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Teams meeting recording

  • 7 contributors
  • Applies to: Microsoft Teams

APPLIES TO: ✔️Meetings ✔️Webinars ✔️Town halls

In Microsoft Teams, users can record their Teams meetings, webinars, and town halls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. The recording happens in Microsoft 365 and is saved to OneDrive or SharePoint, which must be enabled for the user.

This setting also affects webinars. Recording for live events is a different setting, which is covered in Live event recording policies in Teams .

When a meeting is recorded:

  • It gets uploaded to OneDrive (private meetings) or SharePoint (channel meetings)
  • People invited to the meeting have permissions to the recording (guests and external attendees can view the recording only if the recording is explicitly shared with them)
  • Microsoft Purview compliance features apply to the meeting recording files the same as with other files.
  • It's linked in the chat for the meeting
  • It's displayed in the Recordings and Transcripts tab for the meeting in Teams calendar
  • It's added to various file lists across Microsoft 365: Shared with me,, Recommended, Recent, etc.
  • Microsoft 365 Search indexes it

Town halls and webinars follow the same process for recording. However, there are a few key differences:

  • In town halls, attendees can't access the recording through the chat.
  • Webinars and town halls use video on demand (VOD) to publish recordings.

To learn more about VOD, see Manage VOD publishing for webinars and town halls .

There's also an option for recordings to have automatic transcription, so that users can play back meeting recordings with closed captions and review important discussion items in the transcript. For more information about transcription and captions, read Configure transcription and captions for Teams meetings .

External participants can't record meetings except when it's a Teams policy-based compliance recording . If an external Teams user that's enabled for compliance recording joins a meeting or call hosted by your organization, the other organization records that meeting or call for compliance purposes, regardless of the Meeting recording setting in your organization. Presenters in that meeting can remove the external participant from the meeting if they don't want the recordings captured by the other organization.

Allow or prevent users from recording meetings

You can use the Microsoft Teams admin center or PowerShell to set a Teams meeting policy to control whether users' meetings can be recorded. Both the meeting organizer and the recording initiator need to have recording permissions to record the meeting.

Many users use meetings and calls interchangeably depending on their needs. We recommend that you check your call recording policy settings as well. If the settings are different for meetings and calls, it might cause confusion for your users.

  • Meeting policy
  • Calling policy

To allow or prevent meeting recordings:

  • In the Microsoft Teams admin center , expand Meetings .
  • Select Meeting policies .
  • Select the policy that you want to edit.
  • Turn Meeting recording On or Off.
  • Select Save .

With PowerShell, you configure the -AllowCloudRecording parameter in Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy .

To allow or prevent call recordings:

  • In the Microsoft Teams admin center , expand Voice .
  • Select Calling policies .
  • Turn Cloud recording for calling On or Off.

With PowerShell, you configure the -AllowCloudRecordingForCalls parameter in Set-CsTeamsCallingPolicy .

For more information on call recording, see Configure call recording, transcription, and captions in Teams .

Require participant agreement for recording and transcription

You can use the Teams admin center or PowerShell to manage whether meetings created by organizers with this assigned policy can require participants to provide explicit consent to be recorded and transcribed.

When the explicit consent policy is enabled, once a user either starts the meeting recording, transcription, or both, all participants are muted, with their cameras and content-share off. When a participant decides to unmute, turn on their camera, or share content, they’re prompted to respond 'Yes' or 'No' to consent to be included in the meeting recording and transcription. If an attendee responds 'No' to the prompt, they have a view-only meeting experience. View-only attendees can't start recording or transcription for any meetings that require explicit consent.

The consent choice for each attendee is included in the attendance report. Attendees not in the attendance report—due to the admin policy or opting out— are required to provide consent. When the attendance report is disabled or attendees aren't in the attendance report, organizers and co-organizers don't see consent data, but as an admin, you can still see consent data in the audit logs.

Manage explicit consent

You can use the Teams admin center or the -ExplicitRecordingConsent parameter in the CsTeamsMeetingPolicy cmdlet to manage explicit consent.

The following table shows the behaviors of the settings for explicit consent:

Teams admin center value PowerShell value Behavior
On Enabled For organizers with this policy, all their meetings require participants to provide consent to be recorded and transcribed.
Off Disabled For organizers with this policy, participants aren't asked for consent to be recorded and transcribed. All participants are included in recordings and transcripts from these organizers' meetings.

Manage explicit consent in the Teams admin center

Follow these steps in the Teams admin center to turn explicit consent on or off for users or groups in your organization:

  • Open the Teams admin center.
  • Expand Meetings from the navigation pane.
  • Under Meetings , select Meeting Policies .
  • Either select an existing policy or create a new one.
  • Within your chosen policy, navigate to the Recording & Transcription section.
  • Toggle the Require participant agreement for recording and transcription setting On or Off .
  • Select Save.

Manage explicit consent through PowerShell

Through PowerShell, you can manage explicit consent for users or groups in your organization. The -ExplicitRecordingConsent parameter also controls recording consent for Audio Conferencing. To learn about explicit consent for Audio Conferencing, see Explicit recording consent for Audio Conferencing .

To require participants to give their explicit consent to be recorded or transcribed in any meeting that organizers with this policy create, use the following script:

Viewing consent data

There are two ways for you to view consent data. The first way is in the Teams meeting attendance and engagement report . The second is with the Added information about meeting participants filter in the Teams meeting audit logs in Purview. Consent data is in the audit logs regardless of your policy that manages the attendance and engagement report or your users' option for tracking attendance. To learn more about audit logs in Purview, see Audit log activities .

Screenshot of Teams meeting audit logs in Purview that show consent data.

Supported and unsupported endpoints and platforms

Auto consent endpoints and platforms.

The following user types are auto consented for recording and transcription without any participant interaction. They get a consent notification, and their consent data is logged as 'not applicable' or 'auto consent':

  • Teams Rooms on Windows
  • Teams Rooms on Android
  • Third party video conferencing devices via Cloud Video Interop (CVI)
  • Third party video conferencing devices connecting via Direct Guest Join (DGJ)

Supported endpoints and platforms

Explicit consent is supported on the following endpoints:

  • Teams native Windows
  • Teams native Mac
  • Mobile Teams (Android and iOS)
  • Meeting participants dialing in using Audio Conferencing

Unsupported endpoints and platforms

In meetings requiring explicit consent, users joining from unsupported endpoints have the view-only experience. Explicit consent isn’t supported on the following endpoints, along with any endpoints not listed under supported endpoints:

  • Teams Phone devices (including audio conferencing phone devices)
  • Teams Displays
  • Old version native clients

Block or allow download of channel meeting recordings

In PowerShell, the -ChannelRecordingDownload parameter in Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy controls if channel members can download meeting recordings. This is done by controlling which folder recordings are stored in.

The two values for this setting are:

  • Allow - Saves channel meeting recordings to a 'Recordings' folder in the channel. The permissions on the recording files are based off the channel's SharePoint permissions. This is the same as any other file uploaded for the channel. This is the default setting.
  • Block - Saves channel meeting recordings to a 'Recordingsonly' folder in the channel. Channel owners have full rights on the recordings in this folder, but channel members have read access without ability to download.

Recordings automatically expire

This setting provides you with a simple tool that reduces the number of storage older recordings use. OneDrive and SharePoint monitor the expiration setting on all meeting recordings and automatically move recordings to the recycle bin on their expiration date.

You can turn off the Meetings automatically expire setting in the Teams admin center under Meetings > Meeting policies > Recording & transcription .

Default expiration time

This setting controls whether or not meeting recordings automatically expire. After turning on Meetings automatically expire , you'll get the option to set the Default expiration time , measured in days. Meeting recordings have a default expiration time of 120 days.

Any changes to this setting only affect newly created meeting recordings, not existing recordings. Admins can't change the expiration time on existing meeting recordings.

The expiration value is an integer for days that can be set as follows:

  • Minimum value: 1
  • Maximum value: 99999
  • -1 (PowerShell only) so the recordings never expire

The maximum default expiration time for A1 users is 30 days.

To set the expiration time using PowerShell, run the following command:

You shouldn't rely on meeting expiration settings for legal protection since end users can modify the expiration date of any recordings they control.

Recording expiration settings and Microsoft 365 retention policies in Microsoft Purview

File retention takes precedence over file deletion. A Teams meeting recording expiration policy can't delete a Teams meeting recording with a Purview retention policy until after the retention period is completed. For example, if you have a Purview retention policy that says a file will be kept for five years and a Teams meeting recording expiration policy set for 60 days, the Teams meeting recording expiration policy permanently deletes the recording after five years.

If you have a Teams meeting recording expiration policy and Purview deletion policy with different deletion dates, the file is deleted at the earliest of the two dates. For example, if you have a Purview deletion policy that says a file will be deleted after one year and a Teams meeting recording expiration set for 120 days, the Teams meeting recording expiration policy will delete the file after 120 days.

Users can manually delete their recordings before the expiration date unless there's a Purview retention policy that prevents it. If a user manually deletes a recording that's still in the retention period, the recording is held in the Preservation Hold library. However, the recording shows as deleted to the end user. To find out more, see Learn about retention for SharePoint and OneDrive .

