenue website for specifics on registering. Fees typically range from $10-$100 depending on the state.

Handling EIN and sales tax registration upfront ensures your party planning business operates legally and complies with all tax obligations from the start. Take the time to get set up properly so you can focus on serving clients.

6. Setup Your Accounting

As a party planner, meticulous financial records are crucial for tracking income and expenses, maximizing tax deductions, and operating legally. Investing in accounting software and an accountant from the start will save major headaches down the road.

Accounting Software

Programs like Quickbooks allow planners to easily categorize every business transaction, generate invoices, manage payroll, and streamline taxes. The software seamlessly syncs with bank and credit card accounts to automatically import and log payments. This eliminates manual entry and the risk of errors.

Hire an Accountant

While accounting software does much of the heavy lifting, partnering with an accountant adds professional oversight. A qualified accountant provides services like:

  • Setting up your bookkeeping, accounting systems, and Quickbooks.
  • Training you on proper record keeping and utilizing features of your accounting software.
  • Performing monthly reconciliations to identify any discrepancies.
  • Preparing and filing quarterly and annual tax returns.

Most planners retain an accountant at least for annual tax preparation and filing. Costs range from $200-$5,000 depending on the extent of services provided.

Open a Business Bank Account

Separating business and personal finances prevents the commingling of funds and avoids red flags with the IRS. Open a dedicated business checking account and credit card only used for company expenses.

Apply for a Business Credit Card

Business credit cards allow you to keep expenses separate while earning valuable reward points on purchases. Limits are based on your business credit profile, not your score. Have an Employer Identification Number (EIN) ready to apply and obtain a higher line of credit.

7. Obtain Licenses and Permits

Before hosting your first event, party planners must ensure they have obtained all required business licenses and permits. Find information for federal licenses through the U.S. Small Business Administration . The SBA also has a local search tool for state and city permits.

Requirements vary based on your city and state, but common licenses include:

  • Business License: Nearly all jurisdictions require a general business license to legally operate. Fees are typically $50-$100 annually.
  • Seller’s Permit: Obtaining a seller’s permit or sales tax ID enables you to collect sales tax on services provided.
  • Food Service Permit: If catering food yourself or hiring food trucks, a food service license is often required. Complete a training course, pay fees, and pass inspections to obtain this permit.
  • Liquor License: To serve alcohol at events, party planners need a liquor license approved by the state or county liquor authority.
  • Raffle/Gaming License: If hosting contests, raffles, or casino games like at a fundraiser event, you’ll likely need gaming and raffle permits. Follow all regulations around reporting and awarding prizes.
  • Zoning Permits: If running your business from a home office, commercial space, or event venue, confirm zoning permits allow for these activities. Make any zoning appeals before signing leases.

Preparing guest lists, floor plans and vendor orders is the fun part of event planning. Don’t let overlooking essential licenses put operations on hold or jeopardize your business. Consult local regulators to identify all required approvals.

8. Get Business Insurance

Obtaining adequate business insurance is crucial for protecting party planners against unforeseen risks that could otherwise sink the company. Being underinsured – or not insured at all – leaves you vulnerable in scenarios like:

  • A guest slips and falls at an event, sustaining serious injuries. Without liability coverage, you could be sued for substantial medical bills.
  • Severe weather damages or forces cancellation of a major event. The client still expects compensation for losses.
  • Expensive AV equipment rented for a corporate party is stolen. Replacement costs could be crippling without protection.

To shield your assets in cases like these, partner with an insurer to obtain key policies:

  • General Liability – Covers 3rd party bodily injury and property damage claims. Vital for party planners to interact with guests.
  • Professional Liability – Protects against damages if sued for negligent services like a poorly planned event.
  • Commercial Property – Reimburses stolen or damaged equipment and decor used for events.
  • Event Cancellation – Provides reimbursement for non-refundable expenses if a client’s event is canceled.
  • Umbrella Liability – Additional liability limits atop other policies. Useful for large-scale events.

To get insured, contact business insurance brokers. Be ready with info on your LLC and the type/scale of events you plan. Review multiple quotes to find the best rates and coverage for your needs.

9. Create an Office Space

Having a professional office space lends party planners credibility and provides a centralized hub for client meetings and event preparation. The optimal location depends on your budget and stage of business.

Home Office

When just starting, operating from a dedicated home office minimizes overhead. Convert a spare room into a functional workspace for administrative tasks. Meet clients at event venues or coffee shops until you outgrow home-based operations. Costs are limited to decor, supplies, and utilities.

Coworking Office

Coworking spaces like WeWork provide an affordable upgraded office environment as your business expands. Open layouts promote networking with fellow entrepreneurs. You’ll get access to business amenities like conference rooms, printers, kitchens, and tech support for around $200-$500 per month.

Retail Office

For established planners seeking a higher-end presence, consider a storefront retail unit. This allows passing foot traffic and walk-in clients. You can meet with vendors in a conference room and display photos of events. Rent averages $1,500-$4,000 per month.

Commercial Office

Leasing space in a Class A commercial office building lends prestige to corporate clients. Expect amenities like gyms, cafeterias, shared conference rooms, and high-end finishes. Budget at least $3,000 per month for rent plus additional build-out costs.

10. Source Your Equipment

From decor to AV equipment, party planners need access to a wide assortment of event supplies. Here are the top options to acquire the necessary materials whether buying new, used, renting, or leasing:

Brand new party rental inventory allows you complete creative control but comes at a premium. Purchase basics like tables, chairs, linens, flatware, and lighting from event retailers like PartyTime Rentals . Visit restaurant supply stores for high-volume glassware, dishes, and service ware.

Score major savings buying used furnishings and decor from resellers. Check used-party supply retailers and local classifieds on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace . Thrift stores like Goodwill can yield finds. Garage and estate sales are also prime venues to discover chic vintage items. Take time to hunt for hidden gems.

Renting is ideal for pricier items needed periodically like speakers, projectors, dance floors, and tents. Event rental companies allow you to expand your inventory as needed on a per-event basis. Rates are typically daily or weekly. Coordinate delivery and pickup.

Leasing select premium equipment from specialty companies enables access to high-end gear like bounce houses , photo booths, neon signs, and games. You pay a monthly fee for the length of a multi-year contract. Build leasing costs into your client fees.

11. Establish Your Brand Assets

Crafting a strong brand identity is crucial for party planners to stand out and be remembered. By investing in professional branding elements upfront, you can consistently convey your vision across every touchpoint.

Getting a Business Phone Number

A custom phone number lends legitimacy versus using a personal cell. Services like RingCentral provide toll-free and local numbers with call routing, voicemail, and SMS capabilities.

Creating a Logo and Brand Assets

A polished logo encapsulates your brand personality and specialty. For party planners, an energetic, playful mark is ideal. Use a logo maker like Looka to design options and then refine your vision with a graphic designer.

Complement your logo with branded social media assets, email signatures, proposals, invoices, and contract templates. Apply colors, fonts, and graphical elements consistently for recognition.

Creating Business Cards and Signage

Business cards are essential for in-person networking and events. Include your logo, stylized contact info, tagline, and any certifications that build credibility. Signage like banners and yard signs help promote your brand at venues. Order professional designs from printers like Vistaprint .

Purchasing a Domain Name

Secure a domain name that matches your brand for a cohesive online presence. Aim for your full business name or a memorable short phrase relevant to party planning. Use domain sites like Namecheap and explore extensions beyond .com.

Building a Website

Your website will be a prospect’s first impression of your brand. While DIY builders like Wix make launching easy, consider hiring a web designer on Fiverr for a polished, client-focused site. Include sections showcasing previous events, testimonials, and ways to contact you.

12. Join Associations and Groups

Joining relevant local organizations and online communities provides invaluable connections for party planners. Surrounding yourself with other professionals leads to collaborations, knowledge sharing, and a stronger local network.

Local Associations

Area party and event planning associations offer both networking and learning opportunities. Attend meetups to connect with fellow planners, discuss trends, and discover new venues. Groups like the International Live Events Association provide support through all stages of business ownership.

Consider joining your local chamber of commerce as well to raise visibility among area businesses. The connections made can lead to corporate event leads.

Local Meetups

Keep a pulse on local happenings and expand your network by attending relevant meetups. Use sites like Meetup to find regular events like wedding vendor mixers, marketing seminars, and industry trade shows.

Exchange ideas in person and distribute business cards to event pros you want to partner with. Look for both general networking and party planning-specific meetups.

Facebook Groups

Engage with the national community of planners by joining Facebook Groups like Party Rental Business Owners and Creative Event Planners who are supportive of newcomers. Having an online support system provides camaraderie and advice from peers globally.

13. How to Market a Party Planning Business

Implementing an ongoing marketing strategy is essential for party planners to continually attract new clients. While leveraging your network and stellar customer service form the foundation, mixing digital and traditional tactics will help amplify your reach and brand visibility.

birthday party business plan

Personal Networking

To start, tap into your existing contacts and ask for introductions to their networks. Offer incentives for current clients to refer friends, which is powerful word-of-mouth marketing. For example, provide a 10% discount on their next event for every new booking referred.

Digital Marketing

For digital marketing materials, consider:

  • Search ads through Google Ads targeting keywords like “party planner [your city]”. Track conversions to optimize effective ads.
  • Facebook and Instagram ads focused on your ideal demographic and location. Share beautiful event visuals and promotions.
  • Start a YouTube channel with tutorials and behind-the-scenes event videos to build expertise.
  • Write blog posts about party planning tips to improve SEO and provide value.
  • Email marketing campaigns to engage past clients and promote new services.

Traditional Marketing

For traditional approaches, some options include:

  • Creating mailers with promotions to send to prospective clients like engaged couples.
  • Distributing framed fliers and menus to complementary vendors like caterers.
  • Billboard ads in high-traffic areas introducing your new business.
  • Radio spots on local stations describing your services and special offers.
  • Hosting open house events at your office for the public to meet you.

While digital marketing enables incredible precision and measurement, don’t count out the power of traditional mediums for brands to make an entrance.

14. Focus on the Customer

Providing an incredible client experience is crucial for party planners to earn rave reviews, loyal repeat customers, and word-of-mouth referrals that fuel growth.

birthday party business plan

Here’s why going above and beyond with customer service pays off:

  • A wedding, anniversary party, or baby shower comes just once in a lifetime. By tailoring every detail to the client’s vision and making them feel valued, you create a meaningful experience they won’t forget.
  • Satisfied clients will happily refer family and friends planning their celebrations rather than risk them having a subpar experience with another planner.
  • Stellar service translates into genuine, detailed reviews. Your reputation hinges on reviews and testimonials.
  • When you consistently wow customers, they’ll rave about you online and on sites like The Knot and WeddingWire. This social proof captures the attention of prospective clients.
  • Return customers also become a sizable portion of your bookings if you nail their first event.
  • Clients planning annual galas or milestone birthdays will come back year after year if you make the process smooth and enjoyable.

For party planners, client satisfaction directly impacts income. By providing responsive communication, anticipating needs, and handling any curveballs with grace, you assure a 5-star experience that brings clients back while attracting new ones through word of mouth.

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How to Start a Party Planning Business in 12 Steps

So, you want to start a business as a party planner? That’s great! Party planning is a fun and exciting industry, and there’s a LOT of potential for success in this field. However, if you want to learn how to start a party planning business, it’s important to remember that it won’t be easy. It actually takes hard work, dedication, and lots of elbow grease to make it in this competitive industry.

But don’t worry—we’re here to help!

In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to start a party planning business in 12 easy steps, right from scratch. We’ll cover topics like choosing the right niche, building your brand, creating a business plan, and more.

So, let’s jump right into it!

What is a party planner.

A party planner is someone who plans, organizes and runs events for their clients. They’re responsible for all aspects of the event, from planning to execution. A successful party planner should have exceptional organizational skills and be able to handle any type of event—from birthdays, baby showers, and anniversaries to corporate events and weddings.

PRO TIP: Discover the full range of what a party planner does so you have a clear idea of what you can expect!

The benefits of starting your own party planning business.

Starting your own party planning business has tons of potential rewards! It gives you the opportunity to be creative, work with clients and build relationships, and make a good living. Plus, when you’re your own boss, you have the freedom to choose how much or how little you want to work—giving you more flexibility than working for someone else!

What Are the Steps to Starting a Party Planning Business?

Starting any business is no easy feat, and that’s especially true when it comes to party planning. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication if you want to make it in this competitive industry. But don’t worry—if you’re willing to put in the effort, we have the perfect guide to help you get started…

How To Start a Party Planning Business in 12 Steps

1. choose your niche.

The first step is to decide what kind of parties you want to specialize in. This is also called finding your niche . Think about the types of events that interest you and the ones you have experience with—this will help narrow your focus so that you can build a successful business.

For instance, as a professional party planner, you can specialize in any of the following types of parties:

  • Baby showers
  • Corporate events
  • Anniversaries
  • Engagement parties
  • Bridal showers
  • Bachelor parties
  • Graduation parties
  • Retirement parties
  • And SO much more!

2. Get Professionally Trained as a Party Planner

It’s essential that you have the right skills to be a successful party planner! When you have proper training and a legit certification on your resume, it gives your clients confidence in your ability to deliver a great experience. As a result, you’ll be able to:

  • Book more clients
  • Network more successfully
  • Offer better party planning services
  • Stand out from your competition
  • Make better money

Not to mention, the right certification course will also give you some business training, too. Since you’re here because you want to know how to start a party planning business, this is obviously a must!

So, consider getting professional training in event planning and take courses offered by reputable organizations like the QC Event School .

PRO TIP: If you’re looking to be a party planner, we recommend QC Event School’s self-paced, online Event & Wedding Planning Course ! This 7-unit program can arm you with a globally-recognized International Event and Wedding Planning Professional™ (IEWP®) certification in as little as 3 short months!

How to start a party planning business in-post image 1

3. Know Who Your Target Audience Is

Now that you know what type of parties you’re going to specialize in, it’s time to figure out who your target audience is. Consider demographic factors like age, gender, location, and income level. How old are they? Are they married or single? What type of events do they usually host? How much money can they spend on a party planner?

By understanding these details, you’ll get a better idea of who your ideal client is and be able to tailor your services, brand, marketing efforts, and overall business accordingly!

4. Build Your Brand

Once you know what kind of parties you want to specialize in and you’ve been professionally trained, it’s time to start building your brand . As a business owner, your brand is what will make you unique and stand out from competitors.

In a nutshell, it’s that special thing that will help convince clients to book with YOU instead of somebody else!

So, think about how you want to present yourself and your business to potential clients. For example, do you want a fun and colorful brand or a more sophisticated vibe? How do you want to come across in your messaging and marketing materials? What kind of logo and website do you want? How will you capture the attention of your target market?

These are all key questions to consider when building your brand. From there, make sure your brand (and its visual identity) remains consistent across ALL of your marketing materials. This includes:

  • Your website
  • Social media accounts for your party planning business
  • Business cards
  • The tone of voice you use whenever speaking (both online and in-person)
  • Emails, etc.

5. Know Where You Plan To Run Your Business From

As a party planner, you have numerous options in terms of where you want to operate your business. For instance, you can run it from home or rent a space in an office building. Or, you can also become a virtual party planner and offer your services online.

It all depends on your preferences and budget, but whatever you decide—make sure it allows you to accommodate all of the necessary party planning supplies and materials. That way, you can provide the best possible service for your clients!

Interested in virtual party planning? Learn everything you need to know in less than a month with the help of QC’s Virtual Events Training mini course !

6. set your party planning service rates.

When starting a party planning business, you want to make sure that you set the right price for your services. Depending on what kind of parties you specialize in and the amount of time required to plan them (not to mention the cost of materials), your rates may vary from client to client.

So, it’s a good idea to have a few different pricing options available, such as hourly rates or flat-fee packages. Just make sure that whatever you decide to charge your clients is both competitive and fair for the market you are serving in.

Remember: you don’t want to undersell your services—but you don’t want to overcharge for them either!

7. Create Your Party Planning Business Plan

Creating a business plan is the next step in starting your business as a party planner. A business plan is like a roadmap that outlines the key details of your business, including:

  • Your mission statement
  • An executive summary of your party planning business
  • Short-term and long-term goals
  • A SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
  • A detailed description of the services you offer
  • Your target market
  • Competitor analysis
  • Financial highlights and future projections
  • Marketing and advertising plans
  • And so forth!

There are several reasons why you should develop a business plan. For starters, it’ll help you articulate your strategy for success and gain the confidence of any potential investors (such as a bank). It’ll also serve as a reference guide if ever need to make changes down the line.

At the end of the day, though, it’s important to remember that your business plan is unique to your business’s needs and objectives. Furthermore, it should also be reviewed and updated regularly as your business evolves and grows.

Need help writing your business plan for the first time? Small Business Administration has an article that breaks the process down into more detail—and even offers a couple examples to better help you visualize what you should be doing!

Table setting at a luxury wedding and Beautiful flowers on the table. wedding decor, flowers, pink and gold decor, candles. Festive table decor. Party planning business article.

7. Get the Necessary Licenses and Insurance for Your Party Planning Business

When starting a party planning business, you’ll need to obtain the necessary licenses and insurance. The type of license you’ll need will depend on your location and the services you offer as a party planner.

Generally, though, some of the licenses you may require include:

  • Business License
  • Liquor License (if applicable)
  • Food Handler’s Certificat e (if applicable)

In terms of insurance coverage, this will vary depending on the type of activities and services you offer as a party planner. At the very least, you should look into getting general liability insurance to protect yourself from any potential claims or lawsuits.

