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My School Memory & Childhood Memory Essay & Paragraph

Here is a collection of essays and paragraphs on ‘My School Memories’ and ‘My Childhood Memories’. Everything changes over time. The school you attended as a child may not exist today, or it may not be as it was then. Some of the games and sports that you played as a child may have been lost in the modern touch today. The change must have caught your eye. How was your school then, how were your childhood days? Write an essay or paragraph describing your childhood memories.

My School Memories Paragraph

Table of Contents

My School Memory Paragraph, 200 Words

By: Haque | For class 6-7 | 02-04-’22

Write a Paragraph on ‘Memories of My School Days’. In your paragraph, mention your class, lessons, examination, homework, games and sports, friends, Headmaster, other teachers, etc.

The memories of my school days are very sweet. I often remember the sweet memories of my school days. In our class, there were sixty students . We all loved one another. Our class lessons were very interesting. All of our teachers were experienced. They took special care of the weak students. We never put off our homework. There was a good academic atmosphere in our school. We attended our classes regularly. As a result, we were never afraid of examinations. Tutorial examinations were held every month half-yearly, 2nd terminal and Annual Examinations were held in our school. There were good facilities for games and sports in our school. We played football, cricket, and volleyball in our school. There were also facilities for indoor games. All the students of the class were very cooperative and friendly. We often arranged debates and went on picnics . The teachers were very helpful to us. They helped us both inside and outside the classroom . The headmaster was really an experienced teacher . The teachers were our guide , guardians, and friends . The happy memories of my school days still fill my heart with joy.

Take a walk to: Village Fair Essay & Paragraph

Memories of My School Life Essay, 400 Words

By: Haque | For class 9-10 | 02-04-’22

My school days were the best days of my life . I still remember my first day at school . My school life is the brightest part of my memory.

I can still feel how warmly my school welcomed me. The affection I received from my teachers and the love I received from my classmates will never be forgotten. That’s why I always consider my primary school memories as the treasure of my life.

Those who are my best friends today, I got from my school. And those teachers of my childhood are still my fatherly guardians. This is how my school life has helped me and enriched me.

I think if I didn’t have the golden memories and valuable experiences of my school life, I would have missed a lot in my life. I did not get my wonderful friends, my experiences, and happy memories. Those days of excitement helped me to appreciate the value of time and to find meaning in life.

My school life has taught me how to be disciplined , responsible, hardworking, and realistic. That’s how my school life made me, so today I’m happy with my career. I believe that what school life teaches a person really affects the rest of his life.

One of the brightest memories of my school was the day I won the prize in the annual inter-school science competition. It was an event of great joy for me and my parents and a moment of great pride for my school. The principal of our school gave me a medal that day.

In my school life, I used to note down all my events in a personal diary. Now when I get a little leisure, I open the diary. In this notebook, I am delighted to discover the memories and experiences of my school life. It fills me with confidence and courage.

I remember how happy my parents were when I got first place in the whole school. They embraced me with joy and love.

It is said that a person always remembers his first day and last day in school. I remember that too. I cried the first day I went to school, the same way I cried the last day of my school life, because of the sadness of leaving. That’s how school days are the most memorable days of my life.

My School Memory and Childhood Memories Essay and Paragraph

My Childhood Memory Essay, 250 Words

By: Haque | For class 7-8 | 02-04-’22

Introduction: Childhood is the sweetest period of human life. I often remember the days of my childhood. When I remember my childhood days, I feel happy.

My Childhood Memories:   I was the youngest son of my parents. So, all the members of our family loved me very dearly. They bought me nice toys. My grandmother was very fond of me. She told me many interesting stories.

My Days in the Village: I was born in a village . The Padma flows by it. I swam in the river with other boys.

The whole village was my playground. I wandered in the village and played with my friends. The days of summer were the happiest days to us. We plucked mangoes and blackberries from tree to tree and ate them to our heat’s content. I had a great fascination for picking green mangoes during storm.

Education at Home: My learning was not dull. My uncle taught all the children of our family in the morning and at night.

The Village Maqtab: The village Maqtab was another interesting place for me. An old Maulavi used to teach us there.

School Days: The days of my school were very sweet. In school, we were afraid of our teachers.

The Village Hat: Another interesting memory was the village hat. The hat used to sit twice a week. I used to go to the market with my father. I used to buy sweets from the vendors.

Conclusion: How happy I was in my childhood days! The happy memories of those days still fill my heart with great joy. I wish I could have gone to those days again!

Read also: Friendship & Best Friend Essay & Paragraph

My Childhood Memory Essay, 600 Words

Introduction: Childhood days are very special to every person. A human child is born in a very helpless and weak form. Parents raise the child with utmost care and unconditional love. So, that period is a happy period for most people. However, childhood can be full of sorrow and nightmares for some orphans and helpless people. My childhood days were full of happy events. There were some sorrows too. But the happy memories invariably overshadow the sorry recollections. When I think of my childhood days I have a feeling of joy. My childhood days passed at Agrabad in Chittagong town. There we lived in a one-storied building.

Siblings, Parents, and Grandparents: I was the third child of my parents. My two elder sisters played with me and loved me very much. They shared every delicious food item with me. In the mornings and afternoons, I walked and played in the garden and on the roof of our house with my sisters. I asked them every type of question and they replied to my questions with their imaginations and little knowledge. I annoyed my sisters very much and wanted to follow them everywhere. My parents and sisters told me different types of stories. Those stories developed my imagination to full bloom. We had a radio and a cassette player in our house. I listened to different melodious songs on the radio and cassette player with my family. My grandparents also lived with us. I liked to pass time with them and listen to their experiences. Sometimes I made mistakes and when my parents were about to punish me, my grandparents always saved me. My grandparents died when I was seven years old. It was a matter of great shock to us. I still miss them.

Friends and Playmates: I had a few friends. They were our neighbors. At that time television was very costly and very few families had it. There was a color television in one of my friends’ houses. Sometimes I went to his house to watch TV. The programs on TV fascinated me. The number of my friends increased when I got admitted to the school.

The School: I was admitted to school at the age of five. The school was a very short distance from our house. I clearly remember my first day at school. I got up early in the morning, put on a white shirt and blue pants, and went to school with my father. In school, I met my teachers and classmates. My classmates were friendly and nice to me. My teachers also loved me very much.

Market and Park: Sometimes my parents took me to the market. At the market, they bought me dresses, chocolates, toys, balls, and other necessary items. They also took me to parks. We had a merry-go-round and other kinds of rides in the parks.

The Fairs: I also went to fairs with my parents. There is a big fair held annually in Chittagong. It is called ‘Jabbarer Bali Khela’. Many attractive toys and household items are found at that fair. My parents took me to that fair and bought me toys and sweetmeats. We also went to other fairs held on the occasion of Bengali New Year’s Day, Victory Day, Language Day, etc. We also went to different book fairs where my parents bought me books suitable for children.

Conclusion: A happy feeling engulfs me when I think of my childhood days. Then I lost myself in reverie and feel a strong nostalgia and longing for those days. That period has essentially made me the man I am now.

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

4 thoughts on “My School Memory & Childhood Memory Essay & Paragraph”

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Thank you too.

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Hello, Mr Haque I’m a teacher of English at an Algerian middle school and I find your essay very useful and I’m presenting it as a test for my students could you, please tell me what is the source of your passage?

Dear Razika , Thank you for your comment. I am from Bangladesh. I am very happy to hear that you liked one of my blog essays. If I say about the source of writing, almost half of the writing on this site I have taken from some English grammar books of our country’s schools which are not included in the main syllabus and students read them as supplementary guidebooks. The other half of the essays and paragraphs here are my own.

Could you please tell me the topics or titles of some essays and paragraphs that are not on my blog but are often asked to write in schools in Algeria?

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Student Essays

My school life days and memories

11 Essays on My School Life [ School Memories, Childhood, School Life ]

My school life memories and years essay, speech and paragraph. The essay includes primary, high school and college life memories, experiences, feelings and joys, first day and last of school life. The essay is for all 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12 classes.

School Life Essay | Experiences, Joys, Memories, Achievements

The school life is the wonderful period of our life. Apart from getting education, the students learns  a lot of things from the school environment including; patience, sincerity, loyalty, sincerity, friendship, discipline etc. The school is really an unforgettable account of our experiences

1. Essay on My School Life Days, Experiences and Joys

Memories are the part and parcel of every one’s life. A man always remembers the good days he has passed. There are some good memories and some bad memories in life.

The good memories are the good experiences one gets in one’s life. The good memories includes; school life memories including primary, high school, college and university life memories. The memories of school life period, are definitely the treasure to cherish for the rest of your life. The school continuously plays and effective role in our later life period.