Deletion of recordings

On the expiration date, the recording is moved into the recycle bin and the expiration date field is cleared. If a user recovers a recording from the recycle bin, the meeting expiration setting doesn't delete it again.

Usually, the recording is deleted within a day after the expiration date but in rare instances could take as long as five days. The file owner receives an email notification when the recording expires and is directed to the recycle bin if they want to recover the recording.

Expiration of migrated recordings from Stream (Classic)

Migrated recordings from Stream (Classic) don't come with an expiration set on them. Instead, we encourage admins to only migrate recordings that they want to retain.

Set a custom privacy policy URL

To update the Teams recording and transcription privacy policy URL with a custom link for users in and outside your org, you must use one of the following options:

  • The -LegalURL parameter within the CsTeamsMeetingConfiguration PowerShell cmdlet.
  • The Teams admin center through Meeting settings > Email invitation > Privacy and Security URL . For more information, see Customize meeting invitations .

If you don't enter a privacy and security URL in Teams meeting settings or PowerShell, we display the Microsoft Entra ID's privacy policy. For more information on Microsoft Entra ID's privacy policy, see Add your organization's privacy info using Microsoft Entra ID . If there's no Microsoft Entra ID, we display the Microsoft Privacy policy.

After you add your privacy policy URL, your URL replaces the default Teams meeting recording and transcription privacy statement.

Permissions and storage

Teams meeting recordings are stored in OneDrive and SharePoint storage. The location and permissions depend on the type of meeting and the role of the user in the meeting. Users that have full edit rights on the video recording file can change the permissions and share it later with others as needed.

Planning for storage

The size of a one-hour recording is 400 MB. Make sure you understand the capacity required for recorded files and have sufficient storage available in OneDrive and SharePoint. Read Set the default storage space for OneDrive and Manage SharePoint site storage limits to understand the base storage included in the subscription and how to purchase more storage.

Temporary storage when unable to upload to OneDrive and SharePoint

If a meeting recording can't be uploaded to OneDrive and SharePoint, it's temporarily available for download from the meeting chat for 21 days before it gets deleted. This might happen if the upload destination exceeds its quota or has file uploads restricted. If the chat is deleted, then the recording is also deleted.

Meeting Recording Diagnostic Tools

User can't record meetings.

You can use the following diagnostic tool to validate that the user is properly configured to record a meeting in Teams:

Select Run Tests to populate the diagnostic in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Run Tests: Meeting Recording

In the Run diagnostic pane, enter the email of the user who can't record meetings in the Username or Email field, and then select Run Tests .

The tests will return the best next steps to address any tenant or policy configurations to validate that the user is properly configured to record a meeting in Teams.

Meeting recording is missing

You can use the following diagnostic tool to validate that the meeting recording completed successfully and it was uploaded to OneDrive or SharePoint:

Run Tests: Missing Meeting Recording

In the Run diagnostic pane, enter the URL of the meeting in the URL of the meeting that was recorded field (usually found in the meeting invitation) and the date of the meeting in the When was the meeting recorded? field and then select Run Tests .

The tests validate that the meeting recording completed successfully and it was uploaded to SharePoint or OneDrive.

Related topics

Teams policy reference - Meetings

Configure transcription and captions for Teams meetings

Roles in a Teams meeting

Block the download of Teams meeting recording files from SharePoint or OneDrive

Use OneDrive and SharePoint for meeting recordings

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HowTo… The HYMS help site

  • Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Getting the most out of Teams

Recording a narrated presentation via Microsoft Teams video call

This guide will explain how to record a narrated presentation via Microsoft Teams, from the video call function. The video call function can be used to screen share and record your desktop and any content displayed on your desktop, such as PowerPoint slides.

Before recording, please ensure you read our ‘ top tips for recording content ‘ guide. This guide is aimed at tutors and clinicians recording learning &  teaching materials using a desktop computer or laptop . It includes some simple tips, such as setting up your equipment and recording environment, to produce the best possible quality for your recordings.

For teaching content delivered via PowerPoint presentations, please use the HYMS template . To ensure content is accessible, please be sure to enter text into the title text boxes on every slide. Click on the link above and enter your HYMS email account details to access the slides. From file choose to download a copy to save your own version on your desktop to edit. Please contact [email protected] if you do not have HYMS log in details and need to be sent the template directly.

Start a video call meeting in Teams

  • Start a recording of your presentation / present your content

Access and download a recording

Share your recording with the learning enhancement and support team, upload your recording directly to echo360.

Recording content is possible for HYMS Office 365 account holders with access to HYMS Microsoft Teams, and users who have other Office 365 accounts and full associated access to other versions of Microsoft Teams.

Guest level access does not give access to the full functionality required to record content. However, it is possible during a video call meeting to record a guest’s desktop view on their behalf. Please contact the Learning Enhancement and Support team at [email protected] to arrange a video call where we record content on your behalf. The following guidance will still be of use in terms of preparing your presentation and joining a call. Please also see our other pages related to guest access to a Teams video call and guest member access to a Team; creating video meetings in Microsoft Teams and adding an external guest to a HYMS Microsoft Team  

From a browser, only Google Chrome or the latest version of Microsoft Edge will allow screen sharing. Mac users may be prompted to change privacy settings to screen share, and window sharing isn’t available for Linux users.

image of meet now icon in Microsoft Teams

  • Click on join now when you are ready to start.

Start a recording of your presentation

It is strongly advised to complete the following steps with a test recording of a few minutes duration to check you are happy with the recorded view of your content and the sound quality.

If you make a significant mistake, start the narration of a particular segment / slide from the beginning again, whilst keeping the recording going. Make a note of when it happened. It is possible to trim the start and end of a recording and also cut out an unwanted segment / slide narration. It is not possible to easily cut out many minor mistakes in a flow of uninterrupted speech. If you make many mistakes, the easiest thing to do is to start a new recording.

  • Navigate to your desktop and open your PowerPoint slides or other content you wish to narrate over (for example an image, a Word document, a website in your browser).
  • Navigate back to the Teams video call you have started.

start recording option in call menu bar

Choose from the listed options to share:

  • your desktop (useful if you want to share views of multiple items you are accessing – browser windows, your desktop, and files etc,.)
  • a browser window only (useful for sharing a view on one item you are accessing – a browser window, a file you have open etc,.)
  • a PowerPoint file only

It is preferable to share a view of a PowerPoint file that is open on your desktop. If you share and display a PowerPoint file in Teams, the image may be slightly compressed or framed by additional content in Teams.

Present your content

  • If you are presenting only slides, navigate to your PowerPoint slides on your desktop and open slide show view.
  • You can now present your slides and narrate over the content.Your voice and the slide show view of your slides will be recorded, as well as either your image in the right-hand corner or your initials / profile picture.

stop sharing screen option in Microsoft Teams

  • To stop recording, navigate back to the meeting tool bar and select stop recording .

As soon as you select record, you will be recording everything you are sharing. Please ensure you have checked there is nothing you have open / displayed that you do not want in a recording.

In chat in Teams, you will see the ‘meeting’ listed that you set up above with a notification that a recording is now ready. This may take a while to appear. If someone set this up on your behalf because you are a guest, they will see this notification in their chat history. They can download and share content with you if required.

download option

These recordings will be available in Teams channels / meeting chats (shortly after the meeting ends) for 21 days. After 21 days, the meeting recordings will be deleted.  It is important to download content as soon as possible. Please see further guidance on the following help page regarding sharing downloaded content;

You can notify the Learning Enhancement and Support team that you have made a recording at [email protected] . We will then be able to transfer your recording to the Echo360 platform and share your content in Blackboard, as required.

One method of sharing your recording with us is to upload it to OneDrive.

  • Log in to your HYMS Office 365 account and navigate to OneDrive. Please see our help pages at the following links; access your HYMS email via a Web Browser and sharing OneDrive and Microsoft Teams files .

image of upload option on OneDrive

HYMS staff with the required level of access to Echo360, can also upload content directly to Echo360.

  • Log in to the Echo360 online platform.
  • Log in with your HYMS details in the format [email protected] + HYMS password. Then log in with your username (hyxxxx) + HYMS password.

image of create and upload option in Echo360

  • Select upload media and upload your recording .

image of library search in Echo360

  • You can share your content to an Echo360 course area, then create a link to it in Blackboard. Please also see the following help page regarding linking content on Blackboard; adding an Echo360 video to Blackboard

Please contact the Learning Enhancement and Support team at [email protected] if you require further support in linking content to Blackboard.

Please see further guidance on the following help page regarding sharing downloaded content;

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record presentation on ms teams

How to record a Microsoft Teams meeting: 5 easy ways

record presentation on ms teams

What type of content do you primarily create?

record presentation on ms teams

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool that helps people from different locations work together. It includes features like chat, video calls, and various collaboration tools, like file sharing and messaging.

But if you’re setting up regular planning meetings to talk about timelines, milestones, and strategies, arranging a time when everyone is on duty and available to meet is virtually impossible.

Fortunately, recording Teams meetings allows people to catch up on discussions at a time that suits them, giving businesses and their people greater flexibility. But how easy is it to record a Teams meetings? And do you need special video recording software ?

This step-by-step guide explains five easy ways to make a Microsoft Teams recording, no matter which device you use.

Can you record a Teams meeting?

