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List of Master theses topics at the Strategy Subject Area

Master theses at the Strategic Management subject area are supervised by Professor Reitzig or Professor Keck, depending on the topic.

However, most Master thesis candidates closely co-ordinate with other members of the subject area as well.

Find the updated list of topics here. You can apply for topics listed under 'Available Topics', although topics marked as "allocated" are currently under consideration for a specific supervision applicant. (They may become freely available again, if applicants decide on different topics.) Those listed separately as previous topics/completed theses are no longer available.

As it often happens that many students apply for the same topic, you may, however, be offered a topic different from the one you applied for, if necessary.

Please note: We generally update the list once a semester.

More topics to come!

Available Topics

Topic Track Contact partners at Dept. Brief Description Supplementary Information &
Costly information inefficiencies due to dissatisfied employees Science Markus Reitzig & Robert Janjic, M.Sc. It’s a well-known fact that when people are unhappy in their workplace, productivity can suffer. Apart from this obvious decrease in work-related effort, however, dissatisfied employees can also create other costs for the organization, such as overlooked business opportunities due to a lack of communication between members. Compared to effort-related reductions in productivity, these information-based inefficiencies have received less scholarly attention so far. This master thesis is therefore devoted to examining the underlying psychological mechanisms of such phenomena and providing further insights through the use of computational simulations. All relevant literature will be synthesized and a change diffusion model, written in Python, will be used as a basis for further analysis. *Successful completion of at least one class on experimental methods and classes on statistical analysis at Master level at the Strategy Subject Area (or passing of equivalent classes elsewhere leading to familiarity with the design of experimental studies and handling of statistical analysis pertaining to experimental results using software - e.g., Stata, SPSS, R etc.).
* Excellency in all required prerequisites.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course
Effects of sticky reputation in organizational learning Science Markus Reitzig & Robert Janjic, M.Sc. Having a reputation of being an expert in a certain field can lead to individuals’ opinions being valued and considered even in areas that lie outside of their expertise or after their knowledge becomes outdated. Examining how such “sticky” reputations can affect organizational learning processes is the aim of this master thesis. Building on and extending March’s (1991) model on exploration and exploitation, the thesis will attempt to answer the question of how organizational learning can suffer when alleged experts can preserve their reputation even after the basis for it, namely, their superior knowledge, becomes obsolete. All relevant literature will be synthesized and the extension to March’s (1991) original model will be written in Python. *Successful completion of at least one class on experimental methods and classes on statistical analysis at Master level at the Strategy Subject Area (or passing of equivalent classes elsewhere leading to familiarity with the design of experimental studies and handling of statistical analysis pertaining to experimental results using software - e.g., Stata, SPSS, R etc.).
* Excellency in all required prerequisites.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course
NEW. Long-shot bias in betting odds Science Prof. Steffen Keck Betting markets provide a natural laboratory for studying decision making under uncertainty. A commonly observed anomaly in this context is that bets that offer the largest potential payoffs (the “longest” odds) tend to have the lowest expected values. This is referred to as the long-shot bias. The goal of the thesis will be to compile and analyze a large dataset of betting odds and analyze the strength of the longshot bias across different contexts. Based on these results the thesis will then discuss the validity of different explanations for the long-shot bias that have been suggested in the literature. *The thesis requires very good knowledge of statistics and probability as well as high proficiency in a statistic software such as Stata, R or Pandas.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course (at most 9 month). This involves regular work progress and meeting of milestones throughout the work on the thesis. Please note that this will be strictly enforced.
NEW. Voting vs. averaging in crowd judgments Science Prof. Steffen Keck Crowd wisdom relies on the aggregation of independent judgments. The accuracy of a group’s aggregate prediction generally rises with the number, ability, and diversity of its members. However, prior work based on simulation studies has repeatedly discussed differences in the importance of these dimension for continuous estimation tasks (averaging) compared to discrete choice tasks (voting). The goal of this thesis is to replicate some of the prior simulation results and test their robustness when the details of the aggregation schemes are changed (e.g. mean vs. median-based aggregation in continuous estimation tasks). * The thesis requires very good knowledge of statistics and probability as well as high proficiency in a simulation software such as R or Python.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course (at most 9 month). This involves regular work progress and meeting of milestones throughout the work on the thesis. Please note that this will be strictly enforced.
NEW. Making probability judgments more extreme Science Prof. Steffen Keck When aggregating the probability estimates of many individuals to form a consensus probability estimate of an uncertain future event, it is common to combine them using a simple weighted average. Prior research further suggests, that such aggregated probabilities correspond more closely to the real world if they are transformed by pushing them closer to 0 or 1. This is somewhat puzzling given the well-known results on individual overconfidence. The goal of the thesis is to design an experimental probabilistic forecasting task and explore when and why making aggregated probability judgments is beneficial. * The thesis requires very good knowledge of experimental design, statistics and probability as well as proficiency in a statistics software such as R, Stata or Python.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course (at most 9 month). This involves regular work progress and meeting of milestones throughout the work on the thesis. Please note that this will be strictly enforced.

Previous Topics

Please find some of our previous topics (i.e. completed and current theses) here (available in the library either now or upon completion of the thesis):

  • When High Earners Earn Less: Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on the U.S. Labor Market. A Quantitative Study
  • An Experiment-Based Research on Creative Performance, Best Membership and Self-Perception
  • The influence of overconfidence on advice taking
  • Characteristics of Success for Research Projects
  • Experiments on flat collaboration architectures
  • Experiments on smart team architectures
  • Multiplex network formation in peer production communities – an empirical study within GitHub and StackOverflow
  • Skill-Based sorting in GitHub – a complementary survey study
  • Individual skills in group-based innovation
  • Knowledge transfers in groups
  • Functional Diversity in Teams
  • The Impact of CEO Cultural Intelligence on Beer Producers' Export Propensity
  • Shareholder Activism and Generalist CEOs: An Empirical Analysis
  • Effects of authority structures in small groups, solving exploration and exploitation tasks
  • Rational enough to know better, confident enough to ignore anyway
  • Striving for status: The influence of tenure on productivity within the Top 20 Business Schools in the U.S.
  • The Influence of the the Top Management on New Product Innovation
  • The Challenges of a Small Slovak Company within the confines of the European Union
  • When does functional diversity affect team performance?
  • Performance feedback and risk taking - the role of CEO loss aversion and confirmation bias
  • Managerial Representation and Decision-Making in Systemic Industries
  • Performance assessment in groups: Comparison of the expression of overplacement in groups and individuals
  • CEO Attention Before and During the Financial Crisis
  • A General Theory of Systemic Industries
  • The emergence of organisational design in new ventures: n ethnographic study in the online booking industry
  • Empirical evidence of the connection between the CEO's charisma and a firm performance in the context of the U.S. commercial banking sector
  • Viennese CEOs make great international business: cornerstones of their success
  • Generalist CEO vs. Specialist CEO: Risk-taking behavior in response to performance feedback
  • The Renaissance of Electromobility - The Case of Tesla
  • Effect of universities research groups' sizes and hierarchy on their performance: evidence from Austria and Germany
  • The influence of CEO social class background on risk taking, individualism and collectivism
  • Mutual Influences on the Exchange of Information during Group Decision-Making Processes
  • Narcissistic CEO's Impact on NPI Rates
  • What determines market reactions to CEO announcements?
  • The staging of start-up and its interference with motivational issues and the skill-task match of non-founding employees
  • Cooperation Patterns: A study in the area of management, strategy and organization in the top 40 business schools in the US
  • The emergence of organizational design in new ventures: an ethnographic study in the foodservice industry
  • Intuitive and Analytical Judgements in Management: The Effect of Expertise in Decision Making
  • The Effects of Geographic Dispersion on Startup Founding Teams
  • Shareholder Activism: Analysis of Implemented Shareholder Proposals
  • Group Decision-Making in Organisations
  • A Sequential Model of Strategic Information Exchange for Group Decisions in Organizations
  • Performance consequences of the top executive turnover in the wake of new CEO appointments
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Master Thesis Topics

On this page you can find a list of possible research topics for a master thesis. This list is not exhaustive, but can be supplemented with your own topic suggestions or extensions to our proposed topics. For an insight into the expertise and research interests of our team members, also take a look at the personal pages in the "Team" section of our website and feel free to directly get in touch with the person that best fits your suggested topic or interests.

