My Assignments Pro

  • 8 Tips to Make Assignments Look Professionally Aesthetic

My Assignment Help

  • By myaproadm

A good design is critical for your assignments. As it can mean the difference between getting good marks and getting an excellent grade. Well-designed assignments can ensure that your work impresses your professors, stands out from the rest of the class, and shows the amount of effort you (or your group) put into this project. You’ll be astonished to know that good design holds the same importance for various assignment help service providers like My Assignments Pro when you search for My Assignment Help .

8 Tips to make your assignment aesthetically beautiful:

1. Adhere to the rules

Before submitting the tasks, students are always told to follow the university guidelines or the teacher’s suggestions. So, when preparing your projects for submission, make sure that you follow the requirements outlined in the policy; otherwise, this oversight could cost you a lot of money during inspections.

2. Less is more

Overly presented tasks are clunky, but they also give the impression that the assignment was prepared solely for writing. Though it is good to have thought let me include as much material as possible in my assignment to help me score better, but it is only regarded as perfect when the information is acceptable and relevant to the context.

3. Straightforward appearance

When it comes to designing assignments, don’t fall into the trap of over-decorating. Everything would appear a little cheesy and overly displayed, and the words themselves would be meaningless if they were not arranged properly. So, please keep it presentable and straightforward because simplicity is the key to getting good marks.

4. Select the appropriate typeface

The fonts you use for your assignment should be simple and easy to read. Teachers love them since they are formal in context and easy to understand while reading.

5. Make font colour and size readable

The wrong font size for your content might sometimes defeat the purpose of delivering it to the teacher. When writing, please don’t make it look too big or too little; instead, stick to the ones that come before the structural ethics. There’s no need to spruce up your typeface with flashy colours, as this could detract from the idea of doing a professional task.

6. Complete the alignment process

Remember that alignment is critical for your assignment because there is no purpose in achieving well in academics if the content is not presented in a logical order. As a result, you must guarantee that every sentence and paragraph in your assignment is aligned correctly.

7. Pay attention to punctuation

If the correct punctuation is not correctly inserted at the appropriate location, the entire meaning of the sentence may be altered, and you will be unable to communicate the right message to your audience through the content. So, to convey the correct meaning of your article, make sure you use punctuation in the appropriate places.

8. An excellent conclusion to each paragraph

There’s no use in guaranteeing a fantastic rhythm or sequence to your content if the last sentence of each paragraph doesn’t have an appropriate ending. If you don’t end your sections with the correct meaning, you might not be able to connect the two paragraphs, let alone the entire context.

Conclusion:  These pointers by My Assignments Pro should have convinced you of the necessity of assignment design and styling. If you’re having trouble making your assignment look aesthetically professional, these pointers will undoubtedly come in handy otherwise My Assignments Pro is 24*7 available online to help you. So, go ahead and make a search for My Assignment Help.

Also Read: Check Out the Expert’s Secrets for Writing a Perfect Assignment

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13 PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Create Engaging Presentations

13 PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Create Engaging Presentations

Written by: Chloe West

powerpoint presentation - header

Have to create a PowerPoint presentation and dread it? Your presentations don’t always have to be dry, boring and limited. With these PowerPoint presentation tips, you’ll be able to put together a dynamic and engaging presentation.

Let’s start from the very beginning before you even open up your presentation tool.

  • Start by writing out your talking points.
  • Get creative with your slide design.
  • Keep your design consistent throughout.
  • Make your presentation interactive.
  • Add animation.
  • Put together seamless transitions.
  • Use text creatively.
  • Align objects with the grid.
  • Create non-linear presentations.
  • Place shapes strategically.
  • Crop images into shapes.
  • Utilize the presenter notes.
  • Use a dynamic presentation software.

1. Start by writing out your talking points.

The first thing you need to do, before even considering your presentation design, is to write out your talking points and outline your speech.

Pay attention to popular and engaging presentation structures so you know the framework you want to follow throughout your talk. This will also make it easier to create an outline that focuses on each of your talking points.

Once you’ve put together an outline that represents your topic and touches on each important element you need to cover, you can start searching for a PowerPoint presentation template that will fit your topic.

Or, you can start browsing through Visme’s presentation templates below.

Presentation Templates

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Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

how to make your assignments more attractive

Buyer Presentation

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PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

how to make your assignments more attractive

Product Training Interactive Presentation

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Company Ethics Presentation

how to make your assignments more attractive

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Create your presentation View more templates

2. Get creative with your PowerPoint presentation slide design.

When it comes to putting your content onto your PowerPoint presentation slides, you want to be sure your slides are clean, easy to read and engaging.

This means you should try out a variety of different creative themes. And while we have a post with over 100 creative presentation ideas you should check out, here are a few ways to really make your slideshow stand out.

Use more design elements than photos.

powerpoint presentation - template with design elements

While a photo collage or stock image background tends to be PowerPoint presentation go-to’s, we’re trying to empower you to do something different!

Take a page out of this template’s book by taking advantage of different design elements. Here, we see a solid colored background, shapes, icons and text decorating the slides of this presentation.

In this example PowerPoint slides, we do still see a photo added to emphasize the point on one of the slides, but it’s used as a design element rather than the foundation of the slide.

Use a bold color scheme.

powerpoint presentation - template with bold colors

When customizing example PowerPoint slides , your color palette matters. Using a more bold and bright color scheme is a great way to grab audience attention and make yourself seem more serious about your topic.

A more powerful color scheme makes an impression on your viewers, helping them to further see you as an authority on the information you’re sharing.

This example PowerPoint slides uses a bold blue and orange color scheme to stand out. To get an idea for a color palette for your next presentation, take a look at these 50 combinations .

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

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3. Keep your design consistent throughout.

We just shared a couple of different presentation templates available with our platform in the last point. What do you notice?

Here’s another example for you to take a look at.

powerpoint presentation - template with cohesive design

All of the example PowerPoint slides have a similar look and feel, creating a cohesive presentation deck that looks intentional and professionally designed.

Imagine if you were sitting in a presentation that looked something like this.

powerpoint presentation - cluttered design example

This looks messy and cluttered. It’s an amateur-looking design, and your audience will be confused about how these slides make any sense together.

Because keeping your design consistent is an essential part of creating an engaging presentation, we’ve also created a few different presentation themes with hundreds of example PowerPoint slides that all follow the same design theme.

Here’s an example of our Modern presentation theme below with over 900 different slides so that you can find a variety of slides perfect for your next slide deck.

powerpoint presentation - modern theme

4. Make your presentation interactive.

One way to create a really dynamic presentation that will keep your audience engaged and create a memorable experience is to make your presentation interactive.

While we’ve covered 17 ways to create an interactive presentation before, let’s go over how you can do this using a tool like Visme.

PowerPoint is widely known as the go-to presentation software, but there are so many alternatives that can lead you to a better solution and a better end result.

In Visme’s presentation maker, you can easily add links to any object in your presentation that lead to web pages, other slides within your presentation or create popup or hover effects with other objects on your slide.

powerpoint presentation - add links in visme's dashboard

Simply click on the element that you want to add a link to, head to the Actions menu, then select which type of interactive link you want to add.

You’re also able to create interactive maps and data visualizations that allow you or your viewers to hover over each element in your visual to see more information.

Here’s an example of an interactive map that you can easily create to showcase more information in a more digestible format.

Visme also allows you to embed external content like videos, polls, forms, surveys, quizzes and more. Plus, there are several third-party integrations you can use to embed and connect even more interactive content.

5. Add animation.

Another way to help your slides stand out is by adding in animated elements. Try to incorporate enter and exit effects for various objects on your slides to grab your audience’s attention as new slides fly onto the screen.

Here’s a great example of how this could look.

Or, if you put together your PowerPoint presentation slides with a different tool – like Visme, wink wink – you can gain access to even more animated elements.

Visme provides users with fully customizable animated illustrations, icons, shapes and more that can have their size, colors and animation speed updated to fit your needs.

powerpoint presentation - elements available in visme

These illustrations can be perfect for adding even more depth to your presentation slides, especially when it comes to your title slides and section headers to help break up your presentation.

6. Put together seamless transitions.

When customizing example PowerPoint slides, you want to put a creative spin on it. Instead of having one slide disappear for another to appear in full, why not try out some creative transitions?

It’s important for us to note that if you find a transition you like, you should stick with it throughout your presentation. This goes back to our point about cohesive design. You want everything to flow well.

This means that you don’t want to throw a ton of different slide designs, animation types and transitions into the mix, or you’ll end up with a cluttered and hard-to-follow presentation deck.

Visme’s unique transitions offer not just slide transitions, but a way to seamlessly transition all of your elements onto the screen as well.

Take a look at this presentation below to see how this looks. Click through the slides to see them transition.

To get this effect, simply choose one of the following transitions that also show the slide elements following suit after the background appears.

powerpoint presentation - transition options in visme

Ready to create your own presentation in minutes?

  • Add your own text, images and more
  • Customize colors, fonts and everything else
  • Choose from hundreds of slide designs and templates
  • Add interactive buttons and animations

7. Use text creatively.

There are hundreds of fonts to choose from, so how do you know the best ones to use and how to make them stand out on your slides?

First, you can check out our guide to font pairing to understand some basics for choosing the right fonts for your slides.

For example, make sure you’re using 3 fonts max, and that each has a specific role in your presentation, as you see below.

powerpoint presentation - font pairing guide

Once you’ve chosen your preferred fonts, whether you look through our selections of top fonts , modern fonts , pretty fonts or elsewhere, start considering how you can use them creatively in your presentation design.

Pro Tip: It’s important to remember that in a presentation, you won’t have many words on the screen. So you want to make sure the text that you do include focuses on your main point of each slide and grabs attention.

Let’s cover a few ways that you can use text creatively and really make your slides stand out to your viewers.

Surround your text with shapes.

powerpoint presentation - template with text and shapes

If you really want to make certain words pop off the slide, add a shape behind them like you see in this presentation about dinosaurs above.

While this is more of an informational presentation, this tactic can also be used for business-related presentations as well. 

Simply search through Visme’s library of shapes for something that matches your theme and set it behind your content.

Place your text on the white space of a photo.

powerpoint presentation - template with white space for text

Try positioning your photos strategically and utilizing pictures with more white space than you normally would. This helps you find the perfect spot to place your text so that it’s easy for your audience to read while still being visual.

In the above example PowerPoint slides, these minimalistic nature photos are the perfect backdrop for the text, providing tons of white space while still offering texture and visual elements.

Use color overlays.

powerpoint presentation - template with color overlays

Another great way to really make your words pop is by adding a translucent color overlay on top of your background photo.

Incorporating a photo into your presentation slide helps create more depth and visualize the words you’re saying, but you still want to be able to have your text be legible throughout the slide deck.

8. Align objects with the grid.

When using a tool like Visme to create your presentation, you can turn on a grid that allows you to ensure your design elements are properly aligned and perfectly symmetrical.

To access the grid in Visme’s editor, click the hamburger menu, then go to View Options , then toggle the Show grid option to turn it on.

powerpoint presentation - grid options in visme

You can set the size you want your grid to be to strategically align elements around your slide as well as set how opaque the grid lines are.

9. Create non-linear presentations.

You don’t have to go from slide to slide in your PowerPoint presentation. In fact, there are endless options for how you could navigate between slides when presenting.

Whether you let the audience decide the direction of your presentation by offering them different options to choose from, you create a navigation bar for your presentation or you allow yourself to determine the flow as you go by adding a progress bar, you have tons of options.

Here’s a great example of what your presentation could look like with a navigation menu within your slides.

10. Place shapes strategically.

Don’t underestimate the power of shapes in your presentation design. Or any design, really. 

Using various geometric shapes or even shapes you may not have heard of before to draw attention to various elements on the screen is a great design practice.

Our Creative presentation theme – with over 300 different slide layouts – is a great example of using shapes strategically to add design elements and emphasize various parts of your content.

powerpoint presentation - creative theme

Visme presentation maker has a library full of different types of shapes that can be used in diagrams, as backgrounds to icons , to frame text and so much more.

Put together a set of guidelines for which shapes you plan to use in your presentation and stick to no more than two or three different shapes throughout. While you can resize them based on your needs, you don’t want to clutter your slides.

11. Crop images into shapes.

Back with the shapes! Another creative way to bring shapes into your designs is to crop photos into different geometric shapes.

The presentation template below is the perfect example for how you can visually incorporate these cropped images into your slide design.

powerpoint presentation - template with geometric shapes

It’s easy to do this with a tool like Visme. Simply drag and drop your choice of photo from the photo library in the left sidebar onto your slide, click it, choose Frames in the navigation bar and choose the one that fits your design.

Take a look at a few of the frames available in our software.

powerpoint presentation - image frames available in visme

12. Utilize presenter notes.

Want to really give a good presentation ? It’s important not to read off the slide and actually speak directly to your audience throughout your PowerPoint presentation.