Yes, you can record a Microsoft Teams meeting, but the process changes slightly depending on your Teams version and device. The recording captures audio , video, and screen-sharing activity to be securely shared across your organization. 

Because Microsoft Teams is designed to be user-friendly, the recording feature is straightforward. Still, there are some basics to keep in mind when recording a video or Teams meeting. 

Who can record a Teams meeting?

The person scheduling and organizing the Teams meeting usually has the default ability to record. The capacity to record audio and meetings may also be controlled by settings and permissions managed by your organization's IT admin.

In Microsoft Teams, recording a meeting is available to users with the necessary permissions. Regardless, it’s important to be upfront about when you are recording a meeting. Being transparent about aspects like privacy and security builds trust in the workplace. When employees are confident about their privacy, morale and job satisfaction go up.

Plus, following privacy rules is essential for obeying the law and creating a safe setting. Strict data protection laws, such as GDPR in the EU or CCPA in the US , make sure responsible handling of personal information, preventing legal issues and instilling confidence.

5 ways to record Teams meetings

Microsoft Teams is designed to be accessible on various devices, including computers (Windows and Mac), smartphones (iOS and Android), and web browsers.

To record a Teams meeting, visit the Microsoft Teams website and sign up for free. The free version has unlimited group meetings for up to one hour, with up to 100 meeting participants. 

Alternatively, Microsoft has three business plans to choose from, each tailored to meet your specific needs and includes other applications, such as PowerPoint, OneDrive and Excel.

If you already have a Microsoft account, you can log in then: 

  • In Windows, click Start, then Microsoft Teams
  • On Mac, go to the Applications folder and click Microsoft Teams
  • On the web, go to Microsoft Teams

When prompted, click Continue when you see the Welcome To Teams message.

1. How to record a Microsoft Teams meeting with the built-in option (Windows)

If you’re using Windows, recording a Teams meeting is straightforward. You don’t need any additional add-ons or extensions to record a session. 

The recording saves audio, video, and screen sharing for secure sharing within your organization. However, it won't capture whiteboards and notes or include embedded videos or animations in PowerPoint Live presentations.

Step 1: Start or join a Teams Meeting

Begin by starting a new Teams meeting or joining an existing one. There are many ways to do that, either by an app or the web, by invitation link, from your calendar, or by channel. 

record presentation on ms teams

If you can't use the app or the web, some meetings let you call in using a phone number. Just enter the phone number and conference ID the organizer sent to access the session. 

Step 2: Start recording

Once you’re in the Teams meeting, go to the controls by selecting the “More actions” ellipsis (three dots) and click on it. In the menu that appears, select "Start recording." This will also turn on live transcriptions .

Image of user starting a recording in Microsoft Teams

Step 3: Notification to participants

As soon as the recording begins, everyone receives a notification. The video is instantly stored in the cloud, specifically in Microsoft Streams. This allows you and the participants to access it immediately after, regardless of location. 

Step 4: Stop recording

At the end of the Teams meeting, stop recording by going back to the "More actions" menu and selecting "Stop recording." Ending the meeting also stops the recording.

2. How to record a Microsoft Teams on Mac

Use the built-in tool QuickTime to record Microsoft Teams meetings on your Mac.

Just like joining a Teams meeting on Windows, find the meeting in your Teams calendar. Click "Join" to enter the meeting. Alternatively, you'll receive a notification to join if someone initiates the meeting. 

To join using an ID, navigate to your Teams Calendar, choose "Join with an ID," then enter the meeting ID and passcode.

Step 2. Start recording

Once you have clicked “Join”, open QuickTime Player. On the top, select File and click New Screen Recording.

Selecting the New Screen Recording option on Mac

Click the drop-down menu next to the “Record” button and select your microphone. Click the “Record” button to begin recording your screen. 

Step 3. Inform participants    

QuickTime Player itself does not provide a built-in feature to notify participants when a recording starts or stops. In this case, let everyone know that you’re recording the session. Talk to everyone before recording, and get their okay, especially if you're recording things they might want to keep private.

Step 4. Stop recording

To stop the recording, press Command + Control + Esc on your keyboard or click the “Stop” button in the QuickTime Player app by clicking the square circle icon at the top of your screen. The recorded meeting will pop up and you can click on the session to play it instantly.

3. How to record a Teams meeting on mobile (iPhone and Android)

If the internet is slow or not reliable in certain places, using a phone to record a video or Teams meeting might be a better choice than depending on features that need a fast and stable internet connection.

To access and record a Teams meeting on a mobile, download and install the Microsoft Teams app from the App or Google Play Store.

Step 1. Start or join a Teams Meeting

If you already have a Microsoft account, sign in or register for a new account. If prompted, allow the app to use your mic and camera.

Either find the meeting you want to record in the calendar at the bottom of the screen, or start an instant meeting by clicking “Meet” in the top right corner.

Choose Join as a guest or depending on your preference, type your name and tap Join meeting.

Similar to recording a Teams meeting on a desktop, go to the meeting controls by selecting “More actions” ellipsis (three dots) and click on it. In the menu that appears, select "Start recording.”

Selecting Start recording in Microsoft Teams

Step 3. Inform participants

Teams display a noticeable icon in the meeting window or control bar to let participants know that the meeting is being recorded.

To finish the recording, return to the "More actions" menu and choose "Stop recording." Alternatively, stopping the meeting halts the recording as well.

The recorded video can be saved to your device or a cloud storage service, depending on your preferences and the app’s capabilities.

4. How to record a Microsoft Teams meeting with Descript

Descript is the best all-purpose video recording software and a complete tool for editing videos and audio. It comes with features like screen recording, transcription, publishing, and exporting for online meetings. You can use its online screen recorder to record videos on a computer, and then edit, save, export, and publish—all in one place.

So while Microsoft Teams has basic recording features, it may not have all the options you want in a recording tool—for example, recording whiteboards and making you look and sound your best.

Start by signing up for a free or paid subscription (depending on your needs) by visiting .

Join the Teams meeting by clicking on your email invitation, Teams calendar, meeting room, or as a Guest (if you don’t have an existing Teams account).

Step 2. Choose recording preferences

There are two ways you can record Teams meetings using Descript: audio-only recording or screen recording. As a third-party tool, you can screen record on Windows or Mac with Descript.  

Step 3. Start recording

To use Descript, choose Quick Recorder from your Windows system tray or Mac menu bar. This allows you to record quickly without the need to find additional apps on your desktop or mobile device.

Choosing a screen recording option in Descript

Alternatively, Click settings, then “Start/stop recording”.

Step 4. Edit recording

Descript’s screen recording software makes capturing Teams meetings easy, with the added benefit of a backspace key feature for quick edits. 

As you’re recording your screen, Descript creates an instant transcript from it, so you can polish the audio and video later. With a single click, you can remove filler words like "um," "uh," and "like.” You can also add titles, overlays , transitions , music, and effects with our full suite of video editing tools.

With Studio Sound , you can even clean up your audio and make it sound super professional, even if it was recorded on your mom’s couch at 11 PM. 

5. How to record a Microsoft Teams meeting with OBS Studio

To record and save your Microsoft Teams meetings, you can use OBS. OBS is a free, open-source, and cross-platform application for screencasting and streaming.

Download and install OBS Studio. Then launch the software on your desktop or mobile device.

Step 1: Join the Teams meeting

Create a New Scene by clicking on the "+" icon in the "Scenes" box. Next, add a Display Capture Source by clicking on the "+" icon in the "Sources" box and choose "Display Capture." Select the display or screen where your Microsoft Teams meeting will be.

You can resize or crop the display capture to focus on the Microsoft Teams meeting window.

Step 2: Record the meeting

The OBS controls panel allows you to start recording. Click on the "Start Recording" button in OBS Studio when you're ready to begin recording the Teams meeting.

Selecting the Start Recording option in OBS Studio

Click on the "Stop Recording" button when the Teams meeting ends.

Step 3: Access the recording

OBS Studio will save the recording to the specified location on your computer. Send the recording to keep team members informed and view the session they missed. 

Thousands of video creators already rely on Descript for high quality screen capture and video editing. If you’re ready to join them, take a tour of Descript today .

Teams meeting recording FAQs

Why can't i record my teams meeting.

Find out if you have the necessary permissions to record meetings. The meeting organizer may have disabled recording for the session. Confirm with the organizer or check the meeting settings for any specific restrictions, then check for any technical issues with your device's camera, microphone, or internet connection, which can affect the recording feature. 

Why is my recording option not available in Teams?

After the meeting ends, the recording is processed, and a link to the recording is usually made available. This link can be found in the meeting chat, in the Teams "Recordings" tab, or in a shared location like SharePoint or OneDrive.

What’s the best way to record Microsoft Teams meetings?

The standard way to record Microsoft Teams meetings involves using the built-in recording feature. However, apps like Descript can record Teams sessions and give you additional functionality, such as transcribing as you record a screen and fixing audio mistakes by typing.

Do you need consent to record a Teams meeting?

Yes, obtaining consent before recording a Microsoft Teams meeting is generally advisable and often legally required. Recording without everyone's agreement may break privacy laws.

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How to record a meeting on Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams allows you to record the meetings you have in the platform either to review it later or to share it with someone else who couldn’t attend.