Available projects

Can data integration improve consumer demand planning in the photovoltaic industry.

Forecasting customer demand is a critical business process in most industries. Forecasting solutions in business practice often focus on manual forecasting (“expert forecasts”) or timeseries forecasting. However, these approaches neglect the explanatory power of important external factors for customer demand and may thus lead to poor forecast accuracy in the volatile business environment of the PV industry.

The goal of this work is to assess whether integrating internal and auxiliary data (e.g., historical data, seasonalities, expert forecasts, time series forecasts, customer demand signals, market data, price developments, Google trends, …) can be leveraged to build a feature-driven demand forecasting model and to improve the demand forecast accuracy at BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems.

This thesis requires solid knowledge of and experience with R / Python as well as experience with Machine Learning.

Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Dominik Papies with Dr. David Scheuermann (BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems)

Can ChatGPT read and interpret the Terms of Service of other platforms and services

Many platforms and services provide Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and that are many pages long and that would take hours and hours to read and understand. This leads to the undesirable situation that many users accept these policies and terms without reading them.

The goal of this work is to assess whether we can leverage large language models (LLMs like ChatGPT) to understand, interpret, and summarize these terms and conditions for us.

This thesis requires knowledge of and experience with R / python as well as experience with Machine Learning

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik Papies

The problem of zero in log-log regressions

The workhorse model in applied econometrics, economics, marketing, and other disciplines is a regression model that involves taking the log of one or more variables. This, however, is difficult if one or more values of the relevant variables involve zeros because the natural logarithm of zero is infinity. It is not obvious whether adding a (small) positive constant to zero is a generally valid solution.

The goal of this work is to assess different approaches (e.g., Poisson regression) of how to deal with this problem on simulated and real data sets and to provide guidance and best practice recommendations to applied researchers.

This thesis requires knowledge of and experience with R / python as well as good econometric knowledge.

Competition in the German gasoline market

The German gasoline market differs from other gasoline markets because it is characterized by a very high frequency of price changes, i.e., a typical gas station changes its prices multiple times a day. The question that arises is to what extent these price changes are predictable and whether dynamic cycles of price increases or decreases are always initiated by the same stations or brands, or whether these patterns are entirely unpredictable.

To address these questions, the thesis will analyze a large data set that contains all price changes of all stations in the German gasoline market over several years. 

This thesis requires knowledge of R and reasonable econometric knowledge.

Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wiebke Keller

New (machine learning) methods for causal inference  

  • In recent years, a multitude of new methods for causal inference from observational data have been developed by researchers from very different fields (econometrics, machine learning, computer science, epidemiology, ...). Examples include, among others, double machine learning, causal forests, deep instrumental variables, front-door adjustment, causal discovery, and targeted maximum likelihood. In many cases, these methods have laid the theoretical groundwork, but have not yet been applied widely to typical questions from business or economics.   
  • The goal of this thesis is to select from these methods and a) compare multiple methods from different disciplines that have the same goal, and/or b) assess the applicability of one of the new methods to typical research questions and datasets from business and economics, and/or c) explore how results from influential studies in business and economics (using traditional methods) would change, when one of the new methods is applied.  
  • This thesis is suitable for students who have experience with empirical work, good programming skills in R or Python, and reasonable econometric knowledge.  
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik Papies with Jonathan Fuhr, M.Sc.

Finished Projects

  • The impact of humanlike cues in chatbots on user-related outcomes: a meta-analysis
  • Emotional Cues and Music Streaming
  • How useful are Machine Learning techniques for marketing problems?
  • Job market requirements for business students
  • Package size supply and socio-economic status
  • Analyzing firm-generated CSR reports
  • Specification curve
  • PSD2 - Marketing Implications of a European Union Directive for Financial Markets
  • Extracting tax evasion sentiment from online social networks
  • Modellierung dynamischer Effekte
  • Effects of External Reference Prices (Empirical Work)
  • Die Auswirkungen des Abgasskandals (Empirische Arbeit)
  • Shuttle zum Flughafen Stuttgart - Eine Analyse des Marktpotentials (Empirische Arbeit)
  • Customer Experience in der Informationsarbeit der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen (Empirische Arbeit); German required
  • How to predict new movie success (Empirical Work); thesis in English is possible
  • Hat der Katalog als Bestellgrundlage ausgedient? (Empirische Arbeit); German required
  • Modellierung von Google Trends Daten in Absatzmodellen
  • Empirische Generalisierung der Determinanten von Kreuzpreiselastizitäten – Ein bayesianischer Ansatz
  • Empirische Analyse von Kreuzpreiseffekten
  • Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse eines B2B-Anbieters
  • Ahnungslos, heuristisch, oder doch irgendwie rational? Konsumentenentscheidungen für Finanzmarktprodukte
  • Was machen Kunden, wenn die Konkurrenz die Preise erhöht? Eine Meta-Analyse
  • Paywalls bei deutschen Tageszeitungen
  • Mediation in Experimentalstudien
  • Youtube – Friend or Foe?

master thesis themen management

University of Fribourg

Department of Management

Topics for Bachelor and Master Theses in Management

You can find specific suggestions for Bachelor and Master theses, based on various thematic topics, on the websites of the different chairs . Please note that some chairs currently have waiting lists and therefore a proposal may not be accepted immediately. Those who wish to start their thesis without being placed on a waiting list may consult the list of general topics in the list below. Please contact the professors, or their assistants, directly by e-mail for further information.

Prof. Dr. Paul Dembinski (Master theses in English or French)

Here 3 propositions:

  • Sustainable finance and risk
  • An ethical approach of the discount rate
  • Global value chains as a channel of social inclusion: case study in agriculture and propositions 

Contact :  Prof. Dembinski  

Sujets pour des travaux de Master  

Topics for Master Theses 

Prof. Dr. Olivier Furrer (theses in English or French)

Here 4 propositions:

  • Sustainable food marketing
  • Cultural intelligence in services
  • Co-creation of value and well-being for customers
  • Customer satisfaction with "in-home" services

Contact :  Prof. Furrer  

Further topics for Bachelor and Master theses at the Chair of Marketing 

Prof. Dr. Markus Gmür (theses in English, French or German)

Here 2 propositions:

  • Social Entrepreneurship in selected sectors and/or countries
  • The impact of digitalization of the nonprofit sector

The aim of the  list here is to provide some ideas for current research topics at the VMI. It is based on requirements for master students. It is also possible to submit your own suggestions for topics related to NPO management (please also see the guidelines for writing papers and theses). Those interested are initially requested to contact  Prof. Markus Gmür  

Prof. Dr. Martin Wallmeier (theses in English or German)

Are capital protection products fairly priced?

