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Emory Theses and Dissertations

The Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) repository provides online access to the university’s masters theses, doctoral dissertations, and honors theses, increasing the visibility of our scholars and fulfilling the university’s mission to contribute to academic scholarship.

Discoverable Content:

Emory student research:  master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, and undergraduate honors theses, with supporting files and media

Metadata Standards/Schemas Utilized:

  • Dublin Core

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If applicable.

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  • Search Emory ETDs
  • Emory ETDs Overview
  • Emory ETDs: Frequently Asked Questions

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  • At the Library 2,787,700
  • Online 2,726,471
  • Recently Acquired 58,215
  • Robert W. Woodruff Library 1,807,426
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  • Pitts Theology Library 496,351
  • Marian K. Heilbrun Music Media 152,014
  • Rose Library (MARBL) 132,475
  • Law Library 107,244
  • Health Sciences Library 63,099
  • Oxford College Library 61,801
  • Goizueta Business Library 15,451
  • Science Commons 15,113
  • EUH Branch Library 48
  • EUHM Branch Library 45
  • Grady Branch Library 5

Resource Type

  • Book 4,757,729
  • Journal, Newspaper or Serial 272,267
  • Video or Visual Material 222,971
  • Sound Recording 103,145
  • Musical Score 99,381
  • Archival Material or Manuscripts 5,151
  • Computer File 3,067
  • English 4,392,012
  • French 247,916
  • German 241,868
  • Spanish 218,607
  • Latin 67,289

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Emory Theses and Dissertations Repository

The Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences.

OpenEmory Repository

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Honors Program

Most NBB majors participate in undergraduate research during their time at Emory. In their last year, NBB majors with research experience may consider joining the Honors Program to complete a thesis and graduate with honors in research. The choice to pursue a thesis should be made after talking with research mentors, meeting with major advisors, and considering career goals and other opportunities during senior year.

Applications for the NBB Honors Program are due the semester before the student’s last year (June 15 for graduation the following spring, for example). NBB Honors students must meet all Emory College Honors Program requirements , including the cumulative GPA and other guidelines.

Applications for the NBB Honors Program are brief and include basic information such as the mentor's name, project title, and current GPA . Any Emory faculty member in any department can be an NBB honors thesis advisor, but the project must have neuroscience and/or behavioral biology as a major focus or lens.

During senior year, NBB honors students take two research-experience courses titled "Honors Research", NBB 495A and NBB 495BW.

Participation in these courses includes at least 12 hours of work on the research project each week as well as bi-weekly meetings with other NBB researchers to develop professional skills such as navigating research ethics, presentation skills, and connecting their research to academic and professional goals.

Graduate Courses

In addition to the NBB honors research courses, students must take a graduate course. Any graduate course can be approved for this requirement as long as it is 2 credits or more, is taken for a letter grade, and passed with a C or higher.

Most students take the graduate course in spring of their senior year, but it can be taken at any time. Students generally choose the graduate course based on recommendations from their research mentors and course descriptions posted on graduate program websites.

No particular graduate program's courses are preferred, but students often take graduate courses in Psychology , Public Health , and Neuroscience .

Most NBB majors work with faculty mentors in research experiences, and many students co-author manuscripts published in leading peer-reviewed journals. However, only honors students are mentored through the process of writing and defending a thesis. Students may work with any Emory faculty member in any department for their Honors Thesis, but the project must have neuroscience and/or behavioral biology as a major focus or lens.

All student theses are published online through the university library and, after embargo to allow for data to be included in other articles, the theses are available to search .

After writing the thesis, honors students defend their work to a committee of at least three Emory faculty members.

In consultation with their faculty research mentors, honors students form their committees during the first semester of honors. Students submit the written thesis and then present an oral summary of their work to the committee.

The committee questions the student about the rationale, methods, interpretation, and overall importance of the work. Upon completion of the defense, the committee determines whether the student has earned honors.

Current Year

Deadlines and other details for current students and mentors are gathered in our Honors Packet.

Faculty and students with questions about honors in NBB should contact the Director of Undergraduate Research for NBB.