In this article you will learn how to record a meeting on Microsoft Teams in 2 simple steps and how to manage and share the recordings with other members of the organization.

record presentation on ms teams

  • Once in a meeting click on the … dots on the meting bar to open the more options menu
  • On the menu click on Start recording

record presentation on ms teams

Once the recoding starts you and all the other participants will see a message at the top of the window informing that the meeting is being recorded and red dot is also added to the meeting bar.

record presentation on ms teams

How to manage meeting video record

Starting a recording is fairly easy but accessing the video and sharing it is tricky as all meeting recordings are automatically saved on Microsoft Stream, the intelligent Microsoft video platform.

To access the meeting recordings you can use Microsoft Teams or Microsoft Stream and each one will serve different purposes.

On Microsoft Teams the recording becomes available for all the participants on the meeting context as the image below illustrates.

record presentation on ms teams

To view the video you just need to click on the card which will open a popup with the video player, however this will only work for users that belong to the organization.

If you noticed the image has the context menu open, from it you can share the video with everyone in your organization, get a link for it or open it on Microsoft Stream.

If your meeting has included guest users they will be able to see that the recording is available but unfortunately they will not be able to play the video. This happens because Microsoft Stream does not support external users to the organization.

To share the video with the guests you need to first download it from Stream and then send it to users. To download a video do the following:

  • Open Microsoft Stream –
  • On the menu click on My Content and then Meetings
  • Look for the video you want to download and click on the …
  • Click on Download and you will get the mp4 video file

record presentation on ms teams

With the recording feature you don’t need to do meeting briefings to the colleges that were not able to attend, they will be able to watch it like if they were there whenever they have time to do it.

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82 Responses to “How to record a meeting on Microsoft Teams”

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April 2, 2020

Your articles are great. Keep them up, please. Question – If guests cannot access Stream for viewing, how do you recommend we share the video. I have no budget for purchasing storage that supports Streaming. The file size is often too large for email attachment.

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Hi Hermine,

Thanks for your kind words. To share a video with a guest user I recommend you to do the following.

  • Download the mp4 video from Microsoft Stream
  • Go to the team where you have the guest users
  • Upload the file to the document library of the team

This way the guest users will be able to get access to the video and you don’t have to purchase extra storage or licenses.

Hope this helps, have a nice day 🙂

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April 8, 2020

Once you have downloaded the mp4, can this be shared in other ways e.g. email, save to a thumb drive?

Hi Trevor, yes it can. By email it probably not work because the video files are usually very big.

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April 24, 2020

Hi João, Thanks for the above article. I had a situation where after the recording there was a message “recording failed to upload” and I cannot open the file. Is there something that I failed to do? Your help is greatly appreciated.

April 28, 2020

Recordings on Microsoft Teams are stored on Microsoft Stream, I’m not sure what might have been the cause for the error message but if you go to Stream you may find the original video under recordings. This article explain how to download the video Download video

Hope it helps 🙂

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May 29, 2020

Question – when I did a recording with three people one of us is in a larger frame than the other two people. How does Teams determine who the gets the larger frame spot? The sizing stays consistent during the whole video. Is it dictated by who joined the meeting first? Is there any way to manipulate it?

It might be different for each person in the call. It use to be the last person who spoke but now with the 3×3 layout I don’t know if it has changed.

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June 16, 2020

I am a student with an id given by my school. Our teachers record the class which eventually gets posted in meeting chat so for how many days can we access the recording?

June 19, 2020

The recording will be available to you until someone deletes it from Microsoft Stream.

Have a nice day 😉

So we will have access to it until the teacher removes it. But whenever I try to watch the recording the screen always comes blank all the screen sharing is not recorded. Can you tell me why is this happening?

Have you tried to download the video to see if the same thing happens? If you are not able to download the video, go to Microsoft Stream and play it from there. The video should be available under meetings.

To access Microsoft Stream you can use this url, and then authenticate with your scholl account.

If the issue persists most likely there was an issue with the recording.

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Hello Joao, can guest record meetings in Teams? I organized the meeting and when I clicked on the record meeting tab, yet it couldn’t be recorded.

Hi Joanessa,

Guests or federated users can’t record meetings or calls.

Have a nice day 🙂

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June 20, 2020

Hello Joao,

I need to use Teams for a webinar but unable to do it as I don’t find the create webinar option.

I tried to follow the steps available ol but nothing worked..

Can I schedule a a normal Teams call and share the link to students if yes how many are allowed in one call??

How can I record the session as I don’t find the recording option anywhere?

Hi Vinai, you can do it by scheduling a metting on Teams, the option is available in the calendar in the vertical menu. Mettings can host up to 250 attendees and once on the meeting you will have the option to record it. Hope this helps

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June 21, 2020

Hi Joao, I’d like to organize and record Teams meeting with 10 people, my question is may I record their screen too? I mean, can I only see their faces (screen record) or I can have access to their PC screen’s content also? Or do I need that each person activate the function of screen sharing from their PC to do so? Thank you very much.

In order to record others screens you must make them presenters in the meeting. Once they are presenters they will be able to share their screens (the user must start the screen sharing), but notice that only one screen can be shared at a time. Everything shared during the meeting will be captured into the recording.

Hope this helps, have a nice day

June 22, 2020

Someone else(a student) has made me an attendee so is there a way to remove being an attendee?

Or make that student an attendee as well?

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June 24, 2020

Your explanations are spot on and easy to follow- thank-you for that! My questions is: can we record in teams without starting a meeting? I have a bunch of training videos i need to make and it would be easy enough to be able to do so in teams if that is available, but i don’t see the record button unless i am in a meeting.

Hi Michele,

You will need to do it from a meeting that is the only place where the record option is available, however since last month you can do the recording from Microsoft Stream and then download it and share it on Teams. The only down side is that each video can only have 15 minutes.

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July 2, 2020

Hi! If I start a meeting, then after 5 minutes, start recording, will it only capture the recording from that point, or the whole meeting content?

Many thanks!

The recording will only start when you press the record button, everything prior to it will not be captured. Same thing when you stop the recording, after stopping it the meeting can continue without being recorded.

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July 3, 2020

I am desperately trying to work out how to record – I don’t have that option on the ‘…’ button? Help anyone? Please!

July 23, 2020

record presentation on ms teams

September 6, 2020

Is the recording function included in the Business Basic plan?

September 23, 2020

Metting recording is available for the following plans Office 365 Enterprise E1, E3, or E5. To know more about meeting recording licenses please check the following article.

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July 8, 2020

Hello, I have Microsoft Teams downloaded on my home laptop. I started a call with a friend and clicked on the three dots option but there no ‘record’ option listed.

I also tried to ‘schedule a meeting’ from the side calendar option but it only allows me to select a title and time.

I also tried to do a ‘meet now’ and it didn’t work either.

Do you know what could be preventing me from doing it?

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July 18, 2020

Hi Joao! I upgraded my microsoft package to be able to access the recording option, however it is still not showing up!

I’ve uninstalled and logged out multiple times but still not showing. Unsure what else to do!

Any help would be appreciated

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Hi João! I have a problem with recording. It did not started when I click “Start recording”, or it stoped in a while without any notification. I continued the meeting assuming that recording was going on. When we finished the meeting, we saw that recording is only tiny part of it. During meeting, we only realize that recording sign is not a red dot but a white dot, with notification sentence like “recording is pending” or something. What is the fault? Thanks.

Most likely was a service fault, recordings on Microsoft Teams are made in the cloud. Is not common to have issues with it but sometimes it happens. 🙁

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July 24, 2020

We use Teams for meetings with the team and broadcast messages from management. We record those messages, but everytime we play them back , the recording shows a mosaic of all the participants instead of just showing the person speaking. This is not ideal as the playback doesnt covey the same message as when originally recorded (that is with the person speaking viewed in the whole screen) Is there any way to record a meeting with multiple participants (all mutted off) so the playback shows only the person talking, as when it was recorded, intead of showing the mosaic of participants?

Unfortunately that is how it works it will not take in consideration if you pin the video of a person or not. A workaround for this problem would be opening the camera app on the computer and then share the screen with the camera app to the audience, not optimal but this way the screen will be always recorded in full screen and the tiles will be at the bottom of the screen. Another way of doing it is pre-recording it with stream and them during the call you will share your screen and the computer audio with all the attendees, you can even record it if you want to capture the reactions in the little camera squares under the video.

Let me know if this works for you or if you find any other workaround for the problem, I’m thinking about writing an article about this limitation.

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I own a Teams account that is part of a bigger corporation. I wonder why it is not possible for me to Record a Meeting (the button is disabled) and how I could enable it for future meetings. My final goal is to record a meeting with captions, so that I can save the transcript after the meeting.

Thanks!! Pia

To get access to it you need to ask the administrator to change the policy for you.

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August 5, 2020

I am an executive assistant that is involved in meetings that I am sometimes not a organizer of the meeting and need to record for meeting notes. How can I record without being the organizer of the meeting.

August 17, 2020

Hello Noemi,

In order to be able to record a meeting that you have not organized there are 2 things you need to guarantee:

  • Make sure the meeting organizer belongs to the same organization
  • Make sure you are a presenter in the meeting

The option to record a meeting is only available to presenters, you can ask to the organizer or other presenters to make you a present during the meeting.