Detecting earnings management – A critical analysis of the Jones model

Further information can be found on:

Other, own subjects are possible. 

Requirements : sucessful attendance of a BA course (Bachelor theses) or MA course (Master theses) in the domain of Finance.

Please contact for preliminary discussion:   Prof. Wallmeier

Job Offers see under News

Master en Mangement

Master in Marketing

Master in Accounting and Finance

Master in International and European Business

Main Content

Topic list for final theses.

On this page you will find suggested topics by the Research Group of Technology and Innovation Management for bachelor and master theses, subdivided into topic areas. If you want to write your thesis on a topic of your own choice or in a subject area not listed below, you are welcome to send us an unsolicited application (including an exposé on the proposed topic). The content of the application can be based on the topics covered in a lecture and the current research projects of the research group.

A. Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation

Inhalt ausklappen inhalt einklappen a3: corporate venture modes: a literature review of existing corporate venture typologies and their efficiency with regard to knowledge transfer, inhalt ausklappen inhalt einklappen a4: corporate venturing activities as a source of external knowledge: analysis of start-up/corporate relationship and knowledge transfer mechanisms, inhalt ausklappen inhalt einklappen a5: corporate venture program design: analyzing the rationale of corporate venture design across different industries, inhalt ausklappen inhalt einklappen a6: national culture and radical innovation: a cross-cultural comparison of organizational behavior.

Bachelor/Master (prefered)

B. Management and Economics of Intellectual Property

Inhalt ausklappen inhalt einklappen b2: "brand and patenting strategies of firms: are trademarks and patents substitute or complementary instruments to protect intellectual property an empirical investigation of thebrand and patent portfolios of firms in high-tech industries".

Literature recommendations: 

Esch, F.-R. (2018): Strategie und Technik der Markenführung, 9. Vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Verlag Franz Vahlen, München.

Grazzi, M./Piccardo, C./Vergari, C. (2020): Concordance and complementarity in IP instruments, in: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp. 756-788, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2020.1726728.

Llerena, P./Millot, V. (2020): Are two better than one? Modelling the complementarity between patents and trademarks across industries, in: Industry and Innovation, Vol 27, No. 1-2, pp. 52-79, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2019.1688137.

Thoma, G. (2020): The valuation of patent-trademark pairing as IP strategy: evidence from the USPTO, in: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 27, No. 1-2, pp. 80-104, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2019.1633281.

Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen B3: A Patent Landscape Analysis in the Field of Agricultural Biotechnology


Literature recommendations:

Burr, W./Stephan, M. et al. (2007): Patentmanagement, Schaeffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart 2008.

Trippe, A. (2015): Guidelines for Preparing Patent Landscape Reports, WIPO Publication No. 946E. Geneva, World Intellectual Property Office.

Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen B5: A Case Study on Patents on Beer: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective

Burr, W./Stephan, M. et al. (2007): Patentmanagement, Schaeffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart.

Stephan, M./Dietrich, A. (2020): IP Protection in Biotech, Chapter 8, IPM-Lecture WS 2019/20.

C. Innovation Culture and Entrepreneurship

Inhalt ausklappen inhalt einklappen c2: the micro-geography of corporate accelerator programs: facilitating explorative learning.

Literature recommendations: On request 

Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen C3: Sports and the Entrepreneurial Cognition: An experimental approach on the influence of sport on the entrepreneurail process

Inhalt ausklappen inhalt einklappen.

Master Literature recommendations: On request

D. Service and Business Model Innovation

No topics offered at the moment 

E. Industry and Company Specific Studies on Innovation Management

Inhalt ausklappen inhalt einklappen e1: organizing for open innovation.

Bachelor/ Master

a) A Comparative Analysis of the Telefonica and Telekom Case Studies b) A Comparative Analysis of the Bayer and Merck Case Studies

Literature recommendations: On request

Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen E2: Examining the Link between Market Structure and Innovation: An Analysis Based on the Corporate Landscape in the Seed Industry

Master/ Bachelor

Literature recommendation:

OECD (2018): Concentration in Seed Markets: Potential Effects and Policy Responses, OECD Publishing, Paris.

Final theses already completed

master thesis themen management

Digital Commons @ University of South Florida

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Management and Organization Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Examining the Factors Impacting the Undergraduate Degree Performance in the College of Business at Southern Univeristy and Agriculture & Mechanical College , Brian D. Adams

Understanding Donor Preferences and Intentions: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach , Kimberly Cubre

Home Is Where the Work Is: How Biases in Managers’ Resource Allocation Decisions Affect Task Performance in Remote Work Environments , Richard D. Mautz III

Fraud Brainstorming in an Era of Remote Work: The Effects of Alternative Video Conferencing Configurations and Audit Team Hierarchy , Ahmed Shuaib

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

For Love or Money: Investor Motivations in Equity-Based Crowdfunding , Jason C. Cherubini

The Great Resignation: An Exploration of Strategies to Combat School Bus Driver Shortages in the Post-COVID-19 Era , James E. Cole Jr.

An Empirical Analysis of Sentiment and Confidence Regarding Interest Rates in Disclosures of Public Firms in the U.S. Fintech Sector , James J. Farley

Motivations for Planning: Uncovering the Inhibitors to the Adoption of Comprehensive Financial Planning for Business Owners , Daniel R. Gilham

An Examination of Reward-Based Crowdfunding Performance and Success , Matthew Alan Grace

All Quiet on The Digital Front: The Unseen Psychological Impacts on Cybersecurity First Responders , Tammie R. Hollis

Commitment to Change Dimensions: The Influence of Innovative Work Behavior and Organizational Environments , Michael Holmes

Turmoil in the Workforce: Introduction of the Nomadic Employee , Catrina Hopkins

Attention-Grabbing Tactics on Social Media , Arjun Kadian

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Building a Mentor-Mentee Maturity Model , Leroy A. Alexander

Do Auditors Respond to Changes in Clients’ Analyst Coverage? Evidence from a Natural Experiment , Mohammad Alkhamees

Designing a Messaging Strategy to Improve Information Security Policy Compliance , Federico Giovannetti

Are all pictures worth 1,000 words? An Investigation of Fit Between Graph Type and Performance on Accounting Data Analytics Tasks , Shawn Paul Granitto

An Enterprise Risk Management Framework to Design Pro-Ethical AI Solutions , Quintin P. McGrath

Deceptive Appeals and Cognitive Influences Used in Fraudulent Scheme Sales Pitches , Rafael J. Toledo

Using Online Reviews to Identify How Hotels Can Satisfy Travelers With Pets While Making Money , Sonia Weinhaus

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The IS Social Continuance Model: Using Conversational Agents to Support Co-creation , Naif Alawi

The Use of Data Analytic Visualizations to Inform the Audit Risk Assessment: The Impact of Initial Visualization Form and Documentation Focus , Rebecca N. Baaske (Becca)

Identification of Entrepreneurial Competencies in I-Corps Site Teams at the University of South Florida , Mark A. Giddarie

Understanding Nonprofit Boards: An Exploratory Study of the Governance Practices of Regional Nonprofits , Susan Ryan Goodman

Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Support Community , Andrew J. Hafer

Who to Choose? Rating Broker Best Practices in the Medicare Advantage Industry , Darwin R. Hale

Bridging the Innovatino Gap at SOCOM , Gregory J. Ingram

Improving Environmental Protection: One Imagined Touch at a Time , Luke Ingalls Liska