You can also speak with an insurance broker to discuss more specialized coverage that may be suited for your business (such as event cancellation/rain insurance).

8. Get Some Experience Under Your Belt

Unless you already have some experience planning events, it’s a good idea to get some practice before launching your party planning business.

This could involve taking on some volunteer projects or low-budget gigs at first. That way, you’ll have the opportunity to gain more experience and build up a portfolio of successful parties to showcase!

Another awesome idea is to take part in a stylized photoshoot . Working with a photographer and stylist, you can create a few mock parties to provide potential clients with visuals of what they might expect when working with your business. No, you probably won’t get paid to organize a styled shoot—however, the high-quality content you can then use in your portfolio will be worth its weight in gold!

Lastly, another idea for getting real-world experience is to turn to people you know, such as friends and family. Offer to plan small gatherings and get-togethers, or even help out with other people’s events. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about the industry, even if it isn’t in a paid capacity.

9. Put Together a Solid Professional Portfolio

Your professional portfolio should be the envy of any potential client. Therefore, it’s important to put together one that stands out and is reflective of your skills as a party planner!

How To Build a Party Planning Portfolio

When building your portfolio, make sure to include visuals of any parties you have organized in the past and provide details such as:

  • Short description of the event
  • Purpose of the event
  • Goals/objectives achieved
  • Challenges faced
  • Details of how you overcame them
  • How you exceeded expectations (if applicable)

The more detail and visuals you can include in your portfolio, the better. After all, it will give potential clients a good idea of what they can expect when working with you!

10. Build Your Business Website and Social Media Presence

Creating an online presence is necessary for any business, especially if you’re starting a party planning business. This will help potential clients discover your services and showcase your work online.

Your Website

When setting up your website, make sure to include information about yourself (including experience and qualifications), the types of services you offer, and examples of past work. You can also create some sort of booking service/application form on your website to make it easier for potential clients to get in touch with you.

Social Media Accounts

In addition to your website, you’ll also want to set up a presence on the various social media platforms, such as:

This will help build an online community and increase awareness of your business. You can then post pictures from past events, details about upcoming parties you’re planning, industry advice, and other awesome types of content. Just make sure that you’re posting on a regular basis and always replying back to anyone who comments or DMs you!

11. Determine (and Implement) Your Marketing Strategies

Having a solid marketing strategy is key to the success of any business, so it’s essential that you come up with one for your party planning business too. How will you reach potential clients and how are you going to market yourself?

Some ideas include:

  • Creating online ads (Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, etc.)
  • Making use of influencer marketing
  • Working with local media outlets (newspapers, TV, etc.)
  • Maximizing email campaigns
  • Attending industry events and networking
  • Creating a newsletter
  • Utilizing traditional outdoor advertising (billboards, flyers, etc.)

Real talk: your marketing strategy can be the very thing that makes or breaks your party planning business. I know, no pressure, right? We’re not trying to freak you out or anything… But seriously, make sure to think through your strategies and come up with ones that fit your budget and target audience!

How to start a party planning business in-post image 3

11. Start Networking

Networking is another important step in the process of starting a party planning business. The reason for this is quite simple: networking will help you get the word out about your services, as well as give you the opportunity to learn from other party planners.

So, how should you network?

Well, the best way to network is to attend industry events and meet-ups. Here, you can make connections with other professionals in the field, share ideas, and learn from each other. You can also join online forums, groups, and association to continue building up your network.

12. Keep Learning and Stay Up-to-Date With Industry Trends

Finally, in order to stay relevant and up-to-date with the latest industry trends, it’s important to set aside time to continually be learning.

This may include attending workshops or seminars related to party planning, reading books and articles from experienced professionals in the field, or subscribing to industry websites/blogs for updates. By doing this, you’ll be able to stay on top of the latest trends and make sure that your parties are always ahead of the curve!

Frequently Asked Questions

Now that you know how to start a party planning business from scratch, let’s answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this journey:

Q: How much does it cost to build a professional party planning business?

A: How much you have to invest in your business depends on what kind of services you plan to offer and how much overhead costs (such as rent, utilities, advertising, etc.) you have to pay. Generally speaking, the cost of starting a party planning business can range from a few hundred dollars up to tens of thousands, depending on your budget.

Q: Can you start a business as a party planner while earning your certification, or should you wait until you’re certified?

A: That’s really up to you! If you’re confident in your skills and have enough experience, then there’s no reason why you can’t start building your party planning business while you’re still earning your certification. However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t have enough experience yet, it may be best to wait until you finish the certification process before jumping in.

Q: How long does it take to start a party planning business?

A: How long it takes to start a party planning business really depends on how much research, planning and preparation you’re willing to put in. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the type of services you offer and how quickly you want to get started. Once you have a plan of action and have taken the necessary steps to bring your business vision to life, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful party planner!

Q: How long should you expect to wait before seeing a profit?

A: It again depends on a few factors, such as the types of services you offer, how much time and effort you’re willing to invest in the business, and how much of a budget you’ve allocated for marketing and promotion. Generally speaking, it can take anywhere from a few months to a year before you start seeing consistent profits.

Q: Is party planning a good side hustle?

A: Absolutely! Party planning is a great side hustle for people who love planning events and have an eye for detail. It’s also a great way to make a part-time income without having to take on full-time hours. Plus, as your business grows, you can always consider taking on more clients, expanding your services, and making your business a full-time endeavor down the road.

Q: How much do party planners make per year?

There’s no definitive answer to this question as every party planner’s income is dependent on their services, expenses, and how many events they take on. Generally speaking, though, ZipRecruiter reports that party planners in the United States alone tend to make anywhere from $13,500 to $79,500 USD annually.

Q: What are some must-have supplies that all party planners need?

A: Some of the most important supplies you should have as a party planner include things like decorative items, catering supplies, sound systems/PA equipment, and event planning software. These will help you ensure that all of your parties are well-prepared, organized, and run smoothly.

In terms of running your party planning business, we recommend investing in the following items:

  • A business plan
  • A registered business name
  • Organization tools, such as a calendar and daily planner
  • A proper website domain
  • Marketing materials (flyers, brochures)
  • Accounting software
  • And any necessary legal documents such as insurance, contracts, etc.

PRO TIP: Check out our full list of the BEST tools to help you grow your party planning business successfully!

Q: where can you buy party planning supplies.

A: You can buy party planning supplies from a variety of suppliers, both online and in-person. Online stores such as Amazon or Party City are great resources for finding decorations, catering supplies, sound equipment, and more. Local party supply stores can also provide you with everything you need to make your parties memorable.

Q: How do party planners get clients?

A: The best way to get clients as a party planner is through networking and building relationships. You can start by attending local events or industry conferences and introducing yourself to potential clients. Additionally, you should also consider marketing your services on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram.

Another business-savvy way to attract and book clients is by offering them some sort of pricing incentive. For example, you could offer discounts on services or free consultations in exchange for referrals. This will help build your reputation, and it’s a great way to get new clients.

Finally, don’t forget about word of mouth! Ask friends and family to spread the word about your business and refer you to anyone who’s looking for a party planner.

Table setting. A woman decorates the table for the holiday. High quality photo. Party planning business article.

Hopefully, this guide has given you all the information you need to start a successful party planning business from scratch. When it comes down to it, running a successful business is all about staying organized and having the right resources at your disposal. With the right planning, dedication, and effort, you can turn your party planning business into a thriving success!

Become a party planner in as little as 12 short weeks by starting your self-paced, online certification training with QC Event School. Enroll today !

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How to Plan a Birthday Party.

Planning · July 10, 2023

Planning a Birthday Party: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Memorable Celebration

Birthdays are special occasions to celebrate our loved ones. Planning a birthday party can be an exciting yet overwhelming task. However, with proper organization and attention to detail, you can create a memorable celebration that leaves a lasting impression. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of planning a successful birthday party. From setting a budget and choosing a theme to selecting the venue, creating invitations, and organizing activities, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in and make this birthday party planning journey enjoyable.

birthday party business plan

How to Plan a Birthday Party

Step 1: set a budget.

Setting a budget is the first essential step in planning a birthday party. You should determine the amount of money you’re willing to spend on the event. Consider all potential expenses, such as venue rental, decorations, food, beverages, and entertainment. Having a clear budget in mind will help you make informed decisions throughout the planning process. It will prevent overspending and ensure that you allocate funds to the most important aspects of the party. Take into account the number of guests you plan to invite and the overall scale of the celebration. Be realistic and practical with your budget, ensuring it aligns with your financial capabilities. Setting a budget provides a clear guideline to follow and helps you prioritize your expenses accordingly, avoiding financial stress or surprises along the way. Take the time to carefully assess your finances and determine a reasonable budget for a birthday party.

When setting a budget, consider cost-saving options that still allow you to create a memorable event. Look for affordable venues or consider hosting the party at your home or in a local park to save on rental fees. DIY decorations and homemade treats can add a personal touch while keeping expenses in check. You can also explore free or low-cost entertainment options, such as organizing fun games or setting up a movie night. Additionally, keep track of your spending throughout the planning process to ensure you stay within your budget limits. By setting a budget and being mindful of your expenses, you can plan a fantastic birthday party that brings joy to everyone without breaking the bank.

Step 2: Choose a Theme

Selecting a theme is an exciting and important part of birthday party planning. Consider the interests, hobbies, or favorite characters of the birthday person when choosing a theme. It could be a superhero party, a princess-themed celebration, a sports extravaganza, or a simple and elegant color scheme. The options are endless! Once you have a theme in mind, it becomes easier to choose decorations, activities, and even the cake. A well-chosen theme adds excitement and cohesiveness to the party, making it more memorable for both the birthday person and the guests. So, let your imagination run wild and pick a theme that reflects the birthday celebrant’s personality and preferences.

When selecting a theme, think about the decorations, costumes, and props that will enhance the party atmosphere. You can incorporate the chosen theme into various elements, such as balloons, banners, table settings, and centerpieces. Whether it’s a tropical luau, a magical fairy tale, or a vibrant carnival, the decorations should create a visually appealing and immersive experience for everyone attending the party. Additionally, you can incorporate the theme into the activities and games planned for the celebration. For instance, a pirate-themed party could involve a treasure hunt, while a movie-themed party might include a screening of the birthday person’s favorite film. Choosing a theme sets the tone for the entire event and makes it more fun and engaging for both the guests and the guest of honor.

Step 3: Determine the Venue

Choosing the right venue for your birthday party is crucial. Consider factors such as the number of guests, the theme of the party, and the type of celebration you envision. If you’re planning an intimate gathering, hosting it at home can be cost-effective and convenient. However, for larger parties or if you prefer a different ambiance, you may want to explore renting a community hall, a local park, or a party venue. This aligns with your chosen theme. It’s essential to book the venue well in advance to secure your desired date and time, as popular locations can get booked quickly. When selecting a venue, also consider its amenities and facilities, such as parking availability, restrooms, and any additional services it may offer. For example, catering or audiovisual equipment. By carefully determining the venue, you can create the right setting for your birthday party. This will ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Once you’ve chosen the venue, consider its size and layout to plan the seating arrangement, activity areas, and any additional decorations or props you may need. Take into account the venue’s capacity and ensure it can comfortably accommodate your guest list. If necessary, make arrangements for additional seating or tables to ensure everyone has a place to enjoy the festivities. Also, consider the logistics of the venue, such as accessibility and transportation options for your guests. By thoughtfully determining the venue, you can create a welcoming and engaging space that sets the stage for an unforgettable birthday celebration.

Step 4: Compile the Guest List

Compiling the guest list is a vital task when planning a birthday party. Consider the birthday person’s preferences, as well as your own, when finalizing who to invite. Start by making a list of close family members, friends, and colleagues to include in the celebration. Consider the venue capacity and any budget constraints when determining the number of guests. Ensure that you have accurate contact information for each person on the guest list to make it easier to invite. Keep in mind any relationships or dynamics to ensure a harmonious gathering. By carefully compiling the guest list, you can ensure that all the important people in the birthday person’s life are present to celebrate this special occasion.

Once you have the guest list finalized, it’s helpful to categorize it into different groups or categories. For example, immediate family, relatives, friends, or colleagues. This can assist in making decisions related to seating arrangements, food preferences, or any specific activities you might plan. Additionally, keep track of RSVPs and any dietary restrictions or preferences indicated by guests. By compiling the guest list in an organized manner, you can better manage the logistics of the party. This will ensure that everyone feels included and welcome.

Step 5: Send out Invitations

Sending out invitations is crucial to ensuring your guests are informed and excited about your birthday party. Depending on your preference, you can choose between traditional paper invitations or digital invitations sent via email or social media platforms. Include essential details such as the date, time, venue, and any specific instructions or requests. Personalize the invitations with the birthday person’s name and the chosen theme, if applicable. Ensure that the invitations are clear and concise, providing all the necessary information for guests to plan their attendance. Consider the preferred method of communication for each guest and select the best means of sending invitations.

As you send out invitations, keep track of RSVPs and responses. This will help you estimate the number of attendees and plan accordingly for seating, food, and other party arrangements. Be sure to send the invitations well in advance, allowing your guests enough time to respond and make arrangements to attend the party. By sending out invitations promptly and efficiently, you can build anticipation and excitement among your guests, ensuring a high turnout and a successful birthday celebration.

Step 6: Plan the Menu

Planning the menu is an important aspect of organizing a birthday party. Consider the theme of the party, the preferences of the birthday person, and the dietary restrictions or allergies of your guests. Determine whether you will prepare the food yourself or hire a catering service. Take into account the party time-whether it’s a lunch, dinner, or a snacks-and-desserts affair—and plan the menu accordingly. Offer a variety of food options to cater to different tastes and dietary needs. Consider serving finger foods, appetizers, main courses, desserts, and beverages. If possible, incorporate the theme into the menu by adding creative names to the dishes or customizing the presentation. By planning a well-thought-out menu, you can ensure your guests are well-fed and satisfied throughout the celebration.

Once you have finalized the menu, create a detailed shopping list of all the ingredients and supplies you will need. Take into account the number of guests and adjust the quantities accordingly. Consider any preparation or cooking time required for each dish and plan your schedule accordingly. If you are preparing the food yourself, make sure to allocate enough time for cooking, plating, and setting up the food stations. If you hire a catering service, communicate your menu preferences and dietary requirements. By planning the menu meticulously, you can create a delightful culinary experience for your guests, making the birthday party even more enjoyable and memorable.

Step 7: Organize Entertainment and Activities

Organizing entertainment and activities is a key element in ensuring your birthday party is enjoyable and engaging for your guests. Consider the age group of the attendees, the birthday person’s interests, and the overall theme of the party when planning entertainment. You can hire a professional entertainer, such as a magician or a clown, to keep guests entertained. Alternatively, you can plan DIY activities such as games, crafts, or even a karaoke session. Consider the space available at the venue and ensure that the entertainment and activities are suitable and enjoyable for the guests. Also, think about any special requests or surprises you might want to incorporate, such as a surprise performance or a themed photo booth. By organizing exciting entertainment and activities, you can create a lively and memorable atmosphere that will keep your guests entertained throughout the celebration.

When planning activities, create a schedule or timeline to ensure smooth flow. Allocate specific time slots for each activity or entertainment segment. This will help you keep track of timing and ensure all planned activities are completed on time. Provide clear instructions and guidance to guests, especially for interactive or group activities. Additionally, prepare any necessary supplies or equipment in advance to ensure everything runs smoothly. By organizing entertainment and activities with careful consideration, you can create a fun-filled and engaging experience that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Step 8: Decorate the Venue

Decorating the venue is an exciting part of planning a birthday party. Consider the chosen theme and color scheme when selecting decorations. Hang up banners, balloons, and streamers to create a festive atmosphere. Use tablecloths, centerpieces, and themed tableware to add a special touch to the dining area. Set up a backdrop or a photo booth area where guests can capture memorable moments. Consider incorporating personalized elements, such as photo displays or customized signage, to make the decorations more meaningful. Pay attention to lighting and ambiance, using string lights or candles to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. By decorating the venue thoughtfully, you can transform the space into a visually appealing and captivating setting for the birthday celebration.

As you decorate the venue, consider the layout and flow of the space. Arrange furniture and props in a way that encourages interaction and movement. Ensure that the decorations do not obstruct guest movement or impede any planned activities. Pay attention to details, such as signage or directional indicators, to guide guests to different areas or stations. If possible, enlist the help of friends or family members to assist with the setup, ensuring that everything is in place before the party begins. By decorating the venue strategically, you can create an inviting and visually appealing environment that enhances the overall experience for your guests and makes the birthday party truly memorable.

Step 9: Organize Party Favors

Organizing party favors is a wonderful way to show appreciation to your guests and leave them with a lasting memento of the birthday party. Consider small, personalized gifts or theme-based items that tie in with the overall party concept. Choose age-appropriate and memorable party favors, serving as a keepsake of the celebration. Take into account your guests’ interests and preferences to select items they will appreciate. Consider practical items like customized keychains, mini photo frames, or personalized bookmarks. Alternatively, you can opt for edible treats or small activity kits that align with the party theme. By organizing thoughtful and personalized party favors, you can make your guests feel special. This will ensure that they have a tangible reminder of the fun they had at the birthday celebration.