One great way to keep yourself on task and ensure you don’t skip over any important information is to take advantage of presenter notes available to you when up on stage or in front of your audience presenting.

Visme has dynamic and comprehensive presenter notes built in that help ease the pressure of presenting.

Take a look below at what you can expect to see on your screen when presenting – all while your audience only sees the slide you’re showcasing.

You get access to the time of your presentation, the current slide, the slide you can expect next to help with the flow of your slideshow and the notes you’ve prepared for your talking points.

13. Use a dynamic presentation software.

The last way to create an amazing and engaging PowerPoint presentation is to use a dynamic presentation software that isn’t PowerPoint.

I know what you’re thinking – how can you deliver a PowerPoint by using a different software?

With a tool like Visme, you’ll get tons of premade example PowerPoint slides to choose from. You’re able to both import existing PowerPoints to edit and spice them up and export editable PowerPoints to present offline and make any last minute changes.

When creating your presentation, you can use Dynamic Fields to automatically update key information throughout the slides. You can also personalize the fields and apply them to other projects.

Our analytics tool helps you track the performance of your presentation. You can track views, unique visits, average time, average completion and a host of other key metrics.

Learn more about turning your Vismes into PowerPoint presentations in this quick tutorial video.

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Start improving your PowerPoint presentations with Visme.

Ready to start creating PowerPoint presentations with Visme? Sign up for a business account today and improve your brand and the presentations you share with your audience. Start creating engaging and interactive presentations that your viewers will love.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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About the Author

Chloe West is the content marketing manager at Visme. Her experience in digital marketing includes everything from social media, blogging, email marketing to graphic design, strategy creation and implementation, and more. During her spare time, she enjoys exploring her home city of Charleston with her son.

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10 Simple Design Rules for Professional Microsoft Word Documents


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Microsoft Word is packed with so many features that you can produce pretty much whatever you want with it. But these features don't always result in the kind of beautiful, high-quality, and professional document designs that you may expect.

It's one thing to know everything about Microsoft Word, all of its intricacies and quirks and functions—it's something else entirely to know what makes a great document. Here, we'll show you how to format a Word document to make it look professional.

1. Keep It Simple, Less Is More

Want to know how to make a Word document look good? Just keep it simple, and take advantage of the hidden features that Microsoft Word comes with. If you remember one thing from this article, let it be this, and you'll be able to make the right design decisions in the future!

When writing a document, the content should be the main focus. Document formatting guidelines exist to make that content easier to read and digest.

Eliminate the temptation to introduce eye-catching elements that only serve to distract. Maximize whitespace. Keep your wording tight and revise any wordy sentences or paragraphs. Simple and minimal rules overall.

2. Choose a Context-Appropriate Typeface

Serif vs sans-serif

Your first big design decision should be which typeface you're going to use. Traditional knowledge says that serif fonts are easier to read in printed documents, whereas sans-serif fonts are better on the eyes when read on a digital screen.

Good examples of serif fonts include Garamond, Georgia, Hoefler Text, and Palatino, while good examples of sans-serif fonts include Arial, Gill Sans, Helvetica, and Lucida Sans.

Skip Comic Sans if you want to avoid one of the most common presentation design mistakes . And whatever you end up using, stick to the same typeface throughout to make your Word document professional. If desired, you can use a different typeface for headings.

3. Use Standard Font Size and Color

Times New Roman Microsoft Words

You can't learn how to format a word document to look professional without paying attention to the look of the text. Business and academic papers generally use 12-point font sizes, which produce the most readable paragraphs when used in combination with the guidelines discussed below for page size, margins, and line spacing.

Some information-dense reports may sometimes go down to 10-point font size, but never less than that.

In general, it's best to keep your hands off of anything related to colors, especially for printed documents. You'll have to pay more for the color ink, and it won't carry over if the document ever gets copied. For digital documents, reserve colored text for critical warnings and the like. Prefer to emphasize using bolded and italic text.

4. Use Standard Page Size and Margins

Microsoft Word margin formatting options

Nearly all office documents are formatted to the same page size as they are printed for standard 8½" x 11" pages, known as US Letter size (also known as A4 elsewhere, which is 210mm x 297mm). This is the only size that's guaranteed to be available regardless of which printer you use.

As for margins, most style manuals and style guides call for a 1" margin on all sides of the page, which produces the best readability for line lengths and allows for written annotations if necessary. In Word, you can select Normal under Margins to do so. However, if the document is going to be bound in a binder, you may want to use Custom Margins to increase the side margins to 1½" to accommodate the rings.

5. Align Paragraphs to the Left

Align left Word

You may be tempted to use justified alignment because that's what's used in newspapers, novels, and some textbooks, but it's the wrong choice for office and academic documents. Why is it important to make a document formal? Without formality, your document becomes unreadable.

What you want is left alignment for text. This produces jaggedness on the right side of paragraphs, but it keeps letter spacing as intended by whatever typeface you're using, and that means optimal legibility.

Otherwise, you may end up with typographic rivers , which are extremely distracting and simply look ugly. This is something you certainly want to avoid when you want to make your Word document look professional.

6. Indent the First Lines of Paragraphs

Word ident paragraphs

Paragraphs should have no extra spacing between them, and the first lines of paragraphs should be indented to make each paragraph stand out. The only exception is for paragraphs that directly follow a section heading, which can be left unindented because the surrounding context makes it clear that it's its own paragraph.

To make a document look professional, a general rule of thumb is to have the indent size the same as the font size. Make sure you use Word's paragraph styling features to handle the indents rather than using the Tab key!

7. Place Images Between Paragraphs

Insert chart in Word

Inserting images is a part of designing your Word document. It may be okay to place images inside a paragraph and allow the surrounding text to flow around it, and if your organization follows this document formatting guideline, then go ahead and do that.

But generally speaking, it can damage readability, especially in data-driven reports. The safest option, particularly for graphs, charts, and tables, is to put images in between paragraphs and keep them center aligned. That way, your images help to make your document attractive, but they are never vying for attention with the surrounding text. It also helps captions to stand out.

8. Choose Context-Appropriate Line Spacing

Microsoft Word Paragraph Line Spacing

To format a document to look professional, the right choice for line spacing (the whitespace that separates a line of text from the next line of text) really depends on what kind of document you're writing.

Academic papers should first follow any academic style guides in place, then prefer double-spacing if no style guide exists. Business and office documents tend to be single-spaced to minimize the number of pages needed when printing, but digital documents may be easier to read if spaced at somewhere between 120-150 percent.

9. Break Up Text With Headings and Lists

Heading Microsoft Word

The longer the document, the more important headings become. Would you rather read a 20-page report that's nothing but a wall of text from end to end? Or a 30-page report that's organized into proper sections, subsections, and headings? It’s highly likely you’ll prefer the latter.

Lists are also good for breaking up walls of text and drawing eyes to important points. In Word, use Numbering to create numbered lists when counting a set of items (e.g., "the five attributes of a successful entrepreneur") or when providing step-by-step instructions. Otherwise, use Bullets to make bulleted lists .

Just be sure to avoid overusing lists, which detracts readability from your Word document design. This is especially important when it comes to using Word to format a screenplay .

10. Separate Sections With Breaks

Word break settings

When you want to learn how to make your report look professional, you need to get acquainted with section breaks. In Microsoft Word, section breaks allow you to differentiate certain pages with changes in orientation, columns, headers, footers, page numbers, and more. Section breaks come in four forms:

  • Next Page: Start the next section on the following page.
  • Continuous: Start the next section on the current page.
  • Even Page: Start the next section on the next even page.
  • Odd Page: Start the next section on the next even page.

If your document is large enough to need chapters, this is the best way to format them in a clean way. Each chapter should be made with a Next Page section break, or the Even Page or Odd Page section breaks if you're going to place it within a binder. We've shown how to remove page breaks if needed, too.

Learn How to Format a Word Document to Look Professional

Unless your organization or school requires a specific layout and format, you can skip the hard work of setting up your own template and just download one instead. This helps you quickly achieve a professional document design.

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  • > How to Make your Assignment Design Look More Professional

How to Make your Assignment Design Look More Professional

Divyansh Bordia


One of the most important aspects of an assignment, apart from the content of the assignment, is the aspect of assignment design. Assignment design is becoming more and more important as online school is becoming more dominant and the need for visually appealing digital assignments is increasing. Well-designed assignments can make sure that your work will leave a very good impression on your teachers, stands out from the rest of the class, and reflects how much work you and/or the group have invested in this project.

Good assignment design comes with a lot of benefits. It helps you display a clear-cut message in an interesting way, grab and retain the attention of the people who see that piece of work, and add a layer of detail and professionalism to the work.

Learning such design skills while still in school can be beneficial later on in life as well. In the working world, knowing how to identify professional designs that can have a deep impact on your audience and get a point across clearly can give a real advantage, especially when creating presentations and reports, and working with customers.

Tips to Make Your Designs Professional

Here are some ideas to help make your assignment design ideas pop and give them a  professional look.

Make Use of Design Elements

Design elements are shapes, lines, or any other pieces that help make something look appealing. These shapes can help accentuate certain elements of your design that can make them stand out. Design elements can also have a more profound function - guide the eyes of the viewer. Putting design elements in the right place can make the viewer look at what you are trying to show them. For example, it is psychological fact that the first place a person will look when looking at a design will be the top left portion because that is generally where people look automatically when reading. So, if you put some information there or if you add a design element like an arrow there towards something that you feel requires attention, like an important statistic, graph or image, you can effectively drive the attention of the viewer.

Use Elegant Fonts

Fonts are an integral part of assignment design when it is an online assignment. Using the right kind of font can leave the teacher with a good impression because not only will it make it look professional, it will also make it eligible and readable to the viewer, making it more attractive to the teacher evaluating it. The best fonts for this would be Times New Roman and Arial.

Do Not Overdecorate

A lot of students get into the habit of overdecorating their designs with too many design elements. Too much of anything is bad, and the last thing you want is for your assignment to look crowded. Crowded designs are not attractive at all, especially when it comes to a professional setting like an assignment. Make the design as minimalistic as possible so that the teacher can focus on the content and not on the loud design.

Use Bullet Points Wherever Possible

This is one of the most essential points to keep in mind in assignment design - use bullet points whenever you are trying to make a point. Bullet points are especially important in assignment design because it makes reading and interpreting the core content of the assignment that much easier. Bullet points also make the assignment look neater and more systematic because everything is so organized.

Font Colour and Size

This is something that is so overlooked and yet has such a deep impact on the viewer. Always use black text on an assignment. In fact, try to use as little colour as you possibly can because, in a professional setting, less is more. Use colour only when emphasizing something that is so important that you cannot help but point it out.

Another aspect of it is size. Size does matter in fonts and in design, especially in assignments. Preferably keep the headings H1 size, subheadings H2, and further subheadings under them at H3, H4, etc. This creates a visual hierarchy that makes it easier for the teacher to follow the assignment and grade it accordingly.

Pay Attention to Punctuation

Punctuation marks are typographical conventions that can greatly affect your assignment’s effectiveness. Make sure that the punctuations are right at all places and make sure to review once you are done because the proper use of punctuation marks can help the teacher understand the content better and make it easier for the teacher. The basic idea behind it is simple - if you make it easier for the teacher, it will reflect better on you.

These are simple yet effective ways to make your assignment look as professional as possible. The idea behind this is to make the design language simple and minimalistic while at the same time, aesthetically pleasing.

The online scenario is, however, changing rapidly. Creating and submitting assignments has never been easier. Teachmint makes creating homework and assignments easier with the Homework feature. It reduces a lot of stress on the part of the teacher and sets a proper deadline that the students can follow to complete it. The students also will be able to submit the assignment with the aesthetics and perfection they want. They also do not have to physically be present there to submit the assignment, they can simply submit it online.

Suggested Read - Importance of Project Work in School

Teachmint provides ed-infra to educational institutions. With our state-of-the-art lms portal , teachers can improve the teaching-learning experience. Our tools like institute erp help schools manage their everyday activities hassle-free.

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Most Effective Tips for Writing an Impressive Assignment

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When in college, you have to accomplish all of your assignments as part of your education. One of the most common assignments is written essays that will contribute to your grade at the end of your course. 

But you might feel apprehensive when you receive such an assignment, especially if it's your first time. You might not feel like you have the necessary skills to write a good essay. But there are certain tips you can use to write a good assignment and lay your apprehensions to rest.

Research and plan

When you take on a course, you will receive a reading list. Familiarize yourself with it right away because your professors will choose texts from this list that will specifically help you with your tasks and assignments. Reading what's on your list will provide you with valuable insight into the topics you have to write about. It will make life easier for you when you need to write an assignment.

After researching, you should make a schedule for writing your assignments. Stick to your schedule. Also, double-check your deadline so you won't have to feel overwhelmed when you realize that your deadline is right around the corner. Break down your time and tasks into  more manageable chunks  so that you will always be on top of your work. Make a schedule that consists of mini-deadlines. Knowing that you have completed a task will keep you motivated.

