Why Voting Is Important

“Voting is your civic duty.” This is a pretty common sentiment, especially each November as Election Day approaches. But what does it really mean? And what does it mean for Americans in particular?

Social Studies, Civics, U.S. History

Americans Voting

Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections.

Hill Street Studios

Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections.

A History of Voting in the United States Today, most American citizens over the age of 18 are entitled to vote in federal and state elections , but voting was not always a default right for all Americans. The United States Constitution, as originally written, did not define specifically who could or could not vote—but it did establish how the new country would vote. Article 1 of the Constitution determined that members of the Senate and House of Representatives would both be elected directly by popular vote . The president, however, would be elected not by direct vote, but rather by the Electoral College . The Electoral College assigns a number of representative votes per state, typically based on the state’s population. This indirect election method was seen as a balance between the popular vote and using a state’s representatives in Congress to elect a president. Because the Constitution did not specifically say who could vote, this question was largely left to the states into the 1800s. In most cases, landowning white men were eligible to vote, while white women, black people, and other disadvantaged groups of the time were excluded from voting (known as disenfranchisement ).

While no longer explicitly excluded, voter suppression is a problem in many parts of the country. Some politicians try to win re election by making it harder for certain populations and demographics to vote. These politicians may use strategies such as reducing polling locations in predominantly African American or Lantinx neighborhoods, or only having polling stations open during business hours, when many disenfranchised populations are working and unable to take time off. It was not until the 15th Amendment was passed in 1869 that black men were allowed to vote. But even so, many would-be voters faced artificial hurdles like poll taxes , literacy tests, and other measures meant to discourage them from exercising their voting right. This would continue until the 24th Amendment in 1964, which eliminated the poll tax , and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which ended Jim Crow laws. Women were denied the right to vote until 1920, when the long efforts of the women’s suffrage movement resulted in the 19th Amendment. With these amendments removing the previous barriers to voting (particularly sex and race), theoretically all American citizens over the age of 21 could vote by the mid 1960s. Later, in 1971, the American voting age was lowered to 18, building on the idea that if a person was old enough to serve their country in the military, they should be allowed to vote. With these constitutional amendments and legislation like the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the struggle for widespread voting rights evolved from the Founding Fathers’ era to the late 20th century. Why Your Vote Matters If you ever think that just one vote in a sea of millions cannot make much of a difference, consider some of the closest elections in U.S. history. In 2000, Al Gore narrowly lost the Electoral College vote to George W. Bush. The election came down to a recount in Florida, where Bush had won the popular vote by such a small margin that it triggered an automatic recount and a Supreme Court case ( Bush v. Gore ). In the end, Bush won Florida by 0.009 percent of the votes cast in the state, or 537 votes. Had 600 more pro-Gore voters gone to the polls in Florida that November, there may have been an entirely different president from 2000–2008. More recently, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 by securing a close Electoral College win. Although the election did not come down to a handful of votes in one state, Trump’s votes in the Electoral College decided a tight race. Clinton had won the national popular vote by nearly three million votes, but the concentration of Trump voters in key districts in “swing” states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan helped seal enough electoral votes to win the presidency. Your vote may not directly elect the president, but if your vote joins enough others in your voting district or county, your vote undoubtedly matters when it comes to electoral results. Most states have a “winner take all” system where the popular vote winner gets the state’s electoral votes. There are also local and state elections to consider. While presidential or other national elections usually get a significant voter turnout, local elections are typically decided by a much smaller group of voters. A Portland State University study found that fewer than 15 percent of eligible voters were turning out to vote for mayors, council members, and other local offices. Low turnout means that important local issues are determined by a limited group of voters, making a single vote even more statistically meaningful. How You Can Make Your Voice Heard If you are not yet 18, or are not a U.S. citizen, you can still participate in the election process. You may not be able to walk into a voting booth, but there are things you can do to get involved:

  • Be informed! Read up on political issues (both local and national) and figure out where you stand.
  • Get out and talk to people. Even if you cannot vote, you can still voice opinions on social media, in your school or local newspaper, or other public forums. You never know who might be listening.
  • Volunteer. If you support a particular candidate, you can work on their campaign by participating in phone banks, doing door-to-door outreach, writing postcards, or volunteering at campaign headquarters. Your work can help get candidates elected, even if you are not able to vote yourself.

Participating in elections is one of the key freedoms of American life. Many people in countries around the world do not have the same freedom, nor did many Americans in centuries past. No matter what you believe or whom you support, it is important to exercise your rights.

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Essay on National Voters Day

Kunika Khuble


A bustling city where people from all walks of life queue up patiently outside polling booths, eagerly awaiting their turn to cast their votes on Election Day. This quintessential scene encapsulates the essence of democracy —a system where every voice matters. At the heart of this democratic process lies National Voters Day, a celebration of civic duty and empowerment. National Voters Day, celebrated annually on January 25th in India, commemorates the power vested in every citizen to shape the nation’s destiny. Instituted to commemorate the foundation of the Election Commission of India, this day holds profound significance in nurturing the democratic ethos of the nation. In this article, we delve into the origins, importance, and impact of National Voters Day.

Essay on National Voters Day

Historical Background

The historical backdrop against which National Voters Day (NVD) emerged is rich with the struggles, triumphs, and aspirations of the Indian democratic movement. Understanding this context illuminates the significance of NVD as a milestone in India’s journey towards inclusive and participatory governance:

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  • Pre-Independence Era: During the freedom struggle against British colonial rule, Indians sowed the seeds of democratic governance. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi , Jawaharlal Nehru, and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar envisioned a future where every Indian would have the right to participate in the nation’s governance.
  • Post-Independence Consolidation: Following India’s independence in 1947, the framers of the Constitution meticulously crafted a democratic framework that enshrined the principles of universal suffrage, equality, and justice. The adoption of the Constitution in 1950 laid the foundation for India’s democratic republic.
  • Evolution of Electoral Processes: The conduct of free and fair elections became a cornerstone of Indian democracy, ensuring that power was vested in the hands of the people. Since its establishment in 1950, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has played a crucial role in supervising the electoral process and safeguarding democratic norms.
  • Challenges and Reforms: Despite the progress made, India grappled with various challenges, including voter apathy, electoral malpractices, and barriers to participation. The ECI initiated several reforms to address these issues, including introducing electronic voting machines (EVMs), voter education programs, and measures to enhance transparency and accountability.
  • Emergence of National Voters Day: Against this backdrop, the Election Commission conceived NVD as a transformative initiative to revitalize democratic participation and empower citizens, especially the youth. By institutionalizing a day dedicated to celebrating the voter, the ECI sought to instill a sense of pride and responsibility in exercising one’s franchise.
  • Continued Commitment to Democracy: Since its inception in 2011, NVD has become integral to India’s democratic fabric, embodying the nation’s commitment to inclusive governance and citizen empowerment. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by past generations to attain the right to vote and the ongoing struggle to safeguard and uphold democratic principles.

Objectives of National Voters Day

The objectives of National Voters Day (NVD) encapsulate the overarching vision of empowering citizens, promoting democratic values, and strengthening the electoral process in India. These multifaceted objectives aim to address various challenges while harnessing opportunities to enhance democratic participation and awareness. The key objectives of NVD include:

  • Promoting Voter Awareness: NVD seeks to raise citizens’ awareness of the significance of their electoral rights and responsibilities. Through educational initiatives, campaigns, and outreach programs, the aim is to inform and educate people about the importance of voting in a democracy.
  • Encouraging Electoral Participation: One of NVD’s primary goals is to increase voter turnout by motivating eligible citizens to exercise their franchise. By highlighting the impact of individual votes on the democratic process, NVD aims to inspire greater participation in elections at all levels.
  • Empowering Youth: Recognizing youth’s pivotal role in shaping the nation’s future, NVD focuses on engaging and empowering young voters. Efforts target educational institutions, youth organizations, and digital platforms to mobilize youth participation in the electoral process.
  • Innovative Voter Outreach: NVD leverages innovative strategies and technologies to reach a wider audience and make voter awareness more accessible and engaging. From social media campaigns to interactive voter registration drives, NVD embraces creativity and innovation to connect with diverse segments of society.
  • Enhancing Electoral Integrity: NVD underscores the importance of conducting free, fair, and transparent elections. By promoting ethical conduct, combating electoral malpractices, and ensuring the integrity of the electoral process, NVD contributes to strengthening democratic institutions and fostering public trust.
  • Celebrating Democracy: Beyond its practical objectives, NVD celebrates democracy and the collective voice of the people. It offers a chance to contemplate the advancements achieved in India’s democratic voyage and reaffirm the nation’s dedication to democratic principles and values.
  • Recognizing Exemplary Practices: In addition, National Voters’ Day (NVD) provides an opportunity to recognize and pay tribute to groups and individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to the political process. By showcasing best practices and exemplary initiatives, NVD aims to inspire emulation and innovation in electoral management.

National Voters Day Theme

Here’s a table outlining the themes of National Voters Day from its inception:

Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure
Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure
Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible, and Participative.
Making Our Voters Empowered, Vigilant, Safe and Informed
Electoral Literacy for Stronger Democracy
No Voter to be Left Behind
Assessable Elections
Empowering Young and Future Voters
Inclusive and qualitative participation
Easy Registration, Easy Correction

Celebrating Democracy: Activities and Initiatives

Various activities and initiatives promote voter awareness and encourage active participation in the electoral process as part of National Voters Day (NVD) celebrations. These events and programs engage citizens, especially the youth, and foster a deeper understanding of the importance of voting. Here are some key activities and initiatives associated with the celebration of National Voters Day:

1. Voter Registration Drives

  • New Voter Enrollment: Organizers hold special camps and drives to facilitate the registration of new voters, particularly targeting those who have recently turned 18.
  • Updating Voter Rolls: Authorities make efforts to update and correct existing voter information to ensure accuracy in the electoral rolls.

2. Voter Awareness Campaigns

  • Public Service Announcements: They utilize television, radio, and social media platforms to disseminate messages regarding the significance of voting and the voter registration process.
  • Posters and Flyers: Informational materials are distributed in public spaces such as schools, colleges, government offices, and community centers to spread awareness.

3. Educational Programs

  • Workshops and Seminars: Educational institutions host workshops and seminars to educate students about the electoral process, the significance of voting, and voters’ responsibilities.
  • Mock Elections: Simulated elections are conducted in schools and colleges to give students hands-on experience with the voting process.

4. Involvement of Civil Society and NGOs

  • Collaborative Efforts: Partnerships with non-governmental organizations and civil society groups to extend the reach of voter education and awareness campaigns.
  • Community Engagement: Organizing community meetings and local events to engage citizens in discussions about the importance of their vote.

5. Innovative Initiatives

  • Mobile Apps and Online Portals: Launching user-friendly digital platforms to facilitate easy voter registration, information dissemination, and grievance redressal.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Utilizing hashtags, challenges, and viral content to engage younger audiences and spread awareness about electoral participation.

6. Recognition and Awards

  • Best Electoral Practices Awards: Honoring individuals and organizations significantly contributing to the electoral process, including exceptional voter mobilization efforts and innovative awareness campaigns.
  • Recognition of Youth Icons: Celebrating young achievers and influencers who have actively promoted the importance of voting.

7. Rallies and Processions

  • Voter Awareness Rallies: Organizing marches and processions to draw public attention to voter participation’s significance and encourage citizens to register and vote.
  • Cultural Programs: Incorporating street plays, folk music, and dance performances to convey messages about democratic participation in an engaging and accessible manner.

8. Accessible Elections Initiatives

  • Special Facilities for Disabled Voters: Ensuring that polling stations are accessible to voters with disabilities by providing ramps, wheelchair assistance, and Braille ballots.
  • Senior Citizen Assistance: Offering special services to make voting easier for senior citizens, including transportation to polling stations and priority queuing.