Related Post: Speech on My School Life Memories, For Students

The school life is the best life. A man, who has been the student, knows what school life is. The school life is the golden time period of learning. It truly impacts the life of students . The importance of school life can never be negated. The school life is important for children as well as for the grown up students alike.

We get good learning experience, the self confidence , motivation and the will to do the best. It is the school life that blesses with best ever friends for the rest of our life. The school life friends are like your old and sincere friends for the rest of your life. The school days are the best days of our lives. I have the best school life memories. They are like a treasure for me. The joys of school life are invaluable.

My school life days and memories

The school days are the best days of my life. I clearly remember my first day at school. My first day school life memories are still vivid. I can still feel how warmly I was welcomed at the school. That truly defines the importance of school life for a child.

As a child, I learned, cooperated, got myself motivated and groomed under the best company of my best friends. I remember the first year love and wishes from my teachers. That is why I always regard my primary school life memories as the treasure for my life.

I have the best friends today and the learning experience that I got from my high school. The high school life memories are the invaluable part. I did a lot of blunders and mistakes. But thanks to my sincere friends and true teachers I was always rescued. That is how I learned from high school life the true meaning of cooperation and love.

I had a lot of shortcoming. I still remember how ignorant I was during my school days. My school life memories make me realize how important school life is for anyone. Had it not been, I would have surely missed many things in my life. I would not be having good friends, good knowledge, good experience and the good memories.

The high school life days are very much filled with excitement. During high school life period, one becomes matured enough to understand the value of time. My high school life is a wonderful chapter in my entire memories. In that period I learned truly. I directed myself. I learned dedication, hard work, motivation and self actualization.

This is the period when I started working hard. Thanks to that hard work done, today I am happy with my career. I believe, what you learn during high school life or college life, it truly impacts the rest of your life.

One of my best high school memory was the day when I won prize in annual inter schools science fair. It was the moment of great pride for me, my parents and for my school. The Principal of our school gave me a shield. That shied is still with me.

I always had the habit, during my school life, to note down everything on a diary. During my free time I always open that diary. It helps me soothes my pain. It fulfills me with confidence and courage. I miss a lot friend of mine. I have a good amount of school life pictures.

Those school life pictures are like my best memories. I remember the days we celebrated, the extracurricular activities we took part in. I remember how happy were my parent when I obtain first position in my entire school. That’s the best part of my school life. It never let me be bored.

It is said that a person always remembers his first day at school and the last day at school. The first day a child remembers because he came there weeping. And the last day a student remember because he left the school weeping again. In my case, I remember clearly my first day at school and my last day at the school. The joys of school life are surely countless. Indeed, the school days are the best of our lives.

2. Essay on High School Life:

High school is a time in our lives that we will never forget. It is where we start to form our own identity and make lifelong memories. As I reflect on my high school experience, I realize how much it has shaped me into the person I am today.

The transition from middle school to high school can be both exciting and scary. For me, it was a bit of both. I was excited to have more freedom and opportunities, but at the same time, I was intimidated by the new environment and responsibilities. Nevertheless, I pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone and make the most out of my high school years.

One of the biggest highlights of my high school life was being part of various extracurricular activities. From joining the school newspaper to being a member of the drama club, I was able to explore my interests and develop new skills. These activities also allowed me to make new friends and create unforgettable memories.

Academically, high school challenged me in ways that I never thought possible. The workload was much heavier than middle school, but it taught me the importance of time management and discipline. I also had the opportunity to take advanced courses and push myself academically, which has helped me in my college journey.

But high school wasn’t just about academics and extracurriculars; it was also a time for personal growth. The four years of high school taught me valuable life lessons that I’ll carry with me forever. From learning how to deal with failures to building strong relationships with my peers, high school taught me the importance of resilience and self-growth.

However, like any other journey, my high school experience had its fair share of challenges. From dealing with peer pressure to balancing academics and extracurriculars, there were times when I felt overwhelmed. But these challenges only made me stronger and pushed me to become the best version of myself.

In conclusion, my high school life has been a rollercoaster ride filled with unforgettable moments, valuable lessons, and personal growth. I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

3. Essay on My Unforgettable Experience in School:

Growing up, school was a huge part of my life. It was where I spent most of my days, learning new things and making memories with my friends. However, there was one particular experience that stood out to me and has stayed with me till this day.

It was during my high school years when my English teacher announced that we would be putting on a theatre production for the end of the year school play. I had always been interested in acting, but never had the opportunity to pursue it. This was my chance.

The excitement and nervousness that filled me as we went through rehearsals and prepared for the big day is something that I will never forget. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, from forgetting lines to perfecting our performances. But the bond that formed between my classmates and I was something truly special.

On the night of the performance, as I stood behind the curtains waiting for my cue, I couldn’t believe how far we had come. Throughout all the hard work and dedication, we had created a masterpiece. As the curtains opened and we performed in front of a packed audience, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that I had never experienced before.

That unforgettable experience in school taught me the power of teamwork, dedication, and the ability to overcome challenges. It also showed me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. Looking back, I am grateful for that opportunity and all the lessons it taught me.

It truly was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. So, I encourage everyone to take advantage of any opportunities that come your way, you never know what amazing memories and lessons they may bring. Happy learning!

4. Short Essay on Primary School Memories:

As I sit down to write about my primary school memories, it feels like going down the memory lane. Those were truly some of the best days of my life. I remember walking into the school premises for the first time as a tiny, nervous child and feeling overwhelmed by everything around me. However, as days went by, this place became my second home.

My primary school was a small, close-knit community where everyone knew each other. The teachers were more like friends and mentors who encouraged us to pursue our interests and passions. I fondly remember the annual sports day, where we competed in various events with enthusiasm and camaraderie.

Apart from academics, my primary school also emphasized on co-curricular activities. I had the opportunity to participate in school plays, dance performances and even started a band with my classmates. These experiences not only helped me develop new skills but also gave me the confidence to express myself.

One of the most memorable moments was when our class went on a field trip to a nearby farm. We got to see how crops were grown, milked cows and even tasted fresh fruits and vegetables. It was a fun and educational experience that we still talk about to this day.

As I look back, I am grateful for the wonderful memories and friendships that I made during my time in primary school. They have shaped me into the person I am today and will always hold a special place in my heart. So whenever I feel nostalgic, I close my eyes and think of my primary school days, filled with laughter, learning and love. Memories truly are the most precious possessions we have.

Remembering them keeps us connected to our past and reminds us of the joys that lie ahead in life. So, cherish your memories and make new ones every day! Life is a journey, and it’s these little moments that make it worth living

5. Essay on School Days are the Best Days of our Lives:

School days, the phrase that brings back a flood of memories for many. For most of us, school was the first place we interacted with strangers and made friends who became like family. It’s a time when life is simple, and all we had to worry about was homework and getting good grades.

We often hear people say that school days are the best days of our lives, and I couldn’t agree more. These are the days when we experience a plethora of emotions – joy, fear, excitement, and sometimes even heartbreak. It’s during this time that we learn valuable life lessons that stay with us forever.

Looking back on my school days, I remember the carefree laughter with friends, the thrill of trying something new for the first time, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. As children, we are filled with boundless energy and an insatiable curiosity to explore the world. School days gave us the platform to do just that.

Moreover, school was not just about academics; it also exposed us to different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. We learned how to work in teams, communicate effectively, and take on leadership roles. These skills are essential in our personal and professional lives.

Even though school may have its challenges – long hours of studying or dealing with bullies – it’s a time we will always look back on with fondness. As we grow older, we realize that those simple days were the best days of our lives.

So let’s cherish these memories and be grateful for the experiences that shaped us into who we are today. After all, school days may have ended, but the lessons and memories will stay with us forever. So let’s make the most of our present, just like we did during our school days. Let’s live life without any regrets!

6. My First School Memories Essay:

As I sit down to think about my first school memories, a wave of nostalgia washes over me. The feeling is overwhelming and as I close my eyes, flashes of those early days come rushing back.

I remember walking into that big building for the very first time, clutching onto my mother’s hand tightly. Everything was so new and exciting, from the colorful walls to the friendly faces of my classmates. I couldn’t wait to start learning and exploring this new world.

My first day at school was a blur, but what stood out the most was meeting my teacher for the very first time. She had a warm smile and kind eyes that immediately put me at ease. She introduced herself and showed us around the classroom, explaining all the different areas and tools we would be using. I remember feeling so small in that big classroom, but also filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

As the days passed, school became my second home. I had made new friends, learned new things, and started to understand what it meant to be part of a community. Those early years were full of laughter, playtime, and endless curiosity. I remember our colorful art projects, singing in the school choir, and eagerly raising my hand to answer questions.

Looking back, those first school memories hold a special place in my heart. They shaped me into who I am today and instilled in me a love for learning that continues to this day. My first years of school were truly magical, and I will always be grateful for the experiences and memories that I carry with me. So, whenever I think about my first school memories, I can’t help but smile and feel a sense of joy and gratitude for those formative years.