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  • Book Reviews
  • Dissertations and Theses

Dissertation and Thesis Databases

  • Encyclopedia and Reference
  • Journal Articles
  • Newspapers and Magazines
  • Multimedia, Film, and Streaming
  • Emory University Electronic Theses and Dissertations Repository ~[392]~ The Emory Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Foreign Doctoral Dissertations ~[392]~ The Center for Research Libraries actively collects foreign dissertations and provides them to member institutions through interlibrary loan.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) ~[392]~ Access a large collection of theses and dissertations. The NDLTD is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (A&I) ~[392]~ Official digital archive of the Library of Congress and the database of record for graduate research. Search citations to dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861 to present day, and access full text dissertations.
  • Theses Canada The central access point for Canadian theses, including AMICUS, Canada's national online catalog, for bibliographic records of all theses in Library and Archives Canada's theses collection.
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Honors Program

College honors.

Honors Programs are available to outstanding students in most, but not all, areas of concentration. Administered by a faculty Honors Committee, these programs enable students to do intensive work in a chosen area and therefore involve work that extends beyond ordinary course requirements and ordinary standards of performance.


Although all students with a cumulative average of 3.70 at the end of their first three years are eligible for these programs, final selection of participants rests with the department concerned.

Exceptions to the 3.70 average requirement may be made by the Honors Committee in individual cases upon recommendation by the department concerned. Students who wish to petition must have at least a 3.45 cumulative GPA. See department or College Honors Program Administrator ( [email protected])  for more information on the GPA waiver petition process and requirements. All Emory grades are considered in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. For example, all Emory College of Arts and Sciences and Business School grades are considered in the calculation of the cumulative GPA for Business School students who pursue honors in a major in the College. In order to graduate with honors, students must meet the requirements as outlined below over two consecutive semesters (not including summer).

Students may pursue honors in only one major or joint major.

Requirements vary slightly from department to department. They generally include enrollment in a graduate seminar or graduate course, completion of a research project or paper that is the equivalent of a BA or BS thesis, and additional supervised reading or enrollment in a special honors course. Departments that accept projects outside of a traditional honors thesis must receive permission from the Honors Committee. Since credit for the graduate work and the reading program count toward the hours required for the major, the Honors Program usually entails an increase of about four hours of credit in the major requirements.

An examination, written and/or oral, covering the honors work, including the thesis and allied fields, is given upon completion of the program. Examiners recommend the degree of honors (honors, high honors, highest honors) to the Honors Committee, which certifies the list to the registrar for printing in the commencement program and on the students' diplomas. Fourrageres indicating the degree of honors are presented to successful candidates by the college and are worn at commencement.

Levels of Honors

Honors  represents satisfactory completion of the program, with an overall average of 3.70.

High Honors  represents completion of the program with outstanding performance, including an overall average of 3.70 and a thesis of quality sufficient for oral presentation to scholars in the candidate's field.

Highest Honors  represents completion of the program with exceptional performance, including an overall average of 3.70 and a thesis of a quality suitable for publication.

Thesis Guidelines

Guidelines and deadlines for submission of theses will be available to students who are currently enrolled in the Honors Program.

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Honors Program

Advanced students are encouraged to pursue Honors in the Department. Writing an Honors thesis offers students the chance to:

  • Conduct original research in a topic of their interest
  • Engage deeply with methodologies of their discipline
  • Work closely with faculty in their chosen field
  • Produce a significant, original work of scholarship

Interested students must secure a faculty member who will be their advisor for the honors thesis as well as write a 1-2-page thesis proposal (approved by advisor and handed in to the Department Honors Coordinator) by the end of their junior year. It is advisable that students consult with faculty from whom they have previously taken courses.

The thesis may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English, agreed in conjunction with advisor.

Students conducting research that requires travel or other expenses are encouraged to apply for funding through the  Emory College SIRE program  and/or  Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry . We also encourage students to present their research in April at the  Undergraduate Research Symposium . Contact Lisa Dillman ( [email protected] ), Department Honors Coordinator , with questions or to set up an informational appointment.