As you organize party favors, ensure they are properly prepared and presented. Consider packaging them in attractive gift bags or boxes, and including a personalized thank-you note or tag. If feasible, distribute the party favors at the end of the celebration as a parting gift to your guests. Alternatively, you can set up a designated area where guests can choose their own favors before leaving. Pay attention to any special instructions or considerations, such as dietary restrictions or allergens, to ensure that the party favors are suitable for everyone. By organizing party favors with care and attention to detail, you can make a lasting impression on your guests. You can also leave them with a token of gratitude that they will cherish.

Step 10: Coordinate the Day of the Party

On the day of the birthday party, it’s crucial to coordinate all the elements to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Arrive at the venue early to set up any last-minute decorations, ensure seating arrangements are in place, and verify that all the necessary supplies and equipment are ready to use. Coordinate with any hired vendors, such as caterers or entertainers, to ensure they are on time and have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. Greet guests as they arrive, guiding them to the designated areas and making them feel welcome. Throughout the party, keep a watchful eye on the schedule, ensuring activities and entertainment run according to plan. By effectively coordinating the day of the party, you can create a well-organized and enjoyable experience for both the birthday person and the guests.

During the party, be attentive to the needs of your guests and address any unforeseen issues or concerns that may arise. Ensure that food and beverages are replenished regularly, and that everyone has a comfortable and enjoyable time. Coordinate any surprises or special moments planned for the birthday person, ensuring they occur seamlessly and add to the excitement of the celebration. Maintain open communication with your team or any helpers you may have. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and ready to assist as needed. By efficiently coordinating the party day, you can ensure everything runs smoothly. This will leave you with happy guests and a successful birthday celebration.

Planning a birthday party can be an exciting and fulfilling experience with the right approach. By setting a budget, choosing a theme, selecting a suitable venue, compiling a guest list, sending out invitations, planning the menu, organizing entertainment and activities, decorating the venue, arranging party favors, and coordinating the day of the event, you’ll be well-prepared to throw an unforgettable celebration. Remember, attention to detail and thoughtful consideration of the birthday person’s preferences are key to creating a truly memorable experience. So gather your creativity, get organized, and let the birthday planning adventure begin!

birthday party business plan

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Party Planning Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Entertainment Industry » Event Planning

Do you want to start a party planning company and need to write a plan? If YES, here is a sample party planning business plan template & feasibility report.

Party planning is a business that anyone with the necessary organizational skills can venture into. Party planning, just like event planning is all about helping corporate organizations, government, groups and individuals plan and execute their parties whether formal or informal.

A party planner ensures that they work within the stipulated budget of the organization or individual they are to work for and ensure that they deliver a successful party. Below is a sample party planning company business plan template that will help you  write yours with little or no stress.

A Sample Party Planning Company Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Party planning companies are under the Party and Event Planners industry and players in this industry are composed of independent companies and individuals that organize parties, weddings, corporate dinners and other social gatherings on behalf of households, businesses and nonprofits.

This industry does not include companies that organize conventions, trade shows and sporting events, nor does it include the internal event planning departments of hotels, conference centers and recreational facilities. A close study of happenings in the Party and Event Planners industry in the united states shows that the industry has experienced remarkable growth due to stronger economic conditions.

It is normal that with increase in disposable income, there will be encouragement for people and organizations to organize parties, and to spend more on party planning or services related to their parties or events. So also, increased internet usage has made party planners more accessible to clients, decreasing the industry’s marketing costs and boosting profit margins.

These trends will offset the impact on the industry of changing social norms that have led people and organizations to organize their parties themselves. As the economy continues to strengthen, the growth in the party and event planners industry is expected to accelerate.

Statistics has it that in the United States of America alone, there are about 142,097 registered and licensed party and event planners responsible for employing about 132,042 people and the industry rakes in a whooping sum of $5 billion annually.

The industry is projected to grow at 2.9 percent annually within 2014 and 2019. It is important to state that there are no establishments in this industry that has a lion market share.

A recent report published by IBISWORLD shows that the Party and Event Planners industry depends on the willingness of households and businesses to spend money on social gatherings. In general, businesses hire event planners to coordinate holiday dinners, fundraisers and client appreciation events.

Since companies with strong earnings over the course of the previous year have more money to allocate toward special events, demand for industry services from this market is primarily driven by corporate profit levels and overall business sentiment.

Likewise, households work with professional event planners to organize and promote weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other milestone celebrations. Consequently, per capita disposable income and consumer confidence levels are the key drivers of demand.

Recently released statistics has it that the top 5 highest paying location in the United States for event/party planners and their average annual earnings are; Virginia – $54,770, New York – $57,300, New Jersey – $57,730, Massachusetts – $58,860, Washington DC – $67,120.

So also, the top 5 states in the United States with the highest numbers of employment for event or party planners are; California- 7,730 event or party planners are employed, New York – 7, 250 event or party planners are employed, Texas – 6,320 event or party planners are employed, Florida – 3,560 event or party planners are employed, Virginia – 3,500 event or party planners are employed.

One thing is certain about starting a party planning company, if you are able to conduct your market research and feasibility studies, you are more likely not going to struggle to secure clients because there are always individuals, families and organizations who would want to hire your services when they are about getting organizing a party or event. Just ensure that the business is properly located and you have the right business network.

2. Executive Summary

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is a licensed professional party planning company that will be based in Panama City – Florida. We have been able to secure a standard office facility in a business district in the heart of the city.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. will handle various parties such as weddings, birthdays, house warming/house opening parties, promotion parties, wedding anniversaries, baby showers, graduation parties et al. We are aware that to run a standard party planner company can be demanding which is why we are well trained, licensed and equipped to perform excellently.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is a client-focused and result driven party planning company that provides broad-based services at an affordable fee that won’t in any way put a hole in the pocket of our clients. 

We will ensure that we work hard to meet and surpass our clients’ expectations whenever they contract their party planning to us. Our client’s best interest would always come first, and everything we do will be guided by our values and professional ethics.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. will at all times demonstrate her commitment to sustainability, both individually and as a firm, by actively participating in our communities and integrating sustainable business practices wherever possible.

We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client’s needs precisely and completely.

Our plan is to position the business to become the leading brand in the professional party planning business in the whole of Panama City – Florida, and also to be amongst the top 20 professional party planning companies in the United States of America within the first 10 years of launching the business.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is a private registered business that is owned by Mrs. Shavonne Jakes. Mrs. Jakes has over 10 years’ experience working at various capacities within the party planners cum Event Planners industry in the United States of America.

She will work with a team of other core professionals to help build Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. to become a top brand in the industry.

3. Our Products and Services

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is going to offer varieties of services within the scope of the Party and Event Planners industry in the United States of America. Our intention of starting our company is to favorably compete with leading players in the industry in the United States of America.

Our business offerings are listed below;

  • Organizing corporate holiday parties
  • Organizing wedding parties
  • Organizing birthday parties
  • Party and event planning consulting and advisory services

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to build a professional party planner company brand that will become one of the preferred choices in the whole of Panama City – Florida and every other city where our services will be advertised.
  • Our mission is to provide professional party planning services that will assist our clients in their parties.
  • We are going to position the business to become one of the leading brands in the party planning line of business in the whole of Panama City – Florida, and also to be amongst the top 20 professional party planning companies in the United States of America within the first 10 years of launching the business.

Our Business Structure

Normally we would have settled for two or three full – time staff, but as part of our plan to build a standard party planner company in Panama City – Florida, we have perfected plans to get it right from the beginning which is why we are going to ensure that we have competent, honest and hardworking employees to occupy all the available positions in our organization.

We will ensure that we only hire people that are qualified, honest, hardworking, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stakeholders.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of five years or more depending how fast we meet our set target. In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Executive Officer/Principal Partner

Party/Event Planning Consultant

Admin and HR Manager

  • Business Developer/Marketing and Sales Executive
  • Customer Care Executives

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Office/Principal Partner:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results
  • Creating, communicating, and implementing the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Organizing parties and other events from start to finish
  • Responsible for interviewing and hiring vendors, selecting and ordering materials, negotiating rates, coordinating the sequence of events, following up with guests and vendors and producing full-scale events.
  • Liaise with clients to identify their needs and to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Conduct market research, gather information and negotiate contracts prior to closing any deals
  • Provide feedback and periodic reports to stakeholders
  • Propose ideas to improve provided services and wedding event quality
  • Organize facilities and manage all parties and event’s details such as decor, catering, entertainment, transportation, location, invitee list, special guests, equipment, promotional material etc.
  • Ensure compliance with insurance, legal, health and safety obligations
  • Specify staff requirements and coordinate their activities
  • Proactively handle any arising issues and troubleshoot any emerging problems on the parties and event day
  • Conduct pre- and post – party and event evaluations and report on outcomes
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Maintains office supplies by checking stocks; placing and expediting orders; evaluating new products.
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Defining job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carrying out induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Responsible for arranging travel, meetings and appointments
  • Oversee the smooth running of the daily office activities.

Marketing Executive/Business Developers

  • Identify, prioritize, and reach out to new partners, and business opportunities et al
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts
  • Writing winning proposal documents, negotiate fees and rates in line with company policy
  • Responsible for handling business research, marker surveys and feasibility studies for clients
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Document all customer contact and information
  • Represent the company in strategic meetings
  • Help increase sales and growth for the company
  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • create reports from the information concerning the financial transactions recorded by the bookkeeper
  • Prepare the income statement and balance sheet using the trial balance and ledgers prepared by the bookkeeper.
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for one or more properties.
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the company
  • Serves as internal auditor for the organization

Client Service Executive

  • Welcomes guests and clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the company’s promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries
  • Receives parcels/documents for the company
  • Handles enquiries via e-mail and phone calls for the organization
  • Distribute mails in the organization

6. SWOT Analysis

Going by our vision, our mission and the kind of business we want to set up, we don’t have any other option than to follow due process. Following due process involves hiring a business consultant to help us conduct SWOT analysis for our business.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. hired the services of a seasoned business consultant with bias in startups in the United States to help us conduct a thorough SWOT analysis and to guide us in formulating other business strategies that will help us grow our business and favorably compete in the Party and Event Planners industry.

Here is a summary from the result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc.

Our core strength lies in the power of our team; our workforce. We have a team that are considered experts in the industry, a team with excellent qualifications and experience in the industry.

Aside from the synergy that exist in our carefully selected team members and our strong online presence, Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is well positioned in a city with the right demography and we know we will attract loads of corporate and individual clients from the first day we open our doors for business.

As a new professional party planner company in Panama City – Florida, it might take some time for our organization to break into the market and gain acceptance especially from top profile clients in the already saturated Party and Event Planners industry; that is perhaps our major weakness. So also, we may not have the required money to give the business the kind of publicity that we would love to give the business.

  • Opportunities:

The opportunities available in the Party and Event Planners industry is massive because every weekend, there are countless number of parties taking place in the United States. As a standard and licensed professional party planning company, we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that comes our way.

A large portion of the services provided by this industry is composed of wedding planning and managing services, which range from engagement parties to ceremonies and receptions. Accordingly, growth in the number of weddings and related receptions per year will likely increase demand for professional event planning services. The marriage rate is expected to continue declining through 2019, posing a potential threat to the industry.


  • Market Trends

The Party and Event Planners industry is in a continuous state of evolution and as such, ground breaking strategies and ideas that are once highly successful are no longer as productive as they were in time past. Close observation of the trends in the industry reveal that the past few years has seen the proliferation of the social media and new tech tools.

The trend also extends to increased attention paid to engagement and new market segments, adopting eco-friendly measures and sustainability when planning parties and events, and of course increase in demands from party and event sponsors.

Although operators in the industry are increasingly investing in computers and software to engage members and market their organizations online, the industry remains highly labor intensive. The research further states that party planning companies rely heavily on labor than technology to conduct their operations.

Social media has now become one of the most important tools event planners leverage on to disseminate information about their parties and events, interact with attendees, solicit feedback, and create year-round engagement with their target audience. Furthermore, new software apps and emerging technology have made it easier for party planners to gather all the needed data and information that will help them plan and project for the future.

In recent time, mobile event apps are becoming more popular; event planners can now successfully market their services via social media platforms/online platforms. In the United States for example, there several vendors providing mobile apps with more event planners patronizing the apps.

Over and above, increased internet usage has made party planners more accessible to clients, decreasing the industry’s marketing costs and boosting profit margins. These trends will offset the impact on the industry. No doubt, as the economy continues to strengthen, the growth in the Party and Event Planners industry is expected to accelerate.

8. Our Target Market

Even though Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. will initially serve clients within the location where our business is, but that does not in any way stop us from growing to compete with the leading professional party planners in the United States.

As standard party planners, Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. offers a wide range of services as it relates to party planning hence we are well trained and equipped to service a wide clientele base. Below is a list of the people that we have specifically design our products and services for;

  • About to wed couples
  • Corporate organizations
  • Religious organizations
  • Celebrities and public figures who are always hosting parties

Our Competitive Advantage

The Party and Event planning industry is very prolific and highly competitive. We are quite aware that to be highly competitive in the industry means that you should be able to deliver consistent quality service, your clients should feel less stress or no stress at all and you should be able to meet the expectations of your clients at all times.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. might be a new professional party planning company, but the management team and the owner of the business are considered gurus in the industry. They are core professionals, licensed and highly qualified people that can successfully help their clients organize successful parties. These are part of what will count as a Competitive Advantage for us.

Aside from the robust experience and expertise of our teams, we have a very strong online presence that will enable us attract clients from any part of the world

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry. It will enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our objectives. We will also engage freelance marketing agents on a commission level to help us market our services.


  • Sources of Income

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the Party and Event Planners industry and we are going to ensure that we do all it takes to attract clients on a regular basis. Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. will generate income by offering the following services to individual clients and for corporate organizations;

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain, there would always be families, individuals and corporate organizations who would always need our services.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in Panama City – Florida and of course throughout the United States of America and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income/profits from the first six months of operation and grow the business and our clientele base beyond Panama City to other cities in Florida.

We have been able to, examine the professional party planner market space, we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with our sales forecast. Below are the sales projections for Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc., it is based on the location of our business and the wide range of party planning services that we will be offering;

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $150,000
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $350,000
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $750,000

N.B : This projection was done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and natural disasters within the period stated above. There won’t be any major competitor offering same services as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

We are mindful of the fact that there are stiff competitions amongst professional party planning companies in the United States of America, hence we have been able to hire some of the best business developers to handle our sales and marketing.

Our sales and marketing team will be recruited base on their vast experience in the industry and they will be trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet their targets and the overall goal of the organization. We will also ensure that our excellent job deliveries speak for us in the market place.

Our goal is to grow our professional party planner company to become one of the top 20 party planning companies in the United States of America which is why we have mapped out strategies that will help us take advantage of the available market and grow to become a major force to reckon with not only in the Panama City – Florida, but also in other cities in the United States of America.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is set to make use of the following marketing and sales strategies to attract clients;

  • List our business on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Attend relevant international and local expos, seminars, and business fairs et al
  • Create different packages for different category of clients in order to work with their budgets and still deliver quality party planning services to them
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our business
  • Engage direct marketing approach
  • Encourage word of mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients
  • Join local chambers of commerce and industries with the aim of networking and marketing our services

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with our brand and publicity consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the heart of our target market. We are set to take the Party and Event Planners industry by storm which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our company.

Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote and advertise Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc.;

  • Place adverts on both print (community – based newspapers and events related magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community – based events/programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote our brand
  • Install our Billboards in strategic locations all around Panama City – Florida
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas
  • List our professional party planning firm in local directories/yellow pages
  • Advertise our professional party planning company in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site.
  • Ensure that all our staff members wear our branded shirts and all our vehicles are well branded with our logo et al.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Hourly billing for party planning/event management/training services is a long-time tradition in the industry. However, for some types of professional party planning services, flat fees make more sense because they allow clients to better predict the overall service charge.

As a result of this, Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. will charge our clients both flat fee and hourly billing as long as it favors both parties. At Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. we will keep our fees below the average market rate by keeping our overhead low and by collecting payment in advance.

In addition, we will also offer special discounted rates to our clients from time to time especially when they recommend clients to us. We are aware that there are some clients that would need regular party planning services and assistance, we will offer flat rate for such services.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via mobile money
  • Payment via Point of Sales Machines (POS Machines)
  • Payment via check

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our clients make payment for our professional party planning services without any stress on their part.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

Starting a professional party planning business can be cost effective because on the average, you are not expected to acquire expensive machines and equipment.

What you should be concerned about is the amount needed to secure a standard office facility in a good and busy business district, the amount needed to equip the office, purchase the required software applications, pay bills, promote the business and obtain the appropriate business license and certifications.

This is what it would cost us to start our own standard party planning company in the United States of America;

  • Business incorporating fees in the United States of America will cost – $750.
  • The budget for liability insurance, permits and license will cost – $3,500
  • Acquiring an office space that will accommodate the number of employees we intend employing for at least 6 months (Re – Construction of the facility inclusive) will cost – $35,000.
  • Equipping the office (computers, printers, projectors, markers, pens and pencils, furniture, telephones, filing cabinets, and electronics) will cost – $10,000
  • The cost for accounting software, event planning apps, CRM software and Payroll Software – $3,000
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery – $1000
  • Phone and Utilities (gas, sewer, water and electric) deposits – ($3,500).
  • Launching an official website will cost – $500
  • Amount need to pay bills and staff members for at least 2 to 3 months – $70,000
  • Additional Expenditure such as Business cards, Signage, Adverts and Promotions will cost – $5,000
  • Miscellaneous – $5,000

Going by the report from the market research and feasibility studies conducted, we will need about one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) U.S. dollars to successfully set up a medium scale but standard professional party planner company in the United States of America.

