Institute for Latin American Studies

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PhD Students

One of the primary components of research at the department of sociology at the Latin American Institute are the doctoral projects, which represent the institute’s main areas of work.

General information about doctoral studies at the Freie Universität can be found here (link ), for more details on studying for your PhD in the department of social sciences , click here.

PhD Projects

  • Current PhD research projects (Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa) 
  • Completed PhD research projects (Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa)

  C urrent Projects (Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa)

Mariana Treviño Riojas: ‘War on drugs’, disappeared people, and resistance strategies in Mexico (2006–2020)

  • Lívia de Souza Lima: Back, Female, and Peripheral Representation in the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly (Co-supervisor, Univ. Bielefeld)
  • Tori Sinanan: Mapping (under)development: A situational analysis of rural East Trinidad . (member of Minor Cosmpolitanisms )
  • Alexandre Nogueira Martins: Decolonial QueerPolitics: Queer Aspirations and Anti-Violence Struggles in Latin America
  • Mariana Motta Vivian: Democracies, modernities and the temporalities of future in Latin America: sociological interpretations of contemporary Brazil
  • Myriam Sauer: Idioms of the psychic: Decolonial studies on imaginations of the psychic and its societal applications in Brazil, China, and Europe
  • Braedyn Ezra Simon: To Belong to Not To Belong? Embodied Borders and the Politics of Sex and Gender Knowledge in Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist Discourses
  • Isadora Cardoso: One struggle one fight: intersectional discourses and activisms for climate justice in the Global South
  • Anne Ziegler: Afro-indigenous cosmovision, identity negotiation, and the struggle for land – a comparative research of activisms from Brazilian Quilombo and Central American Garifuna communities

Belén Díaz: " Struggles for Hegemony in the 21st Century: The Renewal of the Latin American Right " (member of the International Research Training Group “ Temporalities of Future ”)

  • Elis de Aquino: "The Way to Success: Social Mobility Mechanisms and Individual Strategies of the Poor in Brazil" (member of the International Research Training Group “ Temporalities of Future ”)
  • Krista Lillemets: " Expansion of the Sphere of Citizenship Rights in the Semi-Periphery: Comparing Brazil and Central Eastern Europe Through the Lens of Polanyian “Double Movement”

C urrent Projects (Prof. Dr. Renata Motta)

  • Mariana Calcagni, Promovierende Soziologie: Food Justice movements in Latin America and Europe: towards a new food regime - Stipendium: DAAD, Becas Chile.
  • Federico Masson, Promovierender Soziologie: Scarcity-Hunger Apparatus’: Constitution of Objects and Subjectivities in Alternative Food Networks.

  Completed Projects (Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa)

  • Julia von Sigsfeld:  "  'Ancestral Knowledges' and Development in Contemporary Ecuador - Epistemic Struggles and Situated Cosmopolitanisms "  (member of  RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms )
  • Ernesto Aguilar Carvajal: “ El boicot de un orden moderno: estudiando el fracaso del proyecto PRUGAM en Costa Rica ” (sponsored by DAAD)
  • Fabio Santos: " Bridging fluid borders: Entangled spaces along the French-Brazilian border " (sponsored by IGP " Entre Espacios ")
  • Raquel Rojas Scheffer: " Trabajo doméstico remunerado. Desigualdades entrelazadas y organización gremial. Apuntes desde las experiencias uruguaya y paraguaya " (fellow of IGP " E ntre Espacios" )
  • Tabea Sophia Goldboom: " Redefining the role of the state and the market in social security: the impact of transnational coalitions and public-private cooperation in micro-insurance "
  • Ana Lucía Fernández Fernández:  "Familias transnacionales en Latinoamérica. El caso de mujeres nicaragüenses y colombianas en Costa Rica"  (fellow of DAAD-Alecosta; Erste Betreuerin  Prof. Dr. Manuela Boatcă ).
  • Laura Aguirre Hernández: " Konstruktion von Räumen transnationalen Lebens an der Südgrenze Mexikos"  (associated PhD-student from the IGP " E ntre Espacios "); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 26.07.17.
  • Philipp Altmann: " Die Indigenenbewegung in Ecuador als dekolonisierender Akteur - Eine begriffszentrierte Analyse ihres Diskurses "; PhD thesis was successfully defended on 26.04.13.
  • Alexander Araya López: " Public spaces, stigmatization and media discourses of graffiti practices in Latin American press: Dynamics of symbolic exclusion and inclusion of urban youth " (sponsored by DAAD); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 10.07.14.
  • Dr. Jorge Atría: " La pregunta por la desigualdad a la luz de los más desaventajados: percepciones y perspectivas de cohesión social en Chile"  (sponsored by  Conicyt - Sistema Bicentenario Becas Chile ); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 27.10.15.
  • Maria Backhouse: " Konflikte um Biokraftstoffe - Eine sozialökologische Mehrebenenanalyse der Konfliktlagen der  Biokraftstoffproduktion in Brasilien" ; PhD thesis was successfully defended on 19.03.14.
  • Jairo Baquero Melo: " Layered Inequalities: Collective Land Rights, Global Agribusiness and Resistance in the Lower Atrato Region, Colombia "; PhD thesis was successfully defended on 14.04.13.
  • Kaciano Barbosa Gadelha: " Gendered Communities: Virtualisierung von Körper und Sexualität in GayRomeo"  (sponsored by IGP  „Between spaces“ ); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 10.07.13
  • Mayarí Castillo: " Middle Class and Political Participation in Contemporary Chile "; (sponsored by Conicyt); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 10.07.13.
  • Javiera Cienfuegos Illanes: " Familien auf Distanz: Die Bildung eines Zwischenraumes als alltägliche Lebensform " (sponsored by IGP  „Between spaces“ ); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 27.06.13.
  • Götz Kaufmann: "Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development. With a Case Study in Brazil's Legal Amazon Using Q Methodology"; PhD thesis was successfully defended on 05.03.12.
  • Claudia Maldonado Graus: “Acontecimiento y transformación política en Chile: un relato desde las desigualdades", PhD thesis was successfully defended on 17.07.17.
  • Edna Martínez: " Making the resilience and the existence: Black People in frontiers territories of Colombia and Ecuador and the Palm oil industry ";  PhD thesis was successfully defended on 23.11.16.
  • Mario A. Martínez Cortés: " Interculturality as Epistemic Project in Latin America. A Comparative Study from the Indigenous and Afro-Descendants' Higher Eduaction Initiatives in Brazil and Mexico" ;  PhD thesis was successfully defended on 19.07.17.
  • Renata C. Motta: " Contesting GM Crops in Argentina and Brazil " (sponsored by the Research Network ; PhD thesis was successfully defended on 12.01.2015.
  • Airton Adelar Mueller: " Lokales Regieren, Sozialkapital und Entwicklung im Süden von Brasilien"  (sponsored by the Protestant Development Service/ Evangelischen Entwicklungsdienstes,  EED ); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 10.02.14.
  • Charlotte Schumann: " Interpreting Law: The Regulation of Previous Consultation in Brazil "; PhD thesis was successfully defended on 19.07.16.
  • Anna Skornia: " Entangled Inequalities in Transnational Care Chains. Practices across the Borders of Peru and Italy " (sponsored by the Research Network ); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 11.02.14.
  • Renata Sternberg (formerly known as Stellmann de Sousa Lima): " Romantic love, regional differences and cultural capital: a comparative study between Brazil and Germany" (Stipendiatin der Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior  (CAPES) ,  Brasilien) ; PhD thesis was successfully defended on 03.02.2016.
  • Rocío Vera Santos: " Barrios afroecuatorianos en Quito y la articulación de la identidad afroquiteña"  (sponsored by DAAD); PhD thesis was successfully defended on 28.08.14.

homepage of the instituion

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Doctoral studies.

This website is currently not updated on a regular basis - please rely on the information given on the German version of our website. Thank you!

Online consultation hours in the field of Academic Affairs

The doctoral office is now offering a personal consultation hour via Zoom , and has set up a Moodle course for booking appointments online. To book an individual appointment, please use the following link and enrol in the Moodle course with your HU account: In case you do not have an HU account yet, please also click on the link above and choose the option "Register (external Moodle account)" (this option is given below the Moodle log-in). The system will then guide you through the next steps. If, nevertheless, you have any problems registering in Moodle, please contact the doctoral office.

Procedures in the field of Academic Affairs

Applications, certificates and other documents should be submitted electronically via our HU-Box. Please contact Sarah Affenzeller or Kerstin Ludwig for further details before submitting your documents. If you have queries or want to arrange an appointment, please send us an e-mail . We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please send signed documents as a scan. Sending by post can lead to an extended processing time. If you need certificates or other documents , you will receive them by email in urgent cases, provided this is possible under the current conditions.

Last updated on december 6th, 2022

Contact persons

Sarah Affenzeller (responsible for the Departments of Archaeology, Asian and African studies, Musicology and Media Studies , Rehabilitation Sciences)

E-Mail: sarah.affenzeller(at) Sitz: Georgenstr. 47, Raum 1.25 Tel.: 030 2093 66135 Fax: 030 2093 66151

Kerstin Ludwig (responsible for the Departments of Education Studies,  Cultural History and Theory, Art and Visual History, Social Sciences, Sports Sciences and the Centre for transdisciplinary Gender Studies )

E-Mail: k.ludwig(at) Sitz: Georgenstr. 47, Raum 1.32 Tel.: 030 2093 66153 Fax: 030 2093 66151

postal address:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät Akademische Angelegenheiten - Promotionsbüro Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin

  • Frequently asked questions regarding the doctorate

Doctoral degree board

Please see the current meeting dates on the German Version of the homepage. Thank you!

Doctoral examination process regulations

  • Doctoral examination process regulations (2016) with amendments 2018 and 2019
  • Contact: Dr. Patrick Ressler
  • rules of procedure (german/english)

Applications and forms

Application for the admission to the doctoral examination process

Certification for prolongation of period of study (PhD)

Form for initiating the doctoral examination process

Dissertation title page (sample)

Declaration of independent work for dissertation (sample)

Declaration for doctoral examination process (sample)

Information to be handed out following the thesis defence

HU on the internet

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homepage of the instituion

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  • Mitteilungen der BGSS / HCSP

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DYNAMICS

Phd programme.