7. Feeling About School Essay:

School. It’s a word that brings up mixed emotions for many people, especially students. As someone who has spent most of their life in school, I have experienced all the highs and lows that come with it.

On one hand, school has been a place of learning, growth and opportunities for me. It’s where I discovered my love for science and literature, made lifelong friends, and gained valuable skills that have helped me in my personal and professional life. I am grateful for the education I have received and the teachers who have guided me along the way.

On the other hand, school can also be a source of stress, pressure, and even boredom at times. The constant assignments, exams, and expectations can take a toll on students’ mental and physical well-being. It’s no wonder that many students struggle with anxiety and burnout during their academic years.

But beyond the academic aspects, school is also a place where we learn about ourselves and the world around us. We are exposed to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives, which broadens our understanding of society. We learn how to work in teams, overcome challenges, and take on responsibilities. These experiences are just as valuable as the lessons we learn from textbooks.

However, I also believe that school is not always the best environment for everyone to thrive in. The traditional education system may work for some students, but it can also leave many feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. It’s essential to recognize that every student has their unique strengths and passions, and the education system should cater to that.

In conclusion, my feelings about school are complex. It has been a place of growth and learning for me, but I also acknowledge its flaws and limitations. As we continue to evolve and improve our education system, it’s crucial to remember that every student’s experience is different

8. My Childhood School Memories Essay:

As I sit here and reflect on my childhood school memories, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia. Some of the best times of my life were spent in school, surrounded by friends and teachers who shaped me into the person I am today.

I remember the excitement of starting kindergarten, with its bright colors and new experiences. It was my first taste of independence as I learned how to read, write and make new friends. As I moved on to elementary school, the days were filled with laughter and learning. I have fond memories of playing dodgeball during recess, participating in talent shows and going on field trips.

Middle school brought about a new set of challenges, but also some of my most cherished memories. It was during this time that I made lifelong friendships and discovered my love for music and sports. High school was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was also where I learned valuable life lessons and made unforgettable memories.

My teachers played a crucial role in shaping my childhood school memories. They not only taught me academic subjects, but they also instilled values like respect, responsibility, and perseverance. They believed in me, encouraged me to dream big and helped me achieve my goals.

In conclusion, my childhood school memories hold a special place in my heart. They represent a time of innocence, discovery, and growth. Even though those days are long gone, the lessons I learned and the memories I made will stay with me forever. I am grateful for all the experiences and friendships that I gained during my school years, and I will always look back on them with a smile.

So to all the students out there, cherish your school memories and make the most of every moment because one day you’ll look back on them and realize how much they truly meant to you. Keep learning, growing and creating wonderful memories!

9. Best High School Memory Essay:

High school can be a rollercoaster ride for many students, filled with both highs and lows. For me, one of the most cherished memories from my high school days was during my sophomore year.

It was our school’s annual sports day event, where all students participated in various sports and games. I remember being part of the relay race team representing my class. We had been practicing for weeks, and I was determined to do my best.

As the day arrived, there was a sense of excitement and nervousness in the air. The entire school gathered at the stadium, cheering on their respective classes. When our turn came, I ran my heart out, giving it my all. Our team ended up winning the race, and I remember feeling an immense sense of pride and accomplishment.

But what made this memory truly special was the support and camaraderie I felt from my classmates. We were not just a team; we were a family, cheering each other on and celebrating our victory together.

Looking back, that moment taught me the power of teamwork, determination, and friendship. It’s a memory that I will always hold close to my heart and cherish for years to come. High school may have its ups and downs, but it’s moments like these that make the journey worthwhile. So, always cherish your high school memories because they are truly some of the best memories of our lives!

10. Essay on Last Year of School Life:

As a senior in high school, the thought of leaving my last year of school life behind and entering the “real world” is both exciting and terrifying. It’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing that this chapter of my life is coming to an end.

On one hand, I can’t wait to move on to new adventures and experiences. The freedom and independence that comes with college and adulthood is incredibly alluring. No more waking up early for class, no more strict schedules or rules to follow. I’ll finally have the chance to explore my interests and passions, make new friends, and take control of my own life.

But on the other hand, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the past four years. High school has been a place of growth and learning, both academically and personally. I’ve made lifelong friendships, learned valuable lessons, and discovered who I am as a person. It’s scary to think that all of that will soon be left behind as I embark on a new journey.

As my last year of school life progresses, I find myself cherishing every moment more and more. I attend school events, participate in extracurricular activities, and spend time with my friends whenever possible. I know that these experiences will soon become memories, and I want to make the most of them while I can.

Leaving high school also means leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of my hometown. It’s a place where I’ve grown up and created countless memories. Saying goodbye to my family, friends, and the place I’ve called home for so long is a daunting thought.

But as much as it may be scary and sad to leave behind my last year of school life, I know that it’s necessary for growth and progress. And although I may leave this chapter of my life behind, the experiences and lessons will stay with me forever. As I move on to new adventures, I’ll always look back on my last year of school life with fondness and gratitude for all that it has taught me. So here’s to the last year of high school – may it be filled with memories, laughter, and bittersweet goodbyes as we prepare for the next chapter of our lives

11. My School Life Essay  ( 150-200, 300-500 Words )

I know what you’re thinking, “Another essay?” But hear me out, this one’s not about some boring topic that you’ll never use in your life. It’s about something we can all relate to – our school life.

School is something most of us have known since we were little. It’s where we learn and grow as individuals, make friends and create memories that we’ll cherish forever. It’s a place where we spend the majority of our time during our formative years, and it plays a crucial role in shaping who we become.

For some of us, school might have been a drag – long hours, boring lectures, endless exams. But for others (myself included), it was the best time of our lives. Sure, there were challenges and tough moments, but looking back, those experiences have helped us become who we are today.

One of the best things about school is the friendships we make. Our classmates become our partners in crime as we navigate through the ups and downs of academic life. They’re the ones who understand what it’s like to pull an all-nighter to finish a project or cram for an exam. And let’s not forget the inside jokes that only we and our classmates will understand.

Apart from friendships, school life also teaches us important life lessons. We learn discipline, time management, and responsibility as we juggle between classes, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments. We learn to work in teams, communicate effectively, and think critically. These are all skills that we’ll use throughout our lives, whether in further studies or in our careers.

But it’s not just about academics and life lessons, school life also gives us opportunities to explore our interests and passions. From joining a sports team to participating in drama productions, there’s something for everyone. These extracurricular activities not only provide a break from studying, but they also allow us to discover our talents and strengths.

And let’s not forget the unforgettable moments that make up our school life – field trips, school events, prom night, and graduation. These are all milestones that we’ll look back on with nostalgia and fondness. They’re also a reminder of how far we’ve come and the amazing memories we’ve created.

So, if you’re still in school, make the most of it. Take advantage of all the opportunities and experiences that come your way. And if you’ve already graduated, look back on your school life with a smile because those were some of the best years of our lives.

25 thoughts on “11 Essays on My School Life [ School Memories, Childhood, School Life ]”

Wow awesome report I will fudge it and use it 4 my own report thanks bye

Awesome . Nice experience of school 💖

Wow amazing report 🔥gave me inspiration for mobspeech …not meaning im copying tho 😪thanks

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Well done, the writer.

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Àwesome notice

This is very artist like paragraph

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Very nice report I like this outobiography thanks

Good I Like It

Great essay

Beautifully expressed 🖒❤😀 It was useful…

It was very nice and helpful to us wt and how to write our own life experience in school , relatives,near and dear etc… Thanks a lot

Thank you very much ❤️❤️

it never let s you feel board , I like that , thanks for sharing your article // have such a nice days in school actually good luck !

Very nice experience

Right this is good for a student absolutely right i am very for that thank you so much

So funny hahahahaha(sarcasm) 😀

My school memory is the such a wonderful part ok in my life. It’s was really how some feeling and wonderful experience. One day I leave from the World🌏 never come to back🔙 that’s line for suitable for my school days. It’s was not come to for following the life continues….. Missing my school days ans missing my lovely💕😍 friends👭👬👫

It is nice but it didn’t help me ☹

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School Days Essay

memories of primary school days essay


The first day at school is exciting and, at the same time, a struggle for young children. All those days where they woke up, played and slept as they wished were now going to end. Undoubtedly, they are enthusiastic about going to school with a new bag and books, but they also have to make every effort to put away the feelings of missing home. We will learn more about school days in this school days essay.

If children cry on the first day of school because they miss their parents, the memories of school days are what make them nostalgic on their last day. Such is the impact created by school days on children that they find it hard to move on to the next phase of life. The short essay on school days will describe what makes school life the best, and children can write an essay based on this guide.