Understanding the Electoral Process

Electoral Process

The electoral process constitutes the foundation of any democratic society, serving as how citizens articulate their preferences and elect their representatives. In a nutshell, it is the process by which individuals cast their votes to elect leaders who will govern on their behalf. At its core, the electoral process involves several key components:

  • Voter Registration: Individuals must register themselves as voters before participating in elections. This ensures that only eligible citizens have the right to vote, thereby safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process.
  • Candidate Nomination: Political parties or independent candidates nominate individuals to contest in elections. These candidates represent various ideologies, policies, and agendas, providing voters with diverse choices.
  • Campaigning: Candidates engage in campaigning activities to garner support from the electorate. Campaigns typically involve rallies, public speeches, debates, and disseminating manifestos outlining their vision and promises.
  • Voting: On election day, registered voters cast their ballots at designated polling stations. This act of voting is the essence of democratic participation, as it gives citizens a direct say in selecting their leaders.
  • Vote Counting and Declaration of Results: Once voting concludes, electoral authorities tally the votes cast for each candidate. The candidate with the most votes in a constituency or electoral district is declared the winner.
  • Formation of Government: In systems with a parliamentary or presidential form of government, the winning candidates assume office individually or as part of a governing coalition. They govern the country or region based on the mandate received from the electorate, entrusting them with the responsibility.

Leveraging Technology for Electoral Reforms

Leveraging technology for electoral reforms has become increasingly vital in ensuring the integrity, efficiency, and inclusivity of electoral processes worldwide. Here’s how electoral reforms in the Indian context have leveraged technology:

  • Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs): The introduction of EVMs has revolutionized the voting process in India, making it more efficient, accurate, and secure. EVMs have replaced traditional paper ballots, minimizing errors, reducing the time taken to count votes, and enhancing the transparency of the electoral process.
  • Voter Registration Portals: Authorities have established online voter registration portals to facilitate easy and convenient voter registration. Individuals have the option to register as voters, update their voter information, and check their voter status online, eliminating the necessity for manual paperwork and simplifying the registration process.
  • Mobile Apps for Voter Education: Developers have created mobile apps to provide voter education and information to citizens. These apps offer resources such as election schedules, polling station locators, voter ID status checks, and educational materials on voting procedures and electoral rights.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Authorities use social media platforms to conduct voter awareness campaigns and engage citizens. Campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram disseminate information about NVD events, voter registration drives, and voter education initiatives, reaching a wider audience, particularly the youth.
  • Biometric Authentication: Biometric authentication technologies, such as Aadhaar-based verification, ensure voter rolls’ accuracy and integrity . By linking voter registration databases with biometric data, electoral authorities can prevent voter entry duplication and enhance voter information security.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting: Technology enables real-time monitoring and reporting of electoral activities, ensuring transparency and accountability. Election officials use digital platforms to monitor polling stations, track voter turnout, address complaints and grievances, and disseminate election results promptly.
  • Blockchain for Secure Voting: Explorations into blockchain technology for secure and tamper-proof voting systems are underway. Voting systems based on blockchain technology hold promise in bolstering the security and transparency of elections. They offer an immutable record of votes cast, thereby fortifying defenses against fraud and manipulation.
  • Accessible Voting Solutions: Voters with impairments can vote with accessibility thanks to the development of technological solutions. Electronic voting machines equipped with features like Braille keypads, audio assistance, and tactile interfaces guarantee that voters with disabilities can cast their votes autonomously and securely.

Case Studies

Here are some successful case studies showcasing the impact of National Voters Day (NVD) initiatives, supported by relevant statistics and data:  

1. Increased Voter Registration

  • Case Study: In 2019, the state of Uttar Pradesh conducted a massive voter registration drive as part of NVD initiatives.
  • Impact: The drive significantly increased voter registrations, with over 2 million new voters added to the electoral rolls in just one month.
  • Data: The Election Commission of India (ECI) claims that, Uttar Pradesh saw a 6.5% increase in voter registration compared to the previous year, attributed to the NVD campaign.

2. Youth Voter Engagement

  • Case Study: The state of Kerala launched a targeted voter education campaign for youth during NVD celebrations in 2020.
  • Impact: The campaign resulted in a notable surge in youth voter turnout during the subsequent elections.
  • Data: According to ECI data, voter turnout among youth (18-29 age group) increased by 8% compared to the previous election cycle.

3. Ethical Voting Promotion:

  • Case Study: In 2018, an innovative NVD campaign promoting ethical voting practices launched in Tamil Nadu.
  • Impact: The campaign led to a reduction in electoral malpractices such as vote buying and coercion.
  • Data: The ECI documented that the number of instances of electoral violations reported during the election decreased by 15% compared to the previous election cycle.

4. Rural Voter Outreach

  • Case Study: In the state of Bihar, NVD initiatives included extensive outreach programs targeting rural and remote areas.
  • Impact: The efforts resulted in a significant increase in voter turnout among rural communities.
  • Data: Based on ECI data analysis, voter turnout in rural constituencies increased by 12% compared to urban areas.

5. Use of Technology for Voter Education

  • Case Study: The Election Commission of India launched a mobile app for voter education and information dissemination during NVD celebrations in 2017.
  • Impact: The app facilitated access to voter information, election schedules, polling station locations, and voter ID status checks.
  • Data: The app recorded over 1 million downloads and received favorable feedback from users, indicating its efficacy in disseminating voter education resources to citizens.

International Perspective: Global Observance of Voter’s Day

Across the globe, several countries observe Voter’s Day or similar initiatives to underscore the importance of electoral participation, enhance voter awareness, and promote democratic values. Although the names and dates may differ, the fundamental objective remains unchanged: to commemorate democracy and motivate citizens to exercise their voting rights. Here’s an overview of some notable examples of Voter’s Day observances from around the world:

  • United States – National Voter Registration Day: National Voter Registration Day occurs annually on the fourth Tuesday of September. The intention of this nonpartisan civic holiday is to motivate Americans to register to vote and actively participate in the democratic process. The initiative involves partnerships between government agencies, nonprofits, businesses, and community organizations to conduct voter registration drives and raise awareness about voter rights.
  • United Kingdom – National Democracy Week: National Democracy Week is an annual event held in the UK to celebrate democracy and promote civic engagement. It includes various activities such as voter registration drives, educational programs in schools, public debates, and events highlighting the importance of democracy. National Democracy Week encourages citizens to shape their communities and exercise their democratic rights actively.
  • Australia – National Voter’s Day: Australia celebrates National Voter’s Day on the first Tuesday of November, coinciding with Election Day. The day serves as a reminder of the importance of voting in Australia’s democratic system. Various events and initiatives mark it, encouraging voter turnout, including voter education campaigns and outreach efforts targeting underrepresented communities.
  • Brazil – National Voter’s Day (Dia do Eleitor): In Brazil, people celebrate National Voter’s Day on the first Sunday of October. The day commemorates the importance of voting and civic participation in Brazil’s democratic governance. The day encompasses various activities like voter registration drives, educational programs, and public events designed to increase awareness about the electoral process and voter rights.
  • South Africa – Voter Education Week: Voter Education Week is observed in South Africa to promote voter education and civic engagement. The week-long initiative includes voter registration drives, educational workshops, and community outreach activities to empower citizens to participate in elections. Voter Education Week plays a crucial role in building a culture of democratic participation and ensuring that all eligible voters are informed and prepared to exercise their franchise.

National Voters Day has emerged as a catalyst for fostering democratic participation and empowerment among citizens in India. NVD has significantly enhanced voter awareness, registration, and engagement through innovative initiatives, targeted campaigns, and widespread outreach efforts. The accounts of success and detailed case studies highlight the real-world influence of National Voter’s Day (NVD) in bolstering the electoral process and advocating for democratic principles. As India continues its democratic journey, NVD remains a cornerstone in nurturing a culture of active citizenship and ensuring that every voice contributes to shaping the nation’s future.


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Essay on National Voters Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on National Voters Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on National Voters Day


National Voters Day is celebrated in India on 25th January each year. It is a day to encourage more young voters to participate in the political process.


In conclusion, National Voters Day is a step towards strengthening our democracy. It ensures that the power of governance lies in the hands of the people.

250 Words Essay on National Voters Day

National Voters Day, celebrated on January 25th, is a significant annual event in India’s democratic calendar. This day, established in 2011 by the Election Commission of India, underlines the importance of every single vote in shaping the nation’s future.

Importance of National Voters Day

The role of youth.

The youth, with their dynamism and enthusiasm, form the backbone of a nation. Their active participation in the democratic process is essential for a vibrant democracy. Recognizing this, National Voters Day focuses on registering eligible youth voters and encouraging their participation.

Democracy and Voting

Democracy thrives when citizens exercise their right to vote. It is through voting that people express their opinion and choose their leaders. National Voters Day serves as a reminder of this fundamental democratic right and duty.

In conclusion, National Voters Day is a celebration of the power and responsibility that comes with voting. It is a day to acknowledge the role of voting in shaping our democracy and to ensure that every eligible citizen is prepared to participate in this process. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to cast our vote and encourage others to do the same.

500 Words Essay on National Voters Day

Introduction to national voters day.

National Voters Day, celebrated on January 25th every year in India, is a significant event that underscores the essence of democracy. The day was first observed in 2011, initiated by the Election Commission of India, to encourage more young voters to take part in the political process.

The Importance of National Voters Day

National Voters Day plays a pivotal role in spreading awareness about the necessity of voting and its role in shaping the nation’s future. It reinforces the belief that every vote counts and that each voter has a responsibility to contribute to the democratic process. The day is particularly focused on registering voters who have reached the legal voting age of 18, ensuring they are informed about the electoral process and understand the profound impact of their vote.

Theme and Celebration

Implications for democracy.

Democracy thrives on the active participation of its citizens. The significance of National Voters Day is highlighted by its role in promoting this participation. By encouraging the youth to vote, it ensures that the voice of the younger generation, often the most progressive and dynamic segment of society, is heard. This incorporation of diverse voices helps in the creation of a more representative and responsive government.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Despite the progress made, there are still challenges to be addressed. Voter apathy, particularly among the youth, and the lack of awareness about the electoral process are significant issues. There is also a need for more transparency in the electoral process to build trust among voters.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on National Voters Day in 100 and 200 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Jan 25, 2024

Essay on National Voters Day

National Voters Day is annually celebrated on 25th January all over India. The objective of celebrating National Voters Day is to encourage the youth to participate in political activities and processes. One of the features of the Indian Constitution is the Universal Adult Franchise (UAF), which grants voting rights to every Indian citizen aged 18 or above. 

In India, voting is a basic right of every adult citizen. People are free to vote for their favorite candidate or for the person whom they consider will best represent their interests and will work for the overall development of the country. In his latest social media post, Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeted the country on the occasion of National Voters Day and requested people to complete their voter registration. School students are often given writing assignments on various political topics. So today, we have brought samples of essay on National Voters Day for school students.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on National Voters Day in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on National Voters Day in 200 Words
  • 3 10 Lines on Voting Rights

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Greetings on National Voters Day, an occasion which celebrates our vibrant democracy and also a day to encourage people to register as voters, if they haven’t already. At 11 AM, I will address the Nav Matdata Sammelan, which will bring together first time voters from across… https://t.co/LKSe19BddR — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 25, 2024

Essay on National Voters Day in 100 Words

Voting is a basic right of every Indian citizen. To make people aware of this right and encourage their participation in political processes, National Voters Day is observed every year on 25th January 2024. India has a parliamentary democracy, where the leader is elected by the people. Every citizen in India above the age of 18 is entitled to vote, regardless of their caste, race, gender, etc.

Voting is a constitutional right in India. However, not every citizen has completed their voting registration. With this day, more and more people will be encouraged to complete their voting registration and participate in the electoral process of the country.

Here is what Mahatma Gandhi said on voting rights – ‘I am wedded to adult suffrage… Adult suffrage is necessary for more reasons than one, and one of the decisive reasons to me is that it enables me to satisfy all the reasonable aspirations, not only of the Musalmans but also of the so-called untouchables, of Christians, of labourers and all kinds of classes.’

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Essay on National Voters Day in 200 Words

National Voters Day is annually observed on 25th January in India. This day was first observed in 2011. This day also marked the foundation day of the Election Commission of India, which was established on 25th January 1950. In 2011, then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh approved the proposal to observe National Voters Day on 25th January. The theme for this year’s National Voters Day is ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure.’ 

During that time, new voters were showing less interest in political activities. In places, their percentage of participation was less than 30%. So, to encourage these young people in the country’s political practice, the Election Commission of India took the responsibility to identify new registered votes. The newly identified voters were given a badge with a logo named,’ Proud to be a voter – Ready to vote.’