A comprehensive course programme provides the doctoral researchers with a unique combination of

  • advanced theoretical courses in Demography, Democratic Processes and Public Policy,
  • cutting-edge quantitative methods skills, and
  • an interdisciplinary internal research seminar, as well as
  • an interdisciplinary international lecture series.

The programme provides PhD students with a unique and internationally competitive curriculum taught and supervised by leading experts from Political Science, Demography and Public Policy . It fosters interdisciplinary exchange to enable PhD students to conduct innovative research that sheds much needed light on how demographic shifts affect and interact with democratic processes and public policy.


The theory course sequence will on the one hand provide our doctoral researchers with a solid understanding of the different concepts and theories in all three research areas through three core theory courses providing the PhD students with a solid understanding of the central concepts and theories in all three fields covered by DYNAMICS (Democratic Responsiveness, Central Concepts in Demographic Research and Advanced Theories of Policy-Making) which will constitute an important basis for interdisciplinary exchange within the RTG. On the other hand, doctoral researchers will obtain specialized theoretical knowledge regarding their own research area through a disciplinary elective theory course to ensure that they are also on a highly advanced theoretical level within their own discipline. Thus, the theory course sequence ensures that all PhD students will have an advanced understanding of the basic concepts and theories of all three research areas, but at the same time they will be enabled to integrate the three perspectives in a disciplinary course to understand how demographic change, democratic processes and public policies interact based on a concrete example in their own research area. 

The methods course sequence will provide our doctoral researchers with a highly advanced training in quantitative methods which is essential for cutting-edge research on questions related to demography, democratic processes and public policy. PhD students will be introduced to causal data analysis through the Foundations: Estimation and Identification course while they get an advanced understanding of longitudinal modelling through the Advanced Longitudinal and Event History Methods course. To cope with gathering, managing and analysing increasingly large datasets by for instance scraping information from the web, the doctoral researchers will take a Data Science class in which they learn how to deal with big data using advanced programming skills. In addition, the elective methods course allows PhD students to specialize in quantitative methods that are particularly important for their specific research projects.

Finally, the professional skills course sequence will prepare our doctoral candidates for the academic and the research-related job market. An important component of the course programme is furthermore the Research Seminar in which PhD students will present their on-going work and the Lecture Series in which internationally renowned scholars are invited to foster not only interdisciplinary, but also international exchange. The combination of interdisciplinary and disciplinary theory courses with advanced quantitative methods training as well as a research seminar and an international lecture series offers a unique research environment that will foster truly cross-cutting research on the highest level that will result in important advances in our understanding of how demography shapes democratic processes and public policy as well as how policy reforms affect demographic behaviour.

Workshops and Summer Schools

DYNAMICS will moreover regularly organize workshops with invited external experts to teach additional or more advanced courses in Berlin. The topics will be decided jointly by the Academic Board and the PhD students to ensure that course content suits both, students’ specific interest and profile formation of our institutions. Moreover, our doctoral researchers will receive funding to attend specialized methods or substantive courses at prestigous international summer schools in order to gather further knowledge in their respective research area, to develop their individual international network and to present their work to renowned international scholars. Summer School Courses and Workshops organized in Berlin can be accredited as an Elective Course.


Doctoral researchers will be encouraged and financially supported to present their research at high-ranking national and international academic conferences to disseminate their findings to the academic community, to receive valuable feedback on their work and to build an international research network. Presenting a research paper at APSA, ECPR, ECSR, EPC, EPSA or PAA meetings increases success in subsequent publication in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals. Getting accepted to these conferences is not easy. Therefore, each supervisor commits to guide our PhD students in their conference application and to discuss their conference proposal either in a colloquium or individually.   

HU on the internet

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phd sociology berlin

"I am part of an incredible research group and I'm able to attend all the events that are constantly happening at the universities or other institutions, while getting to travel around the world for regular conferences and workshops. Due to this wonderful mix of activities I get to grow more and more academically and personally."

/// Sofía Garzón, Colombia, Berlin Mathematical School - BMS

phd sociology berlin

„Berlin offers an excellent environment for my doctoral studies in the history of ancient Israel, providing access to renowned experts in the field and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration for a comprehensive exploration of the subject.“

/// Jonathan Böhm, Germany, Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies

phd sociology berlin

“The foundation of my research lies in the seamless collaboration of diverse disciplines. The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies not only provides me with a comprehensive platform to embark on my PhD journey, but also offers me invaluable opportunities to foster interdisciplinary perspectives.”

/// Lu Tian, China, Berliner Antike-Kolleg


The capital region of Germany is the place to be for

Doctoral researchers:.

Five universities offer doctoral programs with excellent funding opportunities and join forces with outstanding non-university research institutions to generate a unique, vibrant academic environment.

This website will give you an insight into what the Berlin area has in store in all disciplines, ranging from ancient history to astrophysics – browse and be inspired!

Search Programs

Klick here if you wish to browse through relevant disciplines.

Doctoral Programs

phd sociology berlin

The Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms

/// Humanities, Languages and literature

Logo of the Berlin School of Integrative Oncology

Berlin School of Integrative Oncology

/// Berlin School of Integrative Oncology, BSIO, Cancer

Logo of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Berlin School of Mind and Brain

/// Berlin School of Mind and Brain, mind sciences, brain sciences, linguistics

phd sociology berlin

Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies

/// Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies, BSRT, endogenous tissue...

phd sociology berlin

Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience

/// Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, BCNN Berlin, brain

Logo of the Doctoral Program Clinical Exercise Science

Clinical Exercise Science

/// exercise, prevention and rehabilitation

phd sociology berlin

Biomedical Sciences (DRS)

/// life sciences, infectious diseases

Logo of the Hertie School of Governance

Hertie School of Governance

/// Governance, social science

Logo of the International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

/// Erasmus Mundus, laboratory-based, language, brain

Logo of the MDC-NYU PhD Exchange Program of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology

MDC-NYU PhD Exchange Program of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology

/// Genomics, Medical Systems Biology

phd sociology berlin

International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences

/// Neurosciences, central nervous systems, peripheral nervous systems, medical...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School on Multiscale Bio-Systems

Multiscale Bio-Systems

/// biosystems, macromolecules in aqueous solutions, molecular recognition, free energy...

Logo of the Graduate School of Plant Sciences

Plant Sciences

/// Plant Sciences, extinction of species, climate change

phd sociology berlin

ZIBI Graduate School Berlin

/// infection biology, immunology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology

phd sociology berlin

The International Max Planck Research School on Computational Methods in Psychiatry and Ageing Research

/// computer science, applied mathematics and statistics, psychology, psychiatry

phd sociology berlin

Einstein Center of Catalysis/Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering

/// catalysis-related research, natural sciences, engineering

phd sociology berlin

Berlin Mathematical School

/// Mathematics

Dahlem Research School of Molecular Science

/// molecular natural science, Molecular Switches on Surfaces, Protonation Dynamics in...

Logo of the International Research Training Group Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks

Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks

/// Networks with complex topology, self- organization in evolving complex networks

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Gravitational Wave Astronomy

/// gravitational waves, astronomy, GEO600 gravitational wave detector

Logo of the Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience

Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience

/// Biomaterial Science, Macromolecular Bioscience, natural sciences, engineering

Logo of the Research Training Group Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider

Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider

/// Large Hydron Collider, elementary particle physics, astro-particle physics

Research School Materials for Solar Energy Conversion (MatSEC)

/// kesterite materials, semiconductor, absorber material, film solar cells,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Molecular Biophysics

Molecular Biophysics

/// biophysics, biomolecular processes, protein-protein interactions

phd sociology berlin

PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling

/// life sciences, pharmacy, drug development, drug therapy, pharmacotherapy,...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School Primary Metabolism and Plant Growth

IMPRS for Molecular Plant Science

/// biochemistry, biology, plant science, plant growth, plant biomass, primary metabolism

Logo of the Leibniz Graduate School for Quantitative Spectroscopy in Astrophysics

Quantitative Spectroscopy in Astrophysics

/// Quantitative Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, solar physics, stellar research,...

phd sociology berlin

School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof

/// chemistry, biology, physics, natural sciences, analytical sciences

Logo of the Helmholtz Research School on Security Technologies

Helmholtz Research School on Security Technologies (HRSST)

/// physics, optical engineering, electrical engineering, informational techniques,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Service-Oriented Systems Engineering

Service-Oriented Systems Engineering

/// Software Systems Engineering, IT Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Computer...

phd sociology berlin

Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies

/// transnational relations, international relations, globalization, governance, regional...

phd sociology berlin

Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies

/// Berliner Antike-Kolleg, ancient languages and texts, ancient philosophy, ancient...

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

/// sociology, political science, social inclusion, democratic performance

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

/// Islam, muslim cultures, muslim societies, Area Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies

Doctoral Program in Business Research

/// business administration, management, marketing, information systems, FACTS, business...

phd sociology berlin

Graduate School Global Intellectual History

/// intellectual history

Logo of the Centre for Contemporary History

Centre for Contemporary History

/// Cold War, contemporary german history, contemporary european history, communist...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Das Wissen der Literatur

Das Wissen der Literatur

/// deutsche Literatur, german literature

Logo of the European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies

European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies

/// socio-economic research, labor markets, employment, inequality, Welfare state, social...

Logo of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies

Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies

/// literature, textaul practice, transnational perspective, intermediality

Logo of Graduate School of East Asian Studies

Graduate School of East Asian Studies

/// east asia, social sciences, institutions in east asia, interdependence of...

Logo of the Graduate School of North American Studies

Graduate School of North American Studies

/// American Studies, Area Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, American Literature,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program High Dimensional Non Stationary Time Series

High Dimensional Non Stationary Time Series

/// stochastics, statistics, volatility, copulae, high-dimensional time series,...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course

International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)

/// development of human behaviour, human life course, evolution of culture, learning,...

Logo of the graduate program Knowledge of the Arts

Knowledge of the Arts

/// artistic knowledge, art history, media studies, philosophy, engineering, pedagogy

Latin American Studies from a Comparative and Transregional Perspective

/// Cultural Anthropology, Social Anthropology, Gender Studies, History, Literature of...

Ludwig Rosenberg Kolleg: Historical Relations between Labor Movements and Modern Jewry

/// european-jewish studies, laboro movements, modern jewry

Logo of the PhD Program in Economics at the DIW Graduate Center

DIW Graduate Center PhD in economics

/// economics, microeconomics, macro-economics, econometrics, public economics,...

Logo of the THESys Graduate Program

THESys Graduate Program - Transformations of Human-Environment Systems

/// IRI THESys, use of land, use of resources, urbanization, climate change impact, ...

phd sociology berlin

Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg (ZJS)

/// jewish studies, jewish history, jewish philosophy, jewish theology, jewish...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Thinking Differences: Structures – Order – Communication

Thinking Differences: Structures – Order – Communication

/// comparative history, histoire croisée

Walther Rathenau Kolleg: Liberalism and Democracy

/// European-Jewish Studies, democratic constitutional state, european post-war...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy

Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy

/// public administration, climate change, demographic tranistion, international...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Computational Systems Biology

Computational Systems Biology

/// biological networks, cellular systems, protein-protein interactions, systems biology

Logo of the Global and Area Studies PhD Program

Global and Area Studies PhD Program

/// Globalization, Alternative Futures

Logo of the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

/// philosophy, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Arabic, classicist, ancient...

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School of British Studies

Berlin Graduate School of British Studies

/// british studies

phd sociology berlin

Parasite Infections: From Experimental Models to Natural Systems

/// Parasite Infections, Immunology, molecular approaches, cellular interactions,...

phd sociology berlin

Berlin International Graduate School in Model and Simulation based Research (BIMoS)

/// Modellierung, Smimulierung, modelling, modeling, simulation, optimation

phd sociology berlin

Urban Water Interfaces (UWI)

/// urban water (systems), interfaces, modelling, urban soil, surface water, groundwater,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Geometric Analysis, Gravitation and String Theory

IMPRS for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory

/// Gravitational Physics, Geometric Analysis, String Theory, quantum mechanics, black...

phd sociology berlin

Religion – Knowledge – Discourse

/// Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology, Political Sciences, Economics, Law

phd sociology berlin

Berlin School of Movement Science (BSMS)

/// Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology,

phd sociology berlin

/// education, mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, technology, engineering

phd sociology berlin

Identity and Heritage

phd sociology berlin

StRATEGy: Surface processes, Tectonics and Georesources: The Andean foreland basin of Argentina

Cropstrengthen - european industrial doctorate.

/// PhD training, stress acclimation in plants, crop improvement, plant priming

phd sociology berlin

Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World

/// natural hazards, risk, climate change, floods, landslides, earthquakes

phd sociology berlin

BioMove - Integrating Biodiversity Research with Movement Ecology in dynamic agricultural landscapes

/// Biodiversity, Movement Ecology, Biological Science, Natural Science

phd sociology berlin

Minor Cosmopolitanisms

/// Humanities; Social Sciences; Postcolonial Studies; Cultural Studies; Anglophone...

phd sociology berlin

Theory – Empirics – Practices of Pedagogical Teaching Processes

/// Educational science – adult and further education – music pedagogy – school pedagogy...

phd sociology berlin

Agricultural Economics

/// Agriculture, Doctoral Program

Research School Future Information Technologies (FIT)

/// information technologies, energy consumption, fundamental physics, communications...

phd sociology berlin

Biodiversity, Evolution & Ecology

/// Biological sciences, Natural Sciences

phd sociology berlin

CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems

/// /// Mathematics, Biochemistry, Physics, Geo-Sciences

phd sociology berlin

CRC / TRR 227 Ultrafast Spin Dynamics

phd sociology berlin

TRR 170 Integrated Research Training Group in Planetary Sciences

phd sociology berlin

Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies

/// poetologies, audiovisual images, cinema, film philosophy, aesthetics

phd sociology berlin

BB3R - Innovations in the 3R Research: Genetic Engineering, Tissue Engineering and Bioinformatics

/// Berlin-Brandenburg research platform BB3R, 3 R, Genetic Engineering, Tissue...

phd sociology berlin

CRC / SFB 1078 Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function

/// CRC SFB Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function

phd sociology berlin

Re-Figuration of Spaces

phd sociology berlin

Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS)

phd sociology berlin

Health Data Sciences

/// Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Meta-research, Big Data, Health Data Sciences, Causal...

phd sociology berlin

IMPRS Biology And Computation

/// sequence analysis, theoretical structural biology, computational chemistry, drug...

phd sociology berlin

Robert Koch Doctoral Program

/// Robert Koch Doctoral Program, RoKoDoKo

phd sociology berlin

Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamentals and Functions

/// Collaborative Research Center 1349 „Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamen-tals and...

phd sociology berlin

Research Training Group (RTG) "Bioactive Peptides – Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis"

/// Natural Sciences, Computer and information sciences, Chemical sciences, Biological...

phd sociology berlin

Temporalities of Future in Latin America: Dynamics of Aspiration and Anticipation

/// Latin American Studies, social globalization, cultural globalization, cultural...

phd sociology berlin

Berlin School of Economics

phd sociology berlin

Max Delbrück Center Graduate School

/// Biochemistry, Cancer research, Cardiovascular biology, Cell biology, Computational...

phd sociology berlin

Differential Equation- and Data-driven Models in Life Sciences and Fluid Dynamics: An Interdisciplinary Research Training Group

phd sociology berlin

BfR Doctoral Training Programme

/// Aasessment of food and feed, microbiological and chemical substance safety, safety...

phd sociology berlin

Stochastic Analysis in Interaction

phd sociology berlin

iNAMES-MDC-Weizmann Helmholtz International Research School for Imaging from the NAno to the MESo

/// computational sciences, imaging data sciences, artificial intelligence, machine...

phd sociology berlin

BIOphysical Quantitative Imaging Towards Clinical Diagnosis

/// Bridge, imaging, clinical, translation, medicine

phd sociology berlin

Berlin School of Optical Sciences and Quantum Technologies (BOS.QT)

phd sociology berlin

Berlin Industrial Engineering and Management (BIEM)

/// Engineering, Technology, Economics, Business

phd sociology berlin

Doctoral Program History and Cultural Studies

phd sociology berlin

Berlin Institute for the Foundation of Learning and Data (BIFOLD)

/// Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer and information sciences, Physical sciences,...

phd sociology berlin

"Charging into the future": Understanding the interaction of polyelectrolytes with biosystems

/// GRK 2662 „Charging into the future“: Understanding the interaction of...

phd sociology berlin

Science of Intelligence (SCIoI)

phd sociology berlin

Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces

/// IRTG of CRC / SFB 1449 Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces Biophysics,...

Doctoral Program Natural Sciences

/// Natural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics

phd sociology berlin

IMPRS - Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities

/// Media and communications Humanities History and archaeology Languages and...

phd sociology berlin

Normativity - Critique - Change

Crc1644: phenotypic plasticity in plants – mechanisms, constraints, and evolution, data assimilation - the collaborative research centre sfb1294.

phd sociology berlin

Global Health

phd sociology berlin

Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin

/// neurology, neuroscience, neurosciences, translation, translational neuroscience,...

phd sociology berlin

TJ-Train – Tight junctions and their proteins: Molecular features and actions in health and disease

/// proteins, tight junctions, medicine, translation, molecular, regulation,...

approx. 3000

Graduate School Students

phd sociology berlin

We have 3 Sociology (berlin) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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Sociology (berlin) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

English phd (option of joint phd with hong kong/singapore/humboldt berlin), self-funded phd students only.

The PhD opportunities on this programme do not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Humanities Research Programme

Humanities Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

German PhD (option of joint PhD with Stuttgart or Humboldt University)

Culture, media & creative industries phd, arts research programme.

Arts Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Phd studies, enrollment office for phd students.

  • Office location:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Referat Studierendenservice Unter den Linden 6 10117 Berlin

  • Contact person:

Ms. Olga Vorobyeva

Consultation hour by phone Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 a.m. Phone: (+49) 30 2093-70330

*If you are already enrolled or registered at HU Berlin, please submit your full name, your enrollment or registration number, your date and place of birth.

If you are not aiming for a degree at HU and only want to complete a few semesters as part of your guest/research stay at HU , you cannot apply for enrollment at the enrollment office. Please contact the International Office with your questions regarding the enrollment process: [email protected]

I. Beginning your doctoral studies: Admission, enrollment and registration

Please find general information for doctoral candidates at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin) on our Doctoral Candidates Portal .

Please contact the PhD office of the faculty at which you would like to do your doctorate. Notice that there are no fixed deadlines for applying as a doctoral candidate. You get all necessary information on the application procedure directly there. Please find corresponding contact details on the websites of the faculties .

Please submit your application for admission exclusively to the PhD office at the faculty of your choice. Your application must contain all specified documents. Please note, if you have a non German university degree, your documents will be checked for equivalence with the German education system before the application procedure. Any coordination that may be necessary for this process is carried out between the faculty’s PhD office and the department for student services internally. We kindly ask you, do not send any documents to the enrollment office for doctoral studies before you received your admission by the faculty of your choice.

Please submit the enrollment form for PhD studies [ PDF ] and all the required documents as soon as possible, but no later than four weeks after you received the letter of admission from your faculty. If you are employed at HU and prefer to be only registered, please choose the registration-form for a doctorate [ PDF ]. Please send the filled out and signed form with all required documents to the following address

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Referat Studierendenservice Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin

or drop them into the mailbox at the Student Service Center (SSC) in the main building of  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin (Opening hours: Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.).

To keep the four-week deadline for enrollment/registration it is sufficient to submit the documents during this period to the enrollment office for PhD students.

Enrollment forms submitted digitally (e.g. as e-mail attachments) cannot be accepted for your enrollment.

You can only enroll for PhD studies after you have received your formal admission in a doctoral-study-program from the PhD office/PhD board of your faculty.

Enrolled doctoral candidates do have a student status and receive a student card (Campus-Card) but cannot receive the semester ticket for public transport. Enrolled PhD students have to pay the semester fees. Enrollment as a doctoral candidate is not contingent upon employment as a staff member at the HU Berlin.

However, if you are employed at HU, you have two options:

Either you enroll or you register for PhD studies. Registration is only possible as long as you are an employee/staff member at the HU Berlin. In case of registration, no fees or contributions have to be paid. But you do not have a status of a student at HU Berlin and cannot receive a Campus Card.

Differences between enrollment and registration for PhD studies


(possible with or without
employment contract at
the HU Berlin)

(possible only during the
employment at the HU Berlin)




not possible/excluded


not possible/excluded


not possible/excluded

Please enroll for PhD studies within four weeks after receiving the letter of admission from your faculty and submit the following documents:

- the completed and signed enrollment form [ PDF ] incl. details on your educational biography,

- a simple copy of your admission letter from the PhD board,

- the payment confirmation of the semester fee (e.g. a simple copy of the bank transfer). You will find detailed information about the amount of semester fee which has to be paid for your enrollment below under "How much semester fee do I have to pay to be enrolled for PhD studies?".

- a simple copy of the de-registration certificate from your last German university (does not apply if you have never been enrolled at a university in Germany),

- a simple copy of your university entrance qualification (in most cases the secondary school certificate and/or university entrance examination),

- simple copies of your previous university degree certificates (German and/or foreign certificates),

- proof of a scholarship (if applicable).

How much semester fee do I have to pay to be enrolled for PhD studies?

Enrollment for the summer semester 2024 (01.04.2024 – 30.09.2024)

In the summer semester 2024, PhD students are not entitled to use the Deutschlandsemesterticket.

When enrolling from the beginning of the re-registration period for the winter semester 2024/25 (in the months of June, July, August and September 2024), we ask you to transfer the semester fee for the winter semester 2024/25.

Enrollment for the winter semester 2024/25 (01.10.2024 - 31.03.2025)

With the new Deutschlandsemesterticket contract, which was negotiated between the student body of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, represented by the Referent_innenrat (legally AStA), and the transport companies and comes into force on October 1st, 2024, the purchase of the Deutschlandsemesterticket is mandatory for PhD students.

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.06.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.07.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.08.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.09.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.10.2024


(semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)


Exemption from the enrollment fee (currently €50)

PhD students who receive a scholarship (e.g. from the DAAD) as part of funding programs that are financed exclusively or predominantly from public funds from the federal or state governments and who submit a proof of this for enrollment can be exempted from the fee for enrollment and re-registration, currently 50 € per semester, in accordance with Section 2 Paragraph 7 of the BerlHG ( § 2 Abs. 7 BerlHG ).

Please find detailed information about the composition of semester fees and contributions here:

Recipient: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
IBAN: DE64 1001 0010 0651 8231 04
Bank: Postbank Berlin
Reference: [surname], [given name], Promotion

Please note that only this bank account can be used for enrollment and re-registration.

Please note that additional fees may apply for transfers outside of Germany. You should ask your bank about these and include them in the transfer.

If you are employed at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and have chosen to register as a PhD student, please submit the following documents within four weeks after receiving the letter of admission from your faculty:

- the completed and signed application registration-form for PhD studies incl. details on your educational biography [ PDF ],

- a proof of employment at HU which contains the begin-date and the end-date of your employment (e.g. a copy of your employment contract),

- simple copies of your previous university degree certificates (either German and/or foreign certificates).

Please note that the enrollment office will not send you a confirmation that your documents have been received . The application deadline is met if your documents for enrollment or registration have reached the enrollment office within one month after your admission for PhD studies.

After we have received your documents, we will check them carefully. If any documents are missing, you will be informed by email or via mail and we will give you a deadline for submitting the missing evidence.

If you submitted all the required documents in full, you will receive a confirmation of completed enrollment/registration by e-mail. In addition, we will provide you with further information (in case of enrollment: e.g. how to create the Campus Card (student ID) or to activate the student HU account).

Please note that the processing of your application for enrollment or registration for PhD studies usually takes at least two weeks after the enrollment office has received all the required documents. Before the start of the semester or shortly after the semester start, there may be longer processing times.

II. During PhD studies: Re-registration, semester fees and semester ticket

Yes, re-registration for the next semester is mandatory. In order to retain your status as a doctoral student and to be able to complete your PhD studies, you must re-register within the re-registration period. Please note the information on the main deadlines for re-registration in your AGNES account and on our website for re-registration .

If you have appropriate reasons, you can apply for a leave of absence as a PhD student by using our application form [ PDF ]. For further information please visit our website .

However, the leave of absence has no influence on the standard processing time of your doctoral studies and your processing time will not be automatically extended for the duration of your leave of absence.

Please complete the extension form ("Bescheinigung über die Verlängerung der Regelbearbeitungszeit der Promotion" [ PDF ]) and have it signed by your PhD supervisor. Then send the signed form to the PhD office of your faculty. Please note that the PhD office may need additional documents from you. Contact the office for more information and procedure details.

If your request has been approved by the faculty’s PhD board, the PhD office will forward the signed form to the enrollment office for doctoral studies.

As a registration for PhD studies is only possible for the duration of your employment at the HU Berlin, you have to enroll as a PhD student after your employment relationship has expired. Please submit the application form for enrollment for PhD studies to the enrollment office. In addition, please submit a proof of payment of the semester fee and an informal letter in which you inform us that you are currently registered for doctoral studies.

The amount of the semester fee depends on the date on which you apply to enroll for your doctorate.

If you apply for enrollment after the first month of the semester, the semester ticket fee only has to be paid pro rata from the month of enrollment.

If you enroll in the last three months of the semester (July - September and January - March), we ask you to transfer the semester fee for the enrollment semester as well as the re-registration fee for the following semester.

Please try to re-activate your HU account for students via our Computer and Media Service (CMS) to solve this issue. If this is not possible, please contact the enrollment office for generating a new PIN letter for re-activating your HU account for students.

Please note that a new PIN can only provided via a PIN letter send to you by mail.

III. Finishing your doctoral studies, de-registration

If you do not re-register for the upcoming semester, .e.g. not paying the required semester fee, you will be automatically de-registered (“Exmatrikulation”). If you would like to be de-registered before the end of the semester, please submit the application for de-registration [ PDF ] to the enrollment office for doctoral studies.

Please contact the PhD office of your faculty and clarify whether the enrollment is necessary to defend your thesis and proceed accordingly. If the regular processing time for your doctorate has expired, and you have submitted your thesis and you need to be enrolled in the upcoming semester, ask the PhD office to inform the enrollment office about this. After the enrollment office has received the confirmation from the PhD office and your payment of the semester fee has been received, we will re-register you.

IV. Legal bases

Fächerübergreifende Satzung zur Regelung von Zulassung, Studium und Prüfung der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ZSP-HU)

Sections 59 and 60 regulate form, procedure and conditions of enrollment and registration as a doctoral student at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

V. Additional information

Doctoral regulations of the faculties

Humboldt Graduate School

International Scholar Services

Financing the PhD studies

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  • Mitteilungen der BGSS / HCSP

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences - Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

Sociology of Education and Labor Market Research

Urban- and Regional Sociology

Demography and Inequality


Integration Research and Social Policy

Science Studies


Democracy & Democratization

Social Research & Methods


International Relations

Social Exchange Theory, Quantitative Methods, Labor and Labor Market

Comparative Political Behavior

Social Conflict and Change


Social Research & Methods

Social inequality, Life Course, Social Policy

Social Inequality, Comparative Welfare State Research, Europeanization



Comparative Analysis of Political Systems



German Domestic Policy

Migration, Transnationalism, Cosmopolitanism, Conviviality, Theories of Space, European Integration, Qualitative Methods

Democratic Theory, Latin America Politics, Democratic Innovations, Political Theory

Social Theory and Cultural Sociology

Science Studies / Sociology of Sciences

Social Sciences / Migration and Gender

Political Sociology and Social Policy



Sociology of the Future of Work


Ernst-Fraenkel-Professor of Comparative Research on Democracy and Political Systems of Eastern Europe

Political Theory

Social Sciences

Democracy: Structures, Performance, Challenges

Sociology and Gender

Georg Simmel Professor of Diversity and Social Conflict


back to the beginning

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phd sociology berlin

Doctoral programs at the department

The Department of Health Care Management can potentially award different degrees, including the PhD in economics (Dr. rer. Oec) and a Dr in Public Health (Dr. P.H.). In principle, it is also possible to obtain a Dr. med. from the Charité. Please see the following important documents on how our particular doctoral program works:    

PhD regulations of 2014 (e. g. Dr.-Ing./ Dr. rer. oec.)

Promotionsordnung Dr. P.H.

Promotionsordnung Charité (Dr. med./ Dr. med. dent.)

Options for pursuing PhD studies

There are two main options for pursuing a PhD at the department. On the one hand, almost all research staff will sooner or later aim to obtain a PhD on the basis of research conducted as part of the different research projects carried out by the department. On the other hand, a small number of selected external candidates who bring their own funding, e.g. who have their own scholarships, may be accepted as PhD candidates at the department. Information on different scholarship opportunities is available here .


All PhD candidates at the department must demonstrate as part of their PhD studies their ability to carry out independent scientific work. In addition to the writing of a dissertation, the candidate must be able to do the following:

  • Recognize scientifically challenging questions that are also politically relevant
  • Correctly apply complex, contemporary scientific methods, including meaningful evaluations and interpretations of results
  • Work in a team and in an international environment
  • Present (ongoing) results to a seminar of fellow PhD candidates on a regular basis
  • Publish the research results in scientific journals

Application as an external PhD candidate

If you are interested in pursuing PhD studies at the department, please send an email to the secretary of the department: [email protected]

Current calls for open researcher positions are published here .

Due to a high number of requests, we can accept external PhD candidates only in exceptional cases. Interested candidates should be aware that undertaking a PhD project requires a considerable amount of time (at least three years). According to our experience, candidates are unable to satisfy the requirements outlined above while working on another permanent full-time contract. External PhD candidates should plan to spend several months at our department, or possibly at another university.

Applications for admission as a PhD student should include the following:

  • A letter of motivation (including a description about how you will sponsor yourself during the time of your research)
  • A full CV with details of achieved academic degrees and final grades
  • A brief synopsis of the planned dissertation (approx. 5 pages, outlining background, objectives, research questions, methods, expected results, and including a time frame)

Please understand that we can only reply to applicants who submit all of the required documents.

Fachgebiet Management im Gesundheitswesen

Administrative Office, Ute Scharpe

[email protected]

+49 30 314 28420

+49 30 314 28433

Office H 80

Freie Universität Berlin

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  • Our Degree Programs
  • Master's degree

Sociology – European Societies

- master´s programs.

[email protected]

Institute of Sociology: Master of Arts "Sociology - European Societies"

Online Studies Selection Guide (OSA, Online-Studienfachwahl-Assistent)

Admission Requirements

For admittance to the master’s program applicants need to fulfill the following admission requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree with a sociology component of at least 60 credit points, with at least 20 credit points in social science research methods, 10 ECTS of which in quantitative methods

Proof of proficiency in English (level C1 CEFR).

Please find more information on the application procedure and eligibility requirements here .

Further information can be found in our FAQs .

You can find our admissions regulations here (in German only).

The research-based program concentrates on the description and analysis of the social aspects of Europeanization: To what extent are European nation states already integrated into a European community? Under which conditions is further integration possible?

In the focus are socio-cultural and cultural differences, similarities and conflicts in a comparative perspective. Changes of societies on a national level as a result of economic, political and social Europeanization will be analyzed. The course also considers Europe and Europeanization within a global context and in comparison to other regions of the world.

Why Study Here?

The institute of sociology only offers the master’s program „Sociology – European Societies“ and the Combined Bachelor's degree program "Global Sociology" - this ensures excellent mentoring.

Furthermore the study program benefits from an extraordinary social science infrastructure in Berlin.

The master’s program is offered by the institute of sociology in cooperation with the following institutions of Freie Universität:

• Institute for Political Science (OSI) • Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI) • Institute for East European Studies (OEI) • John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies (JFK)

and together with:

• Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) • Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP).

A number of researchers affiliated with these centres offer courses in the master’s program. Besides this, many students benefit from the employment opportunities from these institutions and related chances to learn about applied social science up to now.

The comparative perspective regarding research and teaching – which is quite rare at German universities – facilitates describing and explaining contemporary developments of Europeanization and globalization within a theoretical framework and with the help of empirical data.

Basic Information

The master’s program „Sociology – European Societies“ encompasses four study sections:

• Basics (Modules 1-3) • Consolidation (Modules 4-6) • Specialization (Modules 7, 8 and colloquium) • Completion (master thesis).

The study regulations contain further information regarding structure, procedure, content and amount of work; the examination regulations include types, requirements of examinations and credit points.

For further details, please check our website:

Module 1                       European Integration and the Development of European Societies since 1945
Module 2                           Sociological Theories of Social Change and Integration
Module 3 Methods of Comparative Research in Social Sciences
Module 4 Social Structure and Inequality in European Societies
Module 5 Culture and Values in European Societies
Module 6 Globalization and Regional Development
Module 7 Research Placement
Module 8 Specialization – Advanced Methods of Empirical Social Research OR Special Fields of Sociological Research
Module 9 Sociological Research (colloquium)

Master's Thesis

The master's thesis serves to prove that students are qualified to work independently on research questions with scientific methods.                                                                                     

The academic degree Master of Arts (M.A.) is awarded after successful graduation of the program.

Career Opportunities

The course aims at qualifying students for positions in academic and science-related professions. It equips graduates for work within academic and political fields; for example, for positions in social science and research centers, international and particularly European Organizations, NGOs and governmental institutions. Additionally, the program enables graduates to teach at universities and other higher education institutions.

Further Reading

The following literature suggestions are intended to provide an insight into a)    the topic of comparative sociology b)    the research being conducted at the Institute of Sociology. You do not have to acquire this literature in preparation for your studies. a)

  • Checkel, J.T. & Katzenstein, P.J. (2009): European Identity. New York: Cambridge University Press. Halman, L., & Arts, W. (eds.) (2013): Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: Painting Europe’s Moral Landscapes. Amsterdam: Brill.
  • Breen, M.J.  (2017): Values and  Identities  in  Europe:  Evidence  from  the  European  Social Survey. London: Routledge.
  • Eigmüller,    Sebastian    M.,    Monika    Büttner    &    Susann    Worschech    (2022). Sociology of Europeanization. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Della Porta, Donatella & Diani, Mario (2020): Social Movements: An Introduction. 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Lelieveldt, Herman & Princen, Sebastian (2023): The Politics of the European Union. 3rd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pippa, Norris & Inglehart, Ronald (2019): Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit, and Authoritarian Populism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Grusky, David B. (ed.) (2014): Social Stratification in Sociological Perspective: Class, Race, and Gender. 4th edition. New York: Westview.
  • Milanovic, Branko (2024): The three eras of global inequality, 1820–2020 with the focus on the past thirty years, in: World Development, Vol. 177, Iss. 106516.
  • Liebig, Stefan & Sauer, Carsten (2016): Sociology of justice, in: C. Sabbagh, M. Schmitt (eds.), Handbook of Social Justice Theory and Research. Springer, pp.37-59.


  • Büttner, Sebastian M., Monika Eigmüller & Susann Worschech (eds.) (2022): Sociology of Europeanization. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
  • Deutschmann, Emanuel (2021): Mapping the Transnational World: How We Move and Communicate across Borders, and Why It Matters. Princeton University Press.
  • Haas, Hein de, Stephen Castles & Mark Miller (2020): The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. New York and London: Guilford Press.
  • Tubergen, Frank van (2020). Introduction to Sociology: Culture, Structure, and Inequality. Routledge

  Sociology of Emotions

  • Collins, R. (2004): Interaction Ritual Chains. Princeton University Press.
  • Hochschild, Arlie R. (2016): Strangers in their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right. New York: New Press.
  • Illouz, Eva (2007): Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism. London: Polity Press.
  • Heise, David R. (2007): Expressive Order: Confirming Sentiments in Social Actions. New York: Springer.
  • Turner, Jonathan H. (2012): The Sociology of Emotions. New York: Cambridge University Press. Political Sociology
  • Borbáth, Endre, Swen Hutter & Arndt Leininger (eds.) (2023). Under Pressure: Polarisation and Participation in Western Europe, in: Special Issue of West European Politics, Vol. 46, Iss. 4.
  • Hutter, Swen & Kriese, Hanspeter (eds.) (2019): European Party Politics in Times of Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hutter, Swen (2014): Protesting Culture and Economics in Western Europe: New Cleavages in Left and Right Politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Political Sociology

  • Bojar, Abel, Theresa Gessler, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) (2021): Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interactions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) (2019): European Party Politics in Times of Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hutter, Swen, Edgar Grande, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) (2016): Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Empirical Social Structure Analysis and Survey Methodology

  • Lupu, N. & Pontusson, J. (eds.) (2023) Unequal Democracies: Public Policy, Responsiveness, and Redistribution in an Era of Rising Economic Inequality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Best, H. & Wolf, C. (eds.) (2014): The SAGE Handbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference. Los Angeles Calif: SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Smelser, N. J. & Swedberg, R. (2010): The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Second Edition. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Groves, Robert M., Floyd J. Fowler Jr., Mick P. Couper, Roger Tourangeau, Eleanor Singer & James M. Lepkowski (2009): Survey Methodology. Hoboken: N.J, Wiley.

Department of Political and Social Sciences

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  • Master of Arts "Sociology – European Societies"

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  • Institute of Sociology

The Master’s program “Sociology – European Societies” aims at qualifying students for positions in academic and scientific professions. It equips graduates for work within academic and political fields, for example, for positions in social science and research centers, international and particularly European organizations, NGOs and governmental institutions. Additionally, the program enables graduates to teach at universities and other higher education institutions.

After the completion of the Master’s program, Berlin offers a variety of interesting possibilities for doctoral studies. In particular there are several graduate schools in the field of social and political science (scroll down for a list).

Accordingly, some of our graduates started as Ph.D. students at institutions like the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) or the Berlin Graduate School of Social Science (BGSS) at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Others work in research projects at the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW) or in private corporations, for example SEnerCon GmbH. Here some of our alumni talk about their experiences with the Master's program and give an insight into their current positions.

At the end of the document, you will find some advices on  how to make a PhD (in Germany) .

Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences ( BGSS )

phd sociology berlin

The BGSS serves as the platform for international graduate training at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s Department of Social Sciences. The graduate school´s mission is to train and promote doctoral researchers from Germany and abroad/the world for both scientific and professional careers. Doctoral researchers who participate in the training structure of the BGSS International Doctoral Program complete their doctoral degrees in either Sociology or Political Sciences. The degree is awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities III of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Since 2007 the BGSS is funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments via the German Research Association.

Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies ( BTS )

phd sociology berlin

The Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS) is a joint endeavour of the Freie Universität Berlin, the Hertie School of Governance, and the Social Science Research Center Berlin. It offers a rigorous and dynamic English-language PhD programme for exceptionally-talented graduate students in the field of transnational and international relations, defined as an interdisciplinary field of research encompassing political science, history, economics, law and related disciplines.

DIW Berlin Graduate Center

phd sociology berlin

The DIW Graduate Center offers a 4-year program of in-depth training in economics and policy consultancy leading to a PhD from one of Berlin's universities. It follows a dual training approach. During the first year a high-level coursework curriculum is provided, following on-the-job training in DIW Berlin research projects during years 2 to 4. Students' financing is ensured via scholarships and research positions.

The European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies

phd sociology berlin

The European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies is an international, interdisciplinary graduate programme in which nine partner universities are cooperating. After the completion of the programme the doctoral degree Doctor Europaeus is awarded.

European Doctoral Programme in the Social Sciences (EDP III)

phd sociology berlin

EDP III is a joint doctorate run by the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane in Florence and the Central European University in Budapest. It explores the question of how the political, economic and cultural construction of "Europe" has been shaped by and has shaped its global context.

Doctoral Programme in Governance at Hertie School of Governance

phd sociology berlin

The Doctoral Programme in Governance is a three-year, English language programme with a focus on governance and public policy. The programme offers rigorous academic training in research design and familiarises students with cutting-edge theories, methods and concepts in the field of governance. The programme is targeted at PhD candidates with a strong foundation in economics, law, political science, sociology, public administration, management or related fields. It offers a stimulating academic environment for students seeking to explore modern governance in an interdisciplinary and international context.

Graduate School of Global Politics ( GSGP )

phd sociology berlin

As a pioneer in German-Chinese academic cooperation, the Graduate School of Global Politics (GSGP) enters a new stage of academic dialogue between the two countries. The first joint doctoral program between China and Germany in the Social Sciences invites students to pursue their PhD in a three-year program. GSGP is offered by Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) in cooperation with its four renowned Chinese partners Fudan University, Jinan University, Renmin University (RUC) and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS). Soon its collaboration with the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) will start as well.

Graduate School of North American Studies ( GSNAS )

phd sociology berlin

The Graduate School of North American Studies has been funded by the German Research Foundation since 2006. The School's program is dedicated to a comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis of the social, economic and cultural changes facing North America at the beginning of the 21st century. Special attention is given to the crisis-like transformation running through American society today, apparent in both domestic and foreign policy and economic development, as well as in the media, the arts, culture, and religion. The study program has been organized into nine interdisciplinary research areas.

Doctoral Program at the Institute for Latin American Studies

The doctoral program is largely concerned with the states, cultures and societies of Latin America and gives young researchers the opportunity to complete their doctorate in an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented curriculum and research program. During the course of the program and the research process, different perspectives are brought together and expanded on with interdisciplinary and regional knowledge. The normal degree program requires six semesters. The goal of the doctoral program is to train highly qualified researchers and provide them with the necessary support for carrying out exceptional research in their chosen areas of specialization (Cultural and Social Anthropology, Gender Studies, History, Literature and Cultures of Latin American, Economics, Political Science and Sociology).

Graduate School of East Asian Studies ( GEAS )

phd sociology berlin

The research program of GEAS is based on the systematic and comparative study of East Asia in its wider global context. GEAS focuses on institutions: rules, norms, and practices, both those that are globally general and regionally specific. The research program aims at developing a theoretically informed and empirically grounded understanding of the origins, effects, and interdependence of institutions in East Asia, both contemporary and historical. The research approach combines regional expertise with a strong social science focus in a relevant discipline.

Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies ( BGSMCS )

phd sociology berlin

The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS) investigates the plurality, changeability, and global connectedness of Muslim cultures and societies. The area of study includes Muslim societies in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, as well as Muslim communities in Europe and North America. The Graduate School examines, in a systematic and comparative way, concepts, practices, and institutions variously understood as Islamic. Special attention is given to relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, as well as forms of inter- and intra-cultural communication.

International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course ( LIFE )

phd sociology berlin

The International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE) is a joint international PhD Program of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, the Freie Universität Berlin, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the University of Michigan, the University of Virginia, and the University of Zurich. The goal of the Research School is the study of the systematic changes in human behavior over evolutionary and ontogenetic time. The general approach is aimed at advancing the behavioral and social science of human development. LIFE takes an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to understanding human development in a changing world, connecting evolutionary, ontogenetic, historical, and institutional perspectives. The focus is on the evolution and interaction of individual and institutional development. The curriculum combines psychology, educational science, neuroscience, and biology, focussing especially on the dynamics of human behavior on different time scales.

International Max Planck Research School for Moral Economies of Modern Societies

phd sociology berlin

The International Max Planck Research School for Moral Economies of Modern Societies offers an international, English-language PhD program in History, jointly run by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin. Six doctoral stipends are annually granted to applicants with outstanding academic records and a background in history or related fields such as cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, political science.

International Max Planck Research School UNCERTAINTY

phd sociology berlin

The International Max Planck Research School "Adapting Behavior in a Fundamentally Uncertain World (Uncertainty School)" is a Joint international doctorate program of Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Berlin), Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods (Bonn), Max Planck Institute of Economics (Jena), Friedrich-Schiller University (Jena), Indiana University (Bloomington), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Trento. The goal of the Uncertainty School is to study cognitive, social, and organizational adaptations in uncertain and changing situations that involve individuals, groups, and institutions. The program combines a strong theoretical focus with practical applications. For example, theoretical models of how people make decisions in game- theoretic contexts are first developed and then applied for designing institutional responses. The Curriculum combines economics, law, and cognitive and social psychology, focusing on human behavior in uncertain and changing situations, involving individuals, groups, and institutions.

How to Make a PhD in Sociology in Germany – Some Advices

Finding a topic.

At first, you have to find a topic for your thesis. Love your subject. You have to work on it for four or five years on average. Write a proposal.[1] The topic of your thesis co-decides which institutional affiliation is best for you.

Finding a supervisor

The supervisor should be an expert in the field you are working in. German professors get dozens of supervision requests every week. Therefore, you should invest some time and provide an application referring to his/her research and – if possible – make an appointment during his/her office hours. Supervising a thesis takes time. That’s why your thesis should offer a kind of additional benefit for the professor.

Finding an institutional affiliation

Position as a at a chair – via application to job ads[2]

It is normally 50%[3] part-time. You also have to teach one seminar and take over different tasks (being a member of commissions, e.g., writing articles). Those positions are mostly limited to 3-6 years.

You get a good insight into the system “university” and get the chance to teach and to collect important experiences for an academic career.

The professor is your boss and supervisor at the same time -  that sometimes creates conflicts. You have to choose a topic that is close to his/her research. Some professors tend to exploit their assistants who then have no time for their thesis. Good German language skills are inevitable as bureaucratic processes still run in German.

Position as a – via application to job ads[4]

It is normally 65%[5] part-time, sometimes 50%. You work in a project related to a special topic. Those positions are mostly limited to 2-3 years.

This is the best way if your thesis topic is close to the project’s theme.

If you are not ready to work more than 40h/week, there is less time for your thesis (35%), about 15 hours. If the topic of your thesis is different from the project’s topic, it is very hard to handle two topics simultaneously. Often the financial accounting of the project belongs to your tasks.

Graduate school[6]

A GS is a structured program you have to apply for. It normally includes a scholarship. It is sometimes dedicated to a special topic. It is very well coached and you can take a lot of courses to improve your theoretical and methodological skills. An example is Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at Humboldt University.

This is the best way for foreigners who are not familiar with the German academic system and for students who like to get featherbedded.

This is nothing for libertines and for those who are interested in an academic career.

Individual graduation

You apply for an admission and write your thesis on your own, visiting your supervisor only sporadically, e.g. on the way of your job or during your parental leave etc.

You are completely independent.

You are completely independent.

Finding a funding for individual graduation

Information about how to get a scholarship can be found here: . Normally you can only apply for a scholarship after you were accepted for a doctorate.


[2] e.g.

[3] You earn about 1.200 Euro/month (netto).

[4] e.g.

[5] You earn about 1.500 Euro/month (netto).


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  • PhD Global Health

The structured PhD program Global Health at the Charité is a collaboration between seven partnering institutions. It aims to train excellent scientists for leadership positions in global health. The program imparts an interdisciplinary  perspective on health and a sensitivity to inter-cultural factors affecting health.

Applications are accepted from June 20 to August 20, 2024 for admission in October 2024.

The next application window will be January 15 to March 1, 2025  for admission in October 2025.

You are here:

  • Academic Programs .
  • PhD Programs .

Key Facts - PhD Global Health

Seven collaborating partners in Berlin

  • Enrollment at the Charité
  • Language of instruction is English
  • University degree conferred: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Standard period of study 3 years / 6 semesters

  • 30 ECTS course work
  • 150 ECTS scientific research work (dissertation)

Admission of 15 doctoral candidates per year

  • Eligibility requirements are a master’s degree or equivalent
  • Application period 2024 TBA
  • First PhD Cohort starting October 2024

The structured PhD Global Health is tuition free

If you have any questions please check our FAQs oder send an Email to  phd-globalhealth(at)

Cooperating Partners - PhD Global Health

phd sociology berlin

The structured PhD Global Health is a joint doctoral program hosted at the Charité. It brings together the outstanding expertise in Global Health of the following seven cooperating partners (in alphabetical order):

  • Charité -  Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Freie Universität Berlin (FU)
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)
  • Robert Koch-Institut (RKI)
  • Technische Universität Berlin (TU)
  • Universität Potsdam
  • Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB)

PhD candidates are enrolled at the Charité. The degree awarded upon completion of the three year program is PhD in Global Health. The program requires participants to complete 30 ECTS of coursework divided over the 6 semesters and work on a research project (equivalent to 150 ECTS / 5 Semesters) that will result in publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals (doctorate by publication). The program concludes with an oral defense.

The thematic focus of the doctoral program is based on the health-relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The topics we wish to address include communicable and non-communicable diseases, the prevention and control of disease outbreaks, global health security, migration and health, universal health coverage, the role of climate and the environment as determinants of health, One Health, governance and health policy, health economics, community engagement as well as digitalization in healthcare. The doctoral program approaches research topics from an interdisciplinary perspective and incorporates a variety of methodological and conceptual approaches. Through the close exchange between teachers, supervisors and doctoral students, we support the critical examination of institutional and political constellations in the field of global health.

Modes of Study

The PhD Global Health seeks to develop expertise around the globe. We hope to provide prospective students with modes of participation that match their needs and their lifestyles, regardless of where they are from. You can chose to relocate to Berlin for the program or you can stay in your home country and travel to Berlin to participate in coursework and for temporary research stays.

Berlin-based track

  • The Berlin-based PhD allows you to live in Berlin and expects you to travel for field research, research exchanges or conferences. This path is often more convenient for EU candidates.

Sandwich track

The intent of the sandwich track is for PhD students to conduct their research as well as to continue their work and career development in their home country, while receiving input and exchange opportunities in Berlin. Sandwich track PhD students join a cohort of young researchers in Berlin, but also maintain a strong research network and the career support of a sending institution in their home country, where their PhD research is embedded. Sandwich track PhD students expand the Berlin PhD Global Health program’s research networks and collaborative reach. The sandwich track allows PhD students to limit the time spent in Berlin to research stays of 3 months or less per year. This often makes it easier to meet visa requirements and limits costs.

  • Sandwich track PhD students start the doctoral program by spending 3 months from October to December in Berlin, while completing the required Core Course in Global Health. They subsequently return to their home country to continue their work and pursue their research project in their home country. Sandwich track PhD students participate in the required course Doctoral Student Seminar remotely, together will all the other PhD students.  
  • Sandwich track PhD students come back to Berlin for a second research stay the following year, again for 3 months from October to December, while completing the required course Mentored Teaching in Global Health.
  • Sandwich track PhD students can complete their elective courses either in their home country, or during their research stays in Germany, or in any other country of their choice.
  • Sandwich track PhD students are supervised by an interdisciplinary supervisory team that includes researchers from Berlin and their home institution. Though the first supervisor must come from the Berlin Coorperating Partners, we aim to provide sandwich track PhD students with a shared and collaborative supervision.
  • The oral defence of the PhD can take place either online or in-person.

What is Global Health?

Global Health is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field dedicated to addressing health challenges on a global scale. Focused on promoting well-being, preventing diseases, and improving healthcare access for all , it transcends national borders to tackle complex health issues that affect diverse populations worldwide. Global Health professionals work collaboratively to understand and address the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health, striving to create equitable and sustainable solutions.

From infectious diseases to non-communicable illnesses, Global Health emphasizes the importance of international cooperation, research, and policy development to build resilient healthcare systems and foster a healthier future for communities across the globe.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) guide the major themes of  PhD Global Health program. Program participants are encouraged to approach their research from conceptually and methodologically innovative perspectives. The topics to be addressed include communicable and non-communicable diseases, pandemic intelligence, monitoring, surveillance and prevention, migration and health, universal health coverage, the role of climate and environment as determinants of health, One Health, governance and health policy, as well as digitalization and health. The PhD Global Health aims to approach research from an interdisciplinary perspective, incorporating a variety of methodological and conceptual approaches. Close exchanges between faculty, supervisors and doctoral candidates encourage critical thinking and innovation in Global Health.

A PhD in Global Health opens the door to a myriad of impactful and diverse career prospects at the intersection of healthcare, research, and policy. Graduates are well-equipped to take on leadership roles in international organizations, governmental agencies, non-profit institutions, and academic settings. As researchers, they contribute to advancing our understanding of global health challenges, developing innovative interventions, and shaping evidence-based policies. Professionals with a PhD in Global Health may also engage in fieldwork, implementing health programs and strategies in diverse communities around the world. Additionally, opportunities exist in academia, where individuals can contribute to the education and mentorship of the next generation of global health leaders. With a unique skill set that combines research, critical thinking, and cross-cultural understanding , those with a PhD in Global Health are poised to make a meaningful impact on global healthcare disparities and contribute to the development of sustainable and equitable health systems worldwide.

Further information

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Social Science PGCE

London, Bloomsbury

This is the programme information for 2024 entry

If you require details of this year's programme, Social Science PGCE (2025), click here

The Social Science PGCE prepares students to teach the Social Sciences across the 14-19 age range in a flexible and exciting way. Tutors are committed to promoting interactive teaching and learning in their sessions; a collaborative ethos is encouraged so that PGCE students share materials, resources and ideas. The programme specialises in Sociology teaching, with some opportunities to teach other related curriculum subjects.

UK tuition fees (2024/25)

Overseas tuition fees (2024/25), programme starts, applications accepted.

Applications closed

Start teaching

IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, has been ranked 1st for Education in the QS World University Rankings by Subject since 2014.

  • Entry requirements

First degree

A minimum of a lower second-class UK Bachelor’s degree or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard with at least 50% Sociology content.

Preferably an A level in Sociology, plus an additional social science or humanities subject.

English Language and Mathematics at grade C or 4. We do not accept "applied" or "additional" GCSE subjects. Applicants who do not offer a GCSE in English Language or Mathematics may demonstrate an equivalent standard by completing a test via Equivalency Testing or A Star Equivalency and achieving at least a grade 4. For Mathematics, equivalency tests in Mathematics Foundation or Mathematics Higher with grade 4 are accepted. BTEC, Functional Skills or Access course qualifications are not accepted in place of GCSEs.

School experience

We recommend that you aim to gain some experience in a classroom prior to interview.

Skills tests

Trainees will be assured against a set of fundamental Mathematics and English skills by the end of their teacher training.

Relevant experience and background

Applicants whose degree qualifications are below a lower second-class standard may be admitted if they can demonstrate an appropriate academic background at Master's level and above and/or significant postgraduate experience in the relevant field.

Country-specific information, including details of when UCL representatives are visiting your part of the world, can be obtained from the International Students website .

International applicants can find out the equivalent qualification for their country by selecting from the list below. Please note that the equivalency will correspond to the broad UK degree classification stated on this page (e.g. upper second-class). Where a specific overall percentage is required in the UK qualification, the international equivalency will be higher than that stated below. Please contact Graduate Admissions should you require further advice.

The English language level for this programme is: Level 2

Further information can be found on our English language requirements page.

This programme is suitable for international students on a Student visa - study must be full-time, starting September.

DBS and occupational health

If you are made an offer you will be required to successfully complete Occupational Health and Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Disclosure checks. The Occupational Health Check is £90, and depending on your DBS requirements, there may be an additional fee of £15.00 if you can submit your DBS Enhanced Disclosure check via a UK Post Office. These checks are required to ensure you meet the Department for Education’s requirements for physical and mental health to teach, as well as assessing your suitability for access to children and vulnerable adults. More details can be found on the Entry requirements page.

About this course

We draw on current research at IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, and elsewhere to inform Social Science teaching, encouraging student teachers to engage with recent debates, literature and policy in the field. Our underlying aim is to develop students as reflective and highly skilled teachers. We promote themes of social justice and anti-discrimination in the curriculum and look at ways that the Social Sciences can advocate for a more equitable and just society. 

The PGCE Social Sciences programme will feature four ‘Intensive Teaching & Practice’ (ITAP) sequences designed to establish and develop students’ Social Sciences teaching through the year. 

Who this course is for

The Secondary PGCE full-time programme is suited to those wishing to gain Qualified Teaching Status (QTS) for teaching in a UK maintained (state-funded) school and who have fulfilled the appropriate entry requirements.

What this course will give you

Tutors on the Social Science PGCE are skilled classroom practitioners with extensive experience in secondary schools and colleges, as well as in subject leadership, educational research and consultancy. Students participate in a range of lectures, workshops and seminars designed to enhance their development as a teacher. They will also be supported with sessions from experts working in partnership schools and PGCE Alumni.  

Our approach to ITAP is proudly subject-specific. Our ITAP sequences are embedded through the PGCE Social Sciences programme and will give students the opportunity to build their practice and confidence in pivotal areas of Sociology-specific pedagogy. Closely linking theory and practice, and enabling students to observe, deconstruct, plan, practice and progress in specific areas of teaching, these focus on:

  • Behavioural expectations and establishing a positive learning environment
  • Planning, developing, and sequencing sociological knowledge, concepts and skills
  • Teaching for assessment for 14-19 (KS4 & KS5)
  • Teaching for social justice and anti-discrimination in Social Sciences

During their teaching practice placements, students benefit from our partnership with over 300 secondary schools and colleges in Greater London and beyond, which enables each of our students to become a skilled and confident teacher in their chosen subject specialism.

The teacher you want to be

Graduates of the Secondary PGCE programme are highly employable and sought after by schools and colleges in London and further afield. Almost all student teachers secure their first teaching post by the time they complete the programme. Many graduates become a head of department or head of year within 2-5 years, frequently progressing to senior leadership in schools. Several are now headteachers. Others have developed their careers by becoming lead teachers in the classroom, engaging in further study and research or by writing, blogging and advising other teachers.

Overall, the Secondary PGCE Programme aims to provide a springboard into a rewarding career as a skilled subject-specialist teacher and future educational leader.

The tools of a great educator

  • Understanding of theory and subject or phase pedagogy
  • Creating a successful climate for learning, including behaviour management
  • Planning and teaching classes that engage pupils
  • Using assessment to inform planning
  • Working with the wider school community, including parents


Graduates of this programme are currently working across a broad range of areas. Some are working as Sociology and Psychology teachers, while others have jobs as heads of department and heads of year. Graduates in this area can also be found working as senior leaders and subject leads.


Students who successfully complete this programme will be recommended for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

The programme is taught through a mix of face-to-face and online sessions, (including keynote lectures and debates, presentations, discussions, and classroom group tasks), and a practical teaching element based in two schools. Students are required to read widely and to carry out written assignments in their own time. 

Students will also take part in specific activities that provide the opportunity to focus on specific, pivotal areas of our curriculum. These opportunities (totalling 20 days of ITAP) will strengthen the link between theory and practice and provide students with specific feedback to support their progress in these pivotal areas. 

We have identified four placement days for ITAP. The remaining 16 days for ITAP will take place during IOE timetabled time.  

Assessment is through practical teaching, written assignments and portfolio tasks.  

The Social Science PGCE course is a full-time programme. During university taught sessions, students are expected to be present all day. Students spend a minimum of 124 days on school placement and will be required to attend for full and entire school days, including pre- and post-teaching sessions as expected of a normal, full-time teacher at their placement school.

IOE pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped to bring out the best in me. I haven’t graduated as yet but I have already been offered two jobs in both of the schools that I undertook my placements in. Rhia Gibbs Social Science PGCE Q&A with Rhia Gibbs

You will undertake two modules at level 7 (Masters level) and one Professional Practice module at level 6. The level 7 credits can be carried forward onto some full Masters programmes at IOE (check individual programme requirements)

When you are not undertaking face-to-face teaching at IOE, you will be undertaking at least 124 days of school experience in two Partnership Schools.

Throughout the year, you will also participate in specific activities at IOE and in school that focus on important areas of our curriculum. These activities (totalling 20 days with at least 4 days in school) will help you to better understand links between theory and practice. They will also involve feedback from experts so that your progress is supported in these pivotal areas. These days form part of your 124 days on placement.

Compulsory modules

Please note that the list of modules given here is indicative. This information is published a long time in advance of enrolment and module content and availability are subject to change. Modules that are in use for the current academic year are linked for further information. Where no link is present, further information is not yet available.

Upon successful completion of 60 credits and the Professional Practice module, you will be awarded a PGCE in Social Science.

School placements

Students will spend at least 124 days in schools, working with Sociology or Psychology mentors who provide support through the two school placements. Social Science Student Teachers will teach their main social science subject (usually Sociology) at A level. At GCSE, most student teachers teach Sociology and some teach Psychology. In some placements there are opportunities to contribute to relevant vocational qualifications and Key Stage 3 Humanities.

The Professional Practice Module is assessed through these placements, associated tasks and an assessment and development portfolio.

During placement periods Students should be prepared to travel to and from each school placement. It should be noted that there is variation in how accessible schools are, and whether they have parking facilities. However, if you let us know of any particular accessibility needs you have, we will endeavour to accommodate them.

We ensure your placement will provide fulfilling and valuable experiences through:

  • A dedicated team who will identify the best schools for your placements
  • Support and guidance from your university tutor and your school-based mentor
  • School experience that allows you to progress at an appropriate pace for you
  • Reasonable travel times from your home to your school

Making the most of your placement

Teaching is a demanding profession and student teachers can feel nervous about school placements or anxious about the workload. Your tutor and school-based mentor will help you navigate your school experience, ensuring that you have the input you need. Empathetic feedback and discussion about your developing professional practice will support you to be successful.


Details of the accessibility of UCL buildings can be obtained from AccessAble . Further information can also be obtained from the UCL Student Support and Wellbeing Services team .

Online - Open day

Graduate Open Events: PGCE Secondary Teacher Training

Are you interested in a career in teaching? Join our virtual events to find out more about Teacher Training at UCL, including admissions and student funding information.

Fees and funding

Fees for this course.

Fee description Full-time
Tuition fees (2024/25) £9,250
Tuition fees (2024/25) £25,900

The tuition fees shown are for the year indicated above. Fees for subsequent years may increase or otherwise vary. Where the programme is offered on a flexible/modular basis, fees are charged pro-rata to the appropriate full-time Master's fee taken in an academic session. Further information on fee status, fee increases and the fee schedule can be viewed on the UCL Students website: .

Additional costs

Students are responsible for funding their travel to and from placements.

For more information on additional costs for prospective students please go to our estimated cost of essential expenditure at Accommodation and living costs .

Funding your studies

Bursaries and Scholarships may be available for some subjects, subject to eligibility. Visit the Department for Education website for information.

For a comprehensive list of the funding opportunities available at UCL, including funding relevant to your nationality, please visit the UCL Scholarships and Funding website .

IOE-Clarke Scholarships

Deadline: 3 May 2024 Value: Tuition fees, return flights and stipend (1 year) Criteria Based on both academic merit and financial need Eligibility: EU, Overseas

IOE-ISH Centenary Masters Scholarships

Deadline: 3 May 2024 Value: Tuition fees and accommodation (1 year) Criteria Based on both academic merit and financial need Eligibility: EU, Overseas

Application and next steps

Students are advised to apply as early as possible due to competition for places. Those applying for scholarship funding (particularly overseas applicants) should take note of application deadlines.

Got questions? Get in touch

Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

[email protected]

UCL is regulated by the Office for Students .

Prospective Students Graduate

  • Graduate degrees
  • Taught degrees
  • Taught Degrees
  • Applying for Graduate Taught Study at UCL
  • Research degrees
  • Research Degrees
  • Funded Research Opportunities
  • Doctoral School
  • Funded Doctoral Training Programmes
  • Applying for Graduate Research Study at UCL
  • Teacher training
  • Teacher Training
  • Early Years PGCE courses
  • Primary PGCE courses
  • Secondary PGCE courses
  • Further Education PGCE programme
  • How to apply
  • The IOE approach
  • Teacher training in the heart of London
  • Why choose UCL?
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Inspiring facilities and resources
  • Careers and employability
  • Your global alumni community
  • Your wellbeing
  • Postgraduate Students' Association
  • Your life in London
  • Accommodation
  • Funding your Master's


  1. Thorsten HEIMANN

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  2. Astrid EICH-KROHM

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  3. Rocio Elizabeth VERA SANTOS

    phd sociology berlin

  4. Catalin BUZOIANU

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    phd sociology berlin


    phd sociology berlin


  1. Welcome to Introduction to Sociology

  2. Dr. Omkar Joshi

  3. MA Sociology

  4. Sociology PHD Guidance| Research Proposal| NTA UGC NET Sociology

  5. Open PhD Positions for Data Scientists @ Heibrids!

  6. Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning ‒ Alhassan Yakubu Alhassan about "What is Knowledge Transfer?"


  1. Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

    The degree is awarded by Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. BGSS has been funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments via the German Research Association. from 2007 - 2014. Starting from October 2020 applications for BGSS are seeked for on an ongoing basis. Nov 23, 2022.

  2. Institute of Sociology • Departments • Freie Universität Berlin

    We offer a master's program "Sociology - European Societies" which can be studied in German and English. ... Studies, and the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies as well as the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). ... (NEPS) as well as at several graduate schools. ...

  3. Admission

    Application period. Decisions on admission are made in September in 2024. To be considered for this selection round, applications must be submitted by August 31st. We strongly recommend you to submit your application by June 15th, in order to have a smooth start in October 2024.

  4. About Us

    The BGSS program is bi-disciplinary, merging perspectives from political science and sociology. It encourages doctoral research on the interface of democracy and democratization with inequality and diversity, shaping processes of inclusion and exclusion. ... Emerging from the Graduiertenkolleg "Das Neue Europa", the Berlin Graduate School ...

  5. Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

    The Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences offers a structured doctoral program and a research environment for doctoral researchers interested in problems of democracy and social inclusion. ... merging perspectives from political science and sociology. It encourages doctoral research on the interface of democracy and democratization with ...

  6. Institute of Sociology

    Institute of Sociology. At the heart of our teaching and research are questions of how our contemporary, engineered society can evolve and develop. We offer our students the opportunity to find out about as well as gain a deeper knowledge of the theories and methods for conducting analyses of society in a cooperative and discursive environment.

  7. Sociology in Germany: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Sociology in Germany. Studying Sociology in Germany is a great choice, as there are 12 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 369,000 international students choose Germany for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  8. PhD • Sociology • Institute for Latin American Studies

    Sociology. The department of Sociology at the Latin American Institute is also part of the department of Social and Political Science at the Free University. With its emphases on teaching and investigation, it combines an interdisciplinary focus on Latin America with new methodological and theoretical developments in different areas of sociology.

  9. Doctoral Studies

    Tel.: 030 2093 66135. Fax: 030 2093 66151. Kerstin Ludwig. (responsible for the Departments of Education Studies, Cultural History and Theory, Art and Visual History, Social Sciences, Sports Sciences and the Centre for transdisciplinary Gender Studies) E-Mail: k.ludwig (at) Sitz: Georgenstr. 47, Raum 1.32.

  10. Department of Social Sciences

    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Department of Social Sciences stands out for its integration of Sociology and Political Science into all of its degree programmes, and differs in this regard from other Social Sciences departments in Germany. The Department is deliberately oriented towards the ...

  11. PhD Programme

    an interdisciplinary international lecture series. The programme provides PhD students with a unique and internationally competitive curriculum taught and supervised by leading experts from Political Science, Demography and Public Policy. It fosters interdisciplinary exchange to enable PhD students to conduct innovative research that sheds much ...

  12. Berlin Doctoral Programs: Welcome

    The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies not only provides me with a comprehensive platform to embark on my PhD journey, but also offers me invaluable opportunities to foster interdisciplinary perspectives." ... /// sociology, political science, social inclusion, democratic performance ...

  13. Department of Political and Social Sciences

    PhD Board (Promotionsausschuss) Professors: Bruno Castanho Silva, Katharina Bluhm, ... This table lists those persons who made their postdoctoral lecture qualification in the field of sociology at Freie Universität Berlin, partly in cooperation with other institutes in Berlin (Max Planck Institute, Social Science Research Center, etc.) and who ...

  14. Sociology (berlin) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    English PhD (option of joint PhD with Hong Kong/Singapore/Humboldt Berlin) King's College London Faculty of Arts & Humanities. King's is one of the oldest English departments in the country and is home to a lively and supportive group of academics and students engaged in the exploration of literary cultures from the 7th to the 21st centuries.

  15. PhD Studies

    Unter den Linden 6. 10117 Berlin. Contact person: Ms. Olga Vorobyeva. E-mail: [email protected] *. Consultation hour by phone. Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 a.m. Phone: (+49) 30 2093-70330. *If you are already enrolled or registered at HU Berlin, please submit your full name, your enrollment or registration number, your date and place of birth.

  16. Faculty

    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences - Berlin Graduate School of Social Science Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department ... PhD. Sociology of Education and Labor Market Research. Prof. Talja Blokland, PhD. Urban- and Regional Sociology.

  17. PhD programmes in Social Sciences in Germany

    Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Social Sciences from top universities in Germany. Check all 68 programmes. ... Sociology 8. Terrorism & Security 0. Location. 1. Country Continent . United Kingdom. 943. United States. 1210. Switzerland. 47. ... Freie Universität BerlinBerlin, Germany. Ranked top 0.5%. View Programme Information ...

  18. Doctorate • International • Freie Universität Berlin

    Mobility: Erasmus+ Europe and Worldwide. As part of Erasmus+ enrolled doctoral researchers at Freie Universität Berlin can apply for student mobility, teaching stays and internships in Europa and beyond. Doctoral researchers with an employment contract can also participate in training stays. Erasmus+ Teaching and Training Stays.

  19. Department of Political and Social Sciences

    The Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology participates in the following Research Clusters and Graduate Schools which offer formalized PhD course programs. For information and modes of application please consult the following websites: Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies; Graduate School of East Asian Studies

  20. Doctoral programs

    Doctoral programs at the department. The Department of Health Care Management can potentially award different degrees, including the PhD in economics (Dr. rer. Oec) and a Dr in Public Health (Dr. P.H.). In principle, it is also possible to obtain a Dr. med. from the Charité. PhD regulations of 2014 (e. g. Dr.-Ing./.

  21. Sociology

    The institute of sociology only offers the master's program „Sociology - European Societies" and the Combined Bachelor's degree program "Global Sociology" - this ensures excellent mentoring. Furthermore the study program benefits from an extraordinary social science infrastructure in Berlin.

  22. Department of Political and Social Sciences

    The Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS) is a joint endeavour of the Freie Universität Berlin, the Hertie School of Governance, and the Social Science Research Center Berlin. ... How to Make a PhD in Sociology in Germany - Some Advices Finding a topic. At first, you have to find a topic for your thesis. Love your subject.

  23. PhD Global Health

    PhD Global Health. The structured PhD program Global Health at the Charité is a collaboration between seven partnering institutions. It aims to train excellent scientists for leadership positions in global health. The program imparts an interdisciplinary perspective on health and a sensitivity to inter-cultural factors affecting health.

  24. Social Science PGCE

    The Social Science PGCE prepares students to teach the Social Sciences across the 14-19 age range in a flexible and exciting way. Tutors are committed to promoting interactive teaching and learning in their sessions; a collaborative ethos is encouraged so that PGCE students share materials, resources and ideas. The programme specialises in Sociology teaching, with some