Generating Funds/Startup Capital for Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is owned by Mrs. Shavonne Jakes. She decided to restrict the sourcing of the startup capital for the business to just three major sources.

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings and sale of his stocks
  • Generate part of the startup capital from friends and other extended family members
  • Generate a larger chunk of the startup capital from the bank (loan facility).

N.B: We have been able to generate about $50,000 (Personal savings $35,000 and soft loan from family members $15,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $100,000 from our bank. All the papers and documents have been duly signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the number of loyal customers that they have, the capacity and competence of their employees, their investment strategy and business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business, then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.

One of our major goals of starting Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running. We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to offer our professional party planning services a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Shavonne Jakes® Party Planners, Inc. will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce is at the top burner of our business strategy.

We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Incorporation: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing a standard office facility in a good location plus reconstruction: In progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating part of the startup capital from the founders: Completed
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents: In Progress
  • Design of Logo for the school: Completed
  • Printing of Promotional Materials: Completed
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed furniture, office equipment, software electronic appliances and facility facelift: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the business: In Progress
  • Creating awareness for the business in Smethport – Pennsylvania: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors and key players in various industries: In Progress

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Birthday Party Project Charter Template

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Doc
  • Get started in seconds

slide 1

Planning a birthday party can be a whirlwind of details and deadlines. From choosing a theme to coordinating vendors and activities, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But with ClickUp's Birthday Party Project Charter Template, you can take control and throw the best celebration ever!

This template is designed to help you:

  • Define clear goals and objectives for the party
  • Create a detailed timeline and schedule to stay on track
  • Assign tasks and responsibilities to team members
  • Keep track of your budget and expenses
  • Coordinate with vendors and suppliers
  • Plan fun activities and entertainment for guests

Don't let the stress of party planning ruin the fun. Get started with ClickUp's Birthday Party Project Charter Template and make this birthday one to remember!

Benefits of Birthday Party Project Charter Template

Planning a birthday party can be a daunting task, but with the Birthday Party Project Charter Template, you'll have everything you need to throw the perfect celebration. Here are just a few benefits of using this template:

  • Streamlined planning process with clear objectives and timelines
  • Easy collaboration with team members and stakeholders to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Efficient allocation of resources and budget to avoid overspending
  • Detailed task management to keep track of all the necessary preparations
  • Seamless communication with vendors and suppliers to ensure a smooth execution
  • Ability to adapt and make changes as needed to accommodate any last-minute surprises.

Main Elements of Birthday Party Project Charter Template

ClickUp's Birthday Party Project Charter template is the perfect tool to plan and execute a memorable birthday celebration. Here are the main elements of this Doc template:

  • Custom Statuses: Track the progress of your birthday party planning with custom statuses such as To Do, In Progress, and Completed.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields like Budget, Theme, Guest List, and Decorations to keep all the essential information in one place and easily accessible.
  • Different Views: Access different views such as the Timeline View to visualize the project timeline, the Table View to organize tasks and deadlines, and the Calendar View to keep track of important dates and milestones.

With ClickUp's Birthday Party Project Charter template, you can efficiently manage all aspects of your birthday party planning process and ensure a successful celebration.

How to Use Project Charter for Birthday Party

Planning a birthday party can be a lot of fun, but it can also be overwhelming without a clear plan in place. Follow these steps to use the Birthday Party Project Charter Template and ensure a successful celebration:

1. Define the project scope

Start by defining the scope of your birthday party project. Determine the date, time, and location of the party, as well as the target audience, theme, and any specific requirements or constraints. This will help set clear expectations and guide your planning process.

Use custom fields in ClickUp to track important details like the party date, time, location, and theme.

2. Identify key stakeholders

Identify the key stakeholders involved in the birthday party project. This could include the birthday person, their family members, friends, and any other individuals or organizations contributing to the event. Understanding the needs and preferences of each stakeholder will help you plan a party that meets everyone's expectations.

Create tasks in ClickUp to assign responsibilities to each stakeholder and track their contributions.

3. Create a project schedule

Develop a timeline for your birthday party project. Break down the tasks and activities that need to be completed leading up to the event, such as sending out invitations, arranging decorations, planning games or activities, and organizing food and drinks. Set realistic deadlines for each task to ensure a smooth planning process.

Use the Calendar view in ClickUp to create and visualize your project schedule.

4. Allocate resources

Identify the resources required to execute the birthday party project. This could include materials, decorations, food and beverages, entertainment, and any additional support needed. Determine the budget for the party and allocate resources accordingly to ensure a well-planned and successful celebration.

Use custom fields in ClickUp to track and manage your party budget and allocate resources to specific tasks.

5. Delegate tasks

Delegate tasks to different individuals or teams involved in the birthday party project. Assign responsibilities for tasks such as sending out invitations, purchasing decorations, coordinating entertainment, and managing the party timeline. Clearly communicate expectations and deadlines to ensure a coordinated effort.

Create tasks in ClickUp and assign them to team members, along with due dates and any necessary instructions.

6. Monitor progress and make adjustments

Regularly monitor the progress of your birthday party project and make adjustments as needed. Stay in close communication with stakeholders and team members, and address any challenges or changes that arise. Regularly review your project schedule and update it as necessary to ensure a successful and memorable birthday celebration.

Use Dashboards in ClickUp to track the progress of your tasks and monitor the overall project status.

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Get Started with ClickUp's Birthday Party Project Charter Template

Party planners can use this Birthday Party Project Charter Template to help everyone stay organized and on track when planning a birthday celebration.

First, hit “Get Free Solution” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to plan a perfect birthday party:

  • Use the Timeline View to schedule all the important tasks leading up to the party
  • The Budget View will help you keep track of your expenses and stick to your budget
  • Use the Guest List View to manage and track all the party attendees
  • The Decorations View will help you plan and organize all the party decorations
  • Create a checklist of party supplies needed using the Checklist View
  • Assign tasks to team members and designate deadlines for completion
  • Set up reminders and notifications to ensure nothing is overlooked
  • Keep track of all party planning communication using the Docs feature

Related Templates

  • Hotelier Project Charter Template
  • Construction Project Charter Template
  • Home Construction Project Charter Template
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How To Plan A Birthday Party For Adults: The Ultimate Party Planning Guide

Posted on Last updated: February 29, 2024

How to plan a birthday party for adults

A birthday party is a special occasion that should be celebrated in style. If you are planning a birthday party for adults, you may be wondering where to start. Don’t worry – we have you covered!

Find everything you need to know about how to plan a birthday party for adults. We will cover everything from choosing the right venue to decorating your party space.

So whether you are throwing a milestone birthday bash or just want to celebrate with friends, read on for tips and ideas that will help make your party a success!

Make your planning easier with my printable party planner

Group of friends celebrating birthday party

How To Plan A Birthday Party For Adults: Your Ultimate Party Planning Guide

Planning a birthday party for adults can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! With a little planning and forethought, you can throw a fabulous party that your guests will remember for years to come.

This guide will walk you through each of the key steps to planning your celebration event, relevant for birthday parties at home or extravagant venue celebrations with all the bells and whistles!

How To Plan A Birthday Party Checklist

When it comes to throwing a birthday party, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

A fun way to plan a birthday party for adults is to tailor the event to the guest of honour’s interests and preferences.

With that said, there are some key elements that should be included in every birthday party.

This checklist for birthday party planning will take you through the first things you need to plan at each stage of preparation from idea to throwing your birthday bash!

Grab this free printable checklist for birthday party planning :

Free printable birthday party checklist on clipboard with decorations

Decide On A Party Theme

One of the first steps in any birthday party planning is to decide on a party theme.

Your choice of birthday party theme will set the tone for the entire event. It will also be a helpful guide when it comes to making decisions about things like invitations, decorations, and activities for the big day.

Not sure where to start? Check out our list of birthday party themes for adults !

The best way to choose a specific theme is to consider the type of party you want to have.

Will it be a big extravagant celebration or are you looking for something more casual for celebrating at home in your backyard?

Themes can be as simple as ‘backyard BBQ’ focused around the type of food and surroundings to something more elaborate, such as a costume party theme or a catered dinner party.

If you’ve got a kids’ birthday party coming up, make sure you check out these kid’s party themes too, with 200 fun ideas kids will love!

Creating Your Guest List

Before you can choose a birthday party venue, you will need to determine the size of your guest list.

Once you know how many people will be attending, you can start to narrow down your choices.

Create a list of guests you wish to invite and also decide during this time whether your event will be just for adult guests or if your party will also invite children to attend with their parents.

Having children at your birthday celebration can quickly increase the number of guests and also the cost of your celebration when catering for more people.

Venue Planning & Birthday Party Places

The next step in planning your birthday party is to choose a venue.

Your choice of venue will be dictated by the size and scale of your event. For example, if you are planning a large celebration, you will need to find a venue that can accommodate your guest list.

On the other hand, if you are planning a small gathering, you may be able to get away with hosting the party at your house.

Some popular birthday party venues for adults include:

  • Restaurants
  • Bars or clubs
  • Hotel function rooms
  • Outdoor garden venues
  • Wineries and breweries
  • Dinner cruises
  • Entertainment venues such as racecourses, theatres, or a local escape room

Your preference for the type of event you are planning to hold will also come into play when choosing the venue.

For example, if you are wanting somewhere you can self-cater to plan a birthday party on a budget, you will need to choose a venue that allows this option.

This is also the case with alcohol, whether you will be providing drinks for your guests or if you will be hosting your birthday party at a venue that has a bar where guests can purchase their own drinks.

Alternatively, a BYO venue or a party at home will reduce your expenses when guests are able to bring their own drinks.

If you want a catered event that is taken care of by the venue, many restaurants and function rooms will have their own party packages suited to large groups.

Make sure you consider a wet weather plan if you are planning to host a party outdoors.

If you are hosting at home, you will need to have a backup plan with waterproof shelter outside, a patio area or enough room to convert your living room or other indoor space into a party space.

Birthday Party Menu Planning

Birthday party menu planner

As considered above, when choosing a venue, there are a lot of different options for party food, with catered functions vs self-catered.

If you are planning to hold your celebration in a function room, you will be able to work with your venue to plan your menu, making this a relatively easy process.

If you are organising your own caterers, the best starting point is to collect some quotes on different services available in your local area, making sure to check reviews.

Most catering services will have several options, from finger food and platters to seated menus.

They also typically provide everything you need for serving food and bring their own cooking appliances, taking this part of the planning almost completely out of your hands.

If you are hosting a birthday party at home or in a function space that allows self-catering, your next stage of birthday party planning is to decide on the food and drinks you will be serving your guests.

Your menu choices will be dictated by the time of day and type of event you are holding. For example, if you are planning an afternoon tea party, your menu will be quite different from a sit-down dinner party.

If you want to cut down costs and spend less time cooking, consider hosting a potluck party where every guest brings a plate to share .

Bring a plate party food ideas

Another option is to get pre-made platters to serve. Many places will make these to order for parties and events.

Desserts are another consideration. You may choose to have a variety of desserts or just serve up the birthday cake later in the event.

For easy dessert options, dessert platters , make-ahead slices and slab cakes can be easy when catering for a large party.

Here are some party planning food ideas:

  • Share plate ideas for parties
  • Lunch party food ideas
  • Party appetiser ideas
  • Grazing board and charcuterie ideas for parties

As for drinks, if you are providing all the beverages for your birthday party, make sure you have enough to cater to all your guests and a variety of drinks to serve.

This includes both alcoholic and non-alcoholic if you are choosing to serve both. Tea and coffee are also a good idea, at least for when dessert is served.

If you are wanting to serve cocktails at your birthday party, pick 2-3 signature cocktails for your event to keep it simple.

For an added touch of fun, rename them something related to the guest of honour.

Birthday Cake 

3 tier birthday cake with sprinkles

No birthday party is complete without a birthday cake!

Your local supermarket will have a range of basic cakes if you aren’t too fussed about this, or you could order one from a speciality cake shop or bakery.

If you are feeling ambitious, you could even make your own birthday cake.

While not everyone will have a slice of birthday cake, ensure your cake is large enough to serve the number of guests you are expecting.

Check out this guide for cake serving sizes if you are unsure.

Invitation Etiquette

Sending out invitations is one of the most important steps since there is no party without guests!

Your invitations will give your guests all the information they need about the birthday party, from where and when it is being held to what they should wear.

For an adults-only birthday party, you will also need to specify this on your invitation in case anyone is unsure if their kids are also included in the invite.

Make sure to include the following on your party invitations:

  • Start and end time
  • Address including venue name if not at home
  • RSVP date and your contact information
  • Any extra details they need to know or items they need to bring i.e. BYO drinks, swimwear
  • Optional: You may like to request if any guests have food allergies so you can cater to these needs.

As a rule of thumb, it is best to send out invitations about a month before the event. This will give your guests enough time to clear their diaries and make any necessary arrangements.

If you have a lot of guests travelling interstate or internationally, give them a heads up well in advance for large celebrations to give them extra time to plan.

This can be a simple verbal save the date or sending an official ‘save the date’ notice.

Here are some ideas for birthday party invitations:

  • Create your own invitations – Use a free editing program such as Canva to create printable invitations on your home computer. They have thousands of free templates and graphics or you can upload photos for a more personal look. You can then print your invitation at home or at your local printing store.
  • Custom printable invitation from Etsy – For more personal or unique party invitations, there are many creative designers on Etsy who can create a printable invitation for you to print. They send you the digital file and you can print them at home or at your local printing service. Although, you will also be able to find creators who will print and mail paper invitations to your address as well. If you choose this option, make sure you order early!
  • Electronic Invitations – Sending electronic invites has become increasingly popular and budget-friendly in recent years, with people choosing to text, email or create Facebook events to invite guests. This works if you have the contact details of all your guests and is best for more casual celebrations.
  • Fillable invitations – For a budget option, ready-made invitations are quick and easy, with sections you fill out with your party details.

How to plan a birthday party checklist

Birthday Party Entertainment & Activities

Entertainment and activities are not always necessary for an adult birthday party but can be a great way to add some extra fun. It can also be a nice icebreaker for guests who might not know each other too well.

Depending on where you are hosting your birthday party, entertainment may be incorporated into your venue already. Bonus points if you don’t have to plan it!

Otherwise, it can be fun to add a little splash of youth with some of these favourite kids’ games or try these balloon games as part of your party fun.

Here are some ideas for entertainment and activities at an adult birthday party:

  • Yard games or outdoor games
  • Photo booth
  • Murder mystery game
  • Trivia night
  • Dance class
  • Wine tasting
  • Video games tournament
  • Board games
  • Dance floor
  • Scavenger hunt

You will find a lot more entertainment ideas with these 225 party theme ideas since many of them revolve around entertainment and activities for adult birthday parties.

At a minimum, music is a must for most parties! The exception might be for a high tea or lunch party, yet having a Bluetooth speaker and a party playlist will otherwise be an easy option to keep the tunes going.

These Christmas party games and Halloween party games can also give you some ideas for fun games you can alter to suit your party theme.

Birthday Decoration At Home Ideas

When it comes to decorating for a birthday party, you can go as simple or as elaborate as you like. It all depends on your budget, time and energy levels!

If you are hosting a small gathering at home, some quick and easy decoration ideas include:

  • Fairy lights
  • Balloon archways
  • Table centrepieces
  • Fresh flowers

Venue Decoration Ideas

Feminine balloon arch decorations

Many venues have decoration options available for hire or as part of their party packages that you can request.

They also tend to have some restrictions around the type of DIY decorations you can set up, so make sure you talk to them before your event to avoid any issues.

If you are hiring a function room, hall or marquee for your party, here are some decoration ideas to consider:

  • Lighting – disco lights, fairy lights, LED candles
  • Table decorations – centrepieces , confetti, place cards
  • Banners and signage
  • Photo booth props
  • Balloons – helium balloons, balloon arches
  • Wishing well/card box
  • Carpets/aisle runner
  • Chair covers and sashes

If you are still stuck for ideas, there are heaps of birthday party decoration kits available for purchase that come with all the necessary decorations. This can be a quick and easy option if you don’t have the time or energy to DIY your own decorations.

How To Plan A Surprise Party

Planing a birthday party for adults notepad phone and wine glasses

A surprise party can be a great way to add an element of excitement to someone’s birthday.

When it comes to knowing how to plan a surprise birthday party, you need to put together all of the above party planning elements, without letting the guest of honour know.

This can be tricky if they are someone you live with!

Make sure you don’t use a shared email account for quotes and bookings and take care to receive party-related phone calls at a time when they aren’t likely around.

It also helps to have one or two trusted helpers who don’t live in the same house that can help you pull everything together. Especially if they have space to store decorations and party supplies for you.

If you are planning on surprising the guest of honour, make sure you take the following into consideration:

  • Choose close friends and family members who can keep a secret as helpers
  • Give everyone clear instructions on what they need to do when inviting
  • You may want to invite guests in person so you can explain how the surprise will work
  • Consider inviting a little later than you normally would, since this gives a little less time for people to accidentally spoil the surprise.

Create A Birthday Party Schedule

Are you wondering if you need a birthday party program for adults? To help things run smoothly on the day, it can be helpful to create a schedule or run sheet for the event.

This is especially important if you are hosting a larger party with multiple activities happening throughout the day or night.