Understand your assignment and take notes

Before starting your assignment, make sure that you understand it because writing an essay that contains irrelevant information or isn't coherent will prove disastrous. You should always know what you're doing and what you need to convey. If needed, rereading the instructions will help you understand what's expected of you. Moreover, you also need to determine how long the essay should be and how you will proceed with it.

Note-taking is another important aspect of writing. Before you start, you must collect various materials and resources relevant to your topic. You should also create an outline that will guide you. Go through various research materials, then take down notes on the most crucial information that you can include in your work. The writing process will become more manageable when you have all of the information you need.

Assignment writing by professionals

As a student in college, you have the option to ask for help when you need to complete an assignment and you have no time to do it. Since written tasks are an unavoidable aspect of college education, the best thing you can do is to seek assistance when you need it. The writers at AssignmentBro  helped with my assignment writing  in college. Thanks to their professional writers, I still had plenty of time to study and tackle my other responsibilities.

Use various resources

Aside from the deadlines and instructions that your professor will provide, they might also recommend some resources to you. Sadly, this is something that many students tend to overlook. For instance, for you to understand how your professor will grade your assignment, you will need to examine their rubric. This is a chart that provides information on what you must do. You will also learn about the objectives of the assignments or the learning outcomes.

Other resources you might receive include reading lists, lecture recordings, discussion boards, and sample assignments. Usually, you will find all of these resources in an online platform known as a Learning Management System (LMS). Research has shown that students who use LMS tend to get higher grades. If you still have any questions, you can ask your professor either online or offline.

Determine the objective and structure of your assignment

The next thing you need to do is to define the objectives of your written work and its structure. This is where you will determine the pattern of a well-written assignment. You want to make your work look impressive in the eyes of your reader. One way to accomplish this is to include more theoretical content and details in your essay. 

Make sure all of your paragraphs flow smoothly

It's not enough for the essay writing project assigned to you to provide enough information. It's also important to remain coherent. You must link each paragraph to each other. 

This will keep your reader  connected with the content . To achieve this, you need to go back to your plan for your assignment, then search for significant concepts that will help you connect the paragraphs smoothly. Here's an easy tip to do this - include phrases or words that will attract the eyes of your readers while supporting the context of your written assignment.

University life is full of challenges. One of which is the writing of assignments that will require higher communication, critical thinking, and information gathering skills that you may have practiced in high school. Instead of feeling daunted because of your assignments, use the tips you learned to make things easier for you.

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How to Format a Word Document to Look Professional

Last Updated: March 14, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD . Megaera Lorenz is an Egyptologist and Writer with over 20 years of experience in public education. In 2017, she graduated with her PhD in Egyptology from The University of Chicago, where she served for several years as a content advisor and program facilitator for the Oriental Institute Museum’s Public Education office. She has also developed and taught Egyptology courses at The University of Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. There are 18 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 30,825 times. Learn more...

Whether you’re writing a research paper for class, composing an article for a newsletter, or trying to create the perfect cover letter, you’ll want your Word doc to look as polished and professional as possible. Fortunately, Word gives you all the tools you need to make your documents stand out and look great. In this article, we’ll talk you through the basics—like how to adjust your font or pick the right paragraph style—as well as some more advanced tips and tricks, like turning on hidden formatting marks.

Formatting Basics

Step 1 Pick a serif font for a print document.

  • To choose a font, go to the Home tab at the top of your document. Select the font you like best from the drop-down font menu at the right side of the menu ribbon.
  • There are hundreds of fonts to choose from, but try to stick to fonts with a simple, classic look to keep your document looking professional and easy to read. Avoid anything overly elaborate or artsy.

Step 2 Go with a sans-serif font for digital documents.

  • While Comic Sans is a popular and easy-to-read sans-serif font, it’s gained a bit of a bad rap for looking childish and unprofessional. Avoid using comic sans if you want your doc to have a polished and mature look.

Step 3 Break up your text with headings.

  • Type the text you’d like to use for a heading. For instance, you might write something like “Section 1” or “Introduction.”
  • Select the heading text.
  • Open the Home tab and go to the Styles section of the ribbon menu, at the top right side of the document.
  • Select the heading style you want from the list of styles. For instance, if you’re creating a top-level heading, select Heading 1 . For subheadings, choose Heading 2 or Heading 3 .

Step 4 Use contrasting fonts for headings and main text.

  • It works well to combine serif fonts in the headings with sans-serif fonts in the body of your document. For instance, you might use Didot for your headings and Gill Sans for the body text.
  • If you don’t want to change the font of each heading manually, go to the Home tab and open the Styles Pane . Select the drop-down menu for the heading style you want, choose Modify Style… and select the font you want.

Step 5 Align your paragraphs left.

  • You can also change the text alignment by going to the Format menu at the top of your screen and picking Paragraph from the drop-down list. Set the alignment to Left in the general settings menu.
  • While left alignment looks best in most cases, there are exceptions. For instance, you will typically center the title and author lines at the top of a paper. You might also choose to center your headings.
  • In most cases, it’s best to avoid using the “justify” alignment, which makes the text even on both the right and left sides. This formatting style works best in documents written in narrow columns, like brochures, magazine articles, and newsletters. [6] X Research source

Step 6 Set the margins to at least 1 inch (2.5 cm).

  • Word’s default combination of 12-point font size and 1 in (2.5 cm) margin size is required by a lot of professional citation and formatting styles, like APA and MLA. [8] X Research source If you’re completing a writing assignment for class or a publication, check the guidelines about margins and font size.
  • While you can make your margins smaller, your document will be less readable and pleasant to look at if the text crowds the edges of the page.

Step 7 Indent the first line of each paragraph if your style requires it.

  • You can also use the Layout tab in Word to automatically indent each paragraph. Set the Indent setting in the middle of the ribbon menu to the desired size. For example, set the Left indent to .5 inches (1.3 cm). Every time you hit ⏎ Return to start a new paragraph, it will be automatically indented.
  • You can also make these adjustments by opening up Paragraph… in the Format dropdown menu. Set the exact indent size you want in the Indentation section of the settings window.
  • If you’d rather use Tab ↹ to indent each paragraph, you can also adjust the tab stop setting to change the size of the indent. Go to the Home tab and click the Increase Indent or Decrease Indent buttons in the central paragraph section of the ribbon menu. [10] X Trustworthy Source Microsoft Support Technical support and product information from Microsoft. Go to source

Step 8 Add extra space after paragraphs as an alternative to indents.

  • You can also simply hit ⏎ Return twice after each paragraph to create an extra line space.
  • To apply your preferred paragraph spacing automatically to the whole document, change the paragraph spacing settings in the Layout tab.
  • Alternatively, go to the Design tab at the top of your document and select the Paragraph Spacing dropdown menu. Select the preset spacing you want to automatically apply the style to your entire document.

Step 9 Follow line spacing requirements.

  • If you’ve already started writing your document, you’ll need to select the text you want to format first. Otherwise, simply set your line spacing before you start writing.
  • If your document doesn’t have any particular spacing requirements, you can still adjust the spacing to make it easier to look at. Open the Line Spacing menu in the Home tab to enter a custom amount of space between each line (such as 1.08 spaces). [16] X Research source

Advanced Techniques

Step 1 Turn on formatting marks to easily spot and fix problems.

  • If you find a problem—such as a paragraph marker where there’s not supposed to be one—you can simply delete it to resolve any troublesome formatting issues. For instance, blank paragraphs can sometimes cause unwanted extra pages to appear in your document with no content.
  • You can even fine-tune which formatting marks are visible, if you like. In Word for Windows, go to the File menu, then open Options and select Display . Go to the Always show these formatting marks on the screen section to select which marks you want to see.
  • If you’re using a Mac, go to the Word menu, then open Preferences and select View . Select the marks you want to see under Show Non-Printing Characters .

Step 2 Use the kerning feature to improve how your text looks.

  • Open the Format menu and select Font . Select the Advanced tab and check the box next to Kerning for fonts .
  • In the Points and above box, adjust the point size you want the kerning to apply to. It should automatically fill in the current point size for the font you’re using.

Step 3 Enable smart quotes.

  • Click the Autoformat as You Type tab.
  • Go to the Replace as you type section.
  • Check the box next to Straight quotes with smart quotes .
  • While you’re at it, you can also adjust other autoformatting options, such as replacing double dashes (--) with a single long em-dash (–).

Step 4 Experiment with the preset style settings.

  • Go to the Home tab and open the Styles Pane .
  • Select the style you want, then open the drop-down menu for the style and select Modify…
  • Make any adjustments you want to the style in the Modify Style window. For instance, you can change the font size and color, or make adjustments to paragraph or line spacing.
  • You can also right-click the style you want in the ribbon menu (or use Ctrl -click if you’re on a Mac) and select Modify Style .
  • If you want a different set of preset styles to work with, go to the Design tab at the top of your document and choose one of the themes from the ribbon menu. This will change the overall look of your document.

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Megaera Lorenz, PhD

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how to make your assignments more attractive

Five Effective Tips To Make Your Assignment Look Attractive

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Creating assignments can be one of the most challenging parts of your student life. From collecting data to compiling it effectively, you may feel challenged every step of the way. After all, it is a matter that can take several days to reach its end.

While every step has its own challenges, every student can agree that making their assignment attractive is one of the most important things.

It is one of the best ways to make your assignment stand out. Of course, it determines the mood with which your teacher is going to proceed to check and mark your work.

No one can undermine the importance of a good presentation. Here are some amazing tips that can help you make your assignment more attractive.

1. Convert To PDF

Professors have to deal with several assignments every day. This process can be mentally and physically exhausting for them.

In such circumstances, seeing badly formatted documents can make them more frustrated and may affect your grades.

This problem usually occurs when you share your files as a Word Document. Although Word is a commonly used format, it cannot be trusted to keep the document formatting in check.

Hence, it is always a better idea to share your assignments in PDF form. PDFs are not only used for assignments, you may also need to see sodapdf w9 form if your taxes as a foreign exchange student are due.

As you convert your assignment from word to pdf, it locks the formatting of the document. No matter how many times you share a PDF document, it will not lose its setting.

Hence, you can have the peace of mind that your formatting will stay the same on any operating system.

Make Subheadings

 2. Make Subheadings

The lengths of every assignment can vary on several factors, such as the instructions from your professor or the subject that you are covering.

Of course, every assignment can start to look cluttered after a few paragraphs in a row. The best way to give a break to the eyes of the reader is to create more subheadings.

Adding more subheadings to your assignments makes it easy to read and process. Your reader will be more comfortable reading and processing the knowledge conveyed. Creating subheadings can also give you mental peace and valid breaks during work.

In addition to subheadings, it is best to ensure that you use the right spacing in your document. Spacing also plays an important role in making your document visually appealing and easily readable. It only takes a few seconds to space your document.

3. Check For Errors  

An assignment filled with errors, especially from the start, can undermine all your hard work. Of course, you do not want that to happen. Therefore, it is important to take some time to review your assignment after you are done with writing.

The best way is to use a spell-checker to make your assignments error-free. After that, you can read your document out loud.

It is one of the best practices to figure out inconsistencies in the tone and flow of your assignment. Once you fix these issues, your assignment is good to go for submission.

4. Use In-Text Citations & References

Any college/ university assignment that includes words, research, and ideas of other writers must have citations.

Use In Text Citations References

When writing an assignment, you will naturally refer to other literary work and reading materials linked to your topic.

After all, thorough research is mandatory for crafting great assignments. So, while quoting someone else’s work in your assignment, you cannot forget to cite all used references.

To cite references, you will need to cite the information source so that your assignment doesn’t show plagiarism. The citations will also prove that you have thoroughly researched while writing your assignment.

 5. Proofread Before Submission

Once you have completed your assignment, you will want to submit your assignment at the earliest; however, you will always take some time to proofread and edit the assignment before the final submission.

Ideally, you will want to proofread your assignment at least three times before its final submission. The best way to do this is by reading out the assignment loudly to yourself.

You will notice the things you might have omitted during the writing process by hearing what you have written.

Meanwhile, you will also want to check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It doesn’t matter how great your assignment is and how much effort you put into making it; it won’t leave a great impression if your teacher finds tons of mistakes in it.

Since you wouldn’t want your hard work to go to waste, you will need to make an effort to read your assignment, proofread it, and edit it if necessary before its final submission. 

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6 Tools to Create Flawless Presentations and Assignments

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No matter how you look at it, presentations are vital to students’ success. It is a great way to showcase your talents, demonstrate understanding of the subject, put a positive light on the assignment, and so on.

However, with limited time and resources, it can be tough for students to prepare impactful assignments and presentations.. Here, we will share with you seven best tools you can use when creating presentations and assignments.

Table of Contents

Tools for Presentation

1.   venngage.

Students are often intimidated by the thought of creating attractive and informative presentations. Venngage is a highly effective presentation tool that helps students create impressive infographics. Users can add text, images, videos, slides, and other essential elements to enhance your presentations. Additionally, users can also edit the content in the presentation at any time and preview it before sharing it.