Residential Curbside Recycle Context Analysis , Ntchanang Mpafe

Fighting Mass Diffusion of Fake News on Social Media , Abdallah Musmar

Managing Incomplete Data in the Patient Discharge Summary to Support Correct Hospital Reimbursements , Fadi Naser Eddin

GAO Bid Protests by Small Business: Analysis of Perceived and Reported Outcomes in Federal Contracting , David M. Snyder

Engagement and Meaningfulness as Determinants of Employee Retention: A Longitudinal Case Study , Calvin Williams

Public Budgeting as Moral Dilemma , Ben Wroblewski

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Improving Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Leadership Style on the Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Employee Engagement , Scott Beatrice

Physician Self-Efficacy and Risk-Taking Attitudes as Determinants of Upcoding and Downcoding Errors: An Empirical Investigation , Samantha J. Champagnie

Digital Identity: A Human-Centered Risk Awareness Study , Toufic N. Chebib

Clarifying the Relationship of Design Thinking to the Military Decision-Making Process , Thomas S. Fisher

Essays on the Disposition Effect , Matthew Henriksson

Analysis of Malicious Behavior on Social Media Platforms Using Agent-Based Modeling , Agnieszka Anna Onuchowska

Who Rises to the Top: An Investigation of the Essential Skills Necessary for Partners of Non-Big 4 Public Accounting Firms , Amanda K. Thompson-Abbott

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Financial and Nonfinancial Performance Measures That Drive Utility Abandonments and Transfers in the State of Florida , Daniel Acheampong

Locating a New Collegiate Entrepreneurship Program, a Framework for a University Campus , Douglas H. Carter

Understanding Employee Engagement: An Examination of Millennial Employees and Perceived Human Resource Management Practices , Danielle J. Clark

The Potential Impact Radius of a Natural Gas Transmission Line and Real Estate Valuations: A Behavioral Analysis , Charles M. Hilterbrand Jr.

Introducing a Mobile Health Care Platform in an Underserved Rural Population: Reducing Assimilations Gaps on Adoption and Use via Nudges , Joseph Hodges

Controlling Turnover in an Inside Sales Organization: What are the Contributing Factors , Dennis H. Kimerer

An Emergent Theory of Executive Leadership Selection: Leveraging Grounded Theory to Study the U.S. Military's Special Forces Assessment and Selection Process , Darryl J. Lavender

Essays on Migration Flows and Finance , Suin Lee

The Underutilized Tool of Project Management - Emotional Intelligence , Gerald C. Lowe

Increasing the Supply of the Missing Middle Housing Types in Walkable Urban Core Neighborhoods: Risk, Risk Reduction and Capital , Shrimatee Ojah Maharaj

Playing Darts in the Dark: How are Chamber of Commerce Leaders Aligned for Greater Effectiveness? , Robert J. Rohrlack Jr.

Are Transfer Pricing Disclosures Related to Tax Reporting Transparency? The Impact of Auditor-Provided Transfer Pricing Services , Stephanie Y. Walton

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Price Transparency in the United States Healthcare System , Gurlivleen (Minnie) Ahuja

How to Build a Climate of Quality in a Small to Medium Enterprise: An Action Research Project , Desmond M. Bishop III

Banking on Blockchain: A Grounded Theory Study of the Innovation Evaluation Process , Priya D. Dozier

Enhancing the Design of a Cybersecurity Risk Management Solution for Communities of Trust , James E. Fulford Jr.

An Examination of the Progressive and Regressive Factors that Business Owners Consider When Choosing Whether or Not to Implement an Exit Strategy , David C. Pickard

The Relationship between Ambient Lighting Color and Hotel Bar Customer Purchase Behavior and Satisfaction , Kunal Shah

The Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) Industry and the Business Impacts of the Evolution of the Federal Regulatory Environment , Darren W. Spencer

Intercultural Communication Between International Military Organizations; How Do You Turn a ‘No’ Into a ‘Yes’? , Douglas A. Straka

Essential Leadership Skills for Frontline Managers in a Multicultural Organization , Janelle Ward

Moffitt Cancer Center: Leadership, Culture and Transformation , W. James Wilson

Two Essays on String of Earnings Benchmarks , Yiyang Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Multi-Step Tokenization of Automated Clearing House Payment Transactions , Privin Alexander

The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Investment and Disclosure on Cooperation in Business Collaborations , Sukari Farrington

What Factors during the Genesis of a Startup are Causal to Survival? , Gilbert T. Gonzalez

The Great Recession of 2007 and the Housing Market Crash: Why Did So Many Builders Fail? , Mohamad Ali Hasbini

The Effect of Expanded Audit Report Disclosures on Users’ Confidence in the Audit and the Financial Statements , Peter Kipp

An Examination of Innovation Idea Selection Factors in Large Organizations , Troy A. Montgomery

Essays on Sales Coaching , Carlin A. Nguyen

Vital Signs of U.S. Osteopathic Medical Residency Programs Pivoting to Single Accreditation Standards , Timothy S. Novak

Leaders Who Learn: The Intersection of Behavioral Science, Adult Learning and Leadership , Natalya I. Sabga

Toward a Systemic Model for Governance and Strategic Management: Evaluating Stakeholder Theory Versus Shareholder Theory Approaches , James A. Stikeleather

A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Cognitive Awareness Training on Transaction Processing Accuracy: An Introduction to the ACE Theoretical Construct , John Townsend

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effect of Presentation Format on Investor Judgments and Decisions: Does the Effect Differ for Varying Task Demands? , Kevin Agnew

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Multi-Task Setting Involving Simple and Complex Tasks: An Exploratory Study of Employee Motivation , Maia Jivkova Farkas

Essays on Mergers and Acquisitions , Marcin Krolikowski

Do Social Biases Impede Auditor Reliance on Specialists? Toward a Theory of Social Similarity , Rina Maxine Limor

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Psychological Distance: The Relation Between Construals, Mindsets, and Professional Skepticism , Jason Rasso

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Combining Natural Language Processing and Statistical Text Mining: A Study of Specialized Versus Common Languages , Jay Jarman

An Empirical Investigation of Decision Aids to Improve Auditor Effectiveness in Analytical Review , Robert N. Marley

The Effects of Item Complexity and the Method Used to Present a Complex Item on the Face of a Financial Statement on Nonprofessional Investors` Judgments , Linda Gale Ragland

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Two Essays on Information Ambiguity and Informed Traders’ Trade-Size Choice , Ziwei Xu

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Two Essays on the Conflict of Interests within the Financial Services Industry-- Financial Industry Consolidation: The Motivations and Consequences of the Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) and “Down but Not Out” Mutual Fund Manager Turnover within Fund Families , Lonnie Lashawn Bryant

Two Essays on Multiple Directorships , Chia-wei Chen

Two Essays on Financial Condition of Firms , Sanjay Kudrimoti

A Study of Cross-Border Takeovers: Examining the Impact of National Culture on Internalization Benefits, and the Implications of Early Versus Late-Mover Status for Bidders and Their Rivals , Tanja Steigner

Two Essays on Corporate Governance⎯Are Local Directors Better Monitors, and Directors Incentives and Earnings Management , Hong Wan

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

The Role of Ethnic Compatibility in Attitude Formation: Marketing to America’s Diverse Consumers , Cynthia Rodriguez Cano

Two Essays on Venture Capital: What Drives the Underpricing of Venture CapitalBacked IPOs and Do Venture Capitalists Provide Anything More than Money? , Donald Flagg