Hope this helps.

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August 6, 2020

is it possible to record in ms teams on mac? I think am missing something, the record feature is not there!!

Yes it’s possible to record a meeting on mac. If you don’t have the option most likely the recording was disabled by the administrator. Here is the documentation that explains it –,Manage%20meeting%20policies%20in%20Teams .

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Is there a way to record a Teams meeting using the views of the person recording the content? For example an external user is presenting a powerpoint presentation to the group and I have pinned that content to the main screen as well as another person speaking to it. Only 2 people on the main screen, the rest are along the bottom. However when the meeting is recorded and sent to Stream it records in a 4 box way. Need this fixed ASAP!

Thanks for your advice.

Unfortunately there is not, the alternative would be to record your screen outside of Teams and then upload it to Stream. Stream now allows you to record your screen it might be a possible solution but you need to be aware of the legal implications it might have and Stream is limited to 15 minutes.

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August 8, 2020

I wonder if you can help? I would like to pre-record a Teams meeting (webinar) with a number of colleagues and have a number of slides displayed throughout. Once recorded we would like to ‘broadcast’ the meeting at a later specified date/time. When the pre-recorded meeting plays we would like the wider audience to be able to make comments / questions in the chat and enable the presenters to respond in real time to the chat?

Is this possible?

Many thanks

You can do it using a meeting or a live event all you have to do is record the meeting and then at a later time you play the meeting recording from your computer while sharing the screen with audio.

Hope this helps

August 28, 2020

Thanks for getting back to me, this is helpful.

Can I ask how soon will a recorded meeting will be available? The recording will be 1 hour long.

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August 11, 2020

Quick question why is the recording option only available to some users in Team even though everyone is given the same access?

I can record the meeting in a Chat window however not in Teams meeting but my colleagues have the option to record in a Teams meeting!

Also do you know why one gets an error message about video note downloaded on Stream!

Regards Harpal

The meeting record option is only available to presenters, if you are an attendee you will not have this option. Can you provide more information about the stream video error?

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Have a nice day

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I don’t get the MP4 format as an option when I download from Steam and when I upload to Teams, the file format isn’t accessible to guest users of Teams. The options I get are XSPF, M3U, M3U8 or HTML. Help!

I tried to reproduce your issue but with no luck. Can you please let me know what are the steps you are doing to download the video?

Hi, thanks for your quick response. I tap the three dots for more actions in Microsoft Stream, then click ‘download video’. Whether I choose the save or open options at the next step, I get the same options explained above. I get a pop up about ‘VLC’ being allowed to access my device (which I am allowing) and then it downloads without any problems. I can watch the recording via VLC media player but it seems that this is what denies me the MP4 option as when I go to the ‘media’ tab the option for MP4 isn’t there. Do I need to install a different sort of media player to get MP4 accessibility?

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August 26, 2020

If you do not record a teams meeting, is there any way to retrieve it? Also does it automatically tell you that the meeting is being recorded? Could someone record a teams meeting without all of the participants knowing?

The answer is no to all your questions, if you want to know more about the meeting recordings have a look to this article.

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September 1, 2020

I just recorded a meeting of an hour, but the recording cannot be found under ‘My content’. How long does it take for a record to appear and to be available for watching? Or is it possible that it’s been saved to some place else?

The recording should appear in Microsoft Stream immediately even if it’s not yet ready to be viewed.

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September 7, 2020

I created an org using the Teams app and as admin I have the record function but how do I enable that for other participates? I want one of the people in the team to be able to host a meeting without me and to record that meeting.

Only users from your organization will be able to start a meeting recording, to know in detail who can and can’t record a meeting in teams check the following article.

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September 14, 2020

I am a beginner in using the Microsoft team. I have been invited to a webinar on 16 September 2020 at 10am. However, there is some urgent matter need to solve on that timing and I unable to join the webinar. My plan is to record the webinar and watch it later after done the urgent matter. However, I not manage to find the recording option from the … button.

Please advise how can I do in order to record the webinar.

This reply is not in time for your webinar but it might help others with the same question as you. Recordings can not be scheduled ahead of time, recordings will only become available if someone during the meeting explicitly starts it. If the meeting was recorded and was hosted in your tenant you will be able to find it in Teams or in Microsoft Stream.

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November 3, 2020

I was wondering if there’s a way to record a meeting and only have the recording made available to the person who started the meeting? At the moment it automatically posts a link in the chat for all participants. Is there a way for it to only be sent to the meeting host?

Many thanks Claire

November 16, 2020

The recording become available to all the users who have access to the video in Stream. You can limit the access to it by downloading the video from Stream and deleting it, this way the link for the recording that is available in the end of a meeting no longer works.

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December 4, 2020

I hope you are well.

I have recorded a teams meeting with members of our business but some are considered outside of our business due to being on different tenants. I also need to share the video as its a training to people who were not on the call. I am able to download the MP4 video but how can I save the MP4 file so that I can convert it to a video sharing format that we use (Qumu) so that I can share it with a wider audience, or is it a Privacy issue why it is not possible to share it to people who weren’t in the actual meeting?

Many thanks Natalie

January 21, 2021

Hi Natalie,

The reason behind this limitation is just technical and has to do with the integration of Microsoft Stream and the other applications in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Things are changing and soon this limitation will be gone, while it doesn’t happen I suggest you to have a look to the following two articles that explain how you can take advantage of Microsoft Teams new meeting recording features.

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December 15, 2020

First, thanks for providing this amazing tutorial! I definitely learned a lot about Microsoft Teams. Usually, I am using a different tool called Acethinker Free Screen Recorder Online to capture anything on my screen along its sound. But now, I learned a direct way to do it on microsoft teams itself. I will definitely try it!

Thanks for your feedback John 🙂

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December 26, 2020

I’m a member of an institution who has a business account. How can I upgrade my students from “guest” to “member”?

Hi Syamsul,

You will need to create an account in the tenant for each one of the students to have them as members, if students are joining teams using their personal emails they will always be guests. Despite joining as guests you can promote them to presenters in a meeting if needed.

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January 10, 2021

Is it possible to record multiple meetings that are taking place at the same time. I will not be participating in all of the meetings but have been asked to ensure each one is recorded.

Sure you can record multiple meetings at the same time, you just need to join the meeting and start the recording or ask to one of the presenters to start it.

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February 6, 2021

A very useful thread.

Q. may I ask a couple of questions, I hope everyone can relate to? i.e. you join Meeting1 which being recorded and by mistake Meeting1 is left inadvertently open for several hours?

Scenario: Someone arranges Meeting1, its being recorded and I join via desktop set up, video & audio open.

1) if I leave Meeting1 early (which is being recorded) and Meeting1 continues, if someone in Meeting1 goes into chat, I notice the message (bottom right hand corner of Teams) click it and open message, then I seem to end up back in Meeting1 (without actually “joining”) is this correct?

2) if I join Meeting1 (which is being recorded) and Meeting1 continues, if I forget to leave it, then subsequently have two other Teams meetings – does the audio of Meeting 2 get recorded in Meeting1? and if Meeting3 is open but muted (no-one turns up) and meantime I have a private conversation on a mobile, will my conversation be recorded on Meeting1?

3) if meeting3 ends, and I continue to speak on a mobile, will my private conversation be recorded on Meeting1?

The joys of virtual working

May 18, 2021

1 – The chat message will be always available for you and others to use even after leaving the meeting, this means that you will receive all the notifications sent to this chat. 2 – It will depend on the settings for the microphone for each meeting that you joined 3 – No, if you take a call while in a meeting it will not get recorded in Teams becouse the microphone will be in use by another application

Hope this helps 🙂

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March 9, 2021

Can I record a meeting for 1 hour and then put it on USB to submit for an assignment?

Yes you can do it but first you must download the meeting from Microsoft Stream, you can find instructions for it here –

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March 21, 2021

I am trying to use Teams to record a zoom meeting. If I open up a Teams meeting and begin to record, then go to sharing my screen, I can click on the zoom meeting and record it. But when I play it back, I only see the video with no audible audio. Is there something I can set so that the audio of the zoom meeting captures on my Teams recording too? Thank you

Hi Yolanda,

My suggestion is to turnoff the microphone in the zoom call and use it in the teams meeting this way teams will be able to capture the sound from the speakers from the zoom meeting.

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March 29, 2021

I have the following scenario, hope you know a solution around it. I need to record a speaker, it’s just me and the speaker on the Teams call.

The problem is I want to record ONLY the speaker, without showing my face (or icon, if my video is closed) on the bottom corner. I want a full-screen of speaker only!

Do you know a way to do this, please? I played with Teams and can’t find a way to do that…

I’m not aware of any solution to do that using Microsoft Teams meetings you will always get the speaker the content and the members. As an alternative you can ask your speaker to record him self using Microsoft Stream, this way the application will only record the content and the speaker. You can find more information about it here –

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April 15, 2021

If I am the meeting organizer but someone else will be presenting a PPT. Am I able to record the meeting and what they are presenting on their screen?

In order to record the meeting you must have a presenter role, the content recorded will be always the one being shared. In other words if a user is sharing a PowerPoint that is the only thing captured by the recording.