Importance of School Life

Once children start going to school, it is the place where they will spend most of their time for over 14 years. So, it is natural that they feel nostalgic about school whenever any mention of it is made. Moreover, a strong bond is formed between other students, and this friendship is sure to last for many years.

School days are also the best days to gather knowledge as well as learn basic etiquettes and skills, which make children better people. With lessons, assignments, sports day , games, and cultural events, school days are filled with many activities that help in the development of their character, mind and body. Along with teaching right from wrong, school days also instil good habits in children. Let us see an experience about school life in this school days essay.

My School Days

I remember my school days being jovial and fun while learning many lessons about life. Even though I was able to acquire knowledge from textbooks, it was the lessons of friendship, teamwork, hard work, discipline, and sharing that I learnt outside the classroom that remained close to my heart. My school days usually began by running off to the classroom before the first bell, and I would fight with my friends to sit in the first row of the class.

I was an average student during my school days, and I had great fun studying as well as participating in many events and activities at the school. While I enjoyed sports day, annual day and literary fests, I also liked studying in labs as I was able to perform many experiments and projects. The short essay on school days will not be complete without talking about the role of friends in school life.

Each year, I got new friends and teachers with whom I shared my dreams, doubts and worries. There were days when we studied together in the library and days when we asked the teachers to let us go out to play. Along with playing silly pranks on others, we used to go to the school canteen and get hot puffs and sweets as birthday treats. We also shared our lunch boxes and tiffins and complimented the food made by our mothers. My school days were filled with such happy memories, and I am grateful to my school for shaping me as a good student.

Frequently Asked Questions on School Days Essay

Why are school days considered to be the best part of our lives.

School days are the best days of our lives because we cannot go back to school after a certain age, and the friendships that we have made; the lessons that we have learnt in school stay with us for a long time. We can also remain carefree during school days as we do not have many responsibilities.

What do we learn during school days?

School days offer us many learning opportunities. Apart from the knowledge we get from textbooks, we learn the value of friendship, hard work and honesty, along with important life lessons and skills during school days.

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memories of primary school days essay

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memories of primary school days essay

My School Life Essay

By Emma bunton

Updated on April 13, 2023

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Essay on my school life – 300 words

School life is one of the most memorable times in an individual’s life. School life is filled with dreams for the future and mysteries to solve. I had a wonderful school life. My school life centered around my friends, gossip, and play. With no real responsibilities, I lived some of the best days of my life in my school life. Although I had several good friends, John and Sara were my best friends. They made my school days even more precious. We were not too brilliant or geniuses. But we were respectful and hardworking. All the teachers adored us.

 In my school days, all I wanted was to grow up and get out into the real world. However, now all I wish is for the good old days to come back. The best memory from my school life was the sharing of our lunches. We used to sit in a big circle in our lunch breaks and place all our lunch boxes inside the circle.  And then what followed was a half-hour full of talking and good food. 

Another precious memory from my school life was all of us playing silly games. We used to play truth and dare right in the middle of our classroom. It used to annoy our class teacher, Miss Priya, a lot. But as long as we were not harming anyone, she was fine with it. We used to find joy in the smallest of things. I remember one day a friend of mine brought mini cupcakes to class one day. That was the best day of my life. Life could not have been any better.

These are some of the dearest memories of my school life. I will cherish these memories for all times to come. I hope everyone’s school days are as joyful and beautiful as mine were.

My School Life Essay – 500 words

Happy memories stay with you forever. They provide the light in your dark days. And what better memories can be than the ones you collect in your school life. School life is one of the best times in one’s life. It largely impacts students. What we become in the future is based largely on how we are brought up in our school days. It is the golden opportunity for character building and learning.

In our school days, we learn to have self-confidence, motivation, and the will that will help us achieve greater things for the rest of our lives. School life blesses you with memories and friends that will stay with you for all times to come. As for me, my school life holds the fondest memories of my entire life. The friendship that I made in my school days have remained strong, honest, and sincere to date. My school life is an invaluable treasure that I will cherish forever.

I clearly remember the first day at my school. I was so scared and full of uncertainty. I joined school quite late in my life due to health problems. I felt like an outsider. I was afraid that my classmates would not approve of me. However, all the students and teachers went out of there to prove me wrong. I can still remember how everyone clapped when our headmaster introduced me to the rest of the class. At that particular moment, I should have understood that this was the start of some of the best years of my life.

I was groomed under the company of some of the greatest teachers in the world. They did not just teach me to excel in my academics. But they worked tirelessly to ensure that I build a strong moral character and a good attitude. I can say for a fact that my teachers have played the biggest part in my upbringing after my parents. They taught me the value of honesty, loyalty, and respect for others.

My class teacher, Mr. John, was the greatest man in the world. He treated all of us with love and equal respect. He did not believe in punishments at all. Instead, he used to make us do charity work or help around the local community center as a form of detention. I wish that every student would get the chance to come across a kind and loving teacher like Mr. John.

I was not perfect at all. I committed a lot of mistakes and blunders in my school life. Fortunately, my friends and teachers were always there to rescue me. My school life makes me realize how important it is to enjoy it like there is no tomorrow. School days are the best days of one’s life. They are filled with excitement, happiness, and dreams for the future. I believe that everything which I learned in my school life has molded me into the person I am today. If it was not for my teachers and friends at school, I would have been a completely different person.

Essay on my school life – 650 words


School life is one of the most important character-building phases in one’s life. It prepares us for the challenges ahead. Once we are out into the real world, the bubble that surrounded us in our school life bursts open. We are exposed to real-life challenges and situations. Everything that we have learned in our school days, including the fundamental principles of life will help us stand strong against whatever life throws at us.

Not only is school life a very important character builder, but it is also the happiest time of one’s life for most of us. With no real responsibilities, school life is all about fun and living the best days of your life. Most of us will agree with the fact that the mere reminder of our school days fills us with nostalgic memories of the happier days gone by.

My School Life

I studied in a local Catholic School. Our classes would begin at sharp 9:00 in the morning. The classes used to extend till 2:00 with an hour in between lunch break. We used to have about 4 to 5 classes a day depending on the time each class lasted. Our school put a huge focus on extracurricular activities. They made sure that all of us participated in one way or the other. It used to host debate competitions, spelling bees, cultural shows, and sports tournaments. Simply put, our school gave as much importance to extracurricular activities as it gave to studies.

I was a very bright and hardworking student. I used to participate in all sorts of tournaments and competitions that my school held. I was the captain of our soccer team. I also lead my team into the inter-school soccer tournament. I loved being a part of everything. And it paid a lot in the long run. Not only did it make my school life awesome, but it also paved the way for an Ivy League scholarship.

My school used to celebrate all the important days that came along. Be it Parent’s day, Teacher’s day, or Founder’s Day, we celebrated all of them joyously. This offered a great opportunity to instill the importance of these particular days in the student’s minds. To date, I celebrate all these individual days with my friends and family. Therefore, my school played a huge role in developing my character.

Coming to academics, my school gave it the utmost importance. Along with regular classes, my school held monthly tests and quarterly quizzes to ensure that we excelled in our final exams. If any of the students fared badly, extra classes were held for them. My school did not believe in punishing the students who fared badly in academics. The motto of my school was to teach with love. Anything that was taught with love is always remembered.

The hallmarks of my school were discipline, honesty, and respect. My school put a lot of emphasis on building the individual character of the students along with giving them a quality education. I can proudly say that I still abide by all the values which my school instilled in me. I learned to live my life abiding by the basic values of humankind. The basic values included respect for the elders, punctuality, discipline, good manners, and honesty.

The friends that one makes in his school days last forever. I made some of the greatest friendships in my school days. Full of loyalty, sincerity, and love, my school life friends have stood by my side for the rest of my life. I can honestly say that my school days were the best days of my life.


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I am proud to have been a part of such a wonderful and worthy institution. My school made me a better person today with greater self-control and the ability to withstand all of life’s challenges. Even after all these years, the memory of my school life brings a big smile to my face. It fills me with happy and precious memories that will stay with me forever.

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  • Essay on My School Life in English for Students and Children


Best Things About the School Life for Students

School Life is the best time of our life as we make new friends, learn new things and build our career there. School time is the only time which we enjoy most, and when we enter college, we always miss our school life. School life teaches us lots of new things and prepares us to face all the challenges of life. I love my school life and really enjoy it. I have lots of friends, and all my teachers love me. I love my school and enjoy going there every day to meet my friends and learn new things. 

Everyone keeps on saying that school life is the best time of your life. When listening to these phrases from their elders, the school students think about what is good about this life. All we do in the entire day is to attend the classes and to do the homework. But once school life gets over, the students realise that school life was the best time of their life.

Apart from learning great things in school, you make new friends, play different sports and create memories for the rest of your life. The students also learn many life skills like teamwork, good manners, etc., and understand what they want to become in their life.