Two essays on market efficiency: Tests of idiosyncratic risk: informed trading versus noise and arbitrage risk, and agency costs and the underlying causes of mispricing: information asymmetry versus conflict of interests , Jung Chul Park

The impact of management's tone on the perception of management's credibility in forecasting , Robert D. Slater

Uncertainty in the information supply chain: Integrating multiple health care data sources , Monica Chiarini Tremblay

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Adolescent alcohol use and educational outcomes , Wesley A. Austin

Certificate of need regulation in the nursing home industry: Has it outlived its usefulness? , Barbara J. Caldwell

The impacts of the handoffs on software development: A cost estimation model , Michael Jay Douglas

Using emergent outcome controls to manage dynamic software development , Michael Loyd Harris

The information technology professional's psychological contract viewed through their employment arrangement and the relationship to organizational behaviors , Sandra Kay Newton

The causal effect of alcohol consumption on employment status , Chanvuth Sangchai

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Technische Universität München

  • Lehrstuhl für Strategic and International Management
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Master Theses


If you are interested in writing your Master's thesis at the Chair of Strategic and International Management on one of these topics please send an email to the contact mentioned in the description of the respective topic. Your email should contain a CV, a current transcript of records as well as a short motivation letter (max. 500 words) explaining your interest for writing your thesis about a specific topic.

Please note: We are looking forward to supervise Master’s theses in cooperation with companies  if they fit with the announced topics  (on top of this page). We do not supervise Master’s theses in cooperation with companies which are not related to the announced ones.

The prerequisite for writing your Master's thesis (study programs MiM and MMT) at the Chair of Strategic and International Management is the successful attendance (with a grade of 2,3 or better) of

- our module "Strategies in MNEs" resp. "Fundamentals of Strategy" (WI001128)

- our module "Strategic Decision Making & Business Simulation (MGT001426)

- one of our Advanced Seminars:

Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management (MGT001342): Gaining Competitive Advantage with AI Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management (MGT001343): AI and the Strategizing Process Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management (MGT001424): Strategy, Digitalization, and Global Context Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management (MGT001425): International strategy in light of geopolitical risks (limited places)

(no exceptions will be made here)

Our Chair announces the following new topics for master theses. These topics explicitly focus on the research projects of the Chair of Strategic and International Management.

Topic 1:   limited places available
Topic 2:   limited places available
Topic 3:   limited places available
Topic 4:   available
Topic 5:   available
Topic 6:   available
Topic 7:

Topic 8:   limited places available
Topic 9:   fully booked
Topic 10:   fully booked
Topic 11:   limited places available
Topic 12:  

fully booked

Topic 13:   fully booked
Topic 14:   only limited places available
Topic 15:   fully booked
Topic 16:   fully booked

Application and further process

Applications are possible at any time. As part of the application process a research proposal has to be written. The contact mentioned in the description of the respective topic will provide you further information about the proposal. If the application process was successful, the master's thesis is registered with the chair. Once your Master's thesis has been registered with the Chair of Strategic and International Management, the further procedure will be as follows:

1. Exposé incl. preliminary table of contents to be handed in before first Master thesis seminar 2. Continuing discussion of progress and open issues during Master thesis seminar (typically supported by a pptx-presentation prepared by master student and being submitted the week before the respective seminar) 3. Submission of thesis accompanied by full set of research data and pptx-presentation 4. Evaluation and feedback

The attendance of our Master Thesis Seminar is mandatory. Dates and times of these seminars will be announced by the chair which will also make the registration.

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Master Thesis

Please find here information on writing master theses at the Department of Business Administration and Marketing.

General Information

1. requirements.

  • Transcript of Records showing at least 78 credits
  • Very good command of German and English
  • Advanced skills in academic writing (e.g., database research, excerpting scientific literature)
  • For more information, please see the exam regulations applicable to you.
  • A focus on marketing, especially the successful completion of the seminar in marketing (M.Sc.) are highly recommended.

2. Module Information

  • Credits: 24
  • Time frame: 20 weeks

The time frame depends on the respective exam regulations of the study program of the student.

3. Schedule

  • You will find information on the application for the bachelor thesis under #7 Application.
  • Admission is granted only after successful application via the application form below. A confirmation of admission will be issued within a week of the deadline for applications.
  • Customer Experience (Management)
  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing and innovative technologies
  • Sustainability Marketing
  • Topics currently on offer

5. Topics by our Cooperation Partners

Our department supports praxis-oriented theses. If you are interested in the topics offered by our cooperation partners, please send your application directly to the partner in question. If you are chosen for a bachelor or master thesis by the company, the thesis can be registered and written at any time, independent of the application period listed below. For us to be able to supervise your thesis, the topic needs to have a focus on marketing questions and meet the standards of scientific theses. In order to ensure this, please send a research proposal (max. one page; content: topic’s relevance, research question, proposed method for answering the research question) as well as the company's acceptance of your application as one single PDF document to  [email protected] .

The following companies currently offer topics for theses:

6. Examination

  • Length: 60-65 pages (roughly 35 for a paper-based thesis)
  • The guidelines for writing a thesis at the Department of Business Administration and Marketing apply.
  • The number of approved applications is based upon the capacity of the department.
  • Master theses cannot be written as a group.
  • It is possible to write a master thesis in cooperation with a company.
  • Language: German or English (with German summary)

7. Application

  • Short letter of motivation (max. one page) including your matriculation number and a list of up to three preferred topics
  • Current transcript of records
  • Research proposal (max. one page) if you want to propose your own topic (topic’s relevance, research question, proposed method for answering the research question)
  • Link to the application form
  • Winter semester:  21.09. 12:00 pm   -  08.10. 12:00 pm
  • Summer semester: 21.03. 12:00 pm   -  08.04. 12:00 pm

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Leon Lehnert

Research Assistant

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  • +49 711 685 82951
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master thesis themen management

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Technische Universität München

  • Professur für Business Analytics and Intelligent Systems
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Master Thesis

You are very welcome to write your master thesis with us. We always have a collection of open topics available but also encourage students to propose own topics, as long as these relate to our research interests. Please see the details below if you want to apply.


We are looking for students who have a particular interest in Operations & Supply Chain Management (OSCM) and participated in several lectures and seminars within this field. You should possess fundamental mathematical and technical knowledge as well as the modeling and programming skills required to tackle advanced topics in OSCM.


If you are interested in doing your Master’s Thesis with us, please send an e-mail to [email protected]  with the following information:

  • Curriculum Vitae (incl. finished projects, programming skills/references)
  • Transcript of records (Bachelor and Master)
  • Own topic: write a short topic description including a motivation, a description of the research gap, and a possible solution approach.
  • General interest: write a motivation letter that outlines your interests and a favored research field.
  • List of relevant courses attended
  • Preferred time frame (earliest possible start 4 weeks after application)

Due to a high workload of ongoing theses, we prioritize applications of students who successfully participated in a course or seminar offered by our chair.

Theses can only be registered on the 1 st of a month and the students need to send their documents for application at least one month in advance.


Guidelines for how to write a thesis are part of our LaTeX template. We would advise you to use LaTeX for your writings for which we can provide the most support.

We ask you to meet with your supervisor on a regular basis to provide updates on your progress and ensure you receive valuable feedback. Your thesis will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • Overall structure of your work
  • Motivation of the research question and discussion of the current literature
  • Selection and application of scientific methods
  • Discussion of your results and conclusions
  • Code quality and documentation

Registration at TUM School of Management:

Once you finalized the topic with your supervisor, you will be officially registered through the TUM-SoM Portal. You will receive an email to confirm the registration - please make sure to do so as soon as possible.