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record presentation on ms teams

How to record a Microsoft Teams meeting

Here's how to record a Microsoft Teams meeting for later reference

Video conferencing

Step One: Who’s allowed to record

Step two: start recording, step three: stop recording, step four: find recordings, step five: recording expiration.

Microsoft Teams has become a vital part of many people's working lives over the last couple of years. As a video conferencing and collaboration tool, it has enabled colleagues and clients to continue communicating with one another even when they have been unable to meet in person. 

However, unless you are a very fast note-taker, it is unlikely that you’ll be able to record the input of your Teams meeting participants in real-time. In addition, there will be times when it simply isn’t possible to get everyone on a Microsoft Teams call that needs to be there. If that’s the case, then being able to record a meeting so you can review it at a later date is extremely important. 

Fortunately, Teams provides the functionality to record meetings - even in its free plan. However, for less experienced Teams users, it may not be immediately clear how to record a meeting. If you’re unsure, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will take you step-by-step through how to record a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Microsoft Teams Recordings

Although all Teams meetings can be recorded, that doesn't mean that any meeting participant can start a recording. Firstly, meeting recordings need to be enabled by your IT admin. Another important aspect to consider is that guest users cannot record meetings. In fact, Microsoft does enforce a few other restrictions too. 

Essentially, meeting organizers and individuals from the same organization are able to start and stop recordings. Even so, that doesn’t mean that recordings are unavailable to external meetings participants. Since January 2021, Microsoft has started saving Teams recordings in OneDrive and SharePoint, so it is easy to download and share your recordings with individuals from both inside and outside your organization 

Microsoft Teams - Start Recording

Unsurprisingly, in order to record a Teams meeting, you first have to be taking part in one. So join or start a meeting, and then click on the ellipses within the “More actions” section of the meeting control panel. From the dropdown list that appears, you should see “Start recording.” Click that and everyone taking part in the meeting will receive a notification that the recording is in progress. 

Keep in mind that only one meeting participant can record a meeting. However, the recording will continue even if the individual that started the recording leaves. Only once everyone has left the meeting, will the recording stop. Should a participant forget to leave the call, the recording will automatically stop after four hours have passed.

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Microsoft Teams - Stop recording

There are times when you might want to stop your Teams recording before the meeting has ended. If that’s the case, then bringing your recording to an end is easily achieved. Simply go to “More actions” again and select “Stop recording.” Alternatively, you could choose to just stop the live transcription and keep the recording going.


Successfully recording your Microsoft Teams meeting is one thing, but it isn’t much use if you can’t locate your recording. As mentioned above, Teams recordings can now be found in either SharePoint or OneDrive depending on the type of meeting that took place. If it was a channel meeting, the recording will be processed and saved to SharePoint. OneDrive will be used for any other type of meeting. 

For convenience, meeting participants will also receive a link to the recording in the relevant chat or channel. Clicking the link will take you to either SharePoint or OneDrive where you will have the option of downloading or previewing the recording. Sharing the recording with anyone else, regardless of whether they participated in the meeting or not, is also straightforward. In either SharePoint or OneDrive, simply click the “Share” link and enter the details of the person you’d like to share the recording with. Also, if you were the meeting organizer, it’s here that you’ll find the option of deleting the recording. 

Microsoft Teams - Recording Expiration

Having Teams meeting recordings lying around could potentially represent a significant security risk, particularly with more businesses sharing sensitive material remotely. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to delete recordings as soon as you don’t need them, but doing so manually is an added inconvenience - and one that is easy to forget about. However, it is possible to automate the deletion of your recordings. 

If your recording has an expiration date, Teams users will receive a message when the meeting ends. Open the details page if you want to change this date. You can reach the details page either by clicking on the recording and selecting the info icon in the top right corner, or by finding the recording file in either SharePoint or OneDrive and clicking “Details.” On the details page, you can find a drop-down menu with options for extending the expiration date. Alternatively, if your video is not of a sensitive nature, you could choose for the video not to have an expiration date at all. 

Barclay has been writing about technology for a decade, starting out as a freelancer with ITProPortal covering everything from London’s start-up scene to comparisons of the best cloud storage services.  After that, he spent some time as the managing editor of an online outlet focusing on cloud computing, furthering his interest in virtualization, Big Data, and the Internet of Things. 

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How to record a PowerPoint Presentation in Microsoft Teams

Users can practise their presentations before the meeting using Microsoft's PowerPoint recording studio. Before the teams call, users may use this to improve their delivery and even pinpoint the areas where they need to make improvements. It is easy to Record a PowerPoint Presentation in Microsoft Teams by going into the record option available in the Teams application. Recording helps you see the presentation later and decide on its faults. Moreover, you can praise somebody in Microsoft Teams for their presentations.

Record a PowerPoint Presentation in Microsoft Teams.

Step 1: Open the Microsoft Teams App: Firstly, go into Microsoft Teams application.

  • If you don't have that application, please download it from the Playstore.
  • You need to have a stable internet connection to run that application.

Image Titled record a PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft teams Step 1

Step 2: When PPT is presenting: Secondly, join the meeting where the presentation is running. You have to join it with the link.

  • Press Join button to join the meeting.
  • At the bottom of your screen you will see many options as features which you can use while observing the presentation.

Image Titled record a PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft teams Step 2

Step 3: Tap on the 3 Dots: Moreover, you have to tap on three dots.

  • The dots option is at the bottom of your screen.
  • See the red arrow in the given image indicating the dots option.

Image Titled record a PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft teams Step 3

Step 4: Tap on Start Recording: Finally, after tapping on three dots a new interface will come out. Then, press the recording option.

  • You can locate recording option at first.
  • Prefer the below image as a guidance.

Image Titled record a PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft teams Step 4

In the above section, some easy steps are mentioned through which you can record a PowerPoint Presentation in Microsoft Teams. Moreover, let's look at some related FAQs.

Can I capture an audio version of a PowerPoint presentation?

The ability to record audio narration and export it as a video is provided by Microsoft PowerPoint. Instead of recording audio in a single continuous file, PowerPoint records audio slide-by-slide, making it simple for producers to re-record a slide if they make a mistake or need to make a change later. Moreover, you can send voice note in Microsoft Teams.

Why am I unable to record on Teams?

You probably don't have an appropriate Office account or the necessary permissions if you can't record on Teams. You must have one of the Office 365 Enterprise E1, E3, E5, A1, A3, A5, M365 Business, Business Premium, or Business Essentials accounts in order to record on Teams. Lastly, you change screen sharing settings in Microsoft Teams.

Why doesn't the record button appear in Teams?

Within Teams, recording is not always available. Only while you are in a meeting can you choose to record. If "Start recording" is disabled, you must fill out a brief form to obtain authorization before you can record in Teams.

How much time can you record using Teams?

1 GB or 4 hours. The recording will cease and automatically restart when this threshold is reached. Microsoft advises utilising the most recent version of Teams desktop client or Teams mobile clients for the greatest experience in large meetings, webinars, and live events.

What occurs if I quit Teams in the middle of a recording?

Once everyone has left the meeting, the recording ends immediately. The meeting recording automatically terminates after four hours if someone forgets to leave.

Thus, these are some of the FAQs you need to know while recording a PowerPoint Presentation in Microsoft Teams. Feel free to give a feedback.

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How to Record and Edit Microsoft Teams Meeting

Microsoft Teams continue to drive a record number of users to the platform. With many companies delaying office returns for the employees, we won’t be surprised to yet another record quarter for Microsoft Teams. A useful feature of Microsoft Teams is the ability to record the whole conversation during the meeting to view it later. Here’s how you can record and edit Microsoft Teams’ meetings.

Record Microsoft Teams Meeting

Before you go ahead and record a Microsoft Teams meeting, you need to understand the criteria to enable the function in the app.

  • You need to be meeting organizer to record Microsoft Teams meeting.
  • Microsoft 365 Enterprise license is a must-have.
  • Recording option needs to enable by IT administrator.
  • Guests and attendees from other organizations can’t record Microsoft Teams meeting.

Record Microsoft Teams Meeting on Windows and Mac

Microsoft uses an identical UI on both the Windows and Mac platforms. The steps to record a Teams meeting are the same on both apps. For reference, we will use screenshots from the Microsoft Teams Windows app.

Make sure you follow the criteria above otherwise, you won’t be able to record the meeting.

1. Open Microsoft Teams on Windows and Mac.

2. Go to relevant Teams or Channel and click on the Video button at the top to compose a video call.

video call in microsoft teams

3. Invite members and start a meeting. Whenever you feel you need to record some important point, click on the three-dot menu at the top.

open more option in microsoft teams

4. Click on Start recording and Microsoft Teams will start recording the video/voice call.

record teams meeting

As soon as you start recording, every participant will be notified about it. At any time, you can stop recording from the same.

Where Can I Find Microsoft Teams Recording

Microsoft Teams will upload all the recordings to the OneDrive account. You can see that from the chat or go to the OneDrive web to find the uploaded recording. You can also generate a shareable link or download the recording on your PC or Mac.

Record and Edit Microsoft Teams Meeting on Mac

Not everyone has a Microsoft 365 Enterprise account and sometimes you may want to record a Teams meeting without letting everyone know. Here is where a dedicated screen recorder comes in handy.