About My School and School Life

I study in the reputed private school in my city, and I am glad to be a student of this school. My school is one of the most renowned schools in my town. It is very beautiful and huge. My school has all the facilities for sports, study and other activities. Built-in a three-storey building, it is a Co-Ed and Senior Secondary School having Science, Arts and Commerce stream. The atmosphere at my school is delightful. We have a huge playing ground where we all students play different games like Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, etc. We have a separate Basketball and Tennis court, as well as a small and beautiful garden for kids.

The students practice these sports every day. The school also has a big swimming pool and sports area for indoor games. In this area, the students can play Table Tennis and Chess. There is also a big skating rink. Different physical training teachers train us for all these sports. These sports not only keep us fit but also increase our stamina and coordination.

School life is not just limited to studies and sports. There are also other activity rooms such as the music room, art room, and dance room. The Art room is a big hall with lots of colourful charts and various types of paints. The students can portray their imagination and can create beautiful art here. Dance and music are also very important in school life as they help the students express themselves in a new manner. The different movements in dance help the students in unwinding themselves.

My school has a big library where we all read different kinds of books, novels and comics. Apart from the library, my school has well-equipped scientific labs where we all practise various experiments of Chemistry, Physics and Biology. I have learned a lot of things in these labs. My school also has a big computer lab with trained technical staff that help us to learn everything about computers. I love playing on the computer and learning new things in the computer lab. In the computer lab, the students learn about using MS Word and PowerPoint. The computer lab is also called the ICT lab. The ICT teacher teaches the students about the internet and how to use it safely.

All the staff at my school are very polite, educated and experienced. Our teachers not only teach us but also prepare us for various competitions, and every year, my school wins many prizes in various competitions. I have even represented my school in a hockey championship and scored the second position.

The classrooms are big and decorated beautifully with different artwork done by the students. Various projects and models are kept in the classroom for the students to keep on revising their concepts. The teachers use smartboards, and every day a new word is taught to enhance the students’ vocabulary. Every day one student presents the ‘Thought for the Day’. These positive thoughts keep us motivated.

All the teachers at my school are very dedicated and punctual. They always teach us discipline and ask us to come to school on time. Our teachers love us, and they teach us in a very simple and easy way. Whenever we fail to understand anything, they try to make us understand it again without shouting at us. They give equal attention to all the students, and that is why my school has an excellent academic record. 

The teachers are well qualified. They use different techniques to teach us the concepts. The atmosphere in the school is fun-filled and fruitful at the same time. The school’s entire staff, from the security guard to the teachers, is very helpful and polite.

We learn many life skills also in school. Discipline, hard work, and punctuality are some of them. During sports classes, we learn teamwork and work together to win.

The best part of my school is its auditorium where all the school events and competitions take place. Our school auditorium is one of the best auditoriums in the town with a great sound and light facility. It is fully air-conditioned with lots of seats. Every year, my school organises an annual cultural festival which lasts for two days. Many cultural events take place within these two days like singing, dancing, debate competition, etc. I love to participate in a poem writing competition every year, and many times I have won prizes as well. Every year, the toppers of our school get awarded on this annual cultural day and we all students love to participate in various events of the annual cultural day.

We also have school assemblies in our Auditorium. Sometimes the students from other schools come and participate in the different competitions organised in our schools. These events are called inter-school competitions. These events are very good as we get to learn new things from other students and make many new friends.

Apart from the annual cultural day, my school is famous for organising one of the biggest annual sports meets. I love this annual sports meet because sports are my favourite. In this annual sports meet, various sports competitions are organised, and almost 50 schools participate in these competitions and win multiple titles. Me, my friends, and our seniors also participate in these competitions and make our school proud by winning in them. My school has great teachers, excellent faculty and all the facilities that one student needs to excel in his/her life.

The biggest reason behind the success and fame of my school is our Principal Sir. He is 50 years old, yet very active and disciplined. He has an attractive personality, and his knowledge is commendable. He loves all the students and always spare some time from his busy schedule to monitor the progress of all the students. I admire his personality and principles. He always encourages us to take part in various extracurricular activities, and it is the result of his support & dedication that the students of my school always perform better in all the competitions. We all are fortunate to have him as our Principal.

Principal sir awards the students who participate and win in different cultural and sports events. He has a good memory and remembers the name of every child. The students feel proud when Principal sir calls them by their names.

After each term, assessments are also being conducted in the school. The teachers prepare us for these assessments, and the results are also shared with the parents. The assessment is a good system as students understand the learning gaps and can work on them. The teachers are very helpful as they assist the students wherever it is required.

I love my school and my school life. Every day I learn new things here and enjoy it with my friends. All my teachers love me and always support me. I have learned discipline and punctuality from my teachers, and it will help me a lot in my future. I am proud to be a student at this school, and I will always miss my school after leaving it. My school life has taught me many things and given me some best friends who will be my friends forever. I wish all the success to my school and love everything about my school life. 

The different experiences which the students get in school life help them to become better human beings. When they leave school, they are not just taking the memories with them, but they take many friends, a career and good manners for life. It is the first place where the students come out of their family circles and create a new one with their teachers and friends. 

One should also remember that everyone is not privileged enough to get an education. If one gets this opportunity, then be grateful and work towards being a better human being. Cherish your school life and stay motivated.


FAQs on Essay on My School Life in English for Students and Children

1. Do you think Sports are important during school life?

2. What are life skills learnt during school life?

Some of the Life Skills learnt during school life are:


Memorable Event in School Essay: Writing Tips + Ideas

Perhaps, each person has unforgettable memories of school life. It might be their first day when everything seemed to be exciting and unknown. Or it might be some picnic or trip when they spent a great day outside with their classmates.

Writing a high school experience essay requires you to reflect on your past. Your personal narrative doesn’t have to rely on one interesting incident per se. You can write about a few stories. Or you can describe any memorable event in your school essay.

In this article, our Custom Writing team has prepared a memorable school days essay guide and topics for essays about high school experiences. Continue reading and find great tips and innovative ideas for your paper.

  • ☝️ What to Include in Your High School Life Essay
  • ⭐ Memorable Moment Essay Topics
  • 📜 Unforgettable Memories of School Life: Essay Topics
  • 📋 First Day of School Essay Topics & Other Experiences
  • 🔍 Unique & Memorable Experience: Example Topics
  • ❔ Why I Miss School: Essay Topics

⭐ Memorable Moment Essay Topics

Essays on school life often revolve around our favorite memories. And this is understandable—when people are asked about their school days, they often recall the most memorable parts of their school life with ease. Therefore, every person can write an essay talking about his or her favorite lesson, teacher, or moment. For example, you can write about your favorite subject in great detail. Or you could tell a story about how much you loved chemistry, math, or English when you were at school. Here’s a whole list of ideas:

  • My favorite subject
  • Why math was the best subject at school
  • Why high school was my favorite
  • My favorite teacher
  • Why I loved sports in school
  • Going to football games
  • What my favorite teacher taught me
  • My favorite moments
  • Why primary school was the best time of my life
  • My favorite time of day at school
  • Why summer is great but school days are fun as well

📜 Unforgettable Memories of School Life: Essay Topics

Narrative essays that describe your unforgettable experiences can make your essay on school days stand out from the rest. After all, both funny and sad stories are unique and interesting to read. The stories may differ in their significance or seriousness, just as long as they have stayed in your mind to this day. You can talk about the happiest day of your life or about the most memorable moment of all time. Remember that everyone has good and bad times at school. Do not be afraid to share the difficult parts of your life and explain the reasons why school has changed you as a person.