Open Topics

  • n.A.: Resolution of charge-scheduling conflicts in the strategic planning of autonomous electric bus fleets. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
  • n.A.: Staggered Routing In Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)

Completed Theses

  • Huang, Yi-Hsi Lawrence: A Comparative Study of Open Set Classification Approaches For Analyzing Customer Order Behavior in the Semiconductor Industry. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Meng-Hsuan Lin: A Comparative Study of Time Series Forecast for Complaint Management in the Semiconductor Industry. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Chun Hei Chung: Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning to Optimize Robotic Dispatcher's Policy in a Discrete Event Simulation: Use Case of a Tool Buffer System in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Vsevolod Kompantsev: Dynamic spend distribution across several advertisement exchanges over multiple time slots with constrained budgets. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Mudit Srivastava: Improving Demand Forecasting Measures in Semiconductor Supply Chains through Sophisticated Machine Learning Models and Customer Order Behaviors. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Faria Haider: Market optimal distribution of energy for aggregated portfolios of electric vehicles in the context of bi-directional vehicle-to-grid integration. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Robin Maximilian Köhler: Prediction of Charging Point Utilization Using a Machine Learning-Based Surrogate Model of a Multi-Agent Simulation. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Lukas Scheurich: Two-Stage Stochastic Program for the Scheduling and Location Problem in a Flexible Layout. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Ecem Ataç: Optimal Auction Design for Promoting Sustainable Practices in Industrial Procurement. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Franz Felix Heim: A neural network enriched framework for conditional two-stage stochastic optimization problems. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Alexander David Koch: Deep reinforcement learning for last-mile crowdsourced delivery. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Heiko Hoppe: Global rewards in multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for autonomous mobility on demand systems. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Jochen Madler: Optimization Techniques for Home Energy Management Systems in Novel Power Markets: A Comparative Analysis. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Julian Schmid: Optimization of Demand Adaptive Systems at the Operational Level. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Christopher Dudel: Selecting Operators in LNS with Reinforcement Learning. Masterarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Jee Hyung Kim: Decision Support System Based on State-of-the-Art Deep Reinforcement Learning Models for Vendor Managed Inventory. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Claire Schwartz: Deriving Auction Designs from Performance Pricing Value Graphs in Industrial Procurement. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Philipp Merz: Optimizing multimodal public transportation systems. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Finn Kern: A flexible sustainable urban same-day last-mile multi-pickup and single-delivery system. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Kim-Kira Scheder: Decarbonization of the BMW Group: Develeoping a Strategy for the Location-Dependent Replacement of Natural Gas Using Multi Objective Optimization. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Lena Fiedler: Electric Autonomous Bus Fleet Design with Operational Constraints. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Maximilian Janetschek: Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling with Integrated Maintenance Planning - A Battery Cell Case Study. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Philipp Hohmann: The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Truck Platooning. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Jonas Grundler: Assembly Line Balancing with high Product Diversity and Process Variance. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Hashmatullah Sadid: Waiting time estimation using spatio-temporal graph neural network. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
  • Isilsu Diedem Sahin: Development of a Decision-Making Mechanism for Revenue Management with Customer Order Behavior and Forecast Accuracy in the Semiconductor Industry. Masterarbeit, 2021 mehr…
  • Marc Kaufeld: The Vehicle Routing Problem With Truck Platooning. Masterarbeit, 2021 mehr…
  • Leopold Demleitner: Controlling Autonoumous Mobility-on-Demand Using a Deep Actor-Critic Algorithm: Approaches to Solve the Multi-Agent Setting. Masterarbeit, 2021 mehr…
  • Maximilian Jaenichen: Supervised Machine Learning for Disruption Evaluation in End-to-End Semiconductor Supply Chains. Masterarbeit, 2021 mehr…
  • Paul Stadler: A Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for the Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Modular Multi-Compartment Vehicles. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…
  • Daniel Nientiedt: An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Multidrone Delivery with Battery swapping at Mobile Platforms. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…
  • Timothy Hönig: An Iterative Filtering Algorithm to Solve a Heterogeneous Locationrouting Problem for a Micro-Hub Cargo Bike Network. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…
  • Christina Liepold: Production as a Service: On the Impact of Partial Production Capacity Sharing. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…
  • Jose Pastor: Production schedule optimization of an automotive hot stamp line under uncertainty. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…
  • Niklas Herzel: Solving Hub Network Design Problems. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…
  • Shilp Patel: Supply Chain Processes for Smart Textile - Semiconductors and Textile - Within the Scope of Genus Tex with Measures to Reduce Bullwhip Effect. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…
  • Sarah Laamimach: Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles for Urban Logistics - Integration with Public Transportation. Masterarbeit, 2019 mehr…
  • Robert zur Bonsen: Fair Matchings for the Taxi Sharing Problem. Masterarbeit, 2019 mehr…
  • Lorenz Hansbauer: Measuring and Counteracting the Bullwhip Effect with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Masterarbeit, 2019 mehr…


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master thesis themen management

Our Academic Departments for finding a thesis topic

Finding a topic and supervisor for your final thesis is an essential part of your degree program. There are several ways to achieve this goal:

  • Apply for an advertised topic at a chair. To make the process easier, please find the contact information, requirements for supervising a thesis and available topics of each chair of TUM School of Management by following the links below.
  • Develop your own topic based on your interests and classes and proactively contact a potential supervisor from a chair in a related research area. For this purpose, please familiarize yourself with the requirements for supervision of the chair.
  • Pitch a work-related topic offered by a company to a potential supervisor at a chair in a related research area.
  • Plan to do your thesis abroad. 

Last, but not least, we recommend to check the provided information sheets in our Download Center and the module description of the final thesis. We wish you the best of luck!


Munich Business School Insights

The Best Final Theses in 2022

March 27, 2023

Collage of the best final theses 2022 submitted at Munich Business School

More than 170 final theses were submitted to the examination office of Munich Business School in 2022. Four of them stood out in particular: They are the best theses of the year and were included in the MBS Outstanding Thesis series. In the blog article, we present the topics of the theses in more detail and let the honorees and their supervisors have their say.

As in the previous year , the best theses of 2022 demonstrate that bachelor’s and master’s theses are not only the icing on the cake on the way to graduation, but can also make a valuable contribution to research on current topics. “Best”, by the way, does not only refer to an outstanding grade; the theses should primarily convince through innovative approaches and methods as well as new findings.

And now, clear the ring for the best theses of 2022!

Mitigating, Managing and Moving Past Burnout: An Organizational Perspective on Mental and Physical Well-Being

Bachelor’s thesis by gavin trudeau.

Gavin Trudeau, graduate of the bachelor’s program International Business at MBS, deals in his bachelor’s thesis with the topic of burnout, which has become more present in society as well as in medicine and the workplace in recent years. On the basis that burnout is not just an isolated feeling of overwhelm, but a syndrome which is experienced after ongoing negative experiences that and poses great dangers to organizations and their employees, Gavin Trudeau discusses causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies. By combining a comprehensive literature review with empirical research consisting of a self-reporting survey and in-depth interviews, the bachelor’s graduate succeeds in painting a “holistic picture” that reveals “not only what causes stress at the workplace but also shows the drivers as well as appropriate measures at the company and their relation to avoid negative impacts” – say the thesis supervisors Prof. Dr. Arnd Albrecht and Evelyn Albrecht-Goepfert.