CleanShox X – Screen Recorder

cleanshot for mac

Mac offers a default screen recorder tool that you can use to record Microsoft Teams and even a Zoom recording. But it doesn’t record computer audio and only captures the device’s microphone. For a better experience, you can use a third-party app called CleanShot X.

ClearShot X is a one-time purchase at $29 and allows you to take pictures/videos with annotation tools and one can also create a gif from the recorded content.

Get CleanShot X for Mac

Filmora – Video Editor

Some of the Microsoft Teams meetings can go on for long hours. As a result, you might end up with tens of gigs of recording footage from your preferred screen recorder tool.

Before you go ahead and share it, you can edit the video, remove troubling parts, add text where needed, and do a lot more with a dedicated video editor on Mac.

filmmora for mac

Filmora is one of the best video editors for Mac. For Microsoft Teams videos, you can use the software’s audio ducking function that fades one audio track down under another.

It also comes with touch bar support on Mac, has M1 compatibility, and has hardware acceleration support. You won’t have a hard time exporting large video files on it.

What’s more? Users can also record a video with Filmora software and edit them with stickers, text styles, cropping tools, and more in the app. If you want to change the video background while keeping the Teams admin or director in focus, you can easily change it without any green-screen effect.

Get Filmora for Mac with a $51.99 a year subscription or $79.99 one-time purchase.

Get Filmora for Mac

Record and Edit Microsoft Teams Meeting on Windows

Let’s talk about our preferred Windows screen recorder to record Microsoft Teams meetings.

ScreenRec – Screen Recorder

screen recording on windows

For Windows, you can get Free Screen Recorder software from ScreenRec to record the on-display content with audio. The app stays on the right sidebar and allows you to record your voice with a webcam as well.

During the Microsoft Teams meeting, simply open the app and record the content on screen. After that, you can use annotation and generate a sharable link to send to co-workers.

Get ScreenRec for Windows

Adobe Premiere Pro – Video Editor

Here’s our go-to video editor for Windows to edit Microsoft Teams videos on the computer.

adobe premier for windows

While Microsoft has purchased video editing software Clipchamp , the software giant has yet to integrate it with the Windows OS. For now, you can rely on Adobe Premiere Pro, which is a known name among professionals and syncs nicely with anyone living in the Adobe ecosystem.

The video editor comes with lots of animations, effects, cropping functions, and it has hundreds of guides available to edit your Teams video.

The yearly subscription is priced at $239.88. It’s also part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud package that’s priced at $52.99 per month.  

Get Adobe Premiere Pro for Windows

Wrap Up: Record and Edit Microsoft Teams Meeting

The default recording tool in Microsoft Teams comes with too many limitations. Instead, you can use the suggested screen recorders to record every moment and then use a dedicated video editor like Filmora or Adobe Premier to make the necessary changes before sharing it with others.

Pro Tip: Where Are Microsoft Teams’ Recordings Stored and How to Share

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Parth previously worked at covering tech news. He is currently freelancing at TechWiser, Android Police, and GuidingTech writing about apps comparisons, tutorials, software tips and tricks, and diving deep into iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows platforms.

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2 Ways to Record Live PowerPoint Presentations🔥

How to record live PowerPoint presentations? This passage guides you to record live PowerPoint presentations directly or with EaseUS RecExperts. You can also get related tips about presentation recording.

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Updated on Jun 25, 2024

How Do You Record Yourself While Presenting PowerPoint

Online communication is gradually becoming the primary means of communication for users. Nowadays, many users are more inclined to record live PowerPoint presentations with narration and timings than the traditional PowerPoint presentation.

In this case, some users might raise similar questions.

"How do you record yourself while presenting PowerPoint ? If possible, can you record a PowerPoint presentation as a video?”

If you've found your way to this page, it's a clear sign that you're on the right track. This step-by-step guide aims to help you record live PowerPoint presentations using either third-party tools or Microsoft's built-in features, then export the recorded PPT presentation as a video.

Way 1. Record Live PowerPoint Presentation via Screen Recorders 🔥

The first recommended and most efficient way to record live PowerPoint presentations is to utilize professional screen recorder like EaseUS RecExperts. This utility not only allows you to record specific PowerPoint presentation slides or the entire PPT presentation, but also provides a video editing feature.

EaseUS RecExperts

  • Record PPT presentations with your face, sound, or audio using webcam, camera, micro
  • Offer the full-screen recording, selected region recording, schedule recording , auto-stop & auto-split options
  • Provide video/audio editing, video/audio file import, microphone noise reduction, etc.
  • Export recorded PPT presentations in the MP4, MOV, FLV, MKV, AVI, or GIF file format with a high quality

Step 1. Launch EaseUS RecExperts. There are two modes for screen recording. Choose "Full Screen" , this tool will capture the whole screen; choose "Region" , you will need to select the recording area manually.

Choose a Recording Mode

Step 2. After that, you can choose to record the webcam , system sound , or microphone as you like. Of course, you can turn them off if you only need to record the silent screen.

Record with Webcam or Audio

Step 3. Then, you can click the red "REC" button to start recording. Now you will see a menu bar on your screen. If you want to pause the recording, click on the white "Pause" button; to end the recording, click on the red "Stop" button.

Pause or Stop Recording

Step 4. After recording, you will be led to the recording list interface. Here you can view or edit your recordings easily.

Recording List Window

Way 2. Record Live PowerPoint Presentations via MS Built-In Features

Microsoft PowerPoint releases a feature named Record that can record your PowerPoint presentation or a single slide, capturing your voice, link gestures, and video presence. This PPT presentation could be stored in video format, making it easier for the online audience to access.

Step 1 . Open the PPT file that you want to present > click Slide Show > select Record Slide Show.

ppt click record slide show

Step 2 . Select Record from Beginning or Record from Current Slide according to your situation.

ppt choose record from beginning or from current slide

Step 3 . By default, PowerPoint records both video and audio. Please click Record. After this process, you can Stop recording.

ppt click record

Step 4 . To export your live PowerPoint presentation as a video, click File at the top left > select Export > choose Create a Video. The video will be automatically saved as an MP4 file.

ppt click export create a video

How to record live PowerPoint presentations with narration and timings? In theory, MS PowerPoint's built-in feature is also feasible. Nevertheless, it cannot work for users who want to edit their captured PPT presentation videos. Therefore, seeking help from a leading screen recording tool like EaseUS RecExperts might be your top choice.

FQAs about How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation

This section also lists several relevant tips about PPT recording. If needed, please get an overview of them below.

1. How to record a presentation on Zoom with PowerPoint?

As stated earlier, you can make good use of the built-in features of Microsoft PowerPoint to record a Zoom presentation. Naturally, the optimal choice is to adopt EaseUS RecExperts.

2. How to record a presentation on Google Slides?

To make a Google slide presentation recording , you need to utilize Google Chrome on a laptop with a camera and microphone. Please refer to the following steps.

Step 1 . Go to Google Slides > open your presentation > click Rec > select the Record new video button.

Step 2 . Before beginning recording, modify the location and the size of the inset video frame.

Step 3 . If you're ready to record, select the large red button at the bottom of the screen > follow on-screen instructions to operate.

Step 4 . To pause recording, press the large red button at the bottom of the screen.

3. How to record a presentation on Teams?

Here are the steps: In Microsoft Teams, go to the Calendar tab > click Meet now > click More actions from the meeting control > click Start recording > click More actions and select Stop recording to finish the presentation.

record presentation on ms teams

One-click to capture anything on screen!

No Time Limit, No watermark

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Melissa Lee

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How to present your video and content side by side in a Microsoft Teams meeting

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Professional presenting in Teams with no additional skills or software

Today we’re going to cover a little workaround—this probably qualifies as a life hack, actually—for presenting both your face and shared content—like a slideshow, your browser, a file—at the same time during a Microsoft Teams meeting. Basically, you can present like a newscaster in a meeting and it requires no additional software or skills to do it. It can really amp up your presentation, class, meeting, whatever.

For a video version of this post, press play below. You probably want to watch the video. I go through a bunch of demos on how to actually do this and discuss a bunch of the nuances to maximize the professional look, which may help make it all make more sense.

Microsoft Teams has announced some major changes and improvements when it comes to how people’s faces and content displays during meetings, but there’s still a big need—at least in my opinion—for sharing your face with content in a configurable side-by-side way (and there will remain that need even with the announced updates). Think of a newscaster with a graphic above their shoulder or a gamer live-streaming their play with their face in the corner.

I see this having a big impact on meetings where there is one or only a few main presenters, not really for meetings where many people discuss or brainstorm back and forth. It’s also fantastic if you’re a teacher presenting slides or a white board in your browser and you want to show your face to keep students more engaged.

You can even use this in a Teams live event if you want. It works better than the built-in side-by-side content and video feature if you ask me.

What this isn’t

To set expectations, what this won’t do for you is present multiple people’s faces at once on some background with other content. This isn’t a way to recreate the talking heads on cable news. It’s a way for one presenter to share their screen and with their screen show content and their camera video feed at the same time.