  • Why I will always remember this day
  • The day that changed my life
  • My prom experience
  • Spirit week stories
  • How my expectations of school changed through the years
  • How I got in trouble and what happened next
  • The day I learned something new about myself
  • Unforgettable situations from my school days
  • Important lessons from high school
  • Why high school changes everyone
  • School knowledge that I still use to this day
  • Getting a substitute teacher
  • If only school days were longer
  • How I made the biggest discovery of my life
  • The story about my school days that I tell everyone
  • The most memorable moment in school
  • The best year of school
  • The worst year of school
  • What I remember about primary school
  • My high school life experience
  • The most interesting stories from my schoolmates
  • School legends

📋 First Day of School Essay Topics & Other Experiences

First experiences stay in people’s hearts and minds for a long time. That is why the feeling of missing school days is normal for many of us. Reminisce about your first experiences at school and recall the aspects that made these situations so unforgettable. These moments may seem small to somebody else, but if you have many emotions connected to them, then do not hesitate to talk about these times in great detail. Read about the experiences of other people and compare your thoughts to theirs. For inspiration, check out these ideas:

  • My first lesson
  • What I remember about my first teacher
  • My first day at school
  • How I met my first friend at school
  • My first crush
  • My first breakup
  • My first lunch
  • My first exam
  • My first dance
  • The magic of prom

🔍 Unique & Memorable Experience: Example Topics

Every person who went through school had some unique ways of preparing for exams or completing tough projects. Why not share your amazing knowledge with the rest of the world? You can talk about your ways of getting the most out of your school days. Was there something that made answering hard questions simple? Did you have special ways of making friends? Talk about your experience and share your wisdom with everyone else:

  • How to find friends on the first day of school
  • Choosing the best classes to attend
  • How to prepare for exams and remember everything
  • How to get straight As
  • Why making best friends in primary school is simple
  • How to prepare for high school
  • Learning from your mistakes

“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” - James Joyce

  • Making the most of summer vacation and saving time to study
  • How to finish every book on the list of required reading
  • How to take notes
  • My advice for dealing with stress
  • Where to spend your time after school
  • How to talk to teachers
  • Creating the best school project
  • The best places to spend time during the lunch break
  • How to get the most out of every lesson
  • What to expect from high school lessons
  • How to deal with self-doubt
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • How to find your passion
  • Choosing your future profession
  • How I decided who I want to be when I grow up

❔ Why I Miss School: Essay Topics

Some experiences are good. Others, though, are so life-changing that you want to relive them over and over again. If you are one of the many people who think that school life is the best life, write an essay on school life that explores your feelings of wanting to go back to school. What makes you want to go back? Would you change something if you went back? Is there anything bittersweet about your memories of school? Here are some good topics related to this idea:

  • School life is wonderful
  • Memories of school days
  • Missing school days
  • Going back to school
  • Why I miss primary school
  • High school days are the best days of our lives
  • What I remember from my days of high school
  • Remembering the happiest moments of school
  • The memorable moments that make me want to go back to school
  • The importance of my school experience
  • Why I will go to my high school reunion

Remember that while the topic is important, the quality of your writing is essential as well. Research the best essay writing techniques and tips, and then follow them for the best result. Moreover, you should try to avoid some of the most common mistakes . When in doubt, you can always refer to a custom writing service to get a high-quality paper!

Learn more on this topic:

  • Growing Up Essay: Great Ideas for Your College Assignment
  • Childhood Memories Essay: Brilliant Writing Ideas
  • Writing Essay about Someone Who has Made an Impact on Your Life
  • Excellent Remembering a Person Essay: Free Writing Guidelines
  • Life Experience Essay: How to Write a Brilliant Paper

🔗 References

  • My School Days Essay
  • My High School Reflections
  • Essay about school days
  • 7 Women Share The High School Experience That Helped Them Find Their Inner Strength
  • 50 First-Time Experiences (Besides Sex) That We’ll Never Forget
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I really loved every minute at my school.

School Essay

Essay On School Memories

  • Post category: Essay
  • Reading time: 4 mins read

Now that I have left school, I often think of my school days. I feel that school days are the happiest period of anyone’s life. When we are in school we are carefree. We have only to study, play and be happy.

My early schooldays stand out in my memory. I went to school very reluctantly on the first day. I was very shy and not at all happy. But soon | made friends with other children. I then began to like school.

As I went up to the secondary school, I considered studies as a great burden. They were irksome to me. I hated to do a lot of home work. I preferred to spend my time playing cricket and other games. I used to think that it was very cruel to make young children remain indoors and study instead of being allowed to go outside and play.

I recall that I used to be very keen on extracurricular activities like debating, elocution and dramatics, fancy dress competition and Annual functions. I won several prizes for elocution, dramatics and debating. My teachers were very good to me. They helped me a great both in my studies and other activities.

A few good friends I made in my schooldays continue to visit me and be friendly with me even today. I hope that ours will be a life long friendship. How greatly we enjoyed some outings and trips. We used to enjoy our picnics very much. We availed ourselves of concessions to go on trips, and tours during the holidays. We travelled in a group. We saw many important places in India and we had a grand time.

We benefited a lot from our school training. Our teachers gave us knowledge and also helped us to build up our character. We are grateful to them for the useful training they gave us. We learnt the value of knowledge and discipline in our schooldays.

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Essay on Memorable Moments in School Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Memorable Moments in School Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Memorable Moments in School Life

First day in school.

The first day at school is unforgettable. The new uniform, bag, and shoes, all hold a special place in our hearts. It’s a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Teachers and Lessons

Teachers are our guides in school. Their unique teaching styles, patience, and wisdom leave a lasting impact.

School Events

Annual day, sports day, and festivals bring joy. The preparations, participation, and celebrations create unforgettable moments.

Graduation Day

250 words essay on memorable moments in school life, introduction.

School life is a unique blend of learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences. It is an indispensable part of our lives where we build the foundation of our personality and cultivate lifelong friendships.

Academic Achievements

One of the most memorable aspects of school life is academic success. The joy of acing a difficult subject, winning a school-level competition, or receiving an award for academic excellence is unparalleled. These moments not only instill a sense of achievement but also motivate us to strive for more.

Social Interactions

School life is also marked by vibrant social interactions. The camaraderie developed during group projects, school trips, or sports events is unforgettable. These interactions often lead to lifelong friendships and provide valuable lessons in teamwork and collaboration.

Life Lessons

School life is also a treasure trove of life lessons. The discipline and punctuality taught in school are values that guide us throughout life. The experience of handling peer pressure, dealing with failures, and learning to persevere shapes our character and prepares us for future challenges.

In conclusion, school life is a mosaic of memorable moments, both big and small. From academic achievements to social interactions and life lessons, these experiences play a pivotal role in shaping our personalities. As we look back, these moments not only bring a smile to our faces but also remind us of our journey of growth and learning.

500 Words Essay on Memorable Moments in School Life

Academic accomplishments.

One of the most memorable aspects of school life is the academic journey. The first A+ grade, the science project that won accolades, the math problem that seemed impossible but eventually got solved after countless attempts – these are moments of personal triumph that evoke a sense of accomplishment. They teach us the importance of perseverance, hard work, and the joy of learning.

Sporting Triumphs

School life is also synonymous with sports and games. The thrill of scoring the winning goal in a football match, the exhilaration of running the final lap in a relay race, or the satisfaction of a well-played chess game are moments that stay with us. These experiences instill a sense of teamwork, sportsmanship, and resilience. They teach us to handle both victory and defeat with grace.

Cultural Events and Festivities

Cultural events and festivals are another integral part of school life. Participating in the annual school play, the excitement of the school fair, the festive atmosphere during Christmas or Diwali celebrations are unforgettable. These events provide opportunities to explore our creative sides, understand diverse cultures, and build lifelong friendships.

Personal Milestones

In conclusion, school life is a treasure trove of memorable moments that contribute to our holistic development. These experiences shape our character, influence our choices, and guide our future paths. As we move forward in life, these memories serve as a reminder of our roots and the journey that has made us who we are today.

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memories of primary school days essay


My School Life Essay

We have always heard that school life is the best life, enjoy yourself till you are in school make as many mistakes as you can till you are in school, and many such phrases which make the kids who are still in school wonder that why are the elder people hyping this thing up. But as soon as the school life is over and people enter the real world they realize that how right the elders were.

Children should live their school life to the fullest. They will be missing these days later in life and would never be able to enjoy such carefree life again. School life lived well gives memories to cherish and friend to keep for a lifetime. Here are essays on My School Life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My School Life Essay as per your interest and need:

Long and Short Essay on My School Life in English

Essay on my school life – essay 1 (200 words).

School is said to be a temple of knowledge, the very first place that introduced you to the world and more so your own self. My school life is all about the memories I deeply cherish. The memories of not only the fun, friendship and all the sport and extracurricular but also the way it helped me find my interests. I owe it all to my school life. It has made me who I am today.

My school life has been full of different experiences over the years. It gave various opportunities to develop not only my scholastic abilities but also the art and sport side. It supported me in my sports as well as exposed me to numerous types of people. All of this accounted to make me understand how to behave socially and in building a personality which I have today.

There are numerous things that make school life the best phase in one’s life. All of this eventually is because we are young to do mistakes again and again till we realize, dumb enough to not think about people and do what we feel like doing, curious to know everything we can and most importantly still not exposed and contaminated with the evil feelings of this world. And all of this makes us build a personality of our own.

Essay on My School Life Experience – Essay 2 (300 words)


In my school life, I’ve always been that ideal studious student so I typically don’t have that super amazing bunch of memories like the notorious back benchers except for ones that I remember when I was in my eighth grade.

My School Life Experience

It was a usual day at school until this incident took place. It was about the time of recess when I used to play football with my classmates. One day while I was out in the field suddenly a boy called Stephen Francis who was also the captain of our school football team kicked my brand new Liverpool FC soccer ball out of the school premises, to the narrow lane that passed just behind our school ground.