Events like National Voters Day are important to raise awareness among people about their voting rights. In political processes, every person is equal and has the same voting rights as others. No discrimination is done based on gender, caste, religion, or creed. 

To further emphasize the focus on National Voters Day, the slogan ‘No Voter to be Left Behind’ was coined.

Also Read: Speech on Republic Day for Class 12th

10 Lines on Voting Rights

Here are 10 lines on voting rights for school children. Feel free to add them to your essay on National Voters Day or similar topics.

  • Voting is a right and responsibility for every adult citizen.
  • Every adult person must be free to vote for their candidate.
  • Using ballots rather than bullets is more effective.
  • Voting is the essence of a democracy.
  • Your vote is your voice, and collectively, you can form the chorus of democracy.
  • Every single vote matters.
  • Your vote can help shape the future of your country.
  • Voting is a way to honour the sacrifices of those who fought for the right to participate in a democratic process.
  • The power of a vote is not determined by its size but by the conviction and hope it carries for a better future.
  • Keep calm and make your vote count

Ans: Voting is a basic right of every Indian citizen. To make people aware of this right and encourage their participation in political processes, National Voters Day is observed every year on the 25th of January. India has a parliamentary democracy, where the leader is elected by the people. Every citizen in India above the age of 18 is entitled to vote, regardless of their caste, race, gender, etc.

Ans: Universal adult franchise is a constitutional feature, where every citizen who is 18 years or above is entitled to vote, without any discrimination.

Ans: National Voters Day is annually celebrated on 25th January to encourage the youth to participate in political activities. 

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National Voters' Day 2024: Theme, History, Significance, Celebration & More

National voters' day 2024: national voters day is celebrated on 25 january to encourage the youth to participate in the vote in the electoral process. it not only encourages the youth to participate in the electoral process but also focuses on the fact that the right to vote is a basic right. know about the national voters day history, significance, quotes, theme, and why is it celebrated in india.    .

Shikha Goyal

13th National Voters' Day 2024: It is celebrated on 25 January. The main objective behind the celebration is to encourage, facilitate, and maximise enrolment, especially for new voters. The day has been celebrated since 2011 across the country to mark the foundation of the Election Commission of India, i.e. 25th January 1950.

It is celebrated every year with a particular theme. It not only encourages the youth to participate in the electoral process but also focuses on the Right to vote as the basic right. 

National Voters' Day 2024: When is National Voters' Day Celebrated?

National voters' day history.

25th January is the foundation day of the  Election Commission of India  (ECI) which came into existence in  1950 . This day was first celebrated in  2011 to encourage young voters to take part in the electoral process. No doubt it is the day to celebrate the right to vote and also the democracy of India. The Election Commission's main objective is to increase the enrolment of voters, especially the eligible ones.

Let us tell you that earlier the eligibility age of the voter was 21 years but in 1988 it was lowered to 18 years. The Sixty-First Amendment Bill of 1998 lowered the voter's eligibility age in India.

National Voters' Day Significance

India is a democratic country. Every citizen has the basic right to vote. He or she has the right to select his leader to whomever they think is capable of leading the nation, solving the problems of common people, bringing about change, etc. National Voters Day is a significant root of India as the future of the country lies in the leader that we choose.

National Voters Day 2024 Theme

The theme for the year 2024 NVD, ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure’  is dedicated to voters and conveys individuals’ feelings and aspirations toward participation in the electoral process through the power of their vote. 

National Voter's Day 2023 theme is  ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure’

National Voters Day Theme 2022 "Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative."

National Voters Day Theme 2021 "Making Our Voters Empowered, Vigilant, Safe and Informed."

National Voters Day Theme 2020 "Electoral Literacy for Stronger Democracy."

Theme 2019 : “No Voter to be left behind”

Theme 2018: "Assessable Elections"

Theme 2017: "Empowering Young and Future Voters"

Theme 2016: "Inclusive and qualitative participation"

Theme 2015: "Easy Registration, Easy Correction"

Why we Celebrate National Voters' Day?

This year, Hon’ble  President of India, Draupadi Murmu will present the  National Awards for the year 2022 . National Awards for the Best Electoral Practices for the year 2023-24 will be conferred on State and District level officers to mark the occasion. Awards are conferred for their outstanding performance in the conduct of elections in various spheres including IT initiatives, Security Management, Election Management, Accessible Elections, and contribution to the field of voter awareness and outreach. These awards will also be given to important stakeholders like government departments, ECI icons, and media groups for their valuable contribution toward voters' awareness.

The new voters would also be felicitated and handed over their Elector Photo Identity Card (EPIC).

An ECI Publication ‘Electing the First President- An illustrated Chronicle of India’s Presidential Elections’ ’  will be released. The book is the first of its kind publication, it gives glimpses into the historic journey of Presidential Elections in the country. 

An  ECI song- “Main Bharat Hoon- Hum Bharat Ke Matdata Hain” produced by ECI in association with Subhash Ghai Foundation, will also be screened. The song brings forth the power of the vote and celebrates the spirit of inclusive, accessible, ethical, participative, and festive elections in the largest and most vibrant democracy of the world.

READ| What is the Election Model Code of Conduct?

Where a person can Vote?

Generally, the electoral commission allows a person to vote in the place where he or she resides or lives. If voting is done from two or more different places it is considered an offense and this should be intimated to the Electoral Commission whenever he or she changes his or her place of living. In other words, we can say that it is a crime. When a person turns 18 years of age, as a citizen of India, he or she can enrol himself or herself as a voter. Also, the Election Commission revises the electoral rolls every five years and also before an election. At the time of voting, it is not necessary to carry a voter ID, you can carry your PAN card, Driver's license, Adhaar Card, etc.

Therefore, we can say that National Voters' Day is an important day celebrated in India every year on 25 January to spread awareness among the youth so that they can cast their votes for a responsible person and participate in the development of the country.

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  • What is e-EPIC? + e-EPIC is a digital version of the Elector Photo Identity Card that can be accessed through the Voter Helpline App and websites.
  • What is the theme of National Voters' Day 2022? + The theme of National Voters Day 2022 is "Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative."
  • When is National Voters' Day Celebrated? + National Voters' Day has been celebrated since 2011 across the country to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India, i.e. 25th January 1950. Therefore, it is celebrated on 25 January annually.
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Essay on National Voters Day – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on National Voters Day

Essay on National Voters Day: National Voters Day is celebrated on January 25th every year in India to promote the importance of voting and to encourage more people to participate in the democratic process. This day serves as a reminder of the power of each individual’s vote in shaping the future of the nation. In this essay, we will explore the significance of National Voters Day and the role of voters in upholding democracy. Let us delve deeper into the importance of exercising our right to vote.

Table of Contents

National Voters Day Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing National Voters Day and its significance. Mention that it is celebrated on 25th January every year to encourage more young voters to participate in the democratic process.

2. Explain the importance of National Voters Day: Discuss the importance of voting in a democracy and how it is the responsibility of every citizen to exercise their right to vote. Highlight the role of National Voters Day in creating awareness about the electoral process and promoting voter participation.

3. Discuss the theme of National Voters Day: Each year, National Voters Day has a specific theme that focuses on different aspects of the electoral process. Talk about the themes of past National Voters Days and how they have helped in educating voters about their rights and responsibilities.

4. Highlight the initiatives taken on National Voters Day: Mention the various initiatives and activities that are organized on National Voters Day to engage voters, especially young voters. These may include voter registration drives, voter awareness campaigns, mock elections in schools and colleges, and felicitation of first-time voters.

5. Discuss the role of technology in promoting voter participation: In recent years, technology has played a significant role in increasing voter participation. Talk about how initiatives like online voter registration, voter helplines, and voter education apps have made it easier for people to register and vote.

6. Address the challenges faced in voter participation: Despite the efforts made on National Voters Day, there are still challenges in ensuring high voter turnout. Discuss the reasons for low voter participation, such as voter apathy, lack of awareness, and logistical issues, and suggest ways to address these challenges.

7. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate the importance of National Voters Day in promoting voter participation and strengthening democracy. Encourage readers to actively participate in the electoral process and exercise their right to vote on National Voters Day and beyond.

Essay on National Voters Day in 10 Lines – Examples

1. National Voters Day is celebrated on January 25th every year in India. 2. It was first celebrated in 2011 to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India. 3. The main objective of National Voters Day is to encourage more young people to participate in the electoral process. 4. It aims to create awareness about the importance of voting and the role of voters in a democracy. 5. National Voters Day also focuses on promoting ethical voting practices and voter education. 6. Various events and activities are organized on this day to engage and educate voters, especially the youth. 7. The theme for National Voters Day changes every year, focusing on different aspects of voter participation. 8. The day also serves as a reminder for eligible voters to register themselves on the electoral rolls. 9. National Voters Day is an important initiative to strengthen the democratic fabric of the country. 10. It emphasizes the power of the vote and the responsibility that comes with it.

Sample Essay on National Voters Day in 100-180 Words

National Voters Day is celebrated on 25th January every year in India to encourage more young people to participate in the democratic process. It was first celebrated in 2011 to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India. The main objective of this day is to spread awareness about the importance of voting and to encourage eligible citizens to register themselves as voters.

On this day, various events and activities are organized across the country to educate people about the electoral process and their rights and responsibilities as voters. Special campaigns are also launched to enroll new voters and to ensure that every eligible citizen has a voter ID card.

National Voters Day serves as a reminder of the power of democracy and the importance of active participation in the electoral process. It is a day to celebrate the democratic values of our country and to reaffirm our commitment to upholding the principles of free and fair elections.

Short Essay on National Voters Day in 200-500 Words

National Voters Day is celebrated on 25th January every year in India to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India. The day aims to encourage more young people to participate in the democratic process and exercise their right to vote. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of voting in a democracy and the role that each citizen plays in shaping the future of the country.

One of the main objectives of National Voters Day is to increase voter awareness and promote voter education. The Election Commission of India organizes various events and activities across the country to educate people about the electoral process, voter registration, and the importance of voting. These initiatives help to empower citizens with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions at the polls.

Another key focus of National Voters Day is to encourage eligible voters, especially young people, to register themselves and participate in the electoral process. The youth of the country are seen as the future leaders and decision-makers, and it is crucial to engage them in the democratic process from an early age. By encouraging young people to vote, National Voters Day helps to instill a sense of civic responsibility and active citizenship in the next generation.

National Voters Day also serves as a platform to recognize and felicitate individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the electoral process. Awards are given to election officials, civil society groups, and other stakeholders who have worked tirelessly to promote voter awareness and ensure free and fair elections. These awards help to motivate and inspire others to actively participate in the democratic process and uphold the values of democracy.

In addition to these initiatives, National Voters Day also provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress made in the electoral process and identify areas for improvement. It serves as a reminder of the challenges that still exist, such as voter apathy, electoral fraud, and the need for electoral reforms. By bringing these issues to the forefront, National Voters Day helps to stimulate dialogue and action towards strengthening the electoral system and ensuring that every citizen’s voice is heard.

In conclusion, National Voters Day is a significant occasion that celebrates the democratic values of the country and encourages citizens to actively participate in the electoral process. By promoting voter awareness, encouraging voter registration, and recognizing the contributions of stakeholders, National Voters Day plays a crucial role in strengthening democracy and upholding the principles of free and fair elections. It reminds us that voting is not just a right but also a responsibility that each citizen must fulfill to ensure a better future for the nation.

Essay on National Voters Day in 1000-1500 Words

National Voters Day is celebrated on 25th January every year in India to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India. This day is dedicated to encouraging young voters to participate in the democratic process and exercise their right to vote. It was first celebrated in 2011 and has since become an important day in the Indian calendar.

The importance of National Voters Day cannot be overstated. In a democracy, voting is not just a right but a responsibility. It is the duty of every citizen to participate in the electoral process and choose their representatives. National Voters Day serves as a reminder of this duty and encourages citizens, especially the youth, to take an active interest in politics and governance.