Your birthday party schedule should include:

  • An approximate timeline of when each activity will take place
  • Who is responsible for each task/activity
  • Contact details for any suppliers or vendors that are involved in the birthday celebration

Creating a birthday party schedule for adults tends to be a less structured timeline than what you would do for a kids’ birthday party , since the event tends to run for a longer period, giving you more flexibility to fit everything in.

This gives you more time to make sure everyone is having a good time, with good food and their favourite people, so the birthday guy or birthday girl can enjoy the perfect party!

Here is a sample birthday party timeline to help you get started:

  • Welcome guests
  • Serve appetisers
  • Planned activity / special entertainment
  • Serve main meal
  • Optional: speeches
  • Birthday cake cutting
  • Serve cake/desserts
  • Opening presents (if you choose to do this while guests are there)
  • Farewell guests

The Ultimate Printable Party Planner

The ultimate birthday party planner

Planning a birthday party for adults can be daunting, but with the right tools, it can be a breeze. Our printable party planner includes everything you need to get started, from guest lists and budget trackers to activity ideas and entertainment suggestions.

This printable party planner is a great idea if you are worried about forgetting something and like to have everything detailed in one place!

This ultimate party planner includes:

  • Budget trackers
  • Guestlist trackers
  • Party planning checklists
  • Activity ideas
  • Fun theme ideas for adults and kids
  • Menu planner
  • Entertainment ideas
  • Quote pages
  • Party schedules
  • Floor planner
  • And so much more!!!

Planning a birthday party for adults can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Whether you’re hosting a traditional family-style event with cake and ice cream or planning an upscale soirée in a function room, this guide will help make sure that the special day is perfect. Party hats on… let’s get planning!

When is the next big event you are planning? Tell us below!

Find more fun birthday party ideas here:

  • Marvel Avengers theme party
  • Trolls theme party
  • Bluey birthday party theme
  • Toy Story theme party
  • Mermaid birthday cake
  • Party entertainment for kids’ birthday parties
  • NYE appetiser ideas
  • Christmas party games for all ages
  • Halloween party games for all ages
  • Kids birthday party game ideas
  • Balloon game ideas
  • Party bag alternatives
  • Fun activities to entertain kids at home
  • Fun backyard activities for kids
  • Pokemon party ideas
  • Fun dress-up party themes

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How to plan a birthday party for adults

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  • Party Planning

How to Plan a Birthday Party

Last Updated: June 3, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Stefanie Chu-Leong . Stefanie Chu-Leong is the Owner and Senior Event Planner for Stellify Events, an event management business based in the San Francisco Bay Area and California Central Valley. Stefanie has over 15 years of event planning experience and specializes in large-scale events and special occasions. She has a BA in Marketing from San Francisco State University. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 16 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 366,319 times.

Planning birthday parties is both fun and stressful. There are many elements of a good party to take into consideration, and the responsibility of the party being a blast falls on you. There are some fail-safe steps to take in order to plan a fantastic birthday party that will have everyone involved and having fun. Make sure that you have fun along the way!

Deciding When and Where to Have the Birthday Party

Step 1 Choose a date for the birthday party.

  • Consult with the person whose birthday it is to determine a good day for the party. Check their schedule and take note of any holidays around that time. Keep in mind that many people travel for different holidays.
  • It is advisable to host the party on a weekend. More people will be willing and able to come if it is on a weekend, because many people do not have to work on the weekends. [1] X Research source

Step 2 Select a time for the party.

  • If you are throwing a birthday party for a child, host it in the late morning or early afternoon. This is most convenient for families.
  • If you are throwing a party for an adult, then an evening party is appropriate.

Step 3 Decide on a budget for the party.

  • Come up with an overall budget, meaning a total amount that you want to spend on the birthday party. Most people believe that a budget up to £200-300 is reasonable, and many feel keeping party costs under £150 is completely doable. [3] X Research source
  • Break down each element of the party (e.g. invitations, food, drink, decorations, venue) and decide how much should be spent in each area.

Step 4 Create a guest list for the party.

  • A guest list will help you ensure that no one is forgotten when sending out invitations.
  • It will aid you in deciding where to hold the party. A guest list of 12 people means you could host the party in someone's home, if you wanted to do so, but a guest list of 50 people will likely need to be held somewhere else.
  • This will eliminate the risk of people the birthday person does not want attending showing up to the party.
  • Having a number of guests in mind enables you to determine how much food and drink will need to be provided, if you are doing that yourself or having it catered.

Step 5 Consider where to have the party.

  • Take into consideration what the birthday person wants. If he/she wants a more elaborate party, then work to plan the party in a venue that enables that. If he/she is into small gatherings with close friends, then aim for that instead.
  • You will need to decide if you want to have the party in your home or someone else's home in order to keep the venue cost-free.
  • Think about making a reservation at a restaurant if your party is of a reasonable size. Most restaurants can accommodate up to about 25 people without too much issue.
  • Another idea is to host the party at a party or banquet hall. This will be a more expensive option, but it can easily accommodate more people.
  • Think about the guest list and keep in mind if any guests need accommodations. Be sure that wherever you choose caters to people who need certain accommodations, like wheelchairs.

Stefanie Chu-Leong

Stefanie Chu-Leong

Choose a time and location that work well together. An outdoor party in the woods at 5 pm can get cold fast and require heat lamps while a 1 pm party in a clubhouse might get warm and need a coat check room. Make sure you have the right amenities for your time and location and that they complement each other.

Planning Out the Party Details

Step 1 Decide if the party should have a theme.

  • Weigh the pros and cons of having a themed party based on the person whose birthday it is. Would they like a themed birthday party?
  • Consider whether it is a kid's party or an adult's party. Choose a theme that is age-appropriate, if you decide to go this route. For example, appropriate themes for children would be based on kid-friendly television shows or movies, circus, movie theater, a children's book, or carnival. On the other hand, appropriate themes for adults might be a black-and-white affair, casino, a decade theme, or an adult movie or television show.

Step 2 Purchase and send out invitations.

  • It is best to send out the invitations about 3-4 weeks in advance of the party in order to give people enough time to plan for it. Be sure to include RSVP information on the invitation.
  • Sending out the invitations after you have decided on the earlier details ensures that you have the guest list secured and that you have decided on whether to have a themed party, making you more organized.
  • Be sure to reach out to some of the invited guests for help. They can help set up, clean up, provide food, decorate, and more. It is not necessary to do it all by yourself! [5] X Research source

Step 3 Create a plan for the food and beverages.

  • Decide what type of food will be best for the party. If you chose a theme, then make sure the food flows with that theme. For example, a camo cake would work great for an army-themed party, but it would seem out of place for a princess-themed party.
  • Know whether any of your guests have food allergies. If so, be sure to provide options that are safe for them to eat or let them know that they are welcome to bring their own food.
  • Be realistic about how much food and drink to provide based on the length of the party. A party that is planned to be an hour or two might only require refreshments and birthday desserts, while a party that is meant to last for several hours will need more of a meal. [6] X Research source
  • Make sure that you plan for enough food and drink to cater to all of the guests. Remember, get too much food rather than too little.

Martha Stewart

Opening your home is fulfilling and enriches your life. "You should feel good about making your home nicer for your family and your friends. You should feel great about things like cooking a good dinner and making a dress for a granddaughter, creating a beautiful birthday party. It's all part of life."

Step 4 Know your obligations for providing the food and drinks.

  • If you are throwing the party in your home or someone else's, decide if you will make all of the food yourself. If not, then reach out to others and ask for their assistance in providing the food and drinks. A potluck is a great idea!
  • If the party is going to be held at a restaurant, then no real planning needs to be done in this area, as the restaurant will take care of that for you!
  • If the party is going to be at a party or banquet hall, then you need to check with their staff about catering options. Find out if you can bring the food, if they will cater the food, or if they have particular vendors they use to cater food for parties.
  • Decide whether alcohol should be provided, if it is an adult birthday party. For example, if the birthday person does not drink and has many friends and family who do not drink, then alcohol would be unnecessary. [7] X Research source

Step 5 Gather decorations for the party.

  • If you decided on a theme for the party, then this will be easy, as you will simply buy decorations to match the theme.
  • If you did not decide on a theme, then think about what the birthday person would want. Does he/she like a lot of decorations, like balloons, streamers, and confetti? Or is he/she more of a laid-back person who is not interested in decorations? Purchase decorations accordingly.
  • Decorations are not as important for an adult's birthday party, but they are quite important for a child's birthday party. Kids are imaginative, so even household items can contribute to the decorations if you want to save money in this area. [8] X Research source

Step 6 Choose entertainment options for the birthday party.

  • For a child's birthday party, there are many options. Games are great, but they often require supplies, so keep that in mind. You could have a story time, if it goes with the theme. Another idea is to have music playing. You could also hire an entertainer, such as a clown, a magician, or a scientist, if it is in your budget. [9] X Research source
  • An adult's party can just as easily include games. It would also be helpful to have music playing in the background, either via a disc jockey or via a homemade setup with a computer or smartphone and speakers. If the party is going to be out on the town, then the entertainment could come in the form of a live band or an activity, such as a comedy show.

Step 7 Choose what dessert will be.

  • Most of the time, the birthday person will want a cake, especially if it is a child. Decide whether you are going to make the cake yourself or purchase one from a bakery.
  • Know what kind of cake the birthday person likes, and take into consideration any food allergies of the guests. Have an alternative dessert ready if they cannot have the cake.
  • If the birthday person does not want a cake, then provide what they do want! Cupcakes, brownies, pies, cookies, and ice cream are all perfectly acceptable substitutions for birthday cake.

Step 8 Create a back-up plan in case of weather, especially if the party is outside.

Getting Ready for the Party

Step 1 Arrange your organized help to assist you in setting up the party on the day of.

  • Set up the decorations and food, if necessary.
  • If you are providing the food to the party venue, then be sure to get it to the venue on time.
  • Give yourself enough time to set everything up. Rushing will result in mistakes.
  • Have everything you need in one place, or have dedicated helpers be in charge of what supplies they are helping to provide. Know where everything is to streamline the process.

Step 2 Have a plan for keeping the food hot or cold, depending on what it needs.

  • If the food is being catered or provided by the restaurant, then that will be taken care of by that business.
  • If you are providing the food in your home or someone else's, then be wary of putting the food out too early. Food can spoil if it is not kept hot or cold.

Step 3 Notify your guests if you have to move the party to the back-up location.

  • Have a dedicated cool-down area if a child gets upset during the party. It is best if it is away from the rest of the guests.
  • Have a first aid kit and anything else that you think might be necessary in case someone gets injured during the party.
  • If you have pets, keep them secured away from the guests for the duration of the party. Unless your pets are very well behaved and trained, an issue could arise there, from someone being afraid of them to the pets getting loose.

Party Food and Drink Ideas

birthday party business plan

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Do not be afraid to ask for help! Thanks Helpful 58 Not Helpful 9
  • Have fun while you plan! You are planning a party, after all, so make sure that you enjoy the process. Thanks Helpful 58 Not Helpful 9
  • Invite people you are comfortable with! Don't feel obligated to invite certain people if you don't want to. Your party should be fun, not awkward. Thanks Helpful 12 Not Helpful 4

birthday party business plan

  • Be very aware of any potential food allergies. People's reactions to food allergies vary but can be very serious, requiring emergency medical attention. Thanks Helpful 43 Not Helpful 7

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Stefanie Chu-Leong

To plan a birthday party, start by setting the date, time, and budget of the party so nothing gets out of hand. Then, make a guest list and decide where to have the party based on what the birthday person likes. Once you know the location, try to send the invitations out 3 to 4 weeks in advance so people have time to RSVP. If you're having the party at home and you'd like an easier setup, try asking the guests to bring food or help set up the party so it is easier for you. Keep reading for tips on choosing a theme and decorations. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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20 Profitable Event & Party Business Ideas

Are you looking for profitable party business ideas?

if you are passionate about offering people a good time you can turn the passion into a profit by launching your own party business.

The events industry is still going strong - even if that may look a little different than before.

Although many events are going virtual and parties are looking smaller, there's still a huge opportunity to innovate in the space and build a profitable event and party business.

We've identified 20 business opportunities in the events space to get the wheels turning for you.

1. Start an event management company

Do you have a basic understanding of events, possess great communication skills, and aren’t afraid to talk to C-suite executives, event attendees, donors, brand sponsors, and vendors?

Event management is a profession that is growing rapidly. Experts estimate that the event management and planning industry will experience a growth rate of 10% in a few years.

You can use your skills and passion by starting an event management company. Event management is not only an exciting career, but it is also a profitable business opportunity, with endless opportunities, you can focus on social and entertainment events, and corporate events, or become a general event management company.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 160 days (?)

birthday party business plan

A successful ticketing platform that grew from a side project into a business that issues over 5 million tickets annually, using a combination of cold calling, word of mouth, and partnerships to attract and retain customers while navigating the challenges of COVID-19.

birthday party business plan

2. Start a virtual events business

It is no secret that the 2020 global pandemic changed how we interact and engage. Today, more meetings and events take place online than ever before. According to statistics , the trend of virtual events is not slowing anytime soon. Corporates and entertainment sectors plan to organize more virtual events in the coming decade.

Thus, starting a virtual events business can be a great idea.

A virtual event is where attendees experience the event and its content online rather than being physically present. A virtual events business ideates, plans, organizes, executes, and coordinates virtual events on behalf of its clients. A virtual events business also develops creative ideas that make the virtual events unique and memorable.

To start and operate a successful virtual events business, you must possess broadcasting and audience psychology skills and be ready to learn and deal with new technologies. The good news is that you have multiple platforms where you can run virtual events.

How much you can make: $66,667 — $2,500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 220 days (?)

birthday party business plan

Entire Productions is a fast-growing event and entertainment production company with an emphasis on experience design, primarily working with corporate clients including many Fortune 500 companies in the tech and pharma industries, boasting a growth of 148% and a goal of reaching $20M annual mark.

birthday party business plan

3. Start a balloon decor business

Balloon decorations involve the creation of balloon-based arrangements and thematic shapes, covering backgrounds, ceilings, walls, columns, centerpieces, and entrances within the event and party venues. Balloon décor is popular in corporate events, entertainment and social events, children's parties, and weddings.

Balloon décor is a low overhead business and can be a profitable entrepreneurship opportunity. You do not need a storefront as you can work from home with a few pieces of equipment. You need proper planning skills to start and operate a successful balloon décor business. You should plan and analyze every step and challenge before starting the business.

How much you can make: $20,000/month

birthday party business plan

Balloon Haus LLC, founded by Janeen Brown, is a successful balloon boutique generating an average of $20K/monthly, providing custom exquisite and trendy balloon installations and decorations to notable clients such as Instagram, Marriott, and American Express.

birthday party business plan

4. Start a party planning business

Party planning involves budgeting, establishing party timelines, selecting and reserving ideal party sites, acquiring permits, theme décor, and coordinating party catering and transportation.

Are you organized, creative, and client-focused? You can put those skills into starting a successful party planning business. To become a party planner, you must desire to help other people enjoy themselves. Besides, you need diplomacy, salesmanship, and multitasking skills.

How much you can make: $25,000 — $400,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 6 hours/week

birthday party business plan

Akshay Patel's event rental and decor business, Simply Decor, Tents, and Events, saw an average ticket price of $2,000, as their advertising budget decreased from $20k to $5k, leading to 40% of their clients coming through social media advertising, 30% from expos, and 30% online in google, yahoo, and other platforms.

birthday party business plan

5. Start an Event and after party cleaning business

Event and after-party cleaning business depends upon corporate and individual customers celebrating various events and hosting parties. The party and event organizers do not worry about cleaning utensils or cleaning the event venues.

Starting the event and after-party cleaning business requires the proper planning, maid, and janitorial skills. To start, purchase the appropriate cleaning equipment and hire skilled venue cleaners.

How much you can make: $3,000/month

birthday party business plan

Learn how Hangover Helpers, an after-party cleaning company, started as a side business and generated monthly revenue of $3k with some months up to $7k during the busy summer period, attracting 60% repeat business with a self-described clean, friendly, and fun brand.

birthday party business plan

6. Start a party supply store

If you love fun activities and helping other people enjoy their parties, starting a party store in your neighborhood can be a rewarding and profitable business.

Party stores sell balloons, decorations, costumes, novelties, confectionaries, theme party wear, and other party supplies.

If you are starting a party store, you may choose to join it as an affiliate or enter a franchise. A party store is a low-to-entry business venture and can be rewarding in the long run.

How long does it take to build: 1 days (?)

The Party People, Australia's largest party store with a multimillion-dollar turnover, shares insights on how they've grown from a small clown hire business to an online and brick-and-mortar party supply retailer by focusing on customer service and innovating in marketing and technology.

birthday party business plan

7. Start a wedding rental business

Do you love wedding planning and looking for a business idea to turn your passion into profits? Starting a wedding rental business can be a great idea.

Your role as a wedding rental business is to supply all equipment and accessories to make the occasion colorful and memorable for attendees and the wedding couple. If you are starting a wedding rental business, focus on building relationships with wedding planners and event companies. Remember often couples visit wedding venues before even contacting a rental company. Being in contact with wedding venue business owners could get you repeat business.