Honors Requirements


  • Major in Spanish, Spanish and Portuguese, or Spanish and Linguistics
  • 3.5 cumulative GPA, maintained throughout senior year
  • 3.5 average GPA in the major

Required courses:

  • SPAN/PORT/LING 495A (Fall senior year) and 495BW (Spring).
  • Spanish or SpanPort majors must take an approved graduate-level course.
  • SPAN 495A does not count as one of the four 400-level courses required for the Spanish major.

Honors Students

Ricardo mercadé lázaro  “el cuerpo se va, a alma fica”: the archipelagic identities of puerto rico and cabo verde through a literary lens, regina morales "transnational motherhood and daughterhood: reimagining familial and gender roles across borders through mexican and brazilian women's oral histories.".

In her final year at Emory, Regina wrote her honors thesis on transnational motherhood and daughterhood using the oral histories of Mexican and Brazilian women living in the United States.

Grant Britton, "Los humores de la Mamá Grande: El uso del humor en los cuentos cortos de Gabriel García Márquez." 

This thesis explores and analyzes how García Márquez employs subversive humor to provide a lighthearted  critique of the social rigidity that is present in the institutions and customs of Latin American society.

Eliana Namen, "Portrayals of Trauma in Film as a Tool for Analyzing Imperial Residues of the New State in Portugal." 

This thesis analyzes the ways in which two contemporary, co- produced films,  The Night Train to Lisbon  and  O Julgamento  discuss the breakdown of the Portuguese social fabric left by imperial residues of the New State regime. 

Madison Cherry, "Regional Effects on Asylum Approval for Latin American Immigrants in the United States."

I plan to research the variation in the asylum granting process by region in the United States by concentrating on large variations in approval amongst the eight principal Asylum Offices and immigration courts.

Alyssa Forsyth, "Portrayal of the National Health Services (NHS) in Portugal's News through the First Wave of COVID-19: A Textual Analysis."

In this thesis, I compare the discussion of the Portuguese National Health Services (NHS) in articles published by five different Portuguese news sources across the political spectrum during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic to qualitatively gauge the perceived success of its response.

Nayive Gaytán "Tourism and a Telenovela: Representations of Tequila, Mexico."

Using visual analysis, I will identify how narratives conveyed through state-sponsored tourism and privately funded broadcast media projects promote symbols associated with Mexican national identity.

Claudia Michaels "Covid-19 and Inequality in Buenos Aires."

Summary: This project seeks to identify how the Covid-19 epidemic and subsequent government responses in Greater Buenos Aires have impacted measures of inequality by studying the distribution of Covid-19 cases across populations in the city with varying access to income, housing, healthcare, and government support.

Arianna Rahimian, "Del foro público a la esfera doméstica: un estudio comparativo sobre la vida cotidiana de las mujeres durante la Segunda República y el franquismo."

This project will investigate themes of family, sex and love, work, and education among working class women in urban centers in Spain. The legal, cultural, and social situations of women changed drastically during the first years of the Franco dictatorship after a relatively progressive Second Republic. I will use legislation, oral histories, literature, and film to characterize and compare the daily lives of women with special emphasis on feminist dissent.

Gwyneth Tefft, "Os retornados: Understanding Portuguese identity through the literary works of a colonial past."

My thesis will analyze topics of identity, race and colonial legacy within Portuguese society through the lens of the retornados, the group of Portuguese settlers who were living in Portugal's overseas territories and who were forced to flee Africa after the fall of the Salazar regime and onset of the decolonization process.

Completed Honors Theses

Undergraudate Honors theses are archived in the  Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository . Search for the names of the students below or for the terms Spanish, Spanish and Portuguese, or Spanish and Linguistics.

Aidan Fife  "Cultivating the grassroots: Deep ecology and community networks in Latin America"

Benjamin W. Gitelman-Fonseca  "The Practice of Liberation: Radical Pedagogy in Almanaque Escuela Para Todos"

Daniella Gonzalez  "Defining Family Planning in a São Paulo Clinic: Healthcare Providers and Patients’ Varied Conceptualizations of “Planned” and “Unplanned” Pregnancies"

Alexandra Caridad Llovet  "Stigma Continuity of Leprosy in Brazil, 1924-2018"

Samaresh Rao  "Psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires: An Ethnographic Approach"

Emily Grace Vena  "Language and Health: Investigating Patient-Provider Communications among Puerto Ricans"

Matthew Harrison Witkin  "Haketia: An Ecological Perspective"


Lisa Dillman Headshot

Department Honors Coordinator

Lisa dillman, teaching professor of spanish, emory college.

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Is the honors program worth it?

I was invited to apply to the anthropology honors program. Is it just extra work for me? Or is it beneficial in some way. I’m premed btw.

emory honors thesis database

Rollins Launches New Online Part-Time MPH Program

The R. Randall Rollins building

By Shelby Crosier

Starting in fall 2024, students can enroll in a new fully online, part-time Master of Public Health (MPH) at the Rollins School of Public Health. The online part-time MPH allows working professionals—or anyone who wants extra flexibility—to learn at their own pace.

“Creating more flexible online part-time degree-granting programs allows us to accommodate working professionals who are passionate about pursuing a public health career but who cannot attend school full-time in person due to life demands,” says Delia Lang, PhD , executive associate dean for educational affairs. “This initiative aligns with our new strategic education objective to increase access to our educational programs to meet the diverse and evolving needs of a wide range of students and professionals.”

Students can choose from four programs:

  • MPH in Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences
  • MPH in Global Environmental Health
  • MPH in Global Health
  • MPH in Health Care Management

All four programs offer the same high-quality education, partnership with renowned faculty, opportunities for collaboration with peers, and academic support as an on-campus MPH at Rollins. Interested students can apply now for fall 2024.

Associated Topics:

  • Rollins News
  • In the Media
  • Rollins Experts

Donate to the Public health Preparedness and Research Fund


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  5. Honors Thesis 2022

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  6. Honors Thesis 2023

    emory honors thesis database


  1. Honors thesis video 2

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  3. Mae Krause Honors Thesis

  4. Honors Thesis: Five New Songs: A Songwriter's Journey Navigating a College Break Up by Paige Langley

  5. Impact-Reducing Prosthetic Liner with Variable Volume and Integrated Haptic Feedback, Zoe Straughn

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  1. Emory Theses and Dissertations

    The Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences. Emory University theses and dissertations submitted before the launch of the ...

  2. Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    The Center for Research Libraries actively collects foreign dissertations and provides them to member institutions through interlibrary loan. Dissertations of China in Humanities and Social Sciences. Restricted to current Emory faculty, staff, and students. Access dissertations and theses from Chinese research institutions since 1980.

  3. Emory Theses and Dissertations

    Emory Theses and Dissertations. Access the Emory Theses and Dissertations repository. Information for students submitting a thesis, dissertation or honors paper to the repository. ETD Submission Instructions: Detailed instructions on the process when you are ready to submit. ETD Submission Instructional Videos : Step by step demonstrations.

  4. Emory Theses and Dissertations

    Emory Theses and Dissertations. The Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) repository provides online access to the university's masters theses, doctoral dissertations, and honors theses, increasing the visibility of our scholars and fulfilling the university's mission to contribute to academic scholarship.

  5. Index Catalog // Emory Theses and Dissertations

    Search Emory Theses and Dissertations Go Search Constraints. Start Over ... About this Honors Thesis; Student Name: Starr, Michael: Date Uploaded: 04/17/2023: Research Field: Political Science, International Law and Relations, History, Asia, Australia and Oceania, and History, Military:

  6. Index Catalog // Emory Theses and Dissertations

    Applying an Automated Radiation Therapy Volume Analysis Pipeline to Determine the Utility of Spectroscopic MRI-guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Glioblastoma. About this Honors Thesis. Student Name: Su Hyun Kim. Date Uploaded: 12/06/2023. Research Field: Health Sciences, Radiology, Health Sciences, Oncology, and Biology, Biostatistics ...

  7. ETDs (Emory Theses and Dissertations)

    The Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences. Emory University theses and dissertations submitted before the launch of the ...

  8. Emory University Dissertations

    Undergraduates completing honors theses have contributed to the online depository since 2009. ETD is an open, online, searchable repository for Emory University student research. ... Once in the Dissertations and Theses database, you can locate Emory dissertations a number of ways, including searching under author, title, or school.

  9. ETD Frequently Asked Questions

    You must contact ProQuest directly at [email protected]. Provide your name, your dissertation's title, your school (Emory University), and, if possible, the publication number. If you need to speak with someone at ProQuest, call 1-800-521-0600, ext. 2.

  10. Frequently Asked Questions

    You must contact ProQuest directly at [email protected]. Provide your name, your dissertation's title, your school (Emory University), and, if possible, the publication number. If you need to speak with someone at ProQuest, call 1-800-521-0600, ext. 2.

  11. Index Catalog // Emory Theses and Dissertations

    Search Emory Theses and Dissertations Go Search Constraints. Start Over. Filtering ... About this Honors Thesis; Student Name: Holt, Sheena: Date Uploaded: 04/07/2022: Research Field: Literature, American: Department: English and Creative Writing: Paradise Untapped. About this Honors Thesis;

  12. Where Are Old Honors Theses and Dissertations?

    Dissertations. You have several means to locate dissertations: You can search in Library Search a dissertation completed at Emory, or check our Electronic Theses and Dissertations portal.For other dissertations, check out Theses and Dissertations from ProQuest, which carries many dissertations from other institutions in full-text.. Honors Theses. Recent Honors theses are available via the ...

  13. Emory Theses and Dissertations

    The Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences.

  14. Library Search

    Databases@Emory. Search Tool. eJournals (A-Z) Search Tool. Articles+. ... The Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences ...

  15. Honors Program

    After writing the thesis, honors students defend their work to a committee of at least three Emory faculty members. In consultation with their faculty research mentors, honors students form their committees during the first semester of honors. Any Emory faculty member can serve on a thesis committee, but the committee must contain one member of ...

  16. PDF Instructions for Preparation and Submission of the Honors Thesis

    5. Margins: All material (text, illustrations, graphs, figures, etc.) must be within the 1" margins. 6. Footnotes: The Honors Committee does not have any preference in the placing of footnotes. However, footnote placement must be consistent throughout the thesis and must conform to the margins specified. 7.

  17. Dissertations and Theses

    The Emory Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences.

  18. Honors Program

    Levels of Honors. Honors represents satisfactory completion of the program, with an overall average of 3.70. High Honors represents completion of the program with outstanding performance, including an overall average of 3.70 and a thesis of quality sufficient for oral presentation to scholars in the candidate's field.

  19. PDF Emory Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Repository ...

    By choosing open access you are agreeing to publish your thesis or dissertation in Emory's ETD repository immediately after graduation. This option will provide the broadest possible access to your work. The full-text of your thesis or dissertation and any supplemental files will be accessible on the internet for unlimited viewing. Your thesis

  20. Honors Program

    Writing an Honors thesis offers students the chance to: Conduct original research in a topic of their interest; ... Undergraudate Honors theses are archived in the Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository. Search for the names of the students below or for the terms Spanish, Spanish and Portuguese, or Spanish and Linguistics. ...

  21. Is the honors program worth it? : r/Emory

    Now if you have been doing productive research that won't necessarily be published or in the process of publication by time you apply, then the honors thesis could be a good way to demonstrate dedication, intellectuality (much more so than just earning grades. A lot of that is contrived after all), and certain skills while also having evidence ...

  22. Emory Honors Thesis Database

    Emory Honors Thesis Database - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  23. Rollins Launches New Online Part-Time MPH Program

    By Shelby Crosier. Starting in fall 2024, students can enroll in a new fully online, part-time Master of Public Health (MPH) at the Rollins School of Public Health. The online part-time MPH allows working professionals—or anyone who wants extra flexibility—to learn at their own pace.