The walls of our school were a bit high and fenced and like every other school, going out of the premises was strictly prohibited. We partially climbed the wall so that we could have a look on the ball and waited for some genuine person to pass by so that we could ask him to return our ball.

We had to wait for quite long until a guy of almost same age as ours walked by. He was quite far however he saw the ball and went towards it. We saw that he tried to run away taking the ball. So, without thinking twice I and my friend jumped the school wall but till the time we could make it past the wall he was already running with our soccer ball.

We started running behind him and my friend bumped into a bike and was hurt badly. I probably had to let go off my soccer ball and see how she was hurt. She got three stitches from that injury. We were scolded by teachers and principal for this, as a punishment our parents were called to school the next day to discuss the seriousness of the trouble.

Since then me and this friend of mine have been partners in numerous mischief that have made my school life memorable.

Essay on School Life is the Best Life – Essay 3 (400 words)

Every phase in a person’s life holds special importance as it helps him grow and develop his personality. But one can never learn as much as he does from his school life because that is the time when we are doing everything for the first time. This is the time we can make mistakes and get away with them. We don’t care much about the people around and are curious to try everything out. We build our unique personality from our mistakes and experiences.

How School Life is the Best Life?

Here are some reasons that prove that school life is the best life:

  • Uniform : One hates school uniform while in school but when we grow up we realize how difficult it is to figure out what to wear each day.
  • Holidays : This is the major perk of school life which we crave the most after it ends. We got numerous holidays while in school and spent them in a carefree manner without any stress. We visited our cousins and extended family and also invited them over to our place. As we join jobs, we don’t get as many holidays to relax and enjoy.
  • Friends : The longest known friendships are made during the school days. This is mainly because during this time we can trust people easily. We are also enthusiastic and curious to meet new people, try new things and build new friendships.
  • Teachers : We realize how important it is to always have a guide who still thinks that we are immature for everything and makes us understand accordingly. We cannot get such a mentor/ guide after we have completed our schooling.
  • Homework : A thing which we hate during our school life and tried hundreds of creative excuses to avoid was actually fun. School life would have been so incomplete without it.
  • Punishments and rewards : Punishments used to come in the variety of standing whole period or getting out of the class or going to the principal’s office and the best reward was when someone was made the class monitor.
  • First Experiences : It was the time when we are allowed to make mistakes as too many things were our firsts, whether it was our first crush, first heartbreak without even being in relationship, first fight or first kiss.

All of these experiences hold a special importance in our hearts even as we grow up. They have taught me a lot and have helped me become the person I am today.

Essay on My School Life Memories – Essay 4 (500 words)

A school is a building dedicated to provide learning space and environment to provide education. It is a building wherein your majority of childhood has passed, a building that everyone misses after they’ve finally left it, same is the scenario in my case. I’ve studied in Don Bosco High School Vadodara, an all-boys Christian missionary School. Hard for other people to admit but being in an all-boys school has got some perks that only those who study here can understand.

My Memories of Primary and Secondary Classes

I’ve been a part of Don Bosco institution since kindergarten until my tenth grade. After tenth in higher secondary I went to Rosary high school, which was more or less like an unofficial dummy school for the students in science stream so I barely have any school memories from higher secondary school. So, the story of my enchanting school memories revolves around my school from junior years.

Like a stereotypical school going kid I used to go to the school in a school van. I would wake up at quarter to six in the morning, get fresh, wear school uniform, arrange my school bag according to the time table for the day and have a quick breakfast by 6:40 am as at sharp quarter to seven my school van would be right in front of my house honking. Then, further half an hour until we reached school was a time for chit-chat and discussion about the homework assigned to us the earlier day.

The Daily Activities at School

We would reach the school at around 7:30 am, approximately fifteen minutes prior to the school bell. We had to be in our respective classes before the bell rang. Then it was time for national song and school prayer that went on until eight which was a time for regular school periods to begin. This continued for four periods continuously until the recess bell rang at 10:30 am. Recess felt more of a games period then a lunch break. Everyone would be seen doing different activities during this time. The kind of activities one indulged in depended on the class he was in.

When we were in the primary classes we played different games in the school garden. Basketball, football, running and hide and seek were some of our favourite games. As we reached the secondary classes, we began to sit in the canteen to chit chat about the various things and enjoy delicious food. After the recess, we had to attend four more periods. Not every period was that boring though, art and craft, PT, value education and mathematics periods were interesting for me.

Apart from this formal schedule at school, those gossips with friends, hanging around at canteen, going to washroom to partially bunk the lecture, that fear of punishment when we’d forgotten to complete the homework, that note which the teacher wrote in the handbook when we’d done some mischief in the class, the ride in nervousness from home to school on the result day, from immature fights to the innocent laughs – everything from the school feels so dear now, maybe because the things were simple back then.

Essay on My High School Experience – Essay 5 (600 words)

It is said that entering the high school is the first step in the real world in any student’s life. It is the place where one gets experiences for life. So, one is obviously nervous while entering this phase, but over and above that, extremely excited as now they’ll be adults and will be able to take their decisions on their own. And it is well said that with great authority, comes greater responsibility, and with these responsibilities, comes social pressure. All of which we were unaware of from our childhood time because that is when we were allowed to do mistakes thinking that we are kids, but this doesn’t happen in high school as we are considered adults now.

My High School Experience

One cannot live a carefree life in the high school. There is a lot of study pressure. We need to balance between our academics and extra-curricular activities and also prepare for competitive examinations that lie ahead. Even as we have so much to do we don’t want to miss out on the fun we can have with our friends as this is also the time for blooming friendships and a lot of mischief.

The Day I Bunked My School

I had many bittersweet high school experiences. One of these was when I bunked a lecture, with two of my friends, for the first time. Not only did we bunk the lecture, but also we jumped through our school walls to get out of the school premises and watch a newly released movie. We had a class of 70 students, out of which, around 55 students were present that day.

Now coincidentally, 10 more students from my class also bunked the lecture which made the decreased class strength visible. Moreover, the bags of all of the 13 students, including us, were still there in the class, as we were not allowed to leave the class with bags during school hours. So, our teacher did the checking and found out about the students who bunked and so eventually we were suspended from our laboratory sessions for a week.

However, we didn’t stop bunking lectures post this. We became really smart in finding ways to bunk. We tried to strike a balance between being a good student and enjoying high school. During all those bunks, I realized how important it is to have friends to make your life worth living.

The Ups and Downs in My High School

Then, there came our first high school exam and I managed to be on the list of top 10 students of my class. I had always been a good student academically. So this time, even after all the shenanigans that I indulged in, I managed to score good marks. But this was the last time that I got good marks. My grades started degrading after that and this led to a lot of stress and anxiety. I lost interest in studies and indulged in gaming, watching movies or reading novels.

Thankfully, I didn’t do anything bad, but this normal stuff made the situation worse as I could not concentrate on my studies. So, I went through counselling which I never thought I’ll ever require. It was a difficult period for me but eventually I was able to get decent score in my finals. My parents stood as my pillar of strength during this time. They encouraged me to study and motivated me to lead the right path. I cannot thank them enough for their guidance and support.

All of such experiences from my high school gave me lessons to remember for a lifetime. They made me realize how everything wrong could turn right if only you believe so and have support from your loved ones.

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Memories of my school days

By Michael Leo

memories of primary school days essay

The school life is the best life. Anyone who has been a student, knows what school life is all about: It is the golden period of learning and it truly impacts students’ lives. The importance of school life cannot be negated and it is a vital formative experience for children and adult students alike.

School represents an important learning experience which teaches us self-confidence, motivation, and the will to always give our best. In addition, school blesses us with friends, many of whom remain with us for the rest of our life. School days really are the best days of our lives, and I have only good memories of my school days. For me, these days are like an invaluable treasure.

I clearly remember my first day at school and the memories of this day are still vivid. I can still feel how warmly I was welcomed at the school. Such a warm welcome can truly define a child’s school experience in the best possible way.

As a school boy I learned to co-operate and got motivated and shaped in the company of my best friends. I still remember the first year wishes we received from my teachers and I always regard my primary school life memories as a treasure.

My time in high school was an equally valuable learning experience and I met some of the best friends I have today in high school. Admittedly, I made a lot of blunders and mistakes during my high school years. But thanks to my sincere friends and honest teachers I was always rescued from too much trouble. This is how high school taught me the T true meaning of co-operation and love.

Looking back, I realize how ignorant I was during my school days and how many shortcomings I had. However, my time in high school showed my how important school life is and I would not have the great friends, good knowledge, good experiences and good memories I have today if it was not for my high school years.

Despite the excitement with which the high school days  and years are filled, we also become mature enough to understand the value of time. My high school life is a wonderful chapter in my memories because I learned dedication, hard work, motivation and self-actualization.