How much you can make: $5,000 — $5,583,333/month

How long does it take to build: 305 days (?)

birthday party business plan

Photobooth Supply Co. offers a profitable business opportunity through their sleek and portable photo booths, with up to 97% satisfaction rate and a focus on customer experience, in a fast-growing event industry where photo booths are exploding.

birthday party business plan

8. Become a wedding planner

A wedding planner assists with designing, planning, and managing a wedding, so the bride and groom have the happiest day. Wedding planners enjoy a flexible working schedule and opportunities to travel locally and globally, and it’s a great career with numerous growth opportunities.

To start a wedding planning business, identify your target clientele and study their wedding cultures so you can offer the clients excellent service. Remember, excellent wedding planning is all about having the passion and knowing how to harness that passion for designing weddings that bring out the emotions of those in attendance.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $50,000/month

How long does it take to build: 45 days (?)

birthday party business plan

This husband and wife duo started a wedding consultancy agency, 'Getting Married in Denmark', which has gone from doing 5-10 weddings a month to 80-100 weddings a month in just 4 years, massively growing their revenue.

birthday party business plan

9. Start a catering business

A catering business is responsible for providing food & beverage-related services for vast types of events.

Catering businesses are known to be more flexible than other businesses because they don’t have to worry about location or pricing and can even work 24/7. They can cater anywhere and offer any price point that they want.

However, starting a catering business requires a lot of planning.

To start a successful catering business , you'll need to plan and prepare menus, manage budgets, handle clients, and more.

In addition, catering allows you to meet more people and show off your cooking skills.

How much you can make: $3,750 — $48,333/month

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

birthday party business plan

Elegante Catering founder, Nestor Nidome, details his journey from failed DJ business to a $20k/month catering company, emphasizing the importance of online marketing and customer feedback as key contributors to his success.

birthday party business plan

10. Start a Greeting Cards Business

People use greeting cards to mark births, deaths, graduations, anniversaries, and other parties or events.

If you love helping people celebrate special occasions, starting a greeting card business can be a great business opportunity.

When starting a greeting card business, choose a potential niche and write a business plan.

Then, find an ideal spot to sell the greeting cards.

For instance, you can offer greeting card design and posting services, so customers can choose the best designs and post greeting cards online.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 65 days (?)

birthday party business plan

Joker Greeting sells unique prank gifts, including a non-stop musical birthday card, an idea raised by the founders visiting their mom's house, having no website or marketing and yet raising $92,073 on Kickstarter in 30 days due to being picked up by media, enabling them to sell 15,000 units in the first year, owned SEO for their niche, selling almost 40,000 units in 2017 and expected to reach 50,000 to 60,000 in 2018 with a small team, using Shopify and various social media channels with lots of organic traffic.

birthday party business plan

11. Rent party & events venue

Businesses use event venues for various purposes, including meetings, tradeshows, conferences, product launches, etc. On the other hand, individuals host birthdays, weddings, and other celebrations at event venues.

According to the latest statistics, the events industry is growing rapidly . Events provide a great marketing tool for businesses, and events are crucial for strengthening relationships.

The demand for event venues increases as individuals and corporates host more events annually. If you have some unused space and are enthusiastic about hosting events, you can start an events rental business.

To start, choose a niche, and market your business. You can focus on corporate events, social and entertainment events, or general venues suitable for any setting and party theme.

How much you can make: $35,000/month

birthday party business plan

12. Become a cake decorator

Becoming a cake decorator can be an enjoyable and uncomplicated venture to embark on, particularly if you have a passion for baking and creativity. It enables you to explore the thriving bakery and wedding industries while showcasing your artistic abilities.

This business involves designing and hand-decorating specialty cakes for various events and occasions, using your artistic abilities to create beautiful, custom-edible works of art.

To start a successful cake decorating company, learn proper cake decorating techniques, purchase quality ingredients and equipment, build a portfolio to showcase your skills, and implement good marketing tactics to attract potential clients like wedding planners, event companies, bakeries, and direct consumers.

How much you can make: $4,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $300 (?)

birthday party business plan

From pastry chef to owner of a successful bakery, learn how Bradford Bakery achieved a 550% increase in SEO in just a few months through community outreach, building a website, and utilizing social media and advertising on platforms like Facebook and Groupon.

birthday party business plan

13. Become a face painter

Popular at children's parties, weddings, and even some corporate events, face painting is a great creative activity that sparks joy among people of all ages.

If you love making people happy and helping them celebrate different events in life, consider starting a face-painting business.

If you are planning to start a face painting business on a professional basis, it would be wise to take an introductory training course to learn the basics of face painting and the safety and health precautions involved in the business.

14. Start an A/V equipment rental

Buying AV equipment does not make sense unless you are an event organizer or your company runs multiple events annually. Instead, businesses prefer hiring AV equipment rather than investing thousands of dollars in buying the equipment for a single event.

An audiovisual equipment rental business offers event or party organizers the right equipment to make the events a hit. The AV equipment rental business offers bundled packages to add technical perfection to any type of events their customers are looking to host.

Starting an AV rental business can be capital intensive, but given the rising demand for AV equipment, it can be profitable. If you plan to start the AV equipment rental business, remember there is high competition. Therefore, you have to ensure aggressive marketing to attain the business objectives.

15. Start a game rental business

Parties and events are a way for attendees to indulge in fun activities. One way to enjoy the event is by playing games at the event venue. If you are passionate about event organizing and entertaining event attendees, you can turn your passion into a profitable business by launching a game rental business for events.

Game rental businesses are highly affordable to start compared to other niches and can turn to a profit much faster. Your target market can include corporate team-building events, children's parties, wedding parties, and other social events.

How much you can make: $600/month

birthday party business plan

16. Start a holiday decorating service

Holiday decorators make the interior and exterior of businesses and homes festive. While the holiday decoration business is seasonal, it is also highly profitable and requires minimal startup investments. You do not need any special training to start the holiday decorating business. However, being creative and having experience in decorating is crucial to running a successful business.

birthday party business plan

17. Become an event promoter

An event promoter is a professional responsible for marketing and promoting events such as concerts, conferences, speeches, festivals, and sporting events.

Event promoters can work as independent contractors or for a specific organization. The core responsibilities of event promoters include conducting research into the intended audience and setting up and running social media campaigns, among other duties.

To become an event promoter, develop communication skills, be proactive and learn how to organize and influence people to attend the events.

How much you can make: $10,000/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

birthday party business plan

EventBookings is an all-in-one event technology platform that helps event organizers remain organized throughout the chaos of event planning and is now running the business with 25 employees and is currently on track to reach their next revenue target of $1M.

birthday party business plan

18. Become a local event artist

Event artists make the audience more centered, increase event PR, attract new artists, and build a good brand profile.

Becoming an event artist is easier than you think. All you need to do is choose a niche and work on attracting foot traffic to the events. Be creative and work on your communication skills.

19. Start a special event security

The event security business takes care of event venues’ safety and security. The event security team works towards enhancing the guest experience and takes care of security strategies, risk assessment, threat and vulnerability protection, and more services to enhance the guest’s experience.

To start an events security business, hire staff who understand crowd-handling strategies and how to respond to emergencies. A good security company commits to safeguarding event attendees’ cash and valuable items.

20. Become a mobile DJ

Mobile DJ carries their DJ kit with them and entertains clients at weddings, birthdays, and corporate parties or events. There is plenty of demand for mobile DJs, and customers will pay well to be entertained at their premises or parties.

To become a mobile DJ, first, learn the art of DJing, specifically how to DJ open-format style. If you are a beginner, enroll in online classes where you will learn the best DJing practices.

birthday party business plan

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Children's Party Planning

Startup Costs: Under $2,000 Part Time: Can be operated part-time. Franchises Available? Yes Online Operation? No

Today's moms and dads want to give their kids memorable parties just like they had, but with a two-income household, it's difficult to find the time to plan and organize all this stuff. And even moms or dads who don't work often feel that a really creative party is beyond their capabilities. But if you're creative, then you can be the life of the gala with a children's party planning business. You'll plan the theme, provide costumes (unless guests arrive wearing their own), décor, food, favors and other assorted goodies, entertainment, and clean up afterward so parents can enjoy the festivities instead of running themselves ragged. And you can do more than birthday parties--go all out with Halloween, Christmas, Chanukah, end-of-school and end-of-summer parties--whatever you can dream up and sell. The advantages to this business are that your startup costs are low, it's creative and it's always fun--heck, you get to go to birthday parties every working day! Besides that all-important creativity, you'll need the organizational skills to pull everything together and do it smoothly so that everyone has fun. You should also know what kids like today so that you can plan parties around the cartoon character or hit movie of the hour. And you'll need to be a people person who can make sure that no shy child gets left out of the fun and no sensitive parent gets miffed at being left out the picture.

Your customers will be parents and kids who just wanna have fun. Send brochures to moms and dads in your area. Write fun, informative articles for local newspapers. Place ads in the Yellow Pages and in local publications. Network among the kiddie set and post fliers (with the owners' permission) at dance and karate studios and other children's hang-outs. Donate a party to the lucky winner of a charity auction--always good publicity--and give free parties to friends who'll spread the word. Be sure to take pictures for your portfolio.

Needed Equipment

All you really need is a planning book and a telephone. If you specialize in a certain type of party, like dress-up tea parties or wild animal parties, you'll want to lay in a stock of costumes and makeup for guests to put on.

Children's Party Planning Ideas

Extras only agency.

Some people just want to be seen. An extras only agency ensures clients they'll get their 15 minutes of fame.

If you have a way with words and like being in front of a crowd, try being an auctioneer.

Reward yourself--and someone else--with a business that makes trophies.

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Party Decorating Business

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How to Start a Party Decorating Business

Written by: Carolyn Young

Carolyn Young is a business writer who focuses on entrepreneurial concepts and the business formation. She has over 25 years of experience in business roles, and has authored several entrepreneurship textbooks.

Edited by: David Lepeska

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

Published on March 10, 2022 Updated on June 5, 2024

How to Start a Party Decorating Business

Investment range

$2,050 - $5,100

Revenue potential

$62,400 - $312,000 p.a.

Time to build

0 – 3 months

Profit potential

$56,000 - $125,000 p.a.

Industry trend

Parties are back on! So if you love party planning and decorations, why not turn those skills into your dream business? You can start a party decorating business for very little money, help people enjoy good times, and make a good living, all at the same time. 

Party decorating is part of the event planning industry, which is worth a whopping $3 billion in the US, and is expanding as the pandemic recedes. So now is a great time to get in on the party and grab a piece of that market. 

Starting a business, though, takes time, work, and most of all, knowledge. Fortunately, this step-by-step guide offers all the insights and wisdom you’ll need to build a successful party decorating business.

Looking to register your business? A limited liability company (LLC) is the best legal structure for new businesses because it is fast and simple.

Form your business immediately using ZenBusiness LLC formation service or hire one of the Best LLC Services .

Step 1: Decide if the Business Is Right for You

Pros and cons.

Starting a party decorating business has pros and cons to consider before deciding if it’s right for you.

  • Low Startup Costs – Time and a website are all you need
  • Flexibility – Work as little or as much as you want
  • Good Money – $500 to $750 per party is not bad
  • Creativity — Express yourself and bring people joy
  • Market Troubles – Slowly rebounding after sharp pandemic downturn
  • Tough Customers – People can be choosy, particularly for major events

Party decorating industry trends

Industry size and growth.

party decorating industry size and growth

  • Industry size and past growth – The US party and event planning industry is worth $3.2 billion. The market declined sharply during lockdowns, but expects steady 4% growth in 2022.(( https://www.ibisworld.com/industry-statistics/market-size/party-event-planners-united-states/ ))
  • Growth forecast – The party planning industry is expected to remain stagnant for the next five years.(( https://www.ibisworld.com/industry-statistics/number-of-businesses/party-event-planners-united-states/ )) 
  • Number of businesses – In 2022, 61,047 businesses in the party and event planning industry were operating in the US. 
  • Number of people employed – In 2022, the party and event planning industry employed 66,882 people.(( https://www.ibisworld.com/industry-statistics/employment/party-event-planners-united-states/ ))  

Trends and challenges

party decorating Trends and Challenges

Trends in the party decorating industry include:

  • Outdoor parties with nature themes and floral décor are trending.
  • Paperless menus and eco-friendly décor items are in demand.

Challenges in the party decorating industry include:

  • When planning the decorations for a party or event, it’s important to keep the client’s budget in mind, which can be a challenge. 
  • Party decorating is a luxury service, so the business is very sensitive to inflation and economic fluctuations. 

Demand hotspots

party decorating demand hotspots

  • Most popular states – The most popular states for event planners are New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.(( https://www.zippia.com/event-planner-jobs/best-states/ ))
  • Least popular states – The least popular states for event planners are Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming. 

What kind of people work in party decorating?

party decorating industry demographics

  • Gender – 71.2% of event planners are female, while 23.3% are male.(( https://www.zippia.com/event-planner-jobs/resume/ ))
  • Average level of education – The average event planner has a bachelor’s degree.
  • Average age – The average event planner in the US is 37.6 years old.

How much does it cost to start a party decorating business?

Startup costs for a party decorating business range from $2,000 to $5,000. The main costs are for a website and a marketing budget. The customer will pay for all décor items, so there is no need for inventory.

To brush up on your skills, you might also take an online party planning course, such as at Udemy . 

Start-up CostsBallpark RangeAverage
Setting up a business name and corporation$150 - $200$175
Business licenses and permits$100 - $300$200
Business cards and brochures$200 - $300$250
Website setup$1,000 - $3,000$2,000
Initial marketing budget$500 - $1,000$750
Total$2,050 - $5,100$3,575

How much can you earn from a party decorating business?

party decorating business earnings forecast

You can charge by the hour for your party decorating services, and rates generally run between $60 and $80. The average party decorating job will pay around $600. Your profit margin after marketing costs should be about 90%.

In your first year or two, you could decorate 2 parties per week, bringing in $62,400 in annual revenue. This would mean about $56,000 in profit, assuming that 90% margin. As your brand gains recognition and you begin to get referrals, sales could climb to 10 parties per week. At this stage, you’d hire staff, reducing your profit margin to around 40%. With annual revenue of $312,000, you’d make a tidy profit of about $125,000.

What barriers to entry are there?

There are a few barriers to entry for a party decorating business. Your biggest challenges will be:

  • Having outstanding decorating skills
  • Competition from other party decorating companies

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Step 2: hone your idea.

Now that you know what’s involved in starting a party decorating, it’s a good idea to hone your concept in preparation to enter a competitive market.

Market research will give you the upper hand, even if you’re already positive that you have a perfect product or service. Conducting market research is important, because it can help you understand your customers better, who your competitors are, and your business landscape.

Why? Identify an opportunity

Research party decorating businesses in your area to examine their services, price points, and customer reviews. You’re looking for a market gap to fill. For instance, maybe the local market is missing a party decorating business that specializes in corporate events.

birthday party business plan

You might consider targeting a niche market by specializing in a certain aspect of your industry, such as wedding receptions or kids’ birthday parties.

This could jumpstart your word-of-mouth marketing and attract clients right away.

What? Determine your services and offerings

You’ll just need to determine the scope of your services in terms of how elaborately you’re willing to decorate, and if you’ll do the decoration tear down. Be sure to list all of your services and offerings on your website.

How much should you charge for party decorating?

You could charge $60 an hour to start, or you could determine flat rates based on the scope of the decorating and the client’s budget. Your costs will be limited to marketing costs and fuel, so you should aim for a profit margin of 90%.

Once you know your costs, you can use this Step By Step profit margin calculator to determine your mark-up and final price points. Remember, the prices you use at launch should be subject to change if warranted by the market.

Who? Identify your target market

Your target market will tend to be more established people who you can find on Facebook or LinkedIn. You could also reach out to local party planners, corporate planners, wedding planners, and party stores to get referrals.

Where? Choose your business premises

In the early stages, you may want to run your business from home to keep costs low. But as your business grows, you’ll likely need to hire workers for various roles and may need to rent out an office. You can find commercial space to rent in your area on sites such as Craigslist , Crexi , and Instant Offices .

When choosing a commercial space, you may want to follow these rules of thumb:

  • Central location accessible via public transport
  • Ventilated and spacious, with good natural light
  • Flexible lease that can be extended as your business grows
  • Ready-to-use space with no major renovations or repairs needed

party decorating business idea rating

Step 3: Brainstorm a Party Decor Business Name

Here are some ideas for brainstorming your business name:

  • Short, unique, and catchy names tend to stand out
  • Names that are easy to say and spell tend to do better 
  • Name should be relevant to your product or service offerings
  • Ask around — family, friends, colleagues, social media — for suggestions
  • Including keywords, such as “party decorating” or “event decorating”, boosts SEO
  • Name should allow for expansion, for ex: “Dreamy Decorations” over “Kids’ Party Magic”
  • A location-based name can help establish a strong connection with your local community and help with the SEO but might hinder future expansion

Once you’ve got a list of potential names, visit the website of the US Patent and Trademark Office to make sure they are available for registration and check the availability of related domain names using our Domain Name Search tool. Using “.com” or “.org” sharply increases credibility, so it’s best to focus on these. 

Find a Domain

Powered by GoDaddy.com

Finally, make your choice among the names that pass this screening and go ahead with domain registration and social media account creation. Your business name is one of the key differentiators that sets your business apart. Once you pick your company name, and start with the branding, it is hard to change the business name. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider your choice before you start a business entity.

Step 4: Create a Party Decorating Business Plan

Here are the key components of a business plan:

what to include in a business plan

  • Executive Summary: A brief overview of your business plan, highlighting key points and objectives.
  • Business Overview: An introduction to your party decorating business, including its name, location, and a concise mission statement.
  • Product and Services: Detailed descriptions of the decorations and services you offer, such as balloon arrangements, theme party designs, and event setup.
  • Market Analysis: Research and insights into your target market, including demographics, trends, and potential customer needs.
  • Competitive Analysis: Evaluation of competitors in your area, their strengths and weaknesses, and how your business will differentiate itself.
  • Sales and Marketing: Your strategies for attracting customers and promoting your party decorating services, including advertising, social media, and partnerships.
  • Management Team: Introductions to key team members and their roles in the business, highlighting relevant experience and skills.
  • Operations Plan: Details on how your business will operate, from sourcing materials to managing orders and logistics.
  • Financial Plan: Projections for revenue, expenses, and profitability, including startup costs, pricing strategies, and financial forecasts.
  • Appendix: Supporting documents and additional information, such as resumes, legal documents, and any supplementary data that reinforces your business plan.

If you’ve never created a business plan, it can be an intimidating task. You might consider hiring a business plan specialist to create a top-notch business plan for you.

Step 5: Register Your Business

Registering your business is an absolutely crucial step — it’s the prerequisite to paying taxes, raising capital, opening a bank account, and other guideposts on the road to getting a business up and running.

Plus, registration is exciting because it makes the entire process official. Once it’s complete, you’ll have your own business! 

Choose where to register your company

Your business location is important because it can affect taxes, legal requirements, and revenue. Most people will register their business in the state where they live, but if you’re planning to expand, you might consider looking elsewhere, as some states could offer real advantages when it comes to party decorating businesses. 

If you’re willing to move, you could really maximize your business! Keep in mind, it’s relatively easy to transfer your business to another state. 

Choose your business structure

Business entities come in several varieties, each with its pros and cons. The legal structure you choose for your party decorating business will shape your taxes, personal liability, and business registration requirements, so choose wisely. 

Here are the main options:

types of business structures

  • Sole Proprietorship – The most common structure for small businesses makes no legal distinction between company and owner. All income goes to the owner, who’s also liable for any debts, losses, or liabilities incurred by the business. The owner pays taxes on business income on his or her personal tax return.
  • General Partnership – Similar to a sole proprietorship, but for two or more people. Again, owners keep the profits and are liable for losses. The partners pay taxes on their share of business income on their personal tax returns.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) – Combines the characteristics of corporations with those of sole proprietorships or partnerships. Again, the owners are not personally liable for debts.
  • C Corp – Under this structure, the business is a distinct legal entity and the owner or owners are not personally liable for its debts. Owners take profits through shareholder dividends, rather than directly. The corporation pays taxes, and owners pay taxes on their dividends, which is sometimes referred to as double taxation.
  • S Corp – An S-Corporation refers to the tax classification of the business but is not a business entity. An S-Corp can be either a corporation or an LLC , which just need to elect to be an S-Corp for tax status. In an S-Corp, income is passed through directly to shareholders, who pay taxes on their share of business income on their personal tax returns.

We recommend that new business owners choose LLC as it offers liability protection and pass-through taxation while being simpler to form than a corporation. You can form an LLC in as little as five minutes using an online LLC formation service. They will check that your business name is available before filing, submit your articles of organization , and answer any questions you might have. 

Form Your LLC

Choose Your State

We recommend ZenBusiness as the Best LLC Service for 2024

birthday party business plan

Step 6: Register for Taxes

The final step before you’re able to pay taxes is getting an Employer Identification Number , or EIN. You can file for your EIN online or by mail or fax: visit the IRS website to learn more. Keep in mind, if you’ve chosen to be a sole proprietorship you can simply use your social security number as your EIN.

Once you have your EIN, you’ll need to choose your tax year. Financially speaking, your business will operate in a calendar year (January–December) or a fiscal year, a 12-month period that can start in any month. This will determine your tax cycle, while your business structure will determine which taxes you’ll pay.

birthday party business plan

The IRS website also offers a tax-payers checklist , and taxes can be filed online.

It is important to consult an accountant or other professional to help you with your taxes to ensure you’re completing them correctly.

Step 7: Fund your Business

Securing financing is your next step and there are plenty of ways to raise capital:

types of business financing

  • Bank loans : This is the most common method but getting approved requires a rock-solid business plan and strong credit history.
  • SBA-guaranteed loans : The Small Business Administration can act as guarantor, helping gain that elusive bank approval via an SBA-guaranteed loan .
  • Government grants : A handful of financial assistance programs help fund entrepreneurs. Visit Grants.gov to learn which might work for you.
  • Friends and Family : Reach out to friends and family to provide a business loan or investment in your concept. It’s a good idea to have legal advice when doing so because SEC regulations apply.
  • Crowdfunding : Websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo offer an increasingly popular low-risk option, in which donors fund your vision. Entrepreneurial crowdfunding sites like Fundable and WeFunder enable multiple investors to fund your business.
  • Personal : Self-fund your business via your savings or the sale of property or other assets.

Bank and SBA loans are probably the best option, other than friends and family, for funding a party decorating business. You might also try crowdfunding if you have an innovative concept.

Step 8: Apply for Business Licenses and Permits

Starting a party decorating business requires obtaining a number of licenses and permits from local, state, and federal governments.

Federal regulations, licenses, and permits associated with starting your business include doing business as (DBA), health licenses and permits from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ), trademarks, copyrights, patents, and other intellectual properties, as well as industry-specific licenses and permits.

You may also need state-level and local county or city-based licenses and permits. The license requirements and how to obtain them vary, so check the websites of your state, city, and county governments or contact the appropriate person to learn more.

You could also check this SBA guide for your state’s requirements, but we recommend using MyCorporation’s Business License Compliance Package . They will research the exact forms you need for your business and state and provide them to ensure you’re fully compliant.

This is not a step to be taken lightly, as failing to comply with legal requirements can result in hefty penalties.

If you feel overwhelmed by this step or don’t know how to begin, it might be a good idea to hire a professional to help you check all the legal boxes.

Step 9: Open a Business Bank Account

Before you start making money, you’ll need a place to keep it, and that requires opening a bank account .

Keeping your business finances separate from your personal account makes it easy to file taxes and track your company’s income, so it’s worth doing even if you’re running your party decorating business as a sole proprietorship. Opening a business bank account is quite simple, and similar to opening a personal one. Most major banks offer accounts tailored for businesses — just inquire at your preferred bank to learn about their rates and features.

Banks vary in terms of offerings, so it’s a good idea to examine your options and select the best plan for you. Once you choose your bank, bring in your EIN (or Social Security Number if you decide on a sole proprietorship), articles of incorporation, and other legal documents and open your new account. 

Step 10: Get Business Insurance

Business insurance is an area that often gets overlooked yet it can be vital to your success as an entrepreneur. Insurance protects you from unexpected events that can have a devastating impact on your business.

Here are some types of insurance to consider:

types of business insurance

  • General liability : The most comprehensive type of insurance, acting as a catch-all for many business elements that require coverage. If you get just one kind of insurance, this is it. It even protects against bodily injury and property damage.
  • Business Property : Provides coverage for your equipment and supplies.
  • Equipment Breakdown Insurance : Covers the cost of replacing or repairing equipment that has broken due to mechanical issues.
  • Worker’s compensation : Provides compensation to employees injured on the job.
  • Property : Covers your physical space, whether it is a cart, storefront, or office.
  • Commercial auto : Protection for your company-owned vehicle.
  • Professional liability : Protects against claims from a client who says they suffered a loss due to an error or omission in your work.
  • Business owner’s policy (BOP) : This is an insurance plan that acts as an all-in-one insurance policy, a combination of the above insurance types.

Step 11: Prepare to Launch

As opening day nears, prepare for launch by reviewing and improving some key elements of your business.

Essential software and tools

Being an entrepreneur often means wearing many hats, from marketing to sales to accounting, which can be overwhelming. Fortunately, many websites and digital tools are available to help simplify many business tasks. 

You may want to use industry-specific software, such as SOCIO , EventPro , or GoodShuffle , to manage your planning, workflows, invoicing, and payments. 

  • Popular web-based accounting programs for smaller businesses include Quickbooks , Freshbooks , and Xero . 
  • If you’re unfamiliar with basic accounting, you may want to hire a professional, especially as you begin. The consequences for filing incorrect tax documents can be harsh, so accuracy is crucial. 

Develop your website

Website development is crucial because your site is your online presence and needs to convince prospective clients of your expertise and professionalism.

You can create your own website using services like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace . This route is very affordable, but figuring out how to build a website can be time-consuming. If you lack tech-savvy, you can hire a web designer or developer to create a custom website for your business.

They are unlikely to find your website, however, unless you follow Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) practices. These are steps that help pages rank higher in the results of top search engines like Google. 

Here are some powerful marketing strategies for your future business:

  • Social Media: Leverage the power of social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok to showcase your vibrant and creative party decorations through visually appealing posts and short videos, engaging with potential clients and influencers to expand your reach.
  • Collaborate with Event Planners: Establish partnerships with local event planners, offering them exclusive deals or discounts for bringing clients your way, creating a mutually beneficial relationship that can lead to a steady stream of business.
  • Themed Package Deals: Create themed package deals for popular events or occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, and corporate parties, providing customers with a convenient and cost-effective option for their specific celebration needs.
  • Interactive Workshops: Host hands-on workshops or webinars demonstrating DIY party decorating tips and tricks, positioning your business as an authority in the field while building a community of engaged customers who may later hire your services.
  • Loyalty Programs: Implement a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers with discounts or exclusive offers, encouraging them to choose your services for multiple events and fostering long-term relationships.
  • Local Sponsorships: Sponsor local community events, school fundraisers, or sports teams, putting your brand in front of a diverse audience while contributing to the community, enhancing your business’s reputation.
  • Showcase at Trade Shows: Participate in relevant trade shows or bridal fairs to display your decorations, network with potential clients, and stay updated on industry trends, ensuring your business remains current and competitive.
  • Customer Testimonials and Case Studies: Request and showcase customer testimonials and case studies on your social media and marketing materials, building trust with potential clients and providing tangible evidence of your ability to create memorable events.
  • Google My Business Optimization: Optimize your Google My Business profile with high-quality images, detailed service descriptions, and positive customer reviews, making it easier for local clients to find and choose your party decorating business.
  • Referral Program: Encourage word-of-mouth marketing by implementing a referral program that rewards existing clients for recommending your services to friends and family, turning satisfied customers into brand advocates.

Focus on USPs

unique selling proposition

Unique selling propositions, or USPs, are the characteristics of a product or service that sets it apart from the competition. Customers today are inundated with buying options, so you’ll have a real advantage if they are able to quickly grasp how your party decorating meets their needs or wishes. It’s wise to do all you can to ensure your USPs stand out on your website and in your marketing and promotional materials, stimulating buyer desire.

Global pizza chain Domino’s is renowned for its USP: “Hot pizza in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed.” Signature USPs for your party decorating business could be: 

  • Corporate event decorating – impress your team!
  • Party decorating — for the 1st birthday to the 100th
  • Last-minute party? Let us decorate for you!

You may not like to network or use personal connections for business gain. But your personal and professional networks likely offer considerable untapped business potential. Maybe that Facebook friend you met in college is now running a party decorating business, or a LinkedIn contact of yours is connected to dozens of potential clients. Maybe your cousin or neighbor has been working in party decorating for years and can offer invaluable insight and industry connections.

The possibilities are endless, so it’s a good idea to review your personal and professional networks and reach out to those with possible links to or interest in party decorating. You’ll probably generate new customers or find companies with which you could establish a partnership. 

Step 12: Build Your Team

If you’re starting out small from a home office, you may not need any employees. But as your business grows, you will likely need workers to fill various roles. Potential positions for a party decorating business include:

  • Party Decorating Assistants – help with setup and tear down
  • General Manager – scheduling, accounting
  • Marketing Lead – SEO strategies, social media

At some point, you may need to hire all of these positions or simply a few, depending on the size and needs of your business. You might also hire multiple workers for a single role or a single worker for multiple roles, again depending on need.

Free-of-charge methods to recruit employees include posting ads on popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Jobs.com. You might also consider a premium recruitment option, such as advertising on Indeed , Glassdoor , or ZipRecruiter . Further, if you have the resources, you could consider hiring a recruitment agency to help you find talent.

Step 13: Run a Party Decorating Business – Start Making Money!

Party decorating can be fun, but it can also be a lucrative business. If you’re a passionate party decorator and have a creative touch, this is a great time to turn that passion into good money. Party decorating is part of a growing $3 billion industry, and for a small investment, you could grab a share of that market.

You’ve now got all the required business know-how, so it’s time to put together your plan and start partying toward entrepreneurial success! 

  • Party Decorating Business FAQs

Absolutely. You can earn up to $750 per party, which includes the planning, item purchasing, setup, and teardown. If you do a great job, you’re bound to start getting referrals to new clients.

To differentiate your party decorating business, focus on unique design concepts, offer specialized themes or styles, provide exceptional attention to detail, and prioritize customer satisfaction through excellent communication and prompt service.

Offer customized and personalized party decorating services by conducting detailed consultations with clients to understand their preferences, creating tailored decor packages, incorporating personalized elements such as custom signage or monograms, and providing options for personalized touches like custom centerpieces or party favors.

Yes, you can start a party decorating business on the side. However, ensure you have a clear business plan, effectively manage your time and resources, and consider starting with smaller events or gradually building your client base before committing to larger or more complex projects.

Find clients for your party decorating business by networking within your local community, attending local events or expos, leveraging social media platforms to showcase your work, offering special promotions or discounts, partnering with event planners or venues, and encouraging client referrals through satisfied customers or positive online reviews.

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  • Decide if the Business Is Right for You
  • Hone Your Idea
  • Brainstorm a Party Decor Business Name
  • Create a Party Decorating Business Plan
  • Register Your Business
  • Register for Taxes
  • Fund your Business
  • Apply for Business Licenses and Permits
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get Business Insurance
  • Prepare to Launch
  • Build Your Team
  • Run a Party Decorating Business - Start Making Money!

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How to start a kids party business.

If you love planning parties-- especially kid -themed parties--consider starting a kids party business. Imagine seeing the joy on the kids' faces during a birthday party as they play games, enjoy cake and ice cream, and hang out with their friends. A kids party business may include party planning, coordination and even providing entertainment during the party. If you think this business is for you, there are several steps you can take to begin planning your kids party business.

Conduct research on your potential kids party business by talking to the families in your area to figure out how, when and why they might use your services. Consider using the library or another large space to host an information session where you can speak with a group of parents and children. In addition, you can spend some time researching the kids party business industry. Use the Internet and books to discover the latest trends and tips for promoting your business to reach your target audience.

Identify the types of services you plan to offer based on the information you receive from the children and their parents. Price your services and keep in mind any competition you may have in your area. Are there other businesses that offer party services for kids? If so, how does your business differ? You need to think of ways to make your kids party business and services stand out from what your competitors are offering.

Name your kids party business and start to work on a detailed business plan that includes an overview of the business, how you plan to market it and how you plan to finance it. Set aside some time every day to work on your business plan. It may take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to complete.

Use your business plan to help you come up with a list of items you need to start your kids party business. Purchase your supplies and begin setting up your office. Consider whether you’ll operate from your home or rent office space. If you plan to rent space, you’ll need to search for commercial properties for lease.

Work with a graphic designer to come up with a logo to represent your brand. The logo should be kid friendly with bright colors and bold imagery. Once your logo is finalized, work with your graphic designer to create business cards and brochures. You may also want to create a website so that your business is easily accessible to people searching for a kids party business on the Internet.

Market your business to your community during events and activities where children and their parents may be present. You can also create print advertisements for local newspapers and magazines. Day care centers, children’s boutiques and toy stores may also be good places to advertise your business.

To fund your new business, speak with family and friends for donations and contact local banks to apply for small business loans.

Research grants, especially any available for people starting kid-focused businesses, minority grants and grants for first-time business operators.

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Miranda Brookins is a marketing professional who has over seven years of experience in copywriting, direct-response and Web marketing, publications management and business communications. She has a bachelor's degree in business and marketing from Towson University and is working on a master's degree in publications design at University of Baltimore.

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11 Launch party ideas to plan the perfect kick-off

Many guests are pictured at an outdoor event beneath lighted trees.

January 11, 2024

After the hard work of starting a business or creating a new product, the last thing you want to do is spend a lot of time worrying about launching it. But a successful launch party isn’t just a fun event—it can make a huge difference in your venture’s future. From making professional connections to branding opportunities, launch parties are truly what turn an idea into a business. 

To get some insider advice, we’ve asked Aimée McAvoy , Events Consultant at Black on Grey, about how to throw a launch party guests will never forget. Check out her professional event planning tips and recommendations as well as several launch party ideas that’ll bring the whole event together for your new venture, service, or product.

Table of Contents

11 launch party ideas

A sage green invitation with gold inner border; a woman fills a glass from a tap on a white truck at an outdoor event.

What’s more fun than a party theme? Whether you’re launching a new business, product, or service, here are 11 stellar launch event ideas, complete with recommendations for launch party invitations , refreshments, party décor, and entertainment.

1. Launch party cocktail hour

For a semi-formal business or product launch event, you can’t go wrong with a professional cocktail party . Guests dress up and let loose—all while chatting about your brand-new idea.