One of the key objectives of National Voters Day is to increase voter participation, especially among young people. In India, the youth make up a significant portion of the population, and their participation in the electoral process can have a significant impact on the outcome of elections. By celebrating National Voters Day, the Election Commission of India aims to raise awareness about the importance of voting and motivate young people to register as voters and cast their ballots.

Another important objective of National Voters Day is to promote electoral literacy among citizens. Many people in India are not aware of their rights and responsibilities as voters. They may not know how to register as voters, where to vote, or how to cast their ballots. National Voters Day provides an opportunity to educate citizens about the electoral process and empower them to participate in a meaningful way.

National Voters Day also serves as a platform to recognize and appreciate the efforts of election officials and volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure free and fair elections. These individuals play a crucial role in the electoral process and their dedication and hard work deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated.

The theme for National Voters Day 2022 is “Making Our Voters Empowered, Vigilant, Safe, and Informed.” This theme highlights the importance of empowering voters, encouraging them to be vigilant against electoral malpractices, ensuring their safety at polling stations, and providing them with accurate and timely information about the electoral process.

On National Voters Day, various activities are organized across the country to promote voter awareness and participation. These activities include voter registration drives, awareness campaigns, seminars, workshops, and competitions. Schools, colleges, government offices, and civil society organizations actively participate in these activities to spread the message of democracy and encourage people to exercise their right to vote.

One of the key initiatives of National Voters Day is the distribution of Elector Photo Identity Cards (EPIC) to newly registered voters. The EPIC is a crucial document that serves as proof of identity and eligibility to vote. By distributing EPICs on National Voters Day, the Election Commission aims to ensure that every eligible citizen has the necessary documentation to participate in elections.

National Voters Day is also an occasion to honor outstanding voters and election officials who have made significant contributions to the electoral process. Awards and certificates are given to individuals and organizations that have demonstrated exemplary commitment to promoting voter awareness and participation.

In addition to celebrating National Voters Day, it is important for citizens to reflect on the significance of voting and the impact it has on the democratic process. By casting their ballots, citizens have the power to shape the future of their country and hold their elected representatives accountable. Voting is not just a right but a privilege, and it is essential for citizens to exercise this privilege responsibly.

As we celebrate National Voters Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to democracy and pledge to uphold the values of freedom, equality, and justice. Let us encourage our fellow citizens, especially the youth, to register as voters and participate in the electoral process. By working together to promote voter awareness and participation, we can strengthen our democracy and build a better future for generations to come.

In conclusion, National Voters Day is a significant occasion that highlights the importance of voting in a democracy. It serves as a reminder of our rights and responsibilities as citizens and encourages us to actively participate in the electoral process. By celebrating National Voters Day, we can promote voter awareness, empower citizens, and strengthen our democracy. Let us all come together to make our voices heard and shape the future of our country through the power of our vote.

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National Voters' Day today: History, Theme and celebrations this year

The first-ever national voters’ day was celebrated on january 25, 2011, to encourage more young voters to take part in the electoral process..

The National Voters’ Day is celebrated every year on January 25 to encourage the country’s voters to participate in the electoral process. This year, it is the 12th edition which is being celebrated.

The theme for this year’s National Voters' Day is ‘Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative’.(File photo. Representative image)

The first-ever National Voters’ Day was celebrated on January 25, 2011, to encourage more young voters to take part in the electoral process. The Union government, then led by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, approved a proposal of the law ministry to this effect.

Former information and broadcasting minister Ambika Soni at that time pointed out that new voters who attained the age of 18 were showing less interest in getting enrolled in the electoral rolls.

To address this issue, the Election Commission decided to launch a nationwide effort to identify all eligible voters who reach the age of 18 on January 1 of each year in all polling stations across India, Soni said.

Such voters would be enrolled and be given the Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) on January 25 every year.

Also Read| National Voters’ Day: EC to focus on inclusive polling to mark event; awards for achievers

The theme for this year’s National Voters' Day is ‘Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative’. Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu was supposed to be the chief guest for this event. However, he won’t be physically attending the event after getting infected with Covid-19 and will deliver a virtual message.

Union law minister Kiren Rijiju will be the Guest of Honour. During the event, National Awards for the Best Electoral Practises for the year 2021-22 will be given to state and district level officers for their outstanding performance in the conduct of elections in different areas.

On the other hand, the newly enrolled voters will be handed over the EPIC during the event.

Koo launches multi-lingual guide on voter rights and responsibilities

On the occasion of National Voters' Day, microblogging platform Koo has released a multi-lingual guide on voter rights and responsibilities to empower first-time voters to make informed decisions during the upcoming assembly elections in five states. According to a statement, the guide focuses on the basic rights of the Indian voter as enshrined in the Constitution, and enumerates the responsibilities voters need to consider before and after casting their votes.

(With agency inputs)

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Make Election Day a national holiday

Subscribe to the center for technology innovation newsletter, william g. gale and william g. gale senior fellow - economic studies , the arjay and frances fearing miller chair in federal economic policy, co-director - urban-brookings tax policy center darrell m. west darrell m. west senior fellow - center for technology innovation , douglas dillon chair in governmental studies.

June 23, 2021

As Congress continues to grapple with voting rights legislation this week, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has used his considerable influence as the Senate’s key swing vote to set the terms of the debate. Last week his office released a list of voting rights provisions he would support . At the top of his list: making Election Day a national holiday. Without this simple step toward turning out as many Americans as possible to vote, any reform will be incomplete.

So far this year, hundreds of bills have been introduced that could have the effect of suppressing people’s right to vote. States such as Georgia and Iowa already have passed restrictive measures and many others appear poised to do the same thing. These efforts challenge fundamental values of American democracy and constitute a serious threat to the “one person, one vote” principle.

To combat these efforts, lawmakers nationally have introduced HR1 (the “John Lewis Act”) and S1, which would enact a number of important provisions :  improve ballot access, create nonpartisan redistricting commissions to reduce gerrymandering, provide automatic voter registration when people turn 18, allow at least 15 days of early voting, mandate that presidential candidates disclosure their federal tax returns, and require greater disclosure of so-called “dark money” campaign contributions. The bill would also effectively revive Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which requires states with a history of voter discrimination have all changes to their election laws approved by the federal government, updating the law in response to the Supreme Court’s 2013 holding in Shelby County v. Holder .

While these provisions represent major steps in the right direction, they are not enough. American election laws have been reformed before with minimal impact on voter turnout which remains low compared to other democracies around the world. There is a simple and straightforward solution: make Election Day a national holiday so that people have the time and freedom to vote without taking time off from work.

Many other democracies make election day a holiday and they all have higher voter turnout than we do. For example, Australia typically has a turnout in the 90 percent or more range, and other nations such as Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Mexico achieve very high turnout via universal voting and time off for voting.

Making Election Day a holiday would not necessarily involve adding a new holiday, which employers might resist—particularly following the addition of Juneteenth as a national holiday last week. Instead, lawmakers could simply move nearby Veterans’ Day to Election Day, emphasizing that voting is both a service to the country and a celebration of the rights and freedoms for which our servicemembers fight.

Veteran’s Day typically is about one week after Election Day so this would involve little disruption in terms of job schedules and monthly routines. Furthermore, making this small shift would celebrate the purpose and sacrifice of our fighting forces. After all, what do our veterans fight for, if not for democracy itself? And there is no better way to secure democracy than to ensure that everyone has not only the right to vote, but also the meaningful opportunity to cast their ballots.

Establishing Election Day as a holiday, taken together with the pending federal voting rights reforms, would go a long way towards stabilizing democracy and ensuring basic democratic rights. Congress would shore up the people’s right to vote while guaranteeing the time to engage in this fundamental right. These changes would send the message that voting is not a privilege to be bought with job security and time to spare, but rather an essential responsibility every person ought to undertake.

These changes would send a strong rebuke to those who are attempting to scale back voting rights and make it more difficult for African-Americans and Latinos to vote. It would also blunt the impact of many of these baldly anti-democratic moves—opening the doors to the house as Republicans attempt to shut the windows.

While no state has proposed reinstating the literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses that effectively ended the burst of African-American franchise during Reconstruction, today’s efforts to disenfranchise minority voters are similarly unsubtle. In a number of states, polling places have been closed in minority neighborhoods, which has created long lines and tremendous inconvenience for affected voters—inconvenience with a cost, especially for those paid hourly wages.

As of mid-May Republicans in 48 states have introduced 389 bills that would reduce the hours polls are open; forbid people from eating or drinking while waiting in line to vote; close voter registration on Sundays, when Black churches traditionally have organized their members to register and vote; repeal “no excuse” absentee voting; and create a long list of other barriers to voting. All this despite the fact that these types of restrictions have typically been considered illegal under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which requires that elections be “equally open” to all people. Litigation pending before the Supreme Court this term in Brnovich v. DNC , however, threatens to undermine this rule.

While the Republican efforts are shrouded in their supposed desire to protect the integrity of elections, there is no evidence of significant voter fraud in recent elections, including presidential election in 2020. Over 60 court cases reviewed the evidence and judges—appointed by both Republican and Democratic presidents alike—reached the same conclusion: there was no compelling evidence of fraud.

Other countries take heroic efforts to ensure that people can vote if they desire. In India, for example, a polling place is required within two kilometers (about a mile) of every single person in the country of 1.4 billion. And some countries, like Australia, require people to vote by subjecting those who don’t to a minor fine equivalent to a traffic ticket. Incidentally, Australia routinely reaches more than 90 percent voter turnout, compared to the United States, where average voter turnout in presidential elections since 1965 has been only 54% . High turnout means that people are successfully exercising their rights-a good in itself—but it also ensures the continuing health of majority rule. When turnout is high, it becomes increasingly fruitless for politicians to play to their base in ways that allow a vocal minority to rule, which is how many American leaders currently operate.

America is walking the knife’s edge between maintaining and losing democracy. Democratic rights are much easier to end than they are to restore, so the federal government must respond to the wave of voter suppression overtaking the states with decisive, expansive action. Passing voting rights reform will be a crucial component of this response, as would making Election Day a national holiday.

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essay voters day

Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans’ views of voting policies and procedures in the United States. For this analysis, we surveyed 5,140 adults from Jan. 16-21, 2024. Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATP’s methodology .

Here are the questions used for the report and its methodology .

Americans generally believe that voting is an effective way to bring about positive change in the country . But in recent years, there have been contentious debates in a number of states over the rules around voting and elections.

A new national survey finds deep partisan divisions over some voting policies, especially voting by mail.

Chart shows Most Americans favor paper ballot backups, voter ID, weeks of early voting, making Election Day a holiday

Yet other proposals draw widespread public support, including from majorities in both partisan coalitions:

  • Requiring paper ballot backups for electronic voting machines (82% favor this),
  • Requiring people to show government-issued photo identification to vote (81%),
  • Making early voting available for two weeks prior to Election Day (76%),
  • Making Election Day a national holiday (72%) and
  • Allowing convicted felons to vote after serving their sentences (69%).

The Pew Research Center survey, conducted Jan. 16-21 among 5,140 adults, also finds smaller majorities supporting allowing anyone to vote by mail if they want to (57%), as well as automatic and Election Day voter registration (57% each).

Americans are more divided on whether groups should be banned from collecting completed ballots to return to official voting centers (47% favor, 50% oppose) and whether people should be removed from registration lists if they have not voted recently or confirmed their registration (44% favor, 55% oppose).

Proposals with broad bipartisan support

More than eight-in-ten Republicans and those who lean to the Republican Party (85%), and a similar share of Democrats and Democratic leaners (82%), favor paper ballot backups for electronic voting machines.

Dot plot by party showing there is bipartisan support for some voting policy proposals, including paper backups of electronic votes, allowing two weeks of early in-person voting and making Election Day a national holiday; but wide partisan gaps on other proposals, including voting by mail and automatic registration.

While there is substantial support in both parties for requiring a photo ID to vote, there is a sizable partisan divide in these views: Nearly all Republicans (95%), compared with 69% of Democrats, favor this requirement.

At least six-in-ten among both parties also favor allowing two weeks of early in-person voting, making Election Day a national holiday and allowing convicted felons to vote after serving their sentences. Yet support for each of these policies is higher among Democrats than Republicans.