Portrait Gavin Trudeau

We asked Gavin Trudeau how he came to address the topic of burnout in his bachelor’s thesis:

“I have always been interested in psychology and the importance of mental health so it was important for me to bring those two elements into my thesis and relate it to current issues I had been witnessing in the business landscape. At the time I started thinking about my topic we were still in the depths of the pandemic, and working from home was still mandatory for most people. I was seeing and hearing so many examples of people from my network experiencing abnormal levels of stress at their jobs and having difficulties adapting to the new way of life and working, which ultimately led me to the topic of burnout prevention, stress reduction and health promotion. I thought these topics were extremely relevant and also forward thinking. The importance of mental health in the workplace is on the rise and starting to be seen as equally important as physical health. My motivation for this research was to be able to provide valuable and insightful data and recommendations so that CEO’s, managers, entrepreneurs and employees can integrate these learnings into their lives to create healthier and more positive work environments.”

You can read the full paper here .

Bootstrapping New Networks – Incentivization Strategies to Leverage Network Effects within Digital Platforms by Using Blockchain Technology

Master’s thesis by philipp wohlfart.

Portrait Philipp Wohlfart

Start-ups must deal with the “cold start” problem and especially for platforms that fight the “chicken and egg” dilemma, building an initial user base is a major challenge. Since new emerging technologies such as blockchain technology have so far received only little attention in research on this topic, although they promise attractive solutions, Philipp Wohlfart addresses this issue in his master’s thesis. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship graduate explores the question of how blockchain technology can help to bootstrap new networks by using token incentives when application utility is still missing. To answer the question, Phillip Wohlfart conducted six semi-structured experts interviews – with the result that token incentives can support in many ways.

“From the factual coverage to the method to the results, a truly outstanding work: logically argued, well researched, and very structured and transparently presented. Phillip Wohlfarts findings have both theoretical and practical implications for stakeholder management and alignment within platforms. They also provide insight into how to create, evaluate or analyze sustainable blockchain-based platform designs.” Prof. Dr. Anne Tryba, supervisor of the thesis and former Professor for Entrepreneurship at MBS

Read the full thesis here .

Analysis of the Impact of Customer Experience Management Among B2B Companies in the Construction Industry

Mba master’s thesis by sarim mehtab hasan.

While B2C companies have been firmly incorporating customer experience management (CXM) strategies into their business models for quite some time and there is accordingly sufficient research on the subject, the relevance of CXM in the B2B context has only recently been repeatedly emphasized. To investigate the importance of CXM in the context of his master’s thesis, Sarim Mehtab Hasan chooses the construction industry, for which the requirement of customer experience is even more vital due to diverse stakeholders. Interviews with senior professionals from construction companies show that the construction industry is still traditional, focuses on short-term returns, which doesn’t align with customer’s needs, and overall lacks awareness of CXM and its benefits. Sarim Hasan uses these – rather sobering – results to derive recommendations as well as short- and long-term implementation strategies for the construction industry in terms of customer experience, which earned his thesis the rating “outstanding”.

Portrait Sarim Mehtab

We asked Sarim Hasan what it means to him that his thesis in the MBA General Management was awarded as MBS Outstanding Thesis:

It was my first time writing a thesis and I learnt a lot during the entire process. Not only was I able to get an extensive understanding of the topic of CXM in the B2B environment but also improve my personal & professional skills. This, combined with the experience I gained from the business projects during my studies at MBS, really elevated my capability to manage projects effectively, which is something I currently apply on a daily basis in my full-time job. Getting this award gave a substantial boost to my confidence levels, especially to take on new risks for a higher reward, and validated the importance of CXM in today’s customer-driven business world. After working for almost 8 months in a customer-facing role post-MBA, I can undoubtedly confirm that my thesis has played a major role in my performance as a Customer Experience Manager at A2MAC1 and I hope that other business students find value in my research and take it even further.

Economic Evaluation of Digitized Health Data for the German Health Care System Using the Example of the Electronic Health Record

Mba master’s thesis by dr. sven grösgen.

Portrait Sven Grösgen

Dr. Sven Grösgen dedicates his final thesis to a highly topical and explosively discussed subject: Germany’s plans to introduce of an electronic patient record. Such a digital file promises not only to improve healthcare, but also to have a positive impact on the economy. However, the status quo is that only 1.8% of total annual spending has been devoted to driving digitization in healthcare, while per capita spending continues to rise at the same time. With a general analysis of the electronic patient record and a detailed cost benefit analysis, Sven Grösgen shows that digital storage of health data has potential to counteract inefficiencies in healthcare and that the costs would be offset within the first ten years. In addition, the MBA graduate advocates an “opt-out” instead of an “opt-in” model and provides further impulses on how the implementation of an electronic patient record can be increased and further developed into an electronic health record.

“The author provides a very good and knowledgeable overview of existing literature and discusses all relevant aspects of the topic. At the time of the research, various reservations of both medical practitioners and patients shaped the discourse, so the focus on the economic benefits is particularly enlightening. As the relevance of the topic has recently increased even more, reading this thesis can be recommended to anyone seeking a sound basis on this topic area.” Prof. Dr. Eva Stumpfegger and Prof. Dr. Florian Bartholomae about why they decided to nominate Sven Grösgen’s thesis as MBS Outstanding Thesis
  • Bachelor International Business
  • Bachelor's Thesis
  • Customer Experience
  • Digitalization
  • Final Thesis
  • Health Care Management
  • Master Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Master's Thesis
  • MBA General Management
  • Mental Health

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  • College of Engineering
  • Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Theses and Dissertations
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Theses and Dissertations Collection

Open Access Repository of University of Idaho Graduate ETD


An open access repository of theses and dissertations from University of Idaho graduate students. The collection includes the complete electronic theses and dissertations submitted since approximately 2014, as well as, select digitized copies of earlier documents dating back to 1910.

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computer science ecology electrical engineering natural resource management mechanical engineering plant sciences water resources management education civil engineering environmental science animal sciences forestry engineering materials science agriculture biology chemical engineering wildlife management

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natural resources education mechanical engineering computer science electrical and computer engineering plant, soil and entomological sciences civil engineering environmental science english water resources movement & leisure sciences animal and veterinary science anthropology chemical and materials science engineering geology curriculum & instruction bioinformatics & computational biology chemistry

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1893 PDFs 395 Records 147 Embargoed ETDs View table

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Physical Address: Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address: College of Graduate Studies University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017 Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647

Email: [email protected]

Thesis and Dissertation Resources

You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses).

  • Create your ETD account
  • General ETD Help from Proquest
  • Theses and Dissertations template  (Word)
  • Example of a thesis
  • Note: COGS at this time is unable to provide any troubleshooting support or tutorials on LaTeX. Please use only if you are knowledgeable and familiar with the program.
  • Writing Assistance Services
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  • Survey of Earned Doctorates  (for Ph.D. students only)
  • University Repository Agreement Form  (PDF)
  • Dates and Deadlines
  • Sign up with ORCID (take 5 minutes to establish your academic identity)
  • U of I Theses and Dissertations , 2013-present
  • Data and Digital Services Workshops
  • Open Access, Scholarly Communication, and Copyright LibGuide
  • Quick Guide - Committee Electronic Review/Authorization - Student View pdf
  • Quick Guide - Committee Electronic Review/Authorization - Faculty View pdf
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UCI Libraries maintains the following  templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. If you are formatting your manuscript using LaTex, UCI maintains a template on OverLeaf.