It’s a user-friendly tool to quickly create quick academic presentations. The drag-and-drop feature to add images from your computer or any other source makes it easier to add illustrations to presentations. Furthermore, the feature of adding text or import documents from Google Drive or Dropbox is an advantage with Venngage.

Keynote is another tool for creating presentations. It’s another easy-to-use tool for students to create presentations without getting into the technical details of designing slides and images.

Here are some noteworthy features of Keynote:

A Wide Range of Templates

You can use professionally designed default templates or create your slides with ease. This saves your precious time in making the right template. Get your hands on the available templates to serve your presentation purposes.

Easy-to-Use Interface

The interface of Keynote is extremely simple, which makes it easy for beginners to use it effortlessly. Even the most novice users can create professional-looking presentations within minutes using this tool without looking around for assistance.

Different Types of Transitions

You can add transitions between slides and animations to your presentations. This helps in keeping things interesting and engaging for your audience. You will also be able to choose different types of transitions, such as cross-dissolve, wipe transitions, and many more.

Free to Use

It’s free to download and use on all platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. It is also accessible with macOS version 10.10 and higher, so you don’t have to install anything else to use it.

Wide Range of Theme Collection

It has a wide range of themes to choose from. It allows theme customization with =with pictures and colors to create unique layouts and designs.

Canva is a free online tool that can be used to create posters, presentations, and other visual content.

If you want a way to create fascinating presentations, Canva is the perfect place to start with. It’s free, easy to use, and has many features to help you create better presentations.

Here are some of the great features available in Canva:

  • Layouts are easy on the eyes and make it easier to read the text.
  • Multiple pictures can be added on each slide with different sizes, shapes, and colors.
  • Different text effects like drop shadows, outlines, and more.
  • Stickers that you can use to personalize each slide.
  • You can use a fully customizable background to add flair to your slides. Add text boxes, shapes, lines, and arrows by dragging and dropping from the toolbox or clicking the + button in the toolbar.
  • Add custom design elements using Canva’s unique blend of fonts and graphics to create eye-catching designs that will get you noticed.

Tools for Assignments

4. enago plagiarism checker.

Enago plagiarism checker is a free online tool that helps students check their assignments and research papers for plagiarism. The tool is compatible with all device types and can be used to check any kind of text, including articles, essays, and even research papers. It also has an option to compare the original source with the copy presented in the assignment.

How does the Enago plagiarism checker work?

Enago works by scanning through the text of your assignment and finding any instances where it looks like someone else’s work has been copied into yours without attribution. The tool is easy to use and requires no technical skills.

The tool compares provided text against over 91 billion current and archived web pages. Furthermore, the advanced scholarly article check compares your text against over 135 million pay walled and open access write-ups. It’s detailed and accurate plagiarism report helps in making your assignment plagiarism-free.

5. Merge PDF

One of the most common problems students face is combining assignments from different sources.

Students may have to combine several assignments or projects they may have created on different platforms. An online PDF merger tool can help them combine your assignments into one document for easy submission.

This tool can help you merge PDF documents within seconds and make your assignments submission-ready in no time. The best thing about this tool is that it does not require any special skills or technical knowledge, which means anyone can use it without facing any issues.

How Does it Work?

You don’t have to follow a difficult process to combine PDF documents using an online PDF merger tool. Simply follow simple steps to get your job done.

  • Upload the PDF documents that you want to combine. You can either upload from your device’s internal storage or cloud storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • Once uploaded, correct the order of the files by dragging and dropping documents in the required sequence.
  • Now, you can click the ‘Merge Files’ button to combine files. You can download the consolidated document once it’s ready in a few seconds.

That’s how easily you can merge as many PDFs as you want into a single document. This tool is free to use and does not require registration or sign-up.

6. Trinka AI

Trinka AI is a digital assistant that corrects your grammar and spelling mistakes in real-time. It is the world’s first AI-powered grammar checker with a built-in platform for creating custom checks.

Trinka is exclusively made for academic and technical writing. It corrects over 3000 complex grammar errors to ensure delivering of error-free file. Furthermore, it checks tone, structure, word choice, writing style guides, and more. It goes beyond grammar checks and also flags sentences with informal language.

It helps polish your content with various advanced tools, including grammar checks, word suggestions, and conciseness.  to

These features make Trinka AI an excellent resource for those who want to improve their grammar skills and those who want to learn new ones.

Students have a lot of things to think about while creating presentations or assignments. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the tasks you have due soon. One way to cope with your workload is using the right tools. The above six tools can help you understand how to present your work the best way and how to organize and manage your assignments as they move towards the submission process.

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How to Make Your Assignment Look Attractive and Clean? – 10 Best Creative Ways 

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Want to make your assignment look attractive and clean ? Or facing difficulty in writing a fabulous assignment that can help you get knowledge and a perfect understanding of the topic? Or how to present an assignment creatively?  

In student life, everyone goes through a situation where there is a need to write assignments. Writing an Assignment and completing it in time is not a difficult task; anyone can do this. But to make an assignment look attractive and clean is a complicated thing to do because it is difficult to understand how to make an assignment look presentable.

Every student needs to make an assignment promising and perfect to impress teachers. These assignments greatly help the students to score well in exams .   

Quoted from Chanda Kochhar, former managing director, and chief executive officer of ICICI bank, she always learned to keep his mind open towards new ideas and take assignments as an opportunity to learn and prove herself.  
  • 1 What is Lacking in Students While Making an Assignment?
  • 2 Why Making an Assignment Presentable is Vital?
  • 3.1 1. Introduce Yourself
  • 3.2 2. An Engaging Introduction of the Topic
  • 3.3 3. Understanding Your Topic
  • 3.4 4. Writing the Best Information  
  • 3.5 5. Use Proper Headings and Sub-Headings
  • 3.6 6. Provide Authentic Content
  • 3.7 7. Use Margin Lines
  • 3.8 8. Draw Figures and Diagrams
  • 3.9 9. Reread Your Topic
  • 3.10 10. Ending Point
  • 4 FAQ’s
  • 5 Final Words

What is Lacking in Students While Making an Assignment?

Many students have a lot of knowledge about a precise topic, but they keep writing essays and stories without a proper plan. They cannot articulate it properly and put it in the right words in the right manner. It is not considered a satisfactory practice to start an assignment without a plan that is why you should know how to write an assignment and make your assignment look attractive and clean by using a proper way to convey and comprehend your topic with a good presentation .

You should write and present your assignment in a way that can grab the attention of a teacher. Assignment writing is mandatory, along with all the other curricular and non-curricular activities of students during their academic life.  

Why Making an Assignment Presentable is Vital?

make your assignment look attractive and clean

The more the assignment is presentable, the more it is knowledge-giving.

To make your assignment look attractive and clean, you should write it in a unique and outstanding style. Also, the points should be misconception-free and written appropriately.

It is a considerable desire of students to acquire high grades to give a productive outcome. So, they have to create presentable and remarkable assignments to establish a good impression on their respected teachers.   

The research was conducted on the impact of writing assignments on student learning, and the investigations show that writing assignments improve student performance. It also suggests that this assignment writing enhances students’ performance on lower-order learning assessments or multiple-choice examinations.  

Moreover, A fixed deadline is certainly given to write and make your assignment look attractive and clean , which will also bring discipline to students’ lives. Several assignment-making ideas can be incorporated productively to make an outstanding assignment.  

Ways to Make Your Assignment Look Attractive and Clean

Here, I have described some significant aspects to help you make your assignment look attractive and clean . Incorporate the following tips on how to make your assignment creative, remarkable, and incredible.  

1. Introduce Yourself

The introductory page also has fair importance to make your assignment look attractive and clean . Give a proper introduction of yourself on the very first page.

It includes your name, Roll number, department name, semester, and all the other details about you.

This page should also contain who is submitting this assignment and to whom it is being submitted. Don’t forget to give a proper title of your topic.  

All these things are necessary to give an awesome look to your assignment. If your assignment is handwritten, draw something beautiful but formal at the side of the introductory page to make it look more attractive. Otherwise, you can use suitable graphics to design your assignment document.  

2. An Engaging Introduction of the Topic

make your assignment look attractive and clean

An introduction should be appropriate according to your topic and good-looking enough to engage the readers and persuade them to read further.

You should define your topic briefly in the introduction so that readers know what you are going to talk about in your assignment. To make your assignment look attractive and clean and make the readers or your teachers take an interest in your writing, you have to provide a good introduction.  

3. Understanding Your Topic

The foremost and essential thing you need to know when looking for ideas on how to make your assignment look attractive and clean is to understand thoroughly what your topic is? Understand every point and detail to explain it and write about it.

Familiarize yourself with the content because you cannot write a fair assignment without knowing every aspect of your topic.

You have to understand your topic well. Do proper research and note down the key points. After completing your research, write about it with an appropriate plan in mind. Think of different ways to present your ideas effectively. This understanding will help you make an outstanding, attractive, and perfect assignment. 

4. Writing the Best Information  

Writing an assignment is the basic thing that is vital to make your assignment look attractive and clean . Use different resources to gather the information and make a strategy to move ahead.

Research shows that students who prepared detailed assignment structures and used different writing strategies could write and design their topics more successfully.   

When you have to make an assignment in handwritten form, you must focus on your handwriting. And the look should be engaging and presented beautifully. But if you are creating a soft copy, you need to choose proper standard fonts. You can use different assignment writing applications with several beautiful and formal fonts for making assignments. Interestingly format it and pick up the right words carefully.  

5. Use Proper Headings and Sub-Headings

make your assignment look attractive and clean

Headings should be written in bold letters to attract the reader’s eyes at once. Use a lot of subheadings where ever needed. It will help in describing the main points of your topic. It also helps to make your assignment look attractive and clean .  

6. Provide Authentic Content

Understanding your question and topic satisfactorily is the main thing. You can never write an answer until you do not understand what is being asked in the question. The content you write in your assignment should be relevant and authentic. Give proper definitions and justifications in your assignments. Use appropriate examples to explain your concept but do not use irrelevant examples.  

According to Benjamin Franklin, an American writer, scientist, and inventor, you should either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.

Write your assignment by keeping readers’ points of view in your mind and explaining it most accurately. Also, provide a reference from where you have taken this content. Including authentic and proper references make your assignment look attractive and clean, more precise, and credible.  

7. Use Margin Lines

If you want to make your assignment look attractive and clean, don’t forget to add margin lines and proper marking of the pages. Number every page and always use margin lines to make your work look attractive and positively impact the reader. The more the assignment is attractive and looks easy to the eyes, the more effective and acceptable.  

Mark the ending of every topic or question with some edgy corner symbols or straight lines to demonstrate the ending point.

Also, you can use double quotes around main points or keywords or any quote you cite from someone. Without margin lines, your assignment looks messy and disorganized.  

8. Draw Figures and Diagrams

make your assignment look attractive and clean

Therefore, present your ideas through the assignment and make them look catchy and attractive. This is a good academic practice that will undoubtedly help you score well.  

9. Reread Your Topic

Proofreading is good to make your assignment misconception-free and accurate. After completing your assignment, again read it once. It will make your assignment error-free. Also, check all the details that have covered all the aspects. Find out your mistakes and correct them before submitting the assignment to your teacher.  

You can ask your friends, classmates, or siblings to do this for you, read your assignment as an assignment checker, and give sincere feedback. When your assignment is accurate, you can conveniently score well in your academic career. Rereading and refreshing helps a lot to make your assignment look attractive and clean.

10. Ending Point

Conclusion lines or ending phrases are also the important factors that make your assignment look attractive and clean . You should write three to four clauses at the end of your assignment as a conclusion. This will sum up your whole idea and give a complete and comprehensive look at your assignment. Proper finishing is vital, so work on it to make your work worthy of reading.  

As every student desires to obtain remarkable grades, writing and well-presentable assignments are necessary. You can also follow all tips if you want to become a successful student .


Here are some FAQs about how to make your assignment look attractive and clean.  

Q: How do you write a perfect assignment?  

Writing a perfect assignment needs your attention, understanding, and time. The foremost thing is knowing and gathering authentic content about your topic and then adding more creativity to your assignment. Choose the best fonts that look formal and beautiful. Use visuals, videos, and images to make your assignment look attractive and clean .  

Q: Why do teachers need to give assignments?  

Teachers give homework, assignments, and presentations for your good and benefit. Through these assignments, you get a better understanding of your subject. Your concepts will be cleared, and you can comprehend the topics better when you make assignments and put effort into gathering the best content.  

Q: What should your first step be when beginning a new assignment?  

The foremost step when initializing an assignment is to know what you have to do and what your topic is? If you don’t understand your topic thoroughly, you will never write a perfect assignment. Gather information from different books, guides, and online resources and choose the best content to add to your assignment.  

Q: How do I write an assignment for college?  

Writing assignments for college is the basic need of every student in their academic life. Understand your topic and explain it properly to make your assignment look attractive and clean . Give a brief history, a short introductory note, explanation, relevant examples, and at the end, a conclusion or sum up about the topic. Decorate your assignment decently and elegantly.  

Q: How do I research an assignment?  

Research is an important factor that makes your assignment incredible. Go through several books, articles, education websites, online resources, text guides, and other different sources to compile information about your topic. In this way, by utilizing different resources, you can research your topic better.  

Final Words

Making good assignments is vital for your good grades and competent performance at your college or university level. I hope that you get enough understanding about writing an assignment and will be able to make your assignment look attractive and clean. Be a brilliant student , and wish you the best of luck. 

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Assignments are an integral part of student life, starting from school to college and university levels of education. The assignments on any subject are to be completed at home and submitted before the fixed deadlines.

The grades that you get in these assignments carry a lot of importance in your academic as well as professional life in the future. Thus, your ultimate aim is always to get the top grades in your assignment papers.

It is always very much important for you to make your assignments look more attractive and presentable to your assessors, who will reward you with better grades.

How to Make Assignment Look More Attractive

Why Is It Important To Make Your Assignment Presentable?

A good and presentable assignment design is essential to your academic assignment. This is always important to differentiate and evaluate between better or worse academic grades. You can always present your academic assignment paper exclusively to stand out from the crowd, which can easily earn you the top grades.

Do You Know the Importance of Writing Assignments in a Student's Life?

     Different Ways to Make Your Assignment More Attractive and Clean

      use suitable font styles.

  • The first thing you need to do when writing a presentable assignment is to use the best font style. The assignment content always needs to be very clear and readable. The preferable font styles are Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman of 12 or 11 size. For making your content look better, you can use a black font text with a white background. Bold and italics can be used to highlight the major keywords. Do not use stylish fonts or colours here.

       Make a catchy title page

  • The title page is the first thing your readers or assessors find. This makes your assignment look presentable. Thus, you always need to create a very catchy title page along with all the required data and information about the writer as well as the assignment topic. It is advisable to make the page look better by using a professional template with details like full name, roll number, registration number, course code, course name, assignment title, due date, etc. You can make it look better by formatting this information at the page centre.

       Add good headers and footers

  • adding the header and footer is always a significant part of your good assignment writing skills . Here, you can write the details like name, roll number, course number, and page number. Always ensure to write the page numbers to all the pages of your assignment paper except the title page and the citation or reference page. The page numbers will always help your teachers to navigate smoothly throughout your assignment paper.

      Follow the spacing guidelines

  • You need to give equal attention to the spacing guidelines. If our institution gives you specific spacing guidelines, you need to follow them strictly, or you can use the 1.5 or 1 spacing guideline. Always leave a blank line in between each paragraph. A left justify option is better for presenting your assignment paper. Start the next page with a question if your answer is quite long. Maintain a constant spacing guideline throughout your assignment.

Use proper headings and subheadings

  • Always use enough headings and subheadings in your assignment to make it look obvious. Your title needs to be short but catchy. The heading part should give your readers a hint about the main discussing topic of your para. You can also use subheads to explain the major points in your paragraph.

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         Explain with relevant examples

  • Giving relevant examples to prove your points will always be an added advantage to your assignment paper. Thus, it would help if you did a good research work on the topic for providing good examples to support your discussion topic . Using valid examples will also help your readers to understand your topic properly. Proper examples will also add more authenticity to your given topic.

        Use the best visual components

  • To make your assignment look more presentable, use good visual elements like diagrams, tables, images, graphs and charts. If your assignment writing page is very much textual, then your readers will get bored. Thus, adding visual elements will elevate the intent of your readers to go through your entire assignment paper properly.

Adding references

  • This is one of the most essential things in your assignment paper. Here, you need to list the sources from where you have taken the idea of writing the assignment. Here, you can use several attractive styles and formats.

        Do not repeat ideas

  • Never repeat the same idea or point already discussed in your assignment more than once. This can have a negative effect on your assignment grades.
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Easy to use interface

  • The keynote interface is straightforward, thus, beginners can use it smoothly. You can very easily make professional-looking presentations quickly by using these tools.
  • It is an excellent tool to create good presentations. You can also avail these unique presentation topics and ideas by our experts.

      Using various types of transitions

  • You can also add several transitions between the animations and the slides to the presentation. This will keep your audiences more engaged.

       Use the extended type

  • You need to pay more attention to the details of the extended version. This extended type is a concept where you can make a difference. It is very much eye-catching.

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      Choose a font that fits your context

  • It is always better to choose two contrasting fonts but stick with them throughout your document. Context matters as well as various documents are intended for different purposes. Here, you can use fonts like Georgia or Times New Roman. Your document always needs to convey excitement and energy and use fonts like Arial or Verdana. You always need to choose a font that matches your content.

      Using contacting fonts and sizes

  • Here you need to use the “two font rule”. This will help you to keep yourself away from using only default fonts. If you these defaults for the assignments, it might give your audiences the impression that you are very much boring and unimpressive. Thus, you need to use 2 fonts that look different from each other.

      Maintain the font sizes and colors standard

  • One of the very common mistakes committed by you is tinkering with the fonts for space saving as well draw the attention of the readers. Try to maintain with the standard, familiar font sizes and colors. Majority of the assignment papers are written with 10-12 point range font sizes. If you use smaller ones, your document will look more cramped. On the other hand, if you use more than 12 points, your document will look unprofessional and sloppy. It is not advisable for you to focus certain words or phrases by altering the color or size. These types of changes look very jarring. Try to stick to italic or bold when writing a word or phrase.

       Less is more

  • While creating your document, you need to focus mainly on your content. Follow the document formatting guidelines for making the content look easier to read as well understand. Try to maximize the whitespace with tight wording. Stick to very simple rules for the whole document.

      Use left alignment for the paragraphs

  • It is a very common practice for the students to use justified alignment for the content, but it is not the option for your assignment document. If you do not add formality to the document, it may look unreadable. The best option for you here is using left alignment for the whole text. This will create jaggedness on the right-hand side of the paras while keeping the letter spacing as used by you. This will give you more liability.

      Indent the first lines of your paras

  • You need to indent your para if it comes directly under the heading. Here, you can leave it as un-indented since the content makes clear that it is a stand lone para. A good thumb rule is making the indent size and font size equal. Ensure you always use the para styling features in the Word document for handling your indents.

       Follow the accessibility guidelines

  • You always need to remember that your communication needs to be understandable to your target audiences. You need to know very well what your reader actually want.

        Stick to a selected template

  • Here you can follow either pre-set template or a word processing software or anything else, always stick to the predetermined template formats throughout your assignment paper. You need to maintain a consistency here by not changing the style, font size, colour, alignment, etc.

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Final Words

It is clearly evident from this blog that you always need to make your assignment paper very much attractive and presentable. Thus, you always need a professional help in this regard. You can always avail the online assignment writing service from


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How Online Writing Services Make Your Assignment Look Presentable

How to Make Your Assignment Look Presentable

Table Of Contents

Why a well-made assignment is important, how you can make an assignment presentable, how online experts make your assignment pleasant, want to write an attractive paper reach out to us.

Have you ever wondered why a well-made paper is essential? Are you searching for tricks to write an attractive project? This blog will answer all these queries and tell you the secret about how online experts write a perfect paper. Before that, you must know that assignments are essential academic tasks you have to do to complete your course. If there are any mistakes and the form is not nice, you will lose your marks. Therefore, use online services to make your assignment look presentable. Some students don’t know how to make a presentable paper and often lose marks for it. But online experts know certain tricks and make an attractive paper. Are you curious about those? Below are the formulas for your assignment help. But, before knowing these, get the idea of why you have to make an assignment presentable.

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Imagine yourself as a professor and you give your students assignments to submit. All of them did it, but there were multiple errors. Moreover, they did not follow any guidelines. Do you think you will give them good marks? No right? Now think about your professor. He will also feel the same when you will submit an unorganised paper. So what will be your result, you know already. That is why you need to make your assignment perfect . Now get some tips on how to make a pleasant paper.

There are multiple ways to write an assignment which will get you a good score. If you know them, you will never have to worry about losing marks. So here is the list to guide you.

1. Understand the Question

There are many types of assignments, and all of these follow different types of academic writing methods. If your basics are unclear about the question, you will apply the wrong one and lose marks. Therefore, to write something, you need to understand what is asked and what will be its possible answer. This way, you won’t deviate from the subject and can apply the exact writing method.

2. A Catchy Title

Here catchy does not mean being extra. Your title must be engaging to the readers and should make them understand the purpose of the study. It is your next step to make your assignment look presentable . Most importantly, there should not be any jargon so it will be clear for the reader to understand the point of your theory.

3. Good Introduction

After your title formation, your next step is to introduce your topic. For your professor, it must be informative and engaging. Otherwise, they will be bored from the first section and lose interest in reading further. Moreover, it should have a unique and strong background point to hook people.

4. Tables and Graphs

These are called design elements. When you write a paper, add tables, graphs, flowcharts etc. These are appealing to the eyes and make your assignment stand out more. These elements are the core aspect to help you make your assignment look presentable and more appealing. This way, you can improve your grade.

5. Use Headings and Subheadings

Headings are important because they give hints about the paragraph, such as the theme of it. Similarly, subheadings are essential because they make sure you have covered all the points and make the paper easy to read. Not only the assignment became easy to read but seem authentic by using these as well. Many students don’t know these, so they search for online assignment help and ask them to do it for them.

6. A Good Conclusion

Your paper should have a proper conclusion with a concluding remark. By this, your teacher will understand how your findings answer your research questions. However, it should not include data which are already present in the body. A crisp and well-written conclusion can seal the deal for you. As it is the last part, you should give a call for action and make your assignment look presentable .

So these are some ways about how you can write a good paper. But there are some simple things you did not notice, and those will break the deal for you. But online experts see these small mistakes and correct those so you can get good marks. Do you want to know what are those errors? Don’t worry. We covered it for you in the below section.

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How do assignments make by online professionals get good scores? What are the things they give extra attention to? These questions are roaming in your mind, right? Well, here are the answers you are searching for. So without further delay, get into this to know the secret.

1. Title of Assignment

It is not about the title name of the project, we are talking about the title page. Yes, we know what you are thinking. You are thinking, what is so important about it, right? Well, this is the exact thing every student thinks and neglects it. Your title page contains the most important information about the data. That is why these experts write it in such a way that it looks attractive and tells the gist of the project.

2. Ideal Font

Most students in a hurry do not pay attention to this small detail. Or some of them don’t have any idea about these. So they make mistakes and lose their marks. There are three main types of font commonly used for writing. Those are- Calibri, Times New Roman and Arial. But these online services check the university guideline to know their preferred font style and the type. After that, they work accordingly to make your assignment look presentable .

3. Keeping the Margins

As with the font size and style, students don’t pay attention to this matter. They think it is just a trivial matter and neglect this. But online professionals make sure the content is aligned and check that the assignment is presentable.

4. Headers and Footers

By including headers and footers, these professionals improve the presentation of the paper. It has the student's name, roll number, course name and number, assignment and page number. These things positively impact your teacher or reader.

5. Flow of Content

Most people write at the last moment and do not check whether the paragraphs are connected smoothly or not. Imagine you are reading a paper, and the information is unorganised. Will you consider buying that paper again? Obviously not. The same goes for the assignment. If your information flow is not smooth, it will not make your assignment look presentable . That is why these experts check whether the paragraphs are connected, and if the tables and graphs are placed accordingly. If not, they make changes and make it smooth to read.

5. No Duplication

They make sure that the data or information is not repeated. Because it will make your paper unnecessarily lengthy and send an impression as you did not conduct enough research and do not have enough data to support your theory.

6. Reference List

Every university has their guideline for preferred reference and citation format. If the list is not in the correct manner, you will lose your score. So these services write the reference list alphabetically and add citations as per the guideline.

So these are some simple steps online experts follow to make a flawless paper for you to submit. There are many academic writing services but ours is the best. Because it will help you to form a flawless project. Apart from that, some students search for cheap assignment help services when they don’t have enough budget. Some of them go for expensive ones. If you are searching for a good one, then Assignment Desk can aid you in submitting a quality paper. Read below to know why we are the best for your paper.

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Writing a good assignment when you have so many tasks piled up for you seems difficult right? Similarly, in a hurry, students often make errors while writing the introduction and conclusion for an assignment . Furthermore, if there are silly mistakes in the submitted project, you will get fewer marks and lose your impression. Many students do not pay attention to details and lose their marks. That is why it is best to ask for help from online assignment writing services. They will help you make a high-scoring assignment . To make that possible, you can select our service.

For your assignment, our service is the best among all of them. The things which make us better are we have expert writers with years of experience. And they know what causes you to lose marks, so they avoid those and make you a well-written paper. Moreover, they make your assignment look presentable by focusing on every detail and working on it. You can ask them to revise more than once till you are not satisfied and can stay in touch with them throughout the process. Our exceptional writers will start your work from scratch, deliver it on time, and you will get a plagiarism-free report for the assignment. What's more, you can ask for? So hurry up! Reach out to Assignment Desk and get your desired score.

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How To Make An Attractive Assignment

Content how to make an attractive assignment

The first question you don't ask yourself, when you get your college assignment brief, is how to make my assignment attractive. You're usually too focused on just getting the essay written. However, you should keep that question in the back of your mind. The more attractive your essay is, the more likely it is to get good marks. Here's a few ways to make your assignments more creative and engaging.

Write a strong introduction

Your introduction is the one chance you have to really hook your reader and get them interested in what you have to say. To make your essay more interesting, make sure you have a strong and unique point to argue in the main body. Then, you'll be able to present that argument in your introduction, drawing your readers in further.

Use relevant and interesting examples

When you're doing your research for your university essay, look for the most interesting sources you can to back up your arguments. The most recent and relevant the research you can find, the better. Find a new angle on your argument. How does the issue affect those in Australia? What does the future hold for your topic? The more original your argument, the better.

Plan your work

Good planning is the underpinning of all beautiful assignments. Take the time to sit and brainstorm all of your ideas before you commit them to paper. Then, you can narrow them down so you're only using the best ones when you're writing. Also, creating a plan means your assignment will be much more cohesive, and so easier to read.

Be sure you understand the question

Any school in Australia will mark you down if it's clear that you don't understand the question. Read the question carefully several times, and make notes. Is there anything you're not sure of? Take the time to ask your professor before you get started. Doing so means you won't waste time on answering the question incorrectly.

Do the research

Finally, don't neglect the study time needed to truly understand your subject. If you do the reading, it will shine through in your essay.

If you follow these tips, you'll create an attractive essay that will teach the reader something new, and keep them engaged as they read it. That way, you'll be much more likely to get good marks on your work. Keep these in the mind the next time you get an assignment.

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creative assignment plan

How To Craft A Creative Assignment Plan That Actually Works

Are you in deep thought on how to make a creative assignment plan? Students brainstorm ideas and create exciting plans that make their assignments unique and attractive. But what fails them is not executing their imaginary plans.

Assignments are graded academic activities and reflect student’s performance in the class. Assigning creative assignments to students encourages them to indulge in innovative activities and think differently. Moreover, it increases the student’s interest and motivates them to promote their ideas and bring creativity to the plate.

It does not matter if you belong to the mathematics or chemistry field; there are many ways to create a workable assignment plan. Here are some tips to help you craft a creative assignment plan.

Remember your target audience:

Consider for who you are writing the assignment. It is noteworthy to know your audience and its expectations. Analyse the age group and assess the type of audience; is it knowledgeable or expert? Once you know the reader of the assignment, you can set the outline and language tone of the assignment. Creativity does not mean introducing art but thinking from different perspectives to tackle the problem innovatively. So, identify the reader and ask questions about the content of the assignment. How will you improve the assignment and look it more professional creatively?

Create an attractive and unique outline:

An outline of an assignment depicts the content and points of discussion. The content of the assignment matters a lot and gives an overview of the quality of the work. The headings should be catchy and unique to gain the reader’s attention. For instance, do not simply add the word ‘bioplastic and its definition’ in the assignment; rather, write it down as ‘bioplastic – a ray of hope’. See what difference it makes between a traditional and an advanced heading. Modify the headings and outline of the assignment creatively, making it more meaningful and purposeful.

Addition of facts, figures, and statistics:

Do not worry if you belong to a dry field like calculus and engineering. Using interesting facts and figures in the assignment will make it look more valuable and professional. The addition of statistical data will showcase the well-research content of the assignment. But do not represent them vaguely. Add the data in charts and graphs to make it look more attractive. A creative assignment plan will prepare your mind on how deeply you need to investigate the topic.

Establish a visual flow chart:

A creative assignment plan includes lots of colour and visually attractive images. Do not make your assignment colourful. Think of using eye-soothing colours for the images. If you are bored of following the generic outline of the assignment, try using infographics and flow charts to summarise your content. Think of using charts and graphs to represent your data with more engaging content. It will make the reader easy to understand the material.

Mix both formal and informal writing styles:

Assignments are academic activities, but it does not mean you always have to follow a traditional writing style utilising solid vocabulary and persuading the reader to accept your beliefs. Instead, you can fuse creativity in writing style to make the reader more interested in the document. You can use an informal writing style when discussing the scholar’s perspective, narrating a story, or explaining your idea. Adopting a versatile writing tone will help the students elaborate their ideas more openly and easily communicate with the audience.

Raise logical open-ended questions:

The instructor may demand a detailed perspective of a research topic. They want to judge the research and writing abilities of the student and set prerequisites to get insights into their capabilities. The inclusion of questions will show your in-depth understanding of the topic. Raise logical questions and answer them in the assignments. Adopt an open-ended question strategy to explain your viewpoint with solid examples. It makes the assignment look more authentic and effective. Therefore, the addition of questions will revamp your creative assignment plan.

Gather feedback from others:

Once you finish your assignment, collect feedback from seniors to highlight its loopholes. If you do not want to share your ideas and assignment with anyone else, plead to cheap assignment writing services for exceptional assignment writing. Proofreading and editing services. Feedback can improve your assignment, but there will always be minor mistakes that only an experienced individual can pinpoint. Do not experiment with the assignment; it will risk your grade.

Add all valuable resources in the assignment:

The addition of resources will portray the authenticity of the assignment. Do not make it worthless by following bizarre creative ideas. Creativity can be utilised in the management of the data. You can add surveys, interviews, and questionnaire data to look it more interesting. Research articles have more worth, so try to read and add them to the assignment. Cite whatever source of information you have. Allocate more time to data collection in a creative assignment plan to make your topic look worthy.

Divide the workload among friends:

Sometimes going in one direction does not solve your problems. You need to deviate from the original track and look for other paths to discover the potential within yourself. Prefer to work on a group project. It will improve your teamwork and leadership skills. Working with friends will open the doors of discussion and bring out innovative ways to make an assignment creative. Furthermore, it will divide the workload so one person only focuses on a single task.


Students are sacred of writing assignments. It is not that they are reluctant to research the topic, but strict grading criteria discourage them from finishing it. The tips above will help you make a creative assignment plan with achievable goals. So, make your path for an A+ grade by accomplishing it in real life.

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How to make your Assignments look Presentable?

  • September 2, 2020
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In the chaos of creating several assignments for academics, we often fail to present it neatly before our teachers. Among several other considerations to be made for writing, formatting is the most important one that needs to be adhered well by students. Without a proper structure and formatting plan, your assignment paper might look dull in its appearance and would eventually fetch low grades in academics.

Hence, it has become quite crucial for students to concentrate well on their formatting structure of assignments to make it look presentable in the eyes of the readers. It is important that you take enough time out for your projects and assignments, and learn the process of right formatting for it to submit your work up to the mark. So, before moving onto this aspect of formatting assignments, the very first thing that you need to do is ask this question to yourself on how to make your assignments look more attractive in the eyes of the evaluators.

Students usually are way too focused on their qualitative aspects of writing, so they forget to look at the formatting parameters of their content. However, they must remember this fact that presentation too pays an equal space for writing and compiling assignments for academics. This also brings out great results and grades for students to score well in their academics.

A good-presentable design is undoubtedly the most important aspect of university assignments and the major point for differentiation and evaluation between good and bad academic grades. Often, fabricated and well-designed assignments work well for your teachers and essentially make your work stand out from the rest.

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most effective ways of presenting good assignments to your teachers. Read further to know more about it-

how to make your assignments more attractive

Frame wonderful presentations

While writing for your assignments , you must ensure that you create your presentation in a manner that grabs the first attention of your readers. You can choose an appropriate template for it that suits well with your content and its information and try to create a unique draft out of it for better presentation. According to experts , it is often recommended that you get started with some professional templates for writing.

Make relevant use of examples

When you search for your information for content, make sure that you look at some interesting sources for help that can back up your arguments with strong opinions and ideas. The relevant use of examples ensures that a relevant angle gets provided to your content through research. With a more original and well-researched context, you will further be able to add a new angle to your content. This will also make your work look more engaging and communicable among the audiences.

Add headings and sub-headings

The main heading along with proper sub-headings is a crucial aspect to provide a better framework to your content. In order to impress your readers at first glance, it is recommended that you provide crisp and interesting headlines for your content. Apart from this, you write them in an attractive manner that helps readers find your content more engaging among the rest.

Add appropriate headers and footers

Adding a suitable header and footer to your content is an essential aspect for writing. Moreover, it is the need for your content if you intend to make your assignment look more presentable in the eyes of the readers. Headers and footers are considered to be an essential source for accentuating your presentation and the beauty of the assignment. Also, never forget to add the number of pages to your assignment before final submission to your teachers.

Abide by the right spacing norms

The next thing that you need to work upon is the spacing factor that needs to be maintained well throughout your content. Usually, scholars prefer a 1.5 spacing rule for the content to seek individual preferences of universities and their guidelines. Make sure that you also leave blank space or line between each paragraph of your content. You can also add this feature to your content when your question looks shorter than usual.

Add charts and graphs

Anything visual, whether its a picture or diagram or any other scene, has a more greater appeal than the usual written content. Hence, it is recommended that you create interesting charts and graphs for your content that have the potential to draw the reader’s eye. A page filled with just text appears a bit boring and disinteresting in the eyes of the readers, but a simple addition of a few pictures to it makes the presentation look more appealing and interesting to read. At times, it even helps set tone of your content for reading and making it look more powerful to grab the attention of the readers or evaluators.

So, these were some essential points or ways that can help students create a good-presentable assignment for their academics. Apart from this, if you require any kind of academic help for your assignments or projects , feel free to contact our online assignment writing services for professional help and guidance.

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How To Make Your Assignment Look Attractive

How To Make Your Assignment Look Attractive

Writing an assignment is not a task, every other person can do that. But writing an assignment to look attractive is the thing to gain decent marks is the straining thing. The interesting and attractive assignment you write creates a mark that more likely it is to get good marks.

Today assignment rules the education area. Each university and Top B-schools in the world has planned a course structure which beat the need of an assignment. No subject or a student is protected from the chains of the assignments. Sooner a student gets this, the better it will be for future. At the point when students given a rundown of tasks, they as a rule need to finish them inside the predefined time. To assuage themselves from the continuous pressing factor of the tasks, students deliberately miss the prerequisites of an appealing task. Along these lines, they fail their tasks. Presently, to score better compared to your peers, you need to create an ideal task.

There are few steps to follow to make your Assignment Look Attractive

Write draft of detailed outline

At the point when we talk about the assignments, it is prescribed to make a nitty gritty blueprint which features our subjects and key data which we need to remember for our task.

Create a strong idea

A reader is constantly intrigued to read the article which accompanies an engaging presentation. This is one basic guideline that applies in powerful composition. Expert readers like instructors likewise hope to see a task that has a solid and amazing opening. The presentation ought to be important, ought to have the fundamental push, and is conveying consideration is the thing that instructors need in presentation Assuring every one of these highlights in the opening could make it of a what an educator requests, could bring an initial which gives a decent beginning of an interest conveying task.

Make clear Subheadings

Utilize a great deal of subheadings when required as this will help in ensuring that you have covered every one of the focuses and helps in making the paper looking simple on the eyes and appealing simultaneously. At the point when you utilize a great deal of subheading it shows the focuses that you have covered and furthermore make the educator and different readers imagine that the task is genuine and a ton of exploration has been placed into the assignment.

Write Introduction as engaging

The presentation of your assignment is your key weapon. A drawing in presentation makes an interest in the psyche of the readers. On the off chance that a reader discovers the acquaintance of your assignment with be exhausting, reader won’t read any further.

Add Interesting and relevant examples

Utilizing the fascinating and pertinent examples will make the assignment more alluring and furthermore help in support up the contentions and the arrangements that will be introduced in the paper. This will help in making paper truer and will likewise show that you have perceived the theme and have done an exhaustive examination on the subject.

Stick to predefined format of yours  

There are numerous students who present astounding contentions in their assignments however their tasks are as yet dismissed. Why? They neglect to adhere to the arrangement. students, this is the vital necessity of an ideal assignment. Any slip-up in this will bring down your imprints. Along these lines, to start with, comprehend the design of a task and stick to it.

Error check

Error free content is perhaps the most required things that are needed for superior grade and alluring assignment. No task can contact the benchmark of a quality task or an alluring paper on the off chance that it is loaded up with syntax, and spelling blunders. On the off chance that you need your task to be profoundly alluring, you should zero in on the syntax, spellings and sentence structure mistakes. You ought to zero in on composing an Error free content. More the task would be syntactically right more it will be appealing to the reader.

3 Things to check after first draft is ready

  • Calibrate Overhaul your draft, and watch that it bodes well and incorporates all it requires to.
  • Tweak the phrasing, and ensure your composing streams well.
  • Keep various duplicates of your drafts as you might need to return to them. Gather your book index or reference list.

Check the details thoroughly

  • Have you utilized academic English in the necessary places?
  • Check the sentence punctuation, structure, and spellings.
  • Don’t depend on the online tools of spell checker.
  • Check your referring’s to. Is your referring’s to address are connected?
  • Are your pages numbered correctly?
  • Check that whether your details – incorporated your name, student details, the assignment subtleties and the date are places or not.

Look at the outcome

  • Have you addressed the inquiry you were set? Check your work the stamping plan just as the inquiry.
  • Is the structure of assignment, right? Is the content intelligently organized?
  • Have you incorporated every single significant part? For instance, the cover sheet, presentation, end, reference lists?
  • Tackles your task read well with each segment streaming easily on to the following? A decent method to check this is to read it out loud.
  • Have you utilized your own words and acknowledged every one of your sources?
  • Is your assignment top notch?

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10 free creative background images to spice up your digital assignments

how to make your assignments more attractive

Let’s make your digital lessons more fun by adding a BookWidgets-approved background image. For this blogpost, I made cool backgrounds for 10 subjects, with small doodles that describe the content of the course.

You’ll also find a link to download the background images for free. For each school subject, you can choose between a colorful background, or simply one in black and white.

Adding a background to BookWidgets

To add a background image to your widget or digital exercise in BookWidgets, just follow these steps:

  • Log in to your BookWidgets account, and go to your Widgets
  • Open an existing widget (click on the arrow on the right, then choose “edit”) , or create a new widget by clicking on the Create a new widget button.
  • When you are in the widget, go to Preview . Now, you see the widget through the eyes of your students
  • Click on Design in the upper right corner.
  • Go to Background , and select an image. You can now import a background image of your choice that you previously downloaded from this blog post. You can also choose the size of the background, depending on what suits your widget best: the original image size, stretch or shrink to show the full image, or make sure the complete widget area is covered. For the backgrounds in this post, the last one typically works best. Note: you may need to change the “template” to a “light or dark background” to make the text in your widget stand out clearly.

Adding a background image to bookwidgets

Click here to see an example widget.

10 creative background designs for your digital courses

I created 10 backgrounds for 10 different courses. I hope you can use them to spice up your digital assignments created with BookWidgets. The images come both in color and in black and white. Click on the link to download them for free.

With this colorful math background, you can add some life and color to abstract math lessons.

Lesson background image for math

2. Economics

A background for learning about supply and demand, cash flow, production and consumption,…

Lesson background image for economics

3. Geography

For the geography background image, I chose small doodles that typify regions all over the world. Can your students guess which drawing belongs to which city, country or continent?

Lesson background image for geography

I remember not only learning about animals and plants, but also everything about the human body in biology class.

Lesson background image for biology

6. Chemistry

A background image to make your students excited about your interactive, digital chemistry lesson. Tip: use a Timeline widget with this background and let students write down every step during their laboratory experiment. You can even let them add images of the steps in the experiment to the timeline.

Lesson background image for chemistry

Get your students even more excited about science with this cool physics background for your online exercises. Can you guess what all the doodles have in common with physics?

Lesson background image for physics

Learning a foreign language can be hard from time to time. There are so many new words and grammar rules. Motivate students with this colorful English background image.

Lesson background image for English

Voulez-vous manger un croissant sous la Tour Eiffel? The French background contains cute doodles that characterize France.

Lesson background image for french

Last but not least, a background with doodles characterizing Germany: the sausages, the beer, monuments from Berlin,…

Lesson background image for German

I hope you will have fun with the images! You can use them as a standard background template that will typify lessons created by you.

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BookWidgets enables teachers to create fun and interactive lessons for tablets, smartphones, and computers.

how to make your assignments more attractive

how to make your assignments more attractive

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

how to make your assignments more attractive

Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

how to make your assignments more attractive

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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Orlando Sentinel

The Plant Doctor: Prune crape myrtles to make…

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Things To Do Home and Garden

Subscriber only, the plant doctor: prune crape myrtles to make them more attractive.

Pruning is necessary to make your crape myrtle more attractive and allow yard work. (Courtesy Tom MacCubbin)

Answer : Do the needed pruning to make your crape myrtle more attractive and allow yard work. Shoots from the base are often called suckers that seem to sprout freely on some varieties. Cut these back to the trunk. Limbs may also sprout from the trunks of crape myrtles. Trim them back or remove as needed to allow yard work and good air movement within the tree limbs. As the summer progresses you can also trim off old heads of faded blooms. This allows more new shoots and flowers to form before fall.

Q . Suddenly after having a mandevilla for several years it has gotten a white sticky substance and little white things on it that are usually at the base of the blooms. I have tried several insecticides but they reappear. What else should I do?

A . Get ready to do more battle with the stem- and bloom-sucking mealybugs. What you notice are egg clusters and varying stages of the insects. Your email included a list of insecticides used that do give control but regretfully not all the pests are eliminated. Some like the soap and oil sprays are contact insecticides that must hit the mealybugs to be effective. Repeating one of these sprays is usually needed. Another option is the application of a systemic insecticide that controls the mealybugs as they feed. Check with your garden center to see if one of these products is available to apply to the foliage or soil following label instructions.

Q . My sago looks sad — developing yellow and brown leaves in the top center of the plant. The older leaves look fine. What should I do?

A . Most likely you are pretty sad to have a once good-looking sago and now a bit of an ugly plant. Your email photo showed an older sago with what appears to be a manganese deficiency. This was once a fairly common minor nutrient deficiency with sagos affecting the new growths. Use of palm fertilizers with these plants has often provided the manganese needs and the deficiency is not as prevalent. A good cure is an application of manganese sulfate found at some garden centers. Note that this is not magnesium sulfate but manganese sulfate. Follow label instructions and new green growths should appear when new fronds are produced. The old yellow fronds can be removed.

Q . My 9-year-old bird of paradise plants started flowering two years ago with just a few blooms. How do I get more blooms?

A . Keep your plants on a lean diet. Bird of paradise that receive too good of care tend to produce more growth than blooms. Water only during the dry times and fertilize once in March, May and October with a slow-release fertilizer if needed to keep the plants a good green color and encourage some growth. It won’t hurt to let your plants starve a little. Prune out any dead or declining portions and then wait for the blooms.

The Plant Doctor: What to do with flower stalks on roebelinii palms

Q . Our African lilies are doing well but have produced a lot of seed pods that are not very attractive. Can I cut them off without affecting the plants?

A . Clean up your African lily plants, also known as agapanthus, and make them pretty again by removing the old flower stalks now forming seeds. They can be cut down among the foliage to keep the declining stems out of sight. If by chance you do want to give growing plants from seeds a try, leave a few of the stalks until the seed pods turn a yellowish brown color. Then harvest the seeds as the pods and open to sow in a container of potting soil.

Q. Our front yard is a relatively small area with trees and philodendrons. Because of the trees the grass does not grow well. What kind of ground cover can I use?

A . Giving up on grass is a wise idea in these heavily shaded spots. Why not give Asiatic jasmine a try? Several varieties are available that grow well in sun or shade and once established are very drought tolerant. This ground cover does need pruning to keep it in bounds and off the trunk of the trees. Some other shade-loving ground covers to consider include bromeliads, peacock gingers, Amazon lilies, impatiens and begonias.

Q . I have a weed growing in my bahiagrass with a fine blade and thick runners some say is bermudagrass. How can it be removed?

A . Bermuda and bahiagrass are old roadside buddies. They are frequently found growing together in pastures too. Both are tough durable grasses and impossible to separate. With a little water and fertilizer they can both grow a green lawn, so you might accept your fate and mow it. The other option is to use a nonselective herbicide that allows resodding after use to kill everything and resod. And do check the sod, as bermudagrass may be traveling with the new turf, too.

Q . We have been pruning our azaleas to get them back to a better size. Can we root the clippings and how?

A . Now is an ideal time to expand the azalea collection with clippings from older plantings. The new growths have started to mature and should root rather easily. Start by making 4- to 6-inch tips of the stem cuttings and remove some of the bottom leaves. Then dip the ends in a rooting powder available at garden centers. Insert the cut ends an inch or two deep into shallow containers filled with coarse vermiculite, perlite or a loose potting soil. Insert the cuttings an inch or two apart in the containers. Set the containers in a shady spot and surround them with clear plastic. Mist daily to keep the foliage moist. You can expect the cutting to begin rooting in six to eight weeks and they should be ready to transplant in about 12 weeks. Pot in small containers to grow new plants for the landscapes.

Tom MacCubbin is an urban horticulturist emeritus with the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Write him: Orlando Sentinel, P.O. Box 2833, Orlando, FL. 32802. Email: [email protected] .

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Osceola County things to do include the second annual Club D3 Charity Golf Tournament benefitting the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation June 14 at Celebration Golf Club in Kissimmee.

Things To Do | Osceola County things to do, starting June 14

How Appalachia Has Become a Hot—Even Hip—Place To Live That’s Still Dirt Cheap (All You Need Is $1)

( Getty Images )

How Appalachia Has Become a Hot—Even Hip—Place To Live That’s Still Dirt Cheap (All You Need Is $1)

While the Appalachian region of the U.S. might conjure up unflattering stereotypes of coal mines and opioid addiction, residents Greg and Missi Moore don’t mind the rumors that circulate about where they live. They even joke about them.

“They call me ‘The Anomaly’ down here, because I have all my teeth,” quips Greg, who is 6-foot-5 and also goes by “Big Mo.”

In early 2024, the Moores moved from a million-dollar home near Washington, DC, to the West Virginia community of Glade Springs . There, they found a gorgeous Frank Lloyd Wright –inspired home for $675,000.

Both were coincidentally born and raised in West Virginia, albeit in different areas, and both fled the state as soon as they graduated high school to join the military.

“I’m never coming back,” they vowed.

Now, Big Mo swears, “We’re never leaving.”

What caused such a complete about-face in where this couple wanted to live?

The Moores purchased a custom, Frank Lloyd Wright inspired home in the Glade Springs community.


The Moores adore siting by the fire on their deck, sipping wine and watching the wildlife stroll by.

(Photo courtesy Greg Moore)

The spacious great room features vaulted ceilings, wood floors and plenty of natural light.

Appalachia: An affordable and attractive option for homebuyers

As Americans are forced to search farther afield for an affordable place to live, one surprising area that’s gained attention lately is Appalachia.

While the Appalachian mountain range technically stretches through 13 states from New York to Georgia, the Southern parts, in particular, have become increasingly popular—especially for Floridians fleeing their own state for milder climes and lower prices.

“Data does seem to show an increase in movers from Florida to Southern Appalachia,” says Hamilton Lombard , a demographer at Weldon Cooper Center at the University of Virginia who studies migration patterns.

The first new wave of Appalachian settlers in the 2010s was largely retirees , but the area has recently started attracting younger age groups, too.

“In Southern Appalachia, most of its population growth has come from its population under age 45,” says Lombard. “For Southern Appalachia, the growth in its younger population is a change from the 2010s, when its population under age 45 shrunk and well over 90% of its growth came from its 65-plus population.”

Appalachia’s lower living expenses and home prices are certainly a large part of the draw, with Lombard saying, “The cost of living in most of Southern Appalachia remains relatively affordable.”

Indeed,® listing data shows the median list price in Daniels, WV —where Glade Springs is located—is $319,900, a price range that’s fairly typical throughout the state. By comparison, in Florida, the median home price is $100,000-plus higher, at $422,500.

But affordability is only part of the reason why people are flocking to the area.

“A lot of people are definitely migrating here,” agrees Jon Sinko  of Bass Sinko Real Estate , which lists multiple properties in the Glade Springs community where the Moores live. “The affordability, the insurance, the simplicity of living in a Mayberry RFD-type community with friendly neighbors and low crime, and the ability to enjoy four seasons—these are just a few of the factors.”

Appalachia’s cooler temps may feel particularly refreshing because 2024 is slated to be the hottest summer on record in the U.S. It’s also winding up to be the biggest hurricane season in data history. This, in turn, has inflated home insurance rates , particularly in hurricane-prone areas like Florida.

“Right now, Floridians pay arguably the highest average premium in the U.S.,” says Mark Friedlander  at the Insurance Information Institute .

As a result of the increase in natural disasters, some insurance agencies are pulling out of Florida entirely, making it extremely challenging to get home insurance at any price.

Appalachia is more shielded from extreme weather events. As a result, “Home insurance is still affordable and obtainable here,” says Sinko.

The average cost of homeowners insurance in West Virginia is $1,600 per year, or about $133 per month, according to a NerdWallet analysis .

For comparison, the national average is $1,915 per year. The average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida is $2,625 per year—if you can get it at all (and the number of those who can’t is on the rise).

For the Moores, the weather was definitely a huge factor.

“We went down to visit some friends in Florida,” Big Mo says. While their friends were hoping the Moores would fall in love with the area, Big Mo found Florida’s humidity oppressive.

Missi agreed, explaining, “We’re not really beach people. We love the mountains. I’m a four-seasons girl.”

The Moores even enjoy the snow in the winter—the mountains of West Virginia do see snow—along with a skating rink and a ski resort 10 miles away.

Deer graze off the Moore's deck year 'round.

Weather and rising living costs aside, the Moores are glad they don’t have to deal with stumbling upon alligators like they did in Florida.

“We saw an awful lot of gators roaming around there,” Big Mo recalls, adding that his friend saw them so frequently he’d turned them into a running joke by nicknaming them all “Daryl.”

Appalachia: A growing cultural mecca

Despite its less-than-sophisticated roots, Appalachia has been gaining acclaim as a cultural hot spot with thriving arts and foodie scenes.

In February, Berea, KY, was nominated as the No. 1 “small-town art scene” by Newsweek magazine. In March, the esteemed Martha Graham Dance Company celebrated its 100-year anniversary by joining with Ballet Spartanburg in South Carolina to perform Graham’s “Suite From Appalachian Spring.” In June, Charleston chef Paul Smith became the first in the state’s history to win (much less be nominated for) a prestigious James Beard award .

Upon accepting the award of “Best Chef: Southeast” for his three restaurants, Smith said, “Two words that have never been mentioned here before: West Virginia.”

In fact, certain areas of Appalachia have become so trendy and popular, Sinko says, “there just isn’t a lot of availability for single-family homes.”

But there are a few, like these below:

$369,000: Three bedroom, two baths, 2,047 square feet, $369,000

And should someone desire to purchase a lot and build anew, Sinko notes that lots are plentiful and unbelievably low-priced—like this golf course–adjacent lot, below, for one dollar .

In addition to paying one buck, buyers will also need to dish out $153 a month in homeowners association fees. But that seems like a fair deal for access to two top-rated golf courses, fitness centers, pickleball and tennis courts, a bowling alley, kayak launches, clubhouses, lake and river fishing, 24/7 security, and many other community amenities.

Golf on top rated golf courses are included in the $159 community fee.

(Courtesy of Glade Springs Resort )

Use of pickleball courts, tennis courts, pools and clubhouses are also included.

“Some people just buy lots for access to the amenities,” says Sinko. “And when you consider the price of a country club membership, that $153 is a great deal.”

While there are several lots listed for $1, Sinko reports that the median list price for a lot in Glade Springs in 2023 is $1,750. This 0.29-acre lot below is listed for $1,100.

Of course, building a house on one of these lots would raise the costs quite a bit. But for anyone looking for a fresh start, it’s certainly intriguing. And given Appalachia’s growing popularity, who knows how long these deals will last?

$1,100 will get you this .29 acre lot in Glade Springs.

(Courtesy of Jon Sinko)

Lisa Johnson Mandell is an award-winning writer who covers lifestyle, entertainment, real estate, design, and travel. Find her on

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Tax Implications of Selling a Busin

Small business owners may envision turning their firm, practice, or storefront into a sizable payout. If you have a client who is looking to sell their business, they may be counting on the money from that sale to fund the next stage in their life, whether it’s retirement or a second career. Because this sale is a big next step in their financial future, it’s important that they approach the transaction with a tax-minded focus.

The sale of a business, especially when involving a lump sum cash payment, can be a significant taxable event. But there are ways your clients can address their future capital gains and other tax obligations by spreading tax liability over time. Here’s a look at how structured installment sales can help them accomplish their goals.

How Capital Gains Tax Is Calculated for a Business Sale

Most businesses consist of many assets with varying classifications. Every asset needs to be valued when a business owner decides it’s time to sell. The valuations must be recorded, as they will need to be accounted for during the transaction.

Each asset is also classified into categories including:

  • Capital assets
  • Depreciable property that was used in the business
  • Property held for sale to customers (such as inventory or stock in trade)

The gain or loss of each asset will be figured individually in part based on the classification type for tax purposes. For example, when a capital asset is sold, it either results in a capital gain or a capital loss. But when inventory is sold, the sale results in ordinary income or loss.

Your client’s tax liability after selling a business will depend on the type of assets sold and the form of sale. If they receive the business sale proceeds in one lump sum, they might face not only capital gains tax but also significant net investment income taxes, or NIIT, and state income taxes, which are typically due in the year of the sale.

In general, business owners can expect the capital gains tax rate from a business sale to range between 0% and 20% of the profit. If your client’s income exceeds certain levels, the NIIT would add 3.8% in tax as well. *

*Source: IRS Topic no. 409, Capital gains and losses

Can Your Clients Use a Structured Installment Sale When Selling a Business?

Certain business sale transactions can be executed as a structured installment sale, rather than a lump sum sale. When using this method, all parties agree to installment payments for a stated number of years as a condition of the sale. The periodic payments are then made by an insurer.

A structured installment sale may offer beneficial tax treatment, in that the taxes are paid as the installment payments are received rather than being paid entirely in the year of disposition. This allows sellers to defer their capital gains taxes and other tax obligations over a longer period. 

Tax Considerations of an Installment Sale

There are certain tax rules, as outlined by Sections 453 and 453B of the Internal Revenue Code, that apply specifically to installment sales.

Generally, business owners can only use an installment sale for capital assets that have been held for more than a year. If a business has inventory to sell, those assets do not qualify for installment sale treatment. Taxes must be paid on these types of business assets in the same year the business is sold, even if payments are received in later years.

Sellers are also unable to use the installment method to report gains from the sale of stocks and securities traded on an established securities market. The seller must report any portion of the capital gain from the sale of depreciable assets as ordinary income under the depreciation recapture rules in the year of the sale.

If the business and its assets are being sold at a loss, the installment method rules do not apply. 

The Benefits of a Structured Installment Sale

A structured installment sale offers sellers the distinct advantage of incorporating an insurance company into the equation.

Insurance companies are highly regulated and have strict reserve requirements to prevent insolvency. They also typically have strong financial strength ratings from leading credit rating agencies, which demonstrates their ability to meet future financial obligations.

With a structured installment sale, the buyer assigns the payments to the insurer’s assignment company. 3 The assignment company, in turn, agrees to take on the obligation and will use the lump sum provided by the buyer to purchase an annuity contract matching the specified periodic payment obligation. The insurance company will then issue the annuity to the assignment company and distribute future payments to the seller according to the schedule originally determined in the purchase and sale agreement. This way, the seller has the assurance of receiving future payments (which can serve as income for retirement) from a highly-rated insurance company. 1

Example of Using a Structured Installment in a Business Sale

To see how a structured installment sale can benefit business owners, let’s look at an example:

Jose is a 55-year-old dentist and business owner in California who, for many years, owned a major dental practice. He’s decided to sell his practice to fund the next phase in his life, which is retirement.

The dental practice is in good shape but needs a refreshed marketing strategy and capital improvements to bring the next generation of customers. Selling the dental practice now will help Jose avoid an outlay of capital and help reduce his responsibilities in retirement.

After putting his practice on the market, he accepts an offer of $2,500,000. The dental practice’s adjusted basis is $1,000,000 and the selling expenses associated with the transaction are $50,000 resulting in a gain of $1,450,000. The dental practice’s property is not subject to a mortgage.

During the sales process, Jose consulted with his legal and tax advisors who advised that he should receive the proceeds in a structured installment sale. This was the best option for Jose because he didn’t need the full sale proceeds immediately, and this structure would defer and reduce associated capital gain, NIIT, and state income taxes. In cooperation with the buyer, he structures $2,500,000 of the sale proceeds to be payable as follows: $125,000 payable in equal amounts for 20 years per the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

How a Structured Installment Sale Can Make Your Offer More Attractive

Because of the potential tax benefits to the seller, a buyer interested in purchasing a business may be able to make a more attractive offer by utilizing a structured installment sale.

Using the example shared above, here’s how Jose’s tax obligation would differ by accepting installment payments over a single sum.

Dental practice sold via structured installment sale statistics

If Jose had received the proceeds in full at the time of the sale, he would have to pay close to $243,500 in federal capital gain taxes (at a marginal 20% federal capital gains rate), as well as about another $45,600 due to the 3.8% NIIT. Additionally, since Jose is a resident of California which has graduated tax rates depending on income level, he would be subject to higher rates resulting in over $143,000 of associated state income taxes.

Since Jose has chosen an offer that uses a structured installment sale, he will pay approximately $4,582 of federal capital gains taxes annually over the 20 years (taking advantage of the 0% and 15% capital gains tax rates).

In addition, by spreading the gain over a period of years, he will avoid net investment income taxes altogether. His associated state income taxes would be about $3,540 annually. This results in capital gains, NIIT, and state income tax savings of over $250,000. *2

His savings is due to the tax rules applicable to installment sales which generally provide that each installment payment, which comprises a return of basis, capital gain and interest (with the interest taxed as ordinary income), will be taxable over time when paid to the seller. As a result, Jose was able to manage his annual taxable income and leverage lower tax brackets.

Because business owners often rely on the sale of their business to fund their retirement, the opportunity to pocket more profit and defer and reduce tax obligations can make an offer much more attractive to the seller.

*Rates are subject to change as of May 2024.

Finding the Right Insurer

Working with your client and their tax and legal advisors to determine whether a structured installment sale is in your client’s best interest is an important first step, but choosing the right insurance company to entrust is critical. This sale is instrumental in funding the seller’s retirement or other future financial goals, and they want to be confident that they’ll receive future payments.

To do this, try to help them find a company that has a proven track record of making long-term annuity payouts — and is able to withstand market volatility and economic turmoil.

You can also ask for the insurance company’s credit ratings or look for them on the company website. Credit ratings are strong indicators of an insurance company’s financial stability. There are four major insurance company rating agencies: A.M. Best, Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch. Because each agency has its own rating scale, the same insurance company could receive different ratings from the various agencies. Make sure to visit the rating companies’ websites to ensure you understand their rating scales.

Metropolitan Tower Life (Met Tower Life) is a leader in the insurance space and structured settlement market — holding an A+ rating from A.M. Best, an Aa3 rating with Moody’s, an AA- with Fitch, and an AA- with Standard & Poor’s. Backed by MetLife’s robust resources and longstanding history of insurance excellence, Met Tower Life has proudly served as a trustworthy and credible insurance provider for many business owners. 1

For more information, please contact:

Paul Marshall - Sales Director [email protected]

Philippe Petit - Sales Director [email protected]

1 For current ratings information and a more complete analysis of the financial strength of Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company, please go to and click on “About Us” and then click on “Company Ratings”.

2 How was Jose’s capital gain calculated? The capital gain taxes were computed by first determining the amount of gross profit (none of which is subject to depreciation recapture rules): Selling price of $2,500,000 less adjusted basis (including expenses of the sale) of $1,050,000 equals a gross profit of $1,450,000. The gross profit factor is 58% ($1,450,000 gross profit divided by $2,500,000 contract price). During the 20 year period starting in the year of the sale, Jose will receive $125,000 annually, assuming 0% rate of return. In applying the gross profit factor of 58%, Jose must report $72,500 of capital gain income each year. Annually, this results in about $4,582 of federal capital gains taxes, $0 net investment income tax and about $3,540 of associated state income tax. Tax computations assume Jose’s filing status is married filing joint and the standard deduction of $27,700 was applied; other than $75,000 of annual qualified dividend income due to Jose’s non-installment sale investments, no other income was factored into this example. Estimated taxes shown do not account for taxes imposed on Jose’s qualified dividend income due to non-installment sale investments nor the interest component of the installment sale. The 15% and 0% capital gains tax rates assume Jose’s annual taxable income during the entire installment period does not exceed the applicable income ceiling to take advantage of these preferential capital gains rates. It is further assumed that the 2023 federal income tax rates apply for the life of the arrangement. Rates are subject to change. This example is hypothetical in nature and actual results will vary. For further information about the federal tax treatment of installment sales, see IRS publication 537 at

3 The Buyer's assignment of the periodic payment obligation is intended to be interpreted such that any Periodic Payments assigned to Assignee qualify for installment sale treatment under Internal Revenue Code Section 453. To better preserve this tax result, the Buyer remains indebted to the Seller for future Periodic Payments, however, Seller agrees to first look to the Assignee and to not seek payments from the Buyer unless and until the Assignee is in default of its Periodic Payments obligations.

This product is currently available in 49 U.S states plus PR, but not available in NY.

Like most annuity contracts, Metropolitan Tower Life annuities contain certain limitations, exclusions and terms for keeping them in force. All guarantees are subject to the financial strength and claims-paying ability of Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company. Ask a Metropolitan Tower Life representative for cost and complete details.

Neither MetLife nor its affiliates offer tax or legal advice. Any discussion of taxes in this material is intended to be general in nature and based on our understanding of the tax laws as they currently apply. Tax laws are subject to change and to different interpretation. You should consult your own tax advisor to determine how the tax law applies to your situation.


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