Proposals with narrow majority public support, and wide partisan differences

About six-in-ten adults (57% each) support allowing anyone to vote by mail if they want, automatically registering eligible citizens to vote and allowing registration on Election Day.

However, Democrats are far more supportive of these proposals than Republicans. At least three-quarters of Democrats support each of them, while there is more opposition than support for them among Republicans.

Proposals that divide the public

Nearly half of Americans (47%) favor banning groups from collecting completed ballots to return to official voting centers, while roughly the same share (50%) oppose this. The public is also relatively divided over removing people from voter registration lists if they have not voted recently or confirmed their registration, with slightly more opposing this (55%) than supporting it (44%).

Republicans are about twice as likely as Democrats (60% vs. 27%) to support the removal of inactive records from registration lists. Republicans are also more likely than Democrats (56% vs. 41%) to favor banning groups from collecting and returning ballots.

Support for – and opposition to – many election policy proposals is similar to views in recent years, though there have been some notable shifts.

Election Day policies

Americans have long supported making Election Day a national holiday. But support for this has risen in recent years, from 65% in 2018 to 72% today. Currently, 78% of Democrats and 68% of Republicans favor this.

By contrast, support for allowing Election Day voter registration has dropped over the last several years –from 64% in 2018 to 57% now.

  • This decrease is largely driven by declining support among Republicans: 39% currently favor Election Day voter registration, down from 49% four years ago.
  • 76% of Democrats favor allowing Election Day registration, little different from the 78% who said this in 2018.

Voting by mail

Multiple line charts over time showing that since 2018, Republicans and Democrats have grown further apart on whether to allow automatic and Election Day voter registration and voting by mail

The single widest partisan gap on the voting policies asked about in this survey is over “allowing any voter to vote by mail if they want to.” And that gap is now substantially wider than it was in April 2020, the result of a sharp decline in support among Republicans:

  • Today, just 28% of Republicans say any voter should be allowed to vote by mail if they want to. Four years ago, 49% of Republicans said this.
  • An overwhelming share of Democrats (84%) continue to say voting by mail should be available to all voters. Democratic support is essentially unchanged over this period.

Majorities in both parties continue to back requiring all voters to show government-issued photo ID to vote.

  • The share of Democrats supporting this has risen from 61% to 69% since last year.
  • Support for voter ID remains nearly universal among Republicans (95% favor).

While there are only modest age differences on many of the voting policies asked about in the survey, there are wider gaps on two policies related to voter registration.

Chart shows Wide age gaps, especially within GOP, on same-day registration and removal of inactive voter records

Older adults are far less supportive than younger adults of same-day voter registration. They are also more supportive of removing people from registration lists if they have not voted recently.

These differences are particularly pronounced among Republicans.

Election Day registration

  • About six-in-ten Republicans ages 18 to 34 (57%) favor same-day voter registration. The share backing this drops among older age groups. Just 24% of Republicans ages 65 and older support allowing Election Day registration.
  • There are only modest age differences on this question among Democrats, with about seven-in-ten of those 50 and older supporting same-day voter registration, along with about eight-in-ten of those under 50.

Removing inactive registration records

  • Nearly three-quarters of Republicans ages 65 and older (73%) support removing people from registration lists if they have not recently voted or confirmed their registration, as do 61% of Republicans 50 to 64 and 58% of Republicans 35 to 49. Republicans ages 18 to 34 are less likely (44%) to say this.
  • Among Democrats, age differences are far more modest: 24% of those under 50 and 31% of those 50 and older favor the removal of registration records for inactivity.

Views of voting proposals among racial and ethnic groups

Across racial and ethnic groups, large majorities favor requiring paper ballot backups for electronic voting machines, photo ID requirements for voting and making Election Day a national holiday.

Dot plot showing that White Americans are less supportive than Black or Asian Americans of allowing anyone to vote by mail if they want to, automatic voter registration and same-day registration

  • Majorities also favor allowing two weeks of early in-person voting and allowing convicted felons to vote after serving their sentences, with Black adults more likely than any other group to strongly favor these policies.
  • While about half of White adults (52%) favor policy proposals that would allow anyone to vote by mail if they want, automatically register all citizens to vote, or allow people to register on Election Day, they are far less supportive of these policies than other racial and ethnic groups. About three-quarters of Asian adults favor these policies, as do similar shares of Black adults and about six-in-ten Hispanic adults.

For the most part, partisan and ideological differences in support or opposition to voting policies find wide gaps between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans, with moderates in both parties falling somewhere in between. But there are a few exceptions:

  • Liberal Democrats are particularly likely to support making Election Day a national holiday. But there is no gap in opinion between other groups: 88% of liberals favor this, compared with about seven-in-ten of those in other ideological groups.
  • Wide majorities across all groups favor requiring paper backup ballots – with nearly identical shares of conservative Republicans (88%) and liberal Democrats (86%) saying this.

Dot plot showing substantial ideological differences within both parties on some election policies, including voting by mail and same-day registration

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Essay on Election for Students and Children

500+ words essay on election.

Election is the process through which people can express their political opinion. They express this opinion by public voting to choose a political leader . Furthermore, this political leader would have authority and responsibility. Most noteworthy, Election is a formal group decision making the process. Also, the selected political leader would hold public office. The election is certainly a vital pillar of democracy. This is because; Election ensures that the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.

essay voters day

Characteristics of Election

First of all, suffrage is an important part of Election . Most noteworthy, suffrage refers to the right to vote in Elections. The question of who may vote is certainly an important issue. The electorate probably never includes the entire population. Almost all countries prohibit individuals under the age of majority from voting. For example, in India, the age of majority is attainable at the age of 18 years.

The nomination of a candidate is also an important characteristic of Election. This means to officially suggest someone for Election. Nomination refers to the process of selecting a candidate for election to a public office. Furthermore, endorsements or testimonials are public statements to support a candidate’s nomination.

Another essential characteristic of Election is electoral systems. Electoral systems refer to detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems. Furthermore, detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems convert the vote into a political decision.

The first step is the tally of votes. For this purpose, there is the use of various vote counting systems and ballot. Then comes the determination of the result on the basis of the tally. Also, the categorization of most systems is as either proportional or majoritarian.

Scheduling refers to arranging and controlling of Elections. Elected officials are accountable to the people. Therefore, they must return to the voters at regular intervals of time. Elected officials must do that so as to seek a mandate to continue in office. Above all, most countries arrange elections at fixed regular intervals.

An election campaign is also an integral part of Election. Election campaign refers to an organized effort to positively influence the decision making of a particular group. Consequently, politicians compete with each other by trying to woo more and more individuals.

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Importance of Election

First of all, the Election is a peaceful and efficient way of choosing political leaders. Furthermore, citizens of a Nation choose a leader by casting their votes. In this way, the citizens are able to choose an individual whose views appeal to them most. Hence, people are able to exercise their will in political leadership.

An election is an excellent opportunity for people to express their resentment. Most noteworthy, if people are unhappy with a particular leadership, then they can remove it from power. People can certainly replace an undesirous leadership with a better alternative through Election.

The election is a handsome opportunity for political participation. Furthermore, it is a way by which new issues can be raised in public. In most democratic countries, common citizens are allowed to contest elections independently.

Consequently, a citizen could introduce reforms which are not any political party’s agenda. Also, in most democratic countries, a citizen could form a new political party to contest Election.

Election helps keep the power of political leaders in check. The ruling parties cannot afford to do any wrongdoing to the public due to the risk of losing Election. Hence, Election serves as an efficient power check and control for those in the ruling power.

To sum it up, Election is the symbol of political freedom. Most noteworthy, it is the tool which puts authority in the hands of common people. Democracy certainly would be non-functional without it. People must realize the value of Elections and come out in large numbers to vote.

Q1 What are electoral systems?

A1  Electoral systems are detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems. These detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems convert the vote into a political decision.

Q2 How Election helps keep the power of the political leaders in check?

A2 Elections certainly help keep the power of the political leaders in check. This is because political leaders cannot afford to do any wrongdoing to the public due to the risk of losing Election

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Essay on National Voters’ Day 2023 in English

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Essay on National Voters 2023′ Day in English

Each year, India celebrates National Voters’ Day on January 25. The commemoration of Voters’ Day was launched in 2011 by then-President of India Pratibha Devi Patil on the 61st anniversary of the Election Commission of India.

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Each year, the State Government sends directions to educational institutions for the commemoration of National Voters’ Day. Through debates, quizzes, and declamations, schools try to foster democratic ideas in students. It was noted that youth who had recently reached the voting age of 18 was showing less or no interest in enrolling themselves in the electoral roll. National Voters Day aims to encourage the youth to participate in the electoral process.The day was created to inform youngsters that it is their turn to be active participants in the electoral process and to mobilise eligible voters out of their homes to exercise their fundamental right.

10+ Lines on National Voters’ Day

This day was initially observed in 2011 to urge young voters to use their right to vote. It is a day to commemorate both the freedom to vote and India’s democracy.

While organising an election, the committee prioritises the generation of a clean voter’s list free from errors of duplicity and disqualification.

Inspirational Quotes about Voting:

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”— Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

“When we vote, our values are put into action and our voices are heard. Your voice is a reminder that you matter because you do, and you deserve to be heard.”— Meghan Markle

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  • Election Essay


All You Need to Know

The day when India freed herself from the shackles of British Rule, she gained her independence as a democratic country and set a new platform where everyone has the right to give his/her political opinion. This is the definition of democracy where a leader is chosen after conducting a poll. The voters will put their choices in the ballot boxes from the available options. The candidate who has got the highest votes will be chosen as the leader. This is called an election.

An election is considered the prime pillar of democracy. Not only for the country but the election can also be conducted in any case where public opinion matters the most. An election is also defined as a decision-making process within a group of people sharing similar interests. For example, if you are a member of a club and you want to fill the vacant position of the chairman, choose the most suitable members and let the others cast their votes. On counting, the highest vote winner will be chosen as the chairperson. This is how a democratic government works.

In a democratic country, every person has the right to showcase his political views. This is called suffrage. It is the prime element of the election. Going a step ahead, we need to find out who can cast their votes. People of all ages will not be able to commend the importance of voting and choosing a leader. For this, one needs to be mature enough to understand the situation of a country. This is why the country’s voting authority has set the minimum voting age to 18 years. In India, people entering their adulthood at the age of 18 can cast their votes.

The second phase is to choose the candidates who can compete in a voting session and do campaigns. The electorate authority has set a list of guidelines that a candidate has to follow to register his name as a nominee. It happens in the public office where the candidate will have to file the nomination. Furthermore, testimonials and endorsements are provided in support of the candidates who have filed their nominations.

The Election Commission sets the platform where the voting session will be carried in different states. As per the constitutional arrangements, a voting platform is set where eligible people will cast their votes. Based on the result, a political decision will be taken. Once all the votes are cast, ballot boxes are opened and all votes are counted. The digital ballot panels can also count votes automatically. The counting results will then be tallied. The number of votes each candidate has secured will be counted and compared to find the winner.

The electoral body will make decisions regarding scheduling and conducting votes. Elections are conducted regularly in every democratic country. The nominees can campaign in their respective areas to gather more traction and win the election. Individuals understand the candidates’ propaganda and wisely choose the right one based on their experiences.

Election gives us the power to choose the best leader in every session. If one is not performing up to the mark, he can be replaced in the next voting session. All we need is proper awareness of the public for making the right decisions. This is what democracy stands for. One has the power to replace an undesirable candidate with a suitable nominee in an upcoming voting session.

Elections are conducted to allow the common to participate in making political decisions. Common men have many responsibilities in their personal and professional life. It is the election that helps them choose their leaders to run the country .

Characteristics of Election

First of all, suffrage plays a vital role in Elections. Most importantly, it refers to the right to vote in Elections. We need to determine who has the right to vote. Almost all countries restrict individuals under the age of majority from voting. The question of who can vote is certainly an important one. The electorate is unlikely to include the entire population.

The election also involves the nomination of candidates; this means to suggest someone formally for Election. Nomination refers to the selection of a candidate for public office. Moreover, endorsements or testimonials are public statements that support a candidate's nomination.

A second essential feature of an Election is the electoral system. Electoral systems refer to detailed constitutional arrangements as well as voting systems. Furthermore, detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems transform the vote into a political decision.