  • Annotated Template (Dissertation) 2024 PDF of a template with annotations of what to look out for
  • Word: Thesis Template 2024 Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting.
  • PDF Thesis Template 2024
  • Word: Dissertation Template 2024 Editable template of the PhD Dissertation formatting.
  • PDF: Dissertation Template 2024
  • Overleaf (LaTex) Template
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  1. How to Write a Master's Thesis: The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Master

    master thesis themen management

  2. Master Thesis Aufbau

    master thesis themen management

  3. masterarbeit / master`s thesis

    master thesis themen management

  4. PPT

    master thesis themen management

  5. Master Thesis Template For Your Needs

    master thesis themen management

  6. What Is a Master's Thesis & How to Write It: Best Tips

    master thesis themen management


  1. PDF Topics for Bachelor/Master Theses

    Topics for Bachelor/Master Theses . We provide interested students of business administration with the opportunity to write the ir theses in the following area of research: ... Opening the Black Box, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 29, pp. 1027-1055. El Ghoul, Sadok/Guedhami, Om rane/Kim, Hakkon, Park, Kwangwoo (2018): Corporate Environmen- ...

  2. Potential Topics

    Master theses at the Strategic Management subject area are supervised by Professor Reitzig or Professor Keck, depending on the topic. However, most Master thesis candidates closely co-ordinate with other members of the subject area as well. Find the updated list of topics here. You can apply for topics listed under 'Available Topics', although ...

  3. Current Master Thesis Topics

    The goal of this work is to assess whether we can leverage large language models (LLMs like ChatGPT) to understand, interpret, and summarize these terms and conditions for us. This thesis requires knowledge of and experience with R / python as well as experience with Machine Learning. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik Papies.

  4. Topics for Bachelor and Master Theses

    Here 4 propositions: Sustainable food marketing. Cultural intelligence in services. Co-creation of value and well-being for customers. Customer satisfaction with "in-home" services. Contact : Prof. Furrer. Further topics for Bachelor and Master theses at the Chair of Marketing.

  5. BWL: Technology and Innovation Management

    On this page you will find suggested topics by the Research Group of Technology and Innovation Management for bachelor and master theses, subdivided into topic areas. If you want to write your thesis on a topic of your own choice or in a subject area not listed below, you are welcome to send us an unsolicited application (including an exposé ...

  6. Management and Organization Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2024. Examining the Factors Impacting the Undergraduate Degree Performance in the College of Business at Southern Univeristy and Agriculture & Mechanical College, Brian D. Adams. Understanding Donor Preferences and Intentions: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach, Kimberly Cubre.

  7. PDF Master'S Thesis a Systematic Literature Review on Agile Project Management

    le project management (APM), the thesis uses a systematic literature review. Since managing projects in agile way is a relatively new concept compared to the traditional waterfall model, the resu. ts of the review provide an overview of the research conducted in this area. The results are expected t. he.

  8. Master's Thesis

    Master's Thesis. Final Thesis. Topics for Master's Theses should be related to our current research (see research fields ). The overview of completed theses gives a good impression of typical topics. The amount of theses supervised depends on our current capacity. The application process is described below.

  9. Writing a master thesis at our chair

    The prerequisite for writing your Master's thesis (study programs MiM and MMT) at the Chair of Strategic and International Management is the successful attendance (with a grade of 2,3 or better) of. - our module "Strategies in MNEs" resp. "Fundamentals of Strategy" (WI001128) OR. - our module "Strategic Decision Making & Business Simulation ...

  10. PDF Risk Management/ Risk Assessment MASTER'S THESIS

    This thesis was carried out to fulfill the master's degree in Risk Management at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger. It would not have been possible without the support and encouragement from people around me. I wish to thank all the people whose assistance was a milestone in the completion of this project.

  11. PDF Master Thesis Management control systems within public project

    In this Master Thesis: "Management control systems within public project organizations", the use of instrumental and people oriented control mechanisms have been researched to obtain project control in various public project organizations. After many months this Master´s thesis is completed, with the help of a number of people.

  12. Master Thesis

    6. Examination. Length: 60-65 pages (roughly 35 for a paper-based thesis) The guidelines for writing a thesis at the Department of Business Administration and Marketing apply. The number of approved applications is based upon the capacity of the department. It is possible to write a master thesis in cooperation with a company.

  13. Master Thesis

    Application: If you are interested in doing your Master's Thesis with us, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following information: Curriculum Vitae (incl. finished projects, programming skills/references) Transcript of records (Bachelor and Master) Topic description / Motivation letter (1-2 pages)

  14. Thesis

    To make the process easier, please find the contact information, requirements for supervising a thesis and available topics of each chair of TUM School of Management by following the links below. Develop your own topic based on your interests and classes and proactively contact a potential supervisor from a chair in a related research area. For ...

  15. PDF Guideline for a Master's Thesis in Innovation Management

    The research proposal must have the following structure (6-8 pages; excluding cover page, lists, figures, etc.): Title of the Master's Thesis Introducti. n (~ 1 page)Critically introduce what the study is about. Provide a motivation for the th. sis and indicate why the work improves existing knowledge.

  16. The Best Final Theses in 2022 at Munich Business School

    March 27, 2023. More than 170 final theses were submitted to the examination office of Munich Business School in 2022. Four of them stood out in particular: They are the best theses of the year and were included in the MBS Outstanding Thesis series. In the blog article, we present the topics of the theses in more detail and let the honorees and ...

  17. Engineering Management Master's Theses

    Abstract The following thesis contributes to the analysis of the Sharing Economy through an application of Engineering Management concepts. The sharing economy, also known as "collaborative consumption," "trust-economy" or "peer-to-peer economy" is based on the idea that individuals borrow, use and/or rent assets from each other (such as: physical products, spaces, and skills).

  18. PDF Master Thesis in IT Management EIK034

    roenpanich (msh10001)AcknowledgementThis master thesis is written in part as a fulfillment to the master program in IT Management, School of Business, Society, and Engineering, Mäla. len University, Västerås, Sweden. First, we would like to thank Dr. Lars Hallén for devoting his time on this paper and giving us the ideas and fee.

  19. Master Thesis Themen Real Estate Management

    Master Thesis Themen Real Estate Management - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses some of the challenges involved in writing a master's thesis in real estate management. Selecting a topic can be difficult as real estate is a vast field with many areas of interest. Once a topic is chosen, extensive research must be conducted by ...

  20. PDF Life Cycle Assessment of The Existing and

    Life cycle assessment of existing and proposed municipal solid waste management system in Moscow Master's thesis 2020 92 pages, 19 figures, 36 tables, 3 appendices Examiner: Professor, D.Sc. (Tech.) Mika Horttanainen Supervisor: D.Sc. (Tech.) Ivan Deviatkin Keywords: life cycle assessment, waste management, municipal solid waste

  21. Home

    An open access repository of theses and dissertations from University of Idaho graduate students. The collection includes the complete electronic theses and dissertations submitted since approximately 2014, as well as, select digitized copies of earlier documents dating back to 1910.

  22. Thesis and Dissertations-College of Graduate Studies-University of Idaho

    Thesis and Dissertation Resources. You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses). Note: COGS at this time is unable to provide any troubleshooting support or tutorials on LaTeX. Please use only if you are knowledgeable and ...

  23. Templates

    UCI Libraries maintains the following templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided.