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anthology of post industrial and experimental music from italy

Anthology Of Post Industrial And Experimental Music From Italy: a selection of works sounding more similar than different

Various Artists, Anthology Of Post Industrial And Experimental Music From Italy , Italy, Unexplained Sounds Group , USG075 limited edition CD (2022)

It would be most unusual (to me anyway) if among his various adventures exploring and documenting the experimental underground music scenes in different countries, USG’s Raffaelle Pezzella didn’t include a survey of his native Italy’s experimental music. Italy has long had a very distinct experimental scene that has drawn on local Italian inspirations not often familiar or available to equivalent scenes in other countries; one thinks of, let’s say, Ennio Morricone whose long career included 16 years of involvement with the avant-garde improv collective Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza. On this compilation, Pezzella sets his sights on the experimental and post-industrial music scene in Italy which, since the 1970s, has been inspired more by avant-garde and experimental music developments in Europe and less from industrial / post-industrial music forms derived from Anglophone rock bands (according to notes appended to the Bandcamp page for this compilation by one of its contributors, Gianluca Becuzzi, anyway). Accordingly then, the sounds heard on this album might perhaps appear a bit more refined, even a little remote at times, and less confrontational for the sake of being shocking and confronting, than we might have expected from a compilation of experimental and “post-industrial” music.

By and large, the music featured on this album often leans more towards ambient, especially dark ambient, than to industrial, and much of it sounds like instrumental cinematic soundtrack music for dystopian science fiction films. All tracks are quite short and many of them can seem like snapshots of longer works. Early tracks pass very smoothly, building up an impression of a tapestry of melodic instrumental music played on synths with found sound recordings inserted here and there. The first track to break out of this mould is Daniele Ciullini’s “Decoys” which uses recorded conversations, noise effects and static over a galloping buzz. Gianluca Becuzzi’s “The Ancestral” is a welcome piece of buzzing drone guitar over which are laid slow lead guitar feedback melodies and various percussion instruments.

We then pass through a couple of tracks with some noisy distortion from NIMH and Heimito Kunst and plough through more pieces of dark ambient and a couple of improv pieces on live acoustic instruments from Simon Balestrazzi and Massimo Olla. At last shaking up the compilation after 14 tracks, Teatro Satanico offers the digital equivalent of thousands of tiny angels bopping up and down on a teeny-weeny pin while a strange shimmery ambience and some bumpy things pass by. UNCODIFIED’s “The Presence” is the jerky but mostly sullen harsh noise electronics black sheep track that upsets the otherwise smooth-rolling procession of music on this compilation. Bringing up the rear is none other than Pezzella himself as Sonolygist with a quiet meditation of quivery droning tones and electronics against a radiant cosmic-space ambience.

There are some very interesting, even beautiful and gorgeous pieces here, though they can be frustratingly short and don’t allow for much listener immersion in their sound worlds. The tracks I singled out above stand out from the rest of the compilation which, to be honest, I didn’t think seemed all that “post-industrial” in sound, apart from the processes involved in their creation and their general dark atmosphere. Nevertheless the album is worth hearing out at least once as a document of contemporary experimental music in Italy even though the selections do tend to sound more similar than I would have expected from 18 artists.


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  • Anthology Of Post Industrial And Experimental Music From Italy

anthology of post industrial and experimental music from italy

digipack CD compilation reelased by UNEXPLAINED SOUNDS GROUP PRODUCTION ( cat# USG075 ) featuring Teatro Satanico, Bad Sector, Sigillum S, Simon Balestrazzi, Capricorni Pneumatici, Deison, Gianluca Becuzzi, Runes Order, M.L. Stancati, Hermetic Brotherhood of Lux-Or, Nimh, Heimito Kunst, M. Olla, Subterranean Source, A. Tonieeti, Uncodified, Sonologyst.

Please mind that even though the editor did not declare it in the notes our 4 mins long track here enlisted, "Banisteriopsis Caapi Panthera Onca", is just an EXCERPT taken from the same title 28mins26secs long track that originally appeared in our previous 2021 JEU DE L'OIE tape album , see %C3%A0-voix-basse-mal%C3%A9dictions-.html

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(cc) BY-SA Teatro Satanico

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Various Artists

Anthology of post industrial and experimental music from italy.

Label: Unexplained Sounds Group

Genre: Electronic

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*In process of stocking* Since the end of the 1970s, industrial music has stood out as one of the most vital and innovative forms of all the popular culture of the 1900s. In Italy, industrial and post-industrial have generated one of the most interesting and popular music scenes on the international scene. The reasons for this success are to be found in the cultural matrix and in the inspirational models that underlie this artistic phenomenon. Unlike what happened previously, the roots of industrial did not sink into US and UK rock. Influences from various artistic avant-gardes of the last century converged in the so-called grey area: futurism, Dadaism, situationism, performance, body and mail art. One of the main merits of the industrial scene was precisely that of translating the most radical aesthetics of research art into music, without leaving the context of popular music, in terms of distribution and market. This choice led, from the beginning, to the creation of a musical environment that did not derive from Anglo-Saxon cultural models. Above all in Italy, Germany and France, it drew more or less consciously on their respective experimental background: Russolo and his idea of Art of Noise in Italy, musique concréte in France, the electronics of Stockhausen, and the associates in Germany.

The variety of expressive codes developed with the post-industrial is testimony to the possibilities that were thus opened; extreme noise; shock tactics; atonality; improvisation; electronics and technology; references to primitive and bruitist music; rituals, tribal and folkloric. In this sense, the Italian post-industrial panorama is exemplary, just look at how wide the sound and thematic range of its proposals is. A creative engine that still has not stopped, renewing itself and adapting to the changing of historical times. This selection reviews some of the best artists and historical themes of the national post-industrial, flanked by more recent projects, testifying to an artistic energy that is still alive and pulsating today. The 70s and 80s are far away; perhaps, it is no longer the time to "listen with pain", as the pioneers of the genre claimed, but that sacrifice has certainly pushed us this far. It is therefore our task to listen with dedication and maximum attention. The mission isn't over yet. ' - Gianluca Becuzzi  

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Anthology Of Post Industrial And Experimental Music From Italy

Anthology Of Post Industrial And Experimental Music From Italy

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曲目  · · · · · ·.

  • BAD SECTOR - EGO VIRGO Prologo 2 (Sweeps)
  • Mario Lino Stancati - Urta dentro
  • Sigillum S - A case study of severe rationalism
  • Hermetic Brotherhood Of Luxor - Cuius vulturis hoc erit cadaver
  • Runes Order - Rejected Without Blame
  • Daniele Ciullini - Decoys
  • Gianluca Becuzzi - The Ancestral
  • Simon Balestrazzi - Dying Embers
  • NIMH - Ending Mirage
  • Heimito Künst - pemmican redux
  • Capricorni Pneumatici - A-Thele-Srt
  • Massimo Olla - Infinite Loneliness
  • Deison - The air is getting thin
  • Subterranean Source - Costa Nera
  • Teatro Satanico - Banisteriopsis Caapi Panthera Onca
  • Antonio Tonietti - Kadosh
  • UNCODIFIED - The Presence
  • Sonologyst - sää

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