As a first step in the election process, there is the tally of votes. While there are several systems of counting votes, the determination of the results is based largely on the tally. Most voting systems can be classified as proportional or majoritarian.

Schedules refer to the arranging and controlling of Elections. Elected officials are responsible to the people. For that reason, they must return to the voters regularly. Elected officials must do this to remain in office. 

In addition to Election, there is also an election campaign. An election campaign is an organized project intended to influence the opinion of a particular group. In consequence, politicians compete by trying to woo more and more people.

Importance of Election

In the first place, we can observe that elections are a peaceful and efficient method of choosing political leaders. Furthermore, individuals in a nation choose their leaders by casting votes. In this way, citizens can select someone whose views are most in line with their own. 

An election is an excellent opportunity for people to voice their dissatisfaction. Most importantly, if people dislike a particular leadership, then they can remove it. People can replace an undesirable leadership with a better alternative through elections.

In most democratic countries, common citizens are allowed to run for election in their own right. The election is a great opportunity for participation in politics.

Therefore, a citizen could implement reforms that aren't part of a political party's agenda. In addition, in most democratic countries, a citizen can form a new political party to contest elections.


FAQs on Election Essay

1. What is an Electoral System?

A democratic country gives importance to every common man’s decision by conducting voting sessions. Elections are the ideal opportunities that common men get to choose their leaders among the nominees. For this, the Election Commission prepares a platform where the common people can cast their votes. This constitutional arrangement is done as per the decisions made by the electoral body. Once all the votes are cast, they are counted and compared. The winner is decided based on the number of votes secured by the candidates. Hence, this is how a political decision is made. This is called an electoral system. You can witness it in any democratic country where common people cast their political views.

2. Why is election important for a Democratic Country?

Political leaders enjoy the power given by the common people. It is often found that elected leaders misuse it for their benefit and turn out to be corrupt. This is where the power of elections lies. Common people can find out what the political leader has done and decide to reelect or replace him in the next voting session. Election reminds us that the common people are the most powerful in a democratic country. It reminds the leaders that every deed will not go unnoticed and the consequences will depend on it.

3. How does election represent Political Freedom?

In a democratic country, a person is eligible to cast his vote to choose a suitable candidate among the nominees. This power is given by the Election Commission of India. It means that everyone has the right to express his/her political views and discreetly cast a vote to choose a desirable leader. This political freedom represents democracy. Having free and fair elections and media freedom is essential to ensuring that democracy thrives. Elections are more than just casting a ballot under fair conditions; they also ensure citizens have access to information about candidates, parties, and political platforms.

4. What is the Importance of Voting?

In addition to empowering the common people to choose their rulers, voting has indirect control over the functioning of government. There remains no place for an oppressive government. The general public has the freedom to change governments in the upcoming elections. Elections play a crucial role in reflecting the opinion and will of the people in choosing or framing their government. They also serve as an important pillar in helping to shape the future of a country. A voter card is a vital part of the electoral process.

5. Why are the reasons to vote?

It’s our Right- We are privileged to have the right to vote as a democratic country. Our Parliament and legislatures are elected by the people, by the people and for the people. Voting is a constitutional right that we take for granted, but our constitution has given it to us.

Age of Change- By voting, you can change the government if you are unhappy with it. By not voting, the same party could rule for another five years. At the end of the day, if the country is stuck with a bad government, it won't get better.

NOTA : The Government of India allows voters to exercise their vote despite dissatisfaction with any of the candidates. NOTA stands for None of the Above and is an important vote to cast for those who are dissatisfied with any of the parties standing.

  • 2024 Elections

Breaking Down the 2024 Election Calendar

essay voters day

T he Nov. 5 election is rapidly approaching, and Americans will soon have the chance to cast their votes for the next President—along with candidates for a wide range of other federal, state, and local offices.

But navigating the complex web of deadlines and procedures can be tricky. Election calendars differ significantly from state to state, with some sending out mail-in ballots in early September while others will only start processing them closer to the election.

Below, TIME has compiled a list of important election dates and voting deadlines to help voters navigate the process. This calendar will be updated.

August 2024

Aug. 19-22 — democratic national convention.

Democrats will convene in Chicago for their national convention after Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz were nominated as the party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates. 

The convention will serve as a platform for them to present their vision and rally support. Key events will include speeches, party platform discussions, and activities aimed at energizing the Democratic base for the upcoming election. 

Republicans held their national convention in July in Milwaukee, where former President Donald Trump and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance were nominated as the party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates.

September 2024

Sept. 4 — proposed presidential debate on fox news.

Trump proposed a presidential debate on Fox News, though Harris has not agreed to participate as of Aug. 13. Trump has signaled that he would be open to turning the debate into a televised town hall if his opponent does not agree to the network or date.

Sept. 6 — First state begins mail-in voting

Voters in North Carolina will be the first to receive absentee ballots for the 2024 general election. The state will initiate the vote-by-mail process on Sept. 6, a full two months ahead of Election Day, by mailing ballots to eligible voters who have requested absentee ballots in advance. The rules differ by state for whether voters need to request mail-in ballots, need to provide an excuse in order to get one, or automatically receive one.

Several additional states also open the absentee voting period in September, including Alabama (Sept. 11), Kentucky (Sept. 16), Pennsylvania (Sept. 16), Wisconsin (Sept. 19), Arkansas (Sept. 20), Minnesota (Sept. 20), New York (Sept. 20), South Dakota (Sept. 20), Virginia (Sept. 20), West Virginia (Sept. 20), Idaho (Sept. 21), Louisiana (Sept. 21), New Jersey (Sept. 21), Texas (Sept. 21), Maryland (Sept. 23), Mississippi (Sept. 23), Vermont (Sept. 23), Missouri (Sept. 24), Florida (Sept. 26), Illinois (Sept. 26), Michigan (Sept. 26), North Dakota (Sept. 26), District of Columbia (Sept. 30), and Nebraska (Sept. 30).

Other states open the absentee voting period in October: Connecticut (Oct. 4), Maine (Oct. 6), Massachusetts (Oct. 6), New Hampshire (Oct. 6), South Carolina (Oct. 6), California (Oct. 7), Georgia (Oct. 7), Ohio (Oct. 7), New Mexico (Oct. 8), Wyoming (Oct. 8), Arizona (Oct. 9), Alaska (Oct. 11), Colorado (Oct. 11), Montana (Oct. 11), Utah (Oct. 15), Iowa (Oct. 16), Kansas (Oct. 16), Nevada (Oct. 16), Oregon (Oct. 16), Hawaii (Oct. 18), Washington (Oct. 18).

essay voters day

Sept. 10 — Presidential debate on ABC

Harris and Trump have agreed to participate in a debate hosted by ABC News. David Muir and Linsey Davis will moderate.

Sept. 18 — Special election for New Jersey’s 10th congressional district 

New Jersey is hosting a special election in the 10th congressional district following the death of Democratic Rep. Donald Payne Jr. in April. Newark City Council President LaMonica McIver is the Democratic nominee, while small business owner Carmen Bucco is the Republican nominee.

Sept. 20 — First state begins early voting

Voters in Virginia will be the first who are eligible to visit a polling location to cast their ballots early. 

For other states, check with local officials for details since early voting rules can vary by county.

Sept. 25 — Proposed presidential debate on NBC

Trump proposed a presidential debate on NBC News, though Harris has not agreed to participate as of Aug. 13.

October 2024

Oct. 1 — vice presidential debate on cbs.

Walz and Vance will face off in a televised showdown hosted by CBS News. It will be held in New York City, and Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan will moderate.

November 2024

Nov. 5 — election day.

Voters will not only determine the outcome of the presidential election but also play a crucial role in shaping Congress and state governments, as 34 Senate seats and all 435 House of Representatives seats are up for election, as well as 12 gubernatorial races.

December 2024

Dec. 17 — electors cast votes.

The electors in each state meet to cast their votes for President and Vice President, a practice that is governed by state law. Electors will sign, seal, and certify the electoral votes.

January 2025

Jan. 3 — 119th congress convenes.

Representatives-elect and senators-elect will be sworn in.

Jan. 6 — Congress certifies presidential election results

The House and Senate will certify the results of the 2024 presidential election in a joint session during which the electoral certificates for each state are counted and tallied.

Jan. 20 — Inauguration day

The President and Vice President will take their respective oaths of office.

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American Bar Association creates rapid response teams ahead of Election Day

Steve Inskeep, photographed for NPR, 13 May 2019, in Washington DC.

Steve Inskeep

The American Bar Association is setting up rapid-response teams of legal experts ahead of the presidential election. It's part of a broad effort to defend democratic institutions.

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Election Day is in 85 days, but voters in some key states can cast ballots next month

essay voters day

Election Day is now 85 days away, but some voters could cast their ballot even sooner.

That is less than two months of runway for Vice President Kamala Harris, who became the nominee for the Democratic party after President Joe Biden announced he would not seek a second term. She is now the party's official nominee, thanks to a  virtual roll call  held by the DNC on Aug. 5 to satisfy ballot deadlines in several states. 

Republican nominee Donald Trump , on the other hand, announced he would seek reelection in November 2022, approximately two years ahead of Election Day.

The political landscape has shifted dramatically since Harris took over the Democratic ticket. Her campaign raised $126 million in the first three days after receiving the torch from Biden, and has since surpassed $300 million . Her rallies have seen crowd sizes topping  10,000 people . In the meantime, Trump has pivoted his focus from Biden to Harris, but recent polling shows he has fallen behind Harris in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, three key swing states.

Pennsylvania, a key battleground state for this election, could accept ballots in some counties less than a week after the Sept. 10 debate hosted by ABC News, which Trump and Harris have both agreed to attend.

Here are the other states with early-voting periods coming up soon, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures:

Getting to the polls: 10 states made it trickier to apply for an absentee ballot. In Iowa, it came with a cost

States with the earliest, early vote periods

These are some of the states with the earliest options to vote early in person , according to data compiled by NCSL. Some states describe it differently, like "early voting" or "in-person absentee," but NCSL counts it so long as it is available to all voters.

  • California - Oct. 7
  • Illinois - Sept. 26
  • Minnesota - Sept. 20
  • Nebraska - Oct. 7
  • Pennsylvania - Sept. 16 (may not apply to all counties)
  • Vermont - Ballots available at least 45 days before the election
  • Virginia - Sept. 20
  • Wyoming - Oct. 8

States without early voting

These states do not offer early voting, but may provide other absentee options ahead of election day, according to NCSL:


New hampshire, early voting days around the country.

To navigate, click on a state to see its dates or simply scroll through the list. Data has been compiled by NCSL and Ballopedia.org .

Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

  • No early voting
  • Early voting starts Oct. 21
  • Early voting starts Oct. 9
  • Early voting starts Oct. 7


  • Early voting starts Oct. 25
  • Early voting starts Oct. 26
  • Early voting starts Oct. 15
  • Early voting starts Oct. 22
  • Early voting starts Sept. 26
  • Early voting starts Oct. 8
  • Early voting starts Oct. 16
  • Early voting starts Oct. 31
  • Early voting starts Oct. 18
  • Early voting starts Oct. 24


  • Early voting starts Oct. 19
  • Early voting starts Sept. 20

North Carolina

  • Early voting starts Oct. 17

North Dakota

  • Early voting starts Oct. 30


Rhode island, south carolina, south dakota.

  • Ballots available 45 days before the election

West Virginia

  • Early voting starts Oct. 23

Contributing: Natalie Neysa Alund

After Iowa abortion ruling, should voters boot Justice David May? Rekha Basu weighs in.

Opponents of same-sex marriage waged ideological warfare against the courts in 2010. this time, kim reynolds, lawmakers and justices are responsible for the ideological warfare..

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  • Rekha Basu is a longtime syndicated columnist, editorial writer, reporter and author of the book, “Finding Your Voice.”
  • She retired in 2022 as a Des Moines Register columnist.

In 2010, a group of evangelical political activists, furious over the Iowa Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling for same-sex marriage, plotted revenge. Led by Bob Vander Plaats of the The Family Leader, they formed the ironically named “Iowans for Freedom.”

Funded partly by out-of-state money, it campaigned against three of the Supreme Court justices who happened to be up for retention elections. And it succeeded in unseating three fine ones:  Chief Justice Marsha Ternus and Justices Michael Streit and David Baker .

Fast forward to this year, when a reconstituted Iowa Supreme Court, a majority hand-picked by Iowa’s anti-abortion Gov. Kim Reynolds, turns back the clock 50 years with a 4-3 ruling effectively outlawing abortions after six weeks into a pregnancy. In doing so, the justices overturned their own court's precedent, deciding that abortion laws should not be assessed under the strict-scrutiny standard previously invoked .

And now, in response, some women are taking a cue from what Iowans for Freedom accomplished in 2010. They’re encouraging others to turn the page on the November ballot — literally — to the side where judicial retention votes are, and vote against Justice David May . He’s the only one who voted for the six-week ban who’s up this year.

So, how could anyone who opposed the 2010 campaign support the same tactic? Comparisons between the two efforts get complicated. Retention elections used to be mostly pro forma shows of support for sitting judges appointed on a nonpartisan basis, who were doing their jobs properly. In 2010, same-sex marriage opponents couldn’t accept that their religious-based agenda had lost in a court of law bound by the Iowa Constitution. So it used the elections to wage ideological warfare. 

This time the ideological warfare has been waged by the governor, state lawmakers and the court’s new majority, by tampering with the once nonpartisan, constitutionally based process. Reynolds, an outspoken abortion opponent, called a special one-day session of the Legislature last summer to vote on the ban. Six weeks is before most women even know if they’re pregnant. Iowa’s Republican-led Legislature complied by passing it, though a nearly identical 2018 law had been permanently blocked . Reynolds had over the years appointed four new justices, including May, who could reliably be predicted to vote as they did.

More: Kim Reynolds picked this Legislature, and it steamrolled an extreme path for Iowa

The victims now will be untold numbers of pregnant women and girls, and children born to people ill-equipped to care for them.

“The ideological bias of this court does not reflect the will of most Iowans, and I’m not sure how far it follows the constitution,” said Des Moines’ Lea DeLong, the reproductive rights advocate who penned a letter making the case for opposing May’s retention. “My reading of the constitution is that it is intended to expand the rights and liberties of people.”

Her letter is being widely circulated by email. It points out that, as Reynolds’ appointee, May helped give Iowa “one of the most restrictive rulings in the nation against the rights of women.” It goes on to say, “It is an unfortunate development in our society that these kinds of actions against judges must happen, but I'm afraid we have had to learn some sad lessons from those who deny the rights of women. It is well known that most Iowans do not support these draconian restrictions on women's lives and decisions.”

That’s true: 61% of Iowans polled support abortion rights in all or most cases . Still, the governor saw fit to impose her personal beliefs over the will of the majority.

DeLong is co-founder with Charlotte Hubbell of a group of some 15 women known as Iowans for Reproductive Freedom (one word but light years away from the group that waged the 2010 ballot battle). Formed in November, 2022, it has placed billboards defending reproductive rights on display around Des Moines.

They carry such captions as:

  •   Reproductive Freedom Is KEY to a Strong Family .
  •  Keep Government OUT of Women's Health Care .
  • If Men Got Pregnant, We Wouldn't Be Discussing This .

Though individual members support the ballot idea and are circulating DeLong’s letter, the organization isn’t officially involved in the effort. DeLong herself doesn’t doubt May is a good person. And she’s mindful that Reynolds would likely replace him with another justice of the same ideological bent. But she wants this to be a wake-up call. “It sends a message,” she said. “Maybe it will encourage people to think very seriously about what this court is doing to women.”

Unlike Vander Plaats’ well financed and heavily publicized initiative, she says, “We’re not trying to organize a campaign. We will do what women have always done before: Spread information to our friends.”  

More importantly, the goal this time is protecting rights, not undermining them.

“Much as I don’t like the fundamental concept of doing this,” DeLong said, “I think so many destructive lines have been crossed.”

And she’s right. They have been.

Rekha Basu is a longtime syndicated columnist, editorial writer, reporter and author of the book, “Finding Your Voice.” She retired in 2022 as a Des Moines Register columnist. Her column, “Rekha Shouts and Whispers,” is available at basurekha.substack.com .

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Guest Essay

How Harris Has Completely Upended the Presidential Race, in 14 Maps

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Daniel Zvereff

By Doug Sosnik Graphics by Quoctrung Bui

Mr. Sosnik was a senior adviser to President Bill Clinton from 1994 to 2000 and has advised more than 50 governors and U.S. senators.

With Kamala Harris now at the top of the ticket, the enthusiasm and confidence within the Democratic Party feel stronger than at any point I’ve seen since Barack Obama ran for president in 2008. And it’s not just vibes: The paths to victory in the Electoral College have been completely reshaped for the Democrats – and for Donald Trump – since my last analysis of the electoral map on July 12, nine days before Joe Biden exited the race.

Not only have Democrats come home to support their party’s nominee, they are now also more energized about the election than Republicans. Ms. Harris has quickly picked up support from nonwhite and younger voters.

We are now back to the same electoral map that we had before Mr. Biden’s summertime polling collapse: Once again, the winner in November will come down to the seven battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The seven swing states that will most likely decide the 2024 presidential election.

Current polling shows the transformed race: While Mr. Biden trailed Mr. Trump in all seven battleground states last month, Ms. Harris is now leading Mr. Trump by four points in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the latest New York Times/Siena College polls . Other polls show Ms. Harris in a statistical dead heat in Georgia and Arizona .

Those polls also reveal one of Mr. Trump’s biggest obstacles to winning the election: A majority of the country has never supported him, either as president or as a candidate for office. In the Times/Siena surveys, Mr. Trump had polled at only 46 percent in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And with the race no longer between two unpopular nominees, support for third-party candidates has dropped, making it much more difficult for Mr. Trump to win.

And yet: Republicans have a structural advantage in the Electoral College system of voting, giving Mr. Trump at least one advantage against a surging Ms. Harris.

The G.O.P. lost the popular vote in seven out of the last eight presidential elections, yet won the White House in three of those elections. In 2016, Mr. Trump eked out Electoral College wins in swing states like Wisconsin even as Hillary Clinton crushed him in the most populous states like California. The Republican edge has only grown stronger with the reallocation of electoral votes based on the most recent census.

Given that structural advantage, Georgia, and its 16 Electoral College votes, is increasingly becoming a pivotal state that Mr. Trump can’t lose. If Ms. Harris is able to carry Georgia – and Mr. Trump seems to be trying to help her by inexplicably attacking the popular incumbent Republican governor and his wife – then she would have 242 electoral votes, only 28 short of the 270 needed to win.

Mr. Trump may not understand the political consequences of losing Georgia, but his advisers appear to: His campaign and biggest aligned super PAC spent four times as much in advertising in the state in the two weeks since Ms. Harris became the Democratic Party nominee as they did in the rest of 2024 combined. And in this coming week, of the $37 million in ad buys that the Trump campaign has placed nationally, almost $24 million are in Georgia.

Pennsylvania looks increasingly to be the other key battleground state, and both parties know it. According to AdImpact , over $211 million in paid media has so far been purchased in Pennsylvania from March 6 until Election Day, which is more than double the amount in any other state.

Given its size and support for Democratic candidates in the past, if Ms. Harris loses Pennsylvania, that could be just as damaging to her candidacy as a loss in Georgia would be to Mr. Trump’s chances.

This is why Georgia and Pennsylvania are the two most important states to watch to see if one candidate is able to establish a decisive path to 270 electoral votes.

Ms. Harris starts out with 226 likely electoral votes compared to 219 for Mr. Trump, with 93 votes up for grabs. However, unlike Mr. Biden last month, she has multiple paths to 270 electoral votes.

The first path for Ms. Harris is to carry Pennsylvania , which Mr. Biden won by more than 80,000 votes in 2020 and has voted for the Democratic candidate in seven out of the last eight presidential elections. Assuming that Ms. Harris wins Pennsylvania, she will have 245 electoral votes and six paths to 270.

Scenario 1 Then all Ms. Harris needs are Michigan and Wisconsin (assuming that she carries the Second Congressional District in Nebraska) …

Scenario 2 … or Wisconsin and Georgia …

Scenario 3 … or Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada …

Scenario 4 … or Michigan and Arizona …

Scenario 5 … or Michigan and Georgia …

Scenario 6 … or Georgia and Arizona.

The second path for Ms. Harris does not require her winning Pennsylvania. Instead she needs to win Wisconsin , Michigan , Georgia and …

Scenario 1 … Arizona …

Scenario 2 … or Nevada .

Based on past elections, Mr. Trump starts out with 219 Electoral College votes, compared to 226 for Ms. Harris, with 93 votes up for grabs.

It’s difficult to see how Mr. Trump could win the election if he cannot carry North Carolina , which generally favors Republican presidential candidates. That would give Mr. Trump 235 electoral votes and multiple paths to 270.

The first path involves carrying Georgia , a state he lost by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020. Before then, Republicans won Georgia in every election since 1992. If Mr. Trump carried North Carolina and Georgia, he would have a base of 251 electoral votes.

Scenario 1 Then all Mr. Trump needs is Pennsylvania …

Scenario 2 … or Michigan and Nevada …

Scenario 3 … or Michigan and Arizona …

Scenario 4 … or Arizona and Wisconsin …

The second and more difficult path for Mr. Trump would be if he carried North Carolina but lost Georgia. He would then have only 235 electoral votes and would need to win three of the six remaining battleground states.

Scenario 1 Like Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin …

Scenario 2 … or Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania .

A Look Ahead to November

Ms. Harris clearly has the momentum going into the Democratic National Convention, but she has not really been tested yet. At some point she will need to demonstrate that she can perform under pressure in order to win over undecided voters and less enthusiastic moderates and independents.

As unruly as this election year has been, there are still certain rules of politics that apply to the presidential race. History has repeatedly shown that the winning candidates are usually the ones best able to define who they are, whom they are running against and what the election is about.

Mr. Trump had made the election a referendum of his presidency compared to Mr. Biden’s – that he was a strong leader and Mr. Biden was weak.

In the past three weeks, Ms. Harris has set the terms of the campaign as a choice between change versus going backward – a positive view of the future compared to a dystopian view of the present with a desire to go back to the past.

But even though Ms. Harris’s favorability has gone up significantly since she announced her candidacy, the increase in support is soft. That is the reason that the Democratic convention is such an important opportunity for her to close the deal with key swing voters.

Mr. Trump, on the other hand, is fully defined in the minds of most voters, and has elected to double down on catering to his MAGA base despite alienating the key swing voter blocs that will determine the outcome of the election. During the last hour of his convention speech, and every day since then, Mr. Trump has offered words and actions that remind Americans why they voted him out of office in 2020.

Mr. Trump has increasingly looked like a washed-up rock star who can play only his greatest hits for his dwindling group of fans. If he loses in November, he will have been a one-hit wonder who led the Republican Party to four presidential and midterm election-cycle losses in a row.

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Biden’s Path to Re-election Has All But Vanished

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Voting Awareness Essay

The voting awareness essay is an article that discusses voting and its importance. It provides information about voting and how to be a responsible voter. A lot of people want to vote, but many are not aware of its need and how to cast it. This is where voting awareness comes into play. The idea of voting awareness is to help people understand the importance of voting. Voting is an important way for voters to control their government. It is a method for citizens to express what they want from their leaders by raising awareness about voting. This will lead to better governance and what everyone wants – a democracy that is free, fair and representative.

Voting helps citizens become more involved in their government and keep it accountable. To vote, you must meet specific requirements. In addition to voting, there are a few laws that ensure fair elections around the world. BYJU’S short essay on voting awareness helps us understand the vote’s significance.

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Importance of Voting

Voting is an integral part of democracy, and it is necessary for people to have a voice. Everyone has the right to vote, which means that all Indians can vote for the Prime Minister of their choice. By voting, you can create change and make a difference in your community. It is also important to vote because you can only repeal a law if most citizens agree with it.

Voting is one way to be more civically engaged with your government. It is vital to make a difference in the world by having your voice heard and representing the views of people who don’t have a voice. If you want to create change, voting is an excellent way. Voting in election helps citizens ensure that the country is granted better rights and protection.