How to do it

record presentation on ms teams

Alright, so let’s cover what we’re really doing here. It’s actually really simple. To share your face and your content at the same time

  • Open the content you want to share (slide show, browser, file, white board, etc.).
  • Open an app that shows a live feed of your webcam. - On Windows, you can use the Camera app (open the Start menu and search Camera ). If your camera feed comes through flipped horizontally, here's a way to troubleshoot that . - On macOS, open QuickTime Player and click File > New Movie Recording . - On Chrome OS (Chromebooks), use the included Camera app . - You can also go semi-pro and download VLC Player (a free, well-respected, open-source video player), set it to capture device then set the window to always on top . - And you could make use of the fun features of Snapchat's Snap Camera (though I've heard this app has security risks, so download at your own risk). This app would also let you change the background of your video feed, I think (please test for yourself). You won’t be recording anything. You’re just using the app to display your webcam’s live feed. Note: QuickTime doesn't show its buttons if you move your mouse away, but Windows's Camera app does. If that bothers you, consider whether it's more important to you whether you can share your face and your content simultaneously... or your have your face come through even with minimal buttons showing. Or test with the other camera apps I mentioned above.
  • Align the apps in a way that makes sense. Perhaps make the camera feed large and the content small above your shoulder (à la newscaster) or use the split screen feature in Windows (known as window snapping ) or macOS (known as split view ) to put the content side-by-side taking up the whole screen (or almost all of it).
  • In your Teams meeting, share your screen.

That’s basically it. Your success with this method isn’t about Teams. It’s about how well you manage and share your content. For example, you can easily display a PowerPoint slideshow (use option 2 in this article for presenting the slides as a resizable window), a browser, and your camera feed to discuss big-picture topics with your slides and a demonstration with the browser.

You can open a whiteboard from Office 365 in your browser and split-screen the whiteboard with your camera feed. If you’re a teacher or professor, it’s absolutely worth having a second device with a pen to write and sketch. For example, you could use an iPad to sketch on the whiteboard while you also have it open and displaying the whiteboard live in the browser next to your camera feed, all which is shared via your screen in Teams.

As handy as this trick is, there are a few down sides:

  • I haven’t tested, but I very much doubt you could do this on your tablet or phone.
  • You can’t get rid of the top bars of the apps if you’re not pushing to full screen.
  • This whole thing works best if you have a second monitor. It can work if you only have one, but it can be annoying to have to jump between your content and Teams to check in on the chat. If you’re using one monitor, I suggest setting your Windows Taskbar or macOS Dock to automatically hide. Enable do not disturb in Windows or macOS. I also suggest you join the meeting on your phone to follow the chat as a workaround.
  • This will impact bandwidth, probably a lot. If people in your meeting are complaining about your shared content coming through delayed, slow, or choppy, have them turn off incoming video for everyone one else—which actually disables your incoming video feed too—and it should improve things while still showing your shared screen. That said, this is a high-bandwidth action and it could end up being so choppy that it ultimately fails. There's not much you can do to recover other than reverting back to the standard sharing mechanisms.

Is there a way to record the screen?

Yes! If you want to record what you're presenting, you can always record the meeting using the built-in meeting recording features in Teams. With this method you can get the transcript, which is handy. It also automatically uploads the video to Microsoft Stream—Office 365's video service—and makes it available to all participants (as long as they're in your organization). The recording is also automatic outside of you pressing start and stop; super simple to use. However, with this method, your video will have all the other participants' faces displaying.

In many situations, seeing the faces would be unprofessional or even breaching privacy if shared (and what's the point of recording if not to share?). The simplest way to do it is to use Microsoft Stream to record the screen you're sharing. I should point out that Teams also uses Stream with its recordings (as mentioned in the previous paragraph). When I reference Stream in this paragraph, I'm talking about using it separately from Teams. Record the screen you're sharing in the meeting; do not record the meeting from Teams. If you have a license to use Teams and record a meeting, you likely have a license to record your screen without added cost and all you need is a browser to do it. Follow these instructions for that.

If you want some more control and are willing to invest time time or money, you can look into OBS Studio or Camtasia . I personally use Camtasia for both screen recording and easy-to-use, but still powerful video editing, and I like it a lot. (I'm not paid to say that.)

Can I present PowerPoint slides with video and still get presenter view?

Turns out you can! I published a separate post and video after this question came up a bunch of times. It requires two screens to pull off, which, if you present in Teams regularly, you should really invest in anyway . Trust me. You also need a camera app that can be set to always stay on top of other windows (so your slides don't overtake your video). The video below or post linked above will run you through everything you need to do.

What about OBS?

(If you don't know what OBS is, feel free to skip this section.)

Now, some of you probably have the instant response of, “Hold up, Matt, there are already ways to do this. Just use OBS Studio or another video encoder.” And my reaction to that is: bless your hearts. And that’s coming from a New Yorker! There are more than 75+ million daily users of Teams, and almost all of them will be scared by your use of the word studio and completely lost by the term video encoder .

Let’s be real: they shouldn't have to use a video encoder or advanced software to configure their video and content. Teams offers a difficult enough learning curve without them needing to dive into the rabbit hole of video production. Does this option offer green screen background removal? No. Does it let you drop multiple faces into one feed? No. But it does let you do the one thing so many people have been requesting: video and content side-by-side presenting, all without any additional software or skills.

What this article covers is as easy as moving some windows around and sharing your screen, meaning it’s something any presenter can do. If you want to do something more complex using a video encoder, by all means go for it. In fact, watch John Moore’s overview of using OBS to do something similar and definitely more slick, but more complex.

So that’s pretty much it! Anyway, I’d love to hear if this would be useful for you and how’d you’d put it to work in your organization. Leave any questions or comments below and requests are always taken into account.Happy newscasting!

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  • Manage attendee audio and video
  • Reduce background noise
  • Voice isolation in Teams
  • Mute notifications
  • Use breakout rooms
  • Live transcription
  • Language interpretation
  • Live captions
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Presenter modes
  • Call and meeting quality
  • Meeting attendance reports
  • Using the lobby
  • Meeting options
  • Record a meeting
  • Meeting recap
  • Play and share a meeting recording
  • Delete a recording
  • Edit or delete a transcript
  • Customize access to recordings or transcripts
  • Switch to town halls
  • Get started
  • Schedule a live event
  • Invite attendees
  • organizer checklist
  • For tier 1 events
  • Produce a live event
  • Produce a live event with Teams Encoder
  • Best practices
  • Moderate a Q&A
  • Allow anonymous presenters
  • Attendee engagement report
  • Recording and reports
  • Attend a live event in Teams
  • Participate in a Q&A
  • Use live captions
  • Schedule a webinar
  • Customize a webinar
  • Publicize a webinar
  • Manage webinar registration
  • Manage what attendees see
  • Change webinar details
  • Manage webinar emails
  • Cancel a webinar
  • Manage webinar recordings
  • Webinar attendance report
  • Get started with town hall
  • Attend a town hall
  • Schedule a town hall
  • Customize a town hall
  • Host a town hall
  • Use RTMP-In
  • Town hall insights
  • Manage town hall recordings
  • Cancel a town hall
  • Can't join a meeting
  • Camera isn't working
  • Microphone isn't working
  • My speaker isn’t working
  • Breakout rooms issues
  • Immersive spaces issues
  • Meetings keep dropping

record presentation on ms teams

Customize access to meeting recordings or transcripts in Microsoft Teams

As a meeting organizer, you can choose who has access to your meeting’s recording, AI recap, and transcript. Select from three options: (1) Everyone, (2) Organizer and co-organizers, or (3) Specific people. 

Everyone : Anyone with the meeting link/or invited into the meeting can access. 

Organizer and co-organizers : Only the people who organized the meeting can access. 

Specific people : In addition to the organizer(s), you can choose specific individuals who can access everything related to the meeting. 

By default, access is set to Everyone , but you can change this before the meeting starts. If you or another organizer changes this meeting option during the meeting, you will need to end and restart the meeting for the change to take effect. 

Note:  Copilot will not be available to meeting attendees excluded from access to the recording or transcript, even if Allow Copilot is set to “During the meeting”.

To customize access to your meeting’s recording or transcript: 

Go to Meeting options from any of the meeting option entry points .

Tip:  Meeting options will open in a new window on your default browser. For the best experience, use Edge to open all meeting options. 

Select Recording & transcript from the options on the left.

Select an option from the dropdown next to Who has access to the recording or transcript .

Teams meeting options with "Who has access to the recording or transcript" set to "Everyone".

This meeting option is only available with a Copilot license. Those with Teams Premium will be able to customize this soon.

Customizing access to meeting recordings or transcripts is not available for channel meetings or ad hoc meetings. 

This meeting option only applies to recordings, transcripts, AI recaps, and transcript-based Copilot access. If you or someone else changes the permissions through SharePoint, sensitivity labels, or other methods or if you share the link to the meeting recording, the original meeting option setting will not apply.

This meeting option will be available to organizers and co-organizers if the recording storage policy directs recordings to the organizer’s OneDrive for Business (ODB). If set to store in the participant’s OneDrive, this meeting option will not appear.

This meeting option can be changed by the meeting organizer on the following platforms: Desktop (Windows and Mac), Mobile (iOS and Android).

Third party apps will continue to have access and are not restricted by this new meeting option. The meeting organizer can manage third party app access to the meeting.

Related articles

Share a meeting recording

Delete a meeting recording

Viewing a video's transcript and captions


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