My high school years were also the period in which I started working hard towards my goals. Thanks to that, I am happy with the career and the life I have today. One of my best high school memory was the day when I won a prize in the annual inter schools science fair. It was a moment of great pride for me, as well as for my parents and for my school. The Principal of our school gave me a shield which I still have and treasure to this day.

During my school days, I always had the habit of recording my experiences in a diary. During my free time I would always open my diary and write. It helped me soothe my pain and it fulfilled me with confidence and courage. It fulfills me with confidence and courage.

I still have a lot of pictures we took in high school which remind me of all the good memories we made. I remember the days we celebrated and the extracurricular activities we took part in. I remember how happy my parents were when I became the top achiever in my entire school.

It is said that a person always remembers their first day at school and their last day at school. The first day a child remembers because it came there weeping. And the last day a student remembers because they leave school, weeping again. In my case, I remember clearly my first day at school and my last day at the school. The joys of school life are surely countless. Indeed, the school days are the best of our lives.

Michael Leo is a researcher at Saint Augustine University Of Tanzania in Mwanza and joined the Africademics volunteer network in January 2020.

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memories of primary school days essay

Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.

  • Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

500 Words Essay On Memorable Day of My Life

We have different types of days in our lives, some are ordinary while some are special. There are some days that get etched in our memories forever. Likewise, I also have a memorable day of my life that is very dear to me. The memories of this day are engraved in my heart and will remain so forever.

memorable day of my life

My Birthday- Memorable Day of My Life

My tenth birthday is the most memorable day of my life. It is a day I can never forget and I consider it to be the best birthday yet. The day started just like any other normal day. However, as it kept progressing, a lot of exciting things began to happen.

I woke up very early on my birthday because I had to dress up in casual clothes for school . The day before, all my candies were ready that I would distribute in the classroom.

My mother prepared my favourite breakfast and gave me a big chocolate bar for lunch as well. I went to school and the whole class sang for me and congratulated me. It was the turn to distribute sweets.

My best friend and I went to all the teachers to distribute toffees and we had a great time there. Moreover, it was an incredible feeling. My friends were all singing for me and eager to come to my birthday party later in the evening.

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My Birthday Party

The birthday at my school was memorable but the birthday party at my home made the day even more memorable. Also, my mother invited all my friends from school and the colony to the party.

I received so many presents and we played a lot of games. We played games like musical chairs, tag, egg-and-spoon races, and more. There were so many songs playing so everyone did a special dance too.

The highlight of my birthday party was definitely my huge birthday cake. As I love superheroes, my mother got the cake customized with the superhero theme. It was very tasty too and in my favourite flavour.

I spent a lot of time with my family and friends that day. Everyone liked the return gifts as well and went home with a big smile on their faces.

Conclusion of Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

Therefore, my tenth birthday is the most memorable day of my life. It has given me so many happy memories that will remain with me forever. That day makes me feel blessed and lucky to have all those things in my life.

FAQ on Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

Question 1: What is the meaning of a memorable day?

Answer 1:   When we say memorable, we refer to something that we cannot forget easily or something that left us excited. A memorable day is a day that one can recall easily as it is engraved in the memory.

Question 2: What can be an example of a memorable day?

Answer 2: Some people consider their birthday to be the most memorable day. While some consider it a family trip too. Similarly, some people may find their school picnic or fete to be the most memorable day.

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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

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Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 June02:43 - 11:25 - 20:0701:43 - 21:0701:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
9 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0801:42 - 21:0801:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
10 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0901:41 - 21:0901:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
11 June02:41 - 11:25 - 20:1001:41 - 21:1001:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
12 June02:41 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1101:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
13 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1201:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
14 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1201:39 - 21:1301:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

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    Essay on My First Day in School Sample in 200 Words. It was a sunny day and the sun was shining brightly. With my new and attractive backpack, I was moving through the school gate. It was my first day in school and I was filled with nervousness and excitement. From the tower of the building to the playground everything was bigger than life.

  4. School Days Essay

    Introduction. The first day at school is exciting and, at the same time, a struggle for young children. All those days where they woke up, played and slept as they wished were now going to end. Undoubtedly, they are enthusiastic about going to school with a new bag and books, but they also have to make every effort to put away the feelings of ...

  5. Long and Short My School Life Essay in English for Kids and Students

    Essay on my school life - 300 words. School life is one of the most memorable times in an individual's life. School life is filled with dreams for the future and mysteries to solve. I had a wonderful school life. My school life centered around my friends, gossip, and play. With no real responsibilities, I lived some of the best days of my ...

  6. Essay on My School Life for Students in English

    Best Things About the School Life for Students. School Life is the best time of our life as we make new friends, learn new things and build our career there. School time is the only time which we enjoy most, and when we enter college, we always miss our school life. School life teaches us lots of new things and prepares us to face all the ...

  7. Memorable Event in School Essay Topics & Tips for a High School

    The first solid achievements in the school and the first recognition in a particular subject. Remember your emotions and feelings and describe your state in detail in your essay on school days. First dating with a girl/boy sitting next to your desk. Dating in school is also the most memorable event in your life, as you experience the feeling of ...

  8. Essay on School Days

    The school days are often regarded as the most formative phase of an individual's life. They represent a period of growth, exploration, and discovery, paving the way for the development of one's personality, values, and beliefs. The essence of school days lies not only in academic learning but also in the acquisition of social skills ...

  9. Essay On School Memories With [PDF]

    Essay On School Memories. Now that I have left school, I often think of my school days. I feel that school days are the happiest period of anyone's life. When we are in school we are carefree. We have only to study, play and be happy. My early schooldays stand out in my memory. I went to school very reluctantly on the first day.

  10. Essay on My School Life for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on My School Life. Our school life is always the best time of our lives. Furthermore, it is the only time where I can meet my friends. My School time is the only time which I enjoy a lot. I get to play many games. Also, I get to study my favorite subject. Above all, I get to play with my group of friends and spend a good time ...

  11. Childhood Memories Essay for Students and Children

    Childhood memories are very important in our lives. It makes us remember the best times of our lives. They shape our thinking and future. When one has good childhood memories, they grow up to be happy individuals. However, if one has traumatic childhood memories, it affects their adult life gravely. Thus, we see how childhood memories shape our ...

  12. Essay on Memorable Moments in School Life for Students

    Graduation Day. The final day at school is filled with mixed emotions. It's a day of pride, happiness, and a bit of sadness too. 250 Words Essay on Memorable Moments in School Life Introduction. School life is a unique blend of learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences.

  13. My School Life Speech for Students and Children

    My School Life Speech. Memories have been the part and parcel of my life, much like everyone else. We remember the good days which have gone by and the bad ones as well. One of the good memories in life is definitely of their school life. In fact, it is considered to be the best phase of their lives by many.

  14. Essay on My School Life for Children and Students in English

    It was a usual day at school until this incident took place. It was about the time of recess when I used to play football with my classmates. ... Essay on My School Life Memories - Essay 4 (500 words) Introduction. ... My Memories of Primary and Secondary Classes. I've been a part of Don Bosco institution since kindergarten until my tenth ...

  15. Memories of my school days

    Memories of my school days. By Michael Leo. The school life is the best life. Anyone who has been a student, knows what school life is all about: It is the golden period of learning and it truly impacts students' lives. The importance of school life cannot be negated and it is a vital formative experience for children and adult students alike.

  16. My First School Memories College Essay Sample (400 Words)

    Download. My first memory of school is the first day of primary school. It is my first day without the toys and a dress with a nice style. Primary school was far larger than my small kindergarten had been. It was a nice day, with hope and happiness and a lot of fun. I pretended to be a good kid, sitting on my seat carefully.

  17. 9 Most Memorable Memories Of My School Life

    All these memories are very closed to my heart. 1. Forgetting the homework. I can assure you that many of you have forgotten to complete your homework. And you know what, when I used to forget to ...

  18. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  19. My First Day At School Essay for Kids

    FAQ on My First Day At School Essay. Question 1: Why is the first day of school memorable? Answer 1: We usually remember the first day of school because it is a new experience for us completely. It is the first time we step out from the comfort of our home as kids, so it will be memorable. Question 2: Does everyone have a good first day at ...

  20. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

  21. Elektrostal

    Pool «Kristall» - school of the Olympic reserve: diving, synchronized swimming, swimming. Home arena hockey team Kristall Elektrostal - Ledovyi Dvorets Sporta «Kristall» in 1995 year. The city ice hockey team Kristall Elektrostal was established in 1949 and plays in the Junior Hockey League Division B. Notable people Nikolay Vtorov Street

  22. Essay on Memorable Day of My Life for Students

    500 Words Essay On Memorable Day of My Life. We have different types of days in our lives, some are ordinary while some are special. There are some days that get etched in our memories forever. Likewise, I also have a memorable day of my life that is very dear to me. The memories of this day are engraved in my heart and will remain so forever.

  23. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.