Voting is an important civic duty that can significantly impact the future of our country. Voting helps keep politicians accountable for their actions and creates the framework for our democracy. Voting also ensures that public officials are paid with the tax amount from the people who can afford to pay them. The most consequential decision of all is how to spend tax – voting ensures that there is accountability for what goes into our government’s budget. The last thing we want is for politicians to be able to spend public money without being held accountable by the public’s vote.

To conclude, this is BYJU’S voting awareness essay for kids to help them understand the significance of voting in a democracy. Voting gives citizens a voice and an opportunity to participate in the democratic process. Voting also allows everyone to contribute to the shared democracy and make the government more representative of the people. For more kids learning activities like worksheets , poems etc., visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Voting Awareness Essay

At what age can a person vote in india.

In India, a person can start voting once they turn 18.

Why should we vote?

We should vote to let our voices be heard and ensure that what we want is put into effect. Voting is one of the fundamental rights our country offers us.

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Omsk Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Omsk oblast: Omsk .

Omsk Oblast - Overview

Omsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the south-eastern part of Siberia, in the Siberian Federal District. Omsk is the capital city of the region.

The population of Omsk Oblast is about 1,879,500 (2022), the area - 141,140 sq. km.

Omsk oblast flag

Omsk oblast coat of arms.

Omsk oblast coat of arms

Omsk oblast map, Russia

Omsk oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

10 November, 2019 / Tomsk - the view from above .

3 July, 2016 / Omsk - the view from above .

20 October, 2012 / The bear at the gate .

2 August, 2012 / Omsk city from bird's eye view .

14 December, 2011 / Time-lapse video of Omsk city .

More posts..

History of Omsk Oblast

Ancient people began to settle in the area of the middle reaches of the Irtysh River about 45,000 years ago. This region became the place of numerous migrations of different peoples, of interpenetration of forest and steppe cultures. In the Middle Ages, the territory of the present Omsk region was part of the Western Turkic Khanate and the Siberian Khanate. As a result, an ethnic group of the Siberian Tatars was formed. This region was also inhabited by Kazakhs and other peoples.

The history of the development of the Irtysh by Russians is connected first of all with the legendary Yermak. Although even before him, in the 15th century, Russian merchants from the Urals visited the Siberian Khanate.

In the early 18th century, major reforms carried out by Peter the Great required large expenses. The first Russian emperor turned his attention to the east. He sent a detachment of Cossacks under the command of the lieutenant-colonel I.D.Bukhgolts from the town of Tobolsk up the Irtysh River in search of gold deposits.

More Historical Facts…

The expedition failed because of resistance from the nomads Dzhungars. Russians were forced to take a step back. In 1716, they founded a fortress at the mouth of the Om River - future Omsk. Russian peasants began to settle in the land around the fortress. To the south of Omsk, a line of outposts was constructed for protection from the nomads.

In 1782, the fortress became a town. Omsk district was formed on the basis of the southern part of Tarsky district and, in 1785, the town of Omsk was given a coat of arms. Omsk became an important center for the study of Siberia and Central Asia. This region like other parts of Siberia was used as a place for political exile.

In the 19th century, the people exiled to Siberia were the Decembrists, Petrashevts, Narodniki, representatives of other revolutionary parties and organizations, participants of the Polish national movement. These people had a major cultural impact on the local population. The great Russian writer F.M.Dostoyevsky was one of the prisoners of the Omsk jail.

In the late 19th and early 20th century, Siberia experienced significant changes. Large-scale migration of peasants led to the rapid growth of the local economy, especially agriculture. Due to its favorable economic and geographical location, at the intersection of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Irtysh River, Omsk rapidly turned into a large transport, trade and industrial center of Western Siberia, the largest city in Siberia.

During the Second World War, about 100 industrial plants were evacuated from the European part of the USSR to Omsk. They became the basis of the local engineering industry. In 1949, the first refinery in Siberia was constructed in Omsk. In 1954-1956, during development of virgin lands, several large agricultural enterprises were built in the southern part of Omsk Oblast. In the 1970s, Omsk oblast became one of the most economically developed regions of Siberia.

Pictures of Omsk Oblast

Wooden chapel in Omsk Oblast

Wooden chapel in Omsk Oblast

Author: Sedov Artem

Country house in Omsk Oblast

Country house in Omsk Oblast

Author: Heinrich Jena

Provincial life in the Omsk region

Provincial life in the Omsk region

Author: Baranov Pavel

Omsk Oblast - Features

Omsk Oblast is located in the south of the West Siberian Plain, in the middle reaches of the Irtysh River, with steppes in the south, which turn into forest steppes, forests and marshy tundra in the north. The territory of the region stretches for about 600 km from north to south and 300 km from west to east. In the south, Omsk Oblast borders with Kazakhstan.

The largest cities and towns of Omsk Oblast are Omsk (1,126,000), Tara (28,500), Kalachinsk (21,900), Isylkul (21,700). The main river is the Irtysh with its tributaries (the Ishim, Om, Osha, and Tara). The Trans-Siberian Railway is an important traffic artery. There is an international airport in Omsk.

The climate is continental and sharply continental. The average temperature in January is minus 19-20 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 17-18 degrees Celsius in the northern part and plus 19 degrees Celsius in the south.

Omsk Oblast has such natural resources as oil, natural gas, brown coal, iron ore, various construction materials. Main manufacturing, construction and trade are carried out in Omsk. Industrial sector is represented by military, aerospace and agricultural engineering, petrochemical, light and food industries.

Agriculture is represented by crops, dairy and beef cattle, pig and poultry farming. Cereals (wheat, rye, oats, barley), potatoes, vegetables, sunflower, and other crops are cultivated.

Attractions of Omsk Oblast

A lot of sights can be found in Omsk. The most interesting places located outside the city are:

  • Achairsky Convent in the upper reaches of the Irtysh River, 50 km from Omsk;
  • St. Nicholas Monastery in the village of Bolshekulache, 20 km from Omsk;
  • Nature reserve “Bairovsky” created for the preservation and reproduction of rare and valuable species of birds and animals;
  • Batakovo tract - a natural and archaeological park on the left bank of the Irtysh River, 150 km north of Omsk, in Bolsherechensky district;
  • Znamenskiy museum of local lore dedicated to the history and nature of Omsk oblast, located in one of the oldest settlements of the region - in the village of Znamenskoye;
  • Chudskaya mountain on the left bank of the Irtysh River, 3 km north of Znamenskoye;
  • Lake Ulzhay - a relict water reservoir in the northwest of Kurumbelskaya steppe, in Cherlaksky district, 160 km from Omsk;
  • Lake Ebeyty in the southwest of the region;
  • Lake Platovskoye located to the north-east of the village of Platovo in Polstavskiy district;
  • “Bird’s Haven” - a natural park located in Omsk;
  • “Devil’s finger” - a rock on the right bank of the Irtysh, 2 km from the village of Serebryanoye, on the territory of Gorky district.

Omsk oblast of Russia photos

Nature of omsk oblast.

Omsk Oblast landscape

Omsk Oblast landscape

Author: Vitali Ellert

Omsk Oblast scenery

Omsk Oblast scenery

Author: Yury Ermakov

Small river in Omsk Oblast

Small river in Omsk Oblast

Author: Andrey Genze

Wooden house in the Omsk region

Wooden house in the Omsk region

Winter in Omsk Oblast

Winter in Omsk Oblast

Wooden church in Omsk Oblast

Wooden church in Omsk Oblast

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This chapter presents history, economic statistics, and federal government directories of Omsk Oblast. Omsk Oblast is situated in the south of the Western Siberian Plain on the middle reaches of the Irtysh river. Kazakhstan lies to the south. Tyumen Oblast lies to the north-west, and Tomsk Oblast and Novosibirsk Oblast lie to the east. The city of Omsk was founded as a fortress in 1716. In 1918 it became the seat of Adm. Aleksandr Kolchak's 'white' 'All-Russian Government'. Omsk fell to the Bolsheviks in 1919, and Kolchak 'abdicated' in January 1920. In 2015 Omsk Oblast's gross regional product (GRP) amounted to 617,184m. roubles, equivalent to 311,973 roubles per head. The Oblast's soil is the fertile black earth characteristic of the region. Its agriculture consists mainly of animal husbandry, hunting and the production of grain. The sector employed 14.6% of the workforce and contributed 9.6% of GRP in 2015.

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  15. Essay on Election for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Election. Election is the process through which people can express their political opinion. They express this opinion by public voting to choose a political leader. Furthermore, this political leader would have authority and responsibility. Most noteworthy, Election is a formal group decision making the process.

  16. Essay on National Voters 2023′ Day in English

    National Voters Day is observed annually on 25 January. This day was initially observed in 2011 to urge young voters to use their right to vote. It is a day to commemorate both the freedom to vote and India's democracy. National Voter's Day is observed annually in New Delhi, with the Honourable President of India as the chief guest.

  17. Election Essay for Students in English

    This is called an election. An election is considered the prime pillar of democracy. Not only for the country but the election can also be conducted in any case where public opinion matters the most. An election is also defined as a decision-making process within a group of people sharing similar interests.

  18. 2024 Presidential Election Calendar

    Note: The mail ballot return deadline for 31 states is Nov. 5. Some states do not provide an exact date they start sending mail ballots to voters.

  19. 2024 Election Calendar: Key Dates

    Nov. 5 — Election Day. Voters will not only determine the outcome of the presidential election but also play a crucial role in shaping Congress and state governments, as 34 Senate seats and all ...

  20. Immigrants Are Becoming U.S. Citizens at Fastest Clip in Years

    Among naturalized citizens, 81.4 percent said they "definitely" would cast a ballot in the 2024 election, and another 14.5 percent said they "probably" would vote, according to the survey ...

  21. American Bar Association creates rapid response teams ahead of Election Day

    The national election for president is going to be decided in five or six states. And so that makes it different from the midterms. And in that respect, our democracy really does dance on the head ...

  22. How to get front-row seat to history on election day, possibly ...

    They close at 7 p.m., and voters in line at 7 p.m. have to be allowed to vote," Abell said. "So, again, expecting a big turnout for this election. So while the polls close at seven, you may ...

  23. When is presidential election day 2024? Early voting starts soon

    Election Day 2024 may be 85 days away, but voting starts sooner than that in states like Pennsylvania, Virginia and Illinois.

  24. Voters should oust Iowa Supreme Court justice who allowed abortion ban

    Reynolds, an outspoken abortion opponent, called a special one-day session of the Legislature last summer to vote on the ban. Six weeks is before most women even know if they're pregnant.

  25. How Harris Has Completely Upended the Presidential Race, in 14 Maps

    Guest Essay. How Harris Has Completely Upended the Presidential Race, in 14 Maps. ... over $211 million in paid media has so far been purchased in Pennsylvania from March 6 until Election Day, ...

  26. Short Essay on Voting Awareness for Students

    The idea of voting awareness is to help people understand the importance of voting. Voting is an important way for voters to control their government. It is a method for citizens to express what they want from their leaders by raising awareness about voting. This will lead to better governance and what everyone wants - a democracy that is ...

  27. Omsk Oblast, Russia guide

    Omsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the south-eastern part of Siberia, in the Siberian Federal District. Omsk is the capital city of the region. The population of Omsk Oblast is about 1,879,500 (2022), the area - 141,140 sq. km.

  28. 2023 Omsk Oblast gubernatorial election

    4.68%. Governor before election. Vitaliy Khotsenko (acting) United Russia. Governor-elect. Vitaliy Khostenko. United Russia. The 2023 Omsk Oblast gubernatorial election took place on 9-10 September 2023, on common election day. Acting Governor Vitaliy Khotsenko was elected for a full term.

  29. National Voter Registration Day

    September 17 is National Voter Registration Day! Be a Voter! Take a minute on National Voter Registration Day to visit VOTE411.org to register to vote or check your registration status. Or join the League anytime between 10 AM and 4 PM at the Grand Union in Hartwick Seminary to register in person. The League will be there to help you register ...

  30. Omsk Oblast

    This chapter presents history, economic statistics, and federal government directories of Omsk Oblast. Omsk Oblast is situated in the south of the Western Siberian Plain on the middle reaches of the Irtysh river.