  • Invitation: Send out the “ Feeling Bubbly ” invitation by Paperless Post
  • Food and drink: Cater with light appetizers, and serve a signature cocktail that fits your brand or new product
  • Décor: Set out paper linen cocktail napkins for an upscale touch, or use your products as décor around the venue for a branded feel
  • Entertainment: Hire a live band or DJ to play popular songs and ask them to add your product or business name into songs for a funny touch

2. Expert speaker panel

A woman with a microphone sits in a rattan chair beside racks of clothing; a cream invitation with blue lettering and a blue envelope.

You’ve done your homework with your latest venture, so show off your knowledgeable resources with an expert speaker panel. This launch event idea showcases the brains of the operation, adds credibility to your launch, and impresses potential investors.

  • Invitation: Invite guests to your business launch with the “ Flowering Mimosa ” invitation by Oscar de la Renta
  • Food and drink: Serve a seated dinner before the speaker panel is scheduled to begin
  • Décor: Decorate banquet tables with sparkling confetti placemats
  • Entertainment: Include your speaker’s name and bio in marketing materials (or in a Speaker Block beneath your Paperless Post invitation) so guests look forward to the panel

3. Concept art show

If you’ve worked with talented artists on imaging and concept art, feature their work at an art gallery launch party. Guests can wine, dine, and marvel over the creative talent you’re fostering in your new venture.

  • Invitation: Set an artistic tone with the “ Round About ” invitation by Paperless Post
  • Food and drink: Serve easy-to-carry appetizers like charcuterie cups so guests can view the art display while they eat
  • Décor: Set up a gold “hooray” balloon banner to celebrate the event before guests view the art display
  • Entertainment: Set up an art station for guests to try their hand at their own brand concept art, using your product as the inspiration

4. Launch party luncheon

An orange ombre invitation with an orange envelope; mini bottles of Champagne next to a vase of flowers.

If your nights are booked, consider hosting a product launch event luncheon instead. It’s a low-key but elegant way to thank contributors and invite collaborators to join in the next steps.

  • Invitation: Send out the “ Eventide ” invitation by Paperless Post
  • Food and drink: Serve mimosas with a seated lunch or lunch buffet
  • Décor: Apply stickers with your business logo to colorful celebration crackers for guests to take home or set off at the end of the lunch
  • Entertainment: Encourage luncheon tables to engage in discussion (and possibly games) by leaving conversation cards or samples of your product on each place setting

5. Book reading and signing

If you’re launching a new book, the best way to celebrate is with a launch party. Choose a local bookstore or other venue and invite the author to read a section of their book and have them sell signed copies. It’s a win-win for everyone—especially your guests.

  • Invitation: Invite guests to your launch party with the “ Konfetti ” invitation by Kelly Wearstler
  • Food and drink: Offer passed-plate appetizers like stuffed mushrooms , and provide an open bar
  • Décor: Keep your event festive with gold party fans placed around the room
  • Entertainment: Serve refreshments named after your company or product before the book reading so guests can pay attention during the main event

6. Sip and shop

A coupe glass with a pastel floral arrangement behind it; an invitation with a hand pouring a bottle of Champagne over a tower of coupe glasses.

For product launches where making sales is your goal, a “sip and shop” is the perfect choice. Guests sip their drinks and peruse your wares, gaining familiarity with your brand and enjoying the exclusivity of being one of your first customers. Plus, a little liquid courage always helps coax out the credit cards.

  • Invitation: Let everyone know that drinks will be served with the “ Champagne Tower ” invitation by Rifle Paper Co.
  • Food and drink: Serve Champagne or cocktails like sparkling French martinis with light appetizers that are easy to hold
  • Décor: Hang a sparkling gold chandelier for that extra glimmer on event day
  • Entertainment: Hold a raffle with prizes for anyone who buys an item

7. Private film screening

Launch parties and screening parties have a lot in common. They’re both designed to give small, select groups a sneak peek at the next big thing. Whether you’re launching a film, a business, or a new service, no one’s going to complain if you feature a film as your event entertainment.

  • Invitation: Give guests the celebrity treatment with the “ Reel to Reel ” invitation by Paperless Post
  • Food and drink: Serve wine, beer, and bowls of ranch popcorn for a flavorful twist on a movie classic
  • Décor: Drape red paper linen table covers on tables for a red carpet-esque detail; use your product or brand logo as centerpieces
  • Entertainment: If you’re not holding the launch party for your own film, find a popular film to screen—or choose one that fits your brand

8. Launch party award ceremony

 A square invitation with gold lines radiating from a circular center; a glass structure is decorated for an event with hanging lights and wood tables.

Business launch parties put a lot of focus on the founders and the investors, but what about the team that carried the project forward? Host an awards ceremony for members of your team, from C-Suite to Dev, and help put faces to names for your new customers.

  • Invitation: Get the launch party started with “ Our Story ” invitations by Crate & Barrel
  • Food and drink: Serve a plated dinner with a dessert course, such as individual molten lava cakes
  • Décor: Hang a gold tinsel fringe garland for some extra glamor
  • Entertainment: Include fun awards in your ceremony, such as “Most Likely to Decorate Their Room in Spreadsheets” or “Least Likely to Respond to a Slack Message”

9. Launch party concert

What’s more memorable than a concert? Invite guests to an event that serves double duty as a launch party-turned-concert, and they’ll always associate your brand with a good time.

  • Invitation: Upload your professional logo to the “ Space Star Age ” invitation by Sugar Paper
  • Food and drink: Serve bottles of beer and hard seltzer before the concert begins, and feed guests something casual like barbecue chicken sliders
  • Décor: Feature a gold balloon arch over the concert stage or entrance
  • Entertainment: Book a band that matches your business aesthetic. For more formal parties, consider hiring an orchestral quartet, while casual events may call for rock concerts.

10. Collaborative launch party

A coupe glass with a white drink topped with a business logo and a sign that says ‘cheers;’ an invitation with black polka dots.

Launch parties take time, money, and resources—some of which may be in short supply as you open a new business. Find another new business and host a joint launch party where you share costs and hosting duties. Extra points if the other venture is a venue space, such as a restaurant or art gallery, or sells refreshments.

  • Invitation: Upload your professional logo to the “ Diadem Dots ” invitation by Sugar Paper
  • Food and drink: If you’re collaborating with a food or drink company, serve their refreshments and feature the labels
  • Décor: String a cosmic balloon garland above the party to set an out-of-this-world vibe
  • Entertainment: Hire talent that would make your event even more memorable, such as a local band or popular magician who can use your product as part of the act

11. Holiday launch party

Your business is reason enough to celebrate, but pairing it with a holiday adds just the right amount of sparkle. Winter launch parties do well as Christmas or New Year events, but don’t sleep on Halloween launch parties, 4th of July launch parties, or Valentine’s Day launch parties for something unique.

  • Invitation: Customize a holiday-specific invitation to your business launch event needs
  • Food and drink: Design a food and drink menu that best suits the holiday you’re celebrating, from witches’ brew for Halloween to Christmas hot toddies
  • Décor: Peruse the Party Shop Holiday Collection to decorate your launch party based on the time of year
  • Entertainment: Depending on the holiday, you can have seasonal songs playing in the background, holiday games, and even costume contests—but be sure to add your brand or product to the festivities so everyone remembers who’s hosting

How to plan a launch party

A person writes in an agenda book at a desk.

Once you have your launch party idea ready, it’s time to get to the event planning . Aimée McAvoy’s tips will help your party take off as seamlessly—and memorably—as possible.  

Nail down the timeline and venue

Like planning most big events, the schedule is key, and creating a detailed event planning timeline and run of show will be invaluable to your process. But how far in advance should you plan?

“I think about the venue and suppliers first, and the other things you have to produce, like a video or printed marketing materials,” says Ms. McAvoy.  “Everything has a lead time.”

Establish (and follow) a budget

Creating an event budget isn’t as hard as it looks—but it should be as detailed as it can be. 

“Forecast a budget that includes absolutely everything you can think of,” says Ms. McAvoy. “Get a quote and make sure that you have a contingency in your budget. The last thing you want is to not be able to afford something your client has said is a non-negotiable.”

Get guests’ attention with invitations and marketing

An invitation reads ‘join us’ in blue cursive handwriting; salad and hummus cups.

Marketing is crucial for a successful launch party, but according to Ms. McAvoy, every marketing channel won’t be effective. 

“You need to reach people where they are,” she explains. “Don’t rely on the same channels if they don’t match your target demographic. If you’re trying to find senior leaders, don’t use Instagram. If you want a private or intimate event, don’t blast it through all your channels. Try to make it feel exclusive.”

When you design, send, and track invitations with Paperless Post, all that work is done for you. Ms. McAvoy agrees, “It feels personalized, and you can respond to people in the inbox really quickly,” she says.

Put your branding on display

Monogrammed napkins and paper straws with pink and green stripes; a white invitation with a partial gold border and space for a logo.

Don’t let anyone wonder what brand you’re promoting. Ensure branding is part of your budget and add your logo to balloons, napkins, and all the swag your guests can carry. 

You can also add your logo to Paperless Post’s array of launch party invitations for an initial branding experience, as well as your invitation’s email.

Make it interactive

Given a launch party is all about what your business or nonprofit is selling or promoting, make sure to get your offering in front of your guests’ at the event, including interactive elements like videos, product demos, and experiences. 

“Give people a reason to interact with your product,” says Ms. McAvoy.

But the most important job of any product launch is to help people remember what you’re selling. “People should leave being excited about an idea or product,” she agrees. “It’s your job to ensure they see value.”

How to make the most of your launch party

An online invitation with abstract pastel shapes and the words ‘launch party.’

Launch parties are celebrations of your hard work and future goals—and they’re also excellent opportunities for networking. Just beneath the festive surface are chances to make connections, garner investments, and gain insight from your guests.

Give out VIP exclusives

An invitation with gold curved arches on the bottom and top right; a pink and white balloon sculpture and posters of women in workout clothes outside a building.

Everyone wants to be on the ground floor of the next big thing—and you’re giving them that chance! Offer VIP exclusives to your launch party attendees, including: 

  • Discount coupons
  • Referral offers
  • Collaboration opportunities
  • Invites to future events

Boost your social media presence

If you haven’t built up your venture’s social media presence, now’s the time. Spend time after your event following guests who attended your shindig and sending thank yous to their DMs. 

Add pictures from the event and tag participants. Make splashy, image-heavy posts with your company’s hashtag, logo, and branding clearly visible. Let your platform be your guide!

Collect contacts

Don’t let guests exit without giving you some way to reach them. Options include:

  • Email sign-up list, so you can follow up with thank you cards  or newsletters
  • Phone number list
  • Business card raffle
  • Contests that require follow-up with guests

Blue, navy, and gold thank you card with forced perspective; aqua card with the words ‘thank you’ repeated in rainbow letters next to a pink envelope.

After collecting contacts, don’t let your guest list go cold. “Make sure you follow up with people and share photos and videos,” advises Ms. McAvoy. 

Once your event is over, attend other launch parties and events to get your brand out there. Find mentors from successful companies and schedule time to pick their brains—or better yet, invite them to speak at your next event. Let their success become yours!

It sometimes ends up last on the list, but enjoying yourself at your own event is actually one of the most important parts of hosting a professional party. 

“The guest experience is a lot better if they get a happy person at the front door,” says Ms. McAvoy.

From launch to lift-off with Paperless Post

Online invitation with the word ‘introducing…’ on a blue grid background.

You’re ready to launch—and we’re ready to help. From party décor to event management tools , Paperless Post has everything you need to settle on and execute any launch event idea. Because if your launch party is successful (and we know it will be!), you’ll have many more big events to plan in the future. And we’ll be there for those, too.

Browse launch party invitations

Hero image via PartySlate .

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Big Boy restaurants celebrate 88 years in business with big specials, birthday party

If you're a big fan of the Big Boy burgers and Slim Jim sandwiches, mark your calendars for a big celebration.

In June, the Southfield-based chain that has long been noted for its iconic Big Boy statue holding up its signature double-decker burger is marking 88 years in business this summer.

A weeklong celebration is scheduled for June 10-16, with daily restaurant specials and a Big Boy birthday party to honor the chain's nearly 90 years in business. On June 15, the day the chain has designated as Big Boy Day, a Big Boy Birthday Party is taking place and the public is invited.

The party is a carnival-style celebration, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 15 at the Big Boy Arena, 34400 Utica Rd. in Fraser. At the event, the Big Boy Food Truck will offer free Big Boy burgers to the first 50 people (one per person), with $5 Big Boy and fries available with a Pepsi purchase afterward. On tap are Big Boy-themed games plus activities that include a video game truck, inflatable obstacle course, foam party, open ice skate, and carnival-style Big Boy-themed games where you win prizes.

During the weeklong celebration, fans of the restaurant's signature Big Boy, a double-decker sandwich with two beef patties between two bottom buns, are in for a big treat.

On June 12, the classic Big Boy burger is 99 cents (served with fries and a pop, the regular price averages $13.78) with a Pepsi purchase. The offer is valid for dine-in or carryout.

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“As we celebrate the iconic Big Boy and kick off our Birthday Celebration Week, we are filled with pride and gratitude for the incredible journey our brand has taken for the last 88 years,” said Big Boy CEO Tamer Afr in a news release. “The Big Boy Sandwich has become a beloved classic, a symbol of quality and tradition that has delighted generations of our customers."

Big Boy Restaurant was founded in 1936 in Glendale, California. Based in Southfield, the Big Boy Restaurant Group operates and manages Big Boy and Bob's Big Boy restaurant franchises, with most in Michigan. Other locations are in California, Ohio, Nevada, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Thailand.

Here are the other specials Big Boy is offering June 10-16 at participating restaurants:

  • June 10: Supercharged Bingo Monday with $25 and $50 gift card prizes, free Big Boy and fries, and custom Big Boy Bingo Winner Keychains. Senior breakfast is $5 (regular price is $6.99) all day.
  • June 11: Kids eat free with the purchase of an adult meal and get a free kids' dessert. A special edition Big Boy Birthday comic book is offered with a chance to win an Xbox in a special sweepstakes.
  • June 12: Big Boy burger is 99 cents, dine-in or carryout, with a purchase of a Pepsi. Served with fries, the regular price with a drink is $13.78.
  • June 13: Sandwich and fries are $7, dine-in or carry-out.
  • June 14: Free slice of pie with any purchase of $8.99 or more for dine-in only.
  • June 15: Celebrate National Big Boy's birthday with $5 Big Boy and fries with a purchase of a Pepsi offer started after noon at all Michigan and Ohio restaurants.
  • June 16: Half off any dessert after 4 p.m. for dine-in only.

Note : Some California and North Dakota restaurants have different special offers.

Specials vary by participating location. For a list of participating locations visit: bigboy.com .

During the celebration week, the Big Boy Food Truck will be on tour, stopping at six Michigan locations.The first 50 people at each location receive a free Big Boy sandwich. A special food truck menu features a $5 Big Boy, fries and pop combo and Slim Jim sandwiches and chicken nuggets.

Food truck tour stops are in these cities with updates and schedules provided on Big Boy's social media outlets:

  • June 10: Ypsilanti
  • June 11: Ann Arbor
  • June 12: Kalamazoo
  • June 13: Lansing
  • June 14: Romeo
  • June 15: Fraser

During its celebration week, Big Boy fans can share their Big Boy stories on social media for a chance to win a merchandise basket or take a picture next to a Big Boy statue and use the #NationalBigBoyDay hashtag and tag @itsyourbigboy for a chance to win a free Big Boy for a year.

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Contact Detroit Free Press food and restaurant writer Susan Selasky and send food and restaurant news to: [email protected]. Follow @SusanMariecooks on Twitter.   Subscribe to the Free Press .

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    Showcase your services, portfolio of past events, client testimonials and contact information. Implement an inquiry form to capture leads and make it easy for potential clients to reach out to you. 07. Market your party planning business. Implement a strategic marketing plan to promote your party planning services.

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    Use your business plan to help you come up with a list of items you need to start your kids party business. Purchase your supplies and begin setting up your office. Consider whether you'll operate from your home or rent office space. If you plan to rent space, you'll need to search for commercial properties for lease.

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    Week of. Clean house and do final shopping. Day before. Prep your home or pack for the park. Day of. Complete party set up. 1-2 weeks after. Send thank-you cards to attendees. Organize your party-planning tasks in a binder or your planner with DIY planner stickers.

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    Décor: Set up a gold "hooray" balloon banner to celebrate the event before guests view the art display. Entertainment: Set up an art station for guests to try their hand at their own brand concept art, using your product as the inspiration. 4. Launch party luncheon. "Eventide" by Paperless Post; image via Lindsey Boice.

  27. Big Boy restaurants plan food specials, party for 88th birthday

    June 14: Free slice of pie with any purchase of $8.99 or more for dine-in only. June 15: Celebrate National Big Boy's birthday with $5 Big Boy and fries with a purchase of a Pepsi offer started ...

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    Fundraising Party Packages. Zeppoz has many great fundraising ideas and events for groups looking to raise money. School groups have raised money to help their sports teams, music departments and much more. Bowling is a great fundraiser for churches, charities and other organizations too! Each Fundraiser can be customized for your group.

  29. Party Venues in Moscow, PA

    Poconos 174 Acres Mansion for Prom party rentals. 14 miles from Moscow, PA. Capacity: 38. $15,000 to $35,000 / Event. Enjoy this 174 acres luxury mansion that you can call home during your stay in Poconos. The entire rental unit is well fenced and begins with a driveway taking you to the